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Department Zoology
Course Name: Sericutt.,r e
-qn ErtreprcneLlilal Spa.k
Course Type: lnternship Programme
Course Duration: 120 Hour
Course Credit: 4
Semester: UC NCCF 2''" Semester
Course Supervisor: Sri. Hemen Biswas, Assistant Professor & Head of the Department of Zoology, Acharya Brojendra
Nath Seal College
Course Mentor l. Sri. Hemen Biswas, Assistant Professor & Head of the Depafiment of Zoology, Acharya
'I'eacher: Brojendra Nath Seal College
2. Sri Achintya Kumar Pal, Associate Professor, Depaftment of Zoology, Acharya Brojendra
Nath Seal College
3. Dr. Debojyoti Dutta^ Associate Professoq Department of Zoology, Acharya Brojendra
Nath Seal College
4. Sri Satadal Adhikary. Assistant Professoq Department of Zoology, Acharya Brojendra
Nath Seal College
5. Sri. Anirban Pandey. Assistar-rt Professor. Department of Zoology, Acharya BrojendraNath
Seal College
6. Sri Kor,rstav Kundu, Assistant Professol Department of Zoology, Acharya BrojendraNath
Seal College
7. Smt. Ajanta Datta chattopadhyay, SACT I, Depaftment of Zoology, Acharya Brojendra
Nath Seal College
Resource persons 1. Dr. Supriya Biswas AssistantDirector of Agriculture, Soil Conservation, Kurseong
other Institute 2. Dr. Indrajit Biswas, Assistant Professor, Deparlment of Zoology Hiralal Mazumdar
Memorial College for Women
Date of 16.05.2024
Venue: Depaftment of Zoology, Acharya Brojendra Nath Seal College

Unit Topic Hours

1 lntroduction to Sericulture 6
Sericulture: Definition, history and present status; Silk route
Types of Silkworm: Mulberry and Non Mr-rlberry, Distribution of silkworrn
Races of silkworm and their distributiorr: Exotic and Indigenous races of silkworm
2 Biology of Silkworm
Life cycle and morphology of mulberry silkworm
Life cycle and rnorphology of Non Mulberry silkworm
Voltinism: Uni, Bi, Multivoltine races
Structure and function of silk gland, composition of silk, Secrection of silk
3 Host Plant Cultivation
Mulberry cultivation: Variety, Selection of Mulberry Garden, Status of Moriculture across India
Non Mulberry Culture: Variety, Cultivation of non rnulberry host plant.
Protection of host plant from Pest and Disease.
4 Silkworm Seed Production (grainage)
Grainage house preparation, Disinfection of grainage house
Selection / examination and sorling of seed cocoon
Preservation of seed cocoon
Selection of Motlr
Collection and processing of eggs. DFL
Packing and transportation of DFL
Rearing of Silkworm
Rearing house and rearing appliances
*&a' l0
Disinfectants: Formalin, bleaching powder.
eariv u,o Late age rearing rvpes ormounrages,
illfHi[:T|lt :t"'lJ"'"gv: 'et Spinning, harvesting
Pests and Disease of silkworm
Pests of silkworm: Major pest.and r0
Minor pests: Uzi fly, dermestid beetles
::'ff5ruffi:#.:',TffiIr;l5ff;*f::::f o;;;;;',i,ur,'i,,eur and bacteriar disease
Cocoon Marketing and Extraction
of silk from cocoon
Quality cocoon, Factors regarding the production l0
of quality cocoon, defective cocoons
Extraction ofsilk from cocoon, silk
reeling, reeling appliances
Gradation of s i Ik, Term i nologi"r r.guraini
si lk production
Entrepreneurship in Sericultu re
in India: Emplovment, potentiar in t2
i#:1",,T:"",X';:liH:[r",lSericulture murberry and non-murberry
Role of Sericurture in deveropment
of rurar economy and woman empowerment.
in .n,."p,"n.urship
Field/ institute visir
l0 Project Assignment submission l8
and evaluation.

Suggested readings:

' Manual on Sericurture; Food and

Agricurture organisation, Rome Ig76
r' Handbook of Practical Sericulture:
S. R. Ullal ura u. N. Narasimhanna
(' Silkworm Rearing and Disease of cSB, Bangalore
Silkworm ,lg56,Ptd. By Director
iD Appropriate Sericurturar Techniques; of ptg. sin. a pub. Govt. press,
Ed. M. S. Joily, Director, csR
rD Handbook of Silkworm & TI, Mysore
Rearing:Agriculture and Technical
r' Manual of Silkworm Egg Production; Manual-1, erripru. co. Ltd., Tokyo,
M. N. Narasimhanna, cSB, Bangalore
Silkworm lgBB
'!D Rearing; wupang--chun and
chen Da-chung, pub. By FAo,
'iD A Guide for Bivortine Sericurture; K. Sengupta, Rome rgg8
. Improved Method of Rearing Young Age Directoi Cil;'r,,
silkworm; S. Krishnaswamy, Reprinted
cSB, Bangarore, I9g6

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