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“The future has imploded into the present

With no nuclear war, a new battlefield is on people's minds and souls
Mega-corporations are the new governments
Computer generated info domains are the new frontiers
And though, there is better living between science and chemistry
We are all becoming cyborgs

The computer is the new cool tool

Though we say, "All information shall be free," it is not
Information is power and currency of the virtual world we inhabit
So mistrust authority

Cyberpunks are the true rebels

Cyber-culture is coming in under the radar of ordinary society...
An unholy alliance with the tech world, and the world of organized dissent
Welcome to the Cyber Corporation...


- Intro, Billy Idol

Based on The Goblin Laws of Gaming by Arnold Kemp at

Art Credits
Cover: photoshop of artwork by Arnold Kemp (Gretchling head) and Doug Anderson (everything
else) with additional font Fuji Quake Zone

Design comments are presented in Italics. Some information is listed redundantly in multiple
areas where relevant, because page flipping can be annoying.

Thanks to Josh at for feedback, proofreading, and insults

Additional material can be found at

Table of Contents
Credits 1 Weapons 22
Table of Contents 2 Equipment 23
Overview 3 Breakage 23
Base Character 3 Gear Price List 24
Level 3 Equipment 25
Base Mechanics 4 Breaking and Entering 25
Stats 4 Drones 25
Other Numbers 4 Medical 25
Conviction 5 Surveillance and Countermeasures
Skills 5 25
Combat 6 Personal Entertainment 26
Initiative 6 Tools 26
Action Economy 6 Drones 28
Attacking 6 Making Your Own 28
Defense 6 Features 28
Combat Maneuvers 6 Augment Price List 31
Damage 7 Augments 32
Hit Points 7 Installation 32
Assists 7 Augment Descriptions 32
Death and Dismemberment 8 Replacements 35
Injuries 8 Packages 35
Interesting Scars 9 Making Your Own (Package) 36
Healing and Intoxication 10 Hacking and Programs 37
Character Generation 11 Hacking 37
Starting Items 11 Programs 37
Leveling Up 11 Cassettes 37
Armor and Weapon Proficiencies 11 CyberDeck 37
Failed Careers 12 Faults and Snowcrashes 38
Templates 14 Modifications 38
Augmented 14 Programs 39
Face 15
Fixer 15
Grizzled Cop 16
Hacker 17
Street Samurai 18
Tweeker 19
Contacts, Groupies, and Mercenaries 20
Inventory and Gear 22
Encumbrance 22
Armor 22

CyberGLoG is based on Arnold K.’s “Goblin Laws of Level
Gaming” homebrew system, also known as the GLOG. A measure of your character's power. It goes
I type it as “GLoG” and can not provide adequate up as you gain XP.
reasoning as to why.
At each level you gain an additional template (up to a
Original game rules and content can be found at max of 4) and the accompanying abilities, in addition to the base character listed above. You can also test a
single stat of your choosing to see if it improves. To do
The following content is meant to be a cyberpunk so, roll 3d6. If it is equal-or-higher than the current stat,
flavoring of that core rule set, and as such borrows it improves by 1.
heavily from it, with a few adjustments here and there.
At level 4 a character has access to their full array of
Base Character abilities, and is considered “fully trained”.
The following describes your character before the
application of templates. Gaining abilities past 4th level is done in one of two
1. Cash - It’s the future of the 80’s where money
rules everything. For the right price, you can
purchase augments and upgrade your body.
Level HP Attack Save Fame
2. Surviving weird shit - Survive a blast from an
experimental phase-shifter cannon from a
zaibatsu science technician? Well, now you
1 Con - 4 11 6 0 can force your way through solid materials.
2 Con - 2 12 7 500
Alternatively, anytime you gain a new level at 5th or
3 Con - 8 1000 higher, you've the option to retire your character in
4 Con +2 13 9 1500
safety - out of the reach of the GM. Characters retired
before level 5 may return as macguffins or NPCs, their
5 +1 Assist - 10 2500 lives fully susceptible to loss or betrayal.
6 +1 Assist 14 11 3500

7 +1 Assist - 12 4500

8 +1 Assist 15 13 6000

9 +1 Assist - 14 7500

10 +1 Assist - 15 9000

+1 +1 Assist - - +2000

Base Mechanics also determines your initiative. You’ll test initiative

Almost everything is based on rolling a d20 every round of combat to see if you act before or after
against a target number. If you roll equal to or under opponents.
the target number, you succeed (“meeting is beating”).
Roll over it, and you’ve failed. 1 is always success, 20 Charisma​: Test to flatter or beguile. While social
is always failure. “Roll under” and “Test” will be used interaction is done at the table, potential edge cases are
throughout the text as a short-hand. determined via Charisma test. It also affects the
number of Hirelings you can manage.
Situational bonuses and penalties are usually +/- 2 or 4.
Other Numbers
Contested checks are also resolved in this manner. The These are basically sub-stats. Listed are their
player makes their check with an adjustment based on primary modifiers, however Templates, Augments, and
how far the opponent's stat is from 10. Gear may potentially modify them as well. See these
particular sections for more details.
Shoving: The PC has Str 11, the Hobo Tweaker has Str Attack:​ Starts at 11, and increases with level per the
16. The PC needs to roll 5 to succeed, since 11 – 6 = 5. chart. Roll under Attack, modified by the target's
Attacking: The PC has Attack 12, the Heavy Security Defense, to hit.
Guard has Defense 16. The PC needs to roll a 6 or less
to succeed, since 12 – 6 = 6. Defense​: Starts at 10, modified by Armor. Light Armor
is +2, Medium armor is +4, Heavy Armor is +6.
Stats Shields offer +1. Roll under Defense, modified by
Characters have 6 stats, which serve as vague target’s Attack, to defend.
descriptions of their physical and mental prowess.
Initiative​: Starts at Wisdom and modified by
Strength:​ Tested when you attempt feats of Strength: Templates, Augments, and/or Gear. Written separately
Shoving, climbing, forcing open doors, etc. Effects the here as a quick reference.
number of items you can carry.
Movement​: Starts at 12. Determines how far you can
Dexterity:​ Tested when trying to dodge traps, leap over move (about 60’; 5’ per 1 Movement), and is used in a
obstacles, or perform delicate operations under contested test to safely disengage with an enemy in
pressure. Half of your Dexterity is the number of melee. Affected by Armor (-0 for Light Armor, -2 for
“Quick Inventory” items you can have. Medium Armor, -4 for Heavy Armor)

Constitution:​ Tested when trying to resist disease, Save​: Starts at 5 and increases with Level. If an attack
drowning, radiation, and the like. Your hit points are or challenge doesn’t fall neatly, or agreeably, under
based on your Constitution and level. any other stat or value, roll Save. It represents the
character’s luck and ability to spit in the face of Fate.
Intelligence​: Tested when asking esoteric questions
about the world. Stealth​: Starts at 5 and acts as a penalty to opponents
Wisdom to notice you. Affected by Armor (-0/-2/-4),
Wisdom​: Tested when attempting to discern lies, spot Encumbrance, and environment.
hidden dangers, and to resist mind altering effects. It

Conviction can send goons after you from prison, take a

This life you’ve found yourself in is out right Conviction point. You’re doing what you know to be
dangerous, more so given the world you live in. The Right, not easy.
lifestyle is often uncomfortable, morally questioning,
and did I mention dangerous? No one takes it up Conviction Points can be spent to get a bonus on a d20
without a good reason. All the better to stay a corporate roll.
cog, consuming mindless entertainment and corn-based
substances. But not for you. You long for something ● If the roll is related to a Conviction: +8
better, something meaningful. You’ve been cursed with ● If the roll is unrelated to a Conviction: +4

Not everyone has Conviction, especially in these days, You can only receive the large bonus if the roll is
but Player Characters always do. A Conviction is your related to your Conviction. If your Conviction is “Find
character’s answer to one of these questions: my brother” and the action leads you closer to finding
said wayward brother, take a +8. However, if you need
● Why did I start this lifestyle? some help dealing with an Everglades methgator,
● What am I willing to risk my life for? you’ll get the +4.
● What principles will guide my actions?
Typically, characters can only have 1 point of
There are two blank spots on your character sheet for Conviction at a time. Some Templates may modify
Convictions. You can fill these in whenever you want. this.
Have a clear picture of the character when you start?
Fill them in. Not sure about who your character is? Skills
Play them for a bit, get the feel of them, and fill it in Skills are just a word that describes something
when their Convictions reveal themself to you. your character knows how to do. If you can convince
However, you can’t gain or spend Conviction points the GM the skill applies for a test, you take a +2 bonus.
until you have at least one Conviction.
You start off with three skills, determined by your
A Conviction might be “Find my brother.” Or “Bring Failed Career, your level 1 Template, and 1 of your
down Marcone.” Shoot, even “Sup, girl?” can be a choosing.
Skills cannot be used directly in combat.
You gain Conviction points whenever following a
Conviction gets you into trouble. Or, at least, when
following the Conviction is not an optimal strategy, yet
you follow it anyway. If you leave a crime boss for the
cops instead of putting a bullet in his because you have
the Conviction of “Due Process,” knowing full well he

Switch to Combat Rounds when there’s a Roll under Attack, modified by the target's Defense, to
chance a fight will break out. Combat Rounds are hit.
roughly 3 seconds, a Moment. I’ve never seen this Example: Miguel, a level 3 Street Samurai wielding his
matter, but it might. family heirloom katanas, tries to hit a Rent-A-Cop in
light armor. Miguel’s Attack is 11 plus his Template
If someone, or someones, attacks by surprise, they get bonus of 4, or 15. The Rent-A-Cop’s Defense is 12,
to act before Initiatives are rolled for a round. Unless due to Armor, imposing -2 against Miguel. The Player
the targets being ambushed have an ability to not be must therefore roll 13 or below for Miguel to bypass
surprised, then they can attempt to act on this round, as the Armor and do damage.
normal, per the wording of their ability. Once all
ambushers have acted, Initiatives are rolled normally. Defense
Roll under Defense, modified by the attacker’s Attack,
Initiative to defend.
Each round of combat, PC’s must roll their Wisdom.
Success means they act before the enemies. Failure Example: The Rent-A-Cop, badly wounded but still in
means they act after their enemies. PCs may act in any the fight, draws his light pistol on Miguel and fires
order they wish as, technically, they’re acting with a 12 Attack. Miguel, in Medium Armor, has a
simultaneously. Some unusual enemies may act out of defense of 14. Miguel’s player must roll 12 to
order, multiple times, or even impose a penalty to Pc’s successfully Defend.
Combat Maneuver
Action Economy Whenever you attempt to shove or trip an opponent in
On their turn, PCs or enemies may do ONE of the combat, make a contested roll based on the maneuver,
following, plus move about 60’: using the target’s Attack as penalty. If you succeed,
● Make an Attack against a target you perform the maneuver and the target takes the
● Run about 60’ condition you’re trying to inflict. If you fail, the target
● Activate Gear gets an automatic hit against you.
● Reload a weapon
● Attempt a Combat Maneuver Opposed Strength: for shoving and grappling
● Attempt to remove a Fatal Wound from a Opposed Dexterity: for tripping and disarming
The core rules have Combat Maneuvers split into two
Talking, dropping an item, or retrieving one from their rolls. However, in the spirit of combining rolls where
Quick Inventory can all be done freely, even on other’s possible, they’ve been combined into one.
turns. Spending a Help Point may also be done,
specifically, on other people’s turn (See Hit Points


