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E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01073 (2024)


Analyzing solid waste management practices for the hotel

Rajeev Sobti1*, Ravikiran K,2, Hawraa Kareem3, Jisha P K4, Koushal Dhamija5, A. L. N. Rao6

1Lovely Professional University, Phagwara

Department of Information Technology, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana,
3Hilla University College, Babylon, Iraq
4New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore
5Lloyd Institute of Management and Technology, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India-201306
6Lloyd Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201306

*Corresponding author:

Abstract. The waste management agenda is significant, and it requires administrative attention,
guidance, and public awareness on a priority basis. Effective waste management impacts social,
economic, and ecological concerns. The purpose of this research was to survey methods for
managing solid waste in the hospitality sector. To reduce their negative effects on the environment,
stay in compliance with regulations, and make their guests happier, hotels must have efficient
waste management systems. Some important practices involve carrying out waste audits,
reducing waste at its source, recycling, composting, and managing hazardous waste properly. To
show their dedication to environmental protection and ethical business practices, hotels may
optimise their waste management through staff training, stakeholder involvement, and continuous
improvement in initiatives. By adopting these practices, we can lessen the amount of trash that
ends up in landfills and assist in rendering the hotel business more sustainable. There is
significance difference between presence of garden and restaurant on solid waste generation rate.
The information presented in this article is crucial for waste management planning and resource
allocation in many different types of contexts, including residential, industrial as well as hotels.

Keywords-: Solid waste management, practices, hotel industry, sustainable, data sampling

1. Introduction
Many types of garbage are produced by industrial operations, and some of these wastes are considered dangerous.
Industries will not be able to continue operating in the future unless hazardous waste is properly and continuously dealt
of. India is home to a vast array of eateries and hotel chains [1]. A large amount of trash is produced by these motels.
About 25-30% of the overall trash comes from eateries and lodging establishments. A constant problem for the hotel
sector is the amount of trash that is produced by normal operations. at addition to paying for trash collection and disposal,
hotels must also set aside precious floor space at the rear of the building to hold and sort trash. Additional worries include
the potential dangers to human health and the level of noise produced during garbage compaction and collection [2-5].
A lot of the trash that hotels produce comes from the kitchen and the housekeeping departments. The former produces a
lot of food scraps and packaging, while the latter produces more metal cans, glass bottles, corks, and cooking oils. Hotel
gardens (including everything from grass and hedge clippings to motor oils, pesticides, paints, and preservatives) and
offices (including everything from toner cartridges, paper, and cardboard garbage) also contribute to the overall amount
of waste [6]. Additionally, the hotel's ongoing repair and remodeling efforts add to the property's trash. Currently, hotels
gather trash from surrounding eateries and dispose of it themselves [7]. The large amount of food waste that is deposited
at these collection sites becomes combined with various types of dry and moist trash, resulting in an unsightly appearance
of filth and odour. The majority of four- and five-star hotels have their own garbage disposal systems that send trash to
landfills via private companies [8].

Based on studies of hotel garbage in a few wards, it is estimated that 70 to 75% of the waste is biodegradable. When
disposed of at collection places, this waste becomes combined with all the other types of waste. There is a mixing of all

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E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01073 (2024)

types of non-biodegradable garbage at the disposal site, including that which is collected directly by private contractors.
A large portion of the garbage that hotels generate comes from their rooms, kitchens, and other areas where guests stay.
Without proper investigation into waste management, the hospitality industry would continue to pose a threat [9-12].

The waste management agenda is significant, and it requires administrative attention, guidance, and public awareness on
a priority basis. Effective waste management impacts societal, economic, and ecological concerns in when compared to
other industries, hotels utilize a disproportionate number of resources and add significantly to landfill growth [13]. One
major advantage of recycling and reusing is the amount of energy and natural resources saved by not having to throw
away precious items in landfills. In an effort to reduce the use of single-use plastics, hotels might set an example by
providing visitors with recyclable cutlery or cutlery; this would give them another option than using single-use plastics.
Reusing food scraps and other culinary waste as a natural fertilizer and soil conditioner is a great way to recycle food
scraps and other food waste [14]. It is becoming more and more difficult to dispose of garbage, making waste management
in hotels crucial. Additionally, the company sees it as a prudent move. It may save a tonne of money on supplies by being
frugal with their use. Given this background, it's clear that the hospitality sector needs solid waste management strategies.
The correct management of garbage in the hospitality business depends on accurately classifying the kinds and amounts
of trash generated by each department [15-18].

