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Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (2021) 22:1157–1170

Mechanisms and management of drug‑induced hyperkalemia

in kidney transplant patients
John G. Rizk1 · Jose G. Lazo Jr.2 · David Quan2 · Steven Gabardi3,4 · Youssef Rizk5 · Elani Streja6 · Csaba P. Kovesdy7 ·
Kamyar Kalantar‑Zadeh6,8

Accepted: 16 July 2021 / Published online: 22 July 2021

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021

Hyperkalemia is a common and potentially life-threatening complication following kidney transplantation that can be caused
by a composite of factors such as medications, delayed graft function, and possibly potassium intake. Managing hyperkalemia
after kidney transplantation is associated with increased morbidity and healthcare costs, and can be a cause of multiple hos-
pital admissions and barriers to patient discharge. Medications used routinely after kidney transplantation are considered the
most frequent culprit for post-transplant hyperkalemia in recipients with a well-functioning graft. These include calcineu-
rin inhibitors (CNIs), pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) prophylactic agents, and antihypertensives (angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, beta blockers). CNIs can cause hyperkalemic renal tubular acidosis.
When hyperkalemia develops following transplantation, the potential offending medication may be discontinued, switched
to another agent, or dose-reduced. Belatacept and mTOR inhibitors offer an alternative to calcineurin inhibitors in the event
of hyperkalemia, however should be prescribed in the appropriate patient. While trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/
SMX) remains the gold standard for prevention of PCP, alternative agents (e.g. dapsone, atovaquone) have been studied and
can be recommend in place of TMP/SMX. Antihypertensives that act on the Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System are
generally avoided early after transplant but may be indicated later in the transplant course for patients with comorbidities. In
cases of mild to moderate hyperkalemia, medical management can be used to normalize serum potassium levels and allow
the transplant team additional time to evaluate the function of the graft. In the immediate post-operative setting following
kidney transplantation, a rapidly rising potassium refractory to medical therapy can be an indication for dialysis. Patiromer
and sodium zirconium cyclosilicate (ZS-9) may play an important role in the management of chronic hyperkalemia in kidney
transplant patients, although additional long-term studies are necessary to confirm these effects.

Keywords Hyperkalemia · Potassium · Electrolyte Imbalance · Organ Transplant · Immunosuppression · PCP Prophylaxis ·

Abbreviations ECG Electrocardiogram

AP Aerosolized pentamidine GFR Glomerular filtration rate
ACEI Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor PCP Pneumocystis pneumonia
ARB Angiotensin-II receptor blocker RAAS Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
CNI Calcineurin inhibitor SPS Sodium polystyrene sulfate
CCB Calcium channel blocker TMP/SMX  Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
CKD Chronic kidney disease ZS-9 Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate

John G. Rizk and Jose G. Lazo Jr. contributed equally to this work.

* John G. Rizk
Extended author information available on the last page of the article

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1 Introduction study has shown that in a patient with stage 5 CKD, the odds
of hyperkalemia are 11 times more likely than in a patient
Hyperkalemia, an elevated serum potassium and common with no history of CKD [4]. Prevalent comorbidities such as
electrolyte abnormality with life-threatening concerns, is diabetes mellitus and hypertension treated with drugs that
not unique to the kidney transplant recipient, however can affect the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS)
be frequently seen following transplantation [1]. The nor- can also place patients at an increased risk for hyperkalemia
mal serum range for serum potassium is 3.5 to 5 mEq/L, [5]. Of note, these two disease states are common comor-
with levels greater than the upper limit of normal defined bidities in kidney transplant recipients, with diabetes and
as hyperkalemia. The definition and classification of hypertension accounting for the top two etiologies of chronic
hyperkalemia varies within the literature, however sever- kidney disease in adult kidney transplant recipients in 2019
ity can be classified by serum potassium levels as mild at 33.9% and 22.6%, respectively [6].
(5 to < 6 mEq/L), moderate (6 to 7 mEq/L), and severe Following kidney transplantation, the causes of hyper-
(> 7 mEq/L), and/or with electrocardiogram (ECG) changes kalemia are multifactorial owing to graft function, excess
also influencing severity definitions [2, 3]. Besides the pre- potassium intake/repletion, comorbidities, and medica-
cise potassium level value, acute hyperkalemia is considered tions used in the peri- and post-operative setting [7]. The
more threatening than chronic stable hyperkalemia. This has acute management of hyperkalemia has been established
to be taken into consideration when using fixed values for for years, however in the setting of nonemergent or chronic
classification of the severity of hyperkalemia. Of highest hyperkalemia, innovative therapies have been approved
concern is severe hyperkalemia which may manifest with [8, 9]. In addition, advances in immunosuppression over
ECG changes and cardiac arrythmias potentially leading to the last decade also provide transplant clinicians with
death if left untreated. Signs and symptoms of hyperkalemia alternatives to lower the risk of hyperkalemia [10]. In this
are demonstrated in Fig. 1. review, we delve into the etiology and pathophysiology of
Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at hyperkalemia in kidney transplantation and management
increased risk for hyperkalemia. A retrospective cohort

