Grammar - Past

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Compiled by: Miss Hindun
S + V2 + O
Regular verbs (-ed)
❏ Terry worked in a bank from 2020 to 2022.
❏ Yesterday it rained all morning. It stopped at lunchtime.
❏ We enjoyed the party last night.
❏ When I lived in London, I worked in a bank.

Irregular verbs (not -ed)

❏ I usually get up early but this morning I got up at 9.30.
❏ We did a lot of work yesterday.
❏ Jasmine went to the cinema three times last week.
…………………. (liv
Irregular Verbs
begin –> began get —-> got ring —-> rang
break broke give gave say said
bring brought go went see saw
build built have had sell sold
buy bought hear heard sit sat
come came know knew sleep slept
do did leave left speak spoke
drink drank lose lost stand stood
eat ate make made take took
fall fell meet met tell told
find found pay paid think thought
fly flew put put win won
forget forget read read write wrote
Positive Negative Questions
I did not play Did I play?
I played
You (didn’t) start you start?
You started
They watch they watch?
They watched
We have we have
We had
He see he see
He saw
She do she do
She did
it go it go
it went
do/does (present) → did (past)
❏ I don’t watch television very often.
I didn’t watch television yesterday.
❏ Does she often go away?
Did she go away last week?

did/didn’t + infinitive (verb base)

❏ ‘Did you do the shopping?’ ‘No, I didn’t have time.’
❏ We went to the cinema but we didn’t enjoy the film.
❏ I played tennis yesterday but I didn’t win.

DID + S + infinitive

❏ Did your sister phone you?

❏ What did you do yesterday morning?
❏ How did the accident happen?
❏ Where did your parents go for their holiday?

‘Did you see Joe yesterday?’ ‘No, I didn’t.’

‘Did your parents have a good holiday?’ ‘Yes, they did.’
Write a sentence about the past!

1. Tom usually wakes up early. Yesterday morning, he woke up early.

2. Tom usually walks to work. Yesterday, he _____________
3. Tom is usually late for work. Yesterday, he _____________
4. Tom usually has a sandwich for lunch. Yesterday, he _____________
5. Tom usually goes out in the evening. Yesterday evening, he _____________
6. Tom usually sleeps very well. Last night, he _____________
Put one of these verbs in each sentence!

clean* die enjoy finish happen open rain start stay want

1. I cleaned my teeth three times yesterday.

2. It was hot in the room, so I _____________ the window.
3. The concert _____________ at 7.30 and _____________ at 10 o’clock.
4. When I was a child, I _____________ to be a doctor.
5. The accident _____________ last Sunday afternoon.
6. It’s a nice day today but yesterday it _____________ all day.
7. We _____________ our holiday last year. We _____________ at a very nice place.
8. Ann’s grandfather _____________ when he was 90 years old.
Turns these sentences into questions!
1. I watched TV last night. – Did you watch TV last night?
2. I enjoyed the party. –
3. I had a good holiday. –
4. I finished work early. –
5. I slept well last night. -

What about you? What did you do yesterday?

1. (watch TV) I watched TV.
2. (get up before 7 o’clock)
3. (have a shower)
4. (eat meat)
5. (go to bed before 10.30)

1. (how long/stay there?) How long did you stay there?

2. (how long/stay in a hotel?)
3. (do/go alone?)
4. (how/travel?)
5. (the weather/fine?)
6. (what/do in the evenings?)
7. (do/meet any interesting people?)
Put the verb into the correct form!

1. We did not eat (not/eat) anything because we were not (not/be) hungry.
2. I _____________ (not/rush) because I _____________ (not/be) in a hurry.
3. She _____________ (not/be) interested in the book because she
_____________(not/understand) it.
4. I _____________ (not/go) to work yesterday because I _____________
(not/be) very well.
Create Your Own Past Experiences!
I got (get) up early Saturday morning and _____________ (fuel up) my car
at the petrol station. Then I _____________ (drive) straight to the Corner
Cafe to meet my friend for coffee. We _____________ (have) a cup of
coffee and I _____________ (try) their strawberry cheesecake. It’s
definitely a must-try!

