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Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Two items shirt and trouser is
marked 40% and 10% above
their cost price respectively. If
both items are sold together at
Rs 4,300 and profit earned on
shirt is Rs 600. Then find the
Cost price of trouser.

दो वस्तुओ ं शर्ट और पैलून पर उनके क्रय

मूल्य से क्रमशः 40% और 10% अधिक
अंककत ककया गया है . यदद दोनों वस्तुओ ं को
एक साथ 4,300 रुपये में बेचा जाता है और
शर्ट पर अर्जित लाभ 600 रुपये है । तो पतलून
का क्रय मूल्य ज्ञात कीर्जए।

a) Rs 2,000
b) Rs 2,200
c) Rs 1,800
d) Rs 2,500
e) None of these
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Two items shirt and trouser is
marked 40% and 10% above
their cost price respectively. If
both items are sold together at
Rs 4,300 and profit earned on
shirt is Rs 600. Then find the
Cost price of trouser.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

Aman purchased 5 pencils, 15 pens and 10

erasers, respectively for Rs. 180, Rs. 900 and Rs.
300, respectively from a seller. By selling each
pencil and each pen, the seller made a profit of
‘a%’ and ‘b%’, respectively such that b = 3a.
Find the profit earned by the seller on selling all
the erasers given the condition that cost price of
a pen, a pencil and an eraser is same.

अमन ने एक कवक्रेता से क्रमशः 5 पेंर्सल, 15 पेन और 10 इरेज़र

क्रमशः 180 रुपये, 900 रुपये और 300 रुपये में खरीदे। प्रत्येक
पेंर्सल और प्रत्येक पेन को बेचकर, कवक्रेता ने क्रमशः 'a%' और
'b%' का लाभ कमाया, जैसे कक b = 3a, सभी इरेज़र बेचने पर
कवक्रेता द्वारा अर्जित लाभ ज्ञात कीर्जए, बशते कक एक पेन, एक
पेंर्सल और एक इरेज़र का लागत मूल्य समान हो।

a) Rs 80
b) Rs 72
c) Rs 60
d) Rs 40
e) Rs 54
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

Aman purchased 5 pencils, 15

pens and 10 erasers,
respectively for Rs. 180, Rs. 900
and Rs. 300, respectively from a
seller. By selling each pencil and
each pen, the seller made a
profit of ‘a%’ and ‘b%’,
respectively such that b = 3a.
Find the profit earned by the
seller on selling all the erasers
given the condition that cost
price of a pen, a pencil and an
eraser is same.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

Cost price of alcohol is 50% more than cost price of

soda. A bartender mixed 120 litres of alcohol with
30litres of soda in a vessel. By mistake 50 litres of
the mixture from the vessel is spilled out and to
recover the loss he put 30litres of soda in the vessel.
He sold the whole mixture from the vessel at the
rate 60% higher than the cost price of the alcohol.
Find his profit/loss percent in this transaction.

अल्कोहल का क्रय मूल्य सोडा के क्रय मूल्य से 50% अधिक है । एक

बारर्ें डर ने एक बतटन में 30 लीर्र सोडा के साथ 120 लीर्र अल्कोहल
र्मलाया। गलती से बतटन से 50 लीर्र र्मश्रण बाहर गगर गया और
नुकसान की भरपाई के र्लए उसने बतटन में 30 लीर्र सोडा डाल ददया।
उसने बतटन से पूरा र्मश्रण शराब की लागत मूल्य से 60% अधिक दर पर
बेच ददया। इस ले नदेन में उसका लाभ/हार्न प्रधतशत ज्ञात कीर्जए।

a) 20%
b) 24%
c) 30%
d) 32%
e) 26%
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

Cost price of alcohol is 50% more

than cost price of soda. A bartender
mixed 120 litres of alcohol with
30litres of soda in a vessel. By
mistake 50 litres of the mixture
from the vessel is spilled out and to
recover the loss he put 30litres of
soda in the vessel. He sold the
whole mixture from the vessel at
the rate 60% higher than the cost
price of the alcohol. Find his
profit/loss percent in this
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
5 items P,Q,R,S and T are
purchased at Rs 500 each. If all
these items are sold at x+10, x,
x+40, 2x+30 and x respectively.
Find the profit percentage
earned on item R, if all items are
sold at 40% profit.

