MARK7001 Assignment1 2023 1

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STUDENT NO: 19180211




1 Introduction 4

2 Proposed Digital Marketing Strategy: 5


3 Target Marketing 8

3.1 Market Segmentation 8

3.2 Attractive Customer Segment 8

3.3 Consumer Persona 9

3.4 Customer Journey 12

4 Positioning 15

4.1 Perception Map 15

4.2 Marketing Mix 16

5 Digital Marketing tools 17

6 Action Plan 18

6.1 Measuring Performance 20

7 Digital Marketing Strategy Recommendations 20

8 Technology Evaluation 22

8.1 Technology Proposed: Social Media 22


8.2 Disruptive Technology 23

9 Appendices 27

10 References 34


1 Figure: Instagram Post 5

2 Figure: Digital Marketing Objectives 7

3 Figure: Consumer Persona 9

4 Table: Customer Segment 11

5 Table: Customer Journey 14

6 Table: Action Plan 19



The UK-based beverage company Bubbleology is known for offering bubble

tea, a Taiwanese tea-based beverage with chewy tapioca pearls or additional

toppings. Assad Khan established the company in 2011 with just one location

in London's Soho. Bubbleology immediately became well-liked and has grown

to include additional UK sites in addition to those in the US, Canada, and the

Middle East. The brand's popularity was a result of its inventive and enjoyable

reinterpretation of conventional tea beverages, which used fresh ingredients

and provided a range of tastes and toppings. The Taiwanese beverage bubble

tea, also known as boba tea, normally consists of a tea base blended with milk,

fruit, or other tastes and topped with chewy tapioca pearls or other garnishes

(Ablitt, 2018).

In terms of its digital footprint, Bubbleology has a complete website where

clients can explore its menu and buy bubble tea for delivery or pickup at certain

locations. The business is also active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and

Instagram, where it posts information about new goods, sales, and events.

They can use the app to order and pay. In general, Bubbleology has effectively

built a distinctive brand identity and adapted to the shifting digital landscape to

engage with clients online (Bubbleology, 2023).

The objective of this report is to furnish Bubbleology with an all-encompassing

strategy for digital marketing. The proposed strategy entails establishing

specific digital marketing objectives, dividing the market into distinct segments,

directing efforts towards potential customers, positioning the Bubbleology

brand, and leveraging diverse digital marketing instruments. Furthermore, the

present study aims to investigate a digital disruptive technology and assess its

marketing potential. The paper will culminate by providing suggestions on how

Bubbleology can integrate disruptive technology into its digital marketing


Figure 1: Image Source: Instagram Post, Bubbleology


2.1 Business Objectives

2.1.1 To increase overall revenue by 30 % and market shares by 20% by

end of 2025

Popular bubble tea company Bubbleology has made a name for itself in several

nations. One realistic big business goal for Bubbleology may be to raise

revenues by 30% and market shares by 20% by the end of the year 2025 to

maintain its growth and profitability (Sprout social, 2010). This goal is supported

by several factors such as Market Pressure , Competition , growth plans ,

optimizing internet presence and boosting customer engagement (See


2.2 Digital Marketing Objective 1

To increase website traffic by 30% by October 2023

The internet exposure and organic traffic of Bubbleology Company can both be

considerably increased by having a well-optimized website. The visibility of a

website in search engine results can be improved by using efficient search

engine optimisation (SEO) techniques such keyword research, on-page

optimisation, and link building (Ferreira, 2019). Higher organic traffic, increased

brand exposure, and potential conversions will result from this (Bright Edge,

2023). 53.3% of website traffic, according to a BrightEdge study, originates

from organic search, demonstrating the value of SEO in boosting online

exposure (See appendices).

2.3 Digital Marketing objective 2

To increase online sales by 25% by March 2024

In the contemporary era of technology, electronic commerce has gained

significant traction, necessitating businesses to leverage digital platforms for

sales purposes (Mckinsey & company, 2019). Bubbleology can evaluate the

efficacy of its digital marketing strategies in generating revenue by establishing

a precise objective of augmenting online sales by 25% (Ferenzi, 2015). This


objective is substantiated by the increasing prevalence of virtual commerce, as

evidenced by the estimated global e-commerce revenue of $6.38 trillion

anticipated by 2024 (Statista, 2022). Moreover, research conducted by Nielsen

has revealed that 49% of the participants in the survey engage in impulsive

buying behaviour on online platforms, thereby highlighting the possibility of

augmenting sales through focused digital marketing pursuits (Nielson, 2020).

