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Integrating UN Food Systems

pathways with quantitative


FABLE Policy Brief

March 2024

• The UN Food Systems (UNFS) pathways aim to articulate a shared
vision for national food system transformation. Integrated modelled
pathways, including those developed by FABLE, can support the
Contents prioritisation of impactful actions, and strengthen coherence of targets.
• UNFS pathways prioritize food and nutrition security and economic
1. Introduction development over climate change mitigation and biodiversity
protection. This results in gaps in quantifying parameters essential for
2. Review of the UNFS integration into the FABLE pathways.
• As a result, around 40% of the tracked indicators used to inform FABLE
pathways are not covered by 18 UNFS pathways.
3. Results
• This analysis explores how the UNFS pathways and FABLE quantitative
4. Focus on India and modelled pathways can be better integrated.
• We focus on the UNFS pathway in India and Mexico and find that
5. Recommendations food security, nutrition, and measures supporting farmers and rural
communities are a priority, while crucial areas including biodiversity
protection, climate change mitigation, and fertilizer are disregarded.
• The UNFS pathways should increase quantitative benchmarks to
monitor progress and build a precise roadmap, with the support of
quantitative modeling tools used iteratively with stakeholders to
agree on targets for food systems.

• The UNFS pathways highlight countries’ priorities for food

systems and offer scope for improvement of FABLE tools,
particularly in representing dietary health impacts across population
groups, economic development, rural livelihoods, and water.

The Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-Use, and Energy (FABLE) Consortium is a collaborative initiative to support
the development of globally consistent mid-century national food and land-use pathways that could inform policies
towards greater sustainability. The Consortium brings together teams of researchers from 24 countries and
international partners from the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), the International Institute for
Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, and the Potsdam Institute for
Climate Impact Research (PIK). 1
1. Introduction
In September 2021, the UN Secretary- into comprehensive national policies
General convened the Food Systems for sustainable development.4
Summit (UNFSS) to encourage
Quantitative integrated modelling
political and societal involvement in
pathways assess the potential impact
food system challenges and speed
of envisaged actions on multiple
up the implementation of actions at
the national level.1 This UNFSS, the objectives5,6 and show the gaps with
seventh UN Food Summit since 19432, the targets within a given timeframe.
was triggered by the slow progress This enables stakeholders to prioritize
toward achieving the Sustainable actions, set more realistic targets, and
Development Goals (SDGs) in recent adjust strategies accordingly to stay on
years exacerbated by interconnected track towards achieving their goals.
issues, including mounting inflation, Better integration of the UNFS
the COVID-19 pandemic, climate pathways and quantitative modelled
change, natural disasters, growing pathways would strengthen their
food insecurity, and the increasing cost actionability.
of living.3 The FABLE Consortium has developed
In preparation for the Summit, Member modelling tools and methods to
Integration between States held multi-stakeholder develop long-term integrated
dialogues to develop strategies for pathways for food and land use
the UNFS pathways
sustainable food systems, resulting in systems. These involve simulating
and quantitative present and future conditions using
126 UNFS National Pathways (cf. Figure
trajectories could 1).3 The UNFS Pathways are designed available statistics and engaging local
to be dynamic, living documents that stakeholders to define contrasting
strengthen their
provide countries with a framework future national scenarios. The resulting
actionability, guide to articulate a vision for food pathways can serve as quantitative
target setting, and systems, while also identifying key roadmaps that facilitate the
stakeholders to achieve this vision. But prioritization of competing land uses
enhance progress and actions in the food system,
in 2022, out of 118 National Pathways
monitoring. available at the time, only 42 included demonstrating the implications of
working steps or an action plan, 16 certain policies and actions on land use
mentioned responsible institutions dynamics and highlighting the
tasked with implementation, 9 potential synergies and trade-offs.7
specified a timeline towards 2030, and In this brief, we analyze the quantitative
3 included a concrete funding nature of the actions and objectives
concept.2 outlined in the UNFS pathways for 18
In July 2023, at the UN Food Systems countriesa (cf. Figure 1), with examples
Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment, from Mexico and India on the possible
countries reinforced their commitment integration of UNFS and FABLE’s
to accelerate global action towards pathways. From this analysis, we
zero hunger, food security, and provide recommendations to facilitate
nutrition (SDG 2). Specifically, countries the integration of the UNFS pathways
emphasized the importance of with quantitative FABLE pathways in
integrating food system strategies the future.

