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Animal Companions

OSR Advancement Rules for Domestic Beasts

Written by Mark A. Thomas
Published by PBE Games

Animal Companions
OSR Advancement Rules for Domestic Beasts
Written by Mark A. Thomas
Published by PBE Games
© 2018 PBE Games, licensed for private use only
Product ID: GS-6062
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Art Credits
Cover image courtesy the National Gallery of Art
Interior images in the public domain
Some images courtesy Wikimedia Commons

Special Thanks
Art Gower, Melissa Sawicki, Kelan Sisk, Micah R. Sisk, Scott Snyder

Bringing furred or feathered friends along on an adventure is a common fantasy trope.

Animal companions can strengthen an adventuring party, making them a valuable
addition the game, particularly at low levels. Mules carry heavy loads on long trips,
dogs add a little offense, birds serve as an early-warning system, and horses let lowly
adventurers feel like they're someone important.
Animal Companions is an advancement system for domestic beasts. The system won't
turn mules, horses, or dogs into super animals, but it will enhance their survivability in
the wilderness and add a little color and fun to your game. This supplement also
includes the Beastmaster, a character class focused on animal companions.
Qualifying as a Companion

Qualifying as a Companion
Any mundane domestic creature can become an Maximum Companions
animal companion if it meets a few simple
requirements. The beast must have a single owner Charisma Companions
who is responsible for its care and feeding. It must 3-6 1
also have a personal name. The number of animal 7-10 2
companions a single character may keep is limited 11-14 3
by their charisma, as outlined in the Maximum
15-17 4
Companions table.
Companion Experience
18 5
Companion Experience
Beasts that accompany their master on adventures earn experience points (XP) and
gain levels that grant minor powers and improve survivability. Award animal
companion XP when you award character XP. Companions may not advance more than
one experience level per adventure, and their level cannot exceed their master's
character level. The maximum companion level is seventh. Animals gain XP from the
following activities:
• 1 XP for each day spent in the wilderness
• 1 XP for every four hours spent in a dungeon environment
• 1 XP per foe hit die for any monster or beast the companion helps defeat
When animal companions earn sufficient experience, they gain a level and specific
benefits, which include additional hit points, attack or saving throw bonuses, skills, and
quirks. Quirks are unique abilities or traits that you roll on the appropriate quirk table.
Most quirks are beneficial, but there are a few stinkers in the mix.
Example: Rocky, a first level mule, spends six days in the wilderness with his mistress, a
second level fighter, and her companions. When gnolls attack the camp, Rocky kicks
two of the creatures, which are subsequently slain by party members. Later, Rocky
accompanies the party into a ruined temple, where the group spends six hours
exploring. When the group returns to town, Rocky earns 11 XP:
• 6 XP for days in the wilderness
• 4 XP for helping to defeat two 2 HD monsters
• 1 XP for time spent in a dungeon
Rocky gains a level and as a second level mule, he gains +2 hit points.
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Characters may teach their animal companions tricks, minor actions that use the
creature's natural abilities or quirks. Some animals are more amenable to training than
others, but all companions may learn one trick per level. Typical tricks include: sit and
stay, fetch, hide, buck off a rider, follow a scent, or carry a message.
Feeding Companions

Feeding Companions
Animals require specific foods to remain healthy. Characters must provide the proper
feed in sufficient amounts to retain their companion's loyalty. As a general rule, animals
eat one to two percent of their body weight in food each day. Equines, camelids, and
elephants can graze in appropriate terrain, halving their food requirements.
Losing Companion Status

Losing Companion Status

If a master neglects their animal companions, treats them poorly, fails to feed them, or
leaves them with strangers for more than a week, the beast makes a loyalty check each
day. Roll 1d20, add the beast's level, its owner's charisma bonus, and apply the
following penalties:
• Each day of general neglect: -1
• Left with strangers, each day beyond one week: -1
• Poor quality or inappropriate feed provided: -1
• Untended wounds or abusive treatment (per instance): -2
• Previously failed loyalty check (per instance): -1
If the result is less than 13, the beast loses its companion status. A character may regain
an animal companion's trust by devoting at least four hours per day to feeding, caring
for, and interacting with the creature. Each day spent performing these activities allows
a daily loyalty check with the usual modifiers. Back-to-back successful rolls reestablish
the bond between master and companion.
Companions as Familiars

