HSS Camp - Modular Arithmetic

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HSS Camp

Modular Arithmetic
Tahmid Hameem Chowdhury Zarif
18 August 2020


Problem : 1

Is 11 + 22 + 33 + · · · + 20202020 odd or even?

Problem : 2

What is the remainder of 32014 when divided by 7?

Problem : 3

What is the last digit of 381 ? Generalize.

Problem : 4

Find the last 3 digits of 79999 .

HSS Camp
Modular Arithmetic

Problem : 5

Show that, 7 is a prime factor of 22225555 + 55552222 .

Problem : 6

Find all primes p such that p + 2 and p + 4 are also prime.

Problem : 7

Find all primes p so that 2p + p2 is a prime.

Problem : 8

Find all integer solutions to the equation x2 + y 2 = 2019.

Problem : 9

Find all integer n such that 7 divides 2n − 1.

Problem : 10

Prove that, 77 | 3636 + 4141 .

HSS Camp
Modular Arithmetic


Problem : 11

Find a prime factor of 20102010 − 1.

Problem : 12

Prove that the sum of squares 3 consecutive integers is not a square.

Problem : 13

Prove that the sum of squares 5 consecutive integers is not a square.

Problem : 14

Find all primes p so that p + 2i is a prime for all 0 ≤ i < p

Problem : 15

Prove that, for prime p and positive integers (a, b), p | abp − bap

1 also with Fermat’s Little theorem

HSS Camp
Modular Arithmetic


Problem : 16

Find all n such that n | 2n − 1

Problem : 17

Find all integer x so that, x24 + 7x ≡ 2 (mod 13).

Problem : 18

Find all primes p, q such that pq | (5q − 2q )(5p − 2p ).

2 Doesn’t mean they are scary you should also try them

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