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Class 1 and 1 Intensive

1 Dining room I go to dining room to take my breakfast Ruang Makan

2 Kitchen `My mother is cooking rice in the kitchen Dapur

3 Plate I wash my plate after having my breakfast Piring

Class 2 and 3

1 To get up I always get up in the morning at four o’clock Bangun tidur

2 To stand up I stand up in front of my friends Berdiri

3 To walk Mr. Tony takes a walk every evening Berjalan-jalan

Class 3 intensive and 4

Do you know a good shop for shoes?
Apakah kamu tahu toko sepatu yang bagus?
How much is this, please?
Ini berapa harganya?
Where were you?
Kamu tadi di mana?
Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Spoon I buy the new spoon at Students Cooperation Section Sendok

2 Knife I cut the meat with knife Pisau

3 Fork I eat the vegetables with the fork Garpu

Class 2 and 3
1 To permit The teacher permits Anton to go out Membolehkan

2 To keep away You have to keep a bad doer away Menjauhi

3 To swallow Budi can not swallow the tablet Menelan

Class 3 intensive and 4

Where are you going?
Kamu mau kemana?
Where did you find that?
Di mana kamu menemukannya?
Where did you go last night?
Semalam kamu pergi ke mana?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Food I buy some foods at Students Cooperation Section Makanan

2 Drink I take some drink after breakfast Minuman

3 Breakfast Did you have your breakfast? Makan pagi

Class 2 and 3
1 To be wet My shirt is going to be wet Basah

2 To show We want to show our good performance Menampakkan

3 To cancel Andi will cancel this meeting Membatalkan

Class 3 intensive and 4

Can I see you?
Bisakah saya menemuimu?
As you sow, so shall you reap
Barangsiapa yang menanam maka ia akan menuai
May I come in?
Apakah saya boleh masuk?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Lunch I take my lunch after dzuhur praying Makan siang

2 Dinner The dinner is at seven o'clock Makan malam

3 Refrigerator I freeze the ice in refrigerator Kulkas

Class 2 and 3
1 To deny They deny accepting this decision Enggan

2 To tend We have to tend kiblah during prayer Menghadap

3 To unite Indonesian are going to unite Bersatu

Class 3 intensive and 4

Can you help me?
Maukah kamu membantuku?
Will you have some more coffee?
Maukah anda menambah kopi lagi?
Will you have dinner with me tomorrow?
Apa kamu mau makan malam denganku besok?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Bathroom I clean bathroom once a week Kamar mandi

2 Water scoop Pass the water scoop to me please! Gayung

3 Towel Hang my towel after using please! Handuk

Class 2 and 3
1 To accommodate This room can accommodate many students Menampung

2 To be clear We have to make this problem clear Menjadi jelas

3 To take bath We take bath before going to the class Mandi

Class 3 intensive and 4

Would you like to join us?
Apakah kamu mau bergabung dengan kita?
Would you like to go home now?
Apa kamu mau pulang sekarang?
Do you understand what I mean?
Apa kamu mengerti maksudku?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Tooth brush Cleanning the teeth with tooth brush Sikat gigi

2 Tap Close the tap please! Keran

3 Tooth paste Buy the tooth paste for me! Pasta gigi

Class 2 and 3
1 To agree I agree with your good idea Sepakat

2 To accuse We may not accuse anyone of stealing Menuduh

3 To wet Don’t wet your clothes with this water Membasahi

Class 3 intensive and 4

Have you anything further to say?
Apa ada lagi yang ingin kamu katakan?
Is this not what you mean?
Bukankah ini yang kamu maksud?
Can you prove it?
Apa kamu bisa membuktikannya?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 soap Use the soap to make your body fresh Sabun

2 Student's cooperation I visit student's cooperation Koperasi pelajar

3 Library I want to for the islamic book in the library Perpustakaan

Class 2 and 3
1 To dry on You must dry on your wet clothes Menjemur

2 To spit Don’t split on the floor Meludah

3 To complete Andi tries to complete his job Menyelesaikan

Class 3 intensive and 4

Is it hard to explain?
Apakah sulit untuk menerangkannya?
Are you sure, you are all right?
Apa kamu yakin, bahwa kamu baik-baik saja?
May I have a word with you?
Apa saya bisa bicara sebentar?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Dormitory The students are staying in the dormitory Asrama

2 Mattres Ihave the thick mattres for sleeping Kasur

3 Pillow I use the pillow to sleep well Bantal

Class 2 and 3
1 To come I will come to your home tomorrow Datang

2 To prove We want to prove their mistakes Membuktikan

3 To weight I don’t want to weigh you with this luggage Memberatkan

Class 3 intensive and 4

What’s the matter with you?
Ada apa dengan dirimu?
Wait a minute!
Tunggu sebentar!
How do you prepare yourself for exam?
Bagaimana kamu mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi ujian?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Blanket The blanket is useful in the cold weather Selimut

2 Cupboard I paint my cup board by the blue colour Lemari

3 Hanger I hang my cloth with hanger Gantungan baju

Class 2 and 3
1 To answer I received no answer to my letter from my parent Menjawab

2 To master Eko is going to master English Pandai

3 To allow A teacher allows the student to have a journey on vacation Membolehkan

Class 3 intensive and 4

How do you manage your time?
Bagaimanakah kamu mengatur waktumu?
Please come! Let me show you something!
Kemari! aku mau menunjukkan kamu sesuatu
Please take a seat/ please sit down!
Silakan duduk!