Companions as Familiars
The game master may allow magic users to treat their
familiar as a companion. Consider the following guidelines
if you allow animal companion familiars:
• Companion bonuses do not apply to benefits transferred
to the creature's master
• Magical creatures such as imps or quasits cannot be
animal companions
• Familiars reroll all negative quirks
• All familiars will enter dungeons

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Equipment for Companions
Equipment for Companions

Some animal companions can use gear that enhances their capabilities: saddles secure
riders or loads, armor provides added protection, and leashes and collars help control
wayward animals. The prices here are for basic equipment of the given type. Fancy
decorations can double or triple the listed values. Items that fit beasts of different sizes
have a range of prices that reflect the additional material needed to manufacture larger
pieces of gear.
Barding (15 to 10,000 GP)
Barding is armor designed to fit animal companions. Size and materials (padded,
leather, scale, plate, etc.) determine barding cost and the protection it offers. A creature
wearing barding gains a +1 armor bonus if its natural armor class is better than the
protection provided by the armor. War dogs, hunting cats, and war-trained equines,
camelids, and elephants can wear barding, but training hunting cats to wear barding
uses a trick slot.
Bit/Bridle (15 SP)
The reins, headstall, and mouthpiece that allow a rider to direct a mount. Any animal
companion that can carry a rider can wear a bit and bridle.
Collar/Halter (1 SP)
A strap or series of straps that fit an animal's neck or head. Collars allow a master to
maintain control during training or transport. Dogs, monkeys, small mammals, and cats
wear collars. Equines, elephants, and camelids wear halters.
Feed, high-protein (2 CP per pound)
Food for animals that are omnivorous or carnivorous.
Feed, plant-based (1 CP per pound)
Food for herbivores.
Gauntlet, leather (2 GP)
A heavy leather glove that protects a trainer's hand/forearm from the claws of
predatory birds.
Harness (1 to 15 GP)
A system of straps and collars that allows an animal to pull a cart, wagon, or sled. Any
creature that can haul a load can use a harness. Harness prices reflect the size of
creature they fit.
Horseshoes (1 GP)
Metal horseshoes protect equine hooves from damage when traveling on hard surfaces.
Howdah (75 GP)
A howdah is a carriage-like structure that fits on the back of an elephant and provides
seating for up to four people. Fancier howdahs have tent-like covers that protect riders
from sun and weather and are often decorated with rich cloth and jewels.

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Equipment for Companions (continued)
Jesses/Hood (1/1 GP)
Jesses are straps that fit on a bird's legs and allow a trainer to control their animal.
Hoods cover a bird's eyes and help keep them calm during training or transport.
Masters can use jesses and hoods to control corvids, parrots, and predatory birds.
Leash (1 GP)
A heavy strap with a fastener on one end and a loop handle on the other. Leashes and
collars help maintain control over dogs, cats, monkeys, and small mammals.
Saddle, pack (5 to 15 GP)
Pack saddles are padded frames that stabilize heavy loads carried by beasts of burden.
They are designed to fit a specific type of animal (equine, camelid, elephant), and
support the maximum load these creatures can carry.
Saddle, riding (10 to 20 GP)
Riding saddles provide a stable seat and have stirrups that support a rider's legs. Any
mount can wear a riding saddle.
Saddle, war (20 to 50 GP)
War saddles have high pommels and cantles that provide an armored rider with added
support and stability. Any war-trained beast that can carry a rider can wear a war
Saddlebags, small/large (3/4 GP)
Paired bags that fit across an animal's back behind a saddle. Mounts can carry any-size
saddle bags, and large dogs can carry small saddle bags.
Saddle blanket (3 SP)
A thick blanket that protects a mount's back from saddle fittings.
The Companions

The Companions
Any domestic animal can become a companion, but some creatures are more common
than others. Each section that follows summarizes a companion category and includes
advancement and quirk tables. You can quickly adapt the provided attributes to any
OSR-style game.
Hit dice (HD), determine a creature's hit points (HP). Roll 1d8 per HD. Armor class (AC)
values are given as descending (ascending). An unarmored human is AC 9 (10), and
chainmail is AC 5 (14). Damage (Dam) indicates what die to roll when a companion
makes a successful attack. All animal companions fight as monsters and save as
fighters. Movement (MV) is given in generic units. Unburdened humans are MV 12.
Animals that can carry riders/gear have a load rating expressed in pounds. They can
haul the given amount (when fitted with appropriate equipment) at their standard
movement rate or up to 1.5 times the listed weight at half speed.
Note: While the creatures and equipment described herein are based on reality, please
don't use this information to care for real-life animals.

