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 Tema 1- use would or should

-if I were you I would not say anything.

-you should have your tea early.

-if she went first, she should visit grandpa.

-They should go to be at 9 pm

Tema 2- Make 5 sentences using *should*

1. You should go home its getting late

2. I think you should talk to her
3. He should say something to his daughter
4. Should I do that?
5. She should be at home right now

Tema 3- Make 5 sentences *Would*

1. Would you marry me

2. I would eat a spider
3. I knew you would say that
4. Yeah, he would do that
5. If he got a new job, he would make more money

Tema 4- Use do/does

Paul and Sara do not want to go

My sister does everything for free

Does Ana understand French?

Do you finish first than him?

Tema 5- Use don’t/doesn’t

I dont know what’s going on.

Ana said that she doesnt know either.

dont you understand this part?.

doesnt Paul pay attention to her?.

Tema 6- Make 3 sentences with don’t.

1. Please don’t crash the car.

2. Don’t you know how to do it.
3. Don’t play with your food.

Tema 7- Make 3 sentences with *do*

1. I do enjoy exploring new cultures.

2. Do you think we should plan a weekend getaway.
3. They do like pizza for dinner.

Tema 8- Make 3 sentence with * doesn’t *

1. She doesn’t want pizza for dinner

2. It doesn’t matter if it’s hot out there.
3. It doesn’t look like he’ll be able to make it

Tema 9- Turn into the past.

1. She doesn’t pay attention to me

2. We don’t want to stay
3. Do you see what she did?
4. Does your mom like to participate?

1. She didn’t pay attention to me
2. We didn’t want to stay
3. Did you see what she did
4. Did your mom like to participate

Tema 10- write in the present perfect

1. She decided to stay

2. I ask you a simple question
3. She has many friends
4. They run a lot together

Present perfect
1. She has decided to stay
2. I have asked you a simple question
3. She has many friends
4. They have run a lot together

Tema 11- complete

1. The brain is organ inside the _head_

2. We have two kinds of skills physical and cerebral
3. The two parts of the brain are right and left

Tema 12- Use can/can’t to complete

-Eagles can fly so high.

-The kite cant fly without wind
-Deaf people cant hear voice notes
-Human beings cant fly.

Tema 13- Make a sentence with: to carry, digital school, science, literature.

I study in a digital school so is easier to carry my school subjects for example

science and literature.

Tema 14- choose for correction options:

1-I want studying/ to study P.E

I want to study P.E
2- You enjoy play/ playing chest
you enjoy playing chest
3- we are all good at singing/ to sing
we are all good at singing
4- They need to work/ working hard
They need to work hard

Tema 15- write gerund of:

Run. Running
Try. Trying
Sing. Singing
Slap. Slapping

Tema 16- Write the infinitive of:

Slap. To slap
Try. To try
Sing. To sing
Run. To run
Tema 17- what’s the difference:
noun and verb:

 A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing or idea.

A verb on the other hand, is a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being.

Tense and adjective:

Tense refers to the time of an action or state of being in a sentence.

Adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun.

Tema 18- Define

Relative pronouns: are pronouns that introduce relative clauses within a sentence.

Modal verbs: also known as modal auxiliary verbs, are a group of auxiliary verbs that expresses a
speaker’s attitude towards the likelihood, necessity, ability, permission, or obligation of an

Tema 19- Complete with a relative pronouns

-The book that you have is green.

-The country which she goes is dangerous
-People who speak English are lucky
-The man who speaks is the teacher

Tema 20- Make a sentence with: over half, over fifty thousand, furniture, ten floors high.

Now that he earns over fifty thousand dollars he can buy new furniture and if he keeps working
like that he will reach over half a million dollars in a year and I heard that he works in a building
ten floors high isn’t that amazing.

Tema 21- Make a sentence with: On, next to, beside, in front of, above, under, behind.

Where did you put the remote I leave it right on the table next to the sofa and go get the chicken
out of the oven and put it under the turkey, go tell the family to come inside we’re going to eat
behind the mini bar and don’t let the dog eat beside the cat they always end up fighting, put the
salad in front of the mashed potatoes and finally go get the turkey that is under the chicken.

Tema 22- Describe your room:

My room is quite spacious it has a lot of room for the bed and a large cupboard, sadly my tv is in
the wall so I have to look up and that make my neck hurts.

Tema 23- Talk about your lifestyle at school

I usually meet with my friends right in front of my school to talk a bit before going to classes.

Tema 24- Build a common conversation for two people in 12 lines

Person A: Hey there! How was your day?

 Person B: Not bad, just the usual grind. How about yours?

 Person A: Pretty good, got some work done. By the way, have you seen the new movie
everyone's talking about?

 Person B: Oh, you mean "The Spectacle"? Yeah, I watched it last weekend. It was amazing!

 Person A: Nice! I've been meaning to catch it. Any recommendations for a good place to grab
dinner tonight?

 Person B: How about that new Italian place downtown? I heard their pasta is fantastic.

 Person A: Sounds perfect! What time works for you?

 Person B: 7:00 PM works for me. See you there?

 Person A: Great! See you at 7. Anything exciting happening this weekend?

 Person B: Not sure yet, maybe a hike or just chilling at home. What about you?

 Person A: I'm thinking of checking out the art exhibit at the museum. Wanna join?

 Person B: Sure, that sounds like a plan! Looking forward to it.

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