Damage Assists
When you fail to Defend, you’re going to take damage. Assists are assistance inside of combat that allow you
● Light Weapons (daggers, pistols) deal 1d6 to modify an ally’s roll by an amount equal to the
damage number spent, up or down. Much like assisting
● Medium Melee Weapons (clubs, automatic someone in a Strength check to provide a bonus, only
pistols, rifles) deal 1d8 if they take up one in combat. They are spent on other people’s turns,
hand or 1d10 is wielded two handly. multiple people can contribute simultaneously, and
● Medium Range Weapons such as automatic there is no limit to how many can be spent at once.
pistols deal 1d8, but offer a free hand. Rifles
deal 1d10, must be fired with both hands. The only limit is that you must be feasibly able to
● Heavy Weapons (chainsaws, BFGs) deal 1d12, affect your ally’s action.
but take two hands to operate. ● The Face shouts a warning, and the Street Sam
is able to catch an unseen club on his forearm,
Hit Points rather than the back of the head.
When you take damage, it’s going to affect your Hit ● The Street Sam reaches out her riot shield,
Points (HP). Usually negatively. Hit Points represent stopping a bullet meant for the distracted
the injuries you can take before facing serious Hacker.
complications. There are no mechanical effects for ● The Tweaker, seeing his Face buddy in a fight
being at 0 HP, however any additional damage you he can’t win, gets close to the attacker and
take is Lethal Damage, which involves a roll on the starts doing some tweaking shit, distracting the
Death and Dismemberment table. attacker mid-swing.
● The Tweaker, still tweaking, now shirtless and
HP is equal to your Constitution as modified by your raving about the Unseen Agents of the Hand,
level, per the Base Character table. They max out at 20. presents a larger source of fear than the Face,
allowing the Face to pop off a few successful
I insist a Hit Point check can be a thing, I’m just not shots against his previous attacker.
sure for what yet.
If it seems plausible and reasonable, let ‘em be
badasses. No blocking bullets when they’re a block
Level Hit Points
1 Con - 4
Assists are renewable with a good night’s rest in a Safe
2 Con -2 House.
3 Con

4 Con +2

Past Level 4 you begin to accrue Assists, at a rate of 1

per level. Again, Templates and Augments may adjust

Death and Dismemberment

So, you’ve decided to get shot. Not the choice I You gain the listed injury, as well as all the Injuries
would have made, but here we are. Well, you are. above it. The table can’t account for everything, so
Good luck. interpret it logically. Augments in affected locations
are broken until repaired.
Whenever you take Lethal damage (damage suffered
below 0), you’re gonna roll on the table below. On the Hit Location = d6
left is the result of the severity roll, the top is the Severity = 1d12 + Lethal Damage + # of current
location hit or the element used. Injuries

Non-Lethal Damage (stun gun, black jack, etc) results in Knocked Out for X round

Injuries Burned/Frozen​: Save. On success gain an Interesting

Some injuries listed aren’t on the table, but can Scar. On failure roll below:
be acquired through other means, GM choice, or 1. Lose an arm
deliberate actions. 2. Lose both arms
3. Lose a leg
Blind​: Cannot see. -8 to Attack and Defence. 4. Lose both legs
Automatically hit by area-of-effect attacks. Permanent. 5. Lose an eye
6. Lose both legs, arms, and eyes. Blind.
Bleeding Out​: You take 1d4 damage every turn until
healed (requiring First Aid Kit). Concussed​: Initiative is reduced to 4.

Blood Loss​: Your permanent HP is reduced by 1 for Cracked Ribs​: Maximum health is reduced by 4 (to a
every level you possess. minimum of 1).

Deaf​: Cannot hear. If ambushed, always act last. Sickened​: You are unable to keep the majority of your
Permanent. food down. You do not benefit from Lunch.

Disabled​: The limb becomes unusable. A disabled arm Skull Cracked​: Save. If passed, gain an Interesting
cannot hold things, dropping anything that was in that Scar. If fail, roll below:
hand. A disabled leg can’t be walked on without 1. Permanently lose 1 Intelligence
significant assistance, cutting your movement in half. 2. Permanently lose 1 Wisdom
3. Permanently lose 1 Charisma
Fatal Wound​: You have 3 rounds to get rid of ALL 4. Blurred vision. Permanently -2 to Attack and
your Fatal Wounds, or you die. You have a 1-in-6 Defense.
chance of removing a Fatal Wound from yourself at the 5. Damage to the Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas.
end of each round. An adjacent ally can attempt to Lose the ability to speak coherently.
remove a Fatal Wound by spending a standard action 6. Coma. Unconscious. Save means recovery in
doctoring you (requiring a First Aid Kit), and then 1d6 days. Failure means 1d100 days.
rolling under half their Intelligence score - unless they
have a useful skill. You cannot take conscious or Winded​: Automatically fail Initiative tests until you
deliberate actions. Feel free to scream and flail. Oldest rest.
Fatal Wounds are removed first.
Wracked​: Save. If passed, gain an Interesting Scar. If
Fatigue​: Each point of Fatigue damage takes up 1 failed, roll below:
Inventory slot (see below). This can be healed through 1. Permanently lose 1 from a random stat.
a Good Night’s rest. 2. Permanently lose 1 from all stats.
3. Lose a limb and an eye. -1 to range attacks.
Fried​: Save. If passed, gain an Interesting Scar. If 4. Lose 2 from Strength and Constitution.
failed, roll below: 5. Enfeebled. Take double damage from
1. Deaf. additional ingested poisons.
2. Lose an eye. -1 to range attacks. 6. Heart pain. Cannot run.
3. Lose both eyes. Blind.
4. Nervous system damaged. Permanently lose 1 Are some of these a little brutal? Maybe. But this is
from a random stat. also a world of body augments, so if your buddies can
5. Palsied. Permanent -2 to Attack and Defence. drag you off and you can come up with the cash, most
6. Lose an arm and both eyes. Blind. are merely a nuisance.

Mangled​: Save. If passed, gain an Interesting Scar. If

failed, lose a limb.
Interesting Scars
Twisted marks of flesh revealing a violent past.
Mutation​: Roll on the mutation table, gain that It proved a +2 bonus to Charisma while interacting
mutation. with people who appreciate that sort of thing.

Scorched/Frostbite​: Cannot wear armor. Difficulty

gripping and climbing.

Healing and Intoxicants

Healing Intoxication
Healing hit points are primarily done in 3 main Ingesting alcohol or drugs bestoys points of
ways: intoxication, usually denoted in their details. Each
1. A good night’s rest in a Safe House restores all point of intoxication expands your critical fail/miss
Hit Points, as long as you have a pillow and a range by 1. So a character with 4 points of intoxication
blanket. Lacking these, it only restores would critically miss on a roll of 16-20. This lasts until
1d6+level HP. the next morning.
2. A good lunch restores 1d6+level HP, as long as
you have food and drink. This takes about an
3. A First Aid Kit restores based on it’s stats, as
do other emergency medical equipment. See
the Gear section for more details.

A Safe House is any secure location you can hold up

for a night. Cheap hotel; abandoned warehouse; shoot,
an unmarked van in an out of the way car park will
work. The important part is you have a blanket and
pillow. ​Have you ever been camping without them?
Absolutely miserable.

Lunch can be anything from take-out, home cooked

meal, dried cereal bar, to a bag of dried seaweed chips,
with accompanying drink. The point is you sit your ass
down and catch your breath in a safe (well, “safe-ish”)

If a character has “negative” hit points, the next Lunch

or Good Night’s Rest heals them to 0 and no further.
Healing serious injuries from the Death and
Dismemberment table takes time to heal, as listed. Or,
possibly, experimental gear stolen from a Medtech lab.

Healing Stat points takes a day per point lost, if they

haven’t been lost permanently.

Purchasing and installing Augments is always an

optional shortcut in the healing process. A very popular

Character Generation
Now that the brass tacks are out of the way, it’s
time to get to making a character. It’s fairly easy and Level HP Attack Save Fame
quick, done through the following steps:
1. Roll your stats. 4d4 in order.
2. Roll for your Failed Career. Gain the Failed 1 Con - 4 11 6 0
Career as a skill, and the listed items. 2 Con - 2 12 7 500
3. Choose your first Template. Gain the A
abilities, skill, and listed items. 3 Con - 8 1000
4. Take another skill of your choosing. 4 Con +2 13 9 1500
5. Gain the starting items below.
6. Roll your starting cash (1d3 x1000Y) and 5 +1 Assist - 10 2500
purchase additional gear from the Gear section.
6 +1 Assist 14 11 3500
Pocket any extra cash.
7 +1 Assist - 12 4500
Starting Items
8 +1 Assist 15 13 6000
Starting players are assumed to have the
following, in conjunction with other Character 9 +1 Assist - 14 7500
Generated items:
10 +1 Assist - 15 9000
● Commlink
● Credit Chip +1 +1 Assist - - +2000
● 3 clips of ammo for starting weapons
● Lower class living space
Armor and Weapon Proficiencies
In a world where products are made to support
Obviously, the last one doesn’t take up an inventory
the lowest common denominator, armor sets and
weapons come with detailed instruction manuals.
Anyone can use any armor or weapon.
Levelling Up
Leveling up is based on the sort of jobs you do,
the number of jobs you do, and the Fame generated
from doing such jobs. Enough Fame and you’ll find
yourself in a tougher world, doing harder jobs. You got
this though. When you earn a certain amount of Fame
(detailed on the chart) you gain a level.

Whenever a character levels, increase their HP, Attack,

and Save based on their new level, per the chart.
Additionally, a player may increase a stat of their
choosing. Simply declare the stat and roll 3d6. If the
result is over, increase the stat by 1.

