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Yakeen NEET 2.0 (Legend)

DPP: 9
Human Reproduction

Q1 State true (T) or false (F) (D) Vitamin K

i. Oxytocin causes stronger uterine contractions
Q8 Production of milk by mammary glands for the
ii. Oxytocin is called birth hormone
nourishment of young one is a characteristic of
iii. Oxytocin acts on the uterine muscles
(A) Birds (B) Amphibians
iv. Oxytocin is produced by pituitary gland
(C) Reptiles (D) Mammals
(A) i −T , ii −T , iii- F, iv −F
(B) i-F, ii −T , iii- F, iv −T Q9 Match the following
(C) i −T , ii −T , iii- T , iv −F a. IgA i. Cortisol
(D) i- T, ii −F , iii- F, iv −T
Placenta and fully
b. Prolactin ii.

Q2 Labor can be induced by administering developed foetus

(A) Pitocin (B) Prolactin Foetal adrenal

c. iii. Maternal pituitary
(C) ACTH (D) Cortisol cortex

Foetal ejection
Q3 E/P (Where, E stands for estrogen and P d. iv. Colostrum
stands for progesterone) ratio at the time of
(A) a - iii, b-iv, c-i, d-ii
(B) a - iv, b-iii, c-i, d-ii
(A) Increases
(C) a-ii, b-iv, c-i, d-iii
(B) Decreases
(D) a-i, b-iv, c- iii, d-ii
(C) Remains constant
(D) First increases and then decreases Q10 Absence of menstrual cycles during intense
lactation is called
Q4 Which of the following hormone decreases in
(A) Lactational amenorrhea
blood at the time of parturition?
(B) Lactational dysmenorrhea
(A) Estrogen (B) Relaxin
(C) Lactational hemorrhagia
(C) Progesterone (D) Oxytocin
(D) Hyperprolactinemia
Q5 Antibody present in colostrum is
Q11 Identify A, B, C, D correctly
(A) IgA
The process of childbirth is called A which is
(B) IgD
induced by a complex neuroendocrine
(C) IgG
mechanism involving cortisol, estrogens and B
(D) IgM
The stimulatory reflex between the uterine C
Q6 Colour of the colostrum is and oxytocin secretion continues resulting in
(A) White (B) Pink stronger and stronger contractions. This leads
(C) Pinkish (D) Yellow to the expulsion of the baby out of the uterus
through the D
Q7 Human milk does not contain _________ in a (A) A- Parturition
significant amount B- Oxytocin
(A) Casein C- Contraction
(B) Lactose D- Birth canal
(C) α-lactalbumin (B) A- Lactation

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B- Oxytocin B- Prolactin
C- Relaxation C- Contraction
D- Birth canal D- Vagina
(C) A- Parturition
Q12 For parturition, ACTH stimulates
B- Oxytocin
(A) Adrenal cortex of foetus to secrete cortisol
C- Relaxation
(B) Adrenal cortex of mother to secrete cortisol
D- Cervix
(C) Adrenal medulla of fetus to secrete cortisol
(D) A- Parturition
(D) Adrenal medulla of fetus to secrete cortisol

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Answer Key
Q1 (C) Q7 (D)

Q2 (A) Q8 (D)

Q3 (A) Q9 (B)

Q4 (C) Q10 (A)

Q5 (A) Q11 (A)

Q6 (D) Q12 (A)

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