Your Skill Will Make You Rich

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I welcome you to this life transforming book that will help

you with the right intelligence to make your skills work
for you and turn you into an overnight success, provided
you are willing to work in the day.

I was a young boy full of dreams, I was ready to take the

world by surprise by doing the necessary things to turn
my financial level at that time which was below average
infact, it was nothing to write home about. I wanted to
advance to a level of financial abundance.

I kept on shadow boxing years after years, months after

months and days after days, that is, I was aiming right
but hitting the punching bag wrongly.

I felt I could unravel life with the level of information I

had at that time, I was so dumb to think that way. I
wouldn’t really blame myself for thinking I was going to
fix all the puzzles of life appropriately. In my life I was
always used to solving every personal problem almost

Good thing, I had parents who were really supportive to

basic needs only, I was not privileged like other kids that
demanded for Ice cream and got it almost the next
minute. I didn’t even bother to ask, I probably would
have been given though, I don’t know, but the point is, I
tried to get everything together all by myself until I
discovered that’s not how life works, especially if you
aim at making so much money for yourself and not to
help others.

Readers are leaders, for you to be reading this book

now, is a proof that you are a leader and intending for
greater heights and I can only assure you that the sky is
your limit provided you put in the necessary work.

I said necessary because when I was trying to figure life

out, I was putting in work but it wasn’t necessary. I was
working randomly, there was no plan for my work.

I don’t want you to go through the same thing and that’s

exactly why I’ve written this book to tell you exactly how
to progress from one stage to another sequentially and
get results using your skill as a capital for advancement.

Although, the ideas I’ll be sharing with you have worked

for me and many others too. Just as 1 + 1 = 2 never
changes in normal arithmetic, that’s how it will also work
for you provided you do the same or almost the same
thing I’ll be sharing with you in this book.

I’m so excited to take you on my journey, I hope you

enjoy the ride. I encourage you to take every word and
every paragraph seriously because this is not a regular
book filled with so much talk. I will try going straight to
the point.

Uzoma Oranebo
Chapter 1
Mindset configuration for success

“Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your

reality.” – Brian Tracy.

In this chapter, I’ll be telling you how to configure your

mindset for predictable success. I'll also be revealing the
server I connected to that made me dwell in this sense
of fearlessness, especially when it comes to changing
my financial life for good.

I grew up in a middle class home, not with a silver spoon

and definitely not with a bronze or brass spoon either, I
had the basic things I needed like shelter, water, food,
light and so on but I didn’t have the luxury of going to
the grocery to buy a box of chocolate and assorted
biscuits to quench my taste.

Once I felt like eating all of those, I had to better change

my thinking immediately, because it would not come
except by chance.

I had a PlayStation one console that I was gifted by my

neighbors after running multiple errands for them. My
brother and I needed to raise money to buy the CD and
TV connectors to enjoy our PlayStation console. I guess
that’s where the hustle started.
Going to school, we were given 30 naira each before we
graduated to senior secondary, our allowance was later
increased to 50 naira daily. We would save almost every
penny so we can buy up something by the weekend.

When the money wasn’t enough, I had to create jobs for

myself. In the morning, I would wash my neighbors cars.
One of them was a cheerful giver, he would remit N200
Naira to me before driving out for work while the other
appreciated with the words of mouth.

I am telling you this to let you know how I had to work for

It didn’t change when I got older, I needed to find a new

hustle. In life, you need to always find a way for yourself
in order to survive, that was my belief, you also need to
do the same.

This was my mindset. So what exactly is this thing called

mindset ?
In my first book titled "Mindset Boost", I defined mindset
as a set of belief systems that governs the way we think
and act, sponsored by our experience.

My experience of always working hard to get what I want

alone has steadily sponsored my thinking patterns and
actions but is that the right type of mindset to possess ?
As I write this book, right now, is that what I still feel?

Of Course yes. If I didn’t discipline myself to write this

book, you will never read this and there wouldn’t be a
trace of transformation to your life or influence for me.

If you have money today, it is definitely because you’ve

decided to put in the necessary work. Even though this
generation tries to sugar coat hard work with soft work,
there’s one thing that never changes and that is WORK.

The mindset you should install in your mind right now is

that, Nothing works until you work it out.

Your books will not write itself, your skill will not sell
itself, your body will not get clean itself. There's a need
for participation from your end.

There is something called strategic work. Strategic work

is working strategically on a plan. Most people work
randomly and that’s called shadow boxing.

Any football team that goes to the football pitch without

a plan is likely to fail woefully because there’s no
universal formula for every battle.

That is why strategic work is very important. To help you

plan strategically, you must develop a certain kind of
mindset that is in accordance with your mission and
some of the factors that will help you are;

1. Your environment
2. Your human interaction
3. The information you access

Let’s quickly look at how these three factors affect your


1. Your environment: If you take a bottle of water at

room temperature and put it in a cold ice freezer,
what will happen after a while ? That bottle of water
begins to take the properties of that freezer. It could
get iced or extremely cold. Do you agree with me on
this ?

What about if you put an iced chilled bottle of water

under the sun for hours, what do you think will happen ?
The iced water cannot change the temperature of the
sun no matter what, the sun will change the state of that
iced water undoubtedly.

That’s how the environment works, if you aim for the

greatest, you need to find where greatness is and align
yourself in that environment and you’ll find out that over
time, greatness will become part of you.
Before writing this book that you are currently reading, I
had to stay in a zone of writers to get the requisite
knowledge that will help me put a good book together.

When you stay in the right place, you’ll meet the right

Before now, I usually hung out on social media just for

chatting until I joined educational groups. My focus
shifted to someone who was hungry for knowledge and
also someone who wanted to give back to the people.

So, If you must advanced mentally, then you should

consider the kind of place you stay, because your
environment has a huge role to play in forming your

2. Your human interaction: I owe part of my success in

life to the association I keep. Tony Robbins said,
"Who you spend time with, is who you will become".
I always agree with Tony Robbins because it is true.
I Started spending time with highly successful
people in the industry, I was vying to contend for
relevance in.

The more I hung around highly intelligent people that

knew what I wanted to know, I started operating with the
same reality over time.
At that point in my life, I was so broke I had no money to
buy the necessary things I needed to keep my life
moving forward and to make me happy as well. What
helped me wasn't talking about my problems every
single day, rather what helped me was associating with
my good friends who were already operating in financial

No time with the advices, I was getting on top of my own

game, getting results in the area I needed results in.
This has been One of my formula for advancement and
I’m so glad that I came to realize this.

3. The information you access: Truly, the information

you access has the ability to make you be, who you
want to be. One of the things that aid me to be who
I am today, aside staying in the right environment
and hanging out with the right people is information
from the books I read, the videos I watch, audio
recordings I listen to.

The information you get from your everyday life will

make and build your mindset. So that is why I am so
careful with what I watch and read.

I don’t read or watch anything that could threaten my

mentality to betraying my aspirations, for the Bible says,
as a man thinks in his heart, so he is.
Chapter 2
Skills of the 21st century that can make you rich

A skill is what you know how to do. Playing the

keyboard, dancing, playing football, running fast, writing,
etc are all examples of skills.

When we talk about skills of the new age that can make
you rich, we are talking about HIGH INCOME skills.

What are high income skills ? High income skills are

skills that can earn you high income by just learning it
and doesn’t take so long to learn.

High income skills pay high because there are high

demand for these skills but few people rendering them
and the law of demand says the higher the demand, the
higher the price. There’s also an economic law that says
the lower the supplier, the higher the price.

There are lots of people, who know how to run fast, play
the keyboard, dance well and all, but there are lesser
people who do some of the things I’ll be mentioning in
this chapter.

I’ll be listing some high income skills at the end of this

chapter but before then I want to tell you how high
income skills boosted my finances for good.
During the pandemic, I was literally confused about what
to do since every physical work had been paused. The
money I had was all going down and nothing came in.

When I realized that I would soon be broke, I decided to

learn a skill. I attended trainings and seminars to gain
knowledge about a particular skill. After months of
training, one day, I decided to take the bulls by the horn
and start up a skill called Information marketing.

I call this skill the mother of all high income skills. I call it
this because, anything you want to venture into,
knowledge and information has to give birth to that

Information marketing is all about turning knowledge to

money by creating products or programs that can
convey the message you want to pass.

For example, Let’s say you are naturally good at Public

speaking and you want to make money from it. The
easiest way to do that is to teach it. When you create a
program that teaches people public speaking, interested
people will pay to learn and at the end of the day you
are going home with money made by just turning your
skills into information that can help people, when you
continuously do this, you can become very rich.
That’s what I did, for a person who has never made 6
figures before, with information marketing I made almost
half a million in 3 weeks and that was massive for me.

