Force and Motion Mcqs

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‘The SPARK Institute of Language & Sciences PHYSICS-1 FORCE-& MOTION Test 3.4 | 7, The velocity of an objects changes from -6m/s to -m/s, The acceloration Is | () Positive (b) Negative (c) Zero (0) N.O.T . A body starts Its motion from rest. The time required to cover distance $ Is (a) VS/a () V2S7a (¢) 2VS/a (@ V2S/a . The area between velocity time graph and the time-axis Is numerically equal to (a) Acceleration (b) velocity (©) distance (@) Time . More precisely, the motion of an object can be explained by its (a) force (b) momentum (6) velocity (4) change in position A stone thrown upward with a speed 1 from the top of the tower reaches the ground with a speed 3y. The helght of tower Is (a) 3u2/ (b) 4u2/g (©) u2/9 igyeh A particle moves with velocity (2i +3})m/s. Its.acceleration becomes (-3})m/s* figae ja inal velocity of particle (a) (21- 3)mvs (©) (4i+3) m/s. (c) G-2)ymis, wl Y aoe . The motion of a particle Ie described by tho oquation V =at. The'dl ag seconds Is 2 (@)4a (b) 12a (©) 6a &, }. According to the displacement time graph the velocity ote patagy 1 —eml/s ‘amis OR (b) mi (@ Vam/s @ zmis 9. We study about causes of motion In (@) kinematics (b) dynamrigs, (@) None of these f 40, A body covers 20m In 6 secondg,and adi ih how may seconds same body will cover distance of 98m. (a) 108 (0) (@ 128 11. The speed of an obje /e seconds is 20, 25, 30, 36 and 40m/s respectively. The acceleration of this obj (a) Sms? a (ce) tmis? (¢) 4mis? 12, Ifa foather anda coin d ed ther in a vacuum. (a) The coin wil an Se (b) Greater force acts on feather (©) The apts (@) Both objects have the same acceleration ro ) At highost point its accaloration Is (a) zer0 eo “f(b) 10m/s? upward (c) 10m/s® downward (a) Smis? leftward 414, The ratios Sk{H8 distancs traversed In succossive intervals of time by a body, "falling from rest aro (a) 1:4:7: 10839, (b)2:4:6:8:10 — (c) 1: (a) None ofthese 16, Ifa stone is throwaup WK a velocity of 98m/s, then how much time it will take to come back? (a) 18 (b) 28 (©)38 —~ (a) 48 T}) An elactron of mass 9.1 x 10~"kg is moving with velocity of 10%cmis. After (micro second the velocity becomes 4 x 10’cm/s, The distance covered by electron Is (a) 1/5m (&) 2/5m (©) 3/5m (4) 415m 17, We study about motion of bodies without reference of its causes in (2) Dynamics (©) Kinematics (©) Botha&b (NOT ‘MDCAT 2023 Se The SPARK Institute of Language & Sciences PHYSICS-I FORCE & MOTION Test 3.1 18. Calculate the total distance covered from the velocity time graph V(m/s) (a) 42m Vim/s) (b) 36m. 6 3 (c) 48m (d) 38m Ta 6 io tS) 19, The magnitude of rate of change of displacment of a body Is called (a) velocity (b) acceleration (©) speed @ Nene, of these 20. A car accelerates uniformly through three gear changes with the following avarage pestis 20mis for 28 40m/s for 28 60m/s for 6S What is the overall average speed of the car? (a) 12m/s (b) 13.3m/s (c) 4omis 21. Which feature of a graph shows acceleration? (a) The area under a displacement time graph _—_(b) The area under'avelocity,tine dtapt, (c) The Slope of a velocity time graph (d) The slope 8f:a displa itdime graph 22, For a free falling body ‘a (b)a=9 (c) VE #0 “(d) Allof them (a) Rate of change of distance (b),Rats'of change of velocity (c) Rate of change of displacement s(@) None'dtthese “2. 24. A car starts motion from rest and thon moves with velocity 72Km/h. The average velocity of car Is (a) 10m/s (b) 20m/s, (Sins (4) 15m/s 25, Select the correct expression (a) t= at axif = +2as ( Vf =at (d) None of these 26, Total path length from point A to:¢ is (a) 23m (o)7m () 44m (a) 22m, rN B im 27. A boy changes its position from point P to point R in 0.88. The velocity of boy is (a) Sms (b) 10m/s lam 15m : p (c) s lo (0) 20m/s, a im :8. Slope of a graph is equivalent to (a) cos8 i (b) sind (0) tane (d) None of these 19. A car moves witli velocity 60m/s. Its volocity becomes one-third after 4 seconds. The acceleration of car Is (a) 