Fig. 1  Clinical manifestations

of hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia
is usually asymptomatic
until cardiac manifestations
develop. These manifesta-
tions usually occur when the
serum potassium concentration
is 6.5—7 mEq/L or possibly at
lower levels with an acute rise
in serum potassium. Although
transplant specific consequences
of hyperkalemia have not yet
been outlined, the most com-
monly affected organs are the
cardiac and skeletal muscles
due to an impairment of neuro-
muscular transmission. Hyper-
kalemia can cause ascending
muscle weakness that begins
with the legs and progresses to
the trunk and arms, and rarely
muscle paralysis, myopathy and

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strategies for the unique medications used for transplanta- 3 Mechanisms of transplant
tion when hyperkalemia occurs. medication‑induced hyperkalemia

The reported incidence of hyperkalemia is 5–40% among

2 Renal‑mediated mechanisms of potassium patients treated with a calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) such as
homeostasis cyclosporine or tacrolimus [19, 20]. Other immunosup-
pressive agents such as sirolimus, everolimus, mycophe-
Potassium homeostasis plays a critical role in various nolic acid, azathioprine, belatacept, and prednisone have
physiologic processes including but not limited to cell not been found to be associated with hyperkalemia [21].
volume regulation, intracellular pH, protein and DNA Given that some kidney transplant patients may have a
synthesis, and maintaining a normal cell membrane reduced eGFR, drugs that induce hyperkalemia will mani-
potential. Potassium is predominantly located intracellu- fest more profound effects on potassium levels in these
larly, most commonly within muscles, with only 1 to 2% patients. The exact mechanism in which CNIs induce
present in extracellular fluid [11]. This large intracellular hyperkalemia is still unclear, and there are several postu-
pool of potassium allows for rapid exchange of extracel- lated mechanisms that describe how impaired renal potas-
lular potassium ions to maintain serum potassium within sium excretion might occur. It is hypothesized that CNIs
its normal range. activate the sodium-chloride cotransporter in the distal
The renal transport pathways are crucial regulators of convoluted tubule through unopposed phosphorylation of
potassium homeostasis. In the proximal tubule, potas- the cotransporter [22]. In addition, CNIs are capable of
sium reabsorption is thought to occur primarily via the inhibiting renal outer medullary K ­ + channels, also known
paracellular pathway aided by concentration gradient [12]. as ROMK, and Na–K ATPase in the distal tubules. Heer-
Moving further along the nephron, the loop of Henle is ing et al. showed that CNIs induce the down-regulation
responsible for medullary potassium recycling, Potassium of mineralocorticoid receptor expression by inhibiting
is secreted into the descending thin limbs via passive diffu- mineralocorticoid receptor transcriptional activity (see
sion from the medullary interstitium which carries a high Fig. 2) [23]. As a result, these patients develop aldoster-
potassium concentration [13]. Potassium is then reab- one resistance that manifests as hyperkalemia and meta-
sorbed along the thick ascending limb via active transport bolic acidosis, also referred to as Type 4 renal tubular
by apical ­Na+K+2Cl− (NKCC2) and a paracellular path- acidosis [23, 24]. Cyclosporine may also have a second-
way. On the basolateral membrane, potassium crosses into ary and additive effect on potassium elevation in patients
the interstitium by potassium channels or cotransport with concomitantly receiving a beta blocker by a mechanism
­Cl− or ­HCO3− [14]. that is not understood [25]. Compounding this situation
The majority of filtered potassium is reabsorbed within further is that CNIs are inherently nephrotoxic and have
the proximal tubules and loop of Henle, leaving the distal been increasingly recognized as the main cause of CKD
nephron with the role of finalizing potassium excretion. in transplant patients [26].
At the distal convoluted tubule, expression of renal outer The trimethoprim component in trimethoprim/sul-
medullary K + channels (ROMK) allow for potassium secre- famethoxazole (TMP/SMX) and pentamidine are struc-
tion. Within the connecting tubule and the cortical collect- turally similar to amiloride and triamterene [27–29], caus-
ing duct, potassium is secreted by a small-conductance ing hyperkalemia by competitively inhibiting the apical
(SK) channel and a large-conductance (BK) channel found epithelial sodium channels in the distal nephron. Under
on the apical side [15, 16]. On the basolateral side, the normal conditions, it is through these channels that sodium
­Na+-K+-ATPase maintains the resting potential and func- reabsorption occurs, which then creates an electrical gradi-
­ + secretion and N
tions in K ­ a+ absorption at the apical mem- ent that favors ­K+ secretion [30]. Inhibition of epithelial
brane. Within the collecting duct, potassium reabsorption sodium channels reduces the amount of potassium trans-
may occur via apical ­H+/K+-ATPase pumps [17]. ported from the cell into the tubular lumen and thus into
The secretion and reabsorption of ­K+ is also affected the urine. This leads to a decrease in the amount of potas-
by other ions such as ­Na+. Aldosterone is a hormone that sium excreted in the urine and an accumulation of potas-
stimulates potassium secretion. Aldosterone increases the sium in the serum [27].
density of apical ­Na+ channels in the connecting tubules Hyperkalemia is a rare side effect of TMP/SMX in
and cortical collecting duct particularly via epithelial healthy patients, although cases have been reported [31].
sodium channel (ENaC). The reabsorption of ­Na+ provides The side effect becomes more prominent in patients with
a negative potential difference, which then stimulates ­K+ an underlying disorder of potassium metabolism, kidney
secretion [18]. insufficiency, or if drugs known to induce hyperkalemia