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Camelids are domestic animals Camelid Advancement

used as mounts and beasts of
Level XP Benefit
burden, and as a source of food and
textiles. The most familiar camelids 1 0 None
are llamas and dromedary and 2 10 +1 hit point
Bactrian camels. 3 30 +1 hit point, roll one quirk
Camels are well-adapted to arid 4 60 +2 hit points, +1 to all saving throws
conditions, tolerate hot and cold 5 90 +1 hit point, roll one quirk
temperatures, and can survive for 6 140 +1 hit point, +1 movement
weeks without water. They move
7 200 +2 hit points, roll one quirk
across soft sand quickly but are not
particularly nimble. Camels will
never enter dungeons.
Llamas also tolerate dry conditions, but not as well as camels, and have wooly coats
that protect them from cold weather. Their mountainous natural habitats make them
sure-footed, but they will not enter dungeons.
Camels are stubborn, suspicious beasts. They can only learn one trick per level and spit
with great accuracy to express their displeasure. Domestic llamas are generally
pleasant beasts, but will also spit when annoyed. Llamas are sometimes used to guard
herds of sheep and goats from predators. They can learn two plus level tricks. Camelids
are herbivores and will eat a broad range of plants other creatures won't touch.
Dromedary camels weigh between 880 and 1,300 pounds. Bactrian camels are larger,
weighing between 1,300 and 2,200 pounds. Llamas are too small to use as mounts and
weigh between 290 and 440 pounds.
• Bactrian Camel: HD 3, AC 7 (12), Dam 1d4 (bite), MV 15, Load: 500
• Dromedary Camel: HD 2, AC 7 (12), Dam 1d4 (bite), MV 15, Load: 300
• Llama: HD 1+1, AC 7 (12), Dam 1d3 (bite), MV 15, Load: 100
Camelid Quirks
Roll Quirk
1 Accurate Spitter - Spits at everything and always hits its mark
2 Unsteady Gait - Suffers a -1 movement penalty due to an irregular gait
3 Water Wise - Can find fresh water within five miles
4 Fearless - Never flees, +2 save versus fear effects
5 Placid - Has a +1 morale bonus in dangerous situations
6 Nasty - Does +2 damage with bite attacks
7 Iron Hearted - Can carry/pull loads for up to 12 hours per day without harm
8 Steel Spine - Increase carry capacity by 10 percent
9 Herd Leader - Will keep other camelids together
10 Nose for Danger - Grants its rider a +1 bonus to noticing ambushes
11 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk or remove an existing quirk
12 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk and roll again
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There are two categories of Canine Advancement

canines. Standard dogs are your
Level XP Benefit
typical household pets or work
dogs, loyal and friendly. War dogs 1 0 None
are large animals trained for 2 10 +2 hit points, roll one quirk
protection and combat. All canines 3 30 +1 hit point, +1 to attack rolls
are sure-footed, but they are not 4 60 +2 hit points, +1 movement
good climbers. War dogs will enter
5 90 +1 hit point, roll one quirk
dungeons, but standard dogs won't
unless they have the Fearless quirk. 6 140 +2 hit points, +1 to all saving throws
Canines are easy to train and may 7 200 +2 hit points, roll one quirk
learn six plus level tricks.
Most war dogs weigh between 60 and 180 pounds. Standard dogs range in size from
tiny animals bred for city life that weigh a few pounds to massive 200-pound rescue
dogs that can tow floundering swimmers to safety. A canine fitted with small saddle
bags can carry 15 percent of its body weight. All these beasts require high-protein food.
• Standard Dog: HD 1+1, AC 7 (12), Dam 1d4 (bite), MV 15, Load: special
• War Dog: HD 2-4, AC 6 (13), Dam 2d4 (bite), MV 15, Load: special

Canine Quirks
Roll Quirk
1 Yappy - Barks at the slighted provocation
2 Snappy - Prone to bite anyone but its owner
3 Keen Senses - Only surprised on 1 on a 1d8 roll, warns its master
4 Faithful Companion - Can always find its master, even from miles away
5 Pack Leader - Grants +1 morale bonus to all nearby friendly dogs
6 Iron Jaws - Does +2 damage with bites
7 Fearless - Never flees, +2 save versus fear effects
8 Herd Instinct - Will herd and guard other friendly animals
9 Tough as Nails - Gains a +1 bonus to all saving throws
10 Trash Mouth - Will eat anything and forages its own food
11 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk or remove an existing quirk
12 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk and roll again
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Corvids and Parrots
Corvids and Parrots