Here are high income skills that can make you rich;

1. Information marketing
2. Digital marketing
3. Affiliate marketing
4. Graphics design
5. Software development
6. Sales skill
7. Copywriting
8. Media buying
9. Public speaking
10. E- Commerce

I listed just 10 of them but there are more. You can do

your research on each of this skills or you can get my
book that talks about "20 High Income Skills Of Today."
in that book, I talked about how you can learn all the
skills above and start earning immediately.

In this book, I'm picking out, one of all the skills

mentioned, to talk on it thoroughly. Why I picked out
information marketing is because you can venture into it
today and see the result almost immediately and you
can use this skill to give birthday to any other skill.
Chapter 3
Knowing what to sell online, that can make you rich.

Before going into any business, it is important to do your

research. Doing proper research will help you know
what people want and if you will thrive.

The worst thing you can do for yourself is setting up a

business that nobody wants to buy. Let that not be you,
please. In this chapter, you’ll learn all you need to know
before entering any market.

It is important you know what works for you before going

into it. You need to know if the business you are trying to
venture can match your personality, here are some
questions to ask;

1. You need to identify your hobbies and list them out.

Personally, I love writing, I love teaching, I love public

speaking, I love organizing and managing things, I enjoy
swimming, playing games, I also love marketing and
business related topic and I love selling.

2. What skill do you currently have?

My friend Victor, he is so good in mathematics, he

graduated with first class from my department. He
wanted to become a lecturer until he developed a skill in
Ecommerce that’s giving him a lot of money on a daily

It is important you identify what skill you have, to know

where you are currently.

3. What do you do effortlessly?

Is there something you derive pleasure doing even if you

just woke up from a deep sleep? As for me, I derive so
much joy talking about business, marketing and
entrepreneurship in general. Everyday people ask me
different questions on this areas and I effortlessly
dispense value to them with joy.

4. What do you hate so much that you think you can


For me, I hate poverty with all my heart and soul and I
wish to do everything possible to educate the people
around me out of poverty.

I want you to honestly answer those questions in a book,

list them out. This will help you pick exactly where you
will function well, in the categories I’m about to mention

Choosing your niche

What is a niche?
Niche is a specialize category of a market.

Here are the three biggest niche;

1. Health and Fittness

2. Dating and relationships
3. Finance, business and marketing

This three niches are the biggest and it’s easier to make
it so big in this industry and cash out faster and quicker
provided you have done your own part of the job.

There are other that are great like Travel, career, food
and personal development, We will come to that.

The next thing that may come to your mind is how to

start any of these.

Before you start, it’s is important you narrow down your

niche and identify specific kind of people that will be
interested in what you are offering.

To make it so clear and easy for you, I've listed several

sub niches within the three industries I mentioned.

Health & Fitness

(1) Fat Loss (2) Alternative Medicine/Natural
Healing (3) Any Specific Health Problem - cancer,
fibroid, high blood pressure, diabetes, sleeplessness,
beauty, etc. (4) Fertility (5) Stress management (6)
Body building (7) Wellness

Relationships & Dating

(1) Dating (2) Marriage (3) Sexuality (4) Divorce (5)
Networking (6) Romance

Business & Money

(1) Real Estate (2) Foreign Exchange (3) Investing (4)
Retirement (5) Starting a Business (6) Making Money
(7) Marketing (8) Time Management (9) Business
Opportunities (10) Investing Abroad (11) Asset
Relocation (12) Business Registration, (13)Negotiation
(14) Imports (15) Exports (16) Real
Estate (17) Stocks/Equities (18) Sales (19) Debt (20)
Loans (21) Event Planning (22) Book
keeping/Accounting (21) Writing/Publishing

These are the big three. Others include:

(1) Visa Issues (2) Emigration (3) Second Passports
(4) Vacations

Computers and Internet

(1) Web design (2) Software (3) Mobile Apps (4) SMS
services (5) Email services (6) Programming
(1) CV writing (2) Job Application (3) Interview
Processing (4) Salary Raises

Family Life
(1) Parenting skills (2) Child potty training

(1) Foreign Study (2) Home Schooling (3) Online
Tutoring (4) Languages (5) Test Prep/Certification

Study Guides
(1) Dog Training (2) Cat Training (3) Parrot Training
(4) Dog Healthcare (5) Cat Healthcare (6) Parrot
Healthcare (7) General Pet Healthcare

Self Improvement
(1) Success Mindset training (2) Neuro-Linguistic
Programming - NLP (3) Mind Power (4) Self defense
(5) Public Speaking

(1) Betting (2) Football (3) Basketball (4) Martial arts
(5) Any other sport

(1) Sewing (2) Crafts (3) Alternative energy (4)
Automobiles (5) Interior design (6) Music - Piano,
Guitar, etc

(1) Cooking & Recipes) (2) Gardening (3) Farming

(1) Makeup (2) Grooming (3) Fashion

(1) Christianity (2) Astrology (3) EFT

These are just samples of sub niche, your job is to do a

thorough research and see which one works for you,
learn the implementation strategy and apply.

Before you go into anyone, make sure you do your

analysis to see if there are potential audience.

There are three rules I’ve outlined for you before you go
into any market;

1. Don’t choose a niche except there is a demand

for it.

It is important to know if there is a demand for your

product before even deciding to sell. It’s not diligent for
you to just assume that people will patronize you.
To know that there’s a demand for what you are offering,
here are the things you can do;

1. Ask a mentor or friend who is in the online industry

if what you are about to do is a good idea.
Check google AdWords to check the keywords of
what you are going into to see if people are
searching to read about it. (
2. Upload on your social media to see if it will attract
potential customers.
3. Run a demo ads campaign and check the
conversion rate.
4. Guage demand to see if interested customers are

You can decide to use any of the five options as an

indicator to check if what you intend to offer is in

2. It is risky to be the first in that market

It is a risky deal to be the first person to do what you are

about to do. Although it may work, it’s alway more
secure to see someone doing what you intend to do and
getting results before you jump into that market.

● Facebook copied Myspace

● Startimes copied DSTV
● Whatsapp copied BBM
● Apple copied IBM

It’s easier to go into a market that there are customers

and embrace competition than to reinvent the wheel.

3. Do you really like your Niche

For you to be very successful in your internet business,

you must really love what you are doing. I tried out some
businesses I didn’t really like in the past like coding and
even though I was making money, it looked like stress to

To achieve so much business success, you need to

make sure the niche you venture into is something you
Chapter 4
Finding the right audience for your business

All businesses thrive with customers. My business is

thriving because of my customers, which is you reading
this book right now. Your own business will also thrive
when your ideal customers are accessing your offer.

Just as food is so important to humans, that’s how the

right audience is important to any business. The

Let’s examine the differences between customers and

audience. An Audience is a group of people that are
interested in what you do while customers are people
that buy from you.

For you to thrive in online businesses, you need to have

an audience that will eventually convert to customers as
long as your offers are appealing enough to make them
take the giant stride.

There are two questions to answer for you to get the

right customers, which are ;

1. What’s the characteristics of my dream customers?

2. Where can I find them?
Once you answer this question and you take the
necessary actions to approach them, then add impact to
people that will value it then making money becomes



One afternoon, my friend Victoria sent me a message on

Facebook, she asked if I could advertise her modeling
agency to see if interested people from
My contact list will join.

I told her that Alvin and Esther wouldn’t be interested in

what you are trying to advertise and she said if those
two weren’t interested, others will.

I smiled because I knew she didn’t understand. I then

explained to her that Alvin and Esther don't exist in the
physical form, she wondered what I was saying then I
explained more.

I told her Alvin and Esther represent my customer avatar

and she asked what that means.

I told her, a Customer avatar is a representation of a

business' ideal customers.
For example, my ideal customers are interested in
anything online business, funnel creation, information
marketing, crypto currency, copywriting, affiliate
marketing etc

I explained further that my ideal customer will not be

interested in her modeling agency because they are not
models and modeling doesn’t match their

For you to get the right audience, you need to create a

customer avatar for your business with, clarity. This will
help you create products that will solve their problems.

If you don’t have a customer avatar, then your business

can be regarded as directionless because when you
don’t take identifying your dream customers serious by
creating a customer avatar then anybody is your
customers and that’s not healthy.

When I started out my business, I didn’t really have a

customer avatar until I read a book just like the one you
are reading now then I took action immediately and
that's how I was able to make good 6 figures in my first
Ebook sale.


When I started out as an internet marketer, I noticed
there were some people that were adored in the
industry. They adored those people because they were
always bringing value to the table.

So I knew that if I must command and attract a certain

kind of influence I must be a person of value. If you
spinkle sugar in a particular surrounding, there’s a
possibility of an army of Ants coming to feast on the
sugar in that area but you must make sure you are
throwing your hook in the right environment.

