Assigment 01 AY2023 - 24

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University of Gloucestershire Engineering Technology Department

Analog and Digital Electronics, EG4103

Assigment 01 (1000 words Report)
Academic year 2023/24, S2
Individual Reoprt (100%) includs two parts as follows
Part 1: Analog Electronics/Simulation (50% marks)
(500 individual words report + simultion model)
Learning outcome: LO1,LO2,LO3,LO4

Design Full-wave Precision Rectifiers circuit using NI Mutisim

Design Requirements:
1. Explain the concept of “Full-wave Precision Rectifiers circuit” ? How it works, and
why it is used?
2. Use NI Mutisim software to design “Full-wave Precision Rectifiers circuit” shown in
Fig. 1.
3. Use an oscilloscope to display the input and output waveforms when a single a.c.
voltage source with amplitude 10 volt (peak-to-peak) and frequency 1 KHz is applied
in the input side.
4. Use NI Multisim to build a simple full-wave rectifier by using two diodes (see the
lecture’s slides for the diagram), and then compare between its output and the full-
wave precision rectifier performance.

Fig. 1 Full-wave Precision Rectifiers circuit

University of Gloucestershire Engineering Technology Department

Part B: Digital Electronics/Practical (50% marks)

(500 words induvidual report + physical project)
Learning outcome: LO1,LO2,LO3,LO4

Logic gates design using transitors

Design one of the following circuits using the real componants shown in
Table1. Explain how the circuit work and sketch the truth table.

University of Gloucestershire Engineering Technology Department


Table 1. Required components:

Semiconductors Resistors Misc

• 2 × 100 kΩ • Solderless Breadboard

• Tr1,Tr2: BC549, BC548,
• 3 × 1 kΩ • 9V Dry Cell
or BC547
• 1 × AA Dry Cell for
• LED: 2.1 V forward
signal input
voltage drop

Marking Critiera (for Both A + B parts)

• Introduction (10 marks)

• Circuit Design (20marks)
• Resullts and Discussion (10 marks)
• Conclusion (5 marks)
• Report orginasation (5 marks)

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