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Li Zhenruo never imagined that he would be the first person

to be completely out of the Li family’s power struggle, and
not only that, he also perished in an “accident” that was
carefully planned for him.

However, this is not the end for Li Zhenruo, he wakes up

after the “accident” and finds himself transformed into a
Garfield, which gives him a chance to return to the Li family
and find out which of his three brothers is behind the

At the same time, he is also surprised to find that this does

not seem to be an ordinary cat, it can actually……
Chapter 1

In the pet shop, an exotic shorthair kitten with a yellow and

white pattern is trying to stretch its short limbs to crawl
out of a pet cage with its lid opened.
However, it is a pity that when it managed to stick out its
round head, the pet shop owner passed by the cage,
stretched out his finger, and gently pushed its forehead.
The kitten was pushed back and even flipped over,
revealing a snow-white belly.

Next to the kitten, should be a litter of its brothers, they

came over and gently nibbled its face, of course only biting
a mouthful of fur.
The kitten that tried so hard to climb out just now rolled
over and lay on its side, letting its brother continue to bite
its ears on top of its head.
It was a little tired.

This cat was not an ordinary cat, or rather it does not

consider itself a cat. This young flat-faced cat’s body was
inhabited by a human soul.
It, or more appropriately described as him, is named Li
Zhenruo. He was originally the fourth son of the Li family
of Yunlin Group, and he was only 23 years old this year.
Yunlin group is now the largest domestic group integrating
real estate, commerce, culture, and electronics industries.
Li Zhenruo’s father, Li Jianglin, is the founder of all this. Li
Jianglin’s life is very dramatic. There were no children born
between him and his wife, Zhu Yun. All of his four sons
were born from all different mistresses.

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Li Zhenruo is the fourth son of the Li family and the
youngest one.

It should have been.

Li Zhenruo was lying down, his cat brother was tired of
biting, and fell asleep on his chest. He opened his eyes
weakly, recalling what happened in just a month or so.
The Li brothers did not get along, perhaps it’s because this
was the nature of the wealthy family members, or perhaps
because they were brothers from different mothers.
As Li Jianglin got older and older, the undercurrents
between the brothers raged on, and they all wanted to grab
the biggest piece of cake. Although Li Zhenruo was the
youngest, he was not willing to be bullied. After he
graduated from a foreign business school and came back to
his father’s side, he has already shown his first signs of
budding talent.

However, when he was getting ready to enter the fight,

someone dropped a bombshell on Li’s house.
Until now, Li Zhenruo didn’t know who it was behind the
scenes. He only knew that one day, Li Jianglin called him
over and threw a paternity test in front of him.
He, Li Zhenruo, is not Li Jianglin’s biological son.
Li Zhenruo has almost never seen his mother. His mother
passed away in the early years, and now many truths have
been lost. However, blood relationships cannot be
deceived. Although Li Zhenruo insisted on doing another
identification with Li Jianglin, the result was still the same.

Li Zhenruo seemed to have received a huge blow and was

caught unprepared. He packed up his things and moved out
of Li’s house but was unwilling to find the truth back then.

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One night, he met a man wearing a hat and mask and asked
him if he was Li Zhenruo on a dark and secluded road. He
should have turned around and ran, but he was still not
vigilant enough. He was stabbed more than ten times, and
the man also took his belongings and left.
Li Zhenruo died in an ‘accidental’ robbery. He saw all this
in the TV news of the pet shop. However, only he knew that
it was not an accident, because that person knew that he
was Li Zhenruo and came for him. This was murder.
But why kill him? Li Zhenruo couldn’t understand, other
than his three older brothers, he couldn’t think of anyone
else who wanted his life. But even for those three older
brothers, he was not Li Jianglin’s son anymore. What threat
does he pose to them to put him to death?

Li Zhenruo couldn’t figure it out, and he was unwilling to

die in peace.
Perhaps it was because of his unwillingness that made him
look like this is now.
Li Zhenruo lifted his little paw and scratched one of his
ears. He felt hungry and helpless. He rolled over and got
up, dragging his not-so-powerful short legs to find the
mother cat for milk.
He spent every day drinking milk, sleeping, and playing
with the other kittens. Other than that, Li Zhenruo had
nothing to do.

The one thing he wanted to do most now is to be able to

leave this pet shop and find a way to go back to Li’s house
to see how everyone in the family reacted to his death.
However, he couldn’t even climb out to get out of this small
iron cage.
Later, after Li Zhenruo saw the customers who came to the
pet shop to buy pets, he figured out that his top priority
should be to drink milk hard and keep his fur white and
body tender. After three months or so, the boss might sell
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him. As long as he can leave the pet shop earlier, his wish
to go back to the Li family may be realized one day earlier.
After he was full of milk, the boss put a few small kittens
outside the pet shop to bask in the sun.
Still in the big cage, several kittens nibbled and fought with
each other.

Only Li Zhenruo is quiet, and he has been a little sad

recently. Although he can’t look in the mirror, he can see
what he looks like when he sees the faces of his mother and
brothers and sisters.
Li Zhenruo didn’t keep cats in the past and didn’t recognize
the breeds of cats at all. At first, he was surprised when he
saw the kittens around him as if their faces were flattened
by a punch. Then he realized that when he saw the mother
cat, This kind of cat and kitten is called an exotic shorthair
cat, commonly known as Garfield, is born with a flat face.
Of course he himself could not escape this fate.
Sadness returned back to sorrow, Li Zhenruo, who was still
alive after walking around the ghost gate, should be
grateful. What’s wrong with a large flat face? At least he
still has his life left to find and settle the accounts with the
“brother” who killed him, right?
In a blink of an eye, three months have passed, the pet
shop owner intends to sell the entire litter of Garfields.

Every day, as long as there are customers visiting, Li

Zhenruo will be in good spirits, wagging his tail like a dog
trying to attract the attention of customers.
One afternoon, a well-dressed middle-aged woman stood in
front of the iron cage where Li Zhenruo was staying and
looked inside.
Li Zhenruo listened to the content of her chat with the boss
and said that she was here to help her daughter buy a
kitten to raise.
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The boss then tried to sell her this cage of kittens, saying
that Garfield has a gentle and quiet personality and is very
suitable as a pet.
The woman seemed to be a little moved, and she put a
finger between the iron railings of the cage.

Seeing this, Li Zhenruo immediately grabbed the cage with

his front paws and rubbed the woman’s fingers with his
head down.
The woman chuckles immediately.
Li Zhenruo knew that it had an effect, so he continued
rubbing. After rubbing, he raised his head and stared at the
woman with a pitiful face, and gave a low cry.
“Ah,” the woman seemed a little surprised, and pointed to
Li Zhenruo and said without hesitation, “This one then.”
Because of the good features and a particularly round face,
the good-looking Li Zhenruo was sold at a price of nearly
8,0001around $1240. The owner gave the woman a lot of
notes, picked Li Zhenruo up, and put him in a small pet
cage that could be carried. He even brought some cat’s pet
supplies to the woman.

Li Zhenruo, who was finally sold, could not breathe a sigh

of relief.
He stayed in the pet cage, a little nervous because of the
constant shaking, his paws involuntarily clasped the bottom
of the cage. He was reborn in this kitten body in the
present, and today is the first time he left the pet shop to
see the outside world. The surrounding environment
seemed unfamiliar, and he didn’t know where he was.
The woman carried him and took a taxi, and after getting
in, she gave the driver an address.
Li Zhenruo has heard of the name of the neighborhood. It is
a very high-end real estate in the urban area, and the
residents are all wealthy people with prestige.
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And Li Zhenruo knew that his third brother seemed to have
bought two houses in that real estate as an investment.

After getting in the taxi, the woman pulled up the cloth

cover outside the cage, leaving only a little gap for Li
Zhenruo. Li Zhenruo could hardly see anything from the
gap, so he lay down quietly.
After almost half an hour, the taxi stopped, and Li Zhenruo
knew that they have probably arrived.
The woman paid for the fare and carried him off.
Li Zhenruo struggled for a while, trying to get the woman’s
attention and pull down the cloth cover to show him the
outside. The woman noticed it, but she didn’t do what he
wanted. She just raised the cage and told him in one
sentence: “Be good, we’ll be home soon..”
Li Zhenruo: “……”

The woman carried him back to the house by the elevator,

the room was empty and it seemed that no one else was
Li Zhenruo was put on the table together with the cage,
and he was not released immediately, but the cloth cover
outside the cage was taken off.
The air finally became fresh and plentiful, and Li Zhenruo
turned his body to look at the big house.
This property is a high-end real estate in the city center,
and the price is expensive. Although the woman looks rich
and luxurious in her clothes, her demeanor does not look
like a wealthy wife.
Li Zhenruo was a little uncertain of her identity for a while.

When he turned around and saw a large poster hanging in

the living room, he finally knew who the owner of this room
Above the poster is a recent popular actress named Yu
Yu Bingwei was originally a dance teacher with an
excellent figure. She participated in a TV station dance
show years ago. Because of her devilish body with her fresh
and pure face, she became popular overnight.
After that, she participated in some movies and TV series
one after another. It has been said on the Internet that Yu
Bingwei has a good financial backer promoting her from
behind. As for who this financial backer is, Li Zhenruo has
not paid attention to it. He has never been very interested
in these things in regards to the entertainment industry.
The woman said that she was buying a pet for her
daughter, and it seemed that she should be Yu Bingwei’s

Mama Yu has been busy at home. Li Zhenruo watched her

walking around as if preparing a cattery and cat food, but
she refused to let him out first.
After almost half an hour, Mama Yu came over to release Li
Zhenruo from the cage, carried Li Zhenruo in her hands,
and walked towards the cattery in the corner, giving him
instructions one by one: This is where you sleep, this is
where you eat, this is where you go to the bathroom……
Li Zhenruo doubted that he could understand if he was
really a cat.
It’s probably the first time Mama Yu has a pet, but she is
very careful and has prepared everything for the new kitten
in the family.

In the end, she gently put Li Zhenruo in the soft cattery,

tapped his wet little nose with her finger, and then left and
walked towards the kitchen.

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After Li Zhenruo became a cat, it was the first time he
finally tasted freedom. Although the scope of freedom is
only the size of a one-hundred-square-meter house, it’s
better than the feeling of being caught by the boss or the
mother cat every time you walk out less than one meter in
the pet shop.
He squatted quietly in the cattery for a while and stepped
out with his short legs.
Li Zhenruo walked to the door of the kitchen and took a
look. When she saw Mama Yu was cooking, he quietly
walked away. He walked to the door again and saw that the
door was closed tightly. Unless he could jump up, he
probably wouldn’t be able to touch the door lock.
He has watched some videos of cats that can jump up and
open the door by themselves, but now he is a long way from
doing that. Maybe he can try it when he becomes proficient
at being a cat.

From the edge of the door, Li Zhenruo walked to the

window and found that there was a bay window in the
living room. He couldn’t see below, and the bay window
was too high for him to jump on now.
Except for the living room and dining room, Li Zhenruo
went to other rooms and found that the doors were closed.
He didn’t know if it used to be like this, or if it was because
Mama Yu closed it specifically to prevent him from running
Li Zhenruo had nothing to do, and he could only simply
walk around the room. He came back and drank some
water next to his small bowl, chewed a few pieces of cat
food, and went back to the cattery to lie on his stomach.
Cat food is not tasty, but now he has no other choice. He
will be hungry if he doesn’t eat it.
He still has to keep this life and go back to Li’s house.

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That day it was evening when Yu Bingwei came back.
At that time, Li Zhenruo was a little sleepy lying in the cat
bed. He heard the sound of opening the door and his ears
stood up immediately. He hesitated and lay down in the
nest without moving because he still remembered that he
was a cat and not a dog.
Mama Yu came out in her pajamas, took the bag in Yu
Bingwei’s hand, and hung it up for her. Yu Bingwei
changed her slippers and walked inside and took off her
Inside the single jacket is a low-cut halter top.
Mama Yu told her daughter that the cat had been bought.
Yu Bingwei’s fresh and pure innocent face suddenly showed
a bright smile, she walked to the cat bed, took Li Zhenruo
out of the warm house, kissed his nose and eyes a few
times, and said, “So cute!”

Li Zhenruo smelled all cosmetics in his nose, and he

couldn’t help but sneeze.
Yu Bingwei apparently liked him very much. She hugged
him in her arms and touched his forehead with her
forehead, saying, “Baby, let’s give you a name. What name
could be good?”
Li Zhenruo at this time is not bothered to pay attention to
what they want him to be called, because his entire face fell
on Yu Bingwei’s chest. Yu Bingwei has always been said to
have a devilish figure by the media, and she is not inferior
to a foreign girl. Li Zhenruo’s face was buried in it, with a
sweet scent, and he was almost suffocating.
He struggled to lift his head, put his chin on Yu Bingwei,
and looked up at her gasping for air.

This well-behaved action pleased Yu Bingwei, and kissed

him a few more times on the forehead, and said, “You’re
just like a dumpling, let’s call you Dumpling.”
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Li Zhenruo then got the nickname “Dumpling”.

The author has something to say:

This story is 1V1 from the beginning to the end.

Chapter 2

After staying with the Yu family for more than ten days, Li
Zhenruo got a clear general idea of Yu Bingwei’s life
Yu Bingwei didn’t work every day, but once she goes out,
she may not come home for two or three days. Yu Bingwei
would always hug Li Zhenruo and touch him as soon as she
arrived home. Well, since she was a beautiful lady, Li
Zhenruo still feels it’s quite enjoyable.

And usually, Mama Yu would almost always be in charge of

his food and drink.
Because he didn’t pull or make trouble at home, Mama Yu
also liked him very much. In the afternoon, she would hold
him on her lap and groom his fur while watching TV.
Li Zhenruo also stared at the TV when he was bored, but
more often than not, he was thinking about how to sneak

He had already looked outside through the floor-to-ceiling

windows in Yu Bingwei’s room. They were at least ten
stories high. He couldn’t leap onto roofs and vault over
walls, so he didn’t dare to jump outside from the windows.
His only hope is that when Mama Yu opened the door and
forgot to close it, he can slip out directly, or when Yu
Bingwei was willing to take him out.
Although the hope seems quite slim, Li Zhenruo believes
that there is always a chance, he must be calm.
In the evening, Yu Bingwei lay on the bed and played with
the tablet after taking a shower, so she carried Li Zhenruo
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and let him lie down next to her.

Li Zhenruo lay down quietly for a while, stood up and

crawled to Yu Bingwei’s chest, and lay down on the two soft
fleshy chests. Yu Bingwei didn’t wear undergarments after
taking a shower, so she felt extremely soft as he lay on her
stomach. He couldn’t change the status quo anyway, so
why not treat himself better? Li Zhenruo thought to
himself, lying on his stomach with peace of mind.
Yu Bingwei didn’t feel that there was anything wrong, she
stretched out her hand to pinch Li Zhenruo’s neck, and
continued to play with the tablet.
Her body’s so warm and fragrant. When he was drowsy, Li
Zhenruo heard the sound of someone opening the door with
a key.
There had always been only two people in this family,
Mama Yu, and Yu Bingwei. A nanny for cleaning comes
once a week. It seemed that it was almost ten o’clock in the
evening, and Li Zhenruo couldn’t imagine who came.

He raised his head, acting a little curious.

Yu Bingwei just smiled, stretched out her hand, and
squeezed his ears, lying motionless on the bed in sexy
Li Zhenruo heard the sound of someone walking toward the
room, and Mama Yu had already returned to her room at
this time. Probably she heard the sound too but did not
respond at all.
This should be the sound of a man’s footsteps, and he has a
key to the Yu family house. Judging from Yu Bingwei’s
reaction, it was very likely that this man was Yu Bingwei’s
legendary financial backer.

Li Zhenruo didn’t care about the entertainment industry,

but it didn’t mean he was not curious. His eyes were fixed
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on the bedroom door.
Then he heard the man’s footsteps walking outside the
door, and then opened the door.

Have you ever seen a cat’s shocked expression1? Since Li

Zhenruo became a cat, he no longer tried to hide his
expression, because others would not care if they saw it.
But at this moment he was really surprised, because he
didn’t expect that the person who opened the door would
be someone he knew, and one of the people he wanted to

It was Li Zhenzi, Li Zhenruo’s third brother, and Li

Jianglin’s third son. He was twenty-five years old this year.
When he was a child, Li Zhenruo and Li Zhenzi’s
relationship was not very good. Although he had a bad
relationship with several brothers, only Li Zhenzi would not
conceal his disagreement.
Li Zhenzi had gone abroad since graduating from junior
high school and went out before Li Zhenruo. When he came
back, he got into trouble with a foreign devil2is a common
Cantonese slur term for Westerners. For a while, Li Jianglin
was very dissatisfied with him.
As a playboy that was indulgent and enjoyed life’s pleasure.
For an industry as big as the Li family, what Li Zhenzi paid
most attention to was the entertainment industry.

There were entertainment and cultural companies under

Yunlin, but Li Jianglin preferred to build an entertainment
and culture industry than to promote stars to make movies.
However, Li Zhenzi was determined to make the
entertainment company bigger. He invested in a few
movies, and the income was good, so Li Jianglin let him do
his thing.

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Of course, Li Zhenzi certainly had an interest in doing this,
but in the eyes of Li’s family, sleeping with actresses might
be his greater interest.
Although Li Jianglin was dissatisfied with this, his son was
already old, so he could only say a few words. But Li
Zhenruo thought this was the best. He was happy to see Li
Zhenzi falling into all kinds of gossip scandals, which made
Li Jianglin more and more disappointed with him.
It’s just that Li Zhenruo really didn’t expect that the
financial backer behind Yu Bingwei would be Li Zhenzi. No
wonder this woman has become a success in the
entertainment industry in a short time.

I heard that Li Zhenzi’s mother was a mixed-race beauty.

He has a quarter of European blood, his skin was whiter
than most people, the bridge of his nose was taller, and his
brown hair was slightly curly. He inherited all the
advantages of his mother’s appearance.
At this time, Yu Bingwei put down the tablet in her hand,
reached out her hand to touch Li Zhenruo’s head, looked at
Li Zhenzi with a smile, and said, “Come here?”
Li Zhenruo thought Yu Bingwei’s touch felt wrong, his
whole body was a little straight, and the cat’s hair was all
Li Zhenzi looked at Li Zhenruo and asked, “The cat you
Yu Bingwei smiled and stretched out her hand to pick up Li
Zhenruo to see for herself, “Yes, the name is Dumpling,
isn’t it cute?”

Li Zhenzi snorted, “His face is all muddled.”

Yu Bingwei said, “You don’t understand.”
Li Zhen undid some of his clothes and walked over to the
bed to sit down.
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Li Zhenruo struggled subconsciously as Li Zhenzi
approached, but Yu Bingwei did not let him go.
Li Zhenzi stretched out his hand and shook Li Zhenruo’s
leg, and said, “Male cat.”

Hearing his words, Li Zhenruo subconsciously clamped his

Then Li Zhenzi said again, “Send it to be castrated in a few
This time, Li Zhenruo’s eyes widened, and his hair really
stood up. He couldn’t help making a threatening cry, and at
the same time, he rolled his tail to cover his lower body.
Li Zhenzi looked at him thoughtfully, “You can
Yu Bingwei smiled and took Li Zhenruo back into her arms,
“What a joke, I won’t castrate him, how pitiful.”

Li Zhenruo has never felt so warm in Yu Bingwei’s

Yu Bingwei said jokingly to Li Zhenzi, “Why don’t you
castrate yourself?”
Li Zhenzi raised his eyebrows, “Are you going to castrate
Yu Bingwei smiled and said, “Don’t be a jerk, can’t you see
my dumpling is still here?”
Li Zhenzi suddenly reached out and grabbed Li Zhenruo by
the back of his neck, lifted him, and threw him under the

Li Zhenruo was taken aback. He was thrown to the ground

and as he rolled to stand up, he couldn’t help but feel
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At this time, neither Li Zhenzi nor Yu Bingwei could care
about him anymore.
Li Zhenruo looked up and saw Li Zhenzi undressing. His
back was smooth and his muscles were tight. Further
down, he unbuckled his belt and his trousers fell
downward, revealing half of his tight ass.
Li Zhenruo had never seen Li Zhenzi’s naked body, and he
didn’t want to watch his third brother sleep with other
women. All this happened so suddenly and he didn’t want
to see it!
The door was locked. Even if it was not locked, Li Zhenruo
couldn’t open it. He was not stupid enough to jump up in
front of the two people on the bed and try to open the door.

Li Zhenzi already pushed Yu Bingwei down.

Li Zhenruo could not help but swear, he turned around in
the room, and finally went behind the curtains of the floor-
to-ceiling windows to lie down. He unexpectedly saw what
he didn’t want to see, and he couldn’t block his ears, so he
could only squint his eyes to calm his mind.
To tell the truth, compared to seeing Yu Bingwei’s devilish
figure, seeing her third brother’s naked body had a greater
impact on him, and in this state, it really blinded him.
On the big bed, Li Zhenzi and Yu Bingwei were still in full

Li Zhenruo thought that if Yu Bingwei was reluctant to

castrate Li Zhenzi, Li Zhenzi really had the capital to mess
around outside.
The master bedroom has a bathroom inside. Li Zhenruo
didn’t have a chance to sneak out when they went to the
bathroom, and reluctantly could only lie down behind the
curtains and sleep all night.
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Li Zhenruo woke up early the next day. He was lying
motionless on his stomach and hesitating if he should go
and wake Yu Bingwei, but he really didn’t want to see Li
Zhenzi and the woman lying on the bed, he was afraid of
getting a sty on his eyes.
After lying down for a while, he heard Yu Bingwei and Li
Zhenzi waking up and lying on the bed talking.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but pricked his ears.

Yu Bingwei asked about a recent movie.

Li Zhenzhi was lying down and answered her carelessly, his
tone was not impatient, but it was not with much eagerness
Li Zhenruo listened for a while and found that there was
nothing he wanted to know, so he hung his ears and lay
down again.
At first, Li Zhenruo was a little discouraged, but then Li
Zhenruo thought that he didn’t know how to return to the
Li family before, but now he has a direct relationship with
the female celebrity Li Zhenzi supported, which was a lot of
progress compared to the beginning.
Perhaps he can try harder to do something, even if it was
just to hear some news from Li Zhenzi’s mouth.

For example, he has been dead for several months, and he

was completely unclear about how exactly the Li family
reacted. Who was actually trying to kill him? Did Li Zhenzi
play any role in this? What exactly did his death bring to
the Li family?
Li Zhenruo was lying on the floor, with an especially
serious flat pie face.
When Li Zhenzi and Yu Bingwei got up, Mama Yu had
already prepared breakfast for them.

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Li Zhenruo was finally able to get out of Yu Bingwei’s room.
He took a deep breath of fresh air and tried to forget the
images he saw last night, especially the ones about Li
When he went to his private bathroom to go to the lavatory,
he saw Li Zhenzi next to him, he put one hand in his
trouser pocket and played with his mobile phone with the
other hand. But he glanced at him, and suddenly he was a
little uncomfortable. He hesitated, changed direction, and
turned his back to Li Zhenzi.

Li Zhenzi frowned slightly, somewhat puzzled.

Yu Bingwei and Li Zhenzi sat down to have breakfast, while
Mama Yu was still busy in the kitchen.
Li Zhenruo licked a few mouthfuls of cat food, and he was
still listening to the chat between the two on the table, but
unfortunately, it was still something he wasn’t interested
Mama Yu’s attitude towards Li Zhenzi is somewhat subtle,
although she is very polite, she was not exactly very
courteous. Presumably, she also knew that Li Zhenzi and
Yu Bingwei were nothing more than a relationship to
provide. Since Li Zhenzi was only twenty-five years old this
year, too young, and Yu Bingwei was two years older than
him. Although the Yu family hopes to join the Li family and
marry into a wealthy family, Li Zhenzi is well-known for
being flirtatious outside. Both Yu Bingwei and Mama Yu
know that there is only a little hope.
So it’s better to get the benefits you can get now, and as for
the rest, it can be discussed later.

Li Zhenruo has been with the Yu family for half a month

and only now did he see Li Zhenzi coming for the first time.
It is enough to show that Li Zhenzi is not too attentive to Yu
Bingwei. After this trip, it’s not known when’s the next time
he’ll come.

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Thinking of this, Li Zhenruo suddenly felt anxious.
If Li Zhenzi did not come, or breaks the relationship with
Yu Bingwei, it’ll be difficult for a pet cat like him to see him
again. Even if he could sneak out and return to Li’s house
in the future, he’s afraid that as a wild cat he has no choice
but to go into hiding and could not enter the house.
Li Zhenruo lost his appetite when he was worried, he
swallowed some cat foods and slowly came to Li Zhenzi’s
Li Zhenzi was talking to Yu Bingwei about having a meal
with a big director the other day and felt an itch on his leg,
lowered his head to see the round-faced cat rubbing onto
his leg.
He raised his eyebrows and asked Yu Bingwei, “Does your
cat have fleas?”

Yu Bingwei said, “How is it possible? It’s washed clean, and

he also had been deflead.”
Li Zhenruo’s forehead palpitated, he tried another way, put
his soft belly on the insteps of Li Zhenzi’s feet, looked up at
him, and let out a soft cry.
Li Zhenzi lowered his head to look at him. He was peeling
the egg in his hand, so he broke the egg yolk and fed it to
Li Zhenruo’s mouth.
Li Zhenruo hesitated, opened his mouth, and carefully
licked the egg yolk clean.

Even though Li Zhenzi didn’t like small animals, he couldn’t

help but smile when he saw a kitten approach him so well,
and stretched out his hand to scratch Li Zhenruo’s chin.
Before Li Zhenruo died, he never thought that one day he
would rub the third son of the Li family and act like a baby,
and be scratched by his chin.

h ll h l d h
But that was all. Later, Li Zhenruo leaned on Li Zhenzi to
be pampered again, but Li Zhenzi asked Yu Bingwei to
carry him away.
After breakfast, Li Zhenzi put on his coat and left, and
kissed Yu Bingwei’s face before leaving.
At that time, Li Zhenruo was still lying in Yu Bingwei’s
arms. When Li Zhenzi leaned over, he was squeezed into
the middle of Yu Bingwei’s cleavage with a look of

The author has something to say:

Although the name is Revenge, it is not a revenge type of

story. It is just a cute story without face slapping, thank you

Chapter 3

After Li Zhenzi’s visit that day, he hasn’t really appeared

for more than ten days.
When Yu Bingwei came back, Li Zhenruo occasionally
heard the mother and daughter talk about Li Zhenzi, saying
that he probably went on a business trip with the second
son of Li, and it might take a month to come back.

Everyday Li Zhenruo ate, went to sleep, and ate, and when

he was free, he would only stare outside in front of the
floor-to-ceiling windows in Yu Bingwei’s room. The more
the days passed, the more restless he became.
One day, Mama Yu went out to buy groceries. Probably
because she forgot what she brought, she turned back to
l kf h d l f
look for it again. The door was left open.
Li Zhenruo scampered out all of a sudden. Of course, he
couldn’t wait for the elevator. He was not familiar with this
building. He scampered around for a long time before
finding the stairwell. He climbed the stairs from more than
a dozen floors down to the first floor and was exhausted by
half of his cat’s life. In the end, the door of the unit on the
first floor was closed tightly, and the button to open the
door was too high for him to reach. Mama Yu, who was
chasing him out finally caught him and returned.

Mama Yu was a little angry and sad.

That night, Mama Yu said to Yu Bingwei, “I heard that the
cat will become wild when it is in heat, so let’s castrate it.”
Li Zhenruo, who was already listless, raised his head
suddenly, and he felt his fur withered with fright.
Yu Bingwei said, “It’s not that big yet, at least wait for it to
be half a year old to decide whether to castrate it or not,
it’s pitiful.”

Hearing these words from Yu Bingwei, Li Zhenruo rubbed

her legs for a long time and acted like a baby, hoping that
the mother and daughter could calm down their anger and
forgive his impulsiveness.
It’s just that since that day, Mama Yu was very careful
entering and exiting, and she never left Li Zhenruo a
chance to slip out.
Another half a month passed by in a flash. Li Zhenruo
counted the time, even if Li Zhen went on a business trip,
he should almost be back.
Sure enough, one night, Li Zhenzi and Yu Bingwei came
back from outside together.

h h f h d
Because Mama Yu was in the house, after the two entered
the door, they didn’t do anything. Instead, they talked and
walked towards Yu Bingwei’s bedroom.
Li Zhenruo was originally lying in his cat bed, and stood up
all of a sudden, and couldn’t resist the curiosity to follow.
Li Zhenzi hasn’t been here for a month. Of course, he didn’t
come here to chat with Yu Bingwei. The two entered the
room. The door was not closed yet, but they already hugged
and kissed.
Li Zhenruo followed the door, raised his front paws, and
pushed the door hard, pushing the door a little bit open,
just enough to stick his head to see inside.

He knew that Li Zhenzi and Yu Bingwei will inevitably have

sex. He should hide in the living room and shouldn’t go in.
But he couldn’t restrain his curiosity. He wanted to hear
what Li Zhenzi and Yu Bingwei had to say. Li Zhenzi and
his second brother went on a business trip, and he didn’t
know what it was for. Most of the large-scale tourism
projects invested by the Li family are in the West, and this
project is currently Yunlin’s largest investment. If it wasn’t
for what happened to him, he might have been the one who
followed Li’s second son on this trip.
Li Zhenzi kisses Yu Bingwei with some passion.
Finally, it was Yu Bingwei who said, “I’ll take a bath first.”
Only then did Li Zhenzi let go of her.

Li Zhenruo saw Li Zhenzi turn around and undressed, and

quickly retracted his head, not wanting to be seen by Li
Zhenzi. But he was still a step slow, Li Zhenzi discovered
his round face hiding by the door, and unexpectedly walked
over and grabbed him.
Li Zhenruo was a little flustered, raised his paw, and waved

h dh h b k fh k h
Li Zhenzi carried him on the back of his neck, sat on the
edge of the bed, and hold it on his lap. Li Zhenzi pinched
his face and looked around, and said, “What are you
peeking at?”
Li Zhenruo certainly does not need to answer.

Li Zhenzi snorted himself and stretched out his hand to

pinch Li Zhenruo’s pair of round balls.
Li Zhenruo’s fur rose instantly, waved his front paws at Li
Zhenzi’s face, and let out a threatening growl.
Of course, Li Zhenzi was not scratched by him. He laughed
and said, “That temper is not small.”
Then, he raised his hand and threw Li Zhenruo away.

Li Zhenruo suffered both psychological and physical

damage. Although Li Zhenzi didn’t make a big deal since
then, he always felt that the terrible touch lingered.
He walked outside in an awkward posture, no longer caring
what Li Zhenzi and Yu Bingwei said, and went back to his
warm cat bed and lay down.
After he left, he heard Li Zhenzi lock the door from the
Li Zhenruo lay down quietly for a while and sighed
helplessly. He found that there was too little he could do,
even if he saw Li Zhenzi, he could not change anything
about the current condition.
He can’t tell just Li Zhenzi directly that he is actually Li
Zhenruo, aside from the fact that Li Zhenzi might not
believe him, he still doesn’t know who the killer is, maybe it
is Li Zhenzi? It would be too easy for Li Zhen to kill another
cat if that’s the case.

h f l b k h
What if it’s too unrealistic to go back to Li’s house?
Shouldn’t he think of other ways as soon as possible?
Before he was killed, he had been investigating who did the
identification for him and Li Jianglin in private and handed
over the test result to Li Jianglin. At that time, he already
had some general ideas. Should he continue to walk this
path? Using the identity of a cat as a cover, go to the
laboratory to search for their identification records?
He slept quietly all night in the cat bed, knowing that Li
Zhenzi and Yu Bingwei were in full swing inside, but what
cannot be seen is none of his business. He tried hard to
forget the last time he saw the scene.
The next morning, he woke up as soon as the door of Mama
Yu’s bedroom opened. He straightened his neck but lay in
his den without moving.
Mama Yu went to the kitchen.

After half an hour, Yu Bingwei’s bedroom door opened.

Li Zhenruo saw Li Zhenzi walk out of the room while
buttoning his shirt.
He changed into a formal suit today. The outside of his
shirt is a dark suit. It should be the clothes that have been
left at Yu Bingwei’s.
While sitting down for breakfast, Li Zhenruo heard Yu
Bingwei say to Li Zhenzi, “What about the things I told
Li Zhenzi was a little indifferent, “What is it?”

Yu Bingwei pouted, “Didn’t I ask you to take Dumpling back

to find someone to help me raise it for a period of time?”
Li Zhenruo knew that Li Zhenzi was looking at him, but he
couldn’t help it, his ears were perked up, and a pair of
round eyes stared at Li Zhenzi closely.

h k f lk ld ll k
Li Zhenzi took a sip of milk, “How old is it? I’ll take it to
raise it for a month. When I come back, will it still
recognize you?”
Yu Bingwei said, “What can I do? My dad is not in good
health recently. My mom has to go back to take care of
him. I will be on the crew again. It will take at least a
month. I can’t leave it here during this time, right?”
Li Zhenzi said to her, “Take it with you.”

Yu Bingwei gently bumped Li Zhenzi with her elbow, and

said coquettishly, “Are you kidding?”
”Hmph,” Li Zhenzi groaned, “I told you not to buy a cat, but
you didn’t listen to me. Now you can’t find someone to raise
it and you want to toss it to me.”
Yu Bingwei hurriedly said, “What do you mean by tossing it
to you? I’m just asking you to take care of it and I’ll pick it
up in a few days.”
Li Zhenzi ate his food without saying anything.
Yu Bingwei saw that his attitude softened, and then
continued, “Dumpling is very good. It only eats cat food,
never pulls or scratches things at home, and it doesn’t
make loud noises at all and won’t cause you trouble.”

Li Zhenzi looked at Li Zhenruo when he heard it.

Li Zhenruo looked at him, tried hard to impress him, and
let him take him away, opened his mouth and wanted to
meow softly, but couldn’t make a sound because of being
too nervous.
Li Zhenzi finished eating the egg, clapped his hands, and
said to Yu Bingwei, “You get its things ready, use the cage,
I’ll take it away later.”
Yu Bingwei said, “So hasty, come over to pick it up

h h d l d d d lk d d h
Li Zhenzi had already stood up and walked towards the
room and said, “I’m not free tonight, otherwise you can
send it to my place early tomorrow morning.”

Yu Bingwei heard the words and said quickly, “I can’t do it,

you should take it away now.”
Li Zhenruo’s whole cat-self felt somewhat a bit silly. He
didn’t expect happiness to come so suddenly. He kept
thinking about how to return to Li’s house, but he did not
expect Yu Bingwei to give him such a big surprise directly.
He really likes Yu Bingwei! The woman is beautiful, the
figure is good, and she takes good care of him.
Li Zhenruo dropped his breakfast and ran to Yu Bingwei’s
feet, rubbing her legs with his own soft back.
Yu Bingwei hugged him, put it on her soft chest, kissed him
on the cheek, and said, “You must be obedient when you go
to Li’s house. Don’t make trouble for Daniel, understand?”

Li Zhenruo almost wanted to nod hard to show that he

Yu Bingwei is going to go out to film, and Mama Yu is going
back to her hometown. Li Zhenruo doesn’t know all these
things. He ate and slept at Yu family’s every day, and
listened to their mother and daughter, but still missed such
important information.
Maybe sometimes when he listened, he’s bored and falls
asleep. After all, he is still a kitten.
It seems that he has to be more proactive in the future.
Mama Yu and Yu Bingwei packed all Li Zhenruo’s things
together, including his cat food, cat bed, cat toilet, and
other daily necessities.

f l h f h h db k
After living here for more than a month and being taken
care of by both the mother and daughter of the Yu family,
Li Zhenruo was still somewhat attached.
Finally, he was put into a cage by Yu Bingwei.
Li Zhenzi came out of his room and was tying his tie, Yu
Bingwei stepped forward to help him and asked, “Going to
the company today?”
Li Zhenzi nodded, “There’s a meeting in the head office
that I have to attend.”
Yu Bingwei said, “Then you have to carry Dumpling with
you all the time?”

Li Zhenzi said to her, “Just put it in the car.”

Yu Bingwei heard the words and said quickly, “No, you will
suffocate it.”
Li Zhenzi frowned and was getting impatient, “So
Yu Bingwei immediately softened her voice to soothe his
emotions, “Don’t treat the little animals like this.”
Li Zhenzi still looked impatient, but stretched out his hand
and squeezed Yu Bingwei’s face to vent.

Li Zhenruo looked in the cage and secretly cursed: stinky

He really likes Yu Bingwei. Although most of the comments
on this woman from the outside world are that she only has
big breasts but no brain and that she just has a pretty face
but no acting skill. But during this time, the Yu Bingwei
whom Li Zhenruo came into contact with was at least a
gentle and cheerful beautiful woman.
Yu Bingwei and Mama Yu helped move all Li Zhenruo’s
things into the trunk of Li Zhenzi’s car.

h h dd h b h lf h
Li Zhenzi had driven here by herself with Yu Bingwei
yesterday and did not call the driver to pick him up in the
morning. He planned to drive directly to the company later.
In the end, Li Zhenruo was lifted from the cage by Li
Zhenzi himself and was thrown in the passenger seat.
Mama Yu and Yu Bingwei both came to pet his head and
said a few words to him.

Li Zhenzi got into the driver’s seat and turned sideways to

fasten the passenger’s seat belt, at least blocking the cage
and not falling due to sudden braking.
Yu Bingwei stood by and waved goodbye to him, “Be
careful on the road.”
Li Zhenzi didn’t have any reaction since he started the car
and rolled the window up simultaneously.
Li Zhenruo silently raised a paw in the cage and waved it to
Yu Bingwei, but no one would see it.

The author has something to say:

The gong name has been written on the document, don’t

mess with the CP!
Generally speaking, it’s updated at 8 o’clock in the evening.
At other times, if you see an update, it’s mostly to fix bugs.

Chapter 4

Li Zhenzi drove to the company by himself.

h l h d h l d d
The cloth cover outside the cage was not closed, and Li
Zhenruo was able to breathe a few mouthfuls of air freely
in the car. He lay down in the cage, but he was unsteady
because of the braking from time to time. In the end, he
simply sat and held on to the plastic railing of the cage with
his claws.

Li Zhenzi didn’t pay attention to him all the way to the

office. He only turned his head to look at him when he was
waiting for the red light at an intersection and laughed
when he saw Li Zhenruo look a little nervous.
What are you laughing at, Li Zhenruo thought to himself.
He really doesn’t like Li Zhenzi too much. Out of the three
brothers, the only one who has the better relationship with
him is probably only the eldest brother.

When he arrived at the headquarters of Yunlin Group, Li

Zhenzi drove directly to the underground parking lot.
After parking the car, Li Zhenruo saw him pull the door and
get out of the car, and he suddenly became nervous. He
was afraid that Li Zhenzi would really leave him in the car
all day.
Fortunately, Li Zhenzi walked to the passenger’s side after
getting out of the car and pulled the car door to carry Li
Zhenruo’s cage out.
Li Zhenzi brought the pet cage to the elevator and made a
phone call, probably to his assistant. After connecting, he
said to the person on the other side, “Find someone to
come down later and bring the cat food and cat toilet from
my car to my office.”

After the order was given, he hung up the phone.

There’s no need to meet someone when entering the
elevator in the underground parking lot. After reaching the
f fl l h l
first floor, many company employees got into the elevator
one after another.
Seeing Li Zhenzi, the employees were all startled slightly,
and then nodded to greet him.
Li Zhenzi has a relatively easy-going personality and is not
very well-mannered. He leaned back against the elevator a
little lazily, and nodded his head as a response.

Everyone noticed that Li Zhenzi was holding a pet cage.

A young female employee looked down and found that it
was a cat.
A beautiful female employee with a bold personality said to
Li Zhenzi, “Mr. Li, is that your cat?”
Li Zhenzi always had a good attitude toward beauties. He
raised his hand to raise the cage a bit, and said with a
smile, “Yes, is it cute?”

The entire female staff in the elevator actually answered

him at the same time, “So cute!”
Li Zhenruo was taken aback, and fell back behind because
he couldn’t stand firmly, which led to a series of “So cute!”
“I really want to hug!”
Fortunately, Li Zhenzi didn’t really give him to everyone to
touch and hug him.
As he followed Li Zhenzi until they arrived at the office by
himself, Li Zhenruo was still a little shocked.

Although Li Zhenzi does not often appear in Yunlin’s head

office, the brothers all have private offices in the head
When Li Jianglin built this building, he specially invited a
Feng Shui master to examine it. A fortune teller once told
l h f h l k b d
Li Jianglin that twenty-four was his lucky number, and it
happened that Li Jianglin also encountered a major turning
point in his life when he was twenty-four. From then on,
everything went smoothly. So this building has a total of 24
floors. Li Jianglin’s office is on the 24th floor.
Li Zhenruo and the four brothers’ offices are allocatedin
the 23rd and 22nd floors.
The large office is a suite. There’s a secretary’s office
outside, and inside, there is a lounge with a bathroom

Li Zhenzi put Li Zhenruo’s cage on the coffee table in the

office, and walked towards the inner room by himself, with
no intention of letting him out.
After a while, Su Yao, Li Zhenzi’s assistant, brought Li
Zhenruo’s cat toilet and pet food bowl from outside, and
placed it in the corner.
Of the four Li brothers, only Li Zhenzi’s assistant is a
woman. She is a beautiful woman with strong working
Su Yao next walked to the coffee table and bent down to
look at Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo raised his front paws to cling to the cage, just in

time to see a bit of Su Yao’s hidden cleavage.
Being a cat also has these kinds of benefits. Li Zhenruo
comforted himself and just wondered what kind of woman
the fourth son Li wanted back then. But now he can only
get pleasure by imagining women who indulge in Li Zhenzi.
Even so, he is still only an immature male cat, so he can
only watch and have nothing he can do.
Su Yao showed a look of surprise when she saw Li
Zhenruo’s appearance clearly, but she was not frightened,
and quietly stretched out her finger to touch Li Zhenruo’s
h h lk d f h
At this time, Li Zhenzi walked out of the room.
Su Yao stood up straight and asked him, “Daniel, why did
you raise such a cute cat.”

Li Zhenzi did not hide in front of Su Yao. He went to sit

behind the large desk, leaned back slightly, and said, “It’s
not my cat. I’m helping Weiwei raise it for a few days.”
Su Yao lowered her head and continued to look at Li
Zhenruo, and asked, “Can you let it out?”
Li Zhenzi said to her, “Just let it out,” then looked at his
watch, “I have a meeting in fifteen minutes.”
Su Yao was a little worried, “It won’t make trouble, right?”
Li Zhenzi looked at Li Zhenruo and seemed to hesitate for a
while. He said, “It shouldn’t, it’s always been quite good.”

Only then did Su Yao feel relieved and unlocked the lock
outside of the cage.
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath. He was afraid that Li
Zhenzi would have to keep him locked up for a whole day.
Now that he was finally released, he didn’t dare to be too
excited, so he could only slowly crawl out of the cage.
The coffee table is a bit tall, and Li Zhenruo hesitates to
stand on the edge of the coffee table, not knowing whether
to jump off.
Su Yao reached out to carry him and put him down gently.
In order to express his gratitude, Li Zhenruo rubbed Su
Yao’s leg.

Su Yao immediately squatted down with a smile and

smoothed his fur.
Li Zhenruo felt very comfortable.
l k d h d d h
Su Yao looked at the time again, and said to Li Zhenzi, “It’s
almost time to go to the conference room.”
Li Zhenzi stood up and said to Su Yao, “Are the documents
Su Yao nodded.

Li Zhenzi then said, “Let’s go.”

Su Yao walked in front. Li Zhenzi closes the door smoothly
when he leaves the office.
Li Zhenruo stood where he was, looked up at the door lock,
and estimated that unless he could learn to fly one day, he
would not be able to unlock the lock. He walked around the
room somewhat discouraged.
He was not interested in Li Zhenzi’s office, but when he
was on the coffee table just now, he noticed that there was
a thick pile of documents on Li Zhenzi’s desk.
He was somewhat curious about what it was, Li Zhenruo
thinks it may involve the recent development plan of

He walked to Li Zhenzi’s big desk, tried to lift his head but

couldn’t see anything.
Li Zhenruo walked slowly to the front of Li Zhenzi’s office
chair, and he wanted to jump on it. He gathered up the
courage to try, and hit his head against the edge of the
office chair. Okay, it was still a bit painful.
Li Zhenruo is still a little unqualified to be a cat. After all,
he was still a human inside. He is afraid to try, because he
is afraid that it will hurt if he falls.
Not to mention that the office chair is taller than the sofa.
Li Zhenzi’s chair can move around since it’s an office chair.
It was still too difficult for Li Zhenruo, who had been
working hard for a month to barely jump onto the sofa of
Yu’s family.
hd h h dh l l l
Oh dear——Li Zhenruo sighed helplessly.

This feeling of being unable to do anything is really

Li Zhenruo walked to the corner. He was a little thirsty and
wanted to drink water, but found that Su Yao only brought
up his toilet and food bowl, and did not give him a small
bowl for drinking water.
He is a little unhappy.
Li Zhenruo went around the room again. He finally jumped
on top of the sofa and curled himself down in a ball.
Almost an hour later, the door of the office was suddenly
opened from the outside, and Li Zhenzi strode towards the
inside of the office, bringing a gust of wind and even
blowing against the small patch of fur on Li Zhenruo’s

Followed by Li Zhenzi, there was also a department

manager from Yunlin. This manager was hand-picked by Li
Zhenzi before, and he has a close relationship with Li
Li Jianglin has too many sons, and their age difference is
not too big. After joining the company, he naturally chose
his own staff, and the factional struggle is fierce.
The two of them, one standing after the other, did not
notice Li Zhenruo lying on the sofa.
Li Zhenruo raised his head, trying to hear what the two
people were saying, but at the same time he noticed that
they were not closing the door.
This was a rare opportunity. He thought he would definitely
not be able to get out of Li Zhenzi’s office today. At this
moment, he pricked his ears and hesitated, and finally gave
up the opportunity to eavesdrop on the conversation
between Li Zhenzi and his subordinates. He chose to jump
down from the sofa and sneak out of the door.
Su Yao was outside, but she was looking down at a
document and didn’t notice him.
He realizes that a cat can get up and walk silently, so Li
Zhenruo swishes out, and no one notices his existence.
Li Zhenzi’s office is on the 23rd floor, and the former Li
Zhenruo did not stay on this floor. He walked directly
towards the stairwell at the end of the corridor. He planned
to go to the 22nd floor, where his own office was.
He met no one when he went downstairs. The corridor was
empty with no one at sight.
His own office is on the left, with a layout exactly the same
as Li Zhenzi’s office.

At this time, the door of the office was closed tightly. Even
so, Li Zhenruo understood that there would be no one
inside, and after so long, his things might not be kept
People outside thought that the fourth son of the Li family
had died in an accident.
But the people in Li’s family knew that things were not that
simple. Before Li Zhenruo died, it was confirmed that he
was not Li Jianglin’s biological son and was kicked out.
Li Jianglin probably did not announce this news to the
public for the sake of defending his own dignity.
And his death said that it happened to solve the problem
for Li Jianglin, and he could completely put down this

As he thought of this, Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but look

gloomy. He had been thinking that the person who killed
him was one of his three older brothers. But it didn’t cross
his mind, maybe it was Li Jianglin who didn’t want to see
him appear again?
f l d h d h
If Li Jianglin does not announce his true identity to the
public, it is hard to guarantee that he will not still covet the
assets of the Li family in the future. But the announcement
is at the price of Li Jianglin’s face. Only when he died, this
dilemma can be completely solved. His biological mother
had been dead for so many years anyway.
This sudden thought made Li Zhenruo get goosebumps,
and all the cat’s hairs stood up, making his mood even
more gloomy.
As the old saying goes that people’s death is just like a
lamp that’s extinguished. Li Zhenruo actually has actually
died cleanly, even if he can find out who actually staged the
murder, what can he do?
Stage Garfield’s Revenge? Claw them to death?
Li Zhenruo tilted his head, looking at the tightly closed
heavy wooden door. He knew he was a little frustrated.
Many things have happened, even if he regrets that he
wasn’t more quick witted in the past, there is no room for
change. But it’s not like he can’t just die in vain, right?

Li Zhenruo took a deep breath and cheered himself up.

Look, God didn’t let him die completely, but came back
through the body of a cat. Isn’t it just to give him a chance
to get revenge? Worst comes to worse, he can use his ass
to smother that person to death as they’re sleeping. Who
knows, he may even have been hugged by his enemy.
Perhaps until that day comes, only then will he be able to
let go of his grudge and leave this world to reincarnate.
Having figured it out, Li Zhenruo stood up and walked in
the direction of the elevator.

He was in a complicated mood and a little absent-minded.

Otherwise, he would go back to the stairwell and rush back
to the 23rd floor. However, at this time, his head was

lh d f f h l h
empty. Until he stopped in front of the elevator, he
suddenly noticed a person standing next to him.
Li Zhenruo turned his head slowly, and he saw a pair of
black leather shoes, an Italian haute couture brand. Li
Zhenruo knew one person in the Li family who liked this
brand. He raised his head a little nervously, seeing the man
standing next to him also looking down at him.
Sure enough, it was the second son of the Li family—Li

Chapter 5

Li Jianglin has four sons. Well, there are only three now
because Li Zhenruo is a fake.
He didn’t know if it’s because the sons are not from the
same mother, but the appearances of the Li brothers are
quite different from each other.

Needless to say Li Zhenzi is handsome because he has a

mother of mixed-race beauty. Li Zhenruo didn’t know what
his second brother’s mother looks like, but Li Zhenran is
just as slender and handsome. Different from Li Zhenzi’s
Western profile look, Li Zhenran is more in line with the
traditional aesthetics of the oriental people, with slightly
raised long eyebrows, tall and straight nose bridge, an
expression that’s a little cold, but with a dazzling eyes.
Being watched by Li Zhenran, Li Zhenruo could not turn his
head for a while.
A man and a cat looked at each other for a long time, until
the elevator door opened in front of them.

Li Zhenran stepped inside with his long legs.

h l l d bf d d h
Li Zhenruo was a little dumbfounded. He was here to wait
for the elevator, but he couldn’t let Li Zhenran know that
he was waiting for the elevator. Why would a cat know how
to wait for the elevator?
Hold on, why can’t a cat living in an apartment with an
elevator take the elevator? They can’t always take the
stairs, right? Dogs can wait for the elevator, so why
couldn’t cats?
It’s been a while since Li Zhenran went in, but the elevator
door still didn’t close.

Li Zhenruo only noticed at this time that Li Zhenran was

actually holding the door down, like he was still waiting for
He stalled for a while, Li Zhenruo stiffened his head and
dragged his tail into the elevator.
The elevator door slowly closed, Li Zhenran suddenly
spoke, and his low voice echoed in the elevator, “Which
floor are you going to?”
Li Zhenruo looked at Li Zhenran in shock, thinking: Is he
talking to me? Is he stupid?

However, it’s obvious that Li Zhenran was just asking

casually, because he had already pressed the twenty-third
floor button.
Li Zhenruo still hasn’t recovered from the shock.
He has three older brothers. In comparison, the
relationship with his elder brother Li Zhentai is probably
the best, because Li Zhentai has a gentle personality and is
more or less willing to take care of a few brothers as the
eldest. The conflict with the third brother Li Zhenzi has
been obvious and out on the surface. After all, he was
young at that time, but now he thought about it, it’s not a
deep hatred. As for the second brother Li Zhenran, Li
Zhenruo didn’t know him well enough to understand him.
h l l d ff l h h f l
Li Zhenran is a little indifferent, not only with the Li family
brothers, even with Li Jianglin. He rarely communicates.

However, Li Zhenran is the most capable of the brothers.

For a long time, Li Zhenruo regarded Li Zhenran as his
greatest enemy in his career.
This time, Li Zhenruo put a lot of effort into the western
investment project. He wanted to neatly show Li Jianglin
his hard work, in order to make himself better than Li
Zhenran in Li Jianglin’s heart.
Unexpectedly, everything was in vain in the first place.
Even if he predicted he did it well, the project has now
been handed over to Li Zhenran. Li Zhenzi is only assisting
Li Zhenran in his work. So much of his preparatory work is
just to make wedding clothes for others1metaphor for
saying someone have done so much only for other to
reaped the benefits of it. Read more Tang Dynasty Poem:
Poor Girl.
Thinking of this, Li Zhenruo became hostile to Li Zhenran

He thought that Li Zhenran was probably the most likely

among the Li brothers to attack him. It turns out that Li
Zhenran is the direct beneficiary when he dies.
When this western project was neatly handed over to Li
Jianglin, he’s afraid that Li Zhenran’s position in the Li
family would be unshakeable by anyone anymore.
The elevator went from the 22nd floor to the 23rd floor in a
This is a private elevator used by the Li family. It only stays
on the 22nd to 24th floors, and the first and basement floor.
It’s unlikely for ordinary employees to take it.

The moment the elevator door opened, Li Zhenruo wanted

to go outside.
h dd h f h
But he didn’t expect Li Zhenran to move a step faster than
he did and picked him up before the elevator doors opened.
Li Zhenruo: “?”
He didn’t understand what Li Zhenran’s purpose for
holding him up was. He resisted a bit, but he couldn’t show
the resistance too clearly. So he just struggled in Li
Zhenran’s arms.

Li Zhenran didn’t let him go, and after the elevator door
opened, he walked out.
On the 23rd floor, in addition to Li Zhenzi’s office, there is
also Li Zhenran’s office on the other side.
Li Zhenran hugged Li Zhenruo and walked towards his
office. Li Zhenruo stayed in his arms and smelled the
refreshing fragrance of men’s perfume.
As he entered the big room of the office, Li Zhenran lifted
Li Zhenruo by the back of his neck and put him on the
assistant’s desk.
Li Zhenran’s assistant, Hua Yibang, wears black-rimmed
glasses. He always looks serious and seems a bit old-

He raised his head and jerked his glasses, and asked Li

Zhenran, “Zhenran?”
Li Zhenran said, “I picked up a cat.”
Hua Yibang looked at Li Zhenruo with a somewhat puzzled
expression. After thinking for a while, he said, “It seems to
be Mr. Li the third’s cat.”
Li Zhenruo’s eyelids twitched.
The Li family brothers, sometimes when the employees
under them meet them, they aren’t sure how to address
him. However, for those who are more casual, they will
usually call him the Fourth Young Master or his English
d h b l ll d
name2Read more here. However, Hua Yibang always called
him Mr. Li the fourth sternly, giving Li Zhenruo the illusion
that he was in the Republic of China.

At this time, Li Zhenran was a little surprised, and said,

“The third child’s cat?”
Hua Yibang said, “Yes when I came today, I heard that Mr.
Li the third brought a cat to work.”
Li Zhenran nodded when he heard the words, “Then you
can send it back to him.” After speaking, he put Li Zhenruo
aside and walked to the inner office.
Hua Yibang then stood up, twisted the back of Li Zhenruo’s
neck with one hand, and sent him to Li Zhenzi.
Li Zhenruo didn’t like being lifted off the neck very much.
He struggled to express his dissatisfaction, but it didn’t

Hua Yibang brought him to Li Zhenzi’s office, knocked on

the door, went in, and handed it over to Su Yao before
At this time, Li Zhenzi had already finished speaking with
his staff, and stayed alone in the office, with his legs folded
and flipping through a magazine.
Su Yao knocked on the door to send Li Zhenrou in and put
him on the coffee table.
Li Zhenzi put down the magazine and glanced at him,
frowned, and asked, “Where did it go?”
Su Yao said, “Hua Yi Bang brought it over.”

Li Zhenzi seemed to be a little dissatisfied, “He slipped

away as soon as I opened the door, and what did she say
about it being obedient.”

k dh l k
Su Yao asked him, “Do you want to lock it up?”
Li Zhenruo suddenly became nervous, he walked to the
edge of the coffee table, closed his eyes, and jumped down.
Su Yao thought he wanted to sneak, and was about to bend
down to catch him, but he had already reached Li Zhenzi’s
leg, and raised his head next to Li Zhenzi’s trousers, and
Su Yao smiled when she saw it, “It knows who the master

Li Zhen raised his foot and scratched Li Zhenruo’s chin

with the tip of his shoe.
Li Zhenruo didn’t dare to dislike it and slightly narrowed
his eyes to look like he enjoyed it.
Li Zhenzi then said, “Forget it, take it, remember to close
the door when you go in and out.” After thinking about it,
he said, “Bring him a bowl of water.”
Li Zhenruo has to thank Li Zhenzi for finally remembering
Su Yao went out for a while and used a small plate to fill
clear water on the floor for Li Zhenruo. Li Zhenruo quickly
walked over and drank a few sips of water. However,
because his face was too flat, he would wet the hair on his
face every time he drank water, so he rubbed the carpet
from side to side very uncomfortably.

Li Zhenzi looked at him and ignored him, turning over the

files on the desk.
Li Zhenruo wanted Li Zhenzi to pick him up several times
so he could take a peek at the contents of the file.
Unfortunately, Li Zhenzi didn’t intend to pay attention to
him, and would gently kick him away with his feet when he
was annoyed by him.
After two or three times, Li Zhenruo no longer went over.
f l k h f h h l
After leaving work in the afternoon, Li Zhenzi has a social
Before he left, he said to Su Yao, “It’s not convenient for
me to take a cat out. You can help me take it back to my
house. I’ll let Wang Ma know.”

Su Yao replied, “Okay.”

Li Zhenzi changed to another set of clothes, packed up his
things, and left.
Su Yao put Li Zhenruo in a cage, found a cardboard box,
put his toilet and rice bowl together, and planned to go
Li Zhenruo was a little dissatisfied that she put her toilet
and rice bowl together, and expressed his protest with a
Su Yao just left the office to wait for the elevator with a
suitcase in one hand and a pet cage in the other, when Li
Zhen Ran and his assistant Hua Yi Bang came out of the
office one after the other.

Hua Yibang saw that Su Yao had taken so many things, so

he took the initiative to help.
”Second Young Master,” Su Yao nodded and greeted Li
Zhenran with a smile.
Li Zhenran looked at the cat cage she was holding and
asked, “Where are you taking it to?”
Su Yao said, “Daniel asked me to send it to your home.”
Li Jianglin’s sons are not married yet, so naturally they did
not live separately. But even if they get married, no one
wants to just move out of Li’s house.

h l l d h h d
Li Zhenran was a little surprised, “The third one wants to
raise it?”
Su Yao said, “Daniel said to temporarily foster for a few
Li Zhenran asked her, “Whose cat?”
Su Yao did not reveal it to him this time, and shook her
head apologetically, “He didn’t say, I don’t know.”
As if he didn’t care, Li Zhenran just nodded his head.

When the elevator came, Hua Yibang dragged Su Yao’s

cardboard box into the elevator.
Li Zhenran suddenly reached out to her, “Leave it to me,
I’ll take it back for you.”
Su Yao was taken aback, and said with a smile, “This is too
much trouble for Second Young Master, how can I be so
shameless?” But she thought to herself, I was waiting for
you to say that!
Li Zhenran said, “It’s okay, I’m going back anyway, there’s
no need for you to make another trip.”
Su Yao then handed the cage containing Li Zhenruo to Li
Zhenran’s hands and said, “Then thank you, Second Young
Li Zhenran was noncommittal and took the cat cage over.

When he went down to the underground parking lot, Li

Zhenran’s driver was already waiting for him in the car.
Hua Yibang put the whole card box into the trunk of Li
Zhenran’s car, and Su Yao opened the trunk of her car and
brought in all the other pet supplies that Li Zhenzi had put
on her car when he left.
She repeatedly thanked Li Zhenran.

h dd d h h d
Li Zhenran just nodded his head.

Li Zhenruo was very quiet along the way. Of course, he had

no other choice but to keep quiet. No one would care about
his opinions.
The pet cage was placed in the back seat by Li Zhenran,
right next to his seat.
After the driver drove, Li Zhenran reached out and opened
the door of the pet cage.
Li Zhenruo hesitated, he didn’t really want to go out,
mainly because he didn’t want to stay in the same car with
Li Zhenran. But he couldn’t be too obvious, so he dawdled
to put his head out first.
Li Zhenran gently scratched his ear with his slender

Li Zhenruo looked up at Li Zhenran and found that Li

Zhenran was also looking at him.
Li Zhenran’s fingers scratched his chin and rubbed the top
of his head with irresistible comfort. Soon Li Zhenruo found
that he had succumbed to this irresistible force and wasted
no time in getting out of his cage and lying on his back by
Li Zhenran’s legs.
After a while, Li Zhenran withdrew his hand.
Li Zhenruo reminisced about the touch just now and was
reluctant to give it up. With a lot of reluctance touched Li
Zhenran’s thigh with a paw.

Li Zhenran looked down at him.

Li Zhenruo can’t speak, so he can only open a pair of round
eyes to try to express his emotions.
Li Zhenran did not seem to understand.
h l l f d l d h l
Li Zhenruo was a little frustrated. He lay down on his legs
for a while and felt bored. He went back to his pet cage and
buckled the door with his paw.
Li Zhenran glanced at the pet cage, raised one long leg,
leaned back comfortably, and closed his eyes.

The author has something to say:

Don’t complain about the name I chose. It’s not easy to pick
four at once.

Chapter 6
When the Li family’s mansion was built, the area used to be
an elegant forest park on the outskirts of the city, with a
natural lake in front and a large Chinese banyan forest
behind it.

Later, the city was expanded, and this area was slowly
developed into an urban district, but it was still retained as
a forest park in the city. Apart from some old houses, there
are also villas built by senior government and military
The house of the Li family is an old house, with a large
private garden. When the land price was cheap, Li Jianglin
had already made a fortune. A large area was enclosed as
the private garden of the Li family, and there was even a
small forest behind it.

Later, after the birth of several children, Li Jianglin

restored the open space on the left side of the villa to build
a swimming pool, and built a tennis court behind the villa,
hiring a teacher to teach the children to play tennis every

h d l h l k d d d
The car drove along the lakeside driveway, turned into a
quiet and secluded trail, and finally stopped in front of a
carved iron gate at the roadside.
The iron door slowly opened, and the driver drove the car

Li Zhenruo had been in his cage at first, but he couldn’t

help getting out when he was close to home and leaned
over to the window to look outside.
After all, this is the home he grew up in.
Since the construction of the tennis court, the Li family
hasn’t renovated or refurbished the house for many years.
The garden paths are the ones he knew well since his
childhood. The three-story villa looks a bit old, but it still
stands firmly.
The villa of the Li family is in the shape of an “L” letter. The
main villa in the middle is where the Li family lives, and the
side building on the right is the kitchen as well as the room
for the nanny, gardener, and driver.

After the driver stopped the car, Li Zhenran grabbed Li

Zhenruo with one hand and got out of the car, and walked
into the house, while the driver opened the rear
compartment and moved the other things out.
The old nanny of the Li family, Wang Ma, waited for Li
Zhenran outside the gate as soon as she heard the sound of
the car.
Wang Ma has been with the Li family for many years. She is
the nanny of the Li family’s eldest and second child, and
also raised the Li family’s third and fourth child since
He didn’t feel it when he was young, and it took Li Zhenruo
a long time to feel that the relationships between the Li
family were abnormal. Rather than being Li Jianglin’s

h h l b h
mistress, his mother was more a woman Li Jianglin bought
to give birth to him.

He was taken to Li’s house just after he was born and was
cut off from his mother’s milk. When he asked about his
mother when he was just a child, Li Jianglin always told him
that his mother had passed away. Later, when he was old
and sensible and wanted to find out, he learned that his
mother really had died some years ago. He also grew up
with his third brother. As for the eldest and second
brothers, he had never heard what kind of person their
mother was.
Li Jianglin has a wife.
His wife’s name is Zhu Yun, who hasn’t been able to bear a
child in her life. Perhaps it is because Zhu Yun is infertile
that Li Jianglin found a woman outside to give birth to a
child. Li Zhenruo thought that he probably didn’t love those
women, but only his wife, so he would find different women
to have children and deprive those women of the right to
raise children.
For the children of the Li family, Wang Ma is equivalent to
half of their mothers.

Wang Ma gave birth to a son and a daughter. The daughter

is older and is now married. The son is Li Zhenran’s
assistant, Hua Yibang.
In the past, Wang’s husband worked as a servant for the Li
family for a long time. After she gave birth to the child, she
served as a nanny for the Li family’s child. After that, the
couple stayed at the Li’s house until her husband passed
away, but Wang Ma did not leave.
As for Li Zhenruo, who has been missing his mother’s love
since childhood, his feelings for Wang Ma were naturally
Now that Li Zhenran came back with a cat in his hand,
Wang Ma asked when she saw it, “Zhenran, is this the cat
h h d
that Zhenzi mentioned?”

Li Zhenran gave an “um” and raised his arms to hand Li

Zhenruo to Wang Ma.
Wang Ma stretched out her hand but didn’t know how to
pick it up.
So Li Zhenran carried him into the room and put Li
Zhenruo on the ground.
“Oh,” Wang Ma was a little worried, “Will it make a mess?”

To be honest, Li Zhenran didn’t know. He removed the cat

hair that was left in his hand and asked Wang Ma, “What
did the third child say?”
Wang Ma shook her head, “He just say that Su Yao is going
to send a cat over and let me take over.”
Li Zhenran said, “Then let’s talk about it when he comes
back. It’s better for the cat to stay in the living room first.”
Li Zhenruo was still in a daze at this time, he raised his
head and stared blankly at the big house.

When he left at that time, his heart felt very painful. He

thought that he would never have a chance to come back
here in his life, but he didn’t expect to be in this strange
and odd situation today.
He walked two steps forward, and suddenly wanted to go
upstairs to take a look at his room.
At this time, Li Zhenran’s driver took in all Li Zhenruo’s
daily necessities, and Wang Ma directed him to put them in
the corner.
Since it is Li Zhenzi’s cat, Wang Ma thought that most of
the cat toilets should be put upstairs and kept in Li Zhenzi’s
room. But now that the person hasn’t come back, and no
k h d h l h
one can make the decision, they can only put it in the
corner of the living room on the first floor.
Li Zhenran unbuttoned his shirt collar while walking
towards the second floor, probably to take a shower and
change his clothes.

Li Zhenruo hesitated, pretending to stick to Li Zhenran,

and walked upstairs by his legs.
Li Zhenran paused, lowered his head to look at him.
So he also looked up at Li Zhenran, and hurriedly chased
after him when he took another step.
In the three-story building of Li’s main building, on the first
floor, in addition to the living room, there is Li Jianglin’s
bedroom, study, and two guest bedrooms. On the corner of
the stairs leading to the second floor on the first floor,
there is a wedding photo of Li Jianglin and his wife Zhu
The photo was already a bit old, Zhu Yun’s wedding dress
now looks tacky, and Li Jianglin even had shoulder-length
hair at that time. But it’s such an old photo, which has been
hanging here as far as Li Zhenruo could remember, and he
could see it every time he went up and down the staircase
every day.

A few years ago, Li Jianglin even asked someone to retouch

In regards to his wife, Li Jianglin is probably deeply in love
with her.
On the second floor of the main building are the bedrooms
of the brothers; Li Zhentai, Li Zhenzi, and Li Zhenruo. They
are all large bedrooms with separate bathrooms, and only
Li Zhenran’s room is on the third floor.
In fact, this was not the original room arrangement. The
room on the second floor was enough for all four of their
brothers to live. Later, Li Zhenran moved to the third floor
l h ll h l f f h h d fl h
alone, in the small attic on the left of the third floor. At that
time, Li Jianglin did not object.
In addition to Li Zhenran’s room on the third floor, there is
a study filled with large bookcases and a recreation room,
which has a home theatre and large soft sofas, as well as a
small bar, and a wine cabinet behind the bar filled with
expensive red wine.

On the top floor is a glass-roofed

sunroom1 on which
there is a pool table, a table tennis table, and a large swing
The Li brothers are all very good at enjoying life.
Li Zhenruo followed Li Zhenran’s legs on the second floor
and wanted to go to his own room to have a look, but it’s
not good enough to be too obvious, so he strayed from Li
Zhenran’s legs and swayed outside the rooms of Li Zhenzi
and Li Zhentai. And finally saw that the door of his room
was locked tightly.
A situation that he should have been expected long ago.
Li Zhenruo raised his paw and touched it. The door didn’t
move, so he could only turn around and return.

He didn’t expect Li Zhenran to stand on the edge of the

stairs and wait for him.
Li Zhenran asked him, “Where are you going?”
Li Zhenruo was a little dumbfounded, thinking how to
answer to him well, and so he could only answer him,
Li Zhenran raised his leg and continued up the stairs.
Li Zhenruo hesitated for a moment and chose to follow.

h h ll h f l f f h
Li Zhenran’s room is in the small attic on the far left of the
third floor. The attic has a pointed top and the upper edge
of the window is an arc. When the window is opened, it
faces the swimming pool outside.
The whole room is full of sunshine and neatly tidied up.
After Li Zhenruo followed Li Zhenran in, he realized that
this was the first time he had entered Li Zhenran’s room.
It’s very amazing. Li Zhenruo obviously lives in the same
big house, but Li Zhenruo never entered this brother’s
room once. If there was something he needed from him, he
would just stand at the door and knock, and Li Zhenran
would come out and talk to him.
After Li Zhenruo followed in at Li Zhenran’s feet, he
suddenly felt that this room was really good. The pointed
roof looked very high and it doesn’t look suffocating at all.
When the sun was high, you could even see the reflection of
the swimming pool swaying on the ceiling when you lay on
the bed. It is particularly cool in summer.

After entering the room, Li Zhenran smoothly locked the

Li Zhenruo looked back at the door but didn’t feel nervous.
Anyway, Li Zhenran would go to dinner later, so he can
look around his room at ease.
Li Zhenran’s bed is very low, resembling a tatami, and a
mattress is thrown on the raised wooden floor, and the bed
is covered with sheets.
The end of the bed faces the large wardrobe, a single desk
on the right side with a computer on it, and a bookshelf
next to it with more than a dozen books.
Li Zhenruo had also seen the general layout of the room in
the past from the door, but today he has time to take a
closer look. The dozen books on the bookshelf are all
financial investments, and the computer screen is black,
probably not turned on.
Li Zhenran stood by the bed and began to undress as if no
one was there.
Li Zhenruo accidentally looked up and found that Li
Zhenran had taken off his shirt, revealing a strong and
supple chest. At the same time, he opened the suit pants
with one hand, allowing the pants to slide down his legs.
Even though he was still wrapped in underwear, Li
Zhenruo still saw the bulge between Li Zhenran’s legs. He
immediately turned his eyes away and thought that
everyone clearly grew up eating together. Why did Li
Zhenzi and Li Zhenran have grown such big guys, and
there seems to be a gap between them?
Could it be only because they are truly Li Jianglin’s son,
and because he is not?
Li Zhenran took off his clothes directly in the room before
heading to the bathroom.

Li Zhenruo stayed silently. He was embarrassed to look at

Li Zhenran, and then he just lay down, with his round chin
resting on his fleshy paws, staring at Li Zhenran’s bed in a
It wasn’t until Li Zhenran entered the bathroom and closed
the door that he let out a long breath and looked around in
the room.
However, Li Zhenran didn’t have the habit of bringing work
stuff to the house. Li Zhenruo looked around and saw
nothing. He couldn’t open Li Zhenran’s drawers and
cabinets. After turning around, Li Zhenruo went back to Li
Zhenran’s bed and lay down.
Li Zhenran’s tatami is quite comfortable. He lay down for a
while and switched to lying on his side.
Within ten minutes, Li Zhenran came out after taking a

ll h l h d d h ff h
He still has no clothes on and just wiped the water off his
body with a towel.
Li Zhenruo thought: Exhibitionist. And then squinted his
Li Zhenran put on a set of casual clothes, wiped his face
with a towel, and heard the Wang Ma downstairs yelling,
“Dinner’s ready.”
He didn’t respond, but just walked over and lifted Li
Zhenruo’s neck, then opened the door of the room and
walked out.
Li Zhenzi hadn’t yet returned during dinner at night. He
had a dinner party outside today.

In addition to Li Zhenran, there was also the eldest brother

Li Zhentai at home.
Li Zhentai is thirty-two years old this year, four years older
than Li Zhenran, and nine years older than Li Zhenruo.
Although he is not as good-looking as Li Zhenran and Li
Zhenzi, Li Zhentai could be regarded to have a tall figure
with good features, coupled with an easygoing personality,
and always have a smile on his face to some extend.
He is not married yet, but he has a fiancée. The two have a
close relationship, and they were probably beginning to
raise money for marriage.
Seeing Li Zhenran grabbing a cat down, Li Zhentai was
surprised and asked, “Where did the cat come from?”
Li Zhenran came down to the first floor, released him from
his hand, and put Li Zhenruo on the ground, saying, “The
third one’s.”

Li Zhentai smiled when he heard this and said, “The third

child indeed have a good spirits.” After finishing speaking,
he didn’t pay much attention to Li Zhenruo, and only said
to Li Zhenran, “Let’s eat.”
Chapter 7
Li Jianglin was not nearby.

In fact, almost half a year ago, Li Jianglin lived in a villa

near the sea all year round to recuperate because he was
not feeling well. If it was not for an important event, he
would usually not come back.
Even if there’s something important, Li Jianglin would fly
back soon after he finished dealing with the matter. He was
unwilling to stay here longer.

At that time, at least one-third of Yunlin’s important work

fell on Li Zhenruo’s shoulders, another third was done by Li
Zhenran, and the remaining third was the responsibility of
Li Zhentai and Li Zhenzi.
Although Li Zhentai is the eldest of the Li family brothers,
because of his gentle personality and mediocre work
performance, he was least favoured by Li Jianglin. Even Li
Zhenzi was more favoured by his father than him.
While eating, Li Zhenran left Li Zhenruo aside and ignored
him. Wang Ma poured him a bowl of cat food for him to eat
slowly in the corner of the dining room.

Li Zhenruo was a little envious when he looked at the

dishes on the table. The Li family’s cook was specially
hired. Even if it’s for inviting guests for dinner, he could
immediately make an exquisite banquet table. He didn’t
know how much better it was than the 1000 years
unchanging taste of his cat food.
h d h lk h
Li Zhenran and Li Zhentai were talking as they ate.
Most of the time, it was Li Zhentai who was talking, and Li
Zhenran was listening in silence. These words on the
dinner table never had anything special within them, since
Li Zhenran and Li Zhentai would not confide earnestly in
each other. Li Zhenruo didn’t find their conversation
interesting, so he went to the living room’s sofa after
After dinner, Li Zhentai asked the driver to prepare his car
to go out, while Li Zhenran went straight upstairs.

Li Zhenruo didn’t follow up this time, and Li Zhenran didn’t

care about it anymore. He went back upstairs and closed
the door to his room.
The nanny cleaned up the dining room and went back to
the side house, closing the door leading from the dining
room to there. Only Wang Ma was left in the living room
here because Wang Ma’s room was right next to the dining
room. Sometimes she would open the door when the young
masters of the Li family came back late at night, or she
could add a meal when they were hungry.
The TV is on, and Wang Ma sits in the living room while
knitting a sweater while watching TV.
Li Zhenruo knew she was making clothes for her grandson,
Wang Ma was old and had bad eyesight. She had to turn on
a big lamp, and it took a lot of time to stitch and fasten the

But it was always good to have someone at home with the

light on and the TV on, which seems a bit popular.
Li Zhenruo jumped on the sofa, walked up to Wang Ma, and
leaned his head on her thigh. The smell on Wang Ma’s body
was very familiar. When he was a child, he used to hold her
like this, she felt warm and powerful, like a mother’s
embrace. He still remembers that when he packed up and
left the Li family, the whole family had an indifferent
d l dd h l
expression, and Li Jianglin didn’t even show up. Only Wang
Ma looked at him and kept crying until he went out with his
Later, Wang Ma also called him and asked him if he was
doing well and wanted to send some clothes and food over.
The old lady turned her head to look at him, stretched out
her hand to touch the top of his head. He didn’t know if she
remembered something and sighed for no reason.

It wasn’t until ten o’clock that night that Li Zhenzi came

back from outside.
Wang Ma went to open the door. As soon as he opened the
door, Li Zhenzi gave her a hug, kissed her face like a
Westerner’s habit, and said, “Mammy!“
Li Zhenruo peeked out from his cat bed, knowing that Li
Zhenzi had drunk too much.
Li Zhenzi was not a good drinker, and he often did
inexplicable things when he was drunk. This makes Li
Jianglin very dissatisfied with him for a while. Li Zhenzi
was aware of that fact himself, so he controlled the amount
of alcohol and seldom got completely drunk outside.

However, he didn’t know what kind of dinner party Li

Zhenzi had tonight so he unexpectedly came back drunk
“Aiyo,” Wang Ma muttered, “Why did you drink so much?”
She took Li Zhenzi from the driver and helped him to go
upstairs. After all, Wang Ma was too old to support such a
tall young man, so she asked the driver to come in and
The two people dragged and pulled. They just helped Li
Zhenzi to walk to the top of the stairs, but Li Zhenzi
suddenly stopped, he vigorously broke free of the two of
them and walked towards Li Zhenruo’s cat bed.
Li Zhenruo was not in the mood to entertain the drunkards,
so he hid himself in the cat bed motionless.
He did not expect Li Zhenzi to squat down beside the cat
bed, and suddenly said, “Come out!”
Wang Ma hurried over and asked worriedly, “What’s
Li Zhenruo shrank himself into a ball and hid in the
innermost part of the cat bed.

Li Zhenzi saw that he refused to come out, so he reached in

with his hand, grabbed one of Li Zhenruo’s paws and pulled
it out.
Li Zhenruo let out a cry in panic.
Wang Ma was taken aback, and pulled Li Zhenzi by the
shoulders and said, “What are you tossing the cat for? It’s
already so late!”
Li Zhenzi said, “Too dirty! Let’s go take a bath!”
Wang Ma sweated, “What bath are you taking this late? If
you find it dirty, I will bathe it tomorrow morning.”

Li Zhenzi didn’t listen to any words said, grabbed Li

Zhenruo’s paws and pulled him. Seeing him struggling, he
switched to using both hands to hold his two paws and
carried him upstairs.
Li Zhenruo was a little annoyed, struggling all the way and
let out a horrible cry.
But a cat’s strength is really limited.
Li Zhenzi walked down flutteringly, but he didn’t loosen his
hand at all, he just grabbed Li Zhenruo to the second floor
and walked towards his room.

d h d b h f ll d
Wang Ma and the driver both followed up. Wang Ma was so
anxious that she trotted all the way. Seeing that Li Zhenzi
had returned to his room, she said to the driver, “Forget it,
you go to rest first. I’ll watch him.”

The driver agreed, turned and went downstairs.

They made a lot of noise along the way. Li Zhentai had
already returned at nine o’clock in the evening, but at this
time the door was closed tightly, and he never came out to
take a look.
Li Zhenzi grabbed Li Zhenruo back to his room, walked all
the way into the bathroom, and threw Li Zhenruo into the
Li Zhenruo turned around and wanted to go out, but when
Li Zhenzi held his tail down, he screamed.
Li Zhenzi pressed his back, opened the shower with one
hand, and used a sprinkler to aim at his head and pour the
water down. The water was still cold, and Li Zhenruo
quivered, shaking his head vigorously to throw the water

Wang Ma stood behind him and kept sighing and

persuading him to stop making trouble.
Li Zhenruo was furious that he couldn’t get out of the
bathtub because Li Zhenzi was putting pressure on him.
The water was poured hard on the top of his head again.
Later he raised his paws, and randomly grabbed towards
the top, but didn’t expect it to catch something soft.
“Ah!” Wang Ma shrieked.
Li Zhenzi only felt a chill on his face at the beginning and
felt a painful heat immediately after. He reached out and
wiped it, and found that the back of his hand was stained
with blood.
While Li Zhenzi was in a daze, Li Zhenruo scurried out of
the bathtub regardless of the water all over his body.
He ran to the door, saw Li Zhenran who was walking this
way, looked up at him, and then lowered his head and
continued running downstairs.
Li Zhenzi chased him out for two steps, but was stopped by
Li Zhenran. As he saw the scratches on his face, Li Zhenran
quickly said, “Take care of the wound first.”
Li Zhenruo ran all the way downstairs. He panicked and
jumped directly onto the window of the living room. After
returning to his senses, he realized that he could jump up
to a high window.
Li Zhenzi never chased down.
Wang Ma came down, rummaged through the first aid kit,
and hurried up again.

Li Zhenruo stood by the window for a while and shivered

when the cold wind blew. He jumped down from the
window and hid in the corner behind the sofa. He was
afraid that Li Zhenzi would come and annoy him.
He regretted it a little bit. It feels good to scratch with that
paw, but it’s a big problem if he pissed off Li Zhenzi and
was thrown away. He finally got into Li’s house, and it was
not worth it to be kicked out for such a trivial matter.
If Yu Bingwei was angry at him because of what he did to Li
Zhenzhi and refused to raise him, he would have to go out
as a stray cat.
As he thought of this, Li Zhenruo felt even more frustrated.
He put his paws together, put his round chin on his paws,
and sighed with half-closed eyes.
He ran too fast just now, and he didn’t see whether Li
Zhenzi’s wound was deep or not, but he had been
vaccinated, and he hadn’t been exposed to other animals
outside, so it shouldn’t be a big problem.

f h d d f b h d d h
But even if Li Zhenzi died of rabies, he deserved it! What’s
the matter with such a big man bullying a cat?
Li Zhenruo patted his tail on the ground, curled up to warm
himself up.
Later, because the fur was wet and too cold, he did not fall
asleep for a long time. Until the fur was almost dry, he
went to bite his cat bed and drag it to the back of the sofa,
then went in and curled up to sleep.
He slept until dawn when he heard the sound of people
walking in the living room and immediately woke up.
He woke up and recalled what happened last night. Li
Zhenruo was lying on his back and didn’t want to move.

Wang Ma was walking around in the living room, and her

footsteps suddenly stopped. She said strangely, “Where is
the cat?”
Not only the cat was missing, but the cat bed was also
Li Zhenruo intended to continue to lie down and play dead.
Wang Ma was very surprised.
Later, Li Zhenran got up and went downstairs. Wang Ma
said to him, “Who took the cat and the cat bed away?”

Li Zhenran frowned upon hearing this, and when he was

still speaking, he heard a soft sneeze.
Li Zhenruo’s nose was itchy and he really couldn’t hold it
Li Zhenran heard the movement and walked towards the
back of the sofa. As soon as he approached, he saw Li
Zhenruo’s cat bed and squatted down in front of it.
Li Zhenruo raised his head to look at him, and couldn’t hold
back another sneeze.
h h h d d h dh
At this time, Li Zhenzi had come downstairs, he raised his
hand to press the back of his neck while walking down the
stairs and moved his neck with a somewhat uncomfortable

The headache from the hangover was more unbearable

than the cat scratches on his face.
Li Zhenran stood up and asked Li Zhenzi when he saw him,
“Do you remember what you did when you came back last
As he heard that, he subconsciously raised his hand to
touch the wound on his face. The three scratches were
actually not deep, but a little blood came out of the skin,
and because they were on the face, they were particularly
He frowned and nodded, and said, “I drank too much. I only
remember a little.” He didn’t remember it perfectly, and he
was bewildered by a lot of unclear scenes. But he still
remembered that he was the one who provoked the cat
He remembered, and Li Zhenzi was still a little annoyed
when he was scratched like that. He glanced in the
direction of the cat bed and said strangely, “Where is

Li Zhenran asked him, “The cat’s name is Dumpling?”

Li Zhenzi nodded. He was not too alarmed by Li Zhenruo’s
disappearance. He went to the dining room and poured
himself a glass of water.
Li Zhenran looked down at Li Zhenruo, and then said to Li
Zhenzi, “It might be frightened.”
He was so scared that he dragged his cat bed behind the
Li Zhenzi took the water glass and sat down at the table,
drinking water and said, “What’s it scared of? I didn’t hit
ll l l h
it.” His voice was still a little hoarse.
Wang Ma helped bring breakfast from the kitchen, and said
after hearing the words, “You didn’t hear how badly it
meowed yesterday as if you were going to kill him.” After
finishing speaking, she seemed to feel that the cat was
pitiful, and persuaded, “It is also frightened, so don’t be
hard on it.”

Li Zhenzi choked while drinking the water, “It scratched

me with its paw and I didn’t say anything, but now I have to
be sorry for it?”
Wang Ma looked at him with silent condemnation in her
Li Zhenzi raised his hand and surrendered, “Okay, okay.
It’s my fault. I’m not going to argue with a cat, okay? You
tell it to come out, and I apologize to it.”
Li Zhenran squatted down again, and did not reach out to
catch Li Zhenruo in the cat bed, but opened his palm
towards the door of the cat bed.

Li Zhenruo looked at Li Zhenran’s hand, wondering what

does this mean? If I come out obediently, doesn’t it mean I
have surrendered to you?
However, he quickly thought that now that Li Zhenzi gave
him a way out of the situation, he had better follow along. It
is better to have Li Zhenran as a supporter than without Li
Zhenran. If he didn’t want to be driven out of Li’s house, he
might still have to do something.
His heart was completely torn, Li Zhenruo finally stood up
and walked slowly towards Li Zhenran. He looked up at Li
Zhenran and put his paw on Li Zhenran’s palm.
At that moment Li Zhenran’s expression was slightly
stunned, but he didn’t say anything. He just picked him up
and walked towards the dining room.
The author has something to say:

I have a lot of manuscripts in deposit, but I can’t show them

to you!

Chapter 8
Li Zhenran’s body has a clean perfume smell.

Li Zhenruo moved, changed into a comfortable posture, laid

on his stomach, and sneezed again.
After he sat down, Li Zhenran pulled a tissue and wiped his

Li Zhenzi raised one leg and watched him move, and said,
“Second brother, do you like it?”
Li Zhenran combed Li Zhenruo’s fur with his fingers, and
said casually, “Yeah.”
Li Zhenruo liked this feeling very much and quietly plopped
down on his lap.

Li Zhenzi raised his hand and touched the wound on his

face, without saying anything.
Li Zhenran took an egg, peeled it, broke the yolk into
pieces, and fed it to Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenruo hasn’t eaten anything other than cat food for a
long time. Although he didn’t think of it before, he felt that
h lk ll d f dh h
the egg yolk smelled quite fragrant. He opened his mouth,
licked the egg yolk in Li Zhenran’s hand, and then licked Li
Zhenran’s fingers. Later he licked Li Zhenran’s fingers
He was a cat anyway, and he gradually didn’t mind this

A few minutes later, Li Zhentai came down from the upper

floor. He stopped when he saw the injury on Li Zhenzhi’s
face, and said in surprise, “What happened?”
Li Zhenzi made such a big noise in the room last night, and
even Li Zhenran came down from upstairs. But Li Zhentai
did not even open the door of the room.
Now that he saw the wound on Li Zhenzi’s face, Li
Zhentai’s first sentence is, “This was scratched by a
woman, right?”
Li Zhenzi glanced at him, and said coldly, “The cat
scratched it.”

With a smile on Li Zhentai’s face, he walked to the table

and sat down, and saw the cat lying on Li Zhenran’s lap
eating egg yolk, and said, “Even after scratching his master
the cat still got a good treatment?”
Li Zhenruo lifted his round face from Li Zhenran’s arms
and glanced at him blankly.
Li Zhentai still found it funny and sat down at the table.
After a while, he said to Li Zhenzi, “Have you gone to the
hospital? Beware of rabies.”
At this time, Wang Ma put the hot milk on the table for Li
Zhentai, and after hearing that, she said, “It’s not like it’s a
dog, where rabies came from.”

Li Zhentai said, “It’s better to be careful after all.”

h f k l dh h d d
Li Zhenzi ate a piece of cookies, clapped his hands and
said, “I called and asked. This cat has undergone a physical
examination and was vaccinated. It has been domesticated
since it was a child, so it is not a big problem.”
Li Zhenran came down last night and helped him squeeze
the blood from the wound. Later, he asked Wang Ma to
disinfect it with iodine. After that, he called Li’s personal
doctor and said that there was no problem and no injection
was needed.
Li Zhentai heard the words and said, “That’s good.”

Li Zhenruo stayed on Li Zhenran’s lap until he finished his

Li Zhenran carried him to the ground, stood up and patted
the cat’s fur on his leg, and asked Wang Ma to inform the
driver to send him to the company.
Seeing Li Zhenran gone, Li Zhenruo immediately ran back
to his cat bed to hide and waited until Li Zhenzi and Li
Zhentai had both left before getting out.
In the morning, the auntie went to clean up the rooms on
the second and third floors.

Li Zhenruo followed up to the second floor and walked

around in the rooms of Li Zhentai and Li Zhenzi, and found
nothing interesting.
After he came out, he saw the auntie taking the key to open
the door of his room.
Li Zhenruo was stunned.
He did not expect that after so long since his death, the Li
family still cleaned his room every day.

The door opened, and the auntie walked directly in.

h d h d k d h h d
Li Zhenruo stayed at the door, poked out his head
cautiously and looked inside.
Everything seems to be the same as when he left. Even
when they didn’t move his computer, it’s just that the whole
room was neatly cleaned, and the room has lost a bit of his
What he didn’t know was that the clothes he hadn’t packed
away in his closet had all been burned after his death, and
a lot of his personal belongings had been burned as well,
and now the room just remains an empty shell.
The cleaning auntie swept the floor and wiped off the dust
on the tabletop, and then stepped out to close the door.

Seeing Li Zhenruo still poking his head and looking in, she
whispered to him, “Let’s go, I’m going to close the door.”
Li Zhenruo withdrew his head.
The auntie immediately closed the door and locked it with
the key.
Then the auntie went to clean up the room on the third
floor. Li Zhenruo felt depressed and unwilling to follow up
anymore, and slowly descended the stairs to the first floor.
When he walked all the way down, he saw his cat home had
been moved back to the corner of the living room. He
couldn’t help but pause and hesitate.

As soon as someone opened the door, one could see his

spot. In addition to lack of security, things like Li Zhenzi
going crazy after drinking alcohol last night will inevitably
happen again.
Li Zhenruo thought that if he wanted to stay, it would be
better to change to another place. After much deliberation,
the third floor would be the most suitable.
Although Li Zhenran lives on the third floor, Li Zhenran has
a very quiet personality, and some rooms on the third floor
ll d h l bl l f
were usually not visited. There were also public toilets for
him to put his cat toilets. Wasn’t that better than the first
floor, which was full of people?
Li Zhenruo looked at Wang Ma who was sitting on the sofa
and continued to knit a sweater. It was impossible for him
to express his thoughts to Wang Ma, and so he could only
think of a way on his own.
He thought it over. Li Zhenruo walked over and tried to
bite his cat bed with his mouth. His entire face was too flat,
and he worked hard for a long time to bite a little of his cat
bed, and then dragged it up the stairs.

At first, Wang Ma didn’t notice him.

Li Zhenruo dragged his cat bed up a short flight of stairs,
and the corners of his mouth were sore. Although the cat
bed was made of cotton, and it was not too heavy, but it
was not light for a cat.
He dragged the cat bed until he finished a flight of stairs, if
not he couldn’t rest at all. As long as he released his
mouth’s grip, the cat bed would slide down the stairs again.
While he was struggling with his bed, the auntie who was
cleaning upstairs came down and was stunned when he
saw him at the top of the stairs, “Oh my, what are you
Wang Ma looked up and was also surprised. She quickly
put down the things in her hand and walked here.

The auntie finally saw that Li Zhenruo was struggling to

move, and she reached out to help him pick up the cat bed
with a dazed expression, “What does this cat want to do?”
Wang Ma came over, held the glasses with one hand, and
asked, “Dumpling? What are you doing?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t know how to express his action, he could
only climb up the stairs, stand on the top and call out to the
two of them.
h df d d b d
The auntie reacted first and said, “It wants its own cat bed
to be dragged up, right?”
Wang Ma asked strangely, “Dragged it up to where?”

Li Zhenruo heard her question and hurriedly ran ahead to

show her the way. He took Wang Ma and the auntie to the
third floor together. Seeing that the door of the recreation
room was not closed, he ran in and shouted at them in the
Wang Ma was at a loss.
The auntie understood, and said to Wang Ma, “It wants to
move here.”
Wang Ma heard it and said, “How can you do that! This is a
recreation room, not a pet room, you can’t live here.”
“Meow!” Li Zhenruo was a little anxious.

Wang Ma still waved her hand, “No way, no way, I can’t

make the decision.”
After she finished speaking, she asked the auntie to put Li
Zhenruo’s cat bed back into the living room on the first
Li Zhenruo suddenly became a little frustrated, he chased it
back to the first floor and saw her put his cat bed back to
its original place.
Wang Ma lowered her head and said to him, “You’re a good
boy. Don’t run around, and beware when Zhenzi came back
to see you and bully you again.”
His mouth was sore, and he really got no strength left to
drag the bed again. Besides, he couldn’t drag it upstairs at

h h h h l k f bl d
Wang Ma thought that he was just looking for trouble, and
fed him some cat snacks to make him behave.
Li Zhenruo went back to the bed and laid down for a while.
He thought that if there was one person in this family who
could agree to let him move to the third floor, and that was
his second brother.
But Li Zhenran was not at home at this time.
Li Zhenruo thought for a while, got up from the cat bed,
walked to the edge of the door and lay down, waiting
wholeheartedly for his second brother to come back.
However, in the evening, Li Zhenran did not come back,
and Li Zhenzi went home first. As soon as he saw Li Zhenzi,
Li Zhenruo hid behind the sofa, Li Zhenzi didn’t pay
attention to him and went straight upstairs.

After a while, Li Zhenruo saw that Li Zhentai was back, and

his fiancé Wen Chun was walking with him.
Wen Chun is the daughter of Li Jianglin’s old friend. When
Li Jianglin was struggling to start a career, his friend gave
him a lot of help. Later, when the Li family became wealthy,
he never forgot this friend.
Wen Chun was from a wealthy family since she was a child
and coupled with her beautiful appearance, she naturally
has a high standard.
Li Zhentai also has a high position, is upright, and is Li
Jianglin’s eldest son. The two are quite a good match.
Wen Chun saw Li Zhenruo lying in front of the door, and
was a little surprised. She asked Li Zhentai, “Who owns the

Li Zhentai said, “The third child.”

Wen Chun wore a royal blue long dress with a white short
coat and squatted down to touch Li Zhenruo.

h h d d l h h h
Li Zhenruo had a pretty good relationship with Wen Chun
in the past, so he stay on the ground and didn’t move,
letting Wen Chun touch the top of his head.
Li Zhenran did not come back for dinner. During the
dinner, Li Zhenzi sat at a table with Li Zhentai and Wen
Chun. And as long as there are no guests at the dinner,
Wang Ma will also go to the table to have dinner with them.
Therefore, during the dinner today, most of the time Wang
Ma was chatting with Wen Chun. Li Zhenzi didn’t speak
much, but only occasionally talked and laughed with Wen
Chun and Li Zhentai.
Li Zhenzi had finished eating early, and said, “You guys
take your time. I have an appointment with a tennis coach
in the evening, so I’m going to change.”

Wen Chun nodded politely.

Li Zhenzi left the dining room and walked towards the
Li Zhenruo glanced at Li Zhenzi, lowered his head and
continued to eat cat food.
On this side, Wen Chun stood up to help Ma Wang tidy up
the table after eating. But Wang Ma didn’t dare to let her
move and urged her and Li Zhentai to go upstairs to rest.
Wen Chun smiled and said, “It must’ve been hard for you,
Wang Ma.”
When Li Zhenruo saw that Li Zhentai and Wen Chun were
about to go upstairs, he didn’t want to finish the cat food.
He raised his paw and pushed lightly the fur around his
mouth and quickly followed.

He didn’t dare to follow too close for fear that Li Zhentai

would notice him, so he kept a distance by almost half a
Li Zhentai and Wen Chun walked towards the third floor
while talking. The two of them entered the recreation room.
h d h d lk d h b
Li Zhentai turned on the music and walked to the bar to
drink red wine.
Li Zhenruo went in close to the corner, and they didn’t
notice him at first.
Later, Wen Chun suddenly pointed at him and said, “The
cat is coming up too.” After that, she knelt down and
stretched out her hand to tease Li Zhenruo over.

Li Zhenruo hesitated, walked over and let Wen Chun

scratch his chin.
Wen Chun asked Li Zhentai, “What’s its name?”
Li Zhentai poured red wine into the glass and said, “I don’t
Wen Chun just smiled upon hearing this.
Li Zhentai has a red wine glass in one hand, walks up to
Wen Chun and handed her a glass, then carried his own
wine to the front of the sofa and sat down in front of the

Wen Chun stood in front of the window, took a sip of red

wine, and said to Li Zhentai, “I heard that Li Zhenran is
now in charge of the Qijiang project?”
Qijiang’s project is Yunlin’s large-scale cultural tourism
project in the west.
Li Zhentai said “Um”, and the voice sounded a little
Wen Chun slowly turned around and looked out the
window, “How long has Jason gone? Your family is really
Li Zhenruo looked up at her.

h l h lk
Jason is Li Zhenruo’s English name. He grew up not liking
his name. He remembered when he was in primary school,
everyone ridiculed him as “You’re so weak1his name 臻若
(Zhēnruò) has the same sound as 真弱(zhēnruò) = so
weak“. Later, he gave himself an English name, and friends
around him who were close to him were not allowed to call
him by his Chinese name.
Unexpectedly, after returning home, the first person to
mention himself was the future sister-in-law who had not
yet married into the family.
Li Zhentai sighed after hearing the words, “People die, so
what if I grieve? Didn’t I still have to keep doing my job?”
Wen Chun said, “Why don’t you say it’s because you just
have to continue making money?”
Li Zhentai didn’t answer this time.

Li Zhenruo thought to himself, the fact that he is not Li

Jianglin’s biological son was probably really well hidden.
When he left, even Wang Ma didn’t know what was going
on and only thought Li Jianglin was so mad at him that he
was kicked out.
And even Li Zhentai didn’t say anything about it to his
Wen Chun didn’t know what he was thinking and kept
looking out the window.
Li Zhenruo took two steps back and jumped onto the
window sill with a run-up. His heart was pounding non-
stop, but he didn’t expect to jump up smoothly! He was
worried that it would be bad if he had pushed too hard and
fallen out headfirst.
Wen Chun saw him jump up, smiled and stretched out his
hand to touch his head.

h d h d ll dl k d
Li Zhenruo stood on the window sill and looked out.
Suddenly from here, he could see Li Zhenzi playing on the
tennis court behind.
Li Zhenzi liked tennis. He would ask the coach of the club
to play with him at home from time to time, which saved
the time of going out on the road.
Wen Chun rubbed Li Zhenruo’s fur with her fingers, and
said, “How is the hotel project along the coast going?”
A resort hotel project along the coast was now in Li
Zhentai’s charge. He heard Wen Chun ask and said,
“Nothing, everything is going well.”
But Wen Chun said, “I heard that there seems to be
something wrong with the project there?”

Li Zhentai reached out and ruffled his hair, “I’ll ask

someone to go over and deal with it.”
Wen Chun asked him, “You don’t go there in person?”
Li Zhentai did not answer this time, but put down the wine
glass and walked towards Wen Chun. He hugged Wen Chun
from behind, reached out and took the wine glass in her
hand, and said, “Don’t worry, I will take care of it.”
After he finished speaking, Wen Chun turned to face him.
The two kissed softly.

Li Zhentai said, “Let’s go to my room?”

Wen Chun nodded.
As he saw the two of them leaving, Li Zhenruo breathed a
sigh of relief. He was afraid of their passion. If they had to
do something in this place, he would feel so awkward.
Although he was just a cat, he has seen the third and
second elder brothers in succession. He really didn’t want
to take a look at the eldest brother.
The author has something to say:

I will go to see The Return of the Great Sage in imax at


Chapter 9
Li Zhentai and Wen Chun left, but Li Zhenruo remained on
the windowsill of the recreation room.

He poked his head out to take a look and found that if he

walked along the window sill, he could reach past the pipe.
He could then climb down the pipe to the window sill on
the second floor, or go straight down to the first floor.
The security of Li’s family was strict outside. There were
anti-theft equipment and surveillance cameras along the
outer wall. After entering, the security would be relatively
loose, especially in the building. The Li family would
definitely not allow cameras to peep at their privacy.

If he could walk this way, he would be able to go to many

rooms from the first floor to the third floor in the future
unhindered, which was considered as a very good thing.
But Li Zhenruo was a little nervous. Climbing the water
pipe seemed simple, but it didn’t seem to be an easy thing
to be done.
He took a deep breath and walked over there cautiously.
Li Zhenzi was playing ball with the coach. He was facing
the building at home, and saw a cat tumble out from the
third floor’s window, walked a bit along the window sill,
then hugged a pipe to slide down clumsily.
Li Zhenruo really slid down, he couldn’t control his speed
at all. He wanted to jump on the window sill on the second
floor but failed. He just sat down directly on the grass on
the first floor.
He was stunned for a while, then Li Zhenruo got up and
started licking his fur.

Cats have barbs1 on their tongues. Licking the fur was

actually equivalent to combing the fur, especially on the
inside of the forelimb. The fur was messy because of the
pipe, and if you looked closely, the skin underneath was a
little red.

He combed his fur all over and heard a “pop” when he

stood up, and the tennis court fence behind him shook
because of the huge impact.
Li Zhenruo was startled and shrank his head, and then
when he looked at it, he found out that it was the
movement made by Li Zhenzi from hitting the fence with a
Li Zhenzi deliberately hit that ball in the direction of Li
Zhenruo. As he saw the stupid cat shrank in fright, he
smiled in satisfaction and motioned to the coach across the
court to continue.
Li Zhenruo didn’t know what Li Zhenzi was thinking. He
got up and trotted away along the periphery of the tennis

Li Zhenzi came back from the front door after playing the
ball and met Wen Chun coming down from the second
He stopped in his tracks and asked, “Chun jie2a way to call
one’s older sister or someone older(female) is leaving?”
Wen Chun smiled and said, “I have something to do in the
morning, it’s not convenient for me to go from here.”
“Oh,” Li Zhenzi glanced at Wen Chun from behind, “Eldest
brother is not driving you back?”

Wen Chun said, “He asked the driver to take me back.”

Li Zhenzi just came back from the court, he looks healthy
and dashing in a white tennis uniform, and with a tennis
racket in his hand. He frowned and said, “In any case let
me walk you to the car. I might as well drive you back.”
Wen Chun heard this and looked at him with a smile, “Why
are you so courteous?”
Li Zhenzi has already helped her open the door, “Because
you are the future sister-in-law.”

With that, he accompanied Wen Chun to the outside.

Li Zhenruo lay on the back of the sofa chair and watched
this scene quietly, and thought that Li Zhentai was too
indifferent to Wen Chun. At the same time, he thought that
Li Zhenzi seemed to be somewhat too attentive like he was
trying to steal and commit adultery. Anyway, it didn’t look
He stayed on the back of the sofa until the evening. He
thought of going to the bathroom halfway through, but he
was too lazy to move.
Wang Ma squeezed his little arm when she passed by and
said, “What’s the matter? Why are you this listless?”

Li Zhenruo raised his eyelids without moving his head.

h df h d k
However, as soon as Wang Ma had finished speaking, Li
Zhenran opened the door and came in.
Li Zhenruo stood up all of a sudden and jumped directly
from the back of the sofa chair to Li Zhenran’s feet.
Li Zhenran almost stepped on him.

Li Zhenruo didn’t back away, and just rubbed himself

against Li Zhenran’s leg.
Li Zhenran was a little at a loss, “What’s the matter?”
Wang Ma was also puzzled, “It was half dead just now, but
as soon as it saw you back, it came to life.”
Li Zhenruo wanted to bite Li Zhenran’s trouser legs and
brought him to his cat bed. But because his face was too
flat, he opened his mouth and did not get anything.
Li Zhenran just saw him rubbing his flat face on his legs
repeatedly, and couldn’t help bending down and grabbing
his head, “What are you doing?”

Li Zhenruo was a little aggrieved and made a “meow”

Li Zhenran let go of his hand and said, “Stop rubbing, just
say what you want.”
Wang Ma was a little dazed, How could it tell you? It’s a
As a result, Li Zhenruo randomly ran to his cat bed and
meowed at Li Zhenran vigorously.
Li Zhenran followed, and asked him, “What about it?”

Li Zhenruo wanted to bite the cat bed but couldn’t actually

bite it, then turned around and used his head on it, finally
moving the cat bed a short distance.
h b l h h d d h h fh
Li Zhenran barely caught his idea, and thought of him
dragging the cat bed behind the sofa early in the morning,
so he bent down and picked it up for him, and asked, “You
don’t want to stay here?”
YES! Li Zhenruo thought to himself, he’s indeed worthy of
being father’s favourite second son of the Li family!
Li Zhenran thought that Li Zhenruo wanted to live behind
the sofa again, so he helped him move the cat bed over, but
was blocked by Li Zhenruo in the middle.
Li Zhenruo turned and ran up the stairs, climbed a few
steps and turned around to look at him.

Wang Ma understood this time, she said to Li Zhenran, “It

wanted to live in the recreation room on the third floor.”
Li Zhenran glanced at Wang Ma and walked towards the
stairs holding the cat bed.
“Oh!” Wang Ma hurriedly stopped him, “Is it okay?”
Li Zhenran said, “Why is it not okay? Let it live the way it
Li Zhenruo was moved to tears, thinking that Li Zhenran
turned out to be a good person, and he had misunderstood
him for so long.

Wang Ma frowned, but after hearing Li Zhenran’s approval,

she did not object.
Li Zhenran walked up the stairs and said to Wang Ma,
“Wang Ma, just go to bed, and I will help you move the rest
of your things up. You don’t have to worry about it. It lives
wherever it likes, and it’s just a cat. It’s not a problem.”
Wang Ma sighed a little helplessly, and said, “Suit
Li Zhenran first placed Li Zhenruo’s cat bed in the
recreation room on the third floor and then helped him
b h l h f db l l f h d
bring up the cat toilet. But his food bowl was left untouched
in the dining room on the first floor.
Li Zhenruo expressed his satisfaction with the new room,
and went into his cat bed and lay on his stomach.

In the end, Li Zhenran squatted in front of the cat bed after

packing up his things and said to him, “Come out.”
Li Zhenruo was taken aback for a moment. He didn’t know
what happened, but he didn’t want to make Li Zhenran
unhappy. After all, Li Zhenran was the only one who
treated him best.
So he carefully pulled his head out and looked at Li
Zhenran at a loss for words.
Li Zhenran even picked him up and walked towards his
room, and said, “Go take a shower.”
Li Zhenruo rubbed all over the grass today and hasn’t
cleaned it up yet. He doesn’t know, but Li Zhenran can see
it clearly.

As soon as he heard the shower, he inevitably recalled the

scene of being tossed by Li Zhenzi last night. Li Zhenruo
shuddered and looked around trying to run.
Li Zhenran sensed his resistance and said, “Don’t be afraid
and take a bath properly. You are dirty.”
Li Zhenruo looked down at himself, he was indeed a bit
Mama Yu used to bathe him with gentle movements. He
was not a real cat, so he was not afraid of water. Bathing
was quite enjoyable for him. Now as he listened to Li
Zhenran say that Li Zhenruo felt that it was time for him to
take a bath. If he didn’t take a bath, he would smell bad, so
he stopped struggling.
Li Zhenran carried Li Zhenruo back to his room. Instead of
putting him in the bathtub, he filled the washbasin with hot
d h
water and put him in.

At this time, Li Zhenran remembered that the pet shampoo

that he had not brought was still in the bathroom on the
first floor, so he turned around and planned to go
downstairs to take it.
As a result, when Li Zhenruo saw that he was about to
leave, one paw stretched out. Li Zhenran turned around
and pointed at him with a serious expression, “Don’t come
Li Zhenruo instantly felt intimidated, he hesitated, and
finally retracted his paw silently.
After a while, Li Zhenran came up with Li Zhenruo’s
shower gel.
He released the hot water in the washbasin, squeezed the
shower gel in his hand, and slathered it on Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo was very cooperative and stood motionlessly. If

he was asked to lift his paws, he would lift his paws, and if
he was asked to lift his legs, he would lift his legs. It was
just that when Li Zhenran was washing the bottom, he was
a little unhappy and closed his legs tightly, but then Li
Zhenran separated him with one hand.
If it weren’t for the hairy face, Li Zhenruo thought he would
blush. Later, he thought he was a cat anyway, so it’s
whatever and let Li Zhenran have his way.
Li Zhenran’s palm was bigger and stronger than Mama Yu.
It felt very comfortable when he rubbed his body.
Suddenly, Li Zhenran stopped and moved his palm away
from Li Zhenruo. Li Zhenruo quickly looked up and saw Li
Zhenran looking at him thoughtfully.
Li Zhenruo didn’t know what happened.

h d dd l ff
Li Zhenran said suddenly, “So you are just puffy.”
After he said that, he held Li Zhenruo up with both hands
and let him look at himself in the mirror.
Li Zhenruo’s whole body was wet and stuck to his body.
Sure enough, he looked thin and small, a little pitiful.
Li Zhenran put him down again and gently combed the fur
on his head with his fingers, with a smile on his face.
This was the first time Li Zhenruo has seen this expression
on Li Zhenran’s face.

Li Zhenran was already five years old when he was born.

The five-year-old gap didn’t sound too big, but when he was
in the second grade of elementary school, Li Zhenran was
already a middle school student. If we say three years was
the generation gap3In Chinese elementary school lasted for
6 years, middle school lasted for 3 years and senior high
school lasted for another 3 years., there was really more
than one and two-thirds of the generation gap between
Li Zhenran had good grades since childhood, good at
sports, and was a very good man. He was a perfect brother.
But Li Zhenruo was just a good-looking ordinary person,
there was bound to be a distance between him and the
perfect person.
Sometimes Li Zhenruo himself felt weird. It was good that
they were half brothers, and Li Jianglin never kept it from
them. But after all, they were still the real brothers who
grew up together, but why do they always maintain a sense
of distance? Could it be that the little difference in the
bloodline could easily dilute the same blood in them4He
was wondering if the difference in the bloodline as in
because they were born from different mothers to dilute
the fact that they are still a brother from the same father?
Or was it that there was no real brotherhood within the
royal family. The big business empire of Yunlin Group lies
among their brothers, making them always have to

l h h l d h f h h
constantly push themselves and watch out for others at the
same time?
Had it not been for this accident, he would have never seen
Li Zhenran’s warm smile, right? He was so kind to a cat,
but he was reluctant to share his warmth with his brother.
Li Zhenruo suddenly felt a little sad.

He thought, Could the person who bought the murderer be

Li Zhenran?
At the thought of this, Li Zhenruo’s heart felt cold. He
couldn’t help lowering his head and immersed his face in
the water and no longer looked at Li Zhenran’s expression.
Li Zhenran’s slender fingers gently hooked Li Zhenruo’s
chin at this time, so that he lifted his face, and then wiped
the water off his face with his fingers.
He always drank water and always gets himself a face full
of water. His nose and eyes were always wet and prone to

Li Zhenran took a dry towel to help him wipe the water off
his face, and then put clean water to flush out the bubbles
of the shower gel on his body.
After he took a clean bath, Li Zhenran wrapped Li Zhenruo
in a towel and carried Li Zhenruo to the outside room, sat
down by the bed and used a hairdryer to dry his fur.
Li Zhenruo was spread on Li Zhenran’s lap with a towel
underneath him.
The wind blowing from the hairdryer was very warm, and
Li Zhenran’s fingers were very gentle. Li Zhenruo was a
little drowsy, and moved his head to Li Zhenran’s belly, and
smelled the faint perfume of his body.
Perhaps there was still some smell of sweat, but it’s not
unpleasant. Li Zhenran has always been a neat and tidy
The hairdryer hummed but did not disturb Li Zhenruo’s
peaceful sleep. After a while, he fell asleep on Li Zhenran’s
After he dried Li Zhenruo’s whole body fur, Li Zhenran
reached out and put him on the tatami beside the bed, got
up and cleaned the hairdryer, and then went to the
bathroom to take a bath.
Li Zhenruo woke up midway, but he fell asleep again before
he could open his eyes.
He was asleep until dawn, Li Zhenruo opened his eyes in a
daze, not knowing where he was. There was a weak light
coming in from outside the window, and the furniture in the
room could only be seen in outline, and it was not clear.
He raised his head and realized that he was lying on the
edge of Li Zhenran’s bed. Li Zhenran was beside him,
seemingly still asleep, and his whole body motionless.

The morning wind came in from outside the window. Li

Zhenruo felt a bit cold. He got up and moved towards Li
Zhenran. He felt that he was attracted to the warmth below
Li Zhenran’s thin quilt, so he yawned silently and got into
the quilt.
When he woke up later, it was because Li Zhenran rolled
over and pressed Li Zhenruo’s tail with his arm.
Li Zhenruo woke up and wanted to pull his tail out, but Li
Zhenran pressed it firmly and couldn’t move at all.
He turned to use his head to bend Li Zhenran’s arm with
his head, and Li Zhenran was awakened by him. He raised
his head in a daze with an “um”, and then saw that he was
pressing the cat’s tail.
Li Zhenran stretched out his hand and rubbed Li Zhenruo’s
head, sat up and stretched out. He lifted the quilt, sat on
the edge of the bed and wore slippers to get up.

h dh h d h h l
As soon as Li Zhenruo turned his head, he saw the outline
of Li Zhenran wearing a pair of thin underwear and turned
his head away awkwardly.
He thought, Li Zhenran doesn’t seem to have a fixed
girlfriend, right? But of course, he would not think that Li
Zhenran has never had a woman after being single for so
many years. Most likely they were either raised outside like
Li Zhenzi or just like him in the past, only ended up as one
night stand and didn’t become official.
Li Zhentai was 32 years old this year and has been urged to
get married by Li Jianglin. The 28 years old Li Zhenran
probably wouldn’t be able to get away in a few years.
Li Zhenruo was lying on the bed, his tail patted the bed
lightly like a caterpillar. He wondered if Li Zhenran didn’t
find a girlfriend because he was waiting for Li Jianglin to
make arrangements for him?
Just like with Wen Chun. Although there was no such thing
as an arranged marriage in this era, Wen Chun was also
liked by Li Jianglin and hoped Li Zhentai would marry her.
So in the future, if Li Zhenran wants to get married, he
would definitely need to find someone Li Jianglin likes. If he
delayed in finding one, Li Jianglin would definitely arrange
a blind date for him, and then Li Zhenran would have less

In fact, he also had these thoughts in the past, so he didn’t

have a close relationship with girls who liked him. He
would rather Li Jianglin come to make arrangements for
him in the future.
Marriage was sometimes a way to add a variety of burdens
to oneself.
Li Zhenran came out of the bathroom, opened the cabinet
to find a set of clothes to wear, and then opened the door
Li Zhenruo was still lying in his bed and refused to get up.
After a while, he realized that Li Zhenran was opening the

d f h h h ld f l h d
door for him so that he could go out freely, so he turned
over and got up, planning to go to the toilet first.
After going to the toilet, Li Zhenruo went downstairs to
have breakfast.

It was still too early. Li Zhenran hasn’t come down yet, and
he only has cat food to eat.
Li Zhenzi went downstairs to the dining room. He passed
by Li Zhenruo, lifted his foot and gently kicked his butt.
Li Zhenruo turned his head and made a threatening sound
at him.
Li Zhenzi just smiled and went to sit down at the dining
After a while Li Zhenran came over, Li Zhenruo dropped
the cat food and consciously rushed to Li Zhenran’s lap,
looking at his breakfast eggs.
Chapter 10
Li Zhenran peeled the eggs for him.

When Li Zhentai came downstairs, he saw Li Zhenruo

licking Li Zhenran’s fingers. He smiled and sat down and
said, “Whether this cat is Zhenran’s or Zhenzi’s, I could no
longer figure it out.”
Li Zhenran fed Li Zhenruo an egg and cleaned the sticky
egg yolk on his whiskers with his fingers.

Li Zhenzi also said, “Second brother, since you like cats,

why didn’t you raise one before?”
Li Zhenran didn’t reply and just smiled.
Li Zhenzhi poured milk into the bowl of cereal, and then
said, “I thought only kids like Jason like cats.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole dining room was

This was the first time that Li Zhenruo heard the Li family
brothers mention his name when they were sitting
together. He couldn’t help but raise his head to look at
everyone’s expressions. Li Zhentai seemed to frown
slightly, while Li Zhenran on the other hand, sandwiched
ham with bread without much movement, and Li Zhenzi
seemed to smile at himself as if he had said something
Only Wang Ma’s eyes were red and said she was going to
check the kitchen.
Everyone was silent, and after a while, Li Zhenzi changed
the topic and said to Li Zhentai, “Yesterday, Chun jie told
me that she wanted to play tennis. I said I would make an

hh f h k d d k f
appointment with her for this weekend. I don’t know if
eldest brother is free. Let’s play doubles?”

Li Zhentai looked up at him, “Oh? Who else is there?”

Li Zhenzi said, “Won’t it look like I’m bullying you guys by
teaming up with the tennis coach?” After that, he thought
about it and turned to Li Zhenran, “Is second brother
Li Zhenran also played tennis well, but it seemed that he
was not interested. Sure enough, upon hearing Li Zhenzi’s
invitation, he said, “I can watch the game, but I won’t play
on the court.”
Li Zhenzi felt a little regretful, and said, “Then I’ll go find a
classmate from the tennis club to come to just play at
home. And we’ll have a barbecue in the front yard at night,
how about that?”

Li Zhentai thought for a while, and replied, “Okay.”

Li Zhenzi smiled ambiguously at Li Zhenran, “Second
brother, you are welcome to bring a girlfriend.”
Li Zhenran surprisingly smiled and responded, “Okay.” At
the same time, without stopping, he tore a small piece of
bread with ham in it and fed it to Li Zhenruo’s mouth.
Li Zhenruo bit it while thinking, Li Zhenran has a
girlfriend? Who is it?

During the daytime, all of the Li brothers went out. It was a

big mansion, and all that was left were the servants hired
by the family.
Li Zhenruo had nothing to do. As a cat, he climbed to the
top floor, lay down on the pool table on the top floor, and
basked in the sun quietly. In fact, he wasn’t as calm as he
looked. He had been thinking about several things in his
h h h b h d h
Now that he has become a cat, the advantage that was
placed in front of him was of course that he could smoothly
return to Li’s house, and he could easily wander in every
corner of Li’s house, as well as eavesdropping on the
private conversations of Li’s family. On the other hand,
there was an obvious disadvantage, such as that he
couldn’t get out of here easily, and he didn’t have anyone to
help him. So the scope of his investigation became very
limited, and some clues that existed before had gone.
Yes, before he was killed, he had already calmed down to
investigate the person who put the identification’s result in
front of Li Jianglin.

The first identification was done without his knowledge,

and the specimen was made using his blood sample. Later,
he recalled, he remembered that he shaved and hurt his
face one morning, wiped the blood on his face with a tissue,
and threw it in the trash can at home. So anyone in the Li
family could get his blood sample. It was also the reason
why he suspected a few of his older brothers from the
It might be possible to start from where the blood sample
was obtained, but there is no surveillance at home, and
second, he was quickly driven out of Li’s house, so there
was no time to investigate.
So he put the direction of the investigation on the source of
the identification.
The identification certificate was issued by the appraisal
office. It has the name and contact information of the
office. He had been to that appraisal office before, but the
other party stated that the identity of the appraisal client
was absolutely confidential and they could not be disclosed
to him.

At that time, he tried to bribe the staff member inside the

appraisal office to act as his trustee, and the most recent
news he got was that it was a young woman who had
brought a sample for this test.
h d h d h d d
When commissioned, the woman used the pseudonym, and
the client’s name written on the appraisal letter was Anna,
which was meaningless to Li Zhenruo. But there was one
more thing, the sample used for the identification of Li
Jianglin was his semen.
The one who could obtain Li Jianglin’s semen should be a
woman, and the scope of this investigation suddenly
becomes narrow. Li Zhenruo believed that he has a way to
find out the truth.
However, when he was getting closer and closer to the
truth, he was accidentally killed in a secluded street.

Those past clues were instantly cut off.

If he couldn’t leave the Li family now, the most convenient
thing was to get some useful news from the Li family
brothers. If the woman with whom Li Jianglin has a
relationship could show up, it would naturally be better.
Li Zhenruo was lying on the pool table, the fur on his back
was warmed by the sun, so he turned over and planned to
tan his belly. But after all, there is a grown man’s soul in
the cat’s body, and he was a little embarrassed to put his
hind legs together and lie on his side to continue enjoying
the sun.
In the garden downstairs, the gardener and the cleaning
auntie joked and laughed, and their lives were actually
quite comfortable.
Li Zhenruo listened quietly for a while, turned over and
jumped to the edge of the balcony, and looked down at the
cleaning auntie who was talking.

This lady’s surname is Wu. She cleaned up the trash in the

room every morning. If Aunt Wu picked up his bloody
tissue, who would she give the tissue to?
How could he test her out?

h h b k
In the evening as soon as Li Zhenran came back, Li
Zhenruo would intentionally jump on his lap and stay there.
Li Zhenran’s kindness to him was certainly one of the
reasons. Li Zhenruo himself was thinking about it. He could
use sticking to Li Zhenran as an excuse to stay openly
among the Li family brothers and listen to their
conversation. Otherwise, his arrival would always appear a
bit abrupt and he was afraid it would be seen as suspicious.
Li Zhenran stood up after eating.

Li Zhenruo quickly jumped off his lap before he got up.

Li Zhenran said to Wang Ma, “I’ll go for a walk.”
After he finished eating, he sometimes used to go for a
walk around the lake outside the Li family house.
Li Zhenruo had stayed inside for a long time and wanted to
follow when he saw Li Zhenran go out.
Li Zhenzi yelled, “Uh!” He suddenly forgot the name of the

Li Zhenruo realized that Li Zhenzi was calling him, and

looked back at him.
Li Zhenzi remembered it this time, “That what? Dumpling!
What are you running after? You are not a dog, but you
want to take a walk after dinner?”
Li Zhenruo felt ignoring him and followed Li Zhenran’s
Wang Ma smiled and said, “Look at Zhenran, this cat still
understands you in his heart. If you treat it well, it will be
nice to you. It’ll take a long time to bring it back and make
it follow you.”
Li Zhenran didn’t say anything, and already took Li
Zhenruo to the door.
Li Zhenzi couldn’t help but say, “Second brother, be careful
that it runs away.”
Li Zhenran even said, “It won’t.”
His tone was so determined that Li Zhenruo didn’t know
where his confidence comes from! He couldn’t wait to just
run away like this to slap him in the face. In the end, he still
didn’t run, because he didn’t know where he could go. He
walked with Li Zhenran on his short legs like this.
He has seen anyone who walks a dog without being tied to
a rope, and probably no one has ever seen a cat walking
without being tied to a rope.
Fortunately, there were not many residents in this
neighbourhood. Sometimes people pass by in a car, and
they look surprised at the flat-faced cat following Li
Zhenran’s feet.

Li Zhenran didn’t walk fast, and occasionally slowed down

to wait for Li Zhenruo. When he lowered his head to look at
Li Zhenruo, Li Zhenruo would look up at him. In Li
Zhenran’s eyes, he was probably very clever.
After walking home, Wang Ma saw Li Zhenruo following on
Li Zhenran’s feet about to enter the house in the living
room, and she couldn’t help but be surprised, “Oh my, I’ve
never seen such a well-behaved cat. Isn’t he good?”
Li Zhenruo glanced at her. He wanted to “meow”, but Li
Zhenran picked him up and took him to the bathroom to
wash his paws.
It was the weekend in a blink of an eye.
The Li family was very lively this week, because Li Zhenzi
has asked his eldest brother and sister-in-law to play tennis
at home. After they played tennis, he planned to have a
barbecue picnic at home.

f h f h d h h l f l d
So from the start of the day, the whole Li family started to
make various preparations.
What Li Zhenruo was most curious about was whether Li
Zhenran would bring his girlfriend.
However, he didn’t know whether he was unknowingly
disappointed or felt that it was a matter of fact that Li
Zhenran did not bring his girlfriend back. He went out that
morning, but only Hua Yibang followed him back to Li’s
Hua Yibang was also 28 years old this year. He had lived
with his parents in Li’s family for a long time since he was a
child. At that time, because he was the closest to Li
Zhenran in age, the two had a close relationship. It could
be said that Hua Yibang’s college money should actually
come from the Li family. After he graduated from college,
he worked directly with Li Zhenran as an assistant until
When he arrived at Li’s house, of course he had to visit
Wang Ma first.

No matter how deep the relationship between Li Zhenruo

and Wang Ma was, they were always separated by a layer,
and it couldn’t be compared to her biological son.
When Wang Ma saw Hua Yibang, she took him to her room.
The mother and son closed the door and talked.
Li Zhenruo was not interested in eavesdropping on what
they were saying and was still lying on the back of the sofa
Li Zhenran gently scratched the top of his head with his
fingers when he passed by.
Li Zhenruo turned his head habitually and touched Li
Zhenran’s finger with his nose to show intimacy.

Soon after, Li Zhentai drove back with Wen Chun.

h d d d hh l
Wen Chun was dressed in sports attire today, with her long
hair tied up, and a light makeup on her face. She looked
like an innocent student.
After she arrived, she heard that Li Zhenzi hadn’t returned,
so she followed Li Zhentai upstairs first, and when she
passed Li Zhenruo, she also touched his head, but Li
Zhenruo did not respond.
Li Zhenzi came back last, and brought home two beautiful
women in one go.
One was his assistant Su Yao.

Another woman, young and beautiful, was wearing a tennis

uniform with a sports jacket. Li Zhenruo knew her.
This woman’s name was Yue Zijia. She was said to be the
eldest lady of a wealthy family. Actually, the Yue family was
not as good as before. They suffered some business losses
year after year and owed a large amount of debt to the
bank. However, Yue Zijia was unwilling to be left out, and
she still wanted to maintain her glamour on the surface, to
maintain close contact with these wealthy sons.
If Li Zhenruo knew her in the past, it was no surprise that
Li Zhenzi was familiar with her. It was just that Li Zhenruo
didn’t expect that when Li Zhenzi said that he would bring
a partner back today, and it would turn out to be Yue Zijia.
Chapter 11
Before their tennis game started, everyone sat in the living
room on the first floor and chatted for a while.

In any case, no one could touch Li Zhenruo’s place. He

watched the people in a room saying meaningless
compliments to each other and yawned boredly.
But if he could sit among these people, he would probably
do the same thing.

The only person who was silent was Li Zhenran. He was

holding the phone and no one knew what he was looking at.
Li Zhenruo felt curious and jumped onto the back of the
single sofa where Li Zhenran was sitting. He looked at his
phone and saw that Li Zhenran was playing a brainless
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help rolling his eyes. His foot then
slipped from the back of the chair and he fell into Li
Zhenran’s arms.

At this moment, Yue Zijia, who was sitting opposite, looked

over and said, “When did you have a cat in your house?
Who is in the mood to take care of it?”
Li Zhenzi rushed to say, “My second brother raised it.
Didn’t you see how much that cat sticks to him?”
Wen Chun smiled and said, “How come I heard that you are
the one raising it? Has the injury on your face healed?”
The scratch on Li Zhenzi’s face was originally shallow, and
now only a faint trace is left. He chuckled and said, “My
second brother likes it, so I gave it away.”

h dd h d b h d
Li Zhenran didn’t say anything, and just brushed Li
Zhenruo’s hair.
Li Zhenruo rested his head on Li Zhenran’s arm.
The so-called match was actually the Li brothers playing a
game on their own. There was no official referee, and Su
Yao would be their referee.
Li Zhenzi and Yue Zijia on one side, while Li Zhentai and
Wen Chun on the other.

Li Zhenran and Hua Yibang sat under the sun umbrella and
watched them play while sipping their drinks.
Li Zhenruo, on the other hand, regarded Li Zhenran’s lap
as his throne and sits comfortably.
There were handsome men and beauties on both sides. The
tennis skirts of the two beauties especially showed long
white and thin legs, which could dazzle people’s eyes when
they run.
Li Zhenruo’s head couldn’t help but sway left and right
with the tennis ball. He couldn’t control it at all!

Su Yao wore a sun hat and was also dressed quite

refreshingly. She stood next to Li Zhenran and saw Li
Zhenruo shaking his head from side to side. She found it
very interesting. After a while, she laughed and stretched
out her hand to hold Li Zhenruo’s big face and shook it
Li Zhenruo was dizzy because of her, and when he saw the
tennis court again, he couldn’t help swaying his head left
and right. He felt embarrassed and turned to face Li
Zhenran to look up at him.
It just so happened that Li Zhenran was also looking at him.
Li Zhenran reached out and rubbed the top of Li Zhenruo’s

h d l f l f bl dh h
Li Zhenruo immediately felt comfortable, and his heart was
coaxed into warmth by Li Zhenran’s gentle movements, so
he lay his forelimbs on Li Zhenran’s chest, stretched his
neck and tried to touch Li Zhenran’s nose with his nose.

But to his surprise, Li Zhenran turned his head slightly to

avoid it.
Li Zhenruo felt hurt in an instant, and he was taken aback.
He jumped off Li Zhenran’s leg, walked two steps aside and
hid at Hua Yibang’s feet to continue watching them play.
The skills of Li Zhentai’s couple are obviously far inferior to
Li Zhenzi and Yue Zijia.
In order not to let a game be too one-sided, after Li Zhenzi
exchanged a few words with Yue Zijia, they obviously
slowed down and played more gently.

Li Zhentai’s 32 years old physical strength seems to be

somewhat different from that of 25 years old Li Zhenzi. He
was panting shortly after the game, and sweats kept
slipping from his forehead.
Wen Chun waved her tennis racket and pointed at the two
people on the opposite side, “Looking down on us, huh?
Give me all you got!”
Li Zhenzi laughed when he heard that, and said, “We
wouldn’t dare!”
After saying that, he made a heavy spike and hit the
opponent’s court.

After Li Zhenruo found out that he had become a cat, his

dynamic visual ability had obviously become stronger. He
felt that from the angle of the ball, it might hit Li Zhentai.
Sure enough, after the ball passed, Wen Chun’s cry of
surprise was heard, and the ball happened to hit Li
Zhentai’s ankle. When Li Zhentai saw the ball coming, he
b l d d d l h k
subconsciously wanted to dodge. As a result, he took a step
back in a panic but still couldn’t escape. Not only was he
hit on the fragile joint, but he also sprained his back part
and sat on the ground.
“Zhentai!” Wen Chun said in a panic.
Li Zhenzi dropped his racket and ran over to this side of the
court, “Eldest brother?”
Li Zhenran and Hua Yibang, who was sitting on the
sidelines watching the game, also got up and walked
towards the middle of the field.

Li Zhentai’s face was full of sweat. As he sat on the ground

and moved his ankles, his face changed suddenly. He raised
his head and said, “It hurts badly.”
Li Zhenzi squatted beside him, held Li Zhentai’s ankle and
moved lightly, and heard him letting a cry of pain.
Wen Chun helped Li Zhentai wipe the sweat from his
forehead, and said, “Should we call a doctor to take a
Li Zhenran stood by and said, “It’s best to go to the
hospital, I’m afraid the bones might be injured.”
Li Zhenzi looked regretful when he heard that. He said,
“Eldest brother, can you get up? I’ll take you to the
hospital, okay?”

Li Zhentai patted him on the shoulder, “It’s okay, just let

old Chen come. Don’t you have a barbecue banquet later?”
Li Zhenzi said, “It’s all my fault.”
Li Zhentai smiled, “What silly things to say. It’s an exercise,
it’s inevitable to avoid a little injury, don’t take it to heart.”
Li Zhenzi blamed himself, while Li Zhentai was beside to
comfort him.

h d h ll d h h
In the end, Li Zhenzi personally carried Li Zhentai on his
back, and at the same time ordered the driver to prepare a
car to send Li Zhentai to the hospital. Today’s barbecue
banquet was naturally cancelled.

Li Zhentai went to the hospital, and Wen Chun definitely

wanted to follow him. Li Zhenzi went with him because he
was the one who accidentally injured Li Zhentai. Before
leaving, he instructed Su Yao to send Yue Zijia back, and
apologize to Yue Zijia that he would invite her to dinner
next time.
Yue Zijia smiled and said to him, “It doesn’t matter, Tai ge’s
health is more important.”
In the end, Li Zhenran and Hua Yibang were the only two
They walked unhurriedly towards the front yard, while Li
Zhenruo followed not far behind them.
Hua Yibang, who had been quiet, suddenly said to Li
Zhenran, “Are you saying that Mr Li the third is
deliberately targeting Mr Li the first?”

Li Zhenruo was taken aback and looked up at Hua Yibang.

Hua Yibang had always been a rigid and serious honest
person when he came into contact with him in the past. He
had never thought that this honest person actually had this
kind of thought for such an accident today.
This was probably the difference between Hua Yibang in
front of him and Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenruo’s heart was beating fast, and he wanted to hear
what Li Zhenran thought.
However, Li Zhenran just groaned and smiled and did not
express his opinion. He was dressed in casual clothes with
his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked forward
unhurriedly. When Hua Yibang saw that he was silent, he
did not continue to question.
h d h l k db k h
Li Zhenruo stopped at this moment. He looked back at the
empty tennis court and recalled the angle from which Li
Zhenzi had hit the ball just now.

If it were him, would he also have thought that Li Zhenzhi

was deliberately targeting Li Zhentai?
But when he thought about it carefully, it’s not like Li
Zhenzi could hit Li Zhentai to death with a tennis ball. So
there was no meaning in embarrassing Li Zhentai. If he
were Li Zhenzi, he would not do such meaningless things.
Thus, it must be accidental.
The planned barbecue party was cancelled.
Li Zhenruo felt a bit regretful. He originally thought that he
could ask Li Zhenran for something to eat at night, so he
didn’t need to continue eating cat food. As a result of this
incident, the Li family had a very simple dinner, and he had
to chew dry cat food.

After dinner, Li Zhenran went out for a walk. Before

leaving, he glanced at Li Zhenruo, but Li Zhenruo ignored
Li Zhenruo was still holding a grudge. He rarely wanted to
show intimacy to Li Zhenran, but he was relentlessly
rejected. As expected, his second brother was indeed cold
and detached.
Li Zhenran went for a walk and came back. Li Zhenruo was
grinding his claws on the carpet in the living room.
Wang Ma took a look and said quickly, “Oh my! You
scratched the carpet! You bad cat, go away!”
She drove Li Zhenruo away.

Li Zhenruo felt a bit wronged, he didn’t mean to scratch

the carpet, but his paws felt uncomfortable if he didn’t
h h
scratch something.
Wang Ma had never raised a cat and didn’t understand
this. She only thought that he was making trouble. Later,
she took a closer look in the living room and saw that he
had also scratched the sofa. So she went to get a stick and
didn’t even let him climb on the sofa, and chased him away
when she saw him coming.
Li Zhenruo went up to the third floor with his tail dropped.
Li Zhenran also went back upstairs. Instead of going to the
room, he went to the study to get a book, then went up to
the top floor and sat down on the swing chair, reading a
book while swaying.
Li Zhenruo swung around on the third floor and went to the
top floor. He jumped to the pool table and scratched it
casually. He knew that Li Zhenran was there, but did not
want to go over.

The swing chair under Li Zhenran kept swaying back and

A scent floating in the air suddenly attracted Li Zhenruo.
He stood up on the pool table, raised his head and sniffed
the air, and distinguished that it was the smell of dried
small fish.
The smell of dried fish came from Li Zhenran’s direction.
Li Zhenruo was quiet for a few seconds, and couldn’t help
but jump down and walk towards Li Zhenran. He walked
around from the side of the swing chair, tried his best to
look, and saw that Li Zhenran really had a bag of dried fish
in his hand.
The package of dried fish had been opened, Li Zhenran
took one out and shook it in front of Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo looked up for a while, closed his eyes hard, and

finally jumped up hopelessly. He approached Li Zhenran
and saw Li Zhenran put the dried fish in front of him.
h h dh h b h ll
When he opened his mouth to bite, Li Zhenran actually
retracted his hand.
Li Zhenruo was biting the air.
He suddenly became a little unhappy. He saw Li Zhenran
about to tease him again with dried fish, and he stopped
biting this time. He jumped up and gnawed at Li Zhenran’s
neck, but it was a pity that his mouth was short, so he
didn’t bite anything. He just rubbed Li Zhenran all over
with his saliva.
Li Zhenran let out a muffled laugh.

Li Zhenruo felt Li Zhenran’s chest tremble, stopped his

movements, and looked up at Li Zhenran.
This time, Li Zhenran brought the dried fish to his mouth,
and when Li Zhenruo took a bite, Li Zhenran raised his
hand and touched the top of Li Zhenruo’s head.
Li Zhenruo felt that he was not so angry anymore.
Chapter 12
Li Zhentai’s ankle bone was cracked by Li Zhenzhi’s ball.

When he heard the news, Li Zhenruo thought to himself

that the third child was really ruthless, Why should he do
things heavy-handedly?
But in the past few days, Li Zhenzi has run back and forth a
lot because of Li Zhentai’s foot injury, which could be
considered as doing so much for him.

The injured Li Zhentai did not go to the company for a

short time but stayed at home to recuperate.
Wen Chun came to see him every night, and would leave
after sitting with him for a while, but never stayed at Li’s
house overnight.
Li Zhentai was not like Li Zhenran. Even if he stayed at
home, Li Zhenruo didn’t stick to him. He just liked to
eavesdropped on what Li Zhentai and Wen Chun were

But one afternoon, the family had a guest visiting.

Li Zhentai limped on one foot, and also hopped down from
the second floor.
Li Zhenruo heard the movement and also followed down
from upstairs.
It was not rare guests who came here, but it was Gao Qi, Li
Zhentai’s assistant. After seeing Gao Qi, Li Zhentai led him
into the study on the first floor to talk, and at the same time
reached out and closed the study door.

h l f ll f h
Li Zhenruo was a step too slow to follow in. After much
regret, he simply went out from the gate and walked
around the back of the villa, rushing to the window sill to
No one would pay attention to a cat.
The study on the first floor was actually Li Jianglin’s study.
After he left, it had been left empty and unused. Usually,
the Li family brothers would never enter his study at home
without authorization.
Perhaps because Li Zhentai’s legs were uncomfortable, he
walked inside directly with Gao Qi. But Li Zhenruo felt that
it was mainly because there was no one else in the house,
and only Li Zhentai was there, so he couldn’t help being

Gao Qi came here mainly to bring a piece of document for

Li Zhentai to sign. It was too far away, and Li Zhenruo
could not see what document it was. But seeing where he
signed it, it looked like a business contract.
After signing, Gao Qi reported to Li Zhentai about the
recent situation in the company.
Li Zhenruo got down, his tail casually flapping on the edge
of the window sill. Li Zhenruo didn’t have much interest in
the company’s current situation reported by Gao Qi to Li
Zhentai. He had no idea about Li family’s activity up until
Even if he had the ability to sit down on his ass and kill the
person who harmed him, he would not have the ability to
take down the Li family’s property with the body of a cat.

Besides, what did he even need to take them down for? A

top-notch cat food? Or to have cat climbing frames in every
corner of the house?
It’s just that the company was controlled by Li Zhenran. Li
Zhentai was not the only one who was unhappy, he too was
l h
more or less unhappy.
Li Zhentai was also quite calm, and expressionless after
listening to Gao Qi’s report. He didn’t say anything, but
finally suddenly said, “I plan to go to the coastal hotel
project to see the progress of the project.”
Li Zhenruo felt a little strange. He obviously heard Li
Zhentai and Wen Chun talk last time and knew that Li
Zhentai was not very concerned about coastal hotel
projects. Now that he has injured his feet, why did he
suddenly plan to go there?

Subsequently, Li Zhentai said to Gao Qi, “I planned to see

Dad later.”
Li Zhenruo’s tail slowly flicked from the left to the right. He
knew it. Li Jianglin was recuperating on the coast now, and
his sons were usually out of contact with him, and rashly
going there in the past can easily attract the attention of
other brothers.
Li Zhentai took advantage of his injury to inspect the
project first and then dropped in to Li Jianglin to show off
his performance.
Of course, it was hard to say whether it would be to Li
Jianglin’s liking. Li Zhenruo has always felt that Li
Jianglin’s personality was very unpredictable. Even Li
Zhenran, whom he liked, sometimes Li Jianglin didn’t
necessarily have much to support. In regards to his four
sons, Li Jianglin really treated them equally, and only
looked at their abilities.

But no matter what, Li Zhenran also understood that Li

Zhentai was going there to test his mood. After all, Li
Zhentai was now the least valued one, even worse than Li
Gao Qi obviously understood Li Zhentai’s plan, and asked,
“Does Miss Wen want to come along?”

h h kh h d h d h h
Li Zhentai shook his head, “She doesn’t have that time.”
Gao Qi said, “I just think the chairman likes Miss Wen. If he
sees Miss Wen go with you, he will be in a better mood.”

It was true that Li Jianglin liked Wen Chun, otherwise, he

would not have stepped in to let Li Zhentai and Wen Chun
be together.
Li Zhentai thought for a while and finally said, “Let me ask
her, wait until I call you and book the plane ticket. You
don’t have to go, I will find someone to accompany me.”
Gao Qi responded, “Okay.”
Li Zhentai got up from the seat, and Gao Qi came to help
him. Li Zhentai smiled and patted Gao Qi on the shoulder,
and walked out with his help.
Gao Qi moved quickly. Li Zhentai with his one limped foot
the next day asked the driver to drive him to the airport.

It’s impossible for Li Zhenruo to keep an eye on him, so he

didn’t know if he could persuade Wen Chun to accompany
him in the end.
In fact, Li Zhenruo felt rather than saying that Li Zhentai
didn’t want to go with Wen Chun, it was better to say that
Wen Chun was the one that was not willing to accompany
Li Zhentai. Li Zhentai himself understood Wen Chun’s
To put it bluntly, Wen Chun and Li Zhentai were like an
arranged marriage in ancient times. Although they were
given time to fall in love first, only they knew how much
they loved each other.
Li Zhenruo thought this kind of relationship was also very
Because he was thinking of Li Zhentai and Wen Chun, he
unconsciously thought of Li Zhenran. Is Li Zhenran also
waiting to marry a woman he doesn’t love?
What is Li Zhenran thinking about? Li Zhenruo found that
he was really unpredictable.
Two days later, when Li Zhenran came back, he brought Li
Zhenruo a claw scratching pad and a cat climbing frame,
all of which were placed on the third floor.
And Li Zhenruo found that he was really overjoyed. After
the cat climbing frame was placed, he couldn’t wait to
climb up and stay.
If he was really just a cat, he might have fallen in love with
Li Zhenran a long time ago.
At night, Li Zhenran sat on his bed reading a book, Li
Zhenruo walked over and rubbed his leg.

Li Zhenran raised his eyes to look at him, and then

scratched Li Zhenruo’s neck with his toes.
Li Zhenruo yelled in his heart, “Take off the smelly feet!”
But his body honestly felt very comfortable, and he finally
lay down on the side of Li Zhenran’s feet.
Li Zhenran poked Li Zhenruo in the nose with his toe.
Li Zhenruo was furious, but he was too lazy to move. After
Li Zhenran fiddled with him a few times, Li Zhenruo
grabbed Li Zhenran’s feet with his two paws and bit the
Of course he didn’t bite, but Li Zhenruo suddenly realized
what he was doing. He got up from the ground and ran out
quickly. He thought that he really started to become a cat.

Feeling a little gloomy, Li Zhenruo planned to go to the

first floor to give himself a meal and chew some cat food.
He had just walked down the stairs to the first floor when
he saw Li Zhenzi opening the door to come in from outside.

h b l d hd b h h
Li Zhenruo subconsciously wanted to hide, but when he
turned around, he thought again, What am I afraid of? Then
he continued to run towards the dining room.
Since Li Zhen didn’t drink today, he naturally wouldn’t go
crazy. Li Zhenzi clearly saw that the stupid cat stopped for
a while and ran towards the dining room when he saw him.
He felt it was a little funny, and then followed.
Li Zhenruo lay down in front of his rice bowl to eat, with his
round hairy buttocks leaning forward, causing Li Zhenzi to
reach out and pinched it.

Li Zhenruo suddenly jumped up and hid in the corner

looking at Li Zhenzi in horror, cursing a series of swear
words in his heart.
Li Zhenzi looked at him with a smile and then reached out
to grab him.
Li Zhenruo was already hiding in the corner, and there was
nowhere to hide. He wanted to get out by taking advantage
of the space from under Li Zhenzi’s arm when he stretched
out his hand. But Li Zhenruo suddenly caught a smell on Li
Zhenzi’s sleeve, and he couldn’t help but be caught after
walking a few steps.
“Fat cat,” Li Zhenzi said.
Li Zhenruo had no intention to correct Li Zhenzi since he
was just puffy. And he was too focused on sniffing the smell
on Li Zhenzi. It was a perfume, and it was a lady’s perfume.

After Li Zhenruo became a cat, his sense of smell has been

enhanced a lot. He could clearly distinguish the scent he
recently smelled on a woman, but which woman was it?
Li Zhenzi saw the cat in his hand suddenly became silly and
didn’t respond. So he lost his interest in teasing and put
him back on the ground.
Li Zhenruo suddenly remembered that the smell of this
perfume was exactly the same as that on Wen Chun’s body.
He was sure of it.
He lifted his hand and stared at Li Zhenzi in surprise with
his round cat eyes.
Li Zhentai has gone to the coast. How could Li Zhenzi see
Wen Chun today, and was still tainted with Wen Chun’s
perfume? He knows that Li Zhenzi loved to play around,
and have countless women outside. Even though Wen Chun
hasn’t married Li Zhentai yet, she could very well be their
future sister-in-law.

Li Zhenzi dared to touch Wen Chun?

Li Zhenzi didn’t understand what Li Zhenruo’s expression
meant, but felt that he looked dumbfounded. So he stood
up and said to him, “Eat slowly,” and then walked towards
the stairs.
Li Zhenruo was overwhelmed, thinking that if Li Zhenzi
really hooked up with Wen Chun, he couldn’t help to feel
that it was too disgusting. Even a rabbit doesn’t eat the
grass around its burrow1it means that even a villain
doesn’t usually harm their neighbour, let alone its eldest
brother’s woman?
The unforeseen incident was so great that Li Zhenruo felt
that he was full and didn’t want to continue eating supper.
He followed Li Zhenzi to the second floor and wanted to
follow to his room to have a look, but Li Zhenzi saw him
walking past but did not slow down, and closed the door in
front of him.

Li Zhenruo stood there hesitating for a while, and finally

did not go around the window, but chose to go back to the
third floor to sleep.
However, when he arrived on the third floor, he found that
Li Zhenran’s door still had a gap. Li Zhenruo dawdled for a
while, walked over and used his head to open the crack to
get in, and ran to Li Zhenran’s tatami.
The author has something to say:

He will change, don’t rush!

My manuscript box is covered tightly
Chapter 13
Li Zhenruo woke up next to Li Zhenran’s pillow in the

He clearly remembered that he was still lying on Li

Zhenran’s tatami when he fell asleep, but at this time he
was so close to Li Zhenran that he could count Li Zhenran’s
eyelashes one by one.
Li Zhenran’s eyelashes are really long and dense. He was
sleeping on his back with his head tilted to the outside of
the bed and his hair was in a mess. His arms stretched out
from the quilt, and a section of his shoulders was exposed.
You could clearly see the lines of his muscles, it looked sexy
and alluring.

Li Zhenruo thought that if he were a woman, he would have

fallen in love with Li Zhenran. That’s right… He seemed to
have thought yesterday that if he was really a cat, he would
definitely fall in love with Li Zhenran. It’s a pity that he was
not a woman nor a cat, but a man who lived in a cat’s body,
and was Li Zhenran’s former brother who was kicked out
by the Li family.
When he tried to get up from next to Li Zhenran’s pillow, Li
Zhenran was awakened.
But he was obviously not awake enough, so he reached out
and grabbed Li Zhenruo, dragged him into his arms and
hugged him to sleep.

Li Zhenruo was pulled into the bed and breathed in all Li

Zhenran’s scent. He was nearly suffocated. After struggling
for a while, he got out from under his arm.
Li Zhenran rolled over and rubbed his eyes.

h ll d f h b d d db h b d
Li Zhenruo rolled out of the bed and stood by the bed
shaking his fur.
The first thing he did when he woke up in the morning was
that he recalled the gentle and pure perfume smell that he
smelled on Li Zhenzi last night. It was really unforgivable
for Li Zhenzi to seduce his sister-in-law, Li Zhenruo thought

However, no matter how angry he was, it was useless.

Now Li Zhentai is on a business trip. No matter what Li
Zhenzi and Wen Chun were doing outside, he was afraid it
would be difficult for others to discover. He may be the
only one who found the traces—no, it was a cat who did it.
But he was trapped in Li’s house and couldn’t go anywhere.
If the Li family has become a big cage for him, then this
cat’s body is his little cage, and as long as he remains
locked up here, he couldn’t go anywhere.
As he thought of this, Li Zhenruo felt a little depressed.

Li Zhenran was still lying in bed, and Li Zhenruo was too

lazy to wait for him to get up to open the door, so he went
straight out the window.
In the morning, only Li Zhenran and Li Zhenzi had a meal
together. It was rare for Li Zhenruo to not stick to Li
Zhenran. He sneaked out after hearing Li Zhenzi’s driver
outside prepared a car for him. He wanted to slip into Li
Zhenzi’s car and followed when he went out.
Although he also knew that Li Zhenzi would not necessarily
go to see Wen Chun, his curiosity was really overwhelming,
and he couldn’t suppress it no matter what.
The driver opened the door of the back seat but didn’t
notice Li Zhenruo jumping in. After going up, he tried to
put himself under the front seat, hoping that he would not
attract Li Zhenzi’s attention.

h d h l k d h
In the end, he overlooked one thing.
Before Li Zhenzi stepped into the car door, he noticed a
fluffy tail dragging out from under the front seat. He sat up
and said to the driver, “Wait a minute.” Then he reached
out and grabbed Li Zhenruo by the tail, and pulled him out.
The moment Li Zhenruo felt his tail being grabbed, he
thought, “Oh no! I forgot about the tail!”
As Li Zhenzi picked him out, he struggled desperately to
escape from Li Zhenzi by himself.

Li Zhenzi put him on the seat and asked, “What are you
Li Zhenruo could not do anything, and could only pretend
to be pitiful and look at Li Zhenzi.
Of course, Li Zhenzi wouldn’t really care much about a cat.
He scared Li Zhenruo, and finally squeezed his tail and
threw him out.
Li Zhenruo rolled on the ground and stood up, helplessly
watching Li Zhenzi’s car drive away. He sighed heavily, and
when he turned around, he saw Li Zhenran standing at the
door of the room looking at him.

Not wanting to act too strange, Li Zhenruo calmly walked

past Li Zhenran and went back to the house.
Time passed by with Li Zhenruo eating and sleeping every
day. Before he knew it, it had been half a month since Li’s
family big brother, Li Zhentai, who had gone on a business
trip to the coast, had returned.
His feet had not fully recovered, but he didn’t have any
serious walking problems, and he no longer continued to
stay at home every day.
Li Zhentai should have gone to see Li Jianglin, but as for
what Li Jianglin said to him, it was not clear.
But after Li Zhentai came back, Wen Chun came over.
Wen Chun had dinner at Li’s house that day. Li Zhenran
and Li Zhenzi brothers were also at home.
Li Zhentai suddenly mentioned to Wen Chun, “Dad asked
when we plan to get married.”
Li Zhenruo sat on the chair next to Li Zhenran and noticed
that both Li Zhenzi and Li Zhenran looked up at Wen Chun
at the same time.
Wen Chun was quite calm. She put down her chopsticks
and asked Li Zhentai, “What does Uncle Li mean?”

Li Zhentai smiled and said to her, “From what Dad said, it

means that he is rushing us.”
Wen Chun then followed suit and smiled as she said, “Then
let’s discuss it when Uncle Li will come back.”
Li Zhentai’s expression was a little subtle for a moment.
His initial intention was for them to discuss the decision
first and directly notify Li Jianglin when he came back; but
Wen Chun took advantage of the situation for her own
benefit and told him to wait for Li Jianglin to come back to
No one knows when Li Jianglin will come back. Li Zhentai
also was unable to call Li Jianglin to come back for this kind
of thing. When that happened, Li Jianglin would look down
on him because he couldn’t even handle his girlfriend.
Li Zhenruo licked the beef that Li Zhenran gave him, and
thought it meant that Wen Chun didn’t want to get married,
and he couldn’t help but look at Li Zhenzi again. He found
that Li Zhenzi didn’t have much expression on his face.
From beginning to end, neither Li Zhenzi nor Wen Chun’s
eyes met.

Everything was still a mystery.

h h l l b h h l h h
What shitty little brother! Li Zhenruo lay on the swing chair
on the top floor, thinking thoughtlessly; if he hadn’t died at
that time, and if he was still in Li’s house, he probably
wouldn’t know the current situation.
What’s the use of thinking about these? After all, he was
not even Li Jianglin’s son anymore. The fight between the
Li family brothers has nothing to do with him. The only
thing he wanted to know was who was the murderer who
framed him.
There were footsteps coming towards the top floor, and the
people who would come up at this time are usually the
cleaning auntie Wu.
Li Zhenruo jumped off the swing chair and rushed out of
the building door. He went all the way from the top floor to
the first floor, planning to go to the dining room to drink
some water.

When passing the second floor, Li Zhenruo couldn’t help

but slow down. He vaguely noticed at the end of the
corridor, it turned out that there was light from the
direction of his room. He couldn’t help but walk over and
take a look, and found that the door to his room was not
Maybe the auntie forgot to close it after cleaning.
Li Zhenruo walked to the door of the room and suddenly
had an idea. His heart was pounding. If this plan was to be
implemented, he must act fast! The auntie went upstairs to
clean, and maybe it would take about half an hour for her
to come down. She would come and close the door if she
found that the door was not closed. He might not have this
chance tomorrow.
Li Zhenruo turned around and ran back to the third floor,
pulling a piece of toilet paper out of the bathroom. There
was a fruit knife in the drawer of the bar counter in the
recreation room. Although he didn’t want to make a cut on
his body, the time was too short for him to make more

d h b d h d hh
He jumped onto the bar, opened the drawer with his paws
and mouth, and then took out the fruit knife inside the

Li Zhenruo at this time deeply realized the inconvenience

of not having hands. His movements seemed very awkward,
and he almost scratched his neck when he pulled the knife
His eyes widened in amazement, but he didn’t feel the pain.
Only then did he realize that the hair was too thick, and as
a result, only a lot of hair was cut by the knife.
One paw pressed on the hilt, and Li Zhenruo took a deep
breath. The wrist of the other side of the foreleg near the
paw was swiped on the blade. He didn’t need to do it too
deeply, because he didn’t need much blood.
But this action still hurts to the point of tears. Why is a cat
unable to endure this much pain?
He rubbed a little blood on the toilet paper, and was careful
not to get the cat’s hair on it, then used his paws to
crumple the paper to a ball, and ran towards his room on
the second floor carefully.

At this time, the aunt was still cleaning the roof of the
He limped along the way, and the wound on his left
forelimb hurt when he exerted some force. Fortunately, the
cut was shallow and he didn’t continue to bleed.
He threw the blood-stained paper ball into the trash can in
the bathroom. Perhaps she won’t notice it today, but she
will definitely find it after cleaning up tomorrow.
When the time came, he wanted to observe the auntie’s
reaction carefully.
He went back to the third floor, endured the pain, jumped
onto the bar, and cleaned the fruit knife.
After that Li Zhenruo lay down on the bar and miserably
licked the wound for a long time.
After cleaning the top floor, the auntie went straight down
to the first floor. After passing through the second floor,
she found that she had forgotten to close the door of Li
Zhenruo’s room. She walked over and closed the door
again, but she hadn’t found the toilet paper ball.
In the afternoon, Li Zhenran was the one who first
discovered that Li Zhenruo had injured a leg.
Li Zhenruo didn’t really want him to notice, but Li Zhenran
still reached out and grabbed his paw and found the wound
on his wrist.
“What happened?”

Li Zhenruo pretended to be pitiful and cried out. Anyway,

he was a cat, so he didn’t have to reply to any
embarrassing questions.
Li Zhenran thought that Li Zhenruo was not careful and
was scratched somewhere, so he asked Wang Ma to find
iodine and wipe it on him a little.
By the time of cleaning the next day, Li Zhenruo quietly lay
on the corner of the stairs on the second floor, waiting for
the auntie’s response.
Less than five minutes after cleaning Aunt Wu entered his
room, Li Zhenruo heard a scream from inside.
Li Zhenruo thought: Here it comes! and stood up

Wang Ma heard the scream and came from the first floor
with a frown, she asked, “What’s the matter?”
Auntie Wu came out of the room with a look of horror, and
her breath was a little uneven. She saw Wang Ma on the
dh dl kh h d d d h
stairs, and hurriedly took her hand and said, “There is…
Li Zhenruo stood right at his feet, but no one would pay
attention to a cat at this time.
When Wang Ma saw that Auntie Wu was in a state of shock
and had run out of Li Zhenruo’s room, she was not too
happy and said, “What’s with all the noise? Where did the
ghost come from in broad daylight?”
But Auntie Wu still had a pale face, and pulled Wang Ma’s
wrist, “Wang Ma, you come over with me to see.”

With that, Auntie Wu took Wang Ma towards Li Zhenruo’s

Li Zhenruo followed. He felt that Auntie Wu’s reaction was
a little too excessive. Linking a bloody tissue to a haunting,
indicating that she had noticed the tissue he had thrown in
the trash at that time, was very likely the same tissue that
was handed over from her and was sent for identification.
Chapter 14
Li Zhenruo followed behind the two people.

Auntie Wu pulled Wang Ma into Li Zhenruo’s room and

went to the bathroom to show Wang Ma the bloody tissues
in the trash can.
Wang Ma frowned and said, “Who throws things into xiao
Ruo’s room?”

Li Zhenruo thought silently, Wang Ma’s reaction was

normal. If it were him, the first reaction would be
wondering who was throwing things here as a prank.
Auntie Wu’s face really was not looking good. She said,
“Wang Ma, do you think it’s Li Zhenruo… He…”
“What nonsense!” Wang Ma was a little upset.

Auntie Wu said, “This room is usually locked. I only opened

the door for a while to clean. I didn’t even come here
Wang Ma heard the words and said, “You are not the only
one who has the key!”
In fact, she forgot to close the door yesterday after
cleaning. If she recalled it carefully, she wouldn’t be so
alarmed. He didn’t know if it was because she was too
nervous, but at this time, she couldn’t remember at all.
But when one thought about it. Usually in the morning
when she cleaned, there would be no one else on this side
of the main floor except Wang Ma, it really didn’t seem like
someone was doing a prank.

f ld
Of course, no one would suspect a cat.
Li Zhenruo tried to stare at Auntie Wu’s face, and her voice
trembled a little.
Wang Ma said again, “Anyway, it’s just a piece of toilet
paper. Where’s the ghost in that?”
Auntie Wu didn’t know what she was thinking, and asked,
“Then you tell me, who would do it?”

How could Wang Ma know who did it? She also felt that
there was something strange about this matter. So she
could only say to Auntie Wu, “Anyway, don’t yell and make
a fuss anymore. I will talk to Zhentai and the others in the
afternoon and check out who did the prank.”
Maybe because it was about Li Zhenruo who had passed
away, Wang Ma was a little angry. She asked Aunt Wu to
use a plastic sealed bag to pack the tissues, and said that
she must find the prankster.
Auntie Wu did as she ordered, but her expression never
recovered, and her whole self was a little absent-minded.
Li Zhenruo thought to himself, Auntie Wu might have
received money from someone to do this kind of thing. She
might not intend to cause harm, but she also knew the
consequences her behaviour had brought afterwards. Of
course, Li Zhenruo wouldn’t resent her, if it wasn’t this
blood-stained tissue, it would be something else. If the
other party found a woman to get his semen, he would feel
even more disgusted if he learnt about it afterwards.

What he wanted to know most now was who Auntie Wu

gave the things to?
Li Zhentai, Li Zhenzi or… Li Zhenran?
Auntie Wu went back to the small building on the right
after cleaning. Li Zhenruo wanted to follow her, but was
picked up by Wang Ma halfway through and was asked to
stay here quietly.
h k d h d d
Later, he sneaked out into the courtyard and saw Auntie
Wu was washing clothes in the washing machine. Her face
was pale, but she hadn’t contacted anyone, nor had she
spoken to anyone.

It is impossible for Li Zhenruo to keep an eye on Auntie Wu

all day. At this time, he hates his powerlessness as a cat. If
he was a human, at least he could think of some way to
monitor Auntie Wu’s phone call to see if she has tipped off
Unfortunately, these ideas just existed in his mind, and Li
Zhenruo couldn’t do anything about it.
This afternoon, the three Li brothers were not out
socializing but went home for dinner.
Li Zhenruo habitually climbed onto Li Zhenran’s lap. Just
after the meal was served, Wang Ma told them about the
blood-stained tissue that Auntie Wu found in Li Zhenruo’s
room today.

A trace of bewilderment appeared on the faces of several

people at the same time. This matter was really a little
Li Zhenruo’s eyes didn’t blink as he tried to check their
Li Zhentai asked first, “What kind of tissue?”
Wang Ma took out the paper towels in the plastic bag and
showed them.

Li Zhentai frowned.
Li Zhenzi raised his eyebrows and said, “Who would do
such boring things?”
Li Zhenruo suddenly realized that he couldn’t see Li
Zhenran’s expression. He jumped onto the dining table and
lk d d h d f h l d bl
walked towards the end of the rectangular dining table.
From this angle, he could observe the expressions of three
people at the same time.
Li Zhenran was the coldest one. He even took a slow sip of
the soup and asked Wang Ma, “Was there anyone else
there besides you and her?”
Wang Ma shook her head, “Just me and her.”

Li Zhentai’s brows are still frowning, “It wasn’t Auntie Wu

pretending to be a ghost, right?”
Wang’s mother said, “It doesn’t look like it, her face was
blue with fear.”
Li Zhenzi laughed when he heard that, “What is she afraid
of? It’s not like the fourth child appeared.”
Wang Ma looked at him, and discouraged him, “Don’t say
such things.”
Li Zhenzi shrugged and stopped talking.

Li Zhentai looked puzzled, “A piece of tissue? A bit of

blood? What does it represent?”
Wang Ma didn’t understand either and just shook her head.
Li Zhenran wiped his mouth with a paper towel, moving
gracefully, and suddenly said, “It’s not really a big deal, tell
Auntie Wu not to be afraid. There are no ghosts in this
world. In other words, even if the fourth child comes back,
it means that for every grievance there was someone
responsible1in this case Li Zhenran is saying that the
fourth child will be dealing with the person who caused him
grievance by himself, and he couldn’t find the reason to
make her responsible. If someone pretended to be a ghost,
I’m afraid it won’t be just this time, let’s see what this
person is going to do next. There is no need to publicize
this matter, tell Auntie Wu to keep her mouth shut and not
to make the whole Li family tense.”
b l d h h d h
Wang Ma obviously agreed with Li Zhenran’s words. She
said, “I told her to shut up and stop being so shocked.”
Li Zhentai also said, “That’s it.”

After he said that, Li Zhentai suddenly noticed the cat

sitting on the dining table. He turned to Li Zhenzi and said,
“Third child, look at your cat.”
The eyes of the three brothers suddenly turned to Li
Li Zhenruo was still thinking that his three elder brothers
were really thorough in handling things, and by now he
couldn’t feel which one of them was more suspicious at all.
In comparison, Auntie Wu was just making a huge fuss and
couldn’t maintain her composure.
Li Zhenzi stared at Li Zhenruo and said, “Big brother, don’t
you think it is more appropriate to call it the second
brother’s cat now?”
Li Zhenran laughed when he heard the words, stretched
out his hand to Li Zhenruo, and said, “Come here.”

His tone was very calm, but it was accompanied by a

commanding attitude that does not allow resistance. The
more he behaved like this, the more Li Zhenruo didn’t want
to do what he wanted. But if he wanted to live well in Li’s
family, he had no choice but to rely on Li Zhenran.
Although he was unwilling, Li Zhenruo walked towards Li
Zhenran and got a small piece of boiled chicken in plain
At night, Li Zhenran was lying on the bed and talking on
the phone.
Li Zhenruo wanted to listen to the content, but it’s mostly
the other person who was talking and Li Zhenran just
responded with a few flat “um”.

f l b l l h l d b d
His forelimb injury was not completely healed, but today it
was not as painful as yesterday.

Li Zhenruo sat on Li Zhenran’s tatami, raised his paw and

licked the wound.
Suddenly, Li Zhenran squeezed his paw from the side and
turned it over to look at his wound.
Li Zhenruo felt a little strange for a moment because Li
Zhenran had already helped him with his wounds last night.
Li Zhenran looked at his injury for a while, and asked, “Did
someone scratch you?”
At this time, if Li Zhenruo wasn’t a cat, he believed that he
would have been covered in cold sweat. He had never
thought that Li Zhenran would be so keen. In fact, in this
house, no matter what he did secretly, he was the least
suspicious one, because no one would suspect a cat.

But now, Li Zhenran associated the bloodstains on the

tissues and the blood on his wounds, thinking that someone
else did it, and it really made Li Zhenruo sweat.
Fortunately, Li Zhenruo doesn’t need to answer Li
Zhenran’s question.
No matter what kind of doubt Li Zhenran faces, his answer
was very simple. He just open his eyes wide and answered
him, “Meow~”
Li Zhenran looked at him for a while, stretched out his
hand and rubbed his head, then let the matter go.
Li Zhenruo felt that his mouth was dry, so he didn’t dare to
run immediately. He lay down beside Li Zhenran’s leg for a
while before turning over and getting out of bed to drink
water outside.

h h h dd h
That night, Li Zhenruo didn’t go to Li Zhenran’s room to
sleep. Of course, he was a little wary of Li Zhenran in his
heart, and second, it was to facilitate him to sneak out at
After 11 o’clock, everyone went to sleep one after another,
and Li Zhenran’s door was locked from the inside.
Li Zhenruo slipped outside from the window and went
directly to the small building on the right.
Because most of the families’ nanny, chef, and the driver
gardener get up early, the lights in the small building have
almost gone out.
Li Zhenruo had seen it during the day and remembered
that Auntie Wu’s room was on the far right side of the
second floor. At this time, only her room was still showing
faint light. So he climbed directly up the window and
looked in from the window sill.

The window in Auntie Wu’s room was closed, and the

curtains were closed, leaving only a gap.
The room is dimly lit, and Auntie Wu hadn’t slept. She sat
on the bed and recited some words, because her voice was
very low and fast, Li Zhenruo still couldn’t hear clearly
what she recited even when he pressed his ear.
He stood by the window for more than ten minutes, but
Auntie Wu sat on the bed and recited for more than ten
Finally, Li Zhenruo became impatient and wanted to scare
her. He stretched out his paw and grabbed the window
glass hard, making an ear-piercing noise.
Auntie Wu’s eyes widened suddenly, and she sat motionless
on the edge of the bed.

