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Marife N.


Globalization and Education:

How it shapes me and Influences the Nation

Globalization has brought drastic changes in the world, affecting the way people live and interact.
It has permeated every aspect of human life through trade, technology, information, and more,
connecting nations. (Hashemi-Pour, 2023). alongside the widespread influence of globalization, it has
become one of the beacons of education, improving the its quality and expanding knowledge and
As a student, I have experienced firsthand the transformative power of globalization in the education
sector. One of the major ways that globalization has impacted education is through technological
advancements where I become fortunate enough to have access to technology that makes my academic
life more convenient. Technology provides limitless accessibility to information and knowledge that
elevates my skills in a progressively technology-based world. Through technology, I am able to
assimilate knowledge, complete reports easily, and make my studies less burdensome.
Moreover, it has led to new methods of learning, such as e-learning and blended learning, which have
made education more accessible to students. These innovative methods of learning have allowed
students to learn remotely and safely, which became a significant tool during the pandemic, through
technology education sector enable to provide education to students amidst of this health crisis.
However, note on the flip side Jackson (2016) highlights a significant challenge brought about by
globalization in the education sector, which is the disparity between individuals who have access to
technology and those who do not. Nonetheless, globalization has facilitated the closing of this gap by
ensuring that all students can continue their studies without falling behind, regardless, regardless of
technological access.
Consequently, globalization has led to increased awareness of the importance of education globally.
This has resulted in governments implementing better policies and projects to improve literacy rates and
elevate students' aptitude. Through media, globalization exposes students and educators to diverse
cultures, promotes international relations, and opened up opportunities for students to acquire training,
study, and work abroad, fostering relationships with prospective professionals. Furthermore,
globalization has contributed to reducing discrimination among minorities and underprivileged groups,
thus promoting social awareness. (Gupta, 2017)
Globalization has had a significant impact on education, making learning more accessible and improving
its quality through technology. Despite challenges, its benefits outweigh them, as it continues to shape
education and is now an essential component of this sector.

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