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Cloth I want to iron my cloth Baju

2 Trouser that trouser is too long for me Celana

3 Sarong Moslem are wearing the sarong when prayer Sarung

Class 2 and 3
1 To force Don't force me to do that Memaksa

2 To avoid Muslims has to avoid the evil Menjahui

3 To make He makes good trousers Membuat

Class 3 intensive and 4

I am glad to see you
Saya senang sekali bertemu kamu
Don’t be angry
Jangan marah
I’m guilty
Saya bersalah

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Belt Fasten your belt to make your sarong tighter Sabuk

2 Shoes I blacken my black shoesby the shoes polish Sepatu

3 Socks I wash my sock once a week Kaos kaki

Class 2 and 3
1 To throw Don’t throw the ball from the window Melempar

2 To try hard You must try hard to understand the lesson Berusaha

3 To repeat Don’t repeat my speech Mengulangi

Class 3 intensive and 4

It’s my fault
Itu kesalahan saya
Take care
Jaga diri baik-baik
Tea is my favorite drink
Teh adalah minuman kesukaanku

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Money order My parent sends me money order monthly Wesel

2 Parcel Ahmad gets the parcel from his mother Paket

3 Letter I receive the letter from my mother Surat

Class 2 and 3
1 To love I love this game very much Menyenangi

2 To hate Don’t hate your brothers Membenci

3 To prepare My mother is preparing the food Menyediakan

Class 3 intensive and 4

Are you coming with me?
Apakah kamu mau ikut?
You must be careful
Kamu harus berhati-hati
Don’t blame me!
Jangan mencela (menyalahkan) saya!

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Letter box You put the letter into the letter box Kotak pos

2 Postman The postman sends the letters to the houses Tukang pos

3 Field The students watch the competition in the field Lapangan

Class 2 and 3
1 To rent Hasan will rent me his car Menyewakan

2 To remove Mr. Ahmad removes the cupboard to another room Memindahkan

3 To take part Do you want to take part in my party? Mengikuti

Class 3 intensive and 4

Are you sure?
Apa kamu yakin?
I am not sure about that
Saya tidak yakin tentang hal itu
Everything is going to be fine
Semuanya akan baik-baik saja

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Football I watch football match Sepak bola

2 Volleyball Volleyball is my hobby Bola voly

3 Table tennis Table tennis is the good sport for me Tenis meja

Class 2 and 3
1 To postpone Andi postpones his appointment with Haikal Menunda

2 To represent He represents in drama as a teacher Memerankan

3 To cook My mother cooks the rice every day Memasak

Class 3 intensive and 4

Stay away from me!
Menjauhlah dariku!
Nothing happened
Nggak ada apa-apa
I’ll not take any responsibility
Saya tidak mau bertanggung jawab

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Tennis ball My father likes tennis sport Bola tennis

2 Badminton Badminton is the favorite sport Bulu tangkis

3 Self defense art I like self defense art when I was child Seni bela diri

Class 2 and 3
1 To perform Firman wants to perform a good performance in his home Mengadakan

2 To receive My friend receives the parcel every month Menerima

3 To love I love my mother more than the other Menyukai

Class 3 intensive and 4

Give me another chance
Beri saya kesempatan lagi
I promise you that
Saya janji
That makes me very happy
Hal itu membuatku gembira

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Basketball I play the bassketball in every morning Bola basket

2 Jogging I am following jogging match in my school Olahraga lari

3 Sprinter You are a good sprinter in this school Pelari

Class 2 and 3
1 To need We need to eat to live Membutuhkan

2 To protest/ interrupt Mahmud protests the decision from his chief Memprotes

3 To take the opportunity I take the opportunity to study hard Menggunakan (waktu)

Class 3 intensive and 4

I feel better
Saya merasa agak baikan
Come in here and wait until he comes
Masuk saja dan tunggu sampai dia datang
It is not as difficult as you imagine
Hal ini tidak sesulit yang kamu bayangkan

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Whistle Blowing a whistle is a sign that game is over Peluit

2 Referee Eko is agood referee in the soccer champion wasit

3 Captain Ahmad is indonesian team captain kapten

Class 2 and 3
1 To be burnt My book was burnt Terbakar

2 To respect We have to respect our parents Menghormati

3 To gather All students are gathering in the mosque Berkumpul

Class 3 intensive and 4

Are you as old as each other?
Apakah umur kalian sama?
I came as quickly as I could
Saya berusaha datang secepatnya
The resolution is as follows…
Keputusannya adalah seperti ini…

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Playmaker Amla is the play maker in this match playmaker

2 Halfback I was chosen as the half back in the match pemain tengah

3 Backfield The strong backfield is a good defense Bek

Class 2 and 3
1 To refuse He refuses to come to my party Menolak

2 To guess I guess that you are coming from Bali Mengira

3 To hide Don’t hide under the bed! Bersembunyi

Class 3 intensive and 4

You should do your work as it ought to be done
Kamu harus mengerjakan pekerjaanmu sebagaimana mestinya
I can’t do everything alone
Saya tidak bisa mengerjakan semuanya sendirian.
I’ll tell you a nice story
Saya akan menceritakan kepadamu cerita yang bagus

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Striker Daniel is a good striker for our club Penyerang

2 substitute Prepare several person for the substitute Pemain cadangan

3 real player there are eleven person as the real player in soccer Pemain inti

Class 2 and 3
1 To graze I graze the goats in the jungle Menggembala

2 To fast We must fast in Ramadhan month Berpuasa

3 To submit I want to submit this book to my teacher Menyerahkan

Class 3 intensive and 4

Have you finished your obligation?
Apakah kamu sudah mengerjakan kewajibanmu?
Are you going to take your bath now?
Apa kamu mau mandi sekarang?
I haven’t time to rest
Saya nggak punya waktu untuk istirahat

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Goal keeper Cassilas is the best goal keeper Penjaga gawang

2 team Make the good team from our selves Tim

3 coach We pay much for the good coach for our team Pelatih

Class 2 and 3
1 To shake hands We shake our hands after meeting Berjabat tangan

2 To slaver Farid slavers on the pillow Melelehkan air liur (Ngiler)

3 To pay for You must pay for these shoes Membayar

Class 3 intensive and 4

I have lost my weight
Berat badan saya turun
Where will you spend the holiday?
Mau liburan kemanakah kamu?
I never knew
Saya nggak pernah tahu

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Spectator The spectator support our team Penonton

2 Commentator The commentator comments on every club Komentator

3 Supporter The supporters are coming to stadium to support their team Pendukung

Class 2 and 3
1 To meet I meet my friend in the street Bertemu

2 To sing I like to sing English songs very much Menyanyi

3 To step up He steps up on the ladder Naik (tangga)

Class 3 intensive and 4

Try to understand me
Coba pahami saya
He never told me
Dia nggak pernah memberitahu saya
You are wasting your time
Kamu menghabiskan waktumu saja

