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Name: Date and Time submitted:

Grade and Section: Score:_ /26

I. Directions. Read the research study titled “Combatting Homelessness: A Community

Effort” and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word or phrase that fits the
context. Choose from the pool of words provided below.

issue the financial worsening increasing various

Homelessness remains a persistent (31) ___________ in many urban areas around the
world, posing significant challenges to both individuals and society as a whole. This cloze test
aims to explore the multifaceted nature of homelessness and the (32) ___________
approaches to addressing it. Homelessness can stem from various factors, including (33)
___________ instability, lack of affordable housing, and systemic inequalities. Additionally,
personal crises such as job loss, domestic violence, and mental illness can push individuals into
homelessness, exacerbating their vulnerability.

The impact of homelessness extends far beyond (34) ___________ lack of shelter. It
affects physical and mental health, hampers access to education and employment opportunities,
and perpetuates cycles of poverty and social exclusion. Moreover, homeless individuals are
often subject to stigma and discrimination, further (35) ___________ their marginalization.

II. Directions: Read and understand the research abstract titled “Exploring the Lived
Experience of Cancer Survivors: A Qualitative Study”. Then, answer the questions.

“Exploring the Lived Experience of Cancer Survivors: A Qualitative Study”

Cancer diagnosis and treatment present profound challenges that impact various aspects of
individuals' lives. Despite medical advancements, the lived experience of cancer survivors
remains complex and multifaceted. This qualitative study aimed to explore the lived experiences
of cancer survivors to gain insight into their unique perspectives, challenges, and coping
mechanisms. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 cancer survivors who had
completed treatment at least six months prior. Participants were recruited from a cancer support
group and diverse backgrounds were sought to capture a range of experiences. Thematic
analysis was utilized to identify recurring themes and patterns in participants' narratives.
Analysis of the interviews revealed several key themes related to the lived experience of cancer
survivors. These included the emotional rollercoaster of diagnosis and treatment, the struggle to
maintain a sense of identity and normalcy, the importance of social support networks, and the
process of finding meaning and purpose post-treatment. Additionally, participants expressed
varying perspectives on the role of spirituality and existential concerns in their journey of
survivorship. The findings underscore the complexity of the cancer survivor experience and
highlight the importance of holistic support that addresses emotional, social, and existential
needs. Understanding these lived experiences can inform the development of targeted
interventions and support services to enhance the quality of life for cancer survivors.

Questions: (3 pts each)

1. What was the main objective of the qualitative study described in the abstract?
2. How were participants recruited for the study, and how many participants were involved?
3. What method was used to analyze the data collected from the participants?
4. What were some of the key themes identified in the lived experiences of cancer
5. According to the abstract, what are the implications of understanding these lived
experiences for supporting
cancer survivors?
6. What are the findings of the study?
7. What are the main arguments in the study?

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