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A Research Paper
Presented to
The Faculty of the College of Education
St. Mary’s College of Catbalogan Inc.
Catbalogan Samar


In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor in Elementary Education
and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science



MAY 2024



CATBALOGAN INC., SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024 prepared and forwarded by
Charles Anthony A. Astorga, Jeralyn T. Abadiano, Christian H. Mamitag, Katrina
Joy Saucilo, as part of the fulfillment of a Bachelor’s Degree of Elementary and
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science was reviewed and recommended to be accepted
and approve.

Clint Johnsen M. Plasabas, LPT


Approved by the Committee on Final Oral Defense with a rating of PASSED.

Assistant Dean of College Chairperson

Education Program Adviser Co-chairperson


Dean of Student Affairs

Panel Member


Faculty Member Faculty Member

Panel Member Panel Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree,


School President
May 20, 2024
Date of Final Oral Defense

The researchers are deeply indebted to the Almighty Father for the wisdom. He
has bestowed upon them which made the completion of this research successful. They are
further in deep appreciation to the people who extended assistance in making this
research a success.

To the school administrator, teacher and student-respondents for their generosity

in providing data for this study made the conclusion of reliable and ultimately possible.

To the researchers’ parents, friends and classmates for their unending love,
kindness and trust in allowing them to participate in the study to make this research
endeavor a reality.

To the practical research teacher, Sir Clint Johnsen M. Plasabas included Mrs.
Remedios G. Verzosa., Ms. Abegail C. Nablo, and Mr. to helped the researchers in
providing insight, suggestions, and extensive support in order to make this research

This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our parents, who have been source of
our inspiration, who gave us strength when we thought of giving up, who continually
provide their moral, spiritual, emotional and financial support. To our subject teacher,
teacher Clint Johnnsen M. Plasabas, to our team who works hard to finish it on time.

To the school institution who contribute inspirations and honours and also to the
next generation of our fellow students, to have a better perception and anticipation about
this work proposal.

And to God who never stops guiding us. To God be the glory.

This research study aims to investigate the effectiveness of an integrative

approach in enhancing the English performance of grade 6 pupils. The study focuses on
reading micro skills. By integrating this skill in a cohesive manner, students are provided
with a holistic language learning experience. The research examines the impact of this
approach on student engagement, motivation, and overall language proficiency. Findings
suggest that the integrative approach promotes a deeper understanding of English
language concepts and enhances students' ability to communicate effectively. The study
provides valuable insights into the benefits of adopting an integrative approach in English
language instruction for grade 6 pupils.


TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………….i

APPROVAL SHEET………………………………………………………...ii




TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………vi



Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………2

Research Assumption……………………………………………………...2

Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………...3

Significance of the Study………………………………………………….3

Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………………4

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………...4


Related Literature………………………………………………………….6

Related Studies……………………………………………………………..8


Research Design…………………………………………………………...10


Research Locale……………………………………………………………11

Validation of Instrument………………………………………………...11

Sampling Procedure……………………………………………………....11

Ethical Consideration…………………………………………………….11
Data Gathering Procedure………………………………......................12

Data Analysis Procedure………………………………........................12


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data………………….


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation... ………………………

Summary of Results……………………………………………………….




Part I: Study Habits Questionnaire…………………………………….

Part ii: Attitudes Towards Mathematics……………………………….


Chapter 1



English proficiency is not only an essential component of education, but also a

valuable tool for communication, academic performance, and future professional
chances. Understanding students' strengths and weaknesses in reading skill is critical for
educators to customize their teaching approaches successfully and provide focused
support where necessary. This study takes place at St. Mary's College of Catbalogan Inc.,
and it provides insights into the institution's English language learning environment. This
study, which examines the performance of Grade 6 students, provides significant data for
curriculum creation, pedagogical techniques, and overall English language instruction

The English performance of Grade 6 students at St. Mary's College of Catbalogan

Inc. during the academic year 2023-2024 is an intriguing topic of study. Within this
setting, the study problem is to assess students' competency levels in reading skill and
discover the characteristics that may influence their language acquisition and growth. The
research intends to answer the following questions. By addressing these research
questions, this study hopes to provide useful insights on the English performance of
Grade 6 students at St. Mary's College of Catbalogan Inc., thereby contributing to the
improvement of language education methodologies and academic achievement for
students at the institution.