In the afternoon, I _____________ (meet) my brother at the country club

and we _____________ (play) tennis. I _____________ (be) so happy
because for the first time in my life I _____________ (win) the match!
On my way back home, I _____________ (stop) by the local market and
_____________ (buy) some ingredients for dinner. I _____________ (invite)
my friends over from the company. When I _____________ (get) home, I
quickly _____________ (clean up) the terrace, _____________ (put)
beverages on the table and _____________ (start) cooking.

I _____________ (cook) my famous ravioli recipe but I _____________ (be)

a little nervous because I also _____________ (invite) Fabio from the
company. Cooking ravioli for an Italian? I know, it was a bit crazy idea!
Soon, they _____________ (arrive). They _____________ (bring) me a box of
chocolate, yummy!

We _____________ (sit) on the terrace for hours. The weather

_____________ (be) so nice. We _____________ (eat), _____________
(drink) and _____________ (talk) about our plans for the summer. Did
Fabio like my ravioli? Yesss! He _____________ (love) it. It _____________
(be) a long, tiring day, but I _____________(have) so much fun!
Simple Past VS Simple Present
Put in am-is-are or was-were.

1. Yesterday I was absent, but now I am present.

2. We ______ at home last week.
3. Today the weather ______ nice.
4. Where ______ you at 11 o’clock last Friday?
5. I ______ in hospital at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
6. This time last year, Tom and I ______ in Bali.
7. Charlie Chaplin died in 1978. He ______ a famous film star.
8. Why ______ she so pale this morning?
9. He ______ busy last night.
10. Years ago men believed that the earth ______ flat.
Write statements.

1. Was it a good film? Yes, it was.

It was a good film.

2. Were they a happy family? Yes, they were.


3. Was the kiosk open in 10 o’clock yesterday? No, it was not.

S + was/were + V-ing + O
3.00 4.00 4.30
She began playing She was playing She stopped playing

It is 6 o’clock now. At 4 o’clock she wasn’t at home.

Sarah is at home. VS She was at the sports club.
She is watching television. She was playing tennis.
…………………. (liv
Positive Negative Questions
I I Was I
He He he
She was doing She wasn’t doing she doing?
it watching it watching it watching?
playing playing playing?
running running running?
We We Were we
living living living?
You were You weren’t you
They They they
❏ I was working at 10.30 last night.
❏ It wasn’t raining when we went out.
❏ What were you doing at three o’clock?

Write your own sentences! (positive, negative, question)

Write sentences using past continuous tense!

1. (Ann // home // watch TV)

→ Ann was at home. She was watching TV.
2. (Carol and Jack // the cinema // watch a film)

3. (Tom // his car // drive)

4. (Catherine // the station // wait for a train)

5. (Mr. and Mrs. Hall // the park // walk)

A group of people were staying in a hotel. One evening the fire alarm rang. Use
the words in brackets to make sentences saying what each person was doing at
the time.

1. (Don // have // a bath) → Don was having a bath.

2. (Cinta // write // a letter in her room) →
3. (George // get // ready to go out) →
4. (Carol and Dennis // have // dinner) →
5. (Tom // make // a phone call) →
Here is a list of some things that Ann did yesterday (and the times at which
she did them):

8.45 - 9.45 had breakfast 12.45 - 1.30 had lunch

9.15 - 10.00 read the newspaper 2.30 - 3.30 washed some clothes
10.00 - 12.00 cleaned her flat 4.00 - 6.00 watched television

Now write sentences saying what she was doing at these times:
1. At 9 o’clock : She was having breakfast.
2. At 9.30 o’clock :
3. At 11 o’clock :
4. At 1 o’clock :
5. At 3 o’clock :
6. At 5 o’clock :
Complete these questions!

1. (you/live) Where were you living in 1990? In London.

2. (you/do) _____________________ at 2 o’clock? I was asleep.
3. (it/rain) _____________________ when you got up? No, it was sunny.
4. (Ann/drive) _____________________ so fast? Because she was in a hurry.
5. (Tim/wear) _____________________ a suit yesterday? No, a T-shirt and jeans.
What was she doing?
1. (wear/a jacket)
→ She was wearing a jacket.
2. (carry/a bag)

3. (wear/shoes)

4. (ride/a bicycle)

5. (eat/an ice cream)

Cr: 6. (bring/headphone)

Simple Past VS Past Continuous
What’s the differences between past simple and continuous?


A complete action in the past. Actions that were in progress at or around a

specific point in time in the past.

