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Introduction to Control System


Tutorial - 2
Basics and Control System Modeling …

Goitom Tadesse
Ethiopian Defence University, College of Engineering

May 2024

Mathematical Modeling
❖ Modeling is the process of representing the behavior of a real
system by a collection of mathematical equations and logic.
❖ Models can be broadly categorized as either static or dynamic.
❖ In static model there is no energy transfer
❖ Systems that are static produce no motion, heat transfer, fluid
flow, or anything that changes.
❖ On the other hand a dynamic model has energy transfer that
results in power flow.
❖ In order to understand the behavior of systems, mathematical
models are required.
❖ Mathematical models are equations which describe the
relationship between the input and output of a system.
Mathematical Modeling …
• The basis for any mathematical model is provided by the
fundamental physical laws that govern the behavior of the
• It is the process of representing a physical system
mathematically using natural laws:

Mathematical Modeling …

Mathematical Modeling …
Need for Mathematical Models
➢ Must have a quantitative mathematical model in order
to understand and control complex systems.
➢ Must have fundamental method for modeling many
physical systems:
o Mechanical
o Electrical
o Thermal
o Fluid Flow
o Electromechanical
o Biological, …, etc
Mathematical Modeling …
What will the model be used for?
❖Solutions of the differential and algebraic equations
allows system response and performance to analyze
and design.
❖The Laplace transformation will be applied to the
model to allow convenient manipulation and dynamic
❖Input-output relationships for systems and
components will be obtained.
❖Controller models will be designed that can be
implemented in hardware.
Mathematical Modeling …
❑Understand the physical system and its components
❑ Make appropriate simplifying assumptions
❑ Use basic principles to formulate the mathematical
❑ Write differential and algebraic equations describing
the model
❑ Check the model for validity

Mathematical Modeling …
Mathematical modeling of systems can be done in different
ways using direct physical laws, Finite Element Method or
System Identification technique etc...
❖ Using physical laws like Newton’s law, energy method, KVL,
❖ Finite Element Method uses the governing differential
equation to derive the elemental matrices;
❖ Assemble the elemental matrices to have the global matrices;
❖ Whereas System Identification technique uses actual system
stimulus and response data to predict the model;
❖ The stimulus signal frequency must include the frequencies of
interest for better modeling.
Differential Equations

✓ Differential equations play a vital role in modeling the

dynamic behavior of systems.
✓ They are mathematical equations that describe the
relationship between the rate of change of a variable
(derivative) and the variable itself (and possibly other
variables) at a given time.
✓ Differential equations allow us to express the dynamic
behavior of a system, such as the relationship between the
input and output of a system, in terms of rates of change.
✓ This enables us to analyze how the system's output
changes over time in response to an input.
Differential Equations …
✓ For instance, we can use differential equations to model
the behavior of an electrical circuit, a mechanical system,
or a thermal system.
✓ Differential equations are instrumental in analyzing the
stability of a control system.
✓ The order of the differential equation corresponds to the
complexity of the system dynamics.
✓ First-order and second-order differential equations are
frequently encountered in control systems analysis.
✓ First differential equation
d2 F
x (t ) =
dt 2 m
Differential Equations …
The relationship between the output and the input for
elements used in control systems is frequently described
by a differential equation.
x = ax + by
motion of x affects the motion of y and vice-versa
y = cx + dy
But it is not so simple when the relationship between the
input and output is described by a differential equation.
If we have a system composed of two elements in series
with each having its input-output relationships described
by a differential equation, it is not easy to see how the
output of the system as a whole is related to its input.
Transfer Function
✓ Transfer Function: is the ratio of the Laplace transform
of the output to the Laplace transform of the input
assuming all initial conditions to be zero.
✓ Laplace transform: provides the engineer with a
powerful method for analyzing process control systems

Laplace (1749–

Transfer Function …
֍ Laplace transform changes Differential Equations
into a set of algebraic equations which are easier to
solve & analyze. 
L[ f (t )] = F ( s ) =  − f (t )e dt
− st

1  + j

2 j  − j
f (t ) = F ( s )e st ds

Transfer Function …

Initial Value problem

Final Value problem

Common Laplace Transform Pairs

Transfer Function …



Building Blocks
Systems can be made up from a range of building blocks.
Each building block is considered to have a single property
or function.
Example: an electric circuit system which is made up from
blocks which represent the behavior of resistance,
capacitance, and inductance respectively.
By combining these building blocks a variety of electrical
circuit systems can be built up and the overall input-
output relationship can be obtained.
A system built in this way is called a lumped parameter
Mechanical System Building
➢ Basic building block: spring, dashpots, and masses.
• Springs represent the stiffness of a system
• Dashpots represent the forces opposing motion, for
example frictional or damping effects.
• Masses represent the inertia or resistance to acceleration.
Mechanical systems does not have to be really made up of
springs, dashpots, and masses but have the properties of
stiffness, damping, and inertia.
All these building blocks may be considered to have a force
as an input and displacement as an output.