Li Zhenruo turned around and jumped from the windowsill.

He was shrinking in the corner and when he looked
d h h d l k d
upward, he saw Auntie Wu open the window to look outside
with a face overwhelmed with fear.
The next morning, Li Zhenruo went downstairs after
washing his face with his paws.
Just as he reached the first floor, he heard Wang Ma said to
Li Zhentai, “Auntie Wu said she’s quitting. She wanted to
go back to her hometown.”
Li Zhenruo was dumbfounded all of a sudden. He wanted to
scare Aunt Wu, but he didn’t expect she would be too
scared and chase her away. As Auntie Wu left, the clue he
obtained with great difficulty broke again.
Li Zhentai had no expression when he heard it, and said, “If
she wants to leave, just let her be, and settle this month’s
salary for her. Our Li family will not treat her badly.”

Upon hearing those words, Wang Ma said, “Oh, all right.”

Li Zhenruo froze and thought to himself whether he had the
ability to keep Auntie Wu.
Suddenly, someone kicked him gently from behind. He
turned his head and saw Li Zhenzi who had just come
Li Zhen said to him, “A good dog doesn’t stand in the way.”
After speaking, he smiled and changed his words, “A good
cat doesn’t stand in the way.”
Li Zhenruo was not in the mood to respond to him and ran
towards the outside of the gate.
Chapter 15
The Li Zhenruo who chased her out couldn’t do anything

Auntie Wu tidied up everything last night. She told Wang

Ma she quit her job early this morning, and she was now
sitting and talking with another aunt who has worked in
Li’s house for a long time.
Li Zhenruo went over to eavesdrop and found that Auntie
Wu hadn’t mentioned yesterday’s affairs, so no one knew
why she quit the job except Wang Ma and Li family

Wang Ma settled her salary for this month.

Auntie Wu dragged her luggage away, even Li Zhentai said
he would arrange for the driver to take her to the station,
but she refused.
Li Zhenruo looked at the back of Auntie Wu leaving and felt
that he had been busy for nothing. He thought in his heart
that if he was a human, everything would be easy. He could
chase after her, grabbed Aunt Wu, shook her shoulder, and
asked her what she had done and what she knew.

In the next few days, Li Zhenruo was a little listless.

Only when Li Zhenran came back to tease him, he
reluctantly cooperate, but he couldn’t be bothered with
However, one night, when Li Zhenzhi mentioned to Li
Zhenran to send him back to Yu Bingwei, Li Zhenruo
suddenly realized that it had been a month since he arrived
at the Li family.
Li Zhenruo was shocked.
Li Zhenran, who heard Li Zhenzi mentioning this matter,
had no expression on his face, and answered one word:
This made Li Zhenruo even more shocked. He has been
working hard to please him with his cuteness so that after
Yu Bingwei came back, Li Zhenran would be reluctant to let
him go. But he never thought that Li Zhenran would be so
crisp and clear, and agreed to Li Zhenzi without hesitation.
Li Zhenruo didn’t get back to his senses for the whole
In addition to being nervous about being sent away, he also
had a new understanding of Li Zhenran’s coldness and
ruthlessness as a person.

Standing under his cat climbing frame, Li Zhenruo could

only feel all the mixed feelings, and he suddenly
remembered the conversation between Princess Iron Fan
and Zhi Zun Bao in Stephen Chow’s “A Chinese
y: When you watched the moon with me in the past, you
called me little sweetie. Now that you meet your new lover,
I am now Mrs. Niu2The Bull King’s Wife?!
Li Zhenruo sighed for a long time, thinking that he is as
helpless as Mrs. Niu. Li Zhenran was his life-saving straw,
and he couldn’t let him go no matter what, even if his self-
esteem suffered a big blow?
He slowly walked towards Li Zhenran’s room.
Li Zhenran didn’t know what Li Zhenruo was doing today,
so he locked the door early.

Li Zhenruo didn’t give up, scratched the door with his paw
and hit the door with his head.
Finally, the door of Li Zhenran was knocked open.
h l k d h h
Li Zhenran looked at him with no expression.
Li Zhenruo decided to ignore his gaze and got inside from
his leg.

Li Zhenran stood by the door for a while, closed the door

and returned to the room. He sat in front of the desk using
the computer.
Li Zhenruo followed and rubbed his head against Li
Zhenran’s leg.
Li Zhenran didn’t seem to want to pay attention to him, so
the left leg that was originally on the right leg was put
down and moved to the side.
Li Zhenruo glanced at him bitterly, then moved to continue
rubbing, and he rubbed all the hair on his head and back
into a mess.

He didn’t know if Li Zhenran was annoyed by him, but Li

Zhenran turned off the computer and lay down on the bed,
opened a book and read it under the desk lamp.
Li Zhenruo obviously felt that he was disliked, but he didn’t
know what he did to make Li Zhenran dislike him. Thinking
that he might have to be sent away tomorrow, but Li
Zhenran was still so indifferent to him, made him sad for no
Li Zhenruo finally followed on the bed, climbed up and
stepped on Li Zhenran’s leg.
Li Zhenran turned his head to look at him, and he seemed
to be somewhat feeling comfortable.

Li Zhenruo saw that Li Zhenran liked it, so he strenuously

stepped on Li Zhenran’s lap, buttocks, and on the back with
his short legs. Later, because he was feeling tired, he fell
asleep on Li Zhenran’s back.

h h k h h h d l d
When he woke up in the morning, Li Zhenruo had already
found himself lying on the side of Li Zhenran’s pillow.
He got off the bed and heard the sound of people walking
outside. He wanted to go out, but the door was locked by Li
Zhenran. Li Zhenruo had no choice but to keep meowing in
Li Zhenran’s ear until he woke up.
Li Zhenran got up sleepily and went to open the door for
Li Zhenruo went out and saw Wang Ma was instructing
people to clean up his cat litter and cat climbing frame. He
also heard Wang Ma say, “Clean up carefully, and put it in
Zhenzi’s car later. He will send the cat away in the

Upon hearing the news, Li Zhenruo’s whole fur stood up.

He suddenly turned around and rushed back to Li
Zhenran’s room. At that time, Li Zhenran had just lay in
bed and was going to sleep for a while, and Li Zhenruo
hurriedly got into Li Zhenran’s bed.
Li Zhenran was dazed by a furry thing drilled in, and he
was still taken aback, but he stretched out his hand to hold
and pressed Li Zhenruo’s tail.
Li Zhenruo turned around and hugged Li Zhenran’s arm,
thinking that if he didn’t let go all day today, no one would
want to take him away.
Later, after Li Zhenran got up, Li Zhenruo kept holding his

Li Zhenran went to wash his face and brushed his teeth, he

followed. Li Zhenran went to the toilet, he also followed,
but he turned his face away and did not look.
As Li Zhenran finished packing up and going down the
stairs, Li Zhenruo stumbled along the way, but his two
front paws kept holding Li Zhenran’s legs tightly. The hind
l k k d h d f h l
legs knocked on the edge of the stairs several times,
causing his face to wrinkle in pain.
When they reached the second floor, they ran into Li
Zhenran coming out of his room, standing at the entrance
of the stairs looking at them, “Aiyo” he said. “Second
brother, you look like you’re wearing snow boots, what’s
going on early in the morning?”
Li Zhenran looked down at Li Zhenruo and said, “I don’t
Li Zhenzi looked closer, “Could it be in heat?”

Li Zhenruo cursed in his heart: “Yuck!”

When they had breakfast, all of Li Zhenruo’s household
utensils were packed and put into Li Zhenzi’s car.
Li Zhenruo’s heart sank deeper and deeper. Seeing that Li
Zhenran hasn’t reacted at all until now, he always feels that
he couldn’t escape today. If he was really sent back to Yu
Bingwei, he was afraid he would have to find a way to get
After breakfast, Li Zhenzi called to him, “Dumpling, we are
Li Zhenruo simply closed his eyes and clenched his teeth,
clinging to Li Zhenran’s leg and not letting go.

At this point, Li Zhenran finally bent down and reached out

to pick him up.
Li Zhenruo felt nervous for a while, fearing that Li Zhenran
would pick him up to return him to Li Zhenzi, so he still
refused to let go of his front paws.
Li Zhenran seemed a little helpless, and said to Li Zhenzi,
“Is the owner of Dumpling, Miss Yu?”
Yu Bingwei is famous, the Li family has heard about her
name. Yu Bingwei and Li Zhenzi have their own affairs, and
h h k
Li Zhenran might know it to some extent.
After hearing the words, Li Zhenzi replied, “Yes, Bingwei
bought it not long ago.”

Li Zhenran said, “Are you free today? Could I invite Miss Yu

to come out for a meal tonight?”
“Huh?” Li Zhenzi was a little surprised.
Li Zhentai was all packed up and ready to go out, but then
stopped and looked at Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran said, “Maybe I can talk to Miss Yu and resell
this cat to me.”
When Li Zhentai heard him, he seemed to find it a bit funny
and shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the

But Li Zhenzi was stunned for a second, and then smiled,

“Second brother, why didn’t you say it earlier? Look, I’ve
packed everything.”
Li Zhenran took a step forward to show his leg to Li Zhenzi,
“To be honest, now when I look at it this way, it seemed to
be really a bit reluctant to give up.”
At this point, Li Zhenzi also saw that the cat hugged Li
Zhenran’s leg, and made it clear that it knew it would be
sent away today, and it did not want to leave.
He sighed with some sorrow, “How can this cat be raised
like a dog?”
But Li Zhenruo is ecstatic now. He raised his head and
stared at Li Zhenran in a daze, only to feel that the other
party was waving a pair of holy wings behind, like an angel.

Li Zhenzi thought for a while and seemed a little troubled.

He finally said, “I’ll call Bingwei later, or you can talk to
h h h h h k
her at night. I can’t say anything or she’s going to think I
was greedy for her cat.”
Li Zhenran nodded, “Okay.”
“Hey,” Li Zhenzi walked outside and asked the driver to put
down all the pet cat supplies in the car.
Li Zhenran was about to go out too and stepped out only to
find that Li Zhenruo was still holding his legs. He lowered
his head and said to him, “Let me go, I won’t send you
Li Zhenruo glanced at Li Zhenzi, and he was always a little
worried. He was afraid that he would be sold by Li Zhenran
as soon as he let go.

Li Zhenran looked at the time, and simply dragged his foot

with him out.
Seeing that Li Zhenran was about to get in the car, Li
Zhenruo thought he might as well get into the company
with Li Zhenran. Anyway, he could only feel safe by staying
next to Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran didn’t get rid of Li Zhenruo until he got into the
The driver asked him, “Second Young Master, what to do?”
Li Zhenran sighed helplessly, and said, “Let the third child
bring his toilet and rice bowl over, and take it to the
company today first. Later, bring it along to see Miss Yu in
the evening, so that Miss Yu can rest assured that the cat is
in my hands.”

“Oh,” the driver responded and got out of the car to get
Li Zhenruo reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief when he
heard these words. He let go of the legs holding Li Zhenran
and watched Li Zhenran reach out to grab him, then

kl d h f h d h k d
quickly retreated to the corner of the car and shrank under
the front seat.
He was very contradictory. He relied on Li Zhenran even
though he distrusted him. He was still afraid of being
grabbed by him and thrown out by hand.
It was better to keep a proper distance.
Fortunately, Li Zhenran didn’t insist on grabbing him.
When the driver came back with his things, he asked the
driver to drive.

Li Zhenruo stayed in the corner for a while and felt a little

relieved. He then jumped to Li Zhenran’s lap and lay down.
This was the first time he has gone out since he arrived at
Li’s house. He couldn’t help but become active, thinking
about whether he could find a chance to slip away, and
what he wanted to do. It is best to continue to check the
clues that they found in the first place.
But he was worried that his slip would make Li Zhenran
angry. If Li Zhenran didn’t want him, he would never go
back to Li’s house.
His whole cat looked very serious and complicated along
the way.

The author has something to say:

Although you are all asking me when he will change, I want

to tell you that I have already written chapter 40, so it is
useless for you guys to remind me when it is time for him to
Chapter 16
On the way to Yunlin, Li Zhenran kept leaning back and
closed his eyes to doze off. Only until the driver stopped the
car and called him, he slowly opened his eyes.

Li Zhenran stretched out a hand to Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo was very good at reading people. He knew that
Li Zhenran was rushing to work and had no time to delay
with him, so he obediently walked over and let him carry

Li Zhenran carried Li Zhenruo directly through the gate of

He was not as approachable as Li Zhenzi. When Yunlin’s
employees saw the second son of the Li family carrying a
cat to work, they froze on both sides, but no one dared to
ask him.
It wasn’t until Li Zhenran walked and entered the elevator
that the employees started talking.

“Why did the Second Young Master carry a cat to work

“That cat looks a lot like his brother’s last time.”
“It seems to be just one.”
“Why take a cat to work? No one at home to take care of

“That cat looks so stupid, hahahaha.”

l h l d l d h ll f l l f
Until the elevator door closed, Li Zhenruo still felt a lot of
pressure and buried his head in Li Zhenran’s arms. Even if
the Fourth Young Master Li appeared in Yunlin himself, he
had never tried to capture the eyes of so many people.
Li Zhenran didn’t know why Li Zhenruo buried his head,
and just scratched his ear with his finger.
Li Zhenruo’s ears wiggled, and he felt very comfortable.

When Li Zhenran arrived at the office, Hua Yibang had

already arrived. He was surprised that Li Zhenran brought
the cat to work, but he didn’t ask anything.
As he was just helping Li Zhenran bring coffee into the
office, Hua Yibang asked, “Will it peed and poop
Li Zhenruo gave him an angry look: You are the one who
will pee and poo anywhere!
Li Zhenran said, “No, the driver will bring his toilet and
rice bowl up later.”

“Oh,” Hua Yibang replied and said to Li Zhenran, “I have

asked someone to prepare a small meeting room for the
morning meeting.”
Li Zhenran heard the words and glanced at the time.
Hua Yibang said, “There is still half an hour.”
Li Zhenran nodded, “Call me later.”

Hua Yibang responded “Okay” and walked out. However,

less than two minutes after going out, he knocked on the
door again and brought in Li Zhenruo’s toilet and lunch,
which had been brought up by the driver.
Li Zhenruo really didn’t want to equate these two different
h h b kb f h h
There was a short break before the meeting. Li Zhenran
was drinking coffee while flipping through the documents
on the desk.
Li Zhenruo walked to the window and looked outside. For a
while, a multitude of feelings surged up. He wondered what
would he do if one day he found the murderer and a way to
avenge him? Be a cat quietly until the end of life more than
ten years later?

Ugh? It was always unpleasant to think of this.

After half an hour, Hua Yibang knocked on the door and
asked Li Zhenran to have a meeting.
Li Zhenran closed the document, picked it up, and walked
Li Zhenruo immediately followed after seeing this.

Until he followed out of the office, Hua Yibang stood beside

Li Zhenran, hesitated for a moment and asked, “You are not
locking up the cat?”
Li Zhenran looked down at Li Zhenruo and said, “Don’t
worry about it.”

Li Zhenruo followed Li Zhenran at his feet and waited for

the elevator.
Hua Yibang couldn’t help asking again, “Won’t it run

Li Zhenran replied blankly, “If it ran away, I don’t need it.”

Li Zhenruo’s fur stood on end in an instant. He always felt
that Li Zhenran was saying this to him. How could he dare
to run? Besides, where could he run to?

h lk d h l d h h l d
They walked into the elevator, and when the elevator door
was about to close, Li Zhenzi who had come out of the
office shouted, “Second brother, wait for me.”
Hua Yibang quickly pressed the elevator.
Li Zhenzi hurriedly walked into the elevator with Su Yao.
He was holding a stack of documents under his arm, and it
seemed that he was also going to a meeting.

Just now he heard Hua Yibang say that a small meeting

room was used, and Li Zhenruo thought that they were
probably the relevant people of the project of the western
part team meeting.
“Dumpling?” Su Yao yelled in surprise when she saw Li
Li Zhenzi looked down at Li Zhenruo and asked Li Zhenran
weirdly, “Second brother, do you also take the cat to the
Li Zhenran responded, “It followed me on its own.”
Su Yao couldn’t help but said, “Second Young Master, you
are too awesome.”

Li Zhenran turned his head to look at her, “What’s too

Su Yao smiled and said, “I have never seen a cat so well-
behaved. I am afraid that Dumpling has forgotten who its
owner really is.”
As he heard Su Yao mention this, Li Zhenzi remembered it,
and said to Li Zhenran, “I called Weiwei and she said that
she has time tonight. Let’s have a meal together. Where do
you want to go? I’ll book it.”
Li Zhenran said, “I’m the one who invited Miss Yu, it’s
better if I made the reservation to appear sincere.”

hl h lk h k l k
While they were talking, Li Zhenruo kept looking up at

Li Zhenzi suddenly looked down at Li Zhenruo, and said

with a smile, “I don’t think the cat wants to go back
anymore even if it sees Weiwei.”
In Li Zhenzi’s opinion, Li Zhenruo has become a dog under
Li Zhenran. So why did Yu Bingwei want to come? He
would also persuade Yu Bingwei not to ask for it, and it was
better to buy another one again.
When the two brothers arrived at the conference room, the
other people in the meeting had already arrived.
Li Zhenran rarely made small talk, and as soon as he sat
down, he said, “Let’s have a meeting, and spare me the
useless talk.”
As soon as he sat down, Li Zhenruo jumped onto his lap and
sat, causing the mid-level officers of the company attending
the small conference room to look at each other.

But Li Zhenran himself didn’t feel there was something

wrong. He reached out and put his hand on Li Zhenruo’s
back, and also scratched his chin.
Li Zhenruo instantly had the illusion that he was acting in a
Hong Kong film in the 1990s. The mafia godfather sat in
front of his brothers with a serious look and was playing
with a Persian cat in his hand. It’s a pity that Li Zhenran
lacked a trench coat and sunglasses and he was also a fat-
faced Garfield instead of a beautiful Persian cat.
Today, it was a remote video conference. The project
manager who was now in the west reports the recent work
through synchronized video.
The work report process should have been boring, but after
all, it was a project he had been responsible for, and Li
Zhenruo listened with great interest.

h d h h bl
Later, the project manager said that there was a problem
with the demolition and was coordinating with the local
government, but there was some resistance.

Li Zhenran lowered his head, his right thumb and index

finger bent against his chin, and he frowned slightly.
Li Zhenruo raised his head to look at Li Zhenran’s
expression, and he felt he was a bit sexy. His cat’s eyes
were really blind.
After the video report was over, the participants on this
side of the meeting again reported the progress of their
At the end, Li Zhenran suddenly said to Li Zhenzi, “Daniel.”
Li Zhenzi has been a little inattentive throughout the
meeting. He looked up at Li Zhenran in a daze when he
heard that he was named, “Hmm?”

Li Zhenran said, “You take a trip to Qijiang.”

Li Zhenzi pouted, and Li Zhenruo knew that he wanted to
refuse by looking at his expression, and was now trying to
find excuses.
Sure enough, Li Zhenzi said quickly, “I’d like to go, but
there’s a big investment movie to be made on Yunyi side,
and my schedule is pretty full these days.”
Yunyi was a film and television culture company under
Yunlin. Li Zhenzi’s main focus was still on that side. As for
Yunlin’s side, if it was not related to the project on the
western part, he didn’t care much.
Li Zhenruo was in charge of the project on the western part
at the beginning. Because it was handed over to Li Zhenran
at the last moment, Li Jianglin was afraid that Li Zhenran
would not be able to handle it, so he appointed Li Zhenzi to
help him.

d l h h
According to Li Jianglin, the project on the western part
was Yunlin’s major project for the next few years. If
completed, it would be a new type of cultural tourism
model that would be developed in various parts of the
country. That was the business opportunity Li Jianglin had
already seen so far.
In terms of film and television art, although the
development under Li Zhenzi was also very good, Li
Jianglin was getting older after all, and what he valued
more was the old business of the Li family.
Li Zhenran heard the words and said calmly, “I’ll provide
you the airfare, come back anytime you have something on
your side.”
That one sentence blocked all Li Zhenzi’s excuses. Of
course he could say that he was too busy and tired, but it
didn’t sound like a decent excuse.
Li Zhenzi was silent for a moment and nodded helplessly.

At the end of the meeting, Li Zhenran said to Li Zhenzi,

“Third child, stay and give me two minutes of your time.”
Li Zhenzi spread his hands and nodded.
Hua Yibang and Su Yao both consciously got up and went
out of the conference room and helped them close the door.
At this moment, Li Zhenruo felt that he was lucky to be a
cat so he didn’t have to exit the room because he was likely
to hear Li Zhenran talk to Li Zhenzi sincerely. How rare
were Li Zhenran’s sincere words? He thought he would
never hear it in his life.
Li Zhenran reached out and put Li Zhenruo on the
conference table, got up and walked to Li Zhenzi himself,
patted his shoulder, “I know what you’re up to.”

Li Zhenzi shook a cigarette out of the cigarette case, and

just held it to his mouth. Li Zhenran personally picked up
the lighter and helped him light the fire.
h l k d h l d d d d
Li Zhenzi looked up at him, smiled and said, “Second
brother, you are too modest.”
Li Zhenran put aside the lighter on the table, “Third child,
you should think about it. Could the development of Yunyi
be so smooth without Yunlin?”
This was a very simple truth.
It was true that Yunyi developed very quickly and smoothly,
but if it weren’t for Yunlin, there would be no such good
development. The two complemented each other and
prospered together.
Li Zhenzi sucked in a mouthful of smoke and said to Li
Zhenran, “Second brother, I understand. But you know me,
I’m just lazy, I really don’t want to care about Yunlin’s

The hand that Li Zhenran put on Li Zhen’s shoulder

suddenly exerted some strength, “But you have to
understand that some things are not something you can
afford to not want to take care of. Your surname is Li, and
you are Li Jianglin’s son.”
Li Zhenzi’s face changed slightly
Li Zhenran said softly, “How do you think the fourth child
Li Zhenruo had been lying on the table listening to their
conversation, but at this moment he couldn’t help standing
up too. He felt a bit alarmed.

Li Zhenzi’s face became even more unsightly as he asked

rhetorically, “What do you think, Second brother?”
Li Zhenran leaned to Li Zhenzi’s ear and said something in
a low voice, which seemed to be a very long sentence.
His voice was so low that Li Zhenruo didn’t even hear
clearly, and couldn’t help but walk two steps in their
h h h d d h d
But at this time Li Zhenran had stood up straight, patted Li
Zhenzi on the shoulder, and said, “You went there last time,
didn’t you have a good time with the mayor’s son?”
Li Zhenzhi responded, “Not bad.”

Li Zhenran said, “Bring two actresses over, and then have

fun with him, and settle the demolition matter as soon as
Li Zhenzhi took a puff of smoke, then heavily nodded his
head and said, “Okay.”
Li Zhenran pressed his shoulder with satisfaction, turned
around and stretched out his hand to Li Zhenruo, “Come
here, we’re going back.”
Li Zhenruo looked at Li Zhenran hesitantly and did not
He felt very complicated. He repeatedly looked at the
frowning Li Zhenzi and Li Zhenran usual expressions, but
he couldn’t tell what they were thinking.

Li Zhenruo was a little scared.

The author has something to say:

How can it took forty chapters for him to become a person?

Doesn’t that mean second brother have to hold back very
hard… But it’s true that I can’t stop writing about lovely
Do you know why I have so many drafts? Because I don’t
want to be affected by comments and follow my own pace,
otherwise I will definitely think: Oh oh, hurry up and
change him to a person, hurry up and change him to a
Chapter 17
“Dumpling,” Li Zhenran suddenly called his name. His tone
was a bit stiff and cold.

Li Zhenruo came back to his senses and knew that Li

Zhenran was about to be angry, and he should not shrink
down at this time, so he reluctantly walked towards Li
Zhenran, but was unwilling to let Li Zhenran hold him. He
jumped straight off the conference table and followed Li
Zhenran’s leg.
Li Zhenran ignored him and walked out directly.

Li Zhenruo quickly followed. When he left, he looked back

at Li Zhenzi and saw that he was still sitting in his place,
and smoked silently.
As he went back to Li Zhenran’s office, Li Zhenruo hid
under his large desk, because from this angle, Li Zhenran
could not see him at all.
Even so, Li Zhenruo still felt terrified.

He was wondering if he had gotten too close to Li Zhenran.

At that moment just now, when he began to suspect Li
Zhenran, his heart instantly felt like it had plunged into a
bottomless abyss.
In fact, he has to admit that his suspicion of Li Zhenran was
already not too strong after just one month of getting
along. How could a person who was full of love for small
animals so cruelly kill his brother who grew up together?
So what did Li Zhenran say to Li Zhenzi just now?
Li Zhenran probably said, “Look, I killed the Fourth child. If
you don’t listen to me, do you want to follow in the
footsteps of the Fourth child?”
… Li Zhenran was probably crazy.
Or, “Did you kill the fourth child? I have something against
you in my hand, and you have to do things for me.”
It still sounds like Li Zhenran was crazy.
Or, “Look, the Fourth child is not from the Li family
anymore, and some people hunted him down and killed
him. Do you think you can really stay out of the matter if
you don’t care? Your right to hold the power is the most
important thing. You should understand this truth, Yunlin
has always been the foundation of the Li family.”

Hmm… This makes more sense.

So here came the question again, who killed Li’s fourth
child in the end?
Li Zhenruo painfully covered his head with his paws, So
annoyed, so annoyed!
He struggled for a long time and suddenly raised his head
to see Li Zhenran standing in front of him looking at him.
His heart suddenly skipped a beat. He completely didn’t
notice when Li Zhenran came around the desk.

Li Zhenran stretched out his hand to him, “Come here.”

Li Zhenruo looked at his white and slender fingers. He
slowly stood up and walked towards him, and then was
picked up by Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran picked him up and did nothing. He just returned
to his office chair and sat down, scratching Li Zhenruo’s
big face with his fingers casually.
Li Zhenruo felt very comfortable and scared witless at the
same time. He couldn’t help but raise his head to look at Li
Zhenran. From this angle, Li Zhenran’s jawline looked a bit

h h l f l h h h ld
sharp. Li Zhenruo always felt that his character was cold,
and now he just feels uncertain about him.

He was obviously being touched gently, but Li Zhenruo

always had doubts that Li Zhenran would suddenly go crazy
in the next second, biting his veins open with one bite,
causing his blood to surge everywhere, and then let out a
crazy laugh.
What a way to go crazy!
At noon, Li Zhenran had Hua Yibang call to book him a
dinner appointment for the evening.
Li Zhenruo has been extremely well-behaved since then, so
well-behaved to the point of lying motionless on the sofa
until the afternoon. When Li Zhenran came over and
grabbed him by one foot and lifted him upside down, he
didn’t react at all.

The place where they have dinner in the evening was

where Li Zhenran often goes.
Li Zhenzi and Li Zhenruo didn’t like this place, Li Zhenzi
felt the place is lifeless, and Li Zhenruo feels that this place
is too pretentious.
Li Zhenran carried the cat in and no one stopped him. The
beautiful waiter in cheongsam in front of him led him to a
small secluded private room.
An antique Chinese decoration filled the room, the dining
table and dining chairs were in mahogany. Outside the
carved windows, there are rockeries, ponds, small bridges
and flowing water.

Li Zhenran took off his coat and asked the waiter to help
him hang it up, and sat on the mahogany armchair. He
lifted his long leg up to the other leg, reached out and
picked up a teacup gently and elegantly sip a mouthful of
h h d f f l fl d h
The handsome features are perfectly reflected in the
elegant scenery outside the window, just like a young
master of an old society.
Having said so much, Li Zhenruo thought it could still be
described in two words: pretentious prick.
He was placed on the next chair by Li Zhenran.
This was a small private room with a square table by the
window and only four seats.

Now that Li Zhenruo occupied a position alone, he couldn’t

help but lift his upper body and lay his front paws on the
table to reach for the melon seed dish above.
It was just a little distance away, but Li Zhenran didn’t
place it in front of him, and just grabbed a melon seed and
brought it to his mouth.
He opened his mouth to hold the melon seeds, followed the
panda’s way of extending their paws to fix the melon seeds,
and simply peeled off the shell.
Li Zhenzi went to pick up Yu Bingwei, so he arrived more
than ten minutes later than Li Zhenran.
When they came in, Li Zhenran put down his long legs,
stood up and shook hands with Yu Bingwei, with a very
polite manner, “Hello, Miss Yu.”

And when Li Zhenruo saw Yu Bingwei, she knew that she

was very dressed up.
He has always liked Yu Bingwei. This girl was beautiful and
gentle, but the pivotal point was her attractive figure.
Today she was wearing a dress. The colours and styles look
simple, but the design was excellent. One look and you
would know that it was not an ordinary brand. The makeup
on her face was also very delicate, and her hair was
carefully taken care of. She should have made a special trip
to do her hair.
l h h h d h
Although Li Zhenran was not interested in the
entertainment industry and has never made an investment,
no one has never heard of the name of the Li family.
Moreover, the second son of the Li family was half of the
topic people talk about when they talk about the Li family
Compared to Li Zhenzi, it was obviously much harder to see
Li Zhenran, let alone to have such a private meal.
When she received the phone invitation from Li Zhenzhi, Yu
Bingwei instantly felt a little flattered.

“Dumpling!” After being separated for more than a month,

Yu Bingwei was a little excited to see Li Zhenruo again. But
with Li Zhenran present, she acted with restraint and just
reached out to touch Li Zhenruo’s head.
Li Zhenruo wanted to be picked up by her and be rubbed
on her soft chest in her arms. Li Zhenran’s chest was hard,
and it was not comfortable to lie down.
Li Zhenran said, “Miss Yu, please sit down.”
Yu Bingwei and Li Zhenzi sat down opposite them.
Li Zhenran called the waiter to serve the dishes.

Actually, Yu Bingwei already knew the purpose of Li

Zhenran’s inviting her to eat this meal. When she first
received a call from Li Zhenzi, she felt a little angry and
said without thinking, “Why?”
Of course, her anger was directed at Li Zhenzi. She was the
one who left the cat to him for a period of time, but she
didn’t expect that the other party would refuse to give it
Li Zhenzi coaxed her and said, “It’s not me, it’s my second
brother who likes your cat. What can I do?”
When Yu Bingwei heard that it was Li Zhenran who wanted
it, she was not so angry anymore. After all, for someone
lk h f d h f
like Li Zhenran, even if you just wanted to give him a gift to
build a relationship, he may not be willing to accept it.
But still some reluctance, she said, “Do you Li family like to
bully others?”

Li Zhenzi promptly tried to show his innocence, “Where did

I take advantage of you? You go talk to my second brother,
and if you are dissatisfied, splash a cup of tea on his face,
and tell him not to bully others. Wouldn’t that be good?”
Yu Bingwei couldn’t help feeling it was somewhat a little
funny when she heard this and finally sighed.
Li Zhenzi said, “Don’t be angry, it’s just a cat. You haven’t
raised it for a few days. I’ll buy a new one.”
Yu Bingwei knew that she probably couldn’t refuse the
other party’s request. In the end, she could only say, “Okay,
let me go and see Dumpling.”
As she sat here now, Yu Bingwei didn’t hear Li Zhenran
didn’t mention the matter, and so she didn’t take the
initiative to ask.

Li Zhenran asked Yu Bingwei something about her recent

Yu Bingwei answered with a smile.
While talking, Li Zhenran peeled a melon seed with his
hand, and said to Li Zhenruo beside him, “Open your
Li Zhenruo cursed in his heart, Damn it, this great me is a
cat and not a dog! But his mouth opened very honestly.
Li Zhenran fed him the melon seeds.

Yu Bingwei was a little startled for a while, and then came

back to her senses after a while and said, “I didn’t expect
l ll
Mr. Li to raise Dumpling so well.”
Li Zhenruo chewed melon seeds blankly.
Li Zhenran reached out and touched his head without
saying anything.
Yu Bingwei looked a little melancholy, “It didn’t behave this
good when it was at my house. It slipped out once and
scared my mother.”
Li Zhenruo’s heart said, I also quite like you, come over and
let me be buried on your chest.

Li Zhenran said, “You must already know the purpose of my

invitation to Miss Yu. I hope Miss Yu can sell this cat to
Yu Bingwei did not immediately agree, she looked a little
bit distressed, and stretched out her hand to Li Zhenruo,
“Dumpling, do you still recognize me?”
Li Zhenruo wanted to go there. As soon as he moved his
legs, he felt that Li Zhenran’s hands touching his head
became heavier. He was pressed so hard he couldn’t lift his
head up.
After Li Zhenran lifted his hand, Li Zhenruo decided not to
go over to Yu Bingwei. Instead, he climbed onto Li
Zhenran’s lap and sat, rubbing his face against his chest,
and making a cute cry of “meow”.
Yu Bingwei showed some disappointment.

At this time, Li Zhenzi said next to him, “Now he only

listens to my second brother. Who asked you to keep it for
only a month and throw it to me? It’s better not to keep
pets if you don’t have time.”
Yu Bingwei sighed and said, “Yes, I shouldn’t have brought
Dumpling back in the first place. I don’t have time to take
care of it.”

h l l d h k
Li Zhenran’s palm was placed on Li Zhenruo’s neck. Li
Zhenruo felt a little uncomfortable being held tightly by
him. He wanted to move but the grip felt tighter, so he
could only stay still.
Li Zhenran said, “Miss Yu, make an offer. I’m willing to pay
double or give you a better kitten.”
Li Zhenruo looked up at Li Zhenran and wanted to roll his

Yu Bingwei said sensibly, “No need. Since Mr. Li likes it so

much, I will give it to you. Just like Daniel said, I don’t have
time to keep pets. I also wronged them when I bought
them. It’s better to give Dumpling to those who like it
better to take care of it.”
Li Zhenran said, “How can I receive such kindness?”
Li Zhenruo was so embarrassed to hear him.
Yu Bingwei smiled and said, “Just take it as Mr. Li takes
care of Dumpling for me, and I will often visit it if I have
the opportunity in the future. As long as it can grow
healthily, it is better than anything else.”
Li Zhenran looked down at Li Zhenruo and said, “That’s
good, thank you Miss Yu.”
Chapter 18
Later when they were eating, Li Zhenran asked a lot of
things about Yu Bingwei’s filming.

Yu Bingwei gave him a gift, and of course, Li Zhenran

wanted to repay the gift. Yu Bingwei didn’t want his money
and didn’t let him give her another cat. But in her heart,
she still looked forward to Li Zhenran giving her a bigger
gift in return.
Li Zhenran didn’t say anything at the time, but afterwards,
Li Zhenzi hinted to Yu Bingwei that his second brother took
this matter to his heart and would definitely not wrong her.

After eating, Li Zhenran got up and walked directly out. Yu

Bingwei was surprised to see the cat jump off the chair and
ran out at Li Zhenran’s feet.
She turned her head somewhat bewildered and asked Li
Zhenzi, “What did your second brother put in Dumpling?”
Li Zhenzi said, “Put in what? Do you think he put in a
magical potion to hold Dumpling under a spell? How would
I know?”

But after a while, he said, “This cat is quite smart, like a

Yu Bingwei had raised Li Zhenruo for almost a month, but
she never noticed it.
Walking out of the restaurant door, Li Zhenran said
goodbye to them. When he was about to get in the car, Yu
Bingwei suddenly stopped him.
Yu Bingwei said, “By the way, Mr. Li, I asked someone
before and they said that if you want to neuter male cats, it
is best to do it six months before it reached sexual
l l d h f
maturity. I calculated the time, if you want to operate on
Dumpling, you should do it after two weeks.”

Li Zhenruo suddenly flew into a rage and stood up. He

didn’t expect to be exposed, and he couldn’t hold back a
threatening roar at Yu Bingwei.
Who used to say how pathetic it was to castrate him and
would not sterilize him? It’s a shame he still liked Yu
Bingwei so much. As a result, now that they were
separated, she dared to turn around and even stab him. As
expected, the most poisonous thing was a woman’s heart!
Yu Bingwei was startled by him. She looked at him and
forgot to say anything for a moment.
Li Zhenran said calmly, “Thank you for reminding me. I will
arrange the time.”

After saying that, he bent down to pick Li Zhenruo up and

got into the car.
Li Zhenruo’s heart was in a mess and he couldn’t calm
down for a long time. He was nervous, thinking that Li
Zhenran would arrange a time, suddenly raised his paw
and grabbed Li Zhenran’s sleeve.
“What are you doing?” Li Zhenran glanced at him.
“Meow!” If Li Zhen wants to communicate with Li Zhenran
and make sure not to take him to neuter.

Of course, they can’t communicate with words.

Li Zhenran looked at him and after a while said, “Can you
understand what she just said?”
Li Zhenruo was taken aback, and asked in his heart, Should
I pretend not to understand? But on second thought, who
would have imagined whether he understood it or not, so
he shouted again, “Meow!”
h dh h h h d d d h
Li Zhenran propped his chin with one hand and said to him,
“Surgery must be done, otherwise it will be uncomfortable
when you are in rut1an annual period of sexual activity in
deer and some other mammals, during which the males
fight each other for access to the females., you know?”

He knew, but he still didn’t want to do it.

But he had no way to express his wishes to Li Zhenran. He
could only express to him that he was upset. After meowing
for a while and seeing that it bore no effect, Li Zhenruo
jumped off the back seat and hid in the corner of the
carriage, feeling depressed.
When they came home in the evening, Li Zhenruo heard
that Li Zhenran really called Hua Yibang and asked him to
make an appointment for a pet hospital to sterilize Li
At that moment, as a former man, and a male cat now, it is
not an exaggeration to say that the sky has fallen.

He didn’t go into Li Zhenran’s room all night, and in his

heart, he was thinking how deep Yu Bingwei had stabbed
him. If Li Zhenran insists on sterilizing him, then his only
choice is to leave the Li family and never come back.
He would rather go out and be a stray cat.
However, he didn’t know that it was very difficult for a
Garfield cat wandering outside to survive, because their
mouth is too short, so it was very difficult to catch food.
Li Zhenruo was struggling on his side, but Li Zhenran had
already set him a time for surgery.

Li Zhenruo overheard the phone call between him and Hua

Yibang, but it was not like Li Zhenran was making a call
behind his back. After the time had been decided, Li
Zhenruo felt that it was useless to ask Li Zhenran this time.
h l fh d d l
The only way if he wanted to avoid it was to leave Li’s
It had been nearly half a year since he became a cat, and
he could finally sneak into Li’s house. He hadn’t got any
clues about who killed him, but now he had to face the risk
of not being able to continue to be a man.
He wanted to escape this time, and then came back after
two days. He wondered if Li Zhenran would forgive him
and be understanding enough to not let him go through
with this surgery?
Li Zhenruo was in a mess. Early in the morning of the
scheduled operation, he slipped out of the small building
and went directly to the garage to lie low.
The garage was dimly lit. When Li Zhentai’s driver came to
drive the car, he took advantage while the other person
opened the door and came out to take something to get in
and hide himself in the passenger’s seat. This time he
remembered to pull back his tail.

No one noticed him.

Later when it was time for breakfast, Li Zhenran began to
look for the cat everywhere.
Everyone was at a loss, no one knew where the cat at home
had gone.
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath and waited silently.
Until Li Zhentai finished his meal and got into the car to go
to the company, no one at home found him.

After the driver started the car, Li Zhentai sat in the back
seat and said with some amusement, “The second child is
looking for his cat everywhere.”
The driver replied after hearing the words, “It’s not like
he’s in a rut and slipped out, right?”

h l d d d h h b d d
Li Zhentai smiled and said, “Ouch, that’s a bad coincidence.
He should have sent it to operate it yesterday.”
However the small talk was nothing but a joke, Li Zhentai
obviously didn’t care about Li Zhenruo. He was never
mentioned on the road after that.
Li Zhenruo who lay under the seat didn’t know how far he
drove out. He just felt that time had passed for a long time,
and no one had noticed him yet. In the end, he could be at

But he still lay motionless and didn’t make a sound.

Once Li Zhentai arrived at the company, he opened the
rear door and got off.
Li Zhenruo didn’t hesitate and rushed out all of a sudden.
Li Zhentai was taken aback and said, “What?”
The driver quickly turned his head only to see the back of
Li Zhenruo running vigorously. He hurriedly pulled the
door to get out of the car, and said, “Isn’t this the cat the
second young master was looking for? When did it get into
the car?”

Li Zhentai subconsciously followed towards him, but Li

Zhenruo ran out of sight in an instant.
He stood still and when he came back to his senses. He
then pulled out his cell phone to call Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenruo ran wildly and found an empty corner to hide
himself. After making sure that Li Zhentai hadn’t found
him, he came out again quietly.
He didn’t run out on impulse. In addition to hiding from Li
Zhenran for two days, he also planned to go to a place,
which was the appraisal office where he and Li Jianglin’s
paternity were tested. But he didn’t know, could a cat go in
and find some evidence smoothly?

b ll b b d ff l b h l b
Maybe it’ll be a bit difficult, but won’t there always be no
hope if you don’t try?

Li Zhenruo jumped to the fountain pond on the side of the

road, took a sip of water, and then jumped down and
walked towards the bus stop.
It’s impossible to ride a taxi, but it might be possible to ride
a bus.
He stood at the bus stop and looked for the bus route he
wanted to take.
Two elementary school students were standing on the side
of the road with their school bags on their backs, pointing
at him, “Look at that cat looking at the stop sign!”
“Idiot! How can a cat understand the stop sign?”

Li Zhenruo thought: Idiot! Who told you that cats can’t read
stop signs?
He found the bus he wanted to take and hid behind the
crowd. After a while, the bus stopped at the bus stop. Li
Zhenruo didn’t go to the front door but took advantage of
the opened back door. When passengers got off the bus, Li
Zhenruo rushed up.
The passenger who had sharp eyes screamed, and everyone
around was asking what’s wrong.
The man came back to his senses and saw a cat looking at
him pitifully with round eyes, patted his chest and said, “I
thought it was a big mouse, but it turned out to be a cat.”
At this time, it was the morning rush hour. The driver
heard the commotion but couldn’t squeeze behind to see.
When the passengers were all inside, he closed the car
door and set off.

h k h l h dh f
Li Zhenruo took a shower last night, and he just got out of
Li Zhentai’s car today. Right now his whole cat body was
still clean, coupled with his honest and cute appearance,
some children wanted to reach out and touch him.
He refused to be touched, jumped from under the feet of
the crowd to under the rear seats, and lay down quietly.
After five stops, Li Zhenruo arrived at his destination. He
got off behind the crowd, got out of the car, and ran to the
This was the downtown area. Morning time was the time
when the stream of people gathered, and people coming
and going around were walking forward with busy steps. Li
Zhenruo must carefully hide aside because everyone was a
huge monster to him.
His fur was fluffy and clean. Coupled with his special
appearance, he didn’t look like a stray cat, and looked more
like some pet cat has been lost.

And luckily no one came to catch him along the way.

Li Zhenruo found the door of the appraisal office. He stood
on the side of the road and watched for a while, planning to
go in first to see what was going on inside.
In the end, he was blocked by the security guard at the
door just as soon as he took a step to get in.
He tried to go around the guard’s foot, but he didn’t expect
that the security guard would step on his tail. He screamed
in pain and raised his head to see that the security guard
had taken a big broom to drive him away.
There was no choice but to retreat.

Li Zhenruo found a corner and licked his tail. His heart is

itching with hatred, thinking about the guard that blocked
his way. After all, this was the guard’s job, but to step on
his tail with his feet! He was loved by everyone, and it was
rare to meet such an unloving person!
db h d f hl b h h
He stayed by the side for a while, but Li Zhenruo has not
been able to find the opportunity to slip in, and he felt
hungry at this time.
Thinking that it was time for lunch when he was usually at
home, he turned around and left with the intention of
coming back later.
Although he was a cat, he was also a cat with principles. Of
course, he wouldn’t do things like flipping through the
trash can. There was a university nearby. He planned to
squat by the canteen door for a while and find some kind-
hearted, gentle and lovely female college students to take
the initiative to feed him something.

The author has something to say:

Regarding the time of the cat’s rut and sterilization, as well

as Garfield’s other habits, I have looked some on the
Internet. Anyway, there are various opinions about it. If
there is a bug, please treat it as the plot needs it.
Chapter 19
As it turned out, Li Zhenruo’s decision was very wise. He
stayed at the entrance of the university cafeteria for more
than an hour, and countless girls who passed by took the
initiative to feed him food, and most of them were meat.

He thought of the cat food that he ate every day at Li’s

house, but today, he had the opportunity to have such a
meal with meat. Suddenly, he felt that the food in the
school canteen had become delicious.
He was so full that he couldn’t keep his pace, so Li Zhenruo
found a shady lawn and took a nap for a while.

In the end, before he woke up, he was driven away by a

nearby stray cat.
The cat was a male cat. The territory and the female cat
here should belong to it. Li Zhenruo trespassed into its
territory without permission, which was unforgivable in its
Li Zhenruo has not degenerated to the point of fighting
with a cat. He got up and left when the male cat threatened
him. He shook off the grass on his body and went to see if
he could get in the appraisal office.

In the afternoon, Li Zhenruo was lucky enough to sneak in.

He had been to this appraisal office once, but he did not
know where the archive room where the appraisal
information was recorded.
He searched floor by floor and finally found the archive
room on the sixth floor. It’s a pity that the anti-theft iron
door of the archive room was locked, and there was no
window above. With his ability as a half-assed cat, he
definitely couldn’t break in.
f h l d d h fl h h h
After he circled around the floor where the archive room
was located twice, Li Zhenruo left reluctantly.
When he went out from the gate of the appraisal office, Li
Zhenruo was seen by the security guard again. The security
guard picked up the long broom and pretended to chase
after him. Li Zhenruo tucked his tail and ran away.

For dinner, he still went to the school cafeteria door.

Li Zhenruo even ate half a pan-fried small fish. The one
who fed him the fish was a short, chubby girl with glasses.
Li Zhenruo looked up at her only to think that she was as
beautiful as a fairy.
Although Li Zhenruo originally didn’t like to eat fish, now
as a cat, his tongue probably loved the taste.
This dinner was more filling than lunch. Since he turned
into a cat, Li Zhenruo hadn’t tried to eat so much meat for
a long time. He began to like this place a little bit and
thought that even if he couldn’t go back to Li’s house, he
could stay at the school. It was nice to be a stray cat.

In the evening, Li Zhenruo spent the night in the school. He

found a clean corner, and after sniffing carefully for the
presence of other cats. When there were none, he curled
himself up.
Well, although there was a lot to eat, at night he started to
miss his warm and clean bed again. And after wandering
outside for a day, his fur was already dirty and knotted, so
he missed the clear bathwater, and the comfortable touch
of Li Zhenran’s slender fingers stroking his fur to dried him
after taking a shower.
Therefore one cannot say that it’s only human, even a cat
could always find it difficult to be satisfied with its own life.
Li Zhenruo slept until the early next morning and went to
the appraisal office. The security guards were sluggish in
the morning, and he smoothly got in without being caught.
d l h l h l b ff k
He stayed until the people in the laboratory got off work in
the afternoon, but he still found nothing.

Li Zhenruo lingered in the neighbourhood for three or four

days without giving up, drifted in during the day, looked for
a place to sleep at the school at night, and pretended to be
cute to eat all the food at the entrance of the cafeteria.
He really lived a good life as a stray cat.
However, today, he slowly walked to the sixth floor of the
laboratory and found someone standing in front of the iron
door of the archives using a key to open the door.
He hid in the corner, and after the man opened the door
and went in, he sneaked in behind him.

In the beginning, he stood behind the man, and when he sat

down in front of the computer, Li Zhenruo rushed to the file
cabinet beside him.
This place was the most convenient place for him as a cat.
He could always be silent, and he could burst out strongly.
If he didn’t want his prey to find out, he could hide his
whereabouts well.
There were rows of filing cabinets in the archives room, all
of which were placed on the archives of the appraisal
Li Zhenruo hid himself behind a row of file boxes and
peeked at the man’s movements through the gap in the
middle. With his excellent dynamic vision, he clearly
captured the sequence of numbers when the person
entered the password. He took a deep breath silently and
continued to stare at him without blinking. He watched him
log in to the file management system and remember his

Right now was not the right time.

h d h d f l dl
Li Zhenruo memorized the two passwords firmly and lay
down quietly. He had to wait until that person left.
The man stayed in the archive room for about an hour and
seemed to be entering some data. After the entry was over,
he shut the computer down and left, locking the door
Li Zhenruo still did not act rashly.

He had been observing here for some days and knew that
the archive room was likely to be unoccupied for a long
time, and he couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. As he
counted the days, today happened to be Friday, and the day
after tomorrow would be a holiday. The next time this room
would be opened might be next Monday, and if he was
unlucky, it may be next Friday.
As he thought of this, Li Zhenruo looked around and found
that all the windows were locked. He jumped to the side of
the windowsill and tried to unlock it from the inside, but
found that it was nailed to death and could not be opened
at all.
By this time, Li Zhenruo was getting even more flustered.
If he had to wait a week, would he starve to death right
there? What if he had bad luck and no one came in for two
or three weeks?
Li Zhenruo began to blame himself for acting rashly and
doing things without considering the consequences.

But since he has come in, it’s too late to think about
regretting it now. It’s better to finish what he had to do
quickly, and if he’s lucky again, maybe someone would
come to open the door this afternoon, and then he could
slip away.
Li Zhenruo jumped to the front of the computer desk,
stretched out his paws and pressed the computer on.

ll l l b h d d h
He still clearly remembers the power-on password and the
password of the file system. His cat’s paws were
inconvenient for typing and holding the mouse. At the same
time, he has to be on guard that someone will come in. If
someone came in and saw a cat using the computer at this
time, they would probably think they were dreaming.
However, this old machine was very slow to respond, and Li
Zhenruo was a little impatient. While he waited for it to be
turned on, he kept tapping on the computer desktop with
his cat’s paw.
As the computer finally turned on, he entered the file
system and began to recall the time on the appraisal.

The appearance of that appraisal was probably the biggest

setback in his 23 years of living. He had read the document
over and over again, and many details had been deeply
imprinted in his mind.
He entered the commission time to query, and after a
while, he saw a file named Li Jianglin’s paternity test.
At this moment, Li Zhenruo’s breathing began to become
rapid, and his movements were a little flustered. He had to
stop and take a few deep breaths, telling himself not to be
The air was filled with the smell of old paper, and because
the space was sealed off, it was particularly stuffy.
Li Zhenruo tried to relax himself, clicked into the file, and
saw a row of related materials on the left, including the
authorization document, appraisal certificate, and other
related documents.

Among them, Li Zhenruo found a scanned copy of his ID

He clicked the mouse with his paw, opened the scanned ID
card, and saw an unexpected person on it.

h d b h d f h l
Li Zhenruo once inquired about the identity of this client.
He knew that she was a young and beautiful woman. He
always thought that this woman was probably a woman
who had something to do with Li Jianglin because the
sample submitted for inspection was from Li Jianglin’s
semen. There are so many vague names in my head, but he
hasn’t been able to rule them out one by one.
And now, Li Zhenruo saw that the owner of the scanned ID
card was Yue Zijia.
The beautiful young woman matched the information he
obtained before. As he was staring at Yue Zijia’s picture, a
name popped into Li Zhenruo’s head. And now he seems to
grit his teeth when he pronounces this name. It was Li

After he saw this, the other documents he clicked were just

meaningless information.
Both the appraisal office and the authorization document
used pseudonyms, only this scanned ID card shows the
client’s information, which must be the regulations of the
appraisal office, and it was absolutely confidential
Li Zhenruo quickly shut down the system, then turned off
the computer, and jumped off the computer desk.
He didn’t know how close Yue Zijia and Li Zhenzi were, but
Li Zhenzi had to tease a woman when he saw them, so the
relationship between the two would not be easy.
If Yue Zijia was Li Zhenzi’s lover, it would not be very
difficult for Li Zhenzi to hand over his blood sample to Yue
Zijia for identification, because Li Zhenzi might not want
people around him, such as Su Yao to do it. He didn’t want
to involve himself in it, so he found someone who couldn’t
be easily linked to him and trusted them to do it.

As for whether there was anything between Li Jianglin and

Yue Zijia, Li Zhenruo naturally couldn’t know now, but it
was really not surprising. Yue Zijia’s current situation was
hard to describe. She was the social flower of the upper
class. If she and Li Jianglin were both willing to do it, it
would not be considered a disadvantage.
As he thought of this, Li Zhenruo felt that his suspicion of
Li Zhenzi was instantly magnified.
He plopped down quietly behind the door to calm himself
down a bit because he might have to spend a long period of
time in the confined area.
But he couldn’t calm down his mind no matter what. Maybe
he could think carefully about it when he calmed down in
the future, but at this moment, what Li Zhenruo was
thinking was all about how to bring Li Zhenzi to the
Li Zhenruo slowly closed his eyes.

To be honest, he was angry at first, but now Li Zhenruo felt

a little sad.
Although he and Li Zhenzi had a bad relationship since
they were young, and they fought in front of Li Jianglin for
some trivial matters, deep down, he still felt that Li Zhenzi
was his brother, not only Li Zhenzi, but Li Zhenran, and Li
Zhentai, they are all his older brothers. Even if they were
not from the same mother, shouldn’t an older brother
protect his younger brother and stand up when his younger
brother is in danger?
But Li Zhenzi was so impatient. After knowing his identity,
he did not hesitate to reveal it to Li Jianglin, and in such a
decisive way.
Li Zhenruo lowered his head and placed his round chin on a
pair of fleshy claws.
Chapter 20
Li Zhenruo didn’t have great luck, but his luck wasn’t too
bad either.

For the next two days, the door of the archives room was
closed and no one came to open it. By Monday, he was
dying and could barely stand up.
He was extremely hungry, and Li Zhenruo’s initial anger
was washed away. But he also didn’t have the energy to
think carefully, so he pictured pies for himself in his head.
Later, he felt that it was meaningless, so he closed his eyes
and went to sleep. If he was asleep, he won’t feel hungry.

When he heard the footsteps of someone walking outside,

Li Zhenruo came to his senses. He stood up and walked to
the door, thinking if he should grab the door to attract
people’s attention. At this time, he heard the sound of
someone standing in front of the door with a key to open
the door.
Li Zhenruo immediately took two steps back, leaned back
slightly, and made a gesture of preparation to sprint.
When the door opened, he sprang out, and this time really
put all his strength out.

The person who opened the door was a woman in a white

coat. Without warning, she saw a cat rushing past her feet.
She screamed in fright and retreated back, and even fell to
the ground.
Li Zhenruo was not in the mood to pity her at this time, so
he ran to the stairwell with all his might, and then ran
He ran out of the door of the appraisal office, and Li
Zhenruo felt that the energy accumulated in his body was
l d d h d b h
instantly drained. He was chased away by the security
uncle at the gate he had not seen for a long time, and his
energy was all spent when he reached the side of the road.
It was still too early at this time, so he probably won’t be
able to get a meal in the cafeteria.

He stood on the side of the street, he glanced left and right

blankly. If there was a mirror at this time, he would
probably be frightened by himself. The fur on his whole
body was dirty and messy and has lost its lustre. His face
was also dirty with two long tear marks under the eyes.
A few steps ahead, a mother was squatting in front of a
small child on the street to wipe his hands. Besides them,
there was a torn ham sausage that fell on the ground.
The child wanted to squat down to pick it up, but was
pulled by his mother and said, “Don’t pick it up, you can’t
eat it if it falls on the ground.”
When Li Zhenruo heard the words, he took two steps
forward to smell the ham close to his nose.

The mother said quickly, “Quick, give it to this cat to eat.

Don’t eat it.”
Li Zhenruo looked up at them.
The child looked at Li Zhenruo and said, “Here, for you.”
If it was the usual situation, Li Zhenruo certainly would not
even consider eating these things. What’s the difference
between this and rummaging over a trash can? But now he
is really hungry, so hungry that his brain stops functioning.

The cheap ham gave off an attractive fragrance, and he

couldn’t help sticking out his tongue to lick it.
The mother then pulled her son and said, “Look, the cat ate
it. Let’s get going, and mommy will buy you other food.”
f h d h h h l f hh
After she said that, the mother left with her son.
Li Zhenruo ate the ham sausage bit by bit and swallowed it
quickly, ignoring the people around that were looking at

Suddenly, Li Zhenruo stopped when he noticed several

people passing by him. He looked up and saw that it was
three young boys, possibly students from the university
across the street.
One of the boys pointed at him and said, “Look, is this the
Another said, “It seems so. A few days ago, I saw it strolling
around the entrance of the cafeteria every day, but I
haven’t seen it in the past two days.”
The third said, “Grab it?”

The first one said, “Just catch it like this? We might as well
buy something to lure it over.”
The second one said, “Look, it’s about to finish the ham, be
careful it runs away.”
The third said, “It’s so troublesome, just go and catch it.”
The first boy said, “Will this cat scratch people?” and he
approached Li Zhenruo cautiously.

Li Zhenruo listened to all their words. Seeing that there

was only half of the ham sausage left, but the three boys
were already approaching him, he had no choice but to give
it up, turned around and rushed into the grass next to him.
The three boys shouted, “Grab it!”
Li Zhenruo felt that he was still a little weak in his limbs.
Although he tried his best, he couldn’t run fast because he

h ld l h h f f h
was so hungry. He could always hear the footsteps of the
three people chasing him behind him.
Although he didn’t know why they were catching him, Li
Zhenruo didn’t intend to be arrested by a stranger like this.
He ran for a while, and when he saw an alley next to him,
he turned a corner and ran in.

The messy footsteps behind him also chased in.

Li Zhenruo saw two oil tanks placed against the wall in
front. One to accelerate the jump, and then the other to
jump to the surrounding wall.
He was surprised that he had been hungry for two days but
still had such explosive energy. It reminded him of
watching the animal world that talked about cheetahs.
After running with all their strength, if they didn’t catch
prey, they probably won’t have the chance to run next
time1Cheetahs usually become exhausted after chasing,
and have to rest for quite a while. For more info about
cheetah.. He felt that this was probably his last run.
Li Zhenruo stopped and panted hard. He turned his head
and saw only two boys chasing in. They stopped helplessly
when they saw him running up the wall.
“What to do?” The two of them discussed.

Li Zhenruo saw that they seemed to be out of options, so he

plopped down to take a breath.
The two boys were discussing whether to climb up and
arrest him.
One of them said, “You climb up and it runs away. What’s
the point?”
Li Zhenruo panted and said, You guys still have some
brains. He turned his head to look at the fence and planned
to jump down and leave. At this moment, he felt a gust of
wind and realized that he had been paying too much
h d dd l h b
attention to this side. He didn’t realize that a boy was
closing after him from the fence. At this time, the boy
picked up a long pole from nowhere and swept it towards
Li Zhenruo was hit on the butt with a pole and stood up
unsteadily, and then was swept on his leg by a pole again.
This time, he couldn’t hold it any longer and fell to the side.

If he hadn’t been so hungry to the point he couldn’t run and

concentrate, would he have been pushed to this point by
the three hairy boys?
Li Zhenruo felt resentful in his heart, but his body had
already fallen uncontrollably and fell to the ground. This
time, he fell with a thud, and his internal organs were
almost displaced, but he no longer had the strength to
stand up.
Two boys gathered around, and one of them said nervously,
“Not dead, right?”
“It’s not dead,” said another. “Its stomach is still moving.
Hold it down so that it doesn’t run away.”
At this moment, the boy who swept him with a long pole on
the other side of the fence came around and said, “Call

The second boy said, “Knock it off! Take him to the

veterinary hospital to see if he has any injuries. I’m afraid
that if something happens, the other party will want us to
pay for it.”
The other two boys were stunned.
One of them said, “What if he was seriously injured?”
The boy said, “What can we do? Bring it to a doctor if it’s
not expensive, and throw it away if it’s too expensive.” He
thought about it and felt pity towards the cat, and said,
“Find the public phone to call its owner and tell him where
it is and let him pick it up by himself. We did our best.”
h f d b h d kh
They found a woven bag to put Li Zhenruo in and took him
to a nearby pet hospital.

The pain at the beginning slowly dissipated, but Li Zhenruo

still had no strength to get up. He was already hungry, and
he just ran with all his strength for a while just now. At this
time, he really had no strength at all.
In the veterinary hospital, Li Zhenruo was tossed and
turned by the doctor for a full-body examination. The fall
just now did not wreck his internal organs, which means
that he was just malnourished and needed an infusion.
Li Zhenruo really didn’t expect that he would be
malnourished after being hungry for two or three days.
Covered with dirty and messy fur, he was placed on the
examination table by the doctor, who tied all his hands and
feet to immobilize him and then gave him an infusion.
The three boys saw that he was not injured, and he just had
some physical problems caused by wandering. After some
discussion, they went out to make a phone call.

Li Zhenruo kept his eyes closed, but he knew who they

were calling. His master, who was still thinking about
finding him back now, must be Li Zhenran, and not Yu
He didn’t refuse to see Li Zhenran. He also needed to go
back to the Li family now, but he really didn’t want to be
sterilized. In the end, what should he do?
About half an hour later, Li Zhenruo fell asleep after the
infusion. He heard the door of the pet hospital being
pushed open with some force, and someone walked in with
calm footsteps.
Li Zhenran’s presence was too strong, even Li Zhenruo who
had no strength was forced to open his eyes by his powerful

h h dh h h h h d
When he opened his eyes, he saw that Li Zhenran had
walked to his side, and Hua Yibang was following behind Li

Both of them looked like a gentleman in suits, ties and

shirts. They probably just rushed over from the company.
Li Zhenran saw that Li Zhenruo’s face was not looking
Li Zhenruo knew that Li Zhenran must be very angry with
the fact that he had slipped away. However at this time, he
was lying on his deathbed, and it wouldn’t be easy for Li
Zhenran to get angry with him.
So he tried his best to make himself look more even like he
was done for.
Li Zhenran called the doctor, asked about Li Zhenruo’s
condition, and asked for a more detailed full body

As for those three boys, Li Zhenran asked Hua Yibang to go

and give them money.
Li Zhenruo thought in his heart that the three boys didn’t
show any mercy to him, and it was really not worth it to
give them so much money. But at this time he just raised
his head, gave Li Zhenran a silent glance and plopped
The room where the examination table was located was
surrounded by glass walls. He had already seen his current
appearance from the reflection on the glass. He looked very
really pitiful. No wonder Li Zhenran had a complicated
expression and didn’t open his mouth to blame him.
Li Zhenruo had an hour of infusion. Li Zhenran sat on the
stool next to him and kept looking at him.
At first, Li Zhenruo closed his eyes and fell asleep, then
opened his eyes and saw that Li Zhenran kept staring at
h h h h dd l f l
him without changing his movements. He suddenly felt a
little sorry in his heart.

Regardless of the relationship between Li Zhenran and Li

Zhenran in the past, now that they have been together for
so long, he really has some feelings of a pet towards their
Well, this kind of feeling was quite strange to say, but he
was a cat. He was fed, bathed and groomed every day.
Wasn’t it normal for him to have feelings for each other?
However, when he saw Li Zhenran, he thought of Li Zhenzi,
and Li Zhenruo felt slightly chilled, thinking that after he
returned to Li’s house, he must consider the matter about
Li Zhenzi.

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Chapter 21
Li Zhenran was an emotionally reserved person. He sat
next to Li Zhenruo and didn’t say a word. Occasionally the
doctor came in and they would only have two simple

But Li Zhenruo was touched enough that Li Zhenran was

willing to stay by his side for so long.
fh h h b f h h
If he thought about it from another perspective, Li Zhenruo
himself definitely didn’t have so much time to accompany a
pet. Let alone time for pets, even if it was his girlfriend, he
might just go and have a look and send a bunch of flowers.
Such peaceful company was really precious.

After he finished the infusion, he was taken away by the

doctor for a full-body examination. After that, he was given
a bath to remove insects, and he was cleaned. When the fur
on the whole body was fluffy again, Li Zhenruo doesn’t look
much different from the past. As for whether his face
looked hungry or not, it was impossible to confirm it.
Before they left, Li Zhenran actually asked Hua Yibang to
take a collar from the car, and then he personally put it on
Li Zhenruo’s neck.
Li Zhenruo wanted to refuse, but he couldn’t move because
of his legs.

He heard Hua Yibang say that this was a positioning collar.

What the Fuck!
If this was a positioning collar, didn’t it mean that no
matter where he went in the future, Li Zhenran would be
able to know his whereabouts at any time? Would it still be
However, this collar was quite beautiful. It was a black
leather collar.

Li Zhenran put the collar on him and seemed very satisfied.

He reached out and pinched his ear, and then took a cat
leash and put it on him.
This time, Li Zhenruo refused to do it no matter what, but
he couldn’t struggle against Li Zhenran. Even if he refused
to leave, Li Zhenran still picked up his two front legs and
walked outside with him.
l h h h d d b
Until they got into the car, Li Zhenruo pretended to be
dead to express his opposition.
Li Zhenran said calmly, “I’ll take it off for you if you

Hua Yibang was sitting in the passenger seat. After he

heard this, he turned around and glanced at Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenruo had a look of someone that has given up on life
on his face, and tears kept pouring out of the corners of his
eyes. However, these are completely physiological tears,
perhaps because of his poor physical condition, he has been
crying a lot these past two days.
Hua Yibang couldn’t help but said, “It probably doesn’t
want to be sterilized.”
Li Zhenruo silently praised Hua Yibang in his heart.

Li Zhenran actually noticed that everything started from

the day he said he wanted to sterilize the cat, but he was
also worried that it was because the cat was in heat, so it
ran around everywhere.
Li Zhenran’s silence made Li Zhenruo a little uneasy.
But in the end, Li Zhenran still said, “Let’s talk about it
after some time. I’m afraid its current physical condition is
not suitable for surgery.”
Li Zhenruo breathed a long sigh of relief.

However, the cat leash on his body had not yet been
removed for him, and it was uncomfortable. He hesitated,
approached Li Zhenran cautiously, put his chin on his lap,
and raised his eyes to look at him.
Li Zhenran asked Hua Yibang to give him a tissue to help Li
Zhenruo wipe away the tears on his face. He looked very
indifferent when he spoke, and said, “If you dare to run
ll l k d l
away again, I will castrate you, lock you up and never let
you out.”
Li Zhenruo shivered in fright.
Hua Yibang also stretched out his hand and raised his
glasses, thinking to himself: What a terrible

Back at Li’s house, Wang Ma was already at the door of the

house. As soon as she saw Li Zhenruo who had been
carried down from the car by Li Zhenran, she hurried over
and said, “Why do you have to starve like this, sweetie?”
Li Zhenruo was touched by his head and did not know how
hungry he looked.
“It must be hard to live outside, right? Who told you to run
away?” Wang Ma said to him.
In fact, if it wasn’t for checking the files of the appraisal
office, Li Zhenruo would not have been locked up for a few
days. It seemed that the Li family thought that he would
lose his ability to survive if he left the Li family, and was
starving miserably outside every day.

But no one knew how easy he was eating and drinking at

school before.
The cat leash on Li Zhenruo’s body had not been taken off.
Li Zhenran took him directly to the third floor and tied him
near the door of the recreation room. Then put his rice
bowl and water bowl over.
Now he could eat, drink, sleep, eat, drink, and sleep in this
area. It seemed that Li Zhenran didn’t plan to let him go
any time soon.
Li Zhenruo felt that Li Zhenran probably wanted to teach
him a lesson and told him not to run away again. However,
after wandering outside for almost a week, Li Zhenruo felt
that living in a big house without worrying about eating
dd k d d h fh f d h
and drinking was indeed very happy. If he wasn’t forced, he
wouldn’t be willing to run away.
Besides, if he ran away, who would help him deal with his
revenge on Li Zhenzi?

Fortunately, the cat leash was quite long. It was enough for
Li Zhenruo to walk out of the recreation room and walk half
a circle in the corridor. He could even go down two stairs
and stand next to the railing and look down.
Li Zhenran tied him up and left.
Although there was no time to get angry at him, Li Zhenran
was angry for sure. And now was time for Li Zhenruo’s
Li Zhenruo was left alone on the third floor, it was already
afternoon, and the three brothers were not at home. Wang
Ma rarely came up, so he was somewhat lonely being
chained here.
He was lying on the corner of the stairs, sticking his head
out from the middle of the railing, and could see all the way
to the first floor.

However, it didn’t really mean anything, because no one

would look up at him from the first floor.
Before he slipped out of Li’s house, Li Zhenzi had just gone
on a business trip to the west. Now that a week has passed,
he thought that Li Zhenzi should have come back.
I wonder if I can see him at dinner today.
But Li Zhenzi didn’t come back during dinner.
Li Zhenran didn’t go out after dinner. Hearing the sound of
him going up the stairs, Li Zhenruo stood up unconsciously.

h h ll h h h d fl
He saw that Li Zhenran went all the way to the third floor,
just gave him a light glance, and then walked towards his
room. Li Zhenruo wanted to follow, but was caught by the
rope and couldn’t follow before reaching Li Zhenran’s door.
“Meow!” Li Zhenruo called out.
Li Zhenran looked back at him, then turned to walk in front
of him, squatted down, pointed his finger at his wet nose,
and said, “One week, reflect properly.”
“Meow~” Li Zhenruo lowered his voice, sounding a bit
Li Zhenran was not soft-hearted. He got up and continued
walking towards the room, and then closed the door in
front of Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo lowered his eyes, groaned in his heart, and

went back to the stairs to continue lying down.
That night, Li Zhenzi didn’t come back until after eleven
o’clock. He probably drank some wine because he had a
dinner party that night. But today he was somewhat
restrained and was not too drunk.
When he came back, even Wang Ma had already turned off
the TV and gone to bed, and the living room was dark.
Li Zhenruo heard the sound and stood up. He went down
two blocks of stairs, stuck his head out from the middle of
the railing, and stared in the direction of the second floor.
Li Zhenzi didn’t turn on the light but went up the stairs in
the dark. Because he was drunk, his footsteps seemed a
little unstable. When he walked to the stairs on the second
floor, Li Zhen raised his head inadvertently and saw a black
shadow sticking out his head at the stairs leading to the
third floor, and at the same time, he saw a pair of bright

He choked, but fortunately, he was still able to keep his

composure. He just raised his head to look carefully, and
h h ld l l h h h
then he could see clearly that it was a cat crouching there
and looking at him.
Li Zhenzi raised his hand and wiped his face heavily. The
fright just now scared half of his drunkenness. At this time,
he did not rush to find Li Zhenruo to settle the account. But
to think that he has been scared out of his wits by a cat was
sort of miserable.
After that, he dragged his unsteady steps back to his room.
Li Zhenruo sat quietly in place for a while before getting up
and going back to his bed in the recreation room.
The next day, Li Zhenzi didn’t wake up until after ten
o’clock in the morning. There was no meeting in Yunlin
today, so he was not in a hurry, and could arrange his own
time leisurely.

When he got up, Li Zhentai and Li Zhenran had already

finished breakfast and went out.
Li Zhenzi stretched out his hand and pinched Li Zhenruo’s
Li Zhenruo endured and did not escape.
Li Zhenzi seemed to be just teasing him. He looked up and
saw the cat leash on him, and asked, “Second brother tied
you up? Who told you to run around? Be a good boy and
reflect on it.”
After he said that, Li Zhenzi turned around and ran
downstairs, asking, “Wang Ma, when did the second
brother catch his cat back?”

Wang Ma replied loudly, “Yesterday afternoon! Poor little

baby, he was starving and collapsed.”
Li Zhenruo turned around and went back upstairs, and
thought why was it so exaggerated.

h h h d h dd l h d d
But when he saw Li Zhenzi today, he suddenly had an idea.
There were too few things he could do now. If he wanted to
deal with Li Zhenzi, he was afraid he had to borrow
someone else’s hand.
However, before that, he probably still have to find out,
was Yue Zijia doing this at Li Zhenzi’s instigation, or was
there someone else behind her?
Li Zhenran did what he said and actually tied Li Zhenruo
with a cat leash for a week.

Every day when Li Zhenruo saw Li Zhenran going

downstairs, he would meow twice at his feet, but it didn’t
work. Sometimes Li Zhenran didn’t even look at him.
Li Zhenruo felt that Li Zhenran must be angry.
Even though Li Zhenran was angry, he arranged Li
Zhenruo’s diet well.
Every day, Li Zhenruo has boiled chicken and fresh milk
eggs. Wang Ma told him that Li Zhenran specially asked
the kitchen to prepare them and wanted to supplement him
with nutrients.
While eating chicken, Li Zhenruo’s heart was bubbling,
well, he was somewhat moved. If Li Zhenran has been so
kind to him since he was a child, he must repay this brother
wholeheartedly. It was not as if the relationship between
them were not as good as that of ordinary friends.
Chapter 22
On Friday, Li Zhenran came back earlier than usual in the
afternoon. He said something to Wang Ma on the first floor,
but Li Zhenruo didn’t hear it clearly.

After a while, Li Zhenran took Wang Ma up to the third

floor. Wang Ma entered Li Zhenran’s room, and Li Zhenran
untied the cat leash on Li Zhenruo’s body.
Of course, his collar still couldn’t be removed.

But it was enough for Li Zhenruo to roll on the ground

Li Zhenran picked up Li Zhenruo and walked into the room.
Li Zhenruo saw that Wang Ma was helping Li Zhenran to
pack up, but she didn’t pack too much, and just took a
small box. After packing up, Wang Ma handed the box to Li
Zhenran and said, “Be careful on the road.”

Li Zhenran nodded, “I know.”

At the same time, Li Zhenran’s driver came upstairs and
took down all Li Zhenruo’s daily necessities.
Li Zhenruo guessed in his heart that Li Zhenran was going
to take him out, but where? Could it be that he was sent to
be neutered, and then he needed to stay in the hospital for
a few days? So Li Zhenran packed up and planned to
accompany him to the pet hospital?

Li Zhenruo began to struggle.

h l k dd h ldl
Li Zhenran looked down at him coldly.
Li Zhenruo was immediately frightened by his gaze and did
not dare to move.
Li Zhenran went downstairs with a small suitcase in one
hand and Li Zhenruo in the other. The driver had packed
up Li Zhenruo’s daily necessities and drove the car to the
gate to wait for him.

He got into the car and put Li Zhenruo in the back seat at
the same time.
The driver asked him, “Second young master, shall we
Li Zhenran said, “Let’s go.”
Li Zhenruo wanted to ask them where they were going, but
he couldn’t. He felt uneasy. What he was most afraid of was
that Li Zhenran would take him to castrate him. Li Zhenruo
lay down on the seat, and after lying down for a while, he
felt uneasy, he got up and moved to Li Zhenran’s lap.

Li Zhenran reached out and rested his hand on Li

Zhenruo’s back.
The car drove for a while, and when Li Zhenruo stood up
and looked out the car window, he realized that they were
not going to the pet hospital to cut up his little dingding,
but were heading out of the city.
Thinking of the luggage that Li Zhenran had packed, Li
Zhenruo realized that Li Zhenran was probably going to
take a two-day vacation during the weekend, and this time
he brought him with him.
He still remember that Li Zhenran often went out for short-
term vacations in the past. At that time, he had to ask Li
Zhenran to sign for him for an urgent project. He also
personally went to a resort hotel in the countryside and
found Li Zhenran who was fishing.
Like an old man, Li Zhenruo thought at that time.
But today, the sudden thought that he might be going on
vacation with Li Zhenran, made Li Zhenruo felt better all of
a sudden.
Well, he still has a lot of things to do, and he hasn’t had
time to think about how to get back Li Zhenzi, but who
cares about him, let’s have a good weekend first.
Away from Li’s house to the green suburbs, with fresh air
and beautiful scenery, and Li Zhenran accompanied him.

Li Zhenruo lay on Li Zhenran’s lap and closed his eyes

It took them two hours to reach their destination, which
was a large forested villa, with dense mountains in the back
and a cool lake in front.
Li Zhenruo knew this place. It was a high-class vacation
club, and Li Zhenran seemed to come here often.
The car was parked in the villa. Li Zhenran carried Li
Zhenruo out of the car and held him in his arms.

Now in this unfamiliar environment, Li Zhenran did not

choose to put him on the ground. In fact, since he escaped
and was caught back, Li Zhenran was reluctant to let him
go easily most of the time, perhaps because he was afraid
that he would run away again.
This made Li Zhenruo feel a little guilty.
The villa was located by the lake, and only a few minutes
walk from the parking lot, Li Zhenruo saw a lake. The wind
with water vapor blew on his face, his fluffy fur and
whiskers swayed slightly together and it maked him a little
itchy. He raised his paw and scratched his face.
h h d ll h h
Li Zhenruo heard someone calling Li Zhenran’s name, he
looked up and saw a tall and handsome man standing not
far away, smiling at them.

Luo Fei?
Li Zhenruo was simply a little stunned when he recognized
the man’s identity. Luo Fei was a businessman. In Li
Jianglin’s words, he was young and promising. Luo Fei
started to operate the logistics industry more than ten
years ago. It coincided with the popularity of online
shopping, and the logistics industry began to flourish.
Today, the logistics outlets he has established have spread
all over the country, and they were growing stronger and
Luo Fei and the Li family had some business cooperation
before, but Luo Fei’s personality was relatively reclusive.
He wasn’t even interested to join various business
activities, so Li Zhenruo has no way to befriend him.
But he didn’t expect that Li Zhenran would invite Luo Fei
to spend the weekend together here today.
Li Zhenruo knows that Yunlin was trying e-commerce
recently. If it developed, the cooperation with Luo Fei
would be particularly important. It seems that this was not
just a vacation for Li Zhenran, but he was also trying to win
over business partners.

Luo Fei and Li Zhenran shook hands casually and then let
go. It seemed that the two were quite familiar with each
At this time, Luo Fei also noticed the cat that Li Zhenran
was holding in his arms. He bent down slightly to look at Li
Zhenruo and said, “A Garfield?”
Li Zhenran smiled and replied, “Yes.”
Li Zhenruo felt that Luo Fei was looking at him very
carefully, and was somewhat baffled.
h d l d d h h
However, Luo Fei had already stood up straight, put his
hands in the pockets of his casual trousers, and said, “It’s

Then Luo Fei turned around and walked with Li Zhenran

along the lake towards the opposite of the villa complex. As
they walked, Luo Fei said, “I brought a friend here today.”
“Oh?” Li Zhenran replied.
They walked not far when they saw a man standing by the
Li Zhenruo was curious, he stretched his neck to look, and
saw that it was a handsome young man. The man was
wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with sky blue long jeans
underneath, and his legs are long and straight.
“Xiao Feng!” Luo Fei called him.

The young man turned to look at them, saw Luo Fei

beckoning to him and walked over.
Luo Fei introduced him, “This is Li Zhenran, you should
have heard the name; this is Feng Junyuan, a surgeon at
the Affiliated Hospital of C University, a friend of mine.”
Li Zhenran stretched out his hand, “Hello.”
Feng Junyuan looked indifferent, shook hands with Li
Zhenran, and said, “Hello, Mr. Li.”
As they shook hands, Feng Junyuan looked at Li Zhenruo in
Li Zhenran’s arms.

Li Zhenruo was startled when he saw that Feng Junyuan

suddenly brought his handsome and fair face closer, and
tilted his head back slightly.
After he looked at Li Zhenruo for a while, Feng Junyuan
turned to look at Luo Fei. Luo Fei put one hand on Feng
h ld h l d d h
Junyuan’s shoulder with a smile, and said, “This is
Zhenran’s cat, what’s its name?”
Li Zhenran said, “Dumpling.”
Luo Fei said with a smile, “Sounds so cute. Let’s go to
dinner first, there is still more time after dinner, so let’s
talk slowly.”
They ate dinner at the large open-air restaurant by the
lake. The food was mostly delicious fresh river fish,
including a lot of cold-water fish.

Li Zhenran specifically instructed the kitchen to cook a

small fish for Li Zhenruo.
As they ate, Li Zhenran finally put Li Zhenruo on the
ground and let him eat by himself.
Luo Fei was a little curious and asked Li Zhenran, “Won’t
this cat run?”
Li Zhenran said, “It ran away once and I caught it back.”
Luo Fei was a little amused when he heard the words,
“People often say that raising a pet will bring out
affections. Just like it was one’s own family, one will not be
able to let go. It seems that this cat is already very
important to you.”

Li Zhenran said calmly, “It’s mine.”

Li Zhenruo couldn’t help looking up at him. He shrunk his
neck and felt cool.
Dr. Feng had been very quiet, but at this moment he
suddenly asked, “Why does it run away?”
Li Zhenran looked at him, a little strange, “How am I
supposed to know?”
Luo Fei put his hand on Feng Junyuan’s shoulder and said
with a smile, “Xiao Feng is full of love for small animals. He
d h h h ll l
said that he can communicate with many small animals. Do
you believe it?”

Li Zhenran heard what he said, smiled and said nothing,

obviously not believing it.
Li Zhenruo glanced at Feng Junyuan curiously.
Li Zhenran put one hand on his cheek and drank some beer
in the evening. He was a little drunk now. He thought about
it and said, “Maybe it’s because I said I would castrate it.”
Feng Junyuan was startled.
Luo Fei laughed out loud, leaning his head on Feng
Junyuan’s shoulder.

Li Zhenran gently touched the edge of the bowl with

chopsticks in his hand, and asked Feng Junyuan, “Xiao
Feng, can you help me ask him, did he slip out of the house
because I wanted to castrate him?”
Li Zhenruo was nibbling his fish quietly, but when he heard
Li Zhenran’s words, he didn’t dare to let out his breath and
raised his head to look at him.
Li Zhenran also turned to look at Li Zhenruo.
At this moment, Feng Junyuan suddenly stood up, he
walked up to Li Zhenruo and squatted down, leaning closer
to Li Zhenruo, who seemed to be smelling him with his
Li Zhenruo wanted to hide at first, but then thought about
what he was afraid of, he shrugged his nose and pretended
to smell Feng Junyuan.

Feng Junyuan looked a little puzzled, looked at Li Zhenruo

for a while, and asked him, “Do you want to be neutered?”

h ld b h h
Li Zhenruo couldn’t express it, but the panic at that
moment could not be concealed.
Feng Junyuan looked at his eyes, stood up and said to Li
Zhenran, “Mr Li, you’d better not take your cat to be
neutered, otherwise, he run away next time.”
Li Zhenran looked at him with a slightly puzzled
expression, and asked, “It can understand people’s words?
I mean I just mentioned it, but I haven’t taken it to the
hospital yet, but it has slipped away.”
Feng Junyuan said, “Many animals are smarter than you
When Li Zhenran heard this, he nodded and said, “Okay, I
understand, I won’t take him to be neutered.”

When Li Zhenruo heard his words, he exhaled a long breath

and sat down on the ground.
With a smile on his face, Luo Fei picked up his beer mug
and said to Li Zhenran, “Come, have a drink.”
Li Zhenran cooperated with him and raised the glass,

The author has something to say:

My little gong is the second child! Don’t keep saying that it

is the third child! It is the second child, the second child,
the second child, and the important things are to be said
three times
Let’s come to V on thursday
Chapter 23
They had started the dinner late, and then they chatted
while drinking. It was late at night when they finished

Li Zhenruo followed Li Zhenran’s feet back to the room

where they stayed at night. It was a small villa with a living
room and bathroom on the first floor, and a small room on
the second floor with a big bed on it.
On the way, Li Zhenruo stared at Luo Fei and Feng Junyuan
and found that they entered the same villa. Li Zhenruo
wasn’t a naive young boy who didn’t understand anything,
he had also some fun outside himself. When he saw Luo Fei
and Feng Junyuan, he knew that their relationship might
not be so simple.

However, he didn’t get along with Luo Fei much, and he

really didn’t expect that the other party liked a man.
Suddenly Li Zhenruo bumped into Li Zhenran’s leg and
He raised his head and looked at Li Zhenran strangely. He
didn’t understand why he walked and stopped.

Li Zhenran also looked at him and said, “Why do you keep

staring at them?”
In his heart, Li Zhenruo said, I’m just taking a look, and it’s
not like I can answer you.
Li Zhenran didn’t need his answer. After he finished the
question, he continued to walk forward.
Back in the room, Li Zhenruo was caught by Li Zhenran
and his feet was washed clean before he was thrown into
the room to be by himself.
Before Li Zhenran went to take a bath, he pointed at Li
Zhenruo’s nose and said, “You try running again.”
Li Zhenruo thought in his heart that he would not run
away. How many times have you said this, but I really will
not run away!
After intimidating Li Zhenruo, Li Zhenran stood by the sofa
and started to undress.
Li Zhenruo has been getting along with Li Zhenran for two
or three months, and he’s already used to it. At first, he
would turn his head, but later he felt that it didn’t matter.
Isn’t it because he has a good build that his thing is also
big? Anyway, he was a cat, so he won’t lose out if he saw it.

Li Zhenran took off his clothes and went to the bathroom.

Li Zhenruo went to drink water, then wiped the water off
his face on the carpet, and went upstairs to lay down
beside the bed.
The air seemed to be a little hot.
Li Zhenruo rubbed his face on his paws. The air in the
mountains was very fresh. Not only he did not need to turn
on the air conditioner at night when the temperature
dropped, but he also had to sleep under a thick quilt, which
was a little damp.
But no matter what, it has nothing to do with the hot

Li Zhenruo thought to himself that he didn’t drink beer

tonight, but why was he so restless and couldn’t calm
down. He rolled around on the bed for a long time, and
when he heard Li Zhenran open the bathroom door and
come out, he suddenly raised his head and was stunned.
He realized one thing, he might be in heat.
Damn it!
f h l d h h dd l b
After he realized this, Li Zhenruo suddenly became
nervous. Of course, he knew that cats would go into heat
and that the best way to deal with a house cat was to
neuter it.

But his soul was a person and not a cat. Of course, he

couldn’t accept being neutered. He thought that with his
willpower alone, even when he was in a rut, he would never
urinate and meowed like a real cat in a rut. But he didn’t
expect that even if he could restrain himself from doing
inappropriate behaviour, that kind of physiological
discomfort would be unavoidable no matter what.
Li Zhenruo got up from the bed and walked downstairs
along the stairs.
It just so happened that Li Zhenran was coming upstairs,
wearing only a pair of underwear after taking a shower,
with a slender body and well-proportioned muscles, he
looked like a male model in a commercial.
Li Zhenran asked him where he was going.

He went down to pee, then crawled back to the edge of the

He had no place to go this late, and it was not like he could
break down the door to find a female cat, right? Bah! He
has no sexual interest in female cats, and if he was looking
for it, he would be looking for a female human.
But it looked like no woman would be interested in him.
As he thought of this, Li Zhenruo felt sad for a while.

Li Zhenran lifted the quilt and sat on the bed, took out his
mobile phone and looked at it for a while.
Li Zhenruo told himself to calm down as much as possible,
not to think about anything, and to sleep quietly.

h dd l ll h h h k
But he didn’t sleep very well that night. First, he kept
waking up in a state of discomfort. Second, even if he fell
asleep, he didn’t keep dreaming1in a deep sleep state, and
he couldn’t sleep well at all.
He found out that the effect of hormones on the body
caused by male cats’ rut was terrible. All night, shining
bright scenes kept flashing right before his eyes. Later, he
saw a hairy butt in it, and he woke up all of a sudden.
If Li Zhenruo was able to sweat, he must be full of cold
sweat now. Was he thinking it couldn’t be that bad? If he
was really in heat with a female cat, then he was finished.
He didn’t want to end like this!

The next morning, when Li Zhenran got up and washed in

the bathroom, he suddenly stuck his head out and looked at
Li Zhenruo who was peeing outside.
Li Zhenruo subconsciously wanted to turn his back to him.
Li Zhenran said, “Did you drink too much water last night?
Frequent urination?”
Li Zhenruo raised his head, gritted his teeth and decided to
ignore him.
In the morning, Li Zhenran invited Luo Fei to fish by the

The two of them were obviously not very old, but for some
reason, they were extraordinarily calm. They could sit
quietly by the lake for a day and just stared at the fishing
Li Zhenran wore a sun hat and a pair of sunglasses. He
looked like a big star. He sat leisurely on the reclining
chair, leaned back and raised one of his long legs.
Luo Fei was beside him, and Feng Junyuan was sitting
beside Luo Fei.

Feng Junyuan was also a very quiet young man. Luo Fei
taught him how to fish, and he stared at the lake without
saying a word while holding the fishing rod.
After a while, Luo Fei took the fishing rod from his hand
with a smile and said, “You are too murderous, the fish will
not take the bait.”

When Li Zhenruo heard these words, he was a little strange

at first, but then he thought, this probably means that Feng
Junyuan was a surgeon with a scalpel, so the killing intent
was more apparent.
Among them, the most unsettled person was Li Zhenruo.
In order to avoid inappropriate behaviour, he has
restrained himself a lot. But it was precisely because of this
restraint that he was so irritable that he could hardly sit
quietly for a moment.
Li Zhenruo didn’t dare to stay away from Li Zhenran, for
fear that he would be unhappy.
So when Li Zhenran was fishing, Li Zhenruo started to
circle around Li Zhenran’s legs.

Li Zhenran ignored him at first, but later became annoyed

and kicked his ass lightly with his foot when he passed by.
Li Zhenruo took two steps forward, turned around, and let
out a threatening growl.
Li Zhenran lowered his hat, his eyes were covered by
sunglasses, but his tone was not very gentle, “Throwing a
Li Zhenruo was actually just a little irritable under the
effect of hormones. Li Zhenran asked coldly, and Li
Zhenruo immediately lowered his head and silently walked
to the side to pick up the fish in the bucket.
Li Zhenran sat for an hour and caught three fish, one of
which was quite large.
Li Zhenruo was lying on the edge of the bucket and put his
claws in to fiddle with the fish. It wasn’t that he wanted to
eat, he just couldn’t sit still for a moment and needed to do
something to distract him from the fluffy furry cat’s ass.
There was only half a bucket of water in the bucket. Li
Zhenruo lay on his stomach and swayed his claws.
Unexpectedly, he flipped the bucket over and put it on his
The fish fell out of the bucket and flopped vigorously on the
Li Zhenruo panicked in his heart, stretched out his claws to
lift the bucket, and stepped back. As a result, because it
was not far from the edge of the lake when he took a few
steps back, he fell into the lake at once.
Li Zhenran reached out to pull to grab him but failed to do
so. He could only remove the bucket from his head.

Li Zhenruo fluttered in the water.

This time, Li Zhenran grabbed him by the collar and pulled
him up.
Luo Fei laughed and said to Li Zhenran, “Your cat is really
Li Zhenran took off his sunglasses and looked at Li Zhenruo
Li Zhenruo shook off the water on his body. Because the fur
on his body was wet, he looked like he lost a lot of weight.
He raised his head to look at Li Zhenran, still gasping for

Li Zhenran put down the fishing rod and took Li Zhenruo

back to the room to shower him with clean water, and then
dried the hair with a hairdryer.

h h h f bl h h
When Li Zhenran was sitting on the sofa blowing his hair,
his fingers stroked his skin, and the warm air was gently
simmering again, and Li Zhenruo immediately felt his mind
When Li Zhenran stretched out his fingers in front of him,
he suddenly opened his mouth to bite, but of course, he
couldn’t bite anything.
But the next moment, Li Zhenran twisted his mouth and
asked him, “What are you doing? Do you want to bite me?”
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, his behaviour just
now was completely a subconscious physiological reaction,
and he didn’t know what was going on.

Li Zhenran stared at him, “You’ve been quite abnormal

since yesterday, huh?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t know how to react, he turned over and
got up from Li Zhenran’s leg at last. He was very irritable
and didn’t know what to do. He wished he could just bump
into the sofa and faint.
During lunch, Li Zhenruo had no appetite, so he jumped to
the chair beside Li Zhenran and sat down.
A young waitress couldn’t help touching his head when she
was serving.
As a result, he grumpily lunged forward at her, making a
move to bite, but of course, didn’t actually bite.

The waiter was taken aback, and at the same time, he was
scolded by the supervisor.
Li Zhenran looked at Li Zhenruo strangely and said, “It’s
not usually like this.”
Luo Fei asked, “What happened to it?”
Li Zhenran thought about it for a while, “It’s a little cranky,
loves to bite people, and urinates very often.”
h dd l d h
At this moment, Feng Junyuan suddenly said, “It’s in heat.”

Li Zhenran was a little stunned and looked up at him.

Luo Fei didn’t know what to think, so he laughed.
After Feng Junyuan finished speaking, he had nothing to
say but turned his head to look at Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenruo groaned in his heart, he also knew that he was
in heat, but it was embarrassing to be told like that,
especially in front of Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran folded his arms around his chest and asked,
“Are you sure?”
Before Feng Junyuan could answer, Luo Fei said for him,
“He is sure, he has had cats at home, so he should know it
very well.”

Li Zhenran frowned slightly. Obviously, Li Zhenruo’s

current condition was somewhat unacceptable to him. He
asked, “How long will the cat’s rut last?”
Feng Junyuan said, “It will be more than ten days.”
“More than ten days…” Li Zhenran repeated, somewhat
With a smile, Luo Fei said, “You were reluctant to castrate
it and now it has come to this, just bear with it. But I heard
that a male cat may run around when it is in heat, you
better watch it more strictly, and be careful that it ran
away with a female cat. “

Li Zhenruo looked at him coldly and thought that it was not

funny at all: Thank you, I won’t run away with the female
Li Zhenran raised a hand and rubbed his thumb against his
lips as if thinking.
h h f d f h h
What Li Zhenruo was most afraid of was that Li Zhenran
would give him help by castrating him, so he was trying to
restrain himself and make himself not too obvious.
As a result, Li Zhenran was probably afraid that he would
run amok, so he still chained him in the room in the
afternoon, with his toilet and rice bowl beside him.
Li Zhenruo was very angry, he lay on his face for a long
time, and then took a deep breath and told herself not to
care about stupid humans. Because he has now been
upgraded to a smart

In the afternoon, Li Zhenran and Luo Fei went to climb the

mountain. They had dinner in a small restaurant in a
farmhouse on the mountain and had a meal of chicken pot
with mushrooms. There was almost no seasoning, but the
freshness of the mushrooms and the chicken was already
tempting enough.
When he left, Li Zhenran packed a chicken leg to take back,
to comfort Li Zhenruo.
At this time, Li Zhenruo was extremely irritable after being
chained in the room for an afternoon. His claws scratched
the carpet next to him, and then he wanted to scratch the
The physiological impulses prompted him to run outside,
where there would be a furry butt, instead of being locked
in such a damnable place where he couldn’t go anywhere.
When he heard the sound of Li Zhenran using the room key
to open the door, Li Zhenruo suddenly became quiet. He
told himself to calm down and let Li Zhenran release him

Li Zhenran opened the door and came in, holding a lunch

box in his hand.

dd k h h h k h
He didn’t know what Li Zhenruo was thinking at this time.
He took the lunch box and walked to Li Zhenruo and
squatted down. He opened the lunch box, put it next to his
mouth, and then used chopsticks to tear off the soft boiled
chicken thigh.
Li Zhenruo swallowed a mouthful of saliva and decided to
eat first.
Li Zhenran fed him chicken, then took off the cat leash for
him. He then got up and walked to the bathroom at ease.
Li Zhenruo was still licking his mouth until Li Zhenran
closed the bathroom door, then he turned and ran to the

He had planned to sneak out. Although it didn’t make much

sense, and he would be ruthlessly punished by Li Zhenran
later, now Li Zhenruo felt that his brain was controlled by
his body. Just like what he had always worried about, he
would be completely tormented and turned into an animal
because he was in heat, forgetting his identity as a human
At this point, he no longer quite understand what he has to
He jumped out of the window. It was pitch black
everywhere. There were lights in the lake pavilion in the
distance and the corridor leading to the shore, but Li
Zhenruo didn’t plan to go there. There was a small forest
behind the villa area. At night, only shadows of dense trees
could be seen. The branches of the expended trees look like
monsters showing their teeth, and there is empty silence.
Li Zhenruo ran in that direction.
There might be some mice, insects and snakes in the
woods, because a cat suddenly entered and escaped in all
directions, the body rubbed by the dead leaves on the
ground made a creaking sound.

h dd d ll h h d
Li Zhenruo didn’t stop and ran all the way to the deepest
point. He felt that his whole body was hot as if something
was about to burst out, and the bones of his limbs were also
He thought that he might not only be in heat but also had
some other disease, perhaps a terminal illness of a cat,
because he felt that he was about to die.
His forehead was pounding and his heart was beating
faster and faster. Li Zhenruo couldn’t bear it anymore and
fell to the ground. His chest and abdomen were heaving
violently, and he slowly closed his eyes.
After an unknown period of time, maybe it was only a few
minutes, but he felt like it lasted half a century. All those
pains had subsided, and his heartbeat was gradually
returning to normal.
Li Zhenruo opened his eyes and tried to stand up, but found
something was wrong. The proportions of his hands and
feet were wrong, and he couldn’t get up on all fours in an
instant. Everything was strange.

He raised his paw and stretched it out in front of him, then

his eyes widened in surprise, because he found that it was
not the cat’s paw that he was used to seeing, but a human
hand. He finally knew what was wrong. He turned over and
stood up from the ground, he lowered his head to touch his
body and found that he had changed back to a human form.

The author has something to say:

A few words before entering V: This article was written in
the manuscript deposit box, so the author was often too
lazy to leave a message when the author has something to
say. Thank you for your comments and all the terrific
readers who throw some mine. I didn’t reply one by one
and I didn’t post the list of Overlord tickets mainly because
I really didn’t have that much time, and you guys don’t
have to throw so many mines, I feel embarrassed

h h d h l
I just hope that every reader can support the original
version, and I will try to communicate with you as much as
Tomorrow’s 10,000-word update is divided into two
chapters, one will be posted at 12:00 noon, and one will be
posted at 8:00 pm, so as not to post too many at one time
and everyone will suffer from indigestion!
Chapter 24
Li Zhenruo was originally a human.

He was the fourth son of Li Jianglin, the chairman of

Yunlin. He was young, promising, handsome and
outstanding. Although he has three older brothers, he
thought that was nothing to be afraid of, since he was the
However, that has become a thing of the past.

He was killed and turned into a cat, and now he was

struggling to survive and to take revenge. He persisted
until now and planned to live as a cat until the end of his
life more than a decade1because an indoor cat’s life
expectancy is around 13-17 years later.
He thought that when he was reincarnated, he had to make
a good choice and not enter the path of beasts again2in
Buddhism you have several paths in reincarnation, so he
was saying he doesn’t want to be reincarnated as an animal
next time. He still wanted to be a human being.
But one night, when he was tortured to the point of
madness by the pain of the animal’s rut, he suddenly
turned back into a human in the dark woods.

Furthermore, he was naked.

He stood up, panting slightly, and turned around blankly.
Why did he become human? Wasn’t he a cat? However, this
question was like asking why he was reborn as a cat, and
not a person. No one would answer him.
But he was turned back into a human! Surely God was
giving him the opportunity to be reborn once again. God
has not given up on him.
Li Zhenruo raised his head and laughed loudly. After
laughing for a while, he quickly covered his mouth to
prevent himself from disturbing others.
A cool wind blew and the leaves rustled. At the same time,
he felt his body shivering, so he finally regained his senses
and began to think about the real problem. That was; one,
he has no clothes, and two, where should he go?
The first problem was not too difficult to solve, and now he
need to consider the second problem because once he
figured out the second problem, the first problem would
also be solved.
In fact, he didn’t want to go anywhere, he wanted to go
back to Li’s house. He became a man and had more ways to
find out the truth and avenge himself. But he had changed
back to Li Zhenruo, how could he go back to the Li family?
Everyone knows that he was dead, and if he appeared
again, he would only be regarded as a liar and no one
would believe him.

What’s more, Li Zhenruo was not Li Jianglin’s biological

son at all, and his existence would not even have any
commemorative value.
“What should I do?”
Li Zhenruo raised his hand and felt that the collar on his
neck was still there. He froze for a moment, then raised his
legs and walked out of the woods.
It was very late at this time, but Li Zhenruo still had to be
careful, because he had no clothes on, and he didn’t want
to be seen by others as a naked pervert.

At night, the forest villa was dark and quiet, and the
buildings around it emitted soft lights. The antique pavilion
located on the lake was even more dimmed with a dusky

lh l h h h h d
silhouette, along with the steaming water, which created a
strange effect.
The surroundings were completely silent. Only the chirping
of insects and the sound of water from the waterfalls in the
mountains could be heard. It was just for appearance and
the sound was inaudible during the day, but it was clearly
audible when it was quiet at night.
Li Zhenruo silently lowered his body and walked to the
lake. He squatted down, stretched out his head and used
the light next to him to create a reflection on the water.
The reflection in the water was not very clear, but the
outline and facial features can already be seen clearly, Li
Zhenruo couldn’t help but be startled when he saw the
shadow in the water because it was not his own face.

To be precise, it was not Li Zhenruo’s face, but the face of

an unfamiliar young man. The face looked very young, with
a little childishness, with curved eyebrows and beautiful
lines, like a lightly outlined ink painting, he looked delicate
and elegant.
Li Zhenruo was at a loss when faced with this face. It was
understandable that he did not change back to Li Zhenruo’s
appearance, because he was a Garfield cat, but it shouldn’t
be like this. No matter how he thought about it, the face
should be a big round face, with facial features like being
flattened by a pan and set on the disc face.
There was a mess in his head. He calmed down from the
ecstasy at the beginning and thought more about his
current way of handling things.
Also, he felt cold since he was not covered with fur, so he
had to find some clothes to wear.

At this moment, Li Zhenruo suddenly saw the reflection of a

person behind him in the water. Because he became a
person, his alertness even dropped! When he saw the

h d l d b h
person, he immediately wanted to get up, but the person
grabbed the collar around his neck.
The collar was suddenly pulled back and strangled Li
Zhenruo’s neck. He had to reach out and grab the collar.
The next thing he heard was Li Zhenran’s voice ringing in
his ear, “Who are you? Where’s my cat?”
The collar was already very tight, and because it was
password locked, Li Zhenruo couldn’t open or take it off by
himself. Now because Li Zhenran pulled it hard, he couldn’t
breathe. He tried to put his fingers between the collar and
his neck and said with difficulty, “Let me go first… I can’t
Li Zhenran was originally bending over to speak near his
ear, but now he stood up straight and loosened his hands
slightly, but still held on to the collar. He said once again,
“I’ll give you a chance, where’s my cat? If you don’t say
anything, I’ll call someone here. Where are you from, the
pervert who runs naked in the middle of the night?”

Li Zhenruo finally caught his breath. He almost rolled his

eyes, but he didn’t know how to answer Li Zhenran’s
question. He turned his head quickly, thinking about what
he should say.
Li Zhenran saw that he didn’t speak, and immediately
released his voice and shouted, “Is there anybody?”
Li Zhenruo was startled, and he said quickly, “Don’t call
anyone! I know where your cat is!”
Li Zhenran looked at him coldly.
Li Zhenruo said, “Can you let me stand up?”

Li Zhenran slowly released the fingers that were holding

the collar.
Li Zhenruo put his hand on the ground and stood up, and
turned to face Li Zhenran. He found that Li Zhenran was
h h b h h lf
wearing pyjamas when he came out, but he himself was
wearing worse than, so there was nothing to say.
He reached out to touch his neck, and Li Zhenruo
remembered that the collar was positioned. No wonder Li
Zhenran found him so quickly. The collar was never taken
off for a day. No matter where he went, Li Zhenran could
easily find him.
Li Zhenran was still waiting for his answer, and obviously
he was starting to lose his patience.
Li Zhenruo didn’t have time to make up a perfect lie and
then took Li Zhenran to find his cat. He knows how
possessive Li Zhenran was to the cat. If he couldn’t give Li
Zhenran back an identical Dumpling, the other party would
definitely not let it go easily. He didn’t want to be treated
as a pervert.

So, he took a deep breath and said, “I’m your cat.”

Li Zhenran looked at him impatiently at first, but now has a
look of a psychopath on his face. He reached out and poked
Li Zhenruo’s chest, “Give me back my cat.”
Li Zhenruo also felt that Li Zhenran was a psychopath.
Wasn’t he just a cat? It was not like he was his wife?
He then took a step forward, almost sticking to Li Zhenran,
and said to him again, “I’m really your cat, listen, meow~”
Li Zhenran suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist.

Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment and didn’t

understand why he do that, but he didn’t expect Li Zhenran
to take out his mobile phone and dial 110.
“Hey!” Li Zhenruo struggled for a while, and found that Li
Zhenran’s hands were so strong that he couldn’t break
free, so he could only rush to grab his mobile phone, “How
can you trust me? If you call the police now, your cat will
never be found back!”
dd d l h ll h l dd
He didn’t dare to let Li Zhenran call the police. He didn’t
know what he was, nor how could he prove his identity. If
he went to the police station, he couldn’t tell what would
Li Zhenran grabbed the phone and swung his arm back,
and Li Zhenruo almost hugged him. He tried his best to
grab Li Zhenran’s hand that was holding the phone.
The 110 wasn’t dialled out. Li Zhenruo said anxiously in Li
Zhenran’s ear, “I am Dumpling, you asked for me from Yu
Bingwei, and I sleep beside your bed every night. The collar
was custom-made for me, the inner ring has your name and
phone number in case I get lost. My cat bed is red, and
there is a cat’s head print on my rice bowl. I slipped out of
your bath just now, not because I wanted to run away, but
because I seemed to be in heat!”

“In heat?” He said a lengthy list, but Li Zhenran probably

only caught these two words.
At the same time, a flashlight shone in their direction. Just
now, Li Zhenran’s call was heard by the staff of the villa
after all. At this time, the flashlight shone from a distance
and asked, “Who?”
Li Zhenruo was startled and quickly hid behind Li Zhenran.
He grabbed Li Zhenran’s clothes and said, “I’m not a
pervert, help me!”
Li Zhenran stretched out his hand to pull him away, but the
palm of his hand touched the smooth and slightly cool skin.
After hesitating for a while, he said to the staff, “It’s me, Li
The man originally wanted to shine a flashlight on their
faces, but when he heard it was Li Zhenran, he immediately
put the flashlight away and said respectfully, “So it’s Mr.
Li, did you call out for someone just now?”

Li Zhenran glanced at Li Zhenruo and said, “It’s nothing.

I’m just joking with my friends, I’m sorry to disturb your
“No,” the man said, “I was worried that you encountered
something, it’s good that nothing happened, then I’ll go to
patrol first.”
After saying that, the man hurriedly turned and left.
Li Zhenruo let out a long sigh of relief, and his head was
almost touching Li Zhenran’s shoulder. During this period
of time, he was so used to sticking to Li Zhenran, and he
didn’t seem to feel anything wrong.
Li Zhenran still grabbed his wrist and said, “You make it
clear to me now.”

Li Zhenruo moved his hand, “Can you let go?”

Li Zhenran refused mercilessly, “Want to run?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I don’t want to run at all, can we go back?
Don’t you see that I didn’t have any clothes on? Where can
I run?”
Li Zhenran did not agree with him immediately and looked
Li Zhenruo knew that he still didn’t give up and wanted to
find the cat, so he said: “No need to look for it, you can’t
find it. Or, just look at the collar, how do I take it off and
put it on my neck unless I cut it with scissors? Besides, I’m
not sick in the head. What’s the use of robbing the cat’s

Li Zhenran was really uncertain, he took Li Zhenruo’s hand

and said, “Let’s go back.”
Li Zhenruo was pulled by him and almost fell. He was
embarrassed to walk too far without wearing pants. He
almost trotted all the way and was taken back to the villa
by Li Zhenran.

h d h h l d d h
As soon as he entered the room, Li Zhenruo pleaded with
him, “Give me some clothes to wear, second… Ran ge.”
He originally wanted to call him second brother
subconsciously, but then he immediately changed his words
when he felt it was wrong3二哥 = Èr gē. He was about to
call him er ge but changed it to Ran ge, and went down to
call him Ran ge4a way to call someone older than you
Li Zhenran glanced at him, not knowing what to think, then
went to get him a bathrobe to wear.

Although he didn’t even have any underwear, it was better

than running naked all the time. Li Zhenruo immediately
put the bathrobe on the outside and wrapped his body
Li Zhenran sat on the sofa, raised one leg and looked at
him without saying a word.
At this point, Li Zhenruo was too lazy to make up stories.
He planned to tell Li Zhenran the truth. As for whether Li
Zhenran believed it or not, he didn’t care. But there was
one thing he would not reveal, that was his original
Li Zhenruo sat down on the sofa, told Li Zhenran about his
physical condition in the past two days, and then said, “I
was so anxious when you went to take a bath tonight that I
couldn’t help running out. As a result, I fainted in the
woods and woke up like this.”
Li Zhenran asked him blankly, “Have you found a female

Li Zhenruo shook the hairy buttocks image in his head. He

frowned and said, “How can there be a female cat? I don’t
want to find a female cat.”
Li Zhenran didn’t speak and just stared at him.

h l k d h d b l
Li Zhenruo looked at Li Zhenran, “You don’t believe me?”
Li Zhenran sneered this time, “From what point do you
think you look like a cat? Do you think I believe you?”
Li Zhenruo knew the problem with what Li Zhenran said.
He really didn’t look like a cat, because he wasn’t a cat at
all, his language and other expressions were too human-
like. He was uncomfortable when he was naked and was
looking for clothes to wear everywhere.

But if he really was a cat who had just become a human, he

wouldn’t be like this. He should still act like an animal, not
a human right away.
He could tell Li Zhenran that he was originally a human
soul attached to the cat, but that would lead to other
troubles. Li Zhenran would definitely figure out his original
identity. He might have accidentally revealed the purpose
of his visit to the Li family.
The situation in front of Li Zhenruo was really difficult to
understand. For a while, he had nothing to say to Li
After a while, he heard Li Zhenran say, “But Dumpling
doesn’t look like an ordinary cat.”
Li Zhenruo didn’t understand what he meant and looked up
at him.
“Turned into a human?” This is too absurd, Li Zhenran
sneered, and he said to Li Zhenruo, “Why do you think you
became a human?”

Li Zhenruo shook his head, seeing Li Zhenran’s unpleasant

expression, and said, “Maybe it’s because of the rut…”
“Okay,” Li Zhenran said, “Twenty days is enough for a cat
to be in heat, right? I’ll give you twenty days. You can
change back and return to me after you’re in heat. I won’t
care about anything. But if you are still a person by that
time, I will dispose of you directly.”
Dispose of me?
Li Zhenruo’s eyes widened in amazement, was he a

However, with that said, Li Zhenran did not seem to believe

him at all and made a phone call to inform the manager to
help him find his cat within the mountain resort.
Li Zhenruo heard him call and whispered, “It’s really me,
you can’t find it.”
Li Zhenran ignored him and went back upstairs to sleep
after the phone call, regardless of the commotion outside.
When he went upstairs, he glanced at Li Zhenruo, “Aren’t
you going to sleep?”
Li Zhenruo’s cat bed was not brought here, because he has
always been able to sleep beside Li Zhenran’s bed.
Now that Li Zhenran asked him to sleep, in order to prove
that he was Li Zhenran’s cat, he could only follow him to
the bed.

Li Zhenruo lay down at the end of the bed, but he was used
to curling up in a ball. Unfortunately, his body was not as
flexible as before, and he could only form a half ball.
Fortunately, the bed was still very big, so it didn’t look very
crowded, but after lying down, Li Zhenruo raised his head
uncomfortably and said to Li Zhenran, “Aren’t you
uncomfortable with two men sharing a bed?”
Li Zhenran asked back, “Aren’t you my cat?”
Li Zhenruo was speechless for a moment.
He literally lay on Li Zhenran’s legs all night. When he
woke up in the morning, his body didn’t feel so sore. It
seemed that it had something to do with his cat’s body.
Just when he woke up, Li Zhenruo was a little dazed. He
thought he was still a cat and wanted to scratch his face

hh l b f l k h l d h
with his claws, but after licking it, he realized that it was
fingers instead of claws.

Li Zhenran had woken up and was lying on the bed with his
eyes open watching his movements.
Li Zhenruo shook his head, rolled over and got out of bed.
He walked to the cat toilet on the first floor for two
seconds, turned around and walked towards the bathroom.
Li Zhenran sat by the bed for a while when he heard
someone knocking on the door.
He put on his pyjamas, went down to the door, opened the
door, saw the villa manager standing outside, and
respectfully apologized to him, “I’m really sorry, Mr. Li, we
couldn’t find your cat.”
Li Zhenran asked him, “Is there nothing anywhere?”

The manager said, “I searched and found nothing. Later,

we adjusted the monitoring and found that at around
eleven o’clock in the evening, your cat ran from the vicinity
of the villa to the woods, because there was no monitoring
in the woods, it was not known where it went, and there
was no trace after that.”
Li Zhenran pondered for a moment and asked, “So did you
see a man without clothes coming out of the woods?”
The manager shook his head when he heard the words, “I
don’t know which direction it was from. There are no
cameras in some locations.”
Li Zhenran asked again, “What’s behind the woods?”
The manager said, “There is a mountain behind the woods.
This hillside is very steep and has no vegetation. It was not
easy to climb up.”

Li Zhenran thought for a while, “But it’s a cat.”

h dd d d k ll f d
The manager nodded again and again, “Yes, okay, we’ll find
someone to look up the mountain.”
Li Zhenran said, “Don’t worry too much, just ask if there is
any family on the mountain that has a female cat, and just
go and find out if they have seen my cat.”
The manager replied, “Okay, Mr. Li.”
Li Zhenran nodded and said to him, “I will give some
allowance to the staff for finding the cat. Sorry to trouble

“It’s okay, it’s no trouble,” the manager said. “It is our

honour to serve Mr. Li.”
Li Zhenran didn’t want to listen to him anymore, so he
thanked him and closed the door.
Li Zhenruo had finished going to the toilet by this time. He
looked at him next to the bathroom door, and said, “You
can’t find it, so don’t waste manpower and resources.”
Li Zhenran ignored him.
Li Zhenruo went back by himself, took a new toothbrush
prepared by the villa, unpacked it and started brushing his
Chapter 25
Li Zhenruo’s mind was still somewhat a bit complicated.

Whether Li Zhenran believed him or not, he didn’t care. He

believed that he survived because God gave him the
opportunity to take revenge. And so he had to take
It’s just that last night, Li Zhenran mentioned a possibility
that he could not help thinking about it for a long time.
That was, if he thought that the physical change caused by
the rut has made him become a human being, was it
possible to change back after the rut period ended, and so
did he need to wait until the next heat period to come to
change back to a human?

This thought made Li Zhenruo a little nervous.

He still has a lot of things to do, should he waste time by
staying on Li Zhenran’s side? But when he was thinking of
leaving, he began to hesitate again. If he left, would Li
Zhenran still accept him once he changed back to a cat?
Li Zhenruo were a little helpless. He always thought too
much and kept himself stuck in place.

He stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself. He

was guessing how old the person inside was. Was he
twenty? This person looked really young.
Li Zhenran became impatient at this moment, came over
and knocked on the bathroom door, “Are you finished?”
Li Zhenruo quickly wiped his face with a towel, “I’m done.”
He went back to the sofa and sat down, turned on the TV
with the remote control and stared at it in a daze. Since he

b h h b d h f l
became a cat, he has been doing nothing for a long time
every day, so he was used to being in a daze.

Sometimes he stared at the garden on the first floor from

the top floor and could stare at it all afternoon.
When Li Zhenran came out of the bathroom, Li Zhenruo
raised his head and said to him, “Can you give me a shirt to
He was still wearing the bathrobe from last night. It was
not like he could just wear it all day, right? And according
to Li Zhenran’s plan, they should go back this afternoon.
This time, Li Zhenran found a shirt and a pair of jeans for Li
Zhenruo to put on.

The shirt was fine, but the jeans were too long for him. So
he had no choice but to roll up the trouser leg a length.
Li Zhenran still asked Luo Fei to go fishing in the morning.
When Li Zhenruo followed, Luo Fei raised his eyebrows in
surprise, and asked Li Zhenran, “You brought a cat
yesterday, but today it was replaced by a beautiful young
man. What does it mean?”
Li Zhenran said, “My cat has transformed.”

The collar on Li Zhenruo’s neck was so eye-catching that

Luo Fei and the others noticed it almost at once.
Feng Junyuan looked at Li Zhenruo with a thoughtful look.
Li Zhenran sat down on the deck chair and prepared his
own fishing tools.
Li Zhenruo found that he had no seat, so he asked Li
Zhenran, “Where is my seat?”

h dd l k h d h
Li Zhenran didn’t even look at him, “Did you have a seat
He knew that Li Zhenran couldn’t believe him at all and
was deliberately making things difficult for him. Li Zhenruo
didn’t bother to argue with him and simply sat down beside
Li Zhenran’s legs.
After a while, Li Zhenruo felt someone poking his back
lightly. He turned his head and saw that it was Feng
Feng Junyuan said to him, “Can I come over and have a
word with you?”

Before Li Zhenruo could answer, Li Zhenran’s eyes swept

over first.
As he saw this, Luo Fei smiled and said, “Don’t worry, xiao
Feng won’t do anything to your cat. Let them go and
exchange a few words.”
Only then did Li Zhenran say, “Go ahead.”
Li Zhenruo said to himself, I didn’t need your consent, but
when he heard Li Zhenran say this, he still stood up, dusted
off his hands, and left with Feng Junyuan.

Li Zhenran glanced at the back of Li Zhenruo leaving.

Luo Fei rested his head on one hand, leaned on the
reclining chair, and said, “You are a little absent-minded
Li Zhenran said, “Don’t you think what I said just now is
ridiculous? A cat can turn into a human?”
When Luo Fei heard this, he laughed loudly, and said to Li
Zhenran, “Do you know what I thought just now?”
Li Zhenran looked at him.

d h d d lk
Luo Fei said, “What you said just now sounds like you
brought a boy from somewhere to play with, but you were
too lazy to make excuses. So you just said something
Li Zhenran’s tone was serious, “What I said is true, I can’t
find my cat anymore and Dumpling’s positioning collar is
on his neck. The password has not been changed, but the
collar’s size has changed.”
Luo Fei pondered for a moment and said, “You mean you
think what he said is true?”
Li Zhenran lightly held the fishing rod with both hands, “I
don’t believe anything he says. I only believe my own
judgment, but I can’t explain the collar thing.”
Luo Fei said to him, “I think what he said might be true.”

Li Zhenran glanced at him and seemed to find it a little

“Zhenran,” Luo Fei said, “Just because you haven’t seen
many things in this world doesn’t mean they didn’t happen
and didn’t exist, do you understand?”
Li Zhenran leaned forward slightly. He leaned his elbows
on his knees, and pressed his slender fingers to his lips, “I
agree that because I haven’t seen one that doesn’t mean it
doesn’t exist. You say that there are demons, ghosts and
gods in this world, and I think it’s possible. People should
not be limited by their own poor imaginations. If my cat ran
out and turned into a human but was willing to come back
to me, I would be happier than if it just ran away and never
came back. But what I want to know now is, if he is really
Dumpling, and when will he be able to change back?”
Luo Fei asked, “Why did he become like this?”
Li Zhenran’s tone was not quite sure, “He said it might be
because of the rut.”

Luo Fei said with a smile, “I didn’t see him in heat.”

h dh h d l k h h
Li Zhenran turned his head to look at Li Zhenruo, who was
talking to Feng Junyuan, and said, “His pants are loose,
Luo Fei said, “I’m not an expert on this question, but I can
ask xiao Feng to help you.”
Li Zhenran was a little puzzled, “Is he a veterinarian?”
Luo Fei quickly denied it, “Of course not, but he has a
relative who is more familiar with this type of feline and
can help you ask about it.”

Li Zhenran said, “Help me ask about it. I’ll wait for your
Luo Fei smiled and nodded.
At this time, Feng Junyuan left a phone number to Li
Zhenruo on a note, saying, “If you need any help, you can
call this number. His name is Song Jun, and he is one of my
“Your kin?” Li Zhenruo was a little puzzled.
Feng Junyuan said, “My brother1in here Feng Junyuan is
not addressing Song Jun as gege(哥哥) but as xiōngdì(兄

The word “brother” made Li Zhenruo feel a little

uncomfortable. He couldn’t help but look back at Li
Zhenran, and then asked Feng Junyuan, “Why do you think
I need help?”
Feng Junyuan said, “Why are you able to transform?”
“?” Li Zhenruo didn’t understand what he meant.
Feng Junyuan said, “Didn’t you just take human form last
Li Zhenruo looked at him suspiciously, “Do you really
believe what Li Zhenran said?”
If it were him, he would definitely not believe it. He
followed Li Zhenran out like this and looked more like Li
Zhenran’s little lover who came to him. Then he made a
random excuse for Li Zhenruo to evade Luo Fei and him.
He didn’t expect Feng Junyuan to believe it.
Feng Junyuan approached him and seemed to be sniffing
him, “The scent is the same, you are yesterday’s Garfield.”
Li Zhenruo held the note in his hand. His expression
became more and more puzzled and serious, he asked Feng
Junyuan in a low voice, “Are there demon in this world?”
Feng Junyuan actually asked him back, “What do you think
you are?”

Li Zhenruo was actually very uncertain and uneasy because

he didn’t know what he was. At this time, he felt that Feng
Junyuan’s situation was probably not that simple, so he
couldn’t help but ask him for help, “What I’m going to tell
you, you must not tell Luo Fei, let alone let Li Zhenran
know, okay?”
Feng Junyuan nodded, “Okay.”
Li Zhenruo said in a low voice, “I wasn’t originally a cat. I
was a human who died in an accident and was then reborn
as this kitten. Although I can’t speak in human languages, I
have all human memories.”
When Feng Junyuan heard him say this, he didn’t show any
surprised expression at all. He said, “So that’s how it is.”
Li Zhenruo looked at him, “Why? I never thought I was a
demon in the past.”

Feng Junyuan suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed

it against Li Zhenruo’s chest. After a while, he said, “You
are not a demon, but this cat’s body is not simple. About
what’s going on, I have no way to answer you.”
h h h h h h d bl
Li Zhenruo thought that what he said was quite reasonable.
Maybe it was the cat that belonged to a demon. But
somehow he took over his body, and now he has the ability
to turn into a human.
There were still many doubts, so he asked Feng Junyuan,
“That brother of yours can know exactly why?”
Feng Junyuan said, “Maybe, I can help you to ask about it
to him first, and if you need it, you can try to find him.”
Although Li Zhenruo felt that it might not work, he was
very grateful to Feng Junyuan for his willingness to lend a
hand, so he said, “Thank you.”

Feng Junyuan shook his head, and when he turned to leave,

Li Zhenruo grabbed his arm.
Li Zhenruo asked him, “Am I going to change back?”
Feng Junyuan said, “Your aura is very unstable, and it is
indeed very likely that you will change back.”
Li Zhenruo instantly tensed up, “For how long?”
Feng Junyuan shook his head silently, expressing that he
did not know.

Li Zhenruo had to let him go and said again, “Thank you.”

It was already the weekend, and tomorrow Li Zhenran has
to go back to work in the company, so it was impossible to
stay in this villa for a limited time.
During lunch, the manager found Li Zhenran, and
apologized again and again, saying that he had asked many
questions on the nearby mountains, and no one had seen a
yellow-and-white Garfield cat. He really didn’t know where
it went.
The manager felt very uneasy and took the initiative to
offer compensation to Li Zhenran.

h d d l l f
Li Zhenran said, “No need, just leave it alone if it ran away.
You’ve done well.”
When the manager left, he couldn’t help but glance at the
collar on Li Zhenruo’s neck.

In fact, everyone who saw Li Zhenruo today was looking at

the collar on his neck quietly. The collar looked like some
kind of impure toy, which symbolizes the abnormal
relationship between him and Li Zhenran.
At this point, Li Zhenruo could cut the collar with scissors,
regardless of the code, but he didn’t do it. He didn’t want
to provoke Li Zhenran.
“Sometimes, when he thinks about it, Li Zhenran’s attitude
is actually quite polite, but he calmed down and thought
about it. He also wanted to make use of Li Zhenran. With
his current status, if he wanted to step into the Li family
again, he could only rely on Li Zhenran. So being scolded
for a few words was nothing, it didn’t matter if he slept by
the bedside, or if he has suffered all kinds of hardships.
Now he has nothing to lose.
When he went back, the driver was surprised to find that
Mr Li the second who had brought a cat on vacation two
days ago, returned with a beautiful young man with a cat
collar on his neck today.

The Li driver’s mind was going full speed ahead, and

automatically filled in 10,000 words, but he didn’t dare to
ask Li Zhenran a word.
Just when Li Zhenruo’s daily utensils were loaded into the
car, he couldn’t help but asked Li Zhenran, “Then, what
about the cat?”
Li Zhenran said, “He will go back by himself, don’t worry
about that.”
The driver was a little dazed and thought that this place
was too far from the city. Even if the cat knew the way
h ld b bl b k
home, it wouldn’t be able to run back.
But since Li Zhenran said so, he couldn’t care less, so he
closed his mouth and got into the car to prepare to drive.

Li Zhenran took Li Zhenruo to say goodbye to Luo Fei and

the others. Luo Fei and Feng Junyuan also planned to leave
at this time. However, Luo Fei drove by himself, and he
only had a few things. He stopped by Li Zhenran for a while
and left first after saying goodbye.
Only then did Li Zhenruo follow Li Zhenran into the back
Not long after the driver drove the car out, Li Zhenruo
pulled the collar around his neck and said to Li Zhenran,
“Can you take it off?”
Li Zhenran said coldly, “Why?”
Li Zhenruo put his finger inside the collar, scratched his
neck, and said, “It’s a little itchy after a long time, maybe
I’m allergic.”

Li Zhenran said, “Wear it, I still want to see you change

Li Zhenruo cursed in his heart and decided not to bother
with Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran then said, “Come here, I’ll scratch it for you.”
When Li Zhenruo heard the words, he immediately lay his
head on Li Zhenran’s lap and asked him to scratch his itch.
The driver looked straight ahead without changing his
expression, not knowing what to do.

Li Zhenran stretched his fingers into the middle of the

collar and gently helped him scratch his neck, just like he
used to do to brush his fur in the past. Li Zhenruo felt that
h f l f bl df l h ld
this feeling was comfortable and familiar, so he couldn’t
help closing his eyes.
He slept on Li Zhenran’s lap, and when he woke up, he felt
that Li Zhenran was still gently ruffling his hair with his
fingers. Li Zhenruo suddenly felt warm in his chest, as if
someone was tickling him with a feather.
After a while, Li Zhenran stretched out his hand and pulled
Li Zhenruo’s ear again, as if he didn’t take him as a human
at all, but as the cat.
He couldn’t help but lifted Li Zhenran’s hand, sit up, and
asked, “What do I do if you go home?”
Li Zhenran said, “Come home with me.”

Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment,

“Stop joking. What would your brother think if you brought
a man home?”
Although Li Jianglin was not at home, what big or small
things at home can escape Li Jianglin’s attention? Li
Zhenran brought a man home, and wouldn’t that make Li
Jianglin terrified to death? But that way, he would make Li
Zhentai and Li Zhenzi in a good mood.
Li Zhenruo had the best relationship with Li Zhentai in the
Li family in the past. But now, of course, he hoped that Li
Zhenran could get the biggest piece of cake from Li
He didn’t want Li Zhenran’s future to be ruined by him.
Li Zhenran said, “Aren’t you a cat?”

Li Zhenruo said, “Knock it off, you know what I mean.”

Li Zhenran stretched out his hand, put his fingers against
his chin and raised his face, “Concerned about me, huh?”
Li Zhenruo said, “You are my master. I still want to eat the
best royal cat food and royal dried fish in the future.
h dd l fh h d b dh h d
Li Zhenran didn’t let go of his hand, but raised his head a
little higher with more force and said, “I can feed you those
right now.”
Li Zhenruo resisted the urge to roll his eyes, grabbed Li
Zhenran’s hand, and said coquettishly, “I still want to live
in Buckingham Palace and sleep with the little female cat of
the British royal family.”

“Hmph,” Li Zhenran snorted coldly, and let go of his hand.

Li Zhenruo wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and felt
that Li Zhenran was a really difficult person to deal with. In
the past, it was fine because he didn’t have to talk, but now
that they could communicate, it was a bit torturous for the
two of them to be together for a long time.
But after he said that, Li Zhenran didn’t have to take him
back to Li’s house, but ordered the driver to drive to a
residential area in the centre of the city.
These days, who of the Li brothers didn’t have a private
house in the city?
It didn’t even matter if it was a serious girlfriend, not to
mention a person who they messed around with was
definitely impossible to bring to Li’s house, especially when
Li Jianglin was at home in the past.

Li Zhenruo also had a private place. When he just moved

out of the Li family, he went back to the apartment. He also
had some private investments and deposits in his hands,
but after his death, they had all been returned to the Li
He only knew that Li Zhenran have a private apartment in
the past, but this was the first time Li Zhenruo had the
opportunity to see it with his own eyes.
The driver drove the car to the underground parking lot of
the apartment and asked Li Zhenran whether he should

l h h h ld l h h b k
leave the cat’s household utensils here or sent them back to
Li’s house.
Li Zhenran said to leave it here first and then asked the
driver to wait for him. He had to go back to Li’s house
The elevator needed a fingerprint lock. When Li Zhenruo
followed Li Zhenran upstairs in the elevator, he asked him,
“Are you leaving me here alone?”

Li Zhenran said, “No, I’ll come over too.”

Li Zhenruo suddenly had a strange feeling of being kept in
a golden house2it’s an idiom of keeping a mistress tucked
away in a luxurious house or apartment.
But Li Jianglin was not there, even if Li Zhenran didn’t go
home for a few days, no one would ask about him.
There was only one door to go out of the elevator, and it
was still locked by fingerprints. After they entered, Li
Zhenruo found that this house has a very good layout and a
very modern decoration style. There was only a partition,
and one could see the whole house at a glance.
The master bedroom was still in the style of Japanese
tatami. The wooden structure around the mattress was
raised, and there was no full bed set up there.

There was no secondary bedroom, besides the master

bedroom, there was also a study room and a recreational
gym. The living room was directly opposite a large semi-
circular balcony with bright light.
Li Zhenruo thought of Li Zhenran’s tatami in Li’s house and
thought that he probably liked this open and unobstructed
Li Zhenran put down his things and said to Li Zhenruo, “I’ll
go back and get some things. You stay here and wait for me
to come back for dinner.”
h dd d
Li Zhenruo nodded.
Li Zhenran’s tone was cold and harsh, “Don’t run.”

Li Zhenruo said, “Where am I going to run? I was afraid

that if you didn’t want me anymore, I would have nowhere
to go.”
Li Zhenran stood by the door and waved to him, “Come
Li Zhenruo walked to him without knowing why, and his
lower body was suddenly grabbed by Li Zhenran. He
opened his eyes wide and looked at Li Zhenran in shock.
Li Zhenran pinched it and said strangely, “Aren’t you in
Li Zhenruo was gritting his teeth in anger, so he lunged
over and bit Li Zhenran’s shoulder, but he didn’t exert
much force. After he bite him, he said to Li Zhenran,
“That’s enough. You are going too far.”

Li Zhenran let go of his hand, pointed his finger at Li

Zhenruo’s nose and said, “Don’t let me see you hooking up
with a female cat. Behave yourself.”
Li Zhenruo replied bitterly, “There is no female cat, you
don’t have to worry!”
Only then did Li Zhenran turn around and leave, and at the
same time he closed the door hard.
After he left, Li Zhenruo was starting to be more attentive.
He tried to open the door but found that Li Zhenran had
locked the door from the outside. Now he also needed a
fingerprint or a key to open the door.
But he didn’t have either, which was equivalent to being
locked in this room by Li Zhenran.
The author has something to say:
I don’t even see what my author has to say, I’m not
happy.3it looks like the note from the uploader/the editor
Chapter 26
In any case, he was locked up and couldn’t get out, so Li
Zhenruo stayed at ease.

He walked around Li Zhenran’s house and thought that Li

Zhenran and Li Zhenzi were really different. Li Zhenzi’s
house outside was probably used to keep women, but Li
Zhenran’s place was clean and it looked like no one has
lived there for a long time. It looked like someone has been
hired to clean it on a regular basis.
Li Zhenruo walked to the bathroom, and filled the bathtub
with warm water, with the intention to take a bath.

Today, he had been sitting in the car for a long time and
had tossed a lot last night, so he still feel a little tired.
Li Zhenruo took off his clothes and lay down in the bathtub,
closing his eyes comfortably.
This body was not his past body, but compared to the cat’s
body, it was much easier to use. At least he can pick up
things with his hands instead of poking around with his

After he soaked in the water for a long time, Li Zhenruo felt

a little hot. He couldn’t help moving his legs and felt an
impulse suddenly appear from the bottom to the top. He
was stunned. After a while, Li Zhenruo reached out and
touched his lower body.
To be honest, he hasn’t done this kind of thing for a long
time. Almost since he knew that he might not be Li
Jianglin’s own son, he has been under a lot of pressure at
that time, and he didn’t have the heart to think about it at
all. Later, he became a little kitten and has not even
thought about this.
h ld h l h h h dd l f l
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help to sigh when he suddenly felt a
sensation in his body today. He also hadn’t touched a
woman for a long, long time.
When he got out of the bathtub, Li Zhenruo felt somewhat
exhausted. He ignored the clothes he had just taken off and
went straight to Li Zhenran’s room. He opened the
wardrobe and found a set of Li Zhenran’s clothes.

Li Zhenran was taller than him. In fact, Li Zhenruo used to

be taller than he was now. Every time Li Zhenruo looked in
the mirror, he felt that he looked like he was not yet an
adult. He thought that he was a half-year-old kitten that
had just matured, so it was understandable this was the
form when he turned into human.
But where did the pie face go?
Li Zhenruo pinched his face.
It took almost two hours for Li Zhenran to came back from
Li’s house. When he entered the door, Li Zhenruo was lying
on the sofa watching TV.

He was really lying on his stomach, probably because he

was used to this position. He didn’t sit or lie down. He just
lay on the sofa and raised his body slightly with his elbows.
Li Zhenran picked up a box and put it next to the sofa.
Li Zhenruo turned to look and asked, “How long are you
going to stay here?”
As he walked into the room, Li Zhenran said, “We will go
back if you change back to your original form.”

Li Zhenruo was speechless for a while, thinking that if he

couldn’t become a cat again, Li Zhenran would probably go

f d h k dh h
“Are we going out for dinner?” Li Zhenruo asked him when
Li Zhenran came out of the room.
Li Zhenran was rolling up his sleeves and asked him, “What
do you want to eat?”
You see, Li Zhenruo has been hungry for a lot of food after
eating cat food for so long. God knows there were so many
delicious foods in this world, but why couldn’t cats eat

Li Zhenruo started making a list in his head and said, “Let’s

eat Japanese food today.”
Li Zhenran refused without thinking, “No.”
“…” Li Zhenruo looked at him fiercely, “Thai-style hot pot?”

Li Zhenruo’s chest began to rise and fall even more,

“French cuisine?”
Li Zhenran said directly this time, “There is a Chinese
restaurant outside that tastes good. Otherwise, a Sichuan
hot pot is not bad. You can choose it yourself.”
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath and said, “Sichuan hot pot.”
Li Zhenran said, “Get up.”

Before going out, Li Zhenruo pointed to the collar on his

neck, “Can I take it off?”
Li Zhenran said, “No.”
Li Zhenruo said in his heart, Are you not afraid of any
strange misunderstandings caused by others seeing it?! But
on second thought, The second young master Li was not
afraid, so what was he afraid of, so he calmly followed Li
Zhenran out.
h lk d f hl f h l
Li Zhenran walked in front. While waiting for the elevator,
Li Zhenruo looked at Li Zhenran’s back and had a strange
feeling. How to describe it? Although this was his second
brother, they seemed to rarely have the opportunity to walk
alone together like this. The impression of Li Zhenran was
even more distinctive when he has become a cat.
As a cat, he was too small. When he was so close, even if he
raised his head, he could only see Li Zhenran’s legs, but not
the back of his neck. The current experience was a little

When the elevator was about to arrive, Li Zhenran

suddenly turned around to look at him, and then stretched
out his hand towards his neck.
Li Zhenruo: “?”
However, Li Zhenran just helped him tidy up the front of
his clothes, just like tidying up the hair on the top of his
cat’s head.
Li Zhenruo bowed his head slightly, and when Li Zhenran’s
hand left, his fingers brushed against his cheek. Li Zhenruo
was slightly startled by the touch, and he couldn’t help
raising his hand to touch the skin on his face.
At this moment, the elevator door opened, and two people
walked in one after the other.

Li Zhenran was awfully selfish.

Li Zhenruo didn’t seem to feel it before, but it was only
after he became his cat that he felt it deeply. Because he
was his cat, he was his property, and he must obey him.
Li Zhenran took the menu and ordered more than ten
dishes, and threw the menu to Li Zhenruo for him to see.
Li Zhenruo glanced at it and said, “Can you finish the meal
if you order so much?”
Li Zhenran actually said, “Then you don’t order.”
Li Zhenruo did not bother to pay attention to him. He
ordered a few more dishes that he liked, and handed the
menu to the waiter.
Even if they were just eating hot pot, Li Zhenran also found
a hot pot restaurant with luxurious decoration and a quiet
environment. The two of them sat in the small private room
facing each other.
After he ordered, Li Zhenran ignored him and leaned back
on the back of the wooden chair, holding a mobile phone in
one hand while watching the stock market, while the other
hand held up the cup on the table and slowly drank the tea.
Li Zhenruo, on the other hand, picked up his chopsticks
and tapped them on the table casually.
After a while, Li Zhenran glanced at him, “It’s noisy.”

Li Zhenruo paused for a moment and intensified his efforts

by separating the two chopsticks and pounding on the
tabletop bowl and teacup.
Li Zhenran looked at him coldly.
Li Zhenruo stopped, picked up a chopstick and put it to his
mouth and bit it. He was unable to restrain the corner of
his mouth from turning up slightly. He liked to annoy Li
Zhenran, and Li Zhenran always went along with him.
He was more afraid of Li Zhenran when he was a cat
because he could do nothing to Li Zhenran, but now he was
not so afraid. After all, every part of him was so big, and
except for the time he slipped away, more often than not Li
Zhenran’s anger was not too severe.
Li Zhenran ordered a lot of dishes, but after the dishes
were served, he didn’t eat much.

“Why don’t you eat?” Li Zhenruo could also see that he

didn’t eat much.
h dd d f
Li Zhenran didn’t answer, just said, “You eat faster.”
Li Zhenruo ignored him and said, “We’re eating a hot pot
yet you also urging me to hurry up.”
After a while, Li Zhenruo discovered that Li Zhenran had to
take a cup to drink water every time he took a bite of the
dish. He even directly let the waiter bring in a pot of tea,
and immediately understood that Li Zhenran couldn’t eat
spicy food.
They have been brothers for more than 20 years, but this
was the first time Li Zhenruo has discovered that Li
Zhenran couldn’t eat spicy food.

He thought back carefully, Li Zhenran didn’t seem to like

many of the dishes he liked to eat. Li Zhenran ate light food
just to nourish himself, which Li Zhenruo used to
disapprove of.
As long as there was a distance in your heart, even if you
met every day, you would refuse to understand each other.
At this time, Li Zhenran suddenly said, “What are you
looking at me for?”
Li Zhenruo said, “It’s just, you are handsome.”
Li Zhenran snorted and did not continue.

After they ate, Li Zhenruo stood on the side of the road and
stretched his arms, breathing in the night air deeply.
Li Zhenran stood beside him with his hands in his pockets.
When he saw that Li Zhenruo was smiling while looking at
the sky, he asked strangely, “What are you smiling at?”
Li Zhenruo lowered his head, but the smile on the corner of
his mouth still remained on his face, he said, “I don’t know,
I just didn’t expect that there would be such a day. I
cherish it very much.”

h d l h h ld d h d h l
He had a lot since he was a child, and then one day he lost
all of it, including his life. What encouraged him these days
was not only revenge but also the idea of living properly.
Of course, the hatred had not been forgotten, but Li
Zhenruo sometimes thought about what’s the point of
hating blindly. If one were to live happily, while at the same
time also letting the other party live in misery, that would
be the biggest blow.

If you have lost, you wouldn’t be afraid of anything. Now he

has a big house to live in, good food to eat, and an older
brother as a bonus, which was actually quite good.
“Second brother,” Li Zhenruo blurted out.
Li Zhenran frowned slightly, “What?”
Li Zhenruo reacted quickly and immediately said, “What
Li Zhenran said, “What did you call me just now?”

Li Zhenruo said, “Ran ge.” In fact, there was some

drumming in his heart, but it couldn’t be seen on his face.
Li Zhenran raised his chin slightly to look at him, “I heard
you call me second brother.”
Li Zhenruo had a strange expression on his face, “Where
did the second brother come from? How old are you? Your
ears just don’t work anymore, huh?”
Li Zhenran’s face turned cold as expected.
However, Li Zhenruo was not afraid of him, so he took his
arm and walked forward, “Let’s go home first.”

Back home, Li Zhenran went to the bathroom to take a

bath. But Li Zhenruo planned to wait for Li Zhenran to
finish taking a bath because he took a bath in the
f h d l d k h dh ll
afternoon. He had already taken a shower and he was still
When Li Zhenran was taking a shower, Li Zhenruo moved a
stool and sat at the door of the bathroom. He was cutting
his toenails while talking to Li Zhenran, he said, “Can I go
out tomorrow?”
Li Zhenran raised his head and seemed to be drowsy. As he
heard the words, he asked, “Where are you going?”
Li Zhenruo casually babbled, “I want to find my mother.”
“Your mother?”
Li Zhenruo raised his head and made up something, “Mama
cat, she should still be in the pet store.”

Li Zhenran was speechless for a while, then asked him,

“What for?”
Li Zhenruo said, “You don’t miss your mother?”
After he asked this sentence, Li Zhenruo suddenly felt a
little regretful and stopped cutting his toenails. Just like
him, Li Zhenran probably hadn’t seen his mother very
Sure enough, Li Zhenran was silent for a while, and then
said, “I don’t have a mother.”

Li Zhenruo tilted his head back, leaned against the wall,

and said silently in his heart: Neither do I.
Li Zhenran only said that sentence. Instead of continuing to
talk about himself, he asked Li Zhenruo, “What can you do
when you see your mother? Are you going to buy it?”
Li Zhenruo said quickly, “Not going to buy her. She is used
to living there, so she may not like it when she got bought.”
Li Zhenran asked at this time, “Can you communicate with
each other?”
h l h l d dh h d
Li Zhenruo was slightly stunned. He turned his head
towards the bathroom door and asked, “What kind of

Li Zhenran said, “Just like we communicate, using words.”

Li Zhenruo thought about it for a while, “We can
communicate, but it’s not a language. More precisely, it
would be like a signal. You’ll understand what her cry and
action mean over time”
Li Zhenran didn’t speak.
Li Zhenruo then asked him, “Would you like to go with
Li Zhenran bluntly refused, “I don’t have time.”

Li Zhenruo knew that he would not go, so he deliberately

asked him a question, but he did not expect to hear Li
Zhenran say, “You also don’t go too.”
“Huh?” Li Zhenruo was immediately unhappy, “Why?”
Li Zhenran said, “There is no reason.”
After Li Zhenruo came out of the shower, Li Zhenran was
already lying on the bed in the bedroom watching TV.
His hair was still wet, and he was wearing a pair of new
underwear that Li Zhenran gave him. He walked over and
sat down by the bed, shouting, “Ran ge…”

Li Zhenran ignored him.

Li Zhenruo called out again, “Master…”
Li Zhenran looked at him this time.
He knew that Li Zhenran would yield to a soft approach
and refused a brute approach. Li Zhenruo leaned over and
d d ll h l h ld
said, “Are you tired? I’ll help you massage your shoulders.”
Li Zhenran lay down and didn’t get up, but only lifted his

Li Zhenruo silently cursed, but he obediently went over and

knelt down beside Li Zhenran’s leg to help him massage his
Li Zhenran’s legs were slender and strong, and his muscles
were strong. As he saw Li Zhenruo sit over, he raised one
leg and placed it on Li Zhenruo’s thigh.
While Li Zhenruo was helping him massage his leg, he
thought to himself that Li Zhenran’s mother must be a
great beauty, to be able to give birth to such a son.
Li Zhenran tilted his head back and suddenly said, “It
seems that a human can still do more than cats.”
Li Zhenruo thought he wasn’t talking nonsensically. He
raised his head and asked Li Zhenran with a smile, “Then
how about I stay like this?”

Li Zhenran replied coldly, “Not good.”

Li Zhenruo thought to himself: What a pervert.
After he finished massaging Li Zhenran’s legs, Li Zhenran
seemed to feel comfortable. He turned over on the bed for
Li Zhenruo to massage his shoulders.
Li Zhenshou got on top of his back and massaged the
muscles on his shoulders with both hands.
Li Zhenran’s body was slender and well-proportioned, and
the skin on his back was full of healthy lustre. Li Zhenruo
only felt that the touch under his hand was smooth and
delicate. As he massaged him, his imagination was

h h b k h h b h l l
When he came back to his senses, his breathing was a little
And Li Zhenran said coldly, “Get up.”
Li Zhenruo and Li Zhenran were too close to each other. He
knew that Li Zhenran noticed his physical condition, and he
couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed. He lifted his legs
and got off Li Zhenran’s back and sat aside.
Li Zhenran turned over and said, “Who gave you
permission to be in heat with your master?”
Li Zhenruo grunted, “I was originally in rutting period…”

Li Zhenran snorted, “I asked you to have surgery, but you

refused to do it.”
Li Zhenruo, “…”
Li Zhenran said, “Go to the bathroom and take care of it
Li Zhenruo had just gotten out of bed when Li Zhenran
suddenly stopped him.
“What?” Li Zhenruo wondered.

Li Zhenran opened the drawer of the bedside table, took

out a spare key and threw it to him, saying, “You must
come back before five o’clock in the afternoon.”
Li Zhenruo caught it and said with a smile, “No problem.”
The next morning, when Li Zhenruo was sleeping beside Li
Zhenran’s bed, he was woken up by a doorbell. He heard
that Li Zhenran also turned over, and thought that Li
Zhenran was going to ask him to get up and open the door,
but he didn’t expect Li Zhenran to sit up, walk around him
and get out of bed.
Li Zhenruo yawned and sat up. He didn’t like to stay in bed
as much as Li Zhenran. Then he heard Li Zhenran open the
d d h h f lk
door, and then came the voice of someone talking.
The person who came over in the morning was Hua Yibang.

Because Li Zhenran’s house was too open, Hua Yibang

walked in and saw a young man in Li Zhenran’s room
through the gap of the partitioned wine cabinet.
Hua Yibang who was such a calm person suddenly lost his
voice. He stretched out his hand and pushed his glasses to
look at Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran didn’t want to explain, and asked Hua Yibang,
“Did you bring the things?”
Hua Yibang took a small bag and handed it to Li Zhenran,
which contained a new mobile phone and a SIM card.
Li Zhenran put the card in the mobile phone, walked to the
bedroom and handed it to Li Zhenruo, “Take it. Remember
to answer when I call.”

“Oh,” Li Zhenruo obediently agreed.

Hua Yibang tried his best not to look sideways, but when Li
Zhenruo stood up from the bed, he still saw what looked
like a cat collar around his neck.
Moreover, he knew this cat collar. It was the collar he
helped Li Zhenran custom-made it before.
Although it was not convenient for him to ask the identity
of the man in the room, he could ask other questions, such
as, “Zhenran, where is your cat?”
Li Zhenran said, “That’s my cat.”

Hua Yibang clenched his hands into a fist against his lips
and coughed softly. He and Li Zhenran almost grew up
together, but he never knew that Li Zhenran had that kind

f h bb h b f l h h ld
of hobby. As his assistant, Hua Yibang felt that he could not
interfere, so he stay silent.
Li Zhenran was going back to the company for a regular
meeting in the morning, and didn’t have time to eat
breakfast. Before he left, he threw a secondary credit card
to Li Zhenruo and told him to eat by himself.
Li Zhenruo hurriedly said, “Give me some change. I can’t
swipe my card and take the bus, can I?”
Li Zhenran then gave him another 2,000 yuan in cash.
After Li Zhenran and Hua Yibang left, Li Zhenruo got up
and washed quickly. He found a set of Li Zhenran’s clothes
to put on and went out.

He bought two buns for breakfast. After he ate, Li Zhenruo

bought a new SIM card at a nearby canteen and put it in
his pocket.
He stretched out his hand to take a taxi. After he got in the
car, he gave the driver an address.
The address was not too far from here, but there was some
traffic jam on Monday morning, and the driver drove for
nearly an hour to arrive.
Li Zhenruo paid the money to get out of the car and stood
alone in front of a secluded lawn on the street.
He glanced at the time and knew that Li Zhenran had
already started the regular work meeting on Monday
morning, so he took off the SIM card on his mobile phone
and replaced it with a newly bought one.

He made a phone call according to his memory.

The phone beeped several times, and a young man over
there answered the phone. His tone was not very nice, and
he said lazily, “Hello? Who is it?”
Li Zhenruo said slowly, “Zhu Kai, this is Li Zhenruo.”
Chapter 27

Zhu Kai was Li Jianglin’s wife, Zhu Yun’s younger brother.

Li Zhenruo always felt that Zhu Yun was the only person Li
Jianglin really loved, and one of the reasons was because of
Zhu Kai.

Zhu Kai was much younger than Zhu Yun, but not far from
Li Zhenzi’s age. Because his parents were too old to take
care of him, Zhu Kai grew up with Zhu Yun and Li Jianglin
since he was a child.
Sometimes Li Zhenruo felt that Li Jianglin loved Zhu Kai
more than his own sons.
Growing up in Li’s family, Li Zhenruo didn’t have a single
friend, but Zhu Kai had always had a good relationship with
him. However, Zhu Kai’s character was too untrustworthy.
Perhaps because he lacked parental discipline from a
young age, he had a wild and unrestrained personality. He
dared to cause all sorts of trouble.

Although Li Jianglin liked Zhu Kai, perhaps it was due to

his unreliable personality that he never let him get involved
in Yunlin’s affairs. Instead, he gave him a lot of money and
let him go wild.
When he received a call from Li Zhenruo, Zhu Kai seemed
to have not fully woken up at first. But when he heard the
words Li Zhenruo, he was suddenly wide awake.
He sneered, “Say that again, who are you again?”
Li Zhenruo said to him, “I am Li Zhenruo.”
Zhu Kai laughed when he heard his words, “Li Zhenruo? Li
Zhenruo Fucking died a long time ago, didn’t you know?
You’re Li Zhenruo?”
Li Zhenruo was not angry. He knew Zhu Kai well. The
friendship between the two needed quotation marks. They
could spend a lot of time and drink together, but was
impossible to confide in each other. He didn’t expect Zhu
Kai to feel this much grief over his death.
Li Zhenruo said, “Where are you now?”
Zhu Kai snorted, “I’m on vacation with your dad on the
coast, don’t you know? Aren’t you dead? Don’t you have
any sources telling you this at all??”

Li Zhenruo lowered his voice, “You don’t believe me? Did

you forget the 500,000 yuan I lent you for gambling that
you haven’t returned to me yet?”
Zhu Kai said, “Li Zhenruo said that to you?”
Li Zhenruo continued, “Do you remember the time you
secretly swapped my dad’s cigarettes for marijuana
This matter was quite a secret, Zhu Kai only told Li
Zhenruo and it was completely a mischievous mentality.
The two of them actually shared a lot of little secrets. That
was not a big deal, but they always kept each other’s
promises, and no one ever said any more about them.

Zhu Kai didn’t expect him to bring this up. After a few
seconds of silence, his tone became more serious, “Who are
Even if it wasn’t Li Zhenruo, it must be someone who had a
very close relationship with Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenruo still said, “I’m Li Zhenruo.”

h d ff f h h dd
Zhu Kai was different from Li Zhenran. Li Zhenruo didn’t
dare to give Li Zhenran any hints to make him think in that
direction. He was afraid that Li Zhenran could find out the
whole truth if he caught a little clue. But for Zhu Kai, Li
Zhenruo believed that the other party would not believe it
at all.

Zhu Kai snorted coldly, “Stop talking bullshit! Tell me who

you are? I’ll hang up if you don’t.”
“Ah, be patient,” Li Zhenruo said quickly, “There is
something I want you to say to Li Jianglin.”
Zhu Kai laughed sarcastically, “Isn’t he your father? Where
are your manners?”
He had to admit that he was a little offended by his words
but Li Zhenruo’s tone was calm and he didn’t give away his
emotions at all, “Tell him to get Li Zhentai and Wen Chun
married quickly or else Wen Chun will run away with
someone else.”

Zhu Kai’s tone was somewhat puzzled, “What do you

Li Zhenruo said, “It’s exactly as I said, bye.”
After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.
Afterwards, Li Zhenruo sent a text message to Li Zhentai’s
phone on his mobile phone: “I have a picture of your wife,
please contact me if you are interested.”

After he sent it, he didn’t wait for a reply. He tore out the
phone card, broke it into two pieces and threw it away.
It would be too irrational to think that Li Zhenzi had
something with Wen Chun just based on the perfume smell
on Li Zhenzi’s body. But now whether he had something
with Wen Chun or not, Li Zhenruo felt that he should
muddy the water within the Li family first. When the water
dd h h d l ld b
got muddy, what everyone wished to conceal would be
exposed, emerging little by little.
Li Zhenruo put the original phone card back, turned around
and walked towards the neighbourhood. He found an aunt
on the side of the road to ask for directions and walked into
a small alley in the direction pointed by the other party.
This address was the past address of Li Zhenruo’s
biological mother.
Li Zhenruo was very persistent about matters relating to
his mother for a long time, that is, when he was still young
and unable to control his own life.

He remembered one time when he was wronged because of

something, he cried and told Li Jianglin that he was looking
for his mother and that he planned to run away from home.
As a result, Li Jianglin became even angrier and he was
punished to kneel for half a day.
Zhu Kai secretly brought him dinner that day.
Later, when he had the ability to find his mother’s
whereabouts, he was no longer so persistent anymore. He
was no longer a child who needed a mother, but a man who
had other goals to pursue.
However, he still asked someone to help him find the
whereabouts of his mother. But he only got one address,
because his mother had been dead for many years and this
address was where his mother used to live until she died.
It was obvious that they were in the same city, so close to
each other, but she never had the thought to see him.

Li Zhenruo, who got this address, had never been there

before. He felt that it was meaningless.
This time, he came over not because of his previous
obsession with his mother, but because he wanted to find
some clues, such as how his mother and Li Jianglin met
back then and why his mother would be pregnant with
l h ld dl d b h l h
someone else’s child and lied to be with Li Jianglin. This
secret has been buried for so many years and the party
involved has died. Who was the one who dug it out?
Li Zhenruo wanted to know a lot of things but he never
thought about finding his biological father. If Li Jianglin
was not his father, then a father was someone non-existent
to him.
This building has been around for a long time. It was
hidden behind the high-rise buildings in the city. It would
be difficult for Li Zhenruo to find it unless someone showed
him the way.
Perhaps faced with demolition, many residents of the
building had moved away, and now there were less than
half of the original residents left.

Li Zhenruo’s body and identity changed, which brought him

a lot of benefits. At least he didn’t need to cover up what he
did and no one would suspect his identity.
He followed the room number written in the address and
climbed the stairs to the fifth floor. He walked to the room
on the far left, raised his hand and knocked on the door.
He tried knocking four or five times repeatedly, but no one
came to open the door for him. Instead, he knocked on the
next room.
It was a man in his fifties who opened the door. He looked
him up and down, and said, “Did you knock wrongly?”
Li Zhenruo asked politely, “Is there no one home?”

The man said, “No one has been there since more than ten
years ago.”
Li Zhenruo asked him, “Excuse me, may I ask if a lady
named Zhao Yuqiong living here?”
Hearing this, the man frowned slightly and said, “I don’t
know. There used to be a woman in the house. No one has
l d h h d d h
lived there since she disappeared more than ten years
Li Zhenruo regretted not coming out with a pack of
cigarettes. At any rate, it was convenient to have a few
words with the other party after handing them a cigarette.
He could only say, “I’m really sorry to bother you, but how
long have you lived here?”
The man said, “Twenty or thirty years.”

Li Zhenruo said, “Then you must know when the lady who
lives in this house moved in?”
The man recalled it carefully and said, “It seems that she
moved here more than 20 years ago. She was alone when
she moved in. After a few months, her belly became
Li Zhenruo asked quickly, “Have you ever seen a man with
The man shook his head, “I haven’t seen another person
with her before, and this woman also didn’t move in with
anyone. Later, I didn’t know when she went to give birth to
the child. Anyway, her stomach deflated, but the child was
not brought back.”
Li Zhenruo put his palm on the door, “Did anyone live here
later? Does the house belong to her?”

The man still shook his head, “I don’t know. I don’t know
where she went. Anyway, one day I suddenly didn’t see her,
and no one lived there anymore.”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but ask, “Then her remnants…”
At this moment, a woman’s voice came from behind the
man, calling him, “Who is that? You’ve been talking for a
long time!”
The man said, “It’s nothing,” and then before Li Zhenruo
finished asking, he hurriedly said, “I don’t know.” He
l d h d h d
closed the door hard.
Li Zhenruo did not leave immediately.

At this point, he was in a different state of mind than when

he first learned of his mother’s death. Although he was not
Li Jianglin’s biological son, it was a bit too ruthless for Li
Jianglin to let his mistress be so lonely until she died of
The wooden door in front of him was mottled, and Li
Zhenruo felt a burst of sadness. He took a deep breath and
then turned to leave.
He had an idea and hoped to find someone to pry open the
door so he could go inside to take a look. He wondered if he
could find Zhao Yuqiong’s remnants.
Zhao Yuqiong died in the hospital more than ten years ago.
It was said that she broke off relations with her family long
ago and it was Li Jianglin who handled the funeral for her.
She has been dead for more than ten years. If the house
was originally registered in Zhao Yuqiong’s name, after her
death, Li Zhenruo should’ve inherited it. But at that time Li
Zhenruo was too young. He didn’t even know who his
mother was, let alone knew that such a house existed. After
a long time, when he was able to find someone to check his
mother’s identity, he found that the house had been
registered under Li Jianglin’s name.

Li Jianglin certainly didn’t look after such a house.

According to what the neighbour’s family said, maybe Zhao
Yuqiong went to the hospital at the time, but she didn’t
expect to never return. So was it possible that no one has
touched anything in this house until now?
Li Zhenruo walked downstairs and thought that this matter
can’t be rushed. He has to take one step at a time. Now
what he feared most was that his every move would arouse
Li Zhenran’s suspicion.

f h dh h b bl ld b bl
If Li Zhenran suspected him, he probably wouldn’t be able
to go back to Li’s house. Well, this was just one of the
reasons. More importantly, he didn’t want Li Zhenran to
suspect him.
Just as he went downstairs, Li Zhenruo’s cell phone rang.
Li Zhenran’s meeting was over, and he asked him, “Where
are you?”

Li Zhenruo said, “I’m looking for my mother.”

Li Zhenran asked him, “Have you found her?”
Li Zhenruo replied, “No, I seem to have misremembered
the address of the pet store. I have to check it again.”
Li Zhenran said, “After you find her, take a picture for me
to see.”
“…” Li Zhenruo gritted his teeth and said, “Okay!”

Because of Li Zhenran’s sudden request, Li Zhenruo had no

choice but to go to the pet store to find his cat mother.
When he left that time, Yu’s mother put him in a cage and
took a taxi back. Right now Li Zhenruo didn’t know the
exact address. He only vaguely remembers the name of the
pet shop and searched the Internet on his mobile phone.
He went to eat Thai hot pot alone at noon.
Although the people around him, including the waiter, cast
strange stares at him intentionally or unintentionally, he
didn’t care. This sour and spicy taste really suits his
After lunch, Li Zhenruo took a taxi, showed the driver the
address of the pet shop he found and asked the driver to
take him there.
Li Zhenruo found that it was indeed a happy thing to find a
rich and generous owner. He was used to living a good life

h h ld dh dd f lb d ll
since he was a child, and he didn’t want to feel bad at all
when it came to food and clothing expenses.
The driver sent him to the address. When he got off the
bus, Li Zhenruo took a look at his surroundings and found
that he was right. This was the pet shop where he was

There was a large cage in front of the pet store, and several
small Samoyeds were basking in the sun.
He walked in like a customer. The boss greeted him and
lowered his head to shave a teddy1a dog breed.
Li Zhenruo found the pet cage he was born in that was now
replaced by a litter of British shorthairs. He looked around
and found the mother cat in a small pet cage in the corner.
The female cat was sleeping on her stomach at first. He
didn’t know whether it was because she heard the
movement or smelled the scent, but she suddenly opened
her eyes and raised her head.

Li Zhenruo was a little excited for no reason, he put his

face close to the cage and looked inside.
His mother cat suddenly stood up, leaned close to the cage
and stared at him.
Li Zhenruo felt that the other party probably recognized
The mother cat stretched out a paw from the gap in the
cage, and Li Zhenruo lowered his head and asked her to
touch the top of his head with her paw. She probably really
wanted to get closer to Li Zhenruo, but unfortunately, she
was blocked by the cage and couldn’t get out.
Li Zhenruo stretched out his fingers and stroked the top of
her head with difficulty. At this time, he remembered Li
Zhenran’s request and took out his mobile phone to take
two pictures of her.
At that moment, Li Zhenruo really wanted to buy her, take
her home and forget about it.
But even if he brought her back, Li Zhenran would
definitely not agree to keep one more cat. Li Zhenruo
himself didn’t know what to do in the future, how could he
afford the life of another cat? It’s better to let her eat and
drink here and sleep idly every day.
Before leaving, Li Zhenruo kissed the mother cat’s nose
and said silently, “Goodbye, I’ll come back to see you
He thought that if one day he had the ability to, he would
take the mother cat back to retire.
Li Zhenruo got home before five o’clock in the afternoon.

Before returning, he saw a long queue outside a small shop

selling pastries outside the pet store, so he also ran to the
line to buy a bag of mung bean cakes.
Of course, Li Zhenran couldn’t have come back so early. It
was almost seven o’clock in the evening when he came
Li Zhenruo was a little hungry, so he ate two mung bean
cakes to fill his stomach.
When Li Zhenran came back, he saw Li Zhenruo lying
comfortably and leisurely on the big lounge chair on the
His cat was always lying on his stomach lazily, and never
came to greet the owner when he got home, but sometimes
he was obedient like a pet dog and followed him every step
of the way.

Li Zhenran walked to the balcony, bent down and fiddled

with Li Zhenruo’s hair.

h dh b k
Li Zhenruo opened his eyes, “You’re back?”
He moved to the side. The reclining chair was large enough
for two big men to lie down side by side, so Li Zhenran sat
down beside him.
Li Zhenruo wanted to be a good pet. He reached out and
picked up the mung bean cake from the side and took the
initiative to feed it to Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran glanced at him, opened his mouth and bit the
mung bean cake.

Seeing him take a bite, Li Zhenruo asked, “Is it delicious?

I’ve waited in line for more than 20 minutes.”
Li Zhenran said, “It’s good.”
Li Zhenruo continued to feed him until Li Zhenran had
eaten the whole thing. Li Zhenruo saw that some crumbs
had fallen off the front of his shirt and reached out to help
him brush it off.
It was almost summer, the weather was getting hotter day
by day. Li Zhenruo was wearing a pair of thin trousers and
when his legs were pressed to Li Zhenran’s legs, he could
clearly feel the heat of the other person’s body.
It didn’t seem right to be so close like this, but there
seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

However, once it was quiet, Li Zhenruo suddenly felt that

the other party’s breath was very obvious. He could hear Li
Zhenran’s slight breathing and could see his chest rise and
fall slightly. The presence of the other party suddenly
became too strong, making Li Zhenruo a little
He had hot pot for dinner last night, so today’s dinner was
Chinese food. Li Zhenran rejected Li Zhenruo’s proposal for
Japanese cuisine again.

ll h
It was in an exquisite small private restaurant. You have to
make reservations by calling half a day in advance to get a
Li Zhenruo followed Li Zhenran and knew that Li Zhenran
should have planned this in advance.
The environment here was very elegant. It was more like an
elegant study room than a restaurant, with a bookshelf full
of books around. Li Zhenruo was bored and couldn’t help
but stand up and look over.

It was a small single room for two people.

The boss didn’t let you order your own food. He usually ate
whatever dish was served, but Li Zhenran insisted on
ordering comprehensive sashimi, which could be in order
to satisfy Li Zhenruo’s desire to eat Japanese food.
During the meal, Li Zhenruo showed Li Zhenran the photos
taken by his mobile phone.
Li Zhenran looked at the big cake-faced cat mother in the
photo and said, “It looks exactly like you.”
Li Zhenruo said, “Well, I think so too.”

His colour and facial features were very close to the mother
cat, and he was considered to be the best in that litter of
Li Zhenran asked him, “Where’s your father?”
Li Zhenruo took the chopsticks and stabbed the sashimi,
“How would I know, it must be a breeding cat.”
After all, Zhao Yuqiong was still Li Jianglin’s mistress in
name. His cat mother and cat father were probably a
momentary fling, and when their physical needs are met,
they would no longer meet.
Looking at the photo, Li Zhenran seemed a little regretful,
“It’s a pity that I didn’t take a photo of you, when will you
b bl h b k
be able to change back?”

Li Zhenruo raised his eyelids to look at him and cursed in

his heart: Die, cat fetishist!
They talked and ate. When almost two-thirds of the dishes
were finished, the private room door was suddenly pushed
open from the outside.
Li Zhenruo turned to look and saw that the woman
standing at the door turned out to be Yue Zijia.
Yue Zijia was wearing a small white dress with exquisite
makeup. She seemed to be stunned for a moment. She took
a step back to look at the door sign and said, “I’m sorry, I
made a mistake.”

The author has something to say:

Look, you urged me to make him human, but now you want
to see a cat after I made him human. See, if this is what you
guys are…you know
Chapter 28
They didn’t expect to run into Yue Zijia by chance here. Li
Zhenruo’s first reaction was to invite her in for a few
minutes of conversations, but Li Zhenran obviously didn’t
have any intention to let it happen.

And Yue Zijia, who was very good at reading people’s

expressions stood at the door and did not come in. She only
said, “What a coincidence, Zhenran, you are also eating
Li Zhenran smiled at her, “What a coincidence.”

Yue Zijia was a part of this circle, and she was practically
one of the old flowers in the high society. She knew a lot of
people, even more than Li Zhenran and the others would
know. At a glance, she could see that the young man
opposite Li Zhenran was someone she did not know, and he
looked very young, like a college student, and definitely not
a business partner from somewhere, so she naturally had
some ideas in her heart.
Li Zhenruo was also wearing casual clothes today, and the
collar around his neck was very eye-catching. The collar
was actually light and thin, but it was hard not to notice it
when it was worn on a person. So Yue Zijia glanced at Li
Zhenruo and said, “I won’t bother you guys, I’m going
Li Zhenran politely said, “Okay, let’s have the opportunity
to have dinner together next time.”