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Fig. 2  Schematic overview of

the mechanisms causing hyper-
kalemia in kidney transplant
recipients. Adapted from Rizk
J et al., Curr Opin Nephrol
Hypertens 2021 Jan;30(1):27–
37. Abbreviations: ACEIs,
angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors; ARBs, angiotensin
receptor blockers; ENaC, epi-
thelial sodium channel; ROMK,
renal outer medullary potassium
channel; NCC, sodium chloride
cotransporter; MR, mineralo-
corticoid receptor

are given concomitantly [31]. Kidney transplant patients, transplant recipients receiving aerosolized pentamidine
in particular, are considered at high risk for the develop- [35]. Hyperkalemia was not reported in any of the patients
ment of hyperkalemia in association with TMP therapy, receiving AP prophylaxis. Similarly, hyperkalemia was not
and these patients should be monitored closely for the observed in the retrospective study by Saukkonen et al.
development of hyperkalemia in part because the major- which examined the safety and efficacy of aerosolized pen-
ity of kidney transplant patients are on a combination of tamidine prophylaxis in 35 adult liver and kidney transplant
TMP/SMX and a CNI [32]. The risk of hyperkalemia is recipients [36]. In both of these studies, no patients who
greater with higher doses of TMP (e.g. treatment doses received aerosolized pentamidine developed Pneumocystis
of TMP/SMX for pneumocystis pneumonia), although pneumonia (PCP). AP has also been used successfully as
can also be seen with standard doses. In a case report by PCP prophylaxis in adults with lung transplants and chil-
Koc et al., two kidney transplant patients with second- dren with liver transplants [37, 38]. In contrast, pentami-
ary amyloidosis related to familial Mediterranean fever dine is more nephrotoxic in patients with Acquired Immune
developed severe hyperkalemia after the administration Deficiency Syndrome, and hyperkalemia has been reported
of a standard dose of TMP/SMX [32]. Moreover, there is in 24% (9/37) of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
a major increase in the risk of hyperkalemia when TMP/ patients receiving a mean pentamidine dose of 255 ± 60 mg/
SMX is used in combination with angiotensin-converting day, either intravenously or intramuscularly [39]. The sys-
enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) or angiotensin-II receptor block- temic absorption of AP is very low [40], about 5%, which
ers (ARBs), and this adverse event was manifested in a accounts for the higher incidence of hyperkalemia with the
lung transplant recipient who developed life-threatening intravenous or intramuscular forms.
hyperkalemia after treatment with the ACEI enalapril and
TMP/SMX [33]. ACEIs inhibit the conversion of angio-
tensin I to angiotensin II, while ARBs inhibit the action of 4 Managing hyperkalemia by removing
angiotensin II produced by all pathways. This results in an the offending agent
increase in sodium excretion and decrease in kidney loss of
potassium by inhibiting the secretion of aldosterone [32]. When hyperkalemia develops following transplantation,
There is limited data on the safety and efficacy of aero- the potential offending medication may be discontinued,
solized pentamidine (AP) in solid organ transplant patients. switched to another agent, or dose-reduced (Fig. 3). CNIs
Drug-induced hyperkalemia is common in patients receiving are essential to prevent acute rejection and graft loss, and
intravenous pentamidine [28, 34, 35]. Macesic et al. pre- post-transplant hyperkalemia should be managed despite
sented the largest retrospective cohort study of 56 kidney keeping patients on these medications. A high tacrolimus