Failed Careers
Roll 1d100
Career​ - ​Starting Item(s)

1. Algae Cuisine Chef ​ - ​3 cubes of dehydrated 29. Data Security​ - ​2 cassettes

food grade algae 30. Deforester​ - ​Chainsaw
2. Algae Tank Sluice Operator​ - ​Waist-high 31. DIY Pharmacist​ - ​Vial of strange drugs
wellies 32. Drug Mule​ - ​Bag of drugs
3. Android Repair Man​ - ​Electronic Repair Kit 33. Environment Ministry Inspector​ - ​Breathing
4. Android-Pop Star Manager​ - ​Earplugs mask
5. Apocalyptic Street Preacher​ - ​Hollowed out 34. Experimental Moonshiner​ - J​ ar of high proof
bible alcohol
6. Art Dealer​ - ​AI made collage box 35. Feng Shui Consultant​ - F ​ eng Shui compass
7. Asteroid Miner​ - ​Frequency resonator 36. Forklift Mech Construction Worker​ - ​Hard
8. Astrodock Laborer​ - ​Magnetic boots hat
9. Bartender​ - ​Expensive bottle of top-shelf 37. Furry Cult​ - ​Animal canine teeth implants
hooch (1d6 bite attack)
10. Biochemist​ - ​Vial of hormones 38. Gene-Ripper​ - ​2 doses of CustomGenes​TM
11. Black Market SQUID Disc Dealer​ - 3​ 39. Genetically-modified Cat Exterminator​ -
recorded SQUID disc Hiku brand cat trap (slightly stained)
12. Bootleg Animal Dealer​ - ​A small, living 40. Genetically-modified Elephant Handler​ -
(artificial) animal. Pain inducer remote and collar
13. Buddhist Monk​ - ​Begging bowl 41. Gunsmith​ - ​Weapon repair kit
14. Bureaucrat​ - ​Bulletproof clipboard 42. Handsome Weeping Boy (Ikemeso Danshi)​ -
15. Calorie Man​ - ​Hand crank generator Fine silk suit
16. Cashier at Opium Den Fast Food 43. Hemp Farmer​ - B ​ ag of marijuana
Restaurant​ - ​3 doses of opium 44. Hinterland Surrogate​ - B ​ ag of drugs
17. Chatbot Backend​ - ​List of chatbot system 45. Hologram Artist​ - S​ tereoconversion goggles
passwords 46. Horse Historian​ - ​Bag of horse bones
18. Cheetah Blood Drainer​ - ​Collar with tap 47. HyperPolo Player​ - ​Polo motorcycle
19. CIA Informant​ - ​Bag of drugs 48. Implant Repo​ - D ​ issection kit
20. Cirque de Solie Performer​ - ​50ft of silk 49. J-Pop Star Bodyguard​ - ​Earplugs
21. Clone Decanter​ - ​Squeegee, rubber gloves 50. Jailbreaker​ - ​Electronic repair kit
22. Corporate Drone​ - ​ID card, stapler 51. Jeffery’s Tube Engineer​ - M ​ echanics tool kit
23. Corporate Geomancer​ - ​Geomancy tool 52. KGB Operative​ - ​1 dose of poison with
24. Cosmonaut​ - ​Tattoos of Lenin and Putin over umbrella for delivery, tattoo of Lennon and
heart, old space suit Putin
25. Counterfeiter​ - ​Fake traveling papers or 53. Locksmith​ - ​Lockpicks
license 54. Lunar Miner​ - ​Lunar pickaxe
26. Courier​ - ​Mysterious package 55. Machinist​ - ​Tool kit
27. Cyber Zen Guru​ - ​Recurrent wired vizzy 56. Mafia Family Member​ - ​Passcard to
28. Data Courier​ - ​Cranium drive augment penthouse

57. Mall Santa​ - ​Wine stained fake beard 88. Solar Balloon Squatter​ - ​Electronic repair kit
58. Merchant Marine​ - ​Shipping charts 89. SQUID Recorder​ - ​SQUID magnetometer
59. Meth Cook​ - ​Bag of drugs 90. Street Surgeon​ - ​Bottle of high proof liquor
60. Muay Thai Competitor​ - ​Glass laced 91. Student​ - ​3 textbooks, crippling debt
knuckle-wraps 92. Surrogate Mother to Clone Babies​ - ​Third
61. Nail Salon Slave​ - ​Pain inducer collar and breast augmentation
remote 93. TacoCopter Specialist​ - ​Mini UAV
62. Nuclear Physicist​ - ​Slightly glowing rod 94. Tong Enforcer​ - ​Chinese cigarettes, length of
63. Oil Rig Worker​ - ​Hard hat chain
64. Organ Harvester​ - ​Dissection kit 95. Trade Magnate​ - ​Mysterious package
65. Organ Incubator​ - ​One extra organ of your 96. Transit System Worker​ - ​Lifetime pass
choice 97. Visigoth Gang Member​ - ​Fine gothic clothing
66. Orphan Catcher​ - ​Handcuffs 98. Yakuza Enforcer​ - ​Minus 1 pinky finger,
67. Panzerboy​ - ​Ignition key to a burnt out tank Fashionable clothes
somewhere 99. Yoga Instructor to the Stars​ - ​Disc full of
68. Paramedic​ - ​First aid kit celebrity secrets
69. Parkour Competitor​ - ​Climbing gloves 100. Zef Rapper​ - ​Fine silk boxers, Zef curse
70. Patent Classifier​ - ​Minus 1 will to live, 3
stolen patent data discs
71. Pimp​ - ​Little black book
72. Pizza Delivery​ - ​Shitty car
73. Pornographer​ - ​Holodisk of Android
74. Professional Apologizer​ - ​Auto-Tear duct
75. Prostitute​ - ​Disease resistant patches
76. Ramen Cook​ - ​3 packs of expensive ramen
77. Rastafarian​ - ​Bag of weed
78. Renraku Prostitute​ - ​Still installed “cutout
79. Rent-a-Cop​ - ​Security uniform
80. Rickshaw Driver​ - ​Rickshaw
81. Ringleader of traveling Android Circus​ -
Top hat with PA system
82. Rock Star​ - ​Electronic instrument
83. Salary Man​ - ​Corporate handbook (full of
oaths, company songs, and standard practices)
84. Security Consultant​ - ​Remote motion sensor
85. SimLife Star​ - ​Sense-record unit
86. SimLife Star Impersonator​ - ​Fake
sense-record unit
87. Smack Supplier for Dolphins​ - H ​ eroin kit
(drug, lighter, spoon, needle)

You’re someone, who be it through a violent life or
merely idle boredom, has replaced a portion of their Ghost in the Machine
original body with high tech augmentations. Whether Upon becoming fully dead, lose half your
you’re “More machine than man” or “More human levels and rewrite as AI at the new level. You retain all
than human” you’re definitely an improvement over knowledge and digital holdings you had when you
the original human body. were alive.

For every Augment template you take, gain 1 Augment

Package, detailed further at the end of the Augment

Starting equipment: Light Pistol, Light Armor,

Immunosuppressant Drugs
Starting skills: [1] - Cybernetics, [2] - Repair,
[3] - Biotech

A. Headspace
B. Encryption
C. Submerge
D. Ghost in the Machine

You have a Head Drive. It’s free. It’s yours.
Additionally, the various processors of your augments
work more efficiently, giving you +2 storage space per
Augmented Template you take.

Unwanted access to your Head Drive is harder.
You gain +4 in your Saves vs. Hacking on top of
whatever Counter Intrusion programs you’re carrying
in your head.

Entering into a digital metaphor, you are able
to share data files in your Head Drive with other
submerged Augments instantly.

Street Cred
You are a man about town. Your fingers are on the By recounting your recent adventures to a
pulse of the nightlife and social gossip. If you’re not crowd, say a bar crowd, every character that
part of the ‘In crowd’, it’s because you’ve turned them participated in the adventure, and the retelling, receives
down and they’re the worse for it. an additional 10% of the XP received during the
adventure. Usable once per adventure.
You gain +1 Groupie for every template of Face taken.
A groupie is like a hireling, but paid in favors rather Pep Talk
than money. Once per session, as a free action, you may
give a rousing speech to attempt to bolster the spirits of
Starting Equipment: Small Pistol, Medium Baton, Silk your allies. Any friends that can hear you regain 1d4
Suit (Medium Armor) HP (the DM is encouraged to give a +1 or +2 bonus
Starting Skill: [1] - Fashion, [2] - Pop Culture, based on vigorous gesturing and if the other players are
[3] - Recent News actually encouraged by the speech). Outside of combat,
the speech is worth 1d6.
A. Nice Threads, They Know Me Here
B. Street Cred, Pep Talk Fanatic Groupies
C. Fanatic Groupies, Gang Uniform Your good looks and honeyed words have won
D. Really Good Liar over the crowds, to the point they’re willing to jump in
between you and danger at a moment’s notice. If you
Nice Threads take physical damage, you can choose to pass off the
Until they start making armor in pinstripe or damage to an adjacent hireling. They make no
egyptian silk, you’ll take your chances without. While additional check or save, merely take the damage
wearing fashionable clothing of the same cost as meant for you.
related armor, you receive the equivalent defense, but
without expending Inventory Slots. The clothing is Gang Uniform
Fragile however, and you suffer -1 def each time While wearing an outfit involving a symbol
you’re scorched, dirtied, shot, stabbed - anything that representing the gang, any allies loyal to the gang and
would ruin such fine clothing. wearing the same symbol receive a +1 to attack. The
symbol can be just about anything, as long as it
They Know Me Here undeniably identifies the specific gang, and members
You’re a regular at a local dive bar. The thereof.
patrons are Friendly towards you, and are usually
willing to lie for you, given plausible deniability. For a Really Good Liar
smile and some sweet words to the owner, you can use Once per session, you may declare any excuse
a backroom unmolested. or argument to be both valid and acceptable.