5 वस्तुएं P, Q, R, S और T प्रत्येक 500

रुपये पर खरीदी जाती हैं । यदद ये सभी वस्तुएं
क्रमशः x+10, x, x+40, 2x+30 और x
पर बेची जाती हैं । यदद सभी वस्तुएं 40% लाभ
पर बेची जाती हैं , तो वस्तु R पर अर्जित लाभ
प्रधतशत ज्ञात कीर्जए।

a) 25%
b) 20%
c) 22%
d) 18%
e) None of these
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
5 items P,Q,R,S and T are
purchased at Rs 500 each. If all
these items are sold at x+10, x,
x+40, 2x+30 and x respectively.
Find the profit percentage
earned on item R, if all items are
sold at 40% profit.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
The ratio of cost price of two items
X and Y is in ratio 9:5. If they both
sold together for Rs 8,400 at 20%
profit, then find the profit % on
item x, if difference between
selling price of x and y is Rs
1,200(SP of X>Y).

दो वस्तुओ ं X और Y के क्रय मूल्य का अनुपात

9:5 है । यदद वे दोनों एक साथ 20% लाभ पर
8,400 रुपये में बेचते हैं , तो वस्तु X पर लाभ%
ज्ञात कीर्जये, यदद x और y के कवक्रय मूल्य के
बीच का अंतर 1,200 रुपये (SP : X>Y) है ।

a) 15%
b) 10%
c) 16.66%
d) 6.66%
e) None of these
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
The ratio of cost price of two
items X and Y is in ratio 9:5. If
they both sold together for Rs
8,400 at 20% profit, then find
the profit % on item x, if
difference between selling price
of x and y is Rs 1,200(SP : X>Y).
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

Quantity I : Shilpa marked rice 20% above the cost price and sold it at a
discount of 10%. Using a faulty machine, she sold only 1600 grams for
the price of every 2000 grams. What is her profit percentage?
Quantity II : The cost price of an item is Rs. 120. It is marked 51.67%
above the cost price and sold at a 50% discount. What is the percentage
loss on the product?
Quantity III : A shopkeeper got the cost price of 20 eggs by selling 15 of
them. He sold 32 eggs at the same price at which he bought 40 eggs. If
the cost price of each egg is the same, what is the net profit percentage?

मात्रा I: र्शल्पा ने चावल पर लागत मूल्य से 20% अधिक मूल्य अंककत ककया और इसे 10% की छूर् पर
बेचा। एक ख़राब मशीन का उपयोग करके, उसने प्रत्येक 2000 ग्राम की कीमत पर केवल 1600 ग्राम
ही बेचा। उसका लाभ प्रधतशत क्या है ?
मात्रा II: एक वस्तु का लागत मूल्य 120 रुपये है । इस पर लागत मूल्य से 51.67% अधिक अंककत है और
50% छूर् पर बेचा जाता है । उत्पाद पर प्रधतशत हार्न क्या है ?
मात्रा III: एक दक ु ानदार ने 20 अंडों में से 15 बेचकर उनका लागत मूल्य प्राप्त ककया। उसने 32 अंडे उसी
कीमत पर बेचे र्जस कीमत पर उसने 40 अंडे खरीदे थे। यदद प्रत्येक अंडे का लागत मूल्य समान है , तो
शुद्ध लाभ प्रधतशत क्या है ?
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

Quantity I : Shilpa marked rice 20%

above the cost price and sold it at a
discount of 10%. Using a faulty
machine, she sold only 1600 grams for
the price of every 2000 grams. What is
her profit percentage?
Quantity II : The cost price of an item is
Rs. 120. It is marked 51.67% above the
cost price and sold at a 50% discount.
What is the percentage loss on the
Quantity III : A shopkeeper got the cost
price of 20 eggs by selling 15 of them.
He sold 32 eggs at the same price at
which he bought 40 eggs. If the cost
price of each egg is the same, what is
the net profit percentage?
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

Quantity I : Shilpa marked rice 20%

above the cost price and sold it at a
discount of 10%. Using a faulty
machine, she sold only 1600 grams for
the price of every 2000 grams. What is
her profit percentage?
Quantity II : The cost price of an item is
Rs. 120. It is marked 51.67% above the
cost price and sold at a 50% discount.
What is the percentage loss on the
Quantity III : A shopkeeper got the cost
price of 20 eggs by selling 15 of them.
He sold 32 eggs at the same price at
which he bought 40 eggs. If the cost
price of each egg is the same, what is
the net profit percentage?
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections

Quantity I : Shilpa marked rice 20%

above the cost price and sold it at a
discount of 10%. Using a faulty
machine, she sold only 1600 grams for
the price of every 2000 grams. What is
her profit percentage?
Quantity II : The cost price of an item is
Rs. 120. It is marked 51.67% above the
cost price and sold at a 50% discount.
What is the percentage loss on the
Quantity III : A shopkeeper got the cost
price of 20 eggs by selling 15 of them.
He sold 32 eggs at the same price at
which he bought 40 eggs. If the cost
price of each egg is the same, what is
the net profit percentage?
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
4 articles A,B,C and D are sold by the shopkeeper. The ratio of selling price of A to
marked price of C is 2:3. Article B and article D is marked 33.33% above its cost price.
Discount % that is offered on article D is same as that on article B. Selling price of A is
100% more than marked price of B. A discount of 10% is provided while selling article
B. Sum of marked price of C and D is Rs 540, while sum of profit earned on article B and
D is Rs 33.

4 वस्तुएं A, B, C, D दकु ानदार द्वारा बेची जाती हैं । A के कवक्रय मूल्य और C के अंककत मूल्य का अनुपात 2:3 है । अनुच्छेद
B और अनुच्छेद D पर इसके क्रय मूल्य से 33.33% अधिक अंककत ककया गया है । वस्तु D पर दी गई छूर्% वस्तु B के
बराबर है । A का कवक्रय मूल्य, B के अंककत मूल्य से 100% अधिक है । वस्तु B को बेचते समय 10% की छूर् प्रदान की जाती
है । C और D के अंककत मूल्य का योग 540 रुपये है , जबकक वस्तु B और D पर अर्जित लाभ का योग 33 रुपये है ।
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
4 articles A,B,C,D are sold
by the shopkeeper. The
ratio of selling price of A
to marked price of C is
2:3. Article B and article D
is marked 33.33% above
its cost price. Discount %
that is offered on article D
is same as that on article
B. Selling price of A is
100% more than marked
price of B. A discount of
10% is provided while
selling article B. Sum of
marked price of C and D is
Rs 540, while sum of
profit earned on article B
and D is Rs 33.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
If profit earned on selling article
A is 66.66% more than that by
selling article B. Find discount %
on article A if it is marked Rs
120 above its cost price.

यदद वस्तु A को बेचने पर अर्जित लाभ वस्तु

B को बेचने पर अर्जित लाभ से 66.66%
अधिक है , यदद वस्तु A पर छूर्% ज्ञात कीर्जये
यदद उस पर क्रय मूल्य से 120 रुपये अधिक
अंककत है ।

a) 25%
b) 20%
c) 22%
d) 18%
e) None of these
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
If profit earned on selling article
A is 66.66% more than that by
selling article B. Find discount %
on article A if it is marked Rs
120 above its cost price.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
If article C is sold at two
successive discount of 30% and
36Rs respectively. Find the ratio
of selling price of article A and
selling price of article C.

यदद वस्तु C को क्रमशः 30% और 36 रुपये

की दो क्रमागत छूर् पर बेचा जाता है । वस्तु A
के कवक्रय मूल्य और वस्तु C के कवक्रय मूल्य
का अनुपात ज्ञात कीर्जये।

a) 15:16
b) 12:13
c) 22:9
d) 16:15
e) 21:16
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
If article C is sold at two
successive discount of 30% and
36Rs respectively. Find the ratio
of selling price of article A and
selling price of article C.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
The pie chart below shows the percentage distribution of profits earned by 5 persons
P,Q,R,S and T by selling a plot. The total profit earned by them is Rs 2,50,000.

नीचे ददया गया पाई चार्ट 5 व्यगियों P, Q, R, S और T द्वारा एक प्लॉर् बेचकर अर्जित लाभ के प्रधतशत कवतरण को
दशाटता है । उनके द्वारा अर्जित कुल लाभ 2,50,000 रुपये है ।

TOTAL PROFIT = 2,50,000


(1.5)x% (3/4)x% T
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
If selling price of plot for Q is 3
times of the profit earned by T
and ratio of cost price of plot for
Q to R is 2:3. Find the cost price
of plot for R.