The right environment to attract the kinds of people you

are looking for, are where the people you adore are,
they have your audience. If you do the same thing they
are doing, you’ll also attract that same level of capacity
to yourself in no distant time.

Firstly, you need to identify who is doing what you want

to do, where they are and where they do it.

Secondly, you need to do the same thing they do to

authorize that same level of influence for yourself

When I discovered this formula, I started giving value to

the tribe of the people I adored, I started with Facebook.
I joined almost every group that already had audience
and I joined the top people to give out value. After my
post, some people sent me messages and commended
me, then I took them to my whatsapp where they can
see my status to see my latest products and freebies.

Your audience can be on Instagram or YouTube, all you

have to do is to follow the top people you admire,
comment on their post and give value as well.

The next chapter will tell you how you can grow your
brand by being an authority.
How to become an authority

What does becoming an authority really mean? Some

years ago, I was really popular on Facebook for giving
value in the area of business and finance but I was
really broke.

My life changed when I understood that becoming an

authority can change the perception of my brand. I will
be telling you what I did to earn the authority status
shortly, but before then let’s understand what authority
really means.

Our authority equation can help us understand who an

authority really is

Authority = Expertise + Visibility + Personality

An authority is someone who has a vast knowledge on a

particular subject. For one to be an expert, that shows
one has mastered a particular subject well but knowing
alone doesn’t qualify you for the authority status, your
message and your products are also factors that certify
you to be an authority.

Expertise – People turn to authorities again and again

because of the quality, depth, and clarity of advice that
they offer on a regular basis. Becoming a valuable
resource is vital to your success as an authority.

Visibility – Even if you offer excellent advice week after

week, it will do you no good if it isn’t seen. An authority
needs to strategically position his or her content to reach
as many people as possible.

Personality – It’s easy to get lost in creating and

promoting content and entirely forget to sound human.
People want to listen to someone they like, not an
emotionless drone. By mixing in humor, personal
touches, and focusing on creating a persona that people
like, you can build a strong relationship with your

If you say you are an expert in talking about finance,

what product do you have to validate your claim ?

Without a product, you are only an aspirant to authority.

Your product can be physical or digital. It could be a
book, an app, a software, a course or something that
solves an already existing problem.

Before you are certified with a university degree at any

level, you do project work.
Being an authority can attract so much good for you.
You’ll have access to impact lives, build your influence
and also make so much money by doing so.

When I wrote my first book, I got a lot of reviews on how

I transformed lives and it pleased me so much. A
product is a validation for being an authority provided
you worked on that course by yourself.

10 ways to become an authority in your niche

1. Build your brand - You cannot be grand, if you don’t

have a solid brand.

I’m sure you must have heard so much about branding

yourself. Brand is your identity, what people know you

For you to be an authority you need to be a BRAND

B - Best: To be the best you need to be highly skilled

and competent at what you do. When you are the best,
you will be sought after. Be intentional about being the
best by reading, listening and practicing.

R - Reliable: Being consistently good in delivering

quality can give your brand trust. Reliability means being
able to deliver the same quality of result over and over
again. You can take KFC for example, the taste of their
chicken in Abuja is the same as the taste of their
chicken in Lagos.

A - Available: Are you always there when your audience

need you ? Do you consistently give your audience
value? You need to keep doing what you are known for
and not being off and on.

N - New: Always update yourself and your brand as a

whole so you can always give your audience the new
trends. Update and upgrade.

D - Discipline: As a brand, it is important you uphold

your values and not compromise at a slight chance.
Don’t change prices to fit status, let your price be your

2. Share great content in your niche : To be a solid

brand, you need to keep your audience informed
with your brand always.

When you share with your audience and resonate with

them, it becomes easier for you to pass your message
and for them to buy from you as well.

3. Grow your social media following: Having a lot of

followings on your social media makes you to be
perceived more as an authority.
Even though a massive following is not equal to a
massive bank account, the perception is very important
because when you are followed, it’s an indication that
you are of high value to people.

4. Network with other authorities in your niche:

Networking brings growth.

When two or more brands work together, there is an

exchange of audience and that’s a good way of growing
your audience.

5. Publish books in your niche: Becoming an author is

one of the fastest ways to be in authority status, in
any niche.

Write a book and express your conviction in a subject,

sell it or give it free of charge.

6. Create valuable video: the world is really going from

text to audio and from audio to video and you
cannot afford to miss the party.

After recording, host your videos on YouTube or other

free video hosting social media platforms. Ensure your
video is quality and has the right message before
7. Host free training programs: Hosting free training on
your social media status is a good way to grow into
authority status.

It’s one of the ways that has personally helped me grow

in my visibility, it will help you too.

8. Host private podcast: Podcasts are very easy to

create and it will help you move to authority status
when you know what to do.

It’s all about choosing a podcast platform like Anchor fm,

recording, editing and publishing in a fine manner.

9. Answer questions: When you post online and your

audience ask you questions, always try to reply.

Providing answers to questions is one of the ways to

use your authority online. Your audience will perceive
you as a human being and that is good for your brand.

10. Be everywhere: Make yourself seen, on TV,

heard on radio, news paper, on blogs.

Leverage the media to promote you, some people listen

to radio more, some watch TV while some use social
media. Diversify your content to be more heard.
Chapter 6
Turn your knowledge into money

This is my favourite chapter, understanding everything

you are about to read right now and taking the
necessary action will produce results almost

We know that an asset is anything that has the ability to

put money in your pocket while liability is what takes
money out.

There are several types of asset namely;

1. Property asset
2. Business (Cashflow or capital gain)
3. Intellectual property
4. Stocks and bond
5. Digital money

Kindly answer this question, What asset do you have

right now that has the ability to put money in your

Maybe your answer is any of these 5 types of asset, if

yes, congratulations but if you don’t have any of these 5
assets, there’s one that doesn’t need so much external
capital at first and it was the one that made me, my first
6 figures and guess which one it is; Intellectual
Property aka Skills.

This book is centered on how to make money that can

keep you wealthy, from your skills. Every other business
can be taken from you but your knowledge cannot be
taken from you.

What skill do you have that can make you money as well
as impact lives and make impact ?

I became intentional about acquiring skills in 2017, the

first skill I learnt was graphics design and after designing
my first work, I uploaded it online and got a contract
immediately, it was an international client who opted to
pay me $10 for a flier for his program.

I quickly did the job and delivered and I was paid

instantly. I was wowed by how one design can open
doors for me. I also used that skill for some
organizations I belonged to and even though I wasn’t
always paid, I used that medium to train myself to be
better, and truly, I got better everyday.

I moved on to learn another skill called data analysis

and research writing, I got clients immediately and I was
paid heavily for doing assignments and writing projects
for people.
Anytime I learn a skill, I always make money from it
almost immediately. I went ahead to learn information
marketing through free and paid training and that was it.

With this skill, I am able to impact the world to any

extent as long as I have the requisite knowledge that
appeals to the audience I am trying to reach. Making an
impact is one of my goals and I put it in front of making
money but money always finds a way to meet me.

I’ve also built influence from teaching people how to

monetize their knowledge, the amazing thing is that I
have results for myself and the people that consult me.

I get paid while doing this as well, that means in this

business, I am able to make an impact on my targeted
audience, influence them to make the right decisions
and also make money by doing so.

For you to make money from your skill, there are some
things you must do at the start up phase, which are;

1. Identify the skill you intend to learn.

2. Find where you can learn that skill.
3. Find people in the industry doing what you want to
do and getting results.
4. Start consuming the materials of successful people.
5. Attend training, buy books and courses.
6. Vie for mentorship
7. Take action immediately.

When I was starting out, these were the exact steps I

took to build my foundation. You can start by identifying
the market you want to go into, we already talked about
niche in the early chapters of this book, refer to that
chapter and strictly choose a market.

Find where you can learn this skills, you can search the
keywords of the skill you want to learn on Social media
or some blogs. On your journey, you’ll find people who
have talked about the things you want to learn. You can
locate their social media to see if they are credible
enough to teach you.

If they are, then find their materials and possibly buy

them. It’s always good to learn from the masters, it will
save you years of going back and forth.

One of the things that has helped me to achieve what I

have achieved and what I will still achieve is my pursuit
for knowledge especially from the right source.

Knowledge is light, this reminds me of one night when I

woke up to search for my clothes, it was a dark room
and even though the clothes I was looking for, was
before me, I was confused and started questioning if I
was actually picking up the right clothes I needed at that
time. I decided to use the torch from my phone and
immediately, I saw what I was looking for. This story will
tell you that no matter how accurate you think you are,
you still need light to be sure.