Line of Credit
You’re a professional middle man. When people need You’re known for being good to your word.
to find information or a special something, they come Where most illicit dealings require money up front,
to you. When people are in need of buyers or to have a usually in a nice briefcase or other easily verifiable
body go missing, they come to you. Making form, people who have heard of you or dealt with you
arrangements between the two parties is your forte. To before are willing to extend up to 250,000 units of
you, information is just as good as currency, as it will standard currency (nuyen, bitcoin, dollars, whatever).
certainly be worth something. Mind you this is total, be it across multiple dealers or
all with one. Regular repayments are expected, with
You gain +1 Contact with every Fixer template taken. rather unfriendly results should you seem to be
neglecting said payments.
Starting Equipment: Medium Body Armor;
Medium Pistol I Remember Reading About That
Starting Skill: [1] - Black Market, [2] - Conspiracy, Once per day, you may treat your Intelligence
[3] - Political Dealings as being 20, for the purposes of knowledge related skill
A. Well Connected, Well Prepared
B. Done your homework I Know A Guy
C. Line of Credit, I Remember Reading About Once per session you can call in a favor owed
That you by someone within your network of contacts, with
D. I Know A Guy a 5-in-6 chance of them willing to accept without
Well Connected
When attempting to hire hirelings, treat your
charisma score as 2 higher.

Well Prepared
When in a shady back alley, you may spend
any amount of money to receive an unmarked box.
When opened, you declare what’s inside, as long as the
item(s) are equal or lesser in value than what you paid,
and use the correct amount of inventory slots. It is
possible to have a smaller box within a box.

Done your homework

Any very specific detail you learn about your
next job adds a point into a special conviction point
pool. This pool is usable by the team, may only contain
up to the fixer level's worth points, and these points are
only good for the specific job.

Grizzled Cop
Trained to Take a Hi​t
You’ve been on the force longer than most. In fact, of You’ve been shot before. You’ve been stabbed
those you graduated Academy with, you’re probably before. You’re not fond of them, but you know how to
the last alive. You’ve seen some shit, but you're take them, using your body armor to its fullest effect.
dedicated to the job and seeing the criminals of this Once per day you can reduce incoming damage by
town brought to justice. 1d12 points. Or you can choose to ruin your armor and
reduce the damage by a straight 12 points.
You gain +1HP and +1 Save vs Fear for every Grizzled
Cop template you have. Thin Blue Line
Adjacent allies can use your Save vs Fear in
Starting Equipment: Medium Armor, Badge, place of their own. This ability has no effect if you are
Service Revolver* currently afraid. Additionally all other Officers of the
Starting Skill: [1] - Law, [2] - Loose Cannon, Law allied to you get +1 Attack while in scene.
[3] - Criminal Underground
Home-Field Advantage
A. Officer of the Law This job has taught you to be paranoid and
B. Determined, Trained to Take a Hit prepared. And that’s kept you alive. By reaching
C. Thin Blue Line under/behind any surface in a location that can be
D. Home-Field Advantage considered “yours,” roll 1d6. On [1-4] you draw a light
pistol, on [5-6] you pull a medium pistol.
Officer of the Law
You are a cop, and are allowed to engage in the
benefits of the position: free coffee at Donut Hut,
running red lights, and carrying a gun in restricted *Note: Service Revolver is a medium pistol with no
areas. Oh, right, you’re also able to arrest people, call electronics. Six shots.
in police backup, and push your weight around while
flashing the badge (targets Save vs Fear or be
compelled to answer questions). On the other hand,
you are also susceptible to Internal Affairs
investigations and people looking to film you abusing
your power. So, be careful. Or don’t. I ain’t the cops.
You are.

This job has cost you two marriages, countless
night’s sleep, and a working liver, yet you stuck with it.
You can have up to two points of Conviction, rather
than the standard one. Additionally, when spending a
point of Conviction to attack an enemy, you deal an
extra +1d8 base damage.

For purposes of other programs, your current

Hacker location within Cyberspace counts as the origin of the
range. You are fully visible to any in AR, and a silvery
You're a console cowboy; master of the realm digital. digital trail leads back to your deck. Programs that
You collect military grade computer hardware and AI target a device can target your deck if your projected
programs for nefarious activities in cyberspace. Stay location is within range.
outta Memphis hotel rooms.
Virtual Agent
For every template in Hacker you take, you gain You've managed to incorporate a secondary
+1 processing die, + 1 cache slot, +2 programs. What array of RAM into your deck, and allowed an AI to
do these mean? See the Hacking section for more take up residence within it. It can perform simple tasks
details. on it's own, such as executing a program at a given
time, however it is only a mid-level AI and still
Starting Skills: [1] - Coding, [2] - Cryptocurrency, requires commands from you. Should the deck fall into
[3] - Dive Bars a "broken" state, it will take 24 hours after completely
Starting Equipment: CyberDeck; Light Pistol; fixing the deck for the AI to return.
2 Cassettes
Escape the Meat Prison
A. Modifications Should you die while Projecting, lose half your
B. Projection levels and rewrite as AI at the new level. You retain all
C. Virtual Agent knowledge and digital holdings you had when you
D. Escape the Meat Prison were alive.

You’ve built your CyberDeck by yourself, The CyberDeck
piece by piece. Should you manage to acquire another This is your portable supercomputer. I say
Hacker’s unbroken CyberDeck, you may attempt to portable, but I mean it in the way a cooler is portable.
scrap it for parts to add to your own. “Yes, technically”, but still a pain in the ass. It takes up
two Inventory slots, and requires two hands to use.
Projection While you can store up to 10 programs in the data
You've finally been able to afford the 'trodes storage of the deck, only programs in the cache slot can
upgrade. While wearing them, you may close your eyes be executed. Loading programs are typically done
and concentrate, leaving the prison of meatspace before deployment to the field, as they take roughly an
behind. Your consciousness falls completely into 10 minutes to transfer.
Cyberspace, allowing you to move freely through the
system. Spatial relations lose meaning, becoming more The most typical way to interface with your Deck is
abstract; PANs take on the form of geometric shapes. over AR (augmented reality) - a pair of goggles that
Networks outside the Cloud appear as large, black display the virtual world overlaid on the real world,
monoliths. AIs appear in their cold, logical true form - allowing for the viewing of both cyberspace and
four dimensional shapes, ever in motion and pulsing meatspace at the same time.
with light.

Street Samurai
Signature Weapon
You’re the Hero; the Protagonist; World’s Greatest Choose a weapon you’ve used before. You
Swordsman. Or maybe you’re the Razor Girl; nerves gain +2 to Attack when using that weapon.
set to overdrive with fingers full of blades waiting to be
used. Whoever you are, you’re a student in the nearly Armed Shield
lost art of Ass Kicking, always on the lookout to fight On a successful Grapple Maneuver against a
someone bigger and badder than you, until you prove target with a ranged weapon, you may make a free
yourself a master. attack action against any other target, at a -2 attack
modifier, using the grappled target’s weapon.
You gain +1 HP for every Street Samurai template you Additionally, any attack made against you while the
possess. grapple is held, gets redirected to the grappled target.

Starting Gear: Medium Armor, 2 Melee Weapons of Unstoppable

Choice, Medium Pistol When you fell an opponent down to 0HP with
Starting Skills: [1] - Stepping Razor, [2] - Soldier, an attack, you gain a free attack action with the same
[3] - Gang Tactics weapon.

A. Combat Expert, +1 Attack

B. Trophy
C. Signature Weapon, +1 Attack
D. Armed Shield, Unstoppable

Combat Expert
You gain +2 to Combat Maneuver rolls.
Further, if you get exactly the number you need during
an attack roll, make an opposed attribute check as you
would during a Combat Maneuver. On a success, you
make a free Combat Maneuver.

You collect trophies from high status
opponents you defeat; be it a hachimaki of a rival
bosozoku leader or a scrap of cloth barring a Corporate
logo taken from a former security guard Captain - as
long as it is possible for someone to identify and
realize that they associate with the trophy. You gain a
+1 Attack against those sorts of people. These bonuses
stack, though after a while the bosozoku should run out
of people. The trophies also make negotiations with
that group more difficult.

Put simply, you’re a man that enjoys a chemical Keep those eyes open. Taking a dose of your
dependency. Doesn’t matter what it is: HyperCocaine, chosen drug adds 1d4 in temporary HP lasting as long
Synthohol, or Crystal Pepsi. You indulge nearly as the drug effects. Stackable up to your level (i.e. 3
constantly and have a tendency to lose yourself to the doses for 3d4 at level 3)
whims of the drug.
Drug Resistance
You can ignore +1 points of Intoxication for every When in the midst of your Drug Fueled Rage,
Tweeker template you take. should you take damage greater than half your
remaining HP, you may spend a Conviction point to
Starting Equipment: Light Pistol, Baton, ignore it
1d4 doses of your drug.
Starting skill: [1] - Streetwise, [2] - Chemistry, Becoming the Drug
[3] - Medical Centers You’ve entered a new state in your drug habit:
A toxic zen. Replace the bonuses from your drug
A. Drug Fueled Rage fueled rage with your level. This activates Dependant
B. Twitchy, Dependant for free.
C. Drug Resistance
D. Becoming the Drug, Burn Out Burn Out
Your heavy drug usage has ruined your
Drug Fueled Rage nervous system, dulling your connection with the
By taking a large dosage of your drug of world. All incoming damage is reduced by 2 points,
choice, you may enter a drug fueled rage. While even when you’re sober.
enraged you are immune to pain and fear, and gain +1
to your attack and defense. You do, however, lose
yourself to the drug. Any action described as
“defensive”, “curative”, “cooperative”, or “tactical” is
not one your drug addled mind can comprehend. The
drug says FIGHT, so you fight. Using technology any
more complicated than a gun, or a weapon implant, is
right out. While you won’t target your friends, anyone
that harms you (accidental or otherwise) in this fight
ain’t a friend until the rage ends.

The drug has left your nerves a complete mess.
When surprised, you have a 3-in-6 chance to act on the
surprise round anyway.

Contacts, Groupies, and Mercenaries

They will not engage in combat unless Fanatic
Contacts (see Face template). They provide 10 inventory
Essentially these are your “business slots, and +1 Attack and Defense, but do not
contacts.” They’ll provide resources and assist in take combat turns.
tasks outside of combat for a price.