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Goal The goal is too high for that goal keeper Gawang

2 Offside Budi was offside when playing footbal Offside

3 Handsball The referee blows the whistle for the hands ball Handsball

Class 2 and 3
1 To send My uncle sends me a letter Mengirim

2 To kick A soccer player kicks the ball very hard Menendang

3 To pass The summer passed quickly Berlalu

Class 3 intensive and 4

Have some fruit!
Silakan cicipi buah-buahan!
What fruits do you like to have?
Kamu mau buah yang mana?
I have lots of work to do
Saya punya banyak pekerjaan yang harus dikerjakan

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Throw in Throw in is given for indonesian team Lemparan ke dalam

2 Captain Rizki is the captain of indonesian team Kapten

3 Penalty The referee awarded a penalty to the home team Penalti

Class 2 and 3
1 To accustom (to) He got accustomed to studying every night Terbiasa

2 To speed We sped the car along at 70 miles an hour Mempercepat

3 To point out Don’t point me out to become a chief Menunjuk

Class 3 intensive and 4

We need to have a meeting to discuss these matters
Kita perlu rapat untuk membicarakan hal ini
The students are admitted
Para santri dibolehkan masuk
Each one has taken part in this show
Semuanya harus berpartisipasi dalam pertunjukan ini

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Corner kick Ahmad will kick a ball as the corner kic Tendangan sudut

2 Free kick The referee gave a free kick to indonesian team Tendangan bebas

3 Ball I kick the ball on the goal Bola

Class 2 and 3
1 To relax Please relax and have a rest! Bersantai

2 To comb You must comb your hair before the study Menyisir rambut

3 To owe Do you want to owe me the money? Meminjamkan uang

Class 3 intensive and 4

None is perfect
Tidak ada seorang pun yang sempurna
The number of visitors is very small
Jumlah pengunjung sangat sedikit
The heat is unbearable
Panasnya tidak tertahankan

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Indoor sports hall I am going to indoor sports hall Gedung olah raga

2 Clinic The suick stays in the clinic Klinik

3 Medicine The sick drinks a medicinew for his recovery Obat

Class 2 and 3
1 To wear (a caps) I wear the cap to pray Memakai peci

2 To switch on Please switch on the lamp! Menyalakan (lampu)

3 To switch off Don’t switch off that candle Mematikan

Class 3 intensive and 4

The air is fresh
Udaranya segar
It is beautiful weather
Cuacanya bagus
It is like a summer day
Hari ini seperti hari di musim panas

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Efficacious The medicine is effacious Manjur

2 Doctor The doctor is very kind to me Dokter

3 Dentist My father is a dentist in the hospital Dokter gigi

Class 2 and 3
1 To feel sleepy He feels very sleepy and wants to sleep Mengantuk

2 To register You may register yourself here Mendaftar

3 To befall I hope no difficulty befalls you Mengena

Class 3 intensive and 4

The rain is heavy
Hujannya deras
The wind is calm
Anginnya sepoi-sepoi
The moon is shining
Bulan bersinar

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Pedriatrician My mother send me to the pedritician Dokter anak

2 Nurse My siser wants to be a nurse Perawat

3 Cortton The doctor needs cotton Kapas

Class 2 and 3
1 To use I use a pen to write Memakai

2 To report You may report yourself to the police Melapor

3 To accompany Do you want to accompany me to go to Ponorogo? Menemani

Class 3 intensive and 4

The sun rises and sets
Matahari terbit dan tenggelam
The cold bothers me
Udara dingin mengganggu saya
Are you still reading the newspaper?
Apakah kamu masih membaca koran?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Bnadage The bandage is very useful for injury Perban

2 Injection the doctor gives me an injection Suntikan

3 First aid We must give the first aid for our friend Pertolongan pertama

Class 2 and 3
1 To sew My mother is sewing her clothes Menjahit

2 To slaughter We slaughter the chicken with a knife Menyembelih

3 To run Don’t run too quick Berlari

Class 3 intensive and 4

I love walking in the early morning
Saya senang berjalan-jalan di waktu pagi
I wear light clothes in summer
Saya memakai pakaian tipis di musim panas
I give the students private lessons
Saya memberi les privat pada murid-murid

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Poisoned He was poisoned after eating a fish Keracunan

2 Surgical Operation The doctor must give the surgical operation to my uncle Operasi bedah

3 Ambulance I need the ambulance for the accident Ambulan

Class 2 and 3
1 To make What is cloth made of? Menjadikan

2 To dry The laundry dries in the sun Kering

3 To drain The whole area will have to be drained before it can be used for farming Mengeringkan

Class 3 intensive and 4

Ali serves his guest a cup of coffee
Ali menghidangkan secangkir kopi untuk tamunya
How about this?
Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang ini?
Ahmad respects his friends
Ahmad menghormati kawan-kawannya

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Pharmacy I will go to the pharmacy for buying the medicine Apotek

2 Pharmacist My brother is a pharmacist in that pharmacy Apoteker

3 Spine My friend’s spine was broken after having accident Tulang punggung

Class 2 and 3
1 To sit I sit on the bench Duduk

2 To collect The students have to collect Mathematic book to their teacher Mengumpulkan

3 To knock Knock the door before entering to the other house Mengetuk

Class 3 intensive and 4

Don't disturb me!
Jangan ganggu saya!
Don’t ignore him!
Jangan biarkan (tidak menghiraukan) dia!
Don't wait for me!
Jangan tunggu saya!