Mentorship is another thing you should vie for. Also

know that who mentors you matters. If you are mentored
by a king, he is grooming you for kingship too, if you are
mentored by an average person, you’ll be average too
that is why it is important to investigate to see if the
person you are aspiring to be like has results.

One of the easiest ways to be mentored by the person

you admire, is to volunteer to making that person's work
easier. Everyone needs a helping hand and if you can
be of great importance to your mentor, you will gain
unrestricted access and also learn.

Most importantly, Take action because nothing happens

until you work it out. A good plan is rubbish without
action. Someone who doesn’t have a plan and takes
action is better than you that knows much yet you don’t
take any action at all.

Don’t just be a consumer, be a producer. Do not be too

comfortable in consumption alone, the money is in the
productive actions you will take.
You may be asking, what actions should I take to start
making money after all the consumption of the right
knowledge from the right people.

Here is what you should do;

1. Create a product
2. Create an offer
3. Create a sales process
4. Generate leads
5. Convert/Close

In the next few chapters, I will be teaching you exactly

what to do to create a product, an offer, generate leads
and convert.
Chapter 7
Create a product

Becoming rich starts with a product you have to offer. A

product that solves a particular kind of problem will keep
selling until that problem doesn’t exist anymore.

In order to become rich you must create a product that

solves a problem. The reason why most people don’t
sell their product like they want to, is because they
create first before checking if people actually need what
they want.

You cannot sell water to someone who has a working

borehole system but you can sell water to a thirsty man
in the desert and he will pay any amount.

When there is a high demand for what you are selling,

sales are inevitable, provided marketing remains

People will give you a round of applause for your value

but they will give you their money for your product
provided it is needed and useful.

I use to be a very valuable person, giving great content

on the streets of Facebook and Instagram yet nobody
paid me until I wrote a book that educated people about
As basic as that topic is, I used it to make my first six

Steps to create a product

1. Pick a niche
2. Research the problem of that niche
3. Check if there is an audience for that problem.
4. Outline the problem and the market size.
5. Research the solution
6. Create a product that solves that problem. Eg book,
course, webinar etc
7. Market your products
8. Close the sales.

This is the simple way I and others have created a

problem solving product. For example, this book you are
reading is a problem solving product that is teaching you
how to make money from your skill. Before this book
came to life, I did numerous research to know if there’s a
demand for the information I’m about to document.

When I found out there was a need, I quickly created

this product and I’m sure you have learnt one or two
things by now from this book.

Here’s an example of the 8 steps I mentioned above.

Let’s say you are a crypto enthusiast and you perceive a
lot of people have almost zero understanding of how
cryptocurrency works.

Since you’ve picked your niche which is finance and

your sub niche which is cryptocurrency, remember I
taught you about niche and sub niche.

The next thing you should do after you’ve picked a

niche, a sub niche, you’ve identified the problem and the
audience that needs it. Your job now is to outline the
problems like this ;

- What is cryptocurrency ?
- What are the types of cryptocurrency?
- How does it work ?
- How can I make money from it ?
- How can I trade it ?
- How can I invest ?

By doing this, you are answering your customers'

questions and giving them actionable steps.

The next thing to do is to market your products to the

right audience. I will teach you that In the coming

Once you’ve been able to answer your customers'

problems, you have gained authority status and there
are benefits to that.
Types of products
1. Physical products: These are products that you can
see and feel physically. Example : Phone, cake,
pen, orange, fish etc

2. Digital products: These are products you can see

but can’t touch. Example: Ebook, Webinar,
Software, Courses, audio programs, template,
membership site etc.

Benefit of having a product

1. Potential customers begin to see you as a problem
2. You become an authority.
3. You will make an impact with your product provided
it has the information people need.
4. You will become a person of influence.
5. You will make money from your product.

That’s the number one step on how to get rich.

Chapter 8
Create an irresistible offer

One of the greatest ways to make money fast from your

products is to turn it into an irresistible offer.

In today’s world, an average internet marketer sells

products but someone who’s well equipped on how to
sell online sells offers.

I saw an amazing pair of eyewear online from a vendor.

That eyewear was valued at N15,000 delivery fee
exclusive and I was about ordering it until I saw
something similar.

Another vendor was selling at 19,500 with free delivery,

24hours delivery rate, pay on delivery, a free body spray
and awesome packaging.

Guess the one I went for, I went for the one that was
priced N19,500. The offer was so compelling that I
couldn’t resist and it made me love the product more
even though I initially loved the one of N15,000.

I just wanted to cheat the seller by grabbing the offer

before the time elapsed. It was Delivered to me and I
loved the glasses so much and all the benefits that
came with it, that is the definition of an offer.
The product was the eyewear, the offer was the
eyewear, free delivery, 24hours delivery, money back
guarantee, pay on delivery, free body spray.

Many people think selling a product cheap will get them

more sales, that is not entirely true.

Infact, selling a product too cheap makes the customer

begin to doubt the authenticity of it but adding more
incentives will increase the perceived value and make it
almost impossible for a customer who needs that
problem solving product to resist.

Offers help to increase the perceived value of a product.

In any product there is an offer.

Reasons why people buy your offer

1. Fear of missing out

2. Recognition
3. Know, like or trust
4. Comfort
5. Personal development
6. Necessity
7. Addiction
8. Greed

Factors to consider when crafting out your offer

1. It should solve a problem
2. Include Bonuses
3. It should contain the greed element
4. Induce scarcity and urgency
5. Include social proof in your advertising
6. Show testimony
7. Sell the destination

How to craft out offers

1. Product 1(Human hair) - Let’s say this human hair is

placed at N120,000.

For you to have a good irresistible offer, you can add

something like - Free shampoo, Free wigging, free hair
oil, free hair perfume, free condition, free delivery,
money back guarantee.

After adding all these benefits, if you take the price to

N135,000, the customer will still prefer it to N120,000 for
only the hair. (Physical product)

2. Product 2 (Ebook on finance) - let’s say this Ebook

is valued at N3000.

You can increase the value of the ebook by making it an

offer. Let’s say the name of the book is to make 1
millionaire in 20days or less.
You can add Free 30 minutes consulting after purchase,
free mentorship, 20% discount for any of my courses,
free workbook, money back guarantee.

After adding this offer, you can increase the price to

N5,000 and people will gladly pay. (Digital product)

That’s how to create an irresistible offer. You can create

your own offers depending on the nature of your
business. Always be mindful of the risk in marketing
offers, make sure it is something that doesn’t cost you
Chapter 9
Create an online sales process

When I launched my first digital product, I understood

that the success of a launch has a lot to do with the
system of distribution in place. Without a working
system, the customer's experience to acquire your book
may look tiring.

I’ve bought a lot of digital products and everyone I

bought had a unique distribution channel, that’s to tell
you how flexible it is to formulate a distribution channel
for yourself but in this chapter, I’ll be telling you some of
the effective ways to distribute your digital products that
wouldn’t be so stressful for your customers to acquire.

1. Whatsapp selling strategy: Whatsapp is a widely

used instant messaging app that a lot of people are
using it to sell now.

Once you master the art of selling on whatsapp, you will

experience massive sales provided you have the right

Four basic ways you can get traffics/sell through

whatsapp are;

1. Whatsapp status
2. Direct messaging
3. Group meetings
4. Broadcast message

1. Whatsapp status: A lot of people will be able to see

your status as long as you have their numbers
saved on your phone and your number saved on
their phone.

So imagine you have 5,000 kinds of people’s numbers

saved on your phone, that means over 3000 will
definitely see your status if not more, and making sales
it’s all about driving traffic.

The more people that see your offer, the likelihood of

conversion that will happen.

2. Direct messaging: This is an effective way to also

close a sale or promote your product. All you need
to do is to send a detailed text of what you are
offering. Don’t make it voluminous, you can add
emojis and also give spaces to make it easy for
people to read your offer to the end and possibly
take action

3. Group meetings: This is the housing of interested

audiences in a whatsapp group that has the ability
to accommodate a maximum amount of 256 people.
When you send a message more than one people
sees it, everyone in the group sees it. It can save
you time rather than chatting each person one by

4. Broadcast message: This is the creation of list of a

certain type of audience on whatsapp, for example;
you can create a list for everyone you just added to
your contact list and send them a personalized
message to a maximum of 256 people with just one

All these whatsapp strategies are effective depending on

how you use them.

2. Instagram sales strategy: there two effective ways to

sell on Instagram:

1. Using Insta stories

2. Using Insta bio

1. Using Insta stories: This feature is restricted to

people with 10k followers, they have the ability to
share links on their stories. It’s a great way to drive
traffic to offers

2. Insta bio: Anyone can use this feature just by

placing a link on their bio to drive traffic to their
3. Instadirect messaging: Another way to sell your
affiliate product on Instagram is to promote the
affiliate link via people’s DM. By your discretion you
should know who finds your offer appealing, don’t
just send your link to anyone.