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Fig. 3  Transplant medication

management strategies for
hyperkalemia. Abbreviations:
angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitor (ACEI), angiotensin-
II receptor blocker (ARB),
calcineurin inhibitor (CNI),
calcium channel blocker (CCB),
double strength (ds), single
strength (SS), trimethoprim/sul-
famethoxazole (TMP/SMX)

level (> 20 ng/mL) has been associated with an increased recommendation for TMP/SMX use ranges from single
risk of hyperkalemia [41], thus, routine monitoring of tac- strength (80 mg TMP/400 mg SMX) to double strength
rolimus trough concentrations is required especially during (160 mg TMP/800 mg SMP) orally, either daily or three
first three months after transplant when CNI levels have to times weekly, for at least 6 to 12 months. Adverse effects of
be higher. In addition, foods high in potassium, herbal sup- TMP/SMX include hyperkalemia, bone marrow suppression,
plements, potassium-enriched salt substitutes, and drugs that elevated serum level of creatinine, and rash [44].
contain potassium (e.g. penicillin G potassium, phosphorus TMP-induced hyperkalemia is dose dependent [30], and
replacement products containing potassium, IV solutions these effects become more prominent when a daily double-
with potassium) should be restricted during the periopera- strength regimen is used. Other prophylaxis antimicrobial
tive period, especially in patients at risk [42]. Other drugs agents such as atovaquone, dapsone, and inhaled pentami-
(e.g. heparin [43], succinylcholine [9]) that can cause hyper- dine are not considered first-line agents by the American
kalemia should also be identified (see Table 1). Society of Transplantation because of their narrower spec-
trum of activity, tolerability, cost, and efficacy [44].
4.1 PCP Prophylaxis Among medications used for the prevention of PCP,
TMP/SMX and pentamidine are the most commonly associ-
The American Society of Transplantation considers TMP/ ated with hyperkalemia [27, 28, 30, 47–49]. A single-center,
SMX to be the first-line agent for prevention of PCP and retrospective cohort study examining the tolerability of
toxoplasmosis [44]. Additionally, TMP/SMX has the TMP/SMX within the first year of kidney transplant showed
potential benefit of protecting against other infectious com- that a TMP/SMX regimen of 1 single-strength tablet 3 times
plications in kidney transplant patients [45, 46]. Although weekly is better tolerated in terms of adverse events than
optimal prophylaxis dosing regimens in solid-organ trans- the double-strength and single-strength daily regimen [50].
plant recipients have not been fully defined, the current Thus, a reasonable practice that can help in reducing the

Table 1  Medications associated Medications Utility in kidney transplantation

with hyperkalemia in kidney
transplantation ACEI and ARB Hypertension
Beta-blockers (non-selective and beta 2-selective) Hypertension
Potassium-sparing diuretics (amiloride, triamterene, Hypertension
Trimethoprim, pentamidine PCP prophylaxis
Heparin Prevent clot formation during transplant procedure
Succinylcholine Used in transplant recipients in need for rapid
sequence intubation and rapid airway control
Calcineurin inhibitors (cyclosporine, tacrolimus) Immunosuppressive agents
NSAIDs Headache or pain

ACEI angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, ARB angiotensin II receptor blockers, NSAIDs nonsteroi-

