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What shall we /wɒt ʃæl wiː duː ¿Qué hacemos

What shall we do now ? ~ How about going shopping?

do now? naʊ/ ahora?

Why don't you /waɪ dəʊnt juː ¿Por qué no vienes

Why don't you join me ? ~ No, thanks. I'm not keen on it.
join me? dʒɔɪn miː/ conmigo?

Why not? /waɪ nɒt/ Shall we go dancing? ~ Why not ? I'm happy to go. ¿Por qué no?

anyway /ˈeniweɪ/ Don't you want to go? ~ No. I wasn't invited, anyway. de todas formas

He's off to... /hiːz ɒf tuː/ He's off to Chicago in the morning. Salió para...

He's such a /hiːz sʌtʃ ə

He's such a professional . He works so hard. Es tan profesional.
professional. prəˈfeʃən(ə)l/

It's not that… /ɪts nɒt ðæt/ It's not that I don't like running, but I'm tired. No es que…

It won't /ɪt wəʊnt

I'm sorry, it won't happen again. No volverá a ocurrir.
happen again. ˈhæpən əˈɡeɪn/

I wanted to /aɪ ˈwɒntɪd tuː

have a word hæv ə wɜːd I wanted to have a word with you about the meeting. Quería hablar con…
with… wɪð/

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