Artificial Intelligence Notes

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“Introduction of Artificial Intelligence”

Artificial is something which is man-made, which does not occur naturally.

Intelligence is the ‘ability to perceive or infer information, and to retain it as knowledge to
be applied towards adaptive behaviours within an environment or context.’
What is Intelligence?
• Intelligence: “the capacity to learn and solve problems” (Websters dictionary)
in particular,
• the ability to solve novel problems
• the ability to act rationally
• the ability to act like humans
• Artificial Intelligence
• build and understand intelligent entities or agents
• 2 main approaches: “engineering” versus “cognitive modelling”
Intelligence Skills
1. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Skills - Listening, speaking, writing,
Well-developed verbal skills and teaching.
sensitivity to the sounds, meanings and
rhythms of words

2. Mathematical - Logical Intelligence Skills - Problem solving (logical & math),

Ability to think conceptually and performing experiments
abstractly, and capacity to discern
logical or numerical patterns

3. Musical Intelligence Skills - Singing, playing instruments,

Ability to produce and appreciate composing music
rhythm, pitch and timber
4. Visual-Spatial Intelligence Skills - puzzle building, painting,
Capacity to think in images and constructing, fixing, designing objects
pictures, to visualize accurately and
5. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Skills - Dancing, sports, hands on
Ability to control one's body experiments, acting
movements and to handle objects
By Surbhi Choudhary
Ph: 797749259
6. Interpersonal Intelligence Skills - Seeing from other perspectives,
Capacity to detect and respond empathy, counselling, co-operating
appropriately to the moods, motivations
and desires of others
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence Skills - Recognize one’s S/W, reflective,
Capacity to be self-aware and in tune aware of inner feelings
with inner feelings, values, beliefs and
thinking processes
8. Naturalist Intelligence Skills - Recognize one’s connection to
Ability to recognize and categorize nature, apply science theory to life
plants, animals and other objects in
9. Existential Intelligence Skills – Reflective and deep thinking,
Sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep design abstract theories
questions about human existence, such
as the meaning of life, why do we die,
and how did we get here

What’s involved in Intelligence?

• Ability to interact with the real world
to perceive, understand, and act
e.g., speech recognition and understanding and synthesis
e.g., image understanding
e.g., ability to take actions, have an effect
• Reasoning and Planning
modelling the external world, given input
solving new problems, planning, and making decisions
ability to deal with unexpected problems, uncertainties
• Learning and Adaptation
we are continuously learning and adapting
our internal models are always being “updated”
e.g., a baby learning to categorize and recognize animals
For example, if someone starts talking to us, we know how to keep the conversation
going. We can understand what people mean and can reply in the same way. When
By Surbhi Choudhary
Ph: 797749259
we are hungry, we can come up with various options on what to eat depending upon
the food we have at our homes. When we read something, we are able to understand
its meaning and answer anything regarding it.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

AI is not a new technology, having existed since the 1950s.

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially
computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing,
speech recognition and machine vision.

 An intelligent entity created by humans.

 Capable of performing tasks intelligently without being explicitly instructed.
Capable of thinking and acting rationally and humanely.
Advantages of AI:
 Good at detail-oriented jobs;

 Reduced time for data-heavy tasks;

 Delivers consistent results; and

 AI-powered virtual agents are always available.

Disadvantages of AI:
 Expensive;

 Requires deep technical expertise;

 Limited supply of qualified workers to build AI tools;

 Only knows what it's been shown; and

 Lack of ability to generalize from one task to another.

What is Decision Making?

Decision-Making is the process of identifying and picking a final choice/action/

item/belief for a need from an available set of choices, after carefully assessing the
available options.

By Surbhi Choudhary
Ph: 797749259
How do machines become Artificially Intelligent?
A machine becomes intelligent by training with data and algorithm. AI machines keep
updating their knowledge to optimize their output. Machines also become intelligent once
they are trained with some information which helps them achieve their tasks.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence around us:

Manufacturing robots, Self-driving cars, Smart assistants, Proactive healthcare
management, Disease mapping, Automated financial investing, Virtual travel booking
agent, Social media monitoring, Personalized Shopping, AI-powered Assistants, Fraud
Prevention, Administrative Tasks Automated to Aid Educators, Creating Smart Content,
Voice Assistants, Personalized Learning, Autonomous Vehicles.
What is not AI?
AI is not some magic that will solve anything for you and your digital experiences.

By Surbhi Choudhary
Ph: 797749259
Despite its name, marketing automation is not AI, yet. Marketing automation involves you
setting up automated workflows that can be triggered by the actions of your users, but every
step is made by you.
examples of machines that are smart but not AI.
 Automatic gates in shopping malls
 remote control drones
 a fully automatic washing machine
 Air Conditioner
 Refrigerator
 Robotic toy cars
 Television etc.

Various organisations have coined their own versions of defining Artificial Intelligence.
Some of them are mentioned below:
NITI Aayog: National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence:
AI refers to the ability of machines to perform cognitive tasks like thinking,
perceiving, learning, problem solving and decision making. Initially conceived as a
technology that could mimic human intelligence, AI has evolved in ways that far exceed its
original conception.
World Economic Forum:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the software engine that drives the Fourth Industrial
Revolution. Its impact can already be seen in homes, businesses and political processes. In
its embodied form of robots, it will soon be driving cars, stocking warehouses and caring
for the young and elderly. It holds the promise of solving some of the most pressing issues
facing society, but also presents challenges such as inscrutable “black box” algorithms,
unethical use of data and potential job displacement.
European Artificial Intelligence (AI) leadership, the path for an integrated vision:
AI is not a well-defined technology and no universally agreed definition exists. It is
rather a cover term for techniques associated with data analysis and pattern recognition.
Encyclopaedia Britannica:
Artificial intelligence (AI), is the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled
robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently
applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes
characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or
learn from past experience.

By Surbhi Choudhary
Ph: 797749259
How does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Work?
Building an AI system is a careful process of reverse-engineering human traits and
capabilities in a machine, and using its computational prowess to surpass what we are
capable of.

 Deep Learning: Deep Learning is an ML technique. It teaches a machine to

process inputs through layers in order to classify, infer and predict the outcome.
 Artificial Neural Networks: Artificial Neural Networks work on similar
principles to Human Neural cells. They are a series of algorithms that captures
the relationship between various underlying variables and processes the data as
a human brain does.
 Natural Language Processing: NLP is a science of reading, understanding,
and interpreting a language by a machine. Once a machine understands what the
user intends to communicate, it responds accordingly.
 Computer Vision: Computer vision algorithms try to understand an image by
breaking down an image and studying different parts of the object. This helps
the machine classify and learn from a set of images, to make a better output
decision based on previous observations.
 Cognitive Computing : Cognitive computing algorithms try to mimic a human
brain by analysing text/speech/images/objects in a manner that a human does
and tries to give the desired output. Also, take up applications of artificial
intelligence course for free.

By Surbhi Choudhary
Ph: 797749259
By Surbhi Choudhary
Ph: 797749259

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