He spoke thoughtlessly, and Yue Zijia also listened to it

nonchalantly and didn’t take the offer seriously.
After closing the door, Li Zhenruo asked Li Zhenran, “Is
she your younger brother’s woman?”
h dd h d l b k d
Li Zhenran didn’t answer him immediately, but asked,
“Why are you asking this? Are you interested in her?”
Li Zhenruo said, “What are you thinking, can’t I ask for Yu
Bingwei’s sake? Miss Yu is my master anyway.”

Unexpectedly, when Li Zhenran heard this, he suddenly

pointed at him with a chopstick and said, “Remember this, I
am your master, no one else is.”
Li Zhenruo was speechless because of his strange
But after hearing Li Zhenruo’s explanation, Li Zhenran said
to him, “I don’t know if she has an affair with the third
Li Zhenruo looked at him in surprise.

Li Zhenran said, “I haven’t seen it with my own eyes.”

Li Zhenruo thought to himself, Li Zhenzi really concealed
himself deep enough. However, come to think of it, if
someone knew about their relationship, then he would not
let Yue Zijia come forward as the appraisal client.
He just didn’t know if there was indeed something in
common between Yue Zijia and Li Jianglin.
Li Zhenruo hesitated for a while and didn’t ask. He was
afraid that if he asked too many questions, Li Zhenran
would be suspicious.

After they ate, when they came out of the small private
room, they encountered Yue Zijia and a man who also came
out from the next room.
That man was someone that Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo
knew. He was the young master of a small transportation
company. He seemed to have drunk some wine and kissed
Yue Zijia despite being in public places.
h h d h h h f l
When Yue Zijia saw Li Zhenran and the others, she felt a
little embarrassed and pushed the man away slightly.
The man then noticed Li Zhenran and the others. He
exchanged a few words with Li Zhenran and left with Yue

Li Zhenruo looked at their backs and wondered how could

Li Zhenzi feel at ease to leave this kind of thing to a woman
with such a chaotic private life? Was he not afraid that the
secrets of the Li family would be leaked by Yue Zijia?
When he went back in the evening, Li Zhenruo bought a
cup of coffee at Starbucks on the side of the road. After he
drank it, he had insomnia at night.
Li Zhenran was already about to fall asleep, but Li Zhenruo
tossed and turned beside him. He impatiently raised his leg
and pressed it on Li Zhenruo’s body, and said, “Are you
going to sleep or not?”
Li Zhenruo stopped, “I can’t sleep.”

Li Zhenran closed his eyes, sighed helplessly, and asked

him, “Why can’t you fall asleep?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t expect this when he was drinking coffee
at that time. He used to drink coffee at night, but it didn’t
affect his sleep at all. Now perhaps because his body has
changed, it was not used to the stimulation of coffee.
“I don’t know,” he said.
Li Zhenruo was originally curled up and slept by the edge
of the bed, but because he tossed and turned, he was very
close to Li Zhenran and lay down side by side.

Li Zhenran was already tired, so he pulled himself together

and asked him, “Are you in heat?”

h df b h
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, remembering that
he really didn’t feel anything today, maybe he was a little
tired from running outside all day during the daytime.
Li Zhenran turned over and put one hand on Li Zhenruo’s
chest, fumbling down slowly, “Do you want me to help
Li Zhenruo was shocked. He hurriedly moved aside, “What
are you doing?”
In the end, he backed away too much and fell off the
mattress. Fortunately, the bed was not too high and landed
on the tatami.

Li Zhenran raised his head and glanced at him, his tone

was a little impatient, “Then go to the toilet, if you turn
over and over again, I will castrate you to avoid any more
Li Zhenruo was so scared out of his wits, so he got up and
walked towards the bathroom without speaking for a long
time. In fact, there was nothing wrong with his body, but
the way Li Zhenran touching him felt just now was still very
clear, and Li Zhenruo felt that his heart was beating like a
He still remembered that when he was studying abroad, his
private life was actually quite chaotic for a while. He knew
a very good looking young white gay man, and he once
agreed to let the young gay man to do him once. He
thought it was pretty cool at the time, but it wasn’t
necessarily better than with a woman, and the young gay’s
hand was always touching him at that time, didn’t make
him feel aroused.
But today, Li Zhenran only put his palm on his chest, and
then slid all the way down. But it was as if a fire had been
lit on him, and the hot touch could not be forgotten until
Li Zhenruo thought, he really was in the rut period. The
effect of hormones on the body was really terrible.
However, he was a little angry. At first, he doesn’t need to
deal with it, but Li Zhenran’s provocation made him has to
deal with it.
After he resolved the heat, Li Zhenruo didn’t go back to the
bed but lay down on the sofa.
The lights in the living room were not turned on, and the
light came in from the outside. Because they were on a
high floor, the lights outside were also very dim. Li Zhenruo
lay on the sofa with his eyes closed and tried to sleep for a
while, but he couldn’t fall asleep, so he simply opened his
eyes. He stared at the dark ceiling and began to daydream.
Later, Li Zhenran woke up in the middle of the night and
found that Li Zhenruo had come back to him and seemed to
fall asleep. He rolled over and put his arms around Li
Zhenruo’s waist, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.
When he woke up in the morning, Li Zhenran saw Li
Zhenruo was lying beside him and playing with his mobile

Li Zhenran rubbed his forehead and stretched out a hand in

front of Li Zhenruo, “Give me your phone.”
Li Zhenruo handed it to him obediently. Li Zhenran saw
that he was playing a boring minigame, so he closed the
game and took a look at the time. It was almost seven in
the morning.
Li Zhenruo approached and asked, “What to play? Give me
the next one.”
Li Zhenran said, “Do it yourself later.” Then he sat up and
got ready to get out of bed.
In the morning, Li Zhenruo still waited until Li Zhenran
went out before he go out. After eating something on the
roadside for breakfast, he reached out to stop the car and
asked the driver to take him to the appraisal office.

h f d
Li Zhenruo came over to find an acquaintance.
At that time, he had just been kicked out of the Li family,
and his reaction was the same as now. He wanted to find
out who was screwing him, so he spent some money to
bribe the staff of the appraisal office and got the identity of
the client who came to do the identification. It was a young
woman who submit the appraisal.
Unfortunately, Li Zhenruo couldn’t remember that person’s
phone number now, so he could only come over in person
and try to find him.
Li Zhenruo had a deep impression of this place, especially
the security guard who used a broom to drive him away
several times in front of the entrance of the appraisal
He didn’t need to be chased away today, but Li Zhenruo
looks too young and didn’t look like someone who would do
an appraisal. When he walked to the registration desk at
the front desk, the young girl at the registration actually
asked him, “Are you alone? Where are your parents?”

Li Zhenruo didn’t know what to say for a while, so he could

only ask, “Is Wu Hong there?”
The young girl at the front desk asked him, “Who are you?
Why are you looking for Wu Hong?”
Li Zhenruo replied, “I’m his cousin, ask him to come out. I
want to see him.”
The young girl seemed a little hesitant, but she still said,
“Wait a minute, I’ll call him.”
Wu Hong was a young man and just graduated from
university two years ago. He was working as an assistant in
the laboratory.

After he received the call, he hurriedly went to the front

desk. But he was also puzzled, he didn’t know which of his
ld h l kf h h d
cousins would come here to look for him. Li Zhenruo said
first, “Li Zhenruo asked me to come to you.”
Wu Hong’s expression changed suddenly.
At that time he did not charge Li Zhenruo much money
because he did not disclose any information. Li Zhenruo felt
unwilling, and later called him again and promised to give
him 5000 yuan1786.83, in exchange for the detailed
information of the identification client. At that time, Wu
Hong was emotionally affected. He hesitated for several
days before he agreed to Li Zhenruo, but Li Zhenruo had an
Now Wu Hong became nervous when he heard Li
Zhenruo’s name. After all, he signed a non-disclosure
agreement2A non-disclosure agreement is a legally binding
contract that establishes a confidential relationship. The
party or parties signing the agreement agree that sensitive
information they may obtain will not be made available to
any others. An NDA may also be referred to as a
confidentiality agreement. when he work there. If anyone in
the laboratory knew that he had sold customer information,
he would definitely be kicked out.
He glanced left and right in panic.

Li Zhenruo said to him, “Let’s find a quiet place to talk.”

Wu Hong nodded and took him outside the appraisal office.
They walked to a secluded street, stood under a big tree,
and Wu Hong asked him, “What do you want from me?”
Li Zhenruo smiled, “Don’t be nervous, I just heard Li
Zhenruo mentioned you and wanted to ask you a question.”
Wu Hong said, “I don’t know anything. Don’t ask me.”
Li Zhenruo said to him, “I haven’t asked the question yet,
what are you anxious about?”

Wu Hong scratched his neck and insisted, “I don’t know

anything anyway.”
f h k h h l d
Of course Li Zhenruo knew that he was not as principled as
he showed, so he came to him again, and said to Wu Hong,
“Here’s the deal, you listen to me first. I will ask you a
question, if I am wrong, just shake your head, if I’m right,
you don’t have to give me a response. This way you didn’t
sell anyone’s information, and you answered me, I’ll give
you 500 yuan378.68.”
Wu Hong’s expression was obviously shaken.
Li Zhenruo simply took out his mobile phone, found a photo
to show him, and asked him, “Is this woman the one who
came for the identification?”
At that moment, Li Zhenruo clearly saw that Wu Hong’s
pupils were dilated and his expression was a little
uncontrollable. He already knew the answer.

This was Yue Zijia’s photo. This morning, Li Zhenruo took

his mobile phone before Li Zhenran woke up, and entered
Yue Zijia’s personal social networking site. He found two
pictures with clearer angles and sent them to his mobile
Wu Hong’s expression was very troubled.
Li Zhenruo asked him, “You didn’t shake your head. Now
tell me, do you want the 500 yuan?”
Wu Hong took a deep breath and stretched out his hand,
“Since you already know, then give me the money.”
Li Zhenruo got the answer he wanted and gave Wu Hong
500 in cash, then backed away and waved to him, “Thank
you, goodbye.”

Wu Hong put the money in his pocket and hurriedly turned

to leave.
Yue Zijia and Li Zhenzi.
Li Zhenruo raised his hand to slightly block the sun shining
down above his head. He felt the need to go back to Li’s
h b fh d b k h h
house now, but if he wanted to go back to Li’s house, the
identity of a cat would be more beneficial than that of a
person, but at the same time, there are many things that a
cat can not do.
Li Zhenruo thought in his heart, if only he could change his
identity freely, wouldn’t it be very convenient?
At this time, Li Zhenruo suddenly remembered a person.
When he was in mountain villa, Feng Junyuan gave him a
phone number and said that if he needed any help, he could
find someone named Song Jun, because he knew a lot about
Li Zhenruo thought that maybe now was the time. He
should call the person named Song Jun. If he has time, it is
best to ask him out to meet.

It was actually quite risky if he thought about it. But Li

Zhenruo thought of what Feng Junyuan said at the time,
and felt that the other party seemed quite credible.
After hesitating for a long time, when Li Zhenruo took out
his mobile phone to dial, Li Zhenran called first.
“Where are you?” Li Zhenran said.
Li Zhenruo said, “I’m shopping on the street. Is there
anything you want to eat? I’ll buy it for you.”

Li Zhenran said, “Stop shopping and go home first. I’ll pick

you up later, and we’ll go to the airport.”
“Airport?” Li Zhenruo was stunned.
Li Zhenran said: “I’m going on a business trip temporarily,
and you will go with me. Go back and pack some things,
and I’ll pick you up.”
Li Zhenran didn’t even listen to what he was saying, and
hung up the phone.
Li Zhenruo looked at his phone and thought, But I don’t
have an ID card? What am I going to the airport with you
for? Can I even get on a plane? But Li Zhenran sounded so
anxious. Li Zhenruo’s first reaction was that something had
happened to the company. A business trip? Is it a problem
with the project in the western part?
But now it’s just speculation. Li Zhenruo reached out and
called a car and asked the driver to take him home first.
Li Zhenruo considered that he did not have an ID card, and
Li Zhenran could not possibly conduct a pet consignment
for him. How should he take him there? Using a private
plane? Chartering the whole plane?
Despite his doubts, Li Zhenruo obediently packed two
pieces of clothing.
When he packed up, he found that all of them were Li
Zhenran’s clothes. He wandered outside for two days and
didn’t think of buying himself a suit of clothes to wear. Li
Zhenran obviously didn’t expect leaving this area either.

As long as he didn’t take the collar around his neck, Li

Zhenran would have no problem even if he goes out naked.
Li Zhenran didn’t come back after almost an hour. Li
Zhenruo packed two of his clothes and put them in a big
Li Zhenruo only had time to ask, “How can I get there
without an ID card?”
Li Zhenran stood by the coffee table in the living room,
took a sip of water, then glanced at him and said, “I’ll
provide it for you. I’ve already bought the ticket.”
Li Zhenruo was a little surprised, “Fake ID? Can it pass the
security check?”

h d h d f l d
Li Zhenran said, “No, the identity information is real, and
the ID card is also real.”
Li Zhenruo looked at him suspiciously, now that all identity
information was online, it was easy to make a fake ID. But
how easy was it to forge a person’s fake identity, he
couldn’t help asking, “You let me use someone else’s
identity? “
He has already thought of 10,000 words in his brain, Li
Zhenran found a young man who looked a lot like him,
murdered and robbed his ID card.
Li Zhenran took out an ID card from the inner pocket of his
suit, and dangled his fingers between his eyes.
Li Zhenruo grabbed it, and when he saw the words “Li
Tuanzi4Tuanzi is Dumpling’s name in Chinese” on his ID
card, he couldn’t hold back the blue veins bursting out on
his forehead, and he had the urge to kill.

He couldn’t tell the authenticity of the ID card just by the

feel of his hand, but since Li Zhenran was so sure, it means
that the ID card was likely to be real. There was no longer
Li Zhenruo in this world, but there was a man named Li
Tuanzi. His birthday was the day he was born as a cat, and
the year was by Li Zhenran himself, who set him as an
eighteen-year-old this year. In fact, if you look at his face,
he was more like sixteen or seventeen years old, but he
couldn’t bother to care so much about a cat.
Li Zhenruo looked at the ID card and asked Li Zhenran,
“How did you do it?”
Wasn’t this too difficult? And the time was so short. It has
only been three days since he became a human.
Li Zhenran confessed: “I couldn’t do it, it was given to me
by Luo Fei.”
“Luo Fei?” Li Zhenruo’s doubts did not ease at all. “Did he
hack into the public security department’s network? Or did
he have a great backup?”
Li Zhenran said, “He didn’t say it, but when I asked him, he
said he could do it. This ID card was delivered on time.
When I decided to go on a business trip, he happened to
find someone to deliver it to me. So I booked a flight for
Li Zhenruo looked at the ID card and thought of Luo Fei
and the doctor Feng who was with him. They seemed to be
mysterious, but aren’t they ordinary people?

The author has something to say:

The collar has a positioning. As for whether the second
brother is monitoring his position in real-time, the fourth
brother said that he doesn’t know, and he couldn’t care less
for now…
Chapter 29
Li Tuanzi followed Li Zhenran to the airport.

To be honest, Li Zhenruo was a little depressed, because

the name Li Tuanzi was really ugly, but he knew that it was
definitely not easy to find an identity like that. If he asked
Luo Fei to help him make a new one because the name was
too ugly, it would be too much.
The outcome of forcing down this depression was that Li
Zhenruo gritted his teeth against Li Zhenran along the way.

When changing the boarding pass, Li Zhenran asked him,

“What are you looking at me for?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I wish I could eat his flesh and sleep with
his skin!”
Li Zhenran surprisingly asked, “Who?”

After asking, Li Zhenruo clearly saw that Li Zhenran was

smiling briefly. It wasn’t that he didn’t understand, but he
was just teasing Li Zhenruo.
They were accompanied by Hua Yibang.
He followed behind them and didn’t speak, and he didn’t
react to the name Li Tuanzi.
Later, when he passed the security check, the security
check guard looked up at him, “Li Tuanzi?”

Li Zhenruo replied bitterly, “Yes.”

The security officer didn’t say anything, but couldn’t help
but look at him again. Probably because such a strange and
b l
bizarre name was also rare.
After a two-hour flight, they arrived at their destination.
Sure enough, as Li Zhenruo expected, they arrived at the
provincial capital city where Qijiang was located. Li
Zhenruo made a lot of trips here. The project address was
originally decided by him after repeated investigations and
discussions with the government.

It was already dark.

It’s just that Li Zhenruo slept on the plane just now, so he
was not really tired now.
When they came out of the airport, a driver sent by the
branch office here came to pick them up.
After they got into the car, Li Zhenran said, “Go to the hotel

Then he said to Li Zhenruo, “Wait for me in the hotel later.

I will be picking up some people with Yibang. We will wait
for some experts to come over, and have dinner together.”
“Going to eat more?” Li Zhenruo asked. He had eaten a lot
on the plane just now.
Until now, Li Zhenran didn’t tell Li Zhenruo what the trip
was for. Li Zhenran didn’t explain, and Li Zhenruo didn’t
ask. He just heard that Li Zhenran wanted to pick up
experts, and he couldn’t help wondering if there was
something wrong with the project site over there.
Li Zhenran raised his hand and touched his head, “Do you
still want to eat?”

“Yeah,” Li Zhenruo replied, “The food here is delicious.”

Before they reached the hotel, the sky began to drizzle.

h d h k d h l d h f l
The driver who picked them up complained, “What awful
weather, it rains every day.”
Li Zhenruo put his face next to the car window and looked
outside, thinking it was probably the arrival of the rainy

When they arrived at the hotel, the manager of Yunlin

branch was already waiting for them here.
After they checked in, Li Zhenran first accompanied Li
Zhenruo to take the luggage up and put it in the room. The
two of them had a suite with a living room and a bedroom,
and Hua Yibang’s room was next to them.
When Li Zhenran opened the door with his room card, Hua
Yibang couldn’t help but glance at them, but he didn’t ask
Li Zhenruo sometimes envied Li Zhenran for having such a
capable assistant who was silent and observant.

Li Zhenran put down his things and went out with Hua
Yibang. He asked Li Zhenruo to stay in the room and wait
for his call.
Li Zhenruo lay on the big bed and spread out his limbs
lazily. He found that he didn’t want to do anything. The rain
outside seemed to be getting heavier and heavier. He
grabbed the remote control on the bedside table and
turned on the TV, just in time to see the local news issuing
an orange early warning rainstorm alert1A status orange
weather warning is given before expected weather
conditions that could significantly impact people, property
and activity in an area. People in the affected areas should
prepare appropriately now for the anticipated conditions.
Read more.
It has been raining for many days, and many low altitude
places were heavily waterlogged.

l h kl f h
Qijiang was only more than 200 kilometres away from the
provincial capital, and the area was probably also raining
heavily. Li Zhenruo wondered if the reason Li Zhenran
came in such a hurry had anything to do with the heavy
rain here.
Seeing that the news has jumped to community news, Li
Zhenruo used the remote control to change the channel,
wanting to see if there are more reports.

After about an hour, Li Zhenran called him to go down for

Because it was quite late at that time, the dinner was
arranged in the hotel restaurant. Li Zhenruo went
downstairs and saw Li Zhenran talking with three or four
people like teachers and scholars. Behind him, in addition
to Hua Yibang and the branch manager, there was also the
project manager of the Qijiang project.
They went to a private room in the restaurant and sat at a
Li Zhenran said, “It’s too late today, and we still have some
business to do in the morning, so let’s just have a casual
dinner tonight. When the things over there are over, we’ll
be sure to treat the several teachers to a good meal.”
Everyone was saying that Li Zhenran was too courteous
one after another.

Li Zhenruo was not hungry, so he picked out a few

favourite dishes to eat, and at other times drank the soup in
front of him with a spoon.
The collar on his neck was really eye-catching, but no one
asked him. People were only asking about Li Zhenruo’s
identity. Li Zhenran introduced him as his cousin and that
he brought him to learn something.
After listening to everyone talking during the meal, Li
Zhenruo realized that there was something wrong with the
ll h
construction site in Qijiang. Originally, the construction site
had begun to build the surrounding area. However, due to
several days of heavy rains, the flood control retaining wall
of the nearby river collapsed on a large scale, flooding the
construction site. Of course, the construction site was
flooded, which could be said to be due to this flood disaster
that has not been encountered in nearly a century.
However, a nearby building that was under construction
collapsed, and the people in the project team couldn’t help
but get a little nervous. They were afraid that there was a
problem with the underlying geological layer, which would
have an impact on future construction work.
So Li Zhenran invited top experts in geology, architecture
and engineering to come. He hoped to ask them to conduct
on-the-spot surveys to see how much influence the geology
has on the construction of the entire tourism project, what
was the probability of geological disasters in the future,
and whether there was a need to re-plan?
In fact, Li Zhenruo had asked someone to do survey work in
the early stage of site selection, but it seemed to be far less
meticulous than Li Zhenran’s this time. Although there
were only a few people eating together tonight, several
experts brought students and teams together, which must
have cost a lot.

Li Zhenruo bit the spoon and thought that Li Zhenran was

pursuing perfection too much. Sometimes in Li Jianglin’s
opinion, it was almost as if he was nitpicking, so Li Jianglin
chose to hand over the Qijiang project to him instead of Li
After they ate and went back to the room, Li Zhenran went
to take a bath first. Li Zhenruo lay on the bed and didn’t
want to move.
After he lay down for a while, he suddenly remembered
something. He got up and went through Li Zhenran’s bag,
trying to find his ID card. Although the name was really
unbearable, it was always more convenient to have an ID
card with you. Originally, he had put away his ID card after
going through the security check at the airport, and he took
f h h h d h f
it from Li Zhenran just now when he opened the room for
He thought that if it wasn’t for this sudden trip, Li Zhenran
would have no intention to give him his ID card at all or
even planned to tell him about it.
After rummaging for a while, Li Zhenran came out of the
bathroom with a towel around his waist and asked him,
“What are you doing?”

Li Zhenruo said, “Where’s the ID card? Can you give it to

Li Zhenran passed by him, sat down beside the bed, and
said, “What are you here for?”
Li Zhenruo said, “It’s more convenient. If you’re not with
me and there’s some emergency.”
Li Zhenran said, “Then, you stay with me and don’t go a
step farther.”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t hold back and said, “You’re sick…”

Li Zhenran looked at him with cold eyes.

Li Zhenruo didn’t dare to provoke him anymore and said,
“I’m going to take a bath.”
He finished his shower and put on his pyjamas before going
out. In the past, Li Zhenruo didn’t really care about these
things. In any case, they were all men, and Li Zhenran was
his second brother. After taking a shower, he often wore
underwear and casually hung around at home.
But after what happened last night, he felt a little
embarrassed and thought that his rut period was probably
not over yet, so he should keep it more hidden and not
cause any misunderstanding.
Li Zhenran was lying on the bed watching TV, which was
playing the evening news.
Li Zhenruo lay down beside him and asked, “Will you go
even if it rains heavily tomorrow?”
Li Zhenran nodded, “Yes, people had been invited to come.
No matter how bad the environment is, I have to go. Who
can guarantee that this situation won’t happen again in the
Li Zhenruo had guessed that Li Zhenran would definitely
say so.
Li Zhenran suddenly stretched out a hand, resting his
elbow on the head of the bed, and tugging at Li Zhenruo’s
hair with his fingers to play.
Li Zhenruo turned to look at him but saw that he was not
looking at him, and was staring at the TV screen
thoughtfully. His thoughts were probably not on Li
Zhenruo, and it was just like teasing a pet and playing with
its hair.

As he looked at Li Zhenran’s profile, for some reason Li

Zhenruo’s heart started to beat faster, his body began to
heat up for no reason, and his breathing became short.
Finally, he could not help but jump off the bed and went to
the bathroom.
About the cat’s rut matter, Li Zhenruo has actually checked
it carefully on the Internet. It seems that many people have
different opinions. Some people say that contact with
female cats would cause the cat to be in heat. Some said
that birth control was necessary, and some people say that
it was better to mate.
Anyway, Li Zhenruo had read a lot, but he was still not
clear about his situation. It would be very painful if he was
like this all the time, and lately, he has always reacted to Li
Could it be Li Zhenran was actually a female cat?

h h b k b d h h d l d d
When he went back to bed, Li Zhenran had already turned
off the TV and fallen asleep.

Li Zhenruo fumbled to lay down, but Li Zhenran grabbed

his wrist and pulled him into his arms.
He stiffened for a moment and asked in a muffled voice,
“Why are you hugging so tightly?”
Li Zhenran buried his face on the side of his neck, rubbed
his face, and said, “Isn’t this the purpose of bringing you
Li Zhenruo said angrily, “I’m not a pillow.”
Li Zhenran said, “Don’t make trouble, there’s no sense of
security sleeping in a hotel.”

“…” Li Zhenruo thought silently, You must be sick, right?

The next morning, they drove to Qijiang.
When he got up in the morning, Li Zhenruo stood by the
window and opened the heavy curtains to look outside, and
unexpectedly found that the sky was sunny. Seeing that it
should be a sunny day today, he couldn’t help sighing that
she was lucky.
They drove at a high speed. Li Zhenruo sat in the back seat
and yawned.
Li Zhenran asked him, “You did not sleep enough?”

Li Zhenruo nodded and rested his head on Li Zhenran’s

Hua Yibang was able to keep a calm face, but the driver
only looked down and lowered his head, and focused on
driving ahead.

h h l h d l l
Because the weather was clear, the road was relatively
smooth today. It took less than two hours to reach Qijiang’s
urban area after driving at a high speed. That construction
project of Yunlin was in the north of Qijiang’s urban area,
and it was about almost 20 minutes of driving.
They went over there and left the wide road, and entered
the small road, gradually they drive away from the hustle
and bustle of the city and the surrounding became quiet.
The distance from here to Qijiang was originally a name of
a river, and the city in Qijiang was just a city built on the
river. This area was in the lower reaches of the river, with
high mountains and gentle slopes in the distance and vast
plains near. The forest coverage rate has reached nearly
45%. As soon as you open the window, fresh air comes to
your face.
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath, his mood seemed to have
become peaceful.
Previously, the Qijiang river dike burst has been urgently
repaired by the government to re enclose the dike. Now the
flood has receded a lot, but a large amount of pool of water
could still be seen in the distance, especially at the
construction site where the siege began, and even a part of
the wall that was washed down by the flood could be seen.

The person in charge of the construction site had come to

greet Li Zhenran.
However, due to the accumulation of water on the
construction site, it was impossible to go in dryly in any
way, so Li Zhenran asked the driver to park the car on the
dry level outside and said to Li Zhenruo, “Wait for me in
the car.”
Li Zhenran was wearing casual clothes today with a
waterproof jacket and a baseball cap on his head, looking
like he was out for a field trip.
Li Zhenruo said, “I’ll go in with you.”

h d h dd d
Li Zhenran said, “Stay here and don’t run around.”
Afterwards, Li Zhenran and Hua Yibang got out of the car
and got into another car. The off-road vehicle drove
forward for a certain distance and stopped. Afraid that the
car would get stuck in the mud and stall, the people in the
car had to get out and wade in.
Li Zhenruo pressed down the car window and could only
see Li Zhenran’s back in the distance. When they entered
the construction site, he only saw a few off-road vehicles
left outside.
Forget it, he thought, he had nothing to do with the Li
family’s affairs anyway.
Somewhat bored, he opened the car door and walked
around the neighbourhood. He saw the driver also get out
of the car, and got together with a few other drivers to
start smoking and chatting.

With Li Zhenruo’s character, it was actually nothing much

to go over and to talk to them. But he looked like a child
now, and he knew that those middle-aged people didn’t
want to talk to him very much, so he didn’t go.
There was still some distance from the riverside to here,
but the wind was still a bit chilly. Li Zhenruo stood there
for a while and then went back to the car and huddled in
the back seat to play with his mobile phone.
He didn’t know how long it took, but when he suddenly
raised his head, he felt that it was dark outside. Originally,
when he came out in the morning, there was still the sun in
the sky, but at this time, it seemed like a violent storm was
coming soon.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help being a little nervous. He sat up
and looked outside. He saw several drivers running in the
direction of the parking lot, and the ground in the field
began to fall with pea-sized raindrops.
The rain suddenly became huge in an instant. The driver
opened the car door, sat up, and said, “This is a rainstorm

Li Zhenruo saw the surrounding branches dancing wildly

by the strong wind. Even with the window closed, he could
hear the sound of raindrops hitting the roof and glass and
the sound of the wind blowing. There was no one around,
just a few of their cars. The sky was so dark as if it was the
end of the world.
The smaller the rain, the heavier it was. Within ten
minutes, some water started to accumulate outside.
The driver stared nervously into the distance and suddenly
shouted, “Damn!”
Li Zhenruo looked in the direction of his gaze and saw that
the river surface in the distance was rapidly deepening,
and the newly built flood breaker began to become shaky
as if it might be washed away at any time.
If the flood control embankment breaks, the construction
site will be flooded immediately.

Li Zhenruo took out his mobile phone and immediately

wanted to call Li Zhenran.
Unexpectedly, the driver actually started the car at this
time. Li Zhenruo heard the movement and jumped forward
and asked, “What are you doing?”
The driver said nervously, “We won’t be able to leave when
the flood comes over!”
Li Zhenruo reached out to stop him, “They are still inside!”
But the driver didn’t listen to him and insisted on starting
the car. Li Zhenruo didn’t go to grab the keys from him, but
simply opened the door and jumped down, running towards
the construction site.

h fl d l b k ll ll d d
The flood control embankment really collapsed, and Li
Zhenruo saw the river water gushing out all of a sudden.
The muddy yellow river water rolled up white foam, and
instantly a huge wave was set off and slapped towards the
construction site wall.
However, Li Zhenruo ran towards the construction site like
a madman, and at the same time shouted, “Li Zhenran!”
With this loud shout, he suddenly woke up, opened his eyes
and sat up with his back straight, and found that he was
still in the car.
He couldn’t help being in a trance for a few seconds. When
Li Zhenruo came back to his senses, he realized that he
was actually dreaming. He had a dream so realistic that
even when he touched his forehead, he was still sweating.
Li Zhenruo turned to look out the window. The weather was
still sunny, and several drivers were still gathering together
to smoke and talk nonsense.

He closed his eyes and leaned back in the back seat. When
his mood calmed down, he began to reminisce about what
he felt in the dream. The feeling was very real, and he
could still feel it now. At that moment, he was really not
afraid of death. Even if he died, he would definitely go to Li
Zhenran’s side.
Chapter 30
They stayed in Qijiang for three days, after which Li
Zhenran fulfilled his promise and went back to the
provincial hotel where he set up a few tables to entertain a
few experts.

Li Zhenruo sat in the corner and watched Li Zhenran

To be honest, Li Zhenran was not very good at socializing.

Li Zhenruo used to think that he was a little introverted, at

least not the kind of person who was smooth and slick.
However, Li Zhenran was a capable person, so even if he
ignored people with a cold face, there would naturally be
people leaning on him and continuing to take advantage of
his capability.
Although from the survey at the Qijiang construction site a
formal report has not yet been formed, the preliminary
results were quite good.
For this reason, Li Zhenran was actually in a good mood,
but he didn’t show it on his face.

In the evening, Li Zhenran drank a little too much wine.

He didn’t look good when he drank. The more he drank, the
whiter his face became. When they went back to the hotel
room after dinner, his footsteps were still very steady, but
when they returned to the room and sat down on the sofa,
Hua Yibang said to Li Zhenruo, “He drank too much, watch
him for a bit.”
Li Zhenruo went around to look at Li Zhenran’s face, and
said strangely, “It doesn’t look like it.”

h h ld b k h
In Li’s house, Li Zhenran would go back to the room
silently after drinking too much. Unlike Li Zhenzi, who
would make a scene when he was drunk until the whole
family know. So until now, Li Zhenruo didn’t know what Li
Zhenran’s state was when he drank too much.

After Hua Yibang warned him repeatedly, he left first.

Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo were left in the room, Li
Zhenruo reached out and touched Li Zhenran’s shoulder,
“Are you going to take a shower?”
Li Zhenran didn’t say anything. After a while, he stood up
and walked towards the bathroom.
Li Zhenruo heard him enter for five or six minutes, but
there was no movement. So he couldn’t help knocking on
the door, “Ran ge?”

No one responded.
Li Zhenruo softly called out to Li Zhenran. He opened the
door of the bathroom and probed in, and saw that Li
Zhenran didn’t take off his clothes and sat motionless in the
Li Zhenruo felt a little exasperated. He walked in and asked
Li Zhenran, “Would you like to take a bath?”
Unexpectedly, Li Zhenran looked up at him and asked,
“Who are you?”

Li Zhenruo squatted down in front of him, took a deep

breath, and said, “I’m your cat.”
“My… cat?” Li Zhenran’s eyes were calm, and Li Zhenruo
had no way of knowing what he was thinking. After a while,
he asked Li Zhenruo, “How can you be a cat?”
Li Zhenruo propped his face with his hands, “I’m a cat that
can transform, have you seen Black Cat
h k d k l k
Li Zhenran nodded.

Li Zhenruo said, “I am also the same. I can change into a

Li Zhenran simply couldn’t think about the connection
between the black cat detective and him being able to
become a human right now. He suddenly reached out and
touched Li Zhenruo’s face.
Li Zhenruo strangely asked, “What?”
The next thing he felt was Li Zhenran’s hand cupping his
face and pulling him over, kissing him hard on the lips.

Li Zhenruo’s eyes widened. He still didn’t understand what

had happened, to the extent that he forgot to resist. He
didn’t understand how the fact that he was a cat ignited Li
Zhenran and made him suddenly do such a strange thing.
After a while, Li Zhenran released him and gently stroked
his lips with his fingers.
Li Zhenruo maintained his wide-eyed posture. He found
that his face was hot and his head was in total confusion.
Li Zhenran put his forehead on his forehead and said in a
low voice, “Do you like it?”

Li Zhenruo felt that his head exploded, What did he mean

by like? Why should I like it? First of all, regardless of
whether he was Li Zhenruo or Li Zhenran’s brother in
name, at least Li Zhenran has to remember that he was a
man, right? It doesn’t matter if he was a man, but Li
Zhenran suddenly kissed him after hearing that he was his
cat. To start with, how much did Li Zhenran like his cat?!

l h hh ld h lk h k
But although he couldn’t say he like it, Li Zhenruo knew
that he didn’t hate it.
His feelings for Li Zhenran were a bit special. After having
such a dream next to the construction site that day, Li
Zhenruo found that he had been with Li Zhenran for less
than half a year, but his relationship was much deeper than
the past 20 years.
All this time, Li Zhenruo jokingly said to Li Zhenran that he
was his master. And such a person fed you every day,
tickled you, bathed you, and looked the whole world for you
when you were wandering outside. Li Zhenruo feels that if
he was really a cat, as a cat, he would at least be moved.
What’s more, he was not a cat.
Since he was a child, he had no mother, and his father and
brothers did not love him. With Li Zhenran suddenly
treating him so well, of course, it was impossible not to feel

Although Li Zhenruo sometimes has a twisted idea that Li

Zhenran was actually good to cats in general, not to Li
Zhenruo, his heart still became soft day by day.
At this moment, Li Zhenruo, who was in a soft mood, was
startled when he saw that Li Zhenran came over to kiss him
again, and hurriedly tilted his head back, but he did not
expect Li Zhenran to reach out and hold the back of his
neck to prevent him from hiding and kissed him again on
his lips.
And this time it wasn’t a simple lip touching lips, but Li
Zhenran was prying open his jaw with his tongue.
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! Li Zhenruo’s heart churned. There were
no other words better to express his inner feelings than
these words.
He was tongue-kissing Li Zhenran!

h l df h l h hh h d
He has lived for more than 20 years. Although he had
messed around before, now he kissed a man with a tongue,
and the other party was Li Zhenran. Li Zhenruo felt like he
was struck by thunder.
Moreover, Li Zhenran usually seemed to live a simple and
disciplined life. Li Zhenruo also knew that Li Zhenran’s
private life was very clean. How could he kiss so well? Li
Zhenruo was a little dazed for a moment. In addition to
being held down by Li Zhenran by his neck and unable to
avoid it, he also felt that his brain could not respond due to
the lack of oxygen.
A few days ago, he went into heat when he was touched,
and if he didn’t respond to being kissed today, he would
suspect that he was really castrated.
Li Zhenran grabbed one of Li Zhenruo’s arms and forcefully
pulled him into the bathtub.
Li Zhenruo’s head almost hit the edge of the bathtub. Then
he was turned over and pressed under Li Zhenran’s body.

Fortunately, the hotel’s bathtub was big enough for two

people to lie inside and it was spacious.
Li Zhenran continued to kiss Li Zhenruo, bit his lip and
sucked it gently. Li Zhenran even made an obscene gesture
with the purpose of conquering him and pressed his crotch
on him.
Li Zhenruo’s face was flushed, and he was short of breath.
He hesitated between pushing Li Zhenran away or simply
fighting back to let him see his own kissing skills.
At this time, Li Zhenran’s kiss had already landed on his
neck, and he ripped open his shirt with his teeth.
Li Zhenruo suddenly felt that if he didn’t stop the other
party, something would definitely happen, but at this time,
where did he get the strength to stop it? He had spent
almost all his strength, in order not to yield to him, not to
hug Li Zhenran back and rub against him.
He was a cat! And he was a cat in a rut. He didn’t urinate
anywhere, and he didn’t run after seeing the female cat. He
was already subdued enough. Now that he was hugged,
kissed and rubbed like this, how could he bear it? What’s
more, this person was his dear master, who accompanied
him to eat and sleep with him every day.
Li Zhenruo thought about other things in his head. If he
didn’t think about it, he would be completely be drowned in
this abyss of desire.
However, Li Zhenruo’s body has tightened so much that he
had to open his mouth to breathe. He felt like he was taking
drugs, with uncontrollable excitement and happiness. The
breath and gasping voice of the person pressing him
seemed to be drugging his body. He didn’t even understand
what was wrong with him. It was even more difficult to hold
back than the first time he had done it with a woman in his
Later, when Li Zhenran reached under him with one hand,
and just touched the place that was stirred up, a white light
flashed in front of him, and he couldn’t believe it came out
like this!
Li Zhenruo was completely shocked. Today, he was like a
teenager who had eaten the forbidden fruit for the first
time. When he was teased by Li Zhenran, he was defeated
and surrendered.

The white light flashed was not vulgar fiction writing, but a
real flash of white light. Have you seen an animated movie?
No matter what, the transformation would always have a
“bang” sound, and then a burst of dazzling light, and the
beautiful girl would become a Sailor Moon or pig or
something else……
And so, Li Zhenran was knocked back by the white light
that rose to the top, and changed the person into a Garfield
pressed into the bathtub. All of Li Zhenruo’s clothes fell off
his body and were scattered in the bathtub, leaving only
the collar around his neck.
h ll h h d
The cat was so small that Li Zhenran pressed an empty
space underneath him and stuck to the bathtub, only to
look face to face with a pair of frightened eyes.
The reason why Li Zhenruo was frightened was that he
realized that he had turned back into a cat, and at the same
time, he saw the strong desire in Li Zhenran’s drunk eyes.
He thought that if Li Zhenran continued to do anything to a
cat today, he was really shameless and should be sent to
chemical castration.
Li Zhenran seemed to be stunned for a few seconds, and
then let go of his grip on Li Zhenruo’s hand.

Li Zhenruo slid into the bathtub from the smooth edge of

the bathtub. He saw Li Zhenran stand up, pulled on his
clothes with one hand, and turn on the showerhead with
the other.
The cold water came out from the nozzle at once, and Li
Zhenruo felt the cold water wash over him and immediately
tumbled out of the bathtub. He stood outside the bathtub,
and his breathing was still uneven. And when he turned
around, he saw that Li Zhenran was already taking off his
pants. So he didn’t dare to look any longer. Li Zhenruo
swiftly rushed out of the bathroom, leaning his back against
the wall and gasping for breath.
Li Zhenruo thought to himself: This is really an absurd
The sound of water in the bathroom continued, Li Zhenran
didn’t speak from beginning to end, and just took a bath in
silence. He then silently turned off the water to dry his
body, and silently came out of the bathroom to lay directly
on the bed.
Li Zhenruo was still close to the wall at first and didn’t dare
to move, but after he saw Li Zhenran lying down, he
couldn’t help but slowly approach him. He jumped on the
bed, stood on the edge of the pillow, and stretched out his
front paw to gently touch Li Zhenran’s shoulder.

h dd d
Li Zhenran didn’t respond.
Li Zhenruo hesitated a little, then stretched out his paw to
nudged him lightly.
This time Li Zhenran gave him a response, but he didn’t
speak. He just raised an arm and shook it, as if trying to
drive him away, but because the movement was too big, Li
Zhenruo was pushed out of the bed when he waved his arm
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment. His first reaction
was to think that Li Zhenran was turning his back on him
since he had finished having fun with him. Later, he felt
that it was wrong. It’s obvious that he transformed after he
finished while not giving the other party a chance to have
But he still felt hurt. In an instant, the Sweetie in the past
has become the present-day Mrs Bull again2reference to
Chinese Odyssey. Li Zhenruo’s mouth flattened, and he
went out of the room. He jumped on the sofa in the living
room, rolled his body into a ball and lay down.

He felt a little sad at first. Li Zhenruo kept staring at the

bedroom door and couldn’t fall asleep. Later, in the middle
of the night, after all, his body was too tired, and he fell
asleep unconsciously.
This time, he slept until the morning. He was woken up by
the sound of the door opening. When he opened his eyes,
he saw that it was already bright outside, so the time
should already be late.
The person who opened the door and came in was Hua
Yibang because Li Zhenran was going back on the plane
this morning, but he never got up. Hua Yibang called him
and but the phone was not turned on, so he took the room
card and came to open the door.
In the beginning, Hua Yibang was a little cautious. He was
afraid that he would see some inappropriate scene when he
broke into the bedroom. He originally planned to call Li

h h l b d h h
Zhenran in the living room, but instead, he saw the cat
lying on the sofa.
Li Zhenruo woke up and remained motionless, with his
head resting on his paws, and only opened his eyes to look
at him.

Hua Yibang couldn’t hide his surprise anymore, because he

saw the collar on Li Zhenruo’s neck.
Li Zhenruo guessed that Hua Yibang was thoroughly
But as expected of Hua Yibang, who has been with Li
Zhenran for so many years, he quickly get over his surprise
and walked to the bedroom door and knocked lightly,
“Zhenran, get up.”
The only person on the bed was Li Zhenran, so it was clear
at a glance that there was no need to look any further.
Li Zhenran slept on his stomach all night, and now he
raised his head and rubbed his forehead in pain.

Hua Yibang reminded him, “If you’re late, you’ll have to

change your ticket.”
Li Zhenran nodded, turned over and sat up. But it was
obvious that he was not fully awake, so he raised his hands
to cover his face for a while.
When Li Zhenran put on his trousers and walked outside
while putting on his clothes, Hua Yibang finally couldn’t
help but ask, “Where’s your cat?”
Li Zhenran had already walked to the living room at that
time, glanced at him inexplicably, pointed to Li Zhenruo on
the sofa and said, “Isn’t that a cat?”
Hua Yibang said, “I’m not talking about—” At this point, he
seemed a little discouraged and said, “Forget it, it’s

h lk d d h b h d d
Li Zhenran walked towards the bathroom and said to Hua
Yibang, “By the way, help me with the pet check. I want to
take it back.”

Hua Yibang replied with “OK” and left the room first.
Li Zhenruo lay on the sofa and didn’t want to move.
Although he slept for a while, he still didn’t feel much
better, especially when he remembered what happened last
night. A word popped into his head inexplicably: forsaken
after being dallied with.
But Li Zhenran seemed to be the same as he was countless
mornings. After getting up, he went to the bathroom to
wash and tidy up and didn’t give Li Zhenruo a second look.
Not to mention what happened last night, it was as if he
didn’t even remember when Li Zhenruo once became a

After he came out of the bathroom, Li Zhenran saw Li

Zhenruo looking at him with a straight face.
Although it’s not easy to say how the cat has a straight
face, he just knows that his cat was staring with a straight
Li Zhenran still ignored him and went back to the room to
pack up.
Li Zhenruo suddenly felt that he wanted to go to the toilet
at this moment, but he didn’t bring out the cat toilet, so he
could only run to the toilet, jumped on the toilet, and
struggled to find a position where he could urinate while
standing on the toilet seat.
At this time, Li Zhenran suddenly came in.

Li Zhenruo felt that this posture was really unsightly, and

he didn’t want to be seen by Li Zhenran, but when he was

h h l b d l l d h l
nervous, his whole cat body almost slipped into the toilet,
but fortunately, Li Zhenran reached out and caught it.
Li Zhenran lifted his two front paws and said, “Hurry up.”
Li Zhenruo looked up at him. Although he was reluctant, he
was even more reluctant to go out and urinate on the
street. In the end, he was helped by Li Zhenran to urinate.
There was some sadness and anger and some sorrow.
After urinating, Li Zhenruo didn’t want to move and lay on
the living room carpet to pretend to be dead. Later, Li
Zhenran packed his luggage, picked him up with one hand
and walked outside.
Chapter 31
In order to facilitate the check through, Li Zhenran
specially asked someone to buy a new pet cage for Li
Zhenruo. After getting off the plane, he did not release Li
Zhenruo from the pet cage and had been carrying the cage
to the car.

Hua Yibang asked Li Zhenran where to return. Li Zhenran

told the driver to drive him directly back to Li’s house. As
for the things in the apartment, he asked Hua Yibang to
help him pack those back.
Li Zhenruo lay quietly inside the cage, he has not yet
gathered his mood.

However, when the car had just left the airport and was
about to hit the highway, Li Zhenran answered the phone.
He calmly said “Um” twice, then hung up the phone and
said to Hua Yibang, “Dad is back today.”
Hua Yibang was taken aback. He turned his head and
asked, “Mr. Li Senior is back today? Why is it so sudden?”
Li Zhenruo suddenly raised his head and his mind became
active. He wondered why Li Jianglin came back suddenly?
Could it be because of the phone call he made to Zhu Kai?
Since Zhu Kai told Li Jianglin about it, so he came back to
personally catch Li Zhenzi and Wen Chun’s adultery? Or
did Li Jianglin abruptly decide to come back from the coast
because there was something wrong with his physical

As Hua Yibang asked Li Zhenran, Li Zhenruo couldn’t help

but pricked up his ears and listened carefully.
But unexpectedly Li Zhenran only said one sentence, “I
don’t know.”
b l f d h k d
Hua Yibang was silent for a moment and then asked again,
“I wonder when Mr. Li Senior decided to come back. How
come he only informed you now?”
Li Zhenruo thought Hua Yibang was a real sweetie, as he
helped him to ask all the questions he wanted to ask.

However Li Zhenran was not cute at all, and still replied, “I

don’t know.” And in order to satisfy Hua Yibang’s curiosity,
he still said one more sentence, “The call is from eldest
brother, and dad’s plane is in the afternoon. Eldest brother
will pick him up.”
Hua Yibang asked softly, “Are you going?”
Li Zhenran said, “I won’t go. I just came back from Qijiang.
Dad knows about it.”
It could be said that Li Jianglin knew about every single
thing they did in Yunlin.

Hua Yibang heard the words and said, “That’s good. Just go
back and rest for a while, you’ve worked hard too.”
Back at Li’s house, Wang Ma was standing at the gate
waiting for them early. She took the cage that Li Zhenran
handed over, put it on the coffee table, and released Li
Li Zhenruo walked out slowly and shook his fur.
Wang Ma hugged him and kissed him, and said, “Dumpling,
I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

After Li Zhenran came in, Wang Ma said to him, “Your

father is coming back today.”
“I know,” Li Zhenran nodded.
Wang Ma lowered her voice and said, “I’m afraid your
father doesn’t like cats. I thought you were going to foster
d f h b
it outside for the time being.”
As he heard Wang Ma’s words, Li Zhenruo also
remembered that Li Jianglin didn’t like small animals very
much. When he was a child, he wanted to keep a dog, but
Li Jianglin didn’t allow him to keep it.

However two years ago, Zhu Kai brought back a small

golden retriever from outside, but Li Jianglin didn’t object
to him raising it. This time, Zhu Kai accompanied Li
Jianglin to the coast to recuperate. He took his dog there,
and Li Jianglin didn’t seem to display any displeasure at all.
Li Zhenruo always thought that if only Li Jianglin didn’t let
Zhu Kai touch Yunlin’s business, he would definitely
suspect that Zhu Kai was his biological son.
When Li Zhenran heard what Wang Ma said, he didn’t
seem to care much, “It doesn’t matter,” he just said that
and walked towards the upstairs room.
Li Zhenruo subconsciously wanted to catch up to Li
Zhenran. Just as he jumped off the tea table, he thought to
himself what he was chasing after. It’s not like he was
rushing to make a fool of himself. After chasing for two
steps, he turned and walked towards the dining room.

In the afternoon, Li Zhenruo stayed on the first floor. As

Wang Ma knitted a sweater while watching TV, he lay on
the sofa’s arm to accompany Wang Ma.
It was only four o’clock when Li Zhenzhi came back from
This was really rare. Li Zhenzi seldom ate dinner at home,
and even if they wanted to come back, most of them usually
came back in time for dinner at six o’clock.
As soon as he entered the door, he saw Li Zhenruo lying on
the sofa, and said with a smile, “I thought the second
brother had eloped with the cat.”

ld d h h
Wang Ma scolded him, “What a nonsense.”
Li Zhenzi still smiled and said, “The other day he took the
cat on vacation and didn’t bring it back, I thought he had
secretly taken the cat and thrown it away.”
Li Zhenruo glanced at him and didn’t bother to pay
attention to him at all.
At this time, Li Zhenran slowly came downstairs wearing
slippers and cotton trousers. He saw Li Zhenzi and asked,
“Why did Dad suddenly come back?”
Li Zhenzi shrugged and said that he didn’t know. He was a
little thirsty when he came back. He went to the
refrigerator to get some water and asked Li Zhenran, “How
is the construction site?”

Li Zhenran said, “It’s good.”

Li Zhenzi took a gulp of water, wiped the sweat from his
neck, and said, “I told you you are worried about nothing,
it’s not going to be a big problem.”
Li Zhenran put his hand in his trouser pocket, leaned
against the wall and said, “What I want is that there can’t
be any problems.”
Li Zhenzi shook his head and patted him on the shoulder as
he passed by, “I’m going to change my clothes and come
Li Zhenzi came back so early to wait for Li Jianglin.

Li Zhenzi has shown little ambition since usual, but it didn’t

mean that he didn’t pay attention to Li Jianglin at all. He
definitely did not do less than what he should do.
Li Zhenruo looked at his back as he went upstairs, and
thought that since Li Zhenzi had ruthlessly killed himself,
perhaps the indifference shown was just an illusion.

h h lk d h f d
At this moment, Li Zhenran walked to the sofa and sat
down, patted his thigh and said to Li Zhenruo, “Come
Li Zhenruo glanced at him and didn’t want to go there at
Li Zhenran actually stretched out his hand, grabbed one of
his paws, and pulled him over.

Li Zhenruo was turned over and placed on Li Zhenran’s lap.

His first reaction was to roll up his tail to cover his lower
body, and then stared at Li Zhenran with wide eyes.
Li Zhenran glanced at him with the same expression on his
face, gently rubbing the fur on his chest with one hand
while talking to Wang Ma.
Wang Ma and Li Zhenran sat down to chat and she couldn’t
help but want to ask about Hua Yibang’s situation.
Li Zhenran answered patiently one by one.
Wang Ma also added that Hua Yibang was not young and
had no girlfriend, and her brows were tangled.

Li Zhenran said, “What’s the rush? He has been with me

throughout the year, and I don’t have a girlfriend either.”
As soon as he reminded her, Wang Ma passed the buck to
him, “Zhenran, you too. You should really think about it.
You see that your eldest brother is about to get married,
and then it would be your turn. When your father comes
back this time, he will definitely talk about yours.”
When Li Zhenran heard the words, he could only smile
without saying anything.
Li Zhenruo was on guard at first, but Li Zhenran gave him
a comfortable rub, and his whole body softened. He looked
up at Li Zhenran, and Li Zhenran just happened to look
down at him, stretched out his hand and pinched his nose.

h h f l h h d
At that moment, Li Zhenruo felt his heart pounding
suddenly, and he couldn’t help but turn his eyes away.
After ten minutes or so, Li Zhenzi finished changing his
clothes and came down from the second floor, and sat down
on the sofa in the living room.

Li Zhenzi saw the cat lying on Li Zhenran’s sofa beside him,

and reached out to touch him, but Li Zhenruo raised his tail
and stop his hand.
Slightly stunned, Li Zhen thought it was an accident, so he
stretched out his hand again.
Li Zhenruo resolutely didn’t want to be touched by him.
This time, he simply turned over and got up, went around
to Li Zhenran and sat down, hiding behind him.
Li Zhenran naturally noticed this scene, turned his head to
look at Li Zhenruo, and saw that he was sitting close to him
while licking his paws, so he reached out and scratched his
neck lightly.
Li Zhenzi withdrew his hand, rubbed his wrist, and
laughed. He said, “Ugh, why you don’t want to see me even

Li Zhenran also smiled and said nothing.

Li Zhenzi didn’t provoke Li Zhenruo anymore, and he just
asked Li Zhenran, “Dad didn’t notify you when he was
coming back?”
Li Zhenran picked up the glass in front of him and took a
slow sip of water, and replied, “It’s eldest brother who
called me.”
Li Zhenzi asked, “What do you think it is, why did he come
back so suddenly?”
Li Zhenran shook his head, “I don’t know.”

h h h ll d d k dd lk b
Whether he really didn’t know or didn’t want to talk about
it, Li Zhenzi didn’t bother to ask any further, he leaned
back and put his feet up on the coffee table.
Wang Ma glanced at him and said, “Behave yourself, your
dad won’t be happy to see when he come back.”
Li Zhenzi stretched himself and said, “Just a final
indulgence while he’s not back.”
After a while, Wang Ma got up and went to make dinner.
Li Zhenran and Li Zhenzi were left sitting on the sofa and
chatting about the construction site of the Qijiang project.
Li Zhenruo lay on his stomach and put his chin on Li
Zhenran’s leg, feeling a little sleepy.

Suddenly, he heard a little movement outside, so he raised

his head and listened carefully.
Later, he determined that he heard the sound of a car
coming in from outside. He knew that Li Jianglin had come
back, so he couldn’t help jumping off the sofa and running
towards the door.
Li Jianglin was not a gentle and loving father, but in Li
Zhenruo’s heart, Li Jianglin could be considered as a
qualified father. Because he didn’t have a mother, Li
Zhenruo was very fond of Li Jianglin when he was a child.
So far, his fondest memory was when he fell once as he and
Li Jianglin was outside, and Li Jianglin carried him on his
back and walked home slowly.
Unfortunately, this kind of memory was very rare. Most of
the time, Li Jianglin was just a strict father, treating several
children equally, not particularly favouring one, and rarely
showing his warm side.
Now, he was no longer Li Jianglin’s son. But after so many
years of affection, it was not like the feeling was gone. In
regards to Zhao Yuqiong, he still had some mother and son
affection, but he didn’t want to know who his biological
father is.
Li Zhenruo thought to himself that maybe he still
harboured reluctance to part with the glory and power of
the Li family. That was why he was so hung up on Li
Jianglin, a father who was not related by blood.
He stopped by the door, and soon Li Zhenran and Li Zhenzi
passed by him and went out to wait for Li Jianglin.
Li Zhenruo saw two cars approaching from the front door
and stopped beside the fountain. Li Zhentai got out of the
car first, walked to the back and opened the door. He
stretched out his hand to fill the gap on the top of the door
and helped Li Jianglin get out of the car.
Li Jianglin was in his early 60s this year, but he didn’t look
like an old man. He was still standing tall and straight, his
hair was only slightly grey, and his features looked healthy.
He didn’t look particularly similar to any of his three sons.
With a crutch in his hand, he walked slowly and steadily.

Li Jianglin had an injury to his right ankle. It was not

obvious when he walked slowly, but if he walked a little
faster, he would look slightly limp. Therefore, after he was
forty-five years old, he has been relying on a crutch, and Li
Zhenruo was once beaten with it by him.
After Li Jianglin got out of the car, Zhu Kai got out of the
car in front and led out his golden retriever, Erhuang.
Zhu Kai was tall and thin. He wore long jeans and a black
short-sleeved shirt. His hair was a little long, dyed golden
yellow and tied in a small pigtail behind his head. He was
not very good-looking, but his features and demeanours
were very similar to Zhu Yun, especially when he smiled.
He looked like Zhu Yun in the wedding photo hanging on
the stairs.
Li Jianglin walked here with the help of Li Zhentai, and
both Li Zhenran and Li Zhenzi greeted him.
Li Zhenran said, “Dad.”
h h l d d d b k d h
Li Zhenzhi smiled and said, “You’re back? Did you have a
good trip?”

Li Jianglin nodded, glanced at Li Zhenzi, and walked

towards the room.
And Zhu Kai first untied the dog’s leash and waved to them
with a smile as he watched Erhuang running wild in the
When Li Jianglin entered the room, he noticed Li Zhenruo
standing by the door.
Li Zhenruo was also tilting his head to look at him.

Li Zhentai said quickly, “This is Zhenran’s cat, it’s called

Li Jianglin said “um” and walked inside without saying
Having just arrived home, after a tiring journey, Li Jianglin
did not rush back to his room but sat down on the sofa in
the living room on the first floor.
Wang Ma took the housekeeper to bring up tea for Li
Jianglin and a warm towel for wiping his face.
After working hard in the Li family for so many years, when
Li Jianglin met Wang Ma, he said politely, “Thank you for
your hard work.”

Wang Ma said, “What hard work? You guys sit down for a
while, and dinner will be served soon. It’s all the dishes
that you and xiao Kai like to eat.”
Li Zhenruo had been standing by the door and did not
follow him. He saw that Li Jianglin and his three brothers
were all sitting down on the sofa.

l l l dh f h l d h h
Li Jianglin slowly wiped his face with a towel and then his
hands then took a sip of tea from the teacup. He raised his
head and asked Li Zhentai, “Where’s xiao Chun?”
Li Zhentai replied, “Wen Chun has an important meeting
today. She said she will come over after the meeting and
have dinner together in the evening.”
Li Jianglin nodded.

Li Zhenzi said, “Dad, your body looks much better.”

Li Jianglin replied, “The air is better over there, and I feel
more comfortable after staying there for a long time.”
Li Zhenruo was listening intently to what they were talking
about, when he suddenly felt a heavy pressure on his tail,
he jumped up and howled suddenly.
All the people in the room shifted their attention to him.
Li Zhenruo turned around only to realized that it was
actually Zhu Kai who unknowingly walked behind him and
stepped on his tail.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Zhu Kai quickly

raised his hand and said, “I didn’t do it on purpose. I don’t
know why there is an extra cat in the house?”
Li Zhenruo was trampled and hurt, a little angry and a little
aggrieved. He felt that Zhu Kai was probably doing it on
purpose because he was such a character who desired to
see the world be plunged into chaos. However, as Li
Jianglin was present at this time, he couldn’t jump up and
scratch Zhu Kai’s face. So he could only stare at him, his
tail wrapped around his body, hugging and licking it.
At this time, Li Zhenran said, “Dumpling, come here.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, seeing Li Zhenran
extending his hand towards him, although hesitant, he ran
towards him, jumped on his lap and sat down.

h l bb d h lf h
Li Zhenran gently rubbed his tail for him.

Li Jianglin glanced at them and said nothing.

On the other hand, Zhu Kai walked slowly behind the sofa,
resting his arms on the back of the sofa chair, and said to
Li Zhenran, “Zhenran, that’s your cat?”
Li Zhenran said “Um”.
Zhu Kai put one hand on his face, looking very interested,
“This cat is quite interesting, it listened to you.”
Li Jianglin interrupted their conversation and asked Li
Zhenran, “Did you just come back from Qijiang?”

Li Zhenran rubbed Li Zhenruo’s tail and replied, “Yes.”

Li Jianglin said, “How is the situation, tell me about it.”
As he heard that their conversation had turned to
something boring, Zhu Kai was no longer interested and
headed outside to play with his dog.
At five o’clock in the afternoon, Wen Chun finally arrived
late. She apologized to Li Jianglin and said, “I’m sorry,
Uncle Li, I really can’t leave this meeting in the afternoon,
otherwise I would have picked you up with Zhentai. “
Li Jianglin’s attitude towards her was much gentler than
that of his sons. He smiled and held her hand and said, “It
doesn’t matter, work is important.”

Now that Wen Chun has arrived, Wang Ma started serving

Li Jianglin was naturally seated in the main seat, while the
others’ seating position was as they wished. But today Li
Zhenran didn’t bring Li Zhenruo to the table, after all, it
was too unruly.

h ll hb
However, Li Zhenruo’s treatment was still much better
than that of Erhuang. At least he could stay in the dining
room to eat, while Erhuang could only settle his dinner in
the yard.
After sitting down, Zhu Kai complained, “How come cats
can enter the house, but dogs can’t?”
It was Li Jianglin’s request that Erhuang not enter the
house. He told Zhu Kai that if he couldn’t do it, he would
not be allowed to keep the dog.

Li Zhenruo got nervous when he heard this, afraid that they

would drive him away, but Li Jianglin just said coldly to Zhu
Kai, “If you don’t like it, just take your bowl and accompany
it outside!”
Zhu Kai bit his chopsticks and stopped talking.
The whole family sat down to dinner in harmony. The father
was kind and the son was filial, and the brothers were
respectful to one another, but no one seemed to remember
that there was once a Li Zhenruo in this family. No one
mentioned him from beginning to end.
Li Zhenruo chewed two pieces of cat food and felt it was a
little hard to swallow. He was thinking that after a long
time, he was afraid that his existence would be gradually
After he ate some things, he felt that he lost his appetite,
and quietly dragged his tail to Li Zhenran and sat down
under the chair.

Li Zhenran had been eating dinner gracefully and slowly,

but at this time, he secretly took off his slippers and
touched Li Zhenruo’s head with his bare feet.
Li Zhenruo hugged his feet, leaned in and nibbled at his
toes lightly, and then quickly spit out, Blergh, what was he

l d k l l dh f d l h l
Li Jianglin drank a little wine and his face turned slightly
red. He put down the glass and suddenly said to Wen Chun,
“I called your father before I came back.”
“Oh?” Wen Chun quickly put down her chopsticks and
asked with a smile, “What did you guys talk about?”
Li Jianglin said, “We were talking of your marriage with the
eldest, we decided to choose a good date next month to
hold the wedding.”

Li Zhenruo suddenly raised his head, but unfortunately, he

shrunk under the chair, unable to see Wen Chun’s
He could only listen to Wen Chun’s voice in a calm tone.
She said, “Why are you in such a hurry?”
Li Jianglin said, “It’s no rush, the last time Zhentai came
over, I mentioned this to him, but it seems that he didn’t
care about it. I came back this time to help you with this
Wen Chun didn’t speak. She glanced at Li Zhentai, lowered
her head and took a small sip of soup.
Chapter 32
Wen Chun neither agreed nor objected, and seemed to
acquiesce to Li Jianglin’s words.

It was a pity that Li Zhenruo couldn’t see Li Zhenzi’s

reaction, but he thought that even if Li Zhenzi really had
something with Wen Chun, he probably wouldn’t show any
reaction. He believed that Li Zhenzi couldn’t have any
serious thoughts about Wen Chun. Like all his women,
she’s just for fun.
After dinner, Li Jianglin asked Li Zhentai to send Wen Chun

He went to the study by himself and called Li Zhenran in.

Li Jianglin had just come home, so Li Zhenzi did not dare to
run around and went up to the second-floor room to rest.
Li Zhenruo was a little curious about what Li Jianglin and
Li Zhenran were going to say, so he went around the door
and jumped to the window sill outside the study to

In the end, as he just jumped up, he was seen by Li

Li Zhenran happened to be standing by the window, and
immediately noticed the movement outside. When he saw
the cat jumping up, his reaction was calm and quick. He
stretched out his hand and pushed him down mercilessly.
Li Zhenruo was cursing inside his heart, but he was still
able to react very quickly. His front paws were on the
windowsill and so his whole cat body didn’t fall off.
At this point, he felt something pulling his leg underneath.
He made a great effort to turn his head. Li Zhenruo was
horrified to discover that it was Zhu Kai’s Erhuang who was
holding his leg underneath and trying to pull him down.
Li Zhenruo grabbed the window sill tightly with his two
front claws, kicked his legs and tried to shake Erhuang
away, but he was unsuccessful. He was pulled off by
Erhuang and fell on the grass under the window sill.
Erhuang loosened his mouth and looked at Li Zhenruo
excitedly. With his long tongue sticking out and panting, he
approached Li Zhenruo to smell him.
Li Zhenruo turned over and ran forward.

Erhuang was stunned for a moment, then happily ran after

Li Zhenruo turned in the corner in front and ran towards
the front yard. He knew that if he entered through the front
door, Erhuang would definitely be stopped by someone, but
he did not expect to be stopped by Zhu Kai just after
entering the house.
Because he was so focused on watching out for the dog
behind him, he didn’t notice that Zhu Kai grabbed his collar
and lifted him up.
Zhu Kai saw Erhuang who was chasing after him, and said,
“You bullied my Erhuang?”

Li Zhenruo thought to himself, Bullshit!1it’s actually a

curse words 毛线 but I’m not really sure what to put, if
anyone have better suggestion… feel free to leave it in the
comments He raised his claws towards Zhu Kai’s face
Zhu Kai also react quickly and threw Li Zhenruo away in a
curve to the sky. Li Zhenruo finally fell next to the large
vase in the living room, almost knocking the vase down.
h d h dh df d
Wang Ma heard the commotion and hurried forward to stop
Zhu Kai, “What are you doing, don’t bully your brother’s
In fact, in terms of seniority, Zhu Kai was actually Li
Zhenran’s little uncle, but Wang Ma watched them grow up
and always thought that Zhu Kai was Li Zhenran’s younger
brother. Zhu Kai himself sometimes addressed people by
names regardless of his seniority.

At this moment, Zhu Kai was about to say something when

the door of Li Jianglin’s study opened, and Li Zhenran came
out and glanced at him faintly.
Li Zhenruo moved very fast. He ran to Li Zhenran’s legs
and scrambled up to his pants, and finally was held in his
arms by him before he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he
gave Zhu Kai a look of challenge.
Li Zhenran rubbed Li Zhenruo’s head and carried him
Zhu Kai pouted and whistled out of tune, touched the top of
Erhuang’s head, and said to it, “Go play by yourself.”

It was annoying enough to have Li Zhenzi in the house, but

now Zhu Kai was added. Li Zhenruo couldn’t help
scratching the top of his head with his claws.
Li Zhenzi was actually fine, as long as he was not drunk. If
you don’t provoke him, he won’t provoke you. But Zhu Kai
was different. Sometimes Li Zhenruo thought that Zhu Kai
was just a lunatic and should be sent to a mental hospital to
be prescribed some medicine for good.
Li Zhenran kept carrying Li Zhenruo back to his room
before putting him down and said, “If I’m not here and only
Zhu Kai is at home, it’s best to stay away from him.”
Now he was sure the cat could understand him. But it could
only understand, and there was no way to communicate
with him.
Once Li Zhenruo was alone with Li Zhenran, he suddenly
recalled what happened last night. He raised his eyelids to
look at Li Zhenran, and couldn’t help but secretly moved
his feet a little further away from him.
He still doesn’t know what Li Zhenran’s thoughts are
because Li Zhenran has not expressed his thoughts to him,
as if nothing happened last night.
Maybe Li Zhenran was too drunk at that time, and he
forgot everything when he woke up this morning, or maybe
Li Zhenran didn’t care at all. Although he seemed to have a
clean private life, maybe in reality he didn’t put too much
thought into sleeping with someone like that.
Of course, Li Zhenruo would not have taken it so seriously,
if that person wasn’t Li Zhenran. He sighed, feeling that his
current state of mind seemed a little dangerous.
Li Zhenran sat beside the bed, and although Li Zhenruo
didn’t say a word, he kept looking at Li Zhenran.

Later, Li Zhenran reached out and touched the top of his

head. Seeing that he was not moving, he grabbed one of his
paws and pulled him closer.
Li Zhenruo was lifted by Li Zhenran’s two paws to face him.
Because he was too close to be looked at like this, Li
Zhenruo felt uncomfortable and couldn’t help turning his
head away.
Li Zhenran suddenly said, “Let’s go find Luo Fei.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment and looked at him,
but Li Zhenran didn’t continue talking. He put down Li
Zhenruo and got up and walked to the bathroom.
He left Li Zhenruo lying beside the bed. Li Zhenruo began
to think about why Li Zhenran said he wanted him to go to
find Luo Fei. When Luo Fei was mentioned, Li Zhenruo
remembered the phone call that was supposed to be made
to Song Jun. If it hadn’t been interrupted by Li Zhenran’s
ll h h h l d h d
call, he might have already met the person named Song

As he thought of this, Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but feel a

little regretful. If Song Jun knew something according to
what Feng Junyuan said, maybe he also knew how to
maintain his human form. It’s just that he didn’t expect to
be beaten back to his original form so quickly at that time,
and now it was not that easy to find Song Jun again.
He could only hope that Li Zhenran would take him to Luo
Luo Fei must also know something.
But whether Li Zhenran wanted to go or not depends
entirely on Li Zhenran’s mood, and he couldn’t control it at
all. Now that he couldn’t even speak, what he could do was
really too limited.
In the evening, Li Zhenruo slept beside Li Zhenran’s bed.
After sleeping for a long time, he automatically rolled into
Li Zhenran’s arms. He was hugged by Li Zhenran and
placed on his shoulder and continued to sleep soundly.

The next morning, Li Zhenran set the alarm clock and got
up early.
Although he just came back from Qijiang yesterday, these
few days were Li Zhenran’s busiest days. First, the
investigation on Qijiang still needs a detailed report.
Although he did not write it, he would definitely supervise
it in person because of his character. The second was that
since Li Jianglin was back, he would definitely go to the
company today. Not only Li Zhenran, but he was afraid that
even Li Zhentai and Li Zhenzi would also follow Li Jianglin
to the company’s board of directors early. There was still a
lot of work to be reported to Li Jianglin.
Only Zhu Kai and his dog were left at home.

h d dl d h h d fl h
Li Zhenruo dawdled on the third floor without any intention
to go downstairs until he saw from the window that Zhu Kai
drove out by himself. He was relieved and went down to the
living room on the first floor to lay on the back of the sofa
Erhuang wandered outside the gate several times a
morning. He stared at Li Zhenruo making a whimper and
wanted to play with him.

But Li Zhenruo has not degenerated to the point of playing

with a dog, he still decided to coldly ignore it and continue
to nobly lie on the sofa.
That afternoon, Wang Ma answered a phone call, then
stood up and stretched and said, “Oh, you won’t come back
for dinner.”
In the end, no one in the Li family came back for dinner
that night, including Zhu Kai.
Li Zhenruo thought that it must be because Li Jianglin had
just returned, so there was some social function outside,
and the sons accompanied him.
Li Zhenran didn’t come back, and Li Zhenruo had been
lying on the sofa bored, wondering when Li Zhenran would
be able to take him to meet Luo Fei.

Later, the first person to come back turned out to be Zhu

As soon as Li Zhenruo heard that Zhu Kai was back, he
immediately slipped off the sofa and hid in the corner
behind the sofa, thinking that he would wait for Zhu Kai to
leave before coming out to continue waiting for Li Zhenran.
Zhu Kai entered the room and went to the refrigerator to
get a bottle of water to drink. As he stood in the dining
room drinking water, Li Zhenzi came back from outside.
“Daniel,” Zhu Kai said and Li Zhenzi greeted back.
h k d l d
Li Zhenzi asked, “Went out to play today?”

Zhu Kai said, “I met a few friends.” After he said that, he

threw a bottle of water to Li Zhenzi.
Li Zhenzi took it and said thank you.
“By the way,” Zhu Kai asked when he saw Li Zhenzi
drinking water, “Why did Aunt Wu, who cleaned up before,
Li Zhenzi replied, “Well, she quit.”
Zhu Kai felt it was very strange and asked, “Why? It’s been
so many years.”

Li Zhen had drunk water and planned to go upstairs. As he

heard Zhu Kai’s question, he simply sat down beside the
dining table, gently pressed the bottom of the water bottle
on the table, and said, “A few days ago, something strange
happened in the fourth child’s room.”
Li Zhenruo sneaked out from behind the sofa and came
closer wanting to see Li Zhen’s expression when he spoke.
Zhu Kai frowned upon hearing this, and he sat down on the
dining table. If Li Jianglin saw it, he would definitely scold
him, “What strange things?”
Li Zhenzi looked up at him with a half-smile, “When Aunt
Wu was cleaning, she saw blood-stained toilet paper in the
fourth child’s room.”
“Blood-stained toilet paper?” Zhu Kai stared at Li Zhenzi
with wide eyes, then suddenly laughed without warning,
“What’s so strange about that, I thought she saw blood-
stained sanitary pad!”

Li Zhenzi played with the mineral water bottle with his

fingers, “You must know that after the fourth child died,
the room has been unoccupied.”
h h h f hl h h b k
Zhu Kai thought for a while, “That must have been a prank.
Could it be that you think there is a ghost?”
Li Zhenzi shook his head, “That I really don’t know.”
Zhu Kai thought thoughtfully, “Then why did Aunt Wu
When he asked this question, he looked at Li Zhenzi
suspiciously, but Li Zhenzi didn’t speak, and also looked at

Zhu Kai lowered his voice, got closer to Li Zhenzi, and said,
“Do you think Aunt Wu was feeling somewhat guilty?”
Li Zhenzi put the fingers of his right hand on his lips, as if
he was thinking carefully, and said to Zhu Kai, “It sounds
really possible, otherwise why would she run in such a
Zhu Kai suddenly glanced left and right and whispered in Li
Zhenzi’s ear, “Maybe, Jason was killed by someone. No one
knows if Aunt Wu has seen a ghost or it was because she
was guilty of something, right?”
Li Zhenruo obviously noticed that Li Zhenzi’s face sank, but
when Zhu Kai left his ear, Li Zhenzi resumed his careless
smile and said, “Let this talk be between us, don’t let Dad
hear it by all means. Be careful, or he’ll spank you.”
After Li Zhenzi said this, Zhu Kai made a rude face without
warning. He looked at Li Zhenzi coldly, turned around and
walked towards his room.

Zhu Kai’s room was on the first floor. It used to be a guest

room. He owned a house outside himself and didn’t always
live inside Li’s house. Later, he often stayed here for a
while, and the guest room on the first floor was packed into
his special room.
Not long after Zhu Kai returned to the room, Li Zhenruo
saw that Li Zhenzi also stood up, almost deformed the
l b l h h d h h h
plastic water bottle in his hand, threw it in the trash can
and went upstairs.
Li Zhenruo stood silently in the same place, thinking about
the conversation between Li Zhenzi and Zhu Kai just now.
He always felt they were testing each others, but testing
what? To test who killed Li Zhenruo, and who knows what?
The closer he got to the truth, the more afraid he became,
and Li Zhenruo couldn’t even tell why.
He didn’t jump on the sofa, but lay on the carpet in front of
the coffee table, and stretched out his limbs in a daze.
There was only a small lamp left in the living room, and the
light was dim.
After almost an hour, Li Zhenran and Li Zhentai came back
from outside with Li Jianglin.

As he heard Li Jianglin come back, Wang Ma brought

another aunt to hand out slippers and pour some water.
Li Jianglin seemed to be drinking some wine, and his
breathing sounded heavy. Li Zhentai was going to help him
back to the room, but he walked over to the sofa and sat
Li Zhenruo stood up and took a few steps back.
Li Jianglin was sitting on the sofa with the ebony crutch
stood straight in front of him, and his hands rested on it.
He seemed to be tired and was still drunk. Li Zhenruo
listened to him take a breath, and it sounded very heavy.

Wang Ma put warm tea in front of him.

Li Jianglin picked it up and took a sip, put down the teacup,
raised his hand and said, “You all, go up.”
Li Zhentai couldn’t help persuading, “Dad, let us help you
go back to your room to wash first.”

l l h d h h h d h d l h
Li Jianglin laughed when he heard the words. His laughter
was a little cold, “I’m not that weak yet.”
At this time Li Zhenran said, “Dad, you rest early, I’ll go up

Li Jianglin nodded.
Li Zhentai saw Li Zhenran walking upstairs, so he could
only say good night to Li Jianglin, and turned to go
Li Zhenruo looked at Li Jianglin and even forgot that he
was here waiting for Li Zhenran, and did not follow him up.
After a while, Li Jianglin asked Wang Ma to rest as well.
Wang Ma was a little worried about him, so she could only
say, “Then call me if you need anything,” then turned
around and went back to the room.

There was still only a small light on in the living room, Li

Jianglin sat there alone without saying a word, only the
sound of his heavy breathing could be heard.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but slowly took two steps towards
Li Jianglin suddenly turned to look at him. The movement
startled him, and he stopped quickly.
But then, Li Jianglin stretched out a hand towards him. Li
Zhenruo was slightly startled and then walked towards him
again until he stopped at his feet with his body pressed on
his leg.
Li Jianglin bent over, and it seemed that he was going to
reach out and touch the top of his head. Li Zhenruo saw
that his movements were slow, so he straightened up and
put his front paws on the edge of the sofa, with his head
close to Li Jianglin’s knees, so that Li Jianglin could reach
out and touch his head.
When he felt Li Jianglin’s rough and old palms touching the
top of his head, Li Zhenruo suddenly felt sad. If in the past,
Li Jianglin would touch the top of his head so gently, how
happy he would be.
Whether it was Li Jianglin or Li Zhenran, they could only
show their gentle side to a small animal without any
qualms, but they are unwilling to treat their relatives like
After touching Li Zhenruo’s head for a while, Li Jianglin
took his hand back.
Li Zhenruo retracted his front paws, sat down at his feet,
and looked up at him.
Li Jianglin seemed to smile slightly, then closed his eyes
and put his hands on the crutch. He maintained the sitting
posture with his back straight for a while.

Afterwards, Li Zhenruo saw him stand up and walked

towards the stairs.
Li Zhenruo followed him, thinking he was going upstairs.
But Li Jianglin stood at the entrance of the stairs and did
not move, he had no intention of going upstairs, he just
raised his head and stared at the corner of the stairs
leading to the second floor, where there was a large
picture, his wife Zhu Yun’s wedding photo.
Li Jianglin looked at his wife in the photo and showed an
emotion that could be called vulnerability.
As he looked at his expression, Li Zhenruo suddenly
remembered his own mother, Zhao Yuqiong, who died of
illness. Even if she was a mistress with a child, she would
never be able to compete with his wife who had never had
children in her life in the slightest.

h f h d ff
At this time, from upstairs came the sound of footsteps
coming down the stairs.
Li Jianglin stood still and saw Li Zhenran walking down the
Li Zhenran saw Li Jianglin when he walked around the
corner and couldn’t help but slow down his steps, “Dad?”
Li Jianglin nodded his head, “Still awake?”
Li Zhenran said, “I came to look for the cat.”

Li Jianglin smiled, turned his head to look at Li Zhenruo,

who was staying by his side, and said with a laugh, “Not
doing your job.”
Li Zhenran did not respond, but walked over and picked up
Li Zhenruo.
Then Li Jianglin said, “But this cat is very well behaved, it
suits your temperament.”
Li Zhenran asked him, “Shall I accompany you back to your
Li Jianglin waved his hand, “No, I’m going to bed.” After
saying that, he slowly walked towards his room with his

Li Zhenran held Li Zhenruo and stood in place until Li

Jianglin closed the door to his room, then he turned around
and went up the stairs.
Chapter 33
The next day, Li Jianglin still went to the company with his
sons early, but they also came back quite early that
afternoon. After returning, he let Wang Ma and send her off
to the kitchen to prepare dinner at home.

Li Zhenruo listened to what he asked for as if there would

be guests at home tonight.
If it was a guest who Li Jianglin invited to the house for
dinner, they would definitely be very familiar with each
other. Combined with the purpose of Li Jianglin’s return
this time, Li Zhenruo felt that most of the guests invited for
this meal were from the Wen family.

Sure enough, at around 6 o’clock in the afternoon, Li

Zhentai personally went to pick up Wen Chun and her
parents. Li Zhenran and Li Zhenzi also went home for
dinner, but they didn’t see Zhu Kai.
Not only Zhu Kai but also his dog was gone.
When Li Jianglin came back in the evening and asked Wang
Ma, Wang Ma said that Zhu Kai took Erhuang away and
said that he wanted to return and stay at his house.

Li Jianglin didn’t react after hearing this, and just said,

“Leave him be.”
Wen Chun was the only child. Her father and Li Jianglin
have a very good relationship. When Li Jianglin was in a
difficult time, Father Wen helped him a lot without thinking
about anything in return. Li Jianglin was a person who
remembered old sentiments. Until now, as long as the Wen
family has any needs, he would be willing to give without

h ld f d l h d
With an old friend as a company, Li Jianglin had a very
happy dinner. After drinking a few glasses of white wine,
his face looked rosy.
The Wen family only had a daughter, Father Wen drank two
glasses of wine and couldn’t help but sighed that the Li
family’s liveliness, saying that Li Jianglin’s sons were all
people with outstanding talents.

Li Jianglin shook his head with a smile, and said to his three
sons, “Uncle Wen praises you so much, and you guys still
don’t give Uncle Wen a toast.”
Li Zhentai was the first to pick up the glass, “Uncle Wen, I
toast to you.”
Father Wen was also happy to see the marriage between
his daughter and the eldest son of the Li family. He heard
the words and said, “Hey, you have to make it clear about
this glass of wine. Is it uncle Wen or father-in-law?”
Li Jianglin looked at them with a smile.

Li Zhentai then pushed the boat along the river and said,
“Then I will toast to my father in law.”
Wen Chun sat beside him with a faint smile on her face the
whole time, but not much emotion could be seen.
When all three sons toasted Father Wen, Li Jianglin said,
“Old Wen, you should also pay attention to the children’s
Father Wen hurriedly said, “Of course, I pay attention.
Zhentai and xiao Chun have also been in love for many
years, and now their age and feelings are at the
appropriate stage of marriage. Xiao Chun’s mother and I
have been persuading her to consider it earlier.”

Li Jianglin nodded, his lips were moist and still had wine
stains, and said, “So I came back on this trip because I
d h h dd d
wanted to see them get the wedding done.”
Li Zhenruo had been lying on the windowsill next to the
dining room since dinner today. He felt that the scenery
from this angle was better than that of Li Zhenran’s lap. He
could see Li Zhentai and Wen Chun at a glance, as well as
Li Zhenzi’s expression sitting not far from Wen Chun. He
could also see Li Jianglin’s expression, who was sitting in
the main seat. Only the Wen family and Li Zhenran had
their backs to him.
When Li Jianglin said these words, Li Zhenruo noticed that
Li Zhenzi had no special reaction, and sometimes he looked
a little absent-minded. But this was quite normal, Li Zhenzi
was not very comfortable in this kind of situation, and he
was easily distracted.
Li Jianglin had already said that he wanted them to have
their wedding ceremony, and Li Zhentai naturally didn’t
have any bad response. He suddenly turned around and
said to Wen Chun, “Xiao Chun, would you like to marry

Wen Chun laughed and said, “What are you talking about,
we’ve been engaged for a long time, haven’t we? Just follow
Uncle Li’s advice, and get married next month. It’s good.”
Li Jianglin smiled at them with satisfaction.
It was Mother Wen who couldn’t help but say, “Won’t it be
too hasty to hold it next month? The banquet and wedding
ceremony are not yet prepared.”
Li Jianglin looked at her, “Don’t worry, we will prepare all
of this. Xiao Chun only needs to be a beautiful bride. It’s
possible that we’ll have to inconvenience the in-laws to
choose a good date. The sooner the better.”

Father Wen held his wife’s hand, “That’ll do. Let’s listen to
Thus they continued to drink and eat.
f h l h dd k f b
After the meal, they didn’t know if it was because Li
Zhentai was in a good mood or had other thoughts.
Anyway, he drank a lot of alcohol and got a little drunk.
He knocked on the table and said how much he had done
for Yunlin and how much effort he had put in. It sounded
like he was complaining that Li Jianglin didn’t value him
enough, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a

At this moment, Li Zhenzi’s cell phone rang. He didn’t dare

to drink too much alcohol today and was still sober at this
time. He apologized and got up to answer the phone while
walking outside.
Li Zhenruo looked around and saw that Li Zhenzi went
straight up the stairs to the second floor.
Li Zhentai was still talking about something that happened
to a previous project and how he managed to clear up all
the related things after running around.
Wen Chun’s face was expressionless, and the corners of her
mouth fell slightly downward.
Li Jianglin suddenly said, “Zhentai is drunk. Xiao Chun,
take him upstairs to rest.”

Wen Chun said yes after hearing this, and wanted to get up
to help Li Zhentai.
But Li Zhentai raised his hand and said, “I’m not drunk, I
want to talk to Dad for a while longer.”
Wen Chun’s tone was not very good, and she said, “Dad
asked you to go upstairs to rest.”
It was not known whether Li Zhentai could hear the
meaning behind her words, but he suddenly fell silent and
said, “Okay.”
Wen Chun helped him walk towards the stairs.
Li Zhenruo hesitated for a moment, then jumped off the
windowsill and followed.
Li Zhentai stumbled along the way. Wen Chun was slender,
so it was not easy to hold him steady. Even Li Zhenruo
didn’t dare to follow closely, for fear that Li Zhentai would
step on him.
With great difficulty, Wen Chun helped Li Zhentai into the
room on the second floor and threw him on the bed.
Li Zhenruo stood at the door and looked at them. He saw Li
Zhentai reach out and hold Wen Chun’s hand. He yelled,
“Xiao Chun.”
Wen Chun reached out and brushed the hair from his
forehead, and said, “Take a rest.”

Then Wen Chun helped him take off his shoes, then pulled
the quilt over to cover his chest. She stood up and
straightened her hair as if planning to go out.
Li Zhenruo took two steps back and suddenly noticed that
there was light coming out under the crack of Li Zhenzi’s
closed-door next to him. He suddenly thought of something
and walked to Li Zhenzi’s door. He straightened up and
patted on the door with his front paw.
At this time, even if Wen Chun came out and saw him, she
would just think it was a cat scratching the door naughtily.
Not long after, Li Zhenzi opened the door from inside, and
when he saw Li Zhenruo scratching his door, he raised his
eyebrows a little strangely. However soon, his attention
was drawn to Wen Chun who had just come out of Li
Zhentai’s room.
When Wen Chun came out, she closed the door of Li
Zhentai’s room. As soon as she looked up, she saw Li
Zhenzi and stopped.

h lk d d d f fh d d
Li Zhenzi walked out and stood in front of her and said,
“Chun jie, no. From now on it’s time to call you sister in
Wen Chun glanced at him and said nothing. She seemed to
plan to bypass him and go downstairs directly.
Unexpectedly, Li Zhenzi reached out and grabbed Wen
Chun’s wrist at this moment. He turned her around and
pressed her against the wall, lowered his head and kissed
Li Zhenzi saw Wen Chun struggle, and after a while, he was
pushed away. With a bit of fury on her face, she said
sullenly “Are you crazy? This is your home! Your brother is
in the room!”
Her voice was very low. If Li Zhenruo wasn’t a cat, he
probably wouldn’t be able to hear what she was talking

Li Zhenzi stretched out his hand and touched Wen Chun’s

face, and said, “Do you know that it’s called to be unable to
restrain your own emotion?”
Li Zhenruo noticed that Li Zhenzi’s eyes were twinkling
with lights. In fact, in his opinion, if Wen Chun didn’t marry
Li Zhentai, she might not be able to make Li Zhenzi so
Li Zhenzi just wanted to find excitement from Wen Chun,
but he probably didn’t like Wen Chun very much.
As for Wen Chun, Li Zhenruo couldn’t understand it. He
always felt that Wen Chun was a smart woman. He didn’t
understand why she was willing to be entangled with Li
Zhenzi which was likely to bring her endless trouble.
If she liked Li Zhenzi, why not directly reject the marriage
with Li Zhentai? But since she agreed to marry Li Zhentai,
what was the point of hooking up with Li Zhenzi again for

h h b l k h
At this moment, Wen Chun obviously knew that it was not
appropriate to linger with Li Zhenzi. No matter how sweet
Li Zhenzi’s love words were, she didn’t have much
expressions on her face. She just pushed Li Zhenzi away,
raised her hand and straightened her hair and walked
Li Zhenzi stood in the same place as if he was still
reminiscing about the kiss just now.
As he saw his appearance, Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but
curse cheap person under his breath.
Whether he liked Li Zhentai or not, he despised Li Zhenzi’s
behaviour of seducing his sister-in-law.
Li Zhenzi turned his head to see Li Zhenruo. He then
remembered and asked him, “Why are you scratching my
door? Looking for a fight, huh?”

Li Zhenruo made a pitiful “meow” on purpose, turned

around and ran downstairs. He knew that Li Zhenzi would
not chase after him, but he still ran all the way to the first
floor before he could feel safe.
When he got to the first floor, Li Zhenruo saw that Wen
Chun’s mother and daughter had left the dining table and
were sitting in the living room chatting with Wang Ma.
Since Li Zhentai and Li Zhenzi had both gone upstairs, Li
Zhenran, as the host, had to stay in the living room to
accompany them. He talked to the mother and daughter;
and next to the dining table, only Li Jianglin and Wen
Chun’s father were left.
The two of them have stopped drinking but were still
talking in a low voice.
Li Zhenruo took two steps closer and heard Father Wen
mention his name.
The relationship between Li Jianglin and Li Zhenruo was
well concealed as a secret. Father Wen obviously didn’t
know the truth. After drinking some wine, he was advising
Li Jianglin not to be too sad about Li Zhenruo’s matter.
To be honest, after Li Zhenruo’s accident, Li Jianglin
seemed to have aged a lot overnight. To outsiders, this
must have been caused by sadness, but Li Zhenruo knew
that Li Jianglin was more afraid of being killed. No man
would feel at ease after knowing he had been cheated and
had raised someone else’s son for decades. He couldn’t get
over it, so he was probably angry and embarrassed, but he
had to bitterly suppress it.
Just like now, he can only nod his head blankly and say,
“I’m fine, I’m already over it.”
Father Wen said, “Look, you still have three sons, one is
better than the other, and you are already very happy.
Unlike us, xiao Chun is the only one we have and she is a
girl. After she gets married, she will become a part of your
Li family. It’ll make me and her mother be like a lonely old
Li Jianglin patted him on the back and said, “What are you
talking about, if they get married in the future, Zhentai will
become your son. If you let them have two grandchildren
early, both our Li family and Wen family will have
descendants already.”
When Father Wen heard this, he smiled and shook his

The two old people talked for a long time, and then it was
very late. Mother Wen urged her husband, and the Wen
family left the Li family.
In the days to come, the two families will definitely move
around frequently, because they have to discuss the details
of the wedding day. Although Li Jianglin wanted the Li
family to do it all, he had to ask the woman’s family for
advice before making a decision.
The time was a little rushed. Because Li Jianglin felt that Li
Zhentai’s character seemed a little half-hearted, so he
asked Li Zhenran to help his eldest brother quickly decide
what could be decided.
h h ll l b d
In the evening, Li Zhenruo was still sleeping beside Li
Zhenran’s bed.
He suddenly had some urge to tell Li Zhenran about Wen
Chun and Li Zhenzi, but he hesitated for a while. In
addition, he was not able able to express it, so he finally
decided to let it go.

The next morning, Li Zhenruo woke up lying beside Li

Zhenran’s pillow. He opened his eyes, but he was too lazy
to move.
Li Zhenran was still sleeping beside him, and Li Zhenruo
looked at his sleeping face motionlessly.
He didn’t know if it was because of the effect of light or if
Li Zhenruo’s gaze was too blinding. Li Zhenran seemed to
be waking up, turned over in a daze, and let out a low
In Li Zhenruo’s ears, the deep voice he heard turned out to
be extraordinarily sexy. He couldn’t help but feel hot in his
nostrils and couldn’t stand the stimulation.
Li Zhenruo was slightly startled by this sudden feeling and
suddenly thought that the last time he became a human
was when he was in estrus. This time, can he become a
human again as long as he was in heat?
Li Zhenruo’s heart was beating fast. He wanted to get into
heat, and the most convenient source of stimulation was of
course the sleeping man beside him, so he approached
carefully, wanted to put his mouth on Li Zhenran’s mouth.

But it didn’t go well, because his mouth was too flat. The
result of his efforts was his forehead was on the tip of Li
Zhenran’s nose. Then Li Zhenran was wakened up with the
cat hair sticking to his face.
He wasn’t awake yet, so he only raised one hand and
pressed it on Li Zhenruo.

h h l dd b h d db f
Li Zhenruo was heavily pressed down by a hand, and before
he could react, he was picked up in the next second and
thrown under the bed.
Li Zhenran sneezed twice. He was now fully awake, turned
over and sat up.

Li Zhenruo, on the other hand, was thrown into the closet

and bumped into it before sliding to the floor against the
closet. His whole cat was a bit confused.
Li Zhenran sat on the bed, raised one hand and rubbed his
itchy nose, and looked at Li Zhenruo blankly.
Li Zhenruo maintained the posture of falling to the ground,
but after a while, he became angry and got up, jumped to
the window and got out through the half-closed window.
In the morning, Li Zhenran found Li Zhenruo lying on his
four legs spread out at the bottom of the drained swimming
Because it has not yet midsummer, the swimming pool at
home has not been cleaned and the water was not released,
so it has always been dry.

Li Zhenran went down the stairs next to him, walked to Li

Zhenruo who was lying in the middle, squatted down and
asked him, “Angry?”
Li Zhenruo was too lazy to lift his head.
Li Zhenran grabbed one of his legs and shook it, “Why are
you kissing me while I’m sleeping?”
Li Zhenruo was a little embarrassed when he heard his
question, but at this time he was unwilling to show
weakness and kept his face expressionless and motionless.
Li Zhenran simply sat down beside him, stretched out his
hand and rubbed the fur on Li Zhenruo’s back, and said,
“I’m not awake yet in the morning. Besides, I can’t do
anything to you if you kiss me. “
The words “can’t do anything” were really thought-
provoking, and Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but glance at him.
Li Zhenran looked up at the sky and said, “I really don’t
want to do anything with a cat.”
So what exactly do you want to do? Li Zhenruo felt that he
was about to be unable to hold back, and he was going to
Li Zhenran said, “Too much hair.”
Li Zhenruo turned his head and bit Li Zhenran’s hand. Of
course, he bit it lightly without breaking the skin, but sharp
teeth always hurt.

Li Zhenran finished babbling, looked down at him, and said,

“Let’s go find Luo Fei today.”
Li Zhenruo opened his mouth in surprise.
Chapter 34
This topic was followed by a sentence to find Luo Fei,
which made people a little imaginative. Regardless of what
happened after seeing Luo Fei, Li Zhenruo now really
wanted to ask Luo Fei. Of course, it would be better to
meet Feng Junyuan as well.

Today was the weekend.

But Li Zhentai and Li Zhenzi still went out early in the

Li Zhentai went to pick up Wen Chun since they were going

to take wedding photos, and they had to choose and book a
hotel for the wedding ceremony. While Li Zhenzi might
have an appointment with a beautiful woman and said that
he would not be back tonight.
After breakfast, Li Zhenran carried Li Zhenruo by his collar
and went outside. He did not ask for the driver and planned
to drive out by himself.
Li Zhenruo scratched with his four claws in the air and let
out an angry howl.

“Zhenran,” Li Jianglin stood on the crutch in the living

room and suddenly stopped him.
Li Zhenran stopped and turned around, “Dad?”
Li Zhenruo also forgot to struggle, and hold up his head to
look at Li Jianglin.
Li Jianglin asked him, “Is there anything you need to do in
the morning?”

h h h d h d h lf d h
When Li Zhenran heard the words, he lifted Li Zhenruo up
and showed him, “Taking it to the pet shop to get its hair
As Li Jianglin heard him say this, he acquiesced that Li
Zhenran had nothing to do in the morning and said, “Come
out with me.”
Li Zhenran asked, “Just us?”
Li Jianglin nodded, “You drive.”

Li Zhenruo felt strange and looked up at Li Zhenran. Li

Zhenran had a flat expression on his face and said, “Okay,
wait for me and I’ll drive over.”
Li Zhenran went to drive the car and left Li Zhenruo in the
passenger seat.
The car was parked by the fountain. Li Jianglin walked over
slowly, opened the passenger’s door directly, and saw the
cat sitting on it.
Li Zhenran got out of the car to help him and said, “Dad, sit
in the back seat, it’s more comfortable to sit up.”

Li Jianglin asked him, “Are you going to take the cat with
Li Zhenran casually responded, “I’ll drop it off at the pet
store later if it’s convenient.”
Li Jianglin didn’t say anything else but waved his crutch to
drive Li Zhenruo away.
Li Zhenruo rushed to the back seat by himself. He looked at
Li Jianglin nervously, afraid that Li Jianglin would not let Li
Zhenran take him out.

However, Li Jianglin has directly bent down and sat in the

passenger seat.
h h l d h h h b k
Li Zhenran helped to put the crutch in the back seat,
returned to the driver’s seat by himself, and leaned over to
help Li Jianglin fasten his seat belt.
As the car slowly drove out of the gate of Li’s house, Li
Jianglin suddenly laughed and said, “Your cat is also
interesting. Aren’t you afraid of it running away when you
take it out like this?”
Li Zhenran said, “It’s very well behaved and won’t run
away by itself.”

Li Jianglin shook his head in disapproval, “Cats are always

different from dogs, cats are not well-bred.”
Li Zhenran didn’t refute him and just smiled a little.
Li Jianglin went on to say, “But if it ran away, then it ran
away. It’s not worth holding it back.”
When they came out of the road in front of Li’s house and
was about to enter the fork in the road, Li Zhenran asked Li
Jianglin, “Dad, where are you going?”

Li Jianglin said softly, “Go to the cemetery north of the

Li Zhenran didn’t ask who he was going to see, but just
nodded slightly and turned the steering wheel.
Li Zhenruo didn’t feel comfortable sitting alone in the back
row. Sometimes his claws couldn’t grasp the seat cushion,
and he would slide to one side when the car was turning or
braking suddenly. He thought that Li Jianglin must have
gone to see Zhu Yun. He hadn’t come back for so long. So
when he got home, he should visit his deceased wife.
At this time, there were some traffic jams out of the city.
Probably because Li Jianglin was in the car, Li Zhenran
drove the car very steadily. He and Li Jianglin didn’t speak
much and remained silent all the way.

k h l h h h h
It took them almost two hours to reach the cemetery on the
outskirts of the northern part of the city.

After parking the car in the parking lot, Li Zhenran got out
of the car and took Li Jianglin’s crutch. He opened the
door, then helped him out of the car and handed him the
Li Jianglin leaned on his crutch on the ground for a little
while and turned to look at Li Zhenruo who had stretched
his front legs out of the car. He said, “Is it going too?”
Li Zhenran responded, “It won’t run away, don’t worry.”
Li Jianglin didn’t object, but he didn’t believe that the cat
would be so obedient, and wouldn’t run around without
being tied to a rope.
However, because Li Jianglin was watching, Li Zhenruo
was extraordinarily well-behaved today. When he saw Li
Zhenran going to buy flowers, he stood beside Li Jianglin
and guarded him. When Li Zhenran came back, he followed
them up the mountain.

Li Jianglin was unable to move freely, so he walked very

slowly. Li Zhenran was very patient and only helped him up
the mountain slowly without urging.
Li Jianglin had just instructed Li Zhenran to buy two
bouquets, which were now both held on Li Zhenran’s arm.
Li Zhenruo thought Li Jianglin meant one bouquet for him
and one bouquet for Li Zhenran, to convey a gesture of
Sure enough, they really walked towards Zhu Yun’s
Li Zhenruo once came to visit Zhu Yun’s tomb. He has no
feelings for Zhu Yun, and he also has no feelings for his
biological mother, so he didn’t hate Zhu Yun. The brothers
knew that Li Jianglin loved Zhu Yun deeply. Accompanying
l h b h h
Li Jianglin to visit Zhu Yun’s tomb was nothing more than
to please Li Jianglin.

Li Jianglin came to the front of Zhu Yun’s cemetery with the

help of Li Zhenran, stood up straight and sighed deeply.
Li Zhenran handed him the flowers and after he saw Li
Jianglin put down the bouquet, he also planned to put down
the bouquet in his hand, but unexpectedly Li Jianglin
stopped him and said, “Keep this bouquet.”
Li Zhenran paused, stood up straight and put the flower
aside, without asking Li Jianglin the reason.
As he watched Li Jianglin start to reminisce in front of Zhu
Yun’s tombstone, Li Zhenruo took a few steps to the side.
He looked at the hillside with many tombstones in the
distance and wondered if one of them was his tomb. After
all, the Li family did not disclose his identity. Naturally,
they were the ones who managed his corpse.
Li Zhenruo was in a complicated mood. After a while, Li
Zhenran lightly kicked his behind and said, “Let’s go.”

Only then did he look up in dismay and saw that Li Zhenran

was already supporting Li Jianglin and planning to leave.
Li Jianglin looked down at Li Zhenruo and let out a laugh.
Li Zhenruo hurriedly followed Li Zhenran’s feet to leave.
Only then did he notice that he was still holding a bunch of
flowers in his hand.
Who are you going to see? Li Zhenruo was slightly taken
While walking, Li Jianglin said to Li Zhenran, “Sometimes
people take some things too seriously, and it’s not really
that necessary.”

Li Zhenran heard the words, nodded and replied, “Yes.”

l h dh l fh d h
Li Jianglin sighed heavily as if he wanted to say something,
but then he didn’t say it.
Li Zhenruo was a little dazed. He followed Li Zhenran’s feet
and nearly hit Li Zhenran’s leg several times. He vaguely
felt that Li Jianglin might want to visit someone, but he
didn’t dare to hold too many expectations. Because the
greater the hope, the greater the disappointment will be.
But when Li Jianglin and Li Zhenran stood in front of a
tombstone, he held his breath before he dared to raise his
head to look at the name on the tombstone.
That was his tombstone.

Li Zhenruo, who was only twenty-three years old when he

died, had grown up a very privileged person but died in his
most beautiful time.
In the photo on the tombstone, Li Zhenruo looked young
and handsome with a slight smile on the corner of his
mouth. He began to recall how he felt when he took this
photo as if it was an ID photo he took when he had just
come back from college to apply for his ID. At that time, life
seemed to be full of countless hopes, and in a blink of an
eye, there was nothing left.
Li Jianglin stood in front of the tombstone and let out a long
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but raised his head to look at him.
Li Jianglin shook his head. Li Zhenruo looked at his
expression carefully, but couldn’t see any more emotions. If
he had to say it, he would probably have some regret and
some sadness in his eyes.

Even if it wasn’t his own, he was raised as a son by his side,

so he definitely wouldn’t be completely emotionless.
Li Zhenruo felt that he should thank Li Jianglin who was
willing to remember such an old sentiment and come to
offer him a bouquet of flowers.
h h d h h d d l d h
Li Zhenran just stretched out his hand and placed the
flower in front of the tombstone, and said nothing.
This was a very sensitive topic. No one could tell whether
Li Jianglin cares more about Li Zhenruo’s identity or misses
this unrelated son.
He was willing to let Li Zhenran accompany him today. In
some sense, he had already spent some of his attention on
Li Zhenran. Probably in his heart, this son was somewhat
different from the other two.

In any case, he wondered if Li Jianglin was actually clear

about his real cause of death?
In the Li family, Li Zhenran, Li Zhenzi, including Zhu Kai,
who was not from the Li family, all suspected that the
cause of Li Zhenruo’s death was unusual. How could
someone as smart as Li Jianglin not have any doubts at all?
Whether he did not care about Li Zhenruo’s death at all or
he did know something but had other plans. Li Zhenruo
found that he couldn’t guess at all, and he thought he
needed more clues. He wanted to know who it was and why
they were so cruel to him!
A cat’s paw was stealthily settled on the tomb lid. And
underneath the paw was his own ashes, but he could no
longer feel anything.
When he left, Li Zhenran supported Li Jianglin and walked
a few steps, and when he noticed that his cat was not
following, he turned around to look.

At this time, Li Zhenruo was still staring at his tombstone

in a daze.
“Dumpling, let’s go,” Li Zhenran called to him before he
turned around and ran two steps to catch up with Li
They left the cemetery without staying outside and drove
directly back to Li’s house. It was almost noon when they
d d f l h
returned, and it was just in time for lunch.
Back at home, Li Zhenruo found out that Li Zhentai and
Wen Chun come over. They wanted to discuss the wedding
with Li Jianglin.
Li Zhentai heard the sound of the car and came out to
escort Li Jianglin. As he saw that Li Zhenran was driving
alone with Li Jianglin, instantly his face changed in a way
that he couldn’t even conceal.

Li Zhenruo guessed that he must be very unhappy.

However, Li Zhentai was still sensible. He quickly helped Li
Jianglin back to the living room with a smile and told him
that he and Wen Chun were here to ask about the wedding,
hoping to get some advice from Li Jianglin.
Now, this was what Li Jianglin cared about most.
Just after lunch, Li Zhenran answered a phone call, and Li
Zhenruo leaned in to listen. It was like a call from Hua
Yibang, and it should be something about the company.
Sure enough, after hanging up the phone, Li Zhenran told
Li Zhenruo that he had to go out in the afternoon and could
not accompany Li Zhenruo to find Luo Fei.
Li Zhenruo’s round eyes drooped down instantly.

At this time, they had returned to Li Zhenran’s room. Li

Zhenran originally said that they would go out after he took
a nap.
Li Zhenruo was extremely disappointed. When Li Zhenran
reached out to touch his head, he turned his head in
disgust, and slowly dragged his tail off the bed, wanting to
Li Zhenran looked at his posture, perhaps he felt he
couldn’t bear it, and said, “Wait a minute, I’ll call Luo Fei.”

h h dl d h k
So Li Zhenruo hurriedly stopped in his tracks again,
holding out some hope that there would be room for a

This call took a long time. Li Zhenruo heard Li Zhenran

seemed a bit reluctant and kept asking Luo Fei, “Is it
alright? There won’t be anything, right?”
Luo Fei also seemed to have been giving him assurances.
Later, after hanging up the phone, Li Zhenran said to him,
“I asked Luo Fei. He gave me Dr. Feng’s contact
information and told me to send you to Dr. Feng’s place.”
Li Zhenruo’s eyes widened.
Li Zhenran glanced at the time and said to him, “I’ll pick
you up when things are over in the afternoon.”

Li Zhenruo nodded obediently.

Li Zhenran hooked his fingers, “Come here.”
Li Zhenruo ran over immediately.
Li Zhenran grabbed his face, “If I don’t see you this
afternoon, you will bear the consequences yourself.”
He was grabbing very hard. Li Zhenruo raised his paw to
push his hand but couldn’t push it away, so he kept
nodding to show that he understood.

After a while, Li Zhenran asked the driver to drive them

out. Before going to the company, he took a detour to take
Li Zhenruo to Feng Junyuan.
Feng Junyuan’s hospital was an affiliated hospital of a
medical university, located in the city centre. The hospital
was very famous and usually has a lot of patients. The
driver was stopped by the traffic police before he drove
near the hospital and was not allowed to continue.
h d h f h d l d
Li Zhenran carried Li Zhenruo out of the car and planned
to walk over directly.
Sometimes Li Zhenruo would rather Li Zhenran tie a rope
to him like a dog and lead him, rather than always carry
him by the collar. It will be painful to death if he walked a
little far. He began to struggle hard, and Li Zhenran
hugged him in his arms.
They walked to the hospital’s entrance. Li Zhenran called
Feng Junyuan and was told to wait for him under the
surgical building.

A nurse passed by and saw him hug a cat and said, “This is
not a pet hospital.”
Li Zhenran said, “I’m not taking it to a doctor.”
The nurse asked, “Then why are you bringing a cat?”
Li Zhenran asked her, “Am I not allowed to bring my
The nurse was speechless for a while, then looked at him
inexplicably and left.

Li Zhenruo recalled the look in the nurse’s eyes, probably

wanting to express: I won’t bother you because you are
handsome. If you look ugly, I will definitely kick you out.
After waiting for a few minutes, Li Zhenruo saw Feng
Junyuan, who was wearing a white coat and a stethoscope
around his neck, appeared at the door of the surgical
When he saw Li Zhenran, he quickened his pace and
hurried over. He greeted, “Mr. Li.”
Li Zhenran was very polite to Feng Junyuan, “Doctor Feng,
I’m sorry to cause you trouble.”
Feng Junyuan seemed to want to laugh, but only raised the
corner of his mouth, and said, “No problem, leave him to

Li Zhenran looked down at Li Zhenruo, who was in his

arms, without speaking, with a warning in his eyes.
Li Zhenruo suddenly felt that Li Zhenran’s nervous
appearance was cute. He didn’t know what he was
thinking, so he suddenly jumped up and kissed Li Zhenran’s
Li Zhenran was also slightly startled by his action.
Li Zhenruo felt embarrassed, turned around and jumped on
Feng Junyuan, who caught him with his hand.
Li Zhenran then said, “I’ll come and pick it up this

Feng Junyuan nodded, “Give me a call.”

Li Zhenran waved to them and turned to leave.
Li Zhenruo kept looking at his back until Feng Junyuan
carried him towards the outside of the hospital. He felt a
little strange and raised his head to look at Feng Junyuan.
Feng Junyuan said as he walked, “You really have changed
back to your original form.”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t communicate with him, and it was

Feng Junyuan said again, “I’ll take you to Song Jun now.”
Li Zhenruo didn’t know where Song Jun was. In fact, until
now, he didn’t know who Song Jun was. He just heard Feng
Junyuan always talk about him. In Li Zhenruo’s mind, this
Song Jun must be a very powerful and high-level person.
However, within ten minutes, Li Zhenruo was carried by
Feng Junyuan out of the hospital into the back door of a
h l h d ll h d
school. He heard Feng Junyuan call the person named Song
Jun, and then he saw a man named Song Jun under a
laboratory building. He was a thin young man in a white
“Xiao Feng!” The young man waved to Feng Junyuan.
Feng Junyuan lowered his head slightly and said to him,
“He is Song Jun.”

Li Zhenruo looked at Song Jun and found that the other

party was just an ordinary young man with a clean-cut
appearance and a kind demeanour, but his eyes were
slightly sharp.
Feng Junyuan walked over, directly reached out and
handed Li Zhenruo to Song Jun, and said, “This is the cat I
mentioned to you.”
Listening to his tone, Li Zhenruo guessed he should be very
familiar with Song Jun.
Song Jun lowered his head, reached out and scratched the
top of Li Zhenruo’s head, with a very friendly attitude, and
then said to Feng Junyuan, “I see, I will take it to senior
brother1in here Song Jun is saying 师兄 which means male
senior fellow students in a Chinese martial arts school.”
Feng Junyuan nodded, “Then I’ll go back to the hospital
first. I have an operation this afternoon.”

Song Jun waved to him.

As he watched Feng Junyuan leave, Song Jun hugged Li
Zhenruo a little higher, looked at his face, and said
strangely, “What kind of cat is this? It looks so strange,
Persian cat?”
Li Zhenruo could only flatten his mouth, expressing that he
had no way to tell him.
Song Jun didn’t mind if he didn’t get an answer. He walked
into the building with Li Zhenruo in his arms, and said,
f d b h
“Let’s go find senior brother.”
Chapter 35
This laboratory building was very close to the hospital
where Feng Junyuan worked. It was the laboratory building
of the medical school. This Song Jun still looks like a
college student, but he was only in his twenties.

Li Zhenruo thought about Song Jun’s senior brother and

wondered what he was like.
Before, he always imagined that Song Jun would be an
immortal Taoist with a satin shirt and long hair. But now
that he has seen Song Jun, his imagination has been
completely shattered, and he wondered if his senior
brother also will be that way.

However, Song Jun carried Li Zhenruo and walked directly

into the first floor, and finally stopped at the door of a
somewhat dark room, saying, “Senior brother is inside, it is
not convenient to enter now.”
Li Zhenruo looked up and saw the three words “anatomy
room” on the sign hanging on the door. He was suddenly
chilled from head to tail. He felt a sense of relief because
he felt that his imagination was still too limited.
Song Jun bent down and wanted to put Li Zhenruo on the
ground, but Li Zhenruo grabbed his legs and climbed up. It
was safer to stay in Song Jun’s arms.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, a man in a white

coat and a mask came out. He walked while taking off his
gloves and threw them in the trash can next to him. As soon
as he looked up, he saw Song Jun and asked, “Is something
Li Zhenruo saw that he reached out and pulled the mask
off, revealing a handsome face. It was clearly a serene and
l b l d f
calm expression, but it revealed a strong sense of
Song Jun smiled and said, “Senior Brother Xia!”
The man he called Senior Brother Xia lowered his head,
and looked at the cat in his arms. He suddenly stretched
out his hand, picked it up, and threw it aside.

Li Zhenruo didn’t react for a while, and he was a little

Song Jun asked strangely, “Senior brother, what are you
That Senior Brother Xia said, “Don’t hold other cats.”
After he said that, he left without looking back.

Song Jun quickly followed and beckoned Li Zhenruo to

follow him.
When following the senior brother Xia upstairs, Song Jun
whispered to Li Zhenruo that senior brother Xia’s name
was Xia Hongshen. He was a teacher of the school’s
forensic pathology major, and Song Jun himself was a
doctoral student majoring in genetics.
Li Zhenruo wanted to ask him: Shouldn’t forensic doctors
be atheists? Was it really appropriate for you to talk about
something mystical?
Xia Hongshen went to his upstairs office on his own. As
Song Jun took Li Zhenruo to follow up, Li Zhenruo felt a
strong sense of oppression again.

He also didn’t understand what was going on. If he has to

describe it, it was the animal’s instinctual sense of danger.
When encountering an animal stronger than themselves,
which may prey on them, it reminded you to run for your
life quickly.
h h d h h d d k
Li Zhenruo just stretched out his head and went in to take a
Xia Hongshen sat at the desk without raising his head and
said, “With a face that big, you think I can’t see it if you
Li Zhenruo was somewhat hurt for a while.

Song Jun beckoned him in, and said to Xia Hongshen, “Xiao
Feng brought it here, saying it’s Boss Luo’s friend.”
Xia Hongshen raised his head slightly, “Luo Fei’s friend?”
Song Jun whispered, “We still owe Boss Luo a lot of debt,
senior brother, think about it carefully!”
Xia Hongshen then hooked his fingers at Li Zhenruo,
“Come here.”

Li Zhenruo walked in cautiously and jumped onto Xia

Hongshen’s desk with hesitation. He then walked all the
way to Xia Hongshen’s side.
Xia Hongshen lifted his hand and touched the top of Li
Zhenruo’s head, and Li Zhenruo felt a warm breath.
Later, Xia Hongshen took his hand away and said, “There is
a bit of spiritual power, but it is too thin.” After he said
that, he seemed to look at Li Zhenruo carefully for a while,
“Song Jun, what do you think?”
Song Jun stood in front of the desk and gently stroked Li
Zhenruo’s back. He then said, “Xiao Feng said that it once
transformed into a human form when it was in heat.
According to the cat itself, it was the human soul attached
to this cat. It was not clear what exactly happened.”

Xia Hongshen took out a flashlight from the drawer and

said to Li Zhenruo, “Open your mouth.” After Li Zhenruo

dh h h h h fl hl h
opened his mouth, Xia Hongshen shone the flashlight
Song Jun couldn’t help but wonder, “What do you see?”
Li Zhenruo also seemed to be bewildered.
Xia Hongshen said, “I see what brand of cat food it eats,
but I don’t know if it’s good or not.”
Li Zhenruo, “…”

Xia Hongshen turned off the flashlight and threw it aside.

He leaned back on the seat, and said, “The spiritual power
should be from the owner of this body, and it has nothing to
do with the soul. I guess it’s because the spiritual power is
too strong during the estrus period, which caused the
fluctuation of spiritual power. Since the soul had some
lingering regret, it took a human form.”
Obsession? Li Zhenruo thought to himself that he did have
some obsession, and could not let go of his feelings and
hatred in the human world.
Song Jun frowned, looked at Li Zhenruo for a while, and
said inexplicably, “But this is an overseas cat…”
Xia Hongshen said, “Next time you reincarnate, put more
heart into it and you will be able to transform into a
foreigner too.”
Song Jun ignored him and asked, “What will happen to
him? Will he suddenly become a human again because of
his estrus?”

Xia Hong looked at Li Zhenruo deeply and asked him,

“What do you want?”
Li Zhenruo had no way to speak. He wanted to say that he
wished he could control this ability and change his form
between human and cat at will so that he could not only
enter and leave the Li family at will but also have the ability
to investigate some things.
ll h h h f ll d d
All the thoughts finally turned into one word, “Meow!”
In the end, it turned out that Xia Hongshen actually
understood, he said, “Yes, but it’s not easy.”
Li Zhenruo’s eyes opened wide.

Xia Hongshen said, “I can give you spiritual power to keep

you in human form, but it is temporary after all, since the
spiritual power will be consumed. If you want to have that
kind of ability, you have to improve your own spiritual
“Meow?” What to do?
Xia Hongshen leaned forward slightly and said to Li
Zhenruo, “Money.”
Li Zhenruo squinted his round eyes, and restrained the
contempt in his heart. He asked, “Meow?” How much?
Xia Hongshen touched his chin with a deep finger, glanced
at Song Jun, and said, “500 million.”

Song Jun immediately said, “Senior brother, don’t make

Li Zhenruo sighed, thinking that this Xia Hongshen was
just talking nonsense, and Li Zhenruo didn’t know if he
really had that ability. So he bargained with him, “Meow—”
I don’t have that much money, make it less!
Xia Hongshen was looking at Song Jun again.
Song Jun couldn’t help but said, “Senior brother, please
help him. Where could this cat get the money?”
Xia Hongshen tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and
then said, “I’ll give you a discount. Five thousand. Don’t
bargain anymore. Just find someone else if you can’t afford

h d b f l b h h h
Li Zhenruo was very doubtful about whether this Xia
Hongshen here was powerful, he sounded like a swindler.
But even if Xia Hongshen was a medium, he was the only
life-saving straw that Li Zhenruo could catch at present.
Five thousand yuan was not much. Although he really can’t
get it, he still has a master.
Song Jun next to him wanted to persuade Xia Hongshen,
but Li Zhenruo patted the table with his paw, “Meow!” It’s
a deal!
Song Jun was a little surprised by Li Zhenruo’s boldness.
However, Xia Hongshen nodded and said to him, “Go back
and wait for my call, and when the time comes, hand over
the money.”
“Meow~” Li Zhenruo quickly explained his current
situation. He couldn’t answer Xia Hongshen’s phone call,
and he couldn’t hand the money to Xia Hongshen. He has
done all the things he could do, now he had to rely on Li
Zhenran’s help. He hoped that Xia Hongshen could
communicate it to Li Zhenran directly.

Xia Hongshen propped his head on one hand, and asked Li

Zhenruo curiously, “Who is your master? How much does
he know about you?”
Li Zhenruo told Xia Hongshen that his master only knew
that he had changed into a human form when he was in
estrus, but he did not know that there was someone else’s
soul living in his body.
Xia Hong thought for a while, “Is he not surprised or
Li Zhenruo was taken aback by his question. He recalled
that Li Zhenran should have been very sceptical at first, but
after a long time, he gradually believed it. It was something
weird for sure, but Li Zhenran didn’t like to express
himself. Many times Li Zhenruo didn’t know what he was
thinking. As for if he was afraid, it seems that he never felt
that Li Zhenran was afraid of anything.

dd k h h h h fh b h
He didn’t know what Li Zhenran thought of him, maybe he
thought he was a cat demon, and then he accepted this fact

Xia Hongshen said to Li Zhenruo, “It’s better not to let too

many people know about us, including your master.”
Li Zhenruo was slightly startled. He was shocked to find
himself almost completely defenceless against Li Zhenran
and even felt that there should not be any problem telling
Li Zhenran these things.
However, Xia Hongshen and these people didn’t seem to be
simple. They don’t want to expose some things to others so
casually. If he wasn’t a cat, perhaps Xia Hongshen wouldn’t
even be here to talk to him so much.
Li Zhenruo was a little distressed for a while, and he said to
Xia Hongshen, “Meow…” Without the help of Li Zhenran,
he could not have handed over and paid 5000 yuan to Xia
Xia Hongshen seemed to be a little displeased. After
thinking for a long time, he glanced at Song Jun again, and
finally said, “For the sake of your big face and round eyes
and your happy-go-lucky look, sign an IOU and remember
when you have money, give it to me.”

Li Zhenruo feels that having a happy-go-lucky look was not

really a compliment.
But to Xia Hongshen’s request, he nodded unequivocally,
He really needed the ability to move freely now, but this
ability was the thing he couldn’t do. He had to resort to Xia
Hongshen’s help, no matter what kind of request Xia
Hongshen made.
Xia Hongshen took a piece of white paper, picked up a pen
and wrote on it. Then looked up and asked Li Zhenruo,
h h d d ld h h h
Li Zhenruo hesitated and told him that his name was

Xia Hong looked at him deeply, “Your real name.”

Li Zhenruo was silent for a moment, took a deep breath,
and confessed his name.
Xia Hongshen didn’t react, and just wrote his name on the
paper, but Song Jun, who had been watching, said, “Huh?
You are Li Zhenruo?”
“You know him?” Xia Hongshen asked.
Song Jun said, “Li family’s Yunlin. Li Jianglin’s son that died
in an accident some time ago. Didn’t you watch the news?”

Xia Hongshen said, “Don’t pay attention to that. If you have

time to read those, why not think about your doctoral
Song Jun was silent for a while.
After Xia Hongshen finished writing, he threw the paper to
Li Zhenruo for him to read. Li Zhenruo was a little nervous
and said to Xia Hongshen, “Meow meow?” Can you not leak
my information to anyone?
Xia Hongshen said, “You can rest assured that no one will
know, as long as you have not leaked information about us
to anyone.”
Li Zhenruo nodded quickly.
He looked at the IOU1An IOU (abbreviated from the phrase
“I owe you”) is usually an informal document
acknowledging debt. carefully, in addition to writing his
deal with Xia Hongshen, there was also the consequences
to be borne for leaking the secret. It looked a bit scary, but
Li Zhenruo was not worried. He raised his head to find a

h d h h
Xia Hongshen said to him, “Press the paw print.”
Li Zhenruo raised his front paws, looked at his own paws,
and then shook his head from side to side to find the ink
Unexpectedly, Xia Hongshen grabbed his paw, and a
bloodstain appeared when his fingers pass over it, and then
said to him, “With blood.”
Just now, Li Zhenruo clearly saw that Xia Hongshen’s
fingertips turned into sharp claws, and the fur was dark

He couldn’t pay attention to the pain in his paws, and while

the blood wasn’t dry, he neatly pressed his paw prints, then
raised his paws and licked them hard.
Xia Hongshen reached out and pinched the IOU, and with a
flick in the air, a flame suddenly ignited, burning the IOU
into ashes.
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, and before he had
time to ask any questions, he heard Xia Hongshen say, “I
have your name and bloody palm print, you can’t escape no
matter what. Be honest.”
Li Zhenruo said: I didn’t even want to run anywhere.
After Xia Hongshen finished these things, he raised his
hand and said to Song Jun, “See off the guest.”

Li Zhenruo quickly grabbed the table with his claws, and

the injured claws hurt for a while. He wanted to say that he
didn’t have a phone, and how could Xia Hongshen contact
Xia Hongshen said, “I will find you, don’t worry.”
In the afternoon, Li Zhenruo was handed back to Li
Zhenran by Feng Junyuan.

h h k h f h
When he took the cat from Feng Junyuan, Li Zhenran
couldn’t help but ask, “Doctor Feng, is there a way in the
Feng Junyuan shook his head, “I don’t know either, I don’t
have that ability.”

Li Zhenran glanced down at Li Zhenruo and knew that he

probably couldn’t ask anything. So he nodded to Feng
Junyuan, grabbed Li Zhenruo’s collar and threw him into
the car.
Li Zhenruo rolled forward in the rear seat and almost hit
the opposite door. As he saw Li Zhenran sit in the car and
close the door, he was a little angry and jumped up to the
front passenger seat.
Li Zhenran ignored him but started to call Luo Fei as soon
as he got in the car.
It was unlikely for Li Zhenran to be so rude to Luo Fei, so
he just asked, “Luo Fei, tell me the truth, who is that
Doctor Feng?”
Luo Fei smiled and said to Li Zhenran, “He’s not a bad
person, you can rest assured that they won’t do anything to
your cat.”

Li Zhenran was silent for a while. Li Zhenruo couldn’t help

turning his head to look at him, and heard him say to Luo
Fei, “Are there any demons in this world?”
Luo Fei said to him, “What do you think?”
Li Zhenran said, “If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I
wouldn’t deny its existence.”
Luo Fei said with a smile, “If it were me, I would regard it
as fate.”
Afterwards, they didn’t say much. They just exchanged
some pleasantries and hung up the phone.
The driver drove back home, Li Zhenruo scurried back to
the back row. He waited until Li Zhenran opened the door
and immediately got down himself.
Just as he got out of the car, he noticed that there was a
huge shadow covering his back. Something grabbed his
neck and staggered away with him.
Li Zhenruo didn’t realize what was going on, and could only
hear Li Zhenran shouting, “Zhu Kai!”
After that, he was carried far away to the small grass patch
next to the swimming pool before he was put down. When
he turned his head, he saw Zhu Kai’s Erhuang.
Erhuang opened his mouth and panted with a happy look
on his face. It has probably been looking for the round-
faced cat at home to play with it for a long time.

Zhu Kai heard that Erhuang took away Li Zhenran’s cat, so

he shouted, “Erhuang, take the cat back!”
Erhuang heard the master call it and immediately turned
around to look.
As soon as Li Zhenruo heard that it was going to take him
back, he was so frightened that he jumped up from the
grass and ran towards Li Zhenran. He was frightened by
Erhuang. Anyone who was suddenly whisked away roughly
by a large thing would probably be nervous. So he ran
wildly all the way. Li Zhenruo ran to Li Zhenran’s legs and
rubbed his legs to climb up.
Li Zhenran stretched out his arms to hug him and felt that
his neck was full of dog saliva, and immediately grabbed
his two paws and pulled them away from him in disgust,
and carried him upstairs to give him a bath for him before
Chapter 36
Li Zhenruo, who was washed clean and fragrant, was lying
on the sofa armrest and saw Erhuang going back and forth
at the door, but he didn’t intend to pay attention to the dog.
The wound on his paw was still aching, and every now and
then he lifted it up and licked it, trying to relieve the pain.

Today’s dinner at Li’s house was very lively. In addition to

Zhu Kai’s return, Li Zhentai and Wen Chun finished their
dinner and were now sitting on the sofa and discussing
with Li Jianglin about ordering the banquet.
Li Zhenran was asked by Li Jianglin to stay on the first
floor, and at the same time was instructed to make a call
regarding the banquet.

Li Jianglin wanted Li Zhentai and the others to set the

wedding banquet at Wanfulai Restaurant. This was an old
restaurant with a history of nearly 100 years. Not to
mention the price, it was too difficult to book a banquet for
next month at this time. Li Zhentai called to ask, and the
boss said that all the good days in almost half a year were
fully booked.
Li Jianglin knew that Li Zhenran had a wider network of
contacts than Li Zhentai, so he asked Li Zhenran to go out
and find someone to see if he could book the wedding
banquet next month.
So for more than half an hour, Li Zhenruo saw Li Zhenran
staying alone in the dining room and was constantly on the

To be honest, he felt that Li Jianglin was making it too

difficult for Li Zhenran for the sake of Li Zhentai’s

h l h f l h dd b kf
The only person in the family who didn’t come back for
dinner was Li Zhenzi.
Wen Chun sat with an elegant posture and a gentle
attitude. Although all of the matters were cumbersome, she
did not show any impatience in front of Li Jianglin.
Zhu Kai sat down but couldn’t sit still. So after a while, he
got up and went out and said he was going to take the dog
for a walk.

Li Jianglin waved his hand, motioning him to leave quickly.

Li Zhenran had just finished a phone call and leaned back
on the back of the seat, looking a little impatient. On the
day Li Zhentai scheduled their wedding, others had already
booked a banquet half a year ago, and they had paid a
deposit in advance. It’s a matter of integrity, and
Wanfulai’s boss was reluctant to ask someone to withdraw
their booking in any case. At the present, they wouldn’t be
able to hold a banquet on that day, unless they go to the
family and spend money to settle it. However, the people
who chose Wanfulai to hold the banquet were probably also
from good families, so this matter was really difficult to
Marriage was a happy event, and it was not good to get in
trouble with people for this reason.
Li Zhentai noticed Li Zhenran’s expression and asked,
“Zhenran, it’s not going well?”

“Um,” Li Zhenran responded. He stood up and walked

towards the sofa, “It didn’t go well.”
He sat down on his butt, next to the sofa armrest on which
Li Zhenruo was lying. He reached out and rubbed the top of
Li Zhenruo’s head.
Li Zhentai had contacted the place before and knew that it
was not easy. He said to Li Jianglin, “Dad, why don’t you
consider a different place?”
l hdd l h b d h h
Li Jianglin’s crutch did not leave his body. At this time, his
palms stroked the dragon head on the top of the crutch and
said, “This is the request of the in-laws. And our Li family
can’t fail to do this little thing.”

Wen Chun’s parents got married in Wanfulai. Thirty years

have passed, and Wanfulai was the same as Wanfulai in the
Li Zhentai was silent and did not say anything.
Wen Chun reached out to hold Li Jianglin’s hand and said,
“It doesn’t matter, my parents don’t know the current
situation either. He just said the location casually, Uncle Li
shouldn’t take it too seriously. It would be fine to change to
another place.”
Li Jianglin frowned and looked at Li Zhenran, “I’ll call and
ask for it myself if you can’t do it on your end.”

Li Zhenran had been teasing the cat with his head down. Li
Zhenruo felt comfortable when he touched his head, so he
straightened his limbs and rolled over from the sofa
armrest, and lay on Li Zhenran’s lap. Li Zhenran gently
scratched his belly and looked at his two fluffy balls. When
he was about to stretch out his hand to squeeze it, he heard
Li Jianglin talking to him, so he raised his head and said,
“I’ll ask again, but I suggest making preparations for two
possible outcomes.”
Wen Chun hurriedly smiled and said, “It’s not bad to have a
buffet-style wedding banquet, it’s quite popular now.”
When she finished speaking, there was the sound of a car
parked in front of the villa. Zhu Kai led his dog and said,
“Daniel, you’re back?”
Li Zhenran took advantage of the fact that no one was
paying attention to him and pinched Li Zhenruo’s balls. Li
Zhenruo rolled over from Li Zhenran’s lap, jumped off and
even took a few steps back.
Soon, Li Zhenzi came in from the outside. He walked
behind the couch where Li Zhentai and Wen Chun were
sitting, put his hands on the back of the chair, and said with
a smile, “Good news for you, Wanfulai’s side over there is
Not only Wen Chun and Li Zhentai, but even Li Jianglin
raised his head slightly and looked at him in surprise.
Li Zhenzi didn’t say much and just said, “Don’t worry,
everything is fine, the original family promised to cancel
the banquet and find another place to hold it. Now
Wanfulai may not have any news yet, but I have already
found someone to get in touch. There will be news soon.”
Li Jianglin asked, “Are you sure?”

Li Zhenzi nodded, “I’m sure.” Then he put a hand on Li

Zhentai’s shoulder and said, “Eldest brother, are you not
going to thank me?”
Li Zhentai smiled when he heard the words, “Of course, I
must thank you properly.”
Wen Chun also looked at Li Zhenzi, and from an angle that
Li Zhentai couldn’t see, Li Zhenzi blinked at Wen Chun.
At this moment, Li Zhenruo noticed that Li Jianglin’s hand
holding the crutch was tightened. With such an action, Li
Zhenruo was almost certain that Li Jianglin knew about the
affair between Li Zhenzi and Wen Chun.
He made that call. Zhu Kai must have told Li Jianglin, and
then Li Jianglin came back in a hurry to take charge of the
marriage between Li Zhentai and Wen Chun.

Li Zhenruo turned around and saw Zhu Kai leaning against

the door with his arms crossed, with a fake smile on his

ll f dd h h d f l h
All of a sudden, Li Zhenruo had a very strange feeling that
the family who appeared to be harmonious on the surface
harboured their own evil intentions in their hearts. Just like
Li Zhenzi, with one hand on Li Zhentai’s shoulder, he could
also hook up with Li Zhentai’s wife, which was really scary.
Li Zhenran was the only one who didn’t pay attention to
those at all. He just hooked his fingers at Li Zhenruo and
tried to get his attention back.
Li Zhenruo hesitated and jumped back onto Li Zhenran’s
lap, but this time he clamped his hind legs and refused to
turn over or face Li Zhenran with his belly.
Li Zhenran’s cell phone rang. After he answered the call,
he said to Li Jianglin, “The boss of Wanfulai called and said
that the family who ordered the banquet that day cancelled
the reservation and has already reserved it for us.”

The smile at the corner of Li Zhenzhi’s mouth was obvious.

Li Jianglin glanced at him, he wanted to say something but
didn’t say it, and finally just nodded.
Li Zhenruo thought to himself, if it wasn’t for the fact that
Li Jianglin knew Li Zhenzi hooked up with Wen Chun, he
should be happy now. But there was such a big scandal in
the middle, Li Jianglin at the same time felt like weeping
and thought it was ridiculous and not good.
Wen Chun stayed at Li’s house that night.
Li Zhenruo believed that in the next few days, she would
frequently go in and out of the Li family until the end of the
wedding. Then she would move in rightfully and become
the only mistress of the Li family.

And tonight, Li Zhenruo’s intuition tells him that something

was definitely going to happen. If nothing happened, he
would be very sorry to Li Zhenzi since he had worked so
hard for Wen Chun’s wedding.

d h d h h
In order to anticipate the good show, Li Zhenruo even gave
up going to sleep in Li Zhenran’s room but stayed in his
own bed as soon as he went upstairs.
Li Zhenran always let him sleep where he wanted. After a
glance at him, he went back to his room and closed the
Li Zhenruo had been lying quietly until the middle of the
night. He deliberately dragged his bed out close to the
stairs, wanting to hear the movement downstairs.
Li Zhenzi went back to the room early, and Wen Chun
followed Li Zhentai back to the room to do what should
probably be done.

Only Li Zhenruo relying on the undying desire for gossip

was still waiting patiently.
It was almost half-past twelve, and it was estimated that
the Li family had already fallen asleep. Li Zhenruo heard
the door of a room on the second floor open and the sound
of footsteps in slippers walking downstairs.
He hurriedly got up from his bed, stuck his head out to the
middle of the stairs to see, but saw that the man hadn’t
turned on the lights all the way, so he couldn’t see anything
at all.
At this moment, the door of another room on the second
floor opened gently, and someone went down behind him.
Li Zhenruo immediately followed silently to catch the

As they went down to the first floor, Li Zhenruo saw Wen

Chun wearing a halter nightdress, and standing in the
dining room drinking a glass of warm water.
Li Zhenzi walked over, hugged her from behind, and said,
“Did you get my message?”

h l h h d d h h
The lights in the dining room were not turned on. With the
dim yellow light coming in from outside, Li Zhenruo could
clearly see the two people.
It was actually quite dangerous here because Li Jianglin
and Zhu Kai’s room was on the first floor. Although the
soundproofing of the room was very good, their voice
shouldn’t be able to be heard when they speak in a low
voice. But there was no guarantee that someone would not
notice any movement and open the door to take a look.
There was a knife above the character for lust1色字头上一把
刀 is an idiom for lascivious activities could lead to bitter
consequences, and Li Zhenzi literally sent his head under
the blade of the knife.

Wen Chun was obviously much more sober than he was.

She quietly broke away from him, glanced at the living
room outside and the direction of Li Jianglin’s room, and
said, “Don’t look for me.”
Li Zhenzi said, “Do you know how much effort I put in for
the banquet over at Wanfulai?”
Wen Chun glanced at him, “I don’t care about those things,
and I don’t need you to do them for me. I’ll be your sister-
in-law in the future, so show some respect.”
Li Zhenzi said softly, “Chun jie…”
Wen Chun walked around him and walked upstairs, “If you
send me another message, I’ll show it to your father.”

Li Zhenzi did not chase after her and sat down beside the
dining table. Li Zhenruo didn’t know what was on Li
Zhenzi’s mind, but he was surprisingly smiling a little. After
a while, he got up to drink a glass of water, put the glass on
the dining table, and turned to go upstairs.
After Li Zhenzi left, Li Zhenruo didn’t move. Behind him,
the door of Zhu Kai’s room opened gently.

h kh h d d h h
Zhu Kai stuck his head out and saw that Li Zhenruo was
still there, he put his index finger to his mouth to signal
him to keep silent, then squatted by the door and started to
look at his cell phone.
When Li Zhenzi was hugging Wen Chun behind her back
just now, neither of them noticed that Zhu Kai secretly
opened the door, turned off the sound and flash of the
phone, and took a few pictures.
Only Li Zhenruo noticed it. At this time, he couldn’t help
but lean over to look at Zhu Kai’s phone screen. Zhu Kai did
not drive him away, but let him look at the side.

The screen was very dark, and the faint light outside could
only barely illuminate the outlines of the two people, and
moreover, it was still just figures seen from the back.
But it was enough. As long as Li Zhentai or Li Jianglin were
given a look, they could immediately identify the two
people’s identities.
Li Zhenruo thought that the knife on Li Zhenzi’s head was
about to fall off, and Zhu Kai suddenly laughed when he
saw the photo. Li Zhenruo saw Zhu Kai’s shoulders shaking
because he was suppressing his voice.
After Zhu Kai finished stifling his laughter, he put his index
finger to his lips with an “sshh” to Li Zhenruo, and
surreptitiously went back to the room to close the door.
Li Zhenruo the cat was left behind, and he suddenly felt
that the darkness was so terrifying that he turned around
and ran upstairs.

After a night of sleep, as they ate breakfast, Li Zhenruo

peeked at the Li family at the dinner table while licking the
milk. Li Zhenzi and Wen Chun act as if nothing happened,
Li Zhentai also showed no reaction, and Zhu Kai hadn’t
gotten up yet.

h h h h d d h ll
The photo was in Zhu Kai’s hands, and Li Zhenruo really
didn’t know what his plans were.
Although he has a good relationship with Zhu Kai, he had
always felt that Zhu Kai was a psychopath, and normal
people should not provoke a psychopath.
But even after Zhu Kai woke up, he didn’t mention this
matter. He didn’t know if Li Jianglin had seen the photo.
Even if Li Jianglin had seen it, the old man could still keep
his composure while facing Wen Chun and Li Zhenzi, but it
was not like Li Zhenruo could tell the difference anyway.
The Li family seemed to be on the right track, but Li
Zhenruo was the only one who always felt there was a bit of
mountain rain coming and the wind was all over the
building, and he couldn’t explain why.

About a week later, there was a sudden strong wind one

When Li Zhenruo was drinking water in the dining room on
the first floor. He heard Wang Ma nagging while closing
the window in the living room, “Why is there such a strong
wind? It’s not going to rain heavily, is it?”
As soon as she finished speaking, Li Zhenruo heard the
sound of thunder. Because of his sensitive ears, he was
startled, and almost knocked over his water dish.
So he couldn’t help but come into the living room and jump
on the windowsill to look outside and saw that the wind
was really howling outside. The tall trees were blown over
the branches and leaves, and the small bamboo forest in
the distance was fluttering down, and he could even hear
the sound of the wind blowing through.
At this time, another lightning struck, and Li Zhenruo’s
heart trembled slightly, and then he heard the sound of
Wang Ma closed the window and turned off the light in the
living room. Li Zhenruo turned around and ran up the
stairs. He ran all the way to the third floor and wanted to
b k h b f d h h h
go back to Li Zhenran’s room, but found that the other
party had closed the door.

These days, he was thinking about the adultery between Li

Zhenzi and Wen Chun, and often refused to enter Li
Zhenran’s room at night. Li Zhenran was probably used to
it. He closed the door without waiting for him when he
Li Zhenruo had to go back to his cat bed.
The window of the recreation room was already closed. It
was closed by Wang Ma just now, and now there was only
one window in the corridor on the third floor that was still
open. Li Zhenruo could always hear the strange sound of
the wind outside the window as if there was a monster
hiding inside.
The animal’s sharp intuition made him know what was
going to happen tonight. He has already visualised a full-
scale dog blood2means something ridiculous, it is used to
describe TV drama scenes that are repetitive and
exaggerated. ethic drama of a rich and powerful family.

However, this drama was slow to stage. Not to mention the

Li family, even Li Zhenruo was about to fall asleep. In a
daze, he heard a strange noise in the wind outside and
suddenly opened his eyes. This time it wasn’t an illusion, he
really heard something.
Li Zhenruo came out of the cat bed and jumped on the
window sill of the recreation room to look outside. Because
the window was closed, he could only try to put his face
against the window glass, trying to see what was in the
At this moment, he noticed that a huge black shadow
flashed past downstairs.
The thick and almost inseparable black shadow looks like a
huge beast running past with its limbs stretched out, and Li
Zhenruo’s heart palpitated suddenly. Before he could react,
h h d f df h d f h d
he heard a soft sound from the window of the corridor,
which sounded like something coming in through the
Li Zhenruo jumped off the window sill, and he smelled a
scent that seemed to be somewhat familiar. He hurriedly
ran out of the room. Li Zhenruo was standing in the
corridor and saw a huge black monster sitting on the
window at the end. It looked like a black panther, with eyes
flashing with a regal glow and a figure that filled the entire

Being watched by Li Zhenruo with frightened eyes, the

monster suddenly stretched out and pounced in his
Li Zhenruo was so frightened that he took a few steps back,
but saw that the monster turned into a human appearance
in the air, and then landed lightly in front of Li Zhenruo,
and stretched out a finger to scratch his chin.
“Meow…” Li Zhenruo cried out weakly, but it really was
him. He smelled the scent just now and felt like it was that
person from the other day. The Xia Hongshen he met who
promised to help him.
The gust of wind outside was still unstoppable.
Xia Hongshen sat with his leg crossed in front of Li
Zhenruo. He stretched out two bright red fruits from his
pocket, and said to him, “Eat up.”

Li Zhenruo came close and smelled it, but couldn’t smell

anything special. The two fruits were so bright in colour
that they looked like they were poisonous. He looked at Xia
Hongshen with some suspicion.
Xia Hongshen didn’t react, but still repeat the same
sentence, “Eat up.”
“Meow?” Can I ask what it is?

h d d ff d ll h
Xia Hongshen said, “Good stuff. Eat it and I’ll teach you
how to control your spiritual power to transform.”
Although he was still sceptical, Li Zhenruo knew that he
had no choice but to trust Xia Hongshen. So he rolled up
the two fruits with his tongue and slowly ate them.

After eating the fruit, Li Zhenruo felt hot air rising from his
abdomen. It was not appropriate to say that it was a hot air.
It should be said that it was a force. When he was in heat,
he had a similar feeling that made it difficult for him to
control his body’s power.
Xia Hongshen said in his ear, “Listen to me, let the spiritual
power in the body run to the limbs and bones.”
Li Zhenruo was at a loss with all the limbs and bones. He
didn’t know where the limbs and bones were.
Xia Hongshen then said, “You imagine that your body is
stretched, your fingers are separated, and you become
Li Zhenruo closed his eyes and followed Xia Hongshen’s
words, prompting the heat to spread to his fingers and
toes, his limbs stretched, and his claws stretched out into
five flexible fingers.

He thought so, and at the same time, he really felt it. He

couldn’t tell whether it was his hallucination or reality, but
he really felt that his body was being pulled and his heart
was beating fast as if the feeling he had when he
transformed himself last time came back.
Xia Hongshen suddenly said, “Very good.”
Li Zhenruo suddenly opened his eyes. He found that he had
grown taller and could look directly at Xia Hongshen, who
was sitting on the ground. He raised his hand and saw that
his bare arms had indeed turned into a human appearance.
He touched his face in surprise, and the next action quickly
covered his lower body, knowing that he was not wearing
h h
anything right now.
Chapter 37
Xia Hongshen said, “That’s it.”

Li Zhenruo was still a little frightened. He looked at Xia

Hongshen, took a deep breath, and said, “Then how can I
turn back into a cat?”
Xia Hongshen said to him, “Use your mind to control the
spiritual power. Just like how you made yourself become a
human just now, that is how you can turn into a cat.”

As he heard this, Li Zhenruo closed his eyes and tried to

imagine that his limbs shrank and turned into a round
shape. After a while, he opened his eyes and found that he
had not succeeded at all.
“Why is it like this?” he tensed up.
Xia Hongshen put one hand on his face, “Your obsession
with turning into a cat is not as deep as your obsession with
turning into a human. There is no need to rush, just
practice slowly.”

Li Zhenruo lowered his head and glanced at his naked body

again. He asked Xia Hongshen, “Why do you have clothes
to wear when you transformed into a human, but I don’t?”
Xia Hongshen snorted, “If you want to cultivate to this
level, you will have to cultivate for at least several decades.
Now that you can transform into a human, you have already
had an advantage and taken a shortcut. Don’t think about
anything else.”
Li Zhenruo knew that this was already very good, and he
really did not dare to ask for too much.
Xia Hongshen said, “The transaction is complete.
Remember that you owe me the money, I will go first.”
f h d h h l d d
After he said that, he already stood up.

Li Zhenruo quickly grabbed his trousers with one hand and

asked, “How can I contact you?”
Xia Hongshen actually took out a business card from his
pocket and placed it lightly on Li Zhenruo’s head, “Call me
if you have anything.”
After he said that, Li Zhenruo saw him stretch out and turn
into a black shadow in a flash and went out of the window.
When Xia Hongshen left, Li Zhenruo stood up and was a
little dumbfounded. He couldn’t keep his naked appearance
and wait until everyone woke up tomorrow morning to see

He closed his eyes and tried again to return to the original

form as a cat, but still failed.
There was no other way. Li Zhenruo walked to the door of
Li Zhenran’s room and knocked on the door.
The wind outside the window did not stop, the lightning
and thunder continued, but the rain was slow to come
Li Zhenruo knocked on Li Zhenran’s door for a minute or
two, and Li Zhenran finally opened the door from the inside
with a dark face. When the door was opened, a lightning
bolt struck down, and the sky and the earth were like
daytime. Against this background, Li Zhenran looked fierce
and terrifying.

When he saw the person outside the door, Li Zhenran was

stunned at first, and then his chaotic brain slowly came to
his senses, and he recognized who the person outside the
door was.
Li Zhenruo was still naked and looked pitiful. He called Li
Zhenran: “Ran ge, find me some clothes.”
h l f l d d h dh
Li Zhenran was silent for several seconds and watched him
Li Zhenruo felt a little uneasy, he reached out and shook
the face in front of him, and the other hand was still
blocking his lower body.

Suddenly, Li Zhenran grabbed his wrist and pulled him in,

and at the same time reached out to close the door.
Before Li Zhenruo could react, Li Zhenran had already
pressed him against the wall and kissed him, with one leg
stuck between his legs.
Li Zhenran only wore a pair of underwear to sleep. At this
time, Li Zhenran’s body was completely pressed down
against him with a fiery temperature.
Li Zhenruo’s eyes widened, and he raised his hand to push
him, but Li Zhenran lifted his leg and rubbed him under
him, and he instantly felt his whole body went soft and lost
his strength.

The temperature in his body increased and the symptoms

of the last rut appeared again.
No, it was not the rut period. How could a human have a
rut? Li Zhenruo was not a naive child, and now he was
clearly teased with a kiss by Li Zhenran to ignite his sexual
desire. He was only in heat, but it is not a rut.
Li Zhenruo’s head felt like a mùyú1a wooden fish
instrument, also known as a Chinese temple block, wooden
bell that was beaten wildly. With the background sound of
thunder and storms outside the window, it was simply a
ball of mess. He always felt that something bad was going
to happen, and he thought he would change back to a cat
like last time. But this time, his body didn’t cooperate. He
was kissed by Li Zhenran for a long time, and he couldn’t
do anything other than raised his hand to hug him

h h l d h b db
Later, Li Zhenruo was overwhelmed on the bed by Li

Li Zhenruo panted hard and said, “No…”

Li Zhenran answered him absurdly, “No won’t do.”
Next, Li Zhenruo was pushed to the extreme of pain and
pleasure by Li Zhenran.
His keen animal intuition told him something was going to
happen tonight, but in no way did he expect that what was
going to happen was waiting for him here.
Having lived as a human for twenty-three years and as a
cat for more than half a year, he never imagined that a man
would do such a thing to him. In retrospect, it was
unbearably shameless. Well, he was referring to himself,
and later, he remembered that Li Zhenran covered his
mouth and said to him, “Keep your voice down.”

He was in tears, thinking that if he had known in the past

that being done by a man would feel pleasurable, would he
have tried it years earlier? After thinking about it, the
conclusion is no, how could he let other men use his body
to have fun?
Then why did he let Li Zhenran sleep with him again?
This question was too complicated, and Li Zhenruo decided
not to think about it.
The next morning, Li Zhenruo woke up in Li Zhenran’s
His waist was a little sore, and the feeling of being opened
up still remained. Li Zhenruo opened his eyes blankly and
stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Li Zhenran crossed his chest tightly with one hand. After he

woke up after a while, he kissed Li Zhenruo on the neck.
h dh h d h
Li Zhenruo turned his head to stare at him.
Li Zhenran stroked his lips with his fingers.
Li Zhenruo complained, “You’re going too far!” His voice
was a little hoarse as he spoke.
Li Zhenran asked him, “What did I do?”

Li Zhenruo his chest tightened for a while and felt that Li

Zhenran was too shameless. The two of them were still
lying naked in a blanket, and he still asked him what did he
He simply stretched out his hand to clamp Li Zhenran’s
jaw. Li Zhenruo was going to show him what he had done.
With his hands on the bed, he rolled over and straddled Li
Zhenran. He lowered his head and said to him, “Would you
like me to do you?”
As he saw this, Li Zhenran put his hands behind his head
lazily and said, “You can do it and see.”
Li Zhenruo still held Li Zhenran’s jaw in one hand, raised
his face a little, and kissed him fiercely. He wanted to use
various means to let Li Zhenran see his skills in bed, and
make him obedient in the future. However, as the kiss
deepened, Li Zhenran put one hand on Li Zhenruo’s waist
and gently stroked it, which gradually added some warmth.
After the long kiss, Li Zhenruo fell on top of Li Zhenran, his
whole body was sore and he didn’t want to do anything.
They had been fooling around all night last night. At this
time, he didn’t think much about it and Li Zhenran’s gentle
kiss made Li Zhenruo a little intoxicated.

Li Zhenran touched Li Zhenruo’s hair with one hand and

suddenly said, “You took off your clothes and stood at my
door knocking on the door last night. Don’t you mean to
deliver yourself by the door?”
Li Zhenruo was too lazy to roll his eyes. He leaned his head
on Li Zhenran’s shoulder and said, “Yeah, whatever you
h k f
think is fine.”
After a while, Li Zhenruo got off the bed and went to the
bathroom to take a shower.
He walked a little unsteadily, and his body still clearly
remembered the shape of Li Zhenran’s big thing. Although
he felt that he was also a flirtatious young master, he still
felt like he wanted to blush for no reason, and a strange
emotion filled his heart like never before.
Li Zhenruo sat down in the bathtub as he was showering.
He stretched out his hand and rubbed his waist. After he
was covered with shower gel, he suddenly thought: If he
can’t turn back into a cat, wouldn’t it be bad if someone
saw him today?

To be precise, it wouldn’t be bad for him, but for Li

Zhenran. Who knew he had messed up with a little
schoolboy at home? If Li Jianglin saw it, he would definitely
hit Li Zhenran with his crutch.
And if he couldn’t transform back, Li Zhenran definitely
wouldn’t dare to let him stay in Li’s house. Maybe he would
take him out again and hide him in the golden house2as
previously stated it’s an idiom of hiding your lover in a safe
house. In this case, how can he continue to monitor Li
As he thought of this, Li Zhenruo became nervous. He
closed his eyes and tried his best to follow the method that
Xia Hongshen taught him last night to let the heat flow in
his body. And finally, his feet were empty all of a sudden,
and the whole person slid into the middle of the bathtub.
He was back in the shape of a cat.
Li Zhenruo was overjoyed immediately.

The hot water above his head was still gushing down. Li
Zhenruo tried to climb out of the bathtub but found that the

b h b l f l h
bathtub was too slippery. After trying several times, he
slipped off the edge.
So he simply scratched the edge of the bathtub with his
claws and tried to make a sound. After a while, Li Zhenran
opened the bathroom door and walked in.
After seeing Li Zhenruo’s appearance, Li Zhenran stopped.
As if he sighed and folded his arms around his chest, and
asked him, “Was the purpose of you becoming a human last
night was to make me Fuck you once? Are you a snail
girl3see more about snail lady?”
Li Zhenruo wanted to be a little vicious, but all the hair on
his body was wet and attached to his body, so he didn’t
have any momentum.
Li Zhenran walked over and helped him rinse the body of
the shower gel foam that was still sticky on his body, then
turned off the water and wrapped him in a towel to carry
him out.

When Li Zhenruo was placed on the sink, Li Zhenran

suddenly saw his body stretch out in an instant, and the
soft fluff all over his body quickly faded away, turning into
a human appearance.
Li Zhenruo sat on the sink, hooked Li Zhenran’s legs with
both legs, and said excitedly, “Look, I finally mastered the
method and can become a human being as I want!”
Li Zhenran didn’t react much, but the corners of his mouth
were slightly tilted. He bent his index finger against Li
Zhenruo’s chin and made him raise his head to kiss his lips.
Both of them were still naked. The situation of such close
contact was really bad, and what was even worse was that
Li Zhenruo found that he had kissed him too much, more
than he had kissed all his girlfriends combined before.
He obviously doesn’t like kissing very much, so why was he
enjoying this gentle touch now?

h dd l f l b d d hd h
Li Zhenruo suddenly felt embarrassed. In order to hide this
embarrassment, he slightly tilted his head back, ended the
kiss with Li Zhenran, and then buried his head and sucked
randomly on his neck.
This action was to leave a hickey. It’s summer now, and Li
Zhenran’s thin clothes couldn’t hide the hickey at all. He
originally thought that Li Zhenran would definitely stop
him, but he didn’t expect Li Zhenran to stand still and let
him mess around for a while, and then asked him, “You
good now? Okay, I’m taking a shower.”
Li Zhenruo suddenly felt that he looked a little stupid as if
he would become a little childish in front of Li Zhenran.
How come he had never felt this way in the past twenty
Li Zhenran left Li Zhenruo sitting on the sink, stepped into
the bathtub and turned on the hot water to take a shower.
Li Zhenruo sat there and looked at him, and suddenly said,
“Do you—have a cat fetish?”

Li Zhenran wiped the water off his face with his hands and
asked him, “What is cat fetish?”
Li Zhenruo thought about it, “It’s the same as necrophilia
Li Zhenran gave him a cold look, “Why do you compare
yourself with a corpse?”
Li Zhenruo scratched his neck, “That’s what it meant
Li Zhenran said, “I don’t have that idea about cats.”

Li Zhenruo then asked another curious question, “Are you

Li Zhenran asked him in return, “Are you?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Of course I am not.”
h l l h h l h
Li Zhenran let out a laugh, “Then, last night you—”
“Stop, stop, stop,” Li Zhenruo hurriedly stopped him,
knowing that what he said was nothing more than how loud
and lewd he was last night, and he was ashamed to listen.
This conversation ended here.

Li Zhenran asked him a question, “You can turn into a

person at will, but you can’t change into clothes, so you can
only run naked?”
Bullseye! Li Zhenruo gritted his teeth, patted his hair in
distress, and said weakly, “Yes, you’re right.”
Li Zhenran asked him, “Then what are you going to do?”
What to do? Li Zhenruo didn’t think about it himself. He
felt that until now, he could not leave Li Zhenran. Maybe he
could only go out with Li Zhenran, transform into a human
form under Li Zhenran’s cover, and then let Li Zhenran
give him clothes.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to avoid the eyes of the rest

of the Li family.
Li Zhenruo then said, “Can you take me to work today?”
Li Zhenran didn’t answer immediately, but after taking a
bath and turning off the water, he slowly wiped his body
with a towel and said, “Beg me.”
Li Zhenruo held back the swearing words and repeatedly
persuaded himself to hold back for a while. Then he said,

Li Zhenran said, “It’s not sincere.”

h d ff h k d db f h
Li Zhenruo jumped off the sink and stood barefoot on the
ground, “How to make it more sincere?”
Li Zhenran hooked his fingers, “Come here, I’ll teach you.”
Li Zhenruo looked at him with some hesitation, but after a
while, he took two steps toward Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran grabbed his wrist and pulled Li Zhenruo in front
of him, then hugged his waist with both hands, and actually
carried him into the bathtub, pressed him against the wall
with his body, and one hand stuck to Li Zhenruo’s neck to
make his face lifted up. Then he said in a deep voice in his
ear, “Follow me.”

Behind Li Zhenruo was the icy tiles, and in front of him was
Li Zhenran’s hot body. He began to have difficulty
breathing, and Li Zhenran’s deep voice passed through the
eardrum directly into the brain.
He heard Li Zhenran say, “Please.”
Li Zhenruo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his neck
was stuck. Although he could breathe smoothly, swallowing
was a little difficult. He followed Li Zhenran and said,
Li Zhenran then whispered in his ear, “My master.”
Li Zhenruo’s face was flushed, not only his face, but his
whole body seemed to be a little hot. His lips were
trembling, and he followed Li Zhenran and said, “My…

Li Zhenran kissed his lips with satisfaction. After the kiss

was over, he leaned into his ear and said, “I’ll take you
there, good boy.”
Chapter 38
When he had breakfast in the morning, Li Zhenran asked
Wang Ma to serve him a bowl of porridge.

Li Zhenzi sat opposite him, and when he looked up, he saw

the ambiguous red marks under Li Zhenran’s slightly open
collar. He laughed and said, “Second brother, I remember
you came back very early last night.”
At this time, Li Jianglin had already finished breakfast and
gone out for a walk.

In the dining room, besides Li Zhenran and Li Zhenzi, there

was also Wen Chun who just got up and went downstairs.
As she heard Li Zhenzi’s words, Wen Chun raised her eyes
and looked in the direction of Li Zhenran. She then smiled
and lowered her head to drink coffee.
Li Zhenran heard the words and said, “Yes.”
Li Zhenzi was really curious, “Then don’t tell me you were
bitten by a mosquito on your neck?”

Li Zhenran picked up a chopstick and pickled vegetables

and said, “There were a lot of mosquitoes last night, didn’t
you feel it?”
Li Zhenzi didn’t believe what he said and just smiled. He
didn’t continue to ask.
Li Zhenruo was also in the dining room, but his cat-self was
still in a trance as he was lying in front of his small food
bowl to drink milk.
He felt puzzled. Although Li Zhenruo didn’t have
relationships with countless women like Li Zhenzi, he was
also a veteran in love scenes. In the past, he always
thought that Li Zhenran was too serious, and thought that
h h h h ld h fl k ll
when he was with a woman, he would have no flirting skills.
But this morning, the other side whispered in his ear a few
words, and he almost lost his soul.

Until now, Li Zhenruo can’t help but blush when he thought

of the word master he shouted, as if it had some kind of
erotic meaning.
After breakfast, Li Zhenran wanted to take Li Zhenruo out.
Wen Chun felt very strange, “Zhenran, are you taking the
cat to work? Won’t it make trouble?”
Li Zhenzi hurriedly said, “Second brother loves his cat so
much. He can hold it when he sleeps, what could the
difference be going to work with it?”

Wen Chun smiled a little at his words.

Li Zhenran was too lazy to take part in his nonsense and
carried Li Zhenruo by his collar into the car.
There was a driver in the car, and it was inconvenient for
one person and one cat to say or do something.
When he arrived at the company’s office, Hua Yibang was
not very surprised to see Li Zhenran bringing the cat to
work again, and only said, “Zhenran, did you only bring the
cat and no toilet for him?”

Li Zhenran said, “He will use the toilet himself.”

Hua Yibang was baffled.
After he closed the door of the office and locked it, Li
Zhenran said to Li Zhenruo, “That’ll do.”
Li Zhenruo also glanced at the door lock alertly. Then,
under Li Zhenran’s gaze, he stretched out and transformed
into a naked young man.
“Clothes, clothes.” Li Zhenruo said quickly to Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran fetched him a set of casual clothes from the
lounge cupboard, and then said, “I’ll ask Yibang to buy you
two sets of clothes.”
Li Zhenruo was sitting naked on the edge of the big bed in
his lounge, playing with his clothes and saying, “Where are
the underwear?”
Li Zhenran rummaged through the drawer to find a pair of
underwear for him.

Li Zhenruo took it in his hand and said, “This is worn.”

Li Zhenran said to him, “There are no new ones here. Wear
them or don’t.”
Li Zhenruo was silent, and finally, put on his underwear.
Why does it matter to wear Li Zhenran’s old underwear?
He let Li Zhenran do whatever he wanted, and didn’t care
about it.
Li Zhenran looked at him neatly dressed and asked him,
“Are you going out?”

The purpose of Li Zhenruo following Li Zhenran out was of

course to be able to move freely instead of being trapped in
Li’s house all day. He still had a lot of things to do,
although there was no way to rush the moment for fear of
being noticed by Li Zhenran. But it didn’t feel good to be
kept in captivity for such a long time. Even if he wasn’t
going to do anything, it was better to go shopping freely.
He said to Li Zhenran, “I’m going to take a stroll down the
street and buy some clothes to wear.”
Li Zhenran said, “Wait until I get off work to go with you.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment. He sat on the edge
of the bed, looking up at him with a pitiful look, “Let me
Li Zhenran looked at him coldly and said nothing.

At this time, Li Zhenruo already knew exactly how to deal

with Li Zhenran. He took a deep breath, reached out and
pulled Li Zhenran’s belt buckle around his waist, pulling
him to himself, his face almost pressed to the small of his
back, tilting his head up to look at him, “Master, please
Li Zhenran grabbed Li Zhenruo’s face with one hand and
pulled it so hard that the shape of Li Zhenruo’s face was
deformed, and he cried out “It’s painful” before Li Zhenran
let go and said, “The old rules, remember?”
Li Zhenruo said quickly, “The collar will not be taken off,
and back before five o’clock in the afternoon.”
Li Zhenran patted his face, took out a secondary credit card
from his body, and put it in his jacket pocket.
Li Zhenruo touched the credit card on his chest, licked his
face and said, “Just give me some more cash.”

Li Zhenran looked at him coldly, “How much?”

Li Zhenruo felt that his request was too much, so he
grabbed Li Zhenran’s hand, put his palm on his face, and
said, “Five thousand.”
Li Zhenran heard the words, and grabbed his face with his
fingers, “What for?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Ouch, ouch,” twice. “I owe someone
money. It was just five thousand yuan. Don’t pull it. It’s
going to be swollen.”
Li Zhenran let go of his hand and saw that Li Zhenruo’s
cheeks were really red. If he pulled it further, it would be
difficult to reduce the swelling, and said, “Wait a while.”

h l f h l h ll d b
As he left the lounge, Li Zhenran called Hua Yibang in.
When Hua Yibang came in, he saw Li Zhenruo standing at
the door of the lounge straightening up his clothes. He then
stopped in his tracks with a bewildered face. He
remembered that there was no one else here for Li Zhenran
just now, and wasn’t this young man the one Li Zhenran
took to Qijiang last time?
He felt like he hadn’t seen him for quite a long time, so why
did the man suddenly appear again?
Also, where’s the cat?
“Yibang,” Li Zhenran called to him.

Hua Yibang was distracted and did not respond.

Li Zhenran then knocked on the table and called again,
“Hua Yibang.”
Only then did Hua Yibang turn his head towards him in
shock, “Zhenran?”
Li Zhenran said, “You help me to get 5,000 yuan in cash.”
Hua Yibang nodded and said, “Do you want it now?”

Li Zhenran replied, “I want it now.”

Hua Yibang turned around to go out, but after taking two
steps, he couldn’t help turning his head and asked,
“Zhenran, where’s the cat?”
Li Zhenran glanced in the direction of Li Zhenruo and said,
“Isn’t it here?”
Hua Yibang also looked at Li Zhenruo, his expression
became profound and bewildered as if he wanted to say
something. In the end, he endured it and turned to leave Li
Zhenran’s office.

h ll d h l l d h h h h
Li Zhenruo rolled up his long sleeves and thought that he
had to buy a few sets of clothes. Li Zhenran’s clothes were
always a bit ill-fitting to wear.

Li Zhenran sat on the office chair and hooked his finger at

him, “Come here.”
Li Zhenruo walked over and was hugged by Li Zhenran. He
then sat on his lap, and Li Zhenran bent down to help him
roll up his trousers.
As he looked at the hair on top of Li Zhenran’s head, Li
Zhenruo suddenly felt that his heart was beating a little
faster for some reason as if his heart was slowly being filled
with something, and he could feel his heart aching with a
little touch.
So when Li Zhenran raised his head, he reached out and
hugged Li Zhenran’s neck and kissed him on the mouth.
Li Zhenruo was also a man himself, and he has seen too
many women to know what kind of behaviour makes a
man’s heart flutter the most. He seduced Li Zhenran
deliberately. Anyway, he had done everything, and he
didn’t care about losing. His heart was always fluttering,
and it made no sense to see Li Zhenran calm and

At the end of the kiss, Li Zhenruo saw that Li Zhenran was

looking at him.
Growing up together in Li’s family since childhood, Li
Zhenruo had never seen Li Zhenran look at a person like
this. He felt a little happy, and the corners of his mouth
could not help but curl up. He felt embarrassed, so he put
his head on Li Zhenran’s shoulder and lowered his head
and snickered alone.
After a while, he heard Hua Yibang knocking on the door
outside to come in. Li Zhenruo immediately got up from Li
Zhenran’s arms and stood next to him to organize his
b h d d h h f
Hua Yibang handed 5,000 yuan in cash to Li Zhenran. After
Li Zhenran took it, he handed it to Li Zhenruo, and then
give a few hundred-yuan bills from himself to Li Zhenruo
and said, “Go and take a taxi.”
Li Zhenruo smiled and said, “Thank you.”

