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NIM : 210203061


Islam is directly interpreted to submit, obey, and surrender, safety, security and safety.
So, based on the meaning above, as a Muslim in the life of the nation and the state must be a
giver of safety, create harmony and give a sense of security to others, or what is called

Tolerance is very important as a unifying tool for the nation. Without tolerance, a life
full of diversity and differences will never unite. Indonesia is one of the countries with a
fairly high level of pluralism. Ethnic groups, cultures are quite diverse and regional languages
are quite a lot, it is very necessary to have an attitude of tolerance that is manifested in the life
of the nation and state in it. Everyone must understand each other and understand the
meaning of differences. However, the phenomenon that has occurred recently is that there are
still many social upheavals arising from the lack of tolerance for tolerance, especially the
attitude of tolerance between religious believers. Tolerance is part of the vision of Islamic
theology, in fact it must be studied in depth and applied in religious life because it is a social
necessity for all religious people and is a way for the creation of inter-religious harmony.

Tolerance or as-samahah (Arabic) is a modern concept to describe mutual respect and

cooperation among different groups of people, both ethnically, linguistically, culturally,
politically, and religiously. Therefore, tolerance is a good and noble concept which is fully an
organic part of the teachings of religions including Islam.

In the context of inter-religious tolerance, Islam has a clear concept. “There is no

compulsion in religion, for you your religion and for us our religion” is a popular example of
tolerance in Islam. These historical facts show that the problem of tolerance in Islam is not a
foreign concept or ghorib. Tolerance is an integral part of Islam itself, the details of which are
then formulated by the scholars in their commentary works. Then these formulations were
refined by the scholars with new enrichments so that in the end they became welfare practices
in Islamic society.

Another term, tolerance comes from the word "tolerare" which comes from Latin
which means patiently letting something happen. Tolerance in Dutch is "tolerantie", while in
English it is "tolerance".
The attitude of tolerance and respect does not only apply to others, but also to oneself,
even a tolerant attitude must start from oneself. Rasulullah SAW reminded him to pay
attention to himself and give proportional rights: "Indeed your body has a right (for you to
rest) your eyes have a right (to be closed) and your wife also has a right (to be spent)". (HR

Doctrinally, tolerance is fully required by Islam. Islam by definition is a religion of

peace, salvation and surrender. Such a definition of Islam is often formulated with the term
"Islam is a religion that is rahmatal lil 'alamin" (a religion that protects all of nature). This
means that Islam always offers dialogue and tolerance in the form of mutual respect, not
coercion. Islam realizes that the diversity of human beings in religion is the will of Allah
SWT. In Islam, tolerance applies to everyone, be it fellow Muslims or non-Muslims. Yusuf
Qordhowi in his book "Ghoir Al-Muslim Fil Mujtama". Al-Islam mentions that there are four
main factors that cause unique tolerance to always dominate the behavior of Muslims towards
non-Muslims, namely:

1. The belief that man is the essence of his creation as the noblest of other creatures,
regardless of religion, nationality and race.
2. There is a difference that humans in religion and belief are the reality desired by Allah
SWT who has given them the freedom to choose faith and disbelief.
3. A Muslim is not required to judge the disbelief of a non-Muslim or to judge the
infidels and polytheists of others. Only Allah swt will judge him later in the hereafter.
4. Belief that Allah swt commands to do justice and invites good character even to
polytheists. Allah swt also denounces wrongdoing even against unbelievers.
For those with different religions and beliefs, the Qur'an has established the principle
of no compulsion in religion (Qs Al-Baqoroh: 256). Because freedom of religion is part of
respect for very basic human rights.

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