dal anti-inflammatory drugs, PCP Pneumocystis pneumonia

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incidence of hyperkalemia is to decrease the dose of TMP/ reactions related to the use of AP required hospitalization
SMX from a double-strength to a single-strength tablet three and discontinuation of the drug in 5 of 56 (9%) patients;
times weekly when used as prophylaxis for PCP and urinary 4 patients had bronchospasm, 1 patient required intensive
tract infections. A different retrospective single-center study care admission for epinephrine infusion, but none developed
showed that single-strength TMP/SMX thrice weekly is at hyperkalemia [35]. Thus, TMP/SMX remains the primary
least as effective as daily TMP/SMX for PCP prophylaxis in recommended treatment and prophylaxis regimen for PCP
kidney transplant recipients, and that PCP did not occur after [63], as no patients receiving TMP/SMX required hospitali-
dose reduction at least during the rest of the first post-kidney zation [35]. A re-challenge with TMP/SMX was done and
transplant year [51]. To confirm these results, a clinical trial successful in 17 of 22 patients (77%); 3/22 (14%) and 2/22
on transplant recipients comparing daily single strength to (9%) failed the re-challenge due to leukopenia and kidney
thrice weekly single strength TMP/SMX is needed. impairment, respectively.
Another strategy is to use dapsone or atovaquone as
alternatives for PCP prophylaxis. Both of these agents are 4.2 Immunosuppressive drugs
less likely to cause hyperkalemia and are potential alternate
agents in patients with documented hyperkalemia second- U.S. randomized trials showed that 45% of liver transplants
ary to TMP/SMX [52–55]. Atovaquone dosage should be treated with tacrolimus develop hyperkalemia, while 31% of
1500 mg by mouth once daily given with food, whereas dap- kidney transplant recipients receiving tacrolimus develop mild
sone is given at a dose of 50 mg twice daily or 100 mg once to severe hyperkalemia [64, 65]. Similarly, 26% and 32% of
daily [56, 57]. Although patients who receive atovaquone liver transplant and kidney transplant patients, respectively,
instead of TMP/SMX for PCP prophylaxis have lower rates of on a cyclosporine-based immunosuppressive regimen devel-
hyperkalemia, they experience higher rates of recurrent uri- oped hyperkalemia [64, 65]. Conversion from a CNI to other
nary tract infections (UTIs) (33% vs 7%, p = 0.02) [50]. Thus, agents such as an mTOR inhibitor or belatacept can decrease
routine addition of a UTI prophylactic agent for patients una- the incidence of hyperkalemia, but require increased immune
ble to get TMP/SMX and removal of ureteral stents within monitoring and may not be appropriate for all patients.
the first 30 days after transplantation is essential, particularly Sirolimus is a potent immunosuppressive agent approved
in kidney recipients [50, 58]. McLaughlin et al. showed that by the FDA for kidney transplantation in 1999 [66]. Two
a re-challenge with TMP/SMX after switching to atovaquone randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase III tri-
was successful in a patient who previously developed TMP/ als assessing the safety and efficacy of sirolimus reported a
SMX-induced hyperkalemia (­ K+ = 6.4 mmol/L) [54]. Fur- low incidence of hyperkalemia in kidney transplant patients
thermore, the routine use of dapsone is not recommended receiving sirolimus that is not dependent on the dose of the
given the potential for adverse hematologic events such as drug [67, 68]. The incidence of hyperkalemia in patients
hemolytic anemia and methemoglobinemia [52, 59, 60]. receiving sirolimus 2 mg/day was 13% in both trials, and
TMP/SMX has the concurrent effect of preventing toxo- 10–11% in patient groups receiving sirolimus 5 mg/day
plasmosis and some Gram-negative infections [61]. One [67, 68]. In addition, Johnson et al. have showed previously
double-strength TMP/SMX tablet daily confers protection that patients on a sirolimus-cyclosporine-steroid regimen
against toxoplasmosis [50]. Lower doses of TMP/SMX had higher incidence of hyperkalemia than those who had
may also provide protection against toxoplasmosis, but ran- cyclosporine eliminated from their regimen (2.8% vs 0%,
domized controlled trials evaluating this option are lacking p = 0.030) [69]. This suggests that the early elimination of
[62]. Interestingly, two single-center, retrospective cohort cyclosporine from a sirolimus-cyclosporine-steroid regi-
studies in which kidney transplant patients received single- men can reduce the incidence of hyperkalemia. Conversion
strength TMP/SMX thrice weekly did not document any from a CNI-based immunosuppression to an everolimus-
episodes of Toxoplasma gondii during a 1-year follow-up based immunosuppression may also lower the incidence
[50, 51]. of hyperkalemia. A prospective, randomized, multicenter
In patients without hyperkalemia, AP is frequently trial revealed that only 8.3% of liver allograft recipient who
used as a second-line agent for PCP prophylaxis at a dose started everolimus therapy with CNI reduction or discon-
of 300 mg/month preceded by inhaled albuterol, 180 mcg tinuation developed hyperkalemia [70]. Additionally, a post
[35, 36]. It is a useful alternative for PCP prophylaxis in hoc analysis by Chapman et al. showed that early everoli-
organ recipients given that it is administered monthly and mus plus reduced-dose tacrolimus had a lower incidence of
has fewer adverse effects than other therapies [36, 37]. The hyperkalemia than a standard tacrolimus regimen (7.7% vs
most common reasons for using AP instead of TMP/SMX 20.5%) at 12-month and 24-month follow-up [71].
for PCP prophylaxis include prior sensitivity to TMP/SMX Belatacept is a selective T-cell co-stimulation blocker
(i.e. rash, anaphylaxis, angioedema), kidney impairment, that is frequently used as a component of a CNI-free triple
and leukopenia [35]. Macesic et al. showed that adverse drug regimen, often used in conjunction with prednisone and