Figure 2: Digital Marketing Objectives, Source: Author


3.Target Marketing

3.1 Market Segmentation

The market for Bubbleology can be broken down into subsets defined by a

variety of factors, allowing for more precise targeting of certain customers. Here

is a breakdown, with supporting data, of the various market subsets that may

be identified by looking at their Demographic, Geographic, Psychographic ,

Webographic , behavioural , transactional and other characteristics ( See

Appendices ).

3.2 Attractive Customer Segment

Bubbleology can potentially appeal to a specific customer segment comprising

health-conscious individuals who prioritise distinct and palatable food and

beverage alternatives. This demographic is interested in tasty and novel

healthy food and drink options that nonetheless respect their lifestyle and

values. Because of their various flavour profiles and adaptability to different

dietary preferences, the bubble tea drinks sold by Bubbleology are an excellent

fit for this market (Technavio, 2022).

87% of consumers say they think about the healthfulness of their food and drink

choices, and 65% of consumers say they are willing to pay more for food and

drink options that align with their values, according to a survey by the

International Food Information Council Foundation (IFIC, 2020). This


demonstrates that there is a sizable market for nutritious food and drink

products, which Bubbleology can serve.

3.3 Customer Persona

Figure 3: Persona, Image Source: Google

Name: Anirudh

• Age: 24

Demographics • Gender: Male

• Profession: Marketing Executive

• Income: 30K per annum

• Life Stage: Young adult (Tode, 2017).

• Lives in London

Geographics • Rents an apartment along with roommates.

• Located near central shopping area.

• Asian origin

• Prioritises health and wellbeing.

Psychographics • Maintains an active way of existence.

• Enjoys attempting novel and uncommon food

and drink.

• Values environmental sustainability

• Values social obligation

• Enjoys tailoring his cuisine and drink choices

Behavioural to her preferences.

• Visits coffee establishments and teahouses


• Open to travel to sample novel foods and


• Brands that coincide with his ideals and

inclinations inspire his allegiance.

• Utilises social media platforms such as

Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok

Webographics to find new culinary and beverage options.

• Consumes online content on Food and drinks.

• Frequent online searches for healthful food

and beverage options.


• Utilises applications such as Yelp or Google

Maps to find new places to eat and drink.

• Frequently purchases nutritious food and

Transactional beverages.

Behaviour • Prefers purchasing premium products over

less expensive options.

• Is eager to spend more for environmentally

conscious and socially conscious products.

• Repeatedly purchases products he


• Early adopter of social media platforms and

Adoption of technology

Technology • Uses mobile apps and websites for browsing

and purchasing.

• Gadget freak

• Utilises technology to improve his lifestyle and


• Nike

Preferred brands • John Lewis

• Starbucks

• Leon

Table 1: Customer Segmentation ( Lecture 3 )


3.4 Customer Journey

Stages User Actions Digital Touch Points

• Anirudh’s Instagram • Instagram

Awareness feed has a post from • Yelp

Bubbleology about a • Google maps

new flavour that is

only available for a (Informatics,

short time. 2018)

• he looks up (van der Veen

Bubbleology's page and van

on Yelp to read Ossenbruggen,

reviews and see 2015)

pictures of their


• He checks Google

Maps to find out

where and when the

closest Bubbleology

store is open.

• Anirudh browses • Website

Consideration Bubbleology's menu • Mobile app

and drinks. (Insight, 2022)


• he orders ahead

using the

Bubbleology app.

• He checks the

customer reviews

• He orders and pays • App

Conversion for that new • Payment

flavoured drink on options

Bubbleology. • Online

• He picks up the order community

and tests the new (Kemp, 2020)


• He joins

Bubbleology's loyalty

programme, which

gives frequent

customers discounts

and perks.

• Anirudh tags • Instagram

Evangelism Bubbleology in his • Website traffic

Instagram story (Kuik, 2021)

about the new drink.

• He gives feedback

for Bubbleology,

praising their drinks

and app.

