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� flow 111-*' iJ I grai:,hocill reprewnl3t>On ol 19ttu,c � In this c� !

el "'doscuw lhe
DHC conc:f'fJIS >Nied "'9'al llow g<IC>h and afso ,-.10 «- ""II" .. - g<IC>ht

Basic Elements of Signal Flow Graph

Nod• IS I l)Clltll who:h <e!)fesen!S edher I varoable Dr I Thefe are - lyl)PS of noclK - ,npu! node,
OUlpUI rode - mxed node
• l"f>UI HO<N - ft ,s a ...,,.ie -h hal � OU1g<Ong branche>
• OutpUI HO<N - It• I roocle ...toc:h l'IM � o,cor,w,g brlO'Otllel
• Ml•od - - nos a nor:ie, whoth M, l>Olf>O'lt-,g """o,.,go.'lg t>r•nc11tt


lei "'conM!er lhe lollo¥,,ng lqllli now grapr, 10 lderu't these nodes

• b c

,,y,, -d
) •

• The - presen1" lhlS sigr>ll llowgraph.., Y,, Y>, Y> ...a Y,

• y, and J• are Ille lnpu1 no<k and ouiput no6o ,e1pe<�vety.
• Y>_r,nml•odnod9•

8.-wh • a line oeg,,..,� v.tlch - fwO r.odef M hal baCh gain and cllft.cdO<I For eurnp,e the<e ..
1(,..- brantheJ .. Ille ab<,v,e s,gtlal low gr� ThMe bril>Chef h,ve �·"' .. b. � - -<I

Construction of Signal Flow Graph

The!e mil be""- ....i.s ('I, y, y,. ,, y, and y0) and eq,t bnnchff" bs s,or...i -graph. The gams c(
�branchn•••,:,a,,.a,. ,..,..,.,.,: 10,and;a,,
To g,e1 the_... "9"ol llow graph ..,_the� fbow grll)h lor each eQUaOon !hen al l'>ne
s,gr,al low grapr,s and !hen - ""' "'°"' Ql\lffl - •
• • •
Y, Y, Y,

Step 2 - Signal !low graph !or Y3 = anm + ar.31,lli rs shown ,n the rouow,ng figllrf:


Y, Y, Y,


Sttp 3 - Sqlill flow graph !or ll• = O.M/1:1 IS shown ,n the lolowng t,g,se


Y, Y, Y,
• •
Ys Y,

Y, Y,
• Ys


Y, Y,
• •

. •••
) •
Step 6 - S,gnal flow graph of �I 5Ptf'm 1$ � in the folowwig figure

Y, Yo

Conversion of Block Diagrams into Signal Flow Graphs

F<*lw 1hese s1ep5 fof converting a block �agram inlCI n f'QUl','31effl signal flow graph
e Rf'preerl all the s,gnals, var"1lbles, sumnw,g po,o1s afld lake-of! points of block d,a,gram u nodes
111 signal flow graph

• Rf'presenl the blocks of block dlag,'am as bnonches ,n S111nal flow graph

• Repr..,...,. the transfer functlOlls ,nsr:le the blocks of block� 11 gains of the br;mches in
s,gnal flow graph
• Connect the nodes as Pf'J the block (bgram If tllere IS COllflf'CbOn bf'tween two nodf's (bu! lheff' IS
rio block in between� 1lien represent the 9<''" of the br.mch as one For Hample between
5Ufflmong po,nlS, belwttn 9anm,ng po,nt and tak<!oll point. between mput and sumrrung pewit,
betwee<l 1ake·Olf poltll and OUtpU1

Let us COIWf'lt tile lolowing block �am 111\0 ,ts eqi.ovaienl s,gna1 flow graph

R(s) Y1
Y, + Yo Y,
+ Y, Y(s)

OU1pU1 node C(,) of S1gN1 lk>w graph

Just !0< relerf'nce tile ,ema,ning nodes {y1 toy,) a,,. labelled m the block d1"9ram Thefe are nme n<nes
Cllhe, 1han ,nput and OU!pul nodes Tllat ,s fo<K nodes ror rou, � pomts lour nodes fof four take-Off
po,ntSaJldonenooe1or1hevanablebel',ieenblocks G1 and C2
1 1 1 1 1 1

R(s) ,. Y, ,, Y, Y, Y, y8 Y9 Y(s)

You can calculate the transrer nmcuoe or uns signal now graph This rs the advantage of signal
now graphs Here. we no need to slmplll'y (redoce) the signal now graphs for cak:ulatlng the transfer

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