Ravens, crows, and rooks are Corvid/Parrot Advancement

collectively known as corvids. They
Level XP Benefit
are large, intelligent birds that
weigh between one to five pounds 1 0 None
and have wingspans of 2 to 5 feet. 2 10 +1 hit point
Corvids are agile long-distance 3 30 +1 to attack rolls, roll one quirk
fliers and have sharp claws and 4 60 +1 sneak, +1 to all saving throws
strong beaks. They will enter
5 90 +1 hit point, roll one quirk
6 140 +1 sneak, +1 thievery
Parrots vary considerably in size
7 200 +1 hit point, roll one quirk
and coloration, but they all have
thick, curved beaks and feet with
two forward-pointing and two backward-pointing toes. Most are agile climbers and
fliers but do not have the endurance for long trips. Parrots will enter dungeons.
Corvids and parrots are quite intelligent, and many can mimic human speech. Some use
basic tools to obtain food. Corvids are omnivores and scavengers. In the wilderness, all
corvids can find their own food, but regular feedings reinforce the bond with their
master. Most parrots are herbivores and require daily feeding in the wilderness due to
specialized diets. Corvids and parrots can learn four plus level tricks.
• Corvid: HD 1d4 HP, AC 7 (12), Dam 1d4 (stab), MV 3/15 flying, Load: 0
• Parrot: HD 1d4 HP, AC 7 (12), Dam 1d4 (bite), MV 3/12 flying, Load: 0

Corvid/Parrot Quirks
Roll Quirk
1 Thief - Steals small objects and deposits them in its owner’s gear
2 Mouthy - Repeats random phrases at inconvenient moments
3 Nimble - Gains a -1 (+1) AC bonus when flying (corvids)/climbing (parrots)
4 Loyal Companion - Makes all loyalty checks at +2
5 Dive Attack - Gains a +1 to hit bonus to initial attack rolls
6 High Perch - Hides in high places, gaining +1 stealth
7 Self-Preservation - Flees from dangerous situations
8 Clever - Can learn two additional tricks
9 Go for the Eyes - 10% chance successful attacks temporarily blind the target
10 Wily - Grants a +1 bonus to thievery attempts
11 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk or remove an existing quirk
12 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk and roll again
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Elephants and their prehistoric Elephant Advancement

cousins, mammoths, are huge
Level XP Benefit
herbivores that can move heavy
loads or serve as weapons of war. 1 0 None
Elephants are up to 10 feet tall at 2 10 +2 hit points
the shoulder and weigh about three 3 30 +2 hit points, roll one quirk
tons. Mammoths get much bigger, 4 60 +3 hit points, +2 damage
up to 13 feet tall at the shoulder,
5 90 +2 hit points, roll one quirk
and weigh up to eight tons. All
these creatures have sharp ivory 6 140 +2 hit points, +1 to all saving throws
tusks they can use as weapons. 7 200 +3 hit points, roll one quirk
Elephants/mammoths can carry up
to 600/800 pounds, lift the same with their trunks, and pull extremely heavy loads.
Battle-trained beasts can cause structural damage to wooden or light stone structures.
Elephants are quite intelligent and can learn five plus level tricks. Elephants and
mammoths consume vast quantities of plant-based food. They will not enter dungeons.
• Elephant: HD 9-11, AC 6 (13), Dam 2x2d4 (tusks) or 4d8 (trample), MV 15, Load: special
• Mammoth: HD 14, AC 5 (14), Dam 2x2d6 (tusks) or 4d8 (trample), MV 15, Load: special