यदद Q के र्लए प्लॉर् का कवक्रय मूल्य T द्वारा

अर्जित लाभ का 3 गुना है और प्लॉर् के Q से
R के क्रय मूल्य का अनुपात 2:3 है । R के
र्लए प्लॉर् का क्रय मूल्य ज्ञात कीर्जये।

a) Rs 65,000
b) Rs 62,000
c) Rs 65,500
d) Rs 67,500
e) Rs 68,000
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
If selling price of plot for Q is 3
times of the profit earned by T
and ratio of cost price of plot for
Q to R is 2:3. Find the cost price
of plot for R.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
If cost price of plot for P is Rs
8,000 less than profit earned by
T. Find the discount % on plot P
if marked price of plot for P is Rs
10,000 more than profit earned
by R.

यदद P के र्लए प्लॉर् का क्रय मूल्य T द्वारा

अर्जित लाभ से 8,000 रुपये कम है , तो प्लॉर्
P पर छूर्% ज्ञात कीर्जये यदद P के र्लए
प्लॉर् का अंककत मूल्य R द्वारा अर्जित लाभ
से 10,000 रुपये अधिक है ।

a) 10%
b) 15%
c) 16%
d) 18%
e) 12%
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
If cost price of plot for P is Rs
8,000 less than profit earned by
T. Find the discount % on plot P
if marked price of plot for P is Rs
10,000 more than profit earned
by R.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
There are three shops A, B, and C, all of them sell ACs and TVs. The ratio of TVs and ACs
sold by shop A is in the ratio 4:3. The number of TVs sold by C is 45. The number of ACs
sold by C is equal to the number of TVs sold by B. The number of ACs sold by B is 5 more
than the number of TVs sold by A. The Number of ACs sold by A is 20 more than the
number of ACs sold by C. The selling price of TV and AC sold by shop A is Rs 3,000 and Rs
5,000 respectively. The ratio of selling price of the TV for shop A to shop C is 2:3. The
selling price of TV and AC sold by B is Rs 2,500 and Rs 6,000 respectively. Revenue
generated by selling all TVs and all ACs by shop A is equal to twice the revenue
generated by selling TVs by shop C. The ratio of selling price of the AC for shop A to shop
C is 2:3.

तीन दक ु ानें A, B और C हैं , ये सभी एसी और र्ीवी बेचती हैं । दक

ु ान A द्वारा बेचे गए र्ीवी और AC का अनुपात 4:3 है । C
द्वारा बेचे गए र्ीवी की संख्या 45 है । C द्वारा बेचे गए AC की संख्या B द्वारा बेचे गए र्ीवी की संख्या के बराबर है । B द्वारा बेचे
गए AC की संख्या A द्वारा बेचे गए र्ीवी की संख्या से 5 अधिक है । A द्वारा बेचे गए AC, C द्वारा बेचे गए AC की संख्या से 20
अधिक हैं । दक ु ान A द्वारा बेचे गए र्ीवी और AC का कवक्रय मूल्य क्रमशः 3,000 रुपये और 5,000 रुपये है । दक ु ान A से
दक ु ान C के र्लए र्ीवी के कवक्रय मूल्य का अनुपात 2:3 है । B द्वारा बेचे गए र्ीवी और AC का कवक्रय मूल्य क्रमशः 2,500
रुपये और 6,000 रुपये है । दक ु ान A द्वारा सभी र्ीवी और सभी AC बेचने से उत्पन्न राजस्व, दक ु ान C द्वारा र्ीवी बेचने से
उत्पन्न राजस्व के दोगुने के बराबर है । दक ु ान A और दक ु ान C के र्लए AC की कबक्री मूल्य का अनुपात 2:3 है ।
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
There are three shops A, B, and C, all
of them sell ACs and TVs. The ratio of
TVs and ACs sold by shop A is in the
ratio 4:3. The number of TVs sold by
C is 45. The number of ACs sold by C
is equal to the number of TVs sold by
B. The number of ACs sold by B is 5
more than the number of TVs sold by
A. The Number of ACs sold by A is 20
more than the number of ACs sold by
C. The selling price of TV and AC sold
by shop A is Rs 3,000 and Rs 5,000
respectively. The ratio of selling price
of the TV for shop A to shop C is 2:3.
The selling price of TV and AC sold by
B is Rs 2,500 and Rs 6,000
respectively. Revenue generated by
selling all TVs and all ACs by shop A
is equal to twice the revenue
generated by selling TVs by shop C.
The ratio of selling price of the AC for
shop A to shop C is 2:3.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Find the difference between
total revenue generated by
selling all ACs and all TVs by all
shop together.

