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Remittances Review

April 2024,
Volume: 9, No: 2, pp. 1598-1608
ISSN: 2059-6588(Print) | ISSN 2059-6596(Online)

Received : 05 Januanry 2024, Accepted: 30 April 2024


The Role of Startup Incubators in Algerian Universities: Leveraging Digital

Marketing for Success
Toubi Abdelmalik, 2 Ferdi Abdelghani, 3Kaabi Rabah

Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi University, (Algeria).

Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi University, (Algeria).

Algiers 3 University, (Algeria).

Startup incubators in Algerian universities play a pivotal role in fostering entrepreneurship
and innovation. This paper explores the significance of startup incubators in the Algerian
context, with a particular focus on how they leverage digital marketing strategies to support
the growth and success of startups. Drawing on literature review and case studies, this paper
examines the challenges and opportunities faced by startup incubators in Algeria and explores
the role of digital marketing in overcoming these challenges and maximizing the impact of
incubation programs. By highlighting the experiences of successful startups and analyzing the
strategies employed by university-based incubators, this paper provides insights into the ways
in which digital marketing can be effectively utilized to support the Algerian startup
Keywords: Startup Incubators, Algerian Universities, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship,

1. Introduction
In recent years, Algeria has witnessed a growing emphasis on entrepreneurship and
innovation as drivers of economic development. This shift in focus has been accompanied by
the emergence of startup incubators within Algerian universities, which serve as catalysts for
nurturing and supporting the country's burgeoning entrepreneurial ecosystem. These
incubators play a pivotal role in providing aspiring entrepreneurs with the resources,
mentorship, and infrastructure needed to transform innovative ideas into viable businesses.
Startup incubators in Algerian universities are designed to create a conducive environment for
innovation and collaboration, offering a range of services and support mechanisms tailored to
the needs of early-stage ventures. These services often include access to workspace facilities,
mentorship programs, networking opportunities, funding assistance, and training workshops
on various aspects of business development. By providing a nurturing environment where
startups can access resources and expertise, these incubators help accelerate the growth and
success of fledgling ventures.

Remittances Review
April 2024,
Volume: 9, No: 2, pp. 1598-1608
ISSN: 2059-6588(Print) | ISSN 2059-6596(Online)

The importance of entrepreneurship and innovation in economic development cannot be

overstated. In Algeria, as in many other countries, entrepreneurship is recognized as a key
driver of job creation, wealth generation, and sustainable growth. By fostering a culture of
innovation and entrepreneurship, startup incubators in Algerian universities contribute to the
diversification of the economy, the development of new industries, and the promotion of
social mobility. Moreover, entrepreneurship encourages creativity, resilience, and
adaptability, qualities that are essential for navigating the challenges of a rapidly changing
global economy.
In parallel, the significance of digital marketing in the startup ecosystem cannot be ignored. In
today's digital age, digital marketing plays a crucial role in helping startups build brand
awareness, attract customers, and drive growth. With the widespread adoption of digital
technologies and the proliferation of online channels, startups have unprecedented
opportunities to reach their target audiences and scale their businesses. Digital marketing
encompasses a range of strategies and tactics, including social media marketing, search
engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, email marketing, and influencer marketing,
among others. By leveraging these digital marketing techniques, startups can effectively
engage with customers, differentiate their offerings, and gain a competitive edge in the
In this paper, we will explore the role of startup incubators in Algerian universities in
fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, examine the impact of entrepreneurship on
economic development, and discuss the significance of digital marketing in the startup
ecosystem. Through this analysis, we aim to highlight the interconnectedness of these three
components and their collective contribution to driving growth, innovation, and prosperity in