Examples of Mechanical Systems

◼ Linear Motion

◼ Rotational Motion

Basic Elements of Translational Mechanical Systems

i) Translational Spring ii) Translational Mass iii)Translational Damper

Translational Spring
A translational spring is a mechanical element that can
be deformed by an external force such that the
deformation is directly proportional to the force
applied to it.
If F is the applied force
Then 𝑥1 is the deformation if 𝑥2 = 0
Or (𝑥1 − 𝑥2 ) is the deformation.
The equation of motion is given as
F = k ( x1 − x2 )
Where 𝑘 is stiffness of spring expressed in N/m
Translational Mass
Translational Mass
o Translational Mass is an
inertia element.
o A mechanical system without
mass does not exist.
o If a force F is applied to a
x(t )
mass and it is displaced to x
meters then the relation F (t )
between force and
displacements is given by
Newton’s law. F = M x
Translational Damper
• When the viscosity or drag is not negligible in a
system, we often model them with the damping force.
• All the materials exhibit the property of damping to
some extent.
• If damping in the system is not enough then extra
elements (e.g. Dashpot) are added to increase

F = Cx F = C ( x1 − x 2 )

Where C is damping coefficient (N/ms-1). 22

Modelling A Simple Translational System
Example 1 Consider a simple horizontal spring-mass
system on a frictionless surface, as shown in figure
mx = −kx
mx + kx = 0
Example 2 Consider the following system (friction is negligible)
k Free Body Diagram
M fk
M fM

Where f k and f M are force applied by the spring and inertial

force respectively. 23

M fM
F = fk + fM

Then the differential equation of the system is:

F = Mx + kx
Taking the Laplace Transform of both sides and ignoring initial
conditions we get
F ( s ) = Ms 2 X ( s ) + kX ( s )
The transfer function of the system is
X (s) 1
F(s) Ms 2 + k

Automobile Suspension

mxo + b( xo − xi ) + k ( xo − xi ) = 0 (1)

mxo + bxo + kxo = bxi + kxi (2)

Taking Laplace Transform of the equation (2)

ms 2 X o ( s ) + bsX o ( s ) + kX o ( s ) = bsX i ( s ) + kXi ( s )

X o (s) bs + k
X i ( s ) ms 2 + bs + k
Derive the equations of motion for the two-degree of freedom
In this system…….
• It requires two coordinates, x and .
• It requires two equations of motion:
1. The linear motion of the system.
2. The rotation of the pendulum.

 F   m1 + m2 m2l cos    x  0 m2l sin    x 2   kx 

 T  =  m l cos  2   

+   2+ 
 
   2 m2 l    0 0 
   2 m gl sin 
Rotational Systems
The mass, spring, and dashpot are the basic building blocks for
mechanical systems where forces and straight line
displacements are involved without any rotation.
If rotation is involved, then the equivalent three building blocks
are a torsional spring, a rotary damper and the moment of
inertia (i.e. the inertia of a rotating mass).
With a torsional spring the angle  rotated is proportional to the
torque: T = k.
With a rotary damper a disc is rotated in a fluid and the resistive
torque T is proportional to the angular velocity .
The moment of inertia block exhibit the property that the greater
the moment of inertia J the greater the torque needed to
produce an angular acceleration
T = c = c ; T = Ja 29
Basic Elements of Rotational Mechanical
Rotational Spring

T = k (1 −  2 )
Rotational Damper
2 T

T = C(1 − 2 )
Moment of Inertia

J T T = J 30
Rotational Mass-Spring-Damper System

From Newton’s Second Law:

“Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass”

T − b − k = J
d 2 d
 J + b + k = T
k dt 2 dt
Take Laplace transform both sides
T Js 2 ( s ) + bs ( s ) + k ( s ) = T ( s )

 ( s) 1
 = (Transfer Function)
T ( s) Js + bs + k

Electrical System Building Blocks

Wire wound resistors

Real-world Capacitors

Real-world Inductors

Resistance Element

Capacitance Element

Inductance Element


The basic building blocks of electrical systems are resistance,
inductance and capacitance.
1 dv
Resistor: v = iR; Inductor: i =  vdt ; Capacitor: i = C
L dt

Mechanical-electrical Analogies
Systems that can be represented by the same mathematical
model, but that are physically different, are called analogous
Thus analogous systems are described by the same differential
equations or transfer functions.
The concept of analogous is useful in practice, for the following
✓ The solution of the equation describing one physical system
can be directly applied to systems in any other field.
✓ Since one type of system may be easier to handle
experimentally than another, instead of building and studying
a mechanical system, we can build and study its electrical
analogy, in general, much easier to deal with experimentally.
Two-loop Electrical
Network Force and Voltage

Analogous mechanical and

electrical systems.


Mixed Systems
Most systems in Mechatronics are of the mixed type, e.g.,
electromechanical, hydro mechanical, etc
Each subsystem within a mixed system can be modeled as single
discipline system first
Power transformation among various subsystems are used to
integrate them into the entire system
Overall mathematical model may be assembled into a system of
equations, or a transfer function
Example 4. derive the mathematical model of DC motor.
Ra La
Input: voltage u B
Output: Angular velocity  ia
u dc

Electrical Subsystem (loop method):
di a
u = Ra i a + La + eb , eb = back - emf
Mechanical Subsystem Tmotor = Jω + Bω
Power Transformation: Torque-Current: Tmotor = Kt i a
Voltage-Speed: eb = K bω
where Kt: torque constant, Kb: velocity constant
For an ideal motor Kt = K b = K
Combing previous equations results in the following mathematical
 di a
La + Ra i a + K  = u
 dt

Jω + Bω - K ia = 0 42
Gear System

Gear Train

Mechanical Loading On A Motor

Home work
1. Why we are using differential equations in modeling?
2. Find the transfer function of the electrical network. Take 𝑉(𝑡)
as input and 𝑖2 (𝑡) as output.

3. Find the transfer function of spring – mass – damper system.


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