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El papel de las adversidades dentro del sistema educativo.

Education does not escape the deterioration of the different areas that are part
of Venezuelan society, so both teachers and students face many adversities on a daily
basis that seem to hinder the achievement of their goals and objectives.
Despite the multiple efforts made by the State to mitigate these adversities,
day by day there are many reasons that discourage or impede progress.
Between bonuses, incentives, discounts, among others, students seem to be
pushed towards dropping out.
Despite the fact that these policies would facilitate action, they are not enough
in the face of the endless problems of today's society, which directly affect the
education system, and specifically the university education system.
Nowadays, the university student is considered the protagonist of his learning,
someone who possesses a capacity for dialogue and teamwork, as well as a broad
mastery of learning strategy techniques. Able to process information in a more agile
way, being able to develop multiple tasks.
Currently, among its main characteristics are the ability to use technology,
spontaneity, interactivity, critical thinking and the constant search for new
Another characteristic that differentiates them from students of other
generations is their ability to adapt to constant changes, they are generally
collaborative and curious, and so questions are an essential tool in their learning
All these characteristics are marred by internal and external factors that hinder
the correct development of the future professional. External factors such as weather,
money, socioeconomic status, have a great weight and a huge influence on the
decisions that higher education students have to make on a daily basis.

Specifically in the case of the modern languages students of the UPEL IPB, it
is noteworthy the influence that these factors have on the permanence and the
necessary academic redimension to be able to maintain continuity in the institution.

It is very important and useful to have a canteen or cafeteria or even a

university transport that allows a quiet mobilization to the institution, given the lack
of transportation and cash to pay for the ticket.
In Venezuela there used to be benefits such as the preferential rate for
students, but this is no longer viable.
To these adversities and difficulties is added the social situation of the
country, where studying and working no longer seem like an option, but a necessity,
which hinders an adequate commitment to the schedules, tasks and activities
established in the study programs.
In addition, modern language students, have above other specialties, the
language barrier, since, not staying the amount of hours necessary or planned for a
good development of the skills of speaking, writing, listening and writing, they are
restricted and limited when communicating in a language that is not the native.
It is also important to mention that the infrastructure conditions and the state
in which the university is located, is a factor that has a great impact on the
permanence within the university career, since not having socialization spaces, nor
laboratories for practices or even group or groups of professors who make life within
the university greatly limits the ability to participate.
Thus, students are left only with their ideas, the ideas conceived in classes,
resulting in an ineffective practice for the development of critical social thinking.
At the end of the day, it is personal motivation and the desire to complete their
studies that keeps students in the struggle to achieve it, while they have to look for
motivation within themselves and with dedication and commitment to be able to
move forward.


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