Researcher and educators have explored various strategies and techniques to

improve reading abilities. They have looked into the cognitive processes involved,
effective teaching methods, and ways to asses proficiency in this skill. Researcher aim to
uncover the most efficient and engaging methods for teaching and learning. They also
explore how to address specific challenges that Grade 6 pupils of St. Mary’s College of
Catbalogan Inc. May face in developing this skills, such as pronunciation or
comprehension difficulties. This paper argues that the Reading Micro Skill was relevant
to know the various strategies and techniques.

Statement of the Problem

This study explored the relationship between ENGLISH PERFORMANCE OF

OF CATBALOGAN INC. S.Y. 2023-2024.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:

1. What activities that encourage the grade 6 pupils of St. Mary's College of
Catbalogan to develop their reading skill?
2. Why do we need to study the reading skill for academic performance?
3. How can interventions be implemented to improved their overall English

Research Assumption

All pupils are efficient and engaging the reading skill proficiency.

All pupils are exposed to real-life and contextually relevant language

materials, such as authentic texts, conversations, or multimedia
resources, their language skills and proficiency are more likely to

Theoretical Framework

The study draws on theoretical perspectives related to language acquisition and

learning, cognitive processes involved in language proficiency, effective teaching
methods, and strategies for assessing proficiency in the reading micro skill. The
researchers and educators involved aim to uncover efficient and engaging methods for
teaching and learning, as well as to address specific challenges that Grade 6 students may
face in developing this skills, such as pronunciation or comprehension difficulties.

The framework of the study is grounded in theories of language acquisition,

cognitive processes, effective teaching methods, and the assessment of language
proficiency, with a focus on addressing specific challenges and providing valuable
insights for language education methodologies and practices.

When it comes to language acquisition and learning, there are various theories
that help us understand how individuals develop language skill. One prominent theory is
the behaviorist theory, which suggests that language is acquired through imitation,
reinforcement, and repetition. Another theory is the nativist theory, which proposes that
humans have an innate ability to acquire language and that certain language structures are
hard-wired in our brains. Cognitive processes also play a crucial role in language
acquisition and learning. The cognitive theory emphasizes the role of mental processes
such as attention, memory, and problem-solving in language development. According to
this theory, language learning involves understanding and organizing linguistic input,
making connections between new and existing knowledge, and using language creatively.
When it comes to effective teaching methods for language acquisition, there are several
approaches that educators can employ. Some popular methods include the
communicative approach, which focuses on real-life communication and interaction, and
the immersion approach, where students are fully immersed in the target language. Other
methods include task-based learning, where students complete meaningful tasks using the
language, and the use of authentic materials and resources to make learning more
engaging and relevant. Assessing language proficiency is an important aspect of language
learning. There are various assessment methods that can be used, such as standardized
tests, oral interviews, written assignments, and portfolio assessments. These assessments
help educators gauge students' language skills and progress, identify areas for
improvement, and provide feedback for further development.

Significance of the Study

To the teachers:

The findings of the study can provide insights into the effectiveness of teaching
methods and materials used in the classroom, leading to potential improvements in
teaching practices.

To the students:

The findings of the study will be able to assess their performance in reading skill
can help students gain awareness of their own strengths and areas for improvement.

To the community:

The findings of the study can inform community stakeholders, such as parents and
local education authorities, about the English language proficiency of Grade 6 pupils of
St. Mary's College of Catbalogan Inc. potentially leading to collaborative efforts to
address any identified challenges.

To the researcher and educators:

The finding of the study can contribute to the body of research on English
language learning and teaching, potentially offering insights for future studies and
educational practices.

Scope of delimitation

In a study on the English performance of grade 6 pupils, the scope of delimitation

could include factors such as the specific school or region where the study is conducted,
the number of participants, the duration of the study, and the specific focus on the four
macro skills. These delimitations help provide a clear focus and ensure that the research
remains manageable and feasible.

Definition of Terms
Speaking Micro Skill: it refers to the specific components or sub-skills involved in
oral communication, such as pronunciation, intonation, fluency, vocabulary usage,
and grammatical accuracy.

English performance: it refers to the overall ability of individuals to use the English
language effectively in various contexts, including speaking, listening, reading, and

Grade 6 Pupils: These are students who are typically in the sixth grade or around 11
to 12 years old. They are at a stage in their education where they are developing
more advanced language skills.

Oral Communication: It is the process of exchanging information, ideas, and

thoughts through spoken language. It involves the use of verbal and nonverbal cues
to convey meaning and interact with others.

