Igcse Biology 4ed TR Eoc Test Answers 3

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Answers for end-of-chapter 3 test

Question Answer Marks

The completed table will look like this: 3

Diffusion Osmosis Active transport

Does it involve random movements

of particles?
Does a partially permeable membrane
have to be present?
Does it involve particles moving down
their concentration gradient?
Does it involve particles moving up
their concentration gradient?
Does the cell use energy to make
it happen?
[1 mark for each correct column]

2a V: (+)0.5; W: (+)0.2; X: –0.1; Y: –0.4; Z: –0.8 [1] 1

2b Block V gained mass because water moved [1] into the yam tissue. [1] Block Z lost mass 3
because water moved out of the yam tissue. [1]

2c Any two from: 2 max.

to remove surface / excess solution; [1]
so that excess solution is not included in the mass of the strip; [1]
so that only the mass of the strip is measured; [1]

2d To ensure that glucose solution concentration is the only independent variable [1] and 2
to make comparison valid / increase the validity of the investigation or to make a valid
comparison of the final masses. [1]

2e add 20 cm3 water [1] 1

3a 20% [1 mark for the correct calculation (9  44) × 100 and 1 mark for rounding down to 2
the nearest whole number]

3bi axes fully labelled, either concentration of glucose solution / % or percentage of 4

plasmolysed cells; [1]
glucose concentration on x-axis, % cells on y-axis + linear scales + 0 at origin + at least
half grid used; [1]
all 5 points visibly plotted correctly; [1]
plotted points joined with ruled lines and not extrapolated beyond 0.5/100 plot. [1]

3 b ii working shown on graph [1] and the value is read correctly from the learner’s working 2
and % units [1].

[Total: 20 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE™ Biology © Cambridge University Press 2021 1

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