Elephant Quirks
Roll Quirk
1 Grabby - Uses its trunk to grab items or people at random
2 Leaner - Likes to lean against trees, rocks, and buildings, with predictable results
3 Placid - Has a +1 morale bonus in dangerous situations
4 Heavy Build - Gains a 10 percent carry/lift/drag bonus
5 Swift - Gain a +2 movement bonus
6 Keen Hearing - Only surprised on 1 on a 1d8 roll
7 Guardian - Treats other herbivores as members of its herd
8 Hard Headed - Does extra structural damage
9 Thick Hide - Gains a -1 (+1) AC bonus
10 Iron Hearted - Can carry/pull loads for up to 12 hours per day without harm
11 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk or remove an existing quirk
12 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk and roll again
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Several equines are of interest to Equine Advancement

adventurers. Riding horses are
Level XP Benefit
lighter and faster than their more
martial cousins, war horses. Draft 1 0 None
horses, donkeys, mules, and ponies 2 10 +2 hit points
(which are just small horses) are 3 30 +1 hit point, roll one quirk
bred for labor. Donkeys and mules 4 60 +2 hit points, +1 to attack rolls
are the only equines that will enter
5 90 +1 hit point, roll one quirk
dungeons. They, along with ponies,
are sure-footed, easily traversing 6 140 +1 hit point, +1 to all saving throws
rough mountain trails. Only war 7 200 +2 hit points, roll one quirk
horses willingly engage in combat,
although all equines will defend themselves.
Equines can learn four plus level tricks and eat plant-based food. Horses weigh
between 850 and 2,200 pounds. Most donkeys and mules weigh between 200 and 1,000
pounds, with donkeys being, on average, smaller than mules. All equines can carry
heavy loads on their back. They can also pull much heavier loads when hitched to
wagons or carts.
• Draft Horse: HD 3, AC 7 (12), Dam 1d3 (kick), MV 12, Load: 400
• Riding Horse: HD 2, AC 7 (12), Dam 2x1d2 (kicks), MV 24, Load: 300
• War Horse, Light: HD 2+2, AC 7 (12), Dam 2x1d4 (kicks), MV 18, Load: 300
• War Horse, Medium: HD 3, AC 7 (12), Dam 2x1d6/1d3 (kicks/bite), MV 15, Load: 350
• War Horse, Heavy: HD 4, AC 7 (12), Dam 2x1d8/1d3 (kicks/bite), MV 12, Load: 400
• Donkey: HD 2, AC 7 (12), Dam 1d3 (bite), MV 12, Load: 100
• Mule: HD 3, AC 7 (12), Dam 1d6/1d2 (kick/bite), MV 12, Load: 200
• Pony: HD 1+1, AC 7 (12), Dam 1d2 (kick), MV 12, Load: 200

Equine Quirks
Roll Quirk
1 High-Strung - Flees at the first sign of trouble
2 Frail - Reduce carry capacity by 10 percent
3 Placid - Has a +1 morale bonus in dangerous situations
4 Double Kick - Does +2 damage with kick attacks
5 Loyal Mount - Bucks off any rider other than its master
6 Steel Spine - Increase carry capacity by 10 percent
7 Water Wise - Can find fresh water within one mile
8 Herd Leader - Will keep other horses and ponies together
9 Self-Preservation - Flees from dangerous situations
10 Swift - Gains a +2 movement bonus
11 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk or remove an existing quirk
12 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk and roll again
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There are two types of feline that Feline Advancement

qualify as animal companions.
Level XP Benefit
House cats are small and agile and
have sharp claws and fangs. 1 0 None
Hunting cats come in varying sizes 2 10 +1 hit point, roll one quirk
and weigh up to 220 pounds, but 3 30 +1 sneak, +1 to attack rolls
they are difficult to tame and keep 4 60 +1 hit point, +1 to all saving throws
as companions; they suffer a -3
5 90 +1 sneak, roll one quirk
modifier on all loyalty checks. All
felines are sure-footed and great at 6 140 +1 hit point, +1 damage
climbing. They also have superior 7 200 +1 hit point, roll one quirk
night vision and are quite stealthy.
While felines are almost never surprised, they won't always alert their master to
approaching threats. Cats of any sort are not particularly amenable to training, and
feline companions can only learn two plus level tricks.
Felines that hit with both their claw attacks automatically double their claw damage by
raking with their rear claws. They will not carry equipment. While hunting cats move
quickly over great distances, house cats are not good long-distance travelers. Felines
require plenty of fresh water and high-protein food. Hunting cats will not enter
dungeons, but house cats will if carried by their master.
• House Cat: HD 1d4 HP, AC 5 (14), Dam 2x1/2 (claws/bite), MV 15, Load: 0
• Lynx: HD 2, AC 6 (13), Dam 2x1d2/1d6 (claws/bite), MV 15, Load: 0
• Cheetah: HD 4, AC 6 (13), Dam 2x1d3/1d6 (claws/bite), MV 18, Load: 0
• Jaguar: HD 5, AC 6 (13), Dam 2x1d4/1d8 (claws/bite), MV 15, Load: 0
• Tiger: HD 6, AC 6 (13), Dam 2x1d4+1/1d10 (claws/bite), MV 15, Load: 0