The FABLE Consortium covers 24 countries. By May 2023, only 18 countries represented in FABLE submitted
UNFS pathways (Brazil, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nepal,
Rwanda, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Türkiye, the United Kingdom, and the United States). Argentina,
Australia, Canada, Greece, and Norway did not submit a UNFS pathway.
Figure 1. FABLE countries that submitted a UNFS Pathway

2. Review of the UN Food Systems Pathways

FABLE identified objectives and actions
in the UNFS pathways that could
For this analysis, we focus on 18 support (1) the quantification of
countries that are represented in national targets that can be monitored
FABLE and have submitted a UNFS through models, such as the FABLE
We review 18 UNFS pathway (cf. Figure 1). We review the Calculator, and/or (2) the identification
pathways along six UNFS pathways through six domains: and quantification of levers to achieve
sustainable food and land-use targets.
domains of food food security and healthy diets, climate
change mitigation, biodiversity The following criteria guided this
systems and 24
protection, fertilizers use, water use, analysis:
indicators that can and economic development, and 24
a. Integrated Food System
inform FABLE indicators (cf. Figure 2).
Approach: Are the UNFS Pathways
pathways. This selection of domains and balanced across the three pillars for
indicators responds to the scope of the integrated food and land-use
national commitments that FABLE systems?b
pathways account for. In all FABLE b. Measurable Actions and Goals:
countries, FABLE pathways are Can the actions and goals in the UNFS
computed by local researchers who Pathways be quantified and time-
use the FABLE Calculator8 (an Excel- bound (e.g., decrease
based non-optimization model), and in undernourishment by 20% by 2030)?
some countries, they use MAgPIE and
GLOBIOM (partial equilibrium models).

FABLE proposes three pillars for sustainable food and land-use systems: (1) efficient and resilient
agriculture systems, (2) conservation and restoration of biodiversity, and (3) food security and
healthy diets. They are complemented by integrated land- and water-use planning, as well as
international trade considerations. This approach is detailed in the FABLE Global Report (2019). 9
Figure 2. UNFS Pathways commitments and targets by indicators across countries.









Share of population undernourished

Share of population overweighted
Security and
Healthy Diets Diet-related non communicable disease
Food security and affordability
Economy-wide GHG emissions reduction
Agriculture GHG emissions reduction
Mitigation LULUCF GHG emissions reduction
Carbon sequestration from land
Loss of natural ecosystems
Restoration of ecosystems
Biodiversity Share of total land under protected areas
Protection Cropland under agroecological practices
Harmful agricultural practices for
Fertilizers Nitrogen use
Use Phosphorus use
Water pollution
Water Use
Water use
GDP growth
Farmers' income
Agricultural and processed food exports
Employment in agricultural sector
Presence of quantitative targets. Vague commitment or actions. No mention of actions/targets related to that indicator.

3. Results
We observed that countries prioritize Quantitative targets are broadly
different domains based on their absent in most UNFS pathways.
specific challenges and contexts, with Only 15% of the indicators that
some issues being more pressing in include at least one action or
certain regions than others. objective (cf. Figure 2, yellow and
blue boxes) include a quantitative
We found that around 40% of the target, such as aiming to achieve 30%
tracked indicators are not of agricultural land farmed organically
addressed by UNFS pathways of 18 by 2030 or ending stunting in children
Around 40% of the countries (cf. Figure 2, red boxes). under 2 by 2030 (cf. Figure 2, blue
selected indicators Fertilizer use, climate change boxes). The rest of the indicators
mitigation, and biodiversity protection tracked include qualitative objectives
are completely
are the areas least addressed in these and actions that do not have enough
absent in the 18 pathways (cf. Figure 3a). Instead, detail to translate them into
UNFS pathways. almost all countries prioritized food quantitative scenarios or targets that
security, healthy diets, water use and could be compared with model
pollution, and economic results. Therefore, they are difficult to
development. include in models.

