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3 Chapter 3rd : Vocabulary Building.

Topic 2nd : Word Roots, Prefixes, And Suffixes.

6.1 Introduction:
We'll explore how understanding word roots, prefixes, and suffixes can
significantly enhance your vocabulary arsenal. By the end of this lecture, you'll be
equipped with powerful tools to decipher the meanings of unfamiliar words and
enrich your language skills.

Mastering word roots, prefixes, and suffixes is a powerful strategy for

expanding your vocabulary and improving language proficiency. By understanding
the building blocks of words, you gain insight into their meanings and usage, enabling
you to communicate more effectively and comprehend texts with greater ease. Keep
exploring, practicing, and applying these linguistic tools, and watch your vocabulary

6.2 What are Word Roots?

6.2.1 Word roots are the core part of a word that carries its primary meaning.

Word roots are indeed the foundational elements of words that carry their
primary meanings. They are the fundamental building blocks upon which words are
constructed. Understanding word roots is crucial for deciphering the meanings of
unfamiliar words and recognizing connections between related words.

Word roots are essential for understanding the core meanings of words and
identifying connections between related terms. By recognizing and analyzing word
roots, we can unlock the meanings of unfamiliar words and enrich our vocabulary.
Here are a few key points to elaborate on this statement:
3 • Primary Meaning:
Word roots typically represent the central meaning of a word. For example, the
root "bio" in words like "biology" and "biography" relates to life. Understanding
this root helps us recognize that both words are related to the study or
description of life.
• Consistency Across Words:
Many words with the same root share a common theme or concept. For
instance, words like "geology," "zoology," and "psychology" all contain the root
"logy," which refers to the study of something. Recognizing this root allows us
to understand that these words all pertain to different fields of study.
• Derivation:
Word roots often come from ancient languages such as Greek or Latin. These
roots have been borrowed into English and serve as the foundation for
numerous words. By understanding the origins of word roots, we can gain
insights into the meanings of words and their historical context.
• Word Families:
Word roots form the basis of word families, which consist of a root word and
its related forms through the addition of prefixes and suffixes. For example, the
root "act" in "actor," "action," and "react" demonstrates how prefixes and
suffixes can modify the root to create new words with related meanings.

6.2.2 They are often derived from Greek or Latin and serve as the building
blocks of many words in English.

Many word roots in English are indeed derived from Greek or Latin origins, and
they serve as the foundational building blocks of a vast number of words in the English
language. By recognizing the prevalence and significance of Greek and Latin roots in
English vocabulary, learners can gain deeper insights into word meanings, etymology,
and linguistic connections. This understanding enhances not only vocabulary
comprehension but also appreciation for the historical and cultural influences on
language development. Here's why this is significant:
3 • Borrowing and Adaptation:
English has borrowed extensively from Greek and Latin, especially during
periods of cultural exchange and intellectual growth. As a result, many words
in English originate from Greek or Latin roots, ranging from everyday terms to
specialized jargon.
• Precision and Clarity:
Greek and Latin roots often convey precise meanings or concepts. By using
these roots in English words, speakers and writers can convey specific ideas
with clarity and precision. For example, the Latin root "centr" (meaning center)
is used in words like "central" and "concentric," indicating a focus or
concentration around a central point.
• Common Prefixes and Suffixes:
Greek and Latin roots are often combined with common prefixes and suffixes
to form new words or modify existing ones. This practice allows for the
creation of complex words with nuanced meanings. For instance, the Greek
prefix "tele-" (meaning distant) combined with the root "vision" gives rise to
the word "television," which refers to a device for viewing distant images.
• Universal Understanding:
Since many scientific, medical, and technical terms derive from Greek and Latin
roots, understanding these roots provides a universal language of sorts. It
allows individuals across different linguistic backgrounds to comprehend and
communicate complex concepts more effectively.
6.3 Benefits of Learning Word Roots:
Those are excellent points highlighting the benefits of learning word roots.
Benefits of learning word roots extend beyond mere memorization of individual
words. They empower learners to decode unfamiliar vocabulary, recognize patterns
and connections among words, and build a robust vocabulary repertoire that
supports effective communication and comprehension across various contexts. Let's
delve deeper into each of these benefits:

• Deciphering Unfamiliar Words:

Understanding word roots enables individuals to decipher the meanings of
unfamiliar words more effectively. By breaking down a word into its root and
any accompanying prefixes or suffixes, learners can infer the word's meaning
based on the meanings of its component parts. This skill is particularly valuable
when encountering technical, scientific, or specialized vocabulary that may not
be immediately familiar.

• Insights into Related Words:

Word roots provide valuable insights into related words that share the same
root. By recognizing common roots across words, learners can identify
patterns and connections, making it easier to remember and understand
groups of related terms. For example, knowing that words like "biology,"
"biography," and "biodegradable" share the root "bio-" (meaning life) allows
learners to grasp the underlying theme of life-related concepts.

• Enhanced Vocabulary Retention and Comprehension:

Learning word roots enhances vocabulary retention and comprehension by
providing a framework for organizing and categorizing words. By
understanding the meanings of common roots, prefixes, and suffixes, learners
can more easily remember and recall a broader range of vocabulary.
Additionally, comprehension improves as learners become adept at identifying
and interpreting the meanings of unfamiliar words encountered in reading or
6.4 Benefits of Learning Word Roots:
Understanding these word roots can help decipher the meanings of a wide range of
words and expand your vocabulary significantly. Here are ten examples of word roots
along with their meanings and example words:
Root: Bio- Meaning: Life
• Example Words: Biology (the study of living organisms)
• Biography (a written account of someone's life)
• Biodegradable (capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living
Root: Chrono- Meaning: Time
• Example Words: Chronology (the arrangement of events in order of
• Chronic (persisting for a long time)
• Synchronize (to occur at the same time).
Root: Struct- Meaning: Build
• Example Words: Structure (the arrangement of and relations between the parts
or elements of something)
• Construct (to build or create something)
• Infrastructure (the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities
needed for the operation of a society).
Root: Phon- Meaning: Sound
• Example Words: Phonics (a method of teaching people to read by correlating
sounds with letters)
• Telephone (a device used for transmitting sound over distances)
• Symphony (a harmonious composition of sounds).
Root: Ped- Meaning: Foot
• Example Words: Pedestrian (a person walking along a road or in a developed
• Pedicure (a cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails)
• Pedal (a foot-operated lever or control for a vehicle).
6.5 What are Prefixes?:
6.5.1 Prefixes are affixes added to the beginning of a word to modify its meaning.

Prefixes are indeed affixes added to the beginning of a word to modify its
meaning. They play a crucial role in altering the sense of a word or creating new
words with distinct meanings.

Prefixes serve as valuable linguistic tools for modifying the meaning of words,
creating new vocabulary, and providing contextual clues for understanding
unfamiliar terms. By mastering common prefixes and their meanings, individuals
can expand their vocabulary, improve language proficiency, and become more adept

6.5.2 Learning common prefixes enables you to decipher the meanings of

unfamiliar words more efficiently.

Learning common prefixes is an invaluable strategy for deciphering the

meanings of unfamiliar words more efficiently. Here's why:

When encountering an unfamiliar word, identifying its prefix is often the first
step in understanding its meaning. Prefixes provide valuable clues about the word's
context and core meaning.

Learning common prefixes is a powerful strategy for unlocking the meanings

of unfamiliar words efficiently. By mastering prefixes and their meanings, individuals
can build a strong foundation for vocabulary acquisition, improve reading
comprehension, and become more confident and effective communicators.
6.6 Impact of Prefixes on Word Meaning:
6.6.1 Prefixes alter the meaning of words, sometimes drastically.

Prefixes have the power to alter the meaning of words, sometimes quite
significantly, by adding nuances or changing the core sense of the root word. Prefixes
can completely change the meaning of a word by adding a new layer of interpretation.

