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It is with great pleasure and honour that I present to you the latest
edition of "Umang," our esteemed magazine of Class IX-A1. Within
these pages lies a tapestry woven from the diverse threads of our school
community - a celebration of our collective achievements, aspirations,
and endeavors.
To the diligent contributors, the students who have poured their
creativity, intellect, and talent into the pages of "Umang," I extend my
heartfelt thanks. Their contributions have not only enriched the content
of this magazine but have also amplified the voices and perspectives
that define our school community.
As they delve into the myriad articles, artwork, and reflections
contained within these pages, I invite you to embark on a journey of
discovery and inspiration. May "Umang" serve as a testament to the
vibrant spirit and boundless potential that define our school
community, and may it inspire each of us to continue striving for
excellence in all our endeavors.
I extend my deepest appreciation to our esteemed Principal, Dr. Parul
Tyagi, whose visionary leadership and unwavering dedication have
been instrumental in shaping the ethos of our institution. Her guidance
and support have empowered us to pursue excellence in all our
endeavors, and her steadfast commitment to academic and holistic
development continues to inspire us all. Furthermore, I would like to
express my sincere gratitude to our Additional Principal, Ms. Anita
Mahajan, whose exemplary leadership and tireless efforts have played a
pivotal role in fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment within
our school.
Ms. Neha Handa
Class Teacher

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