Examples: Mercenaries
● An arms dealer can arrange for weapons These are trained professionals of the
without serial numbers. illicit arts. Thugs, assassins, guns for hire.
● A black market dealer can provide They’re skilled at what they do, and reflect that
illegal goods. through their hiring price, to be paid upfront.
● A greasy journalist or observant
bartender might be able to provide In combat, each mercenary will provide a +2
promising rumors. Attack and +2 Defense to the person they’re
assigned to, but will not take combat turns
Contacts are made in game, through roleplay. themselves. If you take damage that would result
Also, more quickly, through the Fixer template. in Lethal Damage, there is a 50% chance a
mercenary assigned to you takes it instead. You
Their loyalty is not guaranteed, and they will not can command up to a number of Mercenaries
engage in combat on your behalf. equal to your Charisma attribute. It may not be
fiscally wise, however.
Groupies A mercenary can perform tasks based on their
Your charisma has acquired you a near advertised skill (A cat burglar will do cat
cult following. These are admirers of you, and burglary things, etc). If they notice they’re being
are willing to provide resources and assist in ordered to take more risks than the PCs, prepare
tasks outside of combat. They will, however, for some resistance, and a loyalty check.
require a favor in return.
Leveled mercenaries will provide additional +1
These people have a “normal life” inside of Attack/Defense for every level over 1, as well as
society and what they’re capable of is additional abilities, however they will cost
determined by a role on the “Failed Career” list. substantially more.
Only, their career is still intact.
They are mainly acquired through the Face Loyalty starts at 10. Poor treatment lowers
template, and their loyalty is nearly guaranteed. Loyalty by 1, 1d4, or 1d6 points. Good treatment
raises Loyalty by 1 or 2 points, to a maximum of
19. Overpayment also raises Loyalty.

Inventory and Gear

Inventory Gear
PCs have a number of Inventory Slots equal to Gear typically comes in 3 forms: Armor,
their Strength. Inventory slots represent all items Weapons, and Equipment.
carried, save for clothing (besides Armor), minor
jewelry, and other cosmetic items. Armor
Armor is divided into three sizes (Light,
Most items take up one inventory slot. Two-handed Medium, Heavy). Every armor takes up a number of
weapons take up two slots. Armor takes up an amount Inventory slots equal to its Defense rating, with any
of slots equal to its Defense rating. Negligible items defense rating over +3 providing 1 point of
take up none, nor do coins and gems, should you Encumbrance.
encounter those antiques in this digital age.
Armor also affects your ability to swim, should it arise:
The first Dexterity divided by 2 slots are your Belt ● You can swim in Light Armor without penalty.
Slots, and can be accessed easily at any time. ● You must pass a Strength check to swim in
Everything else is considered to be in your Pack and Medium Armor
requires 1d6 rounds in combat to acquire, or 1 round of ● You can not swim in Heavy Armor.
dumping everything on the floor.
Light Armor​ would be your leather jackets, gambeson,
Encumbrance or impact mesh. They provide a Defense bonus of 2,
You gain Encumbrance points in 2 ways: and typically cost Y200.
1. Every Inventory slot filled past your Strength
score incurs 1 point of Encumbrance. Medium armor​ would be kevlar vests, flak jackets, or
2. Each point of Defense rating over +3 gained those chainsaw safety pants things. They provide a
from Armor or Shield incurs 1 point of Defense bonus of 4, and typically cost Y500.
Heavy armor​ is standard riot gear - kevlar over
Each Encumbrance point imposes a -1 penalty to chainmail, interwoven with impact mesh. They provide
Stealth, Movement, and Dexterity checks. a Defense of 6 and will run you a hefty Y1100.

With 6 points of Encumbrance, running is impossible. Riot Shields​ will run you Y1200, take up a free hand,
At 10 points, and provide +1 to Defense.

Like most things, both Inventory slots and Weapons

Encumbrance can be affected by Augments, Gear, and Weapons typically come in three sizes (Light,
Templates. Medium, and Heavy) across two categories (Melee and

Light Melee​ would be your daggers, stun batons,

electro-brass knuckles. They do 1d6 damage and take
up a single Inventory slot. They typically cost Y100.

Medium Melee​ would be your sword canes, rapiers, ● “Cheap” has 1 point of Endurance
police batons. They do 1d8 damage and take up a ● “Standard” has 3 points of Endurance
single Inventory slot. If wielded with two hands, they ● “High” has 5 points of Endurance
do 1d10. They typically cost Y400.
When a Weapon loses an Endurance point, it suffers a
Heavy Melee​ would be your great swords, chainsaws, cumulative -1 to Attack. At 0 Endurance points, it
jaws-of-life. They do 1d12 and must be wielded with becomes unusable.
two hands. They take up two Inventory slots, and
typically cost Y650. When Armor loses an Endurance point, it suffers a -1
to Defense. Further loss of Endurance points do not
Light Range​ would be your hold out pistols and stun deplete the Defense rating further.
guns. They do 1d6 damage and take up a single
Inventory slot. They typically cost Y150. Endurance points can be restored with down time and
the use of either a Weapon Repair Kit or an Armor
Medium Range​ weapons come in two forms: pistols Repair Kit.
(revolvers, machine pistols) and rifles (AK47, M16).
Pistols do 1d8 damage, take up a single Inventory slot,
and allow for a free hand. Rifles do 1d10 damage, take
up two inventory slots, and need two hands to wield.
They typically cost Y350 for pistols, Y600 for rifles.

Heavy Range​ weapons would be your miniguns, flame

throwers, and sniper rifles. They do 1d12 damage, take
up two inventory slots and require both hands to use.
They typically cost Y1500.

Grenades​ are technically ranged, and do 1d6 damage to

everyone in a 20 foot radius. Flashbangs, on the other
hand, force you to save vs blindness within the radius.
They both cost you Y150 each.

Equipment is basically anything that isn’t
Armor or a Weapon, but not an Augment. It’s a wide
and varied category and, as such, descriptions and
prices are provided below.

Breakage (Optional)
Whenever you make an Attack or Defense
check and roll a Critical Failure (20), your Weapon or
Armor loses an Endurance point. Weapons and Armor
have Endurance points equal to their quality:

Gear Price List

Prices are in NeuvoYen

Medical Glue Sprayer 150

Weapons Chemical Analyzer 700 Glue Solvent 90
Light Melee 100 Dissection Kit 250 Protective Goggles 200
Medium Melee 400 First-Aid Kit 50 Repair Kits 500
Heavy Melee 650 Medical Scanner 350 Rope 20/yard
Trama Patches 40 Spray Paint 20
Light Range 150 Tech Diagnostic Tool 250
Medium Range (1 Hand) 350 Surveillance and
Medium Range (2 Hand) 600 Countermeasures
Heavy Range 1500 Binoculars 50
Bug Scanner 500
Grenades 150 Hand Radio 500
Laser Microphone 600
Armor Night Vision Goggles 800
Light 200 Signal Jammer 500
Medium 500 Vampire Data Trap 300
Heavy 1100 White Noise Generator 300

Riot Shield 1200 Personal Entertainment

AR Goggle 750
Bag of Drugs (starting only)
Equipment Commlink 1000
Breaking and Entering Credit Chip 5
Autopicker 1000 Gargoyle Suit 1500
Explosive Breaching Charges µsofts 2500
250 Neural Brainwave Editor 800
Lockpicks 200 SimSense Player Unit 700
Sequencer 250 Stereo Conversion Goggles 500
Skeleton Passkey 2000
Drones Breathing Mask 300
Small 1000 Crowbar 50
Medium 5000 Cutting Torch 250
Large 10000 Electronics Kit 250
Huge 20000 Flashlight 25
Glowpaint 25/sq ft
Glowstick 10
Glowtape 25/yard

First-Aid Kit​ (Y50) - Required for First Aid skill usage.

Equipment Consumed on use.
Breaking and Entering
Autopicker​ (Y1000) - A gun shaped device that fits a Medical Scanner​ (Y350) - Injects nanobots into the
pair of lockpicks in the "muzzle" and used by pulling patient to provide medical condition readouts to the
the trigger. Adds +1 to lock picking attempts against hand held remote. Provides +1 on First Aid usage.
mechanical locks. Nanobots are Y50 a dose, are consumed on usage, and
eventually are absorbed safely by the host body.
Explosive Breaching Charges​ (Y250) - For when
everything else in this section fails. Consumed on use. Trama Patches​ (Y40) - Adhesive dermal patches (often
called "slap patches" due to how they're applied) that
Lockpicks​ (Y200) - Required for the use of the are soaked in various pain medications and coagulators
lockpick skill against mechanical locks. that get absorbed into the skin. Temporarily (about an
hour) restores 1d4 hit points. Consumed on use.
Sequencer​ (Y250) - RNG add-on for a Skeleton
passkey. Generates random combinations to attempt to Surveillance and Countermeasures
force an electronic lock. Adds +1 to lockpicking Binoculars ​(Y50) - You know what these are. Don't
against electronic locks. fight me on this.

Skeleton passkey​ (Y2000) - Blank keycard wired to a Bug Scanner​ (Y500) - Scans local signals for known
small handheld terminal. Required for lockpicking recording device (audio and video) signatures. Devices
against an electronic lock. must save to remain hidden.

Drones Hand Radio​ (Y500) - Antiquated technology that uses

Drones are nearly independent machines controlled radio waves for communication. Your grandpa called
either remotely or by being simple commands. See the them "Walkie Talkies" for some reason. Comes with
Drones section for further details. earpiece and throat mic for an additional Y100.
Small Drone​ (Y1000)
Medium Drone ​(Y5000) Laser Microphone​ (Y600) - Measures the vibration of
Large Drone ​(Y10000) a smooth surface from up to 500 yards and translates to
Huge Drone​ (Y20000) audio data. Immune to White Noise.

Medical Night Vision goggles​ (Y800) - Generates a false light,

Chemical Analyzer​ (Y700) - A briefcase sized green tinted image of the world around you, out to 150
laboratory used to analyze unknown chemical samples. yards, allowing you to effectively see in the dark.
If a sample is not found within the on-board databases, Inflicts a -4 to saves vs bright lights while using.
it will return a compound most similar.
Signal Jammer​ (Y500) - Illegal. Blocks all signals
Dissection Kit​ (Y250) - Used for field surgery. And within a 200' radius.
field dissection.

Vampire Data Tap ​(Y300) - A small clamp device with typically stored data related to a single subject,
plural spikes on the inside used for physically tapping including languages. Plugging one into a µsoft Drive
into network cables. allows temporary access to a skill of that subject,
providing a +2 in a related check. Removing the µsoft
White Noise Generator​ (Y300) - Good for providing removes the bonus.
white noise to ease your tinnitus so you can sleep at
night. Sucks, doesn't it? Oh how I regret the choices of Neural Brainwave Editor ​(Y800) - An electrode system
my youth and long for the sound of true silence. used to alter the user's brainwaves to a desired emotion,
Anyway, through turning the volume all the way up, typically used for sleep induction. Called a "vizzy" by
this can also be used to generate background noise to the same sort of people that refer to a neck based
throw off any audio recording devices. commlink as an "uvvy", cyberstoners typically rewire
the unit to generate feedback, allowing for a software
Personal Entertainment based high.
AR Goggle​ (Y750) - Allows for viewing of cyberspace
over the physical world. SimSense Player Unit​ (Y700) - Plays recorded or
broadcasted SimSense files. The user wears electrodos
Bag of Drugs​ (starting only) - 3 doses of your brand of that overwrites their own sensations with the SimSense
drugs. Drug rules ain't written yet. Time for some file. Many a celebrity has been made this way, from
rulings. people dreaming of a better life.

