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Document No: Version Revision Revision Date

PPS-HSE-PPEIP-06 001 003 13 January 2023

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at work regulation 1992 seeks to ensure that where risks cannot be controlled by
other means, PPE should be correctly identified and put into use. This procedure forms part of POWERPOINT
SYSTEMS. Health and Safety Management System and should be considered in relation to the PPS’ HSE policy.
This procedure applies to all POWERPOINT SYSTEMS employees; the aim is to outline the requirements of the
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at work including the issue and maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment
in the workplace.
It is the responsibility of POWERPOINT SYSTEMS to provide appropriate PPE’s to all employees who may be
subjected to hazardous environmental condition:

1. Responsibilities
2. Procedure
3. PPE assessment
4. Maintenance/replacement and storage of PPE’s
5. Reporting defects

1. Responsibilities.
The management responsibilities:
 Conduct PPE hazard assessments that identify when, where and what PPE is required
 Provide appropriate personal protective equipment.
 Ensure that employees use personal protective equipment appropriately when required.
Employee’s responsibilities:
 Use personal protective equipment in accordance with instructions and training received.
 Care for their personal protective equipment properly and guard against damage.
 Report PPE malfunctions or problems to supervisory personnel.

 Before selection of PPE’s, an assessment must be undertaken to identify those risks for which it is required.
 Personal Protective Equipment should always be considered as a last resort in protecting against risks to health
and safety as it only protects the person wearing it and effective levels of protection can be reduced if, e.g. the
PPE doesn’t fit correctly or restricts the wearer to some extent by limiting movement or visibility. Therefore,
other controls should be considered first, for example, removing the risk completely.

Document No: Version Revision Revision Date

PPS-HSE-PPEIP-06 001 003 13 January 2023

When assessing the suitability of PPE for the particular risks involved and for the circumstances of its use, the
following should be taken into consideration:

 The activity involved and the risks for which protection is needed. For example, safety glasses may be
required to protect against the risk of projectiles.

 The physical effort required to do the job, how long the PPE has to be worn, and the requirements for
visibility and communication

 The environment and surrounding conditions, for example the weather if working outside, temperature, noise,
ventilation etc.

 The health of the person wearing the PPE. PPE made of certain materials should not be issued to workers if
they are known to cause allergies, for example latex gloves

 Information from the PPE manufacturers.

Once a range of potentially suitable PPE has been identified, the persons using it should be involved to ensure a
suitable fit, comfort and compatibility with the activity to be carried out.

Where PPE has been issued to an employee, he/she shall maintain it in a sanitary and serviceable condition and the
member of staff should also receive appropriate information and training on its’ maintenance, including ensuring that
PPE is examined before use.
 Information on maintenance and inspection of the PPE used should be gained from the manufacturer and these
instructions should be followed.
 Arrangements made so that PPE can be safely stored when not in use.
 PPE having a shelf-life limitation shall be checked periodically to ensure compliance with the expiration date
 PPE issued for use by an individual employee shall be visually inspected for defects or wear by the employee
before each use. Such PPE shall be inspected frequently by the supervisor to ensure its serviceability.

Every member of staff must report any loss or defect in personal protective equipment to their direct supervisor as
soon as the loss or defect is identified and report any concerns regarding the serviceability of their PPE.
The employees shall be made aware of:
 What type of PPE is required for specified tasks
 The proper use of PPE.
 The limitations of the selected PPE
 The proper care, maintenance, useful life and disposal of the PPE

Document No: Version Revision Revision Date

PPS-HSE-PPEIP-06 001 003 13 January 2023

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