Feline Quirks
Roll Quirk
1 Yowler - Meows and yowls at any unusual noise
2 Gifts for Master - Brings animals it’s killed to its owner
3 Avid Hunter - Finds its own food
4 Stalker - Will always attempt to remain hidden, +1 stealth
5 Cute - Grants its master a +1 bonus to reaction checks when present
6 Razor Claws - +1 damage with claws (+2 for hunting cats)
7 Pounce Attack - Has a silent first attack with a +2 to hit bonus
8 Fuzz Ball - Tolerates cold temperatures
9 Squeeze Play - Easily fits through openings that appear too small
10 Nine Lives - Has a 10 percent chance to avoid deadly spells or attacks
11 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk or remove an existing quirk
12 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk and roll again
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Small primates are very intelligent Monkey Advancement

and nimble climbers, and many
Level XP Benefit
have opposable thumbs. Monkey
animal companions are fairly small 1 0 None
beasts that weigh between 5 and 25 2 10 +1 hit point
pounds. Most are arboreal and can 3 30 +1 sneak, roll one quirk
climb sheer surfaces. Monkeys do 4 60 +1 hit point, +1 to attack rolls
not like walking long distances,
5 90 +1 thievery, roll one quirk
preferring to travel between trees
in great leaps. They will enter 6 140 +1 hit point, +1 to all saving throws
dungeons but are uncomfortable in 7 200 +1 hit point, roll one quirk
areas where they can't escape to a
high perch.
Monkeys are quite smart and can manipulate door latches or open windows and
containers. They learn six plus level tricks. Most monkeys are omnivores that eat fruit,
vegetables, seeds, leaves, and insects. Hungry monkeys will steal human food, and all
these beasts will take small items that catch their eye.
• Monkey: HD 1-2, AC 7 (12), Dam 1d3 (bite), MV 9/12 climbing, Load: 0

Monkey Quirks
Roll Quirk
1 Poo Flinger - Expresses its displeasure by throwing fecal matter
2 Thief - Constantly steals and hides small items
3 Entertainer - Likes attention and hams it up when people are watching
4 Self-Preservation - Flees from dangerous situations
5 Explorer - Constantly wanders off to check out its surroundings
6 Follow the Leader - Always sticks close to its master
7 Naturally Sneaky - Gains a +1 sneak bonus
8 Leap Attack - Attacks with a +2 to hit bonus when positioned on a high perch
9 Deft Dodger - Gains a -1 (+1) AC bonus
10 Clever - Can learn two additional tricks
11 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk or remove an existing quirk
12 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk and roll again
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Predatory Birds
Predatory Birds

Hawks, falcons, eagles, and owls Predatory Bird Advancement

are all predatory birds. They have
Level XP Benefit
powerful claws and beaks and
come in a broad range of sizes. 1 0 None
Birds of prey use a variety of flying 2 10 +1 hit point
styles -- long dives, short bursts of 3 30 +1 flying movement, roll one quirk
speed, and silent gliding -- to take 4 60 +1 hit point, +1 to all saving throws
their prey. Eagles are large,
5 90 +1 to attack rolls, roll one quirk
powerful birds, with wingspans of
up to 7 feet. Hawks are midsize 6 140 +1 hit point, +1 damage
birds with 3- to 4-foot wingspans. 7 200 +1 hit point, roll one quirk
Falcons are small and fast, with
wingspans of 2 to 4 feet. Owls are nocturnal predatory birds and have wingspans of 10
inches to 4 feet. While birds of prey are active hunters, they are also somewhat delicate
due to their light bone structure. All these birds use a claw/claw/bite attack routine.
Predatory birds are not particularly loyal and suffer a -2 penalty on all loyalty checks.
Hawks, falcons, and eagles can learn two plus level tricks; owls can learn three plus
level tricks. Predatory birds only eat meat. Birds of prey are excellent fliers, but
allowing them to roam in the wilderness reduces their loyalty. Make a loyalty check for
each day of untethered flight. Eagles, hawks, and falcons will not willingly enter
dungeons, but owls will.
• Eagle: HD 1, AC 8 (11), Dam 2x1d3/1d4 (claws/bite), MV 3/18 flying, Load: 0
• Falcon: HD 1d3 HP, AC 8 (11), Dam 2x1d2/1d3 (claws/bite), MV 3/18 flying, Load: 0
• Hawk: HD 1d4 HP, AC 8 (11), Dam 2x1d3/1d3 (claws/bite), MV 3/18 flying, Load: 0
• Owl: HD 1d4 HP, AC 8 (11), Dam 2x1d2/1d3 (claws/bite), MV 3/18 flying, Load: 0