Now, the hospitality sector is engaging in wasteful activities. Inadequate managerial and technical abilities, incorrect
collection, bad route planning, underestimating trash creation rates, and an absence of appropriate facilities all contribute
to the problem of poorly collected and transported municipal solid waste [19]. This research aims to describe the many
forms of trash produced by restaurants and hotels, identify their origins, assess their negative impacts on human and
environmental health, and examine the present state of hotel waste management practices. Hotels contribute significantly
to the daily metric tons of solid waste that are sent to landfills from a variety of sources; however, with good management,
most of this garbage may be recovered and repurposed [20]. All living things, including humans, are vulnerable to the air
pollution and unpleasant smells caused by this untreated solid waste. Proper management of this garbage through means
such as reduction, reuse, recycling, and energy generation can help us solve the dilemma [21].

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Study Area
Bhopal, placed within the coronary heart of India, stands as greater than just a geographical center—it embodies a rich
tapestry of records, subculture, and modernity. Serving as both the executive hub of Bhopal department and district and
the capital of Madhya Pradesh, it holds a pivotal role within the vicinity's socio-financial panorama. Aptly nicknamed
"The City of Lakes," Bhopal's serene attraction is described via its abundance of shimmering lakes, both
herbal and man-made, which considers its panorama, providing respite from the bustling urban life. Renowned for its
environmental focus, Bhopal stands as a testament to sustainable urban improvement, earning accolades as certainly one
of India's most environmentally friendly towns [22]. Bhopal's historic roots run deep, tracing lower back to its days as the
capital of the princely country of Bhopal, flourishing under the rule of the Nawabs due to the fact around 1707. Even after
India won independence in 1947, Bhopal retained its importance, transitioning seamlessly into the executive capital of
Madhya Pradesh. The city's adventure through time is marked by sizeable milestones, inclusive of the division of the
Sehore district in 1972 to create the brand new district of Bhopal, reflecting its evolving administrative and territorial

Economically vibrant, Bhopal boasts a robust commercial panorama, with a large number of large and medium-sized
businesses flourishing in and around the town. Together with Indore, it is one of the nation's essential economic and
monetary centers, using boom and prosperity inside the location. This financial dynamism is in addition complemented
by way of a numerous range of lodging alternatives catering to the desires and alternatives of traffic, reflecting Bhopal's
reputation as a burgeoning visitor vacation spot [23]. In essence, Bhopal encapsulates the essence of India's past, gift, and
destiny, seamlessly blending culture with modernity, and supplying a glimpse into the kingdom's multifaceted identity.
As it keeps to adapt and develop, Bhopal remains a beacon of resilience, progress, and cultural richness, inviting site
visitors to immerse themselves in its enchanting appeal and colourful spirit.

2.2 Sampling Method

In the context of hotel waste management, it's essential to comprehensively address the diverse array of waste streams
generated by the various facets of hotel operations. The solid waste output of a hotel encompasses everything expelled
from the establishment, spanning from guest rooms to gardens, restaurants to kitchens, laundry facilities to offices, and
beyond. The study shows that each of these areas contributes to the overall waste footprint of the hotel, necessitating a
systematic approach to waste segregation and disposal [24-26]. Specific protocols are being made compulsory by the
Legislation for waste management, dictating the separation of biodegradable and inorganic waste. So in accordance with
these regulations, hotels typically designate separate receptacles or areas for the disposal of each waste type. There are
certain biodegradable waste, such as food scraps and organic materials, is typically designated for the green trash category,

E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01073 (2024)

while inorganic waste, including plastics, metals, and other non-biodegradable materials, is directed to the orange trash
category. Also it can be observed that the overall volume of waste produced by hotels can vary significantly based on
factors such as occupancy rates, seasonal fluctuations, and the scale of hotel operations. In the recent time, plastic bags
or buckets are commonly used to contain smaller waste items, facilitating ease of collection and disposal [27].

The review on the various papers found that in order to assess and manage hotel waste effectively, there are certain
sampling procedures which are often employed. For example if any sampling procedure was conducted during the first
two weeks of December 2022, there will be first week involved in the preparatory activities, that will include training on
sampling methodologies, with verification of measurement techniques, and finally the establishment of a sample strategy.
Following this procedure, the second week shall involve waste collection efforts from about 50 hotels, keeping the focus
on organic and inorganic waste making sure that they are being collected separately [28]. Efficient waste collection and
transportation logistics are crucial components of hotel waste management. In the described scenario, bicycles were
utilized to transport collected waste from multiple hotels to a treatment facility. This approach can offer a cost-effective
and environmentally friendly means of waste transportation, particularly in urban areas where traffic congestion and
emissions are concerns [29]. It is possible for hotels to bring a reduction in their environmental impact by implementing
the method that involves complete trash segregation after efficient collection and then following disposal procedures. It
can be concluded that good waste management techniques are critical for hotels seeking to reduce environmental impact,
that comply with legislation, and continue to uphold their commitment to sustainability [30].
2.3 Questionnaire Method
For the research work through questionnaire, fifty hoteliers or hotel managers were requested to gather data on the
properties, the existing solid waste management processes at their establishments, and were also asked to mention the
obstacles to improved solid waste management [31]. During data collection the data on the hotels' types, levels of service,
and facility elements were gathered. The questionnaires, made possible to verify and inquire about the hotels' waste
segregation, reduction, recycling, and composting initiatives. Finally, the implementation of initiatives with the goals of
material reuse and trash reduction constitutes waste reduction practice in the hospitality industry. This includes reusing
one-sided printed paper in offices or unused food from bars and restaurants for animals are two examples. In this study
the third week of the survey followed interview of fifty hotel operators or hotel managers to gather detailed information
on existing solid waste management practices on their properties and identify barriers these actions are not effective. The
purpose of the interviews was to collect information on various factors including types of hotels, level of service offered
and leisure facilities [32-35]. Researchers using policy questions were able to ask about research management strategies,
nutrient separation, reduction, revision and food construction in industry. An important aspect of waste reduction includes
the development of waste recycling systems and the use of reduced waste.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Solid waste generation rate