Hua Yibang stood silently, without looking away.

“Also,” Li Zhenran sat down and opened the drawer of his
desk. There was an almost brand-new mobile phone in it. It
was the one that Li Zhenruo had used the last time he
happened to take human form, and there was his ID card
named Li Tuanzi next to it.
Li Zhenran gave him his cell phone, but he didn’t take out
his ID card.
Li Zhenruo approached him and asked, “Can you give me
the ID card?”
“No,” Li Zhenran replied dryly.

So Li Zhenruo didn’t push. He put away the money and

mobile phone, kissed Li Zhenran’s face, and said, “I’m
Li Zhenran nodded.
When Li Zhenruo passed by Hua Yibang, he waved to him,
Hua Yibang politely responded, “Take care.”
Li Zhenruo came out of Li Zhenran’s office and familiarly
went to the elevator. When he saw that the VIP elevator
was still on the basement floor, he reached out and pressed
the public elevator.

At this time, it was already working hours, and there were

not many people going up and down the elevator. When the
l d h h fl
elevator went down to the tenth floor, a young man in a suit
came in.
When he saw the man’s appearance clearly, Li Zhenruo was
slightly startled.
This young man was his former assistant, and his name was
Yan Xiujie. Yan Xiujie had a very good relationship with Li
Zhenruo in the past, and he really followed Li Zhenruo with
all his heart and soul even when Li Zhenruo had just
encountered an unforeseen misfortune and was in the most
depressing time. Yan Xiujie once also carried large and
small bags of food to visit him at the place where Li
Zhenruo lived.
After Li Zhenruo was killed, there was no news of Yan
Xiujie, and he didn’t plan to look for him when he came
back as a cat, because his identity was too peculiar. But he
didn’t expect to meet him in Yunlin’s elevator today.
Yan Xiujie just glanced at him from the corner of his eye
and didn’t look at him again. Li Zhenruo knew that it was a
bit strange for him to be dressed up here, and he looked
like someone brought his son who was on vacation from
middle school to the company to play.
When the elevator went down to the fifth floor, Yan Xiujie
walked out. Li Zhenruo hesitated for a while, but didn’t call
him, and silently took the elevator to the ground floor.

He came out of Yunlin’s building, took out his mobile phone

and looked at the time. He planned to call Feng Junyuan
first, and then go to Xia Hongshen. He still remembered
that he owed the other party 5,000 yuan, and now he was
in a hurry to repay the money first.
He knows that Xia Hongshen was not an ordinary person.
He not only wanted to pay him back the money but also
hoped that Xia Hong Shen could be impressed by the
money to help him do something more, although the
possibility of this was very slim.
As expected, Xia Hongshen refused his other requests after
charging him five thousand yuan, the reason was “no time”.
l h f h h f l d
“Xia laoshi1may refer to teacher or an honorific title used
for a highly venerated senior teacher in Zen Buddhism.?” Li
Zhenruo tried to impress him with sincerity.

Xia Hongshen pointed to the autopsy room, “There are still

corpses waiting for me, do you want to go in with me?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Leave it at that. Please…”
Li Zhenruo thought it was expected to be rejected by Xia
Hongshen and was not very disappointed.
When he came out of the school, he really went shopping
with the card Li Zhenran gave him, as he and Li Zhenran
already discussed. In fact, he still had one thing in mind,
that was, he wanted to find a locksmith and go to unlock
the house where his mother once lived to see if there was
But he was always worried that if he made too much
movement, Li Zhenran would be alarmed.

Li Zhenruo has not planned to tell Li Zhenran his identity

until now. He always felt that the future was very vague.
Even before yesterday, he was not sure what kind of
attitude he could live in in the future.
Wait a little longer, Li Zhenruo told himself that he had
waited for so long, and he needed to calm down and take it
one step at a time.
So he went to the shopping mall, visited several casual
wear brands that he liked in the past, bought a few sets of
casual clothes with simple and elegant styles, suitable for
young people, and also went to the sports brand store to
buy himself two pairs of sports shoes and a duckbill cap.
Before five o’clock in the afternoon, Li Zhenruo returned to
Yunlin with a large bag and a small bag but was stopped by
the security downstairs.
Showing the handsome face under the cap, Li Zhenruo
asked the front desk to call Hua Yibang, and only after
f h d dd h f d kl h
confirming his identity did the front desk let him go.

Taking the elevator to the 23rd floor, the elevator door just
opened, and Li Zhenruo saw Li Zhentai who was standing
outside the door waiting for the elevator.
Li Zhenruo was a little surprised, and Li Zhentai was
stunned for a moment, looking at him up and down.
Li Zhenruo simply pretended to not know Li Zhentai and
walked out of the elevator towards Li Zhenran’s office. Li
Zhentai watched his back for a while before entering the
As he saw Li Zhenran, Li Zhenruo first put his large and
small bags on his desk and asked, “What’s your eldest
brother doing here?”
Li Zhenran picked up the paper bag with his fingers and
glanced at the clothes inside, and said casually, “Something
came up for me.”

Having that said was tantamount to not saying it. Li

Zhenruo just thought that Li Zhentai was busy with
marriage affairs recently and would not have time to see Li
Li Zhenruo stood at the edge of the desk, thought for a
while, and moved all the clothes and shoes he bought into
Li Zhenran’s lounge, carefully hanging them in the cabinet.
Li Zhenran stood at the door, crossed his arms and asked
him, “What are you planning to do by putting them here?”
Li Zhenruo turned around and said, “It’s only natural. I
come to work with you every morning and go home with
you in the afternoon.”
Li Zhenran said, “People will think I’m sick.”

h h h d h h
In his heart, Li Zhenruo said everyone thought you were
sick for a long time, it’s just that no one told you. As he
thought of this, he suddenly thought that Li Zhenran was a
little pitiful. He walked over to him and pulled him to sit
beside the bed, and said, “No one will think you are sick,
only that you love cats.”
Li Zhenran suddenly reached out to clamp Li Zhenruo’s
jaw, and said coldly, “Really? How much do I love you?”
Li Zhenruo decided to take back the pity on him, pretended
to be pitiful and said, “I’m wrong. I beg you to bring me out
every day. I’m bored as a cat in the Li family, and you can’t
accompany me at home.”
Li Zhenran snorted and let go.
Li Zhenruo rolled on the bed, and his body shrank back to
the shape of a cat. He walked to Li Zhenran’s side, rubbed
his body against his arm, and raised his tail to hook his

Li Zhenran picked him up and threw him on the big desk

outside, sat down and rang the bell to call Hua Yibang to
come in.
Li Zhenruo didn’t pay attention to what he was doing, but
saw a plain invitation letter on the table, and couldn’t help
but curiously opened it and saw that it turned out to be an
invitation letter for a charity dinner.
The sponsor of this charity dinner was the Ren’ai Charity
Foundation. Li Zhenruo had some impressions of this
foundation because he was invited to attend the charity
dinner the previous year. He remembered that Yue Zijia
was one of the directors of this foundation, and Li Zhenzi
was the honorary president of the foundation because he
once donated all the profits of a film on behalf of Yunyi.
Li Zhenruo immediately wanted to know whether Li Zhenzi
and Yue Zijia would attend this dinner. He stretched out his
body and turned into a naked youth, knelt on the desk, and
asked, “Is it…”

h f h f h d k b
“Zhenran?” Before he finished speaking, Hua Yibang
opened the office door from outside and saw this scene.

Everything happened in an instant, and Li Zhenran didn’t

have time to react at all.
Hua Yibang exited quickly and closed the door, while Li
Zhenruo was a little silly and asked Li Zhenran, “Did he see
Li Zhenran was sitting on the seat in front of the desk.
From this angle, the scenery was just right. With a gloomy
face, he said, “Get in.”
Li Zhenruo saw that he was angry and hurriedly got down
from the desk, hid in the lounge, and closed the door.

The author has something to say:

I actually got twice as many comments as usual on the last

chapter, hehe
Chapter 39

Because of Hua Yibang’s interruption, Li Zhenruo didn’t

have time to ask Li Zhenran what the so-called charity
dinner was all about.
It wasn’t until later that evening when Li Zhenruo lay on
his side beside Li Zhenran’s bed, and rested his head on
one hand, that he asked him, “Are you going to that charity

Li Zhenran was looking at an evaluation report in his hand,

and without giving a side glance, he asked, “Which one?”
“The Ren’ai one,” Li Zhenruo answered.
As he changed between human and cat forms, he still
couldn’t get himself a set of clothes. Now, he’s just lazy and
fine with staying naked. Anyway, the young Li the fourth
used to admire his great figure, and the women liked it too.
Although he was a little thinner now, it seems that Li
Zhenran liked it very much, and it didn’t matter to show it
only to him.

When Li Zhenran heard the words, he just made an “um”

Li Zhenruo was waiting for him to write, but it took two
minutes to realize that he had nothing more to say, so he
leaned in and put his chin on his shoulder and asked, “Are
you going?”
Li Zhenran turned to look at him, “Where to go?”

h f l h h d ll d
Li Zhenruo felt that he was doing it on purpose. He pulled a
long face at him and stop speaking.

Li Zhenran reached out and pinched his chin, soothing his

angry kitten, and said, “Do you want to go?”
Li Zhenruo was silent for a while and hesitated about how
to answer this question.
However, Li Zhenran saw through him, “What do you want
to go and do? What’s so special about this dinner party?”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t say that he wanted to inquire whether
Li Zhenzi and Yue Zijia had any adulterous affair, right?

Seeing that Li Zhenruo didn’t answer, Li Zhenran said, “I

am considering it, since I have nothing to see if I go.”
Li Zhenruo glanced at him.
He continued, “But I didn’t say I was going to take you
Li Zhenruo was already familiar with his tricks and thought
that Li Zhenran would never get tired of teasing him. He
sighed silently, leaned his chin on Li Zhenran’s chest, and
raised his eyes to look at him, “Take me there.”

Li Zhenran looked at him without speaking.

Li Zhenruo tilted his head and put his face on his chest,
gently pulled Li Zhenran’s hand beside the bed, and
clasped their fingers together.
This action he did was quite chilling. He remembered that a
cute little girlfriend used to act like a spoiled brat with him.
At that time, he had to deal with this, and now Li Zhenran
should also deal with this.
Speaking of which, Li Zhenran may be a homosexual since
he was born, but he hid it too well. After he lived in the
h hh f h h
same house with him for more than 20 years, no one in the
family found out. In the past, he also thought that Li
Zhenran just had a relatively clean private life. To put it
badly, his personality was dull and conservative, but he
didn’t expect that he would toy people better than anyone

Li Zhenruo had been doing this for a long time, but he still
felt ashamed of for letting himself fall into debauchery.
Li Zhenran didn’t respond for a while, and then suddenly
grabbed Li Zhenruo’s hair to force him to look up and say,
“Are you distracted?”
Li Zhenruo’s heart was grumbling that even the perversion
in his mind was found out, but his body responded very
quickly, and he bit down on Li Zhenran’s mouth. Naturally,
the result was that he was turned over and pressed under
Li Zhenran’s body, and they fooled around until the middle
of the night.
When they ate breakfast the next day, not only did Li
Zhenzi look at Li Zhenran with a strange look, but even
Wen Chun and Li Zhentai had subtle expressions and
looked at Li Zhenran from time to time.

At this time, Li Zhenruo had to admire Li Zhenran. He was

bathed in the gaze of everyone, but he was able to sit on
the chair in the restaurant with a blank expression as he
called Li Zhenruo over while peeling eggs.
Li Zhenruo was a little hesitant. He was not sure if he
wanted to go there, but he always walked by Zhenran’s side
every day. It would be even more strange to suddenly show
resistance, right?
He dragged his tail over and jumped onto Li Zhenran’s lap.
While Li Zhenran was feeding Li Zhenruo eggs, Wang Ma
walked past him with an empty plate, suddenly stopped and
said, “Aiya, Zhenran, are there any fleas on your bed? Did
you see how many fleas have bitten your neck?”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t hold back, and the egg yolk in his
mouth sprayed out.
All of a sudden, everyone in the dining room focused on
him, and even Li Jianglin, who had just walked over with a
crutch asked, “What’s going on?”
Li Zhenran was very calm, he picked up the debris in front
of him without haste, and said to Li Jianglin, “The cat
sneezed.” Then he said to Wang Ma, “Maybe that was the
case. I didn’t even notice until you said so, get someone to
change everything in my room.”
Wang Ma answered okay.
Li Zhenran then patted Li Zhenruo’s butt and said, “Get

Li Zhenruo immediately rolled down and hid to eat his cat

Li Jianglin sat down at the dining table and asked Li
Zhentai and Wen Chun, “Going to take wedding photos
Wen Chun said, “It’s already set. We’ll go to Saipan to
Li Jianglin nodded, “You guys are going to get married
soon. Take a break when you guys go out these few days.
When you guys get back, it should be almost the time to
prepare for the wedding.”
Li Zhentai smiled and said, “Yes.”

Wen Chun, on the other hand just smiled slightly before

lowering her head and scooping up the bowl of cereal with
a spoon.
Li Zhentai and Wen Chun flew to Saipan to take wedding
photos. Li Zhenruo felt that their wedding was too hurried.
h k dd h h h
Now they were going to take wedding photos, then they
would come back in less than a month for the wedding and
then go to Greece for their honeymoon.
At the same time, the time for the charity dinner was
almost here.
That afternoon, Li Zhenran asked Hua Yibang to
accompany Li Zhenruo to buy a suit and take care of his
Li Zhenruo didn’t like Li Zhenran’s hairdresser and felt that
the other party was not fashionable enough, but Hua
Yibang took him out on Li Zhenran’s order and thus gave
him no choice.

Hua Yibang was still confused until now. Although he heard

Li Zhenran call this young man “Tuanzi1dumpling”, and
saw that the cat brought by Li Zhenran disappeared every
day and was replaced by a beautiful young man, he still
couldn’t believe it was this person was a cat.
Yeah, who could believe it?
When Li Zhenruo saw that Hua Yibang was almost
suffocated to the point of internal injury, he didn’t ask any
questions. He just shut his mouth and didn’t tell him, so he
wouldn’t suffocate him to death.
He changed into a decent dark suit, and his hair was well
tidied up. Li Zhenruo looked like a young boy from a
wealthy family, walking with his head held up slightly, with
a gentle and elegant posture.
Hua Yibang took off his glasses and wiped them carefully
with a glasses cloth.

Li Zhenruo walked to the sofa and sat down, put one hand
on Hua Yibang’s shoulder, and asked, “Xiao Hua ge, do you
think Li Zhenzi and Su Yao are having an affair?”
The question came so suddenly that Hua Yibang was
stunned. He put on his glasses slowly, and said, “I don’t
This was not what Li Zhenruo wanted to ask. There were
some things that Li Zhenran didn’t know, but it might not
be the case for Hua Yibang. If he got closer to Su Yao, he
may know some of Li Zhenzi’s secrets.
So he asked, “What about Li Zhenzi and Yue Zijia?”
As Hua Yibang heard the words, he looked at Li Zhenruo,
“Why are you asking about this?”

Li Zhenruo said, “I’m curious.”

Hua Yibang shook his head, “I don’t know.”
Alas, no one seems to know. However, it seemed because
this relationship was secret enough that Li Zhenzi would
hand over such important things to Yue Zijia.
He then followed Hua Yibang back to Yunlin.
As he entered Li Zhenran’s office, Li Zhenruo forgot to
knock on the door. When he opened the door, he was
slightly taken aback when he saw someone standing inside.
He wanted to close the door and go out but found that the
person standing inside was Yan Xiujie, so he couldn’t help
but stop.

Yan Xiujie saw someone coming and said to Li Zhenran,

“Then I’ll go out first Mr. Li.”
Li Zhenran nodded and said to Li Zhenruo, “Come in.”
When he passed by Yan Xiujie, Li Zhenruo looked at Yan
Xiujie’s back and asked Li Zhenran, “What is he doing
Li Zhenran was originally cleaning up the things on the
table, but when he heard the question, he stopped and
looked at him and said, “Do you know him?”

h dd d b l dd h d
Li Zhenruo didn’t admit it but also didn’t rush to deny it.
He was afraid he would give away himself by what he did.
So he just looked at Yan Xiujie’s distant back and said, “He
looks so handsome.”

Li Zhenran paused, put down the book heavily in his hand,

and leaned back on the back of the chair. He raised one of
his long legs and asked him, “How handsome?”
Li Zhenruo turned to look at him, suddenly smiled, and
said, “Not as much as you.”
Li Zhenran looked at him coldly.
Li Zhenruo walked over and sat down on his lap. He raised
his arms around his neck and said, “Not even close.”
Li Zhenran still had a sanctimonious look, but his hand
touched Li Zhenruo’s thigh.

Li Zhenruo quickly grabbed his hand and said, “Stop it, this
is the office.”
In fact, the office didn’t matter, but this was Li Zhenran’s
office, which made it really exciting to think about.
Li Zhenran actually stopped when he heard the words. He
just looked at Li Zhenruo and didn’t speak.
Li Zhenruo also looked at him, as he saw the outline of his
handsome nose, thin and light lips, he suddenly couldn’t
help it. He leaned over and kissed him, thinking that his
tastes had become so distorted that he didn’t react when he
saw a beauty, but on the contrary, he was excited by the
face of a man.
In the end, Li Zhenran answered the question with another
question, and Li Zhenruo never got the answer he wanted.

He found that recently the situation was often like this. Li

Zhenran seldom answered his questions right away. He felt
l h h k d h f
guilty when he asked Li Zhenran a few questions. As a
result, the other party diverted the topic away and never
returned to the conversation.
In the evening, he attended a charity dinner with Li
When someone asked him, Li Zhenran said that he was a
new assistant. When he met someone he knew and they
would ask “Where is Hua Yibang?” Li Zhenran said without
changing his face that this was a new life assistant.
Li Zhenruo’s acting skills were not weak. He followed Li
Zhenran’s side, behaved and spoke appropriately. He really
looked like a new assistant, but he looked too young and
too beautiful.
Li Zhenruo has been to this kind of dinner a few times, and
today was nothing special. It’s clearly a fund-raiser in the
name of charity, but the golden wall of the banquet hall
was brilliant, redundant and luxurious. The ladies attending
the banquet also had high-end famous brands all over their
bodies, hanging full of jewellery.

Li Zhenran socialized with others and took Li Zhenruo to sit

down at the seat arranged for him by the organizer. There
were two seats, and one was originally reserved for his
female companion, but now it was sat on by Li Zhenruo’s
The waiter immediately brought the wine over.
They came relatively early. And after a while, Li Zhenruo
saw Li Zhenzi appear with Yu Bingwei.
He hadn’t seen Yu Bingwei for a long time. Today Yu
Bingwei wore a brightly coloured long dress with just the
right chest opening, showing off her proud figure.
Since Li Zhenzi saw Li Zhenran, he brought Yu Bingwei
Li Zhenruo followed Li Zhenran to stand up, and his eyes
fell on Yu Bingwei’s chest. He missed his own former
l b d h dd
imperial treasure. He remembered that Yu Bingwei didn’t
like to wear underwear when she was wearing pyjamas, so
he flattened his body and lay down on it. It really felt really
soft and warm, which he had never experienced in a

His thoughts drifted away, and he didn’t notice that both Li

Zhenzi and Li Zhenran were looking at him.
Li Zhen said to Li Zhenran with interest, “Second brother,
don’t you want to introduce me?”
Li Zhenran didn’t answer, but asked Li Zhenruo, “Do you
like them?”
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, then came back to
his senses. He knew that Li Zhenran must be unhappy, and
after a little hesitation, he whispered in Li Zhenran’s ear,
“You know I like long and hard ones, not round and soft

This was really vulgar, but Li Zhenruo thinks Li Zhenran

would like to hear it.
Sure enough, Li Zhenran did not continue to pursue this
matter with him.
Li Zhenzi has been looking at them all the time, and when
he saw this young man talking in Li Zhenran’s ear, he
couldn’t help showing an ambiguous smile.
Li Zhenran introduced them to each other: “This is my new
assistant.” He mainly wanted to introduce Li Zhenruo’s
role. As for Li Zhenzi and Yu Bingwei, they were sure to be
familiar with this cat.
Li Zhenzi shook hands with Li Zhenruo, and said to his
second brother, “Second brother, you are too stingy if you
don’t even introduce a name.”

h b f h k h d h
This time, before Li Zhenran spoke, Li Zhenruo said with a
smile, “My name is Jason. Hello Third Young Master.”
The moment he heard the name, Li Zhenzi’s expression
changed slightly, and even Li Zhenran couldn’t help but
glance at him. His eyes drooped slightly.
Li Zhenruo looked indifferent and innocent.
Yu Bingwei was the only one who didn’t know. After she
greeted Li Zhenruo with a smile, she immediately asked Li
Zhenran about her cat.
Li Zhenran said to her, “Miss Yu, please rest assured,
Dumpling is healthy and living happy. You are welcome to
come and see it at any time.”

Yu Bingwei said, “I guess so, it’s good that it’s happy.”

Li Zhenruo looked at Yu Bingwei’s sincere eyes and was
somewhat touched. He thought that Yu Bingwei was
actually a very good woman, but unfortunately, Li Zhenzi
didn’t know how to cherish her, and he had to entangle
himself with people like Wen Chun and Yue Zijia.
After exchanging pleasantries, Li Zhenzi brought Yu
Bingwei to their seats and sat down.
Tonight, Li Zhenzi came as Yunyi’s boss, and Li Zhenran
was not enough to replace Li Jianglin as Yunlin’s big boss.
He just received this invitation as the second son of the Li
After Li Zhenzi left with Yu Bingwei and Li Zhenruo sat
down with Li Zhenran, he suddenly noticed someone in the
corner looking at them.

Li Zhenruo turned to look and found that it was Yue Zijia in

a silver evening dress.
Yue Zijia stood in the corner, saw Li Zhenruo look over,
smiled politely and nodded. Li Zhenruo gave her a bright

d l h d d bb d h ll
and innocent smile, reached out and grabbed the small
cake on the table, and asked Li Zhenran, “Can I eat it?”
Li Zhenran glanced at him and said, “Whatever you want.”
Li Zhenruo put the cake in his mouth.
Li Zhenran looked at his elegant way of eating and
suddenly asked, “Why is it Jason?”

Li Zhenruo chewed the cake in his mouth, looked up at the

sky for a while, and said, “I seem to have heard this name
Li Zhenran asked him, “Where have you heard of it?”
Li Zhenruo was in a trance as if unconsciously licking the
cream on his fingers, and said, “I don’t remember. What? Is
there anything special about the name Jason?”
He originally thought that Li Zhenran would not answer
him, but he did not expect Li Zhenran to hear the words
and say, “It’s my fourth brother’s english name.”
Li Zhenruo hanged out in Li’s house every day. Of course, it
was impossible to pretend that he didn’t know that Li
Zhenran has a fourth brother who has passed away. He
looked at Li Zhenran and asked, “Is it the one with the
closed door on the second floor?”

Li Zhenran said “Um”.

Li Zhenruo hesitated and said, “Then I’d better not use that
Li Zhenran said, “It doesn’t matter, you have already told
the third child, it would be strange to change it.”
Li Zhenruo hesitated a little and said, “I’m afraid it will
remind you of your fourth brother when you hear it.”
Li Zhenran calmly said, “It doesn’t matter.”
At this time, the host of the charity dinner had already
taken the stage with a microphone and invited all the
guests to take their seats to start the charity fundraising
event tonight.
This charity dinner not only invited many entrepreneurs
from prominent families in China but also invited many
celebrities as performance guests for fundraising.
Li Zhenran was already sitting here, and he must be ready
to donate tonight. He sat casually and his eyes fell on the
However, Li Zhenruo was distracted and focused on Li
Zhenzi and Yue Zijia. So far, the two have not
communicated, but Li Zhenruo believed that when the two
of them appear on the same occasion, they would always
give away something.
The singers on the stage finished singing the song, and the
host came to the stage to read the donation project tonight,
and then the fundraiser was carried out.

Whether it was an individual or a company, the number of

donations will be announced on the spot, which not only
satisfied everyone’s kindness but also satisfied everyone’s
Li Zhenruo picked up the glass and took a slow sip. As he
saw that Li Zhenzi suddenly got up and said something to
Yu Bingwei in the seat next to him, then he walked outside.
At this moment, Li Zhenruo noticed that Yue Zijia, who was
sitting in the other corner, also stood up and walked out.
Li Zhenruo put the cup on the table and said to Li Zhenran,
“I’m going to the bathroom.”
He followed him out, but just after coming out of the
banquet hall, the two of them disappeared. Outside the
banquet hall was a large terrace. At this time, many people

d h h d h b
were standing on the terrace with wine and chatting, but
there was no trace of Li Zhenzi and Yue Zijia.

He hesitated for a while and walked toward the bathroom.

He saw no one along the way, until he entered the
bathroom to wash his hands, and happened to meet Li
Li Zhenzi seemed to really come to the toilet. After
urinating, he stood by the sink to wash his hands and
looked at Li Zhenruo from the mirror.
Li Zhenruo smiled at him, looking a little coy.
Li Zhenzi also smiled and asked him, “When did my second
brother abandon that old antique Hua Yibang and replace
him with such a tender young assistant?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t want to answer his question, so he simply
pretended not to answer, lowered his head and still smiled

Li Zhenzi slowly washed his hands and said to him, “I really

didn’t know the second brother still had such a hobby.”
Li Zhenruo said in his heart, You are right, I never thought
of it before. However, he said obediently, “Third Young
Master, you misunderstood.”
Li Zhenzi had clearly identified the relationship between Li
Zhenran and the young man in front of him, patted him on
the shoulder with an ambiguous smile, and walked outside.
Li Zhenruo waited for two seconds, followed by pretending
not to be in a hurry, and saw Li Zhenzi walking toward the
banquet hall.
He really didn’t plan to whisper a few words to Yue Zijia?

Li Zhenruo followed far behind, saw him enter the door of

the banquet hall, then walked to the door of the banquet
h ll dl k d d h h h ll
hall and looked inside. When he saw that Yue Zijia was still
not there, he couldn’t help but wonder where she went.
Instead of entering the banquet hall, he returned to the
large terrace, and this time he found Yue Zijia.
Yue Zijia stood alone in the corner of the terrace, with her
head down and was talking to someone on the phone.
Li Zhenruo lightened her footsteps and approached behind
her like a cat when she heard her say, “You can still
remember me at this time?”
This was clearly the tone of a phone call with a lover.

Then Yue Zijia said, “Do you think I believe you?”

Who is it? It couldn’t be Li Zhenzi, because Li Zhenzi just
went in and sat down, so it’s impossible to make this phone
call with Yue Zijia in front of Yu Bingwei.
Yue Zijia has a lot of friends outside, not only one lover and
it was not necessarily that this call may not be to one of the
Li family.
However, Li Zhenruo listened to Yue Zijia and talked in a
low voice, “Two of you from the Li family came today, the
third young master brought Yu Bingwei, and the second
young master brought a boy.”
Li Zhenruo suddenly opened his eyes.

“Very beautiful boy,” Yue Zijia continued, “Okay, bye-bye.”

She hung up the phone, and as soon as she turned around,
she saw Li Zhenruo behind her.

The author has something to say:

Of course, the second brother likes someone really
weak(Zhenruo). He is too lazy to deal with people he
d lk b l h l h l h
doesn’t like. Obviously, he was jealous in the last chapter.
As for why he likes his cat, it wasn’t because it is really
weak(Zhenruo). He’s just perverted-
I learned a new word called: 晜(big brother) 0-0
Chapter 40
Li Zhenruo reacted quickly, and when he saw Yue Zijia
hanging up the phone, he stretched his body out and
yawned loudly.

So when Yue Zijia turned around, she saw that Li Zhenruo

had already stretched halfway. At the same time, he threw
his body forward on the fence of the balcony, as if he had
just walked over.
As he saw Yue Zijia looking at him, Li Zhenruo turned his
head. He politely smiled first, then looked a little puzzled
before he came to a realization, “We’ve met before, right?”

When Li Zhenran took him to the private restaurant for the

first time in his human form, he met Yue Zijia. But he didn’t
know if Yue Zijia was still remembered.
Yue Zijia smiled, “You still remember me, you are a friend
of Second Young Master Li, right?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I am his assistant.”

Yue Zijia didn’t know whether to believe it or not and just

maintained a gentle smile. She extended a hand, “My name
is Yue Zijia.”
Li Zhenruo secretly cursed Li Zhenran for giving him the
name of Li Tuanzi on his ID card. He had no way to say that
name, so he could only say, “My name is Jason.”
Yue Zijia’s smile remained unchanged, but her eyes
flickered, “Jason? Did Zhenran tell you that you and his
brother have the same English name?”
Li Zhenruo nodded, “Yes, I am still considering if I should
change it or not so that he doesn’t think of his brother
when he calls my name.”
Yue Zijia smiled and said, “You’re nothing like his brother.
You shouldn’t.”
At this time, a staff member of the foundation asked Yue
Zijia to come over in front of the banquet hall, and Yue Zijia
could only say goodbye to Li Zhenruo, “I still have some
things to do. Let’s get together with Zhenran when we have
a chance in the future.”
Li Zhenruo nodded, “Okay, beautiful jiejie.”
Yue Zijia bowed her head slightly, and smiled a little shyly,
“I’ll go first.”

When Yue Zijia walked past Li Zhenruo and walked towards

the banquet hall, Li Zhenruo looked at her back, and his
smile slowly faded, who was she calling?
When he heard Yue Zijia say “you Li family” just now, his
first reaction was that she was calling Li Zhentai because it
couldn’t have been Li Zhenzi or Li Zhenran. But later, Li
Zhenruo suddenly had an idea, could it be Li Jianglin?
Could everything be self-directed by Li Jianglin? After
knowing that he was not his own son, he asked someone to
do the appraisal, and then put on a show to show him that
he was not his own son?
But why does he need to do that?

Li Jianglin could personally come out and throw the

appraisal document in front of him and tell him to get out
of the Li family. There was no need to cower and hide
behind people like this. In contrast, it was Li Zhentai who
was much more suspicious.
Li Zhenruo felt that his heart was beating so fast. He had
been focusing on Li Zhenzi, but now it seemed that he was
probably wrong. Maybe Yue Zijia was not Li Zhenzi’s
mistress but was simply Li Zhentai’s mistress.
ll d f ll h d
He originally made an excuse to follow Li Zhenzi and Yue
Zijia, but now he really didn’t want to go in. He leaned
forward slightly against the railing of the balcony and
looked into the distance, but his mind was full of Li Zhentai.
Li Zhentai had a lukewarm personality since he was a child,
his grades were average, and his appearance was not as
outstanding as his three younger brothers. This kind of
eldest son did not please his father, but Li Zhenruo felt that
he could get along well because there was no sense of

The relationship between him and Li Zhentai was not good,

but it was not as cold as Li Zhenran, and there was less
conflict as it was with Li Zhenzi. He knew that Li Zhentai
was also unhappy with the situation, and he didn’t expect
Li Zhentai to be on his side, but to be so cruel to him like
this. To be honest, Li Zhenruo felt a little uncomfortable.
With his palms on the metal railings, he could feel a touch
of coldness even on a midsummer night. There was air
conditioning in the banquet hall, but the heat outside was
unbearable. Li Zhenruo stretched out his hand to pull on
his clothes and bow tie, trying to loosen it up to relieve his
inner suffocation.
An arm suddenly went around his side and grasped the
railing, and he felt someone behind him.
Before turning his head, Li Zhenruo was keenly aware that
it was Li Zhenran’s scent.

“What are you looking at?” Li Zhenran asked him.

Li Zhenruo was silent for a while. He rested his elbows on
the railing and propped his face with his hands. He said,
“It’s so boring, when will it be over?”
Li Zhenran said, “You’re the one who wants to come.”
Li Zhenruo said truthfully, “I was wrong.”

h dh h d f
Li Zhenran patted his head, “Let’s go first.”
That evening, Li Zhenran donated 200,000 yuan to Ren’ai
Charity Foundation’s charity project to help abducted and
trafficked children and left with Li Zhenruo first.
In the car, Li Zhenruo was somewhat in a bad mood.
He rested his head on Li Zhenran’s shoulder.
Li Zhenran sat with his back on the seat and didn’t move.
After a while, he raised his hand and stroked his hair.

Li Zhenruo put his hands around Li Zhenran’s waist and

leaned himself completely in his arms.
The driver glanced at them from the rearview mirror and
asked Li Zhenran in a low voice where he was going now.
Li Zhenran said, “Home.”
The driver hesitated, “Back to the Li residence?”
Li Zhenran answered “Um”.

The driver obviously found it strange. He didn’t understand

how Li Zhenran dared to bring a boy home so blatantly, but
he always listened to orders and didn’t ask questions. He
didn’t ask any more questions and sent Li Zhenran home in
Back home, the driver parked the car in front of the
fountain, waited for the two to get out of the car, and drove
to the garage.
Li Zhenruo grabbed Li Zhenran’s arm and saw that the
living room light was still on. He whispered, “Wang Ma is
still awake.”
At this time, even if Li Jianglin was not asleep, he would
definitely be in his room or in his study, and Wang Ma
would be the only one watching TV with the lights on in the
living room.
h dh h d d k dh
Li Zhenran turned his head and asked him, “How are you
going to get in?”

If Li Zhenruo went in now, he would definitely be seen by

Wang Ma. He didn’t want to be exposed to the Li family like
Li Zhenran’s question meant that he should change back
into his cat form and go back, but Li Zhenruo was a bit
reluctant and said, “I’ll climb in through the window from
the back.”
Li Zhenran smiled when he heard the words, “Go ahead.”
After he finished speaking, he even ignored Li Zhenruo and
walked toward the house by himself.
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment and thought that Li
Zhenran was not afraid of him running away, so he just left
him alone, it was really annoying! But no matter how much
he complained in his heart, he still obediently walked to the
side of the villa, raised his head and looked up. And after a
while, he saw the light coming from the window of Li
Zhenran’s room.

Li Zhenran opened the window, stuck his head out and

hooked his fingers.
Li Zhenruo took off his jacket, tied the sleeves around his
waist, rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, pressed his hands
on the windowsill on the first floor, and climbed up.
Sure enough, a person’s ability to climb a wall was far
worse than a cat’s, Li Zhenruo thought to himself as he
reached for the pipe next to him, and tried to climb the pipe
to the second floor.
Suddenly, there was a fierce barking sound from
Li Zhenruo slipped his foot on the fixed area of the pipe and
almost fell. He turned his head and saw a big golden
retriever running in his direction.
Zhu Kai was at home from time to time, and he lived
outside with his dog from time to time. No one was there
this morning, and Li Zhenruo didn’t know why he came
back with the dog at this time.
When Erhuang saw someone climbing the window, he
dutifully barked and ran over to catch the thief.
Because it was very well-behaved on weekdays and never
barks indiscriminately. Today, when Erhuang made such an
anxious call, it could only mean there was some special
situation at home.
Li Zhenruo suddenly became flustered. At the same time,
he heard the sound of someone walking out as the door of
the front living room opened.
As soon as he closed his eyes, holding the water pipe, he
changed back to the appearance of a cat and quickly ran off
the fence. It was just that the clothes all over his body were
scattered in an instant, and the coat fall over Erhuang’s
head at once. Erhuang turned around twice in horror in the
sudden darkness, and its scream became even more

“What’s the matter? What’s the matter?” Wang Ma had

already run over, and the person who followed closely
behind her was Zhu Kai.
Li Zhenruo rushed to the third floor and carefully looked
out from the windowsill, only to see his clothes on the
ground, and even a pair of underwear hanging on the water
pipe. Li Zhenruo was a little dumbfounded for a moment.
Zhu Kai raised his head and looked upstairs. He also saw
the underwear hanging on the water pipe. He looked
puzzled, looked in the direction of the second floor, and
then tilted his head to look at the third floor.
Li Zhenran’s room was under Li Zhentai’s room. Li Zhentai
and Wen Chun went to Saipan to take wedding photos

d h d f d h h
during this period of time, and there was no one in the
room at all.
Wang Ma was still startled, “Who is this? Throwing clothes
all over the place?”

Zhu Kai said, “Zhentai is not here, is Zhenran drunk?”

Li Zhenruo hurriedly turned back to find Li Zhenran but
found that the window was still open, but Li Zhenran was
not in the room at all.
“It’s mine,” Li Zhenran’s voice suddenly came from
It turned out that after seeing Li Zhenruo causing trouble,
he had already gone downstairs, ready to clean up the mess
for him.
Zhu Kai laughed twice, “Ran ge, are you a heavenly maiden
scattering flower in the middle of the night? Your
underwear is still hanging on the water pipe.”

Li Zhenran heard the words and glanced upstairs, and saw

Li Zhenruo who had retracted his head.
He said, “I put my dirty laundry in a basket on the
windowsill and it was overturned by the cat,”
Wang Ma replied, “So that’s how it is. I’d say since it was
already late at night, it shocked me.”
Li Zhenran smiled and said, “I’m sorry, it seems that
Erhuang was also frightened.”
After he finished speaking, he squatted down and started
picking up clothes. Wang Ma quickly helped him and said,
“I’ll do it, I’ll do it, I’ll pick it up and wash it.”

Li Zhenran handed the clothes he picked up to Wang Ma.

h ll h h d
Zhu Kai was still wearing pyjamas. At this time, he patted
Erhuang on the head and said, “Go to sleep now and don’t
make a fuss about nothing.”
It was a pity that Erhuang couldn’t speak. It was still in a
trance and didn’t understand how a person suddenly
turned into a cat just now.
Wang Ma packed up Li Zhenran’s clothes, raised her head
and looked at the panties hanging on the second floor, and
wondered, “What should I do? I’ll ask someone to take it
with the ladder tomorrow morning, it’s too late today.”
Li Zhenran said, “It’s alright, I’ll clean it up, you can go and

Zhu Kai yawned, waved to Li Zhenran, and left with the

Wang Ma also left with his clothes in her arms. Before
leaving, she told Li Zhenran to go to bed early.
Li Zhenran returned to his room on the third floor. After he
entered the door, Li Zhenruo was still standing by the
window sill, looking at him. He came over and patted the
cat’s butt, “Go and pick up your panties.”
Li Zhenruo himself felt embarrassed. He climbed out and
went down the pipe, hooked his panties off with his claws,
and returned to Li Zhenran’s room with the panties in his
That night, Li Zhenruo felt a little tired. What should he
say, it was the feeling of exhaustion both physically and
mentally after going through a major event. His entire self
couldn’t lift his spirits, but he really couldn’t fall asleep
even if he lay down.
He was too lazy to take a bath, so he maintained his cat
form and asked Li Zhenran to take him to the bathroom to
wash him.

f h k h h h dh h d d h
After he took a shower, he had his hair dried with a
hairdryer. The wind was soft and warm, and the soft fluff
was lazily brushed, and his entire body couldn’t help but
When it was time to sleep, Li Zhenruo lay beside Li
Zhenran’s neck. After a while, he rolled over on his back,
stretched his tail out from under his butt, raised his paws
and looked in the dark.
It was not that it was more difficult to replace Li Zhenzi
with Li Zhentai, but this feeling of doubting his past
brothers one by one was too uncomfortable. If he was to
redo it all over again, if he choose not to fight, not be
greedy, and be a dandy young master peacefully, would he
encounter these things?
The cat’s claws were small and cute, but the nails were

Li Zhenruo sometimes felt that there was nothing wrong

with this kind of life, and he was very happy because he
was content with the status quo. But he just couldn’t forget
and let it go, and his revenge could only be avenged by
He was in a depressed mood when Li Zhenran who was
lying besides him suddenly grabbed Li Zhenruo by his cat
Because he was too focused on being melancholy that he
didn’t notice when Li Zhenran woke up, and was taken
Li Zhenran’s voice was drowsy, “What are you doing? Do
you know that your ears keep moving and sweeping around
my face and it’s very annoying?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t say a word and raised his paw to try to
snatch the ear back from Li Zhenran’s hand.

h l dh h d d dh b k h
Li Zhenran released his hand and turned his back to him
and continued to sleep. Li Zhenruo tugged at his ears,
followed Li Zhenran and put his head on his shoulders. He
then closed his eyes to sleep.
The next day was the weekend.
During a rare holiday, Li Zhenran slept in bed with his cat
in his arms.
And Li Zhenruo also didn’t want to get up because he was
in a bad mood. He woke up long ago, but seeing that Li
Zhenran was still asleep, he put away his sharp claws and
touched Li Zhenran’s lips with his toe beans.
He moved very lightly, touched Li Zhenran’s lips and
immediately retracted his claws, and then lightly touched
the bridge of his nose.

Under Li Zhenruo’s repeated harassment, Li Zhenran

grabbed Li Zhenruo and threw him out of bed. He then
turned over and continued to sleep.
Li Zhenruo crawled back immediately, this time crawling
on his shoulders, pressing his tail with his paws, and
scratching his nose.
Li Zhenran slowly opened his eyes and gave him a cold
Li Zhenruo immediately turned around and jumped out of
bed, and ran to the windowsill before looking back at Li
Li Zhenran sat up, but instead of chasing after him to settle
the account, he raised his hand and covered his face for a
while before getting out of bed and walked towards the

Li Zhenruo stared at the bathroom door for a while and

suddenly heard someone talking loudly from downstairs.
He couldn’t help turning his head to look and saw Zhu Kai
d b h l k
standing by the swimming pool, instructing two workers at
home to clean the swimming pool.
Unbeknownst to him, it was already the hottest time of the
summer. Because Li Zhenran and his brothers had been out
most of the time, and no one asked to clean up the
swimming pool. Today, Zhu Kai was probably interested
and asked Wang Ma to call someone to clean it up early in
the morning, so that in the afternoon, he could swim in the

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Chapter 41
When Li Zhenran came down to eat breakfast, Zhu Kai said
to him with great interest, “Zhenran, are you swimming in
the afternoon?”

Li Zhenruo went downstairs before Li Zhenran and was

lying next to the dining table looking at today’s breakfast.
h h h d h h dh h d l k
When he heard this, he turned his head to look at Li
Li Zhenran smiled and replied, “Yes.”

Li Zhenruo knew that Li Zhenran’s swimming skills were

very good. He remembered that Li Zhenran seemed to have
participated in a national swimming competition when he
was in high school. Although Li Zhenran only won second
place in the end, Li Zhenruo felt very amazed at that time.
In his memory, he had seen Li Zhenran more than once in
front of the swimming pool at home, wearing a pair of dark
swimming trunks, stretching his slender body and jumping
into the water, swimming forward like a fish through the
Later, as he got older, his time at home gradually became
less, and he had less communication with Li Zhenran.
Unexpectedly, there was nothing much to remember.

The workers at home spent the morning cleaning out the

swimming pool and began to fill up the water at noon. In
the afternoon, Li Zhenruo took a nap and was lying on the
window sill of Li Zhenran’s room on the third floor. He
looked down and saw the rippling water as if he could feel
the cool water coming to his face.
Zhu Kai was the most energetic. He changed into a pair of
swimming trunks, revealing a slightly thin and pale body.
He stood on the edge of the pool, and shouted at the
window of Li Zhenran’s room, “Zhenran, come down and
Wang Ma took her unfinished sweater and sat under the
parasol next to the swimming pool, smiling and watching
Zhu Kai making a fuss by the swimming pool.
Li Zhenruo jumped out of the window at this time. He ran
to the bed and slapped Li Zhenran, who was still taking a
nap with his paws, urging him to go swimming.
Li Zhenran rubbed his eyes and sat up, went over to open
the closet and started rummaging for his swimming trunks.
When Li Zhenran stood in front of the swimming pool
wearing swimming trunks, Li Zhenruo felt a little excited
for no reason. Li Zhenran’s figure was much better than
Zhu Kai’s. He has broad shoulders, a narrow waist and
tight muscles. He made a standard exercise for entering
the water, while Li Zhenruo spun on the side and almost
fell into the pool.
Then he calmed down and thought to himself what he was
getting excited about.
Li Zhenran didn’t jump into the water, but raised his hand
and patted Li Zhenruo’s butt next to him, and patted him to
dive in first.

Li Zhenruo fell into the water with a “slap” sound, only

splashing a little water. Then he immediately started to be
flustered and scrambled up. He was supposed to be able to
swim, but at this time his limbs were uncoordinated and he
didn’t know how to swim up.
Wang Ma let out a burst of laughter.
Immediately afterwards, Li Zhenran jumped into the water
and supported Li Zhenruo’s forelimbs with his palms to lift
him up.
Li Zhenruo was still in shock, spit out the water he
swallowed and gasped for air.

Li Zhenran raised his hand and placed him on the shore of

the pool, then stretched his arms to cut through the waves,
and his slender and vigorous body was wrapped in white
water and shot out like an arrow shot from a bow.
Li Zhenruo stood on the shore, the fur all over his body was
wet and sticking to his body. He looked thin and pitiful and
d d h h d
sneezed twice. He stared at Li Zhenran in the water and
was stunned.
Zhu Kai sat aside, and patted Erhuang on the head, letting
it go play by itself.
Erhuang came towards Li Zhenruo, lowered his head and
sniffed at him.

Li Zhenruo quickly got up and moved away.

Erhuang followed and seemed to be full of curiosity.
Erhuang leaned close to Li Zhenruo’s head and sniffed
At this time, Li Zhenran had already swam back and forth
to the edge of the swimming pool. He reached out and
grabbed Li Zhenruo and put it on his shoulders. Li Zhenruo
was afraid of slipping off, so he quickly grabbed Li
Zhenran’s neck with his paws.
“So lively today?” Li Zhenzi’s voice suddenly came from the

Li Zhenruo turned to look and saw Li Zhenzi wearing a

casual suit and black leather shoes stepping on the white
tiles next to the pool.
Zhu Kai just jumped into the water. When he saw Li Zhenzi,
he said, “Daniel, come down and play.”
Li Zhenzi hasn’t come back since last night’s charity
dinner. He should’ve spent the night at Yu Bingwei’s. He
squatted down on the edge of the pool at this time and said
with a smile, “I can’t swim, so I’d better watch my second
brother swim. His movement is the most beautiful, and is
all professional.”
Li Zhenran’s wheat-coloured skin was stained with bright
water droplets, and it shone in the sun. Li Zhenruo hugged
his neck and stuck his head out from his shoulders, looking
down. He was seeing the firm and supple chest, flat belly
l l l d d h k d
lines clearly extended to the swim trunks inside, covering
the most beautiful scenery.

Well, Li Zhenruo knew what the powerful thing that was

underneath, and he suddenly felt a little shy when he
thought of it, just like a young girl in love.
He buried his face in Li Zhenran’s neck and rubbed it hard,
and felt that Li Zhenran raised his hand to hold his ass.
He didn’t know when, but Li Jianglin also came to the edge
of the pool on his crutch.
Wang Ma quickly got up and gave him her seat, and took
another small stool to sit next to him.
Li Jianglin was sitting on the chair, his eyes passed over Li
Zhenran, looked at Zhu Kai, and finally waved to Li Zhenzi
who was by the swimming pool, “Come here.”

“Dad?” Li Zhenzi hurriedly walked over when he heard the

words, slightly bending down and waiting for him to speak.
Li Jianglin asked, “Where did you go last night?”
Li Zhenzi often spends the night outside, and Li Jianglin
knew this son well. He usually didn’t ask much, so no one
expected him to ask such a question suddenly today.
After a little hesitation, Li Zhenzi said, “I went out to play
with my friends.”
Li Jianglin’s eyes fell on the swimming pool, and he said to
Li Zhenzi, “Your eldest brother is getting married. You’d
better behave yourself during this time.”

What did Li Zhentai’s marriage have to do with Li Zhenzi?

What was the use of asking Li Zhenzi to behave?
Li Zhenzi frowned slightly, and replied obediently, “Yes, I
know.” But he couldn’t help but think more.
h l h ll h ld
In the swimming pool, Li Zhenruo was still holding on to Li
Zhenran and refused to let go.
Li Zhenran didn’t pull off his paws but simply sank into the
water. Li Zhenruo could only follow him to sink into the
water, drank a few mouthfuls of water, and was picked up
by Li Zhenran.
This time, he didn’t want to hold on to Li Zhenran anymore,
but swam desperately to the shore, waving his little paws.

Li Zhenran didn’t tease him anymore. He grabbed him and

threw him ashore.
It could be said because Li Zhenran swam in the afternoon,
he was exhausted and went to bed as soon as possible at
night. But somehow, he seemed to have not depleted all of
his energy. In the end, he caught Li Zhenruo and torment
him hard at night.
Li Zhenruo felt like he was drowning again. With Li
Zhenran’s violent movements, moving up and down. He
dizzily thought that fortunately, Li Zhentai and his wife
went out and were not downstairs. Since no matter how
good the soundproofing of this floor was, it would not be
able to cover the voice wholly. It was estimated that when
tomorrow morning came, they would think that Li Zhenran
was a pervert.
Although the air conditioner was on, Li Zhenruo was
sweating and felt sticky on his skin. He was hugged by Li
Zhenran from behind, struggling to take a shower.
Li Zhenran didn’t feel sleepy at this time, he tightly
wrapped Li Zhenruo’s waist with one hand, and pulled his
face with the other hand to make him turn to look at him.

Li Zhenruo’s neck almost broke.

Li Zhenran said, “Are you a cat demon?”
This topic has not been brought up for a long time, and Li
Zhenruo almost forgot. When he had just transformed into
h f h h dd b dh df l h
a human form, Li Zhenran had doubted him and felt that Li
Zhenruo knew too much, and he didn’t look like an ignorant
little demon who had just transformed into a human form.
Later, he interrupted him. Li Zhenran hasn’t mentioned it
for a long time. Li Zhenruo didn’t know what he did today
that made Li Zhenran suddenly grab and asked him about
this matter.
Li Zhenruo said, “Yes, otherwise what am I?”

Li Zhenran squeezed his face with a lot of strength, “I think

you are a thousand-year-old demon?”
Li Zhenruo wanted to roll his eyes and retorted, “From
where is that age from?”
Li Zhenran said, “Did an old demon from Montenegro send
you to seduce men and suck people’s Yang energy?”
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath, grabbed Li Zhenran’s hand
and pushed it away, “Don’t talk nonsense, you are the one
tormenting me to death yourself, and now you have the
nerve to blame me?” He rolled over and sat up, his waist
was still a bit sore and weak.
Li Zhenran propped his head on one hand and looked at
him with a faint smile on his face.

Li Zhenruo turned his head, hesitated, and then turned his

whole body around. He casually sat cross-legged in front of
Li Zhenran and said, “I’m not a thousand-year-old demon,
I’m just an ordinary young demon. I met some catastrophe
and suffered some injuries. Then in order to defend the
core, I transformed into a cub, and ended up in a pet store
just to be bought by someone.”
This was complete nonsense. If Li Zhenran wants to insist
on getting to the bottom of the matter, Li Zhenruo may not
be able to complete the whole story, but he felt that with Li
Zhenran’s character, he would not ask too much.

ll b hf b
Originally, it was bizarre enough for a cat to become a
human, so let’s make it a little more mysterious and make
up a reasonable history for himself.
Besides, there really were demons in this world. Didn’t you
think Xia Hongshen is?
Li Zhenran really did not pursue it until the end. He just
raised his hand, touched Li Zhenruo’s chest, right where
the heart was, and asked him, “Is the injury healed?”

Li Zhenruo felt his heart pounding wildly, he stared at Li

Zhenran and said, “Yes, you see I can even maintain my
human form.” After speaking, he licked his lips again,
trying to hide his nervousness, and said, “In the past, only
when I was in a rut, and the spiritual power was unstable,
it was possible to transform into a human form.”
Li Zhenran raised his hand and stroked Li Zhenruo’s moist
lips with his fingers.
This kind of tender look at Li Zhenruo really made Li
Zhenruo feel a little uncomfortable. He simply closed his
eyes, rushed towards Li Zhenran, pressed him on the bed
and kissed his lips.
What’s the point of talking so much? You’d better do it
On Sunday night, Li Zhentai and Wen Chun returned from
Saipan after taking their wedding photos. They didn’t go
for a long time this time, mainly because there were still
many things to prepare for the wedding, and there was not
too much time to rest.

Because Li Zhenzi was hammered by Li Jianglin, he has

been abnormally well-behaved in the past two days. After
dinner, he went back to his room and locked himself up
without harassing Wen Chun.
During dinner, Zhu Kai asked Wen Chun, “Is it fun?”

h l d h h f b k
Wen Chun smiled, “Where’s the fun, just busy taking
pictures and feeling exhausted.”
Zhu Kai said with a smile, “At the most beautiful moment of
a woman’s life, with her favourite man, wearing the most
beautiful clothes and leaving a memory of love in the most
beautiful place, what is a little tired?”
Wen Chun heard the words and still smiled, but if one
looked closely, the smile was somewhat reluctant, with a
little unclear meaning.

Li Zhenruo was lying on the side and thought that Zhu Kai
must have done it on purpose. In the beginning, he made a
special call to ask Zhu Kai to tell Li Jianglin of Wen Chun’s
affair, of course, Zhu Kai couldn’t have forgotten it so
He knew that Wen Chun had a problem with Li Zhentai’s
feelings, and he deliberately said it to irritate people.
Zhu Kai is such a s/ut!
Li Zhenruo licked his paws and looked at Li Zhentai, who
was talking to Li Jianglin: Was it you who called Yue Zijia
that night?
On Monday morning, Yunlin had a relatively large board of
directors, and Li Jianglin was invited to attend.

Li Zhenruo followed Li Zhenran into Yunlin, but Li Zhenran

ignored him. He packed up and walked towards the
conference room. He left Li Zhenruo to put on a set of
clothes by himself and rummage through the cabinets. He
still could not find his ID card, so he could only collect the
money and card and went out.
Hua Yibang had also followed Li Zhenran to the conference
room at this time. Li Zhenruo had just come out of Li
Zhenran’s office when he saw the door of the opposite
office open, and Li Zhenzi hurriedly walked towards the
h h dd l d d h
Seeing Li Zhenruo, Li Zhenzi suddenly stopped, and then
smiled at him, “Are you here to find my second brother?”
Li Zhenruo pretended to be timid, “Ran ge said he had a
meeting and told me to go first.”
Su Yao came out after Li Zhenzi and was a little surprised
to see Li Zhenruo, but she reminded Li Zhenzi, “We’re
going to be late.”
Li Zhenzi didn’t have time to talk nonsense with Li
Zhenruo. He pressed the elevator and hurried in.

Li Zhenruo waited for him to leave, then pressed the

elevator button-down and stood in the corridor waiting
He has something he intended to do today, which has been
in his heart for a long time, and he has not acted because
he was worried about Li Zhenran.
To this day, he still wore the collar that Li Zhenran put on
him by himself. And in order to make him less obtrusive
when maintaining his human form, Li Zhenran gave him a
thinner collar. If one didn’t look carefully, it seemed like he
was wearing a necklace around his neck. This collar still
has a positioning function, and apart from cutting it with
scissors, Li Zhenruo couldn’t take it off without knowing
the password.
The reason for wearing the collar was because Li Zhenruo
had sneaked away once, and Li Zhenran said that this kind
of behaviour should be put to an end. But Li Zhenruo didn’t
know whether Li Zhenran would always keep track of his
whereabouts and observe where he went. In fact, for Li
Zhenran, even without this collar, it was not difficult to
know where he went.

Of course, Li Zhenran would not necessarily do this.

After overhearing the phone call between Yue Zijia and
“that person” of the Li family at the charity dinner, Li
h h d h h h h d l d d d d
Zhenruo had a thorn in his heart. He had already decided
that the call must have been with Li Zhentai, and there was
always a voice telling him to rule out the possibility of it
being Li Jianglin.
Where did Yue Zijia get Li Jianglin’s semen? Did she hook
up with the son and then hooked up with his father?
Li Zhenruo was restless. He thought about Zhao Yuqiong’s
former residence. The last time he went, he thought about
finding someone to unlock it and go in to see if he could
find any of Zhao Yuqiong’s remnants. After that, he had to
temporarily put the idea down because of various things.
Now, Li Zhenruo felt that he couldn’t wait any longer.

When he stepped out of the elevator, he suddenly thought

about how he should answer if Li Zhenran knew and asked
him. After thinking about it, he felt that he had no way to
answer because Li Zhenran was a smart person. If Li
Zhenruo’s mother was involved, Li Zhenran would not
believe it if he said he wanted to distance himself and hide
the relationship.
Then let’s do it at that time, Li Zhenruo thought to himself,
anyway, he was sure that Li Zhenran had nothing to do
with this matter.

The author has something to say:

Why do you think something will happen? The swimming
pool is for the sullen1Originally the word is 闷骚 (mēnsāo)
which is the transliteration of the English “Man show”,
which commonly refers to a person who is calm on the
outside but enthusiastic on the inside. second brother to go
Chapter 42
Finding someone to unlock Zhao Yuqiong’s former
residence was much easier than Li Zhenruo expected.

At first, he was worried that the next-door neighbour would

come out and accuse him as a thief, but he didn’t expect
that the building was really about to be demolished, and
even the few remaining residents had moved out.
Li Zhenruo found an unprofessional locksmith and spent
100 yuan for that person to help him unlock the door.

The locksmith took the money and left. Li Zhenruo slowly

pushed open the wooden door that had been covered by
dust for a long time, and the old mouldy smell filled his
nostrils. Actually, the house was kept clean. Although Zhao
Yuqiong had left, Li Jianglin had found someone to clean
the room. All the furniture was covered with white cloth,
and the windows were all locked from the inside.
It was just that Li Jianglin seemed to have forgotten about
the house after he found someone to clean it up. No one
has come in and touched the furniture for so many years.
The furniture in the house was very simple. It was just a
small apartment with one bedroom, one living room, and a
very old TV style. Li Zhenruo has some doubts that if it
could be used at all now. He stood quietly in the living
room for a while, and in a trance, he seemed to see a young
woman with a big belly sitting down on the sofa with
difficulty, then lowered her head and gently stroked her

He took a deep breath and walked toward Zhao Yuqiong’s

The bedroom has a large bed, a bedside table, a desk and a
wardrobe. Since the room was not big, the furniture was
d l
arranged compactly.
Li Zhenruo reached out and opened the cabinet, and
thought that he could see Zhao Yuqiong’s previous clothes.
To be honest, his emotions were very complicated, and he
was even a little scared, but when he opened the door of
the cabinet, he found that there was nothing inside.
He was stunned for a moment, Li Zhenruo wondered if
there was a custom to burn all the clothes of the deceased.
He didn’t know much about it, but he seemed to have heard
of it when he was a child.

So he walked to the front of the desk. Li Zhenruo sat down

and opened the drawer.
There were some miscellaneous items in the drawer,
including some women’s small jewellery and one ruby
necklaces that looked very tacky now. The ruby was
obviously an artificial fake gem, and it was not worth much,
but Zhao Yuqiong still carefully store it away.
Li Zhenruo found an album in the drawer on the right side,
he hurriedly took it out and opened it, but found that it was
an empty album with no photos posted in it.
After he stared blankly for a moment, Li Zhenruo noticed
that it was a children’s album, from the baby’s one-month-
old birthday to the age of one or two, recording the
trajectory of the child’s growth. He thought that this might
have been prepared for him by Zhao Yuqiong, but
unfortunately, she was not able to accompany her son to
grow up.

There were a lot of emotions that he thought he wouldn’t

care about, but at this time they came out in a flood. Li
Zhenruo lowered his head and put the album back, and
slowly closed his eyes.
He rummaged through the drawers of the desk and
couldn’t find anything of value. He didn’t find a letter or the

d h h df h dd l
diary he hoped for, just as this empty room didn’t leave
many records about this woman.
Li Zhenruo stood up and put his last hope on the bedside
There were two drawers on the bedside table. The one on
the top was filled with keys and some old certificates, while
the one on the bottom was empty. The bottom was covered
with newspapers, perhaps previously used to put socks and
underwear within the personal belongings.

Li Zhenruo was originally squatting on the edge of the bed

and wanted to get up at this time, but suddenly noticed that
there seemed to be a white piece of paper under the
mattress, showing a small corner on the outside. If he
didn’t look carefully, he wouldn’t notice it at all.
He reached out and grabbed a piece of paper, raised the
mattress with the other hand, and pulled out the piece of
paper. Only then did he see clearly that it was the back of a
photo, and there was not only one photo under it. He
hurriedly pulled out the other one as well.
As he flipped the photo to see the front, Li Zhenruo saw
that it was a group photo of two people. The colour in the
photo seemed to be too old and had begun to turn yellow.
The background of the photo was probably a scenic spot in
China, and there were two people in front, one of them was
a young Zhao Yuqiong, and the other was a young man.
Because the person was photographed somewhat small, it
was difficult to see the man’s face clearly, but Li Zhenruo
was sure that it was not Li Jianglin.
He flipped through another photo, this time it was a one-
person photo. It was the man in the photo just now,
wearing the same clothes, standing in front of a stone
monument in a scenic area. This photo was so clear that Li
Zhenruo can see his facial features carefully.

He unconsciously tightened his fingers while holding the

photo, because he could see clearly that the man’s
l l l h
appearance was clearly similar to his.
If that man were to stand with Li Jianglin, he would
probably doubt that he was not Li Jianglin’s biological son
just by looking at him.
Li Zhenruo’s legs become a little numb after squatting for a
long time. He got up and sat down beside the bed
regardless of the dust on the bed. He never took his eyes
off the photo. He knew what these two photos meant. If Li
Jianglin saw these two photos at the beginning, then he
would not be Li Zhenruo, maybe his surname was Zhao, or
maybe it was something else.
Before, he had been thinking about who had discovered
what clues and began to doubt his relationship with Li
Jianglin. Now he was holding these two photos in his hand,
and he began to have some thoughts in his heart.

Li Zhenruo bent down and carefully looked at the traces

under the mattress. He believed that these two photos
should have been pressed here for more than 20 years and
no one could find them. When he pulled it out just now, it
was even stuck to the bedboard and needed to be removed
with force. So are there other pictures? Could it be that the
man in this photo has appeared?
He sat up straight and raised his hand to rustle his hair.
If he had discovered these two photos a few years ago, his
first reaction would have been to destroy the remains, but
now it was no longer necessary. Anyway, it was a secret
that was no longer important.
He stood up with the photo and planned to take it away.
There were other things besides the picture, and it seemed
that Li Jianglin has completely forgotten about the
existence of this house. Even if it was demolished, he would
definitely not come to remove the things, because it was
meaningless to him. At that time, this stuff would probably
be transported and disposed of together with the
construction waste. If he wanted to take away some
memories of Zhao Yuqiong, then there was only now.
But Li Zhenruo also has a problem, that was, that he had no
place of his own now, and he must live with Li Zhenran. No
matter where these things were stored, it would be difficult
not to be discovered by Li Zhenran.
After he hesitated for a while, Li Zhenruo put away the
photos, including the tacky ruby necklace in the drawer
and the blank photo album, and put them into an empty file
bag, then quietly exited and closed the door.
Li Zhenruo left Zhao Yuqiong’s former residence and called
Feng Junyuan.
Dr. xiao Feng was still working in the hospital at this time
and received a call from Li Zhenruo asking him to come to
the hospital to find him.
Li Zhenruo took a taxi and found him in the surgical
department where Feng Junyuan worked. He handed the
file bag to him and said, “Doctor Feng, could you please
help me keep these things?”

Feng Junyuan saw that his attitude was so solemn, and

asked, “Is it a very valuable thing?”
Li Zhenruo shook his head, “It’s not worth the money, but
it’s important to me.”
Feng Junyuan looked down at the old and yellowed file bag,
nodded and replied, “Okay.”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but smile, “Thank you so much,
you have helped me a lot, but please don’t tell Mr. Luo
about this, I don’t know if it’s okay?”
Feng Junyuan replied, “Well, but even if Luo Fei knew
about it, he wouldn’t say anything to Li Zhenran.”

Even when he knew what he was thinking was seen

through by the other party, Li Zhenruo didn’t care, and

d h ll d h k
said, “It’s nothing really, I just don’t want him to know
something now.”
Feng Junyuan said, “Don’t worry.”
For some reason, Li Zhenruo felt very relieved when he
heard Feng Junyuan say “don’t worry”. He has a strange
sense of trust in Feng Junyuan and Song Jun, probably
because Feng Junyuan offered him a helping hand when he
was most at a loss and helpless, making him feel that this
person was truly reliable.
As he left the hospital, Li Zhenruo saw that it was late, so
he took a taxi back to Yunlin.
The security guard downstairs already knew him, and no
one came forward to stop him. It was almost time to get off
work at that time, and Li Zhenruo was in a hurry to leave,
afraid that Li Zhenran would call him later. He hurried into
the VIP elevator leading to the 22nd floor and above. When
he looked up, he found that there was still a person
standing inside, and it turned out to be Li Jianglin.

The elevator came up from the first floor, and Li Zhenruo

was frozen. He realized that Li Jianglin had probably
returned from something temporarily, and had just come
out of the underground parking lot to go up to the twenty-
fourth floor where his office was located.
The elevator dedicated to the Li family was not forbidden to
be used by other employees, but except for new employees
or people from outside who occasionally made mistakes,
the company employees usually do not use this elevator.
When Li Zhenruo rushed in, Li Jianglin just glanced at him,
stood up straight with crutches in his hand, and said
He didn’t ask, Li Zhenruo simply pretended not to know,
and even pretended not to recognize Li Jianglin, pressed
the elevator door with his back to him, and pressed the
button leading to the twenty-third floor.

h l hl h l dh
The elevator went up smoothly, Li Zhenruo lowered his
head and wanted to hum some songs pretending to be

When they reached the tenth floor, the elevator seemed to

shake. Li Zhenruo immediately looked up and saw that the
elevator was still going up, but as it goes up two more
floors, the elevator shook more and more. Li Zhenruo
began to feel that something was wrong, so he reached out
and pressed the nearest elevator floor and want the
elevator to stop.
Sure enough, when it reached the thirteenth floor, the
elevator stopped, but it stopped completely. After making a
clanging sound, it stopped firmly, but the elevator door did
not open.
Li Zhenruo hurriedly pressed the door button, but there
was no response, and the light above his head flashed and
suddenly went out.
Now he could be sure that he has encountered an elevator
failure. After he dazed for a little, Li Zhenruo pressed the
call button outside and called for help.
“Anyone?” Li Zhenruo shouted. He didn’t hear a reply from
outside, and he didn’t know if the communication line was
malfunctioning, or if no one could hear his call for help.

At the same time, Li Zhenruo heard a crisp sound behind

him. He didn’t realize what it was at first, but then he
suddenly remembered that Li Jianglin was still inside, and
the sound just now sounded like Li Jianglin’s crutch fell to
the ground on the elevator floor.
Not only did Li Jianglin fall down on his crutches, but he
also seemed to be very uncomfortable. His hand was
propped on the elevator wall and looked like he was
Li Zhenruo could barely see Li Jianglin’s figure by the
emergency light on the elevator panel. He stepped forward
h l h d k d ld l h
to help him and asked, “Old man, are you alright?”
With the help of Li Zhenruo, Li Jianglin stood up forcibly,
covering his chest with one hand, as if he was too
uncomfortable to speak.
Li Zhenruo knew that Li Jianglin had a heart problem, but
he didn’t expect that he would suddenly fall ill at this time.
At this time, he couldn’t care to continue to call for help.
He could only help Li Jianglin to lie down first, and knelt on
the ground to let him rest on his knees. He reached out to
touch Li Jianglin’s jacket pocket. He knew that Li Jianglin
had the habit of carrying medicines with him.

After he found the medicine bottle, Li Zhenruo hurriedly

unscrewed the cap, poured out the medicine and fed it to Li
Jianglin’s mouth, saying, “Old man, take the medicine
Li Jianglin opened his mouth and swallowed the medicine.
Li Zhenruo then immediately took out his mobile phone and
called Li Zhenran. His tone was hurried. As soon as Li
Zhenran answered the phone, he said, “Your father and I
are trapped in the company elevator. Your father has a
heart attack now, quickly find someone to get him out!”
Li Zhenran asked calmly, “Which floor are you on?”
Li Zhenruo said, “The thirteenth floor! We’re in the VIP
elevator, hurry up.”

Li Zhenran seemed to have already acted, and he said,

“Wait for me.”
He didn’t hang up the phone, but Li Zhenran didn’t care to
talk to him. He called out to Hua Yibang to call the
engineering department and the security department, while
he took another elevator to go down to the thirteenth floor.
In the small and dark space, Li Zhenruo could only hear Li
Jianglin’s rapid breathing, and he couldn’t help raising his
hand to wipe the sweat from Li Jianglin’s forehead.
l h b l lf h l h hh k
Li Jianglin was not his biological father. Although he knew
it for a long time, he still felt nervous and heartbroken at
this time.
Li Zhenran’s side was very efficient. In less than two
minutes, many people had gathered outside the elevator,
planning to pry open the elevator door directly.

When Li Zhenruo heard Li Zhenran calling him on the

phone, he quickly put it to his ear and said, “I’m here.”
Li Zhenran asked, “Are you all right?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I’m fine, but your father is not very well.”
At this time, Li Zhenruo found that the elevator door had
been pried open, and soon after that, several security
personnel opened the elevator door that was powered off
for safety. Li Zhenruo half supported and carried Li Jianglin
first and sent him out.
Li Zhenran reached out and took Li Jianglin, picked him up
in person, and hurried into the elevator next door. He had
to take Li Jianglin to the hospital.

Li Zhenruo was a little out of strength and stretched out his

hand to hold the inner wall of the elevator. The staff
outside called him loudly. With the help of others, he got
out of the elevator, waved his hand and said nothing, and
then stood quietly with his back against the wall for a
“Are you okay?”
Li Zhenruo suddenly heard someone ask him, and turned to
see that it was Hua Yibang.
Hua Yibang said to him, “Zhenran asked me to take you
back first. Shall we go now?”
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a while and thought that he
would definitely not be able to go back to Li’s house like
this. He was somewhat ashamed to turn into a cat in front
f b h l h kh h d d d
of Hua Yibang, so he simply shook his head and said, “No,
I’ll go to Ran ge’s office and stay there for a while, you can
go first, don’t worry about me.”

Hua Yibang was obviously hesitant because Li Zhenran

ordered him to send this… um… his cat back to Li’s house.
Li Zhenruo pointed upstairs, “His office is unlocked, right?”
Hua Yibang took out the card from his pocket and gave it to
Li Zhenruo took it and said with a smile, “Thank you, xiao
Hua ge,” and then walked to the side and pressed the
elevator upstairs.
Hua Yibang did not follow him upstairs but called Li
Zhenran to say that his little cat refused to go back, and
was in his office now. In fact, Hua Yibang’s word in his
heart was “your little stray cat”, but he was too
embarrassed to say it.
Li Zhenran said to Hua Yibang, “Let him go, you don’t have
to worry about him.”

Li Zhenruo went up to the 23rd floor alone, opened the

door of Li Zhenran’s office with a key card, and then turned
on all the lights. He walked slowly to the desk to sit down.
Li Zhenran’s office was almost the same as his previous
office. He sat on a chair with his eyes closed and seemed to
be transported back to the past.
Li Zhenruo experienced too many things in just one day,
and he was a little exhausted. As soon as he closed his
eyes, an old photo of Zhao Yuqiong appeared in the
darkness, and the sound of Li Jianglin’s rapid breathing in
the elevator just now sounded in his ears.
Li Zhenruo began to make up stories for the two of them in
his head, thought about how they met, how Zhao Yuqiong
had fornicated with other men and got pregnant and then
tricked Li Jianglin into handing over the child to him.
When he opened his eyes, those pictures disappeared. Li
Zhenruo knew that he would never be able to piece
together a complete truth just with imagination, but the
deeper he dug, the sadder and exhausted he felt.
He took a deep breath, Li Zhenruo sat on the table and
chair, turned for half a circle, slid forward a certain
distance and stopped in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass
window. He stared at the city outside motionlessly and saw
that the sky was slowly darkening until it was pitch black,
the surrounding tall buildings were lit up one after another,
the streets were jammed with cars, and the colours looked
like a gorgeous river.
He stared blankly. He didn’t know how long it was, and
suddenly heard the sound of the office door being opened.
Li Zhenran was back.
He was still wearing the suit he used to go to work today,
his slender legs wrapped in straight suits and trousers, and
walked slowly towards the window. When he passed the
desk, he threw the key card on it and made a crisp sound,
and then stood behind Li Zhenruo.

“What are you looking at?” Li Zhenran asked Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo did not answer.
Li Zhenran reached out with one hand, and pressed his
palm against Li Zhenruo’s neck, slowly stroking it upwards.
His palms were dry and warm, full of irresistible force,
holding Li Zhenruo’s lower jaw to raise his head, then bent
down and kissed Li Zhenruo’s lips.
A kiss full of encroachment, after the kiss ended, Li
Zhenruo found himself gasping for breath.
Chapter 43
“Have you eaten yet?” Li Zhenran asked him.

At that moment, Li Zhenruo decided to tidy up his messy

emotions. He touched Li Zhenran’s hand, held it, and said,
“Not yet, how is your father?”
Li Zhenran took his hand to make him stand up, sat on the
office chair by himself, and then held Li Zhenruo’s waist
and let him sit on top of him.

This was a bit awkward, well, it was not too awkward, since
Li Zhenruo has long been used to sitting on Li Zhenran’s
As Li Zhenran rubbed Li Zhenruo’s side waist lightly, he
said, “It’s nothing, he’s going to stay in the hospital for a
few days for observation.”
Li Zhenruo asked him, “Then why did you come back?”

Li Zhenran said, “The hospital has nurses, so I don’t need

to watch the night. Eldest brother and the third child have
already rushed over.”
Li Zhenruo said, “That’s good.”
Li Zhenran suddenly chuckled, and Li Zhenruo turned to
look at him inexplicably.
Li Zhenran tilted his head with a smile in his eyes, “My dad
said that the boy who rescued him in the elevator
pretended not to know him at first, but when he saw him
sick, he immediately knew who he was.”

h d d b b hf l f l f b
Li Zhenruo pretended to be bashful, “It’s my fault for being
a little nervous about being in the elevator with him. I’m
afraid he would suspect our relationship.”
“What’s our relationship?” Li Zhenran held his hand tightly.
Li Zhenruo shook his upper body gently, “Isn’t it the
relationship between the owner and the pet?”
This sounded like it had a double meaning, and Li Zhenruo
knew that it would definitely be an answer that would
satisfy Li Zhenran.

Sure enough, Li Zhenran let out an “um—” sound. “You

know, there are some things the owner will worry about. As
a pet, all you have to do is to make the owner happy,
Li Zhenruo wanted to roll his eyes, but his mouth was
exceptionally smart, “I know, Master.”
Li Zhenran reached out and pulled the collar on his neck,
“Let’s go, I’ll take you to dinner, what do you want to eat?”
Li Zhenruo replied, “Eat whatever you want, as long as it’s
not cat food.”

At this time, the driver had been sent back by Li Zhenran,

and when he came out of the company, Li Zhenran
personally drove the car and took Li Zhenruo around on the
street without a destination.
Later, when he saw a long queue at a small restaurant on
the side of the road, Li Zhenruo pointed out, “Let’s eat
Li Zhenran didn’t object. He found a place to park the car
nearby and walked over to eat with Li Zhenruo.
Before getting out of the car, Li Zhenran took off his suit
jacket and tie, made an opening on his collar, and rolled up
his sleeves. In summer, the evening temperature was
nearly 30 degrees. Li Zhenran usually stayed in places with
d dd l lk h lk h
air conditioning. Suddenly walking on the street like this
made it look like he was dressing too thick.

And Li Zhenruo dressed casually in a T-shirt and

sweatpants, like a student.
When Li Zhenran rolled up his sleeves, Li Zhenruo
suddenly felt that he was terribly sexy.
“Let’s go,” Li Zhenran patted Li Zhenruo’s head, opened
the door and got out of the car.
It was just a quick glance just now. Li Zhenruo only saw a
lot of people lining up outside the restaurant and didn’t
know what they were eating. Only then did he come to
know that it was a shop selling spicy crayfish.

They took a number and asked the restaurant waiter. They

knew it would take almost half an hour to line up.
Li Zhenruo was a little hesitant because it was too hot
outside, but Li Zhenran didn’t care and sat down on the
small stool.
It was a strange feeling. If it were in the past, even if he
were killed, he wouldn’t believe that one day he and Li
Zhenran would sit in line outside a small roadside
restaurant, waiting for a meal of crayfish. Even if it was
really delicious, Li Zhenruo would only ask someone to buy
it for him, instead of sitting here stupidly queuing up, let
alone with Li Zhenran.
Suddenly, Li Zhenran reached out and held the hand he
had placed beside him.

Li Zhenruo could not help but tense up for a moment and

tried to see if anyone around noticed. At this time, the
people in line were either chatting or looking down at their
mobile phones. No one paid attention to them anyway.
After a little twitching, he took Li Zhenran’s hand back as a
matter of course.
h f h dd k h h d f h
The two of them didn’t speak, they sat on the side of the
road and held hands quietly. Even if it was their first love,
Li Zhenruo had never tried to be so clingy with others.
After waiting for about ten minutes, Li Zhenruo saw a
young man and woman pass by in front of him. They looked
like they were dressed like college students.
When he passed in front of him, the man stopped in his
tracks, and the long-haired girl continued to walk forward
to find the waiter in the restaurant to line up.
The boy stood still, turned his head and looked at Li

Li Zhenruo was stunned and looked at the boy, only to see

that he was tall and thin, with fair and handsome features.
The boy was wearing a plaid shirt and denim trousers and
looked very refined.
The boy looked at Li Zhenruo’s eyes with some doubt, but
Li Zhenruo felt his heart beating violently at this moment.
He looked at the boy and almost couldn’t help standing up,
but when he moved, he felt that Li Zhenran was holding his
palm with the strength increased slightly.
Li Zhenruo turned to look at Li Zhenran and saw that Li
Zhenran was frowning at him before he snapped out of it.
At this time, the girl who was with the boy got the number,
went back to him and joked with him, took his hand and
walked to the vacant seat next to him to sit down and wait
for the number.
The two left Li Zhenruo’s sight, and he heard Li Zhenran
ask him in his ear, “Do you know him?”

Li Zhenruo shook his head a little dazedly.

Li Zhenran said, “Then what are you looking at?”
He felt that Li Zhenran’s tone was a bit unhappy and
quickly said, “I just think…… He might not be human.”
h d h ll d d
Li Zhenruo said this nonsense casually in order to divert Li
Zhenran’s attention. It was a bit strange to tell the truth
just now. The reason for the rapid heartbeat was that Li
Zhenruo felt an indescribable attraction. At that moment,
he even thought he was in love with the boy at first sight.
But when he thought about it carefully, there was
something wrong. The attraction was not so much a mental
attraction, but a physical one, completely out of the control
of his own thinking. Li Zhenruo thought it was strange, so
he decided to remember this matter and consult Xia
Hongshen when he had time.

And Li Zhenran was successfully distracted by him, “Not a

Li Zhenruo nodded, “I guess he’s my kind. You should be
more careful next time you see him.”
Li Zhenran had no idea in his mind, so he ignored his
After waiting in line for half an hour, it was finally the two
of them’s turn.
Li Zhenran sat down and read the menu for a while, then
raised his head and asked the waiter, “Can cats eat

Li Zhenruo was wiping the table with a piece of paper, and

looked at him for a while, and saw that he had a serious
look on his face.
The waiter froze and said, “Ah, can it? Don’t cats like to eat
fish? Fish and shrimp should be similar, right?”
Li Zhenran thought about it for a while and seemed to think
it made sense, so he said, “One pound each for fried and
The two had a full meal outside, and then the young man
and woman came in and happened to be sitting at the table
behind Li Zhenran. As soon as Li Zhenruo looked up, he
f d h h b h d l k h
found that the boy on the opposite side was looking at him.
When he looked over, the boy didn’t turn his eyes away and
just stared straight at him.
Later, Li Zhenruo didn’t dare to stare at him for too long,
for fear that Li Zhenran would notice and it would make
him unhappy.

As they returned to Li’s house in the evening, Li Zhenruo

hid in the car and changed back to the appearance of a cat.
The clothes that fell off were folded by Li Zhenran and
brought back upstairs for him.
Li Zhenruo followed Li Zhenran into the living room and
saw Wen Chun talking to Wang Ma in the dining room.
When Wang Ma saw Li Zhenran, she stood up from her
chair and said, “Did you take your father to the hospital
Li Zhenran nodded.
Li Zhenruo stuck his head out from his leg and saw Wang
Ma also look worried.

“How did he have an attack in the elevator?” Wang Ma

asked with a sigh.
Li Zhenran said, “It’s probably due to the elevator
malfunction. It’s already fine, don’t worry, Wang Ma.”
“Oh dear—” Wang Ma shook her head and said, “As you get
older, your health just gets worse and worse.” He didn’t
know if she was talking about Li Jianglin, or herself.
Wen Chun was sitting by the dining table with a water
glass in her hand, but she also stood up and asked Li
Zhenran, “I heard that the person who gave dad first aid in
the elevator today was your new assistant?”
Li Zhenran nodded, “Yes.”

h d l h h
Wen Chun said strangely, “How come I haven’t seen him
Li Zhenran said to her, “The new one is still on probation.”
Wen Chun replied, “Oh…” After she finished speaking, she
noticed the cat following Li Zhenran’s legs, smiled and
waved, “Dumpling.”
Li Zhenruo wanted to raise his paw to wave at her, he half
raised his paws and felt it was not quite right. So he
grabbed Li Zhenran’s trouser leg, pretended to be afraid,
and pressed his face to Li Zhenran’s leg.
Li Zhenran glanced at him and said to Wen Chun and the
others, “I’ll go upstairs first.”

Li Zhenruo sprang out from his legs and ran upstairs first.
Early the next morning, Li Zhenruo turned over beside Li
Zhenran’s bed and didn’t notice that his cat’s paw hit Li
Zhenran’s face and woke him up.
Li Zhenran opened his eyes and grabbed his paw. He was
originally about to throw Li Zhenruo off the bed, but he just
put Li Zhenruo’s paw on his lips and kissed it lightly.
Li Zhenruo opened his eyes inexplicably, looked at him with
sleepy eyes, and scratched his eyes with his paws.
Li Zhenran sat up and called the hospital to ask about Li
Jianglin’s condition.

Li Zhenruo turned over and got out of bed to go to the

bathroom. When he came out, he had become a naked
young man. He walked to the bed and sat cross-legged,
yawned, and asked, “Is dad all right?”
Li Zhenran threw the phone aside, leaned his body back
against the bed, looked at him and said, “You called him so

h ll h lf k d h h h d
Li Zhenruo was still half awake, and when he heard Li
Zhenran’s question, he quickly got up and rushed forward,
wrapping his arms around Li Zhenran’s neck, almost
touching his lips and saying, “Then what should I call him?
Li Zhenran put one arm around his waist and rubbed
lightly, “Then aren’t you going to call me dad?”
Inside his heart, Li Zhenruo was thinking, Li Zhenran you
are so shameless, I really didn’t see this before! But his
mouth said, “What are you talking about!” After that, he
kissed Li Zhenran’s lips.

An inexplicable conversation developed into a passionate

scene early in the morning. Li Zhenruo felt that he should
be cautious and not make Li Zhenran suspect him.
Otherwise, Li Zhenran wouldn’t always be able to be
fooled, and he would definitely doubt him over time.
Maybe Li Zhenran had suspected him for a long time, but
his thoughts were too deep to let Li Zhenruo see it.
Li Zhenruo was panting slightly, his sweaty head resting on
Li Zhenran’s shoulders, his arms wrapped around his waist.
Li Zhenran said suddenly, “Dad asked you to come over.”
Li Zhenruo wanted to ask “What did Dad call me over for?”,
but he knew that he couldn’t say it without saying the word
“Dad”. With a knot in his head, he said, “What did Grandpa
tell me to do?”
Li Zhenran laughed, his chest shook, and he pinched Li
Zhenruo’s face and saying, “He wants to see the grandson.”

No matter how thick-skinned Li Zhenruo was, he couldn’t

help being a little ashamed. He scratched his face and said,
“What if he suspects us?”
“What can we do?” Li Zhenran said, “It doesn’t matter.”

h l k d h d h
Li Zhenruo looked up at his expression and saw that Li
Zhenran’s expression was calm as if he really didn’t care if
Li Jianglin knew that his son was entangled with a man.
Li Zhenran had already got up at this time, patted Li
Zhenruo’s head, and said, “Son, go take a bath, and follow
me to the hospital later.”

Li Zhenruo knew that his temporary slip of the tongue

would definitely be made fun of by Li Zhenran for a long
time. He wanted to go out and call Li Zhenran dad, but
after all, he couldn’t say it, because it reminded him of Li
Jianglin, so he could only endure the sulking.
When he went out with Li Zhenran in the morning, he was
still a cat, but when he arrived at the hospital, he became a
handsome young man. But it was a pity that the clothes
were the same as yesterday.
“You left all your clothes in the company,” Li Zhenran said
impatiently, “My dad can see if you are wearing my
Li Zhenruo took the T-shirt and smelled it, and could still
smell the smell of crayfish.
Li Jianglin lives in the VIP ward and was guarded by a
dedicated nurse and a doctor who was directly in charge of
his hospital bed. It didn’t matter even if there was no family
to accompany him.

Li Zhenran knocked on the door first, then twisted the door

handle to go in.
Li Zhenruo stood by the door and did not follow up
immediately, but quietly leaned against the wall to wait for
him. After a while, Li Zhenran opened the door and said to
him, “Come in.”
Li Jianglin had already woken up and leaned on the bed. He
seemed to be in good spirits.

h lk d b d f ll d d
Li Zhenruo walked in, bowed respectfully and greeted, “Mr.
Li Jianglin looked at him for a moment, then smiled and
said, “Are you Zhenran’s assistant?”

Li Zhenruo said quickly, “I’m still in the internship period,

and I haven’t officially become the second assistant.”
Li Jianglin asked him, “What’s your name?”
Li Zhenruo glanced at Li Zhenran and said, “Jason.”
Li Jianglin said, “What about your Chinese name?”
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath, hating himself for not being
able to rush over to strangle Li Zhenran. He gritted his
teeth and said, “My name is Li Tuan1he deliberately didn’t
say Tuanzi(dumpling) to avoid suspicion..”

Li Jianglin couldn’t help frowning slightly and then asked,

“Which Tuan2he’s asking about what Chinese word is his
Tuan. See note below.?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Tuan as in regiment.”
Li Jianglin laughed when he heard the words, “Does your
family want you to be a soldier?”
Li Zhenruo thought to himself, thank God that Li Jianglin
didn’t think of a cat called Tuanzi in the Li family, and
replied with a wry smile, “Yes, my dad didn’t tell me.”
Li Jianglin looked at him for a while, “How old are you? You
look quite young.”

Li Zhenruo said, “I am nineteen years old.”

Li Jianglin heard the words and said, “Looks like a high
school student. Why did you work at the age of nineteen
and didn’t go to college?”
h h lk d h d
The more he talked, the more issues were exposed. Li
Zhenruo was unable to make up an identity story out of the
blue, he was afraid that the story would be too careless,
and Li Jianglin would know that there was a problem after
So if you tell a lie, you need to keep lying to make up the
lie, which was really painful.
Li Zhenran answered at this time, “He is doing an
internship while going to university, and it is just summer
vacation now.”

Li Jianglin nodded. It was hard to say whether he believed

it or not. He propped himself on the mattress with his
hands and wanted to change to a more comfortable
Li Zhenruo hurriedly stepped forward to help him.
Li Jianglin patted the back of his hand to show his thanks
and then motioned for Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo to both
sit down, since there was no need to stand while talking.
When Li Zhenran sat down beside the bed, he said, “Jason
is Luo Fei’s cousin.”
Li Zhenruo bit his lip and pretended to be a little

Li Jianglin nodded with understanding and said, “Is that

so.” Then he asked Li Zhenruo, “If you know me, why did
you pretend not to know me in the elevator at first?”
Li Zhenruo’s fingers were crossed and he squeezed them
nervously, “When I rushed in, I thought it was you but I
weren’t sure. And after hesitating, I was embarrassed to
speak, so I pretended not to know you. Didn’t I worry about
you afterwards?”
As Li Jianglin heard him say so, he smile and shook his
h k d l ld b d k
Li Zhenruo asked cautiously, “Old man, is your body okay?”
Li Jianglin said, “It’s nothing, since you are Luo Fei’s
cousin, just call me Uncle Li, you don’t need to be so

Li Zhenruo nodded, coyly afraid to call out.

Li Jianglin asked him again, “How do you know that I have
medicine on me?”
Li Zhenruo said, “One of my uncles has a heart attack. He
said that he takes medicine with him wherever he goes. So
I thought I’d give it a try then, thinking it would be good if I
could find it. I hope it has helped you.”
Li Jianglin smiled at him, “You have helped me a lot, thank
you, young man.”
Li Zhenruo lowered his head and smiled.
Chapter 44
They came out of Li Jianglin’s ward. Li Zhenran walked in
front, and Li Zhenruo followed him closely.

After they entered the elevator, Li Zhenran said, “You act

innocent enough in front of your grandfather.”
Li Zhenruo thought at first that the “your grandfather” Li
Zhenran said was referring to himself but later realized that
he was referring to Li Jianglin. He couldn’t help but say,
“Enough, I just accidentally said the wrong thing, you really
want me to regard you as a father, huh?”

Li Zhenran laughed and raised his hand to touch Li

Zhenruo’s head.
In order to facilitate Li Zhenruo to change his form and
changed his clothes, Li Zhenran still did not let the driver
drive but chose to drive himself.
As they sat in the car, Li Zhenruo thought about it and said,
“Then, have you gotten in touch with Luo Fei?”

Li Zhenran looked calm, “Luo Fei’s side is good.”

After a moment of silence, Li Zhenruo said, “How long will
your father stay in the hospital?”
Li Zhenran said, “He won’t stay for more than two days,
eldest brother’s wedding is less than two weeks away.”
Li Zhenruo counted the time after hearing the words, only
to find that the wedding of Li Zhentai and Wen Chun was
really less than two weeks. He couldn’t help but feel a little
emotional. He didn’t expect Li Zhentai to be married.
Perhaps he would have his children in a blink of an eye.

b h h b h h l h
His brothers have grown up, but he was the only one who
stayed at the age of twenty-three forever.
When he found that his cat was suddenly silent, Li Zhenran
reached out and rubbed his head, “What?”
Li Zhenruo shook his head.
As Li Zhenran expected, Li Jianglin insisted on being
discharged after staying in the hospital for less than a week.
He said that he just had some old man problems. Anyway,
as long as he was careful not to have an attack in the
future, there would be no major problems.

After he visited Li Jianglin, Li Zhenruo suddenly felt that he

could enter and leave Li Zhenran’s office justifiably. From
time to time, he followed Li Zhenran to the company for a
walk, and most of the time he stayed at Li’s house.
Because the wedding was about to be held, Wen Chun and
Li Zhentai were often at home, and Li Zhenruo couldn’t help
but want to keep an eye on them.
One day, Li Zhentai accidentally dropped his phone on the
sofa in the living room. When Li Zhenruo saw his phone
screen flicker, he couldn’t help but look closer and saw that
someone sent a text message.
The content of the text message was: See you tonight.

It didn’t say the time or place, and Li Zhenruo didn’t know if

there was a summary of the previous situation.
The sender’s name was: Y.
Y? Who? Yue Zijia?
When Li Zhenruo heard Li Zhentai’s footsteps going
downstairs, he quickly ran to the sofa’s armrest to plop
down and put his face back on his paws.

h h h h dd h f
That night, sure enough, Li Zhentai didn’t go home for
Wen Chun was at home, and Li Zhenran asked her, “Eldest
brother went out alone?”
She smiled and said, “Yeah, he said there was something
going on, I don’t know where he went.”
Li Zhenruo rolled the cat foods into his mouth with his
tongue. He felt that Li Zhentai must be going to meet his
mistress. The husband and wife were unexpectedly both
adulterous couples.

Even so, the wedding of Li Zhentai and Wen Chun was held
as scheduled.
Wen Chun’s parents were very traditional. All wedding
procedures must follow traditional rules. The best time to
join both families was also calculated by someone.
As a cat, of course, Li Zhenruo couldn’t attend the wedding,
but as Li Zhenran’s assistant Li Tuan, he could show up at
the wedding in an open and fair manner.
Because Li Zhenran wanted to accompany Li Zhentai to
pick up the relatives, he got into Li Zhenran’s car early in
the morning and hid in the back seat and transformed into a
human figure, putting on the clothes prepared in advance.
Anyway, even if he come and go like a shadow, the Li family
couldn’t care less about him today. They were all busy with
the wedding.

Li Zhenran and Li Zhenzi accompanied their eldest brother

to pick up the in-laws, while Zhu Kai directly accompanied
Li Jianglin to the restaurant.
The best man was Li Zhentai’s friend and a son of a big
entrepreneur. This convoy drove in a grandiose way to pick
up the in-laws, and Li Zhenran also drove a car behind to
help support the scene.

h h l h h d d
Li Zhenruo sat on the passenger seat, lowering his head and
wearing socks. After putting on his shoes, he yawned and
turned his head to look out the car window.
It was a lively morning. He didn’t know if Wen Chun really
wanted to marry Li Zhentai. Anyway, when she was being
hugged in her wedding dress, Li Zhenruo still saw some
tears of excitement flashing in Wen Chun’s eyes.
Li Zhenzi joined the crowd and laughed happily, without

Wanfulai was decorated in antique Chinese style, but the

wedding of Li Zhentai and Wen Chun was a Western-style
Li Zhenruo thought it was really boring. If it were up to him,
he would have a Chinese wedding, with a big red flower tied
to his chest, standing at the door of the restaurant and
greeting guests with a salute1

, “Welcome! Welcome!”
He kept walking forward absentmindedly, and suddenly
bumped into Li Zhenran’s back.

h d l k h d h
Li Zhenran turned to look at him, and Li Zhenruo
complained, “Why did you stop suddenly?”
Li Zhenran raised a hand and grabbed his face, pulling him
in front of him.

Li Zhenruo said in a low voice, “Let go! Let go!” He didn’t

want his swollen face to be seen by everyone later.
At this wedding banquet, Li Zhenruo met a lot of
acquaintances. Most of them were relatives and friends of
the Li family and most of Li Zhentai’s friends that he knew.
Li Jianglin was also in a suit and leather shoes today. His
white hair was meticulously combed, he was leaning on a
crutch in his hand, and had a smile on his face. He stood
with Wen Chun’s parents, and when all the guests arrived,
they greet Li Jianglin first.
Zhu Kai stood not far behind Li Jianglin and was looking left
and right when he suddenly saw Li Zhenruo next to Li
Zhenran. He walked in this direction and said with a smile,
“Zhenran, are you not going to introduce him to me?”
Li Zhenran then said to Zhu Kai, “This is my new intern
assistant, Jason; this is my little uncle, called Zhu Kai.”

Li Zhenruo shook hands with Zhu Kai and said, “What a

young uncle.”
Zhu Kai laughed out loud at his words, and Li Zhenruo
didn’t know what he was happy about.
Fortunately, Li Zhenruo was familiar with him, so he
ignored him and treated him as a lunatic.
At this time, the music played by the band gradually
became quieter, and the wedding host took the microphone
to the stage. Today, a well-known TV host, who hosts
entertainment programs that was extraordinarily funny and
humorous was invited.

h d d f d hf h
He came to the stage and said a few words to shift the
atmosphere and announced that the wedding was about to

So Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo sat down at the nearest table,

and Zhu Kai just sat next to Li Zhenruo.
For today’s wedding, although the preparations were a little
rushed, the Li family spent a lot of money. Li Zhentai was Li
Jianglin’s eldest son, and he was the first among the other
children in the generation line to get married, which was
naturally a big deal for the Li family, and at the same time,
Li Jianglin also wants to give more reputation to his old
Although Wen Chun’s family conditions were superior,
compared to the Li family, there was still a big gap. Her
parents pay attention to their reputation, and Li Jianglin has
instructed his sons to give the Wen family this honour so
that they could feel that their daughter was married in a
graceful manner.
So not only was the whole wedding scene luxuriously
decorated, but the wedding steps were also a bit
complicated and lengthy.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t make himself really excited for Li
Zhentai. When the host pulled Li Zhentai to chat, he began
to get distracted.

At this moment, Zhu Kai suddenly leaned into his ear and
whispered, “Today’s wedding will be very exciting, please
pay attention.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned, he looked at Zhu Kai vigilantly,
and a thought suddenly popped up in his heart: Did he
recognize me? It was just that after Zhu Kai finished saying
this, he turned back to look at the front with great interest,
and Li Zhenruo thought that maybe he thought too much.
So what’s the point of Zhu Kai saying that to him?

k h d h
Looking at Zhu Kai’s expression, according to Li Zhenruo’s
understanding of him for many years, he felt that Zhu Kai
was looking forward to something. But what is he looking
forward to? Everyone knew the steps of this wedding in
advance. There was nothing that Zhu Kai could look
forward to. Could it be that he did something in the middle,
and then he was excited to show off to people that he
grabbed Li Zhenruo who happened to be sitting next to him
and said that?
What will Zhu Kai do?

At that time, Li Zhenruo thought it was a little prank, and

Zhu Kai was sometimes keen on these meaningless things.
But it was really inappropriate for this occasion today,
As a result of what he said just now, Li Zhenruo couldn’t
help but get nervous.
The wedding went on in order. Wen Chun, who was wearing
a wedding dress, entered the area holding his father’s hand,
and then was handed over to Li Zhentai.
Li Zhenruo’s eyes followed Wen Chun’s slow pace and
accidentally noticed Yue Zijia sitting opposite.
Yue Zijia also wore a beautiful little dress, with delicate and
decent makeup, and her expression was normal.

Not far from Yue Zijia’s side, he saw Li Zhenzi, and with Li
Zhenzi was Yu Bingwei. When the bride entered, Li Zhenzi
turned his head and whispered to Yu Bingwei, and Yu
Bingwei showed a gentle smile.
Li Zhenruo picked up his cup of tea and took a shallow sip.
The wedding has reached the most sensational stage. The
huge projection screen began to display a group photo of Li
Zhentai and Wen Chun, including a wedding photo and a
daily photo of the two of them. Words from acquaintance to
acquaintance, promises to love each other. There was even
h f h f h h h h ld h
a photo of the two of them when they were children. What
an enviable couple.
Beside him, Zhu Kai rested one elbow on the table, and
lightly rubbed his lips with his fingers.
Li Zhenruo felt that his whole body was a little tense, so he
couldn’t help but start to pay attention to the stage

Suddenly, the large screen, which had always been warm

tones, suddenly dimmed. In order to show the slideshow,
the lights in the entire banquet hall were dimmed. When the
screen went dark, everyone was a little strange, and the
place started to be a little restless.
Soon everyone noticed that it was only because the photo
was changed to a dim tone, and the photo was blurred
because of the magnification, but it could be seen that in
the dark night, a man in pyjamas hugged a woman in
suspender pyjamas from behind.
The photo flashed by like other photos, because it was just
the back, many people didn’t see it clearly, they just
thought it was a photo of Li Zhentai and Wen Chun. At
most, people just found it strange why such a blurry photo
was chosen.
But the Li family members at the scene, especially the
parties involved, could see it clearly. Although the photo
just now was very dark, it could still be seen clearly by the
ambiguous light. The background of the photo was the
dining room on the first floor of the Li family’s house. It was
definitely true that the woman was Wen Chun, and the man,
even if he was only seen from the back and pyjamas, they
could clearly tell that it was Li Zhenzi.
The photo disappeared in a flash, but the expressions of
everyone in the Li family changed.

Li Zhenruo noticed that even Li Zhenran frowned, not to

mention Li Zhentai and Wen Chun on stage.
l h b d h dh h dl dh
Only Zhu Kai beside him covered his mouth and lowered his
head with a muffled laugh, then let go of his hand and made
a serious expression. Li Zhenran glanced at him, stood up
and walked towards Li Jianglin.
Li Zhenruo was a little confused. He still remembered what
happened that night. He saw Li Zhenzi and Wen Chun
cheating in the dining room on the first floor. He also
remembered that Zhu Kai found out and took pictures at
that time.
But after a long time, Zhu Kai has not exposed this matter.
He thought that Zhu Kai just told Li Jianglin privately, but
he did not expect such a thing to be done on such an
occasion today.
He knew that Zhu Kai had always desired to see the world
be plunged into chaos, but he still felt that Zhu Kai had
done too much, and Li Jianglin might not let it go.

Li Zhenruo turned to look at Li Jianglin and saw that

although Li Jianglin still maintained his expression, the
hand holding the crutch was obviously very tightened, and
even trembled slightly.
He whispered a few words to Li Zhenran who walked over.
Li Zhenran nodded and turned around to walk towards the
side of the ceremonial platform where the wedding was
Li Zhentai was also about to lose his composure. Li Zhenruo
guessed that he was in a complicated mood, and he must
have wanted to slap Wen Chun hard, but at the same time,
he was worried about his reputation and didn’t want others
to see it.
Li Zhenran walked to the ceremony table, called Li Zhentai
over, and then whispered a few words in his ear. Li Zhentai
heard the words and looked in the direction of Li Jianglin.
The host was somewhat baffled, waiting for the groom to
come on stage to kiss the bride. Even though the bride kept
silent, she raised her head slightly and straightened her
h h d h d h d
When Li Zhentai returned to the stage, under the guidance
of the host, he pulled Wen Chun’s shoulder and kissed her
on the cheek.

Wen Chun reluctantly curled the corners of her mouth, not

even showing a smile.
At this time, there was another person with an ugly face. Li
Zhenruo looked toward Li Zhenzi and saw that his face was
slightly pale. Everyone on the stage noticed the
strangeness, but not many could relate to that one photo
just now. Some people thought that Li Zhentai lost his
temper because of the wrong photo.
But Li Zhenzi had two people who were familiar with him,
one was Su Yao, who was looking at Li Zhenzi with a frown;
the other was Yu Bingwei. Li Zhenruo saw Yu Bingwei
smiling bitterly to herself. She suddenly stood up and
wanted to leave.
Li Zhenzi grabbed her wrist, “Weiwei?”

Yu Bingwei smiled at him, “I’m going to the bathroom.”

Only then did Li Zhenzi let go of his hand.
The wedding continued.
Li Zhenran returned to the seat and sat down, leaned back
slightly and raised one of his long legs.
Li Zhenruo asked him in a low voice, “Is that Li Zhenzi just
now? How is your eldest brother?”

Li Zhenran said plainly, “Dad said the wedding will

Li Jianglin has spoken, and with Li Zhentai’s character, he
would definitely not disobey him. But it was a bit hard for
him to continue to pretend to hold the wedding as if nothing
was wrong when he just found that he was wearing a big
green hat2a figurative symbol of a husband who was
cheated by his wife.
Zhu Kai had been in a happy mood from the beginning. He
didn’t care even when he saw Li Zhenran was looking at
him, he raised his glass and said, “What a wonderful
Even if he didn’t admit it, Li Jianglin would definitely ask
someone to check, and in the end, it would always be found
on his head.
As soon as the wedding ceremony ended, Li Zhenran got up
and walked toward the lounge next to the banquet hall, and
Li Zhenruo quickly followed. He saw Li Zhenzi stand up and
walk in the direction of Li Jianglin, it seemed that he was
going to surrender himself first and strived for leniency.

At this time, the banquet had already started. Wen Chun

should have gone to change a set of clothes along with Li
Zhentai to toast the guests, but after she came into the
restroom from outside, she had been sitting in silence.
Li Zhentai walked in behind and pushed everything on the
dressing table to the ground.
The bridesmaids and the makeup artist were all taken
aback. Li Zhenran followed closely and said to the
bridesmaids and makeup artists, “Please go out first.” He
then asked the best man to leave, including Li Zhenran’s
assistant, Gao Qi, to go out.
Gao Qi was a little unhappy, but seeing that Li Zhentai was
silent and did not speak, he had to go out silently.
Li Zhenruo wanted to follow up, but Li Zhenran said to him,
“Wait for me outside.”

He was a stranger to Li Zhentai and Wen Chun, and it was

not suitable for him to appear on such an occasion, so he
could only obey Li Zhenran’s instructions and wait at the
h b d d d h
The bridesmaids and groomsmen were whispering, not
knowing exactly what happened, but there were guesses in
their hearts.
After a while, Li Jianglin also came over with the help of Li
Li Jianglin opened the door of the lounge and went in.
Before entering, he said to Li Zhenzi, “Don’t go in.” At this
time, Li Zhenzi’s entry would only make Li Zhentai furious,
so it was better not to show his face.
Li Zhenzi nodded.

After Li Jianglin entered, Li Zhenzi seemed to feel a little

embarrassed when he saw the group of people surrounding
him. He took out a cigarette, hesitated when he wanted to
light it, and finally turned around and walked outside.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t hear what was said inside, but he
guessed that Li Jianglin must be persuading the two of them
to continue the wedding. With so many people on such a big
occasion, the Li family couldn’t afford to lose face.

The author has something to say:

Dog my cats3is an internet term used as a mild curse, or to
express surprise, from The Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn., the plot has all been guessed!
Chapter 45
Li Zhenruo was probably the first person to know about the
relationship between Li Zhenzi and Wen Chun, but he
never told others, so he felt that maybe he could use this as
a bargaining chip and use it to threaten Li Zhenzi and Wen
Chun in the future if it was necessary.

But he didn’t expect Zhu Kai to make things so big.

There were too many people around the door of the lounge,
and there was no movement inside. Li Zhenruo stayed for a
while and walked outside, and saw Yue Zijia was looking
this way with a small handbag in her hand. As she saw Li
Zhenruo looking at her, Yue Zijia showed a gentle smile.

Li Zhenruo hesitated a little and walked towards Yue Zijia,

“Miss Yue.”
Yue Zijia nodded, “Hello, may I ask what’s going on
Li Zhenruo thought for a while, “It seems that the groom
and the bride are quarrelling.”

“Oh?” Yue Zijia was a little surprised. She turned her head
to look in the direction of the lounge, and couldn’t help but
take two steps forward, “What’s going on?”
Li Zhenruo said softly, “Zhentai ge might be in a tight
Yue Zijia looked at him inexplicably.
Li Zhenruo shook his head, “Nothing. Are you not going to

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Yue Zijia smiled and said, “I’m not hungry yet.”
Li Zhenruo said, “You have to eat something even if you are
not hungry. Why don’t you come and sit with me.”
Yue Zijia didn’t know what was on Li Zhenruo’s mind, and
after a little hesitation, she nodded and agreed. The two of
them went back to Li Zhenruo’s table and sat down. Li
Zhenruo also took the initiative to help giving food to Yue
Zijia with chopsticks.
Zhu Kai had already left. Of course, Li Jianglin would not
let him go like that after he caused so much trouble for the
Li family. So he left first before anyone could find him.

Li Zhenruo couldn’t guess what was on Zhu Kai’s mind

anyway, so he concentrated on dealing with Yue Zijia.
Yue Zijia was a well-rounded person. After a few
conversations, the two of them regretted that they couldn’t
know each other earlier, and their names were changed to
that of sisters and brothers.
Li Zhenruo pondered in his heart that it was good for him
to approach Yue Zijia on purpose. Judging from Yue Zijia’s
appearance, it seemed that she was also trying to get
closer to him, but he didn’t know what for.
Later, he thought that it was mostly related to Li Zhenran.
Yue Zijia saw him with Li Zhenran several times, and Li
Zhentai also met him in and out of Li Zhenran’s office. At
that time, he looked at him with ambiguous eyes, maybe he
was going to catch Li Zhenran’s misdeed.

If this was the case, although Yue Zijia looked like a

flirtatious and wanderlust person, she was still sincere
toward Li Zhentai.
After a while, Li Zhenruo saw Li Zhentai and Wen Chun
coming out to toast together.
The smiles resumed on the faces of the two of them, and
they didn’t even show any sort of moodiness in front of Wen
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Chun’s parents. They toasted their relatives and friends
with wine glasses all the way.
When they got to their table, Li Zhenruo realized that Li
Zhentai was drinking very boldly today, holding the white
wine without blinking and lifting the glass and drinking it
all. Wen Chun still had that gentle and gentle appearance,
holding the wine glass in her hand, and then followed Li
Zhentai to the next table.

After a while, Li Zhenran came over. He first glanced at

Yue Zijia next to Li Zhenruo, then sat down and asked,
“Where’s Zhu Kai?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I don’t know, it seems that he left first.”
Li Zhenran picked up Li Zhenruo’s cup and took a sip of
water, and said, “Then he’d better go farther, I’m afraid
dad is going to kill him.”
Li Zhenruo asked softly, “What’s going on?”

Li Zhenran leaned into his ear and said, “Someone saw

with his own eyes that Zhu Kai moved the USB flash drive
where the photos were placed. And who else but Zhu Kai
could take that kind of photo?”
After he said that, Li Zhenran greeted the people at the
same table, saying that he had something to do first.
Li Zhenruo said quickly, “I’ll go with you.” Then he said to
Yue Zijia, “Zijia jie, I’ll go first, enjoy your meal.”
Yue Zijia smiled and nodded, “Okay.”

Li Zhenruo followed Li Zhenran and left the restaurant in a

hurry. After getting in the car, he hurriedly asked, “Are you
looking for Zhu Kai?”
Li Zhenran started the car, turned his head to look at Li
Zhenruo and said, “Dad is angry, someone has to go back
db h
and bear his anger.”
Li Zhenruo thought about it and said, “Shouldn’t it be the
third child?”
However, Li Zhenran changed the subject and asked him,
“What are you and Yue Zijia talking about?”
Li Zhenruo whispered, “Do you know that Yue Zijia is Li
Zhentai’s mistress?”

Li Zhenran had already driven the car out, but at this time
he lightly stepped on the brakes and looked at Li Zhenruo,
“The eldest’s mistress? Are you sure?”
Li Zhenruo hesitated, “Either that or your father’s
Li Zhenran said, “Stop talking nonsense.”
“Hmph,” Li Zhenruo snorted softly, “Just you wait and see.”
They drove to Zhu Kai’s house in the city, but no one found
him. For the first two days, Zhu Kai had been living in Li’s
house with Erhuang, and now Erhuang was running wild in
the yard.

Li Zhenran called Wang Ma back and asked Wang Ma if

Zhu Kai was back.
Wang Ma said in a low voice, “Zhu Kai didn’t come back,
it’s just that your father and the third child came back and
he is teaching him a lesson.”
Li Zhenruo thought that Li Jianglin had long known about
the affair between Li Zhenzi and Wen Chun. He had
pretended not to know and probably wanted to cover up
the incident. Unexpectedly, he had to come forward to
teach Li Zhenzi a lesson now that things have come to light.
If you think about it this way, Li Zhenruo felt that Li
Jianglin was not so concerned about Li Zhentai’s affairs.

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When Li Zhenruo even entered the gate, he lowered his
head to prevent the surveillance camera from taking
pictures of him. After Li Zhenran parked the car, he saw
the cat running down and went around to the back and
climbed the window into the house.

When Li Zhenran entered the room, he saw Li Jianglin sat

on the sofa with a serious face and his hands on the
crutch’s dragon head, while Li Zhenzi was standing beside
him. It seemed that he planned to kneel down, but when he
saw Li Zhenran walking in, his slightly bent legs
straightened again.
Li Zhenruo came in directly from the window on the second
floor. In a hurry to watch the show, he ran down the stairs
to the first floor, but did not have the time to brake, and
tumbled all the way from the stairs to Li Zhenran’s feet.
Li Zhenran looked at him coldly and said, “Are you stupid?”
Li Zhenruo quickly got up and saw Li Jianglin glancing at
them, obviously looking a little unhappy. He immediately
hid behind Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran walked over to the sofa and sat down, and said,
“Zhu Kai is not here. So I guess it’s impossible to find him
anytime soon.”

Li Jianglin took a deep breath to calm down. Compared

with Zhu Kai, naturally what Li Zhenzi did was the most
unethical thing in this matter. If it wasn’t for him seducing
Wen Chun, it was meaningless for Zhu Kai to secretly take
more photos of them.
Li Zhenzi felt embarrassed, he was not as casual and free
as Zhu Kai. Because Zhu Kai didn’t care about the Li
family’s things even a penny, but Li Zhenzi did. Although
his interest in Yunlin was limited, Yunyi’s stock share was
mostly in Li Jianglin’s hands, and Yunyi was closely related
to Yunlin. To be honest, he thought about the possibility of
being discovered, but he didn’t expect to be exposed on
such an occasion, and he felt somewhat embarrassed.
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That photo flashed by, but didn’t Yu Bingwei beside him
recognize him at a glance? Even Su Yao probably guessed
it to some extent, and in addition to Li Jianglin, he has to
face Li Zhentai next. There was no deep hatred between
him and Li Zhentai, and seducing Wen Chun was pure
cheapness, but in this way, their relationship was
considered to be finished.
Li Zhenruo analyzed Li Zhenzi’s thoughts in his heart and
wished he could pass on the sentence “Are you stupid” that
Li Zhenran said to him just now to his third brother.
Li Zhenzi said, “Dad, I’m going to apologize to eldest

Li Jianglin sneered, “Do you think your eldest brother can

accept your apology?”
Li Zhenzi lowered his head and said nothing.
Li Zhenruo leaned up and looked up at his face secretly.
Li Zhenzi took a deep breath and said, “I will try my best.”
Li Jianglin still smiled coldly.

At this time Li Zhenran said, “Dad, whether the eldest

brother accepts it or not, the third child still has to
apologize to the eldest brother.”
Li Jianglin also understands this in his heart, but this
apology was definitely meaningless. Li Zhentai would not
forgive Li Zhenzi, and may not even forgive Wen Chun.
Although the wedding was completed under his insistence
today, what would become of this family in the future, no
one would know.
“Sigh…” Li Jianglin closed his eyes and shook his head
slowly. His back that had always been straight finally
leaned back weakly.
“Dad,” Li Zhenran advised him, “Just go and rest.”

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Li Jianglin stood up and left the sofa on crutches, but
instead of going back to the room, he walked outside.

Li Zhenzi took a step forward, and Li Jianglin pointed at

him and said, “Don’t follow me.”
Li Zhenran stood up and grabbed Li Zhenzi’s arm, and said,
“Go and rest.”
At this moment, Li Zhenruo looked up at Li Zhenran and
hesitantly followed Li Jianglin to the outside.
Li Jianglin’s back looked somewhat crooked. He had bad
legs and feet, but his back has always been straight, which
makes him look very energetic. Only today, a word popped
out of Li Zhenruo’s head: the shadow was waning.
They walked to the swimming pool, and Li Jianglin stopped.
He slowly sat down on the deck chair by the swimming
pool. Not long after sitting down, Zhu Kai’s Erhuang ran
over excitedly and wagged his tail at him.

Li Zhenruo thought Li Jianglin would be angry, but

unexpectedly he saw him gently touch Erhuang’s head.
Erhuang wagged his tail and lay down beside him.
Li Jianglin also saw Li Zhenruo at this time and waved to
Li Zhenruo thought that he wasn’t a dog, but it didn’t stop
him to walk toward Li Jianglin, and stopped at his feet. He
jumped onto his lap, and sat down in half a circle.
Li Jianglin touched the top of his head with his hand.

Li Zhenruo felt very comfortable, but suddenly felt a little

sad, and thought: Why are you not my father?
That night, when Li Zhentai came back, he was very drunk.

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Wen Chun originally helped him into the room, but as soon
as he entered the living room, he vigorously pushed Wen
Chun away and shouted bluntly, “Get out!”
Wen Chun’s face changed again and again, but she never
said anything.
In the living room, the Li family were all there. The door
leading to the side building was locked, and no other
workers in the family were there. Only one Wang Ma
looked at them with some difficulty.

As he saw that Li Zhentai pushed Wen Chun, Li Zhenzi

couldn’t help but took a step forward and said, “Eldest
brother, don’t do this. Just take it out on me if you’re
“You?” Li Zhentai looked at him with a sneer, stumbled two
steps and rushed over, grabbed the front of his shirt with
one hand, and punched him in the face with the other hand.
Li Zhentai probably did his best with this punch, but Li
Zhenzi didn’t resist. As a result, his whole body was almost
twisted by him, and then Li Zhentai was pulled over and
kicked in his lower abdomen.
Li Zhenran got up quickly, went up to hold Li Zhentai,
stopped him and said, “Eldest brother, stop fighting! Do
you want to kill the third child?”
Li Zhentai struggled violently, “Let go!”
Bloodshot overflowed from Li Zhenzi’s lips, and half of his
face quickly became red and swollen. However, the most
painful thing was probably the kick Li Zhentai gave him,
causing him to bend over in pain.

Wen Chun looked at them in horror and anxiety, tears could

not be restrained from falling down, but she never said a
Li Zhenruo was lying on the back of the sofa quietly at first
but also stood up restlessly at this time.
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Wang Ma wiped away Wen Chun’s tears beside her. She
couldn’t hold back. She came to support Li Zhenzi and said
to Li Zhentai, “Don’t fight, he is your brother after all.”
Li Zhentai let go of Li Zhenzi’s clothes. The smell of alcohol
was very strong on his breath. He was gasping for breath
and barely standing still with Li Zhenran’s help, and said to
Li Jianglin, “I want a divorce.”

Wen Chun’s eyes were red. She looked at Li Zhentai and

didn’t object.
Li Jianglin shook his head slowly, “I don’t agree.”
Li Zhentai was a little emotional, “Why not? She gave me a
cuckold before she got married! Well, I could put up with it
in front of so many people today. Do you want me to endure
it for the rest of my life?”
Li Jianglin looked at Wen Chun, “Xiao Chun, let me ask you,
do you still have contact with the third child?”
Wen Chun shook her head, “I’ve broken up with him,” she
said, “Dad, I’m sorry.”

Li Jianglin leaned on his crutch and said to Li Zhentai, “Did

you hear what she said?”
Li Zhentai sneered, “Do you think I can trust such a
Li Jianglin said, “She is your wife.”
Li Zhentai suddenly laughed twice, “My wife? If my wife
has a child in the future, I’m afraid I don’t know if it’s mine!
Oh, yes, of course! You wouldn’t care. Anyway, if worst
comes to worst, it was the third’s child, as long as it’s not
the fourth. Yes, they are all your grandsons!”
When Li Zhenruo heard his words, his heart sank suddenly.

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Li Jianglin was also angry, stood up, and shouted,
Li Zhenran supported Li Zhentai’s arm and tightened it,
and said solemnly, “Eldest brother, you’ve had too much to
drink, what are you talking about!”
Li Zhentai also knew that it was a bit too much to mention
Li Zhenruo to anger Li Jianglin, so he gasped and fell silent.
Li Jianglin’s crutches slammed hard on the ground and he
loudly said, “I have the final say in this family, I’m not
allowing the divorce! Either you accept it, or get out of my
way. Just say that you are not the son of Li Jianglin, and
never come back to the Li family again. Just do whatever
you want in the future!”
For a moment, everyone in the family fell silent.

After a while, Li Zhentai pushed Li Zhenran away, stood up

straight and said to Li Jianglin, “Okay, I know that I was not
as good as them in your heart since I was a child, and I
can’t even be compared to that wild bastard of the fourth
child. I understand!”
After speaking, Li Zhentai turned around and walked
outside with vain steps.
“Zhentai!” Wang Ma called his name.
Li Zhentai did not respond. He opened the door and walked
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help looking at Li Jianglin and saw that
his face was cold, but one of his hands trembled slightly,
and he raised his crutch and pointed at Li Zhenzi, “You, get
out of here too, I don’t want to see you.”

Li Zhenzi still had a bruised face and looked miserable. As

he heard what Li Jianglin said, he raised his hand to cover
his lower abdomen with a painful expression and walked
k f d b h d dd h
Wang Ma took a step forward, but in the end, did not have
the heart to stop him.
Wen Chun seemed to suddenly come to her senses. She
glanced at Li Jianglin and probably wanted to leave.
Li Jianglin said to her, “Go upstairs to rest and we’ll talk
about it tomorrow.”
Wen Chun hesitated, nodded, and said, “Dad, I’ll go up

In the end, only Li Zhenran was left to help Li Jianglin back

to the room.
Until Li Jianglin was lying on the bed, he patted the back of
Li Zhenran’s hand, who was covering him with the quilt,
and said, “Behave yourself.”
Li Zhenran nodded, “Dad, have a rest.”
After turning off the lights and coming out of Li Jianglin’s
room, Li Zhenran saw his cat sitting in a daze in front of
the stairs, so he stepped on his tail lightly.
Li Zhenruo looked back at him.

Li Zhenran bent down, picked him up, and walked upstairs.

The author has something to say:

I’m running out of manuscripts… The comments are too
messy, I want to be calm
Chapter 46
Li Zhenruo sat by Li Zhenran’s bed, and when Li Zhenran
passed by, he patted his cat’s head. He looked up at Li
Zhenran blankly and saw him walking towards the

After a while, Li Zhenran came out of the shower and

patted his head again as he passed by.
Li Zhenruo was confused, “?”

Li Zhenran went to the cabinet to find a pair of clean

underwear to put on and then patted him again before
going to the bathroom.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t bear it any longer. He turned into a
naked youth, jumped up to stand and asked, “What do you
want to—”
He originally wanted to ask what you were doing, but
before he could even ask the question, Li Zhenran was
already crushing him on the bed. Li Zhenruo immediately
reacted. Li Zhenran didn’t want to do anything, he just
wanted to f/ck him.

How treacherous!
Although he was indignant, at the same time he was
inexorably caught up in desire.
Later, Li Zhenruo lay on the bed panting and couldn’t
recover his breath for a long time. He saw Li Zhenran turn
over and sit up, walked to the window and opened it. He
even sat up with his hand propping his body, his long legs
stretched out of the window and swung into the air.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but say, “You are not afraid that
the people downstairs would think they saw a pervert?”
Li Zhenran didn’t speak.
Li Zhenruo was still lying on his stomach, propping his face
with one hand, and said to him, “Today, such a big thing
happened in your house, you still have such a good mood?”
Li Zhenran said, “Then what? Should I go hug my eldest
brother and cry together with him?”
“Really cold and heartless,” these words were really Li
Zhenruo’s evaluation of Li Zhenran.

Li Zhenruo was actually a little sad as he saw Li Jianglin’s

attitude today. He found that it wasn’t just the brothers
who were indifferent in this family. Even Li Jianglin, the
person who held together their blood relationship, was
actually indifferent.
Li Zhenran didn’t speak.
The lights and air conditioners in the room were turned off,
and he sat by the window, feeling the cool breeze outside
on his naked body.
Li Zhenruo rested his chin on the back of his hand, thought
for a while and then said, “Why do you say your father
insists on letting the eldest marry Wen Chun? Things were
already like this.”

In regards to Li Jianglin’s thoughts, Li Zhenruo always

found them difficult to understand. In the past, he could
only discuss with Yan Xiujie, but Yan Xiujie’s understanding
of Li Jianglin was limited. He didn’t expect to have the
opportunity to talk about this topic with Li Zhenran now.
He couldn’t help but think of a sentence: The God of
destiny makes fools of the people.
Li Zhenran heard the words and said slowly, “Because the
eldest was not valued high enough.”

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Li Zhentai was not as good as the other sons in Li Jianglin’s
heart, everyone could see it to some extent. But to say he
was not as good as Wen Chun, wouldn’t it be too much?

However, just like the big families in ancient times, there

were a few people who could make their own marriages,
and they don’t have to be under the orders of their parents.
Li Jianglin’s idea of making Li Zhentai marry Wen Chun
was understandable, and it was normal not to allow him to
divorce. Li Zhenruo believed that Li Zhentai will be the one
who finally compromises, but Li Jianglin must also do
something to appease Li Zhentai, right?
Li Zhenruo was in a trance thinking about it. After a while,
Li Zhenran went back to bed and put his arms around him
to sleep. He felt a coolness on Li Zhenran’s skin, so he put
his face on his firm chest, yawned, closed his eyes and fell
Just as he expected, Li Zhentai only tensed up for two or
three days, and now that he was sober, he has come back
to compromise with Li Jianglin.
The father and son were locked in the study for an
afternoon. Li Zhenruo turned to the window to eavesdrop,
but as soon as he ran to the window sill, he was chased
down by Li Zhentai, who was standing by the window.

Li Zhenruo hid under the window sill, but there was still
some distance to the window, and the glass window of the
study was closed tightly, so he couldn’t hear it clearly even
with his cat ears.
However, it was possible to guess what the father and son
said. Li Zhentai could not give up the entire Li family for
this matter. Li Jianglin gave a stick first and then jujube to
eat1it’s similar to the sticks and carrot analogy. Whether Li
Zhentai was willing or not, he always had to give in.
Li Zhenruo circled the house and went back to the living
room. When he saw Wen Chun standing on the stairs, he

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seemed to want to go down to the first floor, but suddenly
stopped for some reason and turned back upstairs.
Wen Chun stayed at home for the past two days and didn’t
go anywhere. Originally, after the wedding, she and Li
Zhentai planned to go out for their honeymoon, but in this
situation, the honeymoon plan has naturally been

Wen Chun still has about a month’s vacation, and she

seemed to plan to stay at home so quietly.
Although it was true that Wen Chun had an affair with Li
Zhenzi, but no one knew how many mistresses Li Zhentai
had outside. When this matter was exposed, Li Zhentai was
completely a victim, which made Li Zhenruo feel it was a
little unfair to Wen Chun.
Obviously, there were problems with both of them, but Wen
Chun broke up with Li Zhen after deciding to marry Li
Zhentai, but Li Zhentai was still entangled with Yue Zijia.
Li Zhenruo sighed suddenly, not because of Li Zhentai or
Wen Chun, but because it was not easy for a cat to worry
about the Li family.
Li Zhentai did not stay at home for dinner, and Li Zhenruo
estimated that he would not come back to sleep tonight.
Although he chose to compromise, Li Zhenruo believed that
Li Jianglin must have also made concessions for his
compromises. During this time, Li Zhentai would spend the
night outside, and Li Jianglin would definitely not pursue

Oh my, such a marriage that exists in name only, why

should it be maintained?
Li Zhenruo thought sadly while chewing cat food.
Li Zhenran finished dinner, wiped his mouth with a napkin,
and said to Li Jianglin, “Then I’ll go now, Dad.”

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Li Jianglin said, “Well, go ahead.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, only to realize that
he had been distracted just now, and he didn’t notice what
Li Zhenran and Li Jianglin said. When he saw Li Zhenran
get up and walk outside, he quickly dropped the half-eaten
cat food and followed.

Li Zhenran walked to the gate and stopped to look at him,

“What are you doing following me?”
Li Zhenruo threw a look at him, you know.
Li Zhenran gave him a cold look but did not stop him from
following him out.
Without calling the driver, Li Zhenran drove a car by
himself. Since the time Li Zhenruo could freely change
between the two forms, Li Zhenran’s driving time had
obviously increased.
Li Zhenruo got into the car and realized that he didn’t
bring his clothes out. Before Li Zhenran started the car, he
put his paw on his arm to remind him with a “meow” and
wanted him to go upstairs and get his clothes off.

Li Zhenran actually understood what he meant and said,

“Just stay like this, I’m going to find the third child.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment. He originally
wanted to ask Li Zhenran what he was going to do looking
for Li Zhenzi, but he thought it would be troublesome to
have to turn into a human to speak, so he stayed quiet and
analyzed the matter by himself: It might be that Li Jianglin
asked Li Zhenran to find Li Zhenzi to tell Li Zhenzi not to
go home for a short time.
After all, Li Jianglin was still more partial to the third child.
While driving, Li Zhenran took out his mobile phone and
called Li Zhenzi.

h l k d h df l d h
Li Zhenruo looked at him and felt it was dangerous, so he
couldn’t help raising his paw hesitantly to put it on his
wrist. Li Zhenran turned his head to look at him and
pinched his face when he had time waiting for the red light.

With such a simple action, Li Zhenruo was inexplicably a

little shy. He retracted his claws and sat quietly in the
passenger seat and thought: Damn, so cool!
Li Zhenzi has lived with Yu Bingwei ever since he was
kicked out by Li Jianglin.
Li Zhenran carried Li Zhenruo upstairs and rang the
doorbell. Li Zhenruo tried his best to stick his head out and
look around. He still has some feelings for Yu Bingwei’s
mother and daughter and this home. After all, she was the
first owner after he left the mama cat, and this owner was
both a beautiful woman and very kind to him.
The person who came to open the door was Yu Bingwei’s
mother. He had not seen the old lady for a long time, but
she was still in good spirits. But when she opened the door,
she looked at Li Zhenran with a look of doubt and vigilance.
Later, she noticed the cat that wanted to pounce on her,
opened her mouth for a while and said, “Oh, is this
Li Zhenran let go of his hand, allowing Li Zhenruo to jump
into Mama Yu’s arms.

At this time, Yu Bingwei heard the movement and walked to

the door of the room to look, and asked, “Who is it, Mom?”
Mama Yu said, “Dumpling is back!”
When Yu Bingwei saw Li Zhenran, she gave a slightly
surprised “ah” and turned back and shouted, “Daniel, your
second brother is here.” Then she warmly invited Li
Zhenran into the room.
Li Zhenran called Li Zhenzi before he came, otherwise he
wouldn’t have known that he could be found here. So when
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he saw Li Zhenran, Li Zhenzhi was not surprised at all. He
still had bruises on his face. It was estimated that he would
not have the face to go out to meet people in a short time,
so he could only hide on Yu Bingwei’s side.
Li Zhenzi told Li Zhenran to sit down on the sofa.

Yu Bingwei asked Mama Yu to pour tea and reached out to

take Li Zhenruo into her arms.
Li Zhenruo buried her face in Yu Bingwei’s chest, took a
deep breath, and then felt Li Zhenran’s piercing gaze
shooting toward him. Although he couldn’t see it, he also
felt a chill on his back, and he quickly pulled out his face.
Li Zhenzi put his elbows on his knees and leaned forward
slightly when he sat on the sofa. Li Zhenruo peeked at him
secretly, only to think that his always handsome face was
red and swollen, which was very funny.
He didn’t speak, and the atmosphere was a little awkward
for a while.
Yu Bingwei was very good at looking at reading the
atmosphere. When Yu’s mother made the tea, she carried
Li Zhenruo into the kitchen, closed the door slightly, and
washed the dishes with Yu’s mother.

They had just finished the evening meal, but there were
only three of them to eat and not many bowls to wash.
Li Zhenruo pricked up his ears and heard Li Zhenran say to
Li Zhenzi outside, “Dad asked me to come and see you.”
Li Zhenzi was silent for a moment, and asked, “Is Chun jie
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously
glanced at Yu Bingwei who was holding him, but Yu
Bingwei obviously didn’t hear the conversation outside, she
was helping Yu’s mother to get the clean dishcloth.

f dd l k d h d h b l
Mama Yu’s face didn’t look very good, she wiped the bowl
silently, and said to Yu Bingwei while putting the bowl in
the cupboard, “What happened to him? It looks like there is
a conflict with the family, right?”

Yu Bingwei scratched the top of Li Zhenruo’s head lightly

with her fingers and said, “Well, there’s a trouble with the
Mama Yu opened her mouth and seemed to hold back what
she wanted to say.
Yu Bingwei said, “I know how far to go and when to stop in
my heart, Mom, don’t worry. In a few days, it will be easy
to part without hard feelings.”
When Li Zhenruo heard Yu Bingwei’s words, he couldn’t
help being stunned for a moment, not even noticing what Li
Zhenran and Li Zhenzi said outside. He thought, after
being together for a long time, Yu Bingwei didn’t have
much sincerity towards Li Zhenzi, but she just took what
she needed and waited for the right opportunity to move
and break up.
After a while, someone knocked on the kitchen door.

Yu Bingwei went over to open the door and saw Li Zhenran

standing at the door. He said to her, “We’re going to
“Oh,” Yu Bingwei reacted, and immediately returned the
cat in her arms to Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran touched the top of Li Zhenruo’s head heavily.
Li Zhenruo hurriedly lay in Li Zhenran’s arms, looking up
at him pitifully.
When they came out, Li Zhenzi sent them to the gate and
said, “I’m fine, it’s my fault, I’ll go to Dad to apologize in a
few days.”

h l d h b f l h
Li Zhenruo listened to his sincere tone but felt that Li
Zhenzi probably didn’t really think so in his heart,
otherwise he wouldn’t have done things like hooking up
with Wen Chun in the first place. The guilt now was
nothing more than for Wen Chun, because once the matter
was exposed, Wen Chun was destined to be wronged in the
Li family in the future.
In the evening, Li Zhenruo lay on Li Zhenran’s bed and
listened to the sound of water in the bathroom.
After a while, when he heard the sound of the water stop,
he stood up and sharpened his claws on the edge of the
bed, preparing himself to get ready.
When Li Zhenran opened the bathroom door and came out,
Li Zhenruo jumped on it at once, and perfectly achieved the
transformation in the air. The beautiful naked youth threw
himself into Li Zhenran’s arms, who was also naked.
He was so enthusiastic to deliver, and of course, Li Zhenran
would not refuse. He reached out to catch Li Zhenruo and
then pressed him on the bed.
Li Zhenruo thought to himself: maybe it doesn’t matter if
one was straight or not. He didn’t know if he was too
liberal or too greedy for pleasure. Anyway, now he
maintained this relationship with Li Zhenran, not only he
didn’t feel uncomfortable, but he also liked it.

Halfway through, he had an idea, if he suddenly turned into

a cat in the middle of the next time he was doing it, he
wondered if Li Zhenran would go crazy.
But when he thought about it seriously, Li Zhenran might
not only go mad, but it was possible to tear him apart, so it
was better not to do these unnecessary things to provoke Li
As he was lying on Li Zhenran’s shoulder, Li Zhenruo
nibbled on his shoulder with some boredom and said, “Will
your father be very angry if you let him know that Li
Zhentai has a mistress outside?”

h l h b k hh h d d h h d
Li Zhenran lay on his back with his hands under his head,
and turned to look at him, “Do you think my dad doesn’t
know that the eldest has a mistress?”

Li Zhenruo was slightly taken aback.

Li Zhenran said, “You forgot, he has so many mistresses
Li Zhenruo was silent for a while and said, “But if Wen
Chun knew, Li Jianglin would have no reason to stand by Li
“So what,” Li Zhenran said, “It’s just a show for Wen Chun
to see, what effect can it play?”
Li Zhenruo’s chin rested on Li Zhenran’s shoulder, and he
suddenly felt a little disappointed, “I think your father
doesn’t seem to care about anything.”

Li Zhenran stretched out his hand to squeeze his face and

asked him, “What do you think he cares about? Is this
important to you?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I don’t think you gave it a thought yet.
Your Li family has such a big business, but the brothers are
fighting over it. It’s not worth it.”
Li Zhenran actually laughed, “It was originally something
from our Li family. They took what they deserved, and I
took what I deserved. What’s not worth it?”
Li Zhenruo looked at Li Zhenran and saw that he was
smiling slightly. The words he spoke seemed to be very
casual, like a joke but not like a joke.
It’s just that Li Zhenruo thought to himself: I believe
there’s something fishy about you.

Li Zhenran said to him, “But you, what do you think of our

brother’s things? You don’t want to get a hand in it too?”
h f l h h b bl dh f
Li Zhenruo felt that Li Zhenran probably suspected him of
something. Indeed, from the beginning, he had many
loopholes, and he did not hide many things from Li
Zhenran. He felt that Li Zhenran’s attitude of indifference
was strange, and so it was normal to have doubts.
It was just that when he thought about himself from Li
Zhenran’s point of view, and no matter how many abnormal
behaviours point him to Li Zhenruo, he feels that Li
Zhenran would only suspect that he has anything to do with
Li Zhenruo, instead of thinking that he was Li Zhenruo.
After all, it was incredible if Li Zhenran really had such an
idea. He would want to just knock Li Zhenran’s head out to
see what kind of strange brain circuit he had.
Anyway, Li Zhenran was suspicious. Li Zhenruo was going
to expose the truth, so he put his whole body on Li Zhenran
and asked him, “What do you think your father really cares
Li Zhenran looked at him and said, “What he really cares
about is that Yunlin can develop better in the hands of
whomever he hands over. The rest are not important.”

Li Zhenruo said, “The human heart is full of flesh2meaning

that the human heart must have feelings, I don’t believe
that he is not biased at all.”
Li Zhenran smiled, “Of course he is biased, he doesn’t like
the eldest very much, but this was based on his
consideration of the abilities of several sons, you should
Li Zhenruo thought: What do you mean I should
Having said this, Li Zhenruo felt a little sad. He put his
head on Li Zhenran’s shoulder, closed his eyes, and sighed

The author has something to say:I got a bunch of

Jingjing3the coins in JJHappy Qixi everyone!
Chapter 47
A few days later, Li Zhenruo received a call from Yue Zijia
asking him to have dinner together.

During this time, Li Zhenruo has been keeping in touch

with Yue Zijia, and on social networks, has been calling her
jiejie1sister sweetly.
Li Zhenran saw him lying on his office sofa with his cell
phone sending messages, and said with a cold face, “You
should stop.”

Li Zhenruo turned her head to look at him, “I helped you

spy on the adulterous affair between Li Zhentai and Yue
Zijia, what do you have to be unhappy about.”
Li Zhenran crossed his long leg, “Are you spying on her or
is she spying on you?”
Li Zhenruo grabbed the phone and said, “Everyone is
testing each other and getting what they need.”

“Is it necessary?” Li Zhenran asked him.

Li Zhenruo was silent for a moment and asked Li Zhenran,
“Do you know why I have to know?”
After asking this question, he carefully paid attention to Li
Zhenran’s expression.
However, Li Zhenran showed no expression. He said, “I
don’t know. No matter what you want to do, just remember
who your master is.”

Li Zhenruo pouted.

h d ldl h h
Li Zhenran said coldly, “Do you have something to say?”
Li Zhenruo said quickly, “How dare I?”
He turned over and stood from the sofa, walked behind Li
Zhenran’s office chair, put his hands on Li Zhenran’s
shoulders, bent down and pressed his face to his face, “You
are the only master in my life.”

This sentence was true, Li Zhenruo thought that all his

lifetime, he could never think of becoming else’s pet one
Li Zhenran smiled, raised his hand and touched his face.
Li Zhenruo said, “Can I have dinner with Yue Zijia?”
Li Zhenran replied, “No.”

When Li Zhenruo heard Li Zhenran refused without even

thinking about it, he cursed in his heart: Childish! You just
want me to beg you!
Then, he walked from behind Li Zhenran to face him,
sitting on his lap, wrapping his arms around his neck and
saying, “Master—”
Li Zhenran leaned back slightly and did not speak.
Li Zhenruo reached out towards his legs. Anyway, things
that could be solved with the lower body were not a
problem. While touching, he said, “Look at me now, it’s
useless for women.”

Li Zhenran said, “You think I didn’t see you that day

digging your face into Miss Yu’s chest?”
Li Zhenran’s provocation aroused up Li Zhenruo, and he
was short of breath. He said, “It’s not the same, I just think
the soft touch feels good.”

h l d h d h d lk
Li Zhenran leaned into his ear and whispered, “So you like
soft ones?”
The heat of Li Zhenran’s breath scratched his ears, so Li
Zhenruo could not help shrinking his neck, bit his lip and
said, “Rascal.”

Li Zhenran suddenly grabbed Li Zhenruo’s waist and made

him stand up, made him turn around to lie on the table,
then got up himself and spanked Li Zhenruo’s ass, reaching
out to unzip his pants.
At this moment, Hua Yibang suddenly opened the office
door and said, “Zhenran, Manager Luo has already—”
waiting for you outside…
Halfway through his words, he consciously went out and
closed the door of the office.
Manager Luo was still waiting for Li Zhenran to summon
him. When he saw Hua Yibang’s strange reaction, he asked,
“What’s wrong?”

Without changing his expression, Hua Yibang responded,

“It’s nothing, wait a moment.”
Li Zhenruo was startled, and quickly got up and buttoned
his pants, and said angrily, “You dare to not let Hua Yibang
knock on the door first when he comes in? Are you not
afraid of being impotent if he keep coming in a few more
times2Li Zhenruo was referring to being hard but being
interrupted again and again without any release!”
Li Zhenran said calmly, “I won’t, will you?”
Li Zhenruo was too lazy to pay attention to him, and he had
devoted himself to such a degree that even if Li Zhenran
didn’t agree with him, he didn’t care. After tidying up, he
turned around and took out a thousand yuan in Li
Zhenran’s pocket and put it in his bag, then left with his
phone in hand.

h dd h b f h l f h
Li Zhenran didn’t stop him, but after Li Zhenruo left, he
pressed the pager and asked Hua Yibang to invite Manager
Luo in.

Li Zhenruo and Yue Zijia made an appointment. They didn’t

eat dinner at any restaurant but went to a club. Yue Zijia
has a wide range of contacts. Not only did she invite Li
Zhenruo to this meal, but she also invited many young
people to sing after eating, saying that the young people
came out to get together.
The price for eating in this club was not cheap, Li Zhenruo
thought that Yue Zijia was relying on Li Zhentai to support
her behind her back. Otherwise, with her current family
background, how could she afford all of this? She also
invited so many people.
The so-called friends she invited were ones she always
played outside with, and they all called out Zijia jie
affectionately. It was the first time they met Li Zhenruo,
but they quickly became familiar with each other. Li
Zhenruo was naturally not afraid of strangers, talking and
laughing with a group of people, singing and drinking.
Especially with Yue Zijia, after drinking a few glasses of red
wine, the two sat in the corner and chatted. Yue Zijia put
one hand on Li Zhenruo’s shoulder and said, “Jason, you
and I really hit it off at first sight. It’s rare to meet such a
Li Zhenruo said, “I also like you a lot, jiejie.”

Yue Zijia smiled and patted his face, “We should get
together more when we have time.”
Li Zhenruo heard the words and said, “I’m afraid your
boyfriend will be jealous.”
Yue Zijia said, “Where is my boyfriend? What makes you
think so?”

h d h h h
Li Zhenruo said in surprise, “The man you were with when
we first met was not your boyfriend?”
Yue Zijia was stunned for a while, but after recalling it for a
while, she couldn’t remember who the man Li Zhenruo was
talking about. She smiled bitterly and said, “No, I don’t
have a boyfriend.”

Li Zhenruo took her hand and said, “Zijia jie, you mustn’t
be too picky, if you meet the right man, why not consider
Yue Zijia smiled and asked him, “What about you?”
“I—” Before Li Zhenruo finished speaking, his phone
suddenly rang. He took it out and saw that Li Zhenran was
calling. He didn’t avoid Yue Zijia and answered the phone
Li Zhenran finished his company’s business and called Li
Zhenruo, asking him where he was.
Li Zhenruo said, “I’m drinking with Zijia jie.”

Li Zhenran glanced at the time, “I’ll pick you up?”

Li Zhenruo began to pout, “Two more hours later, okay?”
Li Zhenran was silent for a while and said, “I’ll give you an
“Okay!” Li Zhenruo was very content.
He hung up the phone, and Yue Zijia asked him, “Did your
parents call? They urged you to go home so early?”

Li Zhenruo smiled and did not deny it.

Yue Zijia put one hand on her face and asked, “I heard that
Luo Fei is your cousin?”

h d d b d d k
Li Zhenruo pretended to be surprised, “How do you know?”
Naturally, Li Jianglin told Li Zhentai, and Li Zhentai told
Yue Zijia. In fact, Yue Zijia’s determination to get closer to
Li Zhenruo, was probably what Li Zhentai’s intended.
Now the Li family brothers were suspecting that the
assistant beside Li Zhenran was his little lover. Li Zhentai
hoped to get some evidence so that he could put it in front
of Li Jianglin.

Yue Zijia smiled and took a sip of red wine, “This circle is
so big, what’s there to hide from others?”
Li Zhenruo seemed a little embarrassed and ruffled his
At this time, someone brought a wine glass to toast Yue
Yue Zijia pulled Li Zhenruo and said, “My little brother is
here. If you want to drink with me, drink with my little
brother first!”
Li Zhenruo knew that Yue Zijia wanted to make him drunk,
but he wasn’t afraid at all about it. He was not as useless as
his brothers. In the Li family, Li Zhenruo had always been
the best drinker.

And he had a good alcohol tolerance, even if he drank to

unconsciousness, he just sleeps with his head covered, and
it was really difficult to hear any information from his
So Li Zhenruo smiled and picked up the glass and said, “I’ll
toast for my jiejie.”
The young man who came to toast said, “Okay, then come
and drink.”
Li Zhenruo clinked him with a glass of wine and drank it.

h f d ll h
As soon as the first one started, naturally, there was no way
to easily back away easily. After that, a group of people
started to toast each other. Not only Li Zhenruo drink a lot,
but even Yue Zijia couldn’t escape, and later drank a lot.

Li Zhenruo didn’t continue to fish for Yue Zijia’s

information, this was not a matter to be finished in one or
two days. He should let Yue Zijia think that he was an
honest child and then talk slowly.
Unknowingly, an hour had passed, Li Zhenruo heard the
phone ringing. He took a look and found that Li Zhenran
was calling. The surrounding environment was too noisy, so
Li Zhenruo went into the bathroom with his mobile phone,
closed the door and leaned against the door to answer the
Li Zhenran’s voice rang in his ears, “Time is up, I’ve
already come.”
Li Zhenruo felt a little itchy at his tailbone, so he stretched
out a hand and scratched across the pants, he said, “You
come here, I also want to go back too.”
Li Zhenran said “Um” and hung up the phone.

Li Zhenruo still felt itchy on his tailbone, he heard that they

were still dancing outside like a madman, so he hid in the
bathroom and didn’t want to go out. He scratched his
tailbone with his fingers, and after a while, he felt
something break through the skin and protrude. It was not
painful, but it was itchy.
His fingers scratched something fluffy this time.
He inexplicably grabbed it, Li Zhenruo was stunned. What
did he grab? Did he seem to have caught a cat’s tail? This is
not true, is it?
Li Zhenruo hurriedly ran to the front of the mirror, turned
around and stood on tiptoe to look behind his buttocks.

h h fl ff l lk b ll
Sure enough, he saw a fluffy cat’s tail, like a big caterpillar,
which pierced his pants and stretched out.
Li Zhenruo was dumbfounded.

Because he had been in the bathroom and couldn’t go out,

someone walked to the bathroom door and knocked on the
door, “Who’s in there? How come you’re not out yet?” This
person was also quite drunk judging from the way he
Li Zhenruo really drank a lot at night. Although his brain
was half awake, his reaction was slow for half a beat. He
was a little flustered for a while, and he didn’t know what
to do, so he could only take out his mobile phone and call Li
Li Zhenran had already walked to the door of the private
room according to the location of the collar. As soon as he
answered the phone, he heard his cat say incoherently,
“Ge! Master! What should I do?! My tail is out!”
“Tail?” Li Zhenran couldn’t help but be slightly startled.
Li Zhenruo said, “Yeah, a big tail!”
Li Zhenran thought about it for a while, and thought it
might be what he thought, and said, “Wait a minute, I’ll be
there soon.”

He immediately hung up the phone, knocked on the private

room door and pushed it open.
A group of young people were already drinking too much
inside, and almost no one noticed that someone pushed the
door in. Only Yue Zijia was a little more sober. She didn’t
expect Li Zhenran to find it directly, so she stood up in a
daze, “Zhenran?”
Li Zhenran said, “Is my assistant here?”
A drunk girl suddenly pounced on Li Zhenran with a bottle
of wine, “Who are you, handsome? Let’s have a drink!”
Li Zhenran politely pulled her hand away and asked Yue
Zijia, “Where is he?”
Yue Zijia reacted at this time, smiled and said, “It seems
that he had gone to the bathroom. You can come and sit for
a while, and wait for him to come out.”
Li Zhenran didn’t respond to her, went directly to the
bathroom door and knocked on the door, and said inside,
“I’m here.”
The door opened a crack, Li Zhenruo let Li Zhenran in,
then closed the door tightly, turned around to show him
behind him, “Look.”
Li Zhenran frowned slightly, reached out and grabbed his

Li Zhenruo was still nervous, “What should I do?”

Li Zhenran said, “You try to restart once.”
“Restart?” Li Zhenruo was at a loss.
Li Zhenran explained to him clearly, “Return to the original
form and then become a human being.”
“Right,” Li Zhenruo looked at him, “You are so smart!”

Li Zhenran didn’t look good when he heard the

compliment, “You drank a lot.” This sentence was a
declarative sentence, and he was not happy.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t hear it at this time. His attention was
still on his tail. In front of Li Zhenran, he first turned into a
cat, and then stretched his body into a human shape.
Clothes were scattered all over the place, Li Zhenran
looked at the naked boy kneeling on the ground with his
body curled up, and he couldn’t help raising a hand and
gently rubbing his lips with some interest.
h ll h d h h d hh
Li Zhenruo still stretched out his hand to touch his
tailbones, but he still touched his fluffy tail. He immediately
raised his head to look at Li Zhenran, “It’s still there, what
should I do?”
Li Zhenran said solemnly, “Get up and look in the mirror.”

Li Zhenruo heard the words, hesitantly got up and walked

in front of the mirror, and was horrified to find that it
wasn’t just the tail, this time even the cat’s ears appeared!
He was startled and frightened. He raised his hands and
pinched his ears, and he was at a loss. His cheeks burned
with alcohol, and his brain continued to crash. He could
only turn around and grab Li Zhenran’s hand and ask him,
“Why don’t I become a cat and you take me back?”
Li Zhenran said, “Yes, but how do you explain to them that
you are missing and there is an extra cat in the bathroom?”
Li Zhenruo said frantically, “Then what?”
Li Zhenran reached out and pressed his lips, “Don’t yell,
put on your pants first.”

Li Zhenruo heard the words, squatted down and picked up

his pants. He sat on the toilet lid and put them on with
difficulty, and finally tried to pull the tail out of the hole
above the buttocks, and the fur was flailing side to side.
Afterwards, Li Zhenran wrapped his upper body with his
coat, carefully wrapped his tail together, then carried him
in his arms, and covered Li Zhenruo’s head with his coat,
saying, “Don’t move, I’ll take you away.”
How could Li Zhenruo still dare to move? He obediently put
his face in Li Zhenran’s arms, pretending to be drunk.
When they came out of the bathroom, Yue Zijia saw that Li
Zhenran had carried the person out. She hurriedly stepped
forward and asked, “What’s the matter? Drunk?”

h dd d d k h ll k h
Li Zhenran nodded, “He drank too much, I’ll take him

Of course, Yue Zijia couldn’t stop Li Zhenran, she just said,

“Be careful on the road, I’ll walk you out.”
Li Zhenran let her go to the door and said to her, “No need
to walk us out, you guys have fun.”
Yue Zijia nodded with a smile, and said, “Be careful on the
Li Zhenruo lay in Li Zhenran’s arms and pretended to be
dead all the way until he felt that Li Zhenran carried him
into the car, then he tore off the coat covering him, and in a
panic reached out to touch the top of his head, and found
that the cat’s ears were still there.
Li Zhenran got into the driver’s seat and started the car.

Li Zhenruo rushed over from the back seat and said, “What
should I do?”
Li Zhenran seemed impatient, “What to do?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Ears! And tails!”
Li Zhenran glanced at him from the rearview mirror and
said, “Go back to sleep, you will lose your ears when you
wake up.”
Li Zhenruo thought it made sense and said, “Then I’m
going to sleep!”

Li Zhenran waved his hand and told him to go to sleep.

Li Zhenruo then lay down in the back seat. Of course, he
didn’t forget to transform himself into a cat before falling
asleep. After all, he would have to go home with Li Zhenran

h h dh h f d h h
Later, when Li Zhenran returned home, he found that his
cat had slept to death. Li Zhenran thought it was very
interesting, so he grabbed one leg and dragged him out.
Wang Ma just opened the door to let him in. She saw that
Li Zhenran was carrying the cat by his leg, but the cat
didn’t respond at all, she was startled and said, “Oh, what’s
the matter?”
Li Zhenran raised the cat a little higher and said to Wang
Ma, “It’s drunk.”

“Drunk?” Wang Ma looked surprised, “Why do you give it a

drink? Are you torturing it?”
Li Zhenran said indifferently, “It’s him who wants to drink,
it’s fine.” After that, he carried Li Zhenruo upstairs.

The author has something to say:

This chapter was not originally intended to be written, just
to satisfy your desire to see cat ears and cat tails…
Chapter 48
Li Zhenruo snored loudly in his sleep and didn’t wake up
until dawn the next day.

When he woke up, he still felt a throbbing pain in his head,

which was simply the reaction after a hangover. It was just
strange since he didn’t get so drunk last night, so why was
the physiological reaction so strong today.
It was already bright outside, Li Zhenruo opened his eyes
and found that Li Zhenran was no longer lying on the bed.
He raised his hand to cover his head but found that it was
still a cat’s paw, so he used two cat’s paws to cover his face

Li Zhenran went to the bathroom, and Li Zhenruo could

hear the sound of water coming from inside.
Li Zhenruo turned over, stretched his limbs and stretched
his waist. At the same time, he felt the spiritual energy
rushing to all the limbs and bones, the fluff faded, and the
bones and skin stretched. It’s just that he felt a little bit of a
blockage in the process. It was not obvious that he was
drunk last night. Now that he was sober, the feeling of the
spiritual power being blocked was particularly clear.
He felt a little baffled. He tilted his head and moved his
limbs and fingers, but he didn’t feel anything wrong.

After a while, Li Zhenran opened the door of the bathroom

and came out. As he saw the young man lying naked on the
bed, he couldn’t help but stop in his tracks.
Li Zhenruo felt that his reaction was a little strange. He
rubbed his eyes and looked at him, and said, “What?”
Li Zhenran stood there looking at him and asked, “You
don’t think there’s anything wrong with you?”
h h l d
“What’s wrong?” Li Zhenruo was puzzled.

Li Zhenran pointed at the top of his head.

Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, then showed a
surprised look, and said, “No way?” As he said that, he
reached out to touch the top of his head, and surprisingly
he once again felt the pair of fluffy ears.
Not just the ears, he immediately reached out and touched
the back of his butt. Unsurprisingly, he touched the tail.
“What’s going on?” Li Zhenruo’s whole body was frozen.

Li Zhenran was quite calm, “How do I know what’s going

Li Zhenruo jumped up from the bed and ran towards the
bathroom with bare feet. He tried looking in the mirror, but
when he passed by Li Zhenran, his tail was grabbed by Li
Usually, cats were usually sensitive to their tails, Now
there was such a piece of things in the body, it made him
unexpectedly more sensitive.
He hurriedly reached out to grab his own tail, “What is it?”

Li Zhenran didn’t let go after he grabbed it, and he pulled it

back forcibly.
Li Zhenruo was so big now, and he was not as light as a
kitten. Li Zhenran grabbed his tail and pulled it, but he
couldn’t be dragged over, and it hurts. He frowned and
said, “Let go!”
Of course, Li Zhenran was not so talkative and dragged his
tail to the side of the bed.
Li Zhenruo was in pain from being pulled and didn’t dare to
struggle, so he could only walk over with his strength and
h dd h b d
was pushed down on the bed.

Li Zhenran was half-kneeling by the bed, grabbing Li

Zhenruo’s tail and scratching at the base of his thigh.
Li Zhenruo clamped her legs all of a sudden, and said in
horror, “What kind of immoral behaviour are you playing in
the early morning?”
Li Zhenran said confidently, “You’re all cat ears and tails
early in the morning but you won’t allow me to play a little
erotic game?”
Li Zhenruo was stunned by his shamelessness and said,
“It’s not like I did it on purpose.”

Li Zhenran grabbed his tail, scratched the inside of his legs

with the tip of his tail, and at the same time leaned over
and bit his cat ears.
When Li Zhenruo was bitten by him, half of his body
suddenly softened, and he lost the strength to resist.
After being tossed by Li Zhenran early in the morning, the
hair on Li Zhenruo’s tail turned up in a mess. He grabbed
his tail and licked it subconsciously, but after he licked the
cat hair, he spat it out quickly.
Li Zhenran went to take a shower again, and while getting
dressed, he asked him, “Do you want to go out?”

Li Zhenruo was a little anxious, “How do I go out like this?”

Li Zhenran looked at him without saying a word.
Li Zhenruo tried hard several times, but he still couldn’t get
his ears and tail back to how it was. He was very annoyed.
The important point was that this way he would have no
way to go out and meet people.

h h h h dd d h
When he saw that Li Zhenruo didn’t respond, Li Zhenran
packed up and went downstairs to eat.
Li Zhenruo stopped him quickly, “Ran ge, will you take me
to Doctor Feng’s place?”

Li Zhenran asked knowingly, “What are you going to do?”

Li Zhenruo glanced at him, “Of course, I went to ask how to
return the ears and tail.”
“Why return it?” Li Zhenran said and walked to him,
reached out and rubbed the top of his head, and rubbed his
two soft ears until Li Zhenruo blushed, and then continued,
“This looks so good.”
Li Zhenruo slapped his hand away, “Stop it, if this goes on I
really can’t see anyone.”
As he heard this, Li Zhenran actually bent down and looked
directly into his eyes and said, “Then don’t go out to meet
people. It’s enough for me to look after you alone.”

When he heard this sentence, Li Zhenruo suddenly felt that

his heart skipped a beat. He opened his eyes and watched
Li Zhenran without saying anything for a while.
Li Zhenran pinched his ears.
Li Zhenruo suddenly came back to his senses and said,
“No! I have to restore the form. Can you take me to see
Feng Junyuan? Please?”
Li Zhenran let go of his hand and said, “Let’s go.”
After breakfast, Li Zhenran personally drove his cat to go
out, because he always took his cat to work, the family was
not surprised, at most they thought he had an odd hobby.

Li Zhenruo sat in the passenger seat and asked Li Zhenran

to fasten his seat belt. Because he didn’t dare to appear
d h h ll d h f
outside as a human, he still maintained the appearance of a
cat. He was silent all the way and looked a little
It was just that the seat belt was not in the right position.
When Li Zhenran stepped on the brakes in panic, the seat
belt slipped onto Li Zhenruo’s face several times.
While waiting for the red light at the intersection, the
traffic police stood in front of their car, turned around and
saw a cat sitting on the passenger seat, and was stunned
for a moment. He came over and knocked on the window
and asked Li Zhenran to pay attention to driving safety.
It goes without saying that Li Zhenran went out late today,
but he deliberately took a detour to take Li Zhenruo to the
hospital. When waiting for Feng Junyuan to pick him up, he
calmly said, “I was late today.”
However, Li Zhenruo felt like complaining when he heard
what he said. He couldn’t help gnashing his teeth and
thought: isn’t it because you were in heat early in the

But now with his appearance like there was no way to

quarrel with Li Zhenran.
Soon, Feng Junyuan came down from the surgical building,
somewhat baffled, “What happened?”
Li Zhenran handed the cat to him and said, “He will tell you
himself. I have something to go first.”
“Oh,” Feng Junyuan caught the cat, and Li Zhenran turned
around and left.
Feng Junyuan lowered his head and asked, “What’s the

The young and handsome doctor was talking to a cat, and

everyone who passed by couldn’t help but look over. Feng

h lf kl f l h
Junyuan himself quickly felt it was inappropriate, so he
carried Li Zhenruo to a different place.
This was a remote path behind the inpatient building, and
there was no one nearby, but Li Zhenruo suddenly
remembered one thing before transforming, that was, Li
Zhenran threw him here and left, but did not even leave a
piece of clothing for him.
Although it was only Feng Junyuan watching him, he didn’t
want to run naked. But Feng Junyuan didn’t understand the
language of cats like Xia Hongshen. After thinking for a
while, he used his paws in the mud on the lawn next to him.
He drew a person, then pointed to himself.
Feng Junyuan was very patient and said, “You said it was
Li Zhenruo nodded quickly, then drew a pair of ears on top
of the little man’s head and a tail behind his buttocks.

Feng Junyuan squatted beside him, looked puzzled for a

while, then looked at Li Zhenruo, slightly surprised, “You
mean you have a pair of cat ears?”
Li Zhenruo nodded.
Feng Junyuan opened his mouth slightly in surprise, and
asked again, “Can’t you get rid of them?”
Li Zhenruo shook his head.
Feng Junyuan thought for a while, “That won’t work, I’ll
take you to find them.”

Of course, the ‘them’ he was talking about were Song Jun

and Xia Hongshen.
At this time, Xia Hongshen was teaching the students, and
Feng Junyuan was merely taking some time out to go out,
and he had to rush back for the wards rounds. He handed
Li Zhenruo over to Song Jun and immediately returned to
the hospital.
l d h h
Song Jun was also surprised to hear what Feng Junyuan
said. He took Li Zhenruo to hide in Xia Hongshen’s office,
locked the door, and said to Li Zhenruo, “Can you show
Li Zhenruo put himself in the corner of the sofa and turned
his head to ignore him.
Song Jun said, “I’ve seen a little demon with insufficient
spiritual power when he first transformed into a state of
incomplete transformation. Why don’t you show me what’s
going on?”

Li Zhenruo still doesn’t know what the identity of Song Jun

and Feng Junyuan was, but Xia Hongshen was so powerful,
and Song Jun has a close relationship with him. Li Zhenruo
thought that he was probably not an ordinary person. In
addition, after he heard what Song Jun just said, he
loosened his mind, glanced at the closed office door and
shrank in the corner of the sofa, stretching his limbs.
Song Jun sat on the coffee table and looked at him without
blinking. He saw the fat cat turn into a beautiful young man
with a soft body. Although he was still squatting in the
corner, he could clearly see the pair of cat ears on top of
his head, not just cat ears, Song Jun also saw the cat’s tail
behind his ass.
“What’s going on?” Song Jun looked at him with wide eyes
in surprise.
Li Zhenruo wasn’t too bashful either, he simply sat down
beside the sofa and said, “I drank a lot of alcohol last night,
and then somehow my tail came out, and my ears couldn’t
be retracted.”
Song Jun reached out and pinched his ear, “Are you sober

Li Zhenruo fanned his ears and said, “I woke up early.”

Song Jun showed a smile, “So cute!”
h ll d h b h b
Li Zhenruo rolled his eyes, “Senior brother, be serious.
What the hell is going on here?”
Song Jun looked at him with a smile, “Get up and turn
around and I’ll take a look.”
Li Zhenruo felt that Song Jun was having fun with himself.
He got up and covered his lower body with his hands,
turned around and asked Song Jun, “Is there any way to get
these two things back?”

Song Jun said, “I don’t know. You are a demon after all, and
the way the aura works in my body is different. You may
have to ask Senior Brother Xia to find out.”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but ask him curiously, “Then what
are you?”
Song Jun hooked his fingers at him, and asked him to get
closer before sticking to his ear and said, “I’ll tell you, I’m
Before he finished speaking, the door of the office was
kicked open from the outside, making a loud “bang”, which
startled both Li Zhenruo and Song Jun.
As he saw this scene, Xia Hongshen, who had just kicked
the door, had some indescribable ambiguity in his eyes. His
expression was ice cold, and asked, “What are you doing?”
Song Jun hurriedly took a step back, “Senior Brother Xia…”

Xia Hongshen pointed at Li Zhenruo, “Why aren’t you

wearing any clothes? To seduce my man?”
Song Jun quickly pulled Xia Hongshen and said, “Senior
brother, you misunderstood, look at his ears and tail.”
Xia Hongshen’s gaze fell on Li Zhenruo’s cat ears and tail.
After examining it for a while, he asked Song Jun
thoughtfully, “Do you like it?”

k b kf dh l
Song Jun was taken aback for a moment, and hesitantly
said, “It doesn’t seem so bad…”

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zhenruo saw a pair of

black ears popping out from the top of Xia Hongshen’s
head, belonging to the cat family. Then Xia Hongshen
flicked his tail, rolled it to Song Jun’s waist and pulled him
to his side, he said, “I have it too.”
Song Jun was speechless for a while.
Li Zhenruo interrupted their intimate moment and said,
“Xia laoshi, can I ask you how I can retract my ears and
Xia Hongshen looked over at him and said, “It’s good, keep
Li Zhenruo covered his face in pain, “Xia laoshi, stop

Song Jun also said, “He looks very cute like this, but he
can’t go out to meet people. Senior brother, please help
Xia Hongshen walked in front of him and pinched his ear.
Li Zhenruo let out an “aiyo” and said, “Don’t pinch.”
“What?” Xia Hongshen asked unhappily.
Li Zhenruo said, “It’s uncomfortable.”

The cat’s ears were really sensitive, and when Xia

Hongshen pinched him, his whole body trembled.
Xia Hongshen asked him, “How did it get like this?”
Li Zhenruo answered, “Last night I drank too much like a
madman, but I don’t know if it has something to do with
d l
Song Jun interjected, “Mostly it is.”
Xia Hongshen looked at him and pressed his palm on top of
his head. After a while, Li Zhenruo felt a warm force
pouring into his body, and then he could even clearly feel
his ears and tail slowly retracting.

He reached out and touched it, and found that the ear was
really gone.
Xia Hongshen withdrew his hand and said, “It’s best to not
drink alcohol. You are not the master of your body, and you
can’t control its spiritual power. Alcohol can easily make
the spiritual power out of control. You can’t control it in the
first place, so you can only try to avoid it in the future.”
After speaking, Xia Hongshen retracted his ears and tail.
Li Zhenruo looked a little envious. Although he was only a
half-assed cat demon, he also felt that he was too useless
and couldn’t do anything except transform.
Song Jun next to him looked at him with a bit of pity in his

Li Zhenruo felt even more envious. He said to Xia

Hongshen, “Xia laoshi, do I have the means to cultivate?”
Xia Hongshen answered, “Yes, it’s just that you need to
endure loneliness and stay away from worldly affairs.
Finding a place rich in spiritual energy can get twice the
result with half the effort.”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help feeling a little sad when he heard
the words, he said, “I still have revenge to avenge, and I
can’t do it now.”
Xia Hongshen did not speak.
Song Jun glanced at Xia Hongshen, and said to Li Zhenruo,
“Come back when you have taken revenge, the future is
When he heard Song Jun’s words, Li Zhenruo suddenly
thought of Li Zhenran and was a little confused about the
He borrowed a set of clothes from Song Jun, dressed like a
student and left the academic building. He walked along
the school path, Li Zhenruo took out his mobile phone and
called Feng Junyuan, saying that he was leaving first, and
thanked Feng Junyuan.
At this time, a tall and thin boy walked over from the
opposite side. Li Zhenruo just hung up the phone and
looked up and saw the boy’s appearance and was stunned.
He had seen that boy once, the last time he and Li Zhenran
went to eat crayfish on the roadside, and he still
remembered the very strong physical reaction at that time.
However, at this moment, Li Zhenruo couldn’t restrain his
heartbeat which was beating fast. He stopped and stared
blankly at the boy approaching.

