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Universidad tecnológica de Panamá

Faculty of Science and Tegnology

Bachelor in Food Engineering

English 1

Genesis Bethancourt Group: 1L172

8-1023-614 Professor: Margarita De Gracia

1. What is the meaning of Holy week?

A: Holy Week commemorates Jesus' last days and crucifixion (a form of cruel capital
punishment where a person is nailed to a cross). Holy Week leads up to the celebration of
Easter Sunday – the day Christians celebrate Jesus rising from the dead.

2. Why do we celebrate Holy week? Explain with your words.

A: We celebrate Holy Week to commemorate the final week of Jesus Christ's life, which we
divide into different celebrations. Additionally, it´s a week used for reflecting on all the
teachings that this week leaves us and to get a little closer to God.

3. What took place more than two Thousand years ago on a Holy Friday? Explain with details.
A: Christians believe Jesus was mocked publicly and crucified on a solemn Friday 2,000 ago.
Today, the calamitous day is celebrated as Good Friday.
Anatoly Liberman, a University of Minnesota professor who studies the origins of English
words, told Slate if we consider the alternative names for Good Friday, such as "Sacred
Friday" (romance languages) or "Passion Friday" (Russian), this theory makes a lot of sense.
Because Jesus couldn’t have been resurrected without dying, the day of his death is, in a
sense, “good.”

"That terrible Friday has been called Good Friday because it led to the Resurrection of Jesus
and his victory over death and sin and the celebration of Easter, the very pinnacle of
Christian celebrations," the Huffington Post reported.

4. Why did it take place? What do you think about this GREAT Sacrifice? Explain.
A: This great sacrifice occurred "for us" because original sin separates us from the living God
and leads us to death. Jesus, on the other hand, sacrifices himself to save us from sin, and I
believe it was a great demonstration of love on Jesus' part towards us, as no one else but
him would accept to die for someone undeserving of forgiveness.

5. Explain with details what took place on EASTER Sunday? Why is it so important? What
changed in the world after that Special day? Explain with details.
A: Easter Sunday commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his
Crucifixion. It is the principal festival of the Christian church and is celebrated on the first
Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox.
Easter Sunday holds immense significance in the Christian faith as it marks the pivotal event
of Jesus' resurrection, signifying victory over death and sin. It is a time of great joy and
celebration, symbolizing the promise of eternal life and the hope of redemption for
believers. The resurrection of Jesus is considered the cornerstone of the Christian faith,
affirming the core belief in the divinity of Christ and the promise of salvation for humanity.
After Easter Sunday, the world was forever changed as the resurrection of Jesus Christ
became the central message of Christianity. The event brought hope, renewal, and a sense
of spiritual rebirth to believers, shaping the foundation of the Christian faith.

6. What is Redemption? Explain.

A: The Christian meaning of redemption is the promise of God to deliver us from the power
and presence of sin.

7. What is the meaning of the Cross? Explain.

A: The Cross is a great contradiction. A simple upright post with a transverse bar used
crucifixion. It's a symbol of death, but so much more. Death and life, hate and love, violence
and peace, accusation and forgiveness, sin and purity, brokenness and wholeness, all is lost
yet everything is gained, destruction and restoration, defeat and victory. Once the cruelest
form of execution, yet now it is a symbol of abundant life.

8. Do you believe in JESUS?

A: Right now, I'm not sure about my beliefs, but I grew up in the Catholic faith and went to
both Catholic and Evangelical schools. I think that the mix of these two different ways of
believing, along with the questions I had as I grew up, made me pull away from everything
related to Jesus.

9. What do you usually do during these days? Explain.

A: Usually on those days, my family gets together to spend time as a family. Some family
members go to church while others spend time playing board games, listening to stories
about how Easter was celebrated in the past, and eating the most traditional Easter meals.

10. Do you go any special place with you Family members?

A: My family usually travels to San Carlos for these days; however, lately we haven't been
able to gather the whole family, so some of us meet in Arraiján and others gather in their
own homes.

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