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Part 1: Social interactions

1. What do you often do in your free time?

2. Do you play sports? If yes, what sport do you play? How much time do you
spend playing the sport per week?

No, I do not play any sports. I am not fond of vigorous exercise, as I prefer more
relaxing and leisurely activities. Sports are not my cup of tea, and I would rather
spend my time doing something else.

I’m good at drawing ˈdroiNG. I’ve always liked to express myself through art and
sketching. I practice it every day by doodling in my notebook or on my tablet.
Sometimes I also take online courses or watch tutorials to improve my skills and
learn new techniques.
Part 2: Decision making:

Discuss with your partner the following situation for 3 minutes.

You and your partner plan to take up a new sport this summer together. You
would like to try an extreme sport while your partner prefers a normal one.
Discuss how each sport might interest you and your partner. Then decide which
of the sports should be the best choice to take up together.

Suggested sports:
- bungee jumping
- scuba diving
- swimming
- yoga
- hiking
- karate
You: Hi, partner. I'm glad we decided to take up a new sport this summer
together. It will be fun and healthy for us.

Me: Me too. I think it's a great idea to try something new and exciting. So, what
sport do you have in mind?

You: Well, I was thinking of something more extreme sports, like bungee jumping
or scuba diving. I think it will be a very interesting new experience. Don't you

Me: Hmm, I'm not sure about that. I'm not really like extreme sports. They seem
too risky and scary for me. I prefer something more normal and relaxing, like
swimming or yoga. I think they would be more suitable and enjoyable for me.
Don't you think?

You: I see. I understand your point of view. But maybe we can compromise
/ˈkɑːmprəmaɪz/ and find a sport that we both like and can do together. How
about hiking or karate? They are not too extreme or too normal, but somewhere
in between. They are also good for our fitness and skills. What do you say?

Partner: That sounds reasonable. I'm open to trying hiking or karate. They seem
like fun and challenging activities. Which one do you prefer more?

You: I think I prefer hiking more. It's a good way to explore nature and see
beautiful scenery. It's also less violent and competitive than karate. I think it
would be more relaxing and enjoyable for us.

Partner: OK, then. Let's go hiking this summer. I'm sure it will be a wonderful and
memorable experience for us.

You: Great. I'm looking forward to it. Thank you for being flexible and
understanding, partner. You're the best.
3. What is your goal in your studying/life? What have you done to achieve the
My goal in my studying and life is to become a successful and happy person. I
define success as being able to do what I love, contribute to society, and make a
positive impact on the world. I define happiness as being content with myself,
having meaningful relationships, and enjoying every moment of life.

To achieve my goal, I have been working hard on my academic and personal

development. I have been taking courses that interest me and challenge me, such
as UX/UI design and psychology. I have also been participating in extracurricular
activities that enrich my skills and experiences, such as volunteering, joining clubs,
and attending workshops. I have been seeking feedback and guidance from my
teachers, mentors, and peers to improve myself and learn from others. I have also
been practicing gratitude, mindfulness, and optimism to cultivate a positive
mindset and attitude. I believe that by doing these things, I am moving closer to
my goal every day.

1. Why do some people prefer extreme sports to other sports?

Some people prefer playing extreme sports to other sports because they
 enjoy the thrill
 the sense of accomplishment /əˈkɑːmplɪʃmənt/ (hồi hộp),
 the personal growth,
 the connection with nature that these activities offer.
Connection with nature: Many extreme sports take place in beautiful and
dramatic natural environments, offering a deep connection with nature and an
escape from the routine of daily life.
2. Which factor makes a person successful, intelligence, motivation or luck?
None of those three. I think the factor that makes a person successful is
"discipline". Discipline can take you to places that intelligence, motivation, or luck
may not be able to do.

II. Space
Part 1: Social interactions

1. What is your plan for your future job?

I plan to be a UX/UI designer, who creates digital products that are user-friendly
and enjoyable. I love solving problems, designing beautiful interfaces, and
enhancing people's lives with technology. I have studied UX/UI design online,
learned the basics of UX research and UI design, and built a portfolio of projects. I
am always keen to learn and improve in this dynamic and exciting field.

2. Would you like to travel to other planets outside the earth? What planet would
you like to travel to?
Yes, I would like to travel to other planets outside the earth.
The planet that I would like to travel to is Mars. It is like Earth in many ways such
as terms of size, climate, and geology, but has many mysteries to uncover. I would
enjoy seeing its red landscape, ice caps, and huge valley. I would also greet the
machines we sent there, and look for life traces.

Part 3: Follow-up discussion

1. What are the benefits of space exploration?
Space exploration has many benefits for humanity, such as advancing scientific
knowledge, developing new technologies, creating economic opportunities, and
inspiring future generations.

2. Is it a good idea to allow companies to use space for commercial


III. Language
Part 1: Social interactions
1. How many languages can you speak?
2. Is it better for you to express yourself in spoken or written language? Why?
3. Have you been persuaded by a sale person to buy a product? If yes, what
product was it? Was it a good buy? / If not, why did you refuse the product?

IV. Family and Marriage

Part 1: Social interactions

1. How many people are there in your family?

There are six people in my family: my parents, my three sister, and me. We are a
big and happy family.
2. What do you often do with your family? / How do you spend your time
with your family? / What’s your family’s favourites activity?
One of the activities that I enjoy the most with my family members is having a
cozy dinner together and catching up on each other’s lives. This is something that I
cherish very much, because it doesn’t happen often. My parents have four
daughters, but I am the only one who still lives with them. The rest of my sisters
are married and have their own families in different places. I also go to university,
so I don’t get to see them every day. That’s why whenever we have a chance to
reunite, I feel very happy and grateful.

3. Who often does household chores in your family?

4. Who’s the breadwinner in your family?
5. What qualities do you expect from your spouse to be?
I expect my spouse to be someone who is kind, honest, loyal, and supportive. I
want to have a partner who loves me for who I am, and who I can love in return. I
also want to have a partner who shares my values, interests, and goals, and who I
can grow with as a person. I hope to have a happy and lasting marriage with my

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