The boy kept looking at him with a puzzled look on his face,
until he stopped in front of Li Zhenruo, “You—” he wanted
to say something.
“Let’s go!” At this moment, a girl suddenly ran over and
jumped on the boy’s back, pulling his arm to leave.
So the boy was pulled away before he could finish his
words, leaving Li Zhenruo standing there for a while
inexplicably, before he continued to walk outside the
Li Zhenruo stood at the school gate, and he was a little
dazed. As if there were a lot of things to do but he didn’t
have a clear idea of what he should do first.
He stood alone for two minutes and suddenly felt that there
was a familiar person across the street.

h h d bl k h h
The man was wearing tight jeans and a black shirt, with a
pair of large sunglasses on his face, and his dyed yellow
hair tied up behind his head. It was clearly Zhu Kai.
The pedestrian crossing in front of him just turned on the
green light, and Li Zhenruo ran in the direction of Zhu Kai
without thinking about it.
Zhu Kai soon noticed that someone was running in his
direction. He turned his head and saw that it was the young
man who attended the wedding with Li Zhenran last time.
He frowned slightly and then turned around and ran.
Li Zhenruo ran and chased after him, hating himself for
having two fewer legs and not being able to turn into a cat
on the street.
Zhu Kai ran for a while, but Li Zhenruo was in hot pursuit
behind him. The two ran two streets one after the other.
Zhu Kai finally couldn’t bear it and stopped on the side of
the road. He was holding on to a telephone pole and
gasping for breath.

Li Zhenruo chased in front of him and stopped to look at

him. He was in better condition than him, but he was also
gasping for breath.
Zhu Kai said, “Are you crazy? Why are you chasing me?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Then what are you running for?”
Zhu Kai said, “You chase me, why shouldn’t I run?”
Li Zhenruo panted and looked at him, leaning his back
against the wall.

Zhu Kai raised his hand and scratched his hair, “Aren’t you
Li Zhenran’s lovers? What do you want from me?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Do you know that the Li family is looking
for you?”

h l l d f k h
Zhu Kai surprisingly smiled, “Of course I know. You have to
find a place to spread the fire for such a big thing. Isn’t Li
Zhenzi miserable?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t answer, just asked him, “Why did you
make the photo public on that occasion?”
Zhu Kai looked him up and down, “What’s your business?
Who are you to the Li family?”

Li Zhenruo did not answer him.

After a while, Zhu Kai said, “Aren’t you just Li Zhenran’s
lover? What? Do you still expect Li Zhenran to marry you
into the Li family as the young lady of the house? You
expect too much!”
Li Zhenruo was accustomed to the way Zhu Kai spoke, and
did not get angry with him, but asked, “What makes you
think I have an affair with Li Zhenran?”
Zhu Kai said, “I haven’t seen Li Zhenran with any woman
for more than 20 years. If you are not his lover, then he
must be impotent.”
Li Zhenruo thought about it and felt that what Zhu Kai said
was very reasonable, and asked him, “Are you going to tell
Li Jianglin?”

Zhu Kai squinted at him, “Why should I tell Li Jianglin?

What do I care about your business?”
Li Zhenruo thought that whether he told Li Jianglin or not,
Li Zhenran didn’t care anyway, and so he didn’t need to
Zhu Kai took a moment to catch his breath, stood up
straight and turned around to leave.
“Zhu Kai,” Li Zhenruo suddenly stopped him, “Why are you
doing this? Are you not going to say anything now that the
Li family is in confusion? Does it means nothing to you?”

h d h h h d h d l k d
Zhu Kai stopped when he heard the words. He looked at Li
Zhenruo for a long time and beckoned him to go over with
his fingers. When Li Zhenruo approached, Zhu Kai leaned
closer to his ear and whispered, “Because I know a secret,
but I can’t tell you.”

Li Zhenruo couldn’t help frowning.

Then Zhu Kai “smooched” him on the face, turned around
and ran away while Li Zhenruo was in a daze.
Chapter 49
Li Zhenruo didn’t care much about Zhu Kai’s kiss just now,
but what he pondered in his heart was that Zhu Kai said he
knew a secret.

What secret? It must be a secret related to the Li family.

Otherwise, Zhu Kai wouldn’t feel the need to be so
talkative, and other secrets were meaningless to him.
So what’s the secret? Li Zhenruo felt that if he could only
guess it by his imagination, there was no way to guess it.

When he looked back to find Zhu Kai again, he found that

Zhu Kai had caught a car on the side of the road and run
away. If he let Li Zhenran know, and he was determined to
find Zhu Kai, it would not be impossible for him to find Zhu
Kai. But even if he found him, who could force Zhu Kai to
say things he was not willing to say?
Could this secret have something to do with Li Zhenruo’s
Li Zhenruo had some speculation in his heart, was Zhu Kai
dealing with the people of the Li family to avenge him? It
was impossible if he thought about it. Zhu Kai’s feelings for
him were not deep enough to this point.

Li Zhenruo felt that he wouldn’t be able to guess, and

squatted on the side of the road holding his head in pain.
He suddenly remembered something he was thinking about
before. When he had a chance, he wanted to go to Aunt Wu,
who left the Li family in a hurry, and asked if she had taken
the blood-stained tissue from his room at that time and
gave the tissue to someone. By now, he felt that he had to
wait for that opportunity, which was probably difficult to
wait. He was hooked by Zhu Kai’s words, and suddenly had
an idea that it was almost time to act.
d ff l f d b h
It was not difficult to find out about Aunt Wu’s hometown,
but if he wanted to go now, he had to find a way to deal
with Li Zhenran.
How could Li Zhenran allow him to disappear for two or
three days without saying anything?
Li Zhenruo felt a little distressed. He thought that Li
Zhenran had some speculation about him, but he didn’t
know how much he knew. Before this, Li Zhenruo thought
to himself that if Li Zhenran really asked about it one day,
he would say that he had received some favour from Li
Zhenruo before. Although his benefactor had died, he did
not give up trying to find the murderer. But he didn’t
expect that until now, Li Zhenran didn’t ask a word. What
was Li Zhenran thinking about?

Since Li Zhenran refused to ask, wouldn’t it be better for

him to take the initiative to give a hint to Li Zhenran?
With this little concern in his mind, Li Zhenruo did not go
back to find Li Zhenran that afternoon until he got off work.
Later, Li Zhenran called him and asked him where he was.
Li Zhenruo replied, “I’m hiding. Come and find me.”
Li Zhenruo still has a positioning collar on his neck, and it
was easy for Li Zhenran to find him.
It was just that Li Zhenran seemed a little unhappy when
he heard Li Zhenruo’s words, and coldly said one sentence,
“Just you wait.”

About an hour after hanging up the phone, Li Zhenran

found Li Zhenruo in the woods outside Li’s house. There
was a swing hanging on a tree here. Li Zhenruo still
remembered that this was when he was young. At that
time, Li Zhentai and Li Zhenran had grown a little bit, and
they hung it together.
Li Jianglin did not allow them to come here to play, because
the surrounding woods were inaccessible and too remote,
and he was afraid that children would have accidents.
h d h h ld ll k
However, Li Zhenruo and the others would still sneak out.
It was like an adventure to explore every corner of the
However, when they grew up and had enough freedom,
they lost interest in this forest and almost never went in
This old swing was still very strong, but the wooden board
below was a little rotten, and the forest was so humid that
Li Zhenruo felt a little sticky when he touched it with his

Despite this, he sat down on the swing and kicked the

ground with his feet a little nervously, causing the swing to
sway slightly.
After a while, he heard the crisp sound of dry leaves being
smashed, raised his head and looked forward, and saw that
Li Zhenran was still wearing a suit and leather shoes,
walking slowly in this direction.
Li Zhenran went straight to Li Zhenruo and stopped. He
looked up and looked around, and asked him, “How did you
find this place?”
Li Zhenruo shook the swing, “This is where you guys played
as kids, right?”

“We?” Li Zhenran heard the words and looked at him,

“Who are you referring to?”
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath and said to him, “You and Li
After he said these three words, Li Zhenran was silent for a
while. The surroundings were very quiet, and only the
sound of insects in the distance could be heard. The sound
was monotonous and more secluded. In this dense grove,
the sun couldn’t shine in, and the light was gloomy as if
they were isolated from the world.

h l dh dh h d k d
Li Zhenran clasped his arms around his chest and asked
him, “Why Li Zhenruo?”

For some reason, Li Zhenruo suddenly flinched a little. He

changed the subject and said, “I saw Zhu Kai today, and he
told me something.”
Li Zhenran stretched out his hand towards Li Zhenruo’s
“Huh?” Li Zhenruo was frozen for a moment.
Li Zhenran just plucked a leaf off his head and asked him,
“What did he say to you?”

Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but raised his hand and touched

the top of his head, and said, “Zhu Kai said that he knows a
secret of the Li family.”
Li Zhenran still held the dead leaf in his hand and looked at
Li Zhenruo, “What secret?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Do you think he will tell me?”
Li Zhenran didn’t seem to be curious about what secret
Zhu Kai said at all. Maybe he didn’t believe that he could
hear anything serious from Zhu Kai’s mouth. He held Li
Zhenruo’s jaw to make him look up to him, “Why are you so
interested in our Li family’s affairs?”
If it were in the past, Li Zhenruo would have said smoothly:
Don’t you think it was because of you?

But today, Li Zhenruo was silent for a while and said,

“Because I want to know how Li Zhenruo actually died.”
After he said this, Li Zhenruo noticed that his heart was
beating wildly. He was a little nervous and subconsciously
made a gulping action. His eyes were still fixed on Li

h h d
Sure enough, Li Zhenran was not surprised. His gaze
somehow become sharp and said to Li Zhenruo, “How did
Li Zhenruo die, what does it have to do with you?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I have a positioning collar on me. You
always know where I went, right?”
Li Zhenran said frankly, “I know sometimes, but I don’t
have time to stare at you 24 hours a day.”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but say, “Then why don’t you ever
ask me?”

Li Zhenran suddenly exhaled a long breath and said to Li

Zhenruo, “What do you want me to ask you? What is your
relationship with Li Zhenruo? What’s your purpose for
sneaking into the Li family? You—why are you approaching
me?” The last sentence was whispered by Li Zhenran as he
came up to Li Zhenruo’s ear.
Li Zhenruo was stunned when he heard the words, and
suddenly stood up, “I’m not…” He stopped halfway after
speaking. He originally wanted to say that he didn’t
approach him for any reason, but he immediately
remembered that he did approach him at first. Originally Li
Zhenruo’s purpose was to find out the truth of his murder,
not it was for nothing like what he wanted to say now.
Even before he met Zhu Kai today, he didn’t plan to show
Li Zhenran that he was investigating Li Zhenruo’s affairs.
The choice was not carefully considered and planned at this
time. It was more or less a spur of the moment.
He was a little nervous and uneasy. All he thought about
was whether Li Zhenran would doubt his identity, and how
would he make up a lie to modify his identity to make Li
Zhenran believe that he was just a cat demon who wanted
to repay Li Zhenruo’s gratitude.
However, he did not expect that Li Zhenran would suddenly
ask a question like that.

h l k d h h ld f h
Li Zhenran looked at him with cold eyes, waiting for his
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath and said, “It was an accident
that I came to Li’s house, but I deliberately wanted to stay
in Li’s house to try to find out the real cause of the Fourth
Young Master’s death, but I didn’t approach you for this.”
At this point, he paused a little, “As for me and Li Zhenruo,
he once saved my life.”
When he said the last sentence, Li Zhenruo was
momentarily wavered, and had the sudden impulse to make
him want to confess to Li Zhenran, but at the last moment
he still shrink back. For some reason, he was a little afraid
to see Li Zhenran’s expression when he learned the truth.
He was a cat. He didn’t know how long he could maintain
his human form with the help of external spiritual power. In
the past, he always wanted to leave the Li family to find a
family to adopt him after revenge and then retire with
peace of mind. Today after he heard Xia Hongshen’s words,
he thought that he might be able to practice cultivation
with Xia Hongshen, and even if he couldn’t become a
powerful demon, he could at least live a few more years.
However, no matter what the plan was, he never thought
about what would happen between him and Li Zhenran in
the end.
He used to feel that he was just using Li Zhenran and
would not hesitate to sell his body. But now he felt guilty
when he heard Li Zhenran’s questioning. Li Zhenruo was
very confused and couldn’t sort out and cleared his mind.

Li Zhenran said, “So you approached me to find out who

was responsible for the murder of the fourth child?”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but retort, “I said it wasn’t for this
reason to approach you.”
He looked up at Li Zhenran but felt that Li Zhenran’s
expression was cold and hard, and he didn’t seem to
believe him at all.
Li Zhenruo felt a little resentful and said, “I—”
f h f h d k h dd l h d h
Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard Li Zhenran
sigh softly, with some melancholy and despair.

Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment. He saw Li Zhenran

reaching out and touched his face gently, then turned
around and stepped on the dead leaves to leave.
How did it get to this point?
Li Zhenruo sat down on the swing, but in the end, he just
raised his hand to cover his head in dismay.
By the time he returned to Li’s house, Li Zhenran had
already finished eating and gone upstairs.
Li Zhenruo’s clothes were old clothes borrowed from Song
Jun. There was no way to bring them back to Li’s house, so
he could only take them off and fold them on the swing, and
plan to find a way to pick them up tomorrow.

Back at the door of the house, Li Zhenruo rubbed his cat’s

paw on the mat at the door, intending to rub off the soil on
it, but when Wang Ma saw him, she said, “Why did you
come back late at night. Every day you go out and hang
out, it’s like you’ve become a wild cat.”
After saying that, she picked him up and took him to the
bathroom to wash his feet.
The rice bowl was still full of cat food. He leaned in to eat
two mouthfuls, which he felt tasteless and unpalatable. He
walked slowly to the stairs and looked towards the third
floor, but he couldn’t see anything.
The house was very quiet, the eldest, third child, and Zhu
Kai were not around. Wen Chun just glanced at him after
dinner and went upstairs in silence.
Wang Ma was sitting on the sofa watching TV and wearing
a sweater, while Li Jianglin went out for a walk alone. He
had limited mobility and often couldn’t walk far, so he just
walked around the house.
Li Zhenruo wanted to go upstairs to find Li Zhenran. He
stepped on the stairs and hesitated. He knew why Li
Zhenran was angry, but for those few questions, Li Zhenruo
still felt that he could not face it openly. Li Zhenran was
right, he purposely got close to him, using his identity to do
things for himself.
However, shouldn’t Li Zhenran have guessed it long ago?
But why was it suddenly mentioned now? Or Li Zhenran
has always had a grudge, but never mentioned it, and was
just waiting for him to confess?
As he thought of this, Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but regret
it, thinking that if he told Li Zhenran earlier, would he not
be so angry?
Feeling depressed, Li Zhenruo hesitated to go upstairs, and
finally sat down against the wall.
He was really just squatting down, with the two hind legs
bent, the back against the wall and the round buttocks
sitting on the ground. Unfortunately, his two front legs
were not long enough and his body was too round, so there
was no way to hug his legs. He couldn’t put his head on his
knees despite all of his efforts. Besides, he had no knees.

Even with the melancholy, his posture was very ridiculous,

and Li Zhenruo’s mood worsened.
Wang Ma occasionally turned her head to look at him, so
she was stunned, looked at him carefully for a while, and
called out, “Dumpling?”
Li Zhenruo looked up at her.
Wang Ma was inexplicable, “Why are you in this posture?”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t answer, so he lowered his head again.

After a while, Li Jianglin came back from the outside with

his crutch, walked straight to him and stopped, panting
l h l
Li Zhenruo looked up at him.
Li Jianglin felt a little strange, and asked Wang Ma, “What’s
the matter?”
Wang Ma said, “I don’t know, it seemed to be in a bad
Li Zhenruo felt even more depressed when he heard their

It was inconvenient for Li Jianglin to squat down, so he

raised his crutch and touched the top of Li Zhenruo’s head
lightly. Li Zhenruo’s eyes were teary. This physiological
reaction came very easily, and immediately soaked a bunch
of fluff under his eyes.
Li Jianglin seemed to see him as pitiful, and said to Wang
Ma, “Tell the second child to carry the cat back.”
Wang Ma responded, got up from the sofa, and walked
Li Jianglin went back to his room by himself.
After a while, Li Zhenruo heard a knock on the door on the
third floor, and then Li Zhenran opened the door and spoke
to Wang Ma. The sound came down from the stairway but
was very clear.
Wang Ma told Li Zhenran that there was something wrong
with his cat and asked Li Zhenran to take a look. Li
Zhenran said, “Let him be.”

After he said that, Li Zhenran closed the door.

When Li Zhenruo heard Wang Ma’s footsteps going
downstairs, he felt an unbearable heartache. He got up and
ran towards the living room window, then jumped out of
the open window.

dd h b h d d
He didn’t want to go somewhere, but he was in a depressed
mood. He didn’t feel much better about Wang Ma’s concern
at home. He came out of the window and walked towards
the yard with his tail drooping. He saw Zhu Kai’s Erhuang
lying motionless in his kennel from a distance.
Erhuang has been very quiet recently, probably because he
hadn’t seen its owner for several days, and the whole dog
seemed to be depressed. Erhuang also saw Li Zhenruo from
a distance, but only slightly flapped its ears and didn’t
stand up.

Li Zhenruo suddenly felt a little bit of pity for it and walked

slowly towards its kennel until he stopped in front of it.
Even though Erhuang was in a bad mood, it still reluctantly
lifted his tail to greet Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenruo then circled around him, rolled himself into a
ball and lay down against it, leaning his head on it.
Unexpectedly, Erhuang noticed Li Zhenruo’s movements,
so he lay down on his side to show his soft and warm belly
for him to lean against.
Li Zhenruo moved his head comfortably and exhaled a deep
breath, which sounded like a sigh.
He thought to himself: Even the family dog is more gentle
than Li Zhenran, as a pet cat, he had a really miserable life.

After lying down for a while, Li Zhenruo closed his eyes and
fell asleep because it was too comfortable.
When he woke up, it was already dark, and the street lamps
in front of him were glowing softly. Erhuang kept lying on
his side and didn’t move. When he noticed that Li Zhenruo
was awake, he turned his head and licked the top of his
Li Zhenruo rarely disliked it. He lowered his head and
rubbed Erhuang on its neck, then got up and ran towards
the swimming pool. From the swimming pool, as soon as he
l k d h ld h d f h
looked up, he could see the window of Li Zhenran’s room. It
was not too late, but the lights in the room were already
turned off.
Li Zhenruo didn’t know whether he had already slept or
gone out, so he couldn’t help being curious, and after a
little hesitation, he went over the pipe and climbed to the
third floor.
He hadn’t climbed the window for a long time, and his
movements were already a little rusty. With difficulty, he
climbed to the third floor and found that the window was
closed. Just as he put his face on the window and looked in,
he suddenly saw Li Zhenran standing in front of the
window, raising his hand to push the window.

As soon as the window was opened, Li Zhenruo, who had

just climbed up the third floor, was knocked flying and fell
to the ground.
His heart was cold, and he said silently: Li Zhenran, you
are ruthless!
Chapter 50
However, Li Zhenruo seemed to have misunderstood Li

Because at the same time he fell down, Li Zhenran reached

out and grabbed him. But Li Zhenran just happened to only
grab his tail, which made him shriek in the middle of the
Li Zhenran hurriedly pulled his tail to lift him up and put
him on the windowsill.

Li Zhenruo was still in shock, plus, his tail was pulled up

painfully. The whole cat was in a trance, just burying his
head and licking the root of his tail.
Li Zhenran looked at him, his slender legs rolled over the
window frame and hung outside. He sat on the window sill,
raised one hand and stuffed a cigarette into his mouth, and
then lit the cigarette with a lighter in the other hand.
Li Zhenruo smelled the smoke and looked up at him. It
seemed that he hardly ever seen Li Zhenran smoke, but
now he was sitting on the windowsill looking into the
distance with a cigarette in his mouth, which made Li
Zhenruo feel a little uncomfortable.

If he had to summarize this emotion, Li Zhenruo felt that Li

Zhenran was probably heartbroken.
The pain at the base of the tail became less distinct. Li
Zhenruo hesitated for a long time, stretched out his paw,
and touched Li Zhenran’s thigh nervously.
He should actually turned into a human form and sat down
to have a serious chat with Li Zhenran, but he was a little
timid. He always felt that he didn’t need to talk if he looked
like this, so he didn’t need to face Li Zhenran’s questioning.
h dh b h l f l d
Li Zhenran ignored him. He just bent his left leg and
stepped on the window sill, his left arm rested on his knee
and held the cigarette between his fingers.

Li Zhenruo looked a little bewildered at his handsome side

Li Zhenran suddenly opened his mouth and said, “Why are
you climbing to my room in the middle of the night?”
Where in the middle of the night it is? Li Zhenruo cursed,
but after he heard him say this, he finally felt relieved and
thought that Li Zhenran was probably not so angry.
He carefully withdrew his sharp claws, placed the soft pad
of flesh against Li Zhenran’s waist, and raised his head
while looking at him, while gently pressing his waist.

Li Zhenran still ignored him.

So he pressed again.
Li Zhenran looked at him this time and said, “I’ll throw you
Li Zhenruo quickly retracted his cat’s paw.

He hesitated for a while, and finally stretched his limbs to

become a human and sat beside Li Zhenran. The two men
crowded the same window sill. Li Zhenruo’s naked skin was
close to Li Zhenran’s body, and he could feel the
temperature of Li Zhenran’s skin through a thin layer of
Li Zhenruo said, “I can’t say that I came to Li’s house and
stayed with you for no purpose, but it has nothing to do
with my feelings for you.”
Li Zhenran took a puff of smoke, and suddenly spew all the
white smoke on Li Zhenruo’s face. He then asked him,
“What kind of feelings do you have for me?”
h h kh kb k l k d h
Li Zhenruo shrank his neck back, looked at Li Zhenran,
thought about it and said, “Isn’t it the master…”

Li Zhenran didn’t answer, took a puff and spew the smoke

on his face.
Li Zhenruo raised his hand and waved the smoke away, and
asked Li Zhenran tentatively, “What’s that supposed to
Li Zhenran said coldly, “How do I know? Think for yourself,
and tell me if you understand.” With that, he turned into
the room and walked towards the bathroom.
When he went to bed at night, Li Zhenruo still didn’t know
how to answer Li Zhenran’s question. Li Zhenran’s attitude
towards him was cold, but not as angry as when he
confessed his identity to him at first.

Maybe Li Zhenran forgave him after the entanglement and

he didn’t care about his impure intentions at the beginning.
Perhaps it was enough to know that he was now a good cat
who was devoted to his master.
Li Zhenruo slept beside Li Zhenran’s pillow, but Li Zhenran
refused to reach out and hug him. Li Zhenruo somewhat
suffer from insomnia, and he didn’t fall asleep for a while.
Li Zhenran didn’t move next to him, and he didn’t dare to
toss and turn for fear that if he woke Li Zhenran, he would
be thrown out of bed.
After he lay down quietly for a while, Li Zhenruo changed
himself back to the appearance of a cat, quietly got up and
made a circle on the pillow. He stared straight at Li
Zhenran. After staring for more than ten minutes, he felt
sleepy, yawned and closed his eyes to sleep.
The next morning, Li Zhenran didn’t talk to Li Zhenruo
when he got up. After Li Zhenran took a bath and dressed,
he went downstairs to have breakfast.

h l k dd d h dh f hh
Li Zhenruo looked disappointed, washed his face with his
paws, and followed Li Zhenran downstairs.
During breakfast, there were only Li Zhenran and Wen
Chun in the dining room, and neither of them spoke,
making the Li family particularly cold. In fact, there
weren’t many people in the past, but Li Zhenzi and Zhu Kai
never kept their mouths shut, and Li Zhentai was always
friendly and liked to engage in small talk with his younger
Wang Ma probably also felt a little down. She turned on the
TV in the living room after eating breakfast early.
Li Zhenruo swallowed a few pieces of cat food and
suddenly heard Li Zhenran say, “Sister-in-law enjoy your
meal, I’ll be going first.” He immediately turned to look and
saw that Li Zhenran had picked up the coat hanging on the
back of the chair with one hand and was already going out.
So Li Zhenruo didn’t care about the cat food he hadn’t
swallowed, and hurriedly wanted to chase him out, but Li
Zhenran closed the door as soon as he got in the car.

Li Zhenruo rushed over and throw himself at the door. He

then tried to jump up and saw that the window was not
Wang Ma chased him out and picked him up. She took two
steps back, and said, “Be careful, they’re going to drive.”
Sure enough, Li Zhenran didn’t even look at him and asked
the driver to drive.
Li Zhenruo stared blankly at the car driving away and
weakly dropped his head in Wang Ma’s arms.
He was listless all day, lying on the back of the sofa in the
living room, waiting for Li Zhenran to come back. But at
the same time, he was a little dazed, not knowing what Li
Zhenran should say to him when he really came back.

h h h l h k h
In the morning, when Wang Ma went to help in the kitchen,
Wen Chun came down to the first floor and stood outside in
the courtyard to make a phone call.
Li Zhenruo looked at her slender back and felt that she was
a little pitiful, but when he thought of her relationship with
Li Zhenzi, he felt that she was to blame.
Li Jianglin came back from a walk, took a book and sat on
the reclining chair in the yard. He was flipping through the
Li Zhenruo hesitated for a moment, then got up and walked
out, straightened up and leaned on the side of the reclining
chair. When Li Jianglin saw him, he bent down and
stretched out his hand to lift Li Zhenruo up and put him on
his lap.
When Li Zhenruo lay down, Li Jianglin stroked his head and
back with his rough palms.

Li Zhenruo was already a little aggrieved, but he felt even

more aggrieved by being treated so gently by Li Jianglin
and closed his eyes quietly.
However, in the afternoon, Li Zhenruo was lying on the
stairs to take a nap when was awakened by the sound of
Wang Ma’s footsteps suddenly passing by. He saw Wang
Ma hurrying upstairs, and followed quickly. But
unfortunately, he couldn’t ask what happened.
He saw Wang Ma go to Li Zhenran’s room on the third
floor, opened the door, went in, opened the closet, and
unexpectedly started packing.
Li Zhenruo was startled and felt strange. He grabbed Wang
Ma’s legs and began to “meow meow” with his mouth on
and on.
Wang Ma was tired of being pestered that she reached out
and gently lifted him and said, “Your master is going on a
business trip. I’ll help him pack up, so don’t make trouble.”
Li Zhenran is going on a business trip? Why didn’t he tell
him so suddenly? Li Zhenruo was stunned for a while.
After a while, Wang Ma packed the suitcase and dragged it
Li Zhenruo tried to stop her, but he couldn’t stop her. So he
could only lie on top of the suitcase in the end.
Wang Ma dragged the box to the top of the stairs, and
raised her hand to drive him down, but failed. She put
down the suitcase and called the gardener to help.
The gardener was a middle-aged man in his forties. He
picked up the suitcase and walked downstairs regardless of
whether there was a cat or not. Li Zhenruo almost fell in an
instant, but fortunately, he still had his claws firmly
grasping the handle of the suitcase.

Wang Ma instructed the gardener to put the suitcase by the

door of the living room and ignore the cat that was still
lying on it, and go about his own business.
After half an hour, Hua Yibang drove over.
Wang Ma brought him to get the suitcase. Hua Yibang
stood at the door of the living room, looked at the cat lying
on it, and was slightly startled.
Wang Ma asked, “Did Zhenran say he was going to take the
cat with him?”
Hua Yibang shook his head blankly.

Wang Ma asked again, “Are you going with him? How many
days are you going to go?”
Hua Yibang replied, “I guess about half a month.”
Wang Ma was a little surprised, “It’s so long! Then take
care of yourself and keep an eye on Zhenran.”
Hua Yibang nodded, “I know.”
f l l l
Wang Ma felt a little strange again, “He’s not going to
bring the cat? He didn’t take the cat with him even though
he was gone for so long?”

Hua Yibang let out an “um”.

Wang Ma said, “So I guess it’s probably going to freak out
when it’s not going to find its owner for half a month.”
Li Zhenruo felt that he was about to go crazy in less than
half a month.
Hua Yibang obviously couldn’t be that thoughtful to Li
Zhenran’s pet cat. He only said to Wang Ma, “Mom, I have
to go, or I won’t be able to catch the plane.”
Wang Ma said, “Oh, oh, go quickly.”

Hua Yibang pointed to Li Zhenruo, “The cat.”

Wang Ma understood and held Li Zhenruo’s two front paws
to carry him down. Li Zhenruo was clinging to the suitcase
to death, his claws were about to go in, but after all, his
strength was not as strong as that of humans, so he was
finally pulled off by Wang Ma and let out a cry.
Hua Yibang put the suitcase into the car.
Li Zhenruo was unwilling to give up and waved his paws,
However, Hua Yibang had already gotten into the car. But
after hearing Li Zhenruo scream forlornly, he just glanced
at his face and started the car mercilessly.

Wang Ma held him tightly in her arms and said to Hua

Yibang, “Be careful!”
Hua Yibang responded, “Mom, take care of your health.”
Then he drove the car away.

d h d h dh d d
Wang Ma stood there and watched her son drive away, and
then went back to the house with the cat.
After Li Zhenruo was put on the ground, he jumped up and
wanted to rush out, but just after he left the living room
door, he stopped.
He originally thought he could leave the Li family after
taking human form to catch up, but then he thought, Li
Zhenran went out of town on a business trip, his ID card
was locked by the other party, and he couldn’t catch up
with him if he couldn’t buy a plane ticket. And since Li
Zhenran deliberately avoided him, what would happen if he
caught up with him? Li Zhenran asked him some other
questions, but he was still speechless. The final result, he
afraid might not be any different from now.

He felt his heart cold, Li Zhenruo stopped and lay down.

Wang Ma thought he was about to run away. She was
startled and just chased after him, only to see Li Zhenruo
lying down at the door again. Frightened, she walked over
and lightly kicked his ass with her feet in slippers, and
scolded, “Troublemaker!”
Li Zhenruo was kicked and shook for a while. He raised his
paws to cover his face.
Li Zhenran’s visit really lasted half a month, and he didn’t
call back halfway. No, he may have called Li Jianglin, but
he didn’t call Li Zhenruo.
It was impossible for him to say on the phone: Let my cat
answer the phone, I want to talk to it.
Li Zhenruo was listless all day and lay motionless on the
sofa. When he slept at night, he went back to the third
floor. Sometimes his mind wandered and he slowly walked
to the door of Li Zhenran’s room before he even realized it,
Then he would finally lay down against the door, resting his
head on his paws.

h h k h h d b bl h
Li Zhenruo thinks that his current mood was probably the
same as someone who was lovelorn. Every morning when
he opened his eyes, he thought of Li Zhenran, and then he
falls into endless worries. At night, he couldn’t sleep for a
long time. The cat was left alone and left here, and bursts
of sorrow flooded into his heart.
One day at dinner, Li Zhenruo was licking cat food
carelessly, and sometimes he would pause for a few
seconds after eating one.
Li Jianglin sat on the side and observed him for a long time,
and asked Wang Ma, “What happened to the cat?”
Wang Ma said, “Maybe the owner has been away for too
long and it is in a bad mood.”

Li Jianglin sighed, “This is the first time I’ve seen such a

humane cat.”
Wang Ma also said, “Yes, this cat is very smart, just like a
Li Zhenruo raised his head and looked dazed, only to feel
that the cat food in his mouth was rough, dry and tasteless.
Li Jianglin turned his gaze back at this moment, glanced at
Wen Chun, who was sitting across from him eating silently
and said, “My birthday is on the seventh of next month, and
I plan to have a drink at home. Please invite your parents to
Wen Chun was a little surprised when he heard the words,
“Didn’t Dad say you don’t want to celebrate?”

As early as half a month ago, Li Zhenran asked Li Jianglin if

he wanted to arrange a birthday for him. At that time, Li
Jianglin said there was no need, and the family would just
have a meal together. But now listening to Li Jianglin’s
tone, it felt like another show to invite guests.
Li Jianglin said, “I’m just inviting some close old friends
and relatives. There are only two or three tables in total.
d h
We are not going to eat out, and can just eat at home.”
Wang Ma was also eating with her at the dining table and
then said with a smile, “Okay, okay, I’ll go talk to the
kitchen later, plan it out properly, and write a menu out for
you to look over first. It’ll be lively then.”
The house has been deserted for a long time, and even
Wang Ma was looking forward to being able for the whole
family to come back for a gathering.
For Li Jianglin’s birthday, no matter how big the conflict, it
was impossible for Li Zhentai and Li Zhenzi not to show up.
It was impossible to pull each other down when they come
back since there were going to be so many guests at home.
It seemed that Li Jianglin couldn’t bear it either, and
wanted to find an opportunity to resolve the current

Li Zhenruo had a portion of cat food in his mouth, but he

didn’t swallow it.
Li Jianglin nodded, “I’ll call the eldest later and tell him to
come back. The second child is not here recently. This
matter still has to be handled by him.”
Wen Chun replied softly, “Okay, Dad.”
Sure enough, that night, Li Zhentai rushed back from the
outside, and after returning home, he went into Li Jianglin’s
study and closed the door to talk to him.
Li Zhenruo was not in the mood to eavesdrop. After dinner,
he took Erhuang for a walk in the yard and then jumped in
from the living room window after the walk. Before he hit
the floor, he was caught by Wang Ma and went to the
bathroom to wash his feet, wiped clean water and thrown
to the floor.

When he came out, he met Li Zhentai who also came out of

Li Jianglin’s study. Instead of leaving, he went to his room
on the second floor.
h lk d b h d h h d fl
Li Zhenruo walked behind him, went to the second floor
and looked around, and saw Li Zhentai reach out to close
the door.
Li Zhentai stayed at home for the night that night, and he
went home to sleep every day after that.
Li Zhenzi also came back, but it was daytime. Li Zhentai
hadn’t come back at that time. As soon as Wen Chun saw Li
Zhenzi, he went upstairs without saying hello, presumably
to avoid suspicion.
Li Jianglin asked Li Zhenzi to enter the study, and the
father and son chatted for about an hour, but Li Zhenruo
didn’t eavesdrop. In fact, he has no interest in doing
anything recently, but he guessed that Li Jianglin must
have asked Li Zhenzi to apologize to Li Zhentai.

Otherwise, Li Jianglin couldn’t persuade Li Zhentai to stop

worrying about it. He should know that even if Li Zhentai
really didn’t care about it, the knot in his heart will never
be solved there, and it would probably stay with them for a
Li Zhenruo suddenly felt that if he was Li Jianglin, he would
just let Li Zhentai and Wen Chun divorce, so why bother?
Although Li Zhenran was not there, in order to prepare for
Li Jianglin’s birthday banquet, the family suddenly became
lively, especially Wang Ma, who has been instructing the
cleaning aunt to clean up thoroughly for the past two days
and wiped the windows and glass of all the rooms with
ladders repeatedly.
At the same time, she was still planning the dishes for the
banquet and asked the kitchen to make a list for Li Zhentai
to look over. Li Zhentai felt that it was not satisfying
enough, so he simply asked his assistant Gao Qi to go to the
restaurant to order a few dishes to send over.
When they were cleaning, Li Zhenruo was given a cold
shoulder by this family more than once because he got in
the way. He was a little angry, and thought that he never

h h b l h h h
chase the robot vacuum cleaner or the mop, so why was he
treated like he got in the way?

In anger, Li Zhenruo left the living room and went to the

yard, and ran to Erhuang’s doghouse to lie down with him.
A dog and a cat were waiting for their owners to come back
Life without a master always seemed to pass very slowly.
However, no matter how slow, as he stared at the clock’s
second hand going up and down, half a month had passed
before he knew it.
Li Jianglin’s birthday came, and Li Zhenran still didn’t come
The night before, Li Zhenruo heard Li Jianglin tell Wang
Ma that Li Zhenran would come back before lunch the next

Wang Ma heard the words and said, “That’s good then.”

Li Jianglin said, “Let Yibang stay and eat together.”
“Ah,” Wang Ma smiled.
When Li Zhenruo heard their conversation, he suddenly
had a little appetite. It was not that he pretended to be
pitiful. When Li Zhenruo looked in the mirror in the
bathroom last night, Li Zhenruo felt as if he had lost
He was not too sure. He turned around in front of the
mirror a few times and finally pulled the hair on his chin
with his paws with difficulty, before nodding with certainty,
that he had really lost weight.

The next morning, Li Zhenruo woke up shortly after dawn.

He got up from his nest and jumped to the window to look
l h h ll l ld l d b h
Although it was still early, it could already be seen that
today would be a good day and everything would be fine, Li
Zhenruo told himself.
Wang Ma also got up very early and started to be busy
after breakfast. Wen Chun did not stay in the room, but
wore a beautiful dress with decent makeup on her face, and
helped Wang Ma direct the workers in the house to make
It was rare for Li Zhentai not to go out, so he called Gao Qi
soon after getting up and told him to go to the restaurant to
confirm today’s order.
Li Zhenruo went downstairs full of energy, stood at the
door of the living room and looked outside, waiting for Li
Zhenran to come back.

However, he waited until almost noon. When the guests

had all come together, the tables were placed directly
inside the courtyard. A total of three tables.
Li Zhenzi came back. Although Li Zhentai did not
communicate with him, he did not embarrass him in front
of the guests.
Wen Chun’s parents also came, and Li Zhentai put his arms
around Wen Chun’s waist in front of his father-in-law and
mother-in-law, as if the husband and wife were in a good
Where is Li Zhenran?
Just as Li Zhentai and Li Jianglin greeted the guests to sit
down at the round table together, Li Zhenruo saw a black
car driving in from outside. He didn’t have to look carefully
to know that it was Li Zhenran’s car.

The car drove until it stopped nearby, Hua Yibang opened

the passenger’s door and got out, and the rear door also
opened from the inside, and Li Zhenran stepped out first
with his long leg.
h l l d k f d d
Li Zhenruo was a little excited, took two steps forward and
hesitated whether he should pounce, but saw Hua Yibang
go around to the other side of the back seat and open the
car door, and a beautiful woman with long hair and a tall
slender figure came down from inside.
Chapter 51
Li Zhenruo froze.

He saw Li Zhenran walk up to the woman, said a few words

to her, and then led her toward Li Jianglin’s direction.
The woman was wearing a silver-white tight-fitting dress,
her long hair fell down to her waist, and her face was very
beautiful. She walked by Li Zhenran’s side and they both
looked like really a good-looking couple. Both of them
attracted the attention of the people at the three tables at

Li Zhenruo’s ears were sensitive, and he heard Wen Chun’s

mother whispering to Wen Chun, “Is that the second Li’s
He didn’t pay attention to what Wen Chun said and just
stared blankly at Li Zhenran as he brought the woman to Li
Jianglin, and said something as if to introduce her to Li
Li Jianglin stood up and was full of smiles, probably very
satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

Li Zhenruo’s mind was full of chaos and suddenly felt that

the people around him were so noisy that he couldn’t hear
what Li Zhenran said. In a trance, he seemed to notice that
Li Zhenran glanced in his direction, with cold
expressionless eyes. He suddenly felt a pain in his heart.
He then turned around and ran.
He ran towards the edge of the yard, where Erhuang’s
house was located. Because there were guests at home
today, Erhuang was tied up with a rope, even though it
would have been very well behaved.

h d h h h l f l
Li Zhenruo was just sad. At this time, the whole family was
in the yard to wish Li Jianglin his birthday. The only
comfort he could find was Erhuang.
Erhuang saw him running over from a distance. It was
originally lying in the house but stood up and looked at him

Li Zhenruo rushed over and crashed into Erhuang’s arms.

Erhuang thoughtfully lay down, wrapped Li Zhenruo’s body
in his arms and licked the top of his head.
It was a pity that Li Zhenruo couldn’t speak at this time. If
he could, he would definitely cry with Erhuang in his arms:
I’m dumped! Li Zhenran is a heartless man. He refused to
admit it after he slept with me and now he’s got a
He lay sadly for a while, looked up and saw Erhuang’s clear
eyes, and suddenly thought: What’s the point of crying! Li
Zhenran was unreliable, so he should rely on himself. If he
wanted to take revenge, he shouldn’t only rely on Li
Zhenran. However, because he was too dependant on Li
Zhenran, he hesitated and stopped, and even his original
intention gradually blurred.

He shouldn’t be like this!

Li Zhenruo thought silently.
Erhuang was a little uneasy because of his silence, and
repeatedly licked the top of his head, making his fur wet.
Li Zhenruo glanced at Erhuang with a gentle expression
and felt that the big dog abandoned by the owner shared
the same ailment with him. Since no one cared about it, it
was better to sneak out with it by himself.

d d h dh h db h k
He raised a paw and scratched his chin, and began to think
about how it would be easier for him to leave the Li family.
In fact, he a cat, could find the most convenient to find a
corner that the surveillance couldn’t notice, and slipped
out. It was the most convenient way to go without anyone
knowing. However, it was a little difficult to take Erhuang
out. He could only go out through the gate, but then the
guard will stop them.
Li Zhenruo clenched his chin and thought, maybe there is
another way. He could pretend to be a guest at Li’s house
today, and took Erhuang by the rope and said to take him
out for a walk. Many guests came to Li’s house today, and
they all drove in directly. Naturally, the guard couldn’t
recognize all the guests. Moreover, the guests of the Li
family were either wealthy and respectable people. As long
as he was haughty and at ease, the guards would not ask
too many questions.
With this in mind, Li Zhenruo made up his mind.

He left the kennel and glanced at the front yard. When he

saw that Li Zhenran and the woman had already taken
their seats, Li Zhenruo went around to the side, climbed
the window to the third floor and got into Li Zhenran’s
room, and then turned into a human form and rummaged
through the cabinet. A set of clothes, shoes and socks were
packed together in a bag.
He carefully looked out of the window and saw that there
was no one by the pool, so he threw the bag from the third
There was a loud sound when the bag landed, and he was
startled. He hunched his neck and waited for a while, then
secretly raised his head to look outside, only to find that no
one was paying attention, so he transformed into Garfield’s
form and strung out through the window.
He burrowed his head into the round hole of the bag and
dragged the bag toward Erhuang’s doghouse. Although it
was a little laborious, and he could barely walk, he had to
be careful not to be seen.
After he dragged the whole bag, he sneakily put the bag on
Erhuang’s head, untied the rope buckle next to him with his
claws, and then hooked his claws to let Erhuang follow him.
Erhuang was obviously hesitant.
Li Zhenruo simply ran a few steps forward, and Erhuang
ran after him at once, with a bag of things dragging by his
feet, and stumbling a little.
It was not until he ran to a remote corner with Erhuang
that Li Zhenruo stopped. He huddled in the grass and
looked around and turned into a human form.

Er Huang was stunned for a moment, and stared at him

with wide eyes, even its pupils dilated.
Li Zhenruo also suddenly realized that he was a little
reckless, it would be bad if Erhuang barked at this time.
But fortunately, Erhuang was stunned and didn’t scream.
After a while, Erhuang came over with a blank face to smell
the scent on his body. The more it smelled, the more
confused it became. So it smelled every inch of his body
from head to foot to make sure.
Li Zhenruo was putting on clothes, pushing Erhuang’s head
away while wearing them, and whispered, “Don’t make
He put on his clothes in a hurry, hunched over in the grass
and groped for Erhuang’s dog leash, held it in his hand and
said to him, “Erhuang, I’ll take you to find your master, you
have to follow me obediently, okay?”
Erhuang couldn’t answer him, but Li Zhenruo could see
that his eyes were still clear and bright.

“Let’s go!” Li Zhenruo said.

He knew that when he left this time, the Li family would
definitely investigate when they found that the cat and the
d h h h ld f d
dog were missing together. At that time, they would find
out that he took the dog out, but who was he? He was Luo
Fei’s cousin Li Tuanzi. Only Li Zhenran knew his true
identity, no one else knew.
There was no surveillance in the Li family’s yard, and all
surveillance was aimed at the walls and gates, so no one
would know what happened before. If they wanted to trace
his whereabouts, they could only rely on Li Zhenran.
This was not difficult for Li Zhenran. After all, the collar on
his neck has not been taken off. Li Zhenran would definitely
be able to find him if he was looking for him.
But he felt that Li Zhenran probably didn’t want to find him
anymore. If Li Zhenran didn’t care and Zhu Kai was not
around, it didn’t seem like a big deal that the cats and dogs
of the Li family were lost, maybe they would just leave at it.

Li Zhenruo turned around and wanted to take a last look at

Li Zhenran, but the view was obstructed and he couldn’t
see him. He could only hear the lively conversation in the
front yard. He could imagine the scene, but he didn’t plan
to stay any longer.
He ran outside like a child with the dog on a leash.
Erhuang probably recognized him by the familiar smell,
and actually followed closely behind him.
The door was tightly closed, and Li Zhenruo asked the
guard to open the side door.
The doorman looked at him strangely, and said politely,
“It’s pretty cold outside, do you want to go out?”
Li Zhenruo said with a smile, “I’ll take the dog out for a
while and come back. Do you want Zhenran ge to say

The guard really thought he was a guest of the Li family. As

he saw that Li Zhenruo didn’t take anything other than the
dog, he didn’t have any doubts and said, “No, but pay
f d dh lk h ld h
attention to safety outside.” He treated him like a child who
came with some family.
Li Zhenruo nodded, waited until the door opened, and
pulled Erhuang out.
He took Erhuang and walked outside along the road around
the lake. After a while, he thought about whether it was
convenient to be a cat or a human to move.
Later, he realized that as a person, now that he has no
money, it was really not as convenient as a cat.
In fact, Li Zhenruo didn’t rush out without any plan. He
planned to find Xia Hongshen, but not to ask him for help.
No one was obliged to help him all the time. In the end, he
still had to do his own affairs. He wanted to find Xia
Hongshen for an apprenticeship.

It wasn’t a sudden idea. The last time he went to see Xia

Hongshen, he asked him about cultivation. Not just for
revenge, but more about the future after he has taken his
revenge. Li Zhenruo didn’t want to end his life as a cat so
simply after a dozen years, and he began to yearn for a
longer future. He knew that he was greedy, even if he had
been a cat for so many years, something he earned that
should not have belonged to him.
But human greed was so endless. He turned to look at
Erhuang who was following him, and thought that if he had
never been a human, but was born a cat, he would probably
only need food in his life. It was a pity that he was not, so
he began to be greedy and began to plan his future.
He was not sure if Xia Hongshen was willing to agree to
him, but he would work hard. He hoped that he could have
a little more power so that he would be able to freely
change forms. He couldn’t let himself have to rely on Li
Zhenran every step of the way.
You see, just like now, when Li Zhenran didn’t want him
anymore, he would be reduced to the point where he was
penniless and couldn’t even go out.

h k d b h d dh
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath and regained his senses to
find that he had led Erhuang a long way.

But from here, it would take at least half an hour to walk to

the road outside. Li Zhenruo looked back and wondered if
he should just change back to a cat and run out, maybe he
could catch a bus.
At this time, a car drove from behind him. It was about to
pass by him but suddenly slowed down until it stopped not
far in front of him.
Li Zhenruo was slightly stunned and walked forward. He
looked inside from the pressed car window, and saw that
the person driving was actually his former assistant Yan
Yan Xiujie, dressed in a suit and tie, dressed up neatly, and
said to Li Zhenruo, “Do you need a ride?”
Li Zhenruo had met Yan Xiujie twice in his current
appearance, and both in Yunlin. He didn’t expect Yan Xiujie
to remember him, so he asked, “Is it alright?”

Yan Xiujie said, “Aren’t you a friend of Second Young

Master? Where are you going? I can give you a ride.”
Li Zhenruo hurriedly opened the car door, shoved Erhuang
into the back seat, sat on the passenger side, and said,
“Thank you very much, I’m going to the city hospital, I
don’t know if it’s on your way?”
Yan Xiujie replied, “It is.”
Li Zhenruo was very surprised that Yan Xiujie appeared
here because with Yan Xiujie’s current status today, he
should not be the guest invited. And if he was a guest, he
would not have left the Li family so soon. They should have
just started not long ago.
However, before he asked out of curiosity, Yan Xiujie
asked, “Are you a guest of Second Young Master? Why did
you leave so early?” And you went out with a dog. Yan
Xiujie didn’t ask the latter question.

Li Zhenruo said, “I have something to go first, but I didn’t

come by car. Originally, I wanted to come out and take a
Yan Xiujie nodded without further questioning.
Li Zhenruo then asked him, “Why did you leave so quickly?”
Yan Xiujie smiled, “I’m not a guest of the Li family. The
company has a document that is a little urgent. I’m driving
it to Second Young Master.”
Because he was Li Zhenruo’s assistant in the past, Li
Zhenran was afraid that his appearance at Li Jianglin’s
birthday banquet would affect Li Jianglin’s mood, so Li
Zhenran didn’t invite him in at all, and directly let him wait
outside the door. Hua Yi Bang came out to get the
documents, then he change direction and left.

As Li Zhenruo listened to his plain tone, he suddenly felt a

little upset for him. If Li Zhenruo was still the fourth young
master of the Li family, Yan Xiujie would not be treated like
Erhuang in the back row was a little nervous and brought
his head closer. Li Zhenruo raised his hand and touched
Erhuang’s head to soothe his mood while saying to Yan
Xiujie, “Are you Li Zhenruo’s assistant?”
Yan Xiujie looked at him when he heard the words, “You
know? Did the Second Young Master tell you?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Well, I just think it’s a pity.”
Yan Xiujie asked, “What a pity?”

Li Zhenruo said, “It’s a pity that the fourth youngest of the

Li family died at a young age for no apparent reason.”
h d dh l l d
Yan Xiujie gaze ahead, and his expression was a little sad,
“It’s an accident, I guess.”
Yan Xiujie knew about the matter of Li Zhenruo was not Li
Jianglin’s son and he was one of the few outsiders who
knew the truth. However, his mouth was very sealed tight.
Even if Li Zhenruo died, he received a cold treatment, he
also never mentioned it to others.
When Li Zhenruo saw that Yan Xiujie had a face that he
didn’t want to talk anymore, so Li Zhenruo didn’t ask
anymore, but just asked, “Are you working with Li Zhenran
Yan Xiujie said, “I am in the market planning department. It
was the department the second young master in charge of,
and I have a lot of work contact.”

Li Zhenruo nodded, but only made a light “um”.

Yan Xiujie kept driving him to the gate of the city hospital.
Li Zhenruo took Erhuang out of the car and said to him,
“Thank you.”
Yan Xiujie smiled, “You’re welcome, then I’ll go first.” After
he said that, he didn’t stay any longer and drove the car
As he saw Yan Xiujie drive away, Li Zhenruo did not lead
Erhuang into the hospital but walked towards the school
across the street.
Although he was walking a dog, since the university had
external projects, the personnel exchanges were
complicated and the management was relatively loose. No
one prevented him from entering Song Jun’s academic
When he found Song Jun, he was doing an experiment in
the laboratory. Song Jun came out of the laboratory
wearing a white coat and a mask, and asked Li Zhenruo in
surprise, “Is there something wrong?”

h k d b h d d d
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath and said, “Can you do me a
Song Jun had always been friendly to him, and responded,
“You can tell me what the favour is first. If it’s possible I
will help.”
Li Zhenruo said, “I want Xia laoshi to accept me as an
“Huh?” Song Jun was surprised.

Li Zhenruo nodded vigorously, “I’m serious!”

Song Jun tapped his head with a headache, “Wait a
In the afternoon, Song Jun finished his experiment and took
Li Zhenruo back with his dog.
As he followed Song Jun into the old two-story building, Li
Zhenruo was a little surprised when he stepped on the
wooden stairs, “This should be a protected heritage, right?
You live in this kind of place? Are you not afraid of being
Song Jun didn’t change his face, “There has been a fuss.”

He led Li Zhenruo to the door of a room on the second floor

and knocked on the door, “Senior brother, I’m back.”
The door was quickly opened from the inside, and Li
Zhenruo was surprised to find that Xia Hongshen was
sitting by the desk looking at the computer, and he didn’t
seem to move at all. Then the question arose, who opened
the door of the room?
Xia Hongshen said without raising his head, “I smell it.”
The scent he was talking about, of course, was not
referring to Song Jun, but Li Zhenruo, and perhaps a bonus

b h d
“Senior brother,” Song Jun said.

Xia Hongshen turned around, spun the pen in his hand, and
asked him, “It’s a cat and a dog, do you now work with
Song Jun said, “Little Garfield said that he wants to pay
respect to you as his teacher.”
Xia Hongshen’s gaze then turned to Li Zhenruo, “Pay
respect to me as a teacher? I don’t accept apprentices.”
Li Zhenruo knew that it was time to express his
determination. He half-knelt on the ground and clasped his
fists with both hands, “Please take me as your disciple, Xia
laoshi. I will study hard, cultivate hard, respect you as my
master, and carry forward the sect!”
Xia Hongshen looked at him expressionlessly and gently
pressed the signature pen to his lips after spinning it
around for a long time. He then asked, “Which sect are

Li Zhenruo stood up helplessly, sighed and said, “Xia

laoshi, I’m serious.”
Xia Hong’s deep and handsome face has sharp eyes, “I’m
also serious.”
Li Zhenruo looked at Song Jun and asked him for help.
Song Jun couldn’t help laughing, “I can’t help you, it’s up to
you, little Garfield.”
Li Zhenruo said sullenly, “I have a name, not little

The author has something to say:

f ll l l b
“Perfection” will start pre-sale in early September.
Interested readers can check the pre-sale information on
my Weibo, Weibo name: 金刚那个圈
Regarding the point of changing into and wearing clothes, I
suddenly fell into deep doubt when I wrote this part
because if Zhenruo really could change clothes in the
future, how should the second brother take off his clothes,
it is not equivalent to pulling out all his hair?
There are also people who feel distressed about cats. In
fact, it is a bit exaggerated like a cartoon. Just like the
cartoon of cats and mice1Tom and Jerry, lol, no one should
feel that cats are abused. I hope no one takes it too
Chapter 52
In the evening, Li Zhenruo was finally taken in by the kind
Song Jun and had dinner with them.

At this time, Li Zhenruo was surprised to find that in

addition to Song Jun and Xia Hongshen, Feng Junyuan also
lived here, and there was a young policeman named Long
Xing and a girl named Xi Anling with them.
The place to eat dinner was very simple. It was in a room,
and everyone uses a few stools to form a small table. There
were several dishes from the cafeteria on it, and there were
small stools around to sit on.

And because Li Zhenruo was an uninvited guest, the young

policeman Long Xing gave him his seat and squatted on the
ground himself. This made Li Zhenruo feel very
embarrassed and said to Long Xing, “I’m sorry.”
Long Xing smiled cutely, “It’s okay, you eat more.”
And the girl that sat opposite Li Zhenruo, Xi Anling, kept
staring at him as if she thought he was unnecessary.

Li Zhenruo felt that these meals were really not very tasty,
so he took two bites and put down his rice bowl, and asked
Feng Junyuan strangely, “Aren’t you a surgeon? Why are
you living such a miserable life?”
Feng Junyuan looked up at Xia Hongshen, “He spends
money without restraint.”
Li Zhenruo was even more curious, “What’s your
relationship with him?”
While eating, Feng Junyuan replied, “He is my master.”

h dh h d k d h
Li Zhenruo opened his mouth in surprise and asked, “What
about Luo Fei?” He always thought that Xia Hongshen and
Song Jun were a pair, and Feng Junyuan and Luo Fei were a
Feng Junyuan replied calmly, “Luo Fei is Luo Fei.”
Li Zhenruo didn’t know how to continue the topic.
At this time, Xia Hongshen pointed at him with chopsticks,
“Go after you finished eating.”

Li Zhenruo sighed helplessly, knowing that he couldn’t stay

with Xia Hongshen all the time, he should find a place to
stay by himself. Fortunately, this was a school. As a cat, he
was best at begging for food from female students. But
Erhuang was a little bit of the problem, because Erhuang,
as a large dog, ate a lot.
He brought Erhuang out on impulse, but now he regrets it a
little bit. Although no one cared about Erhuang in the Li
family, he could eat enough food anyway.
Looking back, Li Zhenruo found that Long Xing took a small
bowl and poured a bowl of dog food for Erhuang.
Xia Hongshen also saw it and asked Long Xing, “Where did
you get the dog food?”

Long Xing said, “It’s for the Erbao. He hasn’t been here
Xia Hongshen complained, “A waste.”
Long Xing touched Erhuang’s head and looked at it with a
smile, “It’s so cute.”
As he saw this, Li Zhenruo said to Xia Hongshen, “I’ll leave
later, but can you foster my dog for a while? I’ll pick it up
when I find a place to live.”

f h ld d
Before Xia Hongshen could answer, Long Xing answered
happily, “Yes!”
At the same time, Feng Junyuan asked him, “Where are you
Li Zhenruo said, “I will deal with things outside for a few
days first, and I have to think about the next plan.”
In fact, he still didn’t give up and wanted to make Xia
Hongshen his master. At the same time, he planned to go to
Aunt Wu’s hometown to find her first. He was afraid that
she would have another work outside or have any other
accidents after a long time.

Feng Junyuan suddenly said, “Why don’t you live with me.”
This time, not only Xia Hongshen and Song Jun, but also Xi
Anling and Long Xing looked at him in surprise, obviously
not expecting such an invitation to come out of his mouth.
Song Jun first asked tentatively, “Xiao Feng? Are you okay?”
A suspicious blush appeared on Feng Junyuan’s face, and he
said, “I like Garfield so much, it’s very cute.”

Song Jun thought for a while and expressed his

understanding, “It is really cute.”
Xia Hongshen grunted coldly and heaved a pair of
chopsticks onto the table.
But no one paid attention to him, Xi Anling had already
stood up and leaned on Song Jun’s back. She stared at Li
Zhenruo and said, “Garfield? What do you look like?
Transform and show me!”
Long Xing said, “I know I’ve seen it, the kind of cat whose
face is flat.”
After all the ruckus at night, Li Zhenruo was eventually not
thrown out by Xia Hong Shen, but instead slept in a bed
with Feng Junyuan. In order to express gratitude to Feng
f k h h db k
Junyuan for taking him in, Li Zhenruo turned back into a
furry kitten when he jumped on the bed and lay down on the
side of the bed.

Erhuang slept under the bed, and yawned loudly, looking a

little melancholy.
Feng Junyuan stared at Li Zhenruo, made Li Zhenruo feel a
little uncomfortable, and buried his face in the bed.
Feng Junyuan asked him, “Why did you come out? Where is
your owner?”
Originally, Li Zhenruo was wandering outside all day,
wanting to forget about Li Zhenran, but now Feng Junyuan
brought it up again, and his mood suddenly became low.
Maybe Feng Junyuan just asked casually and didn’t need Li
Zhenruo’s answer. After he asked, he reached out and
touched the top of Li Zhenruo’s head, and turned over to

Unfamiliar room, unfamiliar environment, surrounded by

even an unfamiliar person.
Li Zhenruo closed his eyes, but his other senses were still
clear. He was still very awake in his head. He was turning
over and over many pictures he saw during the day, but
some of them seemed to be blurred. For example, he
couldn’t remember whether Li Zhenran hold the woman’s
hand when he got off the car.
“Phew—” Not wanting to disturb Feng Junyuan, Li Zhenruo
let out a low breath and opened his eyes again in the
The curtains were blown open by the wind, and Li Zhenruo
suddenly found a black kitten standing outside the window,
looking at him through the window.
He was taken aback and wondered when the cat was
standing there.
The black cat stared at him for a moment, raised its paw
and tapped the window.
Li Zhenruo subconsciously glanced at Feng Junyuan beside
him but found that Feng Junyuan just turned over and didn’t
wake up. The black cat outside hooked its paws at him
again, as if to signal him to come over.
Li Zhenruo raised his paw and pointed at himself
uncertainly, me?
The black cat nodded.
Li Zhenruo hesitated, jumped off the bed, ran to the window
in two steps, looked up at it, and then jumped up hard. The
window was closed with only one layer of screen. Li
Zhenruo pushed the screen with his claws and jumped out.
Hearing the black cat “meow”, he found that he could
understand what it meant. It told him to follow him up.

Where to go? Li Zhenruo was still baffled, but the black cat
had turned around and climbed up the wall, hooked its
claws on the edge of the eaves, and turned over to go to the
Li Zhenruo was stunned. The eaves1 of this old house were
quite long, and it was definitely impossible to climb on the
wall and stretch out claws to reach it. You have to use your
limbs on the wall, jump over and hook the eaves with your
claws, and then flipped over. It was like playing martial arts
and movies. After he thought of it for a while, Li Zhenruo
reached a conclusion that he could not do it.
However, since he didn’t move for a long time, the black cat
above was impatient and knocked on the roof tiles.
Li Zhenruo hesitated a little and decided to try it once.
He didn’t know the identity of the black cat at first, but
after hearing him meow, he realized that the cat was
probably Xia Hongshen. He didn’t know what Xia Hongshen
want to find him so late, but until now he still didn’t give up
and wanted to be Xia Hongshen as his teacher. So the other
party’s command was a test for him. Even if he jumped over
and couldn’t grab the eaves and fall from the second floor,
he decided to give it a try.
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath, jumped hard and grabbed
the wall with his sharp claws, jumped up and jumped in the
opposite direction, stretching his forelimbs to grab the
He felt that the fingernail had touched the eaves, but it was
only touching. The tip of the fingernail only grazed, but it
was not hooked. The force has come to an end, and so the
body sank and fell down.
Li Zhenruo quickly adjusted his posture and wanted to see if
there was a piece of grass underneath, but after falling a
short distance, a hand grabbed his stomach and held him
He looked up in amazement and saw Xia Hongshen
stretched out half of his body from the roof, grabbing him
with one arm, and taking him up until he got on the roof
and placed him beside himself.
Li Zhenruo was still in shock and looked at Xia Hongshen
with some small gasps.

Xia Hongshen looked at him blankly and said, “Why do you

want to practice cultivation with me?”
Li Zhenruo originally wanted to take a human form and sit
next to him to talk to him, but then he thought that he
would become a human without clothes to wear. Hongshen
meowed in front of him.
He told Xia Hongshen: I feel that my power is too weak,
whether as a cat or a person.
Xia Hongshen asked him, “Do you want to borrow power to
take revenge?”
Li Zhenruo shook his head: I just don’t want to rely on

Xia Hongshen said, “What if I don’t agree?”

Li Zhenruo thought for a while: If you don’t agree, I will still
rely on my own strength to take revenge. When I do, I hope
there will be a way to change your mind when we meet
Xia Hongshen held his face with one hand and did not
Li Zhenruo also lay quietly beside him without moving.
After a while, Xia Hongshen said, “I got it.” After speaking,
he reached out and grabbed the edge of the eaves and
flipped over.

Li Zhenruo froze for a moment and got up to look, and saw

that a small black cat had gotten into the small building
from the window next to him, and he was the only one left
on the roof, and he was at a loss.
Fortunately, he was still a cat. He dawdled on the edge of
the eaves for a while, and finally jumped down in fear and
went back to Feng Junyuan’s room.
The next morning, Feng Junyuan got up to wash up. He had
to go to work in the morning and had to arrive at the
hospital at 8:30.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t sleep either, so while Feng Junyuan was
not in the room, he turned into a human. He picked up his
clothes and dressed neatly.
After a while, Feng Junyuan came back and saw that he was
still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. He opened
the cabinet and said, “If you don’t have clothes to wear, just
wear mine first.”

Li Zhenruo looked at him gratefully, “Well, thank you.”

For breakfast, Song Jun went to the cafeteria to buy buns
and eggs. After eating, Li Zhenruo took Erhuang out for a
walk by the rope. He also trotted around the school by

f f h h h d db k
After running for more than 20 minutes, his head and back
began to sweat. He couldn’t help but slow down his pace,
thinking that if he didn’t go back and didn’t change his
clothes, he might just borrow Feng Junyuan and Song Jun’s
clothes, knowing that the last time he borrowed Song Jun’s
clothes were not yet returned.
As he walked forward slowly, Li Zhenruo suddenly felt his
heart palpitate. He stopped in a daze, while Erhuang beside
him was still walking forward, pulling on the rope until he
couldn’t move and stopped to look at him.
Li Zhenruo raised his head and looked around, and saw a
tall and thin boy walking in his direction. He has seen this
boy several times, and every time he saw his body, he
reacted violently, as if something was pulling him closer.

The boy was also looking at him. As the two of them got
closer, Li Zhenruo heard his heart beat faster.
Seeing that he didn’t move for a long time, Erhuang
couldn’t help pulling him forward.
The leash in Li Zhenruo’s hand was taut, and he had to take
two steps forward, but he tripped over the rope that came
around in front of him and he fell forward.
Just as the boy walked up to him, he raised his hand and
held him.
His heart was beating violently, Li Zhenruo raised his head
from the boy’s arms to look at him, and said in a daze,
The boy also frowned and asked him, “Who are you?”

“Din—” A car next to them stopped beside them for some

reason, and the horn sounded abruptly.
There were few cars on the campus, and it was rare for
people to honk loudly. So Li Zhenruo was taken aback at
this time. He looked back and saw that the driver’s window

d h d l k h
was down. Li Zhenran was sitting inside, looking at him
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment and then realized
how ambiguous his actions were with this boy. He let go of
his hands and stood up straight. When he looked at Li
Zhenran, he suddenly thought of the woman who came back
with him yesterday.
Erhuang was very excited to see Li Zhenran and swung his
tail towards him.

Li Zhenran just said to Li Zhenruo coldly, “Get in the car.”

Li Zhenruo walked to the front of the car window. He didn’t
want to show weakness to Li Zhenran, even though the little
grievances in his heart were about to overflow.
He put his hands on the lower edge of the car window and
asked Li Zhenran, “What are you doing here?”
Li Zhenran said, “My cat ran away with our family dog, and
I came to find them back.”
Li Zhenruo squeezed the car door tightly with both hands,
and said, “I’m not going back.”

Erhuang, however, was lying on the door excitedly, sticking

his head in to get intimate with Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran patiently asked him, “Why are you not going
back? Because of him?”
Li Zhenruo looked at him and saw that the boy just now was
still standing there, looking at them with some doubts. Up
until now, Li Zhenruo didn’t even know the boy’s name. He
noticed a strange pull from the boy, but he knew very well
that it was not love at first sight, but a strange pull from the
At this time, Li Zhenran asked him, but he neither admitted
nor denied it, but asked Li Zhenran, “Where’s that woman?”

h h h k dh b k
“Which woman?” Li Zhenran asked him back.

Li Zhenruo said, “The woman you brought back from dinner

Li Zhenran frowned slightly and said, “What happened to
Li Zhenruo asked, “What’s your relationship with her?”
Li Zhenran didn’t answer him directly, but said, “What do
you think?”
Li Zhenruo gnashed his teeth and looked at him for a while,
then finally calmed down and said, “I’m not going back.”

Li Zhenran seemed to be angry. Although his face was

expressionless, his voice was deeper, “I will give you one
last chance to choose.”
Li Zhenruo felt that he could no longer retreat. Although he
might lose some clues when he left the Li family, if he
stayed by Li Zhenran’s side, he would only be led by Li
Zhenran all the time. Even because of Li Zhenran’s words,
he could feel uneasy for a few days.
He shook his head vigorously, “I’m not going back, the only
thing I have to do now is to find out who killed Li Zhenruo,
and I want to avenge him.”
Li Zhenran said, “So I’ve lost my use, have I?”
Li Zhenruo was slightly startled and wanted to say
otherwise, but Li Zhenran had already said, “Let go.”

Li Zhenruo let go of his hand and took two steps back. Li

Zhenran’s car turned around and left without saying
Chapter 53
Li Zhenran left, but Li Zhenruo was still frozen in place and
did not move for a long time.

The boy walked behind him and asked softly, “Are you
Li Zhenruo turned around in a trance and said, “Ah, I’m

The two looked at each other for a while, both a bit

puzzled. Then the boy said, “I have to go to class.”
Li Zhenruo nodded, “Oh.”
The boy asked him, “Can you tell me your name?”

Li Zhenruo hesitated for a moment before saying, “Youp

can call me Jason…”
The boy seemed to feel a little uncomfortable, but he didn’t
pursue, and said, “My name is Shen Luming, can you leave
a phone number?”
Only then did Li Zhenruo remember that he didn’t have a
phone at all, and he didn’t know how to explain it to Shen
Luming because just giving an English name made him feel
very insincere, and saying he had no phone now sounds like
an excuse.
However, Shen Luming didn’t seem to care. He took out a
pen and sticky note, wrote down his name and mobile
phone number and handed it to Li Zhenruo, “Contact me if
you have time.”

Li Zhenruo took it and replied, “Okay.”

f k h l f h
After speaking, Shen Luming left in a hurry.
Li Zhenruo looked down at the words written on the note,
and when he looked up, he found himself circling around to
the two-story building where Xia Hongshen and the others
lived. He couldn’t help looking up at the window and found
that Xia Hongshen was standing in front of the window
looking at him as if he had seen all of those just now.
He took Erhuang back to the small building. He had just
stepped on the wooden stairs to the second floor when he
saw Xia Hongshen hooking his fingers at him at the door of
the room, “Come here.”

Li Zhenruo hurriedly walked over. After he entered the

room, he loosened Erhuang’s rope and let it play by itself,
and then said, “Xia laoshi?”
Xia Hongshen sat in front of the desk with a pen in his hand
and asked him, “Do you know the student just now?”
Li Zhenruo shook his head, “I was wondering and wanted
to ask you. I’ve met that boy a few times, and every time I
felt my heart throbbing violently as if something was
pulling me.”
Xia Hongshen looked at him for a moment, “Do you want to
know why?”

Li Zhenruo nodded.
Xia Hongshen didn’t speak immediately, but touched his
forehead with a pen and said slowly, “I think that student is
the owner of your current body.”
“Huh?” Li Zhenruo’s eyes suddenly widened.
Xia Hongshen leaned back on the swivel chair and seemed
to be thinking, “But it’s strange. Something doesn’t seem

h ld h l b h dd h h
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but shudder. What he was most
concerned about was not what was wrong, but he suddenly
stepped forward and asked Xia Hongshen, “Will he take his
body back?”
Xia Hongshen said, “There seems to be a reaction between
you both, isn’t it?”
Li Zhenruo recalled several meetings between him and
Shen Luming, and it was true that each time he felt
stronger than each time, and when he looked at Shen
Luming’s expression, it was obvious he also felt it.
The feeling of attraction might be the body’s response to
the soul when he thought about it now. What Xia Hongshen
said was probably true, otherwise, Li Zhenruo couldn’t
explain the throbbing at all.

Li Zhenruo said nervously, “Is it possible?”

Xia Hong spread his hands deeply and said bluntly, “I don’t
At this time, Li Zhenruo suddenly felt that the note in his
hand that Shen Luming handed to him just now became a
worry. He never seemed to have thought of such a
possibility. He always considered whether he would only
have a short life of more than ten years as a cat, but he
didn’t think that the life of the cat was stolen by him and
belonged to others. Now that the owner has appeared, if he
wanted or has the ability to take back his body, there might
not be more than ten years, and not even more than ten
days would not be left for him.
He couldn’t do that, Li Zhenruo still had so many things to
do. Even now he was still a headless idiot who didn’t even
know who killed him.

Li Zhenruo originally planned to stay here for a while

longer to pester Xia Hongshen, but now he suddenly
changed his mind. He had no time.

l h h d l l f hl
“Xia laoshi,” Li Zhenruo said, “I plan to leave for a while,
there is just one request I hope Xia laoshi can grant me.”
Xia Hongshen raised his head and gestured for him to
Li Zhenruo glanced at Erhuang, “When I leave, please take
care of Erhuang for me. No need to trouble yourself too
much, just feed Erhuang some dog food every meal, and
when I come back, I will find a way to make up for its living
expenses to you.”
Xia Hongshen didn’t answer, just asked, “Where are you

Li Zhenruo said, “I’m going to find out the cause of my

Xia Hongshen sighed, “You are really persistent.”
Li Zhenruo lowered his head and said softly, “I’m still
Xia Hongshen took a step back, “Sometimes being
persistent is a good thing, and being too persistent is
sometimes a bad thing.”
Li Zhenruo also felt that, but he was silent and did not

Xia Hongshen sighed and said to him, “Kneel down.”

“Huh?” This time, Li Zhenruo was slightly taken aback, and
he looked at Xia Hongshen unsurely.
Xia Hongshen just folded his arms around his chest and sat
on the swivel chair casually. After he said those words,
there was no further explanation. Li Zhenruo didn’t move,
and Xia Hongshen also didn’t respond.
Li Zhenruo’s mind was stuck and he was trying to clear his
mind for a while, and suddenly an incandescent light bulb
was lit. He immediately knelt down, and periodically called

out, “M-Master1note that he was calling him 师父(master in
martial arts) different from what he called Zhenran 主人
(master as in owner)?”
Xia Hongshen said, “I have lived in the world for thousands
of years, from being alone to being accompanied by
Chunjun, but I have never accepted any apprentices.
Perhaps passing an inheritance is another experience. You,
what is your name?”

Li Zhenruo was speechless for a moment, and finally

reminded him honestly, “Li Zhenruo.”
“Really weak?” Xia Hongshen said, “This name is really not
very good, but feel free, I am not your father, do you really
want to worship under my discipline?”
Li Zhenruo had a straight back and nodded solemnly, “Yes,
Xia Hongshen said, “Okay, I will accept your apprenticeship
Li Zhenruo was overjoyed for a while. He was unable to
restrain the smile on his face and looked at Xia Hongshen.

Erhuang saw him kneeling on the ground, not knowing

why, he walked over and rubbed his head against him.
Li Zhenruo hurriedly reached out and pushed Erhuang’s
big head away, hesitated a little, put his hands on the
ground and kowtowed to Xia Hongshen, and said, “This
disciple pays respects to his Master.”
Xia Hongshen nodded and said, “You said that you want to
have the power to become a stronger demon. Let me tell
you, a demon is originally a beast, it absorbs the spiritual
energy of heaven and earth, and the creatures were
enlightened. Now you only need to absorb the spiritual
energy and continue practising, and you will naturally gain

h l d f dl fh h
Li Zhenruo listened confusedly as if he was watching a
historical drama movie.
Xia Hongshen went on to say, “Everything in the world has
a spirit. You try to push the spiritual power in your body to
break the skin barrier and feel the aura in the air.”

After he heard this, Li Zhenruo closed his eyes and tried to

activate his spiritual power for the first time instead of
transforming himself. He followed Xia Hongshen’s words
and applied the spiritual power to his skin, and suddenly
felt as if his body opened the channel with the outside
world. The spiritual energy contained in the heaven and
earth that Xia Hongshen mentioned was no longer an
ethereal existence at this moment but something that could
be clearly felt.
Xia Hongshen said, “The more spiritual energy in the air,
the more spiritual energy you can absorb. This is also the
reason why there are many demons in places with
abundant spiritual energy. The spiritual energy in the city
is thin, and so the amount of spiritual energy you can
absorb is limited.”
Li Zhenruo quietly felt the slight aura in the air slowly
entering his body.
Xia Hongshen raised his leg and tapped several large
points on Li Zhenruo’s chest one after another, and finally
stopped at his lower abdomen, and said “The spiritual
energy enters the body, moves with the breathing, and is
used for personal use, and is stored in the Dantian2point
two inches below the navel where one’s qi resides or the
main core, which is also where the demon core is located. “
Li Zhenruo tried hard to feel the spiritual power in the

Xia Hongshen said, “Cultivation is boring, day after day,

year after year, year after year. How far it can be achieved
depends on your own destiny.”

h l d l l h k
Li Zhenruo replied solemnly, “Thank you, Master.”
Xia Hongshen suddenly got up and patted his forehead with
a single hand. Li Zhenruo only saw a black mark placed on
his body, and heard Xia Hongshen say, “My apprentice, I’m
giving you a seal.”
Li Zhenruo thought that he was not pork.
However, his mouth was still nicely said, “Thank you,
Master, and when this apprentice makes money, I will
please Master with the best cat food.”

Xia Hongshen looked at him when he heard the words,

“What cat food are you eating now?”
He looked up at the sky, Li Zhenruo recalled the packaging
of the cat food he ate, but he couldn’t remember the brand.
He hesitated a little and said, “It should be imported cat
food. I can’t remember the brand, but I can recognize it
when I see it.”
Xia Hongshen asked him, “Where is it sold? I have only
eaten cat food sold in supermarkets.”
Li Zhenruo didn’t know where it was bought. After thinking
about it, he said, “Maybe it’s from an imported food
“Oh—” Xia Hongshen looked thoughtful, “Is it delicious?”

Li Zhenruo said, “Actually, it’s okay.”

Xia Hongshen nodded, “Remember to be filial to your
Li Zhenruo replied, “This apprentice knows.”
As he stood up, Li Zhenruo said, “Master, about Erhuang…”
Xia Hongshen said, “Keep it and let Long Xing take care of
Li Zhenruo quickly thanked him, and then said, “Master,
can you lend me some money, and I will definitely give it
back to you in the future.”
Unexpectedly, Xia Hongshen said, “Your master also does
not have money, so go and borrow it from xiao Feng, he is
the richest in the family.”
Li Zhenruo thought to himself that Feng Junyuan, a
surgeon, had been living such a miserable life. He could
see how miserable these people are, but he still replied,
“Okay, thank you, Master.”
In the end, Li Zhenruo borrowed 500 yuan from Feng
Junyuan. Recalling how Feng Junyuan rummaged through
his pockets and found 500 yuan, Li Zhenruo felt the
hardships of life for them.
After getting the money from Feng Junyuan, Li Zhenruo
hurried to the inter-city bus station. Aunt Wu’s hometown
was in a relatively remote county in the province, and it
took about 4 hours by bus. He thought about getting on the
bus in the form of a cat, but he felt that it would be difficult
to get on this kind of intercity bus, and there was no
guarantee that the driver would not throw him halfway.
The most critical thing if he went in as a cat was that he
would have no clothes to wear when he reached his

At this time, the necessity of following Xia Hongshen’s

practice was fully revealed.
Not long after the bus drove out, a child sitting in the front
row vomited from motion sickness in the car, and the air-
conditioned car could not open the windows. The smell
spread all at once, and Li Zhenruo covered his nose in pain.
The middle-aged man sitting next to him was already
asleep, snoring loudly with his head up, and tilting his head
to his side from time to time. When Li Zhenruo saw that the
man was about to lean on his shoulder, the man woke up
suddenly and sat back.
Not to mention his past life3not referring to his life as
Zhenruo but more in the past life, if the current life as a cat
was regarded as his life. With Li Zhenruo’s two lifetimes
combined, he was afraid that it was such a painful thing to
have no money like today.
He quieted down, closed his eyes and let himself start
As the bus left the city and entered the suburbs, he found
that the surrounding spiritual energy became more and
more abundant, which made his slow cultivation speed a
little faster.
When he got off the bus at the destination, Li Zhenruo not
only did not feel the fatigue of the journey but felt
energetic, as if he had woken up from a comfortable sleep
and his whole body had become lighter.

This situation made him feel that the day when he could
change into a suit when he transforms was just around the
Aunt Wu’s address was overheard by Li Zhenruo before
Aunt Wu left Li’s house. At that time, Aunt Wu was chatting
with fellows from her village, and Li Zhenruo heard Aunt
Wu talk about which county and township she lived in and
her home was in the countryside.
However, he only remembered the name of the village
where Aunt Wu was located. When he arrived at the county
seat, Li Zhenruo asked someone all the way, and then took
another bus. The driver left him on the side of the road
halfway and told him that he had arrived at his destination.
Li Zhenruo was a little dazed. After getting out of the car,
he found that there was endless farmland on both sides of
the road. He could see a few two-story buildings in the
distance, but there were no pedestrians around.

In his imagination, he walked to the entrance of the village

and asked someone at random. It seemed that it was too
He could only walk inward along a fairly wide and flat path
in the field. After walking for more than 20 minutes, Li
Zhenruo saw a tea shop beside the road. Many people sat
in the tea shop drinking tea and playing mahjong.
Li Zhenruo walked over to an old man who was sitting at
the mahjong table watching people play cards, and asked
softly, “Hello, old man, can I ask you about someone?”
As soon as he finished speaking, everyone at the table who
had been concentrating on playing cards looked at him.
Li Zhenruo coughed uncomfortably and asked again, “Is
there a big sister named Wu Jiamei in this village?”

A table of people looked at him, but no one answered for a

Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but wonder if he had said
something wrong or violated any taboo.
Almost when he was considering whether he should leave,
a man pointed his finger in front of him, “Go straight
ahead, turn right in front of you and walk another 200
meters. There is a house with a pear tree in front of the
Li Zhenruo said, “Thank you…” When he turned to leave, he
heard someone say “Be careful.”
He turned his head and saw that those people lowered their
heads and started to concentrate on playing cards again.
So be careful what? Why did he need to be careful? Li
Zhenruo was simply confused and baffled.

When he turned in the direction that the person told him

just now, Li Zhenruo suddenly realized a problem after
walking for a while, that was, he didn’t know the pear tree.
He stood blankly on the side of the road for a while, but

l kl h ddl d h db
luckily he met a middle-aged woman who passed by. He
hurriedly asked her, and this time he got the exact address.
The gate of the courtyard was not sealed, Li Zhenruo stood
outside the courtyard and looked at the two-story building
that was somewhat dilapidated. He hesitated and shouted
loudly, “Aunt Wu!”
He thought that he didn’t need to beat around the bush at
this time. Aunt Wu was frightened before, and she must not
be able to bear the second fright. He might as well lie and
coax her to tell the truth. Even if she refused to say it, Li
Zhenruo naturally had a way to make her say it.
However, he shouted several times, but there was no
movement inside, then he went to knock on the door.
However, no one came to open the door for him.
Li Zhenruo thought to himself that there might be no one at
home at this time. He hesitated whether to sit down in the
yard and wait for a while, but he was afraid that he would
not get the result by just waiting, so he turned and walked
in the direction he came from just now.

He walked to the front of the tea shop and asked those who
were playing cards just now, and said, “Is there anyone in
Wu Jiamei’s house?”
The old man who was watching people playing cards looked
up at him and said, “Yes, her son has been at home.”
Li Zhenruo asked, “Then why do I knock on the door now
and no one answers?”
The old man turned his head back to the card table, “Then
come at another time.”
After that, no one paid attention to him. Li Zhenruo felt a
little embarrassed standing on the side and looked in that
direction from a distance. Unfortunately, the two-story
building of Aunt Wu’s house could not be seen from here.

h d l l h l d l dh
He hesitated a little, seeing that it was already late, and he
might not be able to find a place to spend the night in this
village. He had no other choice but to go back to the county
town to find a small hotel to stay overnight, and to put off
the discussion until tomorrow morning.
The small hotel in the county town costs 80 yuan for a
night. The sheets were sticky and he also didn’t know if
they have been washed. There was a musty smell in the
room, but even so, Li Zhenruo still thinks it was expensive.
There were no toiletries in the bathroom. Li Zhenruo felt
that his hair was covered with dust after sitting in the car
for a day and wanted to wash his hair. He wandered around
the barbershop downstairs of the hotel and wanted to ask
for a price, but when he walked in, he saw where a row of
women was sitting, all looking up at him in unison, with no
barber tools on the table in front of the mirror.
Li Zhenruo had never seen this kind of situation, but
intuitively he felt that he should not go in, and quickly
backed out.
He just didn’t care about anything, ate some dinner at
random, went back to the hotel room and lay down on the
bed to watch TV, thinking that a human’s life was not as
easy as a cat, if he could have the next life, it was better to
be a cat. You could eat, sleep and act like a spoiled child
every day.

He curled up and tried to expel all the memories that broke

into his head. The best way not to be sad was to not think
about it.
He fell asleep in a daze, and after an unknown amount of
time, Li Zhenruo was woken up by the sound of a knock on
the door. He raised his head blankly and found that the TV
in the room was not yet turned off, and it was past 12 am.
Who could it be at this hour?
He didn’t take off his clothes when he slept. At this time, he
got up from the bed and opened the door. Li Zhenruo saw a

d d h d h d h d
woman standing outside the door, so he opened the door
and asked, “What can I do for you?”
The woman, speaking in a local accent, asked him, “Need a

Li Zhenruo hadn’t woken up yet, and asked in a daze,

“What service?”
The woman smiled and reached out and touched Li
Zhenruo’s face.
Li Zhenruo suddenly got goosebumps from head to toe, and
he got back his senses. He then said, “No need.” and closed
the door.
He felt weird, of course, he certainly could not find a
prostitute in such a place, and in fact, she was not ugly. It
should be fine if she touched his face, but his body’s
reaction was very honest, and that suggestive touch made
him very uncomfortable.
Li Zhenruo leaned behind the door and thought that these
strange reactions showed a problem, that was, the owner of
this body was a gay cat. Or there was another possibility,
that he has been completely bent by Li Zhenran.

Oh dear… Li Zhenruo sighed and squatted helplessly on the

He went back to the bed and lay down, but this time, less
than half an hour later, someone came knocking on the
door again.
Li Zhenruo got angry, walked over to open the door, and
said unhappily, “What is it?”

The author has something to say:

I won’t suddenly go to the xiuxian4cultivation immortality
story, but I’m still struggling with the undressing matter…
Chapter 54
The person standing outside the door was not a prostitute,
but the owner of the small hotel. He shrank his neck after
being yelled at by Li Zhenruo, and then said, “Is little
brother sleeping? I’m here to change your room. “

“Change room?” Li Zhenruo was puzzled, “What room?”

The boss said, “This room has a leaky sewer pipe, and the
downstairs residents are complaining, so this room will be
temporarily unavailable. I’ll give you a new room.”

Li Zhenruo still felt strange and asked, “Which room should

I change to?”
The boss said, “Don’t worry, I’ll give you a better one, and I
won’t charge you any more money.”
Li Zhenruo felt that there was nothing wrong with it when
he heard the boss say that. He didn’t have any luggage, and
he didn’t even take off his clothes, so he said to the boss,
“Then let’s change.”

The boss led him upstairs and opened a new room for him.
After he entered, Li Zhenruo found that it was much more
comfortable than the one just now. At least the beds looked
clean and wrinkle-free, and the toiletries in the bathroom
were complete.
The boss left him the key card and left. Li Zhenruo then lay
down on the bed, closed his eyes and slept comfortably.
When he woke up the next morning, Li Zhenruo bought two
buns for breakfast at a nearby bakery shop. He stood on
the side of the road nibbling on the buns and walked slowly
towards the station to take the car.
Just as he walked to the station, a car stopped beside him
and asked, “Where are you going? Do you want to take the
When Li Zhenruo saw it was a black car, he didn’t intend to
The driver persevered, “Where are you going? How about I
give you a free ride?”
Li Zhenruo looked him up and down and felt that if the man
was not crazy, then he had other ideas. He thought of the
hotel owner who came to change his room in the middle of
the night last night, Li Zhenruo couldn’t help leaning
against the car door, and bent down to ask the driver, “Did
someone ask you to give me a ride?”

The driver seemed to be an honest man, and when Li

Zhenruo asked him, he closed his mouth and did not speak.
Li Zhenruo knocked on the car door and said, “I won’t ride
in your car, so go away.”
After he said that, he stood up straight and watched the
driver drive away.
After a while, when Li Zhenruo was about to get on the bus,
another small car stopped in front of the station. The
person driving the car honked the horn, and then lowered
the window.

Li Zhenruo looked back and saw that the person sitting in

the driver’s seat turned out to be Yan Xiujie. He was a little
surprised because after thinking that someone was secretly
looking after him, Li Zhenruo’s first thought was that Li
Zhenran had followed him, and even if it wasn’t Li Zhenran,
that person should be Hua Yi Bang. How could it be Yan
Did Yan Xiujie recognize him? It’s really not that likely.
lk d d h d k d h h
He walked towards the car and asked, “Why are you here?”
Yan Xiujie said, “Second Young Master asked me to come.”

Li Zhenruo had already guessed this possibility in his heart,

but after hearing Yan Xiujie say it, he still felt a little
complicated. He couldn’t help asking, “What did he ask you
to do?”
Yan Xiujie also seemed a little confused, and said, “He only
said to come over and to secretly look after you.”
Secretly… Li Zhenruo was silent for a while, and then
asked, “Then why are you appearing in front of me now?”
Yan Xiujie was a little embarrassed, “Because you refused
that driver. I called Second Young Master to say that you
might have noticed me, and he then asked me to take the
initiative to find you.”

Li Zhenruo looked at him, still puzzled, “Why you and not

Hua Yibang?”
Yan Xiujie also looked a bit bewildered, “I don’t know.”
Li Zhenruo thought about a lot of things all at once. He
wondered why Li Zhenran asked Yan Xiujie to come over.
Was Li Zhenran afraid it wasn’t just because he was here to
investigate the cause of Li Zhenruo’s death, so he
deliberately asked his former assistant to come over?
He always felt that Li Zhenran might be doubting his
identity. Since when did he doubt it? It was clear when he
confessed to Li Zhenran that he was investigating the cause
of Li Zhenruo’s death, Li Zhenran also looked angry as if he
had been deceived.

“Mr. Li?” Yan Xiujie called him.

Li Zhenruo suddenly came back to his senses and asked,
“What did you just call me?”
h d d d d d
Yan Xiujie hesitated and said, “Second Master said your
name is Li Tuanzi, and he also asked me to bring your ID
card and mobile phone here.”
After Yan Xiujie said that, he took the document bag that
was placed on the passenger seat and took the ID card,
mobile phone inside to Li Zhenruo, and then a credit card.
He said, “Second Young Master said that you can withdraw
Li Zhenruo took over the mobile phone and ID card and
finally took over the credit card. He was not in the mood to
feel embarrassed by the name Li Tuanzi, so he just opened
the passenger car door and sat in.

“Did he say anything else?” Li Zhenruo asked.

Yan Xiujie said, “He said, he told you to go home after
you’ve had enough fun.”
Li Zhenruo rubbed his fingers on the emerged numbers on
the surface of the credit card, and slowly touched it from
left to right. Finally, he stopped and asked Yan Xiujie,
“Where’s his girlfriend?”
Yan Xiujie smiled bitterly, “I don’t know. I don’t know about
the second young master’s private affairs. He just asked me
to come over to take care of you and tell you a few words
by the way.”
“Tell me a few words?” Li Zhenruo glanced at him, “Not
secretly watch over me? Does he know I would find you?”

Yan Xiujie still smiled bitterly but did not answer this time.
Li Zhenruo shook the credit card between his fingers and
said, “Forget it, don’t talk about that, just drive, I want to
find someone.”
Yan Xiujie said nothing more and started the car.
Along the way, except for occasionally telling Yan Xiujie
where to go, Li Zhenruo stayed silent at other times. Yan
l dd k dd l l
Xiujie also did not speak and drove silently.
What Li Zhenruo thought about the most was about Li

Sometimes he felt he really had a limited brain capacity.

Every day he thought about Li Zhenran more than the
cause of his own death, as if the focus of his life was slowly
shifting, and getting revenge was not as important as Li
Zhenran bringing a woman home. He felt he couldn’t go on
like this.
But what can be done? Even if we didn’t see each other,
could he really be so cruel?
Li Zhenran asked Yan Xiujie to tell him a few words, and
that was Li Zhenran showing weakness. On that day, he
clearly said he was giving Li Zhenruo the last chance to
choose, but he chose to give up. With Li Zhenran’s
character, he should be left alone, but he still called Yan
Xiujie to find him.
Maybe they shouldn’t have ended things so vaguely.
At this time, Yan Xiujie had already driven the car on the
road. Li Zhenruo came back to his senses and gave him
directions to drive him all the way to the two-story building
in front of Aunt Wu’s house.

Li Zhenruo got off the car, while Yan Xiujie reversed the
car into the yard and parked on the right side of the yard.
The door of the small building was still locked, and Li
Zhenruo was not sure if there was anyone at home, so he
stepped forward and knocked on the door.
No one responded, he stepped back and looked upstairs.
Suddenly he heard a mournful cat cry coming from inside.
Yan Xiujie just locked the car door, and he couldn’t help
asking, “What’s going on?”

h h h h d
At this time, there was another cat cry, sharp and

Although Li Zhenruo was still in human form, he seemed to

feel that all the fur on his body stood up. He could hear the
cat meowing in pain as if he could also feel the pain.
He stepped forward and knocked on the door hard, “Open
the door!”
The people inside didn’t move.
Li Zhenruo got stirred up emotionally. He raised his foot
and kicked the door a few times, and shouted loudly, “Open
the door!”
Then, he heard heavy footsteps as if someone was walking
toward the door.

The door was opened from the inside. Standing in front of

the door was a tall and gloomy young man. He looked at Li
Zhenruo with a fierce look, “Who knocked on the door?”
Li Zhenruo stepped back half a step so as not to get too
close to him, and said, “May I ask if this is Wu Jiamei’s
The young man asked, “What’s the matter?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I have something to ask her. Can I ask
her to come out and talk?”
The young man yelled, “She’s not here!”

Li Zhenruo noticed that when he was talking, he kept his

right hand behind his back as if he was holding something,
so Li Zhenruo couldn’t help being a little wary and asked,
“Who are you to her?”
Before the man could answer, something suddenly jumped
down from the window of the room on the second floor. Yan
l db h l d h d
Xiujie was startled because he was close to it, and shouted,
“What the?!”
When Li Zhenruo looked back, he saw that a cat landed in
the yard, a pastoral cat with black patches on its white fur,
blood on one foot, and was screaming miserably to run
The young man pushed Li Zhenruo away and went after it.
Li Zhenruo moved faster than him. Before the man rushed
over, he took one step to carry the cat, and then took two
steps back.

At first, the cat wanted to run, but unfortunately, it was not

agile. When Li Zhenruo picked it up, it became quiet and
meowed softly.
Li Zhenruo looked down at the injury on its leg, only to find
that it was not only on the leg but also on the back with
bloodstains. He couldn’t help frowning and said, “Are you
crazy? What are you doing abusing a cat?”
At this time, the man pulled out his right hand behind his
back. Only then did Li Zhenruo see that he had a kitchen
knife in his hand, and he said, “Give me back Ah Juan!”
When he saw this, Yan Xiujie hurriedly stepped forward to
pull Li Zhenruo and said, “Be careful.”
Li Zhenruo saw that man’s eyes were confused and his face
was a little grim. He hugged the cat and quickly stepped
back and said, “What Ah Juan?”

“Aaaaah—” the man shouted, but he didn’t say any other

words, and directly slashed at Li Zhenruo with a knife.
Li Zhenruo said to Yan Xiujie, “Run!”
Two people came out of the yard and ran to both sides of
the road, one left and one right.

h b l l h d h h
The young man obviously only had the intention to chase
the cat, so he ignored Yan Xiujie and ran after Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenruo was simply baffled. He held the cat and ran all
the way. He didn’t understand why he was provoking a cat-
abusing lunatic, but the kitten in her arms kept meowing,
which made his heart hurt.

Occasionally he would encounter pedestrians on the road.

When they saw the situation, they hid in the fields on both
sides. Li Zhenruo also heard someone say, “Liu’s youngest
son is going crazy again!”
Li Zhenruo saw a small door opened in the front yard, and a
girl was about to come out of the door. When she saw the
situation outside, she was so frightened that she was about
to close the door. Li Zhenruo also responded quickly,
rushed over and pushed the door open, forced to squeeze
in, and shouted, “Close the door!”
The young girl hurriedly slammed the door and stopped the
person outside at the very last moment. They then heard
the sound of a kitchen knife slashing at the iron door.
Li Zhenruo and the girl leaned against the door with their
backs, thinking that people outside would break-in.
Fortunately, the door had two large iron doors, and the
lock was fairly strong.
The kitchen knife slashed but left a trace, so the man
started banging his body against the door, shouting, “Give
me back Ah Juan!”
The young girl was so frightened that she almost cried, and
yelled at Li Zhenruo, “What did you do to him? Give him
back his cat!”

Li Zhenruo said, “No, he wants to hurt the cat!”

The young girl then said, “He is a lunatic. He thinks this cat
is Ah Juan. Please return it to him.”

h h fb h d k d h h
Li Zhenruo was short of breath and asked, “Who is ah
The girl said, “His sister, drowned while swimming.”

Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but cursed, “f/ck! I can’t give it to

him, he was bullying the cat!”
The young girl said, “What should we do now?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Is no one watching him at home?”
The young girl reacted at once, “Oh, Aunt Wu, tell Aunt Wu
to come back!” After that, she shouted at her small
building, “Mom! Call Aunt Wu over here, her son is going
The people upstairs responded.

They were deadlocked inside and out. The man outside kept
banging on the door tirelessly. Li Zhenruo and the girl
pressed against the door together, feeling that his strength
was gradually getting weaker, but the frequency of the
bangs had not diminished.
The blood on the kitten’s body was slowly dried, the fur was
coagulated together, and it still looked pitiful.
After more than ten minutes, Li Zhenruo finally heard a
woman’s voice from outside and shouted eagerly, “Ah
Qiang, what are you doing?”
The young girl beside Li Zhenruo was obviously relieved,
“Aunt Wu is back.”
The two listened to Auntie Wu’s footsteps approaching,
until she came to the door and pulled her son, telling him to
stop making trouble and go home with her.

Even so, the two of them waited for a while before opening
a slit in the small door and looking out.
h k h k f h h dh db h db
The kitchen knife in the man’s hand had been snatched by
his mother, but when he saw Li Zhenruo appear with the
cat in his arms, he pointed at him somewhat emotionally
and said, “He robbed Ah Juan and wants to take Ah Juan to
bathe in the river!”
Aunt Wu frowned and said, “That’s not Ah Juan, Ah Juan is
The man looked dazed and said, “Ah Juan just wanted to
sneak to the river, I won’t let her go! Tie her up!”
Aunt Wu touched his back, “It’s not Ah Juan, there is no Ah
Juan anymore.”

At this time, Yan Xiujie ran towards this side, standing not
far from them, somewhat warily in this direction.
Aunt Wu said sorry to Li Zhenruo and the others and then
said, “When he was a child, he took his sister to swim by
the river. But then something happened to his sister, and
his mind was not sober. Did he hurt you guys?”
Li Zhenruo shook his head, “This cat was cut by him.”
“Ah—” Aunt Wu didn’t know what to say.
Li Zhenruo touched the top of the kitten’s head and said to
Aunt Wu, “Auntie Wu, I want to ask you something.”

Aunt Wu looked at Li Zhenruo with a strange expression.

Li Zhenruo said, “It’s about Li Jianglin’s fourth son, Li
Aunt Wu’s face changed suddenly. She took her son’s hand
and stammered, “I-I’ll take him back first.” After that, she
pulled her son and turned to leave.
Her son was still looking at the cat, “Ah Juan, you can’t go
to the river to take a bath.”

h df d d d dh b kf
Li Zhenruo stepped forward and said, “Send him back first.
I’ll wait for you to come out. There are some things I want
to ask you..”

Aunt Wu avoided his eyes and didn’t answer him, and she
just dragged her son forward.
Li Zhenruo held the cat and took Yan Xiujie back to the
outside of the small yard of the Wu family. Aunt Wu closed
the door after she entered the house with her son.
Li Zhenruo squatted down in the yard and put the kitten on
the ground.
The cat walked with a limp, and although it was put down,
it still stuck to Li Zhenruo and refused to leave. It stood at
Li Zhenruo’s feet, raised its head and purring weakly at
Li Zhenruo gently smoothed it with her fingers and said,
“We need to find a vet to take a look at it.”

Yan Xiujie stood beside him, turned to look at the small

building, and frowned slightly, “Why is she not out yet? Do
you want to knock on the door?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Wait a minute.”
They waited for another four or five minutes. The door was
opened from the inside. Aunt Wu stood at the door and
peeked out. After seeing Li Zhenruo and the two of them,
she said, “Just go, I don’t know anything.”
Li Zhenruo stood up, took a deep breath, and said as calmly
as possible, “Aunt Wu, have you ever taken something in Li
Zhenruo’s room and handed it to someone else?”
Aunt Wu stared at him blankly, and she gripped the door
frame tightly with one hand, her voice trembling a little,
“Who are you? What’s all this got to do with you?”

h h h d h l
When he heard this conversation, Yan Xiujie was also
slightly stunned and looked at Li Zhenruo in surprise.
Li Zhenruo said, “You have worked in the Li family for so
many years. Although you haven’t stayed as long as Wang
Ma, Li Zhenruo has always been polite to you and always
calls you auntie every time he sees you. He never treats
you badly in food and accommodation. Why do you want to
hurt him? For money?”
Aunt Wu got emotional and spoke with some tears, “I didn’t
hurt him! No one told me what to do with those things? I
don’t know what they were used for!”
Li Zhenruo felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he
didn’t soften his momentum at all, and he asked sharply,
“Who is it? The people who killed Li Zhenruo like this. Tell
me exactly who it is, as repayment for your sins for what
you have done, so Li Zhenruo can go in peace and don’t
come back to you again.”
Aunt Wu’s body suddenly stiffened, and her eyes flickered.
She had obviously suffered a lot from this incident and
finally said tremblingly, “It’s Young Master Zhu. He asked
me to find something in Li Zhenruo’s room. H-He originally
wanted to see if he could find some semen, hair, etc. I
didn’t expect that there was a tissue with blood on it, so I
took it to him and asked him if this could do it. He said yes,
and gave me 2,000 yuan. I don’t know about anything else
and I don’t know what it’s used for. After that Fourth Young
Master was kicked out, I wondered if it had anything to do
with this matter, but I didn’t dare to ask. “

After she said that, she couldn’t suppress her emotions and

The author has something to say:

Oh— I finally figured it out
Chapter 55
Li Zhenruo somewhat felt chilled.

He always thought that the answer he got from Aunt Wu

this time would be Li Zhentai. Zhu Kai, and Li Zhentai. Zhu
Kai got his blood sample from Aunt Wu and then gave it to
Li Zhentai, who asked Yue Zijia to send it for a paternity
Before, he always wondered, where did Li Jianglin’s semen
come from? He believed it was not possible that Yue Zijia
would go as far as seducing Li Jianglin, right? Now he was
beginning to suspect the possibility that Li Jianglin’s semen
was also obtained by Zhu Kai.

Li Jianglin had always doted on Zhu Kai. Zhu Kai caused so

much trouble at Li Zhentai’s wedding and Li Jianglin could
not hold him accountable. He even took him when he went
to recuperate.
Although there were many illegitimate children and
mistresses, in Li Zhenruo’s impression, since Zhu Yun’s
death, Li Jianglin had never had any involvement with other
women. He always felt that it was from Li Jianglin’s
affection for Zhu Yun. Now that he thought about it, Zhu
Kai and Zhu Yun looked similar. Could it be that Li Jianglin
simply took Zhu Kai as a stand-in for Zhu Yun?
He took a deep breath and told himself to calm down. He
needed to sort this out.

Aunt Wu was still crying, but Li Zhenruo didn’t have any

resentment toward her. After all, she was only being used,
and even without her, under the same roof, Zhu Kai could
always find some other way.
Li Zhenruo had inquired about what he wanted to know,
but Aunt Wu was still trapped in self-blame and couldn’t
d f f h l f h h d d
get rid of it. Before he left, he gave Aunt Wu two hundred
yuan and asked if he could take the kitten away.
Aunt Wu agreed without much thought.
Li Zhenruo carried the cat in his arms to the car, and Yan
Xiujie was hesitant to say anything. When the car left the
small road and entered the main road, he finally couldn’t
help but ask, “What’s your relationship with Li Zhenruo?”

It was not that Li Zhenruo couldn’t trust Yan Xiujie. On the

contrary, among his many relatives and friends in the past,
Yan Xiujie was probably one of the people he trusted the
most. But once a lot of things were said, there were too
many things to explain, and it would implicate too many
people. For him now, it was best to continue the previous
statement with Li Zhenran.
So he said to Yan Xiujie, “I am his friend. I believe his death
was not an accident.”
Yan Xiujie turned his head to look at him, “You’re his
friend? But I’ve never heard him mention you.”
Li Zhenruo said, “But he often mentions you to me. He
trusts you very much and thought that his relationship with
you is more of a friend.”

Yan Xiujie seemed to squeeze the steering wheel tightly.

Li Zhenruo reached out and pressed lightly on his arm, “Do
you believe that Jason’s death was just an accident?”
Yan Xiujie said calmly, “I don’t know, but I didn’t doubt it
Li Zhenruo was not Li Jianglin’s biological son and had
been kicked out of the Li family, as long as the two
appraisal certificates were not overturned, he would never
have a chance to turn around. So who would kill him? What
was the point of killing him?

h l bl b
This was not only unimaginable to Yan Xiujie, but even Li
Zhenruo still found it strange.
But Li Zhenruo himself knew that the person’s appearance
that day was purposeful. It was not some accidental
robbery, but he came for Li Zhenruo. In this world, there
was really such a person who wanted him to die.
He wanted to find the person.
Li Zhenruo said to Yan Xiujie, “Whether you believe it or
not, I hope you can help me. No matter what the result is,
we have to know the truth, don’t we?”

Yan Xiujie took a deep breath, “I can help you what I can
do, but what I can do to help you right now is really
What the current Yan Xiujie could do was indeed very
limited. After all, he was just an ordinary employee of
Li Zhenruo said, “No matter what, thank you.”
After speaking, he lowered his head and gently stroked the
top of the kitten’s head.

Yan Xiujie saw his gentle movements and asked, “Do you
like cats very much?”
Li Zhenruo said “um”, “I like it.”
If it wasn’t for being a cat himself, he thought he wouldn’t
like cats so much.
Yan Xiujie asked him again, “Are you going back?”

Li Zhenruo was stunned, “Where to?”

Yan Xiujie said, “Go back to see Second Young Master.”

h d h l d d ll
Li Zhenruo seemed to sigh unconsciously and said, “I’ll go
back. I’ll go see him.” His relationship with Li Zhenran
shouldn’t be so unclear, even if it was over, they should
face it.
With Yan Xiujie driving him, it took a lot less time to go
back than when he came, but it was still almost evening
when he entered the city.
The first thing that Li Zhenruo did when they returned to
the city was to ask Yan Xiujie to find a pet clinic and treat
the wounds on the kitten. The kitten was meowing in pain.
Li Zhenruo stood beside it and felt distressed.

While he was watching the veterinarian deal with the

kitten, Yan Xiujie made a phone call outside. After a while,
he came in and said to Li Zhenruo, “Second Young Master
asked me to take you to him.”
Li Zhenruo nodded.
After treating the cat’s wounds, Li Zhenruo got in the car
and looked in the direction Yan Xiujie was driving, and
suddenly realized that they were going to Li Zhenran’s
apartment in the city, and not Li’s family villa.
He didn’t know if Li Zhenran had been living there for the
past two days, or if Li Zhenran went there to wait for him
Yan Xiujie drove downstairs and stopped to let Li Zhenruo
get out of the car. Before leaving, he said to Li Zhenruo,
“Call me if there’s anything.”

Li Zhenruo nodded and replied, “Drive carefully.”

Yan Xiujie left, and Li Zhenruo walked into the
neighbourhood with the cat in his arms. He stood under the
apartment building and suddenly realized that he couldn’t
even enter the building without the key, let alone the
He took out his mobile phone and called Li Zhenran.
h h kl d d h
The phone was quickly connected, and Li Zhenran’s voice
sounded emotionless as he said, “What?”
Li Zhenruo suddenly felt a little sullen and wronged, and
said, “I can’t go upstairs to your floor.”

Li Zhenran heard the words and replied, “Wait a minute.”

After that, he hung up the phone.
Li Zhenruo stood outside the unit building door and waited
for about two minutes. He saw that the building door was
opened. Li Zhenran was wearing a light grey casual
sweater and light grey sweatpants. He stood in front of him
with slippers on the soles of his feet.
Obviously, they met in the school yesterday morning, but Li
Zhenruo felt that he hadn’t seen Li Zhenran for a long time
so his eyes were sore when he saw him.
Li Zhenran looked down at the cat in his hand and said,
“What? Found your destiny?”
Li Zhenruo was a little angry. He remembered the woman
he brought to Li Jianglin’s birthday banquet, and turned to

Li Zhenran stepped forward and grabbed his wrist and

said, “Had you had enough of playing? Are you willing to
come back with me?”
Li Zhenruo muttered, “I’m not playing.”
Li Zhenran said, “I know, you are investigating the cause of
Li Zhenruo’s death. So what did you find out this time?”
Li Zhenruo looked up at him, hesitating whether to speak.
Li Zhenran said, “Let’s go upstairs first.”

This was not a suitable place to talk. Li Zhenruo felt Li

Zhenran take his hand to walk inside and did not refuse.
h dd l fh h d lh
However, Li Zhenran didn’t let go of his hand until he got
into the elevator.
The elevator went up quietly and smoothly. Li Zhenruo
stood behind Li Zhenran, looked down at the hand he was
holding, and said, “Li Zhenruo’s death may have something
to do with Zhu Kai.”
Li Zhenran didn’t look back, but said, “Really? Weren’t you
very close to him?”
As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zhenruo didn’t react at
first and looked at him in confusion. After a while, he felt a
chill on his back, and goosebumps climbed from head to
He began to get nervous and wanted to break free of Li
Zhenran’s hand that was holding him, but Li Zhenran was
holding on so tightly that he couldn’t break free at all.

Until the elevator stopped, and the elevator door slowly

Li Zhenran wanted to pull him to go outside, but Li
Zhenruo refused to go. He pressed his back firmly against
the inner wall of the elevator and stared at Li Zhenran with
a terrified expression.
The two were deadlocked for a moment because the
elevator door was blocked by Li Zhenran, it could not be
closed for a long time, and an alarm sounded.
Li Zhenran said to Li Zhenruo, “Can you come out first?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Let go of me first.”

Li Zhenran let go of his hand and exited the elevator first,

but just pressed the button outside to prevent the elevator
door from closing.
Li Zhenruo hugged the cat in his arms tighter. He felt cold
from head to toe, and only the cat in his arms was still
warm. He finally got out of the elevator, but still leaned
h ll l k h d d h dd
against the wall to look at Li Zhenran and said, ” When did
you know?”
Li Zhenran’s expression was calm, “I have my suspicion for
a while. I wasn’t sure until just now, Li Zhenruo.”
It was not the first time that Li Zhenruo heard his name
from Li Zhenran’s mouth, but it was the first time to
address him face-to-face, and it was as if he had returned
to the past. At that time, he was at home, and Li Zhenran
came back from the outside. When Li Zhenran saw him, he
just nodded coldly, without even a smile, turned around
and went upstairs directly.
This was the relationship he had always had with Li
Zhenran. Even though they grew up together, they had
never been intimate, and they did not intend to ease or
improve this relationship.

He clearly thought in his heart that he could not continue

to rely on Li Zhenran, but at this moment, Li Zhenruo
realized that what he was most afraid of was that Li
Zhenran would never accept him again.
They were brothers, and he had been deceiving him and
taking advantage of him, what would Li Zhenran think of
their relationship?
Li Zhenruo stared at Li Zhenran. He didn’t even know what
to say, but he just wanted to see Li Zhenran’s reaction
However, at this time Li Zhenran said, “Not going back
yet? How long are you going to stand here?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I…” He only said one word, and the rest
was stuck in his throat. He didn’t know what to say at this

He took a step forward carefully but did not get out of the
elevator. He hugged the cat tightly with one hand, leaned

h l d dh h h d l
against the elevator door, and his other hand secretly
pressed the elevator door closing button.
The elevator door began to emit an alarm sound. Li
Zhenran slightly lowered his head and glanced at his hand,
seemingly aware of his movements. At this time, he
released the hand holding the elevator door.
Immediately after he let go, the elevator door slowly closed.
Li Zhenruo saw that Li Zhenran kept looking at him, and at
the last moment, before the elevator door closed, he saw
that Li Zhenran showed a sad expression.
However, the elevator door still closed tightly with a soft
sound and then began to descend.

Li Zhenruo suddenly felt a little weak in his legs and

squatted down in the elevator with the cat in his arms.
He ran away, and he didn’t even know why he was running.
At that moment, his emotions were too complicated, he was
nervous and scared, and he didn’t dare to face what he had
to face next. He was afraid to listen to what Li Zhenran
would continue to say.
Walking out of the neighbourhood where Li Zhenran lived,
Li Zhenruo walked a short distance and sat down on the
edge of the flower bed beside the road with the cat in his
arms. He buried his face in the soft body of the kitten and
closed his eyes.
Li Zhenruo felt that he was quite useless. When the time
came, he only knew how to escape, and he didn’t even have
the courage to face it.
The kitten was uncomfortable and started to struggle with
a purring sound.
Li Zhenruo quickly raised his head and said to it, “I’m

dd fh d d d l b h
It didn’t matter if he wandered outside alone, but he just
felt sorry for the kitten. Of course, he didn’t have the
energy to keep another cat now, but until the time came, he
hoped to find a responsible owner so that no one would
hurt it again.
Li Zhenruo stood up and turned to look at the tall buildings
in the neighbourhood, but found that he didn’t even know
which building and which window it was. He couldn’t help
but recall Li Zhenran’s look, and suddenly felt a stuffy pain
in his chest.
He suddenly felt a little regretful, and thought would it be
better if he didn’t run away? But if he didn’t leave, what
would Li Zhenran say to him? What was the look in Li
Zhenran’s eyes mean? That he was lying to him and he was
disappointed? Or that he was Li Zhenruo, and did he think
it was still possible between them?
Li Zhenruo shook his head vigorously to stop himself from
thinking about it. He couldn’t stop himself from thinking in
a more pessimistic direction, as if today was the end for
him and Li Zhenran.

The author has something to say:

The manuscript is almost gone, I can only reduce the
number of words to maintain the daily update…
Chapter 56
When Li Zhenruo appeared in front of Xia Hongshen with
the cat in his arms, he was surprised when he saw Xia
Hongshen’s cold face.

Xia Hongshen sat in front of the computer desk and asked

him, “Do you think this is an animal shelter?”
Erhuang was circling around Li Zhenruo excitedly and
rubbing his leg with his head.

Li Zhenruo looked down at the cat in his arms, and said to

Xia Hongshen, “The owner of this kitten is a lunatic. Look
at the injuries on its body, it was inflicted by its owner with
a knife.”
When Xia Hongshen heard this, he slapped the table hard
and said sharply, “Who was it?”
Xi Anling next to him was startled and stood up.

Song Jun patted Xia Hongshen on the shoulder, “Senior

brother, calm down.”
Li Zhenruo said, “So I took it back and wanted to find a
good owner for it.”
Xia Hongshen looked at him and nodded, “If that’s the case,
I won’t bother with you this time.”
Li Zhenruo wiped the cold sweat, “Thank you, Master.”

At this time, Long Xing said, “I have a female colleague

who just wants to adopt a kitten, why don’t I ask her if she
wants it?”

h d l k d h l bl
Li Zhenruo immediately asked, “Is she reliable?”
Long Xing thought for a while, “She should be reliable. She
is a very gentle female colleague.”
Li Zhenruo nodded, “Then please help me ask, thank you.”

It was late at night, and everyone went back to their rooms.

Li Zhenruo was sitting alone against the wall in the
corridor, and the kitten beside him was eating cat food in a
bowl with its head buried down.
Li Zhenruo reached out and touched its back, then tilted
his head against the wall in a daze.
After a while, someone came to sit next to him. Li Zhenruo
turned around and saw it was Song Jun.
Song Jun asked him, “Why don’t you go to rest?”

Li Zhenruo was a little dazed, and said, “I don’t know what

to do anymore.”
Song Jun propped one hand on his face, “Why do you not
know what to do?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I was too dependent on that person
before. Now that I leave him, I feel very powerless. It is not
easy to change my form at will. It is even more difficult to
avenge myself because I have no money.”
Song Jun said, “Didn’t you become Senior Brother Xia’s
apprentice? Why don’t you have any confidence in the

Li Zhenruo sighed, “I have been trying to absorb spiritual

energy outside these two days, but I found that the effect
was minimal, and the process was too slow. Even if I
believed that I could do it one day, I am afraid that my
enemies will not live until that day.”

l f hl d k dh
Song Jun was silent for a while and asked him, “Is it so
important to take revenge? More important than living
happily ever after?”
Li Zhenruo turned his head, looked at him and said, “Why
else would God let me have the chance to live again? I grew
up without a mother, then without other relatives, without
a future, and last without a home. I have nothing left. If I
don’t take revenge, what’s the point of being alive?”
Song Jun couldn’t help but reached out and touched his
head, and said, “What about your master, little Garfield?”

Li Zhenruo didn’t have the strength to tell him not to call

him little Garfield. He just took a deep breath and said, “He
knows my identity, and I don’t think he will accept me
Song Jun was a little puzzled, and then asked, “You mean
the thing about you being Li Jianglin’s fourth son?”
Li Zhenruo nodded, “Um.”
Song Jun asked curiously, “Does he care?”

Li Zhenruo couldn’t help raising his hand to cover his face,

“He will definitely care.”
Song Jun asked, “Have you tried to communicate with
Li Zhenruo shook his head, “Forget it, maybe there’s no
need for that. I shouldn’t waste any more time, the owner
of this body has already appeared. I must be quicker. If I
can take revenge smoothly, I think I might as well give this
body back to him.”
“Give it back to him?” Song Jun was surprised, “Do you feel
that way?”
Li Zhenruo looked at him and smiled reluctantly, “It’s just a
thought that comes to mind sometimes.”
Song Jun stayed quiet for a while, then suddenly said, “Why
don’t we help you?”
“Huh?” Li Zhenruo looked at him in surprise.
Song Jun said, “Xiao Feng, me, and Long Xing, the three of
us can help you. Whoever you are looking for and what
clues you want to track down can be handed over to us.”
“You can’t help him,” the two of them heard a voice coming
from above their heads at the same time, and when they
looked up, they found that Xia Hongshen opened the door
and stuck his head out of the room, and said to them, “You
are interfering too much with human affairs. Your points
will be deducted by Heavenly Court, and sooner or later
you will be recalled.”
Li Zhenruo also said quickly, “You guys don’t have to help
me. It’s my own business, I will do it myself.”

Song Jun felt a little regretful and said, “Some simple

things should be okay. You don’t have to think too much.
Let’s worry about it when it happens, no one can tell what
will happen in the future.”
Li Zhenruo nodded vigorously, “Well, thank you.”
That night, he still slept in the same bed with Feng
Junyuan. Erhuang was lying beside the bed, and there was
another kitten in the room.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t sleep and lay motionless for fear of
disturbing Feng Junyuan’s rest.
Feng Junyuan suddenly said, “The house is so lively.”

Li Zhenruo heard the words, turned over gently, and said,

“I’m sorry to bother you.”
Feng Junyuan faced him and said, “It’s okay, you are very
cute.” After he said that, he raised his hand and touched Li
h h d
Zhenruo’s head.
Li Zhenruo suddenly felt a little depressed and felt that the
family really treated him as a cat. It was actually nothing to
be treated as a cat, but he just couldn’t accept this kind of
look with pity, and quickly closed his eyes.
The school was quiet and the weather had cooled down.
Although it was a bit cramped to share a bed with Feng
Junyuan, the environment was comfortable and he fell
asleep before he knew it.
That night, he slept until dawn. As he was dazed in the
early morning, Li Zhenruo rolled over and hugged the waist
of the person next to him. He wanted to bury his face in
that person’s arms and continue to sleep, but he felt that
the touch was not right.

Feng Junyuan also hadn’t woken up yet, his forehead was

placed on Li Zhenruo’s forehead, and his hand also
wrapped over.
He could hear his breathing, and Li Zhenruo felt that
something was wrong. He was dazed and wanted to open
his eyes, but suddenly he felt that someone was sitting
beside the bed. He suddenly remembered where he was
and was instantly awake from fright. He turned over in a
circular motion and looked outside the bed, and he saw a
tall man sitting beside the bed.
Li Zhenruo pushed Feng Junyuan hard.
Feng Junyuan made an “uh” sound and raised his head
Only then did Li Zhenruo see the appearance of the man
sitting beside the bed, and found that it was Luo Fei.

Luo Fei was wearing a suit and had an elegant posture.

When he saw Li Zhenruo and Feng Junyuan looking at him,
he even showed a gentle smile and asked, “Did you sleep
h df l l
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, Luo Fei was clearly
smiling, but he had a feeling of being caught in adultery.
Also, he came back to the room last night. He clearly
remembered that he locked the door. How did Luo Fei
come in quietly? Does he have the key to Feng Junyuan’s
He looked at Luo Fei inexplicably, and Li Zhenruo hesitated
whether to get up or not. Although he didn’t sleep naked,
he was only wearing a pair of briefs, which touched Feng
Junyuan’s legs, and he could still feel a smooth and delicate
touch… He lowered his head and glanced under the bed.
The cat and dog were still there, but they were all very
quiet. He just lay on the ground and looked at Luo Fei, and
no one barked.
At this time, someone knocked on the door outside, “Xiao
Feng, Garfield, are you up yet?”
Feng Junyuan rubbed his eyes and gave a hurried “en”.

Luo Fei stood up and opened the door. When he opened the
door, he saw Long Xing standing outside.
Long Xing was quite surprised, “Boss Luo? When did you
come here?”
Luo Fei smiled, “I came to see xiao Feng, I was going to
take him out today.”
Long Xing said, “Oh,” and came in and said to Li Zhenruo,
“I planned to move the cat away.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned, “So soon?”

Long Xing hesitated for a while, and said, “How about you
keep it for two more days? I sent a photo to my colleague,
and she said she wanted it.”
Li Zhenruo’s original purpose was to find a good owner for
the kitten. It was a rare opportunity and of course, he
didn’t want to miss it, but he was somewhat reluctant.
l h h k h h l d h
Although it was a kitten that he only met yesterday, he was
the one who rescued it, and he always felt that he was more
responsible for it.
Li Zhenruo lifted the quilt and got out of bed. Although he
was only wearing a pair of underwear, they were all men
here anyway. They could see it if they wanted to. He went
to the chair next to him to get his pants.
Erhuang and the kitten all swirled around his legs at once,
giving him a feeling of being very popular.

He hurriedly grabbed the pants and put them on his body.

Li Zhenruo squatted down and picked up the kitten, kissed
its forehead, and said, “I hope the new owner can take
good care of you, and you must live happily.”
He didn’t know whether the kitten understood or not, but it
just stuck its head out of his arms and touched its lips
lightly with his lips, as if kissing.
Li Zhenruo sighed and gave the cat to Long Xing.
The kitten didn’t know what was going on and was in a
panic. One paw tried to grab Li Zhenruo’s arm, but in the
end, it failed.
Long Xing hugged to comfort it, and then said to Li
Zhenruo, “Don’t worry, my colleague is very good.”

Li Zhenruo nodded, “Thank you.”

The sudden separation made him a little sad. Li Zhenruo
stood at the door and watched Long Xing carry the kitten
away until their figures disappeared around the corner of
the stairs, before stifling a sigh.
When he turned around and came back, Li Zhenruo saw
Luo Fei sitting beside the bed, took a coat and put it on
Feng Junyuan, and said, “You have a day off today?”
Feng Junyuan asked him, “How do you know?”

h dd l f l lk d h d d
Li Zhenruo suddenly felt like an unwanted third guest and
hesitated to go in.

At this moment, Luo Fei suddenly turned to look at him,

“Little cat.”
Li Zhenruo immediately wanted to blow up, he was such a
big person standing there, but he had the nerve to call him
a cat. He held back his displeasure, Li Zhenruo said, “I
have a name.”
Luo Fei said, “Name? By the way, your name is Li Tuanzi,
right? Li Zhenran told me.”
Hearing Li Zhenran’s name abruptly, Li Zhenruo couldn’t
help but be stunned slightly. He then picked up his mood
and said, “Whatever, you can still call me Garfield…”
Luo Fei smiled and asked, “Are you free today? Let’s go out
Before Li Zhenruo asked him where he was going, Xia
Hongshen reached out and asked, “Where to?”

Luo Fei was still sitting on the edge of the bed, with one
hand on Feng Junyuan’s, and said, “It’s rare for xiao Feng
to have a day off, so I’m going to invite you guys out to a
meal together, how about that?”
“A meal together?” Xia Hongshen was not particularly
happy, he just said, “Long Xing is at work today, and An
Ling has an appointment.”
Luo Fei said, “That can’t be helped, if you and Song Jun are
free, we’ll go together, plus little Garfield.”
Li Zhenruo heard the words and said quickly, “I have
something to do, you go guys can go.”

He planned to try to find Zhu Kai while he was free today.

After all, they had grown up together since childhood.
l h h h d h f l l
Although Zhu Kai’s actions made him feel at a loss now, it
was not too difficult to try to find Zhu Kai’s trace. As long
as he did not leave the city, He felt that he had a way to
find out Zhu Kai’s whereabouts.
Of course, it was a pity that he has no money now,
otherwise, it should be more convenient to do things.
However, Xia Hongshen suddenly put his hand on top of Li
Zhenruo’s head and said, “Disciple.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, then looked up and
said, “Master?”
Xia Hongshen said, “Go.”

Li Zhenruo was in a trance and understood, “Did you ask

me to go with you?”
Xia Hongshen said, “Um”.
The master had an order, how dare the disciple refused to
obey? Although Li Zhenruo felt a little inexplicable, Xia
Hongshen had spoken, he could no longer refuse, and could
only say, “Okay then.”
Before they left, Xia Hongshen asked Luo Fei in a low
voice, “Why did you coax my apprentice to go out?”
Luo Fei smiled, “It won’t harm him anyway, you can rest

When he was studying abroad in college, Li Zhenruo often

drove out with a group of friends to play, dance, drink and
find beautiful women.
He sat in the last row, and he quietly looked out the car
window. His brain felt like he was about to be torn in two,
half thinking about why Zhu Kai would do such a thing, and
the other half thinking about Li Zhenran.
The city was as prosperous as ever, but Li Zhenruo
sometimes felt that this was no longer his city. He seemed
b bl b l d d d
to be more suitable being a cat, staying in a secluded and
safe place and living his own life alone.
When exactly did this world of sensual pleasures become
less attractive to him? He was only twenty-three years old.
Song Jun and Feng Junyuan sat next to him, Feng Junyuan
reached out and touched his head. Song Jun asked him,
“Not in a good mood, huh?”

Li Zhenruo looked at the two of them and saw that they

were all looking at him, and suddenly had the feeling that
he was actually the pet of this family, he shook his head
and said, “It’s nothing, I’m just wondering if I could
cultivate to become an immortal or not.”
Feng Junyuan heard the words and said to him seriously,
“It’s not easy.”
Song Jun said, “It’s still possible to be a small cat demon.
You can live for a few more decades. You have been
practising during this period. If you are lucky, you can live
another hundred or two hundred years, and you can do a
lot of things.”
Li Zhenruo could only say, “Okay, thank you for comforting
Luo Fei, who was driving in the front row, glanced at them
from the rearview mirror, smiled and said nothing.

Their destination was a large newly built commercial plaza

on the outskirts of the city. There would be a Doraemon-
themed exhibition starting today, and it was said that there
would be a lot of Doraemon.
Li Zhenruo was not very interested in such childish’s
things, but Xia Hongshen was very interested. Li Zhenruo
thought that it might be because the theme of the
exhibition was a blue fat cat.
Xia Hongshen was interested. Song Jun and Feng Junyuan
didn’t seem to feel tired and kept following him to look
d d h d
around, Luo Fei accompanied Feng Junyuan with a good
nature, and only Li Zhenruo casually walked behind.
Luo Fei suddenly turned his head and said to him, “If you
are tired, go to Starbucks over there and wait.”
Li Zhenruo responded quickly and walked towards
Starbucks alone.

He stood at the counter, stared at the menu above for a

while, and suddenly heard a voice next to him saying, “Give
him a mocha.”
The voice was so familiar that Li Zhenruo almost had the
urge to turn around and run.
The person next to him had obviously seen his intention
and asked, “You want to leave? Is there no need for us to
communicate with each other anymore for the rest of our
lives? Li Zhenruo.”
Li Zhenruo held back and did not leave, and turned to look
at Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran said to him, “I have found Zhu Kai.”

Li Zhenruo asked in surprise, “Where is he?”

Li Zhenran didn’t answer him, but turned to the counter
and said, “I’ll have a mocha, thank you.”
After he paid the bills, Li Zhenran picked up two cups of
coffee, and turned to look at Li Zhenruo, “Would you like to
finish this cup of coffee with me?”
Li Zhenruo finally nodded and followed him towards the
This corner was quiet. It was just right for two people to sit
and talk.

f f h h b h
He was sitting face to face with Li Zhenran, but Li Zhenruo
did not dare to raise his head, so he could only reach for
the coffee cup, and took a sip. The bitter taste slid into his
throat along with the mellow fragrance.
Li Zhenran didn’t touch his coffee, but leaned back slightly
and asked, “You don’t want to see me. Is it because you’re
afraid of me or you don’t want to see me again?”
Li Zhenruo did not speak.
Li Zhenran folded his arms around his chest, “Fourth child,
you have been in the Li family for so long. Do you think
everyone looks like a fool and is being fooled by you? Ah.
No, the only one who was fooled by you was me.”
Li Zhenruo shook his head and finally said, “I didn’t fool
you. The real fool is only me. I’m dead but I still don’t know
who killed me.”

Li Zhenran said, “Is this why you deceived and used me?”
Li Zhenruo looked at him and couldn’t hold back his
emotions. “It’s not. You’re going to chalk up our
relationship to mere deception and exploitation? We’ve
been together for so long that you can’t even see my
Li Zhenran’s eyes burned down on him, and at this
moment, he said slowly, “It doesn’t matter, come back.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned when he heard the words.
Li Zhenran’s tone was calm and unwavering as if he was
talking about something that had nothing to do with him,
“It doesn’t matter to me how you approached me in the
first place, I just want you to come back.”

Li Zhenruo stared at him blankly.

Li Zhenran said, “Tell me, why are you leaving?”

h l f l h h h h l l
Li Zhenruo only felt that Li Zhenran’s thoughts were a little
confusing, and he couldn’t understand them for a while,
because Li Zhenran’s reaction was a bit unexpected. He
said, “That woman that day…”
Li Zhenran asked him, “Which woman which day?”
Li Zhenruo looked down at the slightly shaken coffee in the
cup, “The woman who came back with you on your dad’s

Li Zhenran said, “That is the daughter of Dad’s old friend.

You probably know her name. She had just come by plane
that day, and Dad asked me to pick her up at the airport.
She helped her father bring a gift to Dad. After dinner that
day, her boyfriend came to pick her up and went on a trip
together. Okay? What else do you want to know?”
“I—” Li Zhenruo didn’t know what to say for a while, he
only asked, “Why didn’t you say it at school that day?”
Li Zhenran said in a cold tone, “I’m angry, I’m jealous of
you holding a man, even if it may be a misunderstanding, I
still couldn’t calm down.”
Li Zhenruo never expected that Li Zhenran would say such
a thing. His expression became a little dazed, and then he
said in a panic, “But don’t you already know? I’m Li
Li Zhenran fell silent, looked at Li Zhenruo without saying a
word, and said after a while, “It’s not the first day I know
you are Li Zhenruo, I’m just waiting for you to confess to

Li Zhenruo put his hands on the table and clasped them

tightly together. His heart was tumbling fiercely. While he
felt that he was sorry for Li Zhenran, he also felt that Li
Zhenran’s attitude towards him was too cruel, which made
him unable to feel relieved.

h dd l h d h h d d
Li Zhenran suddenly stretched out his hand and put it on
the back of his hand, used a little force, and said, “You tell
me now, why do you want to leave?”
Li Zhenruo said, “You left me at home for a month and
didn’t say anything, and when you came back, you brought
a beautiful woman with you.”
Li Zhenran nodded and said, “Okay. Then when I ask Yan
Xiujie to bring you back, why are you running again?”
Li Zhenruo looked at Li Zhenran this time and said,
“Because you said, I am Li Zhenruo.”

It was strange that he had always been so calm with Li

Zhenran, but when he found out that the other party knew
that he was Li Zhenruo, he couldn’t help but start to flinch.
Even if Li Zhenran showed that he didn’t care, he always
felt that there was no way for the two of them to cross this
hurdle so easily.
Li Zhenran could clearly see that Li Zhenruo was in a
tangle, he patted the back of Li Zhenruo’s hand and said to
him, “Come here.”
Li Zhenruo raised his head and couldn’t help looking
around. Although there were not too many people, it was a
public place after all. The two of them were sitting on a
single sofa and he was suddenly called over by Li Zhenran.
He felt a little nervous. After hesitating for a while, Li
Zhenruo shook his head, “Say what you have to say.”
Li Zhenran withdrew his hand, leaned back on the back of
the sofa chair, looked at him quietly for a long time, and
said, “Is it me who can’t accept the fact that you are Li
Zhenruo, or is it you who can’t accept it?”

Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment.

Li Zhenran lowered his head and took out a cigarette case
and lighter from his pocket. He seemed to suddenly
remember that smoking was prohibited here, and put it
b k h l h k d d
back into his clothes pocket. He said, “Forget it, it doesn’t
matter, as long as you want to come back, I can do
anything. We can pretend we don’t know anything, you are
the cat, I can help you with anyone you want to find out, or
I can turn a blind eye. What do you think?”
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath to ease the pain, and he
asked Li Zhenran, “Why?”
His voice was a little soft, and Li Zhenran didn’t seem to
hear it clearly. He leaned forward slightly, his arms were
flat on the glass table, and he was closer to Li Zhenruo,
Li Zhenruo repeated, “Why did you do this to me?”

Li Zhenran looked at him without wavering, and said in a

calm voice, “Because I love you.”
At that moment, Li Zhenruo felt as if he was drowning, his
body was squeezed by the water waves used by the
mountains and the sea, all his senses were deprived, and
even breathing became difficult, he had to open his mouth
to breathe sharply, everything around him became blurred,
the only thing clear in his vision was Li Zhenran who sat
opposite to him.
I love you, these three words were uttered by Li Zhenran so
simply that Li Zhenruo shook his head in a trance, “You lied
to me.”
Li Zhenran laughed in exasperation, “I lied to you?” He
glanced outside the floor-to-ceiling glass window of the
coffee shop, then turned back to Li Zhenruo, “When have I
ever lied to you since I was a child?”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but think about it but found that
Li Zhenran had never lied to him. The two of them didn’t
even have much communication, but he couldn’t help but
want to deny it. He felt that he no longer knew what Li
Zhenran was thinking, so he could only say, “You know, I
am Li Zhenruo.”

h d k h h
Li Zhenran said, “You know now that you are Li Zhenruo,
and you have slept with me so many times, why have you
never thought that you are Li Zhenruo?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t know what to answer. He put his elbows
on the table and covered his face.
Li Zhenran said slowly, “Maybe it doesn’t matter to you,
you can sleep with anyone, but not to me. I only do it with
the person I like.”
Li Zhenruo could not help but squeezed his fingers tightly.
Li Zhenran suddenly stood up and said, “I’m sorry, I’m
going to go out for a cigarette, I hope you don’t run away

When he heard this, Li Zhenruo touched the collar on his

neck subconsciously. Maybe he never really wanted to run
away. If he wanted to leave Li Zhenran far away, he should
have taken off the collar from the beginning.
After Li Zhenran said this, he walked out of the coffee shop,
went around to the side of the road outside, and lit a
cigarette for himself.
Li Zhenruo looked at his back and thought to himself that
Li Zhenran was originally not addicted to smoking. The
only possibility was that he had smoked a lot during the
days he left and became addicted. Maybe more than these
days, maybe the days when he and Li Zhenran had a
confrontation and when Li Zhenran went on a business trip
Li Zhenran’s back was still slender and straight, and
occasionally he turned his head to reveal a firm and
handsome side form, but Li Zhenruo noticed that he
frowned slightly, and his expression was a little tired. But
when he faced Li Zhenruo, he never showed it.
Li Zhenruo buried his face in the palm of his hand and sat
quietly for a few seconds. He suddenly stood up and walked
outside. He thought that no matter what the reason was,

h d b h h ld h lk
since Li Zhenran cared about him, why would he walk away

He was already an adult, and many emotions could really

be regarded as non-existent without deliberately avoiding
or denying them.
He still didn’t know what would happen in the future, but at
this time, he felt that he really didn’t want to see Li
Zhenran sad.
Li Zhenran wanted to turn around when he heard the
footsteps, but Li Zhenruo sped up and rushed over to hug
Li Zhenran from behind, his face was on his back, and he
was slightly panting.
“Li Zhenran,” Li Zhenruo shouted in a muffled voice.
Li Zhenran was hit by him and took a small step forward
before he stabilized his body again. When he turned
around, he couldn’t see his face, so he could only answer,

Li Zhenruo said, “You asked me before you left, what are

my feelings for you.”
Li Zhenran heard the words and asked, “Are you going to
answer me now?”
Li Zhenruo said softly, “Not as a brother, nor master. No.
Maybe it should be said that it is not only to master but also
a lot of complicated things.”
Unlike Li Zhenran, he has no way to say the words “I love
you” so plainly. What is love? His father and brothers never
said they loved him since he was a child, and Li Zhenran
was the first person to say this word to him. He always felt
that love was a too sacred feeling, and he couldn’t and
shouldn’t talk about it so easily, and he didn’t want to tell
Li Zhenran that he liked him because this kind of feeling
was too common. He had liked too many people, and Li
Zhenran was obviously different from them.
l f l d h h db h h
A lot of complicated things. He had been with Li Zhenran
for so long that he felt Li Zhenran should understand his

Li Zhenran reached out and held Li Zhenruo’s hands, and

said, “It doesn’t matter, as long as you go back with me.”

The author has something to say:Originally, this is the

manuscript of two chapters, but it doesn’t matter… When
the manuscript is gone, we won’t bother, let’s finish it
Chapter 57
Li Zhenruo wanted to find Xia Hongshen and the others,
but couldn’t find them after walking around the venue. In
the end, he could only call Xia Hongshen and said that he
had something urgent to do now and would be back at

After Xia Hongshen hung up the phone, he looked at Luo

Fei coldly, and said, “You are plotting against my
Luo Fei shrugged his shoulders innocently, “Your disciple
willingly did it himself, I was just entrusted by my friend to
let them both have a chance to sit down and talk calmly.”

Li Zhenran drove, and Li Zhenruo sat in the passenger seat.

When they left the coffee shop, Li Zhenran said he was
going to find Zhu Kai now.
Li Zhenruo looked out the window in silence.
Li Zhenran asked him, “What? Nervous?”

“Hmm?” Li Zhenruo turned around and did not answer the

Li Zhenran stared at the front, “He was a good friend you
grew up with.”
When he heard this, Li Zhenruo unconsciously propped up
the seat cushion with his hands, straightened his back, and
said, “It wasn’t a big deal.” After he said that, he silently
called Li Zhenran’s name, “Li Zhenran.”
Li Zhenran turned his head to look at him.

h d ll k h d h
Li Zhenruo continued, “Do you all know that my death was
not an accident?”
Li Zhenran was quiet for a moment and said, “I don’t know.
I just guess.”
Although he knew in his heart that there was no
relationship between Li Zhenran and him at that time and if
Li Zhenran died, he might not be so sad. However, he still
felt a little uncomfortable at this time
Li Zhenran rested his left elbow by the window, rubbed his
lips with his fingers, and said, “At first someone gave Dad
the appraisal to the point you’re sure you’re not Dad’s real
son and leave the Li family. For a while, Dad was very
angry. He was angry not because you are not his son, but
angry that some of the brothers were behind the scenes.”

Li Zhenruo was a little stunned, wondering if this proved

that Li Jianglin actually still thought of him as a son in
Li Zhenran said, “Actually, didn’t you notice? Dad still loves
his youngest son the most.”
Li Zhenruo shook his head, “I don’t think so.”
Li Zhenran chuckled, “That’s something you haven’t seen
before. When I was a child, Dad was strict with the eldest.
Then as I got older, after having the third and you, he had
become much gentler.”

Li Zhenruo found that he couldn’t imagine it, but what Li

Zhenran said might be true. Perhaps it was because Li
Jianglin was too strict with Li Zhentai that created Li
Zhentai’s current slightly cowering personality.
However, he didn’t feel how gentle Li Jianglin was to him.
He thought that if it wasn’t for the lack of love from his
parents and brothers when he was a child, he might not be
so attached to the little warmth that Li Zhenran gave him

h b h b bl d d h
now. In his bones, he probably needed such a man to
pamper him like a child.
Li Zhenran drove to a five-star hotel in the city. In fact, Li
Zhenruo knew about this hotel. Zhu Kai had a good
relationship with the hotel’s young master. Previously, he
had also thought about the fact that Zhu Kai might go here
before, but he didn’t have time to investigate it himself.
The car was parked at the entrance of the hotel. Li Zhenran
got out of the car and handed the key to the parking staff.
When Li Zhenruo came over, he held his undershirt with
his palm and said, “Follow me.”

When he thought of what he was about to face, Li Zhenruo

couldn’t help but speed up.
As they walked into the hall, someone came over and gave
a door card to Li Zhenran, and told him the room number.
Li Zhenran nodded and walked with Li Zhenruo towards
the elevator.
While waiting for the elevator to go up, Li Zhenran asked Li
Zhenruo, “If you are sure that Zhu Kai did it, what would
you do?”
Li Zhenruo looked at the moving numbers and said, “At
least I need to know why.”

When they got out of the elevator, the two slowed down
and walked to Zhu Kai’s room. Li Zhenran opened the door
with the key card.
It was almost twelve o’clock in the morning, and Zhu Kai
was still lying on the bed and didn’t get up. He probably
thought it was room service, so he lay down on the bed and
said with some displeasure, “Who is it? Don’t you know
someone is here? Why did you just come in!”
“Zhu Kai,” Li Zhenran walked inside while calling his name.
Li Zhenruo followed behind Li Zhenran, entered the guest
room, and saw Zhu Kai sitting up from the bed, staring at
h h l b d
them with a topless body.

Zhu Kai’s hair was still messy, and his brows were wrinkled
tightly. He didn’t seem very nervous when he saw the two
of them. He just reached out to ruffle his hair and said,
“What’s wrong? It’s early in the morning.”
Li Zhenran walked to the edge of the bed and looked at him
Zhu Kai scratched his face again and asked Li Zhenran,
“Did the old man ask you to come to me? He still hasn’t
gotten over it?”
Li Zhenran didn’t answer him.
Zhu Kai then said, “It’s his own son who hooked up with his
daughter-in-law. I just accidentally took a photo, why does
it matter to me?”

Li Zhenruo looked at Zhu Kai and wondered if it was

because his life was too chaotic during this time, that he
had probably lost weight again, and his long dyed blond
hair that was draped over his shoulders looked a bit dull.
He thought he was very familiar with this man, but now he
realized that he didn’t know him at all.
Zhu Kai also saw Li Zhenruo at this time, looked at Li
Zhenran and said, “You are also bold enough to not be
afraid of being photographed by me and handed it over to
the old man to let him know that you are fooling around
with men?”
Li Zhenran said indifferently, “Do as you please. I’m not
here to ask about Li Zhenzi I’m here to ask you about Li
Zhu Kai’s expression became a little strange for a moment.
He glanced at Li Zhenruo behind Li Zhenran again and
asked, “Why do you want to ask about Li Zhenruo? He—”
Zhu Kai raised his head in the direction of Li Zhenruo,
“What is his relationship with Li Zhenruo?”
Before Li Zhenran spoke, Li Zhenruo said, “It doesn’t
matter what relationship I have with Li Zhenruo, but I’m
very curious about your relationship with Li Zhenruo, and
why did you harm him?”
Zhu Kai heard the words and laughed, “Oh, let me put on
my clothes first, I don’t mind being naked, but I’m afraid
you don’t want to see it.” After he said that, he pulled the
quilt away, and he was indeed naked underneath.
As a result, both Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo looked at him
without changing their faces. Li Zhenran didn’t care, but Li
Zhenruo did not look at Zhu Kai’s naked body.
Nevertheless, when Zhu Kai walked over to the TV cabinet
to get his clothes on, no one stopped him.
Zhu Kai slowly put on the clothes, buttoned them carefully,
and zipped them up. He then suddenly turned around and
ran towards the outside.

Li Zhenran reacted quickly and chased after him, but the

one who reacted faster than Li Zhenran was Li Zhenruo.
Zhu Kai had just run into the corridor when he was kicked
from behind by Li Zhenruo, and then Li Zhenruo pressed
his entire body on top of him. He pressed Zhu Kai’s head
heavily on the ground with his arms.
Zhu Kai took a breath and said, “Don’t mess around, there
are surveillance cameras in this corridor.”
Li Zhenruo pulled him up and said, “If you don’t run, I
won’t mess around.” After that, he grabbed Zhu Kai’s arm
and pulled him back to the room.
Li Zhenran stood at the door of the room, slightly

However, Li Zhenruo moved his wrist, recalling the

explosive power he had just now, and felt that he might
h h d b h d h h db b b h
have changed a bit. These days, he had been absorbing the
spiritual energy of heaven and earth according to the
method taught by Xia Hongshen. Over time, the spiritual
energy in his body had become more and more abundant,
and the most obvious thing he felt was probably the change
in his physical strength.
Just like when he pressed Zhu Kai’s head just now, Zhu Kai
clearly felt that a strong force and he couldn’t break free.
Zhu Kai sat down on the chair in front of the dresser, faced
them, and said, “Tell me, what do you want to know?”
Li Zhenran sat silently beside the bed.
Li Zhenruo asked him, “Why did you set Li Zhenruo up? At
that time, it was you who asked someone to find the tissue
with blood from Li Zhenruo’s room for the DNA test,

Zhu Kai was a little amused, “What set up? Li Zhenruo was
not Li Jianglin’s son at first, I just helped them with
scientific confirmation. What kind of set-up is that?”
Li Zhenruo asked coldly, “Well, how do you know that Li
Zhenruo is not Li Jianglin’s son? Why do you do such a
Zhu Kai looked him up and down, then turned to Li
Zhenran, “Do you want to know or does he want to know?”
Li Zhenran answered him calmly, “It’s all the same, what
he wants to know is what I want to know.”
“Tsk—” Zhu Kai clicked his lips and said, “Well then, since
you know so much, I’m not afraid to tell you. How do I
know that Li Zhenruo is not Li Jianglin’s biological son?
Because that’s what Li Zhentai told me, and why did I take
his blood for identification, because there was a deal
between me and Li Zhentai, and he asked me to get it for

h l k d h b l b l h
Li Zhenruo looked at Zhu Kai, obviously not believing what
he said, and pursued, “What deal?”
Zhu Kai snorted, “Of course, I won’t tell you.”
Li Zhenruo asked him, “If he had such a deal with you, why
did you do such a thing at his wedding?”
Zhu Kai looked up, “Because he unilaterally broke our deal,
I want to get revenge on him. Oh right, don’t ask me what
the deal is, I won’t say it.”
Having said that, Zhu Kai said impatiently, “I will only
answer your last question now, and you can leave after

Li Zhenruo didn’t get angry when he heard the words, but

approached Zhu Kai and asked word per word, “You said
that day you knew a secret of the Li family. What is the
Zhu Kai looked at him and said after a while, “The secret I
know is that Li Zhenruo may not have died at all.”
Li Zhenruo didn’t expect Zhu Kai to say such a sentence,
and his pupils shrank suddenly.
Zhu Kai even took the opportunity to kiss him.
When Li Zhenran saw this, he got up from the bed and
kicked the chair sitting under Zhu Kai’s buttocks. Zhu Kai
almost fall to the ground and complained, “So petty.”

Li Zhenruo felt that Zhu Kai didn’t tell the truth, or based
on what he knew about Zhu Kai, he knew that Zhu Kai must
have concealed a lot of things. However, Zhu Kai was
someone who neither listen to reason nor bowed to force.
He spoke and did things based on his mood. If he said he
won’t say anything, he would definitely not say anything. It
was useless to tie him up and beat him.
Li Zhenran didn’t speak and just waited for him quietly.

h k d b h d h f hl d
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath, stood there for a while, and
said to Li Zhenran, “Let’s go.”
When they were about to leave Zhu Kai’s room one after
another, Li Zhenruo remembered something, turned
around and said to Zhu Kai, “Your dog is with me.”
This was the sentence that made Zhu Kai react the most
today. He stood up suddenly and asked, “Give it back to

Li Zhenruo felt a little funny, “Since you miss it, you are
willing to leave it unattended for so long? Of course, I won’t
do anything to it, but if you’re honest with me, I’ll consider
bringing it out to you.”
“Everything I say is the truth,” Zhu Kai said.
Li Zhenruo looked at him with a cold smile, “Didn’t you say
that Li Zhenruo is not dead? He will know if you are telling
the truth.”
After Li Zhenruo said that, he pulled Li Zhenran’s arm,
“Let’s go.”
Until they entered the elevator, Li Zhenruo still frowned

Li Zhenran put his hands in his trouser pockets and asked

him, “Although he didn’t tell the truth, you still know what
you want to know, right?”
Li Zhenruo said, “What I need to be sure of most is whether
Li Zhentai is the one behind this matter.”
Li Zhenran said, “Are you sure now?”
In fact, Li Zhenruo had always been very sure. He just had
some things that had not been sorted out. It was easy to kill
Li Zhentai to take revenge, but he didn’t want to be so
confused in this life. The feeling of being kept in the dark
was too uncomfortable.

h h dd l kh h d l d
At this moment, Li Zhenran suddenly took his hand, leaned
into his ear and said in a low voice, “Do you want to kill him
for revenge?”
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment and looked up at Li
Zhenran. He was not sure if Li Zhenran was joking,
because Li Zhenran’s expression would not be too
expressive even when he was serious or joking.

Li Zhenruo could only say, “Even if I want to kill him, I also

have to know if he is the one who bought someone to kill
me, right? In fact, Zhu Kai is right about the identification,
it is not a set-up. It is a fact, it was still too much to kill Li
Zhentai for this.”
When the elevator reached the first floor, Li Zhenran took
Li Zhenruo’s hand and walked outside.
Li Zhenruo was half a step behind him, looked at his back,
and couldn’t help but see if anyone around was paying
attention to them. There should still be some, but no one
has been staring at it blatantly.
After getting in the car, Li Zhenran asked Li Zhenruo, “Are
you going back?”

Li Zhenruo hesitated and said, “I still have to go back to my

master first, otherwise they will be worried.”
“Master?” Li Zhenran frowned slightly.
Li Zhenruo thought he would object, but he just said,
“Okay, I’ll come to pick you up tonight.”
Chapter 58
Li Zhenran was compromising.

Li Zhenruo could clearly feel it. In fact, he felt that Li

Zhenran should be angrier, whether it was him running
away from home or the fact that his real identity was Li
Zhenruo. Those things were enough to make Li Zhenran
But Li Zhenran didn’t say anything now, and he didn’t even
ask more questions about his soul being Li Zhenruo. Did it
mean that Li Zhenran was also afraid? Afraid that he would
leave without saying goodbye if he was pressed tightly?

Just like what Li Zhenran said, he loved him, so he had to

compromise. Li Zhenruo didn’t know if he was the one who
fell in love first, but maybe Li Zhenran was the one who fell
in love more deeply.
Li Zhenruo was a little stunned.
When Li Zhenran drove the car to the school gate, Li
Zhenruo suddenly asked, “Don’t you think it’s unbelievable?
Such things as soul transfer.”

When he heard this, Li Zhenran looked at him, “I thought

the most bizarre time was when you told me you were my
cat, including when I saw you turn into a cat in the bathtub
with my own eyes, and then I thought, in this world, there
are so many things I don’t know. Just because I don’t know
that doesn’t mean they don’t exist, it’s just that my
knowledge is limited.”
Li Zhenruo listened to him quietly.
Li Zhenran continued, “Later I began to doubt your identity,
and I thought you might be Li Zhenruo. It was a bit strange

d k d f b
and awkward at first, but it was interesting to see you
sleeping with me so calmly.”
Li Zhenruo, “…do you think I’m perverted?”

Li Zhenran actually smiled, “Of course not, I think you are

very interesting.”
Li Zhenruo said, “I’m a pervert, aren’t you also a pervert?
You can still do it knowing I’m Li Zhenruo.”
“What about Li Zhenruo?” Li Zhenran said, “First of all, we
are not related by blood, and secondly, you are both Li
Zhenruo and my Dumpling. I don’t think there is any
Li Zhenruo was suddenly bashful by his words, opened the
door and said, “I’m going.”

Li Zhenran grabbed his arm, pulled him back, and kissed

his lips forcefully.
The kiss was long overdue, but everything was so familiar
and natural. Li Zhenruo raised his hand and wrapped his
arms around Li Zhenran’s neck.
When the kiss was over, Li Zhenran helped him tidy up his
clothes and said, “Wait for my call at night.”
Li Zhenruo gave a “hmm” and lifted his leg to step out of
the car.

After dinner, everyone crowded into Xia Hongshen’s small

room, including Erhuang.
It rained a little in the afternoon, and the ground was still
wet, so Long Xing didn’t take Erhuang out for a walk.
Erhuang was a little depressed, with his big head on his
paws, lying on the ground and looking at the people in the

h f fh d k l k d
Xia Hongshen sat in front of his computer desk, looked at Li
Zhenruo and said, “If you want to go back, just go back.”
Li Zhenruo stood by the window with his back against the
wall and said, “I’ve caused you so much trouble.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Feng Junyuan said quickly and softly,

“You are very welcome.”
Although he knew that Feng Junyuan liked his cat form, Li
Zhenruo still felt it was strange.
Song Jun smiled and said, “Today Luo Fei can’t wait to pack
his luggage and come to live here, or else he will pack xiao
Feng and take him away.”
As he listened to Song Jun’s words, Li Zhenruo thought that
Luo Fei must be angry when he saw him sleeping in the
same bed with Feng Junyuan this morning. No wonder he
wanted to coax him out to meet Li Zhenran today. He
wanted to drive him away, both secretly and explicitly.

After he figured it out, Li Zhenruo felt that he really should

leave. Although Xia Hongshen accepted him as an
apprentice, for them, he was an outsider after all. He
suddenly broke into their life and added a lot of trouble to
them. Li Zhenruo felt apologetic.
But sometimes when he thought about it, he never felt bad
for Li Zhenran, maybe because they were a family since
At this time, Long Xing asked, “Are you going to take
Erhuang away?”
Li Zhenruo squatted down, Erhuang immediately ran to him
and leaned against him, he touched Erhuang’s head. He
thought that he could only bring Erhuang back to Li’s house
first, otherwise, Erhuang would definitely think that
everyone didn’t want him anymore.

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But when he thought of Zhu Kai, he felt a little bad. He
didn’t want to give Erhuang to Zhu Kai again.
After a moment of distress, Li Zhenruo still said, “I will take
it away.”
Long Xing was a little reluctant. He came over and hugged
Erhuang’s head and rubbed it, and said to Li Zhenruo,
“Bring it back to play often.”
Li Zhenruo nodded, “Okay.”
After nine o’clock, Li Zhenruo received a call from Li
Zhenran, saying that he was waiting for him downstairs.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhenruo took a look out of

the window and saw Li Zhenran’s car parked on the side of
the road, while Li Zhenran was standing beside the door
and looking forward.
He looked in the direction of Li Zhenran’s eyes, and Li
Zhenruo noticed that there was a person standing on the
side of the road not far from Li Zhenran’s parking place. It
turned out to be Shen Luming.
Shen Luming was standing on the side of the road, his eyes
turned towards the second floor. When Li Zhenruo looked
over, he happened to be looking at him.
Li Zhenruo was startled, turned around subconsciously and
hid behind the wall, and said to Xia Hongshen, “Master,
that person is here! Does he want to get his body back?”
When he heard what Li Zhenruo said, Xia Hongshen stood
up and looked out the window. Sure enough, he saw Shen

Shen Luming seemed to come back to his senses suddenly

and saw someone looking at him by the window. He felt that
it was not good for him to keep staring there, so he turned
and left.

h h h b d d h
Xia Hongshen thought about it and said to Li Zhenruo, “He
doesn’t seem to realize that this is his body. You don’t have
to be too nervous. I’ll try him for you when I have a
Li Zhenruo wished he could hug Xia Hongshen’s thigh and
say “Master, I love you”, but he was sure that Xia Hongshen
would kick him away, so he could only fold his fist and
sincerely say, “Thank you, Master!”
Xia Hongshen waved his hand, “You can go now.”
Li Zhenruo led Erhuang downstairs and it trotted two-step
past when he saw Li Zhenran, Erhuang was much more
excited than him. He walked like a fly to pounce on Li
Zhenran but was pulled by Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenran watched him run over, pulled his collar for him,
and said, “Whose clothes are you wearing?”
Li Zhenruo’s clothes belonged to Feng Junyuan. Although
Dr. xiao Feng was a good-looking person, he looked good in
whatever clothes he wore, but of course, it wasn’t on the
same level as the clothes he bought himself.
The weather was getting colder day by day. Li Zhenran
helped him pull up his collar and said, “Let’s go back.”
Li Zhenruo stuffed Erhuang into the back seat, got into the
passenger seat, and saw Li Zhenran leaning over to help
him fasten his seat belt.
He thought that Li Zhenran would ask about Shen Luming,
but he didn’t ask until Li Zhenran started the car and drove
away from the school.

Li Zhenruo couldn’t sit still, he asked Li Zhenran, “Did you

see that boy just now?”
“Well,” Li Zhenran stared at the front, “What?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Aren’t you curious about his identity?”

h l d h h h d h d f
Li Zhenran smiled when he heard the words, “If you want to
say it, just say it.”
Li Zhenruo suddenly felt that he had hurt Li Zhenran’s
heart, so Li Zhenran didn’t even want to ask him more, and
so he could only say, “That person is probably a cat.”

Li Zhenran said, “I remember you said last time that man

was a demon, and he was also a cat demon?”
“It’s not that simple,” Li Zhenruo said, “He is probably the
owner of my current body.”
This time, Li Zhenran frowned and looked at him, “What do
you mean?”
Li Zhenruo shook his head, “I’m not sure now, but I’m
always worried. If he is the original owner and if he wanted
to take his body back, what should I do?”
Li Zhenran couldn’t help but pull over to the side of the
road, “You say there is a possibility that he will take the
body back? But isn’t your original body already gone?”

Li Zhenruo nodded, “So I have to be quick, I need to know if

it was Li Zhentai who killed me or not.”
Li Zhenran frowned tightly, “What if you know? Li Zhentai
killed you, and if you kill Li Zhentai to take revenge, then it
wouldn’t matter if you return your body to him?”
Li Zhenruo was stunned and suddenly understood why Li
Zhenran asked such a question. He could only say, “Of
course not, if possible, I also hope to be with you all the
time, but there are too many unknowns for me in the
If he hadn’t somehow gotten this body, how would he have
had the opportunity to say such things to Li Zhenran here
At this time, Li Zhenruo saw a traffic policeman coming
toward them on a motorcycle from a distance, so he said to
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Li Zhenran, “Drive first, let’s go back and talk about it.”

Li Zhenran also knew that this was not a suitable place to

talk, so he patted the steering wheel with his hands a little
irritably, and started the car.
Back at Li’s house, it was inconvenient for Li Zhenruo to
appear in a human form again, and he was taken down by Li
Zhenran in the form of a kitten.
Erhuang also got out of the car and looked very excited
when he got home. As soon as he let go of the rope, it
turned around inside and out and then ran to the gate to
look into the living room, as if looking for Zhu Kai.
However, in the end, it still failed to find Zhu Kai, and its
jumping pace slowed down, dragging its tail towards the
When Wang Ma saw Li Zhenran come back with the cat in
his arms, she hurriedly greeted him. He didn’t know how Li
Zhenran explained the disappearance of both the cat and
the dog. Anyway, as soon as Wang Ma saw Li Zhenruo, she
sighed and said, “Hey, you stupid cat, where did you go?
Where is better than home? Is it in heat? Zhenran, aren’t
you thinking about castrating it?”

Li Zhenruo shivered with fright at the word ‘castrate’, and

he retracted into Li Zhenran’s arms and looked up at him.
Li Zhenran smiled at Wang Ma and said, “It’s fine, it slipped
out and suffered some hardships outside.”
Wang Ma said, “It’s not the first time. I’d better pay more
attention in the future. Why do you still think it’s okay? As a
result, after raising it for so long, it is still not mature.”
After he heard these words, Li Zhenruo suddenly felt a little
sad, he rested his head on Li Zhenran’s chest and didn’t
want to move.
When they entered the room, Li Jianglin actually came out
of the room, saw Li Zhenran holding his cat, and said, “You
b k
got it back?”

“En,” Li Zhenran replied, “It’s all right, just hungry and

Li Jianglin stared at Li Zhenruo for a while, and said,
“That’s not obvious.” Then he said, “It’s good that it’s back,
so you don’t have to keep thinking about it.”
Li Zhenran said to him, “Dad, you rest early, I’ll go upstairs
“Hm,” Li Jianglin responded, and walked into the room on
When Li Zhenran carried Li Zhenruo upstairs, the door of Li
Zhentai’s room on the second floor opened, and Wen Chun
came out of the room and asked, “Have you found

He stopped. Li Zhenran stood at the entrance of the stairs

and said to Wen Chun, “Yes, sister-in-law.”
Wen Chun smiled, “That’s good.” She came over and
touched Li Zhenruo’s head.
Li Zhenran asked her, “Eldest brother hasn’t come back
The smile on Wen Chun’s face remained unchanged, and
she said, “He’s usually not that early.” Then, he said to Li
Zhenran, “Then you should rest early, I’ll go back to my
Li Zhenran nodded, “Thank you.”
Wen Chun turned around and went back to the room. It
seemed that she heard the voice of Li Zhenran coming back
and came out to greet him out of courtesy.

h d d h
Li Zhenran continued to go upstairs, returned to the room
on the third floor, bent down and put Li Zhenruo on the
ground, then reached out and closed the door.
Li Zhenruo stood on the floor and looked at him.
Li Zhenran took off his coat and threw it by the bed, and
walked to the bathroom while unbuttoning his shirt.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t hold back and follow, and when Li
Zhenran pushed the door closed, he raised his small paw to
block it. Fortunately, Li Zhenran didn’t use too much force,
and the door was blocked by Li Zhenruo.

When he saw that the door was not closed, Li Zhenran

didn’t care, and took off all the clothes on his body and
turned on the shower.
Li Zhenruo straightened up on the edge of the bathtub and
looked at him for a while. He then transformed into a
human figure and stepped in to hug Li Zhenran from
behind, with his arms around his waist and his head on his
“What do you think I should do?” Li Zhenruo said, “I don’t
know what will happen to me in the next moment? Even if
he doesn’t ask for his body back, maybe after ten years or
so, my life as a cat will come to an end and I won’t be able
to be by your side.”
Li Zhenran was silent and did not move.
Li Zhenruo hugged him tighter, “So you should stop being
angry with me, okay?” He became more and more at a loss,
not knowing how much time he had left.

Li Zhenran grabbed his hand to let Li Zhenruo release him,

and while Li Zhenruo was slightly stunned, Li Zhenran
turned around and raised his face with one hand and kissed
him lightly.
When he saw this, Li Zhenruo hugged Li Zhenran and
kissed him fiercely.
h h l fl h h b h
The hot water was constantly flushing on them, but the
traces of passion were difficult to be completely washed
Li Zhenruo felt that he was very strange. In front of Li
Zhenran, he always seemed to be a pure and innocent
teenager, and he would easily forget himself.
When he lay on the bed, Li Zhenruo didn’t fall asleep for a
long time. He turned over to face Li Zhenran and looked at
his silhouette in the dark.

After a while, Li Zhenran asked him, “What?”

Only then did he realize that Li Zhenran was not asleep
either, so he leaned on his shoulder and said, “I have a
Li Zhenruo said, “It should be a photo of my mother and my
biological father.”
Li Zhenran seemed a little surprised to hear this and looked
at Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo continued, “I was thinking that Li Zhentai, who

suspected my identity and stole my bloodstains to do a
paternity test, could have met my real father.”
“Why do you think so?” Li Zhenran asked.
Li Zhenruo said, “Because he looks a lot like me, and
standing with my mother, you can almost think of it when
you look at the photo. I’m just guessing, maybe their group
photo is not the only one.”
Li Zhenran reached out and touched his head, “I can check
it for you.”
Li Zhenruo was quiet for a while and asked Li Zhenran,
“How do you know that I am Li Zhenruo? Have been
monitoring my whereabouts?”
Li Zhenran confessed, “Not all the time, but I checked.”
Li Zhenruo was a little sad, “I knew it.”
Li Zhenran said, “You lied to me first.”
“Okay,” Li Zhenruo reached out to hold his face, “I didn’t
mention it, but Li Zhenran is actually quite petty.”
Li Zhenran’s face was squeezed out of shape by him, and it
was a bit funny, but he still said expressionlessly, “Didn’t
you know it from the first day?”

Li Zhenruo looked at him and smiled, kissed his lips and

said, “I just didn’t know you were so childish before.”
Li Zhenran snorted and reached out and pressed his head
against his chest.

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or you can just google translate the page. Payment can be
made with Apple pay method)
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and her original novel about a sly cute dragon here~
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And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

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Chapter 59
The Li family hadn’t seen Li Zhenran hold the cat on his lap
for breakfast for a long time.

When Li Zhentai came downstairs and saw it, he couldn’t

help but sighed and said, “Finally your cat is found,
otherwise you’ll be out of the mood for work.”
Li Zhenran didn’t look up and focused on peeling the eggs
for Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo glanced at him, and then glanced at Li Jianglin

who was sitting in the main seat and thought that Li Zhentai
was just trying to be witty again.
He didn’t ask Li Zhenran, but according to the family’s tone,
Li Zhentai should come back to sleep these days, and the
relationship between him and Wen Chun seemed to have
However, Li Zhenzi still did not come back. It seems that it
was impossible for Li Zhentai to forgive Li Zhenzi in a short

No. Li Zhenruo thinks it won’t be in a short time, maybe Li

Zhentai will never forgive Li Zhenzi in his whole life. Li
Zhentai himself was useless. Furthermore, there were Li
Zhenzi and Li Zhenran above him getting in his way.
In order to make Li Zhenruo’s death to be in vain, Li
Zhentai had to target Li Zhenzi in the next step. He
hesitated to act, did he feel that if he did it now, it would be
too obvious?
After Li Zhenruo ate the egg yolk, he smelled the faint
fragrance on Li Zhenran’s fingers, so he couldn’t help
sticking out his tongue to lick his fingers. After licking for a
while, he suddenly felt a burst of tooth itching, and couldn’t
b b h l d h dl k d
bear to bite him. He just lay down on Li Zhenran and licked
his neck and chin.
Li Zhentai was about to sit down, but he couldn’t help but
slow down for a while, and asked hesitantly, “Zhenran, your
cat did not get rabies outside, right?”

Li Zhenran’s head was slightly tilted back, and his long

fingers pinched the back of Li Zhenruo’s neck, but he didn’t
pull him away in the end and let him lick him.
After Li Zhenruo finished licking, he leaned on Li Zhenran’s
shoulder and panted slightly, thinking I like you so much,
don’t you know? Ghosts won’t believe it!
After breakfast, Li Zhenran went to the bathroom to wash
his face and neck with water.
Li Zhenruo was lying on the dining room table, and
squinting his eyes with an unhappy look in the direction of
the bathroom, until Wang Ma drove him off the table.