• He recommends his

roommates to try

Bubbleology after his

great experience

Table 2: Customer Journey ( Lecture 3)


4 Positioning

4.1 Perceptual Map

Figure 4: Perceptual Map, Source: Author

The intended persona's preference for distinctive and healthy beverages at a

reasonable price justifies the selection of both price and quality as the axes for

the perception map. For Bubbleology's target market, which is health-

conscious and seeks for cost, organic components in their beverages, quality

is a crucial quality. For young professionals with little discretionary income and

price sensitivity, affordability is crucial. As a result, these characteristics are

crucial to Bubbleology's target personality, and the perception map will

demonstrate how Bubbleology compares to its competitors (Informatics, 2018).


According to a 2021 YouGov research, Bubbleology is a mid-range brand that

values quality and value equally. Gong Cha is a high-end brand that

emphasises quality, while Chatime is a lower-end brand that emphasises value

(YouGov, 2021). Bubbleology should improve its bubble tea taste while

keeping its price low to move up the perception map. Unique flavours could

help set the brand apart. Bubbleology might also use digital marketing to reach

and engage its target demographic. For instance, Bubbleology may utilise

Instagram and Facebook to promote its goods and encourage user reviews.

These techniques could help Bubbleology rise on the perception map and beat

its bubble tea competitors (Insight, 2022).

4.2 Positioning Statement

"Bubbleology offers an assortment of intriguing and flavourful drinks,

providing the ideal balance of taste and value, for the young beings who

seek a healthy, affordable yet diverse bubble tea experience."

4.3 Marketing Mix

Using the 4Ps to analyse Bubbleology (Kingsnorth, 2022) (See appendices in

Detail )

Product: Anirudh might be given more value if Bubbleology added more

options for modifying drinks to suit personal preferences.


Price: To improve the value proposition for Anirudh, Bubbleology can think

about providing loyalty programmes or promotional bundles.

Place: The business can investigate joint ventures with neighbourhood cafes

or eateries to expand its distribution networks and appeal to a larger audience.

Promotion: For boosting brand recognition and fostering a feeling of

community among bubble tea fans, Bubbleology should concentrate on

producing interesting and shareable content for these platforms.

5. Digital Marketing tools

Based on the 4Ps analysis and detailed research, Bubbleology should use

social media marketing, mobile advertising, and influencer marketing to reach

18-34-year-olds (Informatics, 2018). Given their regular and continuous use of

social media, younger populations can be reached through social media

marketing. Bubbleology may use social media to increase brand exposure,

user-generated content, and customer interaction. Mobile advertising is

effective for reaching younger populations because they interact with it more.

Bubbleology can use mobile ads to increase brand recognition and provide

customers exclusive deals and incentives. Influencer marketing is a powerful

way to reach younger populations because they trust influencers. Bubbleology

might use influencers to promote its brand and products to a wider audience.

Bubbleology uses digital marketing technologies to reach and engage its target

demographic, creating loyal customers (Lua, 2018).


6. Action Plan

Action Plan for Increasing Traffic to Websites by 30 Percent by October


Here are few steps that can be considered:

Do an audit of your website to find areas that could be

1 improved, such as the speed at which pages load, how well

they work on mobile devices, and the user experience (Owen,


Utilise on-page SEO techniques, such as optimising meta tags,

2 headers, and content, to increase search engine rankings and

generate organic traffic (Johnson, 2015).

Create a content marketing plan to make high-quality,

3 interesting content that will bring people to your site and keep

them there. This includes blog posts, videos, visualisations, and

content for social media (Kuik, 2021).

4 Utilise social media marketing to advertise the website as well

as its content, interact with its followers, and increase site traffic

(Navin, 2023).

The website needs to be promoted to its subscribers via email

5 marketing campaigns to increase both new and returning

visitors (Navin, 2023).

Collaborate with well-known people in the beverages and food

6 industries to increase exposure for the site and its content

through influencer marketing (Geyser, 2021).

7 Target younger demographics with mobile advertising to

increase website traffic (Conor Cawley, 2018).

The strategy should be implemented over a span of a few

8 weeks to enable for proper testing and implementation.

Budgetary considerations should be made for paid

advertisements and influencer promotion campaigns (Conor

Cawley, 2018).