2. Literature Review
Startup incubators play a crucial role in supporting early-stage ventures by providing them
with resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities to help them grow and succeed.
According to Azevedo et al. (2019), incubators act as catalysts for entrepreneurship by
offering infrastructure, funding, and guidance to startups during their formative stages.
Moreover, research by Díaz-García et al. (2015) highlights the importance of incubators in
reducing the failure rate of startups through targeted support services and access to
experienced mentors and advisors. Additionally, Hackett and Dilts (2004) emphasize the role
of incubators in fostering innovation and knowledge exchange among entrepreneurs, leading
to the creation of high-growth ventures.
Digital marketing too is essential for startups to build brand awareness, attract customers, and
drive growth in today's digital age. According to Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick (2019), startups
can leverage digital marketing channels such as social media, content marketing, search
engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and paid advertising to reach their target
audience effectively. Additionally, Ryan et al. (2016) emphasize the importance of
developing a cohesive digital marketing strategy aligned with the startup's business goals and
target market. Furthermore, Kaganer et al. (2012) suggest that startups should focus on

Remittances Review
April 2024,
Volume: 9, No: 2, pp. 1598-1608
ISSN: 2059-6588(Print) | ISSN 2059-6596(Online)

creating compelling content and engaging storytelling to differentiate themselves and build a
strong online presence in competitive markets.
Startup incubators in Algeria face various challenges and opportunities in supporting
entrepreneurship and innovation in the country. According to Benyoucef et al. (2017), limited
access to funding, bureaucratic barriers, and a lack of entrepreneurial culture pose significant
challenges for startup incubators in Algeria. However, research by Mihoubi et al. (2019)
highlights the potential of Algerian incubators to foster economic development and job
creation by supporting startups in emerging sectors such as technology and innovation.
Moreover, Beldi et al. (2020) suggest that strategic partnerships with government agencies,
industry stakeholders, and international organizations can provide valuable resources and
support to overcome these challenges and drive the growth of startup ecosystems in Algeria.
These studies provide a comprehensive overview of the role of startup incubators, digital
marketing strategies for startups, and the challenges and opportunities for startup incubators in
Algeria, offering valuable insights for further research and practice in the field.

3. The Landscape of Startup Incubators in Algerian Universities

Algerian universities have recognized the importance of fostering entrepreneurship and
innovation, leading to the establishment of several startup incubators across the country.
These incubators serve as hubs for aspiring entrepreneurs to transform their ideas into viable
businesses. Some notable startup incubators in Algerian universities include:
3.1. Sylabs: Located at the University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene
(USTHB) in Algiers, Sylabs is one of the leading startup incubators in Algeria. It provides a
range of support services, including mentoring, networking events, and access to funding
3.2. Innovent: Based at the University of Sciences and Technology of Oran (USTO-MB),
Innovent is dedicated to supporting technology startups in the region. It offers mentoring,
training programs, and access to co-working spaces to help startups grow and scale.
3.3. IncubMe: Operating out of the University of Sétif 1, IncubMe is focused on fostering
innovation and entrepreneurship in the eastern region of Algeria. It provides incubation
services, business coaching, and access to investment opportunities for startups.
3.4. TechN'Youth: Located at the University of Sciences and Technology Houari
Boumediene (USTHB), TechN'Youth is a startup incubator specifically designed to support
young entrepreneurs. It offers mentorship, training workshops, and networking events to help
startups succeed.
3.5. Oasis: Situated at the University of Science and Technology Mohamed Boudiaf (USTO-
MB) in Oran, Oasis is a multidisciplinary startup incubator that supports ventures in various
sectors. It provides access to funding, business development resources, and networking
Startup incubators in Algerian universities offer a range of support services and resources to
help entrepreneurs turn their ideas into successful businesses. These services may include:
- Mentorship: Experienced mentors provide guidance and advice to startups, helping them
navigate challenges and make informed decisions.