At that time, he really wanted to leave the Li family.

However, now that he came back, Li Zhenruo didn’t want to
be separated from Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran went to the company, Li Zhenruo jumped up
before he closed the door, and sat down in the back seat.
The driver saw him in the rearview mirror, smiled and said
to Li Zhenran, “It’s back?”
Li Zhenran replied, “Yeah, I found it.”

Li Zhenruo rubbed against Li Zhenran’s leg and lay down,

resting his head on his lap. He saw that Li Zhenran’s hand
was still beside him, and he pulled his hand with his paws.
When Li Zhenran raised his head and touched it, Li Zhenruo
raised his eyes and looked at him with satisfaction.

h d d ll d bl hl
The driver accidentally encountered a problem while
driving the car and stepped on the emergency brake. Li
Zhenruo rolled off the seat in one go, and Li Zhenran
reached out and tried to catch him before he had time.
The driver quickly apologized, saying that the car in front
suddenly changed lanes.

Li Zhenran said, “It doesn’t matter.” Li Zhenran looked

down and saw that Li Zhenruo had quickly climbed back to
the seat. Li Zhenruo continued to rest his round chin on Li
Zhenran’s leg as if nothing had happened.
So Li Zhenran couldn’t help pinching Li Zhenruo’s face.
As soon as he arrived at the company, Li Zhenran had a
meeting waiting for him. He left the cat in the office and
asked Hua Yibang to send him the meeting materials.
Hua Yibang came into Li Zhenran’s office, looked at Li
Zhenruo for a while, and asked, “Has the cat been found?”

Li Zhenran responded lightly, asked some questions on the

document, then got up and said, “Let’s go.”
When he saw them go out to the office together, Li Zhenruo
jumped onto the sofa in the office and sat down. He felt that
Li Zhenran still didn’t seem to be in a good mood.
He thought of what Li Zhenran said to him yesterday. He
knew that Li Zhenran was worried about him running away
from home, and those almost compromising words were
doubting his feelings. But when he thought of Li Zhenran
saying that he loved him, Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but feel
happy, I know you love me, what are you pretending!
He sat on the sofa, stretched out his front and back legs,
and slowly transformed into a human posture. He tried hard
to use the method taught by Xia Hongshen to mobilize the
spiritual power stored in his dantian, wrapping it around his
body and turning it into a human body. layers of clothing.

h l dh df l h fl f l
Li Zhenruo closed his eyes and felt the flow of spiritual
power in his heart. When he opened his eyes, he found that
there was only one pair of underwear on his body… f/ck, it
was a black lace thong, what the hell?! Li Zhenruo was a
little broken, how could he control this? He was just in the
process of changing and occasionally thought about some
Afraid that Li Zhenran would be stimulated, Li Zhenruo
quickly changed back to his cat appearance.
He thought Li Zhenran, that pervert should still prefer the
When he thought of this, Li Zhenruo jumped up from the
sofa and jumped onto Li Zhenran’s large desk, trying to put
on a charming pose.
He was lying on his stomach at first, and then he found that
he couldn’t lift his legs. He probably looked a little stupid,
so he changed to lying on his side again, exposing his white
and soft belly, and his tail was gently flapping on the table.

After a while, he heard footsteps coming, and Li Zhenran

opened the door from the outside.
Li Zhenruo hurriedly flexed a leg to make himself look more
As a result, Li Zhenran just walked in and stopped when he
saw him.
Li Zhenzi stuck his head out from behind Li Zhenran and
said with a “wow”, “Second brother, your taste is really
Li Zhenruo suddenly jumped up, closed his tightly and sat
on the big desk. He looked up at the window with a focused
expression, the early morning sunlight shining in, giving his
whole body furry coated with a layer of soft glow, and it
looked like a beautiful picture.

h d d lk d h b k f
Li Zhenran pretended not to see it, walked to the back of
the desk and sat down, and let Li Zhenzi also sit.
After Li Zhenzi sat down, he wanted to reach out and touch
Li Zhenruo, but Li Zhenruo slapped his hand with his tail.
Then Li Zhenruo got up, walked to the edge of the desk, and
continued to sit down and pretend to look out the window.
Li Zhenran and Li Zhenzi talked to themselves about the
engineering issues of the project in the western part. It
concerned one of the contracts, and the two of them
discussed it carefully for a long time.
Li Zhenruo was tired from posing, he changed his posture
and lay on the table, staring at Li Zhenran with some

Li Zhenran probably received Li Zhenruo’s gaze and said to

Li Zhenzi, “That’s it, there are still some things to do here, I
will talk about it next time.”
Li Zhen couldn’t help but glance at the cat lying on the
table, stood up and said, “Then I’ll go first.”
“Third child,” Li Zhenran suddenly stopped him when he
saw that Li Zhenzi was about to leave his office.
Li Zhenzi turned around, a little strange, “Huh?”
Li Zhenran said, “Tighten up a bit these days.”

Li Zhenzi was stunned for a moment, “Why do you say

Li Zhenran leaned back on the back of the chair and raised
one leg, “You don’t think the grudge with eldest brother will
simply go away, right?”
Li Zhen was silent for a moment after hearing the words,
and replied, “I know.” After he said that, he opened the
door of the office and walked out.

h l k d h d f h ff d
Li Zhenruo looked in the direction of the office door
Li Zhenran looked at him for a while, saw that he was still
in a daze, and asked, “What?”

Li Zhenruo immediately transformed into a human form,

and regardless of his nakedness, he sat on the edge of the
desk and said to Li Zhenran, “Do you think Li Zhentai wants
to touch the third child?”
“I don’t know,” Li Zhenran said as he picked up the
cigarette case, took out a cigarette slowly, and bit it into his
mouth, “Since he has played such a heavy hand on you,
there is no reason to let go of those who contradict him. The
third child? Maybe—” Having said that, Li Zhenran reached
out and picked up the lighter on the table.
“Stop smoking,” Li Zhenruo leaned over and snatched his
lighter. He looked at Li Zhenran and said again, “Don’t
smoke so much.”
Li Zhenran leaned on the large office chair and hooked his
fingers to Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenruo then bent down and approached him, bit his
face with his teeth and took out the cigarette that was
shouting in his mouth, then took it with his hand and put it
aside, “What do you want to say?”

Li Zhenran smiled, “Maybe I’ll be the next one after he

dealt with the third child.”
Li Zhenruo thought about it seriously, “Why does he have to
follow an order? If I were him, I would deal with you first.
Now that the third child has a conflict with him, he must be
the first person that comes to mind if something happens.”
Li Zhenran still smiled flatly after hearing the words, and
stretched out his hand to him, “Come here.”
Li Zhenruo held Li Zhenran’s hand, was pulled from the
desk by him, and then sat on his lap.
h bb d h k hh f
Li Zhenran rubbed Li Zhenruo’s neck with his fingers,
turned his head and kissed him, saying, “If you were Li
Zhentai, what would you do with me?”

Li Zhenruo raised his head and thought.

And Li Zhenran’s fingers had slipped from his neck to his
chest, making a mess all the way.
Li Zhenruo said, “Isn’t your biggest weakness me?”
Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo have never made themselves a
secret together, and he didn’t know if they have been
photographed. Whether the photos were given to Li Jianglin
or directly to the media or posted on the internet, to be
honest, they all dealt a certain blow to Li Zhenran.
Of course, Li Zhenran was a businessman rather than a
star. In today’s open-minded age, whether he was gay or
not would probably not have much impact on his career.
And what could really hit him was probably Li Jianglin’s

Li Zhenruo felt that Li Zhenran should be more cautious in

this matter, but he didn’t know why Li Zhenran was not
afraid of the world. Did he feel that he got Li Jianglin, or did
he have an indifferent attitude towards the whole Yunlin?
“You’re distracted,” Li Zhenran’s low voice sounded in his
Li Zhenruo glanced at him, “Didn’t you ask me a question?”
Li Zhenran said, “Well, that question is not important, you
should concentrate on this.”
At this moment, Li Zhenruo was a little baffled, he no longer
knew what was most important to Li Zhenran. So he simply
put aside those other thoughts, reached out and held Li
Zhenran’s face and kissed it.

f h k h h d h d d
After the kiss, Li Zhenran hugged Li Zhenruo and stood up.
Li Zhenruo hurriedly wrapped his arms around his neck to
stabilize his figure, and said, “Why? Want to have sex in the
Li Zhenran carried him towards the lounge and said, “You
were so sultry just now, didn’t you want to seduce me?”
Li Zhenruo really wanted to seduce him, but when he
thought that Li Zhenran looked at a cat and looked sultry,
he was really perverted to a certain level, and he couldn’t
help but feel a little tangled.
So he finally couldn’t help but ask a question: “Do you love
me more as a cat or as a person?”

Li Zhenran had already put him on the bed and answered

him, “This is a meaningless question. You are a complete
individual. I can only say that I love all of you.”
Li Zhenruo felt a little embarrassed after listening to him
say such touching words without changing his face. He
couldn’t help but ask again, “Then why haven’t you fallen in
love with me in the past 20 years?”
Li Zhenran looked at him, “It’s not necessarily that I won’t
fall in love, it may just be that there is less chance to start.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment because of these
words. He suddenly felt that fate was sometimes really a
very mysterious thing, and Li Zhenran was actually right.
They might just have lost a chance to start. However, it was
precisely because they would not begin that their lives will
become two eternal parallel lines.
He hugged Li Zhenran a little harder and kissed his lips.
The lounge was in full swing for a while.

Li Zhenruo felt that this place was really a good place. Hua
Yibang was guarding outside, and no one could easily come
in. When he was tired from work, he could roll onto the bed
hh l h d b k k f f l
with his lover in his arms and go back to work after feeling
refreshed. Perhaps only Li Zhenran could enjoy such a good
After the passionate moments, Li Zhenruo hugged Li
Zhenran’s neck and gasped, and suddenly heard the phone
ringing that he had left aside, raised his knee and hit Li
Zhenran’s waist, “Phone.”
Li Zhenran reached out and took the mobile phone. When
he saw that the caller ID turned out to be Hua Yibang’s
name, he couldn’t help frowning slightly. He answered the
phone and said solemnly, “What?”
Hua Yibang’s voice was very low, “Mr. Li Senior came
suddenly. I can’t stop him, and he won’t let me inform you.
He is in your office now.”

Li Zhenran replied calmly, “I got it?”

Li Zhenruo looked at him inexplicably.
Li Zhenran patted his face, “Get up, the old man is here.”

The author has something to say:

The manuscript has been saved, I can’t maintain the daily
update in September
Support the author by buying author other works and/or
giving some jades here~
(note that there are several guides to maneuver in gongzicp
or you can just google translate the page. Payment can be
made with Apple pay method)

f ll h d d f h h
We now finally have a discord server for those who want to
receive an update ping and various announcements~
Join here
Check out bean’s new novel here!
and her original novel about a sly cute dragon here~
Check out the other hoeni’s work here~
Check out the angst novel I co-tl with my friend here~

And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

Also leave some ratings if you like this series here~

Chapter 60
Li Zhenruo knew that Li Jianglin was not his own father,
but the imposing aura was still there after years. To be
honest, he was a little flustered at this moment. However,
when he saw Li Zhenran calmly get up and put on his
clothes, he thought that it was Li Zhenran’s father and not
his father anyway. If he was not nervous, what was he
being so nervous for? So he sat up and asked hesitantly,
“Do I just go out like this?”

Li Zhenran glanced at him and said, “I would advise you to

put your clothes on.”
Li Zhenruo resisted the urge to roll his eyes and pulled the
quilt to cover his lower body, “You said he should have
heard it, right?”

Li Zhenran sat on the edge of the bed and put on his

trousers, “En”, “Find some clothes to put on and go out
with me.”
Li Zhenruo understood that Li Zhenran planned to simply
confess to Li Jianglin. The soundproofing in this room
should be good, but Li Jianglin was not a fool. His son had
been locked in it for so long in the daytime, so there was
something wrong with it, right? And he asked Hua Yibang
not to notify Li Zhenran, which was like he knew something
in advance.
Li Zhenruo suddenly felt that he was someone who made an
inauspicious remark. He had just imagined the worst
situation and now he had to face it. He got off the bed,
walked barefoot to the closet, opened the door, and
deliberately picked out a better-looking piece of clothing
since the truth was out. He wondered if Li Jianglin would
not be so angry because of this?

dd h l h f l h
He didn’t put on his clothes for a long time, Li Zhenran
came over to help him pull up his coat, and then squatted
down and put socks on him.
Probably because of Li Zhenran’s bland attitude, Li
Zhenruo felt that it was no big deal at this time. Li Jianglin
kicked him out of the Li family, then he hooked up with his
son as revenge.
As he thought of this, Li Zhenruo raised his foot to step
between Li Zhenran’s legs. As the result, Li Zhenran
squeezed his ankle so hard that his leg was numb.
When he opened the door of the lounge, Li Zhenruo
followed Li Zhenran and walked out. Sure enough, he saw
Li Jianglin sitting on the sofa in the office.

Li Jianglin leaned back against the back of the sofa, but he

sat very straight, his crutch was in front of him, and his
hands were on the crutch. Li Zhenruo didn’t know when he
came in and how much he heard, but Li Zhenruo and Li
Zhenran didn’t even notice. Looking at his expression, he
was calm, not furious, but not smiling. Perhaps it was
because he had seen the third son hooked up with the
eldest daughter-in-law, so the second son fooling around
with the little assistant was not a major blow to him.
When he saw Li Jianglin, Li Zhenruo suddenly felt a little
distressed for him, so he simply hid behind Li Zhenran and
did not appear, pretending to be nervous.
However, Li Jianglin’s gaze still passed over Li Zhenran,
looked at Li Zhenruo up and down for a moment, and then
returned to Li Zhenran’s face.
“Dad,” Li Zhenran called out.

Li Zhenrou grabbed the hem of Li Zhenran’s clothes and

did not speak.
At this moment, Li Zhenran surprisingly turned his hands
behind his back and grabbed Li Zhenruo’s hand, digging
h l fh h d
into the palm of his hand.
Li Zhenruo didn’t know whether to say Li Zhenran was
heartless or shameless.
Li Jianglin ignored Li Zhenran, but said to Li Zhenruo, “Li
Tuan, I remember you said you were Luo Fei’s cousin,

Li Zhenruo nodded and said, “Yes.”

Li Jianglin added, “I remember that you are not yet twenty
years old. Your cousin sent you for an internship, but you
are sleeping with a man here. Do you think it is
Li Zhenruo grabbed Li Zhenran’s hand and did not speak.
Li Jianglin sighed, and then said to Li Zhenran, “I have
something to tell you, let this young man be excused.”

Li Zhenruo said in his heart that Li Jianglin was planning to

teach Li Zhenran a lesson, so he let the outsider leave first.
So before Li Zhenran answered, he took the initiative to
say, “I’m going out first, Mr. Li.”
After speaking, Li Zhenruo let go of Li Zhenran’s hand and
walked out of the office.
Li Zhenran didn’t stop him, but walked to the sofa and sat
As he went out of the office, Hua Yibang sat in front of his
desk, raised his head to look at Li Zhenruo, with such an
expression on his face, and then glanced at the closed door
of the office, probably worried about Li Zhenran.

Li Zhenruo said, “The father and son want to chat, I’ll go

out for a walk.”
Hua Yibang nodded.
h d h ff d d lk d
Li Zhenruo opened the office door and walked out. He
stood by the wall with his back against the wall for a while,
and stood there quietly for a while, sighing.
Opposite the corridor was Li Zhenzi’s office. At this time,
the office door was tightly closed, and he didn’t know if
anyone was still inside.

He knew that Li Zhenzi often left the company after

meeting and dealing with the affairs in his hand, and he
was more at Yunyi than at Yunlin. He was bored and
walked along the corridor alone. The reason why Li
Zhenruo didn’t want to stay in the office was that he felt a
little confused in his heart and didn’t want to be alone with
Hua Yibang.
He found that he was not as good as Li Zhenran, and he
was still not calm enough to face these things.
Unconsciously, he walked to the stairwell. There were
hardly any people walking in the stairwell here, and it
looked very gloomy. Before Li Zhenruo got close, he heard
the voice of someone talking inside.
The stairwell was transparent up and down, and a sound
could be heard from far away. Obviously, it was not the
person on this floor who was talking, but Li Zhenruo could
still hear it clearly while standing next to the fire door.
The voice came from the downstairs floor, and it was
someone on a phone. Downstairs was Li Zhentai’s office,
and this person’s voice Li Zhenruo could hear, was Li
Zhentai’s assistant Gao Qi.

Li Zhenruo didn’t know who Gao Qi was talking to on the

phone, but his attitude was fierce, and he looked a little out
of breath.
Li Zhenruo squatted beside the fire door and heard Gao Qi
shout to the person over the phone, “I don’t have that much
money! Zhentai doesn’t want to lend it to me!”

f hl d l
After a while, Gao Qi said again, “Settle your own
Then Gao Qi seemed to hang up the phone. The leather
shoes made dull sounds as he stepped on the ground and
left the stairwell with dull footsteps.
Li Zhenruo squatted for a while and thought that Gao Qi
might be able to become a breakthrough in Li Zhentai’s
matter, and this trip was an unexpected gain.

After a while, Li Zhenruo heard the door of Li Zhenran’s

office opened and saw Hua Yibang helping Li Jianglin out
from inside.
He quickly stood up, hesitated for a while and stood still.
Li Jianglin nodded to him, but did not mean to call him
over, and walked towards the elevator with the help of Hua
Li Zhenruo waited in place and waited for them to enter the
elevator before walking towards Li Zhenran’s office.
After he entered, he found that Li Zhenran was already
sitting behind his large desk, turning around and looking
outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

“He—what did he say to you?” Li Zhenruo asked as he

walked inside.
Li Zhenran turned to look at him and smiled, “A lot of
things, what do you want to hear?”
Li Zhenruo looked at him with some doubts. He knew that
Li Zhenran didn’t take Li Jianglin’s attitude to heart, but he
felt that Li Zhenran was too careless. Why wasn’t he afraid
that Li Jianglin’s attitude towards him would change in the
future and the whole Yunlin could fall on someone else?
Li Zhenruo walked up to Li Zhenran and said, “I guess, no
matter what he said, in any case, it’s not possible to just
mess around with you, right?”
h h d d dh dh
Li Zhenran reached out and wrapped his arms around his
waist, “You are right, but you don’t need to worry, I got

Li Zhenruo had to admit that he was very moved by Li

Zhenran’s words. If Li Zhenran was kicked out by Li
Jianglin, and he could also say to him “don’t worry, I got
everything”, he promised that he would never give up on Li
Zhenran from now on.
He couldn’t help but put his forehead on top of Li
Zhenran’s head, and suddenly noticed that a stack of
photos was scattered on the desk, so he stretched out his
hand to get it, and when he opened it, it turned out that all
of them were photos of him and Li Zhenran.
“Li Jianglin brought it?” Li Zhenruo asked.
Li Zhenran said “um”, “Average candid photography skills.”
At first, he was just sceptical, but now Li Zhenruo felt sure
of his own thoughts, “Did Li Zhentai do it?”

Li Zhenran casually shook the office chair from side to side,

“The old man didn’t say that, what do you think?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I have nothing to say. Whether it’s him or
not, I’m betting it’s him.”
At dinner that day, the anger was a little subtle.
Li Zhenruo still didn’t know what Li Jianglin and Li Zhenran
—father and son said, but Li Jianglin was really calm, and
he hadn’t said anything since Li Zhenran went home in the
afternoon until dinner.
For dinner tonight, Wang Ma cooked a small fish for Li

Li Zhenruo was lying at Li Zhenran’s feet, licked the fish

with his flat mouth, and suddenly heard Li Zhentai asked
b h f h
about the construction company of the Qijiang project.
Li Zhenran chatted with him while eating.
Li Jianglin suddenly said, “It would be great if the fourth
child was still there.”
As soon as he said these words, everyone at the table fell
Li Zhentai could hardly hide the surprise in his expression,
while Li Zhenran frowned slightly.

It was Wen Chun who spoke up and comforted, “Dad, don’t

be sad.”
In fact, not to mention them, even Li Zhenruo, who was
lying under the table, was also surprised. If he was really Li
Jianglin’s son, it was nothing weird to be said, but he was
Li Jianglin suddenly said to Li Zhentai and Li Zhenran that
he missed him. No matter how he thought about it, it was
After he said that, Li Jianglin put down his chopsticks and
stood up.
When Wang Ma saw this, she asked, “Not going to eat

Li Jianglin shook his head, “No more.”

In the evening, Li Zhenruo was lying on the windowsill
watching Li Jianglin walking back and forth in the garden
downstairs. He walked from here to there alone, stopped
and stood there for a long time, and then slowly walked
back to this side.
Li Jianglin had something on his mind, mostly because of Li
Zhenran. But he was so melancholy, and Li Zhenruo really
couldn’t figure out what he was doing.

dd l h lk l h f l h h h
Suddenly mentioning him, most likely he felt that the other
three children were just causing him to worry.
Li Zhenran had already come out of the shower, walked to
the window and scooped up Li Zhenruo with one hand, put
him on his chest and lay down on the bed.

Li Zhenruo lay quietly on his chest, listening to his steady

and powerful heartbeat.
In fact, Li Zhenran seemed to be a bit of a homebody in Li
Zhenruo’s eyes. In the past, he found it difficult to
understand; the world was so wonderful, and while you
were young should go out to see more and play more, why
should one always nestle at home?
But now, for the first time, he felt that he was in a good
mood even if he was just staying with the person he liked,
even if he did nothing.
Before he knew it, it was already dark. Li Zhenruo was
lying in Li Zhenran’s arms, half asleep listening to the
sound of Li Zhenran’s sound turning over the book, and
suddenly noticed some commotion outside.
There was not much movement, and Li Zhenran didn’t
seem to notice it, but Li Zhenruo pricked up his ears, then
turned over and rushed out of the window.

Li Zhenran sat up and asked, “What?”

But Li Zhenruo didn’t have time to answer him. He rushed
out of the window, climbed down the floor along the pipe,
and ran towards Erhuang’s kennel. Sure enough, he saw a
person standing there trying to lead Erhuang away.
Li Zhenruo pounced quickly, and the whole cat landed on
the man’s face.
“f/ck!” Zhu Kai, who was pounced to the ground, cursed
lowly. He reached out and grabbed Li Zhenruo to pull him
h h ld h ld b kh ll
Erhuang, who couldn’t hold back his excitement at all, saw
Zhu Kai and Li Zhenruo rolling into a ball on the ground,
thinking it was some interesting game, and finally couldn’t
help wagging his tail and barking loudly.
Li Zhenran was the first to come out of the house to see
this scene, and soon Wang Ma, Li Zhentai, and Wen Chun
also heard the movement, and the gardener and driver at
home all ran towards it.

Finally, Li Jianglin appeared on the crutch.

The author has something to say:

It’s too hard to keep up with the updates
Chapter 61
Li Zhenruo grabbed Zhu Kai tightly, his original intention
was to prevent Zhu Kai from taking Erhuang away.

However, Zhu Kai was also a ruthless man. He stretched

out his hand to pull Li Zhenruo’s back, and he even pulled a
handful of fur off him.
Li Zhenruo’s back was in pain and he loosened his grip
afterwards. However, after he realised his fur had been
pulled off, he went berserk and waved his sharp claws at
Zhu Kai.

Zhu Kai was in pain, and no longer showing mercy. He

grabbed Li Zhenruo’s neck and pulled him away, and was
about to throw him to the ground. In the end, Li Zhenran
grabbed his arm and snatched Li Zhenruo back from his
Luckily, Zhu Kai’s face was fine, but the claw marks on his
neck and behind his ears were clearly visible, and there
was even some blood.
Just now, Li Zhenruo was almost thrown to the ground by
Zhu Kai. At this time, he couldn’t help but feel a little
scared as he lay in Li Zhenran’s arms and panted slightly.

Li Zhenran gently stroked his back and said softly, “It’s

“Zhu Kai!” Li Zhentai’s voice sounded from behind them,
with some fierce hatred.
No matter what the purpose of Zhu Kai’s releasing the
photo at the wedding, none of the family would be grateful
to him. Including Li Zhentai, who until now still felt uneasy
and afraid that others would see the photo at that time. He

f d h h fh k ld h d b d
was afraid that the matter of his cuckold had been spread
Zhu Kai sat on the ground, clutching his neck in pain. After
a while, he stretched out his hand and saw that his hands
were covered in blood.

At first, the workers who thought that a thief had entered

the house saw Zhu Kai, so they left quietly, leaving only
Wang Ma to cry out in distress to see Zhu Kai caught up in
such a state, “Oh, no! How did you get into this state?”
Zhu Kai made a hissing sound and stared at the cat in Li
Zhenran’s arms.
Li Zhenran ignored him at this time, lowered his head to
look at the injury on Li Zhenruo’s back, and then gave Zhu
Kai a cold look. Li Zhenruo was lying in Li Zhenran’s arms
and pretended to be pitiful, but he really was pitiful. Even
though Zhu Kai looked miserable, he was also in pain.
Wang Ma ran to Zhu Kai’s side, squatted down to look at
the injury on his face, and said, “What should I do? Do we
have to go to the hospital? Do we need a rabies vaccine?”

Li Zhenruo looked over with some displeasure thinking that

if someone had rabies, it was more likely that Zhu Kai, that
madman, the one that had rabies! He was so innocent and
cute, how could he look like he had rabies?
Only Erhuang didn’t know what was going on and circled
around Zhu Kai excitedly.
Li Jianglin frowned and asked drily, “What are you doing
Zhu Kai lifted his head to look at him and said, somewhat
pitifully, “I come back to see my dog.”

Wang Ma persuaded, “Let’s get his wounds treated first.”

l dh h l d d
Li Jianglin squeezed his cane tightly and said, “Come in
Wang Ma went to find the first aid kit at home. The whole
family sat on the sofa and stared at Zhu Kai, who was
covering his neck.
Under the gaze of everyone, Zhu Kai didn’t seem to feel
anything wrong. He couldn’t help but reach out to touch
the wound on his neck and then stared at Li Zhenruo

This time, he originally planned to come back and take

Erhuang with him, but he didn’t expect a cat to ruin his
When he thought of this, Zhu Kai’s eyes became more and
more fierce.
Li Zhenruo didn’t show weakness and stared back at him.
Wang Ma brought the first aid kit and sat down to treat the
wound on Zhu Kai’s neck. Zhu Kai was unable to endure
the pain and kept saying “ouch ouch ouch” with his mouth.

Li Jianglin looked serious and called out Zhu Kai’s name,

“Zhu Kai.”
Zhu Kai seemed to know what he was going to say, and
while baring his mouth to call out in pain, he said, “Don’t
say it, I know what you are going to say. But to be honest,
you can’t blame me for your son hooking up with your
daughter-in-law. Above all, I am just an elder who can’t
bear to keep my nephew in the dark, unlike you, the father,
who knew about it long ago but kept it to himself, and had
to let his son get married.”
As soon as he finished speaking, both Wen Chun and Li
Zhentai looked at Li Jianglin in surprise.
Li Zhentai stood up even more, “Dad, what did he say?”

l dd h h f d f
Li Jianglin didn’t change his face, “I am doing it for your
own good.”
Li Zhentai asked, “You already knew that she had an affair
with the third child?” When he spoke, he pointed at Wen
Zhu Kai lowered his head and snickered.
Wang Ma, who gave him the medicine, obviously noticed it,
and couldn’t help but hit him on the arm and said angrily,
“Zhu Kai! How can you do this!”
Li Zhenran still held Li Zhenruo and sat quietly, only
watching Li Zhentai unconsciously straighten his back as
he stood up.

Li Zhenruo felt that although Li Zhenran was gently

stroking the top of his head, his attention was on Li
Zhentai. He was sure that if Li Zhentai did something
extreme to Li Jianglin, Li Zhenran would definitely stand up
and stop him.
Li Jianglin closed his eyes and did not speak.
Li Zhenruo suddenly felt that although Li Jianglin still
looked calm, he must have had a little difficulty coping with
the current situation. Tonight, he walked outside alone for
so long, and he must have been distressed because of the
affairs of his sons.
Li Zhentai couldn’t hold back his anger. He couldn’t care
about his attitude now, and shouted, “What is it for my
good? This marriage was arranged by you, I have nothing
to say, but knowing that this woman is cheating on me, you
still insist on me marrying her! You said it was for my own
good?! Dad, am I your own son? Actually, only the second
and third are your sons, right?”
Li Jianglin’s brows furrowed instantly, and he said, “What
nonsense are you talking about?”

h l h dh f h l h l d
Li Zhentai clenched his fists tightly as he glanced at Li
Jianglin, then at Wen Chun, before finally slamming his fist
hard on the coffee table. He then said, “Maybe I am the
most unnecessary one in the Li family. It’s better for me to
After he said that, Li Zhentai turned around and walked
Li Zhenran stood up and called out to Li Jianglin, “Dad?” It
meant whether he wanted to chase him back.
Li Jianglin shook his head slowly and said, “He has
resentment in his heart, let him go, I will talk to him later.”
Li Zhenran nodded when he heard the words. He saw that
Li Jianglin’s face did not look very good, so he walked over
and squatted beside him and said, “Dad, it’s getting late,
you should go to rest first.”

Li Jianglin was indeed really tired today. He glanced at Li

Zhenran and didn’t want to say anything more. He stood up
with crutches, and then said to Wen Chun, who was still
sitting on the sofa in a daze, “Go and rest too.”
Wen Chun was in an awkward situation, forced a smile to
hide her emotions, nodded and said, “Good night, Dad.”
Then she took the lead in walking toward the stairs.
Li Zhenran saw that Li Jianglin was planning to go back to
the room, he held the cat in one hand and his arm with the
Unexpectedly, Li Jianglin gently pushed his hand away, “No
need.” He was probably still brooding about what
happened in Li Zhenran’s office today.
At this time, Zhu Kai stood up from the sofa and walked to
Li Jianglin’s side to help him, “I’ll help you to rest.”

Li Jianglin moved more, waved his hand vigorously and

said, “Get lost.”
h kl dh h d d d h
Zhu Kai quickly retracted his hand and stood there
watching Li Jianglin slowly walk towards the room with a
somewhat innocent expression.
But when Li Jianglin disappeared, the innocence on his face
was put away, and he said, “I’m not going to sleep here
today, do you guys have no problem with that?”
Of course, the remaining Wang Ma and Li Zhenran had no
When he saw that Li Zhenran was about to leave, Zhu Kai
stopped him and said, “Zhenran, there doesn’t seem to be
any conflict between us, right?”

Li Zhenruo looked at Zhu Kai angrily.

Li Zhenran scratched Li Zhenruo’s chin and said softly,
“There is still a deep hatred between us. Just you wait and I
will settle the account with you.”
This made Zhu Kai stunned for a moment. When Li Zhenran
carried the cat up the stairs, he shouted, “What do you
mean? Because of that little boy?”
Li Zhenran didn’t answer him and went straight upstairs.
Wang Ma sighed heavily while packing her things, and
spoke with some tears, “What’s going on? The family is in
such a mess.”

Zhu Kai heard the words and walked over to sit next to her
and put his arms around her back, saying, “It’s alright,
don’t cry.”
Wang Ma hit him, but felt distressed when she saw the
wound on his neck, and said, “Show me the wound again.”
Li Zhenran took Li Zhenruo back to the room, sat on the
edge of the bed and let him lie on his lap to see the injury
on his back, one of which was indeed ripped off and looked
a little bald, although it was not too serious, at that time it
must be painful.
l l lk h h ld h b k
“I can’t see clearly like this, should I shave your back?” Li
Zhenran asked.
Li Zhenruo suddenly lay on his lap and appeared in a
human form, and said, “Are you crazy?!”

Li Zhenran saw that his back was a little red and swollen,
raised his hand and patted his round and fair buttocks, and
said, “I’ll go get you some medicine.”
Li Zhenran went to get a tube of cool and swollen ointment,
and still let Li Zhenruo lie on his leg. He dipped the
ointment with his fingers and rubbed him on the red and
swollen back.
Li Zhenruo was lying on his stomach and complained, “Zhu
Kai is really ruthless.”
Li Zhenran heard the words and said, “You are not softer
than him.”
Li Zhenruo muttered, “I knew he would come back and take
Erhuang away.”

Li Zhenran replied, “If he wants to leave with the dog, you

can leave him alone. Dad won’t do anything to him
Li Zhenruo put his head on one hand and thoughtfully,
“Why do you think your father is so indulgent towards Zhu
Li Zhenran asked him, “What are you implying to me?”
Li Zhenruo got up from him, sat cross-legged beside the
bed, and said to Li Zhenran, “Have you ever wondered
since you were a child?”
Li Zhenran looked at him with a half-smile.

h k h h dd h
Li Zhenruo knew that he just didn’t want to say it, so he
took the initiative to say, “When I was young, I thought
maybe it was because Zhu Kai was Zhu Yun’s younger
brother. Since Li Jianglin loved Zhu Yun all his life, and he
didn’t like my biological mother, it was understandable that
he was very partial to Zhu Kai. Later, when I got older, I
felt that no matter how partial he was, a brother-in-law and
even his own son were incomparable to him. So I wondered
if Zhu Kai was Li Jianglin’s own son. But it’s not right, if he
was Li Jianglin’s son, Li Jianglin had no reason not to
accept him or not let him enter Yunlin.”
“So what about—” Li Zhenran looked at him.
Li Zhenruo said, “I think, don’t Zhu Kai and Zhu Yun look
alike? Do you think to substitute for Zhu Yun, your father
was…” After he said this, Li Zhenruo couldn’t go on
anymore. To be honest, he was not willing to think in this
direction, no matter what, after all, he had always regarded
Li Jianglin as his father in his heart.
Li Zhenran didn’t comment on his words and asked him,
“Do you think it’s like that?”
Li Zhenruo thought silently for a while, and finally said, “It
shouldn’t be, it’s just me who was thinking wildly.”

Li Zhenran turned his head and glanced behind him, “Does

it hurt?”
Li Zhenruo said, “It doesn’t hurt much, just ignore it.”
Li Zhenran stretched out his arms and hugged him to lie
down, “Then let’s go to sleep.”
Chapter 62
When he got up the next morning, Li Zhenruo was lying on
the window sill and looked down early in the morning. He
saw Li Jianglin walking in the garden. After a while, Zhu
Kai walked to Li Jianglin’s side and Li Zhenruo didn’t know
what Zhu Kai said to him.

Li Jianglin seemed to be very angry and waved his hand to

tell him to go.
As he looked at Li Jianglin’s attitude towards Zhu Kai now,
Li Zhenruo found it intriguing.

Zhu Kai sneaked back last night to steal the dog, but today
Li Jianglin chased him away, but he didn’t go. Li Zhenruo
felt that Zhu Kai was shameless, and perhaps he was not
the only one who thought of that. The whole Li family felt
that he was shameless this time.
However, there was nothing to be done since Zhu Kai was
shameless anyway, so naturally, he didn’t care what the Li
family thought of him.
Li Zhenruo followed Li Zhenran and went down to the first
floor to prepare for eating breakfast. From a distance, he
saw Zhu Kai sitting at the dining table with a Band-Aid on
his neck. He waved at them with a pretty bitchy smile.

Li Zhenran just sat down when Li Jianglin asked, “Why

didn’t xiao Chun come to eat?”
Wang Ma said with difficulty, “I called, but she said she
wouldn’t eat.”
After a while, they heard footsteps on the stairs, and they
saw Wen Chun coming down from the second floor with a
suitcase in hand.

l f d h l h h f
Li Jianglin frowned tightly, “What is this for?”

Wen Chun lowered his head and forced a smile, and said,
“Dad, I want to go out to take a break.”
“Take a break?” Li Jianglin stood up, “Where?”
Wen Chun hesitated for a moment, and then said, “To be
honest, at first I wanted to go home, but I knew I wouldn’t
be able to hide it from my parents if I went home, so I want
to go out and travel, not necessarily just to one place, more
to walk and see more.”
Li Jianglin asked her, “What about your workplace?”

Wen Chun said, “I’ve taken a long vacation, it may not take
long. I’ll be back in two or three weeks. Don’t worry.”
Li Jianglin sighed. He knew that Wen Chun was unhappy at
home every day, and it might not be a bad thing if she had
the opportunity to go out for a walk, but thinking of her
going out alone would inevitably make him uneasy.
Li Zhenran then voiced out Li Jianglin’s concern at this
time, “Sister-in-law, it’s not safe on your own.”
Wen Chun smiled and said, “It’s okay, I won’t go to any
dangerous places, and maybe I’ll invite some friends. You
don’t need to worry about me, thank you.”

Li Jianglin said, “Since you’ve made up your mind, I won’t

stop you. Pay attention to safety on the road, and call home
if you have anything.”
Wen Chun replied, “I know.”
Li Jianglin instructed Wang Ma, “Tell the driver to drive her
Wang Ma nodded and hurriedly walked outside.
Li Zhenran got up and walked to Wen Chun’s side, and took
the initiative to help her pick up the suitcase.
Wen Chun repeatedly thanked him.
Li Zhenran kept walking her outside, helped her put the
suitcase in the trunk, and said, “Be careful on the road.”
Wen Chun nodded, “I will. Go and have breakfast.”

After he walked Wen Chun away, Li Zhenran came back

and sat down at the dining table. At this time, Li Jianglin
had put down his chopsticks, and said, “I’ll go out later.”
Zhu Kai bit his chopsticks and asked, “Where to?”
But Li Jianglin didn’t pay any attention to him.
Wang Ma said quickly, “I’ll go call a driver for you.”

Li Zhenruo raised his head and glanced at Li Zhenran.

When he saw that Li Zhenran didn’t say anything, he lay
down silently again.
Except for Yunlin’s board meeting, Li Jianglin rarely went
out so early. He was used to a lazy life when he was resting
at the beach. He got up every morning to take a walk and
exercise, and sometimes he didn’t eat breakfast with them.
If he went out so early, Li Jianglin must have something to
do today.
Li Zhenruo thought about it and felt that it was possible
that it was for Li Zhentai’s matter. In any case, Li Jianglin
somewhat owed him for insisting that he should marry Wen
And since Li Jianglin caught an adultery act in Li Zhenran’s
office yesterday, he had been a little cold to Li Zhenran. Li
Zhenruo began to think, did Li Jianglin have some other
plans to appease Li Zhentai and knock Li Zhenran off at the
same time?

When Li Jianglin left, Zhu Kai was still eating breakfast

slowly, and at the same time glaring at Li Zhenruo with
fierce eyes.
Drat! Li Zhenruo thought to himself. His paws grabbed Li
Zhenran’s trouser legs and climbed onto his lap, sitting
down, while sticking to Li Zhenran’s arms, he glared back
at Zhu Kai.
Although it was just a vague thought, Li Zhenruo didn’t
expect his thoughts became a reality the next day.
Yunlin held an emergency board meeting that morning and
decided on several matters, one of which was to hand over
all the key projects currently in charge of Li Zhenran to Li
Before the meeting, Li Zhenruo wanted to follow up but
was blocked when he was about to enter the door of the
conference room. He thought that he could sneak in as a
cat if he walked quietly, but he failed.

He sat outside the heavy wooden door and waited, Li

Zhenruo put his ears on the door panel, but the sound
inside was dull. There were a few faint sounds, but he
couldn’t hear what was said.
After the meeting, he hadn’t come back to his senses.
Someone pushed open the wooden door from the inside and
pushed his whole cat behind the door, almost crushing his
Li Zhenran came out of the conference room first. Li Zhenzi
chased after him and shouted, “Second brother!”
After Li Zhenran stopped to look at him, Li Zhentai
suddenly took two steps forward and patted Li Zhenran on
the back, “I’ll go to your side to hand over the work later.”

h h h h ll d h
When Li Zhenzi saw Li Zhentai coming, he swallowed what
he wanted to say and walked toward the elevator.

Li Zhenran turned around and smiled at Li Zhentai, “Okay,

I’ll go to your office later.”
Li Zhentai nodded. When he was about to speak, a director
came out of the conference room and tapped him on the
shoulder to chat with him, so Li Zhentai didn’t pay
attention to Li Zhenran anymore.
Only then did Li Zhenruo get out from behind the door with
a gloomy face.
Li Zhenran glanced at him and walked towards the
elevator. Li Zhenruo followed closely at his feet and looked
up at him suspiciously. From what they said just now, Li
Zhenruo knew that things might be going in a bad
However, there were still people coming and going outside
this large conference room, and it was not easy to
communicate with Li Zhenran, so he went straight to the

Li Zhenruo kept looking up at Li Zhenran but didn’t notice

that he bumped his head into the trash can, knocking down
the trash can in the corridor, making a crisp sound.
Many people looked over from the direction of the
conference room.
Li Zhenruo was a little confused by the collision.
Li Zhenran squatted down and picked him up. When he
reached out to pick up the trash can, the staff of the
logistics department hurriedly ran over from the
conference room and hurriedly helped him up.
Li Zhenran then carried Li Zhenruo and walked toward the
elevator. After entering the elevator, they found that Li
Zhenzi was actually still waiting for them.
When the elevator door slowly closed, Li Zhenzi said, “Is
Dad getting old and confused?”
Li Zhenran rubbed the top of Li Zhenruo’s hurting head
and said calmly, “He has his plans.”
After that, the elevator also reached the floor of their
office. The two brothers did not continue to communicate
and walked out one after the other.
Going back to Li Zhenran’s office, Li Zhenruo couldn’t wait
to talk to him. He lay in front of Li Zhenran’s big desk with
a naked human body, and asked, “What’s going on?”
Li Zhenran sat behind the desk and wanted to smoke, but
hesitantly put it down after picking up the cigarette case,
and said, “I have to hand over all my work to Li Zhentai.”

Li Zhenruo’s eyes widened, “Is Dad crazy? How could Li

Zhentai handle it?”
Li Zhenran was calm and said, “You can ask him.”
Li Zhenruo felt a little exasperated, “Is he threatening you?
But has he seriously considered whether it is worth it to
use Yunlin’s business to intimidate you?”
Li Zhenran said, “He is not so confused. He is now using
the pretext that Li Zhentai is not familiar with his work,
and has placed a work team to be directly responsible to
him, including Hua Yibang.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned, “Even Hua Yibang has been
drawn in, so what are you going to do?”

Li Zhenran spread out his hands, “I’ve been given a leave of

absence. Do you have any place you want to go? I can
accompany you.”
However, Li Zhenruo was still analyzing Li Jianglin’s
thoughts, and said, “Li Jianglin is angry with you because of
h f d h l h h
the matter of you and me. The only thing he can use to
threaten you is his inheritance of Yunlin. In addition, this
time he feels owed to the eldest for Wen Chun’s business,
so he took advantage of the situation for his own benefit
and asks you to give him all the work at hand. But has he
never thought about who sent those photos to him? Li
Zhentai played tricks against his brother again and again,
and finally, he could taste the sweet victory. Is Li Jianglin
not afraid that Li Zhentai will become more aggressive?”
After he listened to Li Zhenruo, Li Zhenran nodded and
said, “It makes sense, so what do you think Dad thinks?”
Li Zhenruo was stunned, “I don’t know.”
Li Zhenran said, “If you don’t know, don’t think about it.
You also know what Yunlin means to him. Since he dares to
make such a decision, he must bear the consequences.”

When he heard what Li Zhenran said, Li Zhenruo also

calmed down and thought that Yunlin has nothing to do
with him anyway. Whatever Li Jianglin wanted to do, what
should he be nervous about? Now that he had this time, it
was better to think about his own affairs.
As he thought of this, Li Zhenruo said to Li Zhenran, “Can
you go through Gao Qi and find out how Li Zhentai knew
that I was not Li Jianglin’s own son?”
Li Zhenran asked him, “Why Gao Qi?”
Li Zhenruo was almost lying on his desk, trying to get close
to his ear, and whispered, “I heard Gao Qi on the phone
that day, I don’t know if his relatives or friends owe him
money, and Li Zhentai doesn’t seem to be willing to help
Li Zhenran reached out and touched his face, “Okay, I’ll
find someone to contact him.”

In the past two days, Li Zhenran has been busy handing

over his work to Li Zhentai. The part of the work in his
h d l d d ld b h d d
hands was very complicated, and it couldn’t be handed over
clearly in just a few words.
This may be the reason why Li Jianglin also transferred
Hua Yibang. In fact, not only Hua Yibang but also several
directly managed departments under Li Zhenran.
All the work was on track, and it was impossible to replace
the original staff, so only the top management was
changed, and all the things that were originally decided by
Li Zhenran were handed over to Li Zhentai. No, it couldn’t
be said to Li Zhentai, because Li Zhentai need Li Jianglin’s
sign and approval before making a final decision.
So this was to return all power to Li Jianglin.
Li Zhenran had too many things to do at the company that
Li Zhenruo was bored. So he took a bag of cat food he stole
from the house to visit his Master. Later, Wang Ma
suddenly found out that a bag of cat food was missing, and
made a fuss.

Xia Hongshen was at work that day, and Li Zhenruo found

Xia Hongshen in his office. Before anyone went in, he put
the cat food in and shook it.
He felt a sudden force, and before Li Zhenruo could react,
his hand was already empty. When he looked inside, he saw
Xia Hongshen sitting at the desk, looking down at the bag
of cat food.
“Master,” Li Zhenruo showed a pleasing smile on his face.
Xia Hongshen didn’t even look at him, just said “um”, and
then gnawed the bag with his sharp teeth.
Li Zhenruo walked over to sit in front of him, put his arms
on the desk, and asked him, “Is it delicious?”
Xia Hongshen grabbed a handful and put it in his mouth,
chewed it for a while with a complicated expression, and
told Li Zhenruo, “Not bad.” Then he looked at the bag, “Too

h d kl ll b
Li Zhenruo said quickly, “I’ll bring more to you next time.”
Xia Hongshen did not respond to him.
Li Zhenruo looked at him, hesitated and said, “Master, I
want to ask a question.”
Xia Hongshen then responded to him, “Say.”

Li Zhenruo was a little distressed, “The last time I tried to

transform, together with clothes, but only a pair of thongs
came out.” He was silent for a while, and added, “It’s black
with lace.”
Xia Hongshen, who had been indifferent all along, looked
up at him and asked, “Black lace thong?”
Li Zhenruo also felt embarrassed but nodded honestly.
Xia Hongshen suddenly became interested, “Let me see.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned, “Master, are you serious?”

Not only was Xia Hongshen serious, he immediately picked

up the office landline and made a call, “Come and see my
apprentice transform.”
Li Zhenruo asked in surprise, “Who did you call?”
Xia Hongshen said to him, “Nothing, I just called Song Jun
to come.”
Even if he said it was nothing, Li Zhenruo didn’t think it
was really nothing, “You just call Song Jun to come and see
my lace thong?”
Xia Hongshen was very excited, “Quick, take a look.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Jun hurried in from

outside the office without even taking a breath. As he

l d h d l k d l h h
closed the door, Song Jun looked curiously, “What? Show
me, little Garfield.”
Li Zhenruo glanced at the locked office door. He hesitated
and said, “Just the two of you, don’t tell anyone else.”
Afterwards, he first turned into a cat and watched his
clothes fall to the ground. He then took a deep breath and
imagined the lace thong that day. He then transformed into
a human under the gaze of two people, and at the same
time trying to make the spiritual power to wrap himself up
into clothes with substance.
However, when he finished his transformation, Song Jun,
who stood in front of him and looked at him, opened his
mouth into an “O” shape.
Li Zhenruo looked down and saw that this time it was
indeed black panties, but without the lace trim, the style
was also ordinary panties. He didn’t understand why Song
Jun was surprised.

Song Jun motioned for him to reach out and touch the back
of his butt.
Li Zhenruo reached out to touch it for no reason, and then
cursed “f/ck!” He just touched a small fluffy ball behind his
butt, which clearly looked like a rabbit’s tail.

The author has something to say:

Some readers asked why the eldest brother is so
frustrating. It is because he is the villain ah. I can’t deal
with him if I make him tall and brave…
Chapter 63
“How did that come out?” Song Jun asked curiously after Li
Zhenruo ripped off the rabbit tail’s underwear and changed
back into his own clothes.

Xia Hongshen answered this question for him, “Too many

distracting thoughts are also a sign of insufficient
asceticism practice.”
Li Zhenruo said, “I think of a lace thong and associate it
with something else……” He couldn’t be blamed either.
When he saw some messy things before, he associated
them at the same time.

Xia Hongshen stretched out his hand and pressed it on top

of Li Zhenruo’s head, “Get rid of your distracting thoughts,
just like you wanted to become a human at that time. If you
can’t get rid of distracting thoughts, your future cultivation
will also be hindered.”
Li Zhenruo was a little frustrated with these words, he
nodded, “I understand.”
Song Jun comforted him gently, “It’s okay, take your time.”

Li Zhenruo answered “um”.

Song Jun asked him, “You said you wanted to investigate
your enemy, how did it go?”
Li Zhenruo sat down on the sofa, “I think I already know
who did it, but I must find out about this matter, otherwise,
I won’t feel at ease even if I kill that person to get
Song Jun raised his hand and put it on his shoulder, “Don’t
worry, I believe there will be a day when the truth will
come out.”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help grabbing Song Jun’s hand and
said, “Thank you.”
Xia Hongshen looked at the two of them coldly and flicked
his fingers lightly. Li Zhenruo suddenly felt a pain in the
back of his hand and withdrew the hand that was holding
Song Jun. He looked at Xia Hongshen and said, “Master is
In the afternoon, Li Zhenran finished the work at hand and
drove to the school to pick up Li Zhenruo.
When Li Zhenruo got in the car, he asked him, “Are you on
a long vacation?”

Li Zhenran smiled indifferently, “Yeah. I’m treating you to

dinner, what would you like to eat?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Anything is fine. Let’s go watch movies
after we finish eating.”
Li Zhenran glanced at him but did not object in the end and
started the car.
After dinner, the two of them really sat in the cinema and
watched a movie.

Whether it was Li Zhenruo or Li Zhenran, both of them felt

that this experience was a bit new. Although the movie was
not very good, the two still watch it with relish.
Halfway through, Li Zhenran’s cell phone vibrated, and he
got up with his cell phone and went outside to answer the
Li Zhenruo waited for him to come back while eating
popcorn. After a while, Li Zhenran came back and sat down
beside him, suddenly leaned over to his ear, and said in a
low voice, “Gao Qi passed me a photo, are you interested in
taking a look?”

h b b h d h h kh
Li Zhenran’s burning breath made Li Zhenruo shrink his
neck, but he was surprised by the content of his words.

Li Zhenran showed him the photo on his mobile phone. Li

Zhenruo clearly saw that it was a retaken photo. It was a
photo of a man and a woman. It was Li Zhenruo’s mother
Zhao Yuqiong and the man who looked similar to Li
The background of this photo was also consistent with the
background of the two photos that Li Zhenruo found at
Zhao Yuqiong’s house.
The cinema was really not a convenient place to talk, and Li
Zhenruo couldn’t sit still, so he got up and pulled Li
Zhenran up and walked outside.
Although he was not sure, he felt that the reason why Li
Zhentai suspected that he was not Li Jianglin’s son was
probably because of this photo, but how did Li Zhentai get
this photo?

After they came out of the cinema, Li Zhenruo asked Li

Zhenran, “Did Gao Qi say how he got this photo?”
Li Zhenran shook his head, “Gao Qi said that this is his
bottom line, and he is reluctant to say anything else. The
reason why he was willing to hand over this photo was also
because he considered that you were no longer there.”
Li Zhenruo grabbed Li Zhenran’s phone and looked at it for
a long time, and a wave of anger grew in his heart.
In fact, if he was Li Zhentai, after seeing this photo and
becoming suspicious, he might have done the same thing.
The problem was that he really was not Li Jianglin’s son, so
he couldn’t blame Li Zhentai for finding out. What really
concerned him was the one who killed him. Although he
almost decided in his heart that Li Zhentai could not get
away from it, he still need a thorough understanding of the
Li Zhenran reached out and touched his head, and inserted
his fingers into his hair to soothe his emotions.
If Li Zhenruo was not Li Jianglin’s biological son, then the
man in the photo was likely to be his biological father. He
had seen the photo of this man before, and now the photo
was still in Feng Junyuan’s possession. He had no interest
in who his biological father was, but now, he had the idea
of wanting to understand the circumstances.
How on earth did Zhao Yuqiong hook up with this man, but
at the same time voluntarily become Li Jianglin’s mistress,
lied to him and gave birth to him?
These things might have nothing to do with Li Zhentai
poking his identity out and buying a murderer to kill him,
but they were inextricably linked to the situation he has
found himself in.
“I want to,” Li Zhenruo said the words, paused and looked
up at Li Zhenran, “Go to Zhao Yuqiong’s hometown.”

Li Zhenran said, “Okay, I’ll accompany you.”

In the evening, Li Zhenran took a shower in the bathroom,
and Li Zhenruo stood by the window alone to catch some
At this time, everyone was asleep, and no one noticed his
existence, but the weather gradually became colder, and Li
Zhenruo had to find pyjamas for himself after turning into a
human form.
Because he had seen the two photos of Zhao Yuqiong
before, he was not very surprised to see the photos that
Gao Qi sent to Li Zhenran tonight. On the contrary, he was
more concerned about what Xia Hongshen said to him
He had distracting thoughts, so his cultivation progressed

h h d f l h d l l d
At this time, he definitely had no way to completely get rid
of distracting thoughts and concentrate on cultivation with
his heart, but he needed to gain more strength through
Li Zhenruo stretched out his hand to take off his pyjamas.
He was lazy just now, and he didn’t wear underwear at this
time. He pressed his hands lightly on the windowsill and
closed his eyes.
The night wind swept across his body with a slight
coolness. He tried his best not to have any distracting
thoughts and concentrate on only one thing. At first, it
should not be too complicated, just the black panties with a
rabbit tail.
He mobilized the spiritual power in his body and slowly
wrapped his body. Inside his head, he concentrated on
what the panties would look like, carefully outlining even
every detail, ending with the round white tail.
When he opened his eyes, he could clearly feel that his
body was properly wrapped by the underwear woven by
spiritual power. He first reached out to touch the back of
his butt, pinched the fluffy ball, and then lowered his head
to examine every detail carefully. He wondered what the
difference was from the panties he imagined in his mind.

But at this moment, the door of the bathroom was opened

by Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran wrapped a bath towel around his waist and
walked out barefoot while wiping his hair with the towel.
He saw Li Zhenruo bent over to look at his underwear, and
at the same time noticed the pure white furball rabbit tail
behind his black underwear.
Li Zhenran threw the towel on the back of the chair next to
him. He stood in front of Li Zhneruo and asked, “Can I take
it that you are seducing me?”
Li Zhenruo was a little excited. He said to Li Zhenran,
“Look, this is what I made with my spiritual power.”

h h d h d dd l k h
Li Zhenran heard the words, squatted down to look at his
underwear, flicked the edge with his fingers, and looked up
at him, “It feels good.”

The distance was too close, Li Zhenruo straightened his

back, and bumped into Li Zhenran’s face. He then smiled at
Li Zhenran was not angry, and he was a little curious, “Is
this from the cat’s hair?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t say yes or no, he tried hard again to wrap
a pair of long red long johns around his underwear.
Li Zhenran stood up and faced him, leaned into his ear and
said, “Can you do something else?”
Li Zhenruo heard the words and whispered in his ear,

He then changed into a pair of wool pants, and Li Zhenran

pulled a hair from it, “Can you stop focusing on changing
around the pants?”
Li Zhenruo changed into a pair of wool socks and came out.
Li Zhenran took off his sock, and when it fell into his hand,
it turned into cat hair. He said, “Will the hair fall out after
“It won’t, okay?” Li Zhenruo yelled, “It’ll grow back!”
After experimenting for a night, although he played a bit
with Li Zhenran, Li Zhenruo also found that he did not
know whether his spiritual power was too weak or his
ability to control was limited. All he could conjure up were
some very simple clothes. If he set too many details, such
as meticulous embroidery and complex styles, those were
likely to fail.

h hf h ld h
But the current state was enough for him. He could switch
between the two forms at will without running naked on the
In the future, even without relying on Li Zhenran, he could
enter and leave the Li family at will.
After breakfast the next day, Li Zhenran took a tissue and
said to Li Jianglin, “Dad, I’m going on vacation.”
Because Wen Chun left and Li Zhentai was in a high spirit
again from his success, he moved back to the house. The
previous dispute with Li Jianglin seemed to have never
When Li Zhenran said this, before Li Jianglin had time to
express his position, Li Zhentai asked enthusiastically,
“Where are you going to play?”

Li Zhenran said, “Drive out and take a look around.”

Li Zhentai smiled and said to him, “I’m so envious that you
have this free time to go out for a walk, but unfortunately
I’m so busy with work that I can’t find time at all.”
Li Zhenran heard the words and said, “I’m sorry to bother
you with the company.”
Li Zhentai said, “It’s just a part of my job.”
Li Jianglin kept looking at Li Zhenran without saying a
word and with a disapproving look on his face, but he didn’t
say anything in the end.

At this time, Li Zhentai asked him again, “Second child, if

you drive out by yourself, you don’t need a driver, right?”
Li Zhenran replied, “No.”
Li Zhentai said, “My driver wants to take a few days off, so
let your driver drive for me these few days.”

h ll l b d h l
Li Zhenruo was originally lying beside Li Zhenran’s legs,
but when he heard the words, he was a little angry and
stood up all of a sudden.
Li Zhenran replied with a smile, “It’s definitely no problem,
I’ll tell him later.” After Li Zhenran said that, he scratched
Li Zhenruo’s stomach with his foot.

Li Zhenruo was tickled, and hurriedly lay down and pressed

his feet, posing to gnaw on his toes.
At this time, Zhu Kai just got up, opened the door of the
room with sleepy eyes, and looked at them.
Li Zhentai felt that he was blessed by the disaster, and he
didn’t even seem to want to care about Zhu Kai’s
harassment behind his back. When he saw Zhu Kai, he
called him over for breakfast.
Li Zhenran had already bent down and carried Li Zhenruo,
then stood up.
Li Zhentai asked him, “Are you going to go out with the

“Well,” Li Zhenran said, “I’m taking him out to look

Li Zhentai laughed when he heard this as if he heard some
funny joke.
Li Jianglin finally said to Li Zhenran, “If you have time,
think about it and take care of yourself.”
Li Zhenran nodded, “Okay, Dad.”
When he passed by Zhu Kai, Zhu Kai rubbed his eyes and
asked him, “Where are you going?”
But Li Zhenran didn’t intend to answer him, he just raised
his hand and waved it in front of him, with the cat under his
other arm, he walked steadily towards the outside.
When they were having breakfast, Wang Ma went up to
pack two pieces of clothes for him and packed them in a
small suitcase.
He threw the cat on the passenger seat and placed the
suitcase in the trunk. Li Zhenran drove the off-road vehicle
slowly out of the garage. As soon as he left the door of Li’s
house, Li Zhenruo couldn’t wait to change into a human
form. He was wearing a simple long-sleeved T-shirt and
sports trousers, and complained to Li Zhenran, “What the
hell is up with Li Zhentai?”
Li Zhenran smiled indifferently, “First day you knew him?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I’d like to see how long he can be proud.”

Li Zhenran reached out and rubbed the top of his head,

then changed the subject and asked, “You might see your
biological father on this trip, are you nervous?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t expect that he would ask this, so he froze
for a moment and said, “Not nervous.” He was telling the
truth. He didn’t have any feelings about the so-called
biological father. The reason why he had to go there was
not to find his father. But to find out the truth of why his
mother tricked Li Jianglin into treating him as a child of the
Li family.
After being quiet for a while, Li Zhenruo said slowly, “My
body was given by him, but unfortunately it is no longer
there. Now only my soul is the only thing left, and it has
nothing to do with him. My soul belongs to me alone.”
Li Zhenran originally caressed the top of his head gently,
but suddenly grabbed his hair and pulled him over to kiss
him on the lips.
The kiss was short-lived, but Li Zhenruo was still startled
and pushed Li Zhenran away to let him see the road.
Luckily it was a straight road and there were no other cars
“You belong to me,” Li Zhenran said with a serious

The author has something to say:

I’ve written about underwear several times in this chapter,
but it’s just that the protagonist tried to change the clothes
out of thin air. I know that the special reviewer didn’t have
time to read the text, so I just locked it, but I don’t know
how to change it.
Chapter 64
The car stopped at the gas station on the highway to refuel.
Li Zhenruo took a breather and went to the small
supermarket to buy two bottles of water.

Zhao Yuqiong’s hometown was even further away than his

visit to Aunt Wu’s place before, it was almost at the
junction of the two northern provinces. Li Zhenruo didn’t
quite understand why Zhao Yuqiong chose to leave her
hometown and come here alone. Eventually, she died alone
without any relatives to accompany her.
Li Zhenran stood beside the car and waited to refuel.

Li Zhenruo noticed that the young woman working at the

gas station was talking to him. When Li Zhenran looked
down at her, she smiled coyly.
He shook the water bottle in his hand, Li Zhenruo walked
over and hugged Li Zhenran’s shoulder from behind, stood
on tiptoe and asked in his ear, “Is it done?”
Li Zhenran looked back at him, “It’s almost done.”

After refuelling, the young woman took out the fuel nozzle.
Li Zhenran paid the money and called Li Zhenruo to get in
the car.
It was too much to force themselves to arrive at the
destination in one day, and it would be inevitable that they
have to travel up to the mountain in the dark. So Li
Zhenran directly booked a hotel in the halfway city, and the
two planned to stay for one night.
Li Zhenruo opened a bag of potato chips and fed them into
Li Zhenran’s mouth by hand.

h d h dl k d h d dh
Li Zhenran drove the car and looked ahead, opened his
mouth to hold the potato chips, and also held Li Zhenruo’s

Li Zhenruo looked at him for a while, then slowly pulled out

his fingers, put them in his own mouth and licked them.
In the afternoon, when they arrived at the city where they
stayed at night, as soon as they got off the highway there
was a car at the exit to pick them up, the people were
arranged by Hua Yi Bang, and they were directly shown the
way to the hotel.
After they parked the car and placed the luggage in the
room, Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo came out of the hotel and
walked slowly along the road.
They were in an unfamiliar city. The place was not big, but
it was quiet and clean.

The two walked to the edge of a big river and sat down on a
bench by the river, and the cool breeze with the moisture of
the river came blowing. In the distance, a few children
were chasing and playing, and a young mother was walking
slowly with a stroller.
Li Zhenruo took the initiative to hold Li Zhenran’s hand
first and then felt that Li Zhenran grab his own hand
together into the pocket of his clothes. Through a thin layer
of fabric, he could feel the other party’s body temperature.
In the evening, Li Zhenran took a shower and came out of
the bathroom, and lay directly on the big bed. He had been
driving today, and he seemed to be a little tired, so he
closed his eyes for a while.
Li Zhenruo lay beside him and touched him with his leg.

Li Zhenran ignored him.

Li Zhenruo touched him again.
h h h d d bb d h h h
This time, Li Zhenran reached out and grabbed his thigh,
pulled his leg away, and said, “What are you doing?”
Li Zhenruo rolled over and sat on Li Zhenran’s waist with
his legs apart, lowered his forehead to touch his forehead,
and whispered, “Are you able to do me?”

Li Zhenran didn’t open his eyes, just smiled and didn’t

Li Zhenruo kissed his lips and said vaguely, “f/ck me, hurry
The next morning, they only drove for half a day, and they
arrived at their destination before lunch.
Zhao Yuqiong was born in a small county in the mountains.
They were driving on a mountain road all morning, and Li
Zhenruo was a little carsick. He wondered if he was a cat,
it would be less dizzy. As the result his cat body was almost
thrown out. Fortunately, the windows were closed.

Li Zhenran reached out and grabbed him, and said, “Don’t

make trouble.”
Li Zhenruo suddenly became angry, but he obediently
changed back into a human form and remained silent with
a pale face.
When the car drove into the county, it drew some attention.
He wondered if the roads in the county were not receptive
because the roads were winding turns and complicated. So
when cars and people came from other places, it was
particularly eye-catching.
Along the way, most of the local people that Li Zhenruo saw
were dark and thin, but they were quite tall. However,
Zhao Yuqiong was fair-skinned, so she must have been a
beauty here back then. As for the man in the photo,
although he looked tall and handsome, he still had the
traces of a local.

h l ll d h dh l
The place was too small and there were no good hotels. Li
Zhenran didn’t really want to stay overnight here. He
hoped to finish things earlier and return to the previous
city accommodation.
The address was checked before departure, and a local
person was contacted through a friend, who was a police
officer in the county seat. After they entered the city, the
officer got into the car and showed them the way.
They went to the place where Zhao Yuqiong’s parents lived.
What Li Zhenran learned was that Zhao Yuqiong’s father
had passed away, and only her mother was still alive, living
with Zhao Yuqiong’s eldest brother’s family.
It was much more convenient to have the police officer lead
the way. The car was parked near the county public
security bureau. The police officer said the place was
within ten minutes of walking, and led them through a
narrow alley to the back street. They arrived at a store
selling cement tiles.
The police officer asked in the local dialect, “Is Zhao
Yusheng here?”

An old man looked out from the inside, with a rice bowl in
his hand, probably eating lunch, and inexplicably looking
According to what Li Zhenran had explained to him before,
the police officer said to the old man, “Are you Zhao
Yusheng? There are two lawyers from the city who want to
ask you about your sister.”
Zhao Yusheng suddenly became nervous, “What lawyers?
Which sister of mine?”
Li Zhenran asked, “Is Zhao Yuqiong your sister?”
Zhao Yusheng looked a little dazed, his brows furrowed
tightly, and his tone was still a little worried, “She has been
gone for a long time, and I haven’t seen her in more than
20 years.”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but ask, “You haven’t been in
Zhao Yusheng shook his head, “There is no contact, she
never came back here, and I don’t know where she went.”
Although he knew that the person in front of him was his
uncle, to Li Zhenruo, he was still just a stranger, and he
couldn’t feel too many emotions. He even had some anger
toward Zhao Yusheng’s indifference to the affection
between his sisters.
Li Zhenran raised his hand and patted Li Zhenruo’s back
lightly to comfort him, then stepped forward and asked,
“May I ask why she left at that time?”
Zhao Yusheng was slightly more alert this time and looked
at Li Zhenran suspiciously without speaking.

The police officer next to him took out his police card and
showed it to Zhao Yusheng, and said, “Zhao Yusheng, don’t
worry, they came from a big city and came here specifically
for your sister’s business.”
Zhao Yusheng still seemed a little hesitant. He leaned in to
look at the police card carefully, and then asked, “What
happened to Zhao Yuqiong?”
Li Zhenran said, “She has died of illness.”
Zhao Yusheng couldn’t help but be stunned.
Li Zhenran continued, “She still left some remnant at that
time, but there wasn’t much, about 2,000 yuan worth. If
your identity is confirmed, we will return the money to

Zhao Yusheng heard the words and said quickly, “I’m really
her eldest brother, and we still have a photo of us at home,
as well as an old household registration book.”

h d f l h l
Li Zhenran said, “If it’s convenient, please show us later,
but there are still some things I want to ask about Zhao
Yuqiong. Why did she leave her hometown alone at that
Zhao Yusheng said, “She didn’t leave alone, she left with
that man!”
“That man?” Li Zhenran asked Li Zhenruo to show him the
photo, and then handed it to Zhao Yusheng to show him, “Is
it this man?”
Zhao Yusheng squinted his eyes for a while, and said, “It’s
this man, I still remember it, his name is Yuan Dong. This
man is a useless rogue gangster, at that time Yuqiong must
be with him, and later there was a child. Father was so
angry that she was thrown out, and she followed this man

Li Zhenruo’s expression instantly became shocked, he

turned to look at Li Zhenran and saw Li Zhenran also
slightly frowned.
Li Zhenran asked Zhao Yusheng, “You said that Zhao
Yuqiong was pregnant before leaving home?”
Zhao Yusheng nodded, still looking at the photo, he sighed
slowly, and asked them, “You say Yuqiong is dead, what
about Yuan Dong? What about their child?”
Before Li Zhenran could answer, Li Zhenruo said, “She
didn’t end up with Yuan Dong, and that child was gone
before it was born.”
Zhao Yusheng sighed deeply and handed the photo back to
Li Zhenran, “At that time my father said that the man is not
good and told her not to be with him, but the little girl just
didn’t listen no matter how much he tried to persuade her.
She didn’t come back after so many years, and Dad called
out her name when he died.”

h h d h h h h h db l ll
When he said this, Zhao Yusheng, who had been calm all
along, suddenly couldn’t hold back his emotions. He raised
his hand to wipe away his tears, and then asked, “Then
what happened after her death?”
Li Zhenran said, “She was buried in the cemetery.”
Zhao Yusheng shook his head and said, “A place far away
from home… oh my!”
Li Zhenruo asked again, “Are you sure that Zhao Yuqiong
was pregnant with Yuan Dong’s child before she left her
Zhao Yusheng nodded, “How can I’m not sure? There was
such a big fuss at the time, not only do I know it, but all the
neighbours knew about it at the time.”

Li Zhenran raised her hand and put it on Li Zhenruo’s back,

pressed it a little harder, and then said to Zhao Yusheng,
“Do you remember when she left?”
Zhao Yusheng recalled, “It should be 1991. It was summer,
June or July.”
Li Zhenruo’s expression became more and more serious.
Li Zhenran nodded, reached out and shook hands with him,
“Thank you for cooperating with us, we are almost clear
about Zhao Yuqiong’s situation, you should take this
inheritance.” After that, he took out more than 2,000 yuan
from his wallet, There was no detail, and it was handed
over to Zhao Yusheng.
Zhao Yusheng reached out his hand to get it, and asked,
“Do I need to show you photos and household registration

The police officer next to him said, “No need, we believe in

your identity. You can collect the money, sir.”
Zhao Yusheng wrapped the money and put it in his trousers
pocket, and asked Li Zhenran, “Where is my little sister
b d h dd
buried, can you write me the address?”
Li Zhenran said to him, “Give me a piece of paper.”
Zhao Yusheng quickly took out a pen and paper. Li Zhenran
took it and buried his head and wrote a series of numbers
on the counter. Then he said to Zhao Yusheng, “This is my
phone number. If you want to pay homage to Ms. Zhao
Yuqiong, you can contact me and I will find someone to
take you there.”
He picked up the note and put it away carefully, Zhao
Yusheng said, “Thank you, Mr. Lawyer.”

In fact, it was very unlikely that Zhao Yusheng will be able

to visit Zhao Yuqiong’s grave in his life, not to mention the
old mother who was nearly 90 years old, they didn’t even
dare to let her know the news.
Li Zhenran took Li Zhenruo’s shoulders and said, “Let’s
Li Zhenruo nodded. The two of them left with the police
officer and returned to the vicinity of the Public Security
Bureau. Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo thanked him again and
then opened the car door and got in the car.
Li Zhenran was not in a hurry to start the car, he turned to
look at Li Zhenruo, and saw that Li Zhenruo’s face was a
little pale.
So he reached out and stroked Li Zhenruo’s back, then
pulled him into his arms with some force, and hugged him

Li Zhenruo said, “Zhao Yuqiong left her hometown

pregnant in the summer of 1991. I was born in April of
1992 and happened to be the child of her and Yuan Dong.
In other words, she was pregnant before she met Li Jianglin
in the city. Li Jianglin has no reason not to suspect that her
child was not his own.”

h f l l l l dh k d
Li Zhenran’s face was also a little gloomy, and he stroked
Li Zhenruo’s face with his palm and said, “What are you
Li Zhenruo looked up at him, “Zhao Yuqiong is not Li
Jianglin’s true love, but a woman who Li Jianglin spent
money to find outside to give him a baby. At that time, it
was too early, so it is understandable not to do a paternity
test when the child was born, but wouldn’t he doubt the
identity of the child if he had been born so long? “
Li Zhenran didn’t speak.
Li Zhenruo said, “Li Jianglin knew it. He knew from the
beginning that I was not his biological son.” When he said
this, his tone was full of affirmation.
Li Zhenran patted his shoulder gently, “Let’s go back first.”

Li Zhenruo sat up straight. After Li Zhenran started the

car, he suddenly grabbed Li Zhenran’s arm and asked,
“Can we find out what happened back then? How did Li
Jianglin know Zhao Yuqiong?”
Li Zhenran thought for a while and said, “It’s hard unless
you find someone who knows.”
“The insider…” Li Zhenruo fell into deep thought, and now
there are almost no old people around Li Jianglin.
Suddenly, he remembered someone and said to Li Zhenran,
“Uncle Luo, do you remember?”
Li Zhenran nodded.

Li Zhenruo said, “Let’s go to Uncle Luo, I believe he will

Chapter 65
Uncle Luo’s full name was Luo Yunguang. Before Li Jianglin
made a fortune, Luo Yunguang had been following and
working for him and was loyal all his life.

Li Zhenruo still remembered that when he was young, Luo

Yunguang went in and out of Li’s house every day, and then
suddenly disappeared one day. When he asked, Li Jianglin
said that Uncle Luo wanted to retire and went back to his
hometown with his wife.
After that, there was no news about Luo Yunguang.

They drove back to the city where they left in the morning
and stayed at the hotel.
Li Zhenran sat on the edge of the bed and made several
calls in succession, asking someone to help him track Luo
Yunguang’s whereabouts.
Li Zhenruo was lying on the bed with his head resting on
his arm and looked at him without saying a word.

When Li Zhenran finished the call and waited for news, he

reached out and stroked Li Zhenruo’s hair and asked him,
“What’s the matter? Didn’t you already know about some of
those things?”
The fact that Li Zhenruo was not Li Jianglin’s son was no
secret for a long time. Even now that Li Jianglin knew this
in his heart at the beginning, Li Zhenran seemed to think
that it should not have such a big impact on Li Zhenruo’s
“I was just thinking…” Li Zhenruo said slowly, “He knew
that I was not his son, why did he kick me out of the Li
family at that time?”

h h b l bb d h f h d b h
Li Zhenran’s thumb gently rubbed his forehead, “Maybe he
doesn’t want others to know.”

Li Zhenruo raised his head a little to look at him.

Li Zhenran said, “Look, he hasn’t told us about this until
now, and he may not plan to let others know in the future.”
Li Zhenruo covered his face with his hands when he heard
the words, “But I still feel bad. It’s obviously not my fault,
but I ended up being the one who was abandoned.”
“It wasn’t your fault in the first place,” Li Zhenran said,
holding Li Zhenruo’s arm and half dragging him onto his
lap, facing him face to face, “No matter what, it’s not your
fault, you are not to blame.”

Li Zhenruo looked up at him.

Li Zhenran bent down and kissed his lips gently.
After a while, Li Zhenran’s cell phone rang. He answered
the phone, listened quietly to the person on the other side,
and hung up after two minutes.
Li Zhenruo had been waiting for him.

When the phone hung up, Li Zhenran looked at Li Zhenruo

and said, “Uncle Luo didn’t go back to his hometown after
he left, and those old brothers in the past didn’t know
where he went. They said that if he wanted to check his
whereabouts, only Dad might know.”
Li Zhenruo was a little surprised.
Li Zhenran said to him, “We can only go back first. There is
no way to rush this matter. I will let people check his
whereabouts slowly, and there will always be news.”
Li Zhenruo thought about it. There was no better way at
present, so he stretched out his arms to hug Li Zhenran’s
d dd d
waist and nodded.

He was not in a good mood. He always felt that this matter

was not that simple, but he had simply become a victim.
Not only did he not know who killed him, but now he even
became more and more confused about why he died.
On the way home, he was a little lethargic, and on the
highway, he suddenly and silently changed back to the
appearance of a cat, slumped on the seat and didn’t want to
At first, Li Zhenran planned to drive directly back to the
apartment in the city, so as not to let the rest of the family
know that they had returned, but Li Zhenruo said that he
wanted to go back to the Li family.
He was very frustrated, but he had no plans to give up.
Only the closer he was to Li Jianglin, the closer he could
get to the truth.

It was still afternoon when they got home, and Li Jianglin

was in a rare good mood, so he took dog biscuits and fed
Li Zhenran parked the car in the garage, and when he got
out of the car, he saw that Li Zhenruo was still unmoving
on the seat. He reached out and grabbed one of his cat legs
to pull him out. Li Zhenruo reacted very quickly and
hugged Li Zhenran’s arm with his front paws, and was
taken out of the car by him.
Because Li Jianglin noticed his car coming in just now, Li
Zhenran carried Li Zhenruo and didn’t go back to the
house, but went around to the front of the kennel and
greeted Li Jianglin, “Dad.”
“Back so soon?” Li Jianglin asked without looking back.

Li Zhenran just responded, “Um.”

h ll d k l f
Erhuang originally concentrated on asking Li Jianglin for
dog biscuits, but seeing Li Zhenruo seemed distracted, he
first wagged his tail to show affection to Li Zhenran and
then wanted to jump up and touch Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenran reached out and stroked Erhuang’s head, and
said to Li Jianglin, “I’ll go in first.”
But unexpectedly Li Jianglin said, “Wait a minute, I have
something to tell you.”
When he heard this, Li Zhenran had to stop, and so he also
put Li Zhenruo on the ground.

As Erhuang saw this, he immediately circled around Li

Zhenruo excitedly. Li Zhenruo was listless, hugged
Erhuang’s leg with his paws, and rubbed his face between
his fluffy dog hair. Erhuang actually fell down, his body
formed a circle, and Li Zhenruo was placed in the middle,
letting him lie on top of him.
Li Jianglin said, “You went out alone?”
Li Zhenran put both hands in his trouser pockets and
replied, “Yes.”
Li Jianglin asked him, “Have you thought it over?”
Li Zhenran was originally looking at Li Zhenruo lying in
Erhuang’s arms, and when he heard the words, he looked
at Li Jianglin, “What should I think clearly?”

Li Zhenruo raised his head and looked at the two of them.

Li Jianglin leaned on crutches with both hands and stood up
straight, “A young man, is it worth it?”
Li Zhenran didn’t speak.
Li Jianglin sighed, “You’ve put in a lot of effort to make
Yunlin what it is today. Some words may not be appropriate
to say now, but among the three brothers, you are the one I

l d h d d h h
valued the most, and I don’t want you to get together with
a man, much less to give up your career easily for a man.”
“Dad,” Li Zhenran said, “I never thought about giving up
my career for anyone, and whoever I’m with should not
affect my career.”

Li Jianglin snorted softly, “You will not have a stable family,

nor will you have children, your private life will be noticed
by the media, and everything in the future may be
magnified and exposed to the public’s attention. Even a
slight breeze may have an impact on Yunlin’s reputation.”
Li Zhenran replied, “It’s possible, but none of these will
affect me. I believe that even so, Yunlin will develop better
in my hands than in the hands of the eldest brother and the
third child. The eldest brother married a woman, but he
doesn’t have a stable family. I can’t say anything about the
third one, but if he doesn’t change his nature, it’s probably
difficult to have a stable family. Many things are too much
for you to think about, it should not be so complicated.”
Li Zhenruo had never heard Li Zhenran say these words,
and he was a little stunned.
Li Zhenran continued, “As for children, I don’t really care. I
didn’t think that in the future, it would be my children who
would inherit Yunlin. It could be the children of the eldest
brother, or the children of the third child. I will not live for
children in this life, I want to just think about my own life.”
Li Jianglin was silent for a long time, and said, “Maybe
what you said makes sense, but I still won’t agree.”

Li Zhenran was also quiet for a moment, and he asked Li

Jianglin, “Will you disown me as your son because of this?”
Li Jianglin didn’t seem to expect that he would ask this
question, and immediately replied, “No.” He really won’t,
even if Li Zhenran did such a dirty thing, he never thought
of disowning him.

h k d b h d d h
Li Zhenran took a deep breath and said, “Then I can not
want Yunlin for him.”
Li Jianglin looked a little surprised, his brows furrowed and
he looked at him.
Li Zhenran said, “I can start a business by myself, or I can
go to work for others. Since I already had the education
and work experience, I believe it is not difficult to find a job
that can support myself.”

Li Jianglin’s voice was a little angry, “Is this how you treat
your hard work on Yunlin?”
Li Zhenran looked at Li Jianglin and shook his head slowly,
“Dad, you shouldn’t treat Yunlin like this. Although the
third child’s heart is not in Yunlin, I still want to persuade
you that you rather give Yunlin to the third than to the
eldest brother. It’s not Yunlin that I worked hard for, it’s
you that have worked hard for Yunlin your whole life, you
should be more careful.”
Li Jianglin clenched his crutches and leaned hard on the
Li Zhenran said, “Dad, it’s windy here. I’ll help you go in
and rest.”
Li Jianglin’s chest heaved and he shook his head, “No
need.” After he said that, he turned around and walked
towards the house.

Li Zhenruo couldn’t help standing up and looking in the

direction where Li Jianglin left.
In the evening, Li Zhentai had entertainment outside and
did not come back for dinner, and the atmosphere at home
seemed a bit dull.
Before dinner, Li Zhenruo was lying on the chair and stared
blankly at Li Jianglin. Li Jianglin had just come out of the
study, stood at the door and unbuttoned a button on his
h b kf h d d l d
Zhu Kai just came back from the outside and glanced at Li
Jianglin, “Dinner is ready?”
Li Jianglin was upset and didn’t want to pay attention to
him. He frowned and didn’t speak. He walked towards the
dining room by himself.

Zhu Kai saw Li Zhenruo and said strangely, “The second

child is back?” After he said that, he walked directly to the
chair Li Zhenruo was lying on, stretched out his hand and
grabbed his leg, “Fat cat?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t intend to be polite to him, and his sharp
claws lit up and grabbed at his face.
Zhu Kai also reacted quickly and took a step back to avoid
it, but he was still startled and raised his legs to kick Li
Zhenruo down.
Before that, Li Zhenruo jumped down and ran towards Li
Zhenran who had just come downstairs.
Li Zhenran picked him up and said, “Let’s eat.”

Li Jianglin walked to the dining table and sat down. His

phone suddenly rang. He answered the call, and the person
on the other end said something in a hurry.
Li Zhenruo noticed that Li Jianglin’s face was getting worse
and worse. After a while, he hung up the phone, raised his
head and said to Li Zhenran, “Your younger brother has an
affair with a married actress and was caught on camera by
a reporter.”

The author has something to say:

Everyone is paying attention to Zhenruo’s date of birth. In
the beginning, he said that he was twenty-three years old.
It took me a long time to count the number of days to
confirm that he was born in 1992 and this year he is exactly
twenty-three years old.
Chapter 66
When you often walk by the river, how can you not wet your

Li Zhenzi had an indulgent private life, and it was not the

first time that he hooked up with a married woman. After
all, one day he would be kick on the iron hotplate. When
they first heard the news, not to mention Li Zhenran, even
Li Jianglin was not surprised.
It was just that since Li Zhenzi ran an entertainment
company and had a handsome appearance, he had already
been targeted by various media. As soon as the incident
broke out, it naturally spread all over the world and became
the headlines of gossip news.

At this time, Li Zhenran took out his mobile phone and

searched randomly, and saw the secretly photographed
photos of Li Zhenzi and the actress kissing. The actress was
currently well-known. She and her husband were famously
loving couples before, and her husband’s background was
not simple.
Li Jianglin clasped his hands on the table and sighed deeply.
Now, everyone was still unclear about Li Zhenzi’s situation.
Li Zhenran said, “I’ll give him a call later.”

Li Jianglin was not looking good, and he said, “Let him solve
his own affairs.”
First, he hooked up with his eldest brother’s fiancée, and
then it was revealed that he had committed adultery with a
married female star. No matter how much patience Li
Jianglin had, he was about to run out with this son.
Li Zhenruo looked up at Li Zhenran, lowered his head and
ate his dinner silently.
ll d d k f h h
He really didn’t know if Li Zhentai was messing with Li
Zhenzi, but if he saw Li Zhenzi, he could only send him the
words: You deserve it!

There was also Li Zhentai, the more small moves he made,

the easier it was for Li Jianglin to lose patience, let’s see
how long he could stay proud!
Li Jianglin left the dining table without eating much. It
seemed that his sons were making him very angry, so he
went back to the study and closed the door.
Li Zhenruo went around the back of the building and
jumped onto the windowsill. He looked into the study
through the glass and saw Li Jianglin sitting on the reclining
chair, doing nothing but staring at the ceiling in a daze.
There were three or four pictures hanging on the walls of
the study, all of which are of Zhu Yun.

Li Jianglin locked himself in such an environment every day.

No one knew what or who he was reminiscing.
Li Zhenruo suddenly wanted to know the truth about those
years. He wondered if Li Jianglin, Zhao Yuqiong or Yuan
Dong knew each other originally, so he adopted their child,
and he never thought about telling the child the truth.
Could Yuan Dong also be dead?
But if that was the case, why was he kicked out of the house
at that time? He was not his son, he knew it.

Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but raise a paw and press it to the

window glass. From this angle, his paw seemed to be
pressing Li Jianglin’s chest.
Suddenly, someone reached out and picked him up from the

h k b k d d l k l f d
Li Zhenruo was taken aback and turned to look, only to find
that it was Li Zhenran.
Li Jianglin seemed to have noticed it too and looked out the
window from the study.

Li Zhenran pointed to the cat in his arms and showed it to

Li Jianglin. He then carried Li Zhenruo and left while
saying, “Follow me to find the third child.”
They sat in the car, Li Zhenruo changed into a human
appearance but still remained silent. He raised one foot and
stepped on the seat under him.
Li Zhenran glanced at him and asked, “What?”
Li Zhenruo said, “What’s the point of looking for Li Zhenzi?
He should bear the consequences for his own sins.”

Li Zhenran smiled when he heard the words, “Even if Dad

doesn’t care about him now, I still have to go see him.”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but glance at Li Zhenran, he
suddenly felt that compared to his past self, Li Zhenran was
actually really good to Li Zhenzi.
However, he couldn’t help but remember that because of
the western project, Li Zhenran seemed to have a clear
intention to win over Li Zhenzi.
In fact, this was completely understandable. If Li Zhenran
were to compare Li Zhenzi and Li Zhentai, Li Zhenzi was
the most deserving of their brothers in this family to be won
over. First, he had no ambitions for Yunlin, and the other
was that Li Zhenzi was in charge of an entertainment
company as big as Yunyi. He had a lot of scoundrels friend
outside, and the resources in his hand were very rich.

The random thoughts that suddenly broke into his head

made Li Zhenruo stare at Li Zhenran for a while.

h h d d h dh h d d d
Li Zhenran reached out and touched his head and said,
“What are you looking at?”
Li Zhenruo grabbed Li Zhenran’s hand, put it on his lips and
kissed it. Since that time he ran away from home, Li
Zhenran had been much gentler to him than before. Now he
thought of what Li Zhenran said to him in the coffee shop
from time to time, he thought Li Zhenran was probably
frightened by him, afraid that he would run away again.
This kind of tenderness was probably a constant reminder
that he loved him.
For Li Zhenruo, this was also very useful, so he grabbed Li
Zhenran’s hand and kissed it again. He thought to himself
that it seemed like a long time since Li Zhenran had thrown
him out of bed, but Li Zhenran, who left him out of bed in
the past, loved him too.

After all this time, Li Zhenruo could feel Li Zhenran’s

feelings for him.
He saw that Li Zhenran was driving smoothly, but the
direction was not toward Yu Bingwei as he thought. He
couldn’t help but feel a little strange and asked Li Zhenran,
“Where is Li Zhenzi?”
Li Zhenran said, “In the hotel.”
Li Zhenruo said strangely, “Not with Miss Yu?”
Li Zhenran glanced at him, “Do you want to see Miss Yu?”

Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, not understanding

why Li Zhenran was inexplicably jealous, and said, “I
“Really?” Li Zhenran said, “I thought you wanted to see her
very much.”
In fact, he still had a little thought. After all, he hadn’t seen
her for a long time, but Li Zhenruo didn’t want Li Zhenran
to be jealous of Yu Bingwei at all, and only said, “I’m not
d h f hl h dd d
interested in her.” After a while, he added, “I am not
interested in all women.”
Li Zhenran didn’t say anything, just looked at him.
He quickly added, “I’m not interested in humans other than

After this sentence, there was still no response from Li

After a while, Li Zhenruo suddenly turned around and said
to Li Zhenran, “I’m not interested in cats all over the world!
Is that enough?”
Li Zhenran finally responded, “That’s fine.”
When the car drove near the hotel, Li Zhenran found a
reporter squatting beside him. He called Li Zhenzi while
taking Li Zhenruo upstairs in the elevator together.
Finally, when they arrived at the suite Li Zhenzi was
staying, the door was opened from the inside.

Li Zhenzi looked at them and seemed a little dissatisfied

that Li Zhenran brought someone, but still said, “Come in.”
Li Zhenruo walked in behind Li Zhenran. He reached out
and closed the door, and felt that the air in the whole room
was a little stuffy.
Li Zhenzi looked more or less dishevelled. Although it had
only been half a day since the photos were exposed by the
Internet media, the pressure he bore was not to be
He sat by the bed, Li Zhenzi lit a cigarette and asked Li
Zhenran, “Do you want it?”
Li Zhenran shook his head and said, “No need.”

h h d d d
Li Zhenruo went to the window and opened it, trying to
dispel the smell of smoke in the room.
Li Zhenzi looked at his back and asked Li Zhenran, “You
still have this kid with you? Not afraid of Dad’s thunderous
Li Zhenran pulled out the chair in front of the dressing
cabinet and sat down, and said to Li Zhenzi, “I can afford it,
but it looks like you can’t afford it anymore.”
“f/ck!” Li Zhenzi couldn’t hold back the swear word,
“Someone is shadowing me.”
Li Zhenran didn’t ask him why, but Li Zhenruo turned to
look at him from the window.

Li Zhenzi said, “My house is very secluded, and I am very

careful when entering and leaving. Those people rented a
high-rise house on the opposite side and secretly
photographed the inside of the house with a high-power
camera. If they hadn’t been tipped off, I believe no one
would have known about it. “
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help saying at this time, “You slept with
someone else’s wife.”
Li Zhenzi looked at him and seemed a little unhappy, but he
still explained, “Her husband is not a good thing. Do you
think they are really in love? If they are really in love, she
will not come out and fool around with another man.”
Li Zhenran said at this time, “The husband of that Miss
Zhang, whose name is You Bo, don’t you know what he
Li Zhenzi took a puff of cigarette irritably, “Doing import
and export business.”

Li Zhenran leaned forward slightly, “Not only that, his

background is not very clean, I asked someone to check it
for me, you should be careful these days.”

h f b
Li Zhenzi’s face became even worse.
Li Zhenran said, “If you are caught by a reporter, you will
scratch your skin at most. You should be more careful about
whether You Bo will do anything.”
Li Zhenzi snuffed out the cigarette and threw it heavily on
the ground. He swore emotionally, and said, “I must know
who is behind me.”
After he said this, he was suddenly stunned. He seemed to
be sorting out in his head who had a deep hatred with him,
starting with the people around him, and then he raised his
head to look at Li Zhenran.

Li Zhenruo stood by the window and clearly saw the two

brothers staring at each other for a moment. Li Zhenruo
always felt that everyone had the name in their mouths and
didn’t say it.
But Li Zhenruo couldn’t help mocking Li Zhenzi, “If you
don’t sleep with other people’s wives, who will catch you in
the act?”
Li Zhenzi snorted coldly when he heard the words, “If you
don’t seduce my second brother, do you think Dad will hand
over all the business to the eldest?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t refute angrily, but just said with a laugh,
“Would you like to try to persuade him to leave me?”
At this time Li Zhenran said, “You two, stop arguing, it’s
pointless.” After he said that, he extended his hand to Li
Zhenruo, “Come here.”

Li Zhenruo looked at him for a while but went over to hold

his hand and was pulled by Li Zhenran and sat on his lap.
Li Zhenran pinched Li Zhenruo’s chin and said in his ear,
“Don’t say the word ‘leave’ to me.”
Li Zhenruo raised his head, facing Li Zhenzi’s direction, and
saw Li Zhenzi turn his eyes away in disgust.
dd l ld h l b k h
He suddenly couldn’t help but ask, “Where’s Miss Yu?”
Li Zhenran’s hand pinched his lower jaw even harder, and
Li Zhenruo almost cried out in pain.

Li Zhenzi responded strangely, “You said Yu Bingwei? We

broke up.”
Li Zhenruo didn’t care about the pain, and while reaching
out to grab Li Zhenran’s hand, he asked, “Break up? Why?”
Li Zhenzi looked a little frustrated, “She took the initiative
to break up with me.”

The author has something to say:

Almost missed the update

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Chapter 67
When Li Zhenruo heard that Yu Bingwei actually had
chosen to break up with Li Zhenzi, Li Zhenruo would have
laughed out loud if he hadn’t been concerned about Li
Zhenran’s presence here. However, the smile on his face
was not concealed, and he said, “It’s a good breakup.”

Li Zhenzi frowned and looked at him, “What does my affair

with her have to do with you?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t want to say more, mainly because he
didn’t want Li Zhenran to think too much. He grabbed Li
Zhenran’s finger and put it to his mouth and bit it lightly,
stood up from his lap and said, “Forget it, it really has
nothing to do with me, do as you like it.”

Li Zhenzi was a little upset when he saw their two actions

being close, and said, “Don’t bring a man to my place to
show your affection.”
Li Zhenruo snorted coldly.
Li Zhenran also stood up, patted Li Zhenruo’s face, and said
to Li Zhenzi, “Then I’ll go first, you should be careful these
two days.”

Hearing Li Zhenran said he was going to leave, Li Zhenzi

was somewhat reluctant, but he finally stood up and said, “I
Li Zhenran said, “There are too many people coming and
going in the hotel, and if you are afraid that your place is
not safe, I will find a place for you. After you made a
contact, someone will pick you up.”
Li Zhenzi nodded, looked at Li Zhenran, and said in a rare
sincere tone, “Thank you, second brother.”

h dh h ld
Li Zhenran patted his shoulder.

After getting into the car, Li Zhenruo said in a muffled

voice, “Why are you being so nice to Li Zhenzi?”
Li Zhenran drove the car out of the parking lot and asked
him, “How nice I am?”
Li Zhenruo put one hand on the edge of the car window, “I
haven’t seen you care so much about my affairs since I was
a child.”
Li Zhenran smiled when he heard the words, “Do you want
to say that you are jealous?”

Li Zhenruo said frankly, “Um.”

Li Zhenran reached out and pinched his jaw, “The timing is
different, the circumstance is different, and there is no
Li Zhenruo looked at him, “Are you trying to say that now
you and Li Zhenzi are going to fight against Li Zhentai?”
Li Zhenran replied, “I didn’t want to deal with him, but I
can’t let him screw me over.”

Although such a big thing happened from Li Zhenzi’s side,

the Li family was calm and no one mentioned it at all. Only
occasionally when Li Zhenruo used his cell phone to surf
the Internet, he would realize how much of a fuss this
matter was.
But Li Jianglin was not willing to ask, so other people
naturally dared not mention it in front of him. Even Wang
Ma secretly asked Li Zhenran what happened to Li Zhenzi.
Li Zhenran said to Wang Ma, “Don’t worry, he is in his
twenties, and he will handle his own affairs.”

h l dl d b d
The temperature was getting lower and lower day by day,
and Li Zhenruo felt like he was starting to shed his fur. As
long as he stayed at home, there was cat hair everywhere.

The aunt who cleaned the house didn’t like cats very much,
so she disliked him a little. It was fine when there are other
people around. If there is no one else around, the cleaning
aunt will always drive him away with a broom when she saw
Once he was lying on the couch quietly, and that aunt was
also holding a hand-held vacuum cleaner, which was
buzzing and waving at him to scare him away.
Li Zhenruo was a little depressed.
Fortunately, Li Zhenran didn’t dislike him no matter what,
even if he was nestled in Li Zhenran’s arms and rubbed his
fur all over him, Li Zhenran had no objection.

It was a pity that Li Jianglin still giving Li Zhenran a cold

Regarding Li Zhenran’s unrepentance, Li Jianglin didn’t
know if he would rather be tough with him to the end. Until
now, half a month has passed, and neither father nor son
was willing to give in.
And so Li Zhenzi went into hiding. All the work was
remotely controlled on the internet and telephone, and no
one knew where he was.
One afternoon, Li Zhenran was sitting on the bed reading a
book, and Li Zhenruo was lying between his legs. He stared
at the middle of his pants for a long time and when he just
had the urge to bite down, Li Zhenran’s cell phone rang.

At the same time that Li Zhenran connected the phone, Li

Zhenruo gave a serious bite, causing Li Zhenran’s “hello” to
instantly rose a few octaves.

h dh h d dl k d h
Li Zhenruo raised his head and looked at Li Zhenran. Li
Zhenran carried him by the back of his neck and threw him
off the bed, and said to the person over the phone, “I’m fine,
you can talk.”
Suddenly Li Zhenruo thought of trying to scare him. Li
Zhenruo lowered his upper body and raised the back half of
his height, making an ambush to attack, aiming at the
middle of Li Zhenran’s legs.
As a result, Li Zhenran answered the phone, raised his foot
and kicked him in the face as he jumped up, causing Li
Zhenruo to roll in midair and fall onto the bed.
“Well, okay, I see, you send me the address.”

This was Li Zhenran’s last sentence. He then hung up the

phone and said to Li Zhenruo, “Uncle Luo’s address has
been found.”
Li Zhenruo’s hair was originally standing at first, and he
wanted to fight with Li Zhenran. When he heard this
sentence, he was stunned and raised his head to look at Li
Nowadays, the internet was too developed. Unless Luo
Yunguang could find someone to change his identity, he
could only live in seclusion in the deep mountains and
forests, to ensure that he would not be found.
Despite this, Li Zhenran still spent some time because he
didn’t want to alarm Li Jianglin, otherwise, it should be
When he saw Li Zhenruo stunned, Li Zhenran scratched Li
Zhenruo’s chin with his toes and said, “Want to find him?”

Of course.
Li Zhenruo really wanted to know the past between Li
Jianglin and his mother, but when he got closer to the truth
of the matter, he suddenly felt a little afraid, and he was
always afraid of knowing something terrible.
lk h h h h h
Just like when he went to Zhao Yuqiong’s hometown at that
time, the words he heard from Zhao Yusheng’s mouth made
him feel depressed for a long time.
Li Zhenran saw him lying motionless, shaking his feet in
front of him, “What? Got attacked at the vital point?”
Only then did Li Zhenruo come back to look at him.

Li Zhenran probably guessed what he was thinking, and

continued to gently scratch his chin with his toes, “Don’t
worry too much, I’ll go with you.”
Li Zhenruo hugged Li Zhenran’s feet and pressed his chin
to the back of his foot.
Li Zhenran said to him, “No matter how bad it is, it will not
be worse than the time you died. What do you think?”
When Li Zhenruo heard him say that, he thought to himself,
how worse could it be? Anyway, he was kicked out of the
house and died once. He clearly knew that he was not Li
Jianglin’s son. No matter what happened to Li Jianglin in
the past, it had nothing to do with him. He didn’t need to be
so frightened, he just needed to understand the past clearly.
Finally, Li Zhenruo nodded.

After Luo Yunguang left the Li family back then, he went

directly to other provinces and lived in a small county town.
His life was very simple. For a long time, he really seemed
to live in seclusion. If it was then, Li Zhenran might not be
able to find out his whereabouts. However, now, he was not
too young. He had a daughter who seemed to have just
graduated from college, and the family lived a dull and
happy life.
Through his means, Li Zhenran was able to find out some
traces of Luo Yunguang’s life, including the identities of his
wife and daughter registered under his household

h d l l f h dd d b b h
The distance was a little far, so they didn’t drive, but bought
tickets to fly there directly.
When he arrived at the nearest city, Li Zhenran borrowed a
car from a friend and drove Li Zhenruo to that small county.

The small county town was very old with many old houses
with red bricks and blue tiles have wooden façades. For Li
Zhenruo, who was not yet 24 years old, it was like a picture
that can only be seen on TV.
Although the memory was a little fuzzy, Li Zhenruo still
remembered that Luo Yunguang and Li Jianglin had a very
good relationship.
Li Jianglin was a sentimental person, which could be seen
from his attitude towards Wen Chun’s parents. If Wen Chun
was not the daughter of his old friend, Li Jianglin would
definitely not insist on marrying Li Zhentai and Wen Chun.
But why did Li Jianglin allow Luo Yunguang who was his
right-hand man for many years to live in such a cramped
and dilapidated old county town?
The narrowest old roads in the county were not even
accessible by car.

Li Zhenran parked the car on the side of the road, opened

the door and got out of the car with Li Zhenruo and walked
in together.
Li Zhenruo put his hands in his pockets and said to Li
Zhenran as he walked forward, “Is there any conflict
between Li Jianglin and Uncle Luo?”
In fact, Li Zhenran was not very old at that time. He
recalled it and replied, “I didn’t notice it.”
“Don’t you think that with Li Jianglin’s attitude towards his
subordinates, he wouldn’t treat Uncle Luo like this?”
Li Zhenran said, “It could be that Uncle Luo wants to retire
Li Zhenruo walked in front of him, turned around and faced
him, “Uncle Luo was not very old at that time, right? So he
retired at a young age and lived in poverty in this small
Li Zhenran stopped, “Perhaps you misunderstood, this small
county is indeed very poor, but it does not mean that Uncle
Luo is poor.”
Li Zhenruo frowned at him.
Li Zhenran continued, “As long as you have money, you can
live a good life anywhere.”
Li Zhenruo thought for a while, nodded and said, “Okay.”

In fact, Luo Yunguang’s living environment was really not

as depressing as they imagined.
According to the address obtained by Li Zhenran, they
asked all the way and found that Luo Yunguang’s house
turned out to be a small two-story building. On one side of
the street, there was a big closed iron gate between the two
The street was narrow, and there were not many
When they asked for directions, Li Zhenruo curiously asked
the old man on the side of the road why this street was so
old. The old man told them that this street was originally an
old street in the old city and was the earliest commercial
street in the county. Later, other streets were demolished,
but this old street was not demolished because it was
mostly private property. In the end, it was simply preserved
as a pedestrian street. Every night after dinner, everyone
liked to take a walk on this street.
What Luo Yunguang owned was not only a small two-story
building in the centre of the earliest commercial street but
also all the shops around the small building were his.

h l k d h h
Li Zhenran looked at Li Zhenruo with a “See” expression on
his face.
Li Zhenruo ignored him and knocked on the big iron gate
with his hand.
The owner of the shop next to him poked his head out and
said, “Not in, come later You see him and his wife are out
this afternoon.”
Li Zhenruo retracted his hand and said, “Oh, thank you.”

The author has something to say:

I didn’t want to update until so late.

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Chapter 68
The narrow streets were very lively with people coming and
going. A kitten on the side of the road with a rope tied
around its neck raised its head and called Li Zhenruo
“meow meow” twice. Li Zhenruo squatted down and
touched its head, watching it rubbing on his leg.

Li Zhenran stood beside Li Zhenruo and said to him, “Let’s

go to the neighbourhood first.”
Li Zhenruo nodded, stood up and left slowly with Li
Zhenran, in spite of the kitten’s cry to stay. This county was
not big, and they didn’t know anyone, so they had nowhere
to go. They were just strolling in a small unfamiliar city.

The thoughts in his head were too chaotic, and Li Zhenruo

didn’t even try to sort them out. No matter what the truth
was, he could only just accept it by now. He didn’t have a
better choice.
Li Zhenran stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around
Li Zhenruo’s waist and put his palm on the back waist for a
long time. Even through the clothes, Li Zhenruo could still
feel the temperature of Li Zhenran’s palm.
After a while, he turned to Li Zhenran and said, “I may lack

Li Zhenran was stunned because of his inexplicable words,

and smiled, “I’ll make it up to you.”
He never got tired of listening to sweet words. Li Zhenruo
thought to himself, he was quite happy now, he had lost
some things and gained some things. It was not easy to
compare and measure each other, whether he was losing
more or gaining more. He had no idea.

f h lk d df hl h l k df
After they walked around for a while, they looked for a
place to eat something. When it was almost dinner time in
the afternoon, Li Zhenruo knocked on Luo Yunguang’s door
again, and this time still no one answered.
They weren’t sure if there was anyone in their home. The
store next door had closed, and the other one said they
didn’t know when he would come back.

So they waited for a while. The rest of the store was closed
when he came back, and the door of Luo Yunguang’s house
was still closed. Li Zhenruo went over to knock on the door
but got no response.
“No one’s there?” He felt a little strange, he stepped back
and looked towards the two-story building inside the gate.
He didn’t see a human figure, but he could vaguely see a
faint light. He wasn’t sure if it was the reflection of a
nearby street lamp or the light in the room.
Li Zhenruo made up his mind, and he said to Li Zhenran, “I
want to go in and have a look.”
Li Zhenran glanced around and made sure that there was
no anti-theft power grid around the iron gate, so he said to
him, “Go ahead. Be careful.”

Li Zhenruo reached out and took off his jacket and handed
it to Li Zhenran.
As a result, Li Zhenran just reached out to pick it up, when
the coat left Li Zhenruo’s body and he disappeared out of
thin air, leaving a cat hair fluttering in Li Zhenran’s palm.
Li Zhenruo smiled a little embarrassedly, although he knew
it was meaningless, he still habitually rolled up his long
sleeves, then hid in the dark and transformed into a cat
form, and climbed up along the brick wall next to the iron
Li Zhenran stood outside the door and saw Li Zhenruo’s
forelegs climbing on the wall with his buttocks falling down
d f hl b f h l b d h d ff l
and swaying for a while before he climbed up with difficulty
and suddenly smiled.

It became easier for Li Zhenruo to climb over the courtyard

wall. He trotted along the courtyard wall until he came to
the vicinity of the building, and climbed the second-floor
window on the pipe.
When he got close, Li Zhenruo heard the sound of someone
walking inside. He was sure that there was someone in the
room and climbed to the outside of the window of the room
where he had just seen the lights. Li Zhenruo looked inside
and saw the inside of the room. With the TV turned on, a
married couple who were in their forties sat beside the bed,
and the man among them was Luo Yunguang.
Luo Yunguang was at home, but he didn’t open the door for
Li Zhenruo didn’t have time to be angry, he turned around
and climbed along the pipeline to the yard on the first floor,
turned back into a human shape, walked over and unlocked
the door of the big iron gate from the inside.

Li Zhenran was standing outside the door, looking at him in

surprise, “Someone’s inside?”
Li Zhenruo nodded, “Yes.”
The people upstairs heard the noises, Luo Yunguang
rushed to the window and shouted loudly, “Who is it?!”
Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo stood there and looked up at
the same time.

Luo Yunguang left the window at this time. They listened to

the movement as if Luo Yunguang had come downstairs in
a hurry.
Li Zhenruo and Li Zhenran looked at each other and waited
quietly for him.
d h f fl d d h
Luo Yunguang went down to the first floor and opened the
security door from the inside while swearing fiercely, “Who
are you people? Barging in and trying to steal something?
I’m calling the police!”
He was holding a cell phone in his hand as if he had already
pressed 110 and was ready to dial the number.

However, at this moment, Li Zhenran shouted first, “Uncle

Luo, do you remember me? I’m Li Zhenran?”
Luo Yunguang was stunned for a moment. He stood by the
door, frowned and looked in this direction, carefully looking
at the slender and handsome young man under the street
lamp, “Who do you say you are?”
Li Zhenran said, “I am Li Jianglin’s second son, Li
Luo Yunguang put down his phone and walked towards
them slowly until he approached Li Zhenran, looked at his
face seriously and said, “Yes, you really are Zhenran.”
Li Zhenran smiled at him, “Uncle Luo, I haven’t seen you
for many years.”

Luo Yunguang looked a little stunned, “Why are you here?”

Li Zhenran didn’t answer him directly, but reached out and
pulled Li Zhenruo to his side, and said to Luo Yunguang,
“Uncle Luo, do you remember? This is my brother,
Luo Yunguang’s expression suddenly became strange. He
first walked to the wall and turned on the lights in the yard,
looked at Li Zhenruo’s face through the lights, and then
said, “He—isn’t he…”
Li Zhenruo didn’t know what Li Zhenran meant, but he still
cooperated with Li Zhenran and said, “Uncle Luo, look at
me carefully, you carried me when you were younger, did
you not?”
h l f h ll
When Luo Yunguang left, Li Zhenruo was still young. He
could recognize Li Zhenran who had grown up, but he
might not be able to recognize what Li Zhenruo would look
like now. But if he really wanted to think about it, this Li
Zhenruo looked too young now, and it didn’t match the age
of Li Zhenruo himself.

But for Luo Yunguang, it wasn’t this that puzzled him. He

just looked up at Li Zhenran, “I saw the news last year. Li
Zhenruo is gone.”
Gone means dead.
Li Zhenran was exposed by him, and he was not
embarrassed at all, but smiled and said, “It turns out that
Uncle Luo has been following us all the time.”
Li Zhenruo’s case has been reported by the media, but he
was not a star himself, and the response he could cause in
society was limited. The case was not a serious case, so it
had not attracted a lot of media attention.
Luo Yunguang could know that if it wasn’t for the fact that
he still had contact with Li Jianglin, then he was very
concerned about the movements of the Li family.

When he heard Li Zhenran say this, Luo Yunguang did not

refute, but looked at Li Zhenruo and said, “Who is this little
Li Zhenran put his hand on Li Zhenruo’s shoulder and said
to Luo Yunguang, “My friend’s younger brother. I’m joking
with Uncle Luo, don’t be angry.”
Luo Yunguang then laughed a little, “How can I be angry.
You still haven’t answered yet, why did you suddenly find
your way here?”
As soon as he finished speaking, his wife’s voice came from
the second-floor window, “Who is it? Do you want to call
the police?”

l d h d b
Luo Yunguang replied, “Two nephews, don’t worry about it,
it’s fine!”

Li Zhenran said to him, “Won’t Uncle Luo invite us in and

sit down? It’s really not easy for me to come all the way
When he heard this, Luo Yunguang seemed to have just
reacted, and quickly said to them, “Look at my head, it’s
useless when I’m too old. Come into the living room with
me and sit for a while.”
Having said that, he led the way and asked Li Zhenran and
Li Zhenruo to follow him inside.
Li Zhenruo slowed down and said softly to Li Zhenran, “His
ears are fine, why hasn’t he opened the door for us?”
Li Zhenran said nothing and touched Li Zhenruo’s head.

Luo Yunguang was warm to them by this time, letting them

sit down on the sofa and calling his wife down from the
second floor to pour them tea.
The topic inevitably returned to Li Zhenran’s purpose for
coming here, this time Li Zhenran no longer avoided it but
said, “Uncle Luo, I accidentally learned something about
more than 20 years ago, and I want to ask you about some
old things.”
Luo Yunguang sat on the single sofa opposite them,
frowning slightly, “What happened more than 20 years
Li Zhenran nodded, “You were my father’s closest brother
at that time. I believe my father will not hide anything from
Luo Yunguang picked up the cup, blew the tea leaves and
shook his head with a smile, “What are you talking about, if
I know, I will tell you.”

h d h b f hb h
Li Zhenran said, “It’s something about my fourth brother
Luo Yunguang slowly put down the cup and glanced at Li
Zhenran, “Zhenruo is gone.”
Li Zhenran nodded when he heard the words.
During this process, Li Zhenruo didn’t speak. He knew that
he was a stranger to Luo Yunguang at present. If he asked
a question rashly, not only would he not get an answer, but
it would arouse the other party’s suspiciousness, so he kept
listening to Li Zhenran quietly.
Luo Yunguang mentioned again that Li Zhenruo was dead.
They all knew about it. Li Zhenran pretended not to
understand what he meant and asked, “So what?”

Luo Yunguang said, “He’s not here anymore, what’s the

point of pursuing the past?”
He said this, but it made Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo
convinced that he knew something.
Li Zhenran said, “Uncle Luo, the matter about the fourth
child is not Dad’s son, did you know that?”
When he heard this question, Luo Yunguang didn’t answer
immediately, but he didn’t show any surprise. He just
stretched out his hand to pick up the teacup he had just put
down and moved it to his lips to take another sip.
Li Zhenruo silently observed his expression. He saw Luo
Yunguang’s eyes fixed on the teacup, he was obviously
thinking about how to answer. Not only did he know this,
but he probably didn’t plan to tell them the truth now, so
he needed to delay for a while to consider what kind of
answer to give them.

Luo Yunguang had been away from the Li family for so

many years. It sounds like he had no information, but he
had lived a good life in this place. Li Jianglin still treated
h ll d l h ll d h l l
him well and so until now, he still wanted to help Li Jianglin
hide something, wasn’t that the case?

The author has something to say:

It’s a bit late again, but anyway
Chapter 69
Luo Yunguang didn’t put down the teacup anymore but put
the hand holding the teacup on his knees, he said to Li
Zhenran, “Zhenran, Zhenruo is gone, why do you want to
track down these things? It’s better to let him go in peace.”

Li Zhenran said in a deep voice, “How can he go in peace?

Uncle Luo, do you think he was really killed by a roadside
robber who didn’t have eyes on the road? He wanted to
know the truth of his identity until the moment he died.
Even now, he still doesn’t know why he died. Do you think
he can rest in peace? “
Luo Yunguang looked at Li Zhenran and seemed to think
about it for a while. He then asked, “What do you want to

Li Zhenran said, “We all know that the fourth child is not
my father’s son, but I just learned something recently that
the fourth child’s mother, Zhao Yuqiong, was pregnant with
the fourth child before she left her hometown. She was
pregnant before she came, did Dad not know about it?”
If Luo Yunguang said he didn’t know, Li Zhenruo would
definitely not believe it.
He only saw Luo Yunguang tap his fingers on the teacup,
and after a while, he said, “Your father did know.”

Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo looked at each other.

Luo Yunguang continued, “Zhenruo’s mother, that Miss
Zhao and her boyfriend just came out of their hometown,
and her boyfriend abandoned her. She met your father at
this time, and your father liked her very much. However,
she insisted on giving birth to the child, and your father
could not dissuade her. As a result, she became seriously ill
f h h ld b h d h
soon after the child was born, so she entrusted Zhenruo to
your father, who adopted the child out of affection for her.”
“You lied,” Li Zhenruo said calmly, although he was a little
angry, he suppressed his emotions.
Li Zhenran stretched out his hand and patted his back

Luo Yunguang looked at Li Zhenruo, as if puzzled, “Why do

you think I lied?”
“Uncle Luo,” Li Zhenruo knew that what he said might be
inappropriate, but he was eager to say something, “We
know a lot more about this matter than you think, so there
is no need to bring out the joke that Li Jianglin loves Zhao
Yuqiong. You know who he loves, or who he only loves in
this life. The matter about Li Zhenruo is not Li Jianglin’s
son, everyone already knew, but Li Jianglin initially wanted
to cover up the truth that he had already known, so he
drove Li Zhenruo out of the Li family because he didn’t
want the rest of the Li family to know that he knew about
it. He pretended to be a victim and left all the damage to Li
Zhenruo to bear. Now you say he loves Zhao Yuqiong?”
Li Zhenran still stroked Li Zhenruo’s back and said softly,
“Okay, let me talk to him.”
Luo Yunguang looked a little stunned. He stared at Li
Zhenruo for a while, and said, “You have been investigating
this matter for a long time? Why?”

Li Zhenran said, “Because that’s my brother.”

Luo Yunguang has been away from the Li family for a long
time. He didn’t know what the relationship between Li
Zhenran and Li Zhenruo was. At this time, he seemed to
really believe that Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo were a pair
of deeply affectionate brothers.
The atmosphere seemed to freeze for a while.

f hl d h h
After a while, Luo Yunguang said to Li Zhenran, “Zhenran,
listen to my advice. It is better for you not to know these

As soon as he said these words, the expressions of Li

Zhenran and Li Zhenruo instantly became a little subtle,
because they didn’t understand why Li Zhenruo’s affairs
had something to do with Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran pondered for a while, and then said to Luo
Yunguang, “What if I had to know? Uncle Luo, there are
people in the Li family who are playing tricks right now.
The fourth child might just be the first one, I don’t know if
I’ll be the next one, no matter what your motive is for
refusing to talk, I must know the truth to protect myself.”
“Playing tricks?” Luo Yunguang frowned when he heard Li
Zhenran’s words. He looked a little irritable and said, “I
thought of that, I knew something could go wrong!”
“Uncle Luo?” Li Zhenran called him.

Luo Yunguang seemed to be in deep entanglement. He

frowned and lowered his head, clenched his right fist to his
lips, and said nothing for a long time.
When Li Zhenruo was about to lose his composure, Li
Zhenran put his hand on his shoulder and pressed it hard,
signalling him to stay calm.
At this time, Luo Yunguang’s wife came downstairs and
reminded them in a low voice that it was very late.
Only then did Luo Yunguang come back to his senses and
stood up and said to Li Zhenran, “It’s so late, and the hotel
here is not good, so why don’t you just stay here for the

Li Zhenran didn’t refuse, and replied, “Thank you, Uncle

Luo, I’ll let you arrange it.”
l h h h h b dd
Although there were rooms, there were not many beddings
at home. Luo Yunguang’s wife arranged for them to sleep
in one room. Luo Yunguang asked them if they could make
do with it. Li Zhenran said it was not a problem and that
anything was fine.
Li Zhenran came out of the bathroom, went back to the
room and closed the door. He saw Li Zhenruo sitting on the
bed in a daze, and said to him, “I’ll turn off the lights.”
Li Zhenruo nodded.

Li Zhenran turned off the light, and instantly it was pitch

black. He stood there for a while, and when he got used to
the darkness and could see the room clearly from the street
lights outside, he slowly walked to the bed and sat down.
He touched Li Zhenruo’s hand, held it in his hand, and
asked him, “What are you thinking about?”
Li Zhenruo said, “He knew we were coming, and he has
been avoiding us today. I really can’t believe a word of
what he said now.”
For so long, he had been trying to find the truth. He had
been running around again and again to find those who
might know the clues, but Luo Yunguang was different. He
was not as honest as Aunt Wu and Zhao Yusheng. He was
Li Jianglin’s right-hand man in the past. Every word that
sounded sincere was likely to be a fabricated lie.
Which of the sentences he could believe?

Li Zhenran pulled him to his side, stretched out his arms to

hug him, and said, “Don’t think so much, we can tell which
sentence is true and which is false, just like you said, we
already seized so many things, even if he hides what he
hides, it will be known one day.”
Li Zhenruo put his face in his arms and said, “If only I were
really a cat.”

h h h f hl d h d h
Li Zhenran thought for a while, and then said, “That’s not
Although it was an unfamiliar environment, the
surrounding environment was quiet, plus he was leaning on
Li Zhenran’s arms, Li Zhenruo fell asleep not long after.
This night, he slept quite deeply. When he woke up in the
morning, he turned over and found that Li Zhenran had
already woken up.

Li Zhenruo rubbed his eyes, looked at the unfamiliar ceiling

and thought about where he was for a while. He then
reacted, got up and got ready to continue to spend time
with Luo Yunguang.
He got dressed and walked over to open the curtains. When
the sun was shining in, he saw Li Zhenran standing in the
garden on the first floor talking to Luo Yunguang.
Luo Yunguang was rolling up his sleeves while arranging
the flowerpots in the garden.
Li Zhenruo opened the window and heard Li Zhenran say to
him, “Uncle Luo, have you ever thought that that person
might still be against my father?”
Luo Yunguang originally lowered his head and said
nothing, but now he raised his head to look at him.

Li Zhenran said, “You can’t bring this secret into the coffin.
From the day the fourth child’s incident was discovered, it
will be brought before us sooner or later. I don’t want the
next person to be involved in it for no apparent reason. “
Luo Yunguang had been a little agitated since last night,
but now it became more serious. He looked at Li Zhenran
and suddenly dropped a flower pot in his hand.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but be slightly taken aback by the
crisp sound of the flowerpot falling to the ground.

d h h b h
Luo Yunguang said, “Have you thought about how serious
this matter is? Have you considered your father’s position?”
Li Zhenran said solemnly, “What about us? We are not
complete individuals? The fourth child can’t know his
background until he dies?”

When Li Zhenruo heard this, he couldn’t help raising his

hand to cover his face.
Luo Yunguang looked at Li Zhenran with a fierce glint in
his eyes. He finally said fiercely, “Okay, since you must
know, then I will tell you, but after knowing this, you
should not regret it.”
Li Zhenran took a deep breath, stood up straight, and said,
“I won’t regret it.”
Luo Yunguang said word by word, “None of you four are Li
Jianglin’s sons.”
Li Zhenruo suddenly widened his eyes, leaned forward, and
clasped the windowsill tightly with his fingers. He thought
he must have heard it wrong.

However, Li Zhenran frowned slightly. He concealed his

expression well, only hesitating to say what he was going to
After Luo Yunguang finished saying this, he lowered his
head and continued to take care of his flowerpot.
Li Zhenruo already knew that he was not Li Jianglin’s son,
although he was very surprised at this time, he thought
that the person who was hit harder should be Li Zhenran.
Somewhat panicked, Li Zhenruo turned around and ran
towards the door, then hurried to the small building, and
ran into the yard in slippers, slightly gasping for breath to
grab Li Zhenran’s arm.
He raised his head to look at Li Zhenran and asked him
with his eyes if he wanted to believe Luo Yunguang’s

At this moment, Li Zhenran patted the back of his hand

comfortingly and looked at Luo Yunguang, “Uncle Luo, do
you know what you mean by this sentence?”
Luo Yunguang didn’t even raise his head, “I told you not to
ask, but you still ask. Don’t you want to know why? Li
Jianglin and Zhu Yun have no children. It’s not that Zhu
Yun can’t have children, it’s that Li Jianglin can’t. The four
of you are all adopted, and I was the one who went to find
and take back a newly born boy for him.”
Having said this, he paused, rubbed the soil from the
scissors used for pruning the branches next to the flower
table, and then continued, “The eldest was bought from a
young couple, and the third and fourth were from single
mothers who were abandoned by men and who don’t want
a child until it’s born. As for you, your identity is the
simplest. You are an orphan, and your parents seem to be
gone. You are all taken back as illegitimate children. Li
Jianglin never planned to tell you your true identity. I
believe you yourself don’t want to know.” After saying the
last sentence, Luo Yunguang also gave Li Zhenran a
meaningful look.
Li Zhenruo was immersed in incomparable shock. He
imagined countless possibilities, but he did not expect it to
be like this. He tried hard to see Luo Yunguang’s
expression, trying to distinguish whether what he said was
true or false, but for some reason, he believed that what
Luo Yunguang said was true at this time.
Luo Yunguang put down the scissors. He stood up straight,
and said to Li Zhenran, “I said you wouldn’t want to know.
You’d better honestly bring this secret into the coffin with
me, Second Young Master Li.”

The author has something to say:

d h h 真弱 h b
Yesterday’s chapter was Zhenruo (真弱) at the beginning,
but later I felt that something was wrong, so I changed it to
Zhenruo(臻弱), but I didn’t expect it to be wrong…1the
author make a typo on Zhenruo’s name
Although many readers have guessed the truth, I still have
to bite the bullet and write it down. I am not that
unprincipled and even if you have guessed it, I will not
change the outline!
Chapter 70
In fact, in Luo Yunguang’s opinion, not only should Li
Zhenran not let this secret out, he probably didn’t even
want to know it.

Up to now, it was not only Li Zhenruo who was not Li

Jianglin’s biological son, but all the brothers in the Li family
were not Li Jianglin’s biological sons. Although it was true
that everyone seemed to return to the same starting point,
and that no one took advantage and no one suffers losses,
but this also meant another thing, that was, once Li Jianglin
had hardened his heart, he would not be merciful to anyone,
just like Li Zhenruo who was kicked out of the house at the
Luo Yunguang’s remark was not a threat, but just a
statement of what he thought was a fact.

Li Zhenran calmed down from the initial shock and frowned

silently at this time.
Li Zhenruo was still holding Li Zhenran’s arm and looked at
him worriedly.
Luo Yunguang said to him, “I only know as much as you
want to know, and you really don’t need to ask about other
things, just go back. Let’s all pretend not to know about this
matter. How about you just return and be the magnificent
and well off second young master of the Li family?”

Li Zhenran patted the back of Li Zhenruo’s hand and

nodded, “Uncle Luo, thank you.”
Luo Yunguang lowered his head and slowly peeled off the
soil on his fingers, and said to Li Zhenran, “Your father is
old, it is not easy for him to raise you all. You are all
children that your parents don’t want. Without him, you

ld ll b h d h k h k d fh dlf
would all be orphans, and who knows what kind of hard life
you’ll be living now, or where would you be today?”
These words were not pleasant, but Li Zhenruo felt that he
was telling the truth. Without Li Jianglin, it was not certain
that Zhao Yuqiong would have given birth to him after being
abandoned, and even if she had, Zhao Yuqiong would not
have had that long to raise him. As Luo Yunguang said, he
might have become a wandering orphan.
But as a wandering orphan, he might not be killed early,
even if he went to work for others, he might marry a wife
and live a stable life in the future.

Right now, Li Zhenruo could no longer easily judge what

was better for him, and his feelings for Li Jianglin became
more and more complicated. It would be great if Li
Jianglin’s purpose in adopting them at the beginning was
just to want a few children and be an ordinary father, not to
choose a qualified heir from among them.
Everything they wanted to know from Luo Yunguang was
clear. At this time, Luo Yunguang’s wife invited them to
have breakfast together, but Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo lost
their appetite.
Luo Yunguang didn’t express any more reservations about
their leaving, and he probably didn’t want to stop them from
leaving either.
Li Zhenran came out of Luo’s house and always looked

Li Zhenruo wanted to say something to comfort him but

wondered if it would be better for him to be quieter.
Sometimes people just need someone to accompany them.
It was still early, and none of the stores on the street was
open. Only the cleaners were cleaning the ground with
brooms. The slate path was very clean, with a little moist
moisture from dew.

h dd l d d d d b h
Li Zhenran suddenly stopped, turned around and put both
hands on Li Zhenruo’s shoulders, and said to him, “Don’t
worry too much about those things.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment and asked him,
“What?” He didn’t understand why it was more like Li
Zhenran comforting him now.

Li Zhenran said, “I know he’s not being fair to you.”

Li Zhenruo was in a slight trance before he realized what he
meant, “Are you trying to say that you think Li Jianglin is
unfair to me?” Obviously, he was not his biological son, but
he had become the only victim right now. If he were to think
so, it was indeed very unfair for him and he should hate Li
Jianglin, even everyone in the Li family.
But Li Zhenruo found that he was very calm, and he didn’t
even think of going to that place at all. Unconsciously, his
state of mind seems to have changed slowly. In regards to
the matter of the Li family, he felt more and more like an
outsider who could simply strip himself from his angry state
of mind.
He might still care about the person who killed him, but he
didn’t care so much about status and wealth.

Of course, what he cared most about now was Li Zhenran.

However, when he was worried that Li Zhenran would be
sad, Li Zhenran was also worried that he would be sad.
When he thought of this, Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but
slightly smile, and said, “I’m fine, anyway it’s already like
this. There’s no need to be trapped in the emotions at that
time, why not think about doing something more practical.”
Li Zhenran heard the words and reached out and hugged
The cleaners in the distance stood up straight and looked in
their direction.

h f h d
But neither of them cared.
Li Zhenruo approached Li Zhenran’s ear and asked him,
“Are you angry? Or sad?”
Li Zhenran was silent for a while before telling him, “I
didn’t feel much. It’s more likely just a shock than those
emotions you said.”
Li Zhenruo hugged him tightly, patted him on the back, and
asked him, “Are you hungry? I’ll go buy you some

Li Zhenran then asked, “Oh? Is there anything to eat around

Li Zhenruo said, “I saw a family selling egg crepe yesterday,
and it seemed to be very good.”
Li Zhenran laughed, “Did you want to eat it since
Li Zhenruo smiled and didn’t speak. He let go of Li Zhenran
and ran forward.
The owner of that egg crepe had just set up his shop, and
when he saw Li Zhenruo come to buy egg crepe early in the
morning, he chatted with him for a while.

When Li Zhenruo went over with the egg crepe, she saw Li
Zhenran standing under the eaves in the street, and turned
his head to look at the other side of the street.
Li Zhenruo looked at him and saw the backs of a middle-
aged couple who were slowly walking forward.
He handed the egg crepe and soy milk to Li Zhenran and
asked him, “What are you looking at?”
Li Zhenran shook his head, the egg crepe was still a little
hot in his hand, he said to Li Zhenruo, “Let’s go back.”

k h dd d h ll d h l
“Okay,” Li Zhenruo nodded as he pulled open the plastic
pocket in his hand to reveal the egg crepe inside, and took a
careful bite. He was a little afraid of hot foods. Ever since
he was a child, Wang Ma said he had a cat’s tongue, but
now it’s better, he really did have a cat’s tongue.

The two walked forward along the street. When they walked
more than ten meters, Li Zhenruo suddenly stopped and
looked back for some reason. He saw that the couple who
were walking forward had stopped and stood in front of the
Luo Yunguang couple’s house where they had just left.
The couple knocked on the door, but Luo Yunguang didn’t
open the door.
Li Zhenran saw Li Zhenruo suddenly stop and asked him,
Li Zhenruo looked at him, then turned to look at the couple,
and said, “Luo Yunguang is at home, why doesn’t he open
the door?”
Li Zhenran also stood still and looked in that direction
without saying anything.

The two of them watched the door that the couple had
knocked on for a long time, tried to look inside through the
courtyard door, and then left helplessly.
The egg crepe in Li Zhenruo’s hand was cold before he
knew it, and he asked Li Zhenran, “Is Luo Yunguang
avoiding everyone who came to him, or just avoiding you
and the two of them?”
Li Zhenran didn’t answer directly, but instead asked, “What
do you think?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I didn’t see it clearly just now, but you
saw the couple’s face, right? Why do you keep staring at
Li Zhenran reached out and wiped off a few food crumbs
from the corner of Li Zhenruo’s mouth, and said, “Maybe
b h h
it’s because I’m too sensitive. When I saw that man just
now, I remembered someone.”

Li Zhenruo looked at him and said, “Could they be Li

Zhentai’s parents? Luo Yunguang may not have known in
advance that we would be coming when he was hiding from
anyone. Maybe he was hiding from the couple.”
Li Zhenran didn’t answer, just said to him, “Your soy milk is
Li Zhenruo asked him, “You obviously saw it, why didn’t you
tell me?”
Li Zhenran said, “What can you do if you know?”
Li Zhenruo calmed down, an idea came into his head. He
didn’t harm anyone, and he just had to return what Li
Zhentai had done to him.

But this also means another thing, not only Li Zhentai but
also Li Zhenran and Li Zhenzi’s identities may be exposed.
Li Jianglin was not a fool. He endured it for the first time,
but he wouldn’t endure it one after another. He really didn’t
know what the consequences would be.
Li Zhenran saw him fall silent and said to him, “Leave it to
Li Zhenruo looked at him.
Li Zhenran said, “If they really are Li Zhentai’s biological
parents, I have a way to guide them to find Li Zhentai, and
won’t let them know that I had someone tell them; if they
are not, it is very simple, as long as Li Zhentai’s parents are
still alive In this world, I can find them and tell them that
their son is now a rich young master.”
Li Zhenruo grabbed his hand, “Have you ever thought that
you might get entangled?”

h d d f d f h
Li Zhenran said, “It doesn’t matter, I’m not afraid. If there
were concerns, it was only at the beginning, but now I don’t
have them, and I do not owe him anything. Even if I reveal
his identity, it is not considered wrong.”
Li Zhenruo was still a little hesitant.
Li Zhenran stretched out his hand and pinched his chin to
make him raise his head, “Don’t think too much and don’t
be afraid. If you don’t do something, the initiative will be
transferred to him.”
Li Zhenruo knew that he was timid. If he knew this from the
beginning, he would not hesitate, but now he had something
to worry about. Before taking revenge, the first thing he
thought about was not hurting Li Zhenran because of it.
Li Zhenran wiped his oily lips with his fingers again, “Finish
your breakfast first.”

They went back from Luo Yunguang’s, when they were

waiting for the plane at the airport, Li Zhenran received a
call from Su Yao, telling him that something had happened
to Li Zhenzi.
“What happened?” Li Zhenruo looked serious when he saw
Li Zhenran answering the phone, and knew that it wouldn’t
be a good thing.
Li Zhenran said, “He was beaten up and blackmailed, and
the police have been called.”
Li Zhenruo didn’t have to think about it at all and knew that
it was because he hooked up with other people’s wives. He
wanted to say that he deserved it, but knowing that the
female star’s husband, You Bo, was not a good person, it
was still a bit troublesome to solve this matter.
The money came second, You Bo himself was a rich man.
The main point was that the man’s pride had been hurt and
wanted to pay it back no matter what.

f h db l h f k
After they returned by plane, Li Zhenran first took Li
Zhenruo to the hospital to visit Li Zhenzi.
After all, Su Yao had called. As a brother, he was not that
unkind to not even take a look at him. It was just that Li
Zhenran originally called his driver to pick up the car, but
Li Zhentai didn’t plan to return the driver he borrowed from
him before, and the driver was caught in the middle.
Li Zhenran simply told him not to come, and that he could
take a taxi.
The driver followed Li Zhenran for a long time. At this time,
while apologizing repeatedly, he couldn’t help but complain
in a low voice, asking Li Zhenran to tell Li Zhentai to hurry
up and take him back.
Li Zhenran heard the words and persuaded, “Be patient for
a while, and it will be fine soon.”

Li Zhenruo was a little tired, leaned on Li Zhenran’s

shoulder, and asked him, “What will be fine soon?”
Li Zhenran pinched his chin, “The more things Li Zhentai
did, the easier it is to make mistakes. The more power he
has, the easier it is to indulge. What is Li Jianglin’s most
precious thing? It’s not his son, but his Yunlin. You see, how
long do you think he will put up with Li Zhentai?”
Li Zhenruo thought for a while, then suddenly sat up
straight, “I thought of one thing, since you are not Li
Jianglin’s own son, what if you marry a woman and have
children? Anyway, your son has no blood relationship with
him. If you follow him to adopt one, why can’t he accept? “
Li Zhenran smiled, “You’re right, so he’s just putting on a
show for us. If my estimation is correct, he took the
opportunity to beat me while indulging the eldest to put him
in order.”
Li Zhenruo thought about it for a long time and said, “I
finally understand a lot of things that I couldn’t figure out in
the past. Why did Li Jianglin insist that the eldest marry
Wen Chun must be because the eldest is not his own son
and he doesn’t like him, and he may not be as good as the
d h fh f d h h h l
daughter of his friend Wen Chun in his heart. As long as
Wen Chun is willing to marry, he will decide to let him
marry; but now to him, it is not so important whether you
can inherit the lineage or not. On the contrary, the eldest
who tampered with his brothers secretly was more hateful,
because no one knows whether he will go back to deal with
Li Jianglin when he finishes cleaning up his brothers? “

Li Zhenran looked at him with a smile.

Li Zhenruo said, “Did you just figure it out?”
Li Zhenran nodded, “You are right.”
When they arrived at the hospital, as soon as they opened
the door of the ward, they saw Su Yao sitting on the sofa
reading a magazine, while Li Zhenzi was lying on the
hospital bed, one leg fell off, and his face was covered with
When Su Yao saw Li Zhenran and the others, she put down
the magazine in her hand and stood up.
Li Zhenran asked her, “Why are you here?”

Su Yao said, “Why else? He’s all alone, who wants to come
here to guard him?”
When Li Zhenruo heard this, he couldn’t help but pop up
and say to the person lying on the hospital bed, “So you
were a short-lived illicit couple, and you’ve been cut off
before the disaster strikes?”
Li Zhenzi was sober, rolled his eyes and didn’t bother to pay
attention to him, but called Li Zhenran, “Second brother.”
“How is it?” Li Zhenran sat down on the chair beside the

Su Yao stood by the bed, leaned forward slightly with her

hands on the fence, and said, “It’s nothing, a gash on the
f h d d b k l b h d
forehead and a broken leg, but he can’t die yet.”
Li Zhenzi said angrily, “You wish I could just die, right?”
Su Yao didn’t speak and just smiled.
Li Zhenruo turned to look at Su Yao, and she could see her
beautiful figure clearly from this angle.
Li Zhenran suddenly said to Li Zhenruo, “You go outside
and wait for me for a while.”

Li Zhenruo was taken aback for a moment and thought that

Li Zhenran had something to tell Li Zhenzi in private, which
was really rare since Li Zhenran would not hide anything
from him in general. He looked at Li Zhenran and saw that
Li Zhenran’s eyes were a little cold, and he suddenly came
back to his senses. It must be because he just looked at Su
Yao that glance was noticed by Li Zhenran.
Going that far? He hadn’t seen anything yet? And even if he
saw it, it was to appreciate the beauty, and there was no
strange emotion at all, right?
Li Zhenruo was a little indignant, turned around and
opened the door of the ward and went out.
He stood outside the door and didn’t go far, leaned his back
against the wall, calmed down and still thought about the
matter with Li Jianglin. He thought that if Li Jianglin really
planned to clean up Li Zhentai, then at the risk of exposing
Li Zhenran’s identity, was it necessary for Li Zhentai’s
biological parents to find him?
Should they wait a little longer? Wait until Li Jianglin
couldn’t help but put Li Zhentai in order first? Then, he
would only need to step on Li Zhentai when he was at his
worst, asked him what his motive for the killing was, and
then decide to not continue to deal with him?

Li Zhenruo was a little dazed, and when he came back to his

senses, he noticed that a tall man in a suit walked in front of

h l b h f l f ll db h d
him. Not only one, but three or four people followed behind
the man, looking aggressive.
The man stopped at the door of the ward and first asked, “Is
this the third young master Li’s ward?”
A man behind him responded, “Yes, Mr. You.”
Mr. You? Li Zhenruo couldn’t help looking up at him, You
It happened that You Bo also lowered his head and stared at
Li Zhenruo with interest, “Who are you? Li Zhenzi stayed

Before Li Zhenruo could answer him, a person behind him

rushed forward and said to him, “A brother saw this person
come up with Li Zhenran just now. I heard that it is the
little white boy that Li Zhenran took care of.”
You Bo smiled when he heard the words, “Oh, that little boy
is really white.” After speaking, he stretched out his hand
and touched Li Zhenruo’s face.
Li Zhenruo ducked his head and avoid it. He stepped back
half a step and opened the door of the ward with his hand.
You Bo’s eyes were full of contemptuous smiles. He was not
in a hurry to enter the ward but looked up and down at Li
Zhenruo, and suddenly reached out and grabbed the front
of his shirt.
Li Zhenruo didn’t expect that he would act so suddenly, and
he grabbed the front of the shirt and pulled it forward. At
the same time, a hand stretched out from the door and
grabbed Yubo’s wrist and squeezed it hard. You Bo had to
stop moving and let go of Li Zhenruo.

Standing at the door of the ward, Li Zhenran pulled Li

Zhenruo to his side, gently tidied up Li Zhenruo’s loose
clothes, and said casually, “Boss You, what a rare guest.”

h h h h
The author has something to say:
I’m going to work harder today, because I’m going out on
vacation for about a week, so don’t wait up for me!

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Chapter 71
You Bo was a tall man with hard facial features and looked a
bit fierce. When he stood in front of people, he gave people
a great sense of oppression.

Li Zhenran was about the same height as him but was not
as wide as his shoulders. At this time, he was holding Li
Zhenruo’s wrist with one hand and looked at You Bo face to
face with a calm expression.
You Bo took a look at his hand holding Li Zhenruo, pulled
the corner of his mouth and smiled. He said to him, “Hello,
Second Young Master Li.”

However, Li Zhenran did not smile as he asked, “We are

honoured by your presence here Boss You. But I don’t know
what brings you here?”
You Bo put his hands in his trouser pockets, “I heard that
the third son of the Li family was injured and came to visit
him specially.”
Li Zhenran heard the words, opened the door of the ward,
and said to him, “Please.”

You Bo seemed a little surprised that Li Zhenran didn’t stop

him, but the purpose of his trip today was to find Li Zhenzi,
so he nodded to Li Zhenran, and then said to the person
behind him, “Move!”
A group of them rushed into Li Zhenzi’s ward at once.
Su Yao looks at them vigilantly.
A man behind You Bo pointed at Su Yao, “Beautiful, sit

d h d f h b d h l
Su Yao stands on the edge of the bed with an expressionless
Li Zhenzi stood up, and after seeing You Bo, he said to Su
Yao, “You go out first.” He was actually a little nervous in
his heart, but he was more worried that Su Yao would get
hurt if she got into an argument with them here.
Li Zhenran was still standing at the door, beckoning to let
Su Yao come out.
Su Yao glanced at Li Zhenzi, walked towards the door of the
ward, and whispered beside Li Zhenran, “Is it okay to leave
him alone?”

Li Zhenran said to her, “If he can’t solve such a small

problem, I advise you to change your boss. This is a
hospital, You Bo will not personally come out if he wants to
fight or kill. He is still a decent businessman on the surface
and not a triad.”
When she heard this, Su Yao sighed lightly, feeling a little
bit helpless.
They turned their heads and saw that You Bo was sitting
down on the chair beside the bed, raising one leg on Li
Zhenzi’s bed.
Li Zhenzi turned pale, squinted his eyes slightly, and finally
chose to swallow his voice and smiled, “Boss You.”

Li Zhenran said to Su Yao, “We’re leaving first, call me if

you need anything.”
Su Yao took a look at the time and said, “I’ll leave later. The
nurses will come to watch at night.”
Li Zhenran nodded and patted her arm.
Li Zhenruo said, “Self-inflicted sin…”

l h h d h h f h
Although You Bo was not a good thing, the cause of the
incident was purely because Li Zhenzi seduced other
people’s wives. So if he provoked this evil god, he should
bear the consequences himself.
Li Zhenran probably wouldn’t sit idly by, but he wasn’t so
kind as to help him bear all the consequences.
When they walked out of the hospital, Li Zhenruo suddenly
Li Zhenran turned to look at him and asked, “What are you
laughing at?”

Li Zhenruo said, “I used to think that although we were not

born by the same mother, we all have the same father. Why
do we have so many different personalities? But now I
finally understand.”
They still took a taxi, and Li Zhenran did not let the driver
drive them back to Li’s house, but went directly to the
apartment in the city.
The two entered the door one after the other, and when Li
Zhenruo reached out and closed the door, Li Zhenran
turned around and grabbed his jaw and kissed him.
Li Zhenruo’s body was pressed against the door by him, and
he was stunned for a while, then raised his arm to hug Li
Zhenran, deepening the kiss.

Li Zhenran stretched a hand to his waist, reached under the

hem of his clothes, and gently rubbed up and down against
his skin.
Li Zhenruo felt a little itchy and shrank a little.
Li Zhenran held his waist against the skin and kissed his
chin lightly.
Li Zhenruo tilted his head up and leaned behind the door,
and said, “What? A sudden emotional outburst?”

h k dh l h l d d d d
Li Zhenran kissed him lightly and said, “I’ve wanted to do
this since very early today.”

Li Zhenruo suddenly noticed that Li Zhenran might not be

as indifferent as he seemed. He recalled that when he just
found out that he was not Li Jianglin’s son, he really felt like
the sky was about to fall. After all, apart from this father, he
had no other more intimate relatives, and now, what Li
Zhenran was suffering from was perhaps what he was
feeling at that time.
So Li Zhenruo reached out and hugged Li Zhenran tightly,
kissing him actively, trying to comfort him with himself.
The two kissed each other repeatedly, Li Zhenran’s hand
stroked Li Zhenruo’s waist, making him tremble, while Li
Zhenruo’s fingers were inserted into Li Zhenran’s hair,
pressed against his hair, and rubbed lightly.
After a while, Li Zhenran directly carried Li Zhenruo and
walked toward the room.
Although Li Zhenruo felt that his posture was a bit
awkward, at this time, no matter what Li Zhenran did, he
didn’t want to resist. He always thought that if Li Zhenran
could have stayed by his side to comfort him at that time,
those days would not have been so difficult.

It was raining lightly outside, and these days were getting

cooler every day.
He and Li Zhenran were lying on the bed, wrapped in the
same quilt, feeling the temperature of each other’s bodies.
Li Zhenruo wanted to yawn, but Li Zhenran pinched his
mouth with his fingers to prevent him from opening it. He
shook his head from side to side in discomfort, and finally
put Li Zhenran’s finger in his mouth and sucked it.
When Li Zhenran withdrew his hand, Li Zhenruo rolled over
and mounted on top of him. He supported his body with
both hands on Li Zhenran’s firm and full chest. He lowered
his head and asked him, “Don’t you want to go home?”
h ll d h l h b k h dh
Li Zhenran pulled the quilt up to cover his back, pinched his
waist with both hands, and said, “No.”

Li Zhenruo said, “It doesn’t matter. It’s just the same

whether he’s the real father or not. Anyway, just get the
share of the Li family that belongs to you.”
Li Zhenran knew that he was comforting him, smiled
slightly, and said, “I understand, I’m not sad.”
Li Zhenruo moved his butt, with an ambiguous smile on his
face, “Come on then!”
Having said that, Li Zhenran really didn’t plan to go back to
the Li family for the time being. He and Li Zhenruo lived in
this apartment. Every day, they read books, listened to
music, ran and watered the flowers. At night, he and Li
Zhenruo were endlessly fooling around.
Li Zhenruo felt that Li Zhenran was too quiet and he had to
always guess if Li Zhenran felt difficult in his heart. After a
few days of silent observation, he found that Li Zhenran eat
and sleep as if he really didn’t care.

One day Hua Yibang called him, and Li Zhenran was lying
on the bed to answer the phone. The two chatted for a long
time, Li Zhenruo sat next to him and listened for a long
time, and found that Li Zhenran didn’t even ask about
Right now Hua Yibang had been left by Li Jianglin to assist
Li Zhentai in his work. It stood to reason that if Li Zhenran
wanted to know about many things, he could inquire it from
Hua Yibang, but obviously Li Zhenran had no such plan.
“Don’t you care about Yunlin?” Li Zhenruo asked him.
Li Zhenran said, “I don’t care, just let them be happy.”
One day, Li Zhenruo took the time to visit Xia Hongshen. It
happened that Xia Hongshen had no class that afternoon, so
the master and the apprentice went to the big supermarket
near the school together.
In front of the pet supplies counter, two people stopped for
a long time.
In fact, Li Zhenruo was not very interested in these things.
After all, he was originally a human being, and his human
psychology and habits were still deeply ingrained, while Xia
Hongshen was not. To be honest, he had been a beast
longer than a human being.
Xia Hongshen reached out and took a bottle of pet-specific
body wash, opened the lid and smelled the smell.
Li Zhenruo stood beside him and asked him, “Master, do
you want me to give you a cat climbing frame?”
Xia Hongshen raised his head, was silent for a moment, and
said, “No need. I can’t put it at home.”

Li Zhenruo thought about the small dormitory where Xia

Hongshen lived, and it really couldn’t fit there, and then he
suggested, “It can be placed in the corridor.”
Unexpectedly, Xia Hongshen thought about it and still said,
In the past few days, Li Zhenruo had a lot more spiritual
power in his body than before. When he got up this
morning, he lifted the quilt and stood beside the bed, naked
and ignoring the ambiguous traces of his body, and said to
Li Zhenran, “Look at me.”
Li Zhenran was still half asleep, and one arm stretched out
from the quilt to cover his eyes. At this time, he reluctantly
moved a little and looked at him, “Look at you or f/ck you?”
Li Zhenruo ignored him, and turned around and
transformed into a set of well-cut and exquisite clothes.

Li Zhenran frowned slightly at him.

Li Zhenruo said, “New Armani. How is it?”
h dh hh
Li Zhenran covered his eyes with his arms again, not
intending to pay any attention to his appearance.
Li Zhenruo sat on the edge of the bed and pulled his arm,
“Why you haven’t said anything yet?”
Li Zhenran replied, “Go away, I want to sleep.”

So he now went out, Li Zhenruo was still wearing low-key

and casual clothes, designed by himself. The style was
ordinary and not outstanding.
Li Zhenruo and Xia Hongshen were sitting on stools outside
the supermarket eating catnip biscuits. Li Zhenruo asked
Xia Hongshen, “Master, have you seen that Shen Luming
Shen Luming was like a ticking time bomb to Li Zhenruo,
and he didn’t know when it would explode.
Xia Hongshen said, “I saw, in school.”
Li Zhenruo asked suspiciously, “He hasn’t looked for me,
how much do you think he knows?”

Xia Hongshen chewed the biscuits slowly and answered him

after a while, “Maybe not much. I heard that he was in a car
accident while travelling after the college entrance
examination. He suffered trauma to his head and can’t
remember the past.”
“Oh?” Li Zhenruo was a little surprised.
“But I think,” Xia Hongshen said, “He may not have
amnesia, but a soul exchange.”
Li Zhenruo frowned at him.
Xia Hongshen said, “You occupied his body, and his soul
occupied other people’s bodies, but I don’t know what
happened. Your memory is intact, but his memory is
Li Zhenruo was a little worried, “Can he recover his
Xia Hongshen held the small biscuits between his fingers,
and suddenly threw them into the air, then slightly tilted his
head smoothly with his mouth to catch the cookies. After
chewing and eating, he said, “I can temporarily seal his
memory and let him not remember.”
“Master!” Li Zhenruo was a little excited when he heard the
words, but then said, “Master, is it okay for you to do this?
Before, you also said you wouldn’t let Song Jun and the
others help me.”
Xia Hongshen said casually, “They can’t but I can, as long
as you are good, I can help you.”
Li Zhenruo quickly grabbed his arm, “Master!”
Xia Hongshen said “um”, “You’ve been good.”

After leaving the supermarket, the two parted in front of the

supermarket. Xia Hongshen wanted to go back to school,
while Li Zhenruo had to take a taxi home.
Before saying goodbye, Xia Hongshen suddenly said to Li
Zhenruo, “Someone is watching you.”
Li Zhenruo turned around in shock but did not find anyone
looking at him. When he turned his head, he found that Xia
Hongshen had already left.
He stood there inexplicably for a while, and Li Zhenruo
reached out to stop the taxi.

A taxi stopped in front of him, Li Zhenruo opened the car

door and sat in. When he was about to close the car door,
someone pulled the door outside.
Li Zhenruo looked up and saw a tall figure looming down,
and then even squeezed inside the car.
l d h d d d h h
You Bo closed the taxi door and said to Li Zhenruo, “What a
coincidence, little boy.”

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Chapter 72
Li Zhenruo had heard of this You Bo person in the past, but
the two of them had never met. So far, he gave Li Zhenruo
the feeling of being too hostile. If it were in the past, even if
he didn’t like this person, Li Zhenruo would have to say a
few polite words to him and hope to become friends.
However, Li Zhenruo now felt that these things were not

He just said in a somewhat cold manner, “Boss You, is

there something wrong?”
The taxi driver hadn’t driven yet. He glanced in the
rearview mirror and asked, “Where to?”

You Bo put an arm on Li Zhenruo’s shoulder, “Would you

do me the honour to invite you to a meal?”
Li Zhenruo grabbed his arm and pushed it away, “I’m just a
little white face, I have no face to honour you.”
His attitude was very rude, and he believed that You Bo
was already unhappy at this time. However, You Bo did not
show it on his face, but asked, “I heard that you are Luo
Fei’s cousin?”

Li Zhenruo did not deny it, and simply pushed the boat
along and said, “You are not afraid of offending Luo Fei?”
You Bo laughed and said, “Li Zhenran is not afraid of
offending Luo Fei? Even he dared to sleep with his cousin?
It seems that Luo Fei didn’t take it to heart.”
The taxi driver became impatient at this time, and honked
his horn to urge, “Where are you going? Hurry up!”
You Bo suddenly turned cold and said in a deep voice,
The driver turned his head to look at him as if he didn’t
think it would be easy to mess with You Bo and immediately
fell silent.
Li Zhenruo looked at the driver, then turned to look at You
Bo, and said calmly, “Luo Fei doesn’t take it seriously, but I
advise you not to try it. The conflict was between you and
Li Zhenzi, but Ran ge said that his brother was at fault
first. He doesn’t want to intervene, and it’s totally
unnecessary for you to provoke me. I don’t know if Boss
You is doing this just for the sake of novelty or just trying to
cross with the Li family, but I think it’s meaningless. The
conflict between you and Li Zhenzi is resolved. It’s over,
there’s really no need to treat the entire Li family as your
enemy, and there’s no need to offend Ran ge and my cousin
for me, what do you think?”
You Bo had been silent while listening to him, but at this
time he looked at him with interest, “You are really hell-
bent on Li Zhenran. A mouthful for Ran ge.”
Li Zhenruo said, “Yes, so you should understand how
sincerely I am advising you and not wanting to make the
situation unmanageable.”

You Bo hummed at this time, “Who said I was interested in

Li Zhenruo patted his chest quickly, “I’ll just say that I’m
thinking too much, how could someone with such a high
taste like Boss You like me that is a man? It’s my
shamelessness to put gold on my face that delayed Boss
You, I’m really sorry. If I have a chance in the future, I’ll let
Ran ge invite Boss You to dinner, okay? Today I’m still in a
hurry, I have to go back and cook for Ran ge.”
You Bo watched him silently for a while, then slowly opened
the door to get out of the car, but he still pressed his hand
on the door and said to Li Zhenruo, “Then I’ll wait for your
Ran ge to invite me to this meal.”
Li Zhenruo smiled and said, “Definitely.”
The moment the door was closed, Li Zhenruo’s face sank,
and he said to the driver, “Drive.”
He sat in the back seat and swore a few words in a sullen
voice. He was thinking about whether Yubo was really
going to give the Li family a hard time or whether he was
attracted to him. After he thought about it, Li Zhenruo felt
that both options were possible, and he couldn’t help but
complain more about Li Zhenzi.
It was just that it wasn’t a lie that he said he wanted to go
back to cook for Li Zhenran. He did buy some food in the
supermarket and planned to go back to cook hotpot with Li
Zhenran at night.
The two of them didn’t usually cook by themselves, so there
were no ingredients and seasonings in the apartment, only
some pots and pans. If he wanted to make a meal himself,
the easiest way was a hotpot. Buy hotpot ingredients and
food, go back and put it in the pot and pour water to boil. Li
Zhenruo thought it was very simple.

When he got home, Li Zhenran was watering the flowers on

the balcony. He didn’t even change his pyjamas, and he
didn’t go out all day.
Li Zhenruo put the bag at the door, walked over and
hugged Li Zhenran from behind, and said, “How about
eating hot pot tonight?”
Li Zhenran put down the watering kettle, pressed it on the
back of his hand, and said, “Okay.”
He carried a bag of things into the kitchen. Li Zhenran took
out the pot in the cabinet and cleaned it. He watched Li
Zhenruo take out the vegetables in the bag and turn them
over and over.

So he took a kitchen knife and handed it to Li Zhenruo, “It’s

useless for you to look at it, you have to cut it, and
b h f
remember to wash it first.”
Li Zhenruo took the kitchen knife and said with a straight
face, “I can’t do it.”
Li Zhenran glanced at him, “Leave it to me.”
Li Zhenruo could only wash the vegetables and put them on
the cutting board. After a while, he saw Li Zhenran put the
cleaned induction cooker and soup pot on the dining table
outside, and then came back and picked up the kitchen
knife to take the cleaned vegetables and cut them carefully.

Li Zhenran was not skilled at this too, but it looked like it

was going well.
Li Zhenruo had nothing to do. So he stood beside Li
Zhenran, suddenly stretched out his hand to wrap his waist
and blew a breath at his ear.
Li Zhenran’s expression did not change, but his head
turned slightly.
He knew that Li Zhenran’s ears were sensitive, so he blew
at him again, and then took his earlobe and bit it lightly.
Li Zhenran turned to look at him, “Do you still want to eat

Li Zhenruo pointed at his ear and whispered, “I met You Bo

Li Zhenran was cutting potatoes. After hearing this
sentence, the kitchen knife cut down heavily against the
vegetable board and rattled. He asked in a deep voice, “Did
he provoke you?”
Li Zhenruo pinched his ear with his fingers and rubbed it
hard a few times. He rubbed Li Zhenran’s ear red, and said,
“He wanted to provoke me, but I didn’t go along. Later, I
told him that I would ask you to invite him to dinner
another day.”

h d d f f d
Li Zhenran stopped and was quiet for a few seconds. He
then said, “That’s a good offer.”
“Huh?” Li Zhenruo looked at him in surprise, “Do you really
have this plan?”

Li Zhenran gently peeled off the potato slices that were

stuck to the kitchen knife, “Invite him to a meal and ask Li
Zhenzi to apologize to him along the way, see what he
really wants, put this matter to an end, but also let him
know that he should not have any thoughts about you. “
Li Zhenruo said, “You keep saying that you don’t care about
Li Zhenzi, but you still have to help him out.”
Li Zhenran put the sliced potatoes on a plate, took the
washed green bamboo shoots, and said to Li Zhenruo,
“Because I will have to clean up Li Zhentai after waiting, I
don’t want the third child to have other troubles at this
time. It was Li Zhentai who poked it out, and I don’t want
to see him do what he wants.”
Li Zhenruo thought to himself, didn’t you just want to take
the opportunity to win over Li Zhenzi? But he just thought
about it and didn’t say it.
The taste of hotpot that night was average. Li Zhenruo
didn’t know exactly the difference between it and a hotpot
restaurant, so he felt that it was not so fragrant. After
eating the hotpot, there was still a lot of smell in the house,
so he had to open the doors and windows to air out the

Li Zhenran went to the balcony to stay and smoked a

After Li Zhenruo came out of the shower, he wrapped his
arms around his waist, pressed him on the balcony, bit his
ears, and said vaguely, “Okay, now it’s my turn.”
The time to invite You Bo to a meal was set in three days.

h d h h ld lk hh l d
Li Zhenzi said that he could not walk with his legs, and Li
Zhenran told him to let him come in a wheelchair.
The meal was arranged in a restaurant in the urban area.
The private room was quite large but not very crowded.

Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo came first as the host, and Li

Zhenzi really let Su Yao push him in with a wheelchair. A
chair was removed directly from the round table, leaving Li
Zhenzi to eat in a wheelchair.
Li Zhenzi didn’t look very happy. He was smoking a
cigarette and swearing, “What the hell!”
At first, he felt that he was wrong, and he was somewhat
embarrassed to meet You Bo, but now he had been
ruthlessly fixed out, and his temper had risen.
Li Zhenruo sneered, “Seducing someone’s wife, what the
hell is up with you?”
Li Zhenzi pointed his cigarette at him, “You know shit, shut

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the private

room was opened from the outside, You Bo was wearing a
long trench coat, and seemed to walk with the wind. With a
strange smile on his face, he said to Li Zhenran who stood
up, “Second Young Master Li, how are you?”
Li Zhenran smiled, “Boss You. Welcome.”
You Bo took off his trench coat, and the waiter helped him
hang it on the hanger.
He walked towards the dining table, and when he passed
by Li Zhenruo, he suddenly reached out and touched Li
Zhenruo’s face.
Li Zhenruo reacted quickly, turned his head to avoid it, and
then frowned slightly and looked at You Bo.

dd h kl b h
You Bo didn’t expect him to react so quickly, but he just
smiled and walked to his seat and sat down.
Li Zhenran withdrew the sharp gaze just now and said to
You Bo, “Boss You, I don’t like to talk nonsense, the
purpose of inviting you here today is for that little grudge
between my brother and you, and I want to take this
opportunity to make the third child apologizes to you. He
caused the disaster by himself, and Boss You beat him up.
He is still in a wheelchair and admitted his wrongdoings.
However, I didn’t know what else Boss You wants?”
You Bo laughed, leaned back on the back of the chair,
didn’t say anything, and just smoked a cigarette. He put the
cigarette to his mouth but didn’t light it.
Li Zhenran glanced at Li Zhenzi.
Li Zhenzi took a deep breath as if to vent all his frustration,
he grabbed the lighter on the table, because it was
inconvenient to move the wheelchair, so he leaned forward
with a lot of effort to help You Bo light a cigarette.

You Bo looked at him with a half-smile, and his body

remained motionless. After letting Li Zhenzi help him light
the cigarette, he suddenly pressed the burning cigarette
butt on Li Zhenzi’s hand before he could take it back.
Li Zhenzi felt pain in his hand, and quickly threw his hand
away. The lighter fell to the ground at once, and he almost
Su Yao responded quickly, stood up and supported Li
Zhenzi, and stared at You Bo angrily.
Li Zhenzi swore, “Motherf/cker.”
You Bo tilted his head on purpose and said, “What did you
say? I didn’t get it. Say it again.”

Li Zhenran said at this time, “Boss You, don’t go too far.”

f h d h dh
Before You Bo’s cigarette was extinguished, he turned his
head to face Li Zhenran, took a slow puff and said, “Today,
Second Young Master Li is so sincere, I might as well say a
few words from my heart. Just now you felt painful, right?
But how does it compare to having someone else f/ck your
After he said this, he flicked the soot, but his eyes turned to
Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenzi suppressed his anger and said, “Boss You, I’m not
being kind in this matter, but as far as I know, you’ve been
messing around outside for a long time. Lisa has always
been resentful, but she was just dragging and didn’t get a
You Bo looked at him coldly, “As long as we are not
divorced, she is my wife. We will solve things between the
couple ourselves, but you dare to cuckold me. You must
think about how to bear the consequences.”

Li Zhenzi’s scalded hand was still hurting. He reached out

to hold the water glass on the table and said, “Then what
do you want? If you have something to say, we will solve it
once and for all.”
You Bo raised one leg on the other, leaned back and took a
few puffs of cigarettes, and said, “I thought about it, I don’t
feel relieved when I beat you, and I don’t want to cause so
much trouble if I kill you. You’d better put your wife to
sleep with me a few times.”
Li Zhenzi said angrily, “I don’t have a wife.”
You Bo said, “Yeah, you don’t have a wife. I heard that you
have a girlfriend, and after a look, she was quite to my
liking, so I invited her over to sit down today.”
This time, not only Li Zhenzi, but even Li Zhenruo changed
his face. Immediately after that the door was opened from
the outside, only to reveal Yu Bingwei standing at the door,
looking anxiously at the few people in the private room.
The author has something to say:
There is one thing I have always forgotten. The pre-sale of
“Perfection” is in hot pre-sale, and the pre-sale will end on
October 12. See my Weibo for the pre-sale address!
Chapter 73
Yu Bingwei’s gaze slowly swept over everyone’s face and
finally landed on Li Zhenzi. Her expression was somewhat

You Bo waved to her, “Miss Yu, please come in and sit.”

Yu Bingwei took a deep breath and slowly walked into the
private room. She was forcibly invited, and she didn’t even
know what was going on at first, but it was only when she
saw Li Zhenzi and You Bo that she suddenly understood.

Li Zhenruo frowned tightly. He was very disgusted with

You Bo’s behaviour in involving Yu Bingwei. If at first, he
thought that Li Zhenzi owed You Bo, now he no longer felt
that You Bo had anything to be sympathetic about.
Yu Bingwei walked over to the round table and looked
around blankly.
You Bo pulled a chair aside and said to her, “Please sit

Only then Yu Bingwei sit down, but her eyes kept staring at
Li Zhenzi.
Li Zhenzi finally couldn’t help it, and said to You Bo, “I
broke up with her long ago. Is it interesting to involve
innocent people?”
You Bo just smiled and looked at Yu Bingwei.
“You Bo,” Li Zhenzi’s voice became cold and hard, “I can
let you off the hook for what happened before, but don’t
think that I’m really afraid of you. Try moving one of her
fingers today? I promise you won’t just break a leg.”

d d b l f
You Bo snorted in disbelief.
At this time, Li Zhenran said, “Boss You, you seem to be
insincere. Is the purpose of your coming here today to have
everyone fight to the death and hurt both sides?”
You Bo tilted his head, “I’m not sincere? Why would I invite
Miss Yu to sit down and talk then? I could just ask someone
to take her to me.”
Without warning, Li Zhenzi grabbed the water cup from the
table and threw the water in the cup at You Bo.

You Bo moved quickly to dodge, but his shoulders were still

wet with water.
Yu Bingwei became nervous and looked at them.
You Bo’s face was cold, he reached out and wiped the
water stains on his shoulders, while looking at Li Zhenzi
fiercely, he wiped the tissue from the table.
Li Zhenran just called out calmly, “Third child,” and tried to
stop Li Zhenzi from continuing to provoke You Bo. He then
said to You Bo, “Then Boss You might as well talk about the
conditions you want?”

You Bo said, “I know that you, Yunlin, have acquired land

for two old factories in the south of the city, let me have
that land at the original price.”
The land-use rights of the two pieces of land were in
Yunlin’s hands, but they have not been developed yet.
Li Zhenran smiled, “Boss You know that a subway is going
to be opened there, right?”
You Bo said, “Of course I do, otherwise why am I here?”

The price of these two pieces of land were not expensive,

and it was operated by Li Zhenran at the time. He also
h d d f h h b
heard inside information that it was near the new subway
line and that a subway station will be built. As soon as the
subway route was planned, the land price on that piece of
land went up. At this time, if the land was given at the
original price to You Bo, Yunlin would naturally lose a lot of
Before Li Zhenran could speak, Li Zhenzi mocked, “Have
you been daydreaming too much? Let’s say that you are
worth the money we pay you, even if I wanted to, Yunlin is
now in my eldest brother and my father’s hand. Li Zhenran
and I have both been kicked out of the house. You are
looking for us to ask for Yunlin’s land, what kind of joke is
You Bo was not annoyed when he heard the words. He
pretended to think about it, and said, “You are right, so I
just asked someone to invite your eldest brother. Let’s sit
down and talk together.”
Li Zhenruo didn’t like You Bo right now. He wanted to
pounce on him and scratch his face and suddenly felt that
his fingers were a little itchy. He stretched out his hand
and scratched it, stunned to touch the hair on one hand,
and immediately lowered his head to look in surprise, and
saw that his hands had turned into cat claws.

The people at the table were still bargaining, and no one

noticed him.
He lowered his head and touched the hands with his left
and right hands, and tried to control his spiritual power to
turn it back into the appearance of a human hand. Then he
found that he had succeeded.
When he thought about it, he hadn’t changed back to a cat
form for a long time, and he hadn’t tried to change his body
parts into a cat shape, but he didn’t expect it to be so easy
Song Jun told him that cultivating was a long process, and
cultivators must endure loneliness. Before they know it,
quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes. When

h l l l h h d h h
he cultivates slowly without rushing, one day the change in
his ability will be visible to the naked eye.

Li Zhenruo looked at Yu Bingwei without caring about the

others at the dinner table.
Yu Bingwei lowered her head and looked at the water glass
on the table. She didn’t say a word from beginning to end.
She was innocently involved. This situation was very
contradictory to her. Of course, she didn’t want to go to
help Li Zhenzi by sleeping with You Bo, but she couldn’t
bear to see Li Zhenzi get hurt. And it’s embarrassing
enough that she was brought here by You Bo’s people.
Outside she was a female star and had always been
beautiful, but here she was like cargo. She didn’t even have
the freedom to stand up and leave here.
When he saw Yu Bingwei’s pitiful appearance, Li Zhenruo
felt that his paws were itchy again.
At this moment, someone knocked on the private room door
and then opened the private room door from the outside.
Several people turned their heads to look at the same time
and saw that Li Zhentai came in with the waiter leading the
way, and the atmosphere was a little delicate for a while.