10m/s? (b) -10m/s? (c) 15m/s? * (d) -15m/s* 10. The perimeter of a triangular path is 32m. What will be the velocity of moving object if It takes 4 seconds to move from B to D (a) 2m/s (b) 4mis (©) m/s (6) 5m/s MDCAT 2023 The SPARK Institute of Language & Sciences PHYSICS-1 FORCE & MOTION Test 3.1 ‘1. The distance covered by a free falling body In 6th second of its motion Is. (a) 65m (b) 75m () 55m (a) 320m Jastically with an object of 1000kg with the velocity of 100 m/s then after collision It velocity becomes: ; (a) 100m/s (b) 10000cm/s (c) -100000 mmis (d) None of them 33. The tension In string will be _ when 10kg object is connected at'the one end of: string and the object Is in rest. (a) 10N (b) 100N (©) 1000 N (a) 1N 34, The force required to move a 10 kg object In upward direction with an acceleration of 10mls*Is. (a) 10N (b) 100N (c) 200N (d) 400N 36. A body Ie thrown In upward direction and It takes 4s to reach back to the ground. ¢fisiilts velocity when It hits the ground will be _. (a) 9.8m/s (b) 19.6m/s (©) 29.4 mis *(@) 1om/s (b) 20 mis (©) 30m/s 38. A car starts from rest and acquires the velocity of 60m/s af &) 1200m (b) 2 mvs? | (a) 10N-s (b) 100N-s 5 (d) 0.1N-s. | 41, Momentum of electron moving with 40°m/siis (a) 9.ttx107 (09.1110 r (2) 9.11x107” | 42, A robot shoots a ball in upward direction With an Initial velocity of 30m/s then helght covered will be after 28. (a) 30m, (b) 40m... () Som (d) 80m 43. A box of mass 2kg is pushed horizontally!on-a rough surface with 10N force. Given that it accelerates at a rate of 1m/s’ then friction; between the'box and the rough surface will be (a) 10N (b)6N (c) 8N (d) 12N 44, A neutron takes.6y1:8 to coyar a distance of 3m then Its average velocity will be : (a) 0.5pmis (8):5x “40's (c) 10m/s (d) None of them 48. A heavy. particle moving with.10m/s make elastic collision with a light particle at rest. Then after col velocity:of the light particle will be , ¥(b) 20m/s. (c) 25m/s (@) 30m/s | (a) t0m/s 2 46. In above question the final velocity of the heavy object willbe__—. (a) 10m/s “ek (b) 20m/s (c) 25m/s (d) None of them 47. A bicycle decelorates from 12m/s to 10m/s in 28 then Its average acceloration will be (a) mis? (b) tm/s? (c) 3m/s? (d) Smis' 48. A racing car accelerates at 30m/s* from a speed of 2m/s. If the total distance covered by the car is 60m then its final speed at end of the race Is z (a) 60m/s (b) 30m/s (c) 20m/s (a) 50m/s, 49. A boy throws a ball from the top building with a velocity of 6m/s, if the ball takes 4 to reach the ground then final velocity when It touches the ground will bo P (a) 25m/s (b)40om/s (6) 45m/s. (a) S4mis 60. A machine shouts a ball in upward direction with a velocity of 10m/s then Its velocity at the highest point will The SPARK Institute of | Language: &-Sciences PHYSICS@1 FORCE & MOTION + Test 3.1: (@) tom/s yO mvs (@)t0emey wane 51. A box of mass 2kg is.belng. pushed horizontally on a rough surface with a force of 10N, given that friction force Is of 4N then acceleration In the box will be equal to. , (a) Sms? (b) tomis? (©) amis? (d) Sis? 52, A 60kg shell of conical shape is dropped from:the helght of 1000m, it falls freely. under the araviy and sinks ~ Into the. ground. Find-velocity-at the.momentiit touches the ground. (a) 120m/s wo (©) 14m/s (d) 141 mis 43, An object dropped from the top of a bullding reaches the ground In 4 seconds, the distance travelled by the object Is < (a) 78.4m (b) 156.8m (c) 9:¢m (a) 39.21 him If the train Is moving with alan (@) acceleration (b) retardation (©) uniform velocity Be ‘8, A train starts from rest with a uniform acceleration of 0.1m/s*. Its veloc! r ui (a) mis (b) 60m/s (6) 0.1ms Se, ( 4. A.passenger eltting In a moving railway carriage throws a ball vertically. upward, a fall inront of f 26 31 B | 22|D|27|D/32|C}37|B/42/D)|47)B|52)D A| 23) B | 28|C|33|B/38|C|43|/C|48)/A)53/A c 4|D| 9 |B/14)C}19| Cc} 24] A| 29] B| 34/C| 39] C} 44) B | 49 54/B 35 Engr. Harish Kumar * MDCAT 2023

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