Prefixes wield considerable influence over word meanings, capable of altering

or enhancing the sense of root words in various ways. Recognizing the effects of
prefixes is essential for effective communication, vocabulary acquisition, and
comprehension of written and spoken language.

6.6.2 Learning common prefixes enables you to decipher the meanings of

unfamiliar words more efficiently.

Common prefixes often have consistent meanings. By learning these meanings,

individuals can predict the general sense of a word based on its prefix. When
encountering an unfamiliar word, recognizing its prefix allows individuals to break
down the word into smaller, more manageable parts. This process facilitates the
understanding of the word's overall meaning by focusing on its individual

Understanding common prefixes expands one's vocabulary exponentially. By

grasping the meanings of a few key prefixes, individuals can decipher the meanings of
numerous words that share those prefixes, without having to memorize each word

Learning common prefixes is an invaluable skill for efficiently deciphering the

meanings of unfamiliar words. It empowers individuals to break down words, predict
meanings, expand their vocabulary, enhance reading comprehension, and build
confidence in their language abilities.
6.7 Examples of Prefixes:
Understanding these prefixes and their meanings can help decipher the
meanings of countless words in English, enhance vocabulary comprehension, and
facilitate effective communication. Here are ten examples of common prefixes along
with their meanings and example words:

Prefix: Un- Meaning: Not, Opposite of

• Unhappy,
• Unclear,
• Untidy

Prefix: Re- Meaning: Again, Back

• Words: Rewrite,
• Revisit,
• Reconsider

Prefix: Pre- Meaning: Before, earlier

• Preview,
• Prehistoric,
• Prepay

Prefix: Mis- Meaning: Wrong, badly

• Misunderstand,
• Mispronounce,
• Misplace

Prefix: Dis- Meaning: Not, opposite of

• Disagree,
• Dislike,
• Disconnect
6.8 What are Suffixes?:
6.8.1 Suffixes are affixes added to the end of a word to change its meaning or

Suffixes are indeed affixes that are added to the end of a word to modify its
meaning or form. They play a crucial role in altering the grammatical function or
semantic meaning of words.

Suffixes can alter the meaning of a word, sometimes subtly and other times
drastically, by adding specific connotations or nuances. Suffixes can change the
grammatical function or word class of a word.

Understanding suffixes is essential for comprehending word formation,

recognizing grammatical patterns, and expanding vocabulary. By recognizing
common suffixes and their functions, individuals can decode the meanings of
unfamiliar words, identify word classes, and construct new words for effective

6.8.2 They can indicate verb tense, noun plurals, adverbial or adjectival forms,

Verb Tense: Suffixes such as "-ed" (indicating the past tense) and "-ing" (indicating
the present participle) are commonly used to denote verb tense.
• Walked (past tense) Walking (present participle)

Noun Plurals: Suffixes like "-s" and "-es" are added to nouns to indicate plurality.
• Cat (singular) Cats (plural)
• box (singular) Boxes (plural)

Adverbial Forms: Some suffixes are used to form adverbs, which modify verbs,
adjectives, or other adverbs. Suffixes such as "-ly" are commonly added to adjectives
to form adverbs.
• Quick (adjective) Quickly (adverb);
• careful (adjective) Carefully (adverb)
Adjectival Forms: Suffixes can also be added to nouns or verbs to form adjectives,
which modify nouns or pronouns. Suffixes such as "-ful" and "-ous" are commonly
used to form adjectives.
• Joy (noun) joyful (adjective)
• danger (noun) dangerous (adjective)

6.10 Examples of Suffixes:

Suffixes: "-er"
• Teacher Writer
• Runner Worker

Suffixes: "-ful"
• Joyful Hopeful
• Beautiful Thankful

Suffixes: "-tion"
• Exploration Discussion
• Decision Action

Suffixes: "-ly"
• Quickly Beautifully
• Slowly Friendly

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