Countries focused their UNFS (Figure 3b). Moreover, countries are
pathways on agricultural prioritizing undernourishment and
production to ensure food security food affordability over food quality
and healthy diets, with 24% of the and diet-related diseases. Notably,
indicators defining at least one obesity and overweight are the least
commitment or action related to this considered, with only the United
policy area (cf. domain (Figure 3a). Kingdom and Indonesia setting
More than 20% of the “food security quantitative targets to address these
and healthy diets” indicators are challenges.10,11
addressed with quantitative targets

Figure 3a. Distribution of indicators with at least one action or commitment

across policy areas.





Food Security and Healthy Diets Economic Development

Water Use Biodiversity Protection

Climate Change Mitigation Fertilizers Use

Source: Authors’ calculations.

Economic development is the targets for indicators in the economic

UNFS pathways focus second most considered policy area development area.11–14
on food security, in the UNFS pathways. Notably, 21%
Water access is a recurrent priority
of the indicators that include actions
healthy diets, and or commitments are within the
addressed in UNFS pathways, but
lacking quantitative targets (cf.
economic economic development of food
Figures 2, 3a, and 3b). Most of the
development, systems (cf. Figure 3a). The
UNFS pathways reviewed reiterated
quantitative focus tends to emphasize
disregarding climate the importance of securing access to
considerations related to farmers’
water through building water
change mitigation, income. However, self-sufficiency and
conservation and irrigation
agricultural exports are addressed
biodiversity infrastructures. Additionally, they
without quantitative targets in any of
protection, and emphasized adopting agricultural
the countries. India, Indonesia,
technologies to save water and
fertilizer use. Mexico, and Rwanda are the only
promoting crop varieties that require
countries proposing quantitative
less water. Yet their statements were
not supported by quantitative mitigation indicators with quantitative
objectives. Fertilizer use was targets.17–19 While climate change
mentioned by key countries, such as mitigation efforts often include
Brazil, China, and the United targets, the most notable absence
Kingdom, which committed to across the board is the lack of a GHG
regulate further and decrease the use emission reduction target for the
of chemical fertilizers.10,15,16 However, Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land
these commitments lacked time- Use (AFOLU) sector.
bound reduction targets.
Biodiversity protection is often
There is comparatively lower absent in the UNFS pathways (cf.
emphasis on climate change Figures 3a, 3b). Overall, countries did
While climate change
mitigation, but when it is addressed, not connect the UNFS process with
mitigation efforts it is often supported with targets (cf. relevant biodiversity plans, such as the
often include targets, Figures 3a, 3b). Quantitative targets National Biodiversity Strategies and
for climate mitigation are in line with Action Plans (NBSAPs) and the
a specific GHG
climate strategies, such as Nationally Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity
reduction target for Determined Contributions (NDCs) Framework20. In this policy area,
the AFOLU sector is and Long Term – Low Emission biodiversity protection is only
Development Strategies (LT-LEDS). reflected through quantitative targets
missing. Water and
Within this policy area, the indicator for expanding cropland areas under
fertilizer use are that shows the highest number of agroecological practices. Among the
lacking quantitative quantitative targets is economy wide countries analyzed, Denmark and the
GHG emissions reduction. Denmark, United Kingdom addressed the most
benchmarks across all
Finland, and the United States biodiversity indicators.10,18
UNFS pathways. address the most climate change

Figure 3b. Proportion of indicators with quantitative targets



10% 8%
0% 0%
Food Security Climate Change Economic Biodiversity Fertilizers Use Water use
and Healthy Mitigation Development Protection

Source: Authors’ calculations.

