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Document No: Version Revision Revision Date

PPS-HSE-MoCP-08 001 13 January 2023
PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
3. SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Production areas ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 HR department ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
3.3 Site Services/Physical change ................................................................................................................................. 4
3.4 Procurement department ......................................................................................................................................... 4
3.5 Environment and Weather ...................................................................................................................................... 4
4. RESPONSIBILITIES.................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Project Manager ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Supervisor ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Human resource ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.4 Health Safety and Environment Manager ............................................................................................................... 6
4.4 Employees ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
5. PROCEDURES............................................................................................................................................................. 7
5.1 Identification of change .......................................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Request for change .................................................................................................................................................. 7
5.3 Identify the type of change...................................................................................................................................... 7
5.4 Evaluate the impact of change ................................................................................................................................ 7
5.5 Prepare implementation plan .................................................................................................................................. 7
5.6 Approval of change ................................................................................................................................................. 7
5.7 Change implementation .......................................................................................................................................... 8
5.8 Pre-start up Inspection/ Review .............................................................................................................................. 8
5.9 Review of change .................................................................................................................................................... 8
MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE FLOW CHART ....................................................................................................................... 9

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PPS-HSE-MoCP-08 001 003 13 January 2023



The purpose of this procedure is to identify and control Environmental, Occupational Health & Safety,
Quality and Welfare impacts, risks and loss exposure created by temporary, permanent or emergency
change in the workplace at POWERPOINT SYSTEMS site (s).

Any implemented change must ensure the level of EHSQ remains the same or is improved upon and does
not introduce any new hazards.
The benefit that the management of change gives is avoiding the consequences of environmental, quality,
safety and health hazards through planning and coordinating the implementation of change.


Change: Change is defined as any alteration or modification to an item, thing, operating parameter, process
or person.

Management of change: Is the process used to review all proposed changes to materials, technology,
equipment, procedures, personnel and facility operations before they are implemented to determine their
effects on safety vulnerabilities to continuously improve its effectiveness.

Change instigator/originator: The person requesting the change

Permanent change: A change which unlikely to be altered in the foreseeable future or effect for an
extended and undefined period of time.

Temporary change: A change which is likely to be altered when permanent modifications are completed.
It may last for a period of time not to exceed twelve (12) months. If the duration of the temporary change is
identified for 12 months, at a minimum, the MOC must be reviewed at the 6-month mark

Urgent Change: A change that must be made quickly to take advantage of a limited opportunity or reduce
the impact of adverse events. They are not associated with an incident can be cancelled at any time with a
return to the original condition.

Emergency change: A change required to stop an undesired outcome from escalating

Minor change: A change that has an inherently low risk and not expected to have a significant impact on
operations or personnel


This procedure applies to work arising from temporary, permanent and emergency changes to physical
structures/building, systems process, procedures used to OSH risks, equipment, materials or substances and
personnel. All the sites are likely to encounter changes which can be simple or complex and involve one or
several different types of change. Types of changes anticipated are differentiated into 5 areas as defined
below with examples on each type (but are not exhaustive). If a change is identified which cannot be easily
linked into the guidance, the site supervisor is encouraged to discuss the change with the safety team and
client representative.

Document No: Version Revision Revision Date

PPS-HSE-MoCP-08 001 003 13 January 2023

3.1 Production areas

• Production rate and other parameter change out of design criteria and/or defined process limitations.
Daily production targets can vary according to demand. If the variation is within design
specifications, the change procedures need not to be applied.

• Technology change: the introduction of new process technology/equipment

3.2 HR department

• Shift and pattern change

• Site wide and/or departmental restructuring

• Introduction of new posts and roles

• Movement of staff or changes on roles which could reduce EHSQ competency in any site

• Change in employment legislation which could require any of the above.

• Day to day movement of staff, recruitment to existing positions and changes that does not fall under

3.3 Site Services/Physical change

• Physical change that are not part of the initial site plan/design/drawing

• Demolition of buildings

• Additional construction work beyond initial project scope

• Introduction of new services and/or upgrade midway the project

3.4 Procurement department

• Changes in supplies and suppliers which may affect operation and EHSQ operations e.g. changing
PPE e.g. type/design, quality of PPE supplied

• Change in the specification of construction materials

• Introduction of new materials

3.5 Environment and Weather

• Change in weather conditions e.g. Sunny to Rainy

• Change in environment temperatures

• Introduction of hazardous/ harmful substance to the environment

Document No: Version Revision Revision Date

PPS-HSE-MoCP-08 001 003 13 January 2023

Site supervisor and/or safety officer must ensure all change are recorded and authorized.


All site management shall be responsible for implementation of Management of Change Procedure

4.1 Project Manager

• Ensure all managers, supervisors and team leaders have the correct information and training to
understand what change is and how it applies in their area.

• Ensure all managers, supervisors and team leaders understand the management of change procedures
ensure appropriate procedures are used for changes e.g. Risk assessment, JHA, EIA among others

• Ensure that all changes maintain or improve the health, safety, welfare, environment and quality

• Ensure that any changes that might have major EHSQ implicates are discussed with the client

• Ensure that S/he is familiar with the provisions of the legal requirements, codes of practice, any
associated hazards, safe operating procedures and emergency measures for areas they are responsible

4.2 Supervisor

• Ensure any changes anticipated are discussed Projects Manager and/or EHSQ manager.

• Ensure that changes for which they are responsible are assessed according to this procedure
including ensuring pre-start up inspections are completed.

• Ensure existing site codes and statutory legislations are complied with.

• Ensure existing records are updated.

• Ensure pre-start inspection is carried out before change is implemented.