The effective execution of a plan requires the allocation of

9 resources, such as personnel and equipment. Also, data like

website traffic and user interaction should be tracked and

analysed regularly so that improvements may be made as

needed (Echlincher, 2015).


Table 3: Action Plan

6.1 Measuring Performance

Social media, mobile, and influencer marketing are part of the Action Plan,

which aims to increase revenue by 30% and market share by 20% by 2025.

Social media marketing can boost brand awareness, website traffic, and

revenues. Mobile ads can entice customers to buy with exclusive deals.

Influencer marketing can boost brand awareness, audience reach, and sales

and market share (Safko and Brake, 2009).

Bubbleology can evaluate these efforts using website traffic, social media

engagement, conversion rates, and purchases. To ensure the campaign is

meeting its aims, the above metrics can be reviewed weekly or monthly. A

dashboard can track the parameters and provide real-time campaign efficacy

data. Bubbleology uses data and technologies to evaluate and improve its

digital marketing campaign to meet its business goals (Nel, 2018).

6. Digital Marketing Strategy Recommendations

Promote More U G C in social media.

Increasing user-generated material is a great method for advertising

Bubbleology on social media. Consumers are more inclined to make a

purchasing decision based on UGC than on commercial content (Park & Lee,

2009). By establishing a customised hashtag and providing incentives like an

opportunity to be highlighted on the company's page or a discount for sharing

their experience, Bubbleology could motivate consumers to share photographs


and opinions about their drinks on social media. Brand recognition will rise, and

possibly new customers will be drawn in thanks to the UGC (Johnson, 2022).

Make the Most of Influencer Marketing

Bubbleology may also use influencer marketing to great success on social

media. If Bubbleology collaborates with influential people, it can expand its

reach and raise its profile among consumers. For example, Starbucks

increased its Instagram following by 62% after teaming up with singer Selena

Gomez to create a special edition drink (Yu, 2021). To advertise their products

and generate more interest on social media, Bubbleology can team up with

influencers whose audiences and ideals are congruent with those of the

company (Geyser, 2021).

Launch an Online Ad Campaign

Finally, to attract more customers and boost sales, Bubbleology should launch

a campaign of social media promotion. Advertising on social media can be

tailored to specific audiences based on their demographics and areas of

interest (Johnson, 2022). Bubbleology can produce advertising that promote their

beverages and entice viewers to visit their locations or place orders online by

making use of interesting and visually appealing content. Coca-Cola, for

example, raised their social media involvement by 61% through advertisements

on social media (AdWeek, 2016), thus the technique must work.


7.Technology Evaluation

7.1 Technology Proposed: Social Media Management

Social media management technology is a tool that enables businesses to

effectively administer their social media presence. It enables companies to

merge their social media accounts onto a single platform, schedule posts in

advance, analyse their social media performance, and interact with their

audience more effectively (Killian and McManus, 2015). This technology is

presently employed by numerous companies, including start-ups and

multinational corporations, to increase brand recognition, customer

engagement, and sales. Social media management tools help companies

schedule posts. Plan for consumer engagement. Social media marketing—

using social media platforms to brand a firm, boost sales, and increase website

traffic—requires social media management solutions. Businesses need social

media marketing since Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are omnipresent.

Thus, social media management software helps firms achieve their marketing

goals (Kingsnorth, 2022).

Numerous social media management tools are prevalent among businesses,

encompassing both complimentary and remunerative alternatives. Hootsuite,

Buffer, SEMrush, Sprout Social, Agorapulse, and Sendible are among the most

widely used social media management tools (Kumar, 2023).

Factors Enhancing Digital Marketing Strategy using Social Media

Management technology. (See appendices in detail )


The adoption of social media management technology has the potential to

enhance a company's digital marketing tactics through various means (Navin,


• Content development and organising

• Customers Engagement and Communication

• Analytics and Effectiveness Tracking

• Digital Marketing collaborations

• Social Media Monitoring and Brand Management

7.2 Disruptive Technology

The term "disruptive innovation" has been interpreted differently by many

theorists. According to Christensen's theory of disruptive innovation, disruptive

