Pranav Social Surve 4

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The Social Survey Report

Bachelors of Commerce

Digital Payment Online Shopping Post Pandemic

Submitted to

Commerce Department
New Arts, Commerce and Science College,
Ahmednagar (Autonomous)


Bachelor of Commerce

Submitted by

Pranav Chandrakant Jangam

Under the Guidance of -Prof. Gayatri Manik

Ahmednagar Jilha Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s


This is to certify that the work incorporated in the Social
Survey project report on Digital Payment Online Shopping
Post Pandemic submitted by Pranav Chandrakant Jangam
student of New
Arts, Commerce and Science College, Ahmednagar,
(Autonomous) is submitted in the partial requirement for the
Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce.

Mentor Head
Department of Commerce Department of Commerce

Acknowledgement :-

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the individuals who participated

in our college project on Digital Payment Online Shoping Post Pandemic Social
Survey. Your candid responses and cooperation were invaluable in shaping the
outcome of this research endeavor.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to our college faculty

members for their continuous support and guidance throughout the
duration of this project. Their expertise and encouragement have been
instrumental in steering us in the right direction.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Gayatri Manik

for guiding me through the project and always pushing me to my limits
to achieve the best.

We are also grateful to the respondents who generously shared their time
and insights, without whom this project would not have been possible.

Lastly, we acknowledge the support provided by our college

administration for facilitating the necessary resources and infrastructure
for conducting this survey.

Thank you to everyone who played a role, big or small, in making this
project a success.
Introduction :-
In today's rapidly evolving economic landscape, the importance of sound
Digital Payment Online Shopping Post Pandemic strategies cannot be
overstated. As college students embarking on our academic journey, we
recognize the significance of understanding these fundamental concepts to
navigate the complexities of personal finance and build a secure financial

With this in mind, we have undertaken a comprehensive social survey

project focused on Digital Payment Online Shopping Post Pandemic. Our
objective is to delve into the attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions
surrounding financial management practices among individuals across
various demographics. Through this survey, we aim to gain valuable
insights into the financial habits, challenges, and aspirations of our peers
and the wider community.

This project serves as a platform to explore key topics such as budgeting,

saving, investing, debt management, retirement planning, and wealth
accumulation strategies. By gathering data through a structured survey
methodology, we seek to identify patterns, trends, and areas of concern
pertaining to financial literacy and preparedness.

Moreover, this survey project provides an opportunity for meaningful

engagement with our college community and beyond. Through
collaboration and dialogue, we aim to raise awareness about the
importance of financial education and empower individuals to make
informed financial decisions that align with their goals and aspirations. We
believe that the findings of this survey will not only enrich our
understanding of financial management dynamics but also serve as a
catalyst for promoting financial literacy and well-being among our peers
and the broader society.
Join me on this journey as we explore the intricacies of Digital Payment
Online Shopping post Pandemic and endeavor to pave the way towards a more
financially secure future for all.

According To Survey Te State That :-

According to the survey conducted for our college project on Digital Payment
Online Shopping Post Pandemic, it is evident that there is a pressing need for
improved financial literacy and awareness among individuals of varying
demographics. The survey revealed that a significant portion of respondents
expressed uncertainty and confusion regarding essential financial concepts such
as budgeting, saving, and investing.

Furthermore, the findings underscored the challenges many individuals

face in effectively managing debt, planning for retirement, and building
long-term wealth. Despite recognizing the importance of financial planning,
a notable proportion of respondents admitted to not having a structured
approach to managing their finances, citing reasons such as lack of
knowledge, time constraints, and competing financial priorities.

Interestingly, the survey also highlighted generational differences in

financial attitudes and behaviors, with younger respondents expressing
greater interest in exploring alternative investment opportunities such as
cryptocurrencies and digital assets.

Overall, the survey results emphasize the critical role of financial

education in empowering individuals to make informed financial decisions
and secure their financial futures. It is clear that initiatives aimed at
promoting financial literacy and providing accessible resources for
financial management are essential in addressing the gaps identified by the
survey and fostering greater financial well-being among individuals and
Origine Of Digital Payment Online Shoppin g
Post Pande mic:-
The origin of the college project on Digital Payment Online Shopping Post
Pandemic Social Survey can be traced back to the recognition of a critical
need within our college community. Observing the lack of emphasis on
financial literacy and the growing importance of effective wealth
management skills in today's society, a group of students identified an
opportunity to initiate a project that would address these concerns.

Motivated by a desire to empower themselves and their peers with the

knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of personal
finance, the idea for the project took shape. Drawing inspiration from the
growing discourse surrounding financial literacy and the increasing
recognition of its importance, the students embarked on a journey to design
and execute a comprehensive social survey focused on Digital Payment Online
Shopping Post Pandemic

Collaborating with faculty members and seeking guidance from experts

in the field, the students formulated a research framework that would
explore various aspects of financial decision-making, attitudes, and
behaviors among individuals within the college community and beyond.
The project aimed not only to assess the current state of financial literacy
but also to identify areas for improvement and potential interventions that
could promote greater financial well-being.