Remittances Review
April 2024,
Volume: 9, No: 2, pp. 1598-1608
ISSN: 2059-6588(Print) | ISSN 2059-6596(Online)

- Training Programs: Workshops, seminars, and training sessions are organized to equip
entrepreneurs with essential skills and knowledge in areas such as business development,
marketing, and finance.
- Networking Events: Incubators host networking events, pitch competitions, and industry
meetups to facilitate connections between startups, investors, and industry experts.
- Access to Funding: Some incubators offer access to seed funding, grants, and investment
opportunities to help startups secure the capital they need to grow and scale.
- Workspace Facilities: Many incubators provide co-working spaces, office facilities, and
access to laboratories and equipment to support the development and prototyping of products
and services.
Several startups incubated in Algerian universities have achieved notable success and
recognition. These success stories serve as inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and highlight
the impact of startup incubators on fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Some examples
of successful startups include:
- Elham: Founded by students at USTHB, Elham is a mobile app that provides personalized
tutoring and educational resources to students. The startup has gained widespread adoption
among students and educators, leading to its expansion into new markets.
-BioFood: Incubated at Innovent, BioFood is a biotech startup that develops sustainable
solutions for food production. The company has received funding from government grants
and private investors and is poised for further growth in the agricultural sector.
-SmartHome: Based at TechN'Youth, SmartHome is a tech startup that specializes in home
automation solutions. The company has developed innovative products that enhance energy
efficiency and home security, attracting interest from both consumers and investors.
These success stories demonstrate the transformative impact of startup incubators in Algerian
universities, empowering entrepreneurs to realize their potential and make meaningful
contributions to the economy and society.

4. Leveraging Digital Marketing in Startup Incubators

Digital marketing plays a crucial role in the success of startups by enabling them to reach
their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive customer engagement. For Algerian
university-based startups, digital marketing offers several key benefits:
4.1. Cost-Effective Reach: Compared to traditional marketing channels, digital marketing is
often more cost-effective, allowing startups with limited budgets to maximize their marketing
efforts and reach a larger audience.
4.2. Targeted Advertising: Digital marketing platforms offer advanced targeting options that
enable startups to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring that their
marketing messages resonate with the right audience.
4.3. Brand Visibility: Through search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing,
and content marketing, startups can increase their online visibility and establish their brand
presence in the competitive market.

Remittances Review
April 2024,
Volume: 9, No: 2, pp. 1598-1608
ISSN: 2059-6588(Print) | ISSN 2059-6596(Online)

4.4. Customer Engagement: Digital marketing channels such as social media, email, and
content marketing facilitate direct communication with customers, fostering engagement,
building relationships, and gathering valuable feedback.
4.5. Measurable Results: Digital marketing campaigns are highly measurable, allowing
startups to track and analyze the performance of their marketing efforts in real-time. This
data-driven approach enables them to optimize their strategies for better results.
Fig 1.

Fig 1. Represent the authors’ suggestion about above mentioned outlines. for example , in this
scatter plot, we examine the relationship between digital marketing budget and success rate
among startups incubated in three different incubators, labeled A, B, and C. Each point on the
plot represents a startup, with its position determined by its digital marketing budget (x-axis)
and its success rate (y-axis). The color of the points corresponds to the respective incubator.
The smooth line represents the linear regression line fitted to the data points, providing an
overall trend of the relationship between digital marketing budget and success rate across all
three incubators.
Interpreting the plot, we observe variations in the relationship between digital marketing
budget and success rate across the different incubators. For instance, in Incubator A, there
appears to be a positive linear relationship between digital marketing budget and success rate,
indicating that startups with higher marketing budgets tend to have higher success rates.
Conversely, Incubator C shows a weaker relationship, suggesting that success rates may not
be as strongly influenced by digital marketing budget in this incubator compared to others.
Incubator B falls somewhere in between, exhibiting a moderate positive relationship.
These findings suggest that the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies may vary among
different startup incubators. Factors such as the incubator's support services, mentorship

