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Tạ Thu Hồng- avandce class

Task 1:
The given maps depict several changes in the way people accessed a city
hospital in 2007 and 2010.
It is appearant that the major differences in road access to this hospital involve
intersection upgrades and the development of parking spaces and bus facilities.
From 2007 to 2010, the most striking change is the appearance of two new
roundabouts. The first one was constructed at the three-way junction of the
hospital road and the ring road surrounding the hospital, while the second one
was located at the four-way intersection of the hospital road and the city road.
Looking at the other features, we can see that the six bus stops, situated along
the hospital road, were removed to make way for a new bus station to the
western side of this road. Regarding parking spaces, a new public car park was
constructed to the eastern side of the hospital and people could have access to
this car park through the ring road, while the old parking lot became a staff-only
Recently, There has been a growing matter about poor manner of student at
various school. This phenomenon has driven the attention not only from the
citizen but also from the local authority. In this essay, I will represent some
reasons for this matter and suggest several radical solutions.
When it comes to the reason , There are many causes that lead to the
degradation of student behaviour. First and foremost, with the development of
the Internet, Children regurlarly have access to misinformation and violation
content on social platform. To detail, A wide range of video on Youtube and
Facebook has some content against the law such as illegally car racing, sexual
harassment, racism agaisn the back people,…with lots of bad word. It is even
worse when most of the young suppose that these above behavour is rather cool
and they follow it to show their special characteristic. In addition, These day,
the right of people are enhancing than it the past. The policy bans the teacher
having word or activities that could negatively impact the honor and dignity of
the student, thus, there was less punishment for student which could scare them
like in the past.
So as to wipe out this phenomenon, Initially, Censoring on social platform
should be stricter and more precise. To detail, the account that have
controversial content and comment should be depleted immediately. Besides,
each parent also need to investigate the content that their childfren are accessing
to and lessen the frequency of using smart gadgets, especially with the under 15
year-old-one. Regarding the school and teacher, the suitable punishment for
should be applied for student such as cleaning the school yard, doing volunteer,

In conclusion, serious problems have been seen in the behaviour of pupils at

school. In my opinion, This issue can be resolved by providing the caring from
the parents, teacher, and whole society.

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