You Bo stood up and greeted Li Zhentai with a smile, “The

eldest son of the Li family is finally here.” After speaking,
he said to Li Zhenran, “Since the second son has no right to
speak, then I will invite the people who have the right to
speak in the Li family.”
Li Zhentai nodded politely to You Bo, and then his eyes fell
on Li Zhenzi, shaking his head as if he was angry with him.
Li Zhenzi frowned.
Li Zhenruo on the other hand exchanged glances with Li
Zhenran. He was a little puzzled. He didn’t understand why
Li Zhentai was willing to accept You Bo’s invitation.

lh h d h k h d l l
Until he saw Li Zhentai and You Bo shaking hands politely,
then sat down and sighed and said, “Boss You, I apologize
to you for my brother.”

Li Zhenzi lined up on the table with one hand and looked at

Li Zhentai. He couldn’t be polite, “Eldest brother, what do
you mean?”
Li Zhentai said to him, “We are here to solve the problem
today. Since you can’t solve it, then naturally I, the eldest
brother, can’t just sit back and watch.”
After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Zhenran again,
“Zhenran, it is inconvenient to say some things here, but
since you are back, you should go home early to see your
father, and don’t just fool around outside.”
When he said the word ‘fooling around’, he glanced toward
Li Zhenruo, not hiding the disgust in his eyes in the
Since Li Zhentai took over the power of Yunlin, he could
clearly feel that his overall demeanor had changed. In the
past, in Li Zhenruo’s heart, he had always been a mediocre
and meek person, but now he was becoming more and
more imposing, and in front of his two younger brothers, he
also began to put up a big brother’s front.

Also, by now he was the only good son left by Li Jianglin’s

side, since the other two were not reassuring.
Li Zhenran didn’t answer Li Zhentai’s words. In fact, after
Li Zhentai came in, he didn’t say a word, quietly and
honestly being an obedient second brother.
Li Zhenzi on the other hand, went back and forth with Li
Zhentai for a few moments before Li Zhentai finally yelled
at him, “If you didn’t cause so much trouble, would we
need to sit here now? If you could solve it, why would you
get into this mess now?”
Li Zhenzi took a deep breath and fell silent.
h h d d h l f h
Li Zhentai handed You Bo a cigarette, then lit it for him
with his own hands, and then began to apologize to him
again and again sincerely.

Li Zhenruo’s fingernail suddenly became sharp, he touched

the tip of the sharp fingernail, thinking to himself, what the
hell does Li Zhentai mean?
It was true that You Bo was not easy to mess with, but the
Li family was not afraid of him.
You Bo knew that Li Zhenzi cared about Yu Bingwei, and
took Yu Bingwei as a threat. If it was a big deal, Li Zhenzi
would’ve spent money to send Yu Bingwei away to hide,
and then spend more money to find a few people to protect
her, and let her come back when things developed in a
better direction.
As for Li Zhenzi, if you give You Bo ten guts, he will not
dare to do anything to Li Zhenzi. Li Zhenzi was not stupid.
After this incident, he found people to protect himself in
the dark and keep an eye on You Bo. If You Bo really
wanted to hit hard, Li Zhenzhi would have fought him to
the end, and in the end, it would have been a lose-lose
You Bo must also feel that it was not worth it.

Li Zhentai would not be so concerned about Li Zhenzi’s

safety. If You Bo could really kill Li Zhenzi, Li Zhentai
would have one less big trouble, and he didn’t need to do it
himself, how good was that?
So who is this show for?
He couldn’t help but glance at Li Zhenran. Li Zhenran
stared at Li Zhentai and You Bo without saying a word as if
he was distracted.
At this time, You Bo once again brought up the matter of
land transfer.

ll f ll h
All eyes fell on Li Zhentai.

Li Zhentai smiled calmly, picked up the cup and took a slow

sip of water, then said, “Boss You, it’s too much.”
You Bo was not in a hurry, changed his words, and said,
“Well, I have a project in hand now, but I need capital
funds, you won’t let me have the land that I want. I just
hope you can help me with your land. How does Mr. Li feel
about making a guarantee and taking out a loan from the
Li Zhentai frowned tightly.
You Bo said, “Don’t be in a hurry to answer, I will give you
a detailed plan report about the project. It was definitely
worth investing in. Wait until Mr. Li Senior has read it.”
After speaking, You Bo stood up and said, “I’m going to the

In the old restaurant, there was no bathroom in the private

room, so You Bo had to open the private room door and
walked outside.
Li Zhenruo also stood up at this time and said, “I’ll go to
the bathroom too.”
He came out of the private room and saw You Bo’s back
walking around the corner of the corridor as if he was in a
good mood and was humming a song. Li Zhenruo followed.
There was no waiter in the long corridor around the corner,
and there was no surveillance camera when he looked up,
and at this time You Bo had already entered the bathroom.
So Li Zhenruo turned into a cat while advancing, squatted
at the door of the bathroom, and licked his paws.
Just over a minute later, when You Bo opened the door
from the inside and just stepped out, Li Zhenruo jumped up
and flashed his sharp claws to scratch at his face.
The author has something to say:
I just came back to work, there are too many things to do,
and it’s a little too late to code…
Chapter 74
You Bo absolutely hadn’t expected such a strange
unexpected calamity to suddenly descended upon him at

By the time he reacted, a few blood stains had been

scratched on his face by a cat who had come out of
nowhere. You Bo felt pain, and reflexively reached out to
scratched the cat on his face.
When Li Zhenruo noticed that You Bo stretched out his
hand, he actually expected such reaction. So he stomped his
legs on top of his head, scratched again, and then jumped
from him to the ground without fighting, turned around,
and ran.

He was afraid that once You Bo caught him, it would be

difficult for him to run away, and he would be scrapped
here on the spot.
But when he fell to the ground, he was confident that You
Bo couldn’t catch him and scurried after the waiter into the
private room for a while, and then got out through the
You Bo stumbled over and ran into a waiter, who saw his
face covered in blood and screamed, and the plate in her
hand was dropped.

Li Zhenruo got out of the window, found another private

room and got in, jumped up and unlocked the door, walked
into the corridor to find another one person bathroom, and
hid in it.
After changing back into a human form and washing his
hands slowly, Li Zhenruo opened the bathroom door and
went out, and found that the corridor was a little noisy.

bb d h h d d k d l
He grabbed a waiter who hurried over and asked strangely,
“What happened?”
The waiter couldn’t understand the situation either, and
replied, “I heard that a guest was attacked.”

“Attacked?” Li Zhenruo looked surprised.

And the waiter hurried forward.
Li Zhenruo was also curious and followed the waiter to see.
He didn’t see You Bo’s people and only saw a group of
waiters gathered together, pointing at the crime scene at
the door of the bathroom, some of them who knew what
happened said, “That guest’s whole face was scratched until
blood come out by the cat.”
“Where’s the cat from?”

Everyone was at a loss, not knowing where the cat came

You Bo didn’t go back to the private room and was escorted
directly to the hospital by his subordinates. The holes on his
face were made by Li Zhenruo himself, some deep and some
shallow, anyway, it was enough for him to suffer. He won’t
be able to see anyone in a short time.
As for this pot, it could only be left to the restaurant owner
to carry.
Li Zhenruo opened the door of the private room and went
in. There were only three Li brothers left, plus Su Yao and
Yu Bingwei who were neither staying nor leaving.

They obviously already knew about You Bo’s injury just now,
and the atmosphere was a little weird now.
Although Li Zhenzi knew he was in the wrong, he said, “I
don’t agree to help You Bo as a guarantee.” However, he

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had no confidence in what he said, and he looked at the
table instead of Li Zhentai.
Li Zhentai said, “Then what do you say? Can you handle this
matter successfully?”
Li Zhenzi said, “We are afraid of him? Can’t fight him?”

Li Zhentai patted the table, “He is a triad, we are not! If it

weren’t for you, would this matter have come to this point?
How about you find someone to kill him?”
When he heard Li Zhentai’s words, Li Zhenzi suddenly lost
his voice. However, he still seemed very irritable, his chest
heaving violently.
At this moment, Yu Bingwei suddenly stood up with her bag
and said politely, “If there is nothing to do here, may I leave
first, Mr. Li?”
No one knew which Mr. Li she was calling. Perhaps in her
opinion, she couldn’t afford to offend anyone.

Li Zhentai’s words were also very polite, and he said to her,

“I’m sorry for involving you, we will properly resolve this
matter.” However, although the words sounded polite, the
tone did not seem to have much sincerity.
Li Zhenruo felt that Li Zhentai somewhat despised Yu
Yu Bingwei didn’t care, she just nodded and walked towards
the door of the private room with her bag.
“Weiwei!” Li Zhenzi suddenly shouted. Li Zhenzi wanted to
chase, but even turning the wheelchair seemed difficult.

Yu Bingwei stopped and turned to look at him, “What is it

that Mr. Li want to say?”

h ll d b h d l l
Li Zhenzi really stopped Yu Bingwei but she seemed a little
annoyed. He finally said, “Shall I arrange for you to go out
to avoid it for a while?”
Yu Bingwei took a deep breath and replied, “Thank you, Mr.
Li, if you can.” She and Li Zhenzi had already broken up.
Although everyone thought that their relationship was
nothing more than a consensual sponsorship, only she knew
the feelings she had put into the relationship.
Li Zhenzi didn’t owe her anything, and she already got what
she wanted, so she couldn’t be too greedy, so she retreated
in time.
She believed that since she had broken it off, she should do
so cleanly and should not accept Li Zhenzi’s favors. But at
the same time, she didn’t want to be involved in Li Zhenzi’s
grievances with others. If she could avoid it at this time, it
would of course be the best for her.

At this point, Li Zhenzi did not pursue the matter further, he

only said, “I will let Su Yao help you arrange.”
Yu Bingwei nodded to thank him, her steps were still a little
hasty, she walked to the door and saw Li Zhenruo, nodded
politely, and then left without looking back.
Li Zhenruo kept looking at Yu Bingwei’s back and saw her
walking outside under the leadership of the waiter. When
he turned around, he noticed that Li Zhenran was looking at
He calmly walked back to Li Zhenran and sat down.
Li Zhentai didn’t pay attention to him, but frowned and said,
“How come he got stratched by a cat?”

As soon as this sentence was finished, except for Li

Zhenran, who was still staring at Li Zhenruo, the others on
the table looked at Li Zhenran at the same time.
Li Zhenran said, “What are you looking at me for?”

h d d d b
Li Zhentai wondered, “Did you bring your cat?”
Perhaps because Li Zhenruo was too intelligent as a cat,
now, whenever a cat was mentioned, the Li family would
always think of him first.
Moreover, Li Zhentai vaguely heard from You Bo’s
subordinates just now that it was a cat with yellow and
white fur. As for the breed, they didn’t know what kind of
cat it was, and You Bo was not familiar with it either.

They didn’t act too nervous, because no one would think

that a cat could be instructed to attack You Bo. They only
thought that the wild cat who ran in from nowhere was
going crazy and hurting people. What they were most
worried about was the cat itself, and what kind of disease
infected You Bo through the wound. As for pursuing
responsibility, it is natural to look for a restaurant owner.
But Li Zhentai didn’t know why, and suddenly thought
about whether Li Zhenran let his cat attack You Bo.
Li Zhenran laughed out loud, “Eldest brother, do you watch
too many movies or novels? My cat is normal cat, not a cat
demon. Did you think I bring it out today and let it lurk in
the dark, wait You Bo went to the toilet and scratched his
After Li Zhenran finished speaking, Li Zhentai also seemed
to think his thoughts were ridiculous, shook his head, and
said, “Anyway, I will go back and discuss this matter with
Li Zhenzi pursed his lips and said nothing.

Li Zhenran asked, “Is it Dad’s intention to make peace with

You Bo at such a high price?”
Li Zhentai said, “Dad has been in poor health recently, and
have already handed over this matter to me. You can rest
assured that a loan as big as a guarantee must also require
the signature of Dad, otherwise it will not pass.”

h d
Li Zhenzi said, “I am against it.”
Li Zhentai looked at him with a sneer and said nothing.
Li Zhenran said, “Then it will be a hard matter for you,
eldest brother.”

Li Zhenruo looked at Li Zhentai and couldn’t help touching

his paws.
Before they left the restaurant, Li Zhentai was going to the
bathroom, and he walked towards the corridor alone.
Li Zhenruo looked at his back and said, “I also want to go to
the bathroom.”
Li Zhenzi was in a wheelchair and was pushed by Su Yao.
When he heard that, he looked up at him, “Aren’t you
urinating frequently?”
Li Zhenruo naturally ignored him, squeezed his fingers, and
followed Li Zhentai to go there. Just two steps out, Li
Zhenran grabbed the collar and stopped him, and said, “Go

Others didn’t know what happened to You Bo just now, but

they couldn’t hide it from Li Zhenran.
Now that Li Zhenruo was going to follow Li Zhentai again
like previously, Li Zhenran didn’t even have to think about
it and knew what his plan was.
Li Zhenruo looked back at him inexplicably, not
understanding why he wanted to stop him, and said, “But I
want to go.”
Li Zhenran said with an expressionless face, “Hold it on,
and go back.”
Li Zhenruo opened his eyes wide and looked innocent,

h l d l h d d d
Li Zhenran leaned closer to his ear and said in a deep voice,
“I don’t allow you to let it out outside, save it all for me
when I get back.”
Li Zhenzi heard their conversation, looked at Li Zhenran
with a subtle expression, and couldn’t help but leaned to the
side and stayed away from them.
After they came out of the restaurant, Li Zhenran helped Su
Yao carry Li Zhenzi into the car, while Li Zhenruo put away
the wheelchair and put it in the back compartment.
When Li Zhenran put Li Zhenzi in the back seat of the car,
Li Zhenzi said in his ear, “Second brother’s taste is too
heavy, you can’t tell.”
Unexpectedly, Li Zhenran didn’t refute, but smiled at him,
straightened up, and closed the door.

After saying goodbye to Su Yao, the two returned to their

car. Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but ask strangely, “Why didn’t
you let me teach Li Zhentai a lesson?”
Li Zhenran said, “If the targeting is too strong, they will
suspect me.”
“Suspect you?” Li Zhenruo seemed amused, “Suspect you
have raised a cat to attack humans?”
Li Zhenran heard the words, reached out, and touched his
head, “Don’t worry, wait for Li Zhentai to get a little more
complacent, don’t rush to hit him now.”
Li Zhenruo folded his arms in front of his chest and
pondered for a moment. He then said, “Do you think Li
Zhentai and You Bo are in the same boat? I always feel that
there is something weird about it.”

Li Zhenran said while driving, “It’s good that it looks weird.

We all know that Li Zhentai is up to something, and now, he
finally revealed something to us. It’s not good to start with
him, so let’s start with You Bo.”

h h h b df l h h d
Li Zhenruo thought about it and felt that Li Zhentai and You
Bo must be calculating something together, but what was
strange to him was that there was clearly still Li Jianglin
behind Li Zhentai, and it was impossible for him to watch Li
Zhentai just sell Yunlin like this, right?
Li Zhenruo said, “Let’s go back and see Dad.”
Li Zhenran glanced at him, “Suddenly calling Dad again?”
Li Zhenruo said, “It’s not your dad or my dad anyway.
Whatever we call won’t be right, so it doesn’t matter what
you call him.”

Li Zhenran smiled and said, “You go, I’m not going.”

Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, he turned his head
and looked at Li Zhenran’s expression carefully, but he
couldn’t see anything from it. But when he thought about it,
Li Zhenran refused to see Li Jianglin because he cared
about the relationship between him and Li Jianglin.
When he thought of this, Li Zhenruo said, “It’s okay, I’ll go
by myself.”
That night, the Garfield, who had been away from Li’s house
for several days, slipped back alone. He was too familiar
with this place, and as a cat, he wasn’t afraid even if he was
caught by surveillance cameras when he climbed the wall.
He ran in from the corner along the grass in the yard,
stopped near Erhuang’s kennel, and ran towards Erhuang.
Erhuang was lying quietly in the nest and was about to fall
asleep. It suddenly heard a sound in the grass and stood up
all of a sudden, twitching its nose along with the wind and
smelling the smell, and then it found Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo rushed over and crashed into Er Huang’s arms,

Er Huang desperately flicked his tail and circled around

h h h h
The author has something to say:
Tomorrow is the National Day, I wish you all a happy

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Chapter 75
Erhuang couldn’t contain his excitement and kept touching
Li Zhenruo with his nose, licking the hair on his back.

And Li Zhenruo who hadn’t seen Erhuang for a long time

and kept rubbing Erhuang’s back and soft abdomen with
his face.
A dog and a cat had been making out in this secluded
corner for a long time, but no one in the Li family noticed.
When Li Zhenruo saw that it was almost time, he left
Erhuang and ran toward the villa.

However, Erhuang didn’t understand why he suddenly left,

and hurriedly followed behind his ass and ran there.
Li Zhenruo stopped, turned around, and raised a paw to
shake Erhuang.
Erhuang didn’t understand what it meant, because Li
Zhenruo was playing with it, so he crawled down, wagging
his tail to Li Zhenruo and happily barking.

Li Zhenruo was startled, but fortunately, Erhuang’s bark

didn’t alarm the people in the room.
He thought for a while, returned to Erhuang, put his paw
on Erhuang’s chest and stood upright, and put the other
paw on its forehead.
Usually, Zhu Kai would tame Erhuang from time to time.
This action means to let Erhuang stay where he was and
not follow him.
But there was a difference in how a cat did it after all,
Erhuang tilted his head and didn’t understand what he
Li Zhenruo turned around and continued to run forward,
but Erhuang was still following behind him, so he had to
stop again and do the same gesture to Erhuang.
When he did the same action for the third time, Er Huang
probably understood. It sat down on the spot, and its tail
swayed from side to side, but the swing was not that big.
Li Zhenruo saw Erhuang’s reluctant look and its eyes wet
under the light. Suddenly, he felt a little reluctant to part
with Erhuang.
But this time was different from before. Li Zhenruo couldn’t
take it away, he could only look at it again, then turned
around and went behind the villa.

Erhuang just sat there and looked at him.

It was not yet nine o’clock at night.
Li Zhenruo found that Li Jianglin was already lying on the
bed early in the morning, and Zhu Kai was also in his room.
He jumped up on the windowsill, hid behind the curtains,
took a peek at the probe, and quickly retracted his head.
Although he only glanced at it, he could see clearly that Li
Jianglin was lying on the bed and seemed to be a little sick,
while Zhu Kai was sitting on the edge of the bed, wantonly
raising one leg and resting it on Li Jianglin’s bed, the chair
beneath him tilted back restlessly.

Zhu Kai said, “Look at you, you are so sick that no son of
you is willing to stay by your side.”
Li Jianglin didn’t speak, but his breathing was a little
heavy, and it sounded like he was having trouble breathing.
Zhu Kai then said in his condescending tone, “So, what’s
the use of raising so many sons? If it’s not your own, then
it’s not your own. You just don’t have a son in this life to
see you off to the afterlife1here Zhu Kai meant that since
none of the sons are his actual son, no one would be willing
to stay besides him on his deathbed.”
Li Zhenruo was startled, then realized that Zhu Kai knew
about this from the beginning. He suddenly recalled that
when Zhu Kai had just finished making trouble at the
wedding of Li Zhentai and Wen Chun, he caught Zhu Kai on
the street, and Zhu Kai mysteriously told him that he knew
a secret about the Li family.

At that time, Li Zhenruo couldn’t figure out what secret

was worth mentioning so solemnly by Zhu Kai, but now he
thought he may understand.
Li Jianglin made a ragged gasp in his throat, and he said in
a hoarse voice, “Get out of here!”
Zhu Kai didn’t seem to care at all. He crossed his hands
behind his head and asked Li Jianglin, “What’s the point of
being angry, who is here to watch you when I went out?
You don’t want the nurse to come in to guard you, and your
son won’t come back.”
Li Jianglin didn’t speak this time, closing his eyes and
ignoring him.

Zhu Kai then sat alone by the bed and began to hum a song
out of tune.
There was a strangely calm atmosphere between the two.
Li Zhenruo hid outside the window, wondering how long
they would stay silent. He was thinking about whether he
should go back earlier and tell Li Zhenran that Li Jianglin
was very sick so that Li Zhenran could come back to see
To be honest, Li Zhenruo felt a little uncomfortable seeing
Li Jianglin like this. He was very conflicted since he felt
that he should hate Li Jianglin. Li Jianglin knew his identity
from the beginning, but he still abandoned him after he was
exposed by Li Zhentai and the others. He chose to sacrifice
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him to keep this secret, just like Li Zhenran thought, he
should hate Li Jianglin for being unfair to him.
But up to now, those strong emotions in the past seemed to
have faded away, he was neither too excited nor too sad,
even when he saw Li Jianglin lying on the bed, listening to
Zhu Kai’s cold words, he felt sympathy for Li Jianglin.

He took a deep breath, Li Zhenruo gently leaned the top of

her furry head against the glass window.
At this moment, in that originally quiet room, Li Zhenruo
suddenly heard Zhu Kai suddenly said a word for no
reason. He said, “Have you ever regretted, touching me
when I was a child?”
Li Zhenruo’s whole cat suddenly froze.
Then he heard Li Jianglin say, “I regret it. I haven’t stopped
regretting it for so many years. Just go out and leave me
Zhu Kai’s tone seemed indifferent, “I know, you treat me as
my mother. I was like her back then, but unfortunately, not
anymore, you must be disappointed.”

After the heavy breathing, Li Jianglin dragged his voice and

said, “I didn’t…”
Zhu Kai said, “You love and hate me because I’m Zhu Yun’s
son, but I’m not born to her and you, right?”
This time Li Jianglin didn’t speak.
“Haha,” Zhu Kai laughed loud for no reason, and the chair
under him made a noise.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t hold back his head to look and saw Zhu
Kai stand up. He helped Li Jianglin pull the quilt, then sat
beside the bed and patted his chest, “Go to sleep, you don’t
have to feel uncomfortable when you fall asleep.”

h h h h d d b b
In the past, it was not that Li Zhenruo had no doubts about
the relationship between Li Jianglin and Zhu Kai, mainly
because until now he did not know who took Li Jianglin’s
semen. At first, he suspected Yue Zijia, but later he denied
the idea and began to doubt Zhu Kai. He always persuaded
himself not to think of that aspect. After all, Li Jianglin still
kept the image as a father in his heart, but now after
listening to Zhu Kai’s words, He thought that some things
might be different from what he imagined, but they might
not be that far off.
Li Zhenruo was so shocked that for a moment he forgot
what he should do next, so he stayed on the window sill.
Then he heard that Li Zhentai came back.
When Li Zhentai came home, he must have come to visit Li
Jianglin who was sick, so Zhu Kai stood up and took the
initiative to go outside.
He greeted Li Zhentai at the door of the room, and after Li
Zhentai came in, he himself walked towards the kitchen to
pour water to drink.

Li Zhenruo secretly saw Li Zhentai closing the door, then

walked to Li Jianglin’s side, picked up the tissue next to
him, wiped Li Jianglin’s forehead, and whispered, “Dad.”
Li Jianglin nodded weakly.
Li Zhentai sat down beside the bed and said softly, “I went
to have dinner with You Bo today for the third child.”
Li Jianglin didn’t seem to want to speak, and after Li
Zhentai paused for a while, he said, “The mess is going to
be resolved quickly.”
“Well,” Li Zhentai replied, “After all, this matter is that the
third child offends others first. You Bo proposed a
cooperation plan with Yunlin. I think we can consider it,
and also show each other some sincerity, to resolve this
conflict of the third child.”

l l l l h l b
Li Jianglin was a little sleepy, “What plan? Don’t be
Li Zhentai said, “It is an acquisition plan, and I will not be
careless. I will give you a detailed plan when the time
Li Jianglin was silent for a while, and said, “The main thing
is that you have to pay attention.”
Li Zhentai took Li Jianglin’s hand and said, “Got it.”
He sat with Li Jianglin for a while longer before he stood up
and left the room.

Li Zhenruo had already recovered from the shock of

hearing the conversation between Zhu Kai and Li Jianglin
just now, and thought that if there was nothing fishy
between Li Zhentai and You Bo, he would not be a cat!
After Li Zhenzi offended You Bo, did they conspire
together, or was it Li Zhentai who set everything up from
beginning to end?
What was Li Zhentai want to do for him to take the
advantage of Li Zhenzi’s problem as a pretext and the
money of Yunlin? Could it be that Li Zhentai felt that Yunlin
was out of his hands, and while there was still a chance, he
colluded with outsiders to maliciously transfer Yunlin’s
But why?
Wait, Li Zhenruo suddenly thought, does Li Zhentai also
know that he is not Li Jianglin’s son?
Li Zhenruo raised one paw to cover his mouth, no longer
caring about those messy thoughts, and jumped off the
window sill.

When he went back, he took a taxi, but he had no money or

even a phone. He could only borrow a phone from the

k f h hb h d ll h d
gatekeeper of the neighbourhood to call Li Zhenran and
ask him to come down and pay.
While waiting for Li Zhenran, Li Zhenruo considered
whether to tell him about Li Jianglin and Zhu Kai.
After much deliberation, he finally decided not to. Now Li
Zhenran still had a thorn in his heart. If he were to known
about the ambiguous relationship between Li Jianglin and
Zhu Kai, he was afraid that the thorn will become a bone
and couldn’t be taken out.
Li Zhenran came out of the gate of the neighbourhood, paid
the driver the fare, and then took his cat home.
As they walked into the elevator, Li Zhenran suddenly
leaned over to Li Zhenruo’s neck and smelled it, and said,
“Why does it smell like a dog?”

Li Zhenruo subconsciously raised his hand and touched his

neck. He rubbed on Erhuang for a long time just now and
was licked by Erhuang. He didn’t think that his body was
really tainted with Erhuang’s smell.
Li Zhenran frowned.
Li Zhenruo said, “I was caught by Erhuang when I slipped
in, and it ran away with my back in my neck.”
Li Zhenran asked him, “Not seen by Zhu kai?”
Li Zhenruo said quickly, “No.”

Li Zhenran was not too happy, and disgustedly said, “Go

back to take a bath.”
Li Zhenruo had not enjoyed Li Zhenran’s help in bathing
him for a long time, perhaps because he disliked that he
was covered with Erhuang’s saliva, Li Zhenran took the
shower head himself to help him rinse. He sat in the
bathtub, lying comfortably on the edge of the bathtub with
the towel on his head, steamed by the steaming steam, and
he was casually in the cat form.
h ll d h ld d h
The cat was too small, and Li Zhenruo slid towards the
middle of the bathtub, but Li Zhenran reached out and
scooped it up, turned over, and started to flush his
When the water rushed to the lower body, Li Zhenruo felt
itchy and began to struggle fiercely.
After struggling for a long time, he rolled over and fell into
the bathtub, gasping for breath.

Li Zhenran felt that Li Zhenruo’s whole body was washed

clean, he put down the shower and plugged the stopper,
and started pouring water into the bathtub. Then he took
off his clothes and stepped in and sat down.
Li Zhenruo immediately turned into a young man with
slender legs and feet and sat next to Li Zhenran.
Soaking in the bathtub comfortably, Li Zhenran lowered his
head on Li Zhenruo’s neck and could only smelled the scent
of the shower gel. He touched Li Zhenruo’s smooth and
tender skin with satisfaction and asked, “What did you see
when you went back today?”
Li Zhenruo put the towel on his chest with water, grabbed
Li Zhenran’s hand and put it on his chest, and said, “Li
Jianglin is sick.”
Li Zhenran pressed her lips against Li Zhenruo’s shoulder
and rubbed lightly, “Sick and confused?”

Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but turn to look at him.

Li Zhenran continued, “Otherwise, how can Li Zhentai be
so bold?”
Li Zhenruo said, “It’s a serious illness, but I really don’t
know if he was just confused.” He didn’t think Li Jianglin
would be confused so easily.
Li Zhenran gently stroked his hair and cheeks.

h bb d h l b d l b k d
Li Zhenruo rubbed his palm obediently, “Go back and see
him.” He felt sorry for Li Jianglin.
Li Zhenran said, “No, I won’t go back now.”

Li Zhenruo raised his head to look at him, he felt that Li

Zhenran probably had a plan, and he had some guesses in
his heart, but he didn’t know if it was all right, so he simply
didn’t ask, turned over and straddled Li Zhenran’s lap,
hugging him kissed his face.
The temperature seemed to be rising.
Li Zhenruo was short of breath and felt that Li Zhenran was
stroking his waist with one hand. He was obviously a little
emotional. He leaned into Li Zhenran’s ear and said, “Do
you know where You Bo lives?”
Li Zhenran’s movements suddenly stopped, and his voice
was low, “Must you bring up that disgusting person at this

Li Zhenruo said in a low voice, “I want to go to his place to

check the evidence of his collusion with Li Zhentai, and see
if I can find some other leverage from him.”
Li Zhenran heard the words and said, “He has done a lot of
illegal business, and there must be a handle, but I don’t
know if you can find it.”
Li Zhenruo said, “How do you know you can’t find it if you
don’t look for it?”
Li Zhenran touched his face, “Don’t go, I will find someone
else to find a way.”
Li Zhenruo is now full of confidence in her transformation,
“It’s the most convenient for me to go.”

Li Zhenran just said, “Don’t fool around.”

h lb d h h ld l d
Li Zhenruo’s elbows propped on his shoulders, palms wiped
back wet hair, “I know.”
After saying that, he moved his waist and asked Li Zhenran,
“Why aren’t you moving?”
Li Zhenran leaned back and put his arms behind his head,
and said casually, “I’m not interested in thinking about You
Bo and Li Zhentai.”
“Don’t do this,” Li Zhenruo coaxed him, “Come on.”

Li Zhenran said, “Want it? Sit up and move by yourself.”

Chapter 76
You Bo had been staying at home since his face was injured
and hadn’t gone anywhere. The injury wasn’t serious, but it
was too bad that everyone who saw him asked if he was
scratched by a woman, and You Bo was very bothered
about this.

He found a few women to accompany him at home, and all

his work was handled in his study at home. Today, he
suddenly got tired of seeing a few women, and suddenly
remembered the little white face that he saw next to Li
Zhenran a few days ago. He didn’t even know Li Zhenruo’s
name, so he asked someone to find a beautiful boy for him.
You Bo used was already fierce-looking, but now with scars
added on his face, he looked even more fierce.

The boy closed his eyes tightly without saying a word on

the bed.
You Bo was upset and gave him a slap to open his eyes, and
slapped him if he dared to blink.
Later on, when You Bo was having enough fun, he turned
over and got off the boy and lay down and went to sleep in
a short while.

He didn’t know how long he had fallen asleep this time and
began to have nightmares repeatedly as if a large stone
was pressed on his chest, and he couldn’t even breathe
smoothly. You Bo struggled to wake up and saw that
something crouched on his chest in the dark, his eyes lit up
at him.
He widened his eyes in astonishment, and when he realized
that it was a cat, he couldn’t help screaming.

f ll k dh h d k k
You Bo wasn’t fully awake yet. He waved his hand to knock
out the cat squatting on his chest, but his arm missed, and
nothing was hit.
When he looked more closely, he saw that the cat on his
chest had disappeared, and only a sense of oppression
reminded him that there really seemed to be something
crouching there just now.

You Bo felt like he had a phobia of cats. He didn’t even dare

to get up to look for the cat. He just yelled and called his
people in. He said, “You guys give me a good search, is
there a cat hidden in this house.”
Several of the men looked at each other, thinking that
something was wrong with You Bo’s mind, and someone
said, “How could there be a cat? Did you have a
You Bo threw the pillow to the ground angrily, “I told you
to look for it! What are you talking about?”
A few people turned on the lights and searched every
corner of the room looking for the cat You Bo was talking
about, but they found nothing.

Someone walked to the window and opened the curtains,

saw a gap in the window, and asked, “Boss, did you keep
the window open at night? Did it run out of the window?”
You Bo himself didn’t know. He stretched out his hand and
pinched his forehead. He always felt that the cat was a bit
strange. Although it was very dark just now and he couldn’t
see clearly, he always felt that the cat was the one who
scratched his face last time. It appeared and disappears
He shuddered and said, “I want to change rooms!”
Although he changed rooms, You Bo still didn’t sleep well
that night. He had several nightmares one after another.
The most terrifying dream was that a cat squatted on the
d ll dl k d h h h
windowsill and looked at him. As soon as he sat up, the cat
immediately rushed over to his face, and he woke up.

A few days later, You Bo received a call from Li Zhenran

and asked him out to chat.
At first, You Bo didn’t care and planned to reject it outright.
Later, Li Zhenran said to him, “Do you not want that line of
smuggling cars in the South China Sea anymore?”
You Bo was taken aback and asked, “What did you say?”
Li Zhenran laughed, “Boss You, come out and talk.”

Li Jianglin’s condition improved slowly, and it seemed to be

getting worse.
Li Zhentai sat beside the bed and read to him one by one
the proposal for the acquisition of four furniture factories
that You Bo gave him.
Li Jianglin was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, his
lips were dry and peeling due to the fever, and his face was
abnormally flushed. No one knew whether he heard what Li
Zhentai said.
After Li Zhentai read everything, he put the plan aside and
said to Li Jianglin, “Dad, I think this cooperation project is
very valuable, what do you think?”

Li Jianglin opened his eyes weakly and glanced at him. Li

Zhentai put the guarantee contract in front of Li Jianglin
and handed him a pen, “Dad, this is the guarantee contract,
you should sign it first.”
Li Jianglin held the pen in his hand, but he didn’t move. Li
Zhentai sat beside the bed and put the water glass with the
straw in front of him and gave him a drink.
Then Li Zhentai said, “This is an investment, and it also
helped the third child solve the problem. When the
f l h h d h ld d d
cooperation is successful, the third child does not need to
hide in Tibet and can come back to visit you. I will also call
the second child back and let him know to not get mad at
you, okay?”
Li Jianglin blinked his eyes, seemingly unable to read the
specifics of the contract.

Li Zhentai said thoughtfully, “I’ll read it to you.”

Li Jianglin was probably bored, he shook his head, clenched
the pen tightly and signed his name at the end of the
contract with a trembling hand, then he closed his eyes and
lay back, the pen dropped to the ground.
Li Zhentai read the signature on the contract with
satisfaction, and said to Li Jianglin, “Dad, you have a good
rest. I will ask Dr. Liu to come and prescribe some fever
reducing medicine for you.”
After that, Li Zhentai took the contract and went out.
He walked outside the room and called the nurses and
doctors in to take care of Li Jianglin. He noticed that Zhu
Kai was sitting on the armrest of the sofa, looking down at
his phone.

Zhu Kai noticed Li Zhentai coming out, he raised his head

to look at him, saw the contract in his hand, and said,
“Succeeded in the deception? Congratulations?”
Li Zhentai didn’t hide it, and walked to Zhu Kai with a
smile, “Don’t you hate him? I’m taking revenge for you.”
Zhu Kai glanced at him inexplicably, “Who told you that I
hate him?”
Li Zhentai said, “If you didn’t hate him, why did you help
me get a blood sample for the paternity test between him
and the fourth child? You knew the consequences would be
devastating for him.”

h d h h d
Zhu Kai said, “Not wanting him to have a good time is not
the same as hating him. But you, now he has only one son
left by his side, and Yunlin is also handed over to you. Yet
you are still screwing your old man and your family’s own
stuff like this. Don’t you think there is something wrong
with your brain?”

Li Zhentai looked a little angry for a moment, “He hasn’t

made a will until this day, and who knows who will get
Yunlin in the end? Do you believe that he will give Yunlin to
me? He is waiting for the second child to change his mind!”
Yunlin’s largest share was tightly held in Li Jianglin’s
hands, and the three brothers didn’t have as many as Li
Jianglin combined. If Li Jianglin’s will had given all the
shares in his hands to Li Zhenran, this would really be the
last time Li Zhentai would be able to own Yunlin.
Zhu Kai suddenly stepped onto the sofa, hugged his knees
and asked Li Zhentai, “Is he going to die soon?”
When Li Zhentai heard the words, he softened his
expression and said, “What are you talking about, Dad will
live a long life.” After that, he picked up the coat hanging
behind the door, “I want to go back to the company and
prepare for tomorrow’s board of directors.”
Zhu Kai shrank beside the sofa and didn’t move. After Li
Zhentai opened the door and went out, he saw Wang Ma
standing in the dining room.

Wang Ma stared at them with tears coming out. Finally, she

hurried to the sofa to pick up the phone and called Li
Unfortunately, the phone didn’t get through, so she
hurriedly made another call, this time to her son.
While waiting for the call to be connected, she kept
muttering in a low voice, “You children, how can you do
this?” As she spoke, Zhu Kai saw tears falling from her
h l b d
The Yunlin board meeting.
Li Zhentai was in high spirits, stood in front of the full-
length mirror in the restroom in the office, and tidied up his

Outside, his assistant Gao Qi was helping him organize

today’s meeting materials.
The so-called You Bo’s company was basically a shell
company that Li Zhentai asked Yue Zijia to open with You
Bo in her name, intending to borrow funds from Yunlin’s
guarantee. If there was still enough time, Li Zhentai even
wanted to slowly scoop up Yunlin and filled it all into his
own company.
Until now, he believed that Li Jianglin would not leave
Yunlin’s matter to him. Instead of waiting apprehensively to
receive the verdict, it’s better to make a decision as soon as
possible and really plan for himself.
But things were easier than he had planned. He didn’t
expect Li Jianglin to be so ill that he had even skipped the
steps they had taken to dig out a perfect plan.
Li Zhentai took a deep breath and said to Gao Qi, “Prepare
for a meeting.” Then he walked towards the conference
room first.

Since he was now the acting chairman of the company, he

should be the last to arrive at the board meeting. The
secretary of the board of directors helped him open the
door of the conference room in the front. Li Zhentai walked
in with his head held high, but the first person he saw was
Li Zhenran sitting in the front row.
Li Zhentai’s footsteps stopped suddenly, “Second child?”
After speaking, he saw Li Zhenzi sitting beside Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenzi smiled at him, “Eldest brother.”
Li Zhentai looked at them as calmly as possible, “When did
you come back?”
h d l h d h
Li Zhenran waited until Li Zhentai sat down on the
chairman’s seat before saying, “The company’s board
meeting, as shareholders and directors, we should have
been present, shouldn’t we?”

Li Zhentai put his hands on the table and folded his fingers,
“Does Dad know?”
Li Zhenran laughed when he heard the words, “Of course
Dad knows, you think there is something about the
company that Dad doesn’t know.”
Li Zhentai’s expression suddenly changed slightly at this
At this time, Gao Qi also came in. He put the meeting
materials in front of Li Zhentai and said in a low voice, “You
can get ready to start.”
Li Zhentai suddenly felt a little confused. He opened the
information on the desktop, but he didn’t read a word after
reading it for a long time. He felt that there might be a
problem, otherwise, Li Zhenran and Li Zhenzi, who had not
shown up for a long time, should not appear here.

Although it was a so-called meeting of the board of

directors to pass a resolution, Li Jianglin held most of the
shares of Yunlin. To put it bluntly, Li Jianglin has the final
say in matters of Yunlin. Even the resolution of the board of
directors must be signed by him to take effect. Now that he
held the guarantee contract signed by Li Jianglin himself,
even if Li Zhenran and the others jumped out to object, it
would have no effect.
When he thought of this, Li Zhentai felt a little more at
Next to him, Li Zhenran reminded him, “Eldest brother, do
you want to announce the start of the meeting?”
Li Zhentai suddenly came back to his senses, raised his
head and said, “Today’s board of directors officially
They were still proceeding according to the original agenda
of the meeting, but Li Zhentai had been absent-minded.
The original smugness had now been decreased by seven or
eight points, and he was a little restless. He drank the tea
in the cup next to him, and then rudely interrupted the
meeting to ask the waiter to come in and pour him water.

When the last item was reached, Li Zhentai announced the

guaranteed investment plan made by Yunlin.
Li Zhenran didn’t listen to him, and asked, “How come it
wasn’t processed through the board of directors resolution
Li Zhentai said, “This is Dad’s plan. He gave it to me to do
it. The third child should know.”
Li Zhenzi lowered his gaze and did not speak.
Li Zhenran smiled and said in a calm manner, “Is that so?
Why don’t you ask dad?”

As soon as he said that, the door of the conference room

was opened from the outside. Hua Yibang pushed Li
Jianglin in with a wheelchair and walked slowly from the
Li Zhentai was stunned for a moment, he stood up slowly,
and shouted, “Dad?”
Li Jianglin’s face was still unhealthy and pale, but Li
Zhentai could see that his mind was very clear. He glanced
at Li Zhentai blankly but did not respond to him.
Hua Yibang had been pushing Li Jianglin next to the
chairman’s seat, and at the same time, someone came to
move Li Zhentai’s seat back to where he should be sitting.
Li Zhentai stared at Li Jianglin closely, breathing heavily.

l dd h h h h
Li Jianglin didn’t seem to have the strength to say more, he
said to Li Zhenran, “You can talk.”
Li Zhenran then stood up and took a file box from Su Yao
who came in behind Hua Yibang. He opened the file box,
took out some of the materials and threw them on the oval
conference table, saying, “Li Zhentai asked the chairman to
sign the guarantee contract, the name of the loan company
is Xin Sheng, and the registered shareholders of the
company are Yue Zijia and You Bo. Among them, this Miss
Yue Zijia, is the mistress of my eldest brother Li Zhentai.”
After he finished saying that, Li Zhenran took out two
photos and threw them on the desktop, both of which were
taken secretly when Li Zhentai and Yue Zijia were
described as intimate.
The other documents were the registration information of
the company Xin Sheng.
Li Zhenran said, “Xin Sheng was still a shell company, and
the loan secured by Yunlin will be its first fund. I asked You
Bo for the detailed plan, the funds will be used to acquire a
small amount of several failing furniture factories, not
surprisingly, Li Zhentai plans to resell these furniture
factories to Yunlin at a high price, so as to achieve the
malicious transfer of funds. “
Li Zhentai stood up all of a sudden, “Don’t make an
unfounded attack to wrong me!”

Li Zhenran took out a recording pen and threw it directly in

front of Li Zhentai, “Here is a recording of my conversation
with You Bo, want to hear it?”
Li Zhentai’s face was pale.
Li Zhenran said, “Should I show more evidence to prove the
relationship between you and Miss Yue?” At this point, he
suddenly leaned into Li Zhentai’s ear, lowered his voice and
said, “Maybe try to get a few videos of the bed scenes?”
Li Zhentai closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and when he
opened his eyes, all the people in the conference room
l k h h d d h
were looking at him. The surnamed Li and not the
surnamed Li were all from Yunlin’s power level. None of
them gloated and laughed, instead, they all looked
complicated, and he even saw a look of sympathy in some
people’s eyes.

He finally turned to Li Jianglin.

Li Jianglin had been silent since he handed over the right to
speak to Li Zhenran. When he saw Li Zhentai looking at
him, he slowly said, “From today, Li Zhentai will be
relieved of all positions in Yunlin.”
“Dad!” Li Zhentai shouted.
He began to panic and suddenly reached out to grab the
documents on the table. He said to Li Jianglin, “You signed
this contract yourself! I didn’t force you to do so.”
He seemed to know that he had lost his way back, so he
simply grasped the last straw, and did not hesitate to tear
his face with Li Jianglin.

Li Zhenran stood beside Li Zhentai and put a hand on his

shoulder, “Eldest brother, you should see what you have in
your hand.”
Li Zhentai was stunned for a while, and lowered his head to
turn over the documents, but did not find the contract, he
began to rummage through the documents and finally
raised his head to look at Gao Qi.
Gao Qi turned his face away silently at this moment.
Li Zhentai threw the things down heavily, turned to look at
Li Zhenran, and said, “You have already plotting against
me, and have been waiting for today, haven’t you?”
Li Zhenran said to him softly, “Not only I’m watching you,
but Dad is also watching you, do you know that Lao Tzu
said: If you want to get rid of something, you must first
allow it to flourish; If you want to take something, you must
first allow it to be given. Dad has read so many books, what
h h h l d h h d
is in his heart is much more complicated than what you and
I think.” After he said that, Li Zhenran patted Li Zhentai’s
shirt lightly and went back to his seat to sit down.

In the end, Li Jianglin just gently announced the end of the

meeting, and then asked Hua Yibang to push him out.
Li Zhentai stood there for a long time, then caught up and
shouted, “Dad, I was wrong!”
However, Li Jianglin didn’t pay any attention to him. He
was not feeling well, so he was sent back to the Li family

The author has something to say:

Before I know it, the National Day holiday is almost half
over, there is a faint sadness
Chapter 77
Li Zhenruo was sent back to the Li family by Li Zhenran
early in the morning, not in the appearance of a human
obviously, but in the appearance of a cat.

It could be seen that Wang Ma missed him very much, but

at this time, she was really not in the mood to hug him a lot,
and she just patted his head and placed him aside.
Zhu Kai was also at home. When Li Zhenran and the others
came to pick up Li Jianglin in the morning, Zhu Kai just
watched, but he didn’t say a word.

The few words he heard that night pieced together the

incomplete and complicated relationship between Zhu Kai
and Li Jianglin. He wouldn’t be able to know more unless
Zhu Kai himself was willing to speak up.
But after a while, Li Jianglin was sent back. He was directly
taken out of the car by Li Zhenran and sent back to the bed
in the room. The doctors and nurses also followed suit.
Their footsteps were messy, and Li Zhenruo was almost
stepped on. So he carefully stuck himself to the wall.
Later, Li Zhenzi and Li Zhentai also came back.

Li Zhentai was not allowed to enter Li Jianglin’s room. Li

Zhenruo squatted in the corner and saw that Li Zhentai
actually knelt down at the door of Li Jianglin.
Not only Li Zhenruo, but even Li Zhenzi and Zhu Kai were a
little surprised.
If he hadn’t hated Li Zhentai from the bottom of his heart,
Li Zhenruo would have wanted to praise him for his ability
to be so adaptable.

k h h h k h h
No one knew what Li Zhentai was thinking. In the past, he
was the one who always could not maintain his composure
the most. Now, he could only give up his pride and give up
his dignity and wanted to use this method to exchange for
Li Jianglin’s forgiveness.

Li Zhenzi was still leaning on crutches and sat on the sofa

with the help of Wang Ma, while Zhu Kai leaned against the
armrest of the sofa and looked at Li Zhentai without saying
a word.
Li Zhenran was in Li Jianglin’s room, came out after a while,
stood at the door looking down at Li Zhentai, and said, “Dad
said he doesn’t want to see you.”
Li Zhentai didn’t speak, didn’t even look up at him, just
kneeled like that.
Li Zhenruo squatted not far from him. He knew that this
was Li Zhentai’s bitter plan, and of course, he would not
feel sorry for Li Zhentai. But he felt that Li Jianglin was too
hard-hearted, and since Li Zhentai really wasn’t his
biological son, he could give him up mercilessly.

Just like how it was with him back then, did Li Jianglin also
drive him out of the house with this mentality?
In his heart, they were probably not as good as Zhu Kai, the
illegitimate son Zhu Yun gave birth to outside.
After Li Zhenran said this, he walked from the front of Li
Zhentai. He walked to the corner and picked up Li Zhenruo,
then walked to the sofa and sat down. He then said to Wang
Ma, “Prepare more meals today, we will all eat at home.”
The family had been deserted for a long time, and Wang Ma
had been looking forward to this day for a long time.
However, she did not expect that when the second and third
children came back, this kind of thing happened to the
eldest again. Wang Ma was in a complicated mood, but she
nodded and went to the kitchen to give some orders.

h l
It was quiet in the living room.
After a while, Li Zhenzi asked Li Zhenran, “Second brother,
do you want to move back?”
Li Zhenran replied, “Dad is not feeling well right now. Let’s
talk about some things later.”
As soon as the word left his mouth, the phone in Li
Zhentai’s pocket, who was kneeling on the ground,
suddenly rang.

This situation was actually a bit embarrassing. Li Zhentai’s

genuine remorse seemed to be interrupted by the ringing of
the phone. He reached out and took out his mobile phone,
glanced at the caller ID, and chose to answer the call.
They didn’t know what the other person on the phone was
At this moment, Li Zhentai suddenly stood up, and said, “I
see, I’ll go over now.” After he said that, he glanced at Li
Zhenran and the others, and hurriedly walked outside.
It was strange at this time. What was more important to Li
Zhentai than getting Li Jianglin’s forgiveness?

Li Zhenruo remembered something and looked up at Li

Zhenran, but Li Zhenran just reached out and scratched his
neck. So Li Zhenruo softened instantly and reluctantly gave
his belly to Li Zhenran for him to scratch it down.
After Li Zhentai left, he never came back.
After lunch, Li Jianglin called Li Zhenran and Li Zhenzi into
his room, and Li Zhenran took the cat in.
Li Jianglin didn’t seem to mind, and his mental state was
better than when he came back in the morning, but he still
looked weak. He asked them both to sit by his bed.

h f h l d h d d h
Li Zhenran first helped Li Zhenzi to sit down, and then sat
down on the chair beside the bed.
Li Zhenruo was lying in his arms, looking at Li Jianglin lying
on the bed. For some unknown reason, he suddenly felt that
the other party was telling his last words.
Li Jianglin said, “You know everything about your eldest
brother, didn’t you? I indulge him every day until now, but I
didn’t expect that he would really do some things.”
Neither Li Zhenran nor Li Zhenzi spoke.
“You—” Li Jianglin first looked at Li Zhenzi, “Look at you.”

Li Zhenzi lowered his head and said nothing.

Li Jianglin took a deep breath and said, “If you don’t
restrain your private life, you will kill yourself sooner or
later. You Bo is not a difficult thing to deal with. If you
change him to someone whose power is too powerful to be
shaken by our family, then you would only tie up the Li
family and die together.”
Li Zhenzi said softly, “Dad, I’m sorry.”
Li Jianglin sighed, “I don’t even know how long I can live.
You can take these words today as my last words.”
“Dad,” Li Zhenran said, “Don’t say that, you will recover
soon and live a long life.”

Li Jianglin didn’t answer his words, and just said, “I’ll tell
you some things, second child, Yunlin will be handed over to
you in the future.”
Li Zhenran’s expression was calm, and he gently stroked
the top of Li Zhenruo’s head with his palm.
Li Jianglin then said to Li Zhenzi, “Third child, I hope you
can help your second brother, and don’t stir too much
trouble. Yunlin and Yunyi are originally a family.”

h l d d d
Li Zhenzi replied, “I understand.”
Li Jianglin closed his eyes and rested for a while, then
continued, “As long as Zhentai doesn’t lose the shares of
Yunlin in his hands, he will have enough food and clothing
in this lifetime. He is your eldest brother after all, so don’t
drive him away and exterminate him.”

Neither Li Zhenran nor Li Zhenzi agreed with his words.

“As for Zhu Kai,” Li Jianglin looked a little dazed, “Yunlin
has nothing to do with him, I leave a property for him.”
Having said this, Li Jianglin paused, and then said, “Look at
you, if you don’t take him as a brother, you don’t have to
worry about him.”
Li Zhenzhi sniffed and asked, “Can we kick him out?”
Li Jianglin glared at him, “Have you considered me dead?”
Li Zhenzi apologized quickly, “No, Dad, don’t get me wrong,
I didn’t mean that.”

Li Zhenran said to Li Jianglin, “Dad, don’t think too much,

you will recover soon.”
A few days ago, Li Jianglin was not so much sick as he was
sick at heart. He was so angry with Li Zhentai that he could
not sleep peacefully all day and night, but he still endured
and watched Li Zhentai come to this point.
He could come forward to stop him, but he was unwilling to
do so. Li Zhentai, as Yunlin’s biggest unsettling factor, Li
Jianglin thought that he must remove it when he still had
the energy to spare. He couldn’t wait for this mess to drag
Yunlin down after he was gone and make Yunlin the victim
of the brothers’ struggle.
The fourth child being the first sacrificial lamb was hard
enough for him.
“Zhenran,” Li Jianglin suddenly called Li Zhenran’s name, “I
don’t have to ask about you and that boy, but Yunlin must
h h h f k f
have someone to inherit in the future, so you take care of
your own business.”

Li Zhenran gently scratched the soft hair under Li

Zhenruo’s neck with his fingers, “I know.”
Back in the room, Li Zhenran’s first thing was to open the
window to breathe.
He and Li Zhenruo hadn’t come back to live for a long time.
Although the room was cleaned every day, no one had lived
for a long time, and it felt like the room had lost a little
Li Zhenruo jumped on the windowsill and lay down, and
looked downstairs. The swimming pool was still sparkling,
and the blue water reflected the blue sky and white clouds.
He raised his paws and scratched his ears, suddenly feeling
a little unreal. Li Zhentai was kicked out of the Li family like
this, and Li Jianglin also accepted the relationship between
him and Li Zhenran, and then what?

Li Zhenran came out of the bathroom, and while loosening

his rolled up sleeves, he said, “Then, we are going to beat
the drowning dog1to pulverize an (already defeated)
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, wasn’t that the inner
monologue in his heart just now? Did he actually say all of it
out loud? Did Li Zhenran hear that?
Li Zhenran walked to the window and raised his round face
with one finger, “Until now, you still don’t know whether
the person who did it to you is Li Zhentai or not.”
Li Zhenruo looked outside, then checked if the door was
locked, then jumped to the bed and changed into a human
shape, sat cross-legged on the bed, and said, “Do you think
it’s Li Zhentai?”
Li Zhenran said, “I think so.”
Li Zhenruo did not speak.
Li Zhenran asked him, “Do you sympathize with him?”
Li Zhenruo shook his head, he did not sympathize with Li
Zhentai, but he did not hate him either.
The longer time passed, the more he felt like an outsider. As
if all the grudges and feuds had nothing to do with him.
He sat sullenly for a while and asked Li Zhenran, “Who
called Li Zhentai on that phone?”

Li Zhenran sat down beside him, “How do I know?”

Li Zhenruo looked at him, “Did Li Zhentai’s biological
parents find him?”
Li Zhenran did not answer his question.
Li Zhenruo thought for a while, “If he knew that he has
biological parents and that I am not Li Jianglin’s biological
son, do you think he will know that none of you is Li
Jianglin’s son?”
Li Zhenran reached out and pinched his nose, “He doesn’t
know. If he knows, he will not give up so easily.”

Li Zhenruo was a little dazed, “Then what exactly does he

know? And what is he planning?”
In the afternoon, Li Zhenran took a call and went out. Soon
after, Li Zhenzi also asked the driver to take him out. It was
estimated that they were going back to deal with the mess
that Li Zhentai left in Yunlin. The brothers did not come
back for two nights for dinner.
When Li Zhenruo was having dinner, he lay motionless on
the back of the sofa and stared at Zhu Kai.
After eating, Zhu Kai walked the dog and didn’t go far. He
just let Erhuang shit in the yard. Anyway, a gardener would
l h h d d h fb h
j g y y y g
clean it up. When he turned around, he saw a pair of bright
eyes looking through the window. He looked at him
carefully, only to find that it was Li Zhenran’s cat, what was
its name? Oh, dumplings.
After walking the dog, Zhu Kai went back to his room and
saw a note on the table, he picked it up and read it, it said:
Zhu Kai, a friend for more than 20 years, you were together
with Li Zhentai to harm me?

There was no signature, but Zhu Kai could see that it was Li
Zhenruo’s handwriting.
He turned around suddenly, the room was quiet and he was

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Chapter 78
Zhu Kai came out of the room, looked around, saw Wang
Ma in the living room, and asked, “Did anyone enter my
room just now?”

“Your room?” Wang Ma was burying her head and sorting

out the teacups on the coffee table in the living room. She
heard the words and looked at him, “No, who entered your
At this time, neither Li Zhenran nor Li Zhenzi had returned.
Besides him, there were only Wang Ma and Li Jianglin in
the family. No one should have entered his room.

Zhu Kai turned back and felt gloomy in the room for a
while, so he walked to the living room sofa and sat down,
raised his legs on the coffee table, and rubbed his fingers
against his lips, but he remembered the claim he had
received a long time ago. A phone call claiming to be from
Li Zhenruo.
At that time, he thought that someone was going to put Li
Zhentai in order and called him in the name of Li Zhenruo.
Although that person knew something that others didn’t, he
didn’t take it too seriously.
Right now, Li Zhentai was already like this, who was still
pretending to be Li Zhenruo to provoke him?

At this time, Wang Ma suddenly hit him on the thigh, “Can’t

you put your feet down? I just cleaned up the table!”
Zhu Kai hurriedly put his feet down and thought that it
must be impossible for Wang Ma and Li Jianglin. There
were still some workers in the family, but he didn’t know if
any of them have received money to do this kind of thing.
But the handwriting was very similar to Li Zhenruo’s.
Was there really a ghost in this world?

In the evening, Li Zhenruo was lying on the windowsill

waiting for Li Zhenran to come back.
In the evening, he deliberately left a note in Zhu Kai’s
room, the purpose was to intimidate Zhu Kai.
Li Zhenran didn’t go home for a long time. After a while, Li
Zhenruo heard the phone ring, ran over and pressed it with
his paw, and found that Li Zhenran had sent a text message
saying that he would not be able to return from overtime at
night, so that he didn’t have to wait for him to go to bed
It seemed that Li Zhenran was entangled in work matters.
As he thought of this, he couldn’t help but blame Li Zhentai
for leaving such a big mess and making others help him
clean up.

Li Zhenruo jumped back to the window sill and thought

that Li Zhenran would not come back anyway, he would
have more time to play with Zhu Kai.
That night, when Zhu Kai slept until midnight, he was
suddenly awakened by the sound of knocking on the
window. It was weird, like someone tapping a finger on the
glass, and it’s very rhythmic.
Zhu Kai got up from the bed, turned on the lamp at the
head of the bed, then got out of bed and walked to the
window and opened the curtains. Sure enough, it was pitch
black outside the window.
He opened the window and looked left and right and saw
nothing. He closed the window, and when he turned
around, he heard someone knocking on the window again.

Zhu Kai turned back quickly but still didn’t see anything.

h h ddl d h hh h
Li Zhenruo huddled in the corner, with his paws on his
chest, and his heart pounding. He thought that fortunately,
he was a cat, otherwise, it would be difficult for such a big
person to find Zhu Kai’s blind spot and hide.
Zhu Kai stood silently for a while and suddenly returned to
the window to reach out and open the window, and in one
swoop tumbled out of the room. The room was on the first
floor, he jumped out and landed in the grass, stood up, and
looked left and right.
When Li Zhenruo heard the sound of him opening the
window, he quickly jumped up to a big tree next to him. At
this time, he hid behind the shade and looked at Zhu Kai.
He thought that he was fortunate enough to react quickly
enough, or this time he really wouldn’t have a good place to

Zhu Kai didn’t find any suspicious person, so he couldn’t

help but walk a few steps forward with his slippers.
In the middle of the night, the back garden of Li’s house
was very quiet. There was a tennis court in front of it, with
grass and trees on both sides. The weather was cold, and
even the sound of insects couldn’t be heard. The entire
building behind him and all other windows were dark
except for his room.
Li Zhenruo was lying on the tree, watching Zhu Kai walking
towards the back, and suddenly had an idea.
He thought since he had the ability to use spiritual power
to disguise a suit, was there any way to use spiritual power
to change his appearance? He raised his claws and tried to
wrap them with spiritual power, turning the original yellow
and white colour into black.

It was just an attempt, but Li Zhenruo was surprised to find

that he succeeded.
The black fluff instantly covered his whole body. He looked
down and saw that his nose and mouth had also turned
bl k h h d h l l l d bl k
black. When he stood up, he was completely a slender black
cat. The only thing wrong is that the nose still seems to be
very flat. He raised his paws and touched his face, and
found that his face was still very round, which didn’t seem
to match the image of a beautiful black cat he imagined.
It’s a pity that he couldn’t look in the mirror here, but it
didn’t matter, as long as Zhu Kai doesn’t recognize him.
Zhu Kai moved forward cautiously in the dark.

There were streetlights near the villa just now, but there
were no lights in this area, and there were infrared
cameras and alarms on the outer walls farther away.
He didn’t believe that there were ghosts in this world, and
all the things that science couldn’t explain were just
because science had not developed enough to perfection,
so instead of going back and lying down and waiting
restlessly, it was better to go and find out what was going
on in the middle of the night.
The surroundings were quiet and only the sound of his own
footsteps could be heard. Suddenly, Zhu Kai saw something
running quickly in the dark. He subconsciously chased after
it for two steps, and then something jumped on the back of
his head from behind.
This time the force was not too light. Zhu Kai was originally
thin, but he didn’t expect that he was slammed into the tree
next to him and knocked unconscious.
Li Zhenruo watched Zhu Kai’s body fall softly, and couldn’t
help but be stunned for a moment and quickly turned into a
human figure and reached out to catch him. He always
knew that Zhu Kai was an embroidered pillow, but he really
didn’t expect him to be so useless. If he knew, wouldn’t
there be a need to painstakingly become a black cat to hide
his identity?

Zhu Kai was later woken up by the splash of water. He

slowly opened his eyes, and after a while, he realized that
h d h bl k l h dh h d d
he was covered with a black cloth and his hands were tied
behind him to a big tree.
“Who?” Zhu Kai asked in a low voice.
Someone leaned into his ear and whispered, “I’m Li
The voice was so soft that he almost spoke in an airy tone.
Zhu Kai couldn’t tell who it was for a while, he just sneered
and said, “You are Li Zhenruo? Li Zhenruo died a long time
ago, you crawled out of the ground?”
Zhu Kai didn’t believe that this was Li Zhenruo. If it was a
ghost, why bother to help him tie it up to cover his eyes?
Although he couldn’t see it, he believed that he should be in
the woods behind Li’s house. There were surveillance
cameras all around, and no one should be able to move him
out without anyone knowing it.

He even believed that this person was someone from the Li

family. He said, “Believe it or not, someone will come soon
after I yell.”
Li Zhenruo leaned into his ear and said, “I believe you. Just
scream, but no one can see me, and I will continue to come
to you tomorrow night.”
Zhu Kai was silent, and said after a while, “Okay, you are Li
Zhenruo, what are you doing?”
Li Zhenruo said, “We have been friends for so many years.
Before, I have been scolded by my father in the past to help
you. Why do you want to harm me?”
Zhu Kai laughed, “Blame your father.”

Li Zhenruo was not angry, he stretched out a hand and

touched Zhu Kai’s chest, slowly touching down with some
ambiguous action, and when he touched the lower
abdomen, he asked Zhu Kai, “Did my Dad touch you like
h dd l d ld k h d
Zhu Kai’s voice suddenly turned cold, “Take your hand
Li Zhenruo took his hand away obediently, leaned into his
ear and asked in a low voice, “Have you been f/cked by
him? You’re hiding deep enough, I didn’t even see it after
all those years.”
“No!” Zhu Kai said, “Are you Li Zhenruo? You think of your
father like this?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I know you’re doubting me, but I know
more than you think, do you want to hear it?”

Zhu Kai didn’t answer. After being quiet for a while, he

said, “Sometimes, I think the way you talk is indeed very
much like Li Zhenruo.”
Li Zhenruo reached out and touched his face, “Yes, as I
said, we’ve been friends for so many years and we are too
familiar with each other.”
Zhu Kai turned his head hard and threw off his hand.
Li Zhenruo didn’t reluctantly, retracted his hand and
continued, “For the paternity test, are you the one who
obtained Li Jianglin’s semen?”
Zhu Kai said, “What if you know this?”

Li Zhenruo slipped his hand against his lower abdomen, “I

just want to know, otherwise I will not be reconciled and
will entangle you. In fact, there is nothing to hide. You
asked Aunt Wu to steal the bloody tissue from my room,
took my dad’s semen and handed it over to Li Zhentai. Li
Zhentai then asked Yue Zijia to send it for a paternity test,
and then put the test results in Li Jianglin’s office for Li
Jianglin to see.”
Zhu Kai felt Li Zhenruo’s hands wandering around him. He
got goosebumps and said irritably, “Don’t you know
everything? What else do you want to ask?”
h h k dh h h f d
“Why?” Li Zhenruo asked him, “I thought we were friends.”
Zhu Kai sneered when he heard this, “How much is a friend
Li Zhenruo said, “Okay, it’s not worth much, but why is it
me, not Li Zhentai? There is something you should know,
right? In fact, Li Jianglin is unable to have a child, and he
has no real son.”

Zhu Kai didn’t answer, just smiled to show that he knew.

Li Zhenruo asked him, “Why did you choose me? Not
someone else?”
Zhu Kai tilted his head slightly in his direction, “I didn’t
choose you, someone chose you. Do you know where the
photos from Li Zhentai came from?”
What he meant was the photo of Li Zhenruo’s mother and
his biological father.
Li Zhenruo knew the existence of the photo and always
thought that Li Zhentai got the photo by accident. Now that
he thought about it, he really didn’t investigate how Li
Zhentai got the photo.

Zhu Kai said, “What else do you know? Want to know

something? Let me tell you, Li Jianglin has never had sex
with me. I remember when I was a child, I fell asleep
several times and woke up, feeling him watching by the bed
and touched me. At that time, I was very scared, and I
couldn’t sleep well every night for a while. Do you think I
should not hate him?”
Li Zhenruo did not answer his words.
Zhu Kai continued, “Later I found out about the photo, and
Li Zhentai began to doubt your identity, so I found him and
said to help him collect the materials for the paternity test,
but he had to have someone to do the test, and he agreed. I
got Li Jianglin’s semen, and I gave him oral sex. He was
h d l h
happy, angry, and guilty. He even went to cry at Zhu Yun’s
photo, are you interested? Want to hear the details?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I’m not interested.”
Zhu Kai smiled, “Also, I didn’t participate in the plan to kill
you, the one who killed you was Li Zhentai.”

Li Zhenruo shook his head, “I don’t understand, I’m no

longer a threat to him, why would he still want to kill me?”
Zhu Kai said, “After you were kicked out of the house, your
father was very angry. At that time, he put down his words
in front of the three brothers and told them whoever was
behind the scenes, that he should pack up and get out of
the Li family with you.”
Li Zhenruo said softly, “Because I wanted to try my best to
find out the truth, so Li Zhentai was afraid that Li Jianglin
was really angry about this, so he asked someone to kill
Zhu Kai said, “Maybe. After you died, your father really
didn’t continue to investigate. He suddenly became
disheartened and felt that sacrificing one of you was
enough, and he didn’t want to continue to involve all the
remaining sons.”
Li Zhenruo leaned against the tree next to him and raised
his head to look at the darkness where he could not see

Zhu Kai suddenly said at this moment, “Well, now it’s my

turn to guess your identity?”
Li Zhenruo looked at him.
Zhu Kai smiled, “You are the boy next to Li Zhenran, right?
With the same name as Li Zhenruo, Jason?”
Li Zhenruo neither admitted nor denied it, and now he was
not too afraid of Zhu Kai guessing his identity anyway. They
both knew so many unspeakable secrets about each other.
h d h l l b f h f
Zhu Kai said, “You have a little bit of Li Zhenran’s perfume
on you, it’s very light, but I can smell it. Your hands are
very tender and your voice is very young. If you listen
carefully, you can still guess it, right?”

Li Zhenruo laughed when he heard the words, and did not

answer Zhu Kai’s words, but walked slowly outside.
Whoever Zhu Kai called, no one could catch him anyway.
Chapter 79
Zhu Kai was discovered by the family gardener the next

He was completely cold at the time, but fortunately, his

hands were not tied too tight, so there was no poor blood
Wang Ma was taken aback and asked him what happened,
but he refused to tell him. He only said that Li Jianglin was
not in good health, so no need to alarm him. At that time, Li
Zhenran and Li Zhenzi didn’t come back. There were a lot
of rumours among the workers at home. Some people said
that Zhu Kai had tied himself up since he was already a

Li Zhenruo thought he would call someone out loud, but he

didn’t expect Zhu Kai to hold out all night.
The next morning, while holding a tissue to wipe his nose,
Zhu Kai searched Li’s house up and down and even opened
the door of Li Jianglin’s room to find him.
Li Jianglin had just eaten breakfast and opened his eyes to
look at him, “What are you doing?”

Zhu Kai sucked his snot and said, “I’m going to find
something, you can just sleep.” After that, he squatted
beside Li Jianglin’s side, picked up his sheets and looked,
but he still couldn’t find anyone.
This morning, he asked the doorman to make sure that no
one came in or out, not even the car, so he began to
rummage the Li family up and down, trying to find
He even asked the cleaning aunt to open all the locked
rooms for him to see. After rummaging through every
h h h
corner, he was sure that no one was at home.
Then he went to the surveillance at the guard’s office,
checked the surveillance while eating breakfast, and made
sure that no one had been in or out of Li’s house that night.

Zhu Kai was inexplicable, where did that kid slip away last
Then he began to look at every worker in the Li family with
scrutiny, doubting whether there was such a thing as a
disguise in this world.
Li Zhenruo lay lazily on the armrest of the sofa and didn’t
want to move. He was just wondering why Li Zhenran didn’t
come back.
He already knew what he had learned from Zhu Kai last
night, but he just wanted to confirm it. When he really
heard Zhu Kai say that, he still felt a little uncomfortable,
and he didn’t sleep well last night, and the whole cat was
not in good spirits today.

Li Zhenruo yawned.
He saw Zhu Kai dangling in front of him with his red nose
all morning. He knew what Zhu Kai was thinking, but it was
very interesting that even if Zhu Kai suspected that there
were really ghosts in this world, he would not suspect him
as a cat.
This identity was so convenient.
He yawned again, rolled over on his side and accidentally
fell off the back of the sofa chair. He didn’t bother to get up
when he landed on the carpet, so he continued to lie on his

It was almost noon when Wang Ma answered a call, which

sounded like a call from Li Zhenran.

h f h d f
Li Zhenruo got up from the ground, ran to Wang Ma’s feet
and raised his head to look at her and “meow meow” to her.
Wang Ma nodded “ey ey” and looked at Li Zhenruo to make
him quiet. After hanging up the phone, Wang Ma told him,
“Your master won’t be back for dinner at noon. There are
too many things on his side. He may have to work overtime
for a few days. He told you to wait at home.”
Li Zhenruo was a little discouraged all of a sudden, he knew
that Li Zhenran must be unable to get away from work now.
Maybe it was possible to work overtime for a few days, but
it was really uncomfortable for him to do nothing and just
wait at home.

So after lunch, Li Zhenruo slipped away as if he smeared

the sole of his feet with oil.
Li Zhenran was really busy these two days, and even Li
Zhenzi added two days of overtime. Later, he couldn’t bear
it and cursed loudly in the office.
When Li Zhenruo entered the office, Li Zhenran didn’t lift
his head and thought it was Hua Yibang who came in.
Until Li Zhenruo sat down on his desk, took off his shoes
and straightened his legs and stepped on his shoulders.

Li Zhenran raised his head and smiled at him, “Don’t make

Li Zhenruo saw a large pile of documents on Li Zhenran’s
desk, and the coffee cup next to him was empty. He was
dressed neatly, but his face was a little tired, and with his
foot on top of him, “So hard?”
Li Zhenran grabbed his feet and said, “Not that bad. If I
want to take over again, I have to sort out the mess. These
people can’t help me, and I don’t feel at ease.”
Li Zhenruo slipped his feet down and stepped on Li
Zhenran’s chest.
Li Zhenran asked, “What? The estrus season is coming
Li Zhenruo didn’t take back his feet, but just said, “Let me
help you.”
He accompanied Li Zhenran to read the documents all
afternoon. Li Zhenruo sorted out the one about the western
project and explained the key points to him directly so that
he would not spend time reading it again.
Later, Li Zhenran turned his head and saw that Li Zhenruo
fell asleep beside the desk.
He put down the documents in his hand, walked over and
carried Li Zhenruo.

On the way, Li Zhenruo woke up and looked at him blankly,

“You’re done?”
Li Zhenran put him on the bed in the lounge and said, “You
can sleep for a while, and I’ll call you for dinner later.”
“Okay,” Li Zhenruo responded, pulling the quilt over him.
Li Zhenran walked outside, and when he reached out to
close the door, his cell phone suddenly rang. He took out his
cell phone and connected the call, then went back to the
desk and sat down.
Li Zhenruo was a little more awake at this time, and he
heard Li Zhenran say, “He went to see those two people?”

He was stunned for a moment, Li Zhenruo sat up from the

Li Zhenran continued, “Keep an eye on him, especially find
someone to keep up with the couple and see if there is a
way to hide a locator on them. Don’t be discovered.”

h fb d d h l d d
Li Zhenruo got out of bed, opened the lounge door and
walked out.
Li Zhenran was still on the phone, he turned his head to
look at him, and said to the person on the other side of the
phone, “Keep an eye on them. If the situation is not right—
call the police.”
When Li Zhenran hung up the phone, Li Zhenruo asked him,
“Is it about Li Zhentai?”

Li Zhenran raised a long leg, turned the swivel chair to face

Li Zhenruo, and said, “His biological parents have found
Li Zhenruo was stunned and asked Li Zhenran, “What do
you mean by calling the police?”
Li Zhenran frowned slightly, “I’m just a little worried all of a
“What do you mean?”
Li Zhenran said, “In the end, we don’t know how much Li
Zhentai knows about this matter. We didn’t know if he still
thinks that he is Li Jianglin’s own son, or not. So with his
ruthlessness, it was very likely that he will be ruthless to his
biological parents. “

Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but say, “Do you think it’s

Li Zhenran said softly, “I don’t know, but I led the couple to
find Li Zhentai. I can’t see what happened to them, so I told
people to keep an eye on them.”
Li Zhenruo thought about it and said, “Where are they?”
Li Zhenran stood up, “What do you want to do?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I want to go and see them.”

h kh d d d h b
Li Zhenran took his arm and said, “No need to rush, be a
good boy, and listen to me.”
They left the work behind for the time being. Li Zhenran
drove a car himself and hurried away with Li Zhenruo.
On the way, he answered a phone call and the one who
handle told him that Li Zhentai took the old couple away.
“Taken away?” Li Zhenran asked, “Where to?”
The person on the other side of the phone said, “The
direction is towards the outskirts of the city. Just now, in
the city, we were stopped by a red light and they got lost,
but the locator was still in the old lady’s cloth pocket, and
now it shows that it is still moving.”

Li Zhenran said, “Call the police and give me the address.”

Li Zhenruo was a little worried, “Li Zhentai won’t be serious
about killing to silence them, right?”
Li Zhenran replied, “You forgot how he treated you in the
first place?”
Li Zhenruo suddenly smiled bitterly, “Actually, I also want
to help him find an excuse to prove that he is not such a
heartless person. If he really did such a thing, I would not
pity him, but just pity myself.”
When he heard him say this, Li Zhenran took him by the
shoulders, pulled him over, and kissed his forehead.

When they arrived at the destination, Li Zhenran and Li

Zhenruo got off the car.
This was a pretty desolate weedy area on the outskirts of
the city, and you could see a large area of hills in front of it,
and there were several small two-story buildings erected
here and there.
A black car was parked next to it, and two people got down
and said, “Mr. Li, Li Zhentai led someone to drive the two
ld l h ll f h l d ll d h
old people into the villa in front. We have already called the
police, and said that someone was kidnapped.”
Li Zhenran didn’t speak.
So another person asked, “Want to go in and have a look?”

Li Zhenran said, “Don’t go in if you’ve already called the

Li Zhenruo suddenly said at this time, “I’ll go take a look.”
After he said that, he turned and ran towards the villa.
Li Zhenran’s two subordinates were stunned for a moment,
hurriedly trying to stop him, but Li Zhenran said, “It doesn’t
matter, let him go.”
Li Zhenruo turned into a cat in a corner that no one could
see, then ran towards the two-story building, jumped up the
window with ease, and looked towards the facade.

He was in the kitchen where no one could see or notice him

as a cat.
For safety, he first disguised himself as a black cat.
Today, he could see his reflection in the glass window.
Although at first glance, he looked like a sturdy black cat at
first glance, his face was still round and flat, and he was not
at all as imposing and handsome as his master.
With some dissatisfaction, Li Zhenruo ran inside.
His movements were silent as he walked into this empty
two-story building. Before he entered the living room, he
stopped because he saw the old couple, Li Zhentai’s
biological parents, sitting on the sofa in the living room.

In addition to them in the living room, there was a young

man sitting across from him smoking a cigarette.
h h b d d f l k d d h k
The husband and wife looked nervous, and neither spoke.
They just sat on the sofa, and the woman held a non-woven
bag in her hand, which looked tattered and torn.
Li Zhenruo then turned and ran towards the stairs.
He went up to the second floor and heard voices coming
from a room, so he got closer to eavesdrop.
Among them, Li Zhentai’s voice could be clearly
distinguished, and he said, “Send the two of them away.”
Another young man’s voice, “Where to?”

Li Zhentai said, “Send them to a place where they will never

come back.”
“Tai ge, where can they be sent that they can’t come back?
Apart from sending them to hell, I can’t guarantee that they
won’t come back.”
Li Zhentai did not speak.
The young man lowered his voice, “Tai ge, what are you
afraid of? It’s not the first time anyway.”

Li Zhenruo raised his head in shock. After he heard this

sentence, he suddenly became curious about the identity of
the young man. He couldn’t help leaning against the wall
and slowly approaching the door, sticking his head out to
He saw Li Zhentai sitting on a chair in the room, and a man
standing beside him, tall and thin, wearing a peaked cap.
He had clearly seen this man. It was this man who suddenly
stopped him and asked him, “Are you Li Zhenruo?”
Li Zhenruo raised his head inexplicably, “Who are you?”
The man smiled, covered his mouth with one hand, and
stabbed his lower abdomen with a knife with the other.
And now, this man was standing beside Li Zhentai and was
negotiating with him to send Li Zhentai’s biological parents
to hell.
Li Zhentai didn’t agree but didn’t refuse, he just said, “I
can’t be here.”
Unlike Li Zhenruo, if the couple died here, the police would
definitely be able to find a lead to Li Zhentai.
The man said, “Let’s go to other places before we do it. It’s
better to be in the deep mountains and old forests to deal
with the corpses.”
Li Zhentai still did not respond.

At this moment, the man said “It’s just, Tai ge. For such a
dangerous thing, you should settle our account first.”
Li Zhentai looked up at him, “How much do you want?”
The man said, “Not much, two million.”
Li Zhentai sneered, “Do you think I will owe you two
The man said, “That’s hard to say. Who doesn’t know that
your eldest young master of the Li family is different now?”

Li Zhentai’s face would not look good, he said, “I—”

“Who?” The man interrupted him and roared suddenly. It
turned out that he had inadvertently noticed the black cat
hiding by the door and peeking inside, and immediately
walked over.

The author has something to say:

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I meant the last day of the
holiday. If it was the last day left for the article to finish,
then I would have said: Yay! It’s the last day!
Support the author by buying author other works and/or
giving some jades here~
(note that there are several guides to maneuver in gongzicp
or you can just google translate the page. Payment can be
made with Apple pay method)

We now finally have a discord server for those who want to

receive an update ping and various announcements~
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Check out bean’s new novel here!
and her original novel about a sly cute dragon here~
Check out the other hoeni’s work here~
Check out the angst novel I co-tl with my friend here~
And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

Also leave some ratings if you like this series here~

Chapter 80
When he knew that he had been seen, Li Zhenruo’s first
reaction was to turn around and run, and thought: It’s a bad
thing to have a big face!

He ran towards the window at the end of the corridor, and

after jumping on the window, he realized that the man
hadn’t caught up, so he turned to look, and saw the man
standing at the door watching him stop moving.
The man was born out of the sensitivity of outlaws. When he
saw movement outside, his first reaction was that there was
someone. When he really chased him out, he found that it
was a cat and there was no one else.

Li Zhenruo stared at him for a moment, then made a

pretentious “meow”.
The man looked at him for a while, then turned and went
back to the room.
Li Zhentai asked, “What?”

The man said, “It’s nothing, just a cat.”

“Cat?” For some reason, Li Zhentai seemed to be too
sensitive to cats. So he stood up and walked outside.
When Li Zhenruo heard the movement, he wondered if she
should avoid it, but then he thought it would be better for Li
Zhentai to see him. His black fur shouldn’t make him
suspect anything.
It was just that after Li Zhentai came out, he still turned his
face away with a guilty conscience and did not let him see

h bl k h d ll d
Li Zhentai saw a black cat squatting on the window sill, and
felt a little relieved. However, then he felt that he was too
cranky, turned back to the room, and said, “Anyway, get
them away first, you also know that now I have some
problems with the family. I can not let them go in to stir
“Family?” The man snorted coldly, “The two downstairs are
your family, right?”
Li Zhentai said irritably, “Cut the crap!”
The man said, “Okay, get another car. I’ll take them away
first, and I’ll contact you later for other matters.”

Li Zhentai replied, “Okay, I’ll call someone to drive over

Afterwards, Li Zhentai made a phone call and asked
someone to drive a car over.
After he finished the call, the man went downstairs first.
Li Zhenruo hid behind the door of an open room next to
him. He hesitated about whether to follow the man
downstairs, but he heard Li Zhentai’s light footsteps and
walked to the stairs, and looked down.

Then Li Zhenruo heard that Li Zhentai started to call, and

the voice was very low. If it wasn’t for his cat’s hearing, he
would not be able to hear clearly.
Li Zhentai said to the person on the phone, “Give me the car
you drove here and do something on the brakes,” His voice
was very nervous, almost trembling, and then he said, “No,
the brakes won’t work. It’s better to put a time bomb.”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t hear what the person over the phone
But Li Zhentai quickly said in a low and anxious voice, “Why
not? As long as you have money, what can’t you do? I’ve
given you time, you can come over tonight! You’ll call later
d h b k d h h h h
and say the car is broken, and that you have to change the
car again, and then just get stuck on the road!”

Li Zhenruo was stunned for a while, he didn’t expect Li

Zhentai to be so ruthless, even the people who worked for
him were not spared.
Li Zhentai’s breathing sounded fast and heavy, and he said,
“No matter what method, I want all the people in that car to
die, you do it!”
He hung up the phone, stood against the wall for a while to
regain his breath, and then slowly walked downstairs.
The couple who were sitting on the sofa stood up as soon as
they saw him, their eyes panicked.

Li Zhentai was expressionless and said, “I think you are

mistaken, I am not the person you are talking about.”
The husband and wife suddenly became nervous, and the
old lady said, “Really, we—”
“Stop talking!” Li Zhentai interrupted her, “I’ve already
called a car, and I’ll send you off tonight and go back to
your hometown. There’s no need to say anything!”
Li Zhentai stared at them fiercely. When the old lady was
about to speak, she was pulled by her husband. The
husband and wife looked at each other and fell silent.

Li Zhenruo hid at the corner of the stairs and looked at

He saw the disappointment and pain in the eyes of the
couple. It was just that they chose to abandon this son back
then, and now that he’s grown up, they want to come and
ask for the son’s recognition after not seeing him for 30

h f d h d h f ll
Li Zhentai refused to accept them and Li Zhenruo fully
understood it, but if he wanted to kill them, he could only
say that Li Zhentai was too cruel.
Two other men in the room sat on the sofa next to each
other, smoked a cigarette and talked in a low voice.
First, he said some unrelated things, and then the tall and
thin man who had been talking with Li Zhentai upstairs for
a long time asked, “Why hasn’t he come yet?”

Li Zhentai frowned slightly, “I’ll call and ask.”

He just stood up and gestured to take out his mobile phone,
when there was a knock on the door outside.
The man got up and said, “Oh? The car is coming?”
Li Zhentai changed his face, it stood to reason that the car
could not come at this time.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help sticking his head out, and
wondered if the police were here already. Then he thought
again, oh no, Li Zhenran didn’t know that Li Zhentai didn’t
plan to do it now, and he didn’t split up with the old couple
yet. Even if the police came at this time, it would have no

Sure enough, Li Zhentai walked over to open the door and

saw a policeman in a police uniform standing outside. He
asked, “What are you doing?”
Li Zhentai was still calm, and he asked, “Officer? What can I
do for you?”
The policeman said, “Someone called the police and said
there was a kidnapping here.”
When he heard of this, Li Zhentai frowned in surprise,
turned his head and looked inside, “Anyone of you called
the police?”

h h d d h l d
The two men in the room responded with a lazy attitude,
“Who called the police?”

The policeman looked at the couple, and the two of them

looked out of place with the others, so they asked, “Are you
all right?”
The couple looked at each other and shook their heads.
The policeman frowned in displeasure and said that
someone had called the police indiscriminately and wanted
to register the information of the people in the house.
Li Zhentai said with a smile, “Officer, it’s really a
misunderstanding, maybe it’s a nearby building, some of
our brothers brought their elders to take a vacation, where
did the kidnapping come from?”
Afterwards, he handed the police a cigarette and whispered
for a while before coaxing the police officer away.

When the police left, Li Zhentai changed his face when he

slammed the door shut. He tried his best not to lose his
temper with the two old people, but asked the young man
sitting on the sofa, “Why would anyone call the police?”
The man said, “How should I know?”
Li Zhentai said, “Someone is watching us!”
The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt,
“Let’s go, we need to change places!”
At this time, the old couple began to realize that something
was wrong.

The old lady clutched her husband’s hand tightly, looking

uneasy, the old man asked Li Zhentai, “Where are we

h d f h l h
Li Zhentai said, “It’s not safe here, let’s go somewhere
The old man protected his wife and said, “How about we
just leave first.”
Li Zhentai asked him, “Where are you going?”
The old man said, “Since you’re not xiao Jie, then we won’t
bother. We’ll go first.”

At this time, the old lady grabbed the old man’s hand and
said, “How come he’s not? He is xiao Jie!”
With a gloomy face, Li Zhentai roared, “Shut up!” Then he
called the two men, “Let’s go now!”
Li Zhenruo glanced outside anxiously. Just now, Li Zhenran
and the others could no longer be seen. He didn’t know
where Li Zhenran went, but he knew that Li Zhenran should
not go far because he was still here.
Li Zhentai and the other five drove a small car, just enough
for them to sit down.
It was impossible for Li Zhenruo to squeeze up without
being known.

Li Zhentai and the others were still waiting. They wanted to

wait for the policeman to move further away before taking
So Li Zhenruo slipped out of the window at this time and
wanted to find Li Zhenran.
There was only one path out from this villa. Li Zhenruo ran
along the path and saw a car parked on the side of the road
where he had just entered the road, and Li Zhenran was
still standing beside the door wearing a suit.
Li Zhenruo rushed towards him at once.

h h dd h h dd
However, what he didn’t expect was that Li Zhenran didn’t
catch him, but took a step back and let Li Zhenruo jump
into the air, hit the car window directly, and then slipped to
the ground.

With tears in his eyes, he looked up at Li Zhenran.

Li Zhenran looked at him with a slightly suspicious look.
Li Zhenruo bowed his head and saw the black hair on his
chest before he suddenly remembered that he had changed
his appearance just now, but he hadn’t changed back yet!
So he turned back into a human form, stood up and said to
Li Zhenran, “You can’t even recognize me?!”
“Oh—” Li Zhenran said, “I thought where did the wild cat
come from, it turned out to be you.”

Li Zhenruo grabbed Li Zhenran’s arm, “Li Zhentai wants

someone to take his biological parents away, and then kill
Li Zhenran said, “Well, just as I thought.”
“The police have come here just now, but Li Zhentai hasn’t
turned against them yet. The police left after asking a few
questions. Now they have been alerted, he wants to take the
people and move.”
Li Zhenran nodded, “I’ve thought about it, you get in the car
with me first.”
Li Zhenruo knew that Li Zhentai and the others might have
noticed them here, so he followed Li Zhenran into the car.

Li Zhenran said to Li Zhenruo while driving, “It is

impossible for them to enter the city from here. The only
possibility is to go out of the city through the toll station in
front of them, there are police officers there to check the
passing vehicles.”
h df d ll h
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, “Did you tell the
Li Zhenran shook his head, “I found a friend from the
branch. He asked his subordinates to entangle them.”
Li Zhenruo said, “The questioning didn’t work either, and Li
Zhentai has no plans to do it yet.”
Li Zhenran turned to look at him, “But one of the two men
with Li Zhenran is a wanted criminal.”

Li Zhenran picked up the phone, rummaged through it, and

threw it to Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenruo saw that there was a candid photo above, that
was a tall and thin man.
Li Zhenran said, “They were secretly photographed just
now. I asked them to check the identities of these two men,
but I accidentally found out that this man fled after robbery
and murder and had been on the police’s wanted list, and
then I told the police friend at the branch.”
Li Zhenruo quietly looked at the photo for a while, looked
up at Li Zhenran and said, “This man is the one who killed
me at that time.”

Li Zhenran suddenly stepped on the brakes.

Li Zhenruo handed the phone back to him, “I know he was
acting at the behest of Li Zhentai, I should hate Li Zhentai
Li Zhenran said, “Okay, they will all be punished.”

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l l h b
or you can just google translate the page. Payment can be
made with Apple pay method)
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and her original novel about a sly cute dragon here~
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Check out the angst novel I co-tl with my friend here~
And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

Also leave some ratings if you like this series here~

Chapter 81
A road from the trail leads directly to the expressway out of
the city.

Before they knew it, it was already dark. It was almost

winter and the weather was not very good today. It was
gloomy all afternoon. When Li Zhentai and the others drove
out, it was almost completely dark.
Li Zhentai was sitting in the passenger seat, always looking
back repeatedly and uneasily, as if he was afraid that
someone would catch up.

It was the tall and thin man who was driving. He glanced at
Li Zhentai, and then looked at the man sitting in the back
from the rearview mirror.
The old couple were huddled in the back row, shivering a
Li Zhenran had just parked the car on the side of the road,
but now he was far behind their car, keeping a distance
that would not be noticed but kept them in sight.

Li Zhenruo kept staring at the car in front and noticed that

they suddenly started to slow down, and finally, he saw the
car stop on the side of the road.
“What’s going on?” Li Zhenruo said.
Li Zhenran didn’t stop at the side of the road, but turned
into a small road, parked the car beside a farmhouse’s
yard, and then turned off the headlights completely.
Li Zhentai was also inexplicable at this time. He asked the
tall and thin man who was driving, “What are you doing?”

h d f h k b ll h k
The man said, “Tai ge, after thinking about it, I still think
it’s better for you to settle the account with us first.”
Li Zhentai couldn’t help but glanced at the old couple
sitting in the back row in the rearview mirror, and asked
vaguely, “What do you want?”
The man smiled and said, “You can’t protect yourself now,
how can you tell us to follow you? It’s easy to kill someone,
but it’s a long way to go, and if you don’t have any money
when you get back, then won’t we be foolish to make a trip
for nothing?”
When the old lady heard him say murder, she shouted in a
high voice, “What did you say?”

The young man sitting next to her held a knife at her neck,
“Shut up! I’ll kill you if you shout again!”
The old man hurriedly hugged his wife. The two looked at
Li Zhentai and helplessly trembling.
Li Zhentai said solemnly, “What do you guys want? Just tell
The tall and thin man said, “Even a scrawny camel is bigger
than a horse1even after suffering a loss, a rich person is
still better off than ordinary people. You first ask someone
to send two million cash over, we meet on the highway,
then you get off, I will take these two people to dispose of.”

The old couple looked terrified, and the old lady couldn’t
help but say, “You guys are crazy!”
The young man sitting back grabbed the handle of the knife
and hit her in the face, “Shut up!”
The old lady tilted her head, was hugged by her husband,
buried her head in his arms and cried in a low voice.
The old man couldn’t help but said, “Xiao Jie—”

h h h l h f
“Shut up!” The young man gave him a slap in the face
irritably, “Can’t understand a word, can you?”
Both fell silent this time.
Li Zhentai said, “How can I have so much cash at a time? I
still have some stocks and real estate in my hands, but I
can’t cash out that fast.”
The tall and thin man asked him, “Then what do you

Li Zhentai glanced at the rearview mirror and said, “You

asked me to go back and collect money now. The two of
them stay here. Are you not afraid that I won’t give you the
The tall and thin man said, “That’s true, but the two of
them won’t die. You, Young Master Li, will definitely not
feel at ease. If I were you, I would find someone to kill us
all after I left, right?”
Before Li Zhentai could retort, the man suddenly took out a
gun and pointed it at his temple, “Don’t f/cking play tricks
with me! You come with us, call someone now to get the
money and send it to us tomorrow!”
This man was an outlaw, and Li Zhentai knew in his heart
that he did not intend to die with him here.

“I’ll call,” he said.

Li Zhentai took out his mobile phone to dial. While waiting
for the call to be connected, the man beside him put the
gun back and started the car to continue driving forward.
At this moment, Li Zhentai slammed open the door and
almost rolled out against the bottom of the door.
The car had been parked by the side of the road, next to a
low slope overgrown with weeds, and a field below. Li
Zhentai rolled out of the car door and rolled down the low
slope against the ground. Because the weeds were very
h h h dd h h ll h ll
high, Li Zhentai didn’t notice that there was still a shallow
ditch below, and he quickly crawled forward along the
shallow ditch with his hands and feet.
The man in the car chased after him and fired two shots in
his direction.

But because it was too dark to see the figure clearly from
the weeds, Li Zhentai stopped, afraid that the sound of his
running would give him direction.
The man walked slowly along the side of the road for a
short distance and fired two more shots.
This time, Li Zhentai was very unlucky. A shot was shot in
his leg, and intense pain hit him, but in this life and death
situation, he still held back and did not cry out.
At this time, several people heard the sound of sirens
blaring in the silent darkness.
The young man in the car pointed his head and shouted,
“Boss, there are police!”

The tall and thin man hesitated for a moment, turned back
to the car, and quickly started the car to leave.
Li Zhentai was lying on the low slope, and when he heard
the car drive away, he slowly got up and wanted to walk
forward, but the severe pain in his leg made him unable to
walk normally, so he had to lie on the ground and slowly
move forward.
It was impossible to tell whether it was blood or water on
his pants. Li Zhentai suddenly became afraid. He was afraid
that he would die here. He hurriedly wanted to touch his
mobile phone to call someone, but after a long time, he
could not find his mobile phone. Only then did he realize
that he had probably lost his mobile phone on the way out
of the car holding it.
Li Zhentai was very nervous. He listened to the sound of
the siren in the dark and even began to consider whether to
l h l h d d h h
wait until the police car approached and shout. Other
things could be considered later, but he didn’t want to die
here now.
However, the sound of the siren did not get closer but
seemed to be getting further and further away.

The pain in his leg made him unable to think carefully, so

he could only shout, “Is there anyone?” When he opened
his mouth, he found that his voice was so hoarse that he
could barely make a sound.
Suddenly, in the silence, he clearly heard footsteps
approaching in his direction.
“Who?” Li Zhentai raised his head, but found that he
couldn’t see anyone clearly in the dark, “Help me.”
The man walked up to him and squatted down, sighed
softly, and called his name: “Li Zhentai.”
Li Zhentai was sweating coldly on his forehead, and he
could barely see the outline of a person in the dark. He
asked nervously, “Who are you?” The thing he was most
worried about now was that the two people came back to
find him.

The person in front of him said, “I’m Li Zhenruo.”

Li Zhentai was suddenly stunned.
The person who appeared in front of him was Li Zhenruo.
And Li Zhenran drove to keep up with the car that was left
in front.
Li Zhentai was a little dazed, “Li Zhenruo is dead.”
Li Zhenruo said, “Yes. Do you believe that there are ghosts
and retribution in this world?”

h ll d h h d h d b
Li Zhentai rolled his throat and reached out to grab Li
Zhenruo, “Help me.”
Li Zhenruo avoided it, “I said I am Li Zhenruo, do you think
I will save you?”
Li Zhentai raised his head as if trying to see him clearly, his
thighs were bleeding continuously, and the warm blood
soaked the whole pants and wrapped around his body. At
the same time, his body temperature was decreasing.
Li Zhenruo asked him, “Why did you kill me?”
Li Zhentai seemed to be in a trance. He said, “You are not
my brother, you are not Li Jianglin’s son.”

Li Zhenruo said, “Yeah, I’m not, but neither are you.”

Li Zhentai was stunned for a moment, “I am innocent, they
abandoned me and swapped me with dad’s dead son. You
are different, your mother is a bitch, she cheated on him
with someone and left.”
Li Zhenruo frowned, “Who told you that?”
Li Zhentai did not answer his question, but shouted in vain,
“Help me…”
Li Zhenruo asked him, “Why did you kill me?”

Li Zhentai said, “You are too curious. You are not from the
Li family. What qualifications do you have to investigate the
Li family?”
Li Zhenruo was a little angry and grabbed him by the
collar, “So that’s why you killed me?”
Li Zhentai didn’t answer him, but grabbed his wrist weakly,
“I’m dying, please help me?”
Li Zhenruo said, “If you answer my question, I will save

h b h h l
Li Zhentai was breathing heavily.

Li Zhenruo asked him, “Where did you get the picture of

my mother?”
Li Zhentai took a long breath and told Li Zhenruo,
“Someone gave it to me.”
Li Zhenruo squeezed her fingers, “Who gave it to you?”
Li Zhentai didn’t speak, just panted heavily in his ear.
“Who gave it to you?” Li Zhenruo shouted in his ear in a
low voice, while reaching out to squeeze the wound on Li
Zhentai’s leg.

Li Zhentai screamed and said, “It was a man named Sun

He. He said he was Luo Yunguang’s cousin. This photo was
found when he went to help her clean up her old house
after the fourth child’s own mother died.”
“Luo Yunguang?” Li Zhenruo was a little confused, “Why
did he give it to you?”
Li Zhentai didn’t answer, he began to tremble, grabbed Li
Zhenruo and said, “Help me…”
Li Zhenruo asked him, “Who did you hear that you were
swapped with Li Jiang Lin’s son who died?”
Li Zhentai said, “Luo, Luo Yunguang.”

Li Zhenruo recalled Luo Yunguang, the words he said to Li

Zhenran at his house last time. At that time, he completely
believed him without reservation, but he didn’t understand
why when he came to Li Zhentai, there would be another
Li Zhentai’s grip on Li Zhenruo was getting lighter and

h k dh h
Li Zhenruo asked him, “Where is Sun He now?”
Li Zhentai shook his head, his eyes had begun to slacken.
Li Zhenruo patted his face and saw that he had begun to
lose consciousness, so he let go of him and stood up slowly.
Li Zhentai curled up in one place.

Li Zhenruo said to him, “Just die alone in this stinky ditch

and taste the fear of death.”
After he said that, he turned around and transformed into a
cat. He clearly saw Li Zhentai’s miserable appearance in
the dark, so he stood quietly for a while before stepping on
the mud and running away.
This road was a bit remote, and there were no other cars
passing by along the way, only him as a cat walking
forward along the road.
After a while, he saw a car approaching in the distance,
and his headlights made him narrow his eyes.

Li Zhenran parked the car beside him, opened the door and
looked at him.
Li Zhenruo jumped into the car, rubbed the mud on his
footpads, and then changed into a human shape and sat on
the passenger seats. He said, “Li Zhentai is dying.”
Li Zhenran said, “They have been stopped by the police,
and both husband and wife are fine.”
Li Zhenruo was suddenly worried, “They won’t bring the
police to find Li Zhentai, will they?”
Li Zhenran said, “They should be. After all, Li Zhentai’s
parents wouldn’t want to watch him die.”

h ld h l b l kb k h d k
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but look back at the darkness
outside the window, “If Li Zhentai didn’t die and was
resuscitated back…”
“Then let him die again,” Li Zhenran said.
Maybe it was a bit cold, Li Zhenruo shivered and turned to
look at Li Zhenran. The blue light of the dashboard shone
on his face, and he could see that he was expressionless
when he said this.
Then Li Zhenran turned his head to look at Li Zhenruo,
took his shoulders and kissed him gently on his forehead,
“It’s okay, I said they would get their retribution.”
Chapter 82
Li Zhentai still died, from hemorrhagic shock caused by a
gunshot wound.

He might have breathed a sigh of relief when the police

arrived, but he did not survive the journey of being rushed
to the hospital.
The real cause of his death had not been announced to the
public. The media was suppressed by the Li family, and
there was no negative report on Li Zhentai, so everyone
thought that he had been kidnapped. There were some
other speculations about the cause of his death, but it was
just not made explicit.

Everyone felt that the Li family had a bad year, the younger
son was robbed and killed, and now it was the eldest son’s
turn to be kidnapped and torn apart.
When Li Jianglin heard the news, he sat on the bed and
said, “You only have yourself to blame.” But after that, he
kept his eyes closed and looked haggard.
The Li family held a funeral ceremony for Li Zhentai, which
was organized by Li Zhenran.

In the funeral home, a large black and white photo of Li

Zhentai was hung on the wall, with elegiac couplets to the
left and right, and a crystal coffin in the middle.
The person was already dead, there was no trial, and Li
Zhentai did not have to hang the title of criminal. Li
Zhenruo was wearing a black suit, sitting in the distance
looking at Li Zhentai’s body, and seeing the guests who
came to pay his respects bowing and burning paper for
him. He thought to himself, would these people know, that
if Li Zhentai didn’t want to kill his biological parents, he
ld h d lf b bl b h
wouldn’t have to die? His life probably won’t be enough to
make up for the sins he’s committed.
Li Jianglin didn’t show up because of his poor health. As
family members, besides Li Zhenran and Li Zhenzi, there
was also Wen Chun, who hurried back from abroad.
Wen Chun and Li Zhentai were still husband and wife after
all. She stood aside in mourning, but there was not much
sad expression on his face.

On the day Wen Chun came back, she was sitting on the
edge of Li Jianglin’s bed, and Li Jianglin said to her, “I’m
sorry, it was my senseless insistence that hurt you. Since
everyone is gone, you should live your life well.”
Wen Chun didn’t say anything, just nodded as if to comfort
Li Jianglin.
Li Zhenran walked over to Li Zhenruo and handed him a
bottle of water, “If you don’t want to stay here, go back
Li Zhenruo took the water, unscrewed the lid and took a
sip, “I’m fine.” He screwed the lid on and said at the same
time, “It’s good that Li Zhentai died like this.”

He was not willing to kill Li Zhentai himself, nor did he

want Li Zhenran to do it.
At this time, they saw Li Zhentai’s biological parents.
He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but Li Zhenruo felt that
her hair was grey when she saw the old lady last time, but
now it’s all grey.
Security guards stopped them and asked for their

Li Zhenran went over to let the security go and invited

them in. The husband and wife experienced that kind of
h d h l d h
thing, and they no longer insisted on recognizing the son.
They just came to burn two pieces of paper money, and
they left with each other’s arms.
Looking at their backs, Li Zhenruo suddenly felt a little
dazed, as if everything was over, but at the same time, it
There were still guests coming here, and Li Zhenran
couldn’t get out for a while.
Li Zhenruo left the funeral home alone, and when he was
about to take a taxi by the side of the road, the phone in his
pocket rang.

He had used this phone only a handful of times, as long as

it was inconvenient to carry, and he had not yet been able
to conjure a phone out of thin air, so there were very few
people who will call his number.
Li Zhenruo glanced at the caller ID, and the name showed
Yan Xiujie.
Li Zhenruo kept in touch with this former assistant of his.
After listening to Li Zhentai mention the person named Sun
He, Li Zhenruo thought about it for a long time and
planned to ask Yan Xiujie to help him find out who worked
under Luo Yunguang in the past except for Sun He.
He asked Yan Xiujie to try to start with the company’s old
files. Luo Yunguang was an employee of Yunlin, and the
people who worked under him were probably also under
Yunlin’s name and receive Yunlin’s salary. Although what
they did was not necessarily related to Yunlin’s business, it
was more likely to be Li Jianglin’s private affairs.

However, the results of Yan Xiujie’s investigation were

smoother than he expected.
When the call was connected, Yan Xiujie told him that there
was indeed a man named Sun He in the company’s old
personnel file. He was in the logistics department at the
h h
time. There were two men at the same time as Sun He, one
named Wang Dong and the other named Kong Yuxia.
No one knew where Sun He was now, but Yan Xiujie found
his current address through the address of Wang Dong
registered in the old file.
Li Zhenruo said, “Give me his address.”

Yan Xiujie replied, “Okay, I’ll send it to your phone.”

Li Zhenruo hung up the phone and took a deep breath. He
stood on the side of the road without moving and waited for
Yan Xiujie’s text message.
Soon, the address from Yan Xiujie was received on the
mobile phone, including the mobile phone number and
address of Wang Dong.
In fact, compared to this Wang Dong, Li Zhenruo wanted to
find Luo Yunguang more at first.
But recalling the sincere attitude of Luo Yunguang when he
said those words to Li Zhenran before, Li Zhenruo was still
not sure which of his words was true and which was false.
He was afraid that he would be disturbed by Luo Yunguang
again, so he would rather not see Luo Yunguang.

Li Zhenruo waved and called a car, and asked the driver to

take him to Wang Dong’s current address.
That address was a district in the city centre. The house
was a bit old but not broken, and the nearby housing prices
were not cheap.
Li Zhenruo got out of the car and gave the money, walked
into the unit where Wang Dong lived, stepped into the door
of the unit, and went upstairs slowly while changing his
He changed into a shirt suit and tie, and his hair was
brushed up to make him look more mature.

d f f h d b d l d h
He stood in front of the door number displayed on the
address, and Li Zhenruo gently knocked on the door.

He heard footsteps coming from inside, and after more

than ten seconds, a middle-aged woman opened the door
from inside and looked at him vigilantly, “Who are you
looking for?”
Li Zhenruo asked politely, “Is Mr. Wang Dong there?”
The woman hesitated for a second, then turned her head
and shouted inside, “Wang Dong, someone is looking for
Soon, Li Zhenruo saw a short, bald middle-aged man
coming out of the inner room. He looked at Li Zhenruo up
and down, “Who are you?”
Li Zhenruo smiled, “Mr. Luo asked me to visit you.”

Wang Dong’s expression became surprised, “You—”

Li Zhenruo said, “Can I go in and talk?”
Wang Dong said quickly, “Oh, come in and sit.”
He invited Li Zhenruo in, let him sit on the sofa, picked up
the cigarette case from the coffee table, took out a
cigarette and handed it to him, but he didn’t remember to
ask his wife to make tea for him.
Wang Dong’s wife went to the kitchen.

Li Zhenruo declined his cigarette and said, “No need, I

don’t smoke.”
Wang Dong then lit one for himself, took two sips
nervously, and asked, “Guang ge asked you to come to

h dd d d d d b
Li Zhenruo nodded and said, “Dong ge don’t be nervous,
Mr. Luo said that he had not seen his brother for many
years. He should have come to visit in person, but Mr. Li
has not been well recently, so he has to stay by Mr. Li’s
side to take care of him. .”
Wang Dong was stunned when he heard the words, “He
went back to Mr. Li?”
Li Zhenruo smiled and said, “Yes, Mr. Luo has worked hard
for Mr. Li for so many years, and Mr. Li was a sentimental
person. When he was not in good health two months ago,
he sent someone to invite Mr. Luo.”

Wang Dong took a big puff of smoke, “I don’t know what

Guang ge would asked you to do to me?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Something happened to the Li family
recently. Dong ge must have heard of it, right?”
Wang Dong subconsciously glanced in the direction of the
kitchen. His wife was concentrating on preparing dinner,
and then he said, “I know the eldest young master of the Li
family is dead, and the youngest master of the Li family was
gone last year.”
Li Zhenruo sighed and nodded, “Then does Dong ge know
that this matter is actually related to Sun He.”
“Sun He?” Wang Dong looked a little surprised.

Li Zhenruo took out his mobile phone and showed Wang

Dong the photo of his biological parents above. He said, “I
don’t know if Dong ge has any impression of this photo?”
Wang Dong’s face became strange, but he did not answer
Li Zhenruo’s words.
Li Zhenruo could see that Wang Dong was actually an
honest person, and his reaction also clearly told Li Zhenruo
one thing, he knew this photo, which means he knew what
happened back then.
h l dh d d b
So Li Zhenruo lowered his voice and said, “Don’t be
nervous Dong ge. Since Mr. Luo asked me to come to you, I
naturally knew about those things back then.”
Wang Dong looked at him.

Li Zhenruo said, “This is a photo of Zhao Yuqiong and her

boyfriend, right? Do you know where the photo is now?”
Wang Dong hesitated for a long time, he said, “This photo
should be at Sun He’s place.”
Li Zhenruo looked at him, “Why is it with Sun He?”
Wang Dong’s expression was tangled, and after a long
silence, he said, “That Miss Zhao Yuqiong passed away, we
went to clean up the house for her.”
“You, Sun He, and Kong Yuxia, isn’t it?”

When Wang Dong heard that Li Zhenruo even mentioned

Kong Yuxia’s name, he believed him more in his heart and
said, “Sun He has always liked that Miss Zhao. I stopped
him when he wanted to take this photo but he didn’t
Li Zhenruo said, “You didn’t tell Mr. Luo later, did you?”
Wang Dong suddenly became nervous again, “I didn’t mean
to, I just—”
“It’s okay,” Li Zhenruo smiled gently, “After so many years,
Mr. Luo knows everyone well, and he didn’t ask me to
question you about it.”
Wang Dong nodded stiffly.

Li Zhenruo continued, “But did you know that Sun He later

gave this photo to Mr. Li.”
Wang Dong looked up in amazement.
h l k d d h
Li Zhenruo looked serious, “Mr. Luo said, no matter what,
we must find Sun He. Dong ge, do you know Sun He’s

The author has something to say:

There are still two days before the pre-sale is complete, and
readers who want to buy it, hurry up!
Chapter 83
Now that it have come to this point, there was no point for
Wang Dong to continue hiding it.

He looked a little sad, “It’s been five years since I last saw
Sun He, we had a meal together with his girlfriend at the
time. We didn’t see each other again, and we lost contact
over time. I saved the phone numbers of him and his
girlfriend, but his number has become an empty number
after I called him, and I don’t know if his girlfriend’s
number has been changed or not, and I don’t even know if
she is still his girlfriend or not.”
Li Zhenruo said, “Dong ge, please help me contact Sun He.
This matter has nothing to do with you. I will immediately
notify Mr. Luo of Sun He’s whereabouts.”

Wang Dong can only say, “Then I will try.”

Wang Dong used his mobile phone to find the number that
he had saved at the time. He dialled it for a while before a
woman answered the phone, but she didn’t seem to know
who he was anymore, so she asked coldly, “Who are you?”
“Sister-in-law1Wang Dong calling her this because he
considered Sun He as a close brother, thus his girlfriend
becomes the sister in law,” Wang Dong said quickly, “I’m
Sun ge’s friend, Wang Dong, do you remember me?”

The woman froze for a moment, “Oh—hello, is something

Wang Dong said, “Sister-in-law, I have something for Sun
ge, but I can’t get through. Can you tell me his current
phone number?”

h h f h d k ld h l b
When he finished speaking, Wang Dong couldn’t help but
look at Li Zhenruo, who nodded to him.
The woman said, “Are you looking for Sun He? You can’t
find him.”

Wang Dong was taken aback, “What do you mean?”

The woman said, “He owes people money and ran away a
year ago to hide from debts.”
Wang Dong asked, “Can you tell me where he went? Or
give me his contact information.”
The woman said, “I don’t know either. He didn’t say where
he went, and he didn’t contact me.”

Wang Dong suddenly didn’t know what to do and looked at

Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenruo felt that the woman might not be telling the
truth. Sun He might owe someone money and go out to
hide the debt, but where he went, it is predicted that the
woman knew and was connected. Otherwise, the two would
have broken up long ago.
It’s just that there was no need to entangle this woman too
much at this time. Li Zhenruo said to Wang Dong, “Ask if
there are any friends who are familiar with Sun He and say
that they want to give him benefits and are eager to contact
After all, he was the one who worked with Luo Yunguang
back then. Although Wang Dong was honest, his brain was
bright. He said, “Sister-in-law, do you think Sun ge has any
friends who might know his whereabouts. Our old boss is
back and wants to do something with us.”

When Luo Yunguang dismissed a few of them back then, he

actually treated everyone quite well, at least they were

f h h l h
given a sum of money that was enough to seal their
Wang Dong lived in this old house which didn’t look too
good, but he still lived a good life. While Sun He was too
profligate, and later lost all his money when he got into the
gambling habit.
Sun He’s girlfriend knew that the boss he used to be with
was very rich. When Sun He and Wang Dong went out for a
drink before, she heard a lot about their glorious past, so
now that she heard Wang Dong mention it, and after a
while of silence, she said, “Then I’ll give you his buddy’s
number. You can call and ask.”
Wang Dong smiled and said, “Thank you, sister-in-law.”

The woman said, “Thank you, Sun He has had a hard time
these years. To think that any of you brothers have any way
to think of him, I should be the one who thanked you.”
Wang Dong took a piece of paper and wrote down a phone
number and name, then hung up.
Li Zhenruo picked up the note and said, “Wait, Sun He’s
wife will definitely contact this person to tell him about the
situation, and you help call him out a little later.”
Wang Dong hesitated for a moment and asked, “What
exactly is Luo ge going to do with Sun He?”

Li Zhenruo smiled slightly when he heard the words, “Dong

ge, you can rest assured. Boss Li is a serious businessman
and won’t do anything illegal.”
Wang Dong finally nodded, “I understand.”
They waited for almost half an hour before Wang Dong got
in touch with the person who claimed to be Sun He’s
friend. The man said that he was not in the city now, and
asked Wang Dong to meet in two days. Wang Dong said
d l h d b h d h h
Two days later, it happened to be the day when Li Zhentai
was buried.

At that time, Li Zhenran will definitely not have time, and it

was convenient for Li Zhenruo to act alone.
So far, Li Zhenruo had no plans to tell Li Zhenran about
this. He was a little disturbed, but not at all disturbed.
Li Zhentai was dead.
He was very sure that the culprits who were behind the
scenes and exposed his affairs were Li Zhentai and Zhu
Kai, and the murderer who killed him was Li Zhentai alone.
He could ignore the first thing because it was a fact.
Although the people behind it didn’t have any well
intention, he must try to accept the fact that was revealed.

But Li Zhentai’s heartlessness and ruthlessness was

something he could not forgive.
Now that Li Zhentai was dead, it sounded like the most
likely beneficiaries of this incident were only Li Zhenran or
Li Zhenzi, and perhaps Zhu Kai.
Along the way, Li Zhenruo had received too much
information from them, and he had no way to distinguish
which ones were true and which were false. So he let
himself do the rest, and decided not to rely on Li Zhenran
Of course, his connections were not as wide as Li Zhenran’s
now, and he didn’t have much money in his hands, so it
must be a lot of trouble to do things. However, he got a
good advantage already. As he thought of this, Li Zhenruo
was unwilling to continue to think. He was a little tired and
planned to go back to rest.
In the evening, Li Zhenran came back quite late. Li Zhentai
paid someone to keep watch besides the coffin. Neither Li
Zhenran nor Li Zhenzi stayed overnight.
Li Zhenran felt tired after a busy day, so he filled the
bathtub with water and lay down, raised his head and
closed his eyes.
After a while, he heard movement by the tub and saw his
cat clawing at the edge of the tub to slowly slide himself in.
The bathtub in Li Zhenran’s room was not big. Li Zhenruo
didn’t want to squeeze two people in it, so he maintained
the shape of a cat, hugged Li Zhenran and climbed up on
one leg to avoid falling into the water.
Li Zhenran lay motionless, and ignored him.
Li Zhenruo finally lay down on his chest, resting his head
on his shoulder to breathe comfortably.

Li Zhenran then touched his head.

After lying down for a while, Li Zhenruo felt that the skin of
his whole body was about to wrinkle, so he got up and
stepped on Li Zhenran’s chest and wanted to jump out.
Li Zhenran’s chest was soaked with warm water. When he
took off, the soles of his feet slipped, his head hit the edge
of the bathtub, and he fell into the water.
Li Zhenruo struggled to get up. He clung to the edge of the
smooth bathtub and stuck out his front paws to jump out at
once, but someone pulls his tail from behind and made him
fell into the water again.
Li Zhenruo stuck his head out of the water, shook the water
on his head vigorously, and glared at Li Zhenran angrily.

Li Zhenran’s face showed a satisfied and lazy smile, tilted

his head against the edge of the bathtub and closed his
Li Zhenruo’s face was red. He finally climbed into the
bathtub and turned out, but it didn’t end happily, he
d d ll d h db f d
jumped out and rolled on the ground before getting up and
running outside.
Li Zhenran came out of the shower and saw that Li
Zhenruo had transformed back into a human form, sitting
on the bed naked cross-legged and wiping his hair with a
When he saw Li Zhenran looking at him, he said, “This way
the water dried faster.”
Li Zhenran walked over to him and sat down, “I can blow it
for you with a hairdryer.”

Li Zhenruo liked Li Zhenran helping him dry his hair very

much, which was warm and comfortable. However, he still
refused at this time, “You are tired today, rest early.”
Li Zhenran grabbed his towel, wiped his hair, and lay down
on the bed even though it was not completely dry.
Li Zhenruo looked at him sideways, “You are afraid to stay
there at night for fear of Li Zhentai’s suddenly coming back
from death right, right?”
Li Zhenran smiled, “I don’t want to keep guarding his
Li Zhenruo pulled his arm, “Get up, your hair isn’t dry yet.”

Li Zhenran was not pulled by him, but grabbed his wrist

with his backhand and pulled him into his arms, asking
him, “Where did you go this afternoon?”
Li Zhenruo rubbed, found a comfortable position to lie
down, and said, “Go to see Master.”
“Looking for your Master again,” Li Zhenran said in a deep
Li Zhenruo smiled, “Are you jealous? My Master had a wife,
and he likes him very much, don’t worry.”

h h dh d h h
“Hmph!” Li Zhenran raised his arms and put them on the
back of his neck.

Li Zhenruo was still smirking.

Li Zhenran said to him, “You said that guy.”
“Huh?” Li Zhenruo looked at him puzzled.
Li Zhenran said, “You said you occupied the body of that
He hadn’t seen Shen Luming for a long time, and when Li
Zhenran mentioned it, Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but be

Li Zhenran continued, “I don’t know if there is a better way

to solve this matter for you. I can only ask people to keep
an eye at him. If he never remembers this matter, it should
not hinder you.”
Li Zhenruo hesitated, “My master said that he would
temporarily help me seal his memory, but I don’t know how
long it will be.”
Li Zhenran said, “I asked him to arrange for him to study
“Ah?” Li Zhenruo was stunned.
Li Zhenran said, “I asked people to contact their colleges
and set up scholarships to support outstanding students to
study in schools in the United States or Canada. The
default winner is him.”

Li Zhenruo was a little surprised, “Are you going to send

him away?”
Li Zhenran nodded, “Maybe after leaving this environment,
he will never be stimulated to think of anything.”

h dd h d h
Li Zhenruo didn’t expect Li Zhenran to do so many things
secretly, and he couldn’t judge whether it was suitable or
not, but at this moment, he had to admit that Li Zhenran
was more thoughtful than he thought in many things.
In the end, he said, “I haven’t reached that stage yet.
Nothing is certain. Maybe this body is something he doesn’t
want anymore?”
Li Zhenran smiled, “That’s the best.”

Li Zhentai was buried two days later.

Li Jianglin got up from the hospital bed, dressed neatly and
attended Li Zhentai’s funeral with the help of Zhu Kai, but
Li Zhenruo did not appear.
Instead of Wang Dong, he was the one who went to see that
friend of Sun He.
The meeting place was about a small square in the east of
the city. When Li Zhenruo arrived, he saw the man
squatting not far from the trash can smoking a cigarette.
He was a middle-aged man with an unremarkable
Li Zhenruo bought a pack of soft cloud smoke at a nearby
store, walked over and patted the middle-aged man on the
shoulder, “Big brother.”
The middle-aged man turned to look at him, “Who are

Li Zhenruo said, “We made an appointment on the phone. I

am a friend of Sun He.”
The middle-aged man said, “Are you kidding? Aren’t you
twenty this year? You’re not the one who called me!”
Li Zhenruo squatted down beside him with a smile,
knocked out a cigarette from the cigarette case and handed
it to him.

h ddl d l d h k
The middle-aged man glanced at the cigarette, took it
without saying a word, and then looked up and down at Li

Li Zhenruo handed the whole pack of cigarettes to the

middle-aged man, “Ge, you keep it, I don’t smoke.”
The middle-aged man was silent for a while this time,
reached out to catch the cigarette, and asked him, “Who
are you?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I’m really Sun He’s friend, but unlike
Dong ge, I’m his boss’ current subordinate. Speaking of
which, everyone works for the same boss.”
The middle-aged man asked, “Are you looking for him?”
Li Zhenruo shook his head, “I’m not looking for him, I know
it’s not convenient for him now. I just want to ask you if you
know something about him.”

The middle-aged man looked cautious, “What’s the

Li Zhenruo said, “Actually, it’s also about his past boss, ge,
you can say it at your convenience, and forget it if it’s
The middle-aged man glanced at him, “If you have
something to say, don’t be long-winded.”
Li Zhenruo smiled and asked him, “Sun ge owed someone a
gambling debt to escape?”
The middle-aged man said, “Yeah, didn’t you know it long

Li Zhenruo continued, “Before he went out to avoid debts,

did he try other methods to make money, such as

h ddl d f d h d
The middle-aged man frowned, “What do you want to say?”
Li Zhenruo said sincerely, “Ge, what I said is what I want to
say. I don’t know if Sun ge has mentioned his past boss to
The middle-aged man smoked a cigarette and said, “He
said he used to work at Yunlin, and Li Jianglin was his
Li Zhenruo chatted with him patiently, “Do you believe it?”

The middle-aged man grunted, “Whether to believe it or

not, it’s an old story.”
Li Zhenruo said, “Then has he tried to ask the Li family for
The middle-aged man seemed to be thinking, and after a
while, he said, “What? Your boss wants to retaliate against
Li Zhenruo shook his head, “We know everything our big
boss should know, now it’s my own little boss who wants to
make sure of something, don’t worry, Sun ge has left and
no one will try to bring him back. It’s better to say there
are some issues between my little boss and my big boss.”
“What kind of little boss, big boss,” the middle-aged man
said with a look of disgust, “One day, I flipped through a
magazine with him, and there was a photo of the young
master of the Li family. At that time, Sun He said about
him. I’m going to borrow some money from this young

Li Zhenruo asked, “He already owed gambling debts at that

time, didn’t he?”
The middle-aged man nodded.
Li Zhenruo thought to himself that Sun He owed a
gambling debt, saw Li Zhentai’s photo in a magazine, and
suddenly remembered the photo he stole from Zhao
d d h h h
Yuqiong, and wanted to use the photo to go to Li Zhentai to
ask for money.
This should be the biggest possibility, but why didn’t Sun
He choose to come to him, but to Li Zhentai?
Also, the mystery was now thrown back to Luo Yunguang,
why does he want to deceive both ends?

He felt a little confused, Li Zhenruo asked again, “Do you

know where Sun He is now?”
“I don’t know,” the middle-aged man said.
However, Li Zhenruo guessed that he should know, but he
didn’t want to say it.
Without insisting on asking, Li Zhenruo stood up and said,
“Thank you, ge.”
“That’s it?” The middle-aged man was also a little
surprised, thinking he wanted to ask more, at least to trick
him into telling Sun He’s whereabouts.

Li Zhenruo smiled, “That’s it, thank you.”

He turned around to leave, but suddenly stopped, took out
his mobile phone and searched the Internet to find a photo
of Li Zhentai for the middle-aged man to see, “Ge, is he the
young master of the Li family you were talking about at the
The middle-aged man glanced at it and said affirmatively,
“It’s not him.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned, “It isn’t him?”
The middle-aged man said, “It’s a man who looks like a

Looks like a star? Li Zhenran or Li Zhenzi?

h kh h b k d d h f
Li Zhenruo took his phone back and started searching for
Li Zhenzi’s photos, and then showed it to the middle-aged
man, “Is he?”
The middle-aged man looked at it for a while longer, “No,
this is a bit like a foreigner, right?”
Li Zhenruo’s finger on the phone trembled slightly. He
found Li Zhenran’s photo, took a deep breath and put the
screen in front of the middle-aged man, “This person?”
The middle-aged man nodded at a glance, “It’s him.”
Chapter 84
Li Zhenruo seemed a little disoriented.

He stood on the side of the street with a wry smile,

watching an empty taxi drive past and forgetting to reach
out to stop it.
In fact, things were not necessarily what he imagined them
to be. At that time, Sun He decided to go to Li Zhenran.
Whether he went in the end or did not find it, and whether
there was a change in the middle, no one could tell.

If Li Zhenruo were calmer, he should sort out all the

possibilities in an orderly manner, and then rule them out
one by one.
But as soon as the matter involved Li Zhenran, he found
himself in a mess, just like when he showed the man a
photo just now, why was his hand shaking? He just needs to
accept it, right? But he just couldn’t calm down, just like
his current self, except for the urge to go back and question
Li Zhenran that supported him. He couldn’t think of
anything else for the time being.
Li Zhenruo walked to the small fountain in the square and
sat down. When he looked down and saw his reflection in
the pool, he reached out and touched the thin collar on his

The collar had a tracker. Li Zhenruo had always known it

but didn’t pay much attention to it. The two of them had
come to this point. The collar worn around his neck was
more like a necklace that Li Zhenran gave him and had
long since lost sight of its other significance.
But now Li Zhenruo was a little confused, and he wanted to
take off the collar.
h h k h d l f d
Whether to ask Li Zhenran directly or to continue to find
out all the truth alone. But was the truth he had found out
really the truth? How many of them had told the truth and
how many had told lies seemed hard to tell by now.
Also, had Li Zhenran been staring at him and monitoring
him? Li Zhenruo raised his head, feeling as if he had a pair
of eyes looking at her in a trance. He shook his head
vigorously and thought to himself that he had died once, so
how hard it was to stand the blow? If he was really scared,
he might as well let go of the matter since Li Zhentai was
already dead anyway, but he chose to look into it, so he had
to get to the position where he knew the truth about

Everyone from the Li family went to Li Zhentai’s funeral,

and the entire Li house was empty. It seemed that echoes
could be heard when someone spoke.
Li Zhenruo directly turned over the gate in the form of a
cat and went in.
The doorman saw his hairy buttocks falling out without
turning over for a long time, so he kindly came out and
gave him a hand. Li Zhenruo, who had been touched by his
butt, caught his tail in panic, looked back at the guard, and
moved his mouth in fear.
He originally wanted to say thank you, but when he opened
his mouth, he found that he could only meow, so he didn’t
say anything.

Dinner was cat food. Li Zhenruo went back to the room on

the third floor early to stay. Later, she turned over all the
cabinets and drawers in Li Zhenran’s room but found
nothing useful.
Later, he heard movement downstairs, it should be that
they came back after attending the funeral to send off the

h hd h ddd
Li Zhenruo hid in the room and didn’t go out. He went to
the bathroom to wash his face with clean water. The sound
of the water drowned out the sound of Li Zhenran opening
the door and when he looked up, he saw Li Zhenran
standing behind him in the mirror.
Li Zhenran squeezed his arms with both hands, lowered his
head and gently kissed his neck.

The drops of water dripped down Li Zhenruo’s face.

Li Zhenran’s kiss turned into sucking, and the force was
not light. After sucking a mark on his neck, he raised his
head and asked in his ear, “Where have you been today?”
His voice was low, and heat got into his ear holes.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help shrinking his neck, he said, “Go
out and walk around.”

Li Zhenran let go of his arm and asked, “Do you want to

take a bath together?”
Li Zhenruo said: “I’ve taken my bath, you can take yours.”
Li Zhenran went to run water to take a bath. Li Zhenruo
walked out of the bathroom and sat beside the bed quietly
listening to the sound of water inside.
When Li Zhenran came out of the shower, he saw Li
Zhenruo lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone. He
walked over and sat beside him and asked, “What are you

Li Zhenruo put away the phone and said, “It’s nothing, I’m
just thinking about what I should do in the future?”
“What should you do?” Li Zhenran said.
Li Zhenruo raised her head, “I can’t be kept as a cat by you
all my life. Since Li Zhentai is gone, shouldn’t I start my
own life?”
Li Zhenran asked him, “What kind of life do you want to
live? Are you going to study?”

“Study what!” Li Zhenruo refused without thinking, “I have

read books for so many years, and I don’t want to read any
more books.” After he turned into a cat, he tried his best to
find out the truth, and there was no such thing as an
opportunity to develop a new hobby.
Li Zhenran heard the words and said, “Then come back to
Yunlin to help me.”
“Huh?” Li Zhenruo seemed a little surprised.
Li Zhenran said, “Don’t you want to?”
Li Zhenruo thought about it seriously, “That’s not bad,
you’ve been doing too much recently, I’ll be your assistant.”

Li Zhenran smiled and said, “Okay.”

Hua Yibang asked the logistics department to add a new
set of desks and chairs to Li Zhenran’s large office.
Originally, Li Zhenran asked to put the new desk in his
office, but Li Zhenruo said, “Are you kidding? Do you want
to go to work properly?” He himself asked for the desk to
be placed in the small office outside, face to face with Hua
It just so happened that both of them were Li Zhenran’s
assistants, formally a work assistant and a life assistant,
which was completely reasonable.
When Li Zhenzi came over from his office, he opened the
door and saw Li Zhenruo with his legs crossed on the desk,
looking at the documents, shook his head and said, “Second
brother’s life is too corrupt.”

b d h h d
Hua Yibang stood up, “Mr. Li the third.”
Li Zhenruo glanced at him, “Isn’t Su Yao more eye-catching
on your side?”
Li Zhenzi said, “How is Su Yao the same as you?”
Li Zhenruo smiled, “If you have the ability, go ask Miss Yu
to come back.”
Li Zhenzi’s expression changed instantly, pointed at Li
Zhenruo with his finger, and asked Hua Yibang, “Is the
second brother here?”

Hua Yibang answered, “Yes.”

Li Zhenzhi then pushed open the door of the office inside
and entered without waiting for him to give notice. He said,
“Second brother, I have something to discuss with you
about Qijiang,” while reaching out and closing the door
behind him.
Li Zhenruo saw that he would not come out for a while, and
dragged his chair to sit next to Hua Yibang.
Hua Yibang was inexplicable, “Is something wrong?”
Li Zhenruo raised her arm and put it on his shoulder, “Xiao

Hua Yibang glanced down at his hand, his expression

became vigilant, “What?”
Li Zhenruo looked up at the fluorescent tube overhead, “I
have a mother.”
Hua Yibang was silent for a while, then continued, “I have
one too.”
Li Zhenruo smiled, and then said, “She is already dead.”
Hua Yibang said, “I’m sorry.”
Li Zhenruo patted him on the shoulder, “There’s nothing to
be sorry about, but there was a man who used to have a
crush on my mother who took pictures of her and her ex-
boyfriend and slandered her reputation everywhere.”
Hua Yibang was stunned, “What’s going on?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Do you know Sun He?”
When he asked this question, he looked at Hua Yibang
without blinking, trying to see whether he knew or didn’t
know his expression.
In the end, Hua Yibang’s expression didn’t waver at all, he
blinked, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and said, “I don’t

Li Zhenruo continued: “I’m afraid that he will show Ran ge

the photo and let Ran ge misunderstand my mother.”
Hearing this, Hua Yibang frowned slightly and said, “Then
you should ask Zhenran. I believe he won’t misunderstand
anything after listening to others at will.”
Li Zhenruo said, “So you don’t know Sun He.”
Hua Yibang shook his head, “I don’t know.”
Li Zhenruo found that it was difficult for him to tell whether
Hua Yibang was telling the truth or a lie. He was just
thinking that maybe Hua Yibang would tell Li Zhenran that
he had asked about Sun He.

What would he do to Li Zhenran then? Ask him who Sun He

was and that he had never met him? Or would he just show
him the truth? Or maybe tell him he knew there was
something else he was hiding.
Li Zhenruo didn’t want to question Li Zhenran, but he was
vaguely expecting Li Zhenran to come forward and confess
to him.
h h f h d h ll
When Li Zhenzi came out of the door, Li Zhenruo was still
leaning on Hua Yibang’s shoulders.
“What are you doing?” asked Li Zhenran, who followed Li
Zhenzi out.
Li Zhenruo took back his hand nonchalantly and said,

Li Zhenran said, “Move the desk in.”

“Huh?” Li Zhenzi was also stunned for a moment, then
glanced at Li Zhenruo amusingly, shook his hand and said,
“I’ll go first.”
Li Zhenruo’s desk was still forcibly moved into Li Zhenran’s
He sat diagonally across from Li Zhenran, and Li Zhenruo
said uncomfortably, “Have you ever thought that this way
you don’t even have any privacy, I can hear whatever is
going on in the company.”
Li Zhenran said indifferently, “It’s okay, I have nothing to
hide from you.”

Li Zhenruo leaned back, folded his arms around his chest,

smiled and said, “Really?”
Li Zhenran replied, “Yes.”
In the afternoon, Li Zhenran received a phone call
temporarily, someone invited him to dinner in the evening.
It was someone he was dealing with on business and it was
at a crucial time for the Li family, so Li Zhenran was not in
a good position to refuse, so he agreed on the appointment
with the boss for a meal.
He said to Li Zhenruo, “You come along too.”

h b h h d d
Li Zhenruo was burying his head in sorting out a document.
He didn’t look at Li Zhenran and said, “I’m not going, you
can go with Hua Yibang.”
Li Zhenran came over and touched his head, “So serious?”
Li Zhenruo bit the pen holder, “When I finish sorting out
the documents, I will take a taxi back by myself.”
Li Zhenran said, “You don’t want to socialize, do you? Is
that how you’re going to be my assistant?”
Li Zhenruo smiled and pulled his tie, pulled him down and
kissed his face, “I have the privilege.”
Li Zhenran also smiled, touched his hair and said, “Call me
when you’re done, and I’ll arrange for a driver to take you

“Okay,” Li Zhenruo replied.

It was inconvenient to be late for the entertainment over
there. Li Zhenran talked to Hua Yibang to see the driver
prepare the car, put the trenchcoat on his wrist, and
hurriedly walked outside with Hua Yibang.
Li Zhenruo really bowed his head and carefully sorted out
the documents. His dinner was still the takeaway that Li
Zhenran called directly for him.
After he finished the documents, Li Zhenruo glanced at the
time and it was already eight o’clock at night. He stretched,
stood up and walked around Li Zhenran’s office, then sat
down in front of his big desk and pulled open the drawers
one by one to look through the contents.

He wished he could find something, but he also wished he

could find nothing.
When he turned to the bottom drawer, the lights in the
room suddenly went out without warning, and the
computer seemed to automatically shut down. Li Zhenruo
raised his head, wondering whether it was a power outage
f h bl h h h h d d
or if there was a problem with the wiring that had tripped
the circuit.
The world outside the window was still brightly lit. After
getting familiar with the darkness in the room, Li Zhenruo
could gradually see the outline of the room. When he was
about to reach for the phone and call the security office on
the first floor to check the situation, he suddenly saw the
door and didn’t know what to do. When the time opened,
there was a man standing by the door, with a tall and
straight outline.
Li Zhenruo said, “Li Zhenran?” In fact, he didn’t see that
person’s face clearly, but just by looking at the outline of
his body, he intuited that it was Li Zhenran.
Sure enough, the person standing by the door said, “What
are you looking for?” It was Li Zhenran’s voice.

Li Zhenruo did not answer him.

Li Zhenran asked again, “Why don’t you ask me what you
want to find? As long as it is what you want, I will give it to

The author has something to say:

Sorry for being a little late
Chapter 85
Li Zhenruo’s heart trembled.

He let go of the telephone he had already touched, stood up

and walked around to the desk. He stood with his back
against the big desk, and said, “I’m looking for a photo, a
photo of Zhao Yuqiong and the man who abandoned her.”
Li Zhenran stood by the door and didn’t move. He said,
“The photo is with Li Zhentai, don’t you remember?”

Li Zhenruo said, “Is there only one photo? If I were Sun He,
something that important would definitely be re-
photographed and kept. I wouldn’t have just handed it over
and lost it.”
“Sun He?” Li Zhenran’s tone was a little surprised.
The room was still shrouded in darkness, especially when
looking from Li Zhenruo to Li Zhenran’s direction, he could
only see the outline of a person, but not the expression of
the person.

Li Zhenruo said, “Sun He told me that he came to you.”

Li Zhenran heard the words and did not speak.
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and
didn’t want to be affected by the other party’s emotions.
In the end, Li Zhenran seemed to sigh and said, “Are you
going to test me like this? Sun He can’t tell you this,
because I know where Sun He is.”

Li Zhenruo squeezed the edge of the desk tightly, “Sun He

really came to you?”
h d k d f
Li Zhenran said, “Sun He came to me. He asked me for
money and said he would give me a photo. He said that I
would definitely be interested in that photo. I said yes to
him, and I gave him the money.”
Li Zhenruo gritted his teeth, “So you have seen that photo
in the first place?”
Li Zhenran said unhurriedly, “Sun He gave me the photo,
and I felt that things were not so simple. So I asked people
to keep an eye on him. It turned out that he had tasted the
sweetness, and turned around and contacted Li Zhentai

Li Zhenruo said, “You knew he had gone to contact Li

Zhentai, but you didn’t stop him.”
Li Zhenran was quiet for a while and admitted, “I want to
see how Li Zhentai will react.”
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath and said, “You said you
wanted to see it, but you knew that Li Zhentai would never
let go of this opportunity to deal with me, so while he drove
me out and found someone to kill me, you kept watching
from the sidelines.”
Li Zhenran suddenly approached Li Zhenruo slowly, his
footsteps were particularly loud in the darkness until he
stopped in front of Li Zhenruo and reached out to touch Li
Zhenruo’s face.

His palms were warm and dry as always, but Li Zhenruo

shivered for no reason.
Li Zhenran said softly, “I didn’t know he would kill you, I
was surprised and thought he was too stupid. I thought he
would make Li Jianglin angry by killing you, so he would
investigate this matter thoroughly, but instead, I didn’t
expect it to spur Li Jianglin to give up and drop the matter.”
Li Zhenruo felt Li Zhenran’s gentle touch and said, “You
knew the truth from the beginning, but you pretended not
k h d l d f f l
to know anything and played me for a fool.”
Li Zhenran said, “I said it was Li Zhentai who did it, I didn’t
lie to you.”

By now Li Zhenran still said that he didn’t lie to him. Li

Zhenruo was suddenly very angry, his throat was dry and
sore. He raised his head and said, “You saw the photo, then
what? Where is Sun He? What’s going on in Luo
Yunguang’s place?”
Li Zhenran sighed lightly, “I didn’t think it was simple. The
first thing I did was to go to Luo Yunguang and learn the
truth from him. At the same time, in order to prevent Sun
He from talking nonsense, I kept having people looking for
him, forcing him to leave the place and not dare to come
Li Zhenruo said, “So that time later, when you took me to
Luo Yunguang, you had already conspired to put on a show
with him for me?”
Li Zhenran kissed his forehead, “What he said is the truth. I
asked him to tell you everything you want to know.”

Li Zhenruo was a little dazed, “Then what he said to Li

Zhentai was a deception?”
Li Zhenran said, “Yes, I asked him to say that to Li Zhentai.
I will not give Li Zhentai the opportunity to seize my
weakness and threaten me back, and at the same time keep
him from giving up and want to continue to struggle. That
way, we can send him to his death in name only.”
He whispered these words close to Li Zhenruo’s ear, and
his airy voice burrowed into his ear, like a wet and cold
Li Zhenruo felt that he could no longer control his
emotions, he raised his hand to push Li Zhenran away and
wanted to stay away from him. But when he turned around,
he was hugged by Li Zhenran from behind. Li Zhenran’s
h l d dh h
arms were tightly wrapped around his waist, no matter how
hard he struggled, Li Zhenran would not let go. He then
said in his ear, “Zhenruo, listen, I do love you. I only know
the truth from the beginning to the end, I have not harmed

Li Zhenruo said, “But you lied to me.”

Li Zhenran reached out to turn his face and said in a low
voice, “Didn’t you also lie to me? In the days when I
doubted your identity, I hoped you were not Li Zhenruo
more than once, but I still couldn’t avoid it. After twenty
years of being brothers, what kind of relationship do we
had? How do you want me to invest myself to you? If you
and I swap identities, can you swear you won’t do the same
Li Zhenruo gasped and became emotional, “You’re right! I
can’t swear that you don’t owe me anything, you’re just
watching me die, and I might do the same thing! But so
what? You lied to me for so long, and now how dare I
believe that you love me?”
Li Zhenran said, “Ask your own heart, can’t you feel that I
love you?”
Li Zhenruo tried his best to calm his breath, “From the time
you knew I was Li Zhenruo, you were planning how to
completely take yourself out of this matter, right? I felt very
strange before, at that time it was obvious I deceived you
first and left home afterwards, yet you took the initiative to
come to me and ask for peace because you had already
planned what was to follow, didn’t you?”

Li Zhenran didn’t answer, in Li Zhenruo’s view, he

At that time, rather than being angry at being deceived, Li
Zhenran began to think about how to present the truth to
Li Zhenruo. After hesitating, he finally decided to cover up
all the facts related to him, and only let him know about Li

h h d h
Zhentai. However, what was presented to Li Zhenruo in
this way was almost the complete truth.
Anger was the disguise. After Li Zhenruo ran away from
home, Li Zhenran decided to stop the disguised anger and
chose to bow to Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenruo said, “Since you chose to hide from me, why did
you let me see Li Zhentai alone? You should have watched
me and not let me have the chance to be alone with him.”
Li Zhenran heard the words and said, “So it was Li Zhentai.
I let you see him alone because he didn’t know that I was
involved in this matter from beginning to end. I want you to
watch him die and complete your revenge. I didn’t think
he’d say anything to you that would make you start to
suspect me.”

“No,” Li Zhenruo shook his head, “It’s not that I doubt you,
it’s just I doubt that someone else was involved behind this
Li Zhenran asked him, “So do you hate me?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Let go of me first.”
Li Zhenran let go of his hand and helped Li Zhenruo fix the
collar that had come loose in the tugging.
Li Zhenruo said, “I don’t hate you, I’m just a little afraid of
you. If I continue to be with you, I will never be able to get
rid of doubts and fears. I don’t know which of your words is
true and which is false. Even now, I began to suspect that
the truth is not so simple, there is a bigger situation behind
it, and I don’t know it even if I’m in it.”

“Zhenruo,” Li Zhenran reached out to touch his face.

Li Zhenruo turned his head to avoid it. He walked towards
the door of the office, and finally stopped by the door. He
reached out and grabbed the collar around his neck and
ripped it off. The chain buckle behind the collar was pulled
ff d bl d l l d h b k f h
off, and a bloodstain was also strangled on the back of the
“This collar,” Li Zhenruo said, “I know it has a tracker, but
I never took it off. I thought it was more of a memory of the
past between us, and it always lost its practical
significance, but now I’m not so sure anymore. I’m not your
cat, and you can’t tie me up.”
After he said that, he threw the collar in the direction of Li
The collar hit Li Zhenran’s chest and then landed on the
ground with a crisp sound.

Li Zhenruo opened the door and walked out, while Li

Zhenran crouched down to pick up the collar slowly with
his hands.
When he came out of Li Zhenran’s office, Li Zhenruo
realised that it was still dark outside in the corridor. He
groped for the direction of the elevator. But after two steps
he remembered that the power had gone out and the lift
had naturally stopped, so he turned around and groped in
the direction of the stairwell.
The staircase was so pitch black and there was no light at
all coming in.
He felt that his head was spinning, so he changed back to
the shape of a cat, and his vision suddenly became clear
before running downstairs. He just kept running out of
Yunlin’s building, Li Zhenruo ran all the way forward on the
brightly lit street.
The cold wind of the night kept blowing through his body,
and his aching mind was gradually clearing up. When he
stopped and turned around, Yunlin’s building had
disappeared from sight.

He slowed his pace and raised his head like many arrogant
h h ll l h l
When he was still a complete human, love was just a spice
of life for him. He believed that the goal of life as a man
should be a career; after losing his life, his goal in life was
to find his murderer and to take revenge; when he got his
revenge, he wanted to live longer to accompany Li
Zhenran. He admitted that he was a little addicted to love
and could not extricate himself from it. He understood the
taste of love beyond the sky, and other things seemed less
Until now.
When he was standing at the intersection and waiting for
the red light, several people around him were looking at
him. Li Zhenruo’s mobile phone was put on a rope by him,
so it could be hung around his neck when he turned into a
A young man seemed to have followed him for a while, and
when he saw him alone as a cat, he knelt down and
pretended to pet his head while trying to get the phone
around his neck.

Li Zhenruo bit his hand mercilessly then ran into the crowd
and ran away.
When he saw the red light turn green and the pedestrians
hurrying forward, Li Zhenruo thought to himself, should his
story be over now? Rather than being a cat, he still wanted
to be a complete person.
He had already fulfilled his wish with this body, so it was
better to return the body to the original owner now and to
reincarnate as soon as possible. He didn’t need an overly
prominent family, even if he was a child of a poor man, to
work step by step for what he wanted was the best life.

The author has something to say:

I’ve got a shield in front of me, come on, attack me, I’ll
pretend I didn’t see it
Chapter 86
Inside the university building classroom, the students were
quietly studying for their evening classes. A girl sitting in
the back row stretched and stood up to go to the toilet. She
had just walked to the back door of the classroom when she
saw a cat looking inside.

The girl squatted down in amazement and reached out to

touch the cat’s head.
Li Zhenruo raised his head and glanced at the girl. When
he saw that her nails were clean and she was cute, he held
back and didn’t avoid it. He continued to look inside while
he let her touch the top of his head.

“Huh?” The girl noticed the phone hanging around his neck
and reached out to get it.
Li Zhenruo retreated this time, dodged to the side, and ran
into the classroom at the same time since he had already
found the person he was looking for.
Shen Luming was attending the evening self-study, and the
girl sitting next to him was his girlfriend. The classroom
was quietly filled with students, and at first, except for the
girl who went to the toilet, everyone lowered their heads
and studied hard, so no one noticed a cat running in.

Then all of the sudden, Shen Luming stood up abruptly.

His table and chair rattled, and all the people in the
classroom looked in his direction. His girlfriend was even
more startled and reached out to pull the hem of his
clothes, asking, “What’s wrong?”
Shen Luming didn’t answer and turned to look at the
passage leading to him from the back of the classroom.

h d h lf l k h
Li Zhenruo stopped halfway to look at him.

The others were also baffled, they followed him and saw
the cat sneaking in.
One person and one cat began to look at each other in
silence for a long time, the kind of heart-warming
attraction to each other. If Li Zhenruo didn’t know what
was going on, he would definitely suspect that he had fell in
love with this person at first sight.
Shen Luming was more at a loss. He looked at the cat
standing in the corridor for a long time, and said to his
girlfriend, “I’m going out for a while.”
The girl asked him strangely, “Why is this ……”

Shen Luming didn’t answer her, and asked the people

sitting outside to get out of the way, and walked out by
himself until he stood in front of Li Zhenruo, lowered his
head and asked him, “Are you here to find me?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t say anything, just turned around and
walked outside, he knew that Shen Luming would definitely
Then Shen Luming’s girlfriend stared dumbfoundedly as
her boyfriend followed a cat halfway through his self-study
Li Zhenruo walked with Shen Luming towards the secluded
path. Behind the dark teaching building where no one was
there, Li Zhenruo took light steps, stretched out the fluff of
his hands and feet, and turned into a young man.

Shen Luming stood there and looked at him, seemingly

surprised and seemingly taking it as a matter of course that
this was how it should be.
“Are we related in some way?” Shen Luming asked.

h dd d b
Li Zhenruo nodded, “Do you remember your past?”
Shen Luming looked puzzled, “My past?”

Li Zhenruo said, “Someone told me that my current body

belongs to you.”
Shen Luming froze in place and didn’t respond. After a
while, he said, “You mean you, or the cat?”
“Both,” Li Zhenruo said, “I am the cat.”
Shen Luming asked, “Am I a cat?”

Li Zhenruo said, “I don’t know, you should be a cat.”

Shen Luming sounded at loss, “But I’m a person, I’m not a
He was afraid that only when Shen Luming’s memory was
complete would they be able to know how everything came
to be the way it was now.
He didn’t know what Shen Luming was thinking, but it
could be seen that Shen Luming wanted to get close to Li
Zhenruo because he felt a strange attraction, but had no
intention of doing anything to Li Zhenruo.

“I was injured and lost my memory before going to college,

and I don’t remember anything from before,” Shen Luming
Li Zhenruo thought for a while, “Are you a sophomore this
Shen Luming nodded.
Yes, the time when Shen Luming lost his memory was
almost exactly when Li Zhenruo had just turned into a
kitten and was born from the mother cat’s belly. Maybe the
body that was supposed to be Shen Luming’s had been
k b h d h h l
taken over by him, and Shen Luming was not the original
Shen Luming?
Li Zhenruo was a little confused.

Shen Luming asked him at this time, “Why did you come to
me? I thought you were avoiding me.”
For Li Zhenruo, Shen Luming had always been a thorn in
his heart, even if Li Zhenran really tricked Shen Luming to
go abroad, it did not mean that Shen Luming would never
come back. Even if Shen Luming died, as long as his soul
was still there, Li Zhenruo would have to return his body to
him one day.
In fact, even if Li Zhenran was not involved, Li Zhenruo
thought that he should find Shen Luming to really solve this
problem. But now, it was just a matter of getting him to
make up his mind sooner.
“I’ll give you this body back, do you want it?” Li Zhenruo
asked tentatively.
Shen Luming was stunned by his question, and hesitantly
said, “I don’t want to be a cat.”

Li Zhenruo was also stunned. He had been worried that

Shen Luming would take the initiative to take his body
back, but he didn’t expect that Shen Luming would dislike
the deal.
When he saw Li Zhenruo’s reaction, Shen Luming quickly
explained, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that, I mean you are
doing a good job as a cat, I think I may not be suitable for
being a cat, I am living a good life now.”
Li Zhenruo thought of the girl in the classroom, “Do you
have a girlfriend?”
Shen Luming nodded, “The college recently had an
exchange to study abroad, and I wanted to go out with
h h d h ddl fh
“But that’s—” Li Zhenruo stopped in the middle of his
sentence. He wanted to say that it was deliberately
arranged by someone, but so what if it was deliberately
arranged? Now it seemed to be a good opportunity for
Shen Luming.

So Li Zhenruo didn’t finish the rest of his sentence, and

could only say, “You can think about it again, and if there is
anything you need, you can tell me.”
Shen Luming looked at the phone hanging around his neck,
“Can you give me your contact information?”
“Of course,” Li Zhenruo exchanged mobile phone numbers
with him.
Shen Luming said, “Although I’m also curious about what’s
going on, I’m pretty sure now that I’m satisfied with my
own life, and I’ll get in touch with you if I really want to.”
Li Zhenruo nodded.

At this time, a girl’s shout came from a distance, “Shen

Shen Luming said, “My girlfriend is looking for me, I’ll go
Li Zhenruo replied, “Okay.” Then he saw Shen Luming turn
around and left in a hurry.
After Shen Luming walked away and only Li Zhenruo was
left. He looked up at the dense bushes and said, “Master,
you can come out.”
Xia Hongshen stood on the branch, folded his arms over his
chest, and stuck his head out to look at him, “You come

Li Zhenruo looked at the tall and straight tree trunk and

chose to change into a cat to climb up. As a result, when he
f ll l b d h d h l d
finally climbed to Xia Hongshen’s side, he was slapped
down by him.
“Good for nothing,” Xia Hongshen scolded.
At night, only some pairs of lovers were left by the school
lotus pond. Xia Hongshen and Li Zhenruo occupied a bench
and watched the lotus leaves that were gradually starting
to wither by the roadside light.
Xia Hongshen said, “It’s not bad, being able to detect my
Li Zhenruo said, “Master, your spiritual power fluctuates so
obviously, how could I not notice it.”

Xia Hongshen looked ahead, “Why do you want to return

your body to him?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t answer directly, but asked, “Master, if
one day you found out that Song Jun had lied to you about
many things, said he was doing it for your own good, but he
wouldn’t let you know anything, and had once watched you
get hurt by others, would you hate him and leave him?”
“No,” Xia Hongshen replied without even thinking about it.
He answered so quickly that it took a moment for Li
Zhenruo to come back to his senses and asked him, “Can
you not care about all this?”
Xia Hongshen said, “I have been through too long a life,
and he has always been by my side. All this is nothing to
our long life.”

“It’s nothing? Just forget about it? There’s no need to even

be angry?” Li Zhenruo asked one after another.
Xia Hongshen said to him, “You can spank him.”
“…… What if the spanking doesn’t work?”
“Hit again.”
h f l h h d
Li Zhenruo felt that he made no sense.

Xia Hongshen said softly, “He belongs to me. Even if he

betrays me, I will only find him and punish him severely,
not punish myself.”
Li Zhenruo was a little startled.
Xia Hongshen asked him, “Lost your love, huh?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Master, it really feels strange to discuss
this kind of issue with you.”
Xia Hongshen said, “Then let’s not talk about that, and try
to see how your abilities are now.”

After he said that, Xia Hongshen raised his hand, and out of
thin air, a small rat fell to the ground and darted into the
grass, “Go, catch it, or you won’t be allowed to rest at
“Master!” Li Zhenruo complained, but still stood up and
chased the little mouse. He didn’t need to look, anyway, it
was right to run to the place where he heard the girl
Just after 11 pm, the yellow-and-white Garfield stepped on
the wooden stairs and slowly climbed up the second floor of
the old dormitory building with a small mouse in his mouth.
Xia Hongshen stood at the entrance of the stairs on the
second floor and looked at him. With a flick of his finger,
the rat turned into a ball of air. He said, “Pass, come back
to sleep.”
Li Zhenruo had just gone up when he was picked up and
rubbed by Xi Anling, “Little Gaffey!”

Song Jun came out of the room with a bag of dried fish in
his hand. He leaned in to feed Li Zhenruo, but Xia
Hongshen grabbed his hand and said, “Mine.”
h d db f h d
Li Zhenruo was surrounded by a group of them and was
suddenly a little stressed.
Long Xing touched his head and asked, “Where’s Erhuang?
Is it okay?”
Li Zhenruo nodded.
Song Jun quietly handed the dried fish to Feng Junyuan
from behind, and Feng Junyuan directly stuffed the dried
fish into Li Zhenruo’s mouth while Xia Hongshen was not
paying attention.
Li Zhenruo had no appetite, and could not bear to
disappoint their kindness, so he raised his paws to cover
his mouth and chewed the dried small fish.

After a while, he heard Xia Hongshen say, “Do you think I

can’t smell it?”
Li Zhenruo hurriedly closed his mouth and chewed
something, not daring to open it.

The author has something to say:

Of course it’s HE1Happy Ending, the second brother still
loves Zhenruo

The original persona of Zhenruo was that he was young,

proud, and indulgent. He has certain abilities, but he is
hated by others without knowing it. It seems that many
readers feel that Zhenruo is not strong enough and is
feminine, but why is being talented in business must be
someone who was scheming or a deep and steady man? His
business talent is brought into play because he has a strong
In fact, I was also very puzzled by Perfection serialization.
Isn’t it the acting that the actor requires? In reality, there
are movie stars who are also unsociable geeks. Why should
one characterize a person based on his professional
f h k d f h h ld h b
performance? What kind of character should he be? He is
not a Film Emperor/business elite character…
Chapter 87
That night, Li Zhenruo really dreamt that he was spanking
Li Zhenran’s ass.

It was not just like taking off his pants and slapping a few
times with the palm of his hand. But in a dimly lit room, as if
to enforce the house rule, he made Li Zhenran lie on his
back on a bench with his trousers down to reveal his firm
and shiny buttocks, and then he took a long whip. He swung
it in the air and made a whistling sound, and then aimed the
whip heavily at Li Zhenran.
At the same time as the whip was struck, Li Zhenruo also
woke up. He sat up abruptly from the bed, pulled the quilt
away with a dark face and glanced at himself.

Next to him, Feng Junyuan turned over and asked vaguely,

“What’s wrong?”
Li Zhenruo said softly, “It’s okay, you can continue to
Having this strange dream didn’t make him feel any better,
but Li Zhenruo thought that Xia Hongshen was right, why
should he punish himself at this time? Isn’t Li Zhenran the
one who should be punished?

It was raining outside, probably since last night. The rain

dripped on the tiles of the old house, ticking everywhere,
and the air was filled with damp and cold smells.
It was almost dawn, and Li Zhenruo felt that he was wide
awake and no longer drowsy.
He began to seriously consider what he should do next if
Shen Luming really wasn’t going to take his body back.

f h ld k h d h
Of course, he couldn’t just stick to Xia Hongshen and the
others like that. Not to mention that his master was poor as
hell himself and had such a big family.

So he had to continue his cultivation training and had to go

to work to earn money. It was best to save enough capital
first and then develop slowly, he was still very young,
wasn’t he?
Before he knew it, it was dawn. Li Zhenruo saw that Feng
Junyuan was still sleeping soundly next to him, and sat on
the bed without moving.
After a while, someone knocked lightly on the door outside.
Li Zhenruo got out of bed and went to open the door. He
saw Song Jun standing at the door, and whispered to him,
“Someone is looking for you.”

“Looking for me?” Li Zhenruo heard the words and looked

into the corridor. In fact, his first reaction was that Li
Zhenran came to him.
Song Jun shook his head and said to him, “This way.” Then
he motioned for Li Zhenruo to follow him.
Li Zhenruo then followed Song Jun through the corridor and
into his and Xia Hongshen’s room across the hall.
The room was very warm, Xia Hongshen lay lazily on the
bed and did not want to get up.

Song Jun went to the window and lifted the curtain, asking
Li Zhenruo to look through.
Li Zhenruo approached and saw a man standing on the
opposite side of the path downstairs. The man was wearing
a black suit, wrapped in a long black trench coat, holding an
umbrella in his hand, and he was slender.

h d h h k h
Song Jun whispered, “I saw him when I woke up in the
morning. I don’t know when he came.”
Although his face was covered by an umbrella, Li Zhenruo
could recognize that it was Li Zhenran.

Because it was raining a bit heavily, half of Li Zhenran’s

sleeves were already wet by the rain, and the legs of his
trousers were also wetly wrapped around his legs.
Song Jun said, “Bitter meat plan1the trick of injuring oneself
to gain the enemy’s confidence.”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help laughing when he heard the
Xia Hongshen was lying on the bed and said in a muffled
voice, “Come here, apprentice.”

“Master,” Li Zhenruo went to Xia Hongshen’s bedside well-

Xia Hongshen stretched out his finger and pointed at him, “I
told you, spank him, if not, slap his face, let him suffer the
lesson he deserves.”
“But Master,” Li Zhenruo said, “The problem between me
and him is not something that can be solved by punishing
him. The biggest problem between us now was about trust.
I don’t doubt that he loves me, I just doubt that every word
he says to me is true.”
Xia Hongshen said, “Then teach him enough lessons so that
he will never dare to lie to you again.”

Li Zhenruo was quiet for a while, then stood up and went

back to the window, looking at Li Zhenran downstairs.
Song Jun went out to wash in the water room.
Li Zhenruo took his mobile phone and called Li Zhenran.
h ll kl d d h f ll f
The call was quickly connected, and the receiver was full of
background sounds of raindrops falling on the ground. Li
Zhenran said, “Zhenruo?”
Li Zhenruo said, “What are you doing here?”

When he heard this, Li Zhenran raised his head and looked

towards the window on the second floor, and saw Li
Zhenruo who was standing by the window on the phone.
His deep voice came through the receiver, “Did you go to
see the person surnamed Shen?”
Li Zhenruo said blankly, “Are you monitoring me?”
Li Zhenran said to him, “I said I had someone watching
Li Zhenruo was silent for a while and replied, “Yes, I went
to see him.”

“Why do you want to see him?”

Li Zhenruo said, “I was going to return my body to him.”
Li Zhenran’s eyes suddenly became sharp, and even
through the rainy sky, Li Zhenruo could still see clearly.
“Have you made up your mind?” Li Zhenran asked him.
“Well,” Li Zhenruo said, “I’ve thought about it, and we’re
waiting for the right moment. I’ll give my body back to him,
then I’ll go to the Naihe Bridge and drink a bowl of Granny
Meng’s soup and forget about you when I go to my next
life.2Naihe Bridge is a place where people must pass
through reincarnation in Chinese folk mythology. There will
be an elderly female deity called Old lady Meng by the
Naihe Bridge who will give each ghost a bowl of soup to
forget the memory of the past life“

Li Zhenran said, “I don’t agree.”

h b h d l l l
Li Zhenruo breathed out slowly, “You can’t control
everything, right? Things have always gotten out of hand
once or twice, like when Li Zhentai got someone to kill me,
or when I chose to leave you now. You go to all the trouble
to calculate, and maybe the result you get in the end won’t
be the one you want.”
Li Zhenruo didn’t listen to him and chose to hang up the
Li Zhenran still held the phone to his ear, looked up at him
and didn’t leave.

Li Zhenruo closed the curtain silently, then turned to Xia

Hongshen and said, “I want to put on a show for Li Zhenran
to watch.”
Xia Hongshen sat beside the bed and yawned.
Li Zhenruo said, “I want to trick Li Zhenran into thinking
that I have returned my body to Shen Luming.”
At this time, Song Jun happened to come in from outside,
and after hearing Li Zhenruo’s words, he couldn’t help but
sigh, “It’s so cruel.”
Li Zhenruo was a little exasperated, “I was much more
gentle with him than he was with me.”

Xia Hongshen said to Song Jun, “Let them toss and turn, it’s
none of your business.”
Song Jun nodded hurriedly and silently went to pack up the
things he needed for today’s class.
Xia Hongshen said, “If you really fooled him, he will
definitely suffer.”
“Master,” Li Zhenruo said, “You may think I’m good for
nothing if I say it. The reason why I went to Shen Luming
last night and offered to return my body to him was that I
b f l d f h d ld
was beginning to feel scared of Li Zhenran and I couldn’t
figure out what he was thinking.”
Xia Hongshen then asked him, “Have you calmed down

Li Zhenruo nodded, “I thought about it for a long time. If I

continue to maintain my fear and distrust of him, then we
will definitely have no way to go on.”
Song Jun couldn’t help but ask, “Then do you still want to
continue to be with him?”
Li Zhenruo was silent for a moment and said, “If I’m not
afraid anymore.”
Xia Hongshen got out of bed wearing a piece of clothing,
“Fear is because you are not strong enough.”
Li Zhenruo looked at him.

Xia Hongshen said, “In every sense, you are not strong
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help looking back at the window,
through the curtains, he didn’t know if Li Zhenran was still
there, but Xia Hongshen was right, he was not strong
enough, so he feared the other person.
In this relationship, he was just putting himself in the
position of the weaker one, but who loved whom more and
who was more afraid of whose departure?
Suddenly, he was a little glad that Shen Luming had
rejected him last night when he was at his most impulsive,
otherwise when he really stepped on the Naihe Bridge,
would he not be able to help regret it.
Li Zhenran didn’t stay at the school building for too long,
because there was a meeting in Yunlin in the morning.

l f h d d l d
Yunlin’s recent conferences had continued, mainly due to
the adjustment of the upper management and the large-
scale personnel changes after Li Zhenran took over.
However, during today’s meeting, everyone could see that
Li Zhenran was not in high spirits.
Li Zhenzi sat next to him and occasionally glanced up at Li
Zhenran, seeing him sitting in a large office chair, leaning
back, elbows propped up on the armrest, holding a pen in
one hand, his gaze falling on the information in front of him,
but his expression seemed inattentive.
After the speaker reported the content, he fell silent and
waited for Li Zhenran’s opinion.
Li Zhenran didn’t speak for a while.

Li Zhenzi put his hand to his mouth and coughed softly.

Li Zhenran then raised his head and said, “Continue.”
So the next person went on to report.
Suddenly, Li Zhenran’s cell phone rang, and the person
preparing to report stopped again.
Li Zhenran answered the phone in front of the entire
conference room. After listening to the person on the other
side with a blank face, he only said coldly, “Keep an eye on
him.” Then he hung up the phone and threw it on the table
to let them continue.

At the end of the meeting, Li Zhenran directly picked up the

stack of documents in front of him and walked out.
Li Zhenzi was pulled by a department manager and said a
few words, and then he hurriedly followed Li Zhenran’s
office. When he wanted to knock on the door to go in, he
heard that there seemed to be a phone call inside.
He put his head on the door and wanted to eavesdrop. Hua
Yibang looked a little embarrassed and said, “This is not
quite appropriate, is it?”
“Shh—” Li Zhenzi put his index finger on his lips.
It was a pity that the door was well soundproofed. Li Zhenzi
eavesdropped for a long time and couldn’t hear anything.
Suddenly, Li Zhenran pulled the door open from the inside.

Li Zhenzi was startled, stood up straight and pretended to

be knocking on the door.
Li Zhenran ignored him and said directly to Hua Yibang, “I
have to go out for something.”
Hua Yibang heard the words, “Then I will ask the driver to
prepare the car.”
Li Zhenran said, “No, I’ll drive by myself.” He put on his
jacket and walked outside.

Li Zhenzi was still limping, but he tried his best to catch up

and asked, “Second brother, where are you going?”
Li Zhenran pressed the elevator and told him, “It’s none of
your business.”
The elevator was on the twenty-third floor, and the elevator
door opened quickly.
Li Zhenzi followed Li Zhenran into the elevator, “What’s
wrong? I didn’t see your cat last night, did it run away from
Li Zhenran ignored him. When the elevator went down to
the basement floor, and the doors opened, Li Zhenzhi was
about to follow him out, and Li Zhenran suddenly turned
around and punched Li Zhenzi in the lower abdomen and
said, “Don’t follow me.”

Li Zhenzi bent down from the pain groaned and said, “Do
you have to be that ruthless…”
h d ll f h h d
Li Zhenran received a call from the person he arranged
beside Shen Luming, telling him that Li Zhenruo went to
Shen Luming again, and this time it was very clear that he
would return his body to Shen Luming.
On the way, Li Zhenran drove furiously and ran two red
lights. He didn’t know if the so-called handing over the body
was that simple, but he knew that Li Zhenruo’s so-called
master didn’t seem to be that simple.
Having seen a cat become a human, he dare not say
anything in the world was impossible.
After driving the car to the school and parked on the side of
the road, Li Zhenran got out of the car and ran into the
adjacent teaching building, anxiously waiting for the
elevator to sit on the top floor of the teaching building, then
turned to the stairs and ran to the roof.

Li Zhenran suddenly pushed open the roof door and saw a

person standing outside while the other two were lying on
the ground.
It was still raining, and everyone on the rooftop was soaked
by the rain.
Li Zhenran walked in the direction where Li Zhenruo was
Xia Hongshen, who was standing beside him, said to him,
“You are late, he has already returned his body.”
Li Zhenran paused after hearing the words and asked,
“What about him?”

