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Rabu, 17 Mei 2023 (07.30 – 08.30


K3S Kec. Abiansemal – Kelas 5 – Bahasa Inggris

1. Tulislah Nama, Kelas dan No. Urutmu di Lembar Jawaban pada tempat yang telah
2. Bacalah setiap soal dengan sebaik-baiknya
3. Kerjakanlah lebih dahulu soal yang kamu anggap lebih mudah
4. Semua jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar soal.
5. Untuk soal pilihan ganda, Silang (X) salah satu jawaban yang dianggap benar, apabila ada
jawaban yang kamu perbaiki, coretlah dengan dua garis mendatar pada jawaban yang
salah kemudian berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf yang lain yang kamu anggap benar!
Bentuk pilihan ganda :ABCD
Diperbaiki menjadi :ABCD
6. Periksalah kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum lembar soal dan lembar jawaban kamu serahkan
pada Pengawas / Guru

KD 3.6
Petunjuk Khusus:
Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang anda anggap paling benar dengan menyilang huruf A, B,
C atau D pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia!

1. What is the name of the sport that the person in the picture is doing?
A. Soccer
B. Basketball
C. Cricket
D. Surfing
Read the conversation bellow, then answer the following question.
2. Bobby : Hi Tommy, does your father exercise alot?
Tommy : Yes, he does.
Bobby ` : What’s his favourite sport ?

2 | Penilaian Akhir Semester SD/MI 2022-2023

K3S Kec. Abiansemal – Kelas 5 – Bahasa Inggris

Tommy : My Father ... Badminton. He plays with his friends every Saturday and
Bobby : That is good for him.
The correct answer for the blank spot is ...
A. Like
B. Likes
C. Do
D. Don’t like.
3. Which of the following sports does not need a net?
A. Badminton
B. Volleyball
C. Tennis
D. Golf
4. Herman : Do you like basketball ?
Joni : No,.... I like volleyball
A. I do
B. I don’t
C. I does
D. I doesn’t

5. How many people are in a soccer team ?

A. 11
B. 12
C. 10
D. 13
6. What sport are these tools for ?

A. Horseback riding
B. Weightlifting
C. Table tennis
D. Boxing

Petunjuk Khusus
Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar ( Like, likes, do, does, don’t like
atau doesn’t like) sesuai dengan konteks kalimat!

3 | Penilaian Akhir Semester SD/MI 2022-2023

K3S Kec. Abiansemal – Kelas 5 – Bahasa Inggris

7. I think Sinta ... chess. She thinks it’s boring.

8. My brother and I ... cycling. We go cycling everyday.
9. ... your sister like swimming ? I would like to go swimming with her someday.
10. Please mentions 5 sports that use a ball to play.
KD. 3.7
Petunjuk Khusus:
Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang anda anggap paling benar dengan menyilang huruf A, B,
C atau D pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia!
11. Which of the following objects is rectangular ?
A. a motorcycle
B. a blackboard
C. a pencil
D. a marker
12. what is the shape of this fruit ?

A. Circle
B. Rectangle
C. Tapezium
D. Semicircle
13. What is the shape of this object ?

A. Cube
B. Pyramid
C. Cone
D. Sphere

4 | Penilaian Akhir Semester SD/MI 2022-2023

K3S Kec. Abiansemal – Kelas 5 – Bahasa Inggris

14. Please unjumble this sentence.

Rectangle-is-the shape-blackboard-a-of
A. Rectangle blackboard is the shape of
B. The shape of a rectangle is blackboard
C. The shape of a blackboard is rectangle
D. Is the blackboard the shape of rectangle
15. Is this a square ?

A. No it is not
B. Yes, it is
C. No , it is
D. Yes, it is not
16. Read the conversation bellow, then answer the following questions.
Student : excuse me miss, what is the shape of the earth?
Teacher : the shape of the earth is has two poles, the south pole and the north pole.
The correct word for the blanks is ...
A. Sphere
B. Cylinder
C. Cube
D. Cone

Petunjuk Khusus
Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!
17. The shape of a soccer ball is ....
18. The shape of a smartphone is ....
19. A door has ... shape.
20. Arrange these jumbled sentence into a good sentence.

KD. 3.8
Petunjuk Khusus:
Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang anda anggap paling benar dengan menyilang huruf A, B,
C atau D pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia!

