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That's great /ðæts ɡreɪt ¡Una noticia

Mark and Allie are getting married. ~ That's great news !

news! njuːz/ estupenda!

What a pity. /wɒt ə ˈpɪti/ It's too cold to go swimming. What a pity . I wanted to swim. ¡Qué pena!

You're kidding. /jɔː kɪdɪŋ/ I've lost our plane tickets! ~ Oh no. You're kidding ! Estás de broma.

Go ahead. /ɡəʊ əˈhed/ Can I sit here? Of course, go ahead . Adelante.

He's a really /hiːz ə ˈriːəli Es un chico

He's a really nice guy. We go to college together.
nice guy. naɪs ɡaɪ/ estupendo.

How do you
/haʊ duː juː siː/ How do you see your future? ~ I plan to go to university. ¿Cómo ves…?

/haʊ ɪnˈkredəbl/ We won a holiday in Paris! How incredible ! ¡Es increíble!

I mean… /aɪ miːn/ I'm ok at cooking. I mean , I can cook several meals. Quiero decir que…

La verdad es que
Not really. /nɒt ˈriːəli:/ Do you like fruit? Not really . I like apples, but nothing else.

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