3. YouTube selling strategy: I have personally bought

some product using this method I’ll be telling you now.
This strategy entails giving value through video content
on YouTube. You can use your video to explain your
offer then place the links on the description and inform
viewers to take advantage of your offer.

4. Sales funnel: This method of selling has made me

and so many people a lot of money and it is proven to
be trusted provided you know your onions well. This is
the act of taking potential customers on a journey to
explain what you are offering. It could be in the form of a
sales page (Text , graphics or video).

6. Facebook ads: Over 1 billion people use Facebook

and it’s a great tool to drive traffic to your offer directly or
to your sales page just by running a paid advertisement
with Facebook.

7. Email building strategy: With this strategy, you can

send personalized email to people but you must first
persuade people to give you their emails. One of the
ways to get people's email is to give them a gift that they
can only access through their email. After which, you
can send them personalized messages about your offer.
Let your lead magnet correlate with your offer so you
can get the best set of people to talk to about your

This are sales strategies that have been tested and

trusted, you can use them to generate massive income
with Affiliate marketing.
Chapter 10
Lead generation

Lead generation is all about driving traffic to your offer.

Like I said earlier in this book, there’s no business
without customers. A business on its own cannot stand.
A business without customers is like a car without fuel, it
cannot move anywhere no matter how sophisticated the
car is.

If you run an online business or you intend to start one,

knowing how to generate leads is a win for you. You will
keep cashing out provided your offers are good enough
for your audience.

Lead generation is all about turning strangers to lovers.

Once people love you, there’s a high rate of them doing
whatever you ask them to. The goal of generating leads
is to make a purchase, never forget that. When people
buy from you once, they are likely to buy again and

When I wanted to launch my first book, I started with

friends and family because I didn’t know how to
generate leads from Cold traffic.

The goal was to turn every friend or family that attended

my digital launch to buy from me. Although then, I only
had a product and not an offer, yet it still sold like crazy
and made me 6 figures. When your audience love you,
the limitations will be minimized to the barest minimum.

What if you are just a stranger to people, what’s the

possibility of them buying from you?

In this chapter, you will learn how to turn an absolute

stranger to an obsessed buyer of your products. Let’s
look at the types of traffic.

Types of traffic
There are three types of traffic;

1. Cold traffic
2. Warm traffic
3. Hot traffic

Cold traffic: People that have never heard or seen you

before, never experienced what you offer, never read
your books and don’t know what you stand for, can be
regarded to as cold traffic.

Warm traffic: This set of people have heard you, read

your books, understand what you stand for, attended
one or two of your trainings.

Hot traffic: This set of people have heard you, they like
you, they love you , they trust you. This kind of people
are like wizkid FC that always love your products. They
are your die hard fan.

The goal is to move your cold traffic to warm traffic and

warm to hot. You can do that by adding value to their
lives consistently. Love is induced by giving.

Benefits of lead generation

1. You wouldn’t need so much persuasion to make a

sale because your audience already know you.

2. To build your email list so you can reach them

anytime you want through email which they are
likely to read.

3. Your leads will help you generate more leads when

you ask them to help you.

4. Your leads will increase your social media


How to generate leads

There’s no leads without value, people will follow you

because of the value they can get from you. Value is
anything that helps solve a problem. If I am stranded on
my way and someone gives me a ride to my destination
or where I will find it easier to arrive at my destination. I
will never forget that person and I will always look for a
way to please the person. Value can come in any form
provided it solves a problem. Value on the online scene
can be regarded as something called Lead magnet.

A lead magnet is a piece of content that appeals to the

group of people you are trying to attract.

Let’s look at how we can generate leads and cloth our

values into digital assets.

1. Content marketing: content marketing is all about

giving valuable information on your social media
handle, whatsapp status, Facebook account,
Groups, pages, blogs and any place that your
potential audience may be.

Once they see how valuable your content are, they will
want to know more about you by following you for more
contents. If you have a call to action like sending them to
another platforms to take a specific action, provided your
content is valuable, they will do what you asked.

Content marketing is very powerful, it’s a reflection of

who you are and the values you represent.

Content marketing can also be applied in;

● Facebook groups
● Blog comment
● Blog guest post
● Twitter
● Instagram
● LinkedIn etc

All you have to do is to post problem solving contents

with a call to action.

2. Free E-book: Free Ebook is one of the ways I’ve

used to generate leads on my email list. I notice a
lot of people were finding it difficult to understand
what affiliate marketing is. So I wrote a free guide
about affiliate marketing and offered it to people for
free in exchange for their email address. A lot of
people got it and I have access to everyone who
took action. I can always send them more offers
anytime I want.

3. Free whatsapp class: whatsapp class is another

way I’ve generated free traffic for myself. To begin
with, I host a helpful class to solve a problem of my
audience, then I offer them gifts if they help me
promote the class on their status or other social
media, in addition I teach the class and give
massive value. Furthermore, I ask them to save my
number to know more about my upcoming training
or I can offer them a free book to get when they
give me their emails. If I get over 300 people for my
whatsapp classes, at least 100 people will take
action by subscribing for my email list or adding my
number or take other actions.

4. Influencer marketing: There are people who has the

audience you are looking for and if they market your
program or offers, their audience are likely to take

When I was promoting my free affiliate guide, I used this

means to generate massive leads for my offer. All social
media platforms have influencers, your job is to find
them and negotiate with them. This method is very

5. Offer referral bonus or incentive: If someone helps

promote your paid offer, you can offer them a
certain percentage.

If you don’t have the whole audience you are looking for,
you can leverage on the audience of other people by
giving a them an agreed referral bonus.

6. Social media advertising: Social media advertising

has now become big because of the number of
people on the internet space.

You can advertise your offers using;

● Facebook ads
● Instagram ads
● Twitter ads
● YouTube ads
● Google ads
● LinkedIn ads etc

7. Free webinar: Organizing free webinars on useful

topics can help you generate leads. Your webinar
can be hosted on;

● YouTube
● Facebook
● Instagram
● Zoom

Attendees of your webinars may likely subscribe to your

channel, email list or depending on the call to action.

Whatever lead generation strategy you are making use

of, always have a call to action.
Chapter 11
Convert leads aka close

Closing is an important skill that every one who sells

something must learn. Without knowing how to close,
your awesome products and offers will never leave your
hands. It is almost impossible to make money online
without understanding the process of closing.

What exactly is closing?

Closing is the finalization of a deal. I wrote a very good

book, I made an offer by adding more incentives from
just getting my book, I generated massive leads in my
email list, I wrote awesome sales copy that compelled
people to swipe their cards, people did and I was
credited and it goes on and on.

Let’s notice the sequence of my success, firstly, I

created a product which I already talked about, I created
an offer, I also drove traffic to my offer and the next thing
was to close the deal.

For you to be able to close a deal, there must be a

conversation and that will determine the potential
buyer’s action. In that conversation, there is a must for
trigger words in the right sequence that will persuade the
potential buyer to take the decision you want to be
Closing is regarded as the number one skill everyone
who wants to make money must have.

To close online, you must understand copywriting. What

is copywriting ? Copywriting is writing with the purpose
of persuading the target viewer of making a buying

Almost Everything you see online is copywriting, the

blog post that says click here to learn more, the buy now
button on website, the subscribe for my email list button
and many more.

Once it persuades you to make a decision, then there’s

an element of copywriting embedded in the sentence.
Copywriting is a closing process.

To be a good copywriter, there are some characteristics

you must possess, which are;

1. You must be a researcher: You must be able to

sense what your customers are looking for to be
able to meet their needs and serve them better,
speaking their language.

People don’t buy what they don’t need and the ability to
know what they need will give you an edge to solving
their problem.
2. You must be able to communicate emotionally:
people don’t care about what you sell until you care
about what they feel.

To get people to make the decision you want them to

take, you should not be focused on selling but rather on
helping your customers solve their problems.

3. You must be able to use the right words: Different

communication for different markets. Every industry
has its own words, from Real estate to financial
institutions to academic to low ticket offers and high
ticket offers.

A good copywriter knows how to use the right words for

its target customers.

4. You must be creative: Creativity is essential in

copywriting. The act of bring new styles from
already existing things that will make customers see
your offer as compelling is a unique copywriting

5. You must be persuasive: persuading is giving

someone a reason to take the decision you want.
There are some elements that helps you persuade
someone without looking so desperate. These
elements are words that compels potential buyers
to take an action almost immediately.
Nine trigger words that persuades a potential
customer to take a buying decision

For you to make a sale, it is important you market your

products intentionally, here are some words that triggers
potential buyers to take action in what ever you are

1. FREE: Almost everyone loves free things. You can

always give a free gift upwards before sales to build
credibility and trust. This will give the potential buyer
a sense of relaxation.