Predatory Bird Quirks

Roll Quirk
1 Shrill - Shrieks/hoots at inappropriate moments
2 Biter - Attacks nearby people or creatures other than its master
3 Razor Claws - Does +1 damage with claw attacks
4 Alert - Grants its master a +1 bonus to surprise checks
5 Speedy Flier - Gains a +2 movement bonus when flying
6 Calm - Easy to manage around other people or animals
7 Fierce - Appearance may intimidate foes
8 Dive Attack - Gains a +2 to hit bonus to initial attack rolls
9 Fearless - Never flees, +2 save versus fear effects
10 Free Flier - Requires no loyalty check when allowed to fly untethered
11 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk or remove an existing quirk
12 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk and roll again
Animal Companions by PBE Games - Page 14
Small Mammals
Small Mammals

Rats, rabbits, ferrets, and other Small Mammal Advancement

small mammals share several
Level XP Benefit
common characteristics. Most use
stealth to avoid danger, and they 1 0 None
are not well-suited to long-distance 2 10 +1 hit point
travel. These creatures are small 3 30 +1 sneak, roll one quirk
enough to carry, and some are 4 60 +1 hit point, +1 to all saving throws
quite clever. They will only enter
5 90 +1 thievery, roll one quirk
dungeons when carried by their
master. Small mammals weigh just 6 140 +1 hit point, +1 to all saving throws
a few pounds and have varied 7 200 +1 sneak, roll one quirk
diets. Left to their own devices,
most will forage their own food. Small mammals can learn three plus level tricks. These
creatures are not particularly faithful and suffer a -1 penalty to all loyalty checks.
• Ferret: HD 1d3 HP, AC 8 (11), Dam 1d2 (bite), MV 12, Load: 0
• Rabbit: HD 1d2 HP, AC 8 (11), Dam N/A, MV 12, Load: 0
• Rat: HD 1d3 HP, AC 8 (11), Dam 1 (bite), MV 9, Load: 0

Small Mammal Quirks

Roll Quirk
1 Inconsiderate - This creature uses inconvenient spots to relieve itself
2 Chewer - Destroys minor valuables with constant gnawing
3 Perplexing - Creates timely distractions for its master
4 Self-Preservation - Flees from dangerous situations
5 Cute - Grants its master a +1 bonus to reaction checks when present
6 Follow the Leader - Always sticks close to its master
7 Alert - Grants its master a +1 bonus to surprise checks
8 Fleet Feet - Gains a +2 movement bonus
9 Rapid Gnawing - Chews through rope, wood, and similar materials quickly
10 Clever - Can learn two additional tricks
11 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk or remove an existing quirk
12 Master’s Choice - Choose any quirk and roll again
Animal Companions by PBE Games - Page 15
Other Animal Companions
Other Animal Companions

Players may wish to tame creatures not covered by the provided tables. In these cases,
the GM can create their own advancement and quirk tables by picking and choosing
entries from the examples given or making up their own bonuses and quirks. Here are
some guidelines for advancement and quirk table creation:
• Advancement tables should include three quirk rolls, two to five combat/save/skill
bonuses, and add three to ten hit points.
• Quirk tables should have two negative entries and two entries that grant the master a
choice of quirks.
The Companion Worksheet contains blank advancement and quirk tables and space
for notes. GMs and players can use it to create custom companion advancement charts.
The Beastmaster