Commlink​ (Y1000) - Life in 20XX is built around Stereo Conversion Goggles​ (Y500) - Converts viewed
these. They act as modern cell phones, data chip 2D image to 3D. Popular among the spray paint
readers, cameras, audio recorder, audio player, AM/FM tagging crowd.
radio, PAN hub controller, digital assistant and much
more. All this in a convenient 11"x8"x1" case! Buy Tools
yours now, and be sure to pick up the latest Breathing Mask​ (Y300) - A standard mask covering
attachments today! (Commlink accessories are the user's nose and mouth, with dual replaceable filters.
typically compatible with cyberdecks.) Popular with Sprawl and Singapore city dwellers.
Gives +2 for saves against gas. More chic versions
Credit Chip​ (Y5) - Like a digital wallet and debit card. allow for fresh air plug-ins, for the occasional treat of
Law abiding citizens will note the convenience it clean air.
provides. Your sort of people will note the "eggs in one
basket" feature of it. Crowbar​ (Y50) - Or "pry bar" for the anticorvites.
Useful in prying open a surprisingly large number of
Gargoyle Suit​ (Y1500) - A body suit loaded with things.
communication equipment and transmitters for more
detailed interaction within cyberspace. Typically used Cutting Torch​ (Y250) - Hand held torch powered by
for video games, special batons allow for melee attacks oxy/acetylene gas in replaceable fuel tank. Often used
within All active Face abilities cease to function while for cutting through metal. Replacement tanks are Y80.
wearing this. You big nerd.
Electronics Kit​ (Y250) - Used in and needed for
µsofts ​(Y2500) - Similar to modern day USB thumb repairing electronics.
drive, but about the size of a thumbnail. On them is

Flashlight​ (Y25) - I shouldn't have to explain this one Gives a +1 situational bonus to computer device repair
either. skills.

Glowpaint​ (Y25/sq ft) - Glow-in-the-dark paint that

gives off a soft glow. Good for locating the covered
object in the dark, poor for seeing by.

Glowstick​ (Y10) - Six inch plastic tube chemical light.

Crack and shake to activate. Provides soft light for 6
hours that's bright enough to read by.

Glowtape​ (Y25/yard) - Like Glowpaint, but in tape


Glue​ ​sprayer​ (Y150) - Mini aerosol canister of

industrial strength super glow. Contains a single usage,
which is enough to cover three square feet (such as
gluing a door shut). Makes a damn mess.

Glue solvent​ (Y90) - Mini aerosol opposite of the Glue

Sprayer. Dissolves away the glue in moments.

Protective Goggles​ (Y200) - Photosensitive protective

eyewear, typically used by welders. Provides +4 to
saves vs light.

Repair Kits​ (Y500) - Typically used for various repair

jobs, kits come specific to the task at hand. Electronics
kit is used to repair electronics, gunsmith kit is used in
repairing guns, mechanics tool kit is used for
mechanical repairs. Required to use those skills. Takes
two slots.

Rope​ (Y20/yard) - Nylon rope with interwoven carbon

fiber. Can hold about 2,000 lbs.

Spray Paint​ (Y20) - Comes in various colors and

covers roughly 25 square feet of surface area.

Tech Diagnostic Tool​ (Y250) - Handheld computer

(wrist mounted versions available) with diagnostic
programs, electronic probes, and schematic databases.

Drones are semi-autonomous devices Base Attack is N/A
that come in various sizes and are made for Base Movement is N/A
various purposes. From maglev mounted Base Stealth is 5
cameras to a weapons platform mounted on
Boston Dynamics' cheetah, each brings a unique HD is the hit die used to figure the drone's
edge to a mission. structural integrity. Anything less than
maximum is dinged or scuffed in some way,
Controlling a drone takes a full round action to with a 1 being "technically functional."
issue a command to a single drone, unless one
has a Drone Control Unit. Then, you’re able to
control a single drone as a free action.
Making Your Own Aquatic​ - Allows the drone to operate on, or
I could provide a list of slightly different below, the water. Adds Base Movement of 12
drone after slightly different drone, but when in aquatic environments. Subsequent
inevitably it would be incomplete for potential applications of this feature increase Movement
purposes. Also the basic equipment list nearly by 2
killed me. So, you want the drone, you make it.
Flight​ - Allows for drone movement through the
Making a drone is a simple act. Based on the air, including hovering. Adds Base Movement of
size of the drone, you have a number of slots for 12 when in the air. Allows for safe take off and
optional features. Select the options you want, landing. Subsequent applications of this feature
then get back to the game. increase Movement by 2.

HD Size Number of Features Tread​ - Allows for the drone to move through
d4 Small 2 soft terrain, such as mud and gravel, with ease.
d6 Medium 3 Adds Base Movement of 12 when on the
d8 Large 4 ground, and ignores soft terrain penalties.
d10 Huge 5 Subsequent applications of this feature increase
Movement by 2
Small​ is roughly the size of a coffee cup or beer
can. Walker​ - It's got chicken legs. Also, it can climb
Medium​ is about the size of a house cat. A fat up, and over, obstacles, allowing for vertical and
one. upside-down movement. Adds Base Movement
Large​ is around the size of a stove. of 12 when on a solid surface. Subsequent
Huge​ clocks in at the size of a refrigerator. applications of this feature increase Movement
Base Defense is 10 by 2

Wheels​ - Comes with or without spinners. Adds Foam Sprayer​ - Used in suppressing riots. Fires
Base Movement of 14 when on flat, solid, firm a foam that hardens when exposed to air, forcing
surfaces. Subsequent applications of this feature the target to Save vs Immobilization.
increase Movement by 2
Fire Suppressant​ - Adds a fire suppressant
Other Features system with enough suppressant to extinguish a
Armor Plating​ - Adds additional armor to the campfire sized fire.
chassis. +2 to Defense.
Guardian​ - Armor plates that fold out, providing
Battering Ram​ - Hydraulic powered piston some measure of cover to those behind, at the
specially designed to beat the hell out of things cost of being a bigger target. Adds +2 to targets
in front of it. Adds 2-in-6 chance to break open a Defense, however suffers a -2 to own Defense.
standard door. Each additional application
increases the chance by 1-in-6. Structural Grenade Launcher​ - Launches grenades. Adds
hardness applies penalties. base Attack of 11, or an additional grenade
based attack.
Cargo​ - An empty slot allowing for 1 inventory
worth of equipment to be stored and ejected. Gun​ - Installs a gun (d6 Damage) and ammo for
Lockable. 21 shots (manually refillable). Adds base Attack
of 11. Additional applications increase the gun
Camera​ - Allows for remote visual. size (d6>d8>d10>d12>d12+d4)

Chameleon Plating -​ Array of microcameras are Gyroscope​ - Adds a stabilizing gyroscope to the
installed along photoreactive panels. This allows Drone making it harder to knock over or off
for the panels to display what’s on the exact course. +2 Defense against trip combat
opposite of the Drone, effectively allowing it to maneuvers.
become invisible. Increases Stealth by +2.
Lights​ - External lights that allow for
Chemical Analyzer​ - Miniature laboratory that illumination. You know, like a light. Available
analyzes collected samples. Popular feature on in various colors.
Mars rovers.
Manipulator​ - Adds a robot manipulator which
Dog Brain​ - Not a literal one, but a backup is capable of performing basic gripping
system that can carry out a simple command, functions. Delicate operations are right out, i.e.
should remote control suddenly be lost. If a dog It can hold the gun, but pulling the trigger is too
could understand it, the command is simple fine of a motor function.
Melee​ - You ever been attacked by an automated
Electrical Shielding​ - Rubberized plates reduce chainsaw on legs? Jesus. Adds base Attack of 11
incoming electric damage by 2 points. for light melee. Additional applications increase
the melee size (d6>d8>d10>d12>d12+d4)

Microphone​ - Allows for remote recording.

Mine Layer​ - Carries a single mine, which is

deploy-able. Critical attacks against the Drone
tend to activate the mine inside.

Reloader​ - Additional inventory slot for 21

rounds of ammo, which automatically reloads
when the base 21 are used.

Repair​ - Internal systems patch up any detected

damage, though it takes a while. Restores 1 HP
per hour.

Signal Jammer​ - Blocks all signals within a 200'


Stealth​ - Modifies the propulsion system to run

more silently. +2 to drone Stealth.

Targeting Array​ - Assists in remote aiming. +1

to all Attacks.

Target Tracking​ - Improves the weapons system

to better identify and track targets. Add +2 to

Torch​ - Allows for cutting operations. Includes a

chemical tank to power the torch. Critical
attacks against the Drone tend to cause

Augment Price List

Prices are in Thousands NeuvoYen

Arms Torso
Extendable Arm 80k Adrenaline Injectors 150k
Extra Arm 200k Biomonitor Beacon 75k
Implanted Weapon 50k Gills 200k
Overclocked Muscles 75k Gyroscope 50k
Thief’s Hand 16k Healing Factor 300k
Venom Injectors 20k Hidden Cavity 16k
Internal Oxygen Supply 84k
SimSense Broadcasting Unit
Eyes 35k
Imaging Processing Array 25k SimSense Recording Unit 70k
Polygraphic Sensors 45k Sub-Dermal Armor 160k
Retinal Imitation 85k Synthetic Skin 130k
Sonar System 95k
Tactical Assessment 80k
Wireless Eye 20k Replacements
Arm 15k
Head Eye 5k
Bainti Modulation 125k Head 10k
CB Radio 30k Leg 15k
Datajack 5k Torso 20k
Drone Control Unit 110k Lifelike
HeadDrive 100k Arm 20k
Internal Communication Device Eye 10k
62k Head 15k
µSoft Drive 85k Leg 20k
RearWatch 95k Torso 25k
Venom Injectors 20k
Voice Modulation 98k

Cheetah Blood Injectors 140k
Spider Legs 250k Look at me, with all this extra
Spiked Heel 87k space, hoping to add things later.
Spring Heel Jacked 115k Adorable.
WhisperSoles 140k

Installation Biomonitor Beacon​ (Y75,000) - Not really useful for
Fully installing Augments requires the you, but anyone attempting First Aid on you, while
purchase of a Replacement part as well as the Upgrade using AR, receives +2 on their attempt. Also allows
being installed. Additional installations to the same your teammates to see your health status, often
limb can be purchased at the Upgrade cost, without represented in a vague number equal to your current
Replacement. You already have it, afterall. HP score.