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mycophenolic acid. Results from BENEFIT and BENEFIT- treatment, but the risk of hyperkalemia was maintained
EXT (Belatacept Evaluation of Nephroprotection and Effi- [681 patients; RR 3.42 (95% CI 1.41–8.29)] [85]. Due to
cacy as First‐line Immunosuppression Trial from living the scarcity of data, the decision to use or avoid a RAAS
donor or standard criteria deceased donors, and extended blocker is based on clinical practice rather than scientific
criteria donors, respectively) found that the incidence of evidence. Patient awareness of hyperkalemia risk associated
hyperkalemia was similar to cyclosporine [72, 73]. How- with RAAS blockers should be improved, with emphasis on
ever, these studies did not specifically look at potassium lev- pre-emptive discontinuation when an acute illness or volume
els. Belatacept may be associated with less hyperkalemia as depletion occurs. Beta-blockers have a demonstrated efficacy
there are no known mechanisms for this drug to induce high in controlling blood pressure in transplant patients [86].
potassium levels, above and beyond improvements in renal Beta-blockers can increase plasma potassium levels, a
function reported after conversion from CNI to belatacept cause of hyperkalemia often ignored in clinical practice. The
that can make hyperkalemia less likely [74, 75]. reported incidence of beta-blocker–induced hyperkalemia
is less than 5% [87], although there is little evidence that
4.3 Antihypertensive agents they consistently increase potassium levels. The use of non-
selective beta-blockers (e.g. propranolol, nadolol, sotalol) is
Hypertension is the most common clinical problem among associated with metabolic issues, such as hyperkalemia [88].
transplant patients, affecting at least 90% of this popula- In contrast, vasodilating beta-blockers with alpha-1 blocking
tion [76]. Post-transplant hypertension occurs as a result of properties (e.g. carvedilol, labetalol, bucindolol) may be bet-
volume overload, CNIs, and vasoconstriction, with vasocon- ter tolerated and may have fewer associated metabolic con-
striction occurring due to an increase of renin-angiotensin sequences compared with non-selective beta-blockers [88],
system, up-regulation of endothelin-1 and reduction of the although cases of severe hyperkalemia in kidney transplant
bioavailability of nitric oxide [77, 78]. The use of antihyper- patients taking labetalol have been reported [89, 90]. Moreo-
tensive agents in transplant recipients is necessary because ver, hyperkalemia is more likely to occur in nonselective
inadequate control of post-transplant hypertension is asso- beta-blockers than cardio-selective beta-blockers (e.g. ateno-
ciated with an increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity lol, metoprolol, bisoprolol) [91].
and mortality, and graft loss [79]. KDIGO guidelines rec- Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) could be the pre-
ommend that blood pressure in chronic kidney disease and ferred first-step antihypertensive agents in kidney trans-
transplant patients should be kept below or equal of 130/85 plant patients, as they are associated with a lower incidence
and 125/75 in patients with proteinuria [80, 81]. There is of hyperkalemia and serum potassium levels compared to
no ideal single agent for the management of post-transplant RAAS blockers [274 patients; MD -0.24 mEq/L (95% CI
hypertension, as there are no randomized controlled trials to -0.38 to -0.10)], improved graft function, and reduced graft
support the use of one agent over another [82]. loss, above and beyond their effect on reducing blood pres-
RAAS blockers may improve arterial hypertension, pro- sure [85]. Head to-head trials displayed that subjects rand-
teinuria, and erythrocytosis [83, 84]. There remains much omized to CCB had improved kidney function, showing a
debate regarding the use of these agents in kidney transplan- higher GFR (+ 11 mL/min), and lower serum creatinine lev-
tation [83]. Two meta-analyses studies demonstrated that els (-0.12 mg/dL) as compared with the ACEI group. Often,
RAAS blockers are associated with better patient and graft controlling post-kidney transplant hypertension is challeng-
survival in kidney transplant recipients, but the risk of life- ing and the majority of patients remain uncontrolled despite
threatening hyperkalemia is at least three-fold higher when pharmacological management, necessitating the combina-
compared to recipients not receiving these medications [85, tion of a CCB with a RAAS blocker or diuretic/thiazide.
86]. Findings from a meta-analysis by Pisano et al. showed Thus, there is an ongoing controversy regarding the routine
that ACEIs reduced the risk for graft loss but decreased use of RAAS blockers in the immediate post-transplant set-
kidney function [85]. In addition, ACEIs increased serum ting due to increases in serum creatinine and the risk of
potassium [134 patients; mean difference (MD) 0.33 mEq/L adverse events.
(95% CI 0.10–0.55) as well as hyperkalemia episodes [418 Diuretics are not routinely used as first line therapy in kid-
patients; relative risk (RR) 3.66 (95% CI 1.13–11.80). In ney transplant recipients, as they may cause volume deple-
ARB versus placebo/routine treatment, no differences in tion, electrolyte disturbances, and may worsen renal allograft
graft loss was documented. The effect of ARBs on glo- function [92]. However, their use is important particularly
merular filtration rate (GFR) was inconclusive. Expectedly, in the peri-transplant setting. In patients with a good urinary
ARBs increased the risk for hyperkalemia episodes [281 output, loop diuretics and thiazide diuretics can be adminis-
patients; RR 4.10 (95% CI 1.05–15.95)]. Pooled data drawn tered to increase urinary potassium elimination. The diuretic
from ACEIs and ARBs show that the risk for graft failure effects of thiazides were historically considered relatively
was significantly reduced with respect to placebo/routine weak and not comparable to the more potent actions of loop