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Heel I stuck a nail in my heel Tumit

2 Breath The incense’s smell makes a hard breath Nafas

3 Bone I drink a milk to make a strong bone Tulang

Class 2 and 3
1 To prepare The students have to prepare themselves to face the examination Menyiapkan

2 To draw a line The police gives the line at the street Memberi batas

3 To move I move my part of body before playing foot ball Menggerakkan

Class 3 intensive and 4

I don’t want you to get hurt
Saya tidak mau kalau terjadi apa-apa denganmu
I’ll see you later/ good bye
Saya akan menemuimu nanti/ sampai jumpa
You did good work
Kamu telah melakukan usaha yang bagus

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Muscle Sport makes a strong muscle Otot

2 Lung Some animals has a lung in their body Paru-paru

3 Mucus I see the mucus in his nose Ingus

Class 2 and 3
1 To watch Ahmad watches at guest section Menjaga

2 To wish You shall have your wish menginginkan

3 To burn The hot soup burns my tongue Membakar

Class 3 intensive and 4

I bought you a present
Saya membelikan hadiah untuk kamu
Ali did his brother a great favor
Ali memberikan pertolongan yang berarti untuk saudaranya
It is five o’clock sharp
Jam lima tepat

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Blood There is a blood in his foot after falling down Darah

2 Nosebleed I am suffering a nosebleed Mimisan

3 Pale She has a pale complexion Pucat

Class 2 and 3
1 Forbid/ prohibit Islamic religion forbid the gambling Mengharamkan

2 To count My small brother learns to count the number Menghitung

3 Think/ suppose I don’t suppose you will come to my home now Menyangka

Class 3 intensive and 4

It is about ten minutes to six
Sekarang kira-kira jam enam kurang sepuluh menit
It is a quarter to ten
Jam sepuluh kurang seperempat
It is yet early
Waktunya masih terlalu pagi (terlalu dini)

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Prescription I get the prescription from the doctor Resep

2 Eye drops I buy the eye drops at La-Tansa pharmacist Obat tetes mata

3 Twisted I am twisted when running after my friend Keseleo

Class 2 and 3
1 To effort I effort to speak English well Berusaha

2 To advise He did what the doctor advised Menganjurkan

3 To cover The sky is covered by clouds Menutupi

Class 3 intensive and 4

It is half past nine
Jam setengah sepuluh
It is too late
Waktunya sudah sangat larut
It is only five miles to the station
Kira-kira jarak ke stasiun hanya lima mil saja

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Fever My brother get the fever in the night Demam

2 Bloody Fever Bloody fever is very danger for the child Demam Berdarah

3 Dysentery You are very weak after having dysentery Disentri

Class 2 and 3
1 To Happen Don't let this problem happen again Terjadi

2 To sad The news of his death was sad Sedih

3 To Preferable We preferable to prepare our self to work Baik

Class 3 intensive and 4

It is nice to see you well
Senang sekali melihat kamu dalam keadaan sehat
It is good to hear that
Senang sekali mendengarnya
It is you who did that
Kamulah yang melakukannya

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Dizzy I am feeling a bit dizzy Pusing

2 Influenza I get the influenza after getting caught in rain Influensa

3 Infection Don’t let your injure get the infection! Infeksi

Class 2 and 3
1 To itch Don’t itch your skin hard Menggaruk

2 To hang May I hang these trousers here? Menggantungkan

3 To clap the hands Don’t clap your hands in the mosque Bertepuk tangan

Class 3 intensive and 4

I think so
Saya kira demikian
I believe so
Saya yakin demikian
I have heard so
Saya sudah mendengar hal itu

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Itch The worm is itch to touch Gatal

2 Colic I get colic after eating many foods Mulas

3 Rheumatism Rheumatism is the usual ill for the old man Rematikk

Class 2 and 3
1 To pinch My teacher pinches the naughty student Mencubit

2 To close Herman closes his shop Menutup

3 To summarize I love to summarize my lessons Meringkas

Class 3 intensive and 4

I was told so
Saya sudah diberitahu hal itu
I’m afraid so
Saya khawatir hal itu memang demikian
I hope so
Saya harap demikian

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Cough Come to the doctor for your cough Batuk

2 Office Make your office comfortable for who comes Kantor

3 Photocopy I copy This letter at photocopy Fotocopy

Class 2 and 3
1 To contain Al-Qur'an contains prayers Mengandung

2 To feel You feel cold this night Merasakan

3 To do well I want to do my duty well Bagus

Class 3 intensive and 4

Don’t be in such a hurry
Jangan terburu-buru begini
Those people are my guests
Orang-orang itu adalah tamuku
It’s not true
Ini bukan yang sebenarnya

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Secretary office I will take my diploma in the secretary office Kantor sekretariat

2 Secretary My sister is the secretary of this company Sekretaris

3 Signature Give your signature on this paper! Tanda tangan

Class 2 and 3
1 To permit No Muslim is permitted to drink the wine Menghalalkan

2 To inform We will inform you of the hot news today Memberitahukan

3 To choose Andi chose not to go to Ponorogo Memilih

Class 3 intensive and 4

That is for your own good
Ini untuk kebaikanmu sendiri
That’s what I need
Inilah yang saya butuhkan
That sounds good
Itu kedengarannya bagus

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Typewriter The letter is written by the typewriter Mesin ketik

2 Stamp The stamp is the sign of the letter’s originality Cap stempel

3 Letter file Put the letter file in the save place! Berkas surat

Class 2 and 3
1 To hide Andi hides under the bed Bersembunyi

2 To mix Don't mix in another's business Bercampur

3 To differ I beg to differ with your opinions Berbeda

Class 3 intensive and 4

That sounds bad
Itu kedengarannya tidak bagus
That’s an excellent idea
Itu ide yang bagus sekali
That’s exactly what I did
Inilah yang saya lakukan

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Agenda The agenda for this weekend is full Acara

2 Diary You must keep the secret of your diary buku agenda harian

3 Archives The archives must be kept well Arsip

Class 2 and 3
1 To take We take our shirt from our cupboard Mengambil

2 To delay Wawan will delay his agenda Mengundurkan

3 To take out I take my money out from my pocket Mengeluarkan

Class 3 intensive and 4

Why are you telling me all this?
Kenapa kamu ceritakan ini semua kepada saya?
Which do you prefer, this or that?
Mana yang kamu pilih, yang ini atau yang itu?
I will do the same as you
Saya akan melakukan hal yang sama dengan yang kamu lakukan

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Punch Make a hole in the paper by the punch Pelubang kertas

2 Stapler Pass the stapler in front of you to me! Staples

3 Financial Section Financial section is the principal section in OPPM Bagian Bendahara

Class 2 and 3
1 To laugh Andi laughs because of his friend action Tertawa

2 To clean You must clean your room every day Membersihkan

3 To blow I cannot blow the pipe Meniup

Class 3 intensive and 4

Such is my luck!
Beginilah nasibku!
Such are the results!
Beginilah hasilnya!
Such is his honesty!
Beginilah kejujurannya!

