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Summer How Many Syllables?

Colour the number of syllables in each word

pool hat sunscreen

swimming beach seagulls

sunglasses summer surfboard

Page 1 of 4 visit

Summer - How Many Syllables?

lemonade goggles sandals

bug sunny swimsuit

camping holiday bicycle

Page 2 of 4 visit

Summer - How Many Syllables?

bushfire Christmas cricket

bucket umbrella fireworks

fishing outside water

Page 3 of 4 visit

Summer - How Many Syllables?

drought thunderstorm sandcastle

heat shade December

sunflower dry barbeque

Challenge! temperature
How many syllables are in the words: January

Page 4 of 4 visit

Summer How Many Syllables?

pool 1 hat 1 sunscreen 2

swimming 2 beach 1 seagulls 2

sunglasses 3 summer 2 surfboard 2

lemonade 3 goggles 2 sandals 2

bug 1 sunny 2 swimsuit 2

camping 2 holiday 3 bicycle 3

bushfire 2 Christmas 2 cricket 2

bucket 2 umbrella 3 fireworks 2

fishing 2 outside 2 water 2

drought 1 thunderstorm 3 sandcastle 3

heat 1 shade 1 December 3

sunflower 3 dry 1 barbeque 3

How many syllables are in the words:

• temperature 4 tem-per-a-ture
• January 4 Jan-u-ar-y
• February 4 Feb-ru-ar-y

Page 1 of 1 visit

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