innovations provide an underserved market with simpler, adequate substitutes,

which can outperform the status quo by offering adequate answers to

inadequately handled social problems (Christensen et al., 2018). According to

Bower's thesis, innovations can be either disruptive or sustaining. While

disruptive innovations upend the status quo in an industry by providing

underserved clients with simpler, adequate alternatives, sustaining innovations

enhance current goods or services (Leonard, 2014). Because social media has

altered how people interact with one another and how businesses interact with

their customers, it has been dubbed a disruptive technology. Because it

enables companies to manage their digital presence more successfully and

effectively, social media management technology has been described as


disruptive. According to these theories, the standard understanding of

disruptive innovation is a technology or innovation that provides easier,

adequate substitutes to an underserved market, challenging industry

incumbents and altering how people interact with one another and how

businesses interact with customers. Consequently, disruptive innovation is a

potent force that could reshape industries and how people live and work

(Hayes, 2022).

According to the established definition, disruptive innovation is a phenomenon

whereby a novel product or service is introduced into the market and initially

caters to the demands of customers who are either underserved or situated at

the lower end of the market. Gradually, it undergoes enhancement and

ultimately dominates the market, resulting in the displacement of established

incumbents (Nel, 2018).

Social media management technology aligns with the definition as it has

transformed the marketing strategies of businesses through the provision of

cost-effective and easily accessible tools for managing their social media

presence. At the outset, it served the requirements of enterprises of modest

size and scope, which were deficient in the means to undertake elaborate

promotional initiatives. Smaller enterprises were comparatively disadvantaged

in terms of marketing prospects in comparison to their larger counterparts

(Krotov, 2019).

The advent of SMM technology has caused a significant disruption in

conventional marketing techniques. This technology has enabled businesses


to efficiently interact with their intended audience, establish brand recognition,

and stimulate customer engagement. The provision of cost-effective solutions

and the equalisation of opportunities for businesses of all magnitudes has

resulted in the democratisation of marketing. The efficacy of this technology in

revolutionising marketing strategies and enabling businesses to efficiently

achieve their marketing objectives is evidenced by a multitude of case studies

and industry reports (Christensen, Raynor and McDonald, 2015).

Nevertheless, it lacks the necessary elements to qualify as a genuinely

disruptive innovation in certain respects. An identified constraint is that SMM

technology has been adopted by established incumbents, including larger

corporations and well-established brands, to augment their marketing

endeavours. Although technology has enabled smaller businesses to enter the

market and compete, it has not entirely displaced the established players or

fundamentally altered the industry's overall structure (Hayes, 2022)

In addition, the market for technology aimed at managing social media has

become fiercely competitive, with numerous vendors vying to offer comparable

features and capabilities. The contest and commercialization of tools for

managing social media may constrain the capacity for revolutionary

advancements within the technology (Killian and McManus, 2015).

Given all these constraints, it can be posited that social media management

technology constitutes a disruptive innovation within the realm of marketing.

The utilisation of social media websites for marketing purposes has brought

about noteworthy changes to the marketing landscape, particularly in

empowering businesses, particularly those of smaller scale, to effectively

engage in marketing activities. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that

the innovation might not have entirely perturbed the established dominant

players or substantially revolutionised the marketing sector (Echlincher, 2015).


8. Appendices

Business objectives are supported by several factors

Market Pressure: As bubble tea has become so widely famous, there is an

increasing need for it. There is a big possibility for Bubbleology to grow its

clientele and boost sales as more people become aware of this beverage

(Technavio, 2022).

Competition: Bubbleology faces severe competition from both established and

new businesses in the bubble tea sector. Bubbleology must raise its market

share and revenues to sustain its market position.

Growth Plans: Bubbleology intends to expand its operations to additional

locations. To ensure the success of these initiatives, the corporation must raise

its sales and market share (Bubbleology, n.d.).

Optimize Internet Presence: Bubbleology should strive to increase its online

presence to support the business goal of boosting sales and market share

(Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2016). This can be accomplished by developing

a strong digital marketing plan that incorporates social media marketing, search

engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and other forms of online

advertising. They should increase the social media platforms Bubbleology may

reach a larger audience and attract more customers by expanding its internet

presence (Perricone, 2018).