Giving is a great way to receive, if you must receive

money for a sale, then you should consider giving too.

2. NEW: Almost everyone loves new things, I love new

shoes, clothes, phone, etc. I feel good when I’m
opening the nylon of my new items.

That’s exactly how customers feel too, always include

new in your sales copy.

3. SECRET: How do you feel when someone tells you,

can I tell you a secret ? Let me guess, you feel
special right? That’s how your customer will feel
when you add this word in your copy.
Although this time they will have to take the decision you
want them to take in order for you to tell them the secret.

4. NOW: This is a trigger word that persuades a

potential buyer to take an action at that spot. Eg
“Click the button to buy NOW”.

5. PROMO: People always want the best deals out of

an offer, Promo is a cloth word you wear on your
offer. Eg This bag is N5,000 but the promo price is

6. YOU: Make people feel more important by

intentionally using the word you instead of I. Eg I
created this book just for you. How did that sound ?

7. EXCLUSIVE: The word exclusive is used to express

class, high ticket customers are interested in going
for premium so using this word speaks their

8. DISCOUNT: This one goes like promo, everyone

wants to get on the latest deals and get the best for
the best price. Discount makes it look like a certain
percentage has been chopped off the normal price.

9. RESEARCH: Adding research shows you’ve done

your homework and you’ve been able to come up
with the best solution. See how to use this word. Eg
Research has shown that only 2 out of 10 people
read books from cover to cover because of the tiny
font. This word makes you look like a professional
for doing your homework.
Chapter 12
Element of a sales letter

Sales letter literally changed the financial outcome of my

business. I closed more sales because I had a sales
letter that always came through for me, explaining in
detail what I was offering to my customer in an
understanding manner.

Sales letter is Salesman in written form. If you go to a

shop to buy a shirt, even though you know what you are
buying, you may want to ask some more questions and
More about the product you are about to pay for. A sales
letter does all the answering for you.

It is a persuasive letter constructed to trigger a potential

buyer to take a buying decision.

Most people will rather buy from someone who will give
them a detailed analysis about what they intend to
purchase than buy from a robot or an outlet that has no
provision for answering customer questions.

In this chapter, we are going to be talking about the

elements that make up a sales letter from start to finish
while the next chapter will teach you how to join these
elements together to produce a masterpiece.
A sales letter is made up of copywriting. Copyright and
copywriting are different, the former has to do with the
protection of intellectual property from third party users,
that’s not what we are going to be talking about. We are
talking about the latter that is Copywriting which means
persuasion in print.

Any kind of writing that is channelled to make you take a

decision is called copywriting. For example, let’s say you
want to sell this speaker in front of me right now on the
internet, how do you sell it? By words right ? Any word
that comes out from your mouth to persuade people to
buy is called copywriting.

There are ways to write a sales letter, it has to be done

systematically to make sense to your reader or listener
and here’s a universal formula you should adopt, it’s
called the AIDA copywriting formula.

A - Attention
I - Interest
D - Desire
A - Action

Let’s run through each and every one of them.

1. Attention: Assuming you want to sell your product

and you walk into a congregation full of different
How do you get them to listen to you? That’s how the
internet works, it’s full with a lot of people and
competitors and your ability to learn how to capture the
attention of people will give you a good chance of
becoming rich.

When talking about capturing attention in a sales letter,

A key factor to consider is the heading.

Your heading is what captures interest and make one

click to see what you have installed and you cannot
afford to leave money on the table with a basic heading
that isn’t captivating.

I’ve sold and made millions online, therefore let me

teach you few types of heading I have used.

Types of heading

1. The How to heading

This method is a simple heading structure that works.

People don’t want to click on something that wouldn’t
attend to what they want and the how to model is so

Example: How to sell more of your products in the next

When someone sees this and he or she is interested in
selling more products in the next 30 days, he will stay.

More example:

- How to drive a car in 24hours

- How to turn ideas into cash in 3days
- How to talk to strangers and get them to like you in
one minute
- How to arouse him and make him want you
- How to bake ice cream cake in 15minutes

In this formula, you can add some spices to it either at

the beginning by using some trigger words like we talked
about earlier in this book, words like; Discover, free,
promo, secret

Let’s use it here;

- Discover how to turn an idea into a book or a

course that you can sell for big money in 2days

- Free guide on how to become a certified business

consultant in 3days

- Secret on how to make 1 million naira is 7days on

affiliate marketing.
You can go as far as even adding more spice by using
the “even if” to qualify your offer more

Let’s take for example;

- Free guide on how to become a certified business

consultant in 3days even if you don’t have any idea

- How to turn ideas into cash in 3days even if you

don’t have any prior knowledge

- How to talk to strangers and get them to like you in

two minute even if you are the shy type.

- How to arouse a guy to make him want you even if

he has a girlfriend he loves so much

This are examples of the how to heading, always use

them to grab attention.

2. Crazy headline

Just as it sounds, this requires some sort of craziness to

grab attention, it almost has to do with exaggeration of
your offer.

- Get this brown luxury T-shirt today and get 70% off
with free delivery

- Make cooking easier with this fast cooking pot, pay

on delivery

- Get the latest AirPod for half the price with a free
AirPod customized case

- 3 thought provoking ways to end intense menstrual

pain and how it can work for you in 20minutes

- Here is why I failed 5 courses in one semester and

how you can avoid it

This type of headline has to do with presenting your

product or service in a unique way and adding your offer
as well.

3. Question headline

The question headline has to do with asking pain

provoking questions that relates to the reader's desire.


- Do you make these mistakes when applying for a

visa ?
- Do you know why you have not yet made any
money from your book?

- Do you know that you can become a bestseller in

2months ?

- I made 700k last month from consulting, do you

want to learn the exact method I used ?

With your creativity, I’m sure you can craft out more
question headlines to help you sell.

4. Story/suspense headline: This kind of headline

keeps your reader in suspense and compel them to
read the next line.

Example of headlines:

- James and John were best friends until James got

married and they became the worst enemies, here
is what happened.

- I stopped buying online courses when my friend

francis gave me an advise that worked for me.

- When I got to the immigration office, this is what I

told the officer before she approved my visa
2. INTEREST - If someone meets you in your hungry
state and asks you, Are you hungry? Let’s say you say
Yes, I’m sure you must be expecting a solution to your
hunger right ?

This is where you present your solution in your sales


This is the second phase in a sales letter, after grabbing

attention, the person tends to be interested and your job
is to present the solution.

How do you do that ?

There are three ways that has worked for me;

1. The Question way

2. The promise way
3. The story way

1. The question: Would you want to know how a

question works in arousing interest ?

Did you see what happened there? You actually said

yes you want to know and that’s exactly why you are
reading this book because you want to know.
Even though questions are also good for writing
awesome headers, they are also good in capturing
interest too.

Interest has to do with presentation of the offer so make

sure even after asking the question, you also introduce
what might look like the solution.

Example, let’s say you want to sell a hair growth

product. Your headline could be;

How to grow your hair very fast in 7 days - Headline

Do you know your hair can grow very fast in the next
7days even if you have had difficulties growing it in the
past ? - Interest

The next line should be about introducing your offer

immediately either with an article or with some stories.

That’s how to use questions to arouse interest.

2. Promise way: This method of capturing interest is

all about giving your reader assurance that your
method will work.

- This system I’m about to show you has worked for
over a 1000+ and it will sure work for you

- This product will clear all your black spots and

pimples in 2week

- This gas cooker is proven to perform better than the

regular cooker

Promising can compel your reader to keep reading your

campaign and possibly take action so give it all you got
and make sure it is true.

3. The story way: This method of arresting interest is

very powerful. Aside from this book being an
educational book, it still has stories and that’s why
you are still reading it up to this point.

Stories are so important in selling because human

beings find it more pleasing when information is passed
through a story.

Example of how you can attempt using a story;

- How to last more than 30 minutes and satisfy your

wife well - Headline
My wife and I got married in 1999 and since then her
sex drive has been really extreme maybe because I met
her as a virgin.

When we get down on it, she gets disappointed by my

short duration and stamina.

Until I discovered this breathtaking secret on how to last

Since I started using …………. I have been better.

I could tell this story on and on and my readers will read

it because they love stories.

So tell stories to arrest interest more.

3. DESIRE: If you are interested in traveling to a

different country, the question is, why do you want to

Your why is the captured desire. In every sales

campaign, don’t forget to sell with the why in mind.

Always present the desire, their 'why' in front of your

potential buyer. Present their desire and over
exaggerate it too. Some buyers don’t get the full picture
of how what they desire to buy will help them satisfy
their why until you over exaggerate it. What do I mean
by this ?