• Ensure any PPE changes are carried out in conjunction with the EHSQ department

Document No: Version Revision Revision Date

PPS-HSE-MoCP-08 001 003 13 January 2023

4.3 Human resource

• Provide advice to the Managing Director on human resource issues as required

• Provide continuing support on welfare, personnel and disciplinary issues etc. to managers and
individuals in a changing environment

4.4 Health Safety and Environment Manager

• Participate in the management of change process

• Ensure that any changes to the EHS management system are made accordingly

• Give guidance to managers on the management of change procedures

• Arrange for specialist advice and awareness training on management of change to be provided.

• Approve trainings and support for managers in implementing the company’s management of change

• Liaise with appropriate supervisors and individuals with regard to training requirements.

• Provide appropriate training, including assessment of competency to all levels of personnel.

• Audit and review effectiveness of the procedure

• Ensure any change to policies and procedures, including implications are discussed with the
appropriate departments

4.4 Employees

• Must be informed and trained on the new equipment, process or whatever the change includes before
start-up of the process or start-up of the affected part of the process.

• Report deficiencies immediately to the attention of their immediate supervisor

• Users of new or modified equipment’s are required to participate in pre-start-up inspections.

• Raise any changes they wish to make with their appropriate supervisor

Document No: Version Revision Revision Date

PPS-HSE-MoCP-08 001 003 13 January 2023


5.1 Identification of change

The management of change process begins when someone e.g. Project Manager or Supervisor requests that
a change be made. If the change qualifies as per the definition of change, then this procedure should apply.
Where there is uncertainty then discussion should be done with the HSE department and/or Administration
Manager who can provide advice and guidance.

5.2 Request for change

Scoring the change is the initial part of identifying the likely impact of the requests. At this stage; persons
likely to be involved in the change and who can have an input to the approval of change can be identified.
Wherever there is an EHS impact, the EHSQ Manager should be involved.

5.3 Identify the type of change

Changes can involve single or a number of elements of the project. One change can impact on other areas.
To assist in the identification of the impact, changes can be categorized into different types of change e.g.
process, personnel and procedural.

5.4 Evaluate the impact of change

Once categorized, a set of questions relating to the type of change should be completed. This serves to
identify the likely impact of the change. The question sets i.e. the management of change flowchart and the
management of change checklist is completed by the person requesting the change identified on the initial
request form in consultation with the identified stakeholders.

All and each evaluation must assess the likely EHS impacts

5.5 Prepare implementation plan

After evaluation of the likely impact, an implementation plan must be documented. This may be a simple
action list for simple changes; however more complex changes will require detailed documentation, project
planning, drawings etc. as appropriate for the complexity.

5.6 Approval of change

Completed question sets, action plans and project plans are submitted to the Managing Director for review
and approval

• Personnel change must involve the HR department

• Physical changes must involve the project engineer and projects manager

• All EHS impacts must be reviewed by the EHSQ department

Document No: Version Revision Revision Date

PPS-HSE-MoCP-08 001 003 13 January 2023

5.7 Change implementation

Once approved the change shall be communicated to all persons involved and affected and the action plans
put into effect. Progress of the change will be monitored by the change instigator and recorded throughout
the change process.

5.8 Pre-start up Inspection/ Review

The site supervisor is responsible for facilitating a pre-start up inspection on the change projects involving
physical structure/building, systems processes/procedures used to manage OSH risks, equipment, materials
or substances and personnel. in case of new/modified equipment, a pre-start up inspection will involve at
least ESHQ manager, Projects manager, Project engineer, site supervisor and an artisan prior to use/task
being carried out.

The pre-start inspection should verify that critical environmental, health, safety, welfare and quality
procedures have been established and communicated to appropriate employees e.g. safe operating
procedures, lock-out/Tag-out procedures, permit to work procedures, emergency procedures etc.

Risk assessment/JHA form will be reviewed during pre-start up inspection to ensure that previously
undetected issues are identified and adequate controls are established.

5.9 Review of change

At the end of the action/project plan, the change instigator will review completion of the plan and
effectiveness of the change. The change instigator will approve and close out is recorded

5.10 Close outs and Records

The Close-out step of the CM process includes, but is not limited to:
 Verification that all parties impacted by the change have been notified.
 Verification that all special precautionary steps, mitigation measures, and special training have been
implemented according to plan.
 Verification that any additional required permits are in place.
 For temporary changes, verification that duration of change is clearly stated and observed. Once the
duration has expired, the change will be removed and the area of change will be returned to its
original condition or approval will be obtained to extend the duration of the change.
 Lessons learned from the change should be communicated to the appropriate levels within the
company and the client's management.
The EHSQ Manager is responsible for ensuring that all completed records are maintained according to
POWERPOINT SYSTEMS Health and Safety Management Systems procedure.

Document No: Version Revision Revision Date

PPS-HSE-MoCP-08 001 003 13 January 2023

Proposed change identified MOH checklist
C hange fall s within guidance

Change described, scoped and categorized.

Change instigator identified, Fill change request form

Identify stakeholders in identified change and form ConsultationTeam

Management of
Change checklist form

All questionnaires/checklists must consider any EHS impacts

Prepare project implementation plan

Complex changes will require detailed documentation and drawings, Simple changes may
require only an action plan All plans must list change instigators, approvers and actionees

Approved Submit plan to Managing Director for review Not approved

and approval

Change instigator communicate change to all


Implement change in line with project /action plan

Review completion of change. Close out and Monitor and Audit

record progress

Document No: Version Revision Revision Date

PPS-HSE-MoCP-08 001 003 13 January 2023

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