4. Country Cases
FABLE country teams have translated landholding farmers to supplement
targets and commitments from the their financial needs for procuring
UNFS pathways, along with other various inputs related to agriculture
policy documents, into assumptions and allied activities as well as domestic
underlying a quantitative pathway needs.
reflecting national commitments. To
Almost one third of the tracked
illustrate the application of FABLE tools
indicators, with at least one action or
to the UNFS pathways and ways in
commitment, focus on food security
which both can complement each
challenges (cf. Figure 4). For instance,
other, we have focused on two
India set as a quantitative target,
countries: India and Mexico.
“balanced nutrition available” for 10
million households by 2024, through
programs, such as the "Agri Nutri
India’s UNFS dialogue has been led by Garden" initiative.12 It also includes
the Ministry of Agriculture and food-based safety net programs,
convened by Prof. Ramesh Chand, reaching almost 800 million people in
Member of NITI Aayog, and Union 2020, and close to 120 million children
Minister of State.21 NITI Aayog is the through meal schemes. Additionally,
National Institution for Transforming there are food security programs which
India and acts as a platform for provide two-thirds of the population
India’s UNFS pathway dialogue and collaboration between with access to 5 kg of grains per
emphasizes food the central government and the states, person per month at a fair price, as well
aiming to foster cooperative federalism as programs aiming to enhance child
security, water, and
and facilitate effective policymaking and maternal health through nutrition
biodiversity, but lacks and implementation.22 interventions, benefitting over 19
specific targets in India's UNFS pathway addresses million pregnant and lactating women
and 82 million children under 6 years
crucial areas like nearly 38% of the tracked indicators
old.12 In areas where the UNFS
(cf. Figure 2, blue and yellow boxes)
biodiversity pathway omits quantitative targets, it
and includes quantitative measures
protection, water, and links with relevant policies.c
addressing farmers’ income,
climate change employment in the agricultural sector, Water also holds great relevance in
as well as undernourishment, and food India’s UNFS pathway yet lacks a
security and affordability, (cf. Figure 2, concrete target (cf. Figures 2, 4). As
blue boxes). To address the current the agriculture industry is the biggest
surplus in food production relative to employer in India, stable irrigation is an
demand, efforts are being made to important source of growth and stable
increase farmers’ income through income.12 As such, India’s UNFS
accelerating output growth, outlines the priority to expand
diversification towards high-value irrigation coverage and enhance water
enterprises, and cost reduction, aiming use efficiency through different
to double farmers’ income.12 Similarly, programs, including the Pradhan
the PM-KISAN scheme also mentioned, Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana
provides income support to all