Let’s take for example, a Pen. Anyone who buys a pen

is probably going to use it for writing purposes. You can
exaggerate the desire from either saying “This pen will
help you in your daily activities to write and sign
documents important to you” to “This unique pen will
add more taste to your written documents and provide
you extra comfort while using it to sign or write

What’s the difference ?

Same message right, different presentation.

To capture desire, there are few factors you must


1. Sell the destination

2. Present prove that it works
3. Add bonuses
4. Add guarantee
5. Price

Let me explain the following;

1. SELL THE DESTINATION: In order to craft a
successful sales letter, you should use the
expectation of the reader to create your sales letter.
What do I mean by this. So how do you do this?

To effectively sell the destination, you need to present

the benefits of the products rather than the features.

The benefit is the reason the person is buying the

product, the feature is the property of the product.
Almost nobody is interested in how sophisticated a
product it when it cannot solve their problem.

Your job is to present the solution to the product you are

about to sell and how do you do this?

Let’s take for example;

You are selling a beauty product (soap) that cures black

spot, An example of the feature is;

- This soap contains a sodium reagent that helps

soften the face
- It contains vitamin B2, B6 etc

What’s the customer's business with those ones? Yes

it’s important in the product packaging but it’s not
important when selling until you are asked and almost
nobody will ask you to list the product feature.
Now we’ve talked about the feature, let’s use the same
example to craft the product benefit;

- This soap will wipe all your black spot and make
your face spotless like never before.
- This soap prevents pimples and bacteria hidden in
the face.
- This soap has a baby fragrance which is not harsh
like the regular soaps.

Have you see the difference? One is telling you what the
soap contains, the other is telling you what the product
you are buying will do for you.

Once you listen to what the product will do for you, the
chances of buying increases.

2. Present proves that it works: Many people buy

something because of how people talk about it and
how it worked for them.

I remember when I wanted to enroll for a course my

mentor was offering. The name of the course I wanted to
enroll for was bachelor of copywriting. I was pushed to
register because of the testimony of others and that’s
how it works everywhere.
Sometimes, people don’t even care about you, they care
about the result of what you are selling and that’s why
I’ve gotten so many courses that I didn’t even know the

I just got the course because a lot of people usually talk

about it.

How do you show people that your product works ?

- Present social proof: Gather screenshots of people

that have used your products and have attested to
the way it proffers results for them.

If no one has used your product before, all you need to

do is to give a friend or family to use your product and
ask for an honest review.

You can start with that.

It’s easier for me to buy from you when you have prove
that it works than for you to convince me with

Customers always want to see proves, so show them in

your sales copy.

3. Add bonuses: Giving bonus has a role to play in the

buying decision of a customer. In the previous
chapters I showed you how to create an irresistible
offer you can check chapter 9. In your sales letter,
your job is to stack up this offers to increase the
perceived values.

4. Add guarantee: If you go to a phone vendor to buy

a smart phone and you were offered free return
after 1day of using the phone if you don’t like it, how
would you feel about buying that phone? Confident
I guess.

Guarantees make it easy for a customer to make a

buying decision. I remember buying a course because I
was offered a money back guarantee if the course didn’t
worth my time.

Most times, even though the course I purchase didn’t

meet my expectations, I don’t return it back. Every
nonsense has some sort of sense in it so I try to learn
one or two things and moved to something that can
bring the value I need.

There are different types of guarantee;

1. Service guarantee
2. Money back guarantee

I’ll explain this two types of guarantee;

1. Service guarantee: One of my mentors Akin Alabi
bought a house because he was offered a one year
free repair if anything goes wrong in the facility.

There were two options, one was way higher while the
other was lesser. He went for the higher one because of
the service guarantee he was offered.

2. Money back guarantee: I personally sell luxury

fashion accessories and I offer money back
guarantee for my products which has drastically
affected how people buy my products.

I normally offer money back guarantee at the point of

delivery, if it’s not what you saw that was delivered to
you then I will immediately activate the money back

Most times it’s always good to add a condition to your

guarantee to save you some risk.

5. Price: When your offer is so good, price is secondary.

One of the factors that make people buy from you is
your price but your offer can make any price worth it
when it is so good.

Imagine you offering your one on one coaching class for

N50,000 and you also have a book you sell for N10,000,
a course you sell N50,000 and a masterclass for
N40,000 and all this is gotten for the price of one, lets
say all this is gotten for N35,000. It will be easier to
convince myself to take the offer.

4. Action: This is the final part of a sales letter, it has to

do with the ordering process and the closing. In this part
of your sales letter, you need to tell your potential
customer how the product will get to them and give them
avenue to make their order probably with your
automated payment system but if you offer pay before
delivery system, you can provide a form for them to fill
so as to confirm their order.

In my fashion business, this is the exact system I used

and the business was highly successful.

In the next chapter, I will teach you how to combine all

this to get a sales letter.
Chapter 13
How to write a convincing salescopy

This Basic formula for a great sales letter has 5 parts to


PART 1: Here is something great I discovered that can

change your life.

PART 2: Why should you believe me?

PART 3: Here's how this stuff works.

PART 4: Here's how it has worked for others.

PART 5: Here is what you have to do now to get it to

work for you too

PS: You might eliminate No. 2 if you are talking to an

audience that knows you.

Here is an example below.

The sample sales copy below is for a special tea that

helps women eradicate menstrual pain.

The main sales copy is in black.

My comments are in red.

3 Luth Doctors Just Discovered a Way to Eradicate
Menstrual Pain In Women Under 50.

That headline clearly says - Here is something great I

discovered that can change your life

If you are a woman suffering from excruciating

menstrual pain month after month, this will be one of the
best news you will ever read.

That is because according to Drs (names) of Lagos

State university teaching hospital also known as LUTH,
they have finally perfected a new product that tackles
the root cause of menstrual pain in women under 50.

(This simply answers the "Why should you believe me


They have been working on this for 9 years and finally

had a breakthrough.

This new product is in form of a tea called "Free Me Tea"

All you have to do is take the tea 3 times daily a week to

your period and it will ensure that you don't suffer the
tiniest pain during your period.
Nafdac has already approved the tea for safe and
effective consumption.

In fact, Mrs Nancy G from Nafdac said her 22 year old

daughter blah, blah, blah

Many others are also testifying to the effectiveness of

the product.

Testimony 2

Testimony 3

(These 3 testimonies attest to the fact that this tea

actually works. The mention of a Nafdac official using it
for her daughter makes it more believable.)

You too can start enjoying this tea.

Right now, it is priced for just N3000 per pack.

A pack contains 30 teabags and you only need 28 tea

bags per month.

That means with N3000 only a month, you can say

goodbye to all those monthly period pains.

I think it is worth a try.

Click here to get it from their website.

(Here is what you have to do now to get the product and

enjoy the benefits is what this last part is all about)

Sales letter 2



Before now I was preserving my food and beverages in

a pot that will require me to steam everyday and each
time I steam, it reduces the nutrients by a great percent
and makes it not fresh anymore.

I kept on following this procedure until I discovered a

way to preserve my food and never worry about
steaming everyday.

I discovered the new LG thermal refrigeration 552-35

keep my food and beverages in normal temperature
even though the weather is too COLD

Over 50 people are using this NEWLY launched product

and 25 people from the North Pole using this
Refrigerator has testified to great functionality of this



So how much does this go for ?

Before I tell you how much it goes for, let me tell you
what you are about to purchase

✅ Stainless steel easy to clean body

✅ Low voltage usage that wouldn’t take so much energy to

✅ Four compartment refrigerator enough to contain as much

as you want to store
✅ Intelligent temperature sensor to keep your food and
beverages in the right temperature

All this and many more is valued at N129,999

With all this functions it is very affordable compare to

what others sell

To even add it up,

There is an on going promo for just three days that gives

you the opportunity to get this refrigerator at a crazy
discount of N105,999

E shock you ???

That’s not even all,

If you order now, you get;

✅ The discount
✅ Free delivery to anywhere in Nigeria valued 10,000
✅ Speedy delivery 48hours max after purchase
✅ LG special customer suprise pack that contains lots of
goodies valued at N5000

You will get all this benefits if you order in the next three
To order click here

This product is limited just 10 left for to purchase with

the promo price and its first come first serve

Save up to N20,000 with other benefits when you order


Use the link below to order

click here

Sales letter 3



It has been stated that why many don’t grow is because

of where they dwell

Many are using this treated water to stay healthy and

grow 5x than regular fishes

Our 100litres water supply comes in;

✅ Alkaline treated water

✅ Premium packaging
✅ Swift supply
And many more

All for N10,999

But If you purchase this product in the next 24hours,

you’ll be entitled to our whopping up to 50% discount

That means you’ll pay N4,999 for 100litres

To order click here

Offer valid while stock last

Very limited drums remaining

Order now Click here to order

Chapter 14
Advertisement and promotion

“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping

your watch to save time.” - Henry Ford

In 2020, when I started selling physical products online,

my saving grace was digital advertisement.