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diuretics. Because transplant patients on a CNI commonly has been called into question and should be avoided as mono-
have hyperkalemia, thiazides may increase serum magne- therapy for the treatment of hyperkalemia [102].
sium when used with a CNI [92]. A longitudinal retrospec- Removal of potassium from the body can take place in
tive cohort study conducted in adult kidney transplant recipi- the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract. Loop diuretics are
ents showed that thiazides appear to be safe and effective in commonly used in patients’ who have sufficient residual kid-
managing hypertension following transplantation, but the ney function to allow for an increase in urine output [103,
risk of hyperkalemia was higher in the thiazide group than 104]. Loop diuretics are effective for the acute management
the unexposed group (56% vs. 38%, p < 0.001) [93]. The of hyperkalemia but may be less preferred for chronic man-
rates of severe hyperkalemia were similar in both groups. In agement. Mineralocorticoids have been used to treat chronic
contrast, a more recent randomized non-inferiority crossover hyperkalemia in kidney transplant patients treated with cal-
trial did not report a higher incidence of hyperkalemia in cineurin inhibitors [105, 106]. Fludrocortisone, a synthetic
kidney transplant patients on thiazides compared to those on glucocorticoid with potent mineralocorticoid activity should
a CCB [94]. Perioperative hyperkalemia might be followed be used cautiously as it may elevate blood pressure [107].
by hypokalemia due to the use of diuretics and fluid resusci- Intestinal potassium binders work through cation exchange
tation, thus caution is warranted [95]. The use of potassium- using nonabsorbable resins. The classic agent in this class is
sparing agents (e.g. amiloride, triamterene, spironolactone) sodium polystyrene sulfate (SPS) which exchanges ­Na+ for ­K+
should be avoided in transplant patients at risk of hyper- within the colon [108]. SPS is not selective for potassium and
kalemia. More RCTs are required to define the efficacy and as a result magnesium and calcium may also be eliminated
safety of loop diuretics in kidney transplant recipients. potentially causing hypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia [7]. Of
note, SPS carriers a risk of intestinal necrosis, particularly
when used in conjunction with sorbitol and may be avoided by
5 Treatment of hyperkalemia certain clinicians in the early post-op period, particularly now
with novel agents made readily available [109, 110].
In the immediate post-operative setting following kidney Patiromer and sodium zirconium cyclosilicate (ZS-
transplantation, a rapidly rising potassium refractory to 9) are two novel potassium binders which have recently
medical therapy can be an indication for dialysis. In cases of become available for the management of hyperkalemia
mild to moderate hyperkalemia, medical management can be [111, 112]. Patiromer works as a non-absorbable resin
considered to normalize serum potassium levels and allow which exchanges calcium for potassium in the gastro-
the transplant team additional time to evaluate the function intestinal tract [111]. Patiromer has also been shown to
of the graft [96]. An in-depth review on the management of bind to magnesium causing hypomagnesemia in patients
acute hyperkalemia is beyond the scope of this review arti- receiving therapy. The recommended dose is 8.4 g once
cle however a brief overview will be provided here; readers daily, increasing by 8.4 g weekly up to a maximum of
are referred to previously published reviews for a complete 25.2 g daily, titrating to the desired K ­ + level. The largest
review [2, 9]. Treatment for hyperkalemia can be classified study of patiromer in the solid organ transplant popula-
into three categories: (1) antagonism of the cardiac effects tion was a retrospective cohort of 37 patients, 26 of which
of hyperkalemia; (2) redistribution of potassium into cells; were kidney transplants, which demonstrated a statisti-
and (3) removal of potassium from the body. cally significant decrease in K ­ + levels from 5.4 mEq/L at
Administration of calcium either as calcium chloride or baseline to 4.99 mEq/L at week 4 and 5 mEq/L at week 12
calcium gluconate should be used in the emergency manage- [113]. ZS-9 works by exchange of hydrogen and sodium
ment of hyperkalemia to stabilize the myocardial membrane ions for potassium [112]. The recommended dose is 10 g
from undesirable depolarization [97–99]. The administration three times daily for up to 48 h followed by a maintenance
of calcium minimally lowers serum potassium levels, if at dose of 10 g daily for continued treatment. Dosing may be
all [7]. Following stabilization of the membrane potential, increased by 5 g up to 15 g once daily. Of note, every 5 g
the focus shifts towards lowering serum potassium. Insulin of ZS-9 contains 400 mg of sodium which places patients
shifts potassium intracellularly within skeletal myocytes and at risk for developing edema. ZS-9 use in the transplant
hepatocytes [100]. A dose of 10 units of regular insulin can be population was reviewed in a retrospective cohort of 35
administered with a bolus or infusion of dextrose to prevent patients, 16 with kidney transplants, and demonstrated a
hypoglycemia. Beta2-adrenergic agonists, such as inhaled mean decrease in ­K+ of 1.3 mEq/L from day 0 to day 7
albuterol will exert its effect via Na–K ATPase to decrease [114]. It is important to recognize that all of these gas-
serum potassium [98]. Sodium bicarbonate mediates its effect trointestinal exchange agents have the potential to impact
on potassium by an increase in serum pH, causing an intracel- absorption and should be separated from other medications
lular shift of potassium via ­H+/K+ exchange [101]. Over the according to their respective package insert labeling, SPS
years, the efficacy of sodium bicarbonate for hyperkalemia and patiromer, 3 h before and after other oral medications