Xia Hongshen looked at the sky, “A wisp of a soul, it should

have been reincarnated long ago.”
As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zhenruo on the ground
shrank his limbs and turned back into a cat, but still lay

h h h h
The author has something to say:
It’s almost over, maybe it will be over tomorrow…

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Chapter 88
Li Zhenran stepped into the rain curtain. He squatted down
in front of the Garfield on the ground and reached out to
touch his chest. Its chest was still warm and heaving softly.

At that moment, Li Zhenran’s expression was a little dazed.

He admitted that he was hesitant at the last moment. When
he knew that Li Zhenruo began to contact Shen Luming, his
first thought was to keep the two of them apart no matter
what. It wasn’t that Li Zhenrah didn’t think of other options,
and he even hesitated to go after Shen Luming first.

However, now that he and Li Zhenruo have come to this

point, he started to be overcautious and was reluctant to
make any rash moves, for fear that their relationship would
come to an irreparable end.
But even if he tried hard to save it, Li Zhenruo didn’t give
him any room to regret and chose to leave easily.
“He—” Li Zhenran opened his mouth to ask Xia Hongshen.

At this time, the Garfield, who was lying on the ground,

slowly opened his eyes.
Li Zhenran watched him struggle to get away from his
palm, rolled and stood up. His legs were still a little weak,
but he took two steps back.
The heavy rain made it difficult for Garfield to open his
eyes. He shook his head and shook the water on his body,
looking at Li Zhenran with strange and wary eyes.
Xia Hongshen didn’t like being exposed to the rain either.
The feeling of wet clothes wrapped around his body
reminded him of the feeling of wet fur on his body, which

f bl k d h f ld
was very uncomfortable. He asked the Garfield, “Are you
okay? Getting used to your body?”

The Garfield shook the water on his body again, and instead
of looking at Li Zhenran, he came to Shen Luming who was
lying on the ground and looked at Shen Luming worriedly.
Xia Hongshen said, “It’s okay, he can’t wake up for the time
being, and he may have to be taken to the hospital. He lost
consciousness before and was occupied by you.”
The Garfield seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and lightly
touched Shen Luming’s hair with his lips.
Li Zhenran stood up slowly and looked at him without
saying a word.

Xia Hongshen walked over to pick up Shen Luming and

walked towards the stairwell. The Garfield hurriedly
followed behind him without looking at Li Zhenran.
“Teacher Xia,” Li Zhenran suddenly stopped Xia Hongshen.
Xia Hongshen had already carried Shen Luming to a place
where there was no rain, turned around and looked at Li
Zhenran, “What?”
Li Zhenran’s clothes were completely soaked, and his hair
was on his cheeks. He asked Xia Hongshen, “How can I find

Xia Hongshen said, “If he can be reincarnated smoothly,

maybe one day you can meet him.”
After he finished speaking, Xia Hongshen carried Shen
Luming and left, while the Garfield followed him and
hurriedly walked out.
Only Li Zhenran was left alone, facing the empty rooftop.
When Li Zhenran returned that night, he fell ill.
He didn’t eat dinner. After he took a shower and dried his
hair, he lay limp on the bed, with a sore and dry throat. The
whole person was a little muddled, lacking in energy, but
unable to sleep.
After a while, Li Zhenran picked up his mobile phone and
made a call. He said to the people over there, “Keep
watching over Shen Luming to see if he has changed from
the past, if he is still with his girlfriend, and if he has given
up his plans to go abroad.”
After giving these instructions, Li Zhenran hung up the
phone, raised his head and closed his eyes.
He didn’t fully believe that the scene he saw today was true,
but his sadness wasn’t fake either.

His head hurts, but his brain was running unconsciously.

What he should do next emerged clearly in his mind, but he
couldn’t do it.
The more he did, the further he was likely to push Li
At this time, Wang Ma knocked on the door outside and told
him to go down for dinner.
“No,” Li Zhenran replied in a hoarse voice, “I’m not feeling

Wang Ma heard the words and said quickly, “What? Are you
sick? Do you want someone to take you to the hospital?”
Li Zhenran replied, “No, I’ll just take a couple of cold pills
and I’ll be fine.”
He had always been in good health. Today, he was probably
sick because of the rain and his emotional turmoil. Li
Zhenran’s whole body was aching and felt weak, and he had
no appetite or desire to move when he was lying in bed.

f hl b h h ld d
After a while, Wang Ma brought him cold medicine, congee,
and pickles.
Li Zhenran reluctantly drank some congee and took the cold
medicine with a glass of water.

Wang Ma sat by the bed, looked at him tenderly, and

suddenly asked, “Where’s Dumpling?”
Li Zhenran raised his arm to block his eyes and said softly,
“Ran away.”
Wang Ma was stunned for a while, “Ran away again?” Then
she sighed and said, “I guess it’s time for him to go into
heat again, I told you to castrate it a long time ago, but you
are reluctant to do it.”
When he heard this, Li Zhenran couldn’t hold back a wry
smile, “I’m just afraid that he wouldn’t live long after he
was castrated.”
Wang Ma went out with the porridge bowl he had not
finished eating and helped him close the door.

Li Zhenran reached out and picked up the collar at the head

of the bed, and his fingers lightly stroked the lettering
inside the collar, which had his own name engraved on it, as
if to indicate the owner’s possession of the pet.
In fact, he really hadn’t used the positioning function of the
collar for a long time. For him, the collar no longer had the
same meaning as it had at first, but unfortunately, Li
Zhenruo would not believe it.
Holding the collar, Li Zhenran rolled over somewhat
uncomfortably, lying on his side and closed his eyes, but his
hands never let go of the collar.
The heavy rain that had been falling all day finally stopped
at night.
Li Zhenruo and Xia Hongshen were cooking hotpot around
the induction cooker, and the fragrance wafted throughout
h ll b ld
the small building.

Song Jun was in charge of the dishes, while the others

stared at the pot with their bowls and drooled.
Shortly after the potato slices were cooked, Long Xing
wanted to stretch out his chopsticks, but Xia Hongshen hit
him hard with his own chopsticks.
Long Xing looked at Xia Hongshen at a loss and withdrew
his hand.
Xi Anling glanced at Long Xing and then at Xia Hongshen,
and quickly put the chopsticks into the pot, but Xia
Hongshen threw the chopsticks out before she caught the
potato chips.
Xi Anling complained, “I want to eat potato slices!”

Xia Hongshen said expressionlessly, “Not soft.”

Xi Anling pouted, “I like crispy ones!”
Xia Hongshen said, “No.”
Long Xing whispered, “I also want to eat the crispy ones
Xia Hongshen looked at them coldly, “If you all eat all the
crispy ones, I’ll never be able to eat the soft potato chips.”

Xi Anling tapped the bowl with chopsticks, pointed at Xia

Hongshen and said, “You tyrant!”
Xia Hongshen raised his head, his jawline was elegant and
smooth, “Got a problem with that?”
Long Xing reached out and hugged Xi Anling’s shoulder,
“Forget it.”
Unconvinced, Xi Anling pushed Feng Junyuan and said,
“Xiao Feng, shall we vote?”
ll h ld h b l d d
Feng Junyuan still held the bowl and continued to stare at
the pot. When he heard this, he glanced at Xi Anling and
said hesitantly, “I want to eat soft ones too.”

Song Jun said at this time, “I’m going to the supermarket

tomorrow to buy a nine-square grid. What each person
wants to eat will be thrown into the small grid in front of
him. Eat what you eat and don’t touch others.”
Xi Anling said quickly, “I agree!”
Only Li Zhenruo said nothing and stared at the hot pot in a
Song Jun nudged him lightly, “What? Are you in a bad
Li Zhenruo raised his head, saw everyone looking at him,
and quickly said, “No.”

Song Jun said, “Look, you lied to him, but you’re actually
still sad inside.”
Li Zhenruo heard the words and said, “I think he may not
fully believe it.”
“Why?” It was Long Xing who asked the question.
Li Zhenruo sighed and said, “Master’s acting skills are too
Xia Hongshen didn’t seem to raise his hand, but Li Zhenruo
felt a knock on the head, and then heard Xia Hongshen say,
“Blaming me?”

Li Zhenruo said quickly, “I don’t blame you, I blame myself

as the disciple for being useless.”
Song Jun asked at this time, “What if he believed it?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Maybe we should separate.”
l d f l lk b h
Xi Anling said softly, “Let’s not talk about that.”
When Xi Anling saw that Xia Hongshen was looking at Li
Zhenruo, she immediately stretched out her chopsticks and
put a piece of potato in the pot, but only when she ate it in
her mouth did she realize that it had become soft.

As he saw this, Xia Hongshen said, “Oh, you can start

After that day, he never saw Li Zhenran again.
In regards to the matter of feelings, Li Zhenruo intended to
put them aside for a while and treat himself as someone
who was out of love. It was a terrible thing to fall out of
love, but the pain of falling out of love and being unable to
get out of it was even more terrifying.
Li Zhenruo accepted Luo Fei’s invitation when he asked him
to work in the logistics company that Luo Fei was running.
The job was offered to him by Feng Junyuan, and at first Li
Zhenruo was a bit hesitant. It was just that he had no
capital and no experience now, and it was already the best
choice for him to have a company like Luo Fei’s accept him.

Moreover, previously he knew that Li Zhenran had been in

contact with Luo Fei for Yunlin’s development in e-
commerce. Real estate investment would slow down next,
and with Yunlin’s commercial real estate companies, the
large-scale development of e-commerce was definitely the
next most important development trend. When he was still
in Yunlin, Li Zhenran had already started to prepare for
Now that he and Li Zhentai had left one after another, Li
Zhenran was a bit distracted. The development of e-
commerce had slowed down a little, but it should be the
next big thing for Yunlin.
If he could go to work at Luo Fei, you would definitely come
into contact with a lot of e-commerce industries, maybe he
could point out a path for his future development, and he
ld h h bl h l
could have the opportunity to establish some personal
With this idea in mind, Li Zhenruo went to Luo Fei’s
company for an interview.
As a result, the big boss gave him an interview in person.
Luo Fei sat behind the big desk, glanced at him, and said,
“Okay, come and be my assistant.”
“Huh?” Li Zhenruo was stunned.

“Don’t want to?” Luo Fei asked him.

Li Zhenruo said, “I think it is more suitable for me to start
from the grassroots level, even if I have to look after the
warehouse, it’s fine.”
Luo Fei heard the words and said, “No need, Fourth Young
Master Li.”
It had been a long time since anyone called him that, Li
Zhenruo looked at Luo Fei, “Did xiao Feng complaint to you
or did Li Zhenran complaint to you?”

Luo Fei said, “Junyuan complaint to me.”

Li Zhenruo nodded, then approached Luo Fei suspiciously
and asked, “What exactly is your relationship with my
master and the others?”
Luo Fei said calmly, “I’m Junyuan’s lover, don’t you know
Li Zhenruo said, “I know, but as far as I know, xiao Feng
isn’t a human at all, right? What about you?”
Luo Fei smiled, “You care so much about your boss’s

Li Zhenruo said, “I haven’t worked for anyone else before,

and I thought that since I was working for someone else
h d f d h b h lk h
now, I had to find out what my boss might like, right?”
Luo Fei said with a smile, “Then you don’t have to worry
about it, you just need to know that what I like is Feng
Li Zhenruo heard the words, and nodded, “I’ll remember.”
Luo Fei said, “When can you go to work?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Anytime.”

Luo Fei said to him, “Okay, the company provides

accommodation and food, you can start working today and
move into the company dormitory in the afternoon.”
“Huh?” Li Zhenruo was a little surprised, but then quickly
realized that he had been living with Feng Junyuan until
now, and his boss must be unhappy.
Luo Fei opened the drawer, took out a key and threw it at
him. The key was wrapped in a small note with the address
and house number written on it.
“Special privileges, one set of an independent dormitory,
you live alone,” Luo Fei looked at him, “How’s that? Is it
convenient to move?”
Li Zhenruo took the key and shook it, “You’re not going to
deduct the rent from my salary, are you?”

Luo Fei said, “No.”

Li Zhenruo suddenly smiled and said, “Then it’s not a

The author has something to say:

I have read all the opinions of xiao shou, and after thinking
about it carefully, maybe compared to two men struggling
with hundreds of thousands of words about love or not,
readers of Danmei may prefer the love story of a real man
l h b l l df h
struggling in the battle, career, cultivation and fighting
monsters in these plots, I won’t say whether I like it or not.
But it’s true that I’m not good at writing those plots. I’ll
finish filling the hole in the secret love story after this one is
over, and I’ll be careful about starting a longer story in the
And in order to prevent you from saying that I ended it
casually, this article is still not finished today一

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And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

Also leave some ratings if you like this series here~

Chapter 89
Li Zhenruo had little to pack for his move. He had almost
nothing to pack, not even clothes, so he moved into the
house that Luo Fei prepared for him empty-handed.

The so-called staff dormitory was actually a suite prepared

by Luo Fei who didn’t want him to continue to sleep with
Feng Junyuan. It was very close to the company and the
surrounding environment was not bad.
The room was fully furnished but still lacked some daily
necessities. The boss Luo Fei was very considerate and
asked the company to give him a month’s salary in advance,
and let him buy it himself when he moved in.

Li Zhenruo went to the supermarket and simply moved

back to a cat bed so that he wouldn’t have to buy a set of
bedding. He wasn’t uncomfortable sleeping by himself.
At night, Li Zhenruo stayed alone in his room reading a
book. He asked Song Jun to go to the school library to help
him borrow many books related to logistics. He didn’t know
anything yet, so he could only quietly study more.
When he was tired of reading, Li Zhenruo went to take a
shower, blow-dried his hair, turned into a cat and curled
himself up in the cat’s bed to go to sleep.

Luo Fei was generally a good boss to get along with, and he
had more than one assistant around him, so Li Zhenruo’s
job was relatively easy at the moment.
Li Zhenruo had a lot of curiosity about the identity Luo Fei
had. In the beginning, Li Zhenran helped him get his ID
card through Luo Fei’s connections.
Li Zhenruo was not without common sense, it wasn’t easy
to get a real ID card in such a short time. He believed that
h b f lb k b h d l
there must be a powerful backup behind Luo Fei, or else
Luo Fei was not actually a human being.
What was it? A great demon like his master?

For this question, Li Zhenruo asked Feng Junyuan

With an “Ah” Feng Junyuan said, “Can’t tell you.”
Li Zhenruo said strangely, “Why can’t you tell me?”
Feng Junyuan said firmly, “I can’t say it.” No matter what
method Li Zhenruo tried, he couldn’t pry Luo Fei’s mouth

That afternoon, Luo Fei went out with another assistant, Xu

Shengwen, and left Li Zhenruo to stay at the company.
Li Zhenruo was looking through the documents in the
office, and shortly afterwards he received a call from Xu
Shengwen, asking him to bring over a document from Luo
Fei’s desk.
After he hung up, Li Zhenruo did as Xu Shengwen
instructed and found the document inside the kraft paper
bag on Luo Fei’s desk.
He took the documents and asked the company’s driver to
drive him to the address given by Xu Shengwen, which was
a commercial club in the city with a bathing sauna inside.
When Luo Fei went out at noon, he said he was doing some
business talk, and now Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but silently
cursed at Luo Fei’s carefree business talk.

The driver dropped him off at an address, and Li Zhenruo

called Xu Shengwen while walking inside after getting off
the car.
Xu Shengwen was waiting for Li Zhenruo at the door of the
private room. When he saw him coming, he said, “Jason,
l d h d d
please send the documents to Mr. Luo inside.”
Li Zhenruo had planned to hand the documents to Xu
Shengwen, but at this time he had to withdraw his hand
and asked, “I’m going in?” He didn’t understand why he
had to go instead of Xu Shengwen, but as Xu Shengwen
was a senior and he was still in his internship, he would
naturally do what he was told to do.
Xu Shengwen just smiled and patted his shoulder and said,
“Go ahead.”

Li Zhenruo then took the document and wanted to walk

into the private room, but was stopped by the staff at the
door of the private room, and said politely, “Sir, please
change first.”
“Change clothes?” Li Zhenruo looked up at the top of the
private room door and saw no obvious signs. However, he
still obeyed the request of the waiter and went down to the
dressing room next to him to change clothes under the
guidance of the staff.
When he looked back at Xu Shengwen, he saw that the
other party smiled kindly at him, which was a little unclear.
Li Zhenruo was taken to the dressing room and changed
into a bathrobe. All other valuables were kept in the
wardrobe of the dressing room. He only used a waterproof
bag to pack the documents, and then went back to the
private room wearing slippers.

As soon as the private room door was opened, the water

vapour coming from the shop was wrapped in a familiar
Li Zhenruo sniffed, and he could clearly smell the scent
belonging to Li Zhenran.
There was a bath in this private room, and there was a
sauna next to it.

h h l h
There were three people in the private room. Luo Fei was
lying on the massage table, covered with a bath towel, with
a young man beside him massaging his shoulders, and
there was a person sitting with his back to him in the
bathtub. He didn’t need to look to know that it was Li

Li Zhenruo just glanced at Li Zhenran’s back, then walked

towards Luo Fei and said, “Mr. Luo, I brought the
Luo Fei raised his head and glanced at him, but only said
“um” and said nothing else.
Li Zhenruo looked at the handsome young man who was
massaging him and regretted that he had left his mobile
phone in the locker in the locker room, otherwise he should
have taken some photos and sent them to Feng Junyuan.
Luo Fei didn’t give any orders, and Li Zhenruo stood beside
him without moving.
At this time, there was the sound of water coming from the
bathtub, and Li Zhenruo subconsciously turned to look and
saw that Li Zhenran was about to get up from the water.

Li Zhenruo subconsciously glanced at the young man

beside him, then turned to look at Li Zhenran, saw that he
stood up and did not come out immediately, but took a
bathrobe and put it on before stepping out of the bathtub.
Li Zhenran seemed to have lost weight.
In fact, it was only a month away from the last day he saw
Li Zhenran, but Li Zhenruo felt that Li Zhenran seemed to
be really thin. He stared at Li Zhenran’s clearly visible
collarbone and his increasingly sharp jawline.
It wasn’t until Li Zhenran sat down on the chair next to him
that Li Zhenruo averted his gaze.
“Xiao Tuan,” Luo Fei said suddenly, “Read the document to
Mr. Li.”
Li Zhenruo nodded, walked to Li Zhenran’s side, opened
the waterproof bag and took out the document. At this
time, Li Zhenran reached out to him, “I’ll read it myself.”
Without Luo Fei’s consent, Li Zhenruo did not immediately
hand him the document but looked at Luo Fei.
Luo Fei said, “Let’s give it to Mr. Li to read for himself.
This is the document I told you came out from above. The
policy will change, and the price change is natural. You can
wait until the official document come down from above, and
then consider whether you are going to regret it or not.”
The latter sentence was said to Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran took over the document and did not rush to
open it, but looked at Li Zhenruo and said, “I remember
your name is Shen Luming?”

Li Zhenruo said to him, “Now my name is Li Tuan.”

Li Zhenran nodded, “Can you sit for a while and wait for
“Of course,” Li Zhenruo sat down beside him.
Li Zhenran opened the document, but said to Li Zhenruo,
“You didn’t study at university anymore?”
Li Zhenruo replied, “I can’t continue to study at university

Li Zhenran asked him, “What about your girlfriend?”

Li Zhenruo said, “I can wait for her to graduate.”
Then the two were silent for a short time.
Li Zhenran flipped through the documents, but Li Zhenruo
felt a little bored, so he stood up and pulled the placket.

d k h h
“Are you used to working here at Luo Fei’s?” In the quiet
room, Li Zhenran suddenly asked again.

Li Zhenruo looked back at him and said nothing.

Li Zhenran then raised his head and waited for him.
Li Zhenruo noticed Li Zhenran’s protruding collarbone
again, he turned his head and looked forward, “There’s
nothing to get used to, you get used to it as you do it,
people are like that.”
Li Zhenran said, “But I’m still not used to it.”
Li Zhenruo didn’t answer him.

Li Zhenran said to himself, “It’s like there’s something

missing in my life, and I can’t get used to it.”
Li Zhenruo said, “You will get used to it gradually, or you
will find something else to fill in.”
The young man who had been concentrating on massaging
Luo Fei couldn’t help but look up at the two of them when
he heard them talking.
At this time, Luo Fei buried his head and said, “I didn’t ask
you to come here to flirt with my guest.”
Li Zhenruo said, “When did I flirt with your guest? Besides,
you said it was your guest. I’m helping my boss to
accompany the customer, shouldn’t you give me more

Luo Fei let out a laugh, “Talking to your boss like that? You
think I’m your old boss?”
Li Zhenruo replied, “I’m sorry, you are my first boss, and I
have never followed other bosses.”

h h d l d d h d b d
Li Zhenran had already read the document by now and
handed it back to Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenruo took it and put it in the waterproof bag.
Luo Fei asked Li Zhenran, “How was it?”

Li Zhenran said, “I will seriously consider your suggestion

just now.”
Li Zhenruo sorted out the documents and asked Luo Fei,
“Boss, is there anything else?”
Luo Fei said, “Wait a minute.”
Li Zhenruo could only wait beside him in silence.
Luo Fei said to the young man beside him, “Call someone to
come and give Mr Li a shoulder massage.”

The young man replied, “Okay,” he left Luo Fei and walked
outside. When he reached the door, he seemed to
remember that there was another person in the room, and
turned back and asked, “Only for one person?”
Luo Fei asked Li Zhenruo, “Do you need it?”
Li Zhenruo said, “No need.”
Luo Fei said to the young man, “One person is enough.”
Then he told Li Zhenruo: “Don’t be in a hurry, and sit down
next to him first.”
There was a small table next to it, with fruit plates and
drinks on it.

Li Zhenruo was polite, walked over and sat down to eat a

few grapes.
Soon another young man came in, this time he had dyed
blond hair and was very handsome. He said with a smile on
h f ll k h h
his face, “Hello, my name is Sammy, may I ask which
gentleman needs a massage.”
Luo Fei pointed in the direction of Li Zhenran.
Sammy walked over to the empty massage table and said,
“Sir, come and lie down.”
Li Zhenruo looked at Li Zhenran.
As a result, Li Zhenran said, “No need, just sit and

Sammy seemed a little surprised, “It’s uncomfortable to

massage while sitting. Lying on your stomach is the most
At this time, the young man who was massaging Luo Fei
couldn’t help but interjected, “Just do as the customer tells
“Oh,” Sammy then walked behind Li Zhenran, put both
hands on his shoulders, and started massaging him.
Li Zhenruo looked at them expressionlessly while eating

Sammy said, “Sir your shoulders are so stiff, you haven’t

worked out much lately, have you?”
Li Zhenran didn’t answer.
Luo Fei said, “Why do you ask so many questions?”
Li Zhenruo was a little bored, he stretched out his arms,
and the bathrobe was falling halfway down, revealing half
of his shoulders and chest.
Li Zhenran suddenly stood up and walked up to him to help
him pull up the bathrobe.

h f h l l db h dd
“What for?” Li Zhenruo was a little surprised by his sudden
Li Zhenran squatted in front of him, helped him pull the
bathrobe, and then re-fastened his belt.
Li Zhenruo looked down and saw the top of Li Zhenran’s
head, and then saw Li Zhenran raise his head and said to
him, “This is the body of the person I love the most, don’t
just expose it to others like that.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned and said to him, “It has nothing to
do with you anymore.”
Li Zhenran stood up and looked down at him, “Can you tell
me what he said to you last?”

Li Zhenruo said, “Do you want to know?”

Li Zhenran replied, “I want to know.”
Li Zhenruo said, “He said he loves you, but he is afraid that
you will lie to him.”
Li Zhenran said, “I won’t lie to him again.”
Li Zhenruo shook his head, “How does he know you’re not
lying to him with that words?”
Chapter 90
The air in the room was still stiflingly hot and humid.

The conversation between them two made everyone else

feel that the atmosphere was a little weird, but Luo Fei still
had a smile on his face and was comfortably lying on his
back for someone to give him a back massage.
Sammy, who was still waiting for Li Zhenran, couldn’t help
and asked, “Sir, do you want to continue?”

Li Zhenran said to Li Zhenruo, “You’ll see, everything can

be proven.” After that, he went back to the reclining chair
and sat down, letting Sammy continue to massage him.
Sammy glanced at Li Zhenruo and asked Li Zhenran
curiously, “What were you talking about just now?”
Li Zhenran raised his head, half-closed his eyes, and said,
“Just guess it.”

Sammy said, “I guess? His friend is your old lover?”

Li Zhenran smiled and said nothing.
Sammy massaged his shoulders skillfully, slowly lowered his
palms, and said, “Sir, you are in such a good shape.”
Li Zhenran didn’t stop him, but at this moment, Li Zhenruo
suddenly stood up.

Sammy was startled for some reason, and subconsciously

stood up and looked straight at him, only to find that Li
Zhenruo didn’t look at them, but walked directly to the

lk h d f h b h h k ff h
Walking to the side of the bath, Li Zhenruo took off the
bathrobe. When he changed his clothes, he didn’t think he
was coming to take a bath, and he was still wearing a pair
of underwear underneath.
At this time, Li Zhenruo hooked his fingers on the edge of
his underwear and was about to slowly take them off when
Luo Fei stood up and said to the two young men, “You guys
go out first, I’ll go to the sauna.”
After he said that, Luo Fei put on his bathrobe and walked
toward the sauna.

When they heard what he said, the two young people had to
go out one after the other. Sammy was a little reluctant and
threw a wink at Li Zhenran.
All of a sudden, only Li Zhenruo and Li Zhenran were left in
this room.
Li Zhenruo had taken off half of his pants, and wondered
about what he was afraid of, he couldn’t put them back on
again, so he simply took it off and stepped into the pool and
sat down.
The water temperature was just right, but the water in the
pool was very clear and the scenery inside was

Li Zhenruo picked up a clean towel folded by the pool,

dipped it in water and put it on his shoulders. He heard Li
Zhenran’s footsteps coming over but did not turn around to
Until Li Zhenran sat down by the pool, stretched his feet
into the pool water, and asked him, “Where do you live
Li Zhenruo glanced at him slowly, “What’s the point of
asking that?”
Li Zhenran said, “I just want to know if you are doing well?”
Li Zhenruo replied, “It’s not me that you care about.”
Li Zhenran reached out and stroked his hair.
“What for?” Li Zhenruo moved his head to avoid it.
Li Zhenran said, “Since the person I care about is no longer
there, it’s good to see you for a while.”

Li Zhenruo frowned, “Don’t treat me like the replacement of

your affection.”
Li Zhenran replied, “It’s not an affection, it’s just nostalgia,
just like looking at a photo.”
Li Zhenruo actually didn’t know whether he should be angry
or indifferent at this time. After all, he was not really Shen
Luming, and his emotions are all those of Li Zhenruo’s and
none of those of this soul.
Li Zhenran’s fingers rested on the back of his neck and
gently rubbed it.

Li Zhenruo reached out to hold his hand and turned to look

at him.
Li Zhenran said, “There’s a mole there, do you know it
Li Zhenruo stood up and said to Li Zhenran, “It doesn’t
matter if I know, you can miss me like a photo, but I am a
whole person, please don’t play with me like a doll.”
After he said that, Li Zhenruo walked to the edge of the
pool and raised his legs to step out. However, the bottom of
the pool was a little slippery, and he fell over the side with
one leg unsteadily, just in time to be caught in Li Zhenran’s
Li Zhenran picked him up and put him outside the bath.

h h h d
Luo Fei was seeing this scene when he came out. He said to
Li Zhenruo, “Although Mr. Li is our big client, you don’t
need to sacrifice yourself to help the business talk. So be
more restrained in public.”
Li Zhenruo gritted his teeth and replied, “Yes boss.”
As they left the sauna, Luo Fei prepared dinner today and
invited other guests besides Li Zhenran, which was why he
did not let Li Zhenruo go.
Xu Shengwen had already made arrangements for dinner.
There were not many people at dinner, but Li Zhenruo
bumped into Hua Yibang.

The moment Hua Yibang saw Li Zhenruo, his eyes under the
lens showed a surprised look. He glanced at Li Zhenran
wanting to say something, then followed Li Zhenran to the
table in a disciplined manner.
Tonight was purely a social occasion.
Li Zhenruo knew one of the guests, Ling Yi. The man was
the manager of the Yuegou supermarket chain. Part of
Yunlin’s e-commerce network was to build a large online
supermarket, purchase and checkout through the computer
or mobile client platform, and build a logistics network for
home delivery. As for other parts of this e-commerce
network, Li Zhenran had more ideas, but they just needed
to be realized step by step.
Li Zhenruo sat next to him and listened. He felt that these
things were not very helpful to him at present. His goal was
to be able to meet and learn about suitable suppliers from
Luo Fei here, starting with an online store and becoming a
simple distributor.
At this dinner, Li Zhenruo and Xu Shengwen, as Luo Fei’s
assistants, were, to put it bluntly, here to hold the drinks.

When he picked up the wine glass, Li Zhenruo suddenly

recalled something and suddenly hesitated. The last time he
d kb f h ld l h d
was drunk before, he couldn’t control the cat ears and cat
tail showing. He hadn’t remembered it for a long time, but
now that he was drinking, the memory jumped out at him.
Luo Fei had already hinted that Li Zhenruo to toast Li
Zhenran and Ling Yi.
Li Zhenruo was now working for someone else, and even if
he wanted to be his own boss, he still had to socialize in the
beginning. It would be bad not to overcome this problem.
He believed that as he gradually became more skilled at
controlling his spiritual power, this should not be a big
So he stood up with his glass. Li Zhenruo first toasted Ling
Yi with a glass of wine, then walked up to Li Zhenran and
said, “Boss Li, I toast to you.”
Li Zhenran picked up the wine glass and stood up, clinking
the glasses with him politely, and then drank it.

Li Zhenruo walked to his seat and sat down, and felt as if he

was beginning to feel a little dizzy. He could not be blamed
for his poor drinking capacity, and he had to blame Shen
Luming for that.
After three rounds of drinking, Li Zhenruo had begun to feel
less sober. He tossed and reached out to touch the top of
his head because his back was facing the wall. If the tail
came out for a while, no one would see it, but it would be
bad if the ears came out.
Ling Yi, who was sitting opposite, saw that he kept
touching, and couldn’t help but ask, “What the hell are you
For a time, the whole table looked at him.
Li Zhenruo blurted out, “Ear.”

Next to him, Xu Shengwen laughed, grabbed his hand and

touched his ear, “The ear is here.”

h d l k d h h
Li Zhenran and Luo Fei looked at each other, Luo Fei
couldn’t help but shake his head and laugh.
Everyone thought he drank too much. Except for Li Zhenran
and Luo Fei, no one thought too much.
It was just that Li Zhenruo touched the back of his buttocks
uneasily again, but since he didn’t feel it, he didn’t touch it
again, but suddenly he felt something.
The chair’s feet scraping on the floor made a lot of noise,
and by this time everyone was sitting around chatting in a
low voice, so once again everyone looked over at him.

Li Zhenruo took two steps back, his back was against the
wall, and his face was flushed with alcohol. He then said,
“I’m going to the bathroom.”
At that moment, he clearly touched something fluffy, and he
was sure that his tail came out.
Luo Fei actually had a smile in his eyes, but he said with a
stern face, “If you want to go to the bathroom just go to the
bathroom, what’s all the fuss about? Do you want me to
walk you there?”
Li Zhenruo shook his head quickly, “No, I’ll go by myself.”
He kept his back against the wall and entered the
bathroom. After locking the door, he started to touch the
back of his butt over and over again and twisted his waist to
look in the mirror. After looking at it for a long time, he
didn’t find a tail.

What was that furry thing just now?

At this time outside, a waiter took the opportunity to come
in for dessert and took away the keychain that he had
dropped on top of Li Zhenruo’s chair when he was pouring
the wine.
There was a white fur ball hanging on the keychain, which
was exactly what Li Zhenruo touched with his finger just
With no tail or ears, Li Zhenruo breathed a sigh of relief, sat
on the toilet lid, leaned his head against the wall and fell
asleep like that.
It wasn’t until later that the people outside were ready to
leave that Li Zhenran asked the waiter to bring the
bathroom key and open the door from the outside.

Before Luo Fei left, he asked, “Are you going to take care of
Li Zhenran nodded, “I’ll do it.”
Li Zhenruo woke up when the waiter opened the door. He
sat up and looked outside blankly, “Where’s the boss?”
Li Zhenran stood at the door of the bathroom and told him,
“They have left.” Then he said to the waiter, “It’s alright, I’ll
take care of him.”
The waiter nodded politely and left first.

Li Zhenruo stood up, took two steps outside, and suddenly

stopped to touch the top of his head and buttocks, but
nothing strange was found.
Li Zhenran told him, “The ears are not showing and neither
is the tail, don’t worry.”
Li Zhenruo turned to look at him, “I’m leaving, Mr. Li.”
After speaking, he passed by Li Zhenran and walked
Li Zhenran followed behind him, “I’ll send you off.”
Li Zhenruo said, “How dare I trouble you, I’ll just go back
by myself.”

Li Zhenran took it easy, “I should always complete the tasks

that your boss gave me.”
h f h h l f h h d
The two came out of the hotel one after the other, and Li
Zhenruo stood on the side of the road trying to stop the car.
Li Zhenran grabbed his arm to stop him, “I have asked the
driver to drive over, come with me.”
Li Zhenruo looked at him, “Mr. Li, show some respect, I am
not Li Zhenruo.”
Li Zhenran let go of his hand, “I respect you, I just want to
take you home.”
Li Zhenruo said, “I don’t need a ride from you, aren’t you
going to respect my opinion?”

Li Zhenran suddenly pointed to the top of his head, “Cat

Li Zhenruo froze and was about to reach out to touch them
when suddenly a coat came down over his head and Li
Zhenran grabbed him by the shoulders and said, “The car is
here, there are too many people here, get in and talk.”
Under the influence of alcohol, Li Zhenruo couldn’t react
properly, and he couldn’t judge whether his ears were
really coming out. He was led by Li Zhenran to the car
before he pulled off Li Zhenran’s coat and threw it to him,
“Take it away, I don’t want to smell you.”
His nose was too sensitive, and the smell of Li Zhenran was
all over his coat, which made his breathing a little hard.

Li Zhenran grabbed the coat and didn’t get angry. He then

said, “Why do you drink so much since you can’t drink it?
Come back to me, you don’t have to work so hard.”
Li Zhenruo said, “I’m doing fine now. I want to live the life I
choose, not the one others have paved for me to go.”
Li Zhenran said softly, “You can choose any path, I’m just
giving you a choice.”

h d l k h h k b
Li Zhenruo turned to look at him, “Thank you, Mr. Li, but no
Li Zhenran said to him, “Okay, you can always come to me
at any time if you need it.”

The author has something to say:

It’s already 90 chapters

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Chapter 91
The car was quiet, and neither of them spoke for a while.

Li Zhenruo felt a little stuffy and couldn’t help opening the

car window, but the cold air outside rushed in, causing his
throat to hurt a little after he took a quick breath.
The driver who drove the car did not look sideways, waiting
for the red light and lined up in a regular manner, driving
in no hurry.

Li Zhenruo saw the bright red decorations in the shopping

mall outside and suddenly realized that it was almost
Chinese New Year.
“Can I ask you a question?” Li Zhenran said suddenly at
this moment.
Li Zhenruo didn’t look back, his forehead almost pressed
against the glass, he said, “Go ask.”

Li Zhenran asked him, “If Zhenruo was still around, how do

you think he would accept me again?”
Li Zhenruo had no way to answer this question. The thing
with romance, is if everyone could fall in love and pursue
someone regardless of everything, and just leave when they
no longer felt love, then why would there be so many sad
and tactful love songs, and moving love stories?
From that day on the rooftop, Li Zhenruo felt that Li
Zhenran probably didn’t fully believe what had happened.
Today’s verbal test made him more certain of his judgment.
Since Li Zhenran didn’t believe it anymore, it was pointless
for him to work hard to act. All he could do was not
compromise so easily. He didn’t want Li Zhenran to think
that his deception would be harmless to him in the end and
h h ld d f l l d
that everything would disappear after a little coaxing, and
he didn’t want there to be another deception between

Li Zhenruo said, “If he’s no longer afraid of you lying to

him, he’ll probably be able to accept you.”
When Li Zhenran heard this answer, he was silent for a
moment and asked, “If I give Yunlin to him, do you think he
will believe me?”
Li Zhenruo said without hesitation, “He didn’t need it.”
Li Zhenran sighed, “Then what does he need now?”

Li Zhenruo did not answer him.

However, Li Zhenran didn’t need his answer, and
continued, “Actually, I know.”
“You know?”
Li Zhenran said, “What he needs is respect, a re-
establishment of a relationship of mutual trust.”

Li Zhenruo looked a little dazed, “Re-establish?”

Li Zhenran smiled at him a little, “Didn’t you say that, he
said he loved me. I don’t think we’re really over, I think
we’ll have a chance to start over.”
Li Zhenruo heard the words, lowered his head and said,
“Then bless you.”
Li Zhenran asked the driver to take Li Zhenruo home.
When he arrived downstairs in the community, Li Zhenran
asked him, “Aren’t you going to invite me up?”

h d f f h d d d l k
Li Zhenruo stood in front of the car door and turned to look
at him, “It’s too late, I won’t delay your rest. Mr. Li, thank
you for taking me home.”
Li Zhenran stood beside the car door, put one hand above
the car door, and waved to him, “Good night, go to bed
Li Zhenruo turned around and went upstairs. After feeling
the blow of the cold wind, he seemed to be sobered a lot.
After he returned home and took a bath, Li Zhenruo put the
towel on his head and sat on the sofa to read a book.
In fact, he couldn’t quite get into the book, his head was
still a bit dizzy and he was still thinking about Li Zhenran’s
matters in his head.

Before he went to bed, Li Zhenruo went to the window to

draw the curtains. When he looked downstairs, he noticed
that there was a car parked downstairs, and it was the
same car that Li Zhenran had just sent him back in.
The car hadn’t left yet, and Li Zhenran had not left either.
Although he couldn’t see clearly from a distance, Li
Zhenruo noticed that a person sitting beside the flower bed
was smoking.
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, then took out his
mobile phone and called Li Zhenran.
The call was quickly connected, and Li Zhenran’s deep
voice sounded, “You haven’t slept yet?”

Li Zhenruo said, “If you don’t go back to sleep, the driver

has to sleep too, right?”
Li Zhenran gently laughed, “I just want to stay closer to
you. Alright, I’ll go back now, you rest early.”
After he said that, Li Zhenran hung up the phone, got up,
walked over and got into the car.

h db h d dk h h
Li Zhenruo stood by the window and kept watching his car
leave. He knew that Li Zhenran’s words were deliberately
said to him. Li Zhenran was a terrible person. He knew
what words were the most touching, but Li Zhenruo
couldn’t tell whether it was the truth or not.
But even if it was a lie, Li Zhenruo had to admit that he was

Early the next morning, when Li Zhenruo was still sleeping

in the cat’s bed, he was woken up by the doorbell. He
struggled to get up from the bed and walked slowly to the
door before realizing that he was still a cat, so he changed
to the form of an adult. He opened the door and asked,
“Who is it?”
The person standing outside the door was Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenruo scratched his head, “What are you doing so
Li Zhenran raised the bag in his hand, “Breakfast for you.”
Li Zhenruo frowned at him, “Why did you buy me

Li Zhenran had walked in, “I told you, this is the body of

the person I love the most and don’t want to see him starve
and lose weight.”
Li Zhenruo stood by the door, reached out and rubbed his
eyes while closing the door, and said, “Did you eat
breakfast on time yourself? You look like you’ve lost weight
only recently.”
Li Zhenran smiled and put breakfast on the dining table, “I
eat on time, I lost weight just because I caught a cold some
time ago.”
Li Zhenran said: “It was raining outside that day, and then I
got a cold when I went back.”
Li Zhenruo didn’t speak and sat down beside the dining
Li Zhenran smiled, “Do you feel sorry?”
Li Zhenruo yawned, “Why should I feel sorry for you, the
person who felt sorry for you is no longer there, and he was
so angry with you that he reincarnated.”
Li Zhenran still smiled, but he said, “I’m sorry.”
Li Zhenruo did not respond.

At this time, Li Zhenran turned his head and glanced at the

cat bed on the ground next to him. There was still a lot of
cat hair in it. He said, “You sleep here?”
Li Zhenruo didn’t want to admit that he bought a cat bed to
sleep in because she was lazy, but silently took out the soy
milk and steamed buns, habitually stuck a straw into the
soy milk cup, and took a sip.
Li Zhenran sat across from him and looked at him.
Li Zhenruo saw that there was something else in his
pocket, so he reached out and turned it over, but it turned
out that there was a can of fish inside, and it was the brand
he used to love.
“I brought it from home,” Li Zhenran said, “Zhenruo liked
to eat it before.”

Li Zhenruo didn’t want to be so polite to him, so he brought

the can over and said, “Thank you.”
Li Zhenran looked at the whole room and asked, “No
Li Zhenruo looked up, “It’s inside.”
Li Zhenran said, “I said cat toilet.”
h b h b h h d h ld
Li Zhenruo bit the bun in his mouth and gave him a cold
look, “I don’t need that.”

Li Zhenran said, “Isn’t it inconvenient to go to the toilet in

the middle of the night?”
Li Zhenruo was too lazy to answer him.
When he saw that Li Zhenruo had finished his breakfast, Li
Zhenran stood up and said, “I’m going to work.”
Li Zhenruo also stood up, and when he followed Li Zhenran
to the door, he did not expect Li Zhenran to suddenly turn
around and hold his shoulder with his hand, and his head
came close.
Li Zhenruo raised his hand to block it subconsciously, and
Li Zhenran put his head on Li Zhenruo’s shoulder and
whispered in his ear, “Come back.”

After he said that, Li Zhenran let him go and left.

The author has something to say:

Huh? How come there’s only 2,000 words? I thought it was
3,000 words! I can’t stand it!
Chapter 92
In fact, up until now, Li Zhenruo had always felt that the Li
Zhenran he used to know was the real Li Zhenran.

There was some indifference, some carelessness.

Of course, Li Zhenran could be gentle and enthusiastic, but
that was just what he wanted to show him. Perhaps behind
his gentleness and enthusiasm, he had been observing his
every move with a calm attitude.

However, he was willing to be gentle and warm to him,

which also shows that he thought of him in his heart, and
was not afraid to change and disguise himself to cater to his
After he pulled himself away from the frenzy of love, Li
Zhenruo found that he was getting to know Li Zhenran
better and better as a person.
He couldn’t control Li Zhenran, and of course, he certainly
didn’t have to. However, he didn’t think he should be easily
controlled by Li Zhenran, and that they should love each
other with mutual respect.

Well, Li Zhenran had already noticed his way of thinking, so

Li Zhenran would give him the respect he wanted.
But Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but wonder, if everything was
just a play acted by Li Zhenran, could Li Zhenran’s love for
him and this play lasted a lifetime? What if one day he
stopped loving him?
As he thought of this, Li Zhenruo began to scorn himself.
Forget it, it didn’t matter if he didn’t love him. Who can’t
live without whom? If Li Zhenran didn’t love him anymore,
he would just leave and follow his master to cultivate into

l h l b f l d
an immortal. There were countless beautiful men and
women to eat and drink with, who needs him?
It was just that Li Zhenruo didn’t take into account that his
master had become an immortal, yet he was still squatting
in the dilapidated school dormitory, eating cheap cat food
and canned cat food every day and drooling over his

When he arrived at the company, Xu Shengwen, who was

sitting across from the office, gave him a wink and smiled
Li Zhenruo couldn’t figure out what his wink meant, so he
remained silent and did not respond.
After Luo Fei came, he called Li Zhenruo into the office and
asked him, “How did it go last night? The tail didn’t show,
did it?”
Li Zhenruo always felt that Luo Fei’s tone had a bit of
ridicule in it. He said, “No, thank you boss for your

“Well,” Luo Fei tapped his fingers on the table, “You know,
Second Young Master Li is our big customer, and there will
be a lot of business dealings in the future. Since he thinks
highly of you, you can be considered to be in charge of
welcoming him in the future.”
Li Zhenruo looked at Luo Fei, and suddenly got closer
across his large desk, “Boss, your tail is falling out.”
Luo Fei leaned back on the office chair, and a smile slowly
spread from the corner of his mouth, “My tail, do you know
what it is?”
“What is it?” Li Zhenruo asked curiously.

Luo Fei smiled and told him, “My tail is very cute, I won’t
show it to you.”
h d d
Li Zhenruo’s eyes widened.
Luo Fei reached out and picked up a stack of documents on
the table, “Since you are so curious and energetic, I will
hand you an important task. Here are the three warehouses
located in this city. Inspect them all within this week and
submit a report to me with specific warehouse problems
and corrective measures. Have Shengwen arrange a driver
for you, and someone from the warehousing department
will accompany you. Any questions?”
Li Zhenruo heard the words, got up and took the
information in Luo Fei’s hand, and replied, “No problem.”

Luo Fei said, “What I want is not a walk-through inspection,

but a serious inspection and report. Do you understand?”
Li Zhenruo replied, “Understood.”
Luo Fei then waved his hand, “Get out.”
Li Zhenruo turned around and walked to the door, stopped
halfway, turned around and asked Luo Fei, “Boss, are you a

Isn’t a rabbit’s tail cute?

When he heard this, Luo Fei a little inscrutably at his
Li Zhenruo asked again, “When you and xiao Feng got into
the car, did you intentionally show your tail for him to
Luo Fei spoke slowly this time, smiled and replied to him,
“f/ck off.”

Xu Shengwen called Li Zhenruo and arranged a driver for

him, and the staff from the warehouse department who
were responsible for contacting and accompanying him
were also in place.
h h k l h h d d
Li Zhenruo went to the parking lot with the documents, and
when he walked to the car arranged by the company, he
saw a tall young man standing in front of the car door.
The man was still holding a stack of documents in his hand,
and when he looked up at Li Zhenruo, all the documents slid
to the ground at once, and he squatted down to pick them
up clumsily.
Li Zhenruo walked over to help him pick it up and then
handed it to him.
The man stretched out his hand, “Hello Assistant Li, I’m
Tian Chong1田冲 from the Warehouse Department.”

Li Zhenruo took his hand and repeated, “Padding2Padding is

also Tian Chong(填充)?”
Tian Chong explained a little embarrassedly, “Tian of the
pastoral sky3Tian Yuan, and Chong of rushing forward
Linghu4Linghu Chong.”
Li Zhenruo smiled, “Hello, just call me Jason.”
Tian Chong also smiled.
The two got into the car and sat side by side in the back
seat to sort out their trip these days.

If things went well, it would take about a day for them to

complete one of the warehouse inspections. The first two
were on the outskirts of the city, and it was only a one to
two hours drive. Because those were not in the same
direction, they didn’t plan to finish the inspection in one
The last one was a little further away, but it was also in this
city, and it takes less than three hours from the time they
went out of town, so he planned to leave it for the last day.
Li Zhenruo said to Tian Chong, “You are more expert in this
area, so when the time comes, I may need to ask you for
d h
advice on many things.”
Tian Chong hurriedly said, “Assistant Li is too modest.”
Li Zhenruo smiled.

Then both fell silent.

This Tian Chong didn’t look like he was in his thirties. Li
Zhenruo didn’t know how he usually worked, but now he
seemed to be a little sloppy.
As they arrived at the warehouse in the morning, they
began to inspect item by item according to the inspection
The warehouse had received a notification long ago, and the
person in charge had prepared the materials in a neat
manner and put the inbound and outbound orders as well as
the relevant systems and procedures placed together in
front of Li Zhenruo.
Tian Chong went with the administrator to check the
storage of the goods and whether the fireproof and
waterproof measures in the warehouse were in place.

It was the first time that Luo Fei handed over important
work to Li Zhenruo. Of course, Li Zhenruo would not do it
perfunctorily and would really check carefully everything
one by one, causing the person in charge of the warehouse
to sweat on his forehead.
The workload was larger than Li Zhenruo expected. By
noon, they had only finished half of the inspection. The
warehouse manager asked them if they would like to go to a
nearby restaurant for lunch, but Li Zhenruo refused.
Li Zhenruo said, “Let’s eat a boxed lunch, it’s a waste of
time to eat outside.”
The person in charge still wanted to invite them, but when
he saw Li Zhenruo’s firm attitude, he could only arrange a
lunch box for them.
hl h h ll h h
While they ate, Li Zhenruo’s cell phone rang. He saw that it
was Li Zhenran who was calling, so he walked to the corner
with the lunch box to answer the phone.

“What?” Li Zhenruo asked.

Li Zhenran asked him, “Did you eat properly?”
Li Zhenruo said, “What do you think?”
Li Zhenran said, “I heard that Luo Fei had you work in the
Li Zhenruo replied, “Well, to inspect the warehouse at the
end of the year.”

Li Zhenran said to him, “Keep yourself warm and eat on

Li Zhenruo was silent for a while and said to him, “Why are
you so considerate?”
Li Zhenran said “hmm”, as if he didn’t understand what he
Li Zhenruo said, “You are not that considerate, so why do
you have to pretend to be so considerate?”
When he heard this, Li Zhenran responded, “This is quite
interesting, what kind of person do you think I am?”

Li Zhenruo said, “Cold-blooded.”

“Am I cold-blooded?”
“At least not as gentle and warm as you have shown.”
Li Zhenran laughed, “That’s because I want to be gentle
and warm with you, is there a problem with that?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I’m not Li Zhenruo, you’ve got the wrong
After he said that, he hung up the phone. He found that he
couldn’t answer Li Zhenran’s questions well, and whatever
doubts he had, Li Zhenran was able to defuse them in the
end and he became speechless.
In fact, he was not Li Zhenran’s opponent from beginning to
end. He was still too naive. In the past, he thought that the
Li family would be his possession in the end.
He was the mantis that stalked the cicada and was unaware
of the oriole bird behind5to pursue a narrow gain while
neglecting a greater danger. The bird let the mantis jump
and planned to wait for it to jump high enough to move its
head to peck and eat the mantis.
After he hung up the phone, Li Zhenruo ate the lunch box.
He then threw the empty lunch box into the trash can,
turned and walked towards the warehouse.
Tian Chong was sitting on the chair with his back to him. At
this time, he was holding a lunch box in one hand and was
calling someone with a mobile phone in the other hand.

Li Zhenruo heard him say, “It’s the new assistant to the big
boss. He looks like a college student and looks like a

“Well, the new officer takes office, and the inspection is
very strict. I can’t interfere at the side, and it’s just a
routine inspection at the end of the year.”

“I wonder what the relationship with the boss is, so delicate
looking, could he be a little white face6gigolo? Hehe.”

Li Zhenruo felt a little funny, he walked behind Tian Chong,

bent down in his ear and asked, “Am I that delicate? Would
you like to touch?”
h l d d d d h h
Tian Chong was startled and turned around as his phone
slipped out of his ear.
Li Zhenruo caught it, opened the pocket of Tian Chong’s
down jacket, put it in, and said, “Let’s continue to work
after eating, okay?”
Tian Chong nodded blankly, “Okay.”
After spending a day in this warehouse, it was already dark
when they returned.
The driver pulled into the underground parking lot.

Li Zhenruo and Tian Chong packed up and got off the car,
and entered the elevator together.
Li Zhenruo pressed the top floor, while Tian Chong pressed
the first floor.
“Not going up?” Li Zhenruo asked.
Tian Chong said, “I’m not going up at this late hour, it’s the
same material tomorrow anyway, I’m going straight back.”

Li Zhenruo smiled and said, “Alright.”

Tian Chong then asked, “Assistant Li still wants to go back
to the office?”
Li Zhenruo said, “The boss is waiting for me to go back to
report on the situation, and he is paying more attention to
this inspection than you think.”
Tian Chong was stunned for a while. As he saw that the
elevator had opened to the first floor, he then reached out
and closed the door and pressed the floor of the storage
“Not going back?” Li Zhenruo asked strangely.

h d b d h db
Tian Chong said, “I just remembered something, I’d better
go back to the office first to sort out today’s materials.”
Li Zhenruo smiled, “That’s fine.”
He went back to the office, but in fact, Luo Fei didn’t stay
and wait for him. He was probably on a date with Feng
Li Zhenruo sorted the documents by himself, went to the
bathroom to look in the mirror, and found that the corners
of his brows and eyes were a little tired. In fact, he also
worked overtime before, but at that time he was the one
who was sitting in the office making decisions. Li Jianglin
always agreed with many of his views and would arrange
for the people below him to implement them.
In the days when he was still in Yunlin, Li Jianglin always
sat in the first position. As long as Li Jianglin agreed with
his opinion, the people below him would not come out to
oppose it. So it was different from later when Li Zhenran
was in charge of Yunlin alone.

Li Zhenran probably worked much harder than him.

After he packed up, Li Zhenruo encountered Tian Chong
coming out of another elevator when he took the elevator to
the first floor. The two of them greeted one another and
walked outside together.
The heater was on in the company building, and as soon as
he walked out of the door, a chill hit his face, and Li
Zhenruo subconsciously closed his collar.
At this time, he saw a car parked in front of him, and Li
Zhenran was standing by the door and looking in his
Li Zhenruo paused, walked in the direction of Li Zhenran,
and asked, “Why are you here?”

Li Zhenran said, “I’m waiting for you to have dinner.”

h k dh d k h l f
Li Zhenruo asked him, “How do you know I haven’t left
yet?” He subconsciously wanted to take a look at his phone,
suspecting that Li Zhenran had tracked him.
Li Zhenran said, “I didn’t track you. I called Luo Fei. He
said that the driver just sent you back to the company.”
Next to him, Tian Chong looked at the car behind Li
Zhenran and then at Li Zhenran, not recognizing who it
was, he said to Li Zhenruo, “You have friends coming? I’ll
go first then.”
Li Zhenruo nodded, “See you tomorrow.”

Tian Chong waved his hand and turned away.

Li Zhenran looked at his tall back and asked, “Who?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Company colleagues.”
“He looks very handsome,” Li Zhenran said.
Li Zhenruo heard the words and said to him, “Do you like
him? Would you like to introduce him to you?”

Li Zhenran said, “Unfortunately, he’s not my type.”

Li Zhenran asked the driver to drive the car away first and
accompanied Li Zhenruo for a walk back slowly.
The two walked side by side, occasionally the back of their
hands touched, and Li Zhenruo noticed that Li Zhenran’s
hands were cold.
He couldn’t help but ask, “Have you been standing outside
for a long time?”
Li Zhenran said, “Not long.”

Li Zhenruo wanted to say that his hands were cold, but

after he thought about it, he didn’t say it.

h h dd l bb d h h d
At this time, Li Zhenran suddenly grabbed his hand, Li
Zhenruo wanted to break away subconsciously, but Li
Zhenran held his hand and put it in his jacket pocket.
The pocket was very warm, with the heat of Li Zhenran’s
Li Zhenruo broke free and failed to break free, and said,
“Others will think we are perverted.”
Li Zhenran said, “It doesn’t matter to me what others

Dinner was eaten in a small restaurant next to Li Zhenruo’s

Inside the restaurant, the glass doors were closed and the
smell of food and warm heat filled the room. Two people sat
by the window, drinking mutton soup and eating steamed
After dinner, Li Zhenran asked him, “Want to watch a
Li Zhenruo looked at him, “Who wants to watch a movie
with you!”
Li Zhenran seemed a little distressed, “Then what should I
invite you to do?”

“Nothing,” Li Zhenruo called the boss to settle the bill, “I

need to go back to organize the materials and start writing
the report.”
Li Zhenran said, “Luo Fei is really mean.”
Speaking of Luo Fei, Li Zhenruo suddenly thought of one
thing. He approached Li Zhenran and asked in a low voice,
“Do you know what Luo Fei is?”
“What is Luo Fei?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Luo Fei is not a human, do you know?”
Li Zhenran frowned slightly, “Then what is he?”
Li Zhenruo said mysteriously, “I suspect he is a rabbit.”
Li Zhenran looked at him suspiciously.
Li Zhenruo said, “He said that his tail is very cute.”
When he heard this, Li Zhenran’s expression suddenly
became meaningful.

Li Zhenruo said with a smile, “I know what you’re thinking.”

Li Zhenran suddenly reached out and grabbed his hand,
“You really know me well.”
Li Zhenruo pulled his hand back, “Who has time to
understand you.”
After he paid the bill, he pushed open the door of the
restaurant and went out. There was another cold wind
Li Zhenran accompanied Li Zhenruo to the place where he
lived and sent him to the front of the house. When he saw Li
Zhenruo open the door, Li Zhenran asked him, “Aren’t you
going to invite me over to sit?”

Li Zhenruo said, “I said I had to write a report.”

Li Zhenran lowered his head and thought for a while.
“What?” Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but ask him.
Li Zhenran said, “It’s nothing, can’t you see that I’m
courting you?”
Li Zhenruo laughed out loud at once, “Do you want to play a
young boy or girl who is at the beginning of love?”

h h d h f
Li Zhenran wasn’t angry, he said, “Isn’t the process of
courting just to make you feel my love for you? Dinner, a
movie, shopping, what else do you think? I can do it all for
Li Zhenruo leaned back against the door, “You’ve moved on
so quickly? You don’t want Li Zhenruo anymore?”
Li Zhenran stretched out his hand and pinched his earlobe,
then leaned closer to his ear and said, “I have never moved
on, from beginning to end I have only loved you, only you, I
am yours, body and soul.”
After he stood up straight, Li Zhenran found that Li
Zhenruo’s ears had turned red.
Li Zhenruo was a little dazed and had not recovered from
the shock of Li Zhenran’s affectionate confession just now.

Li Zhenran said, “I’m leaving, take your time with your work
and take care of your health.”
At night, Li Zhenruo was wrapped in a quilt and used a
laptop to write a report, but the inside of his head was a
little messy.
After he was wrapped up for a while, he felt a little hot. He
raised his hand and touched his face, and found that his
cheeks were hot. After he stopped to think for a while, Li
Zhenruo felt that it might be because of the bowl of mutton
soup that night that he was feeling hot now.
But he had been single for a long time, so even if he was hot
to death, no one would come to relieve him.
Li Zhenruo wondered idly, should he keep Li Zhenran?
Anyway, he himself no longer had integrity. As he thought
of this, he immediately rejected it again in his head. He had
long since picked up the integrity, and sex without love was
something he did not need at all.

But actually, there was still love for Li Zhenran. Perhaps it

would be best if he could sleep with him, open his eyes, get
d d d h l k b k d lk h
up, and get dressed without looking back and talk to him in
a cold tone, “You can go now.”
Or to just leave, threw two hundred dollars on the bedside
table, and told him, “That’s all you’re worth.”
While thinking about it, Li Zhenruo found himself even more
parched and had better have no choice but to put his hand
inside the quilt.
He kept his hands outside, it was extremely cold at this
time, and when he touched them, Li Zhenruo couldn’t help
shivering from head to toe, and then sighed.

The author has something to say:

There will be another one later, hahahahaha

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Chapter 93
The next day, he continued with Tian Chong to check the

Today’s Tian Chong looks much more serious than

Originally, their warehouse department and these
warehouse managers below were very familiar with each
other, but when Li Zhenruo arrived here, they just followed
him obediently and didn’t say anything more to the person
in charge.

The warehouse here was larger, and the number of inbound

and outbound shipments was also considerable. It was
already dark in the afternoon when things were over.
Tian Chong’s cell phone rang suddenly, and when he saw it
was an unfamiliar phone number, he answered it strangely.
It turned out to be a calm man’s voice, “Are you Tian Chong
from the warehouse department?”

Tian Chong heard the other party’s tone was like that of the
company’s superior, and quickly responded with a suitable
attitude, “I am. To whom I am speaking?”
The person on the other end of the phone said, “I’m Luo
Fei, please let Jason answer the phone. His phone is off.”
When Tian Chong heard the name Luo Fei, he was stunned
for a moment, and then he reacted with a jolt, and quickly
said, “Yes, yes, Mr. Luo, just a moment.”
He hurriedly handed the phone to Li Zhenruo, and mouthed
nervously, “Big Boss!”

h k d h l h ll
Li Zhenruo took it and gave a somewhat lazy “hello”.
Luo Fei asked him, “Why isn’t it on?”
Li Zhenruo took out his mobile phone and found that it had
run out of battery some time ago.
Luo Fei said, “I’ll give you the address and we’ll have
dinner tonight.”

Li Zhenruo’s tone was full of suspicion, “You’re inviting me

to dinner?”
Luo Fei said, “And with xiao Feng, coming?”
Li Zhenruo thought for a moment, “There’s also Li
Zhenran, right?”
Luo Fei just laughed.

Li Zhenruo said helplessly, “Did you take money from him?”

Luo Fei still laughed with an unknown meaning.
Li Zhenruo finally asked Luo Fei to give him the address,
and then hung up the phone.
He returned the phone to Tian Chong, and Li Zhenruo
asked the driver to drop him off at a convenient place in the
city for a taxi, and then sent Tian Chong straight back to
the office.

Until Li Zhenruo got out of the car, Tian Chong was still
holding his phone and trying to recall. He asked the driver,
“Have you heard of Li Zhenran? I think the name sounds
The driver said casually, “Isn’t it the second son of Yunlin,
who is very close to our big boss.”
Tian Chong’s eyes widened, “It’s him! Thought so!”
h d l dh
Li Zhenruo was so young, and Luo Fei valued him as soon
as he came to the company. Everyone was guessing that
the young man must have a backup. Now it seemed that he
was not wrong.

He took a taxi to the western restaurant that Luo Fei told

him about, but Li Zhenruo suddenly felt a little grimy
before entering.
The warehouse was on the outskirts of the city, where the
environment was open and windy, and Li Zhenruo felt that
his hair was dusty.
So he went to the bathroom first, changed into a clean and
decent suit from the cubicle, and walked towards the
Luo Fei and Feng Junyuan were sitting in a comfortable
corner of the restaurant, and when they saw Li Zhenruo
from a distance, Feng Junyuan raised a hand to greet him.

Li Zhenruo sat down and asked, “Where’s Li Zhenran?”

Luo Fei said, “Do you miss him so much?”
Li Zhenruo was a little tired, yawned and didn’t bother to
pay attention to him, and said, “We’re not waiting for him?
Can I order now?”
Feng Junyuan got up from Luo Fei’s side, sat beside Li
Zhenruo, and reached out to touch his head.
Li Zhenruo knew that several of his master’s family
regarded him as a cat, and he was used to their intimate
actions, so he did not reject it, and reached out to hug him,
“Xiao Feng.”

Feng Junyuan also hugged him, stroking his hair while

trying to kiss his forehead, but Luo Fei pulled him back.
Luo Fei said, “Stop it.”
h h d f ll
Li Zhenruo whispered to Feng Junyuan, “You refuse to tell
me, but I think I still know what Luo Fei is?”
Feng Junyuan looked at him in surprise, “Really?”
Li Zhenruo said, “He’s a rabbit, right?”

Feng Junyuan still looked surprised, “Is he a rabbit?”

Luo Fei looked at them coldly, picked up the fork on the
table and pointed at Li Zhenruo, “I’m deducting your
Li Zhenran came a little late, sat down and said, “Sorry,
there is a delay.”
When he saw that his expression was not too relaxed, Li
Zhenruo couldn’t help but ask, “What’s wrong?”
Li Zhenran picked up the water glass and took a sip of
water, “Dad is not feeling well. I took him to the hospital in
the afternoon, and I will visit him later in the evening.”

Luo Fei asked, “Is everything alright?”

Li Zhenran said, “It’s nothing, it’s an old age problem, it’s
Li Zhenruo recalled the last time he saw Li Jianglin, his
body seemed to be gradually improving.
Li Zhentai’s death was definitely a blow to Li Jianglin,
however, it also gave him complete closure. After that, Li
Jianglin’s body was actually recovering slowly, but it was
impossible to return to its original state.
Li Zhenruo just didn’t expect that he would suddenly be
admitted to the hospital at this time.

The Li family always had a family doctor and a caretaker

living at home. The fact that he was taken to the hospital
b bl b h b
was probably because the situation was a bit serious.
Li Zhenran was in a hurry to eat.
After he ate, he stretched his arms around Li Zhenruo’s
shoulders, kissed him on the cheek, and said, “I have to go
to the hospital, let Luo Fei take you home.”
Li Zhenruo didn’t think anything was wrong, he just
reached out and grabbed Li Zhenran’s arm and said, “I’ll go
with you.”
“You’re coming?” Li Zhenran asked him.

Li Zhenruo said, “Well, I want to go and see.”

Li Zhenran hesitated for a while, and finally said, “Let’s go
together then.”
Li Zhenruo was still more or less concerned about Li
Jianglin. His biological mother had passed away, and he
had never met the so-called biological father. He probably
didn’t even know his existence in this world, and Li
Zhenruo also never thought that that person was his father.
He felt indifferent to the brothers, and the only one who
could be regarded as a family was probably Li Jianglin.
Although in the last days of his life, Li Jianglin gave up on
him. However, like Li Zhentai, even if he was betrayed by
Li Jianglin, Li Jianglin did not completely give up on him. Li
Zhenruo couldn’t help thinking later that if he didn’t die,
maybe one day he might come back to Li’s house and
continue to be Li Jianglin’s son.

This was just a delusion, and by now Li Zhenruo had

stopped thinking about it.
He just wanted to see Li Jianglin.
If Li Jianglin passed away one day, he might not be able to
accompany him to the end by his side. Now, while he was
still there, he could see him as much as he wanted.
h h h l h dd kh h
On the way to the hospital, Li Zhenran did not ask him the
question, If you are not Li Zhenruo, why are you going to
see Li Jianglin?
Li Zhenruo thought of a good answer, but it was useless.

Li Zhenran just asked him, “Are you tired today?”

Li Zhenruo said, “I’m okay. How is your father?”
Li Zhenran replied, “Old people’s problem, you know how it
is. Let’s go and have a look.”
They drove to the hospital, and Li Zhenruo followed Li
Zhenran to the VIP ward where Li Jianglin was.
As he opened the door, Li Zhenruo found that Zhu Kai was

Zhu Kai was sitting at the bedside watching Li Jianglin, but

when he heard the movement, he turned to look at them.
After seeing Li Zhenruo, he was a little surprised, “Why are
you here?”
The Li family hadn’t seen Li Zhenruo for a long time, and
when they asked Li Zhenran, he didn’t say anything.
Everyone thought they were quarrelling.
Li Zhenran just said, “He came to see Dad.”
Zhu Kai then stood up, “Then come and sit, I’ll go out and
buy a pack of cigarettes.”
After that, Zhu Kai walked outside.

Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo walked to the hospital bed and

sat down.
Li Jianglin seemed to be asleep, and his breathing was a bit
cloudy and heavy.

d h ll d h f l
“Dad,” Li Zhenran called to him softly.
As a result, Li Jianglin slowly opened his eyes, looked at
him for a while, then looked at Li Zhenruo and said, “You
are here.”
“Mr. Li,” Li Zhenruo called.

Li Jianglin said, “You don’t need to call me that, just call me

Uncle Li.”
Li Zhenruo did not speak.
Li Jianglin’s voice was weak, “I thought you and Zhenran
had a fight.”
Li Zhenruo heard the words and smiled lightly, “Yes, I had
a fight with him.”
Li Jianglin sighed, “Life is only a few decades, so young
people don’t know how to cherish it. It’s no big deal to let it
Li Zhenruo said, “Aren’t you against it?”

Li Jianglin’s eyes were a little cloudy, “If my opposition was

useful, I would naturally oppose it to the end. But this son, I
don’t even know him well enough myself, and I don’t think
my opposition will be useful. Since you must be together,
then it’s up to you.”
“Dad,” Li Zhenran called to him softly.
Li Jianglin said, “I have done a lot of things before, and now
I don’t know if I should regret it, but I know very well that
regret is the most useless thing because it’s irredeemable.
In this case, before some things reach a dead end, it’s
better to turn back as soon as you can.”
Although he was talking about Li Zhenruo and Li Zhenran,
Li Jianglin was more like speaking to his past self.

h h dd l d d fh
At this moment, Li Zhenruo suddenly wondered if he
remembered Zhu Yun.
What happened between him and Zhu Yun back then, and
why Zhu Yun gave birth to Zhu Kai with someone else, Li
Zhenruo may have a hard time knowing the truth by now.
And Li Zhenruo didn’t want to know the truth so much.
Sometimes it’s not necessarily a bad thing for parents to
maintain the best image in their minds for their children.
After talking so much, Li Jianglin seemed a little tired. He
closed his eyes and only his heavy breathing could be heard
inside the quiet ward.
“Zhenran,” Li Jianglin said suddenly again.

Li Jianglin said, “Take care of yourself and keep an eye on

the third child. You both are the only two children I have
Li Zhenran said, “I will.”
Li Jianglin added, “Do whatever you want to do, there is no
need to wait until you regret it in the future.”
Li Zhenran heard the words and turned to look at Li
Li Zhenruo said softly, “Uncle Li, have a good rest.”

Li Jianglin fell asleep, and Li Zhenran sent Li Zhenruo

After coming out of the ward, Li Zhenruo said, “You don’t
need to send me off, just stay with him for a while.”
As soon as he finished speaking, he heard footsteps
approaching slowly across the corridor, and turned to see
that it was Li Zhenzi.

h ll h d b d h d d l l h l f
They all had jobs during the day and were only slightly free
at night after work, so they took this opportunity to spend
time with Li Jianglin.
Li Zhenzi was probably the only person who didn’t know his
own relationship with Li Jianglin yet, but it was actually
pretty good. At least Li Jianglin had a son who was truly
devoted to him.

When he saw Li Zhenruo, Li Zhenzi’s eyes widened, “Why

did you come?”
Li Zhenruo said, “I’m here to visit Mr. Li.”
Li Zhenzi looked at him, “I heard that you resigned from my
second brother and went to Luo Fei’s place?”
Li Zhenruo took a deep breath and said without haste, “A
fine birds choose wood to perch1A talented person is free to
choose his own boss, is there a problem?”
As he heard this, Li Zhenzi raised his hand to bump against
Li Zhenran, “Second brother, your little lover said that you
are rotten wood.” Then he glanced at Li Zhenran with a
meaningful look.

Li Zhenran let out a laugh, “Whether it’s rotten or not is

something he’ll only know after he tries it.”
Li Zhenruo was not in the mood to tell erotic jokes to the
two brothers, so he yawned tiredly again and said, “I’ll go
Li Zhenran said to him, “I’ll see you off.”
Li Zhenruo replied, “No need,” he waved his hand, turned
and left without looking back.
Although he didn’t look back, Li Zhenruo still heard Li
Zhenzi and Li Zhenran said, “Second brother, if he played
hard to get to you like this, are you really going to take the
Li Zhenran seemed to laugh without saying a word.
Li Zhenzi said again, “Don’t be afraid of him, you can also
hang him for a few days too.”
Li Zhenruo didn’t hear the latter words, because he had
already entered the elevator and watched the elevator door
slowly closing. The only thought in Li Zhenruo’s heart was:
let’s see if you really dare to do that.
He knew that Li Zhenran would not dare now.
On the third day, there was a delay in the company, so the
trip to the last warehouse was arranged on the fourth day.

With the experience of the previous two days, Li Zhenruo

and Tian Chong set off early this morning and even they
also ate two buns for breakfast in the car.
After looking at the information about the last warehouse,
Li Zhenruo closed his eyes and fell asleep when he saw that
they were still far away from the destination.
Although they started early in the morning, they were stuck
on the way out of the city for more than an hour. When they
arrived at the destination, it was almost ten o’clock in the
The head of the warehouse greeted them, asked them if
they had breakfast, and invited them to the office to sit
down and have two cups of tea first.
Li Zhenruo refused outright and said, “Let’s just start
straight away, otherwise I’m afraid we won’t be able to go
back until the inspection is over today.”

The person in charge had no choice but to take Li Zhenruo

and the others to the warehouse and also took out all the
prepared materials.

h h h l f h h h
This warehouse was the largest of the three warehouses
because the distance was relatively far. In fact, Li Zhenruo
had already prepared that he would not be able to complete
the work within a day, and might not be able to go back
until tomorrow.
The person in charge had been with Li Zhenruo all the
time. He probably wanted to get close to him, but Li
Zhenruo was not very interested and concentrated on
checking all the inbound and outbound orders.
He had the company’s inbound and outbound records in his
hand and needed to check them against the ones here to
see if there were any discrepancies.
After lunch, Li Zhenruo felt a little stuffy and really tired,
so he came out for a walk.

He walked around the warehouse and found it strange that

there were nine warehouses recorded here, but he only saw
eight in total in this area. Where was the last one?
He came back and asked Tian Chong, “Have you counted
all the warehouses?”
Tian Chong said, “Yes, there are three warehouses left.”
Li Zhenruo asked him, “I remember that there are nine
warehouses in the file, but why are there only eight here?”
Tian Chong froze, “Aren’t there only eight?”

He thought about it for a while, went to open the file and

said, “Oh, there are really nine.”
In the afternoon, Li Zhenruo asked the person in charge of
the warehouse.
Hearing the words, the person in charge said: “The ninth
warehouse is a little far from here. It is an old warehouse,
so the environment is not good and the moisture resistance
is not very good. I applied for renovation, and it is empty
h k d
“Empty?” Li Zhenruo asked.
The person in charge said, “Yes, it’s already fenced off and
it’s not convenient to go in, the warehouse is really not up
to standard, so it’s out of use for renovation.”

Li Zhenruo nodded and asked Tian Chong, “Does your

warehousing department know?”
Tian Chong frowned and thought about it, “It seems that
this year this side has reported that it needs to be
Li Zhenruo then asked the person in charge, “Has the
construction started?”
The person in charge said, “Not yet. Isn’t it New Year’s Eve
soon? The fencing has just been done this month, and the
construction will start after the New Year.”
Li Zhenruo replied, “That’s good.”

After that, he didn’t ask about the warehouse again, and

since the fence was being built in preparation for the
construction, he did not let Tian Chong personally go over
to see it.
In the afternoon, Li Zhenruo’s work speed slowed down a
Tian Chong finished his work and came back to him to help
Li Zhenruo said, “It’s okay, I’m sure I won’t be able to
finish today, let’s continue tomorrow.”
Tian Chong was a little surprised, “Are you going here
again tomorrow?”

Li Zhenruo thought for a while, “Instead of wasting time on

the road, why not stay over here today?”
h b l h
“Stay over…” Tian Chong’s tone was obviously unhappy.
The person in charge of the warehouse was enthusiastic to
keep them, “Then stay here, I will immediately ask
someone to book a hotel downtown, and let’s have dinner
there. I know a restaurant that cooked cold-water fish very
Li Zhenruo looked up at him, smiled and said, “No need to
be so polite, it’s a waste of time to go downtown. Find a
room for us here tonight.”
“Huh?” This time Tian Chong was completely
dumbfounded, “Here?”

There were usually people on duty in the warehouse here.

Of course, it was not impossible to find a bed to sleep in,
but the conditions must be terrible. Tian Chong was not a
rich young master, but he was a big city office worker. He
followed to conduct random warehouse department
inspections, and this time the warehouse couldn’t take
good care of them. And today he didn’t know what the
assistant want to do, unexpectedly asked to stay in the
The person in charge was obviously a little stunned. He
quickly said, “There is no one here, the conditions are too
poor, and the weather has been cold these two days. You
should be careful or you’ll freeze at night, so let’s go to the
Tian Chong then whispered, “Yes.”
Li Zhenruo said, “It doesn’t matter, just stay here and buy
two thick quilts while it’s still early. I’m really tired today,
and I don’t even want to take the car.”
The person in charge was still embarrassed and looked
toward Tian Chong.

Tian Chong didn’t want to stay here very much, but he

couldn’t speak out against Li Zhenruo directly, so he could
l h h h fh ld
only whisper to the person in charge to see if he could
persuade Li Zhenruo again.
As a result, Tian Chong still failed to persuade Li Zhenruo
and had to stay in the warehouse at night.
The person in charge could only pack a room for the small
office building on the third floor and built two steel wire
beds. The bedding was brand new, clean and soft.
Li Zhenruo refused to go to the city to eat dinner, so the
person in charge asked someone to make some and went to
buy a few dishes back. They made a banquet directly at the
side of the warehouse. The food wasn’t great, but the wine
was good.
The person in charge personally accompanied him and
planned to stay here at night.

Li Zhenruo did not want to drink, he excused himself from

all of them on the pretext that he was allergic to alcohol,
but later on, he could not avoid it, so he drank a glass and
pretended to be drunk, and directly fell on the table.
As a result, Tian Chong dealt with the people in the
warehouse by himself. He was drunk, and after being sent
to the room, he lay on the bed directly.
After simply washing his face with hot water, Li Zhenruo
was lying on the bed, when he heard Tian Chong beside
him mumbling.
Tian Chong was probably also delirious, and he kept
complaining that he couldn’t stand this place, the
environment was too bad.
Li Zhenruo smiled when he heard the words, and lay on the
bed with his clothes closed and his eyes closed.

There were still people coming and going outside, someone

was talking in a low voice, and a headlight shone down
from the third floor. Even if the light was not turned on in
this room, it was still bright.
h l f l h h h
Li Zhenruo always felt that there was something wrong
with the last warehouse.
According to the person in charge, they reported to the
company two months ago to apply for funds to repair. Last
month, the company approved the funds in place, and this
month began to build the fence and there did not seem to
be any problems.
But Li Zhenruo remembered clearly that in May, a batch of
goods was originally sent to the warehouse here, but it was
sent to the other warehouse because the inventory capacity
was insufficient. However, since May, there has been no
record of inbound and outbound shipments from that
Did the warehouse have a problem long ago and the person
in charge never reported it so it was left idle, or was the
warehouse being used for something else that they didn’t
want the company to know about?

If it were the old Li Zhenruo, he would definitely report the

situation here directly to Luo Fei and let Luo Fei handle it
at his own discretion.
But now he felt that he was perfectly capable of checking
out the warehouse first, and so when he handed in this
report to Luo Fei, it would be really beautiful.
It was still early, so Li Zhenruo covered himself with the
blanket and planned to sleep until four or five o’clock in the
morning when people were most soundly asleep and most
In the end, Li Zhenruo himself did not expect that
something happened before he slept in the middle of the
This small building in the warehouse had three floors. He
didn’t know where the accident happened. In the middle of
the night, Li Zhenruo heard a commotion outside, and there
was a burning smell in the air. Someone shouted from
outside, “Fire!”
The small building was built in a rudimentary manner. It
was originally a temporary structure and had been used
since then. The materials were flammable, and the fire
control was not enough. He didn’t know where the flames
came from. The wind was strong in the suburbs, and it
suddenly burst into flames at once.
Li Zhenruo was not afraid of fire, but Tian Chong still
sleeping in the room.
He lifted the quilt and got up, walked to Tian Chong’s bed
and patted his face, “Get up! It’s on fire!”
Tian Chong had been drinking and was completely asleep,
snoring loudly. When Li Zhenruo covered his face, he
barely managed to silence his snoring, but as soon as he
removed his hand, he started snoring again.
The fire didn’t seem to be under control, and the people
outside began to shout: “It’s on fire! Get up!” Among them,
Li Zhenruo also heard voices interspersed with those
calling his and Tian Chong’s names.

Li Zhenruo couldn’t bear it anymore, and slapped Tian

Chong in the face, “There’s a fire! Do you want to die?”
Tian Chong finally opened his eyes, but he was still in a
trance, “What’s wrong?”
Li Zhenruo had no choice but to drag him out of the bed
and ran out with his arms on his shoulders.
Tian Chong was taller than him, and it was very difficult for
Li Zhenruo to walk with him. Fortunately, he was strong
enough to drag such a big man down from the third floor.
At this time, Tian Chong gradually came to his senses, and
when the cold wind blew on his face, he looked at the
firelight reflected in his eyes, and his voice trembled, “A

h d l h d
Li Zhenruo said angrily, “Yeah, are you going to die in it?
After dragging Tian Chong out of the small building, Li
Zhenruo looked back and saw that the fire was even more
The person in charge was desperately calling for people to
put out the fire. There were warehouses nearby. If the fire
was too big and set the nearby warehouses on fire, it would
be really bad.
However, Li Zhenruo remembered another thing. All their
documents were still left in the room just now. So he threw
Tian Chong to the ground, and Li Zhenruo turned around to
go upstairs again.
Tian Chong was so frightened that he sobered up from all
the alcohol in his body. He grabbed Li Zhenruo’s hand and
said, “Are you crazy? Why are you going back?”

Li Zhenruo didn’t bother to talk to him and kicked him in

the shoulder to drive him away, then turned and ran
Tian Chong covered his shoulders, and the whole person
was stunned.
The fire in the small building was getting bigger and
bigger, but fortunately, it had not spread.
All staff guarding the warehouse were dispatched to put
out the fire with high-pressure water cannons and fire
Despite this, after Li Zhenruo returned to the room to pack
up the documents and put them in the handbag, the fire
spread outside the door.

Li Zhenruo had no choice but to go to the window and

shout to Tian Chong, “Catch it!”

h h d h h h db h
Tian Chong hurried up to catch the handbag that Li
Zhenruo had thrown down and then crawled away
hurriedly because of the heat. He shouted to the upstairs,
“Come down quickly!”
Li Zhenruo stepped back from the window without
hurrying, turned into a cat shape from an angle that could
not be seen outside, and quickly slipped out of the window.
Just when he jumped out of the small building, the fire was
temporarily suppressed. When he saw that the fire was
getting weaker and weaker, Li Zhenruo turned and ran
towards the low hillside there.
He had seen the geographic map of this warehouse. Behind
this hillside was the last warehouse. Now people were
gathered to put off the fire, and Li Zhenruo planned to take
this opportunity to go and have a look.

Not long after he ran to the hillside, he suddenly heard a

loud noise behind him. He quickly stopped and looked back.
He found that the small building where the fire had slowed
down had become ablaze again, and it was very likely that
something like a gas tank had exploded.
After a little hesitation, Li Zhenruo still followed the
established route.
At this time, Tian Chong was completely dumbfounded,
because he had never seen Li Zhenruo come out from
inside, and thought that Li Zhenruo was still inside.
The impact of the explosion forced them to withdraw a long
way, and then they hastily picked up the fire-fighting
equipment and went back to fight the fire.
Fortunately, there was still some distance to the
surrounding warehouses, and there were no other
combustibles materials nearby. If the small building
continued to burn like this, even if it burned to ashes, it
should not have affected the nearby warehouses.

d l h
But even so, everyone was desperately trying to put out the
Tian Chong stood alone with his briefcase in his arms. He
had never seen this kind of battle. More importantly, it
seemed that something had happened to Assistant Li, and if
Assistant Li hadn’t saved him, he could have run out with
the papers long ago.
“Ah—” Tian Chong let out a miserable scream.
When he screamed, Li Zhenruo was still running all the
way. The distance of the warehouse was indeed a bit far. It
took him about ten minutes to run all the way, and when he
arrived near the warehouse, he found that it had indeed
been fenced off.
Jumping on the low wall, Li Zhenruo looked up in the dark.
The door of the warehouse was a steel door, which could
not be opened without a key if it was tightly closed. There
were walls on all sides, and only a high place had an
exhaust fan window for ventilation.

Li Zhenruo glanced at the duty room in the corner of the

warehouse, where the lights were on, and someone was
standing at the door looking towards the small building
that was on fire but had no intention of going there.
Since it was an empty warehouse, why did they have to
arrange for someone to be on duty, and why did the person
not go to help even if he knew that the building was on
Li Zhenruo was more certain that there must be something
in this warehouse.
He took a deep breath and jumped up towards the wall,
using his claws to climb up the wall in a single leap.
Fortunately, the walls of the warehouse were still made of
cement instead of metal. So Li Zhenruo used his claws to
grip them firmly and followed the method Xia Hongshen
had taught him to mobilise his whole body’s spiritual
energy and climbed up to the exhaust fan vent at the top in
one fell swoop without stopping.
h h f d h
The exhaust fan was not turned on at this time, so Li
Zhenruo used his claws to bend one of the fan blades and
got in without any problems.

Li Zhenruo stood at the window and looked in, and saw that
the warehouse was not empty, but there were many large
plastic buckets, and there was an unspeakable smell in the
He climbed on the wall and slid down. Li Zhenruo jumped
on a plastic bucket and opened the lid, and saw that it was
filled with liquid, and the smell was pungent. It should be
some poisonous liquid.
Li Zhenruo jumped off the edge of the bucket, and he
jumped onto another plastic bucket, and when he opened it,
it was still the same thing.
He opened more than a dozen barrels, which were basically
liquid and semi-crystalline, emitting the same strong,
pungent smell.
There were so many stored in this warehouse, which add
up to at least ten tons. It should be that the person in
charge of the warehouse had privately collected money
from others to store it for others, and the company had no
records at all. This warehouse was also not certified to
store toxic and chemical substances.

No wonder it was covered up for fear of them coming to

investigate, and the warehouse was fenced off on the
pretext of renovation before a routine inspection at the end
of the year. There was a fire in the small building over
there, and the person in charge of the warehouse must be
very nervous. If the fire could not be put out and spread to
the warehouse, he might not be able to cover up the things
he stored here.
Li Zhenruo knew everything he wanted to know, and he
didn’t plan to interfere with the rest. Meanwhile, he would
report it to Luo Fei and let Luo Fei handle it.

b k h h h ll d h h d
He went back out through the small window he had just
tumbled through and leaned over the window to look
towards the small building over there.
If he had been standing below, he would not have been able
to see anything across the short hill, but from here he could
see clearly that there were no more flames, and he guessed
that the fire had been put down.
But doing the math, it had been almost an hour since he
had run this way, and although there had been an
explosion, with adequate fire-fighting equipment, the fire in
the small building should have been extinguished.

He walked over there in a hurry, but he didn’t expect that

Tian Chong had long thought that he had died in the
When Li Zhenruo walked to the side of the small building,
he saw that the whole building was dark and the open
flame had disappeared, but everyone still dared not stop
and was still spraying water into the building with a high-
pressure water gun.
Tian Chong sat on the ground with his briefcase in his arms
and almost cried out in grief.
Only then did Li Zhenruo realize that Tian Chong never saw
him come out, probably thought he was dead. This
misunderstanding became a big one, and Li Zhenruo
turned around and planned to find a place where no one
was around to change back into a human form.
Unexpectedly, the two cars stopped in front of the small
building one after the other, and the brakes rubbed against
the ground, making a loud noise.

It was Luo Fei who opened the door of the car in front, but
Li Zhenran got in and out of the car behind.
Li Zhenruo was stunned and stopped.

h df d d k d h h
Luo Fei hurried forward and asked Tian Chong, “Where’s
Tian Chong cried and looked towards the small building,
“He went back to get the documents, and then the gas tank
Luo Fei didn’t have time to react when he heard the words,
and Li Zhenran had already run past him towards the

“You come back!” Luo Fei felt keen, “He is not dead!”
Li Zhenran said, “I know, I’m just going to make sure.”
The open fire in the building was extinguished, but the
temperature inside was still very high, and there was no
telling which corner of the unseen spark would reignite. Li
Zhenran ran inside without hesitation. Just as his front foot
went up the stairs, a floorboard of the building at the back
fell off, nearly hitting him on the head.
Li Zhenruo only felt that his heart almost jumped out at
that moment, and there was no time to have any thoughts,
and his body had already rushed out on its own.
He was faster than Li Zhenran, and when he reached Li
Zhenran’s feet, the other party had just finished a flight of

Li Zhenruo climbed his legs and ran directly into his arms,
and was hugged by him.
Seeing the cat rushing into his arms, Li Zhenran
immediately understood, turned and ran downstairs.
As a result, when they went down two flights of stairs,
another board fell off.
Li Zhenruo subconsciously wanted to climb on top of Li
Zhenran’s head to help him block, but Li Zhenran held him
firmly in his arms and completely protected him.

h bl k f h b d f ll b dd h h
In the blink of an eye, the board fell but didn’t hit them,
and fell to the side. Outside, Luo Fei stood in front of the
stairs and said loudly, “Don’t come out yet!”

Li Zhenruo thought that Li Zhenran would definitely not be

able to escape.
Only then did he realize that there was a very powerful
demon out there and Luo Fei would not just watch anything
happen to them.
Li Zhenran hugged Li Zhenruo, his footsteps were fast and
steady. He left the two-story building but still held him
tightly in his arms and refused to let go at all.
Li Zhenruo stretched his body with difficulty, put his paws
on his chest, stretched out his tongue and licked Li
Zhenran’s lower jaw, then saw the black marks on his face
and licked his face again, trying to lick the marks clean.
Li Zhenran gently stroked the top of Li Zhenruo’s head and
said, “It’s alright.”
Li Zhenruo felt that his tone was full of fear, and this
sentence was probably comforting himself, not Li Zhenruo.
Tian Chong lay on the ground and began to cry, “I’m sorry,
he was trying to save me!”

Luo Fei looked at him, “He’s not dead, don’t cry.”

Xu Shengwen, who came with Luo Fei, began to hurriedly
handle the follow-up work.
As soon as they received Tian Chong’s call, they hurried
over. Normally, it would take more than two hours to drive,
but it was squeezed to one hour. However, Li Zhenran still
felt that he was late.
If it was true that Li Zhenruo had not come out as Tian
Chong had said, then nothing could be undone if he came
over now.

h h h db h
Luo Fei saw that Li Zhenran had been staring at the cat in
his arms, touched the top of the cat’s head repeatedly, and
the kitten had been licking Li Zhenran’s face to comfort
him, so he said, “You guys first get in the car and have a
Li Zhenran nodded and hugged Li Zhenruo into the car.
The driver was not in the car at this time. He got out and
went to watch the action.

As soon as Li Zhenruo got in the car, he changed back into

a human form. He reached out and hugged Li Zhenran,
“I’m fine.”
Li Zhenran didn’t speak, just hugged him tightly, buried his
face in his shoulder, and breathed deeply and slowly.
Li Zhenruo suddenly remembered that time on the rooftop,
he deliberately lied to Li Zhenran, making Li Zhenran think
he was reincarnated. At that time, he wondered if Li
Zhenran would jump down from upstairs and follow him,
but Li Zhenran did nothing.
When he thought about it now, Li Zhenruo found that he
was really stupid. If Li Zhenran jumped off at that time, he
would probably live in pain forever and couldn’t extricate
himself. Even if he were to die one day, he hoped that Li
Zhenran would be able to live happily and find someone he
could love and fall in love again.
Li Zhenruo felt a bit emotional. When the floor fell just
now, he really thought Li Zhenran would be smashed to
death there.

Compared with the dread of death, living apart was

probably a waste of one’s life.
He wanted proof, and if Li Zhenran couldn’t prove it with
his life, what better proof could there be in this world?
There would be a day when Li Zhenran could prove that he
will love him all his life and that he would be willing to
h h lf b h ld b bl b l f
throw away his life, but Li Zhenruo would probably be left
with nothing but remorse.
Li Zhenruo said in Li Zhenran’s ear at this time, “I forgive
Li Zhenran suddenly raised his head.
Li Zhenruo felt that there seemed to be some wet marks on
his shoulders, but when he wanted to look down, Li
Zhenran squeezed his chin and kissed his lips heavily.
He didn’t have the strength to resist at all, and Li Zhenran
had already overwhelmed him in the back seat of the car.
The hot kiss was about to drown him in an instant.
Li Zhenruo fell on his back and suddenly found a person
standing outside the car window.
He looked back and up and saw Tian Chong standing
outside, looking at them with a terrified expression.
So he quickly patted Li Zhenran’s shoulder.
Li Zhenran looked up but did not stop kissing him. Instead,
he pulled away Li Zhenruo’s clothes and put a hand in.
When doing this action, Tian Chong found that Li Zhenran
was staring at him fiercely, and then he was wholly startled
for a while, and then he quickly turned to avoid them.
Only then did Li Zhenran’s movements become gentle, and
the frenzied kisses turned into light kisses one after
another, and the atmosphere became warmer.
When Luo Fei came over, Li Zhenruo got up and pulled up
his clothes and said to him, “I found something. There is a
warehouse here that was misappropriated by the person in
charge to store poisoned items. I suggest you call the
Luo Fei heard the words with a solemn expression and
nodded, “I will handle it.”
After speaking, Luo Fei turned his head and looked at the
chaotic environment around him. He said to Li Zhenran,
“Thank you for your hard work. I will handle the finishing
kh h d k h
work here. Let the driver take you to the city to open a
room and have a good rest. Let’s talk about it tomorrow.”
Li Zhenran replied, “Okay.”
Luo Fei patted the door and said to Li Zhenruo, “Good job.”
Li Zhenruo gave him a thumbs up and smiled.
As Luo Fei walked away, he called Li Zhenran’s driver to
come and drive.
Originally Luo Fei meant to go to the nearest urban area to
rest, but Li Zhenran asked the driver to drive directly
After going through so many things in one night, Li
Zhenruo’s mind was still very awake, and there was no
sleepiness at all, while Li Zhenran was relaxed after being
so tense that he fell asleep on Li Zhenruo’s lap soon after
the car had been driven.
Li Zhenruo had been stroking his hair gently and looked
out of the car window.
When they came, they were rushing all the way. On the way
back, the driver drove a lot more slowly. When they
returned to the city, the driver asked Li Zhenruo softly
where he was going.
Li Zhenruo said, “To his apartment.”
At this time, it was inconvenient to go back to Li’s house
and woke up Wang Ma and the others.
Before they know it, the sky in the east had turned white.
When the driver drove downstairs to the apartment, the
first rays of the sun shone through the front window of the
car in the morning, and the winter sun fell gently on them
with an almost imperceptible warmth.
When Li Zhenruo lowered his head, his hair was plated
with a soft golden colour by the sun. He kissed Li Zhenran’s
forehead and said, “We’re home, let’s go back.”

h h h h
The author has something to say:
The story is over, I’ve spent all day today on this and I’m
almost dead. I used to be foolish enough to think that all
readers would like to see me keep writing and don’t stop,
even if it’s a little slower, it doesn’t matter, but only
yesterday did I find out that there are readers who are just
waiting to see an ending.
So I did what I promised yesterday, and there will be a silly
and sweet episode next, but I won’t guarantee daily
updates (I never do!). I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do that,
but I’ll keep it light anyway. Unknowingly, it has been
serialized for three months. I wish you all a happy life^_^
Side Story 1
Before they knew it, it was already the Lunar New Year.

Li Jianglin was discharged from the hospital before New

Year’s Eve. Although his body had not fully recovered, he
did not want to stay in the hospital for New Year’s Eve.
Li Zhenruo stayed at Li’s house for the New Year’s Eve

Every year he had a New Year’s Eve dinner at Li’s house,

but this year was the first time as a guest. Li Zhenruo felt
that the atmosphere was a bit strange.
There were only two of Li Jianglin’s four sons left. Wen
Chun also packed up and moved away from Li’s house, so
now the house seemed a little desolated. In addition, Wang
Ma was taken back by his children for the Chinese New
Year, and the whole family was even more deserted.
After dinner, Li Jianglin didn’t go back to his study or
bedroom and sat in the living room watching TV.

He didn’t leave, and neither Li Zhenran nor Li Zhenzi went

back to the room but sat down on the sofa to accompany
him. On the other hand, Zhu Kai went out to walk the dog
as usual after eating and sat down beside Li Jianglin
obediently after walking the dog.
Li Zhenruo was sitting on the sofa and stared at the TV
screen absent-mindedly wondering whether to sleep here
tonight or pretend to leave later and sneak back in as a cat.
Although Li Jianglin did not object to him and Li Zhenran,
his attitude was far from that of an amiable father-in-law.
He was always polite and distant.

b l h
It must not be Li Jianglin’s intention to invite him to Li’s
house for New Year’s Eve dinner, but rather it was that he
had no objection when Li Zhenran. If he kissed and
followed Li Zhenran back to the room in front of Li Jianglin,
he wondered if it would make Li Jianglin’s illness even

When he was thinking about it absent-mindedly, Li

Zhenruo’s cell phone suddenly rang.
Li Zhenran glanced at him.
Li Zhenruo took out his mobile phone and saw that Xia
Hongshen was calling, so he picked it up and went to the
dining room to answer the call.
As soon as the phone was connected, Li Zhenruo said to Xia
Hongshen, “Happy New Year, Master!”

In the end, Xia Hongshen just said, “Can you come out
“Now?” Li Zhenruo was stunned. Although it was only after
eight o’clock in the evening, it was already dark outside. He
glanced at Li Zhenran again and asked in a low voice,
“What’s the rush?”
Xia Hongshen said, “Come to the city amusement park, the
demon market will be opened tonight, and I will show you.”
“Demon market?” Li Zhenruo felt like he heard something

Xia Hong felt that Li Zhenruo was too long-winded,

Li Zhenruo glanced at Li Zhenran, “But…”
Xia Hongshen said, “Whatever,” and wanted to hang up the

ll h h dl ll d h
“I’ll come!” Li Zhenruo hurriedly called out to him, “But I
want to come back early to spend the New Year with my
second brother.” He said the last sentence in a low voice.

Xia Hongshen replied, “You can come back whenever you

As he hung up the phone, Li Zhenruo walked over and said,
“I’m going out.”
Everyone in the room turned to look at him.
However, Li Jianglin just glanced at him and turned back to
continue watching TV, while Li Zhenzi smiled meaningfully.

Li Zhenran stood up and asked him, “Where are you going?

Shall I drive you?”
Li Zhenruo had already put on his coat and said, “My
Master told me to go out, I should be back soon. You can
watch TV with Uncle Li for a while.”
Li Zhenran didn’t say anything, but caught up when Li
Zhenruo had come out of the building and walked into the
yard. Li Zhenran an arm around his waist from behind,
pressed his chest against his back, and whispered in his
ear, “Where to?”
Li Zhenruo felt the heat lapping at him and his ears were
tingling. He said, “Master asked me to go out.”

“It’s New Year’s Eve Day,” Li Zhenran said as he reached

out and gave his waist a squeeze.
Li Zhenruo shrank his waist and said, “Then I have to
spend the New Year with you later. I will be back soon. Just
wait for me.”
After he finished speaking, he reached out and grabbed Li
Zhenran’s arm. He found that he was not wearing a coat,
and quickly said, “It’s too cold outside, you go back first.”
h h ld h h d h l d d h l k
Li Zhenran held his hand tightly and said, “It’s eight o’clock
now, and you must be back before twelve o’clock.”
Li Zhenruo turned around and put his arms around his
shoulder, kissing his lips, “Wait for me.”

The streets on New Year’s Eve were very deserted, with

hardly a car to be seen coming and going. On the way, Li
Zhenruo received another call from Song Jun, telling him
that because of New Year’s Eve, the demon market was
opened ahead of schedule today, and it was now possible to
get in.
Li Zhenruo was very curious and asked Song Jun, “Why do
you want to go to the demon market on new year’s eve?”
Song Jun said, “You human beings celebrate the New Year,
Senior Brother Xia also wants everyone to have a good time
together. Otherwise how lonely would it be if a demon lived
in solitary?”
Li Zhenruo felt that his words were surprisingly
They drove to the parking lot of the city’s amusement park,
and Li Zhenruo found that there was more than one car
parked, one of which was a familiar Hummer. When he
looked at the license plate carefully, he found that it was
his boss Luo Fei’s car.

In the so-called demon market, probably all the demons in

the city would come, right?
As he thought of this, Li Zhenruo was a little nervous for no
reason and wondered if he would see something strange.
It was dark in the amusement park, but there was a small
passageway where the ticket was checked, and there were
people checking tickets at the entrance.
Li Zhenruo realized that he had no tickets, and hesitated
for a while about whether to call Xia Hongshen, but when
h l k d l l h l d h h h k h
he looked closely, he realized that the person checking the
tickets turned out to be Feng Junyuan.
The handsome Doctor xiao Feng took off his white coat and
stood at the ticket gate with an expressionless face in his
down jacket. After he saw Li Zhenruo, he raised his hand
and waved to him.

Li Zhenruo walked over, “Xiao Feng?”

Feng Junyuan said, “Come in quickly.”
Li Zhenruo still felt it was strange, “Are you checking
tickets here?”
Feng Junyuan nodded.
Li Zhenruo asked him, “Why you?”

Feng Junyuan said, “Because my Master is the owner of the

demon market.”
Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment before he reacted,
“You mean my Master?”
Feng Junyuan nodded and said to him, “Come in, Master is
waiting for you.”
Li Zhenruo walked through the ticket gate and suddenly
found that the amusement park, which looked dark outside,
became brightly lit and crowded.
There were colourful lanterns hanging on the trees
everywhere, children with balloons running back and forth,
the Ferris wheel in the distance was turning gently, and
cheerful songs reverberated throughout the amusement
park. But even though it was the Chinese New Year, there
was a Christmas song playing, and he didn’t know what it

h ld f ll hl h h
A child fell while running past Li Zhenruo. Li Zhenruo was
about to squat down to help him but saw that the original
little boy had turned into a large lizard and quickly crawled
Li Zhenruo was taken aback. He stood there watching the
people coming and going in the amusement park, and
suddenly realized that these people were not human, but
were all demons.
Then what is he?
Li Zhenruo thought about it for a long time and felt that he
could only be considered a half-demon at most. Although he
was a half-demon, he was at least related to a demon, so he
calmly walked inside.
At the fork in the road ahead, a giant panda was selling

Li Zhenruo looked him up and down, thinking about

whether it was a real giant panda, someone wearing a giant
panda doll suit, or some other demon that had taken on the
appearance of a giant panda.
The giant panda just handed the balloon to a child, and
then looked in Li Zhenruo’s direction.
Li Zhenruo put the car key in his hand into his coat pocket
and walked towards it, asking, “Hello, are you a real giant
The giant panda looked at him in a daze, suddenly
approached him to smell it, and then said, “What is your
real form?”
Li Zhenruo thought that he had already arrived in this
environment. He was not afraid that others would see him
as a cat. Instead, he should be afraid that others would
think he was a human being, so he simply showed the giant
panda his cat form.

l f h h h d
But it was only a matter of moments. Li Zhenruo, who had
recovered his human form, picked up the coat that fell on
the ground to put it on and smiled at the panda.
The giant panda looked at him without saying a word.
Li Zhenruo was a little puzzled and wanted to go around it.
He continue to walk inside, but unexpectedly the giant
panda suddenly reached out and handed him a balloon,
“For you,” the giant panda said.
Li Zhenruo took the balloon thread from its paws and said,
“Thank you.”
Then, without further delay, they walked to the centre of
the amusement park.

The surroundings were getting more and more lively, the

amusement facilities were all open, and there were
colourful lights and happy music everywhere.
Li Zhenruo saw Song Jun standing in front of the merry-go-
round and beckoned to him from a distance, so he
quickened his pace and walked over, “Song Jun!”
Song Jun looked in the direction behind him.
Li Zhenruo asked strangely, “What?”
Song Jun said, “The giant panda is watching you.”

Li Zhenruo also looked back and saw the giant panda

holding a handful of balloons in his hand, and he was still
looking at him. Because of the poor lighting, Li Zhenruo
couldn’t see the expression on its face, so he turned around
and said to Song Jun, “Where’s Master?”
Song Jun pointed to the merry-go-round behind him.
Li Zhenruo turned his head to look and saw that the merry-
go-round was empty and there was no one else, only a
black leopard was lying in the middle, his head resting on a

d h l l f ll h
wooden horse, expressionlessly following the giant
To say it was a black leopard was not quite right. When Li
Zhenruo looked closely, he found that Xia Hongshen’s form
was somewhat different from the leopard. It looked more
terrifying and fierce.
When Xia Hongshen saw Li Zhenruo, he yawned deeply,
turned into a human form and sat lazily on the wooden
horse, and hooked his fingers at him.

Li Zhenruo jumped on the rotating wooden horse turntable,

walked to Xia Hongshen’s side, and bowed slightly,
“Master, what’s the matter with you calling me here?”
Xia Hongshen said, “The demon market will be opened
tonight, let’s see if you can find anything to improve your
Li Zhenruo was turned dizzy by the merry-go-round, and he
said, “Master, can we talk in another place?”
Xia Hongshen said, “No good.”
In the end, Xia Hongshen still didn’t go down, Li Zhenruo
simply sat down cross-legged beside him, closed his eyes
and leaned his head on the wooden horse in front of him,
and asked, “What is the thing that enhances my
Xia Hongshen thought for a while, “I don’t know, you can
watch it at the auction tonight.”

Li Zhenruo asked again, “What will happen to me if I

improve my cultivation? Become an immortal?”
Xia Hongshen said, “As if. Do you think it’s easy to become
an immortal?”
Li Zhenruo was silent for a while, “Immortality?”

h d h ll bl l f
Xia Hongshen said to him, “It is still possible to live for
hundreds of years.”

Li Zhenruo heard the words and said in a sullen voice,

“Then I don’t want to, I just want to live for a few more
decades and die with my second brother.”
Xia Hongshen looked down at him. He had raised his foot,
but in the end, he couldn’t bear to step on him, and finally
said only one word, “Get lost.”
He accepted a super unpromising apprentice, but Xia
Hongshen didn’t think there was anything wrong. Li
Zhenruo was not like him, he had Song Jun and the others
by his side for a long time. If only one person had an
endless lifespan, sometimes it might be a tragedy.
Li Zhenruo didn’t really go away. Although he was thinking
about Li Zhenran’s desire to go back to spend the New
Year with him, he still wanted to stay and watch the so-
called auction.
Song Jun rubbed up to Li Zhenruo’s side and said to him,
“Don’t worry about it, senior brother is actually doing for
your own good.”

Li Zhenruo said, “I understand, but I’m just embarrassed

for causing Master to accept an apprentice who can’t learn
anything from him.”
Song Jun said, “He was just saying that. He can’t afford
anything on the auction tonight.”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help turning his head to look at Song
Jun, “Master is already so poor?”
Song Jun smiled, “Actually, he is not poor. He has a few
priceless treasures around him, but unfortunately, he is
reluctant to sell them all his life.”
As soon as he said that, the lights of the carousel dimmed,
and all the projection lights shone on the small stage next
to it. A host took the microphone to the stage, announcing
h h b d h
that the auction was about to start, and the entire
amusement park crowded over there, including those that
Li Zhenruo thought of as children.

Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but turn his head to look around.

He saw Xi Anling standing with a gentle young man in the
crowd, snatching cotton candy from the man’s hand; Long
Xing was with a tall young man and he didn’t know what
they were talking about, and he was hugged up by the
young man; Feng Junyuan stood beside Luo Fei, grabbed a
c-cktail from somewhere and wanted to drink it, but Luo
Fei snatched it away.
The very lively New Year’s Eve was much more lively than
that of the Li family sitting in the living room and watching
TV. For this reason, Li Zhenruo was more and more eager
to go back to accompany Li Zhenran.
Xia Hongshen shifted his position and lay on the top of the
merry-go-round with his black tail swinging carelessly
behind him.
The host saw that almost everyone gathered, knocked on
the auction hammer, and announced the official start of the
Li Zhenruo felt that tonight was an eye-opener. There were
all kinds of messes in the entire auction. Of course, most of
them were valuable to these monsters, but he didn’t know
the significance of those things.

Until the host took a wooden box and showed it to

everyone, and said, “This is the elixir that fell out of
Taishang Laojun’s1Taishang Laojun believed to be the true
incarnation of the spiritual philosopher Laozi, he was
already identified as a personification of the Tao as early as
the beginning of the Later Han dynasty. single furnace.
Eating one can increase your cultivation for five hundred
“Do you want it?” Xia Hongshen suddenly appeared behind
Li Zhenruo and asked him in a low voice.
h l d b h dd h h h
Li Zhenruo was startled, but he didn’t rush to say whether
he wanted it or not, but instead asked Xia Hongshen, “Can
you afford it?”
Xia Hongshen said confidently, “I can afford a black
box2something unknown on the inside and can only be
As he said that, he heard someone beside him bidding

Li Zhenruo heard the voice and looked over, and saw that
the bidder turned out to be a giant panda. For a while, all
the people who could talk began to whisper, and Li
Zhenruo heard an old man next to him say, “Giant panda,
how many are there richer than him? If he wants this thing,
the others must have no hope.”
Another person said, “We can’t just give it to him without
raising the price, right?”
The old man said, “Are you stupid? You can’t win the
auction, and you even raise the price to offend the giant
panda. What are you trying to do?”
The man pondered for a moment and stopped talking.
Song Jun asked curiously, “Why does the panda want this?”

No one answered him. The giant panda stood in the

distance, holding a bamboo in his hand, nibbling on it and
looking at the auction table on tiptoe.
Li Zhenruo was also curious, “Are giant pandas rich and
His voice was not too loud, but people around him all
looked at him, and someone gave him a roll of eyes, “Giant
panda, national treasure, don’t you know?”
Li Zhenruo suddenly felt a little stupid.

l d l l k h h h
It was already past eleven o’clock in the evening when the
auction ended. Li Zhenruo said that he did not want to
increase his cultivation. Xia Hongshen disliked him for not
being ambitious but didn’t make it difficult for him.

Li Zhenruo looked at the time and planned to say goodbye

to Xia Hongshen, but when he was about to leave, the giant
panda stood in front of him and blocked his way.
“?” Li Zhenruo was baffled.
The giant panda suddenly reached out, stuffed a wooden
box into Li Zhenruo’s hand, and said, “It’s for you!” Then
his heavy body ran away like a gust of wind.
Li Zhenruo stared at the wooden box that was stuffed into
his hand, and after a while, he responded and said, “Is this
the elixir just now?”
Song Jun leaned closer to smell, “It should be.”

Li Zhenruo raised his head to look for the giant panda but
found that he could not find the panda. He said blankly,
“He said it was given to me?”
“Well,” Song Jun nodded.
Li Zhenruo said, “Then what should I do?”
Song Jun said, “It’s yours if he gave it to you, you can do
whatever you want. This is a matter of no regrets.”
Li Zhenruo still didn’t know what was going on, “Why did
he give me this?”

Song Jun thought for a while and said to Li Zhenruo, “It’s

getting late, you go back first, and I’ll ask him for you.”
When he heard this, Li Zhenruo took another look at the
time. He had to go back quickly, otherwise, Li Zhenran
would probably be angry if he didn’t get home at twelve
l k h ld l ll f h
o’clock, so he could only say, “Well, if you have any news,
give me a call.”
He was only able to put things away first.
When he drove back to Li’s house, the lights in the living
room were already dimmed. It must be because Li Jianglin
couldn’t stay up too late. After returning to the room,
everyone went to rest.
When Li Zhenran heard the sound of the car, he went
downstairs to pick him up and opened the door of the living
room. Li Zhenruo rushed into Li Zhenran’s arms with air-
conditioned air, and said vaguely in the kiss, “Happy New

When they returned to the room, Li Zhenran pressed Li

Zhenruo behind the door, sucked his earlobe and asked,
“Where did you go? Can you tell me now?”
Li Zhenruo gasped slightly and replied, “I was called by
Master to the amusement park.”
Li Zhenran raised his head, “There are still people in the
amusement park at this time?”
Li Zhenruo raised one leg and hooked his waist, “Keep
going, please.”
Li Zhenran moved slightly away from him, and reached out
to touch his chest, “What is this?”

What he took out from the inner pocket of Li Zhenruo’s

shirt was the box given to Li Zhenruo by the panda. He
inexplicably lifted the lid to see it.
Li Zhenruo didn’t stop him, just stared at the so-called
elixir in the box thoughtfully.
He didn’t want a few hundred years of cultivation to
increase his life expectancy by a few hundred years, but if
this thing could increase Li Zhenran’s lifespan, it would be
another matter.
fh ld dd f h d d f l
If he could add a few hundred years of cultivation to Li
Zhenran’s body, even if he could not live forever, he would
certainly be able to prolong his life. At that time, he might
have had the mind to cultivate, just to spend more time
with Li Zhenran.
However, this thing should not belong to him, but to a giant
panda. Although the other party said that it was given to
him, Li Zhenruo still did not understand what happened.

What if the giant panda comes back at the end?

Li Zhenran saw that Li Zhenruo was starting to fret and
asked, “What?”
If the giant panda came to ask for it, he could say that he
had accidentally eaten it, and he would return all the
money that the giant panda spent at the auction.
Li Zhenran raised the box, “Something your master gave
Li Zhenruo shook his head, “The panda gave it to me.”

“Giant panda?” Li Zhenran looked at him strangely.

Li Zhenruo felt that he should not continue to be indecisive.
He reached out and picked up the medicine pill in the box
and said to Li Zhenran, “Open your mouth.”
Li Zhenran asked suspiciously, “Ah?” Li Zhenruo threw the
medicinal pill into him.
This time, he swallowed too quickly and almost choked on
his organs. Li Zhenran covered his mouth and coughed a
few times. He frowned while pouring water and asked,
“What is that?”
Li Zhenruo was still standing there, suddenly unable to
contain his excitement. The corner of his mouth lifted into a
smile, “Good thing,” he said.

h h k h b d
The next morning, Li Zhenruo woke up in the warm bed,
and before he opened his eyes, he subconsciously reached
out to touch Li Zhenran who was beside him, trying to
shrink into his arms.
But the hand felt empty and nothing was touched.
He thought that Li Zhenran had gotten up. Li Zhenruo
opened his eyes blankly and saw a pair of dark eyes looking
at him at a very close distance.
He was startled and stepped back suddenly, only to realize
that it was a black and white Garfield lying on the pillow.
“Where did the cat come from?” Li Zhenruo sat up in
shock, looking back and couldn’t find Li Zhenran’s shadow.

He turned his head to look at the cat again. When he saw

that the cat was serious and a little angry, he suddenly had
a strange thought. He asked, “Who are you…?”
Side Story 2
Li Zhenruo was terrified because of his own thoughts, and
the anger on Garfield’s face became more and more

At this time, Li Zhenruo’s cell phone suddenly rang, he

reached out to answer it and saw that it was a call from
Song Jun.
When the call was connected, Song Jun said to Li Zhenruo,
“Happy New Year!”

Li Zhenruo believed that Song Jun was definitely not calling

early in the morning to pay respect for the New Year, but
still said, “Happy New Year, what’s up so early?”
Song Jun said, “Oh, I found the giant panda after you left
last night and asked him why he gave you something.
Guess what he said?”
Li Zhenruo is actually not too in the mood to chat with
Song Jun now, but she still asks, “What?”

There was a smile in Song Jun’s tone, “He said he likes

“He likes me?” Li Zhenruo exclaimed in surprise.
After he finished speaking, he felt the Garfield raise a paw
on his waist, turned his head to see that the other party’s
face had fallen down, and suddenly lowered his voice and
said, “What does he like about me? We are of different
Song Jun seemed to be in a good mood, “He said that he
had never seen a cat with such a round face, like a silver
plate with a full moon, radiant.”
Li Zhenruo raised his hand to cover his face, “I am thankful
for his words…..”
Song Jun’s voice over there holding in laughter was
obvious, “So he said that he seemed to fall in love with you
at first sight, but he wasn’t sure, after all, he still prefers
pandas, and the things from last night were given to you as
a gift, so you don’t have to be too concerned.”
Li Zhenruo moved his mouth and found that he didn’t know
what to say.
Song Jun continued, “You really don’t need to worry too
much, that little money is nothing to a giant panda, not to
mention he has such a rich senior brother.”

“Senior brother?” Li Zhenruo was distracted.

Song Jun said, “You don’t know he is Luo Fei’s junior
brother? Aren’t you working with Luo Fei?”
Li Zhenruo was stunned, “I’ve never heard of this. Could it
be that Luo Fei is also a giant panda?”
Song Jun denied it, “He’s not. I haven’t seen Luo Fei’s real
body, so I don’t know what he is.”

“Anyway,” Li Zhenruo wanted to tell Song Jun about

feeding his second brother the elixir last night, but Song
Jun also said at the same time, “Anyway, I’m calling to tell
you something.”
So Li Zhenruo had to ask, “What’s the matter?”
Song Jun’s tone was a little more serious, “Don’t take that
elixir from last night just yet.”
“Ah?” Li Zhenruo became nervous, straightened his back
and knelt on the bed, “Is there a problem?”

d h d dl h d
Song Jun said, “The auction ended last night, and Senior
Brother Xia caught the person who brought the elixir to the
auction. He admitted that this is not an elixir to improve
cultivation at all.”
Li Zhenruo hurriedly asked, “Then what is it? Will there be
a problem with eating it?”
Song Jun said to him, “I don’t know yet. It is said that the
medicinal pill was indeed leaked from Taishang Laojun’s
pill furnace, but the specific function is unknown for the
time being. Senior brother said you had better bring it to
let him find someone to look at.”
“Ah—” Li Zhenruo exclaimed.

Song Jun was taken aback, “What’s wrong?”

Li Zhenruo turned her head and stared at Garfield lying
beside the pillow, “It’s too late!”
Song Jun couldn’t help but hurriedly ask, “Did you eat it?
Did something happen?”
Li Zhenruo swallowed hard, “I gave it to my second
brother, and then—he seems to have turned into a cat…”

The Garfield by the pillow looked at him coldly.

Song Jun was silent for a moment, unable to hold back the
“wow”, then took off his phone and seemed to say
something to the person next to him.
Li Zhenruo asked impatiently, “What should I do?”
After a while, Song Jun answered him from the other side
of the phone, “Are you serious?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Of course I’m serious!”

d h db b d
Song Jun said, “Then you’d better bring your second
brother here, maybe Senior Brother Xia has a solution.”
Li Zhenruo could only answer, “Okay, I’ll be right here.”
He hung up the phone, and Li Zhenruo timidly looked at his
second brother.
Most of the Garfield’s face was black as if it was used to
brush the bottom of a pot, and his expression was
extremely difficult to see.
Li Zhenruo cautiously and tentatively called out, “Li

Garfield frowned slightly.

In the cold winter, the doors and windows were closed. It
was impossible for a wild cat to get in from the outside, and
his second brother wouldn’t get up and go out so quietly
and still hadn’t come back. If he looked at the door of the
room, wasn’t it still locked at this time?
Although the Garfield’s expression couldn’t be as rich as
that of a human being, his second brother’s expression was
not rich at all, and that frowning expression was clearly an
expression of trying his best to endure.
Li Zhenruo rushed towards him at once, “Second brother?”
Li Zhenran nimbly dodged and ran to the end of the bed.

Li Zhenruo didn’t give up and rushed over again, this time

pressing Li Zhenran on the bed, but when his head was
approaching, Li Zhenran raised a paw against his forehead,
preventing him from getting close.
But how does a cat’s strength compare to that of a human
being? Li Zhenruo buried his face in Li Zhenran’s belly and
rubbed it back and forth.
Ah, so soft and warm!

h ddl f h b h l db k
In the middle of the rub, Li Zhenruo also turned back into a
cat, pressing Li Zhenran under him with force, hugging his
neck with his paws, and licking his chin back and forth.
Li Zhenran pulled him away and just wanted to get out of
bed when Li Zhenruo rushed over and hugged him again.

Although it was a little mean, Li Zhenruo thought that Li

Zhenran was so cute, help!
Li Zhenran disappeared early in the morning on the first
day of the New Year, and Li Zhenruo still didn’t know how
to explain it to the Li family.
He found a sports shoulder bag from the cabinet in Li
Zhenran’s room, stuffed Li Zhenran in it, and opened the
door to go out.
When he went down from the third floor to the second
floor, Li Zhenruo met Li Zhenzi who had just come out of
the room.
Li Zhenzi’s hair was still dishevelled. He was wearing
slippers, had sleepy eyes, and said to him, “Morning, Happy
New Year.”

Li Zhenruo lifted the backpack strap, nodded and said,

Li Zhenzi saw that he had even put on his coat, so he asked,
“Are you going out so early on the first day of the New
Li Zhenruo didn’t want to say more, just “Um.”
Li Zhenzi followed him downstairs, always felt that he was
a little weird, and asked, “Where’s my second brother?”
Li Zhenruo said, “He has already gone out.”

Li Zhen stood on the last stairway and stopped, “So early?”

h l d h ll f f h
Li Zhenruo replied, “En, he was still waiting for me. If there
is a delay outside, he might not be back in the next two
days. Please tell Uncle Li for me.”
Li Zhenzi looked at him strangely, “If it wasn’t so long ago,
I would have suspected that you had killed my second
brother and split up with him.”
Li Zhenruo turned his head and gave him a blank look.
Without saying anything, he walked to the entrance hall to
change his shoes.
On the first day of the New Year, the school was as
deserted as the streets. The guard outside the school was
almost reluctant to let Li Zhenruo in. Later, Li Zhenruo
called Song Jun so the guard would open the door.

After they got in the car, Li Zhenruo put Li Zhenran out of

the sports bag.
Li Zhenran had been very unhappy and was not even
willing to exchange a few words with Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenruo wanted to tease him, and when he went out, he
pulled a piece of grass and stretched it out in front of Li
Zhenran’s eyes, but Li Zhenran pressed down the grass
with a paw and looked at him blankly.
Li Zhenruo felt that he could see Li Zhenran’s implicitly
saying: Drive well!
He parked the car under Xia Hongshen’s small building, Li
Zhenruo wanted to get off the car with Li Zhenran in his
arms, but Li Zhenran jumped off when he opened the car

The Garfield’s entire face was originally slumped

downwards, but now Li Zhenran’s face slumped even more,
with a look of imposing manner that no strangers should
Li Zhenruo had no choice but to follow behind him.
h h d fl f h ll b ld d
They went up to the second floor of the small building, and
the door to the room on the right side of the stairs opened
first. Long Xing came out wearing pyjamas and slippers and
was surprised to see Li Zhenruo bringing a cat over.
He trotted over and shouted, “Little Garfield, you brought a
Garfield over here?”
Li Zhenruo was powerless to correct him that his own name
was not Garfield.

Long Xing bent down, put his hands on his knees, looked
down at Li Zhenran, and said in surprise, “You look just like
you, but the fur colour is different, it’s not your brother,
Li Zhenruo whispered, “It’s my second brother.”
“Your second brother?” Long Xing had heard of Li Zhenran,
and his head was a little confused, “Isn’t your second
Li Zhenruo didn’t dare to say too much in front of Li
Zhenran, and could only say, “It’s too complicated to
explain it clearly for now. I’ll go to the master first and talk
to you later.”
“Okay,” Long Xing nodded obediently, “Go ahead.”

As soon as they finished speaking, Song Jun had already

opened the door of the room and greeted Li Zhenruo,
“Come here, your master is already up.”
When Li Zhenran heard this, he walked ahead in the
direction of Song Jun’s room without looking back.
Li Zhenruo hurriedly followed, and as soon as he entered
the door, he saw Xia Hongshen sitting by the bed in a coat
and playing games.
Song Jun squatted in front of Li Zhenran and said “wow”.
He seemed to want to touch Li Zhenran’s head, but he felt

d h d f ld d
it was not good, so he just said, “Garfield, your second
brother looks exactly like you.”
When he heard Song Jun’s words, Li Zhenruo also squatted
down and looked at Li Zhenran carefully. It seemed that
except for the colour of his coat, everything else looked
exactly the same as him. Even then the colour of his coat
and also the yellow parts of his body fur were all replaced
with black fur.
Li Zhenran looked at them blankly, trying to suppress his

Li Zhenruo knew that he was in trouble, and felt sorry in

his heart. He reached out to touch the top of Li Zhenran’s
head, but Li Zhenran avoided him. Li Zhenruo didn’t give
up and continued to reach out and touch, this time Li
Zhenran raised his paw and opened his hand.
The third time, Li Zhenruo turned into a cat and rushed up,
pressing Li Zhenran to the ground and rubbing it, Li
Zhenran was slapped by him indifferently, and when Li
Zhenruo licked his lips at the end, he couldn’t help sticking
out his tongue back. After licking it, Li Zhenruo suddenly
looked at him with light.
Song Jun hurriedly picked up his mobile phone from the
bed, took more than ten photos of them, and planned to
post them on Weibo.
“Okay,” Xia Hongshen tapped on the bed with his cell
phone at this time, “Show him to me.”

Li Zhenruo turned back into a human form, grabbed Li

Zhenran quickly, picked him up by the neck, and handed
him to Xia Hongshen.
Xia Hongshen didn’t reach out to pick it up, but just put the
phone aside, looked at Li Zhenran carefully, and pondered,
“It’s exactly the same.”

h h h d b d h
Li Zhenruo put Li Zhenran on the ground, sat beside the
bed and asked Xia Hongshen, “Master, what’s going on?”
Xia Hongshen looked at him, “Why did you give it to him to
Li Zhenruo was a little embarrassed to say it, but Xia
Hongshen didn’t have to guess to know his little thought.

Li Zhenran felt a little itchy on his back, but he didn’t want

to really lift one leg to scratch the itch like a cat, so he
jumped on Li Zhenruo’s leg and rubbed his stomach.
This was the first time that Li Zhenran has been so close to
him since he turned into a cat. Li Zhenruo was immediately
flattered and scratched Li Zhenran’s chin, but he turned his
head to avoid him and then saw his back rubbing against
him, and quickly reached out to help him scratch the itch.
While scratching, Li Zhenruo asked Xia Hongshen,
“Master, what kind of medicine is this? Why is he like this?”
Xia Hongshen touched his chin, “I don’t know either. There
are so many things in Taishang Laojun’s pill furnace, and
sometimes even he can’t tell them apart, do you think
others can?”
Li Zhenruo was a little anxious, “Then what should I do?
It’s okay because it’s New Year’s holiday these few days.
After the New Year, how can my second brother go back to

Xia Hongshen said casually, “Can’t you communicate with

him? Can you be his secretary and listen to his orders?”
Li Zhenruo said, “Master, don’t joke.”
At this time, Song Jun took Xia Hongshen’s cat biscuit and
came to tease Li Zhenran, but Li Zhenran didn’t even look
at it.
Song Jun lamented, “What a determined cat.”

h h bb d h h d df d h
Then Xia Hongshen grabbed his hand and fed it into his
mouth to eat.

When he saw this, Li Zhenruo said, “I have canned tuna

imported from Norway over there. Master, do you want it?”
Xia Hongshen folded his hands on his chest, pondered for a
long time, and said, “I’ll make a call and ask an old friend
to come over, he may be able to know.”
Li Zhenruo said loudly, “Thank you, Master!”
Side Story 3
Xia Hongshen made a phone call and hung up after a couple
of brief explanations.

Song Jun approached and asked him, “Is it Master Yun Po?”
Xia Hongshen replied “En” and turned his head to see that
Li Zhenruo was still scratching the cat, and suddenly felt
that his back seemed to be itching as well.

“Master?” Li Zhenruo picked up the funny cat stick beside

the bed and didn’t ask where it came from. He shook in
front of Li Zhenran and asked Xia Hongshen, “When will
your friend arrive?”
Li Zhenran turned his head and closed his eyes.
Xia Hongshen watched the funny cat stick dangling in front
of his eyes and said casually, “It can be as soon as a day or
two or a month or two later.”

“Ah?” Li Zhenruo stopped, “Then what should we do?”

Xia Hongshen said, “What can we do?”
Li Zhenruo combed Li Zhenran’s hair with her fingers,
“Does that friend of yours have a solution?”
Xia Hongshen said, “If you give enough money, there is
usually a way.”

Li Zhenruo couldn’t help sighing, “If it’s just about money,

that’s the best solution.”
After speaking, he couldn’t help burying his face on Li
Zhenran’s back again and then giggled twice.

l d l h h b
It was useless to delay time here in Xia Hongshen, but Li
Zhenran definitely had no way to return to Li’s house like
this. Li Zhenruo considered whether to take him out for a
walk or go back to Li Zhenran’s apartment to live in the
world of two cats.
Before he made up his mind, Li Zhenruo heard the sound of
the closing and locking of a car from downstairs. He carried
Li Zhenran and walked to the window to have a look. He
saw his boss’ Hummer parked on the roadside. Luo Fei and
Feng Junyuan were walking toward the small building.

Today was the first day of the New Year, and Li Zhenruo
suddenly felt it was like Luo Fei was accompanying his wife
back to her mother’s house.
Suddenly, Li Zhenruo felt Li Zhenran pulling him in his
He lowered his head and saw that Li Zhenran was looking
up at him, his eyes were dark and translucent, and after a
while, he reluctantly made a “meow”. This was the first
sound of Li Zhenran’s meow after he became a cat. Li
Zhenruo understood it; Li Zhenran told him to go.
“Let’s go?” Li Zhenruo was a little unsure, but he quickly
realised that Li Zhenran probably didn’t want to be seen by
Luo Fei.

He then carried Li Zhenran and said to Xia Hongshen,

“Master, I’ll go first. Let me know if there is any news.”
Xia Hongshen didn’t mean to stop them and waved his hand
to let him go. Li Zhenruo was thinking about sending a can
of canned food to Xia Hongshen first. If he liked it and he
hurried up, he would then bring him the rest of the canned
Just as he walked out of Xia Hongshen’s room with Li
Zhenran in his arms, he met Luo Fei and Feng Junyuan who
were approaching.

h h h h
When Feng Junyuan saw that he was carrying a cat, he
asked him curiously, “Where did the cat come from?”

“Oh,” Li Zhenruo said with a smile, “My friend’s cat.”

Feng Junyuan saw that he was going to leave, “Are you
Li Zhenruo replied, “I come to say New Year’s greetings to
Master and leave after I’m done.”
However, as soon as he finished saying that, Luo Fei
suddenly said, “Wait.”

Li Zhenran raised his head from Li Zhenruo’s arms and

looked at Luo Fei vigilantly. Luo Fei looked at Li Zhenran
repeatedly for a moment, and said to Li Zhenruo, “This cat
looks very much like you.”
Li Zhenruo replied casually, “All Garfield looks the same.”
Luo Fei frowned slightly, but in the end, he didn’t say
anything. He only said to Li Zhenruo, “Say hello to Zhenran
for me and wish him a happy new year.”
Li Zhenruo said, “Thank you, and I wish you a happy new
year, boss.”

When Li Zhenruo left with the cat in his arms, Feng Junyuan
saw Luo Fei’s thoughtful look and asked, “What are you
thinking about?”
Luo Fei shook his head and said, “There’s something
familiar about that cat’s scent.”
Feng Junyuan’s face turned red suspiciously, and said, “It’s
so cute, I want to touch it.”
Luo Fei said with a smile, “If you want to touch it, then
touch it.”

h kh h d h b h
Feng Junyuan shook his head, “When I was about to reach
out, the cat was unhappy when I saw it.”

Luo Fei said with a smile, “Its temper not bad for a small
Li Zhenruo came out of the small building with Li Zhenran
in his arms and thought with a sigh of relief that
fortunately, Luo Fei didn’t see him. Otherwise, Li Zhenran
would definitely be angry.
He opened the driver’s door, put Li Zhenran in the
passenger seat, and asked with a sigh, “What now?”
Li Zhenran stared coldly ahead.
Li Zhenruo knew he was still unhappy, so he could only say,
“It’s useless for you to be upset. I didn’t mean to. I thought
that was really an elixir of immortality and wanted you to
live longer…”

Li Zhenran finally turned to look at him.

Li Zhenruo said, “I will try my best to find a way; you won’t
be like this forever. Even if it is the elixir of Taishang
Laojun, it is impossible to turn a person into a cat directly,
right? It’s faster than reincarnation.”
At this time, Li Zhenran finally reluctantly made a “meow”.
Li Zhenruo asked him, “Let’s go home?”
Li Zhenran nodded.

There was no way for them to return to the Li family. The

apartment in the city was being cleaned all the time, and
there was no problem going there at any time.
Back at home, Li Zhenruo put Li Zhenran on the ground and
went over to open the window for ventilation.

h d h hh d h d
Li Zhenran turned on the TV with his paw and then jumped
to the coffee table to press the remote control. Li Zhenruo
opened the window and came back to see that he was
having a hard time pressing it, so he walked over and bent
down and picked up the remote control to help him press it.
As a result, he looked down and saw Li Zhenran staring at
him coldly, silently put the remote control back under his
paws, and couldn’t help but whisper, “How come you’ve
turned into a cat and gotten grumpy?”
Li Zhenran pressed the remote control with his paw to
change channels.

Li Zhenruo sat on the sofa and reached out and poked Li

Zhenran’s tail, but Li Zhenran immediately swung his tail to
the other side.
“Second brother…” Li Zhenruo called him.
Li Zhenran pretended not to hear it.
Li Zhenruo knew that Li Zhenran would not pay attention to
him. The most important thing at this time was to have thick
skin, so he turned into a cat and jumped on the coffee table,
sitting right next to Li Zhenran who was watching TV. After
a while, he stretched out his paws and pulled him.
Li Zhenran moved away a bit.

Li Zhenruo stretched out his tail slowly and hooked his tail
in a circle.
Li Zhenran pulled his tail out calmly.
Unwilling to give up, Li Zhenruo stretched out his tail again,
hooked the tip of his tail, and then moved his butt over to sit
next to him.
This time, Li Zhenran raised his paw and pressed his head
to push him away.
“Meow~” Li Zhenruo began to call her brother pitifully.
However, Li Zhenran ignored him.
He raised his claws and scratched his head, and Li Zhenruo
felt he had to do something to attract Li Zhenran’s
attention. He was a little confused about this and finally
went to Li Zhenran and lay down and raised his tail.
Li Zhenran looked at the hairy buttocks in front of him and
the small hole in the middle and couldn’t help raising one
leg and kicking it.
Li Zhenruo was kicked forward by him and almost fell off
the coffee table. When he turned his head and was about to
get angry, he heard his mobile phone ringing, so he ignored
Li Zhenran’s side and turned into a human form to answer
the phone.
The call was from Song Jun. When he saw the name, Li
Zhenruo thought Xia Hongshen’s friend had arrived.
However, when the call was answered, Song Jun asked if he
wanted to go to the zoo.

“Zoo?” Li Zhenruo was inexplicable. He sat on the ground

next to the coffee table and stretched out his fingers to
tease Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran turned his head coldly.
Song Jun said, “The giant panda asked Luo Fei to send
tickets, saying that the zoo has activities and inviting us to
Li Zhenruo asked him strangely, “Are you and the giant
panda very close?”
Song Jun replied, “Not bad, but he seems to want to meet

Li Zhenruo said, “See me? Why did he want to see me?”

d h k b h l dh
Song Jun said, “It seems he knows about the elixir, and he
felt a little sorry. He said he want to see if he could be of
any help.”
Li Zhenruo reached out and grabbed Li Zhenran’s tail and
wagged it. He pondered and asked, “The giant panda is very
powerful, isn’t it?”
Song Jun thought for a while, “How can I put it? He should
have a good background, after all, he is a national treasure,
but I don’t know to what extent. Of course, if he is rich, he
should not be as rich as his senior brother. “
Li Zhenruo hesitated for a moment and felt that he should
go see the giant panda. The matter of why the giant panda
gave him this thing and why Li Zhenran turned black and
white, he should ask clearly.

He asked Song Jun, “Are you going?”

Song Jun said, “Senior Brother Xia doesn’t want to go, but if
you need it, I can accompany you.”
Li Zhenruo said quickly, “Come with me. I’m not familiar
with giant pandas.”
Song Jun agreed, “Okay.”
He hung up the phone, and Li Zhenruo squatted in front of
Li Zhenran, “Come on, let’s go see the giant panda.”

Li Zhenran looked at him this time and made a soft “meow”.

Li Zhenruo said, “I’ve got nothing to do with him…”
Li Zhenran obviously didn’t believe it, and he asked Li
Zhenruo: Does he like you?
Li Zhenruo shook his head, “We’ve only met once.”
Love at first sight?
“He’s a giant panda, right? The species are different.”
What does he mean by giving you something?
Li Zhenruo reached out and grabbed his beard and pulled
it, and Li Zhenran almost bit him.
“I just didn’t understand what he meant by giving me
something, so I wanted to find out. I’m bringing you with
me; why are you jealous.”
After speaking, Li Zhenruo stretched a hand to Li Zhenran,
“Let’s go?”

Li Zhenran looked at him for a moment, then slowly raised a

paw and placed it on his palm.

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And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

Also leave some ratings if you like this series here~

Side Story 4
Li Zhenran was very unhappy that Li Zhenruo carried him
out the door, but unfortunately, he had no better and more
convenient way, and finally let Li Zhenruo carry him into
the car.

While starting the car, Li Zhenruo put on a Bluetooth

headset and called Song Jun, and the two made an
appointment to meet at the zoo’s gate.
There was an event at the zoo early morning on the first day
of the New Year. In the morning, the residents nearby took
their children to the zoo to participate in the events. It was
over before noon, and the park was closed in the afternoon.

It was already noon when Li Zhenruo and the others

arrived, and they only saw two or three people coming out
of the zoo, but almost no one went in. Sure enough, Li
Zhenruo and Song Jun were stopped by the staff shortly
after entering, saying that the event was over and the zoo
was preparing to close and asked them to leave.
Song Jun pulled the staff member and whispered a few
words, and the staff member turned to look at Li Zhenruo,
then turned and left.
Li Zhenruo was a little puzzled, “Is your sphere of influence
so big?” It seemed like any random person he met on the
road could be a demon.

Song Jun said, “It’s not that big, but it’s more than you can
imagine. Let’s go.”
He took Li Zhenruo to the giant panda house.
Li Zhenran stayed quietly in Li Zhenruo’s arms with a
serious expression.

h d l h dl
The giant panda pavilion in the zoo was renovated last year.
The whole panda pavilion was clean, and the glass was
polished and transparent.

Li Zhenruo followed behind Song Jun, leaned against the

glass and looked inside, and saw three giant pandas inside;
one was lying on the rockery, the other was lying down and
sleeping, and the other was sitting and nibbling on bamboo.
Li Zhenruo found that he couldn’t tell which one was the
giant panda last night.
In the end, the giant panda sitting and nibbling on the
bamboo was the first to notice them, and when he raised his
head to look at them, he was suddenly stunned, his mouth
opened, and the bamboo in his mouth fell.
Li Zhenruo asked Song Jun, “Is it him?”

Song Jun also pressed himself against the glass and nodded,
“En,” before waving to the panda.
Li Zhenran also straightened up slightly and looked inside.
The giant pandas were still stunned, looking at them with
open mouths.
Li Zhenruo asked strangely, “What happened to him?”

Song Jun obviously didn’t understand either, so he raised

his hand and knocked on the glass.
The giant panda who had been sleeping was awakened by
his knock and lazily raised its head to look at them before
falling back to sleep again.
The other giant panda, who was dazed in place, finally
moved. It took another bite of the bamboo, patted its chest
with his paws, and slowly crawled in their direction.

d h d l h h h
Song Jun seemed to have a good relationship with the giant
panda. He pressed against the glass and said, “I brought
that round-faced cat to see you.”

Li Zhenruo gave Song Jun a dissatisfied look.

The giant panda didn’t seem to hear it. He climbed to the
front of the glass, stood up against the glass, patted his
front paws on the glass, and stared intently in Li Zhenruo’s
direction. However, he was not looking at Li Zhenruo but at
Li Zhenran in his arms.
Li Zhenran was inexplicable and tilted his head slightly.
The giant panda wiped the glass with its paws, looked at Li
Zhenran seriously for a while, and suddenly covered its
chest with both paws and fell backwards.

Song Jun and Li Zhenruo were both startled, and Li

Zhenran’s eyes widened.
After the giant panda lay down on the ground, it kept
covering its chest and started rolling from side to side,
making a “woo woo” sound from its mouth.
Song Jun patted the glass nervously, “Giant panda?”
The giant panda rolled for a while and finally stopped. He
flexibly rolled over from the ground, lay down in front of the
glass, pointed at Li Zhenran and said, “Give him to me.”

Li Zhenruo hugged Li Zhenran, moved back more than ten

steps in a row and looked at the giant panda warily.
Song Jun was confused, “What’s with that?”
The panda said, “It’s real this time. It’s love at first sight.”
“Huh?” Song Jun looked surprised, then suddenly realised,
turned his head to look at Li Zhenran in Li Zhenruo’s arms.

h f d d k
Li Zhenran’s face seemed to darken even more. He
breathed heavily and was suppressing his anger.

Li Zhenruo hugged Li Zhenran tightly and said, “Don’t you

come over. I won’t give it to you.”
The giant panda patted the glass, and he seemed a little
dazed, “Isn’t this cat the one from last night?”
Song Jun pointed at Li Zhenruo, “Sober up. The one holding
the cat was the cat last night. Didn’t you fall in love with
him at first sight?”
The giant panda scratched his head in distress, “I was
originally, but this black and white one was made just like
the lover of my dreams.”
Li Zhenruo heard the words and said, “Don’t even think
about it!”

“Huh?” The giant panda grimaced.

Song Jun said in a low voice, “I told you last night that
Garfield is my master’s apprentice. The Garfield he holds is
his lover, so you should give up.”
When the giant panda heard Song Jun’s words, his
disappointment was immediately written on his face, “Why
is this…”
Song Jun comforted him, “Your species is different. You
should stop thinking about it, and just find a giant panda at
Although he said that, the giant panda didn’t seem to give
up altogether. He kept staring at Li Zhenran, and after a
while, he asked Li Zhenruo strangely, “Why do you want to
be with a cat exactly like you?”

Li Zhenruo suddenly burst out, “You still ask me! He just

ate the medicine pill you gave me last night and became like
this. He is a person! Not a cat!”
Song Jun put his index finger to his lips, “Shh—don’t attract
the staff’s attention!”
The giant panda opened its mouth in wonder, “Huh?”
Later, Song Jun also said, “That black and white Garfield,
whose name is Li Zhenran, was originally a person, but he
ate the elixir you gave to Zhenruo last night, and he became
like this.”
The giant panda stretched out his claws and scratched his
butt, “Isn’t that an elixir to improve cultivation?”

Song Jun shook his head, “It doesn’t seem that simple.”
The giant panda was stunned, “I don’t know. I bought it at
an auction, and I thought it was an elixir to improve one’s
Song Jun looked at him suspiciously, “You really don’t
The panda was a little aggrieved, “Chunjun, you suspect
Song Jun asked him, “Then how do you explain why he
turned into this colour?”

The giant panda scratched his chin, “Yeah, that’s weird.”

Li Zhenruo put Li Zhenran on the ground and said to him,
“You are not allowed to go there!” Then he walked to the
glass and asked the panda, “Why did you give me that
The giant panda calmly said, “I like you.”
Li Zhenruo said, “You change your heart so fast. Your love
is worthless.”
The giant panda was hit hard and looked at Li Zhenruo with
wide eyes.
When he looked at the panda’s reaction, Li Zhenruo also felt
that his words were too harsh, but no matter what, he had
to dispel the panda’s idea of Li Zhenran as soon as possible,
so he said, “We are trying to find a way to change my
second brother back to his original form. He was not a cat
at all. He looks like a cat exactly like me, but the fur is black
and white, so we wondered if it had something to do with
The giant panda said aggrievedly, “It has nothing to do with
Li Zhenruo said, “Then do you have a way to make him
return to the original?”
The giant panda looked in the direction of Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenruo blocked his sight so that he could not see it.

The panda said, “Let me see it.”

Song Jun asked him at this time, “You don’t have a solution,
do you?”
The panda looked down at Song Jun and admitted, “I don’t
even know what’s going on. Of course, I had no solution.”
Although he knew it was likely that the giant panda had
nothing to do with it, Li Zhenruo still couldn’t help but be a
little disappointed.
“Hey!” The giant panda stopped him, “I can’t go out now.
Let’s go to the amusement park tonight. I’ll study what’s
going on. After listening to you guys, I also think it has
something to do with me.”

Li Zhenruo looked at him suspiciously, “You won’t have any

thoughts on my second brother, will you?”
The giant panda lowered his head, “Um—” after thinking for
a while, he raised his head and said to him, “I don’t like him
h h b h
anymore when he becomes a human.”
Li Zhenruo warned him, “You are not allowed to change
your mind even if he can’t become a human!”
The giant panda pouted and poked his fingers on the glass.
He didn’t answer Li Zhenruo for a long time and finally
raised his head reluctantly and said, “Let’s talk about it at

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giving some jades here~
(note that there are several guides to maneuver in gongzicp
or you can just google translate the page. Payment can be
made with Apple pay method)

We now finally have a discord server for those who want to

receive an update ping and various announcements~
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And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

Also leave some ratings if you like this series here~

Side Story 5
As he carried Li Zhenran away from the zoo, Li Zhenruo felt
a little helpless.

The phone in his pocket rang. It was Li Zhenran’s phone,

which he always carried with him.
When he answered the call, Li Zhenruo found out that the
call was from Li Zhenzi. The other party was a little puzzled
and asked, “Why are you answering the call? Where is my
second brother?”

Li Zhenruo said, “He’s taking a nap. I’ll relay it to him.”

A passing car honked its horn.
Li Zhen was silent for a moment and asked, “He took a nap
on the street?”

Li Zhenruo lied without changing his face, “I came out to

buy something for him and took out his phone. What do you
have to say? I’m not going to kill him.”
Li Zhenzi finally said, “Nothing. You guys are not coming
back these days?”
Li Zhenruo hesitated a bit this time, “I won’t be back for a
while. Please tell it to Uncle Li for me.”
“Okay,” Li Zhenzi replied, then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhenruo also felt that it

would be impossible to hide from the people of the Li family
sooner or later. What if they really thought he had
murdered Li Zhenran for money?

l dd h h d d
He glanced down at Li Zhenran with some distress and
found that Li Zhenran was staring straight ahead as if in a
They said goodbye to Song Jun at the zoo entrance and
arranged to meet at the amusement park at twelve o’clock
in the evening.
When Song Jun left, Li Zhenruo carried Li Zhenran and sat
down on the side of the road, sighed and asked him, “Where
are you going?”

Li Zhenran refused to speak and just sat quietly on his lap.

The cold wind of the first month was blowing head-on, and
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help shrinking his neck. Soon he saw
that Li Zhenran also shrank his neck and silently lay down
on his lap, with his two paws under his stomach.
A little girl was standing by the road not far from them,
looking around. The girl was alone and did not see her
parents nearby.
Li Zhenruo noticed that Li Zhenran looked in that direction
first, so he also looked over and noticed the little girl.

The little girl stood blankly for a while, and then suddenly,
she was about to run towards the road without the zebra
A bus was heading in this direction. When Li Zhenruo was
about to stop the little girl, Li Zhenran suddenly rushed out
of his arms, ran to the little girl at a high speed, and bit her
The little girl stopped and looked down at him, and the bus
drove past them.
Li Zhenruo’s heart was pounding, and she ran over to pick
up the little girl and walked to the side of the road, saying,
“It’s too dangerous, little miss. Where are your parents?”

h h l l l k d b h h h d
When the little girl was picked up by him, he reached out
and grabbed Li Zhenran’s leg, so Li Zhenran was also lifted
up by her and swayed and fell beside Li Zhenruo’s leg.
Li Zhenruo walked next to the flowerbed and put the little
girl down, only to notice Li Zhenran, who was dragged like
a dead. He was startled and squatted down to smooth Li
Zhenran’s hair while saying to the little girl, “Little miss,
can you let him go first?”
The little girl let go and said, “Cat.”
Li Zhenruo combed Li Zhenran’s fur carefully and said with
a sigh of relief, “Yes, cat. Where are your parents, little

The little girl shook her head.

Li Zhenran shook off the hair on his body, slowly stepped
aside, sat down and licked his forelimbs, where he was
caught and lifted just now.
Li Zhenruo was still trying to talk to the little girl, but the
little girl seemed to be frightened, and she started crying
after she said a few more words.
Li Zhenran looked toward them.

Li Zhenruo waved to him.

Li Zhenran turned his head indifferently and after a while,
slowly and reluctantly walked towards him.
Li Zhenruo picked him up and handed it to the little girl,
“Here’s the kitty.”
The little girl reached out and placed it on her lap, touching
the top of Li Zhenran’s head.
Li Zhenruo rummaged through her clothes pockets to see if
he could find any information, but there was nothing in the
little girl’s clothes pockets. He had no choice but to say,

h f d b kf
“Let’s wait here. If your parents don’t come back for you,
we’ll have to send you to the nearby police station, okay?”

The little girl didn’t speak. She lowered her head and
focused on touching Li Zhenran’s head.
She didn’t quite grasp the strength, and Li Zhenran had to
close his eyes subconsciously when she pressed her palm
down on him.
After waiting for a while, sure enough, an old lady was
called in. It was a grandmother who came to the zoo with
her granddaughter. As a result, when she left the venue,
there were too many people, and the little girl was lost. She
searched everywhere and couldn’t find her.
Li Zhenruo returned the little girl to the old lady, and the
other party thanked him one after another with snot and
“You’re welcome, be careful next time,” Li Zhenruo said,
waving to the little girl.

The little girl pointed at Li Zhenran on the ground, “Cat!”

Li Zhenran turned his head and didn’t look at her.
Li Zhenruo smiled at her, “Bye-bye.”
When the old lady left with the little girl in her arms, Li
Zhenruo suddenly bent down and picked up Li Zhenran and
threw him into the sky.
Li Zhenran’s eyes widened instantly until he fell back into Li
Zhenruo’s arms, stretched out his claws and grasped Li
Zhenruo’s arm tightly. Li Zhenruo couldn’t throw him again
if he wanted to.

Li Zhenruo was in a good mood, hummed a song and

carried Li Zhenran into the car.

h h l d h d b k d
Li Zhenran’s whole cat was dizzy. He hadn’t been picked up
and thrown away for many years. His heart was beating
non-stop, and his paws were tightly clasping Li Zhenruo’s
arm, and he never let go.
Li Zhenruo didn’t notice it at first; he drove the car and
stepped on the brake in front of the red light at the
intersection. Li Zhenran suddenly stretched out his claws
and grabbed his arm. When he saw that Li Zhenran was still
expressionless and even ferocious, but he looked down at
the grabbed arm and felt something different.
Back home, Li Zhenran walked in front and just jumped on
the sofa. Li Zhenruo jumped on him, held him down, and
asked, “Are you shy or nervous just now?”
Li Zhenran swept over with cold eyes.

Of course, Li Zhenruo was not afraid of him and instantly

turned into a cat to hold him down and start licking his
Li Zhenran struggled to lie on his back on the sofa,
stretched out his paws to push and refused for a long time
and failed, so he turned over and pressed Li Zhenruo under
him and stepped on his big cake face with a paw.
Li Zhenruo was not angry but happily bit Li Zhenran’s paw.
Li Zhenran simply stepped on Li Zhenruo for a while.
Li Zhenruo couldn’t take it anymore and struggled to turn
over and tried to crawl forward, but Li Zhenran’s whole
body was pressed up, and he lowered his head and bit his
neck to prevent him from running.

Li Zhenruo was stunned. This posture was not—he gave up

the struggle, put his big face under his paws, and
obediently lay down and raised his tail, “o(≧w≦)o meow
Li Zhenran also realised that the posture was wrong. He let
go of Li Zhenruo and took two steps back, and kicked him
ff h f l l
off the sofa mercilessly.

Before twelve o’clock in the evening, Li Zhenruo drove Li
Zhenran to the amusement park.
When he was kicked off the sofa by Li Zhenran, he hit his
butt in the air and landed on the ground, and his butt was
still sore.

The amusement park was the same as last night. It was

dark from the outside, but after entered, they found that all
the amusement facilities were open, but there were not as
many guests as last night. It was empty all the way in, and
only the music of the rides sounded joyfully. However, the
atmosphere seemed a little weird.
Li Zhenruo rubbed his butt when he got out of the car. He
was a little angry, so he opened the passenger door and
didn’t reach out to carry Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran jumped out of the car by himself, looked up at
him, and hesitated.
Li Zhenruo had already closed the car door and walked
toward the amusement park.
Li Zhenran sighed slowly and walked inside, following his
feet. They didn’t get to the carousel until they saw Xia
Hongshen sitting on the turntable with his back to the
carousel and playing with his mobile phone.

Li Zhenruo didn’t understand why Xia Hongshen liked the

merry-go-round so much, so he stood outside and shouted,
Xia Hongshen looked up at him.
“Ah—” Li Zhenruo suddenly heard someone shouting at this
moment and turned around to see the giant panda running
in their direction, apparently aiming at Li Zhenran.

h h h h h
Even when he was angry with Li Zhenran, Li Zhenruo was
reluctant to give him away to the giant panda. When Li
Zhenran stepped forward to stop him, Li Zhenran had
already jumped on his shoulder.
The giant panda ran over, stopped before Li Zhenruo, and
scratched his head shyly, “You guys are here.”

Li Zhenruo looked at him and asked a curious question,

“Why are you allowed to come out at night?”
The panda said, “Oh, I’m off work.”
Li Zhenruo complained silently in his heart: So you were
just working at the zoo.
The giant panda looked at Li Zhenran on Li Zhenruo’s
shoulder and said, “I thought about it later. After I got the
pill last night, I opened the box and touched it.”
“You touched it?” Li Zhenruo’s head was a little confused.
He felt it had something to do with giant pandas, but he
didn’t know what it was.

The panda said, “Yes, I have touched it. Have you touched it
Li Zhenruo took out the medicinal pill and fed it to Li
Zhenran’s mouth. Of course, he had touched it. Could it be
related to this?
The giant panda pointed at Li Zhenran, “Look, he is a black
and white Garfield.”
Li Zhenran, who became the focus of attention, very calmly
grasped Li Zhenruo’s shoulder with his claws.
At this time, Xia Hongshen jumped off the turntable and
said to them, “I invited Master Yunshen of Hongyin Temple.
He has researched alchemy and drawing talisman. Just ask
him tonight.”
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made with Apple pay method)
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And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

Also leave some ratings if you like this series here~

Side Story 6
Cheerful music still reverberated everywhere in the
amusement park, but unfortunately, there was not a single
visitor which made it strangely deserted.

The giant panda said he had to go see his senior brother

first, so he left slowly with clumsy steps.
Li Zhenruo looked at his back and asked Xia Hongshen
curiously, “Is the giant panda’s cultivation level
insufficient? Why does it not change into human form?”

Xia Hongshen said, “No.”

Li Zhenruo was even more strange, “Then why?”
Xia Hongshen said, “I don’t know. I didn’t ask him, you can
ask yourself.”

Li Zhenruo didn’t feel like asking him and turned his head
to look at Li Zhenran, who was sitting on his shoulder, then
turned back and shook his shoulders, trying to get him
Li Zhenran jumped to the ground and looked up at him.
Li Zhenruo hadn’t calmed down yet and turned around to
see the huge Ferris wheel moving slowly, so he said to Xia
Hongshen, “The master hasn’t arrived yet, right? I’ll just go
Xia Hongshen waved his hand, “Go.”

Li Zhenruo walked toward the Ferris wheel, and Li Zhenran

followed behind him. Although he couldn’t hear the
footsteps, he knew that Li Zhenran was following so close
d f dh f l l l f h d h
and not far, and he felt a little soft-hearted. Li Zhenruo
reached out and touched his butt and found that it was still
painful there, and his heart hardened immediately.
There was no staff on the Ferris wheel. He went in by
himself, opened the door and sat in when the empty
carriage turned to the bottom. At the same time, Li
Zhenran also rushed in.
Li Zhenruo moved for a while, but then he reached out and
locked the door.
Li Zhenran sat face to face with him.

One person and one cat were quiet for a while. When the
carriage turned to the middle, Li Zhenran jumped down,
jumped to Li Zhenruo’s seat and sat down.
Li Zhenruo looked out of the car window with one hand on
his face.
Li Zhenran moved his body silently and sat down next to Li
Li Zhenruo saw the smile on his face from the reflection in
the glass window.

After a brief silence, Li Zhenran raised a paw and placed it

on Li Zhenruo’s leg.
Li Zhenruo continued to remain calm.
Li Zhenran then stood up, slowly climbed onto Li Zhenruo’s
lap, and sat down.
Li Zhenruo then looked down at him.

Li Zhenran was also looking up at him.

When the Ferris wheel reached the highest point, Li
Zhenruo lowered his head and kissed his cat. Although the
l h l dh d h dh l
cat was reluctant, he closed his eyes and touched his lips.
Before the kiss was over, Li Zhenruo’s cell phone rang. It
was Xia Hongshen who called and asked him to hurry over.
The Master Yunshen he invited had already arrived.
The speed of Yun Po’s arrival was very fast, which was
beyond everyone’s expectations.

While Li Zhenruo hoped that Yun Po really had a way to

resolve Li Zhenran’s current situation, he also regretted
that Li Zhenran became a cat in only just one day.
It was a very happy thing to hold a furry Li Zhenran.
After they got off the Ferris wheel, Li Zhenruo walked
toward the depths of the amusement park according to Xia
Hongshen’s instructions. There was the management office
of the amusement park, which was an office in a two-story
Li Zhenruo hurried over with Li Zhenran in his arms and
saw a delicate and pretty monk sitting in front of the desk
in the large office on the first floor, holding a cup of hot tea
in his hand and taking a sip lazily.

“Master!” Li Zhenruo called out to Xia Hongshen who was

sitting at the desk next to him.
Xia Hongshen raised his lower jaw, “This is Master Yun
Li Zhenruo walked over, put Li Zhenran on the table, and
said, “Master, my second brother turned into a cat after
eating an elixir of unknown origin.”
Yun Po looked up at Xia Hongshen and said, “First settle
the money you owe me.”
Xia Hongshen was neither in a hurry nor angry. He
stretched out his hand and pressed Li Zhenruo’s shoulder,
Li Zhenruo was a little helpless and asked, “How much?”
Yun Po took out his mobile phone from the monk’s robe,
tapped it for a few seconds, and said, “There are still three
thousand two hundred and seventy-eight accounts that
have not been settled.”
Li Zhenruo said, “It’s on my brother.”
He spoke so forthrightly that Yun Po couldn’t help but look
up at him.
Li Zhenruo put his hand on the table, “Only if my brother
can turn back into a human again. Otherwise, it would be a
waste of time to say anything, wouldn’t it?”

When he heard this, Yun Po stared at his cat on the table

for a while and said, “If I can turn him back into a human,
add another two thousand, making a total of five thousand
two hundred and seventy-eight, will you make a deal?”
Li Zhenruo glanced at Li Zhenran and said, “Deal!”
Yun Po smiled with satisfaction and said to Li Zhenran,
“Stretch out your hand.”
Li Zhenran stretched out a paw.
Yun Po caught his pulse, released his hand after a while
and said to him, “Open your mouth.”

Li Zhenran opened his mouth to let him see.

Li Zhenruo frowned slightly and asked Xia Hongshen in a
low voice, “Is this friend of yours okay or not?”
Before Xia Hongshen spoke, Yun Po raised his head and
gave him a blank look.
Afterwards, Yun Po dipped his fingers in some tea and drew
a simple circle on the table, letting Li Zhenran stand in the
After Li Zhenran stood in, the magic circle seemed to
flicker with golden light and then disappeared.

Yun Po looked at the reaction of the magic circle, touched

his chin with one hand and said thoughtfully, “It’s not that
he turned into a cat.”
Li Zhenruo and Xia Hongshen looked at him at the same
“Then what is it?” Li Zhenruo asked.
“Probably a dog,” someone said as he walked in, pushing
the door open from the outside.
Several people turned their heads to look and saw that the
person who came in was Luo Fei, and there was a giant
panda with Luo Fei, half a step behind him, followed Luo
Fei into the office.

Yun Po “tsk” and said, “Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t

understand. He is still a person.”
Li Zhenruo couldn’t help but pull up a chair and sit closer
to Yun Po and ask, “If he’s still a human, then why would he
become this way?”
Yun Po said, “I haven’t seen the elixir you mentioned, and I
don’t know what it looks like, but his body is actually a
human body, not the cat we’ve seen.”
With a smile on his face, Luo Fei sat beside the desk and
reached out to touch Li Zhenran’s head, but Li Zhenran
flicked his tail and deflected his hand. He retracted his
hand and said, “Not at all well behaved.”
Li Zhenruo quickly reached out and pulled Li Zhenran over
to hold him in his arms, preventing Luo Fei from touching
him again.

h df d dd h k
Yun Po reached for a pen and wrote and drew on the sticky
note in front of him, but if they looked closely, they could
see that he was just drawing something meaningless and
As he drew, he said, “He appeared to have properties that
are different from his own essence. This looks more like a
“Oh,” Xia Hongshen said suddenly, “I see.”
Li Zhenruo asked, “What?”
Xia Hongshen said, “Taishang Laojun has all kinds of
strange things in the alchemy furnace. I have heard that
there is a kind of medicinal pill that has the effect of
blinding the eyes.”

Li Zhenruo was still curious, “What would it become?”

Xia Hongshen shrugged, “I’ve only heard of it, but I haven’t
seen it. What will it look like? There are too many things in
the furnace of Taishang Laojun. I’m afraid he may not be
able to pinpoint it.”
All eyes fell on Li Zhenran.
Li Zhenran sat calmly on Li Zhenruo’s lap without blushing
or panting, accepting everyone’s attention.
Li Zhenruo asked, “When will he return to his original

Yun Po said, “Since it is a blinding method, it is only

supported by the spiritual power in the medicinal pill. It is
estimated that it will not take too long, and the blinding
method will naturally be broken when the spiritual power is
“Ah—” At this moment, the panda next to him screamed
and looked like he was hit hard, “He will not always be this

d f b d k h
Yun Po said, “Of course, but you can go and ask Taishang
Laojun for more elixir to keep him like this.”
“Taishang Laojun?” The panda pointed his finger on his lips
Li Zhenruo said to him, “Don’t think about it! Even if he has
always been like this, he will not be yours!”

The giant panda seemed to have just reacted and was

stunned for a moment and then looked tangled.
Li Zhenruo was still worried and asked Yun Po, “Master,
are you sure he can change back without doing anything?”
Yun Po said, “It’s just a trick, how long can it last? If you’re
really worried, I can help you put up a talisman and use up
the remaining elixir spirit in his body, but the price is more
than that.”
Li Zhenruo was not reluctant to give up so much money,
but after hearing what Yun Po said, he suddenly thought
that it would be better to take this Li Zhenran back and
watch it for a few more days, and it would not be possible
to wait until then.
But he didn’t want to reveal his thoughts to Li Zhenran.

Li Zhenran stretched out his claws and grabbed him,

probably meaning to let Yunshen form a formation to
exhaust the medicinal power of the elixir now, but Li
Zhenruo pretended that he didn’t know, and after a
moment of contemplation said, he said, “Then I will go back
and observe for a few days.”
Yun Po nodded and stretched out his hand to ask for
money, “Give me the money first.”
Li Zhenruo said to him, “He hasn’t become a human yet.
Master, you can leave your account number, and when he
returns to human form, we will you give you money as soon
as possible?”
l k d h f hl d d h
Yun Po looked at him for a while, and said, “Then you give
me a call, and I will text you the account number.”
Li Zhenruo heard the words, put Li Zhenran on the table
and touched the mobile phone. He took out his mobile
phone and dialled the number that Yun Po said, and hung
up when Yun Po’s phone rang. Then he looked up and
found Li Zhenran was gone from the table.
“Where’s my brother?” Li Zhenruo suddenly stood up.

Xia Hongshen pointed outside, “He was carried away by a

giant panda.”
“Ah—” Li Zhenruo shouted, “Why didn’t you tell me?” After
speaking, he suddenly ran outside.
The giant panda carried Li Zhenran and ran, but the speed
was not slow at all.
He hadn’t really thought about where he could carry Li
Zhenran, but when he heard that the black and white
Garfield might turn back into a human, he rushed out with
him in his arms and ran all the way to the front of the
Ferris wheel. The panda stopped to gasp for breath. When
he saw that the cat in his arms didn’t move at all, he said,
“Let’s go ride the Ferris wheel.”

The panda thought this was probably their last romance.

But perhaps, not only they would have three more minutes,
what if the cat fell in love with him? He knew that he was
so cute, and there were not many creatures in this world
that could resist his charm, right?
Li Zhenran did not agree or object but was carried into the
Ferris wheel by the giant panda.
They sat inside the Ferris wheel. The giant panda touched
Li Zhenran’s head, suddenly became sad, and pressed his
face to the top of his head and said, “Is there another cat
with such a round face in this world?”
f h b h l l
In fact, there were, but the colour was not as pleasing to
him as this one.

Li Zhenran was a little breathless in his embrace and

suddenly stretched out his paws and pushed him.
The giant panda loosened a little in surprise. Li Zhenran
struggled out of his arms and ran to the window to look
down with his face against the glass.
“What’s wrong?” The giant panda also looked in the same
direction and was surprised to find that a cat had climbed
over the vast steel frame of the Ferris wheel in their
The Ferris wheel was constantly rotating, although the
speed was very slow, and the steel frame structure was
complex, but they were still moving up, and the height here
was terrible.
The yellow-and-white Garfield climbed hard, seemingly
unaware of the danger, only looking in the direction of his
target and rushing up quickly.

Xia Hongshen, Luo Fei, and Yun Po chased under the Ferris
wheel and looked up at the heights.
While the giant panda was surprised, it was also worried
for Li Zhenruo.
Li Zhenran stared in Li Zhenruo’s direction without saying
a word.
When the carriage turned to the top of the Ferris wheel, Li
Zhenruo finally climbed from the steel frame to the outside
of the carriage. Li Zhenran ignored the danger and opened
the carriage door, and Li Zhenruo rushed in at once.
Li Zhenruo threw Li Zhenran to the ground, followed by Li
Zhenran but a rollover to pounce him underneath, rubbing
his face with his face.

h d h h h l
Two cats hugged each other tightly.
The giant panda stared at them blankly and suddenly burst
into tears. He thought that he might probably lose his love
and did so twice at the same time.
The Ferris wheel rotated down, and Luo Fei opened the
door and pulled them all out.
The giant panda was still crying, and when he saw Luo Fei,
he stretched out his arms to hug him and said, “Senior
brother, woo woo—”
Luo Fei patted his back and said, “Go and cry.”

Xia Hongshen smiled and said to Li Zhenruo, who turned

back into a human form and hugged Li Zhenran, “Not bad.”
Only then did Li Zhenruo turn to look at the Ferris wheel
with some fear and said, “I’m afraid that my brother will be
influenced by him…” Then he looked at the giant panda
who was still crying and said, “I think I may have thought
too much. “
When sending them away, the panda raised a hand and
waved, “I wish you happiness.”
Li Zhenruo shouted to him, “You will find the panda you
The giant panda still looked resentful.

After returning that day, Li Zhenran once again rejected Li

Zhenruo’s courtship, but this time, instead of kicking him
out of bed, he hugged him and kissed and licked him for a
long time, then pushed him away lightly.
On the third day after Li Zhenran became a cat, after
rejecting Li Zhenruo’s plea five times, that morning, before
Li Zhenruo woke up, he felt that he was being pressed on
the bed.

h d hh h d f h h h
He reached out to touch his chest, and at first thought, he
was touching cat hair, but later found that it felt wrong,
and when he opened his eyes, he found that it was black
Li Zhenran raised his head from his chest and said to him,
“Seeing that you have been dissatisfied with your desires
for a few days, I will satisfy you today!”
Li Zhenruo said “Ah—”, both pleasantly surprised and
somewhat regretful, and finally chose not to continue to
struggle and just lie down to enjoy it.

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