Fluency: it is the ability to speak a language smoothly and effortlessly, without

hesitations or pauses. It includes factors such as speed, rhythm, and naturalness of

Chapter 2


This chapter centers on the English performance of reading skill of the grade 6
pupils of St. Mary’s college of Catbalogan inc. S.Y. 2023-2024.

Related Literature

Reading is an action that involves responding to a text by comprehending the

meaning of the sentences that make up the text. Reading, while considered a receptive
talent, requires the readers’ brain activity in the process of comprehending a text.
Reading is a multi-faceted, complex activity that requires a combination of lexical and
text-progressing skills and is usually acknowledged as interactive. Additionally, Johnson
(2008) adds that reading is also the act of connecting one thought to another because the
most crucial component of reading is connecting ideas to form a coherent whole. Reading
is more than a simple receptive skill because each style of reading aims at
comprehension. Reading, as one of the four macro-skills of learning a language such as
English is taught appropriately to pupils alongside other abilities. Reading is extremely
important for a person's whole development. Reading provides an opportunity for an
individual to broaden his knowledge horizons, develop his identity, expand and increase
his consciousness, and gain a better understanding of himself, other people, and the
world. In the context of education, a significant quantity of reading is required because all
learning activities require reading skills, and the success of students' studies is also
dependent on their ability to read to a substantial extent. Reading can help you learn,
especially if you are learning a new language. The knowledge will be acquired by the
students through reading. Reading is beneficial to language development because it offers
pupils reading materials that are either above or below their level of aptitude according to
Delfi (2017). It has an impact on pupils' vocabulary, grammar, writing, and speaking
skills while discussing ideas learned through reading literature. It also implies that
reading has an impact on hearing since speakers and listeners engage in a discussion
about a text's topic. The more a learner acquires the language, the more fluent they will
become. Reading, according to Lee& Hsu in Delfi (2017) is a source of good writing
style since it allows students to learn vocabulary, syntax, and the structure of the written
language. Reading can help you learn, especially if you are learning a new language. The
knowledge will be acquired by the students through reading. Reading is beneficial to
language development because it offers pupils reading materials that are either above or
below their level of aptitude according to Delfi (2017). It has an impact on pupils’
vocabulary, grammar, writing, and speaking skills while discussing ideas learned through
reading literature. It also implies that reading has an impact on hearing since speakers and
listeners engage in a discussion about a text’s topic. The more a learner acquires the
language the more fluent they will become.

Reading is also a source of good writing style since it allows students to learn
vocabulary, syntax, and the structure of the written language. To summarize, reading is
an active process in which the writer's text interacts with the reader. During reading, they
interact to comprehend the meaning of the entire text. Reading is crucial in all aspects of
learning, especially when learning a new language because it affects readers' vocabulary,
grammar, writing, speaking, and listening abilities. In other words, it has an impact on the
language skills of readers.

Related Studies

Existing research on factors contributing to academic achievement of students in

higher education reveals a number of factors in multiple dimensions. In general, these
factors fall into the following four categories: academic, psychosocial, cognitive, and
demographic (McKenzie & Schweitzer, 2001). All these factors have been extensively
explored and examined by previous research. For example, among academic factors,
prior academic achievement (e.g., McKenzie & Schweitzer, 2001; McKenzie, Gow, &
Schweitzer, 2004), learning skills and habits (e.g., Abbott-Chapman, Hughes, & Wyld,
1992), learning strategies (i.e., general learning strategies, subject-matter-specific
strategies) and approaches (e.g., Duff, Boyle, Dunleavy, & Ferguson, 2004; Pokay &
Blumenfeld, 1990; Sadler-Smith, 1996; Watkins & Hattie, 1981) were explored as
variables influencing academic performance. With regard to the psychosocial dimension,
social integration into the university system, motivation, anxiety, social and emotional
support, and psychological health were explored (e.g., Terenzini & Pascarella, 1978). The
cognitive dimension, which includes self-efficacy (e.g., McKenzie & Schweitzer, 2001)
and an individual’s attribution style (e.g., Peterson & Barrett, 1987) were also studied in
many empirical studies. Lastly, various demographic features such as gender and age
were examined in relation to academic performance in higher education (Li, Chen, &
Duanmu, 2010). These factors that were identified in the literature are applicable to both
domestic and international students in higher education. However, there are other factors
involved when it comes to the international students' academic performance in higher
education, since international students have unique characteristics that distinguish them
from domestic students (Li et al., 2010). Many empirical studies indicate that English
proficiency plays a crucial role for international students in completing their studies in
English-medium institutions, especially for those students whose first language is not
English (e.g., Li et al., 2010; Wardlow, 1999). In addition to English proficiency, some
culture-specific and cross-cultural issues (e.g., academic culture shock associated with a
different education system, lecture style, and relationships between students and
lecturers) have been identified as factors that contribute to the international students'
potential for academic success (Li et al., 2010). Importantly, the socio-cultural and
psychological adjustment of international students might be influenced by their English
proficiency, which might impact their academic success. For example, Yang, Noels, and
Saumure (2006) highlighted the role of English self-confidence in the process of socio-
cultural and psychological adjustment to an English-speaking academic environment.
Further, Trice (2007) reported that weak English language skills were perceived as one of
the reasons why international students were isolated from local students and faculty
members. These findings indicate that English proficiency is indirectly associated with
academic performance of international students through its impact on other factors in the
socio-cultural and psychological dimensions. Research on factors affecting the
international students' academic success in foreign institutions is ongoing, not only due to
increasing numbers of international students, but also due to changing demographics of
international students. The literature reviewed below presents some existing research on
the relationship between self-perceived English language proficiency and academic
performance of international students, as well as the relationship between multilingualism
and academic performance.
Chapter 3