The Beastmaster
Beastmasters are characters with a natural affinity for wild animals. They live on the
fringes of the civilized world, outcast by choice, chance, or force of law. Their life in the
wilderness has made them tough and strong, and their gift requires a certain amount of
charm. Beastmasters can tame the usual number of standard animal companions and
use Empathic Bond to turn wild beasts of any sort into unique companions with added
abilities and benefits.
Beastmasters revere nature and must maintain a neutral alignment. A Beastmaster
with Strength, Constitution, and Charisma scores of 13 or higher earns a 5% experience
point bonus. If all three scores are 16 or higher, the character earns a 10% experience
point bonus. This class choice is available to humans, elves, and half-elves.
Beastmasters have the following abilities and characteristics:
• Minimum Attributes: STR 9, CON 12, CHA 12
• Prime Attribute: CHA
• Hit Dice: 1d6
• Maximum Level: None
Beastmasters fight and gain levels as Clerics. They use all weapons except crossbows,
elaborate pole arms, or guns. To allow swift and silent movement in their wilderness
habitat, Beastmasters only wear light armor: padded, leather, or studded leather. They
save as Fighters of the same level. Beastmasters live a simple life, owning only what
they and their animal companions can carry. They may not hire henchmen or hirelings.
In natural settings, Beastmasters can Move Silently and Hide in Shadows as a same-
level Thief. They are proficient hunters and foragers, doubling the odds of finding food
in the wilderness. Beastmasters can also track creatures in the wilderness with a 90%
chance of success. Make a tracking check every two hours and modify the chance of
success as follows:
• +5% per creature being tracked
• -20% per hour of precipitation
• -5% per hour that has passed since the creatures passed the area
In the wilderness, Beastmasters are only surprised on a 1 on a d6 and surprise others
on a 1 to 3 on a d6.

Animal Companions by PBE Games - Page 16

The Beastmaster (continued)
Beastmasters have the following beast-related abilities:
Bestial Empathy allows the communication of emotions (fear, curiosity, anger) to any
animal within 60 feet. The Beastmaster can use this ability to calm agitated horses,
frighten a guard beast, or enrage a placid bull. Bestial Empathy requires concentration
for a full round to establish the empathic link, and unfriendly creatures gain a saving
throw versus spell to resist the effect.
Animal Speech allows more direct communication with animals. A Beastmaster using
Animal Speech must be within 60 feet of and visible to the target creature. Most beasts
cannot process advanced ideas or complex plans, but concepts such as danger, food,
water, friend, foe can usually be conveyed. Intelligent creatures, of course, understand
more advanced subjects. An unfriendly creature may ignore the Beastmaster's
communication attempt (though it may still be susceptible to Bestial Empathy).
Determine the creature's response using a standard reaction check and double the
effect of the Beastmaster's Charisma Reaction Adjustment.
The third and most potent Beast Mastery ability is Empathic Bond, which establishes a
permanent link between the Beastmaster and one or more wild animals. Once the link
is established, affected creatures become companions that willingly follow the
character and actively work with the Beastmaster to achieve his or her goals. A
Beastmaster can establish an Empathic Bond with one or more beasts whose hit dice
total does not exceed twice the character's hit dice. For example, a 2nd level
Beastmaster could create an Empathic Bond with two 2HD beast or four 1HD beasts.
High Charisma characters can tame additional HD of beasts::
• CHA 13-15 +2HD
• CHA 16-17 +3HD
• CHA 18 +5HD
The Empathic Bond between a Beastmaster and their companion creatures grants
additional abilities as the Beastmaster advances in power.
• 2nd level Beastmasters can use silent mental commands to communicate with any
companion within sight.
• At 4th level, Beastmasters can tend their companion's wounds, healing a total of 1 HP
per character level per day across all companions.
• At 5th level, a Beastmaster can concentrate on a single companion and view the
world through its eyes. This ability has a range of 100 yards per character level.
• 7th level Beastmasters can use Cure Disease or Neutralize Poison on a companion
once per day, twice per day at ninth level.
• At 8th level, the Beastmaster gains the ability to form Empathic Bonds with magical
Companions gained using Empathic Bond are subject to the usual rules of animal
companions for feeding, tricks, advancement, and quirks. Mundane companions do not
gain the benefits listed above. All Beastmaster animal companions are exceptionally
loyal and gain a +3 bonus to loyalty checks. Beastmasters may sever an Empathic Bond
willingly. The affected creature will immediately leave and will never become a
companion again.
Animal Companions by PBE Games - Page 17
Companion Worksheet
Companion Worksheet

Character: Player:
Companion: Species:
HP (HD): ( ) Move: Notes:
AC: Load:
Level: XP:
Fight/Save as: /

Level XP Benefit
1 0
2 10
3 30
4 60
5 90
6 140
7 200

Roll Quirk
This page may be reproduced for personal use.

Animal Companions by PBE Games - Page 18

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