To find the rate of solid waste creation, graphic approaches were employed. Table 1 reveals the average solid waste
production rate per guest in a hospitality setting, with cardboard and paper being common waste types. Kitchen and food
waste is significant, with organic materials like ceramics and chemicals producing higher rates. This highlights the
importance of waste management and reduction strategies. Graphic techniques have been employed to research the charge
of strong waste creation in hospitality settings, with particular emphasis on waste kinds inclusive of cardboard, paper,
kitchen and meals waste, natural substances, ceramics, and chemical substances. These waste kinds had been recognized
as commonplace individuals to the general waste circulate in hospitality establishments. By using photo processes
together with bar charts, pie charts, or line graphs, researchers can visually constitute the relative contributions of every
waste type to the general solid waste circulate. This visual illustration helps a better knowledge of waste era patterns and
aids in the identification of key regions for waste control and reduction techniques.
Table 1: Solid waste generation rate
“Waste type Solid waste generation
rate, Kg/guest/day
Cardboard 2.5
Paper 1.7
Tissues 0.5
Kitchen and food waste 3.8
Ceramic 6.1
Chemicals 4.2
Wood 5.5
Plastic 3.3
Metal 5.9
Nylon 4.4
PET bottles 5.5”

E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01073 (2024)

Cardboard and paper generate 2.5 kg and 1.7 kg of waste, respectively, while tissues have a lower rate of 0.5 kg. Kitchen
and food waste is significant at 3.8 kg, while inorganic materials like ceramics and chemicals generate higher rates. The
numbers shown here reflect the average daily solid waste generation for each guest across every waste category. This
information is crucial for waste management planning and resource allocation in many different types of contexts,
including residential, industrial, including hospitality

Solid waste management rate


Types of wastes

Fig. 1: Variation of solid waste management rate

The bar chart in Fig. 1 shows waste generation rates for different materials, with cardboard and paper showing lower
rates. Kitchen and food waste is the most significant, with ceramic waste peaks. Chemicals, wood, plastic, and metal have
medium to high waste generation rates, indicating significant environmental impact. Nylon and PET bottles also show
high waste management rates, highlighting the prevalence of synthetic material waste. The chart emphasizes the
importance of targeted waste management and recycling strategies for each material.
3.2 Percentage contribution
Planning for trash management, allocating resources, launching recycling programmes, and working towards
environmental sustainability all depend on having a firm grasp of such waste creation rates. The ceramics create the most
garbage from hotels, while the tissues generate the least.

Solid waste management rate in percenatge




Types of wastes

Fig. 2: Variation of percentage of solid waste management rate

E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01073 (2024)

The bar graph in Fig. 2 shows the percentages of solid waste management in the surveyed area, with cardboard, paper,
and tissues contributing the least. Organic waste, such as kitchen and food waste, has a higher percentage, but not a
dominant part. Ceramic waste has a high percentage, suggesting a unique waste profile. Chemicals and wood contribute
significantly, with chemicals having a high percentage, indicating industrial or specialized waste management challenges.
Common materials like plastic, metal, nylon, and PET bottles contribute significantly, emphasizing the importance of
recycling and managing synthetic materials.
3.3 Segregation of Solid waste generation rate Based on Types of Hotels
To find the rate of solid waste creation, graphic approaches were employed. According to the data compiled in Table 2,
there is a clear trend correlating the standard of the hotel with the quantity of waste generated per guest per day. Five-star
hotels, known for their extensive range of luxury services and amenities, lead in solid waste production with an average
of 52.8 kg per guest per day. In comparison, four-star hotels show a noticeable reduction in waste generation, producing
31.4 kg per guest, which is still substantial but significantly lower than their five-star counterparts.
Table 2: Solid waste generation rate
Hotel type Solid waste generation rate,
Five star hotel 52.8

Four star hotel 31.4

Three star hotel 29.7

Other hotel 19.2

This downward trend continues with three-star hotels, which generate slightly less waste at 29.7 kg per guest. The lowest
waste production is observed in other hotels, which include budget and non-rated establishments, at 19.2 kg per guest per
day. The method studied for trash generation rate mostly indicates the direct relationship between the quality of services
and amenities which are being given by hotels and the associated solid waste output generated by them, which brings
about the conclusion that that more luxurious accommodations tend to generate greater quantities of solid waste.