This chapter presents in details the research design, research locale,

instrumentation, validation of instrument, sampling procedure, data gathering procedure
and data analysis.

Research Design

This study explored the English performance of Grade 6 students at St. Mary’s
College Inc. during the academic year 2023-2025. Hence, it utilized a qualitative
approach using phenomenological inquiry as to its research design. Qualitative studies
aim to improve the understanding of phenomena through human experiences (Myers,
2000). Phenomenology aimed to accurately describe the phenomenon without a pre-
existing knowledge to a framework, but remaining truth to the facts (Groenewald, 2004).
Moreover, using qualitative research, the researchers would able to connect with their
participants and to see the world from their viewpoints (Corbin & Strauss, 2015).


The researchers used a semi-structured interview to gather responses from the

participants. By utilizing the latter, the researchers prepared questions beforehand to help
guide the conversation and keep participants on topic. It also allowed for open-ended
responses from participants for more in-depth information. Moreover, the researchers
were guided by the research problem in formulating the questions.

Research Locale

This study was conducted on investigating the English performance of Grade 6

pupils in micro skill through interviews. The school safety policies were followed by the
researchers to ensure the well-being of the participants.
Validation of Instrument

The content and interview guide questions were validated by research advisers to
enhance the quality and relevance of the data collection process. They helped to engage
and support the researchers to make a better interview guide questions that will make it
easier for the researchers to come up with major themes.

Sampling Procedure

Purposive sampling was used in selecting the grade 6 pupils for this study.
Through the use of this procedure, researchers gathered of all participants suited in the
sampling method that also serve as the criteria of all participants. All these participants
were asked first for their consent of their teacher before participating in the study. It is to
ensure their voluntary participation. Additionally, the researchers used a questionnaire
especially conducted a interview to communicate all participants face to face.

Ethical Consideration

The researchers handed the research study to the St. Mary’s College of
Catbalogan pupils, where it conducted a thorough examination of the research study to
ensure that the information provided by the researchers is accurate. It also looks to see if
the researchers utilized suitable citations to avoid plagiarizing the author's work.

Data Gathering Procedure

In the realm of education, understanding and assessing students' English

proficiency in reading skill for effective language instruction and academic success.
Before initiating any assessment endeavor, it is imperative to navigate through the
approval process diligently. This involves drafting a detailed proposal encompassing the
objectives, methodology, ethical considerations, and potential implications of the
assessment. In a request letter, the researchers sought approval from both their mentor
and the head of the department. Central to the data gathering procedure is the formulation
of a designed questionnaire. The questionnaire emerges as the cornerstone of the data
gathering process, serving as instrument for assessing students' English proficiency.

Data Analysis Procedure

The researchers employed multiple readings of transcripts and three specific

levels of coding to identify the emergent themes from the data collected from the
participants. The researchers first transcribe the recorded responses. Afterward, a careful
translation of the transcript was performed next. Upon receiving completed
questionnaires, the initial step involves organizing the data for analysis. This includes
sorting responses according to the specific micro skill assessed and ensuring data
integrity. Any incomplete or illegible responses are addressed through careful
examination or consultation with respondents if necessary.

Chapter 4


This chapter discusses the research findings of the data collected from the
participants’ diverse responses.

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