Boost Consumer Engagement: Bubbleology can further its business goals by

improving consumer engagement through digital marketing. This can be

accomplished through the creation of compelling content, the implementation

of promotions, and the use of consumer feedback. Bubbleology can promote

customer loyalty, increase customer satisfaction, and ultimately generate

revenue through connecting with its customers (Zeithaml, Bitner and Gremler,


Market Segmentation

Demographic Segmentation: Bubbleology targets a variety of age groups,

focusing on young adults aged 18–34. This age group likes to try new foods

and drinks. Bubbleology has a diversified audience because bubble tea

appeals to both genders and a variety of tastes.

Geographic Segmentation: Bubbleology's geographic segmentation

approach prioritises urban regions with a high concentration of young

professionals, students, and socialising venues since they are more likely to

attract consumers.

Psychographic Segmentation: Bubbleology targets health-conscious

consumers because they value wellness. This segment is served sugar-free or

low-sugar bubble teas, fruit-infused teas, and fresh ingredients. According to

Mintel 2019, this demographic seeks healthier beverage options.


Webographic segmentation: This divides a target group by online behaviour

for marketing. Bubbleology targets Instagram and Facebook users with this

tactic. Building brand awareness and customer involvement requires this


Behavioural Segmentation: Attitudes towards food and drink, brand loyalty,

and occasion-based purchasing are just a few of the behavioural elements that

can be used to divide Bubbleology's target audience into several subsets.

People that are willing to try new things and are committed to the Bubbleology

brand are their intended consumers.

Transactional segmentation: Bubbleology can categorise its audience

according to their transactional conduct, which includes variables such as

purchase frequency, average expenditure, and purchase record. Their target

audience comprises of individuals who exhibit a willingness to allocate a higher

budget towards distinctive and premium food and beverage alternatives.

Cultural diversity: Bubbleology's market segmentation approach may also

include cultural diversity by targeting Asian and foreign student communities

that like bubble tea.

Marketing Mix in Detail

Product: Anirudh appreciates hydrating, healthful drinks with distinctive

flavours and sensations.


A large selection of bubble teas with unique flavours and premium ingredients

are available at Bubbleology.

Anirudh might be given more value if Bubbleology added more options for

modifying drinks to suit personal preferences.

Price: Anirudh is prepared to spend more money in exchange for a superior

beverage experience.

To ensure that customers see the value in the amount they pay, Bubbleology's

pricing approach should be consistent with the higher-end positioning of its


To improve the value proposition for Anirudh, Bubbleology can think about

providing loyalty programmes or promotional bundles.

Place: Anirudh favours living in cities because they give him easy access to

hip hangouts.

Bubbleology should carefully put its locations in urban areas near commercial

areas, workplaces, and public gathering spots.

The business can investigate joint ventures with neighbourhood cafes or

eateries to expand its distribution networks and appeal to a larger audience.

Promotion: Anirudh is an active user on social media sites like Facebook and


For boosting brand recognition and fostering a feeling of community among

bubble tea fans, Bubbleology should concentrate on producing interesting and

shareable content for these platforms.


Anirudh can be attracted by working with influencers or by planning tastings

and events to create excitement.

Factors Enhancing Digital Marketing Strategy using Social Media

Management technology

• Content Development and Organising: Social media management

solutions let marketers organise and schedule content to maintain a

consistent presence across channels. Automation streamlines the

publication process. Marketers may maximise reach and engagement

by scheduling content.

• Customers Engagement and Communication: Social media

management tools let businesses track and react to online

conversations and interact with their target market in real time.

Marketers may improve brand loyalty, customer service, and

connections by responding quickly to feedback, messages, and

mentions. These solutions simplify engagement with responses that are

automatic, analysis of sentiment, and keyword tracking.

• Analytics and Effectiveness Tracking: Social media management

software includes powerful analytics and reporting options that reveal

campaign performance. Marketers may track popularity, participation,

rates of click-through, and conversions. This data helps evaluate

marketing strategies, discover patterns, and optimise future efforts with

data-driven decisions.

• Social media management solutions help digital marketing teams

collaborate. Marketers can assign assignments, exchange calendars of


content, and track progress, streamlining workflow and coordination.

This boosts campaign management, efficiency, and accuracy.

• Social Media Monitoring and Brand Management: Social media

management software lets organisations track mentions of their

products, hashtags, and keywords across several platforms. This

identifies engagement possibilities, tracks brand sentiment, and

manages online reputation. Marketers may address customer problems,

spot trends, and arrive at informed decisions by listening to social media.


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