ECNG-3212 Lecture 01

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Introduction to Control system


A Tutorial For Exit Exam

Goitom Tadesse
Ethiopian Defence University, College of Engineering

May 2024
Course Description
Understand and analyze fundamental classical control
systems and linear controller design methods.

Learning outcomes
Develop a clear understanding of fundamental components of control
system, including sensors, actuators, plants or system dynamic, and
feedback loop. (Remembering & Understanding)
Understand and develop mathematical models to represent the
dynamics of a system using differential equations, Transfer function,
block diagram and Signal Flow Graph representation of a system.
Understand and analyze frequency response analysis and the time
response of systems to external inputs. (Analysis & Psychomotor)
Understand the techniques to analyze stability and performance of
control systems. (Understanding)
Understand and apply different types of controllers, compensators and
tuning techniques, and their characteristics and design methods.
(Remembering & Application)
General Content
◼ System Modelling
Transfer Function
Block Diagrams
Signal Flow Graphs
◼ System Analysis
Time Domain Analysis
◼ Root Locus
Frequency Domain Analysis
◼ Bode Plots, Nyquist Plots
◼ System Design
Compensation Techniques
PID Control 4
Text and Reference Books
1. Analog and Digital Control System Design
By: Chi Tsong Chen
2. Introduction to Control Engineering
By: Girma Mulissa
3. Control System Engineering, (3rd Edition)
By: I.J. Nagrath and M. Gopal
4. Modern Control Systems, (10th Edition)
By: Dorf, Richard. C,
5. Digital Control System Analysis and Design, (3rd Edition)
By: Philips, Charles L.

Basics and Control System Modeling

• System concept
• Types of control system
• Feedback and its property
• Basic control elements
• Control system design philosophy

This course is designed to equip you with a solid
understanding of the fundamentals of classical control
systems and linear controller design methods.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to:
• Analyze the behavior of various control systems.
• Design controllers to achieve desired performance.
Control systems are abundant in our world.
They play a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation
of a wide range of machines and devices, from simple
thermostats to complex autopilots for airplanes.
Introduction …
Understanding control systems is essential for various
engineering disciplines, including:
• Mechanical Engineering (e.g., robotics, machine control)
• Electrical Engineering (e.g., power systems, motor control)
• Aerospace Engineering (e.g., aircraft flight control,
spacecraft attitude control, weapon guidance and control)
What is Control System?
• A system controlling the operation of another system.
• A system that can regulate itself and another system.
• A control system is a device, or set of devices to manage,
command, direct or regulate the behaviour of other device(s)
or system(s).
Our Day-to-day Life

Scope of control System Engineer
Control System Engineering is concerned with techniques that
are used to solve the following six problems in the most efficient
manner possible.
1. The identification problem: to measure the variables and
convert data for analysis.
2. The representation problem: to describe a system by an
analytical form or mathematical model
3. The solution problem: to determine the above system model
4. The stability problem: general qualitative analysis of the

Scope …
5. The design problem: modification of an existing system or
develop a new one
6. The optimization problem: from a variety of design to
choose the best.
Therefore, control engineering is not limited to any engineering
discipline but is equally applicable to aeronautical, chemical,
mechanical, environmental, civil and electrical engineering.
For example, a control system often includes electrical,
mechanical and chemical components.
Furthermore, as the understanding of the dynamics of business,
social and political systems increases; the ability to control these
systems will also increase.
System – An interconnection of elements and devices for a
desired purpose.
An entity that processes a set of signals (input ) to yield another
set of signal (output)

Control System – An interconnection of components forming a

system configuration that will provide a desired response.
Process – The device, plant, or system under control. The input
and output relationship represents the cause-and-effect
relationship of the process.

Input Process Output

Controlled Variable– It is the quantity or condition that is
measured and Controlled. Normally controlled variable is the
output of the control system.
Manipulated Variable– It is the quantity of the condition that
is varied by the controller so as to affect the value of controlled
Control – Control means measuring the value of controlled
variable of the system and applying the manipulated variable to
the system to correct or limit the deviation of the measured
value from a desired value.

Manipulated Variable
or Output
Controller Process
Set point Or
or Controlled Variable

Disturbances– A disturbance is a signal that tends to adversely

affect the value of the system. It is an unwanted input of the
• If a disturbance is generated within the system, it is called
internal disturbance. While an external disturbance is
generated outside the system.
Types of Control System

Natural Control System

Human Body

Types of Control …
Manmade Control System
Chemical Process

Types of Control...

Manual Control Systems

Room Temperature regulation Via Electric Fan
Water Level Control

Automatic Control System

Home Water Heating Systems (Geysers)
Room Temperature regulation Via A.C
Human Body Temperature Control

Types of Control...
Open and Closed Loop Control Systems

Types of Control...
Open-Loop Control Systems
utilize a controller or control actuator to obtain the desired
• Output has no effect on the control action.
• In other words output is neither measured nor fed back.

Input Output
Controller Process

Examples:- Washing Machine, Toaster, Electric Fan, microwave

oven, e.t.c
Types of Control...
• Since in open loop control systems reference input is not
compared with measured output, for each reference input
there is fixed operating condition. Therefore, the accuracy of
the system depends on calibration.

• The performance of open loop system is severely affected by

the presence of disturbances, or variation in operating/
environmental conditions.

Electric A/D Digital

furnace converter display

Temperature control system

Types of Control...
Advantages and Disadvantages of Open Loop Systems

Advantages Disadvantages
• Simple and • Inaccurate and unreliable
economical • Change the output due to
• Easier to construct external disturbances
• Stable • not corrected
• Low maintenance cost automatically.