Doing a business without advertising is like winking to a

girl in the dark, she wouldn’t even get the signal you are
trying to transmit.

Most businesses see advertisements as expenses, yes

it could be when not done appropriately but when done
using a good strategy, it will sponsor your business

There are many ways you can advertise now and that’s
what I’ll be sharing in this chapter.

Let’s define advertisement. There are many definitions

of advertisement but I love this one more. An
advertisement (often shortened to advert or ad) is the
promotion of a product, brand or service to a viewership
in order to attract interest, engagement and sales.

So anything you do with the intention of attracting a

specific demography is called advertisement. When
there’s attraction, there’s likely going to be an
engagement captivating enough, then sales are almost
inevitable. Captivating here means your offers just like I
talked about in previous chapters.

Let’s take a prostitute for example. A prostitute can be

any gender so don’t crucify me if I make use of any of
the gender.

Let’s take a girl who offers pleasure for money. If she

goes to the church environment with all sexy look, her
body becomes the product and service at the same time
but the location is almost wrong. I agree she could get
some client there even though it’s a religious
environment but she will get more engagement if she
focuses on the right location.

What if she goes to a hotel environment where men

come to chill and take some drinks, if she dresses up all
nice, she is likely to attract someone who wants her
product, then there will be an engagement and she then
tells the potential clients what he will miss if he doesn’t
grab her, when the benefits are so much, price will be
the least of the problem for the potential client and a
sale will happen.

That’s the concept of advertisement on the physical

scene but here we are talking online. How can you apply
this prostitute theory (I’ll call it that) online ?
It’s still the same thing;

1. Go to the location of your potential client.

2. Put up a good appearance to trigger an
3. Present your offer (In your sales page)
4. Close.

Let’s talk about some marketing strategies that you can

put to play now to sell your products online now.

1. Influencer marketing: A friend of mine, an upcoming

singer who is so talented yet unknown by so many
continuously releases great contents but only a few
notice, her own little audience.

She one day tried to attract fans of someone who has

over 3million followers on Instagram. The celebrity who
was tagged was impressed by her music and decided to
repost and in minutes, my friend was able to reach a 20k
followers from 800 followers only.

Today, she’s a star living the dream even great singers

who are not yet discovered are already living and that’s
the power of influcer marketing.
Why did Pepsi channel their financial resource to paid
advertising and billboard only than paying Messi( 5 time
Ballon d or winner), Alongside Pogba and the rest?

The one reason is because a lot of people know who

Messi, pogba and others are. Why didn’t they use you?

When you get to a certain stage in life with a huge

following, brands that resonate with your message will
contract you to sell their products.

So let’s say you are an information marketer and you

have a book “5 ways to get rich” using influencer
marketing. Your job is to find people with large number
of follower that talk about wealth, business and self help,
and not entertainers that talk comedy, fun and lifestyle.

Do you get the point?

Influencer marketing is not free but it is highly effective,

you can try it today and see tremendous results.

If a prominent person recommends a product to his

audience, the likelihood that his audience take a look is
very high. Recommendation is powerful especially from
a person of influence.
2. Whatsapp TV marketing: Whatsapp has one of the
highest users per day, you can leverage on this
platform following the same formula.

- Find someone with a large contact of a specific


- Negotiate with the person or the whatsapp TV

- The person/TV publicize using whatsapp status or

broadcast message

- Have a call to action where you engage your


- If your offer is what viewers need and it’s

captivating enough, sales are inevitable.

Whatsapp TV has been very instrumental to my brand. I

use whatsapp to get potential customers to my training
and the result works well.

3. Email marketing: This system of marketing has

been in existence for long now and it is responsible
making a lot of businesses a fortune.

Do you see those messages in your email? Some are to

educate you, some are for updating you while some are
to sale to you.
They market their information to you without running a
paid advertisement and trust me, when you are able to
attract the right people to your email list, a good number
of people will likely buy from you.

How do you get the right audience for your email list?

1. Offer a lead magnet: A lead magnet is an important

piece of information or gift that resonates with your
potential audience. It could be a book, video, audio
that solves a problem.

2. Get prospects to give you their email to get your


3. Send then the information to their email

You are good to go, you can promote to your prospect

emails anytime.

Example of email marketing web application;

1. Get response
2. A Weber
3. Sendfox
4. Mail chimp
5. Convert kit
These are the ones I know and recommend.

4. Instagram marketing: Instagram is a social media

platform mostly for sharing graphics and video contents.

A lot of celebrities use Instagram as a source of income

by helping brands to advertise their products and
services to their audience.

Instagram also has provision for customers to pay and

sponsor their post to a wider and targeted audience.

Instagram is very lucrative for advertising and I’m

currently creating a course that will help you create
instagram ads from start to finish.

5. Facebook marketing: Very similar to Instagram,

Facebook is a social media platform for creating text,
audio, graphical and video content. Over 1 billion people
make use of Facebook and it is the most popular social
media platform.

Facebook ads has proven to be very effective over the

years. In 2020, I was able to build my business and
expand my customer base through the use of Facebook

I’ll be creating a course on Facebook ads but there are

many tutorials on how to use Facebook ads to market
created by Facebook. You can stumble on them and get

6. Google advertisement: Over 500million people use

google everyday from all around the world.

Google ads is one of the most effective internet

promotions platforms. Almost everyday people use
google for research and otherwise, even today, I’ve used
google like 20 times.

Google owns platforms like YouTube that has over

100million daily users. YouTube is a video platform
where creators upload different kinds of content.

Google offers paid promotions and it’s very effective and

proven to convert when done right. You Can find
tutorials on how to create google ads on YouTube.

Please note that digital advertisement skills is a must

have skill if you want to dominate the internet and bring
your products in front of many.

Ps: Facebook, instagram, email, google marketing are

technical skills that I did not teach in this book, it is
adviced that you learn independently to further your
marketing skills.
Chapter 15
Activate reward systems for better sales

“Sales become more fun and increase when a lot of

people are inspired to promote an idea that has been
proven to work”.

If you were asked to sell 100 thousand books to the

whole world, what would you do?

I know you will say something like run targeted

advertisements, you may even say you’ll hold focused
seminars and webinars and many more. Even if those
ideas are awesome, I want you to add this system I’m
about to show you now to your knowledge bank.

If a best friend recommended a kind of food for me, let’s

say chicken and carrot juice. There’s more likelihood
that I’ll test that meal than when I just see it online.

There is a platform in Nigeria called Expertnaire where

people promote information digital products and get a
commission for it. The expertnaire platform is worth
more than a N100million already with sales of more than
7000. The owner of the program has a course that is so
good and he must have thought it through that it will be
almost impossible to sell to over 7000 people on his own
no matter how influential he is.
He decided to create an affiliate program where he
rewards people who promote his course and make a
sale. His course is N40,000 as at when I got it through
an influencer and an affiliate marketer and over 7000
have bought it and still counting. Let’s do the
mathematics 40,000 x 7000 = N280,000,000, that’s two
hundred and eighty million naira.

He wouldn’t have made that money faster if he dwelled

solely on his own skills but he involved people and gave
them a commission when they promoted his program.

If you want to make ridiculous sales from your offers,

inspire people to help you promote your offers, provided
it solves problems.

Give people incentive for helping you promote and also

teach them how to promote your product.

Here’s a step by step process to creating a reward

system for your products and offer;

1. Determine the potential audience of your product.

2. Determine the price of your product.
3. Determine the percentage commission.
4. Create a landing page for your product
5. Create a system of unique referral link or code.
6. Hold seminars to teach people about your system.
7. Appreciate top sellers and inspire them to hold their
own seminars.

That’s the 7 step process to creating a system of reward

to sell your products.
Chapter 16
Step by step process to implement what you have
read so far

“Result comes not by just hearing or reading but by


This book has served as a blueprint for you to turn your

knowledge to riches with your skills. If you implement
75% of what this book teaches, you’ll see instant results
and be happy but if you don’t, this book will be another
random book you’ve read.

I’m going to be teaching you how to implement

everything you have read here using some steps I’ll be
listing out.

Step 1: find someone doing what you want to do and

learn from that person. You can buy their products for
more knowledge

Step 2: Write what you want to achieve, how and when.

Step 3: Create an action plan and just start, don’t wait

for perfection or else you wouldn’t achieve anything.

Remember that consistency is better than intensity. It is

better to put in daily work than to put in work only once a
week with great intensity. Momentum is vital in your
journey to wealth creation.

I know you will win, that said, I wish you good luck.

Yours faithfully,
Uzoma oranebo.

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