Solid waste management rate






Five star hotel Four star hotel Three star hotel Other hotel

Fig. 3: Variation of solid waste management rate based on hotels

The bar chart in Fig. 3 illustrates the solid waste management rates for different categories of hotels, measured in
kilograms of waste generated per guest per day. The data shows that five-star hotels have the highest waste generation
rate at 52.8 kg, likely due to the luxury services and extensive amenities they offer. Four-star hotels generate less waste,
with a rate of 31.4 kg, indicating a reduction in services and amenities compared to five-star establishments. Three-star
hotels show a further decrease in waste generation, with a rate of 29.7 kg, aligning with more modest accommodations
and services. Lastly, other types of hotels, which might include budget or non-rated establishments, have the lowest waste
generation rate at 19.2 kg, reflecting the most basic service offerings and lower consumption by guests. This chart
highlights the correlation between the level of luxury a hotel offers and the amount of solid waste it generates.
3.4 Factors that can affect solid waste generation rate
In this study there are two significant elements which are being focussed that could influence solid waste generation rates
at a facility: first one is the existence of a garden and second is a restaurant. It is because these gardens may lead to
production of green waste materials and the restaurants can generate food and packaging waste. In order to assess the
impact of these parameters on the solid waste generation rate, the technique of ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) was

E3S Web of Conferences 507, 01073 (2024)

implemented. The process of ANOVA test analyses whether there are significant differences in means among three or
more independent groups. Further the research aims to determine the over all contribution of a garden and a restaurant to
solid waste output, that will be beneficial in the development of more effective waste management strategies
Table 3: ANOVA results for the solid waste management with gardens and restaurants
Variables Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p-value

Between groups 20.60 2 10.304 10.290 0.000

Within groups 419.38 497 35.525

Total 439.98 499

Table 3 presents the results of an ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) test, which analyzes differences among group by means
in a sample. The sum of squares represents the total variation within the data, while the degrees of freedom (df) indicates
the number of values in the final calculation of a statistic that are free to vary. The mean square is the average of the
squared deviations, calculated by dividing the mean square between groups by the mean square within groups. The F-
statistic, calculated by dividing the mean square between groups by the mean square within groups, determines if the
group means are significantly different from each other. A p-value of 0.000 suggests that the group means are significantly
different, as it is less than the common alpha level of 0.05, leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis that there is no
difference between the groups. In summary, the ANOVA results indicate that there are statistically significant differences
between the group means, as indicated by the F-statistic and the p-value.
Table 4: ANOVA of significance difference between presence of restaurant and solid waste generation rate
Variables Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p-value
Between groups 37.42 2 21.431 17.414 0.000
Within groups 369.29 497 32.689
Total 406.71 499
The ANOVA test results in Table 4 show a significant difference between the means of the three groups analyzed. The
sum of squares represents the variation within the data set, with the "Between groups" sum of squares being 37.42, and
the "Within groups" sum of squares being 369.29. The total sum of squares is 406.71, representing the total variation in
the entire dataset. The degrees of freedom (df) for the between groups are 2, indicating three groups, and 497 for the
within groups. The mean square is calculated by dividing the sum of squares by the corresponding degrees of freedom,
with the mean square between groups being 21.431 and the mean square within groups being 32.689. The F-statistic value
is 17.414, indicating a highly significant result. The p-value associated with the F-statistic is 0.000, rejecting the null
hypothesis that there is no difference between the group means. Thus, the data provide sufficient evidence to conclude a
significant difference between the means of the three groups analyzed.

5. Conclusion

Hotel solid waste management is essential for three reasons: keeping the environment healthy, making guests pleased &
staying in compliance with regulations. The hotel sector must use effective solid waste management techniques to reduce
their environmental impact, meet regulatory requirements, and ensure guest satisfaction.
a. In order to promote resource conservation and environmental sustainability, hotels can greatly decrease the amount
of waste deposited in landfills by executing strategies like waste audits, source reduction, recycling programmes,
composting, donation initiatives, and proper hazardous waste management.
b. Hotels can show they care about the environment and do the right thing by their guests and stakeholders by investing
in staff training, including them in continuous improvement, and improving their waste management methods.
c. It is observed that there is significance difference between presence of garden and restaurant and solid waste
generation rate as p-value is less than 0.05.
d. Hotels might play their part for the environment and the future of the hospitality sector by making solid waste
management their number one concern.


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