Ex: Ex:
❏ I saw a movie yesterday. ❏ At 9 o’clock, I was sitting on the train.
❏ A few minutes ago, they were still
❏ When I called her, she was studying.
❏ What were you doing when you heard
the explosion?
❏ Sorry, can you repeat that? I wasn’t
listening. (when you said that)
What’s the differences between past simple and continuous?


A list of series of completed action in the A series of parallel actions to describe the
past. atmosphere in the past.

Ex: Ex:
❏ I finished work, walked to the beach, and ❏ When I walked into the office, several
found a nice place to swim. people were typing, some were talking
on the phone, and the boss was yelling
What’s the differences between past simple and continuous?


A action with duration (starts and stops in Actions that was already in progress in the
the past). past.

Ex: Ex:
I lived in Bogor for 10 years. What were you doing at 8 PM last night? I was
They sat on the beach all day yesterday. studying. (This means that I started studying
before 8 PM and I continued after 8 PM)

I was reading last night at 9.30 PM. (I was in

the process of reading at a specific time in the
What’s the differences between past simple and continuous?


Past facts or generalizations. Both activities were happening at the same


Ex: Ex:
She was shy as a child, but now she is very I was studying while/when he was making
outgoing. dinner.
What’s the differences between past simple and continuous?


Past facts or generalizations. Both activities were happening at the same


Ex: Ex:
She was shy as a child, but now she is very I was studying while/when he was making
outgoing. dinner.
Past simple action happened in the middle of the past
continuous action, while it was in progress.
→ While I was studying, I suddenly felt sleepy.

To show an action interrupting another action.

→ I broke my leg when I was skiing. We were watching
television when the power went off.

What’s the differences?

1. When the guests arrived, Jane was cooking dinner.
2. When the guests arrived, Jane cooked dinner.

1: Jane started cooking dinner before the guests arrived.

2: The guests arrived first and then Jane started cooking.
The differences?

1. When he came home, she was sleeping.

2. When he came home, she slept.

The differences?

1. When Mary arrived, we were having dinner.

2. When Mary arrived, we had dinner.

1. Mary datang ketika kami sedang makan malam.

2. Mary datang, lalu kami makan malam.
When or While?


Often followed by Always used with

simple past but it past continuous.
can also be followed
by past continuous.

I was studying when While/when I was

she called. studying, she called.
Another Fun Fact!
Past simple Past Continuous

To show an action as a consequence of an

‘always’ ‘constantly’ express
something irritating or
shocking often happened in
While Sari was cooking, she spilled some
the past.
oil on the counter so she took a towel and
wiped the counter.
He was constantly talking.
She was always biting her
1. We went to the cinema yesterday. (go)
2. I ______________ my homework for the whole evening yesterday. (do)
3. Emily ______________ the piano at 4 PM yesterday. (play)
4. When John came home, his little brother ______________ TV. (watch)
5. They ______________ a new house last month. (buy)
6. We ______________ our relatives in the USA two years ago. (visit)
7. I ______________ for the test from 10 AM until 5 PM yesterday. (prepare)
8. Olivia ______________ Mike last week. (see)
9. What ______________ he ______________ the whole evening yesterday? (fix)
10. At half past six yesterday, we ______________ dinner. (have)
1. Chris flew to Spain last spring. (fly)
2. Children ______________ when their father came home. (sleep)
3. Last Sunday, we ______________ a tree in our garden. (plant)
4. She ______________ dinner when the lights went off. (cook)
5. When ______ your husband _______ home yesterday? (come)
1. After the conference, I _______ that a man ______ the walls of the building.
A. was seeing/was painting
B. saw/was painting
C. was seeing/painted
2. He was so angry that he _____ and _____.
A. was getting up/left
B. got up/was leaving
C. got up/left
3. I _____ the vase while I _____ the bookshelf.
A. broke/was cleaning
B. broke/cleaned
C. was breaking/was cleaning
4. As soon as we walked into the room, we ______ a noise. Someone ____ my
A. heard/used
B. were hearing/used
C. heard/was using
5. The bus in which the football team _____ had an accident, but nobody ____.
A. were travelling/died
B. travelled/died
C. were travelling/were dying
6. I ____ the party, but Sonia ____ to leave.
A. was enjoying/was wanting
B. enjoyed/was wanting
C. was enjoying/wanted
Do you have any questions?
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