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6 Extraction of metals
1 Describe the ease of obtaining metals from their ores, related to the position of the metal in
the reactivity series
2 Describe the extraction of iron from hematite in the blast furnace, including symbol equations
for each step, limited to:
(a) the burning of carbon (coke) to provide heat and produce carbon dioxide
(b) the reduction of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide
(c) the reduction of iron(III) oxide by carbon monoxide
(d) the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate / limestone to produce calcium oxide
(e) the formation of slag
3 Describe the extraction of aluminium from purified bauxite / aluminium oxide, including:
(a) the role of cryolite
(b) why the carbon anodes need to be regularly replaced
(c) the reactions at the electrodes, including ionic half-equations
Details of the purification of bauxite are not required

Methods of extraction:
Metal Method of extraction

Na Electrolysis
Ca Eg.
Al Elec
2Al2O3 ………….> 4Al + 3O2
Zn Heating with coke/ Carbon reduction
Fe Eg.
Pb Fe2O3 + CO = Fe + CO2
Ag By heating
Hg Heat
HgO …………….. > Hg + O2

Au Exist as metals/ does not form compound


Md Nurul Islam, B. Sc. (Hons), MS (Chemistry); DU

The extraction of iron from hematite in the blast furnace

From hematite; Fe2O3 (or any other iron ore)

Raw materials:

- Iron ore (mainly hematite, Fe2O3)

- Coke (a form of carbon, C)

- Limestone (calcium carbonate; CaCO3 )

- Air/O2

Main impurity present in blast furnace:

Silicon dioxide (SiO2); an acidic dust

How impurity is removed from the blast furnace:

Limestone; CaCO3 is used to remove impurity.

Limestone decompose on heating to form calcium oxide.

CaCO3 → CaO + CO2

Calcium oxide reacts with silicon dioxide to form slag.

CaO + SiO2 → CaSiO3(s)



Md Nurul Islam, B. Sc. (Hons), MS (Chemistry); DU

Figure: Blast furnace


Md Nurul Islam, B. Sc. (Hons), MS (Chemistry); DU

The extraction of aluminium from purified bauxite / aluminium oxide, Al2O3 / Alumina

Cryolite : Na3AlF6

Ions: Al3+ , O2-


Al3+ + 3e → Al (l)

2O2- → O2 (g) + 4e
C + O2 → CO2
C + O2 → CO

The role of cryolite

Cryolite is used to reduce the melting point of Aluminium oxide,Al2O3

Why the carbon anodes need to be regularly replaced

At the anode following reactions take places and anode burns away -
2O2- → O2 (g) + 4e
C + O2 → CO2

C + O2 → CO

Md Nurul Islam, B. Sc. (Hons), MS (Chemistry); DU

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