This is the case of the Millet Mission, which seeks to accelerate the production and promotion of millets,
promoting a healthier dietary choice, ensuring balanced household nutrition, and accessibility to fortified foods
across India.
(PMKSY), but targets are missing as the updated NDC, India now stands
well.12 committed to reducing the emissions
intensity of its GDP by 45% by 2030,
India’s UNFS pathway mildly
from the 2005 level,28 and achieving
addresses the biodiversity loss
approximately 50% cumulative electric
driven by agriculture. India's rapid
power installed capacity from non-
economic growth has placed great
fossil fuel-based energy resources by
stress on biodiversity.23 This has
2030. The latter has implications for
resulted in various threats, including
agricultural production and land use
the loss and degradation of habitats,
for biofuels. It is worth noting that India
the introduction of invasive species,
does not have a specific emission
and the intensification of forest
reduction target for the AFOLU sector.
fires.21,24,25 India’s UNFS pathway
mentions local initiatives (e.g., in For water use for agriculture, FABLE
Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Uttarakhand, India drew from the PMKSY
and Karnataka) to expand cropland program, mentioned in India’s UNFS
areas under agroecological practices pathway,21 as a basis to project a
or local actions that seek to reduce or future scenario involving a doubling of
halt the use of agrochemicals and irrigated areas compared to the 2020
other agricultural practices that harm value and a reduction of 30-37% of
biodiversity. water use by 2050. The same local
initiatives (e.g., in Chhattisgarh,
To halt biodiversity loss in the FABLE
Odisha, Uttarakhand, and Karnataka) to
pathway, the FABLE India team
expand areas under agroecological
based its scenarios on other
practices cited in the India UNFS
commitments. They included the
pathway, were translated into 2 Mha
Bonn Challenge target for afforestation
expansion by 2024.
(26 Mha by 2030), in line with the
country’s commitments under the FABLE India designed additional
Convention on Biological Diversity scenarios on deforestation or the
Framework, whereby India pledged to evolution of agricultural exports based
restore 13 Mha of degraded and on commitments and targets from
deforested land by 2020, and an various policy documents (e.g., the
additional 13 Mha by 2030.26 National REDD+ Strategy and the
Additionally, the team built on the Agriculture Export Policy).29,30
National Mission for a Green India
There are limitations to the FABLE
target to convert 10 Mha of forest and
modeling tools in representing key
non-forest land to boost forest cover
aspects of the UNFS pathway. For
and quality, sequestering carbon to 60
instance, measures targeting specific
Mt by 2020 and up to 100 MtCO2e
population groups (e.g., children,
thereafter (c.f. Supplementary
pregnant or lactating mothers,
smallholders, or women farmers)
For climate change mitigation, cannot be modeled with FABLE tools.
FABLE India used existing mitigation Additionally, since FABLE tools focus
targets within climate strategies. on AFOLU, nutrition measures, such as
FABLE India used targets in India’s school meals, increased access to
NDC to build the FABLE pathway, fortified foods, or interventions carried
mainly reducing GHG emissions from out at the food processing phase
all sectors to net zero by 2070.27 As per cannot yet be modeled in FABLE.

Figure 4. Distribution of indicators with at least one action or commitment by
policy areas across countries

90% 23%
70% 19%
60% 19%
50% 11%
40% 19%
20% 39%
India Mexico

Food Security and Healthy Diets Climate Change Mitigation

Biodiversity Protection Fertilizers Use
Water Use Economic Development

Source: Authors’ calculations.