सभी दकु ानों द्वारा सभी एसी और सभी र्ीवी

को र्मलाकर बेचने से उत्पन्न कुल राजस्व के
बीच अंतर ज्ञात कीर्जए।

a) Rs 3,19,500
b) Rs 3,15,000
c) Rs 3,57,500
d) Rs 3,40,500
e) Rs 3,70,500
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Find the difference between
total revenue generated by
selling all ACs and all TVs by all
shop together.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
If the number of TV and AC sold
by shop D is the average number
of TV and AC sold by shop B and
shop C respectively. Then find
the ratio of number of TV to AC
sold by shop D

यदद दकु ान D द्वारा बेचे गए र्ीवी और AC की

संख्या क्रमशः दकु ान B और दक ु ान C द्वारा
बेचे गए र्ीवी और AC की औसत संख्या है । तो
ु ान D द्वारा बेचे गए र्ीवी और AC की
संख्या का अनुपात ज्ञात कीर्जये
a) 5:6
b) 7:5
c) 7:9
d) 3:5
e) 2:9
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If the number of TV and AC sold
by shop D is the average number
of TV and AC sold by shop B and
shop C respectively. Then find
the ratio of number of TV to AC
sold by shop D
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If TVs sold by C is 90% of what
manufactured by shop C, then
find the percentage unsold TV by
shop C.

यदद C द्वारा बेचे गए र्ीवी दक

ु ान C द्वारा
र्नर्मित र्ीवी का 90% है , तो दक
ु ान C द्वारा
बेचे गए र्ीवी का प्रधतशत ज्ञात कीर्जए।

a) 11.11%
b) 22.22%
c) 33.33%
d) 44.44%
e) 55.55%
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
If TVs sold by C is 90% of what
manufactured by shop C, then
find the percentage unsold TV by
shop C.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
The ratio of number of ACs and
TVs sold by B to another shop E
is in ratio 5:7 and 5:7
respectively. Find the revenue
generated by shop E if sold at
same price as of shop A.

B द्वारा दस
ू री दक
ु ान E को बेचे गए AC और
TV की संख्या का अनुपात क्रमशः 5:7 और
5:7 है । यदद दक
ु ान A को समान कीमत पर
बेचा जाता है तो दकु ान E द्वारा उत्पन्न राजस्व
ज्ञात कीर्जए।

a) Rs 5,65,000
b) Rs 5,55,000
c) Rs 5,60,000
d) Rs 5,40,000
e) Rs 5,70,000
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
The ratio of number of ACs and
TVs sold by B to another shop E
is in ratio 5:7 and 5:7
respectively. Find the revenue
generated by shop E if sold at
same price as of shop A.
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The given pie chart shows the percentage distribution of the total cost of a company to
make units of a product. The total revenue of the company by selling all units is Rs
Note: X%
Information given below is related to single unit.
Gross profit = Total revenue – total cost 3X%
Net profit = Gross profit – Tax
Tax = 20% of gross profit
Net profit per unit = Rs 200 (x+5)%
Advertisement cost of unit = Rs 7 + Tax Z%
Units sold = 40
Selling price for each unit is equal.
Marketing Adevertisement Packaging Material Extra

ददया गया पाई चार्ट ककसी उत्पाद की इकाइयााँ बनाने के र्लए कंपनी की कुल लागत का प्रधतशत कवतरण दशाटता है । सभी
यूर्नट्स बेचकर कंपनी का कुल राजस्व 32,800 रुपये है ।
टर्प्पणी: एकल इकाई से संबंधित जानकारी नीचे दी गई है ।
सकल लाभ = कुल राजस्व - कुल लागत
शुद्ध लाभ = सकल लाभ - कर
कर = सकल लाभ का 20%
प्रधत यूर्नर् शुद्ध लाभ = 200 रु
इकाई की कवज्ञापन लागत = रु 7 + कर
बेची गई इकाइयााँ = 40
प्रत्येक इकाई का कवक्रय मूल्य बराबर है ।
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Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Find the difference between cost
price of 20 units and total
packaging cost for 40 units

20 इकाइयों की लागत मूल्य और 40

इकाइयों की कुल पैकेर्जिंग लागत के बीच
अंतर ज्ञात कीर्जए

a) Rs 7,000
b) Rs 7,292
c) Rs 7,296
d) Rs 8,000
e) Rs 7,500
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Find the difference between cost
price of 20 units and total
packaging cost for 40 units
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
If no tax is deducted while
selling the unit find the sum of
advertisement cost of 15 units
and net profit earned by selling
those units.