Table 2  Clinical studies of patiromer and ZS-9 in transplant patients with hyperkalemia
Drug Investigators Design Transplant population Endpoints Results

Patiromer Singh et al Retrospective, single-center study 37 SOT patients: kidney (73%), liver Primary: Change in ­K+ levels from Statistically significant improvement in
(21%), kidney-pancreas (3%), lung baseline to 4, and 12 weeks; difference ­K+ levels (baseline ­K+ = 5.44) at week
(3%) in tacrolimus levels at baseline, 4, and 4 ­(K+ = 4.99) and week 12 (­ K+ = 5).
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12 weeks Statistically significant increase in

Secondary: GI side effects, electrolyte tacrolimus levels (7.19 to 9.22 ng/mL)
abnormalities, insurance coverage of at week 4. No reported GI side effects,
patiromer constipation in 8%. 81% obtained insur-
ance coverage
Patiromer Lim et al Retrospective, single-center study 19 kidney transplant recipients Safety, effectiveness, and tolerability of All adherent patients had ­K+ lev-
patiromer els < 5.2 mmol/L at last follow-up. 7
patients required tacrolimus dose reduc-
tion within 1–4 weeks of patiromer
initiation; 6 were previously on SPS and
Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (2021) 22:1157–1170

1 with prior supratherapeutic levels. No

intolerable side effects; 2 had consti-
pation, 1 had diarrhea, 1 required an
emergency room visit for hyperkalemia
during patiromer dose adjustment
Patiromer Rattanavich et al Not described 2 kidney transplant recipients Effect of patiromer on treating hyper- Patiromer use is effective in treating
kalemia and on tacrolimus trough hyperkalemia and does not affect tac-
levels rolimus tough levels. Patient 1: hyper-
kalemia resolved within days with ­K+
levels between 4.0–5.5 mEq/L. Patient
2: hyperkalemia resolved but returned
upon patiromer discontinuation with K ­ +
levels between 5.5–6.5 mEq/L. No need
for tacrolimus dose adjustment
ZS-9 Winstead et al Retrospective, single-center study 35 SOT patients: 16 kidney (45.7%), 14 Primary: Change in K ­ + from day 0 to K+ levels decreased by -1.3 mEq/L
liver (40%), 2 heart (5.7%), 2 kidney- day 7 from day 0 to day 7. Mean change
liver (5.7%), 1 kidney-heart (2.9%) Secondary: Change in tacrolimus, ­Na+, in concentrations from days 0
and bicarbonate levels from day 0 to to 7: tacrolimus = -0.54 ng/mL,
day 7 and any reported adverse events ­Na+ =  + 1.7 mEq/L, bicarbo-
nate =  + 1.6 mEq/L. Two reports of
mild edema

K + potassium, Na + sodium, SOT solid organ transplant, SPS sodium polystyrene sulfonate, ZS-9 sodium zirconium cyclosilicate

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1166 Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (2021) 22:1157–1170

and ZS-9 separated 2 h before and after oral medications RNM), Japanese Society of Dialysis Therapy (JSDT), Hospira, Kabi,
with clinically meaningful gastric pH-dependent bio- Keryx, Kissei, Novartis, OPKO, National Institutes of Health (NIH),
National Kidney Foundation (NKF), Pfizer, Regulus, Relypsa, Resver-
availability [7]. The current data on the use of these two logix, Dr Schaer, Sandoz, Sanofi, Shire, Veterans’ Affairs (VA), Vifor,
potassium binders in the kidney transplant population is UpToDate, and ZS-Pharma.
sparing and further high-quality research needs to be con-
ducted to further characterize their effect on immunosup-
pressive medications. At this time, selection between the
two agents should be based on safety profile or formulary References
restrictions within individual institutions. Table 2 provides
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prophylactic agents, and antihypertensives are prescribed BR, Jardine MJ, Kovesdy CP, Kline GA, Lindner G, Obrador
GT, Palmer BF, Cheung M, Wheeler DC, Winkelmayer WC,
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1170 Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (2021) 22:1157–1170

Authors and Affiliations

John G. Rizk1 · Jose G. Lazo Jr.2 · David Quan2 · Steven Gabardi3,4 · Youssef Rizk5 · Elani Streja6 · Csaba P. Kovesdy7 ·
Kamyar Kalantar‑Zadeh6,8

1 6
Arizona State University, Edson College, Phoenix, AZ, USA Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology,
2 Hypertension and Kidney Transplantation, School
UCSF Medical Center, University of California San
of Medicine, University of California, CA, Irvine, Orange,
Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
Department of Transplant Surgery, Brigham and Women’s 7
Division of Nephrology, University of Tennessee Health
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Science Center, Memphis, TN, USA
Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, 8
Department of Epidemiology, University of California,
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, Los Angeles, CA,
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Family USA
Medicine, Lebanese American University Medical Center –
St. John’s Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon


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