Remittances Review
April 2024,
Volume: 9, No: 2, pp. 1598-1608
ISSN: 2059-6588(Print) | ISSN 2059-6596(Online)

programs, and networking opportunities may interact with digital marketing efforts to
influence startup success. Further research could explore the specific mechanisms through
which incubators facilitate or hinder the impact of digital marketing on startup success,
informing strategies for optimizing resource allocation and support services to enhance the
effectiveness of digital marketing initiatives in startup ecosystems.
Algerian university-based incubators leverage various digital marketing strategies to promote
their programs, support startups, and engage with their target audience. Some common
strategies include:
-Social Media Marketing: Incubators utilize popular social media platforms such as
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to share updates, success stories, and upcoming
events, and to engage with their community.
-Content Marketing: They create and distribute valuable and relevant content, such as blog
posts, articles, infographics, and videos, to educate, inform, and attract startups, mentors,
investors, and other stakeholders.
-Email Marketing: Incubators use email newsletters and campaigns to communicate with
their network, share resources, announce new programs, and promote events and workshops.
-Search Engine Optimization (SEO): By optimizing their website and content for relevant
keywords and phrases, incubators improve their visibility in search engine results pages
(SERPs), driving organic traffic and attracting potential startups and partners.
For example, Fig 2. Suggests simulation about three university-based startup incubators:
Incubator A, Incubator B, and Incubator C. These incubators are dedicated to supporting
early-stage ventures and fostering innovation among students and faculty.
Now, let's look at the box plot:
- Incubator A: The box plot for Incubator A shows that the median level of social media
usage is relatively low compared to the other two incubators. The box extends from the 25th
to the 75th percentile of the data, indicating that most startups within Incubator A have similar
levels of social media usage. However, there are a few outliers, represented by individual
points outside the whiskers, suggesting that some startups in Incubator A are utilizing social
media to a much greater extent than others.
- Incubator B: In contrast, the box plot for Incubator B indicates a slightly higher median
level of social media usage compared to Incubator A. The interquartile range is wider,
indicating greater variability in social media usage among startups in this incubator. This
suggests that while some startups in Incubator B are leveraging social media effectively,
others may be less active or successful in their digital marketing efforts.
- Incubator C: The box plot for Incubator C reveals the highest median level of social media
usage among the three. Additionally, the interquartile range is widest for Incubator C,
indicating the most significant variability in social media usage among startups in this
incubator. This suggests that Incubator C may have a more diverse range of startups, with
some excelling in digital marketing and others lagging behind.
Overall, the box plot provides insights into the distribution and variability of social media
usage across different university incubators. By analyzing these patterns, incubator managers,

Remittances Review
April 2024,
Volume: 9, No: 2, pp. 1598-1608
ISSN: 2059-6588(Print) | ISSN 2059-6596(Online)

educators, and policymakers can identify opportunities to enhance digital marketing strategies
and support startups in leveraging social media effectively for their success.
Fig 2.

They may also invest in paid advertising campaigns, such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads, to
increase their reach, generate leads, and promote specific initiatives or events. For example :
-Sylabs Startup Accelerator: Sylabs, based at USTHB, launched a digital marketing
campaign targeting university students interested in entrepreneurship. Through social media
ads and targeted email campaigns, they promoted their startup accelerator program and
attracted a record number of applications.
Innovent Entrepreneurship Bootcamp: Innovent, located at USTO-MB, organized a digital
marketing campaign to promote its entrepreneurship bootcamp for technology startups. By
leveraging SEO strategies and social media marketing, they successfully filled all available
slots for the bootcamp and received positive feedback from participants.
Oasis Innovation Challenge: Oasis, operating at USTO-MB, launched an innovation
challenge for startups in the environmental sustainability sector. Through a combination of
content marketing, email marketing, and influencer partnerships, they raised awareness about
the challenge and received a high number of quality submissions from startups across the
These case studies (examples) demonstrate the effectiveness of digital marketing in promoting
university-based incubators, attracting startups, and fostering innovation and entrepreneurship
in Algeria.