Augment effects are stackable. CB Radio​ (Y30,000) - An archaic form of

communication, yet one that still functions when away
There’s no set limit to how much can be installed to a from the Cloud. Send/receive unit with frequency
limb section, save for your cash. There’s no set selection is installed in the skull, with the antenna
aesthetic either. You want to jam all the eye augments interwoven into the spine. Range is typically 1-2 miles.
into a single eye? Fine. Want multiple electronic eyes A port at the base of the spine allows for exterior
lining your face? Great! Get weird with it. You’re in a antenna connection for longer range.
world that fetishizes technology, nothing matters
anymore. Cheetah blood injectors​ (Y140,000) - They might be
extinct in the wild, but somewhere there's a lab
Purchasing Augments is restricted until level 5, and draining their delicious clone blood. Inject it into
must be acquired through Augment templates between yourself for +4 to movement for the rest of the scene,
levels 1-4. at the cost of 1 Conviction point. Winning.

The Augments Datajack​ (Y5,000) - A datajack allows external access

Adrenaline injectors (​ Y150,000) - Sometimes you just to your Head Drive via fiber optic cable. Sort of useless
gotta act NOW. Flood your heart with synthetic without a Head Drive.
adrenaline (also spend a point of Conviction) to
automatically succeed on Initiative checks the rest of Drone Control Unit​ (Y110,000) - Typically, control of
the encounter. separate drones over remote controls takes a full round
action, and only one may be controlled per action.
Bainti Modulation​ (Y125,000) - Like the voice DCU allows for control of a single drone/vehicle
modulation, only more so; and your throat is jam without loss of attention for the user, and, if multiple
packed with vocal equipment. Whenever you speak, are taken, all connected drones may be controlled on a
your voice rings with a digital quiver. When you shout, single action.
well, that's when things get exciting. You receive 1d6
(consumed on 4-6) and, when rolled, brittle objects Extendable Arm (​ Y80,000) - Gain five extra feet to
within 25' of you must save or be shattered. People as your reach. However, you suffer -1 to Attack per every
well must save or be Deafened for [sum] rounds, and five feet you've extended, due to awkwardness. At least
stunned for half that. you no longer have to get up to get a beer from the

● Flare compensation - Provides +2 for saves vs

Extra Arm​ (Y200,000) - You've an extra, mechanical blindness
arm, and gain all the benefits and awkward clothing ● Magnification - Allows for vision magnification up
situations that come with it. to 50x
● Night - Imaging processor measures and estimates
Gills​ (Y200,000) - You remember Seaman Anthony light waves and allows for vision at night nearly as
Piccolo from the second season of SeaQuest DSV? No, well as daytime. Colors are muted and 8-bit, as the
of course not. Why would you? I’m not sure why I do. processor has to guess on occasion.
Anyway, you’ve got gills now, right along your ribs. ● Radiation monitor - Adds false color to detected
radiation, as well as a display of estimated
Gyroscope​ (Y50,000) - You’ve taken a gyroscope out sunshine units.
of a modern motorcycle and jammed it into your chest. ● Targeting - Interfaces with user's gun's computer,
Because of this you have +2 Defense against being providing +1 to Attack.
tripped. ● Thermographic - Measures and displays infrared
heat signatures.
Head Drive​ (Y100,000) - You’ve got a hard drive in ● Ultraviolet - Allows for vision in the ultraviolet
your head, and a cranial jack at the base of your skull. spectrum. Good for seeing residues and pollen.
You gain 5 “Inventory Slots” specifically for data. ● Utility - An assortment of useful tools: Compass,
These slots do not add to Encumbrance. Any Augment GPS display, digital message ticker, digital clock,
that stores to an internal memory may now store friend tracking, augmentation report and
multiple files in these Slots. (Retinal Imitation can now monitoring.
store multiple retina patterns; Voice Modulation can
now store multiple voices; etc) Implanted Weapon​ (Y50,000) - select a small/medium
melee or range weapon. That weapon is now integrated
Healing Factor​ (Y300,000) - Technically, a modified into your forearm and is immune to being disarmed.
cancer. You regain 1 HP every 10 minutes. You regain
3 CON per day (rather than 1). Missing limbs regrow Internal Communication Device​ (Y62,000) - It's like a
over a month, with slight deformities. flip phone, but inside your head. By concentrating on a
party member, you may contact their communication
Hidden Cavity​ (Y16,000) - Gain an additional device without need of verbal communication. Can be
Inventory slot. If you're ever searched, items stored set to party line mode.
here are not found.
Internal Oxygen supply​ (Y84,000) - Contains a 30
Imaging processing array​ (Y25,000) - Robot eyes minute air supply, with an exterior valve for resupply.
connected via silico/vivo interface to your brain.
Choose three of the below. Purchasing again allows for µSoft Drive​ (Y85,000) - Why read when you can
selection of another three. All ranges are sight. know? A small port behind your ear allows for
Includes 20/20 vision and the Utility option for free: connection to tiny storage chips known as µsofts
● Augmented Reality - Allows for the overview of (microsofts). Plugging one in allows you to instantly
AR data with normal vision know the information contained on. Removing causes
● Camera - Records, and broadcasts if you choose, you to forget.
from user's POV

Overclocked Muscles​ (Y75,000) - Upon activation, Spiked Heel​ (Y87,000) - You've got a sharp, retractable
you're treated as having strength 20 for one round. spike hidden within your foot. This allows for a
Usage causes 1 Con damage each time. surprising 1d4 of damage against anyone grappling
you. No, I don't know how your foot and ankle still
Polygraphic Sensors​ (Y45,000) - While observing a bend.
subject as they speak, you're able to detect when they're
lying. Not necessarily what the lie was, just that one is Spring Heel Jacked​ (Y115,000) - You've replaced your
present. hamstrings with the spring out of a vehicle's
suspension. I can't claim to know your motives, but
RearWatch​ (Y95,000) - Most people prefer to keep falling damage is now reduced by 1d12 points. Also,
their sensory implants where their sensory organs are. you can jump an additional 10’ without a test.
Less traumatic and disorienting that way. You,
however, have radar installed in the back of your head; Sub-Dermal Armor​ (Y160,000) - Patches of ceramic
gain a 5-in-6 chance to still act on a surprise round. based non-Newtonian fluids are implanted just under
the skin, providing damage reduction of 1 to all
Retinal Imitation​ (Y85,000) - By uploading a detailed incoming attacks (to a minimum of 1)
scan of a retina to the augment's internal memory, the
user may mimic that retina pattern. Synthetic Skin​ (Y130,000) - More than just a skin
graph, a pigment modulator allows for a complete
SimSense Broadcasting Unit​ (Y35,000) - Livestreams changing of color to the user's skin. If a Head Drive is
user’s received input. Seeing, hearing, touch, taste; all installed with the modulator, the user has more defined
broadcasted to receiving units. control over the pigment altering, to the point where a
user may display images and messages over their skin.
SimSense Recording Unit​ (Y70,000) - Records the By adjusting to the primary color of the surrounding
sensor input received by the host. Seeing, hearing, environment, visual based stealth is increased by 2.
touch, taste; all recorded. Has enough space to record Word of warning though, it itches like a bastard for the
24 hours. first week after surgery.

Sonar System​ (Y95,000) - Redundancy is great and all; Tactical Assessment​ (Y85,000) - By running a live feed
a life saver even. Though, when you take the Fishfinder of an opponent through the military training computer
system off of a boat, wire it to a silico/vivo interface you've decided to lodge in your head, you're able to
and jam it into your skull, you gotta start asking determine and estimate their tactics. After observing an
questions. Spend a Conviction point to ignore a opponent for a round (as your action), you learn their
Blindness. level, as well as gain +2 to Attack, Damage, and to
overcome the target's Save. This bonus lasts until the
Spider legs​ (Y250,000) - Appearing as a standard pair end of the round.
of bifurcated legs, only chromed. Upon command, they
further bifurcated into legs tipped with sharp dactylus. Thief's Hand​ (Y16,000) - An array of tools for thieving
This allows free movement up nearly any surface, with stored in a prosthetic hand.
your hands remaining free. Typically, climbing
requires all four limbs.

Venom Injectors (​ Y20,000) - Usually installed in Ambassador

fingertips, though some people like to replace their ● Biomonitor Beacon
canine teeth with it, this allows for a once per combat ● µSoft Drive
poison attack. Exact effects are based on the poison, ● Polygraphic Sensor
and drugs will probably be treated as poisons. A roll of
20 means you've injected your own dumb self. After Assassin
each usage the augment needs 20 minutes to synthesize ● Implanted Weapon
a new dosage. ● Synthetic Skin

Voice Modulation​ (Y98,000) - Given a sample of the Banshee

target's voice stored to the augment's memory, and an ● Bainti Modulation
hour for the Augment's neural network to train, you can ● Whisper Soles
mimic the target's voice. Time to confirm a bunch of
collect calls. Banshee 2
● Bainti Modulation
WhisperSoles​ (Y140,000) - Like a cat in Kitten ● Synthetic Skin
Mittens, your sound based stealth has increased by 2.
Wireless Eye​ (Y20,000) - A simple cyberoptical ● Gills
prosthetic in communication with a receiver in your ● Internal Oxygen Supply
head. Given the nature of the IoT, in crowded
locations, distance of the connected could, potentially, Eye Array
be measured in miles. ● Imaging Processing Array (all options)

Eye Array 2
Replacements ● Retinal Imitation
These are basic prosthetics that return function ● Wireless Eye
to the limb, nothing more. Obvious replacements are
clearly cybernetic. Lifelike replacements look like flesh Go Fast
and blood. ● Cheetah Blood Injector
● Adrenaline Injector
The following is a list of packages available to Guy in the Van
Augment templates. Normal people have to deal with ● CB Radio
the hassle of money. You get a quick, easy selection. In ● Drone Control Unit
the case of numbered instances, the packages must be ● Internal Communication Device
taken in order (1 before 2 before 3 - you know how
numbers work). All packages include required Infiltrator
Replacements. ● Retinal Imitation
● Voice Modulation
● WhisperSoles

Investigator Soldier 2
● Hidden Cavity ● Internal Oxygen Supply
● Imaging Processing Array (Radiation Monitor, ● RearWatch
Thermographic, Ultraviolet) ● Tactical Assessment
● Wireless Eye
Soldier 3
Juggernaut ● Healing Factor
● Gyroscope
● Sub-Dermal Armor Weird Fuck
● Extra Arm
Leg Array ● Extra Arm
● Spiked Heel ● Venom Injectors
● Spring Heel Jacked
Weird Fuck 2
Look Out ● Spider Legs
● RearWatch ● Spring Heel Jacked
● Wireless Eye ● Extendable Arm(s)

● Imaging Processing Array (Flare
Making Your Own
Compensation, Night, Utility) It’s easy enough. Select a combination ​roughly
● Implanted Weapon Y150,000, or one augment of a higher price.