यदद इकाई बेचते समय कोई कर नहीं कार्ा

गया तो 15 इकाइयों की कवज्ञापन लागत और
उन इकाइयों को बेचकर अर्जित शुद्ध लाभ का
योग ज्ञात कीर्जए।
a) Rs 4,600
b) Rs 4,690
c) Rs 4,606
d) Rs 4,590
e) Rs 4,605
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
If no tax is deducted while
selling the unit find the sum of
advertisement cost of 15 units
and net profit earned by selling
those units.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
If manufacturing a unit requires
7 kg of material which consist
material x and material y such
that the cost/kg of material x is
15 and total cost of material x is
60. Find the cost price/kg of
material y.

यदद ककसी इकाई के र्नमाटण के र्लए 7

ककलोग्राम सामग्री की आवश्यकता होती है
र्जसमें सामग्री x और सामग्री y शार्मल है ,
तो सामग्री x की लागत/ककग्रा 15 है और
सामग्री x की कुल लागत 60 है । सामग्री y
का लागत मूल्य/ककग्रा ज्ञात करें।

a) Rs 15/kg
b) Rs 14/kg
c) Rs 18/kg
d) Rs 12/kg
e) Rs 16/kg
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
If manufacturing a unit requires
7 kg of material which consist
material x and material y such
that the cost/kg of material x is
15 and total cost of material x is
60. Find the cost price/kg of
material y.
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Data Sufficiency :
A shopkeeper sold two items A and B. Find
the cost price of item A.

I. Ratio of cost price to marked price of

item A is 5:8. While marked price of
item B is Rs 50 more than 150% of
selling price of item A.

II. Cost price of item B is Rs 120 more than

selling price of item A, while item B is
sold at Rs 1600 at 20% discount.

डेर्ा पयाटप्तता:
I. एक दक ु ानदार ने दो वस्तुएं A और B बेचीं। वस्तु A का
क्रय मूल्य ज्ञात कीर्जये। वस्तु A के क्रय मूल्य का
अंककत मूल्य से अनुपात 5:8 है । जबकक वस्तु B का
a) Only I sufficient अंककत मूल्य वस्तु A के कवक्रय मूल्य से 150% अधिक
b) Only II sufficient है ।
c) Either I or II sufficient
d) Both I and II together sufficient II. वस्तु B का क्रय मूल्य वस्तु A के कवक्रय मूल्य से 120
e) None together are sufficient रुपये अधिक है , जबकक वस्तु B को 20% छूर् पर 1600
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Data Sufficiency :
A shopkeeper sold two items A and B.
Find the cost price of item A.

I. Ratio of cost price to marked price

of item A is 5:8. While marked price
of item B is Rs 50 more than 150%
of selling price of item A.

II. Cost price of item B is Rs 120 more

than selling price of item A, while
item B is sold at Rs 1600 at 20%
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Data Sufficiency :
Ratio of MP of Q and SP of P is 7:5 Find the
profit earned by selling item P

I. 10% discount is offered on marked price

of item P and total amount of profit
earned after selling both item is Rs 120

II. Profit % earned after selling item Q is

25% and marked up % on item Q is 50%

डेर्ा पयाटप्तता :
Q के MP और P के SP का अनुपात 7:5 है , वस्तु P को
बेचकर अर्जित लाभ ज्ञात कीर्जए

I. वस्तु P के अंककत मूल्य पर 10% की छूर् दी गई है और दोनों

वस्तुओ ं को बेचने के बाद अर्जित लाभ की कुल रार्श 120 रुपये
a) Only I sufficient है
b) Only II sufficient
c) Either I or II sufficient II. वस्तु Q को बेचने के बाद अर्जित लाभ % 25% है और वस्तु
d) Both I and II together sufficient Q पर अंककत लाभ % 50% है
e) None together are sufficient
Learn with Aashish Arora - 30,000+ Bank PO/Clerk Selections
Data Sufficiency :
Ratio of MP of Q and SP of P is 7:5 Find the
profit earned by selling item P

I. 10% discount is offered on marked price

of item P and total amount of profit
earned after selling both item is Rs 120

II. Profit % earned after selling item Q is

25% and marked up % on item Q is 50%
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