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Accountant He is the accountant of this organization Bendahara

2 Administration Make the good administration for this organization Administrasi

3 Register The neat register is the good administration Buku catatan keuangan

Class 2 and 3
1 To travel I travel to Surabaya by bus Bepergian

2 To live in Adi lives in a very small room Tinggal

3 To be tired I feel tired after working Capek
Class 3 intensive and 4
He is teaching himself English
Dia mengajari dirinya bahasa Inggris
Make yourself at home
Anggap saja rumah sendiri
I hope you will all enjoy yourselves
Saya harap kalian menikmati

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Monthly expense The students must keep the money for the monthly expense Uang bulanan

2 Receipt Ask the receipt for every payment Kwitansi

3 Payment card Bring your payment card when paying the school fee! Kartu pembayaran

Class 2 and 3
1 To quarrel Don’t quarrel with your classmate Bertengkar

2 To educate Our parents have educated us on how to respect one other Mendidik

3 To fear I have fears for his safety Takut

Class 3 intensive and 4

Ali told me that himself
Ali sendiri yang mengatakannya pada saya
Do you believe that yourself?
Apa kamu sendiri percaya?
I myself saw him
Saya melihatnya sendiri

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Debt We must pay all debts before the dead line Hutang

2 Security Office Do not be afraid to come to security office! Kantor Keamanan

3 Punishment Every trespasser has the special punishment according to his mistake Hukuman

Class 2 and 3
1 To tell I can't tell you how happy I am Menceritakan

2 To obtain I persuade my mother to obtain her permission Mendapatkan

3 To be lost My money was lost in the room Hilang

Class 3 intensive and 4

Such is life!
Beginilah kehidupan!
Ali didn’t do it himself
Ali tidak melakukannya sendiri
Ahmad saw me do it himself
Ahmad sendiri yang melihatku melakukannya

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Instruction Section Do not break Instruction Section law Bagian Pengajaran

2 Afternoon lesson Do not be absent from afternoon lesson Pelajaran sore

3 Mosque Activity Council Mosque activity council has the special job in the mosque Bagian Pengurus Mesjid

Class 2 and 3
1 To intend to Ahmad intends to study the English language Bermaksud

2 To take off Take of your sandal, please! Melepas

3 To cross out Don’t cross my writing out Mencoret

Class 3 intensive and 4

Who is it?
Whom did you meet?
Kamu tadi ketemu siapa?
Whose is this pen?
Pulpen ini milik siapa?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Central Language Improvement All managers of Central language improvement are clever in English and Arabic Bagian Penggerak Bahasa

2 Central Information Department Central information department manager delivers some announcements Bagian Penerangan

3 Sport Section Sport section manages all sports club in this boarding school Bagian Olah raga

Class 2 and 3
1 To influence The story influences Syarifuddin badly Mempengaruhi

2 To soak I soak my clothes in a pail Merendam

3 To check up Check up on what Zainal brought Memeriksa

Class 3 intensive and 4

What have you done?
Apa yang telah kamu lakukan?
Tell me what you have done
Katakan pada saya apa yang telah kamu lakukan
Who will come with us?
Siapa yang akan ikut kita?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Art Section Art is a part of art section Bagian Kesenian

2 Handy Craft Section Handy craft section open some courses Bagian Keterampilan

3 Guest Reception Section Guest reception section is the face of this boarding school Bagian Penerimaan Tamu

Class 2 and 3
1 To do Renew your intent before doing something Menunaikan

2 To cause It will cause many problems Menyebabkan

3 To broadcast I will broadcast the hot news today Menyiarkan

Class 3 intensive and 4

You can't possible know what I feel
Kamu tidak bisa tahu apa yang saya rasakan
Let us know who will come with us
Sebaiknya kita tahu siapa yang akan ikut kita
Who said so?
Siapa yang bilang?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Canteen Do not spend your money just for going to canteen Kafetaria

2 Laundry If you do not want to wash your cloth just bring it to the laundry Penatu

3 Bundle Bring your bundle to laundry section to wash Buntelan

Class 2 and 3
1 To consider I consider him a perfect candidate Menganggap

2 To retire He retires himself from human beings and stays in village alone Menyendiri

3 To believe I believe you are a strong man Yakin

Class 3 intensive and 4

Who can answer my question?
Siapa yang bisa menjawab pertanyaan saya?
Who is responsible for all that?
Siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas ini semua?
Whom did you see there?
Siapa yang kamu lihat di sana?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Photography Section I take a picture in photography section Bagian Fotografi

2 Picture You make a good picture in that place Foto

3 Organization The good member makes a good organization Organisasi

Class 2 and 3
1 To want He wants to be a soldier Mau

2 To doubt The outcome of his preliminary test is still in doubt Ragu

3 To rise I go to the school when the sun rises Meninggi

Class 3 intensive and 4

Who did you like best?
Siapa yang paling kamu sukai?
Whom do you respect?
Siapa yang kamu hormati?
Whose is this?
Punya siapa ini?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Collegian My brother is a collegian in Darussalam Institute for Islamic Studies Mahasiswa

2 Suargo radio I want to listen to Suargo FM broadcasting Suargo FM

3 Construction Section I will borrow the saw from construction section Bagian Pembangunan

Class 2 and 3
1 To lend He lends an English book Reading from the library Meminjam

2 To sigh Don’t sigh because such a little problem Mengeluh

3 To ask for help I will ask for help from my roommate Meminta pertolongan

Class 3 intensive and 4

Which will you have, tea or coffee?
Kamu mau minum apa, teh atau kopi?
Which of them can we trust?
Siapa di antara mereka yang bisa kita percaya?
Trust neither
Jangan percaya keduanya