Through careful planning and coordination, the project team developed

the survey instrument, established protocols for data collection and
analysis, and sought approval from relevant authorities within the college.
With a clear vision and determination to make a meaningful impact, the
students launched the survey, reaching out to participants through various
channels and platforms.

As the survey responses began to pour in, the project gained momentum,
sparking discussions and raising awareness about the importance of Digital
Payment and wealth management skills. The students embraced the
opportunity to engage with their peers, faculty members, and the broader
community, fostering a collaborative environment conducive to learning
and sharing knowledge.

As the project progressed, it became evident that the initiative had struck
a chord with many individuals who recognized the significance of financial
education in shaping their futures. With each survey response received, the
project reaffirmed its importance and the need for continued efforts to
promote financial literacy and empower individuals to take control of their
financial destinies.

In summary, the origin of the college project on Digital Payment Online

Shopping Post Pandemic Social Survey lies in the recognition of a pressing need
for greater financial literacy and awareness within the college community.
Driven by a shared vision of empowering individuals with the knowledge and
skills necessary to achieve financial well-being, the project represents a
collaborative effort to initiate positive change and lay the groundwork for a
more financially secure future.
Aim & Objectives :-
To analyze Digital Payment practices and explore avenues for Digital
Payment among individuals or a target demographic.


Digital Payment Online Shopping Post : Evaluate

individuals manage their finances, including budgeting, saving, investing,
and debt management.

Identification of Digital Goals: Determine the Digital goals and

aspirations of participants, whether it's
saving for retirement, buying a home, starting a business, or any other

Analysis of Investment Behavior: Investigate the investment habits of

participants, such as their preferences for stocks, bonds, real estate, or
other investment vehicles.
Risk Tolerance Assessment: Determine participants' risk tolerance levels
concerning investment decisions, helping tailor investment strategies to
their comfort levels.

Evaluation of Financial Literacy: Assess participants' understanding of

financial concepts, including interest rates, inflation, risk diversification,
and the impact of taxes.

Identification of Barriers to Digital Payment: Identify any obstacles or

challenges that individuals face in building wealth, such as lack of income,
high debt levels, limited investment knowledge, or behavioral biases.

Recommendations for Improvement: Provide practical

recommendations and strategies for improving financial management
practices, overcoming barriers, and enhancing wealth creation

Long-term Financial Planning: Encourage participants to engage in

longterm financial planning, including setting SMART (Specific,
Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals and creating personalized
financial plans.

Measurement of Financial Well-being: Develop metrics to measure

participants' financial well-being and track improvements over time,
reflecting not only wealth accumulation but also financial security and
peace of mind.

Community Education and Outreach: Use survey findings to educate the

community about effective Digital Payment practices, wealth creation
strategies, and the importance of financial literacy.

By addressing these objectives, the survey project aims to empower

individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to manage their finances
effectively, achieve their financial goals , and ultimately build long-term
Findings :-
Financial Literacy Levels: The survey might find that a significant portion
of the population lacks basic financial literacy, with many respondents
struggling to understand concepts such as compound interest, inflation, and
risk diversification.

Savings Habits: The survey could uncover insights into participants'

savings habits, revealing whether they regularly save a portion of their
income and if they have emergency savings funds in place.

Investment Preferences: Findings might show which investment vehicles

are most popular among respondents, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds,
real estate, or alternative investments.
Risk Tolerance: The survey might reveal participants' risk tolerance
levels, indicating whether they prefer conservative, moderate, or aggressive
investment strategies.

Financial Goals: Insights might be gained into participants' financial

goals, such as saving for retirement, purchasing a home, paying off debt, or
funding their children's education.

Barriers to Wealth Creation: The survey could uncover common barriers

preventing individuals from building wealth, such as high levels of debt, lack
of investment knowledge, limited income, or behavioral biases.

Financial Stress: Findings might indicate the prevalence of financial stress

among respondents, including concerns about debt, living paycheck to
paycheck, or insufficient retirement savings.

Financial Planning Practices: The survey might reveal how many

participants engage in financial planning activities, such as setting financial
goals, creating budgets, or working with financial advisors.

Income Disparities: Insights might be gained into income disparities

among respondents, highlighting differences in wealth accumulation
opportunities based on factors such as education, occupation, and
socioeconomic status.

Data Analysis & Interpretation :-

The parameter according to the title of project was analysis. Data is
collected by surveying 31 response by the using the tool questionnaire.
Following is analysis of each parameter. This chapter deals with analysis
and interpretation of data regarding the customer satisfaction towards
Digital Payment Online Shopping Post Pandemic. This information
obtained through questionnaire is given in the form of table, figures and
interpretation is drawn so as to enable the readers to understand the
The above pie chart gives us more information about Digital Payment Online
Shopping Post Pandemic is mostly seen in boys (80.6%) than girls (19.4%)

The above pie chart gives us more information about profession status.
Following are the pie charts that shows the participation of peoples In the
the Digital Payment Online Shopping Post Pandemic activity.

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