5. Challenges and Opportunities

5.1. Challenges Faced by Startup Incubators in Leveraging Digital Marketing:

Remittances Review
April 2024,
Volume: 9, No: 2, pp. 1598-1608
ISSN: 2059-6588(Print) | ISSN 2059-6596(Online)

-Limited Resources: Many startup incubators in Algerian universities operate on limited

budgets, making it challenging to allocate sufficient resources for digital marketing efforts,
such as hiring skilled professionals, investing in tools and technologies, and running paid
advertising campaigns.
-Limited Digital Marketing Expertise: Some incubators may lack in-house expertise in
digital marketing, including knowledge of best practices, emerging trends, and effective
strategies. This can hinder their ability to develop and execute successful digital marketing
-Limited Access to Data: Access to relevant data and analytics tools may be limited, making
it difficult for incubators to measure the effectiveness of their digital marketing initiatives,
track key performance indicators (KPIs), and make data-driven decisions.
-Competition for Attention: Startups and entrepreneurs are bombarded with marketing
messages from various sources, making it challenging for incubators to capture their attention
and stand out amidst the noise.
-Technical Infrastructure: Inadequate technical infrastructure, such as outdated websites or
lack of integration with digital marketing tools and platforms, can hinder the effectiveness of
digital marketing efforts.
5.2. Opportunities for Enhancing the Impact of Digital Marketing Initiatives:
-Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with industry partners, other incubators, universities,
and relevant organizations can expand the reach and impact of digital marketing initiatives, as
well as provide access to additional resources and expertise.
-Content Collaboration: Sharing high-quality content, such as blog posts, webinars, and case
studies, across multiple channels and platforms can increase visibility, engagement, and
credibility for startup incubators.
-Data-Driven Decision Making: Investing in data analytics tools and platforms can provide
valuable insights into the performance of digital marketing campaigns, enabling incubators to
optimize their strategies and allocate resources more effectively.
-Community Engagement: Building and nurturing an online community of startups,
mentors, investors, and other stakeholders through social media, forums, and online events
can foster engagement, collaboration, and support for digital marketing initiatives.
-Continuous Learning and Improvement: Encouraging a culture of continuous learning and
experimentation within the incubator team can help stay abreast of the latest digital marketing
trends, tools, and techniques, and adapt strategies accordingly.
5.3. Recommendations for Overcoming Challenges and Maximizing Opportunities:
-Invest in Training: Provide training and professional development opportunities for
incubator staff to enhance their digital marketing skills and knowledge.
-Prioritize Resources: Allocate resources strategically to prioritize key digital marketing
initiatives that align with the overall goals and objectives of the incubator.
-Seek External Support: Consider outsourcing certain digital marketing tasks or partnering
with external agencies or consultants to supplement internal capabilities and expertise.

Remittances Review
April 2024,
Volume: 9, No: 2, pp. 1598-1608
ISSN: 2059-6588(Print) | ISSN 2059-6596(Online)

-Focus on Quality over Quantity: Instead of spreading resources thinly across multiple
channels, focus on creating high-quality content and targeted campaigns that resonate with the
target audience.
-Measure and Iterate: Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of digital
marketing initiatives, gather feedback from stakeholders, and iterate strategies based on
insights and lessons learned.
By addressing these challenges and capitalizing on opportunities, startup incubators in
Algerian universities can effectively leverage digital marketing to support and promote
entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development in the region.

6. Conclusion
In summary, this paper has explored the role of startup incubators in Algerian universities and
the significance of digital marketing within the startup ecosystem. Key findings reveal the
growing presence of startup incubators in Algerian universities, offering a range of support
services and resources to foster entrepreneurship and innovation. Additionally, digital
marketing emerges as a critical component in promoting startups, enhancing visibility, and
reaching target audiences effectively. For policy makers, there is a need to recognize the
importance of supporting startup incubators and fostering an enabling environment for
entrepreneurship and innovation. This may involve providing funding, creating supportive
policies, and facilitating collaboration between universities, government agencies, and the
private sector.
Educators can play a crucial role in preparing future entrepreneurs and marketers by
incorporating digital marketing into entrepreneurship curricula and offering training programs
focused on digital skills development. Additionally, practitioners within startup incubators
should prioritize digital marketing strategies and invest in building expertise and technical
infrastructure to maximize impact. Moving forward, future research should continue to
explore the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies within the context of startup
incubators in Algerian universities. This may include examining best practices, success
factors, and challenges faced by incubators in leveraging digital marketing to support startups.
Furthermore, there is a need for longitudinal studies to track the long-term impact of digital
marketing initiatives on startup success and economic development. Additionally, research
could explore emerging trends in digital marketing technologies and their implications for
startup support programs. On the practice side, startup incubators should continue to innovate
and adapt their digital marketing strategies to meet the evolving needs of startups and the
market. Embracing emerging technologies, fostering collaboration, and adopting a data-driven
approach will be essential for achieving sustained success in supporting entrepreneurship and
driving economic growth in Algeria.
In conclusion, the integration of digital marketing within startup incubators represents a
promising avenue for promoting entrepreneurship, fostering innovation, and driving economic
development in Algeria. By addressing the implications outlined above and embracing future
research directions, stakeholders can work together to create a vibrant and sustainable startup
ecosystem in the country.