Types of Control...
Closed-Loop Control Systems utilizes feedback to
compare the actual output to the desired output

Input Output
Comparator Controller Process


Examples:- Refrigerator, Electric Iron, Air conditioner

Types of Control...

Temperature Control System. (Closed Loop)

Electric A/D
furnace converter

ac controller comparator

Types of Control...
Multivariable Control System

Humidity Comparator
Controller Process


Types of Control...

Types of Control...
Linear Vs Nonlinear Control System
A Control System in which output varies linearly with
the input is called a linear control system.
u(t) Process y(t)
y(t ) = −2u(t ) + 1 y(t ) = 3u(t ) + 5

Types of Control...

When the input and output has nonlinear relationship

the system is said to be nonlinear.

Types of Control...
Time invariant vs Time variant
When the characteristics of the system do not depend
upon time itself then the system is said to time
invariant control system.
y(t ) = −2u(t ) + 1

Time varying control system is a system in which one

or more parameters vary with time.

y(t ) = 2u(t ) − 3t

Types of Control...
Continuous Data Vs Discrete Data System
In continuous data control system all system variables
are function of a continuous time t.

A discrete time control system involves one or more

variables that are known only at discrete time intervals.

Types of Control...
Deterministic Vs Stochastic Control System
A control System is deterministic if the response to
input is predictable and repeatable.
x(t) y(t)

t t

If not, the control system is a stochastic control system


Types of Control...
Classification of Signal
A signal is a set of information or data
The signal can be classified as
❖Continuous time and Discrete time
❖Analog and Digital
❖Periodic and non-periodic
❖Deterministic and probabilistic

Classification of Control Systems
Control Systems

Natural Man-made

Manual Automatic

Open-loop Closed-loop

Non-linear linear
Non-linear linear

Time variant Time invariant

Time variant Time invariant
Feedback and Its Property
A system that maintains a prescribed relationship
between the output and some reference input by
comparing them and using the difference (i.e. error) as
a means of control is called a feedback control system.
u output
Reference input
+ controller plant


Feedback can be positive or negative.

Feedback …
Types of Feedback in a Control system
➢ Degenerative feedback control system: It is a
control system where the feedback signal opposes the
input signal.
➢ It is called a negative feedback.
➢ Here, Error or actuating signal = (Input signal) –
(Feedback signal).

Feedback …
• Regenerative feedback control system: It is a
control system where the feedback signal supports or
adds the input signal.
• It is called a positive feedback.
• Here, Error or actuating signal = (Input signal) +
(Feedback signal).

Feedback …

Depending upon the process to be controlled and

technical and economic considerations, either an
open-loop or closed loop design may be preferable.
However, a feedback control system is generally
considered superior to an open-loop system.
A feedback control system basically has five
components – input (set value), output (process
variable), process being controlled, sensing devices,
and actuating / control devices.
Feedback control system produces output, & then senses
the output which is fed back to the controller.
Feedback …
The feedback control system has the following
• It has a good accuracy.
• The system has a slight oscillation and hence is
somewhat instable.
• The non-linear effects are reduced.
• The effects of external disturbances or noise are
possible to reduce .
• The system improves the quality of product by better
• The response to the variation in input is high in a
feedback control system. 37
Feedback …

Let us understand the feedback control system by a

simple air conditioning system.
AC system has,
✓ Input: temperature set point set by the remote
✓ Output: temperature
✓ Process: temperature in the room
✓ Sensing device: temperature sensor
✓ Actuator (Control device): AC
Feedback …
Servo System
A Servo System (or servomechanism) is a feedback
control system in which the output is some mechanical
position, velocity or acceleration.

Modular Servo System (MS150)

Antenna Positioning System
Feedback …
Water-level Float Regulator

Examples of Control Systems

A manual control system for An automatic control system for

regulating the level of fluid in a regulating the level of fluid in a
tank by adjusting the output valve. tank by adjusting the input
The operator views the level of valve. The float switches On
fluid through a port in the side of and Off due to raise and fall of
the tank. level.
Elements of Control System
The basic elements of a control system are:
1. The plant to be controlled
2. The controller (either hardware or software)
3. Actuator
4. Feedback element or sensor

Control System Design Process

The main steps are:

❖ Establishment of goals and variables to be controlled;
❖ Technical specifications definition or measurements
of performance;
❖ Modeling;
❖ Model response analysis;
❖ Controller design, simulation and analysis
❖ Finally, integrating and practical implementation.

Process Flow

Control System Non-Linearity
Saturation – Occurs when the input
signal to a certain device exceeds
the ability of the device to process it
• Input – sensors

• Output – motors

❖ For output, saturation means that the required compensation

can no longer be applied to the control system
• In general, it is good practice to limit the signal to the saturation value
in software
❖ When an input reaches the saturation point, it no longer
provides a reliable estimate of the real world

❖ Dead Zone – Because the sensitivity
of actuators is limited, not every non-
zero input will result in action. The
Dead Zone is the +/- region above a
zero (0) input that will result in no
actuator movement.
Backlash – Term describing actuator
hesitation and overshoot caused
by small gaps between motor
• Can result in small, but
unnecessary, oscillations of the
actuator position


Home work

1. What is a control system?

2. What are the advantages of the open loop control
3. Describe the characteristics of feedback control
4. Define the elements of control system with the help
of a block diagram.
5. Define the control problems
6. List down the control system design processes.


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