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Air dan pH
Water is a polar molecule
➢ Chemical formula:H2O
➢ It is a polar molecule: Atoms are held together by polar
covalent bonds. This gives the oxygen a slight negative
charge (δ-) and each hydrogen a slight positive charge (δ+).
➢ Hydrogen atoms are attached to the oxygen at an angle
pH and [H+]
The pH of a solution is inversely related to its [H+] Basically, the higher a
solution’s [H+], the lower its pH. The lower the [H+], the higher the pH.
Example: Solution A has a pH of 2. Solution B has a pH of 6.
Since pH is inversely related to [H+], Solution A has a higher [H+] than
Solution B.
You can also say that Solution A is more acidic than Solution B, or that
Solution A is a stronger acid than Solution B.

The pH of a solution is calculated as follows:

pH = - log [H+]
Note that “log” is the base-10 logarithm. [H+] is usually expressed as a molarity
Example: Solution A has a [H+] = 1 x 10-8 M. (1 x 10-8 = 0.00000001)

pH = - log (1 x 10-8) = 8
The logarithm isolates the exponent of 10, which is -8. The negative sign in the
equation turns this into a positive value
Definitions of “acid” and “base”
The Bronsted-Lowry definitions are standard definitions:
◦ An acid is a H+ or proton donor
◦ A base is a H+ or proton acceptor
Example: In the chemical reaction
HCl + NH3 Cl- + NH4+
HCl releases (donates) a H+ so it is the acid
NH3 accepts the H+ and so it is the base

Neutralization reactions
These chemical reactions mix an acid with a base and produce a salt
and water. They essentially “cancel out” the acidic and basic pHs.
Example: Mixing HCl (an acid) and NaOH (a base)
HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O
Your stomach contains HCl (pH = 1-2) in it. If your stomach is too
acidic, you can ingest sodium bicarbonate (baking soda, pH = 8.5) to
neutralize some of the stomach acid. Products like baking soda are
called antacids (“anti-acids”).

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