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Screw driver Can you lend me your screw driver? Obeng

2 Hammer Hammer is used for hitting nail or other Palu

3 Nail I step on the nail when walking to the class Paku

Class 2 and 3
1 To prepare You must prepare yourself well Bersiap-siap

2 To dance Annisa dances smoothly Menari

3 To send Send my best regard to your family Mengirim

Class 3 intensive and 4

What are you talking about?
Apa yang sedang kamu bicarakan?
What do you think?
Apa pendapatmu?/ Apa perkiraanmu?
What is this strange object?
Apa benda yang aneh ini?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Thumbtack Watch your step! There are many thumbtacks on the street Paku Jamur

2 Compass We can find the wind direction by compass Kompas

3 Computer You can learn about the computer by your self komputer

Class 2 and 3
1 To perpetrate Keep yourself to perpetuate in your life Berbuat (dosa)

2 To represent Mr. Anwar will represent me at this party Mewakili

3 To Needless Needless to say, I … Tidak membutuhkan

Class 3 intensive and 4

What is your address?
Apa alamatmu?
Each player was given a prize
Setiap pemain diberi hadiah
All were late
Mereka semua terlambat

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 File I want to ask the file to DCC File

2 Sport Article department You may buy the shoes in Sport Article deparment Toko alat-alat olah raga

3 Guest Make the good image for the guest about Gontor Tamu

Class 2 and 3
1 To conclude/ To deduce What did you conclude from his speech/ remarks? Mengambil faedah

2 To cut I cut the rope with scissors Menggunting

3 To call for I call for my uncle at the airport Menjemput

Class 3 intensive and 4

Have you any money?
Apa kamu punya uang?
I haven’t any
Saya tidak punya
Ahmad told me a lot of other things
Ahmad menceritakan banyak hal lain pada saya

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Darussalam nursery school Many children play in Darussalam nursery school TK Darussalam

2 Electric Be careful from the electric! Listrik

3 Lamp The white lamp is brighter than the yellow one Lampu

Class 2 and 3
1 To force I will force you to do that Memaksa dengan keras

2 To iron We must iron our clothes every day Menyetrika

3 To clear Clear the blood spots on your shirt Menghilangkan

Class 3 intensive and 4

Either of them is satisfactory?
Yang mana yang bagus?
Neither is satisfactory
Kedua-duanya tidak bagus
I don’t want either
Saya tidak menginginkan keduanya

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Candle Prepare the candle in every room Lilin

2 Fan Switch on the fan to freshen our body Kipas angin

3 Mobile Bring your mobile wherever and whenever you are! Ponsel

Class 2 and 3
1 To boil My mother asks me to boil the egg Merebus

2 To grow The flowers grow well Bertambah

3 To receive I receive a letter from my parent Menerima

Class 3 intensive and 4

Either is suitable for me?
Yang mana yang cocok untuk saya?
It seemed impossible for either of us to remain
Tampaknya tidak ada seorang pun dari kita yang bisa tinggal
Neither of them appeals to me
Tidak ada satu pun yang menarik bagi saya

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Iron You must use the iron to tidy up your shirt Setrika

2 Radio I listen to the radio Radio

3 Television Television is not at all good entertainment for the human being Televisi

Class 2 and 3
1 To owe I owe to my friend Meminjam uang

2 To defeat Can you defeat me in this game? Mengalahkan

3 To play Audi plays football in the square Bermain

Class 3 intensive and 4

I don’t like neither
Saya tidak suka yang ini atau pun yang itu
That’s all!
All are welcome to my house!
Selamat datang semuanya di rumah saya!

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Bag I put my books into my bag Tas

2 Ticket You have to get your ticket before entering the carriage Tiket

3 Passport Show your passport when you enter the airport! Paspor

Class 2 and 3
1 To continue After having rest they continue their job Meneruskan

2 To conclude We conclude the lesson and write it in the book Mengambil kesimpulan

3 To fulfill The participants of the language course are fulfilling the application form Memenuhi syarat

Class 3 intensive and 4

All of these books are good
Semua buku-buku ini bagus
Each of us has done our best
Masing-masing dari kita telah berusaha sebaik mungkin
Has each of you done his work?
Apa masing-masing sudah mengerjakan pekerjaannya?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Map Look at the map if you do not know the way to Gontor Peta

2 Driving license Driving license is the obligation for the driver Surat Izin Mengemudi

3 Taxi I take a taxi when going back to my house Taksi

Class 2 and 3
1 To be crowded Soekarno street is crowded with the vehicles Penuh sesak

2 To be impossible It is impossible for you to do that Mustahil

3 To have the right Every human being has the right to give his idea Berhak

Class 3 intensive and 4

They were given three pens each
Masing-masing diberi tiga pena
Each of them came at a different time
Masing-masing dari mereka datang pada waktu yang berbeda-beda
Everyone knows that
Semua orang tahu hal itu

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Capital Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia Ibukota

2 City Jakarta is the larger city in Indonesia Kota

3 Village To live in village to live in paradise Desa

Class 2 and 3
1 To be shy I be shy of strangers Malu

2 To take a rest We take a rest after having sport Beristirahat

3 Be able to We are able to speak English well when we want to practice our tongue Mampu

Class 3 intensive and 4

Everyone is happy with her
Semua orang senang dengan dia
I respect every one of them
Saya menghormati mereka semua
Everyone knows you
Semua orang tahu kamu

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Port I want to go to the port to pick up my friend Pelabuhan

2 Airport You can see many planes in the airport Bandara

3 Departure We know the departure from the time table Jam keberangkatan

Class 2 and 3
1 To occupy Indonesia has been occupied by Japan for three and half years Menguasai

2 To help My teacher helps me how to learn English well Menolong

3 To hunt Ahmad hunts some birds in the jungle Memburu

Class 3 intensive and 4

Everybody enjoyed the party
Semua orang menikmati pesta
Everything you say is quite true
Semua yang kamu katakan benar sekali
Everything I have is at your disposal
Semua yang saya miliki bisa kamu gunakan