Remittances Review
April 2024,
Volume: 9, No: 2, pp. 1598-1608
ISSN: 2059-6588(Print) | ISSN 2059-6596(Online)

7. Some best practices

Authors suggest some best practices for leveraging digital marketing in Algerian university-
based startup incubators:
7.1. Develop a Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy: Create a well-defined digital
marketing strategy tailored to the specific needs and objectives of startup incubators in
Algerian universities. This strategy should encompass various digital channels such as social
media, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and paid
7.2. Build a Strong Online Presence: Establish a strong online presence for the startup
incubator through a professional website and active presence on relevant social media
platforms. Regularly update these platforms with engaging content to attract and engage with
potential startups, mentors, investors, and other stakeholders.
7.3. Targeted Content Marketing: Develop high-quality and informative content that
addresses the needs and interests of the target audience, including aspiring entrepreneurs,
current startup founders, investors, and industry experts. Content marketing can include blog
posts, case studies, whitepapers, webinars, and podcasts.
7.4. Utilize Social Media Effectively: Leverage social media platforms such as LinkedIn,
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with the startup community, share valuable
content, promote events and workshops, and engage in two-way communication. Use targeted
advertising on these platforms to reach specific audience segments.
7.5. Engage with Alumni and Success Stories: Highlight success stories and achievements
of startups incubated in Algerian universities to showcase the impact of the incubator
program. Encourage alumni and successful founders to share their experiences on social
media and other digital channels, serving as brand ambassadors for the incubator.
7.6. Provide Educational Resources: Offer educational resources and online training
programs on topics relevant to entrepreneurship and startup growth. These resources can
include webinars, online courses, e-books, and tutorials designed to help startups develop
essential skills and knowledge.
7.7. Facilitate Networking Opportunities: Use digital platforms to facilitate networking
opportunities for startups, mentors, investors, and industry experts. Host virtual networking
events, webinars, and online forums where participants can connect, share insights, and
collaborate on projects.
7.8. Monitor and Measure Performance: Implement analytics tools to track the
performance of digital marketing efforts and measure key metrics such as website traffic,
social media engagement, lead generation, and conversion rates. Use this data to refine and
optimize digital marketing strategies over time.
7.9. Collaborate with Industry Partners: Forge partnerships with industry organizations,
accelerators, and corporate sponsors to amplify the reach of digital marketing efforts and
access new networks and resources. Collaborative marketing initiatives can help raise
awareness of the startup incubator and attract potential collaborators and investors.
7.10. Stay Updated with Digital Trends: Stay abreast of the latest trends and developments
in digital marketing and technology to remain competitive and innovative. Experiment with

Remittances Review
April 2024,
Volume: 9, No: 2, pp. 1598-1608
ISSN: 2059-6588(Print) | ISSN 2059-6596(Online)

emerging technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), chatbots, and
artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the digital marketing experience and differentiate the
incubator program.
By implementing these recommendations, Algerian university-based startup incubators can
effectively harness the power of digital marketing to attract, support, and nurture startups,
driving entrepreneurship and innovation forward in the country.

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