CMP221 Assignment

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1. What is the difference between Pentium Cores I3, I5, and I7.

2. What is the meaning of "generation" as it refers to the Pentium Core I processor.

3. What is the difference between 5th generation Core I7 and 10th generation Core I5.
4. What is the difference between SSD and HDD.
5. What is the specification of your current mobile phone and the type of processor
running in your current mobile phone.
6. List the different file manager systems in windows O.S, Mac O.S and Linux/Ubuntu
7. What is the difference between Operating System and System software.
8. What is a Core on a multi-processor.
9. What is the difference between Multi-Core processor system and Multi-processor
10. What is the difference between Multi-Core processor system and Multi-processor
11. Are there any other resource management O.S apart from the traffic controller, a
scheduler, memory management module, Input/ Output programs and a file system?
12. From what windows version was the windows defender available.
13. What is the name of the program that allows the user to see the performance of the
O.S and the applications of the O.S on windows O.S, Mac O.S and Linux/ Ubuntu O.S.
14. What kind of errors are undetectable by O.S
15. What is an assembler.
16. Is there a difference between an assembler and the machine language?
17. Give examples of 5 different computer users and state which software/hardware
will provide the best user experience.
18. What is a Chromebook and how is it different from personal computers.
19. What is the difference between internet and intranet
20. Give 5 examples of Hard Realtime system and Soft Realtime system
21. Watch Transcedence and identify 5 errors of O.S in the movie.
22. Explain the concept of Multi-programming by CPU
23. Give 10 examples of multi-threading software
24. Give 5 examples of robot operating system (R.O.S)
25. In your handout, page 22 answer the question under fork() system call.

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