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Arrival You must know the arrival to pick up your brother Jam kedatangan

2 Vehicles You can take many vehicles in the way to Jakarta Kendaraan

3 Traffic Obey the traffic to drive in the large street! Lalu lintas
Class 2 and 3
1 To inform The headmaster informs us that we must be ready to face an examination Memberitahu

2 To bind I want to bind some books Menjilid

3 To ask permission You have to ask permission before going out from this foundation Meminta izin

Class 3 intensive and 4

They are both rich
Kedua-duanya kaya
Both of you are in the wrong
Kamu berdua salah
Can I have both?
Bolehkah saya mengambil keduanya?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Traffic Obey the traffic to drive in the large street! Lalu lintas

2 Traffic jam I am trapped in the traffic jam Kemacetan

3 Air plane I want to go to America by air plane Pesawat

Class 2 and 3
1 To buy I buy the foods at the cafeteria Membeli

2 To sell My mother sells the hats in the hat shop Menjual

3 To remind (of) That problem reminds me I've got to prepare every thing well Mengingatkan

Class 3 intensive and 4

If you have no money, I’ll lend you some
Kalau kamu tidak punya uang, saya pinjami sedikit
He hadn’t any fruit, so he went out to buy some
Dia tidak punya buah-buahan, makanya dia keluar untuk beli buah-buahan
Some of you find it difficult, but it isn’t so
Beberapa di antara kalian melihat hal ini sulit, tapi sebenarnya tidak

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Ship Titanic is the biggest ship in the world Kapal

2 Car Car is the suitable vehicle for the journey Mobil

3 Train Hurry up! otherwise we will miss the train Kereta api

Class 2 and 3
1 To ride The rider rides a horse to death Menaiki

2 To hurry We have to go in hurry Bersegera

3 To waste Don’t waste your money for something useless Boros

Class 3 intensive and 4

Some of them agree, some disagree
Sebagian setuju, sebagian tidak setuju
There is someone in the office
Ada seseorang di kantor
There is something that you must know
Ada hal yang harus kamu ketahui

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Telephone shop I want to call my family in the telephone shop Wartel

2 International communication You must call your brother in Japan by the international communication Sambungan langsung Internasional (SLI)

3 Local communication Local communication is used in the local district Sambungan local

Class 2 and 3
1 To appoint The chief appoints me to be a financial Menunjuk

2 To look like You look like your father Menyerupai

3 To miss I will miss to see you Rindu

Class 3 intensive and 4

There is something I want to ask you
Ada hal yang ingin saya minta dari kamu
Are you expecting someone this evening?
Apa kamu menunggu seseorang sore ini?
Someone is coming to see you this evening
Ada orang yang akan menemuimu sore ini

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Wire I use the wire to dry the clothes Kawat

2 Ointment I need an ointment for my itchy leg Salep

3 Bell When the bell rings we must get into the class Bel

Class 2 and 3
1 To be more The food will be more delicious if you add the sugar Bertambah

2 To complain Ari complains about his result Mengeluh

3 To correct My glasses need to be corrected Memperbaiki

Class 3 intensive and 4

I have seen him before somewhere
Saya pernah melihatnya di suatu tempat
Let us (let's) go somewhere
Ayo kita pergi ke suatu tempat
Ask someone to help you
Mintalah pertolongan kepada seseorang

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Hoe The farmers flow the field with hoe Cangkul

2 Red onion My mother needs the red onion Bawang merah

3 Garlic Garlic is very important for cooking Bawang putih

Class 2 and 3
1 To enter I entered the room by saying salam Masuk

2 To go out My father goes out for the working Keluar

3 To interfere Don’t interfere with what he is doing Ikut campur

Class 3 intensive and 4

Try some of this juice
Cobalah jus ini sedikit
There is nothing to worry about
Tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan
No one can believe such a story
Tidak ada yang akan percaya pada cerita seperti ini

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Lamp Please switch on the light! Lampu

2 Porridge The baby eats porridge every day Bubur

3 Cup I need the cup to drink the tea Cangkir

Class 2 and 3
1 To supervise The language Motivator supervises their members everyday Mengawasi

2 To sleep I’m sleeping on the bed Tidur

3 To lean on I lean on the wall when reciting of holy Al-qur'an Menyandarkan kepada

Class 3 intensive and 4

There is nobody in the office
Tidak ada seorangpun di kantor
No one came in time
Tidak ada yang datang pada waktunya
I wanted some more tea but there was none left
Saya ingin minum teh, tetapi tidak ada yang tersisa

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Bald I’m bald because of my mistake Gundul

2 Scissors I need a scissor to cut a paper Gunting

3 Electric Iron I am ironing my clothes with the electric iron Setrika listrik

Class 2 and 3
1 To add My mother adds the sugar into my tea Menambahkan

2 To thank We must thank God for His mercies Mensyukuri

3 To acknowledge The thief acknowledges his mistakes Mengakui

Class 3 intensive and 4

Take this one or the other
Ambil yang ini atau yang lain
Some of my guests arrived, the others didn’t show
Sebagian tamu saya hadir, tapi yang lain tidak kelihatan
He has a nice pen, nevertheless he bought another
Dia punya pena yang bagus, namun dia beli yang lain lagi

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Bicycle The bicycle is our daily need Sepeda

2 Coconut oil We use the coconut oil to fry Minyak kelapa

3 Pin I use the pin to change the cloth button Peniti

Class 2 and 3
1 To harm These drugs will not harm you Membahayakan

2 To look for I look for my lost money Mencari

3 To steal Don’t ever try to steal your friends’ sandal Mencuri

Class 3 intensive and 4

Ahmad had a cup of tea, then another and another
Ahmad sudah minum teh, kemudian minum lagi dan lagi
I have already shown you one, now I’ll show you another
Saya sudah menunjukkan yang satu, sekarang akan saya tunjukkan yang lainnya
I have no other
Saya tidak punya yang lain

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Class 1
1 Delicious This food is very delicious taste Sedap