Molly 2
● Adrenaline Injectors
● SimSense Broadcasting Unit

● Imaging Processing Array (Camera,
Magnification, Night)
● Internal Communication Device
● Wireless Eye

● Hidden Cavity
● Implanted Weapon
● Thief’s Hand

● Biomonitor Beacon
● Imaging Processing Array (Flare
compensation, Targeting, Utility)
● Sub-Dermal Armor

Hacking and Programs

To get straight to the point, the cyberspace of You get one processing die (d6) per level that can be
20XX is heavily dependent on meatspace. The Internet used to execute a program in cache. These are
of Things distributed system makes up just about every refreshed by a night’s worth of defragmenting.
object now in the human sphere. Physical objects are
no longer disconnected from the virtual world, as they You execute programs by allocating your processing
now contain some form of processing capability, die to a program in cache and then rolling them. The
rebroadcasting Internet services and allowing for more dice, the more effective the program execution.
remote and Augment Reality based control. From the Each die you invest has a 50% chance of returning (on
gun at your side communicating with your cybereye to a 1-3) into your processing pool.
provide a crosshair, to the bag of salted seaweed chips
advertising their price (and reporting your browsing/ You do these on your CyberDeck.
purchasing habits) - everything is connected in the IoT.
Hacking, technically, takes place between meatspace These aren’t your publically available JWPce,
and AR - before the digital displays flood your vision, these are experimental military grade software
IoT broadcasting points appear as points of light. designed specifically for cyberwarfare. Low
People appear as moving constellations of personal intelligence AI generated to perform a very specific
networks. Single devices burn as singularities. purpose.

Hacking for Hackers Cassettes

Do you know anything about hackers? Can you These are high capacity analog magnetic tape
jam with the console cowboys in cyberspace? Never that store the ones and zeros of a military grade
experienced the New Wave? Next Wave? Dream program. Taking the time to transfer the program onto
Wave? ​OR​ Cyberpunk? Have you even ​read your CyberDeck provides you with an empty cassette
Neuromancer? that can be reused. You can run directly from the
cassette, skipping cache and providing a free
Listen, ignore 12 year old Julia Stiles. Here’s what you, processing die, however this destroys the cassette in the
as a Hacker template, are going to need to know: process. Military security feature. You may allocate
additional processing dice to this process if you wish.
Programs are kept on individual Cassettes until loaded
into your data storage of the CyberDeck. CyberDeck
This is your custom built, homemade
You get one cache slot per Hacker template that can supercomputer. It takes up two Inventory slots, and
hold a single program. Programs are loaded from requires two hands to use. Initial internal storage is
storage to cache, and take about 10 minutes to transfer enough space for 10 programs, or significant files.
between the two. Display is provided through AR goggles which allow
you to see both cyberspace and meatspace at the same

Faults and Snowcrashes Quads

Because of the experimental nature of it all, The feedback is too much for your central
sometimes you encounter system errors. Faults are cortex to handle. Your brain is erased like an old
relatively minor errors and occur when the processing floppy disc exposed to magnets. Intelligence drops to 0
die produces doubles. Snowcrashes occur when triples as you become Brain Dead. You’re effectively Dead.
are rolled, and are horrible. Don’t roll triples. Or quads.

Based on the digit rolled, consult the below tables: Modifications

As stated, your CyberDeck is custom built by
Faults you. Should you manage to get your hands on another
1. Resource hog​ - Dice only return to your pool Hacker’s ​undestroyed​ deck, and live long enough to
on a 1-2 for 24 hours. keep it, you can dismantle the thing and add parts to
2. Ctrl+Alt+Del​ ​- Cannot execute any programs yours, improving it. Modifications take about a week to
for 1d6 rounds while the tasks restart. integrate.
3. Static Arc​ - CyberDeck takes 1 endurance
damage Roll 1d12 to see what you can scavenge:
4. Zombie process​ - An unterminated process is 1. AR Jack​ - Allow an additional person to view
taking up a processor. Lose one processing die your AR
for 24 hours. 2. Cache Memory​ - +1 to Cache slot
5. Feedback​ - Blinding patterns overwhelm your 3. Cassette Slot​ ​- Gain an extra Cassette Slot
AR interface. Blind for 1d6 rounds. 4. Intrusion Detection Neural Network​ -
6. Short Circuit​ ​- Take 1d6 damage CyberDeck gains +2 to Saves
5. I/O Board​ - Useful in replacing your burnt out
Snowcrash I/O board
1. I/O board is Fried​ - It’ll take you 24 hours, 6. Larger Drive​ - +2 to Internal storage
and parts, to fix it 7. Motherboard​ - Useful in replacing your burnt
2. Motherboard is Burnt Out​ - It’ll take you 72 out Motherboard
hours, and parts, to fix it 8. Porn Stash​ - +1 Android Porn file
3. Visual Cortex Feedback​ - Piercing light burns 9. Processor Core​ - +1 Processing Die
out your eyes. Blind permanently. 10. Stored Program​ - +1 random program
4. Power Surge​ - A power overload destroys your 11. Username/Password​ - +1 Username and
CyberDeck. It’ll take the better part of a week, Password file
and the proper parts, to build a new one. 12. Virtual Agent​ - +1 Virtual Agent
5. Bio-Short Out​ ​- Part of your brain has been
altered by the feedback. Roll 1d6 to determine
body location. It is now Disabled.
6. Prison of Your Own Flesh​ - A feedback error
causes you to hallucinate for 48 hours straight.
As it dies down, you find yourself unable to
return to your deck, the horrors you saw
scaring you off it again and again.

Program names aren’t really useful, as they can be Device::Firewall
renamed. Instead, each listing is under the Turing R: 50' T: Device D: [dice] turns
Institute designated Genus Species classification Adds +4 to device’s saves.

Programs (Genus::Species) Device::JuryRig

R: Range T: Target D: Duration R: Connected T: Device D: Instant
Communicates with the Device’s low level AI and
AI::Attack attempts to find a work around for the damage done to
R: 200’ T: AI D: Instant the device, though at a price. Temporarily removes
Does [sum] damage to all higher level AI within the [dice] quality checks for [sum] rounds, before breaking
sphere. Save for half. Reveals your location. completely until properly repaired.

AI::Reveal Device::Knock
R: 100’ T: Device D: [sum] turns R: 30’ T: Device D: Instant
Allows for pinging and probing a device to determine Injects a litany of various common “OPEN” commands
if it’s an AI disguising itself. AI must save to remain into the targeted equipment. Has a [dice]-in-6 chance
hidden. of working. You’d be surprised what uses an “open”
command: automated doors, smartgun actions,
AI::Static Wall parachutes, etc.
R: 100’ T: Location D: Concentration
Generates a solid wall of static in cyberspace. Moving Device::Recover Log
through the space in meat space does [dice] durability R: Connected T: Device D: [dice] real time
damage to devices. AIs take [sum] damage. minutes
You temporarily reactivate the low level AI in a broken
Device::Control device and are able to query its memory. May know
R: 50’ T: Device D: [sum] minutes how it broke if the event was logged in time.
Allows control over a remote device as though the user
was at the proper controls. The device may Save vs Device::Sleep
Hack to deny access. R: 50’ T: Device D: 5*[dice] turns
Puts a device into a sleep mode.
R: 50’ T: Device D: [dice] hours Device::Translate
Makes a device appear as another within Cyberspace. R: 20' T: Device D: [dice] real time minutes
Allows communication with currently functioning
Device::Feedback device AI. Program translates between machine and
R: 25’ T: Device D: Instant human.
Generates feedback in the device. The device must
save or take [dice] damage to durability.

Device::VirusScan [dice]-in-6 chance the program will hide you well

R: Connected T: Device D: 10 minutes enough for ICE to ignore you.
Detects whether current device has a virus or other
malicious code. Has a [dice]-in-6 chance of finding any Network::SignPost
dangerous code present. R: 0’ T: Location D: [dice] days
The user is able to leave a [sum] length message within
File::DataBomb the cloud, bound to their current location. This message
R: Connected T: File D: Until accessed or removed is viewable by all. Note, this is different from Message
Implants dangerous, harmful code within a file. Any Boards or AR advertisements, as those require a
device accessing this file takes [dice] worth of damage. dedicated device. This steals a bit of space from
surrounding devices to avoid the need of a hosting
File::Decryption device.
R: Self T: Self D: Concentration
A language program for decrypting or encrypting files. Network::Watchdog
The process operates on [dice] files at a time. R: 50’ T: Self D: [dice] hours
Detects devices/AI/ICE moving within Range and
Network::Credentials alerts the user.
R: 20’ T: [dice] Device D: [sum] turns
Makes a device believe the user has authorized access. User::Blind
Invest 3 [dice] to instead target an AI and convince it R: 20’ T: User D: Instant
you are an admin level user. When targeted against visual equipment, generates
blinding light which...uh, blinds the user for [dice]
Network::Generate Noise rounds. Save negates. Cyberoptic implants count as
R: 20‘ T: Self D: Concentration “visual equipment.”
Your deck begins to spew garbage signals within a
radius around you, making it look like there are a User::Deafen
multitude of devices within the area, requiring [sum]/2 R: 20’ T: User D: Instant
rounds to sort through to find you. When targeted against audio equipment, generates a
high pitched squelch that deafens the user for [dice]
Network::GlobalQuery rounds. Save negates. Cybercochlear implants count as
R: Self T: the Cloud D: Instant “audio equipment.”
Through accessing various backdoors of common
public record databases, the user may ask [dice] yes/no User::Stun
questions. If [sum] is 10+, the user may ask any R: 20’ T: User D: Instant
question using [dice] words. Generates a power loop feedback in the device of a
user, doing [sum] damage to the user. Save negates.
R: 20' T: Device D: Concentration
Allows for the accessing of networks not connected to
the Cloud. Any network worth breaking into has ICE
patrolling its systems, always comparing activity
against Suspicion Profiles. However, there is a

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