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Lecture: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Dang Khoa

Student’s name: Tran Ngoc My Duyen
Student ID: 31231023925
Class: 23C1MAN50208709
Table of Contents
1. How did you (or the manager you observed) carry out the tasks of the planning
function in that case?............................................................................................................1
2. How did you (or the manager you observed) implement the organizationing
function in that case?............................................................................................................2
3. How did you (or the manager you observed) implement leading function in that
4. How did you (or the manager you observed) implement the tasks of the controlling
function in that case?............................................................................................................4

“Every day, managers solve difficult problems, turn organizations around, and achieve
astonishing performances. To be successful, every organization needs good managers.
The famed management theorist Peter Drucker (1909–2005), often credited with
creating the modern study of management, summed up the job of the manager by
specifying five tasks. In essence, managers set goals, organize activities, motivate, and
communicate, measure performance, and develop people. These five manager
activities apply not only to top executives such as Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook, Alan
Mulally at Ford Motor Company, and Ursula Burns at Xerox, but also to the manager
of a restaurant in your hometown, the leader of an airport security team, a supervisor at
a Web hosting service, or the director of sales and marketing for a local business.”
(Daft, 2016)

Problem-solving is a crucial skill for managers in any industry. The ability to identify
problems, analyze them, and develop effective solutions is essential for effective
decision-making. Managers with strong problem-solving skills can identify and
address issues before they escalate, enhancing the reputation of their organizations. In
this essay, I will discuss my experience managing a biology presentation group in high
school that I felt was the most perfect time and the things I think need to be improved
to become a good manager.

1. How did you (or the manager you observed) carry out the tasks of the planning
function in that case?

“Planning is one of the basic management functions, which includes determining

goals, establishing strategies to achieve those goals, and developing plans to integrate
and coordinate activities.” Gaining experience as a presentation team leader in middle
school, when assigned a presentation project about biology, I volunteered to be the
team leader. Here are some steps I take before starting a project:

1.1. Set goals: The first step in planning is determining what your team wants to
achieve. Because my team had 6 people - which is the number of members I feel a
team should have, I felt less nervous as the time we had to prepare was at best 1 week.
So, we set a goal of getting 8 points for this rushed presentation.

1.2. Analyze requirements: Managers need to know the lecturer's requirements and
understand what the assignment requires. When assigning groups, the teacher already
stated her request, so we don't need to look any further. If you don't know, you should
ask your teacher.

1.3. Develop strategies: Based on goals and analysis of the situation, managers
develop strategies to achieve those goals. This can include creating things to do and
developing games that keep listeners interested in following the lesson.

1.4. Decision-making plan: Managers create policies and plans to guide decision-
making. This helps ensure consistency and alignment with strategic goals across the

1.5. Develop a deadline plan: Create a time chart for members to grasp and perform
work on time. I will show you our timing chart later.

2. How did you (or the manager you observed) implement the organizationing
function in that case?

“Organizing typically follows planning and reflects how the organization tries to
accomplish the plan. Organizing involves assigning tasks, grouping tasks into
departments, delegating authority, and allocating resources across the organization.”
(Daft, 2016)

To perform this function, I found out the strengths and weaknesses of each team
member to perform this task by organizing a meeting to ask members to discuss the
above issue. After the meeting, I decided to allocate appropriate tasks to each person
and adjust the time for maximum efficiency. Careful planning and structure are
important to ensure that the organization can operate smoothly and achieve its goals
effectively. At this point, the charting of the deadline is truly completed.

1st 2nd Presentation

Name Mission Time
rehearsal rehearsal date

Duyen Content approval
(Leader) Make a powerponit

Section 1, Part 1
Ngan 20/12
The presenter

Linh Section 1, Part 2 19/12 20:00 p.m 18:00 p.m

22/12 24/12
Section 2 25/12
Thao 19/12 Google Ngan’s
1 Game Meet house

Section 3, Part 1
Ngoc 20/12
The presenter

Section 3, Part 2
My 19/12
1 exercise

3. How did you (or the manager you observed) implement leading function in that

In this function, I think I haven't done it well. My problem is that I haven't motivated
everyone to complete the work. I should have regularly reminded the members, so
Linh did not complete her part on time. While I was confused, Ngan offered to help
Linh complete her part and instruct me on how to lead and motivate people. It can be
seen that it is not necessary to be a senior manager of a large corporation to become an
excellent leader. Many managers work quietly in both large and small organizations
around the world, providing strong leadership in departments, teams, nonprofits, and
small businesses. In my case, although I am the team leader, I realize that the team
members all have leadership abilities, we give each other suggestions and together
complete the project in the best way possible. And guess what, the result is 9 points,
we are really happy and satisfied with the effort put in.

4. How did you (or the manager you observed) implement the tasks of the
controlling function in that case?

“Controlling means monitoring employees’ activities, determining whether the

organization is moving toward its goals, and making corrections as necessary.” (Daft,
2016) These are the stages I generally take, which may not be in sequence because
they must be done more than once, but I believe this to be the most crucial aspect in
ensuring that the team completes the project effectively.

4.1. Feedback: I regularly monitor members' activities on Google Docs to facilitate

feedback on errors that need to be corrected.

4.2. Compare actual performance with desired goals to determine whether the
organization's goals are being achieved and make necessary changes to the plan.
Although the team leader is not responsible for composing the content, it is still
necessary to do so to be able to compare whether the content has been fully prepared
and appropriate.

4.3. Providing a method for crew members to assess their work and supporting
improvement. To complete this task, I often refer to previous years' assignments on
Studocu or Google Scholar to improve the accuracy and persuasiveness of the course.

4.. Monitor and adjust: Plans need to be reviewed regularly. Managers track progress
toward goals, adjust plans in response to changing circumstances, and revise strategies
as needed.

Taking on the role of a manager is not a simple one; it requires knowledge of the needs
of the organization, effective communication of ideas to others, strategic placement of
the organization, delegation of authority to team members, and Four steps must be
followed: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Although this is not my first
time as a group leader, this is the time I feel the best because I followed the four steps,
the members supported each other and the most important thing is that I learned from
experience for myself. This project is the foundation for my following projects to
fulfill my role as a manager.
Management, Twelfth Edition Richard L. Daft © 2016, 2014 Cengage Learning

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