2 Fireplace There is a fireplace in every house Tungku

3 Energetic Jazil is very energetic person Lincah

Class 1 Intensive, 2 and 3

1 To worry about She worried about his son Gelisah

2 To lengthen I lengthen my trousers 2 cm at the tailor Memanjangkan

3 To feed The zoo keeper feeds the animals Memberi makan

Class 3 intensive and 4

The gentleman whom you met, is the general manager
Orang yang kamu jumpai tadi adalah kepala manajer

That is the story which I have heard

Itulah cerita yang pernah saya dengar

He is a man that can never be trusted

Dia adalah orang yang tidak akan pernah bisa dipercaya

Class 1 and 1 Intensive

1 Doubt He is always in doubt Keragu-raguan
2 Rope I cut a rope by a scissor Tali
3 Boxing Boxing is my favorite sport Tinju
Class 2 and 3
1 To wrestle We are prohibited to wrestle one each other Berkelahi
2 To go around My family will go around on their holiday Berkeliling
3 To apologize I apologize my teacher for my mistakes Meminta maaf

Class 3 intensive and 4

I don’t sleep well
Saya tidak bisa tidur nyenyak
I would rather not talk about it
Lebih baik saya tidak membicarakan hal itu
Come! and don’t hesitate
Kemarilah! dan jangan ragu-ragu

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Trainer Eko is a good trainer in soccer Pelatih
2 Spectator We see the spectators around the square Penonton
3 Whistle The referee blows a whistle Peluit
Class 2 and 3
1 To tremble I’ll tremble if I feel cold Menggigil
2 To plant We plant some flowers in the park Menanam
3 To extinguish A boy is extinguishing the fire Memadamkan

Class 3 intensive and 4

Don’t apologize
Tidak usah minta maaf
I am starting a new life
Saya memulai hidup baru
Will you give me a hand?
Maukah kamu menolongku?

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Megaphone I listen to the new megaphone Megaphone
2 Chili My sister hates a chili Cabe
3 Dining table We put our meal on the dinning table Meja makan
Class 2 and 3
1 To release The police release the thief from the jail Membebaskan
2 To calm Calm down before you have a heart attacks Tenteram
3 To return I return the book to the library Mengembalikan

Class 3 intensive and 4

Please, pass me the telephone receiver
Tolong ambilkan saya gagang telepon
You made me happy
Kamu telah membuat saya gembira
Don’t expect any encouragement from me
Jangan mengharapkan dorongan dari saya

Class 1 and 1 Intensive
1 Gift The child gets a gift from his brother Oleh-oleh
2 Dictionary I always bring a dictionary everywhere Kamus
3 Pillowcase We wash many pillowcases once a week Sarung bantal

Class 2 and 3
1 To lend Adi lends his book to Firman Meminjamkan

2 To help If you help your brother, Allah will help you so Membantu

3 To habit Gontor students are habited to wake up at 04.00 o’clock Terbiasa

Class 3 intensive and 4

I found him asleep
Saya mendapatkannya sedang tidur
He looks sad
Dia terlihat sedih
They seem happy
Mereka terlihat gembira

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Class 1

1 Gift The child gets a gift from his brother Oleh-oleh

2 Dictionary I always bring a dictionary everywhere Kamus

3 Pillowcase We wash many pillowcases once a week Sarung bantal

Class 1 Intensive, 2 and 3

1 To release The police release the thief from the jail Membebaskan

2 To calm Calm down before you have a heart attacks Tenteram

3 To return I return the book to the library Mengembalikan

Class 3 Intensive and 4

Please, pass me the telephone receiver

Tolong ambilkan saya gagang telepon

You made me happy

Kamu telah membuat saya gembira

Don’t expect any encouragement from me

Jangan mengharapkan dorongan dari saya
‫‪Class 1 and 1 Intensive‬‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪Bagian Penggerak bahasa‬‬ ‫َأْلَقى ِرَج اُل ِقْس ِم ِإْح َياِء الُلَغ ِة الُم ْفَر َداِت َأَم اَم الُّطَّالِب‬ ‫ِقْس ُم ِإْح َياِء الُّلَغ ِة‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪Bagian Penerangan‬‬ ‫َأْع َلَن ِقْس ُم اِإل ْعَالِم ِإْع آلنَاٍت ِع َّد ٍة‬ ‫ِقْس ُم اِإل ْعَالِم الَم ْر َك ِزِّي‬

‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪Pengurus Kursus bahasa‬‬ ‫َأْلَقى الُمَع ِّلُم وَن ِبُش ُؤوِن الَّنَو اِد ي َبْع َض الُم ْص َطَلَح اِت الَع ْص ِرَّيِة‬ ‫ُش ُؤوُن الَّنَو اِد ي الُّلَغ ِوَّيِة‬

‫‪Class 2 and 3‬‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪Memberi makan‬‬ ‫َأْطَعْم ُت َأِخْي الَصِغ ْيَر‬ ‫َأْطَع َم – ُيْطِع ُم‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪Berkelahi‬‬ ‫َتَص اَرَع الَغَنَم اِن َع َلى الَقْنَطَر ِة‬ ‫َتَص اَر َع‪َ-‬يَتَص اَر ُع‬

‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪Berkeliling‬‬ ‫َأَتَج َّوُل َم َع َأِبْي َحْو َل الَم ِد ْيَنِة‬ ‫َتَجَّوَل ‪َ -‬يَتَج َّوُل‬

‫‪Class 3 intensive and 4‬‬

‫ِإَذ ا َلْم َيُك ْن َلَد ْيَك ُنُقْو ٌد ‪َ ،‬فَسْو َف ُأْقِرُضَك َبْعًضا ِم ْنَها‬
‫‪Kalau kamu tidak punya uang, saya pinjami sedikit‬‬
‫َبْعُض ُك ْم َيِج ُد ذِلَك َص ْعبًا‪َ ،‬و َلِكَّن اَألْمَر َلْيَس َكذِلَك‬
‫‪Beberapa di antara kalian melihat hal ini sulit, tapi sebenarnya tidak‬‬
‫َبْعُضُهْم ُيَو اِفُق‪َ ،‬و الَبْعُض َال ُيَو اِفُق‬
‫‪Sebagian setuju, sebagian tidak setuju‬‬

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