5 | Penilaian Akhir Semester SD/MI 2022-2023

K3S Kec. Abiansemal – Kelas 5 – Bahasa Inggris

Read the text bellow, then answer the question number 21-24.
The Seasons In My Country
Hi Friends! I’m Peter from Italy. I am an elementary student. I just want to talk about a
year in my country. School starts on 1 st September. (Children do not like it very much) It’s often
sunny in the beginning of autumn. It is a beatiful season because trees are full of fruit but in
October and November it’s usually cold and windy. It rains a lot and it’s often foggy. The leaves
of the trees fall down.
Winter is usually very cold. The temperature falls below zero. It often snows and there
are stormy winds. It is good to sit inside infront of the fireplace when the cold wind is blowing
outside. There are usually hard frosts. Many people like winter because they can do winter sports
like skating, sledging, skiing, snowboarding etc.
I like spring very much because after the long cold, wet and foggy days it is warm again.
Trees and bushes are full of flowers. You can see lovely spring flowers everywhere. The weather
is quite changeable especially in April. It often rains and there can be hard winds too. Sometimes
it’s cloudy but most of the time it is warm and sunny.
My favourite season is summer. It is very hot in July and August. Sometimes there are
quick showers or rainstorms with thunder and lightning. There are lots of fruit in summer.
Children prefer the summer to all other seasons because there is no school and we can take our
21. How many seasons are there in Italy ?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
22. How is the weather in october and november in Italy ?
A. Very hot
B. Very cold
C. Cool and warm
D. Cold and windy
23. In what season are there many lovely flowers ?
A. Winter
B. Spring
C. Summer
D. Autumn
24. In what season do the leaves of the tree fall down ?
A. Autumn
B. Summer
C. Winter
D. Spring
25. Which of these activities that you can do when there is a storm ?
A. Play football with friends
B. Read a book in the bedroom
C. Walking in the park with your dog
D. Play kite in the ricefield
26. What are the seasons in Indonesia?

6 | Penilaian Akhir Semester SD/MI 2022-2023

K3S Kec. Abiansemal – Kelas 5 – Bahasa Inggris

A. Rainy and Dry

B. Rainy and Winter
C. Dry and Summer
D. Summer and Winter

Petunjuk Khusus
Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!
Read the conversation below then answer the question number 27-29
Andy : Grandpa, how many seasons are there in Indoesia?
Grandpa : there are only two seasons, Andy.
Andy : What are they ?
Grandpa : They are Dry season and Rainy season.
Andy : What season do you like the most , granpa?
Granpa : Oh... I like Dry season, because I can go anywhere without umbrella.
Andy : What happen in rainy season ?
Granpda : It rains almost everyday. There are flood in some places. It is cold outside. Most
people will stay at home and relax.
27. The seasons in Indoesia are Dry season and ... season.
28. Andy’s granpa like .... season
29. The weather outside is ... in rainy season.
30. Write down 3 differences between dry season and rainy season .

KD. 3.9
Petunjuk Khusus:
Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang anda anggap paling benar dengan menyilang huruf A, B,
C atau D pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia!
31. What time is on the clock ?

7 | Penilaian Akhir Semester SD/MI 2022-2023

K3S Kec. Abiansemal – Kelas 5 – Bahasa Inggris

A. One o’clock
B. Half past two
C. A quarter past twelve
D. Two o’clock
32. What time is on the clock ?

A. Half past four

B. Twenty past six
C. Twenty past seven
D. Twenty to six

33. Which clock shows ‘half past four’ ?





34. Read the conversation then answer the question.

8 | Penilaian Akhir Semester SD/MI 2022-2023

K3S Kec. Abiansemal – Kelas 5 – Bahasa Inggris

Sinta : Hello Dewi, what time do you wake up in the morning?

Dewi : I usually wake up at a quarter to six in the morning
Sinta : That is amazing!
Dewi wakes up at...
A. 6.30
B. 5.30
C. 5.15
D. 5.45
35. Read the conversation then answer the question.
Agus : Wake up! we have to go to school at a quarter past seven!
Arya : What time is it now?
Agus : it is seven o clock.
Arya : Oh no! We are going to be late
Agus and arya have to go to school at ...
A. 07:00
B. 07:45
C. 08:00
D. 07:15
36. Sisca : What time do you have lunch ?
Erik : I have luch at ...
A. One o’clock A.M
B. One o’clock P.M
C. Seven o clock A.M
D. Seven o’clock P.M
Petunjuk Khusus
Match the picture with the correct words. (Cocokkan gambar di bawah ini dengan
kalimat yang tepat)
37. a) It is a quarter to eleven

38. b) It is twenty to four

39. c) It is eight o’clock


9 | Penilaian Akhir Semester SD/MI 2022-2023

K3S Kec. Abiansemal – Kelas 5 – Bahasa Inggris

40. Rewrite and Complete the conversation below with the suitable words.(Tulis
ulang dan lengkapi percakapan di bawah ini dengan kata yang sesuai)
Tim : Excuse me ... ?
Chris : It is half past eleven.
Tim : ... will the movie start?
Chris : the movie will start at twelve o’clock.
Tim : Thank you so much.

10 | Penilaian Akhir Semester SD/MI 2022-2023

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