Mexico’s UNFS dialogue was convened Nutrition holds the highest priority
by the general director of the National in Mexico’s UNFS pathway, with all
Center for Preventive Programs and the indicators for food security and
Disease Control, under the Ministry of healthy diets addressed. The pathway
Health. Between April 15 and proposes actions, such as new dietary
September 3, 2021, ten national guidelines and prioritizing the link
dialogues and one subnational between healthy dietary guidelines to
Mexico's UNFS dialogue were held in Mexico, with regional diets, to ensure their
Pathway focuses on 1,132 participants, representing more relevance and practicality for different
than 90 institutions and organizations.13 areas of the country (cf. Figure 4).13
food security, These measures were modelled in the
nutrition, self- In Mexico’s UNFS pathway, there is FABLE pathway through an average
an emphasis on quantitative actions dietary composition, based on the
sufficiency, and rural for food security and affordability,
National Health Program 2020-2024.32
livelihoods with an farmers’ income, and agricultural This diet consists of cereals (34%),
emphasis on employment (cf. Figure 2, blue boxes). vegetables (5%), fruits (6%), dairy (8%),
Actions and goals in these three nuts and seeds (5%), oils (11%),
increasing the domains are linked with existing
legumes (12.1%), eggs (3%), poultry
agricultural programs and policies that (4%), beef (1%), other red meat (1.1%),
demonstrate a higher degree of
productivity of and fish (1%).
operationalization.13 For instance,
smallholder farmers. Mexico’s UNFS pathway refers to the The UNFS pathway includes
sectoral program for agriculture, additional measures to ensure food
approved under the National security and nutrition, that cannot be
Development Plan 2019-2024,31 which modeled with the FABLE Calculator.
outlines concrete actions to increase These include, for example, enhancing
agricultural productivity, food self- the legal framework for ensuring
sufficiency, rural employment, and proper and sustainable nutrition,
food security. limiting advertisements for foods high
in critical ingredients (e.g., sodium, the pathway performance on this
saturated fats, trans fats, and added indicator, without clarity on what the
sugars), banning the use of partially target is for the AFOLU sector.
hydrogenated oils in food production, Mexico’s sectoral program for
and enhancing the monitoring for flour agriculture, approved under the
fortification programs.13 Additionally, National Development Plan 2019-2024,
the UNFS pathway includes specific included a quantitative target to
measures aimed at segments of the reduce GHG emissions from the
population that cannot be captured agriculture sector by barely 0.4%
with FABLE tools.d compared to 2017 value, to reach
86,750 MtCOe by 2024.31 In addition,
With 48% of the rural population
Mexico committed to the Global
living in poverty,33 Mexico has
Methane Pledge across all sectors by at
focused its UNFS pathway on
least 30% below 2020 levels by 2030.36
supporting smallholder farmers in
Given these contrasting targets, the
adopting agroforestry techniques and
UNFS pathway could be an opportunity
increasing agricultural productivity and
to propose a coherent long-term
self-sufficiency through agroecological
emission reduction target for AFOLU
practices for domestic consumption.13
that is collectively agreed upon and is
These measures include continuing
consistent with existing national
policies aimed at capacity building in
agroecological practices, reducing
glyphosate usage, and assisting Biodiversity is partially covered in
farmers in accessing agri-food value the UNFS pathway, mostly through
chains to trade surplus produce. For measures aimed at phasing out
the FABLE Pathway, FABLE Mexico glyphosate use. These measures focus
projects 75% of cropland using on the publication of gazettes detailing
agroecological practices by 2050. This weed control practices and annual
scenario considers that 75% of recommendations on import quotas for
cropland is managed by small and glyphosate to facilitate its gradual
medium farmers, 80% of farmers have decrease. However, the FABLE
already adopted at least one Calculator does not quantify the use of
agroecological practice (e.g., covering herbicides. To reflect biodiversity
crops or reducing tillage) through the protection in the FABLE pathway,
Sowing Life program in 2018, coupled FABLE Mexico built a scenario that
with the Ministry of Agriculture’s target brings in the net-zero deforestation
to achieve 100% adoption by 202424, a target by 2030 and the deforestation
goal that remains unmet. halt goal in carbon-rich ecosystems by
2030, based on the National Forestry
In Mexico’s UNFS pathway, 58% of
Program (2020-2024). The scenario
the tracked indicators are not
also reflects Mexico’s commitment to
addressed (cf. Figure 2, red boxes),
safeguarding 30% of its territory by
primarily related to climate change
203036. To account for fertilizer use, the
mitigation.13 In the FABLE pathway, this
team simulated a 20% reduction in the
dimension is reflected through GHG
maize yield gap, driven by the
emission reduction targets for AFOLU.
distribution of fertilizers through the
FABLE Mexico used the 2022 NDC,
"Fertilizers for Wellbeing” program,
specifically the economy-wide target of
which provides small-scale producers
a 35% reduction in emissions by 2030
with 450kg of fertilizer per hectare.37
compared to its baseline,35 to monitor

For instance, the Sowing Life program, mentioned in the UNFS pathway, includes specific measures aimed at
providing economic support to people in socially disadvantaged municipalities who own 2.5 hectares of land
and employ agroforestry practices, ensuring they can meet their basic food needs.
5. Recommendations
The UNFS pathways represent an initial reflect rural livelihoods measures, such
effort to engage nations globally in as social protection systems for
committing to the transformation of farmers, or farmers' income. Notably,
their food systems. These pathway the Calculator could benefit from
documents are valuable sources of further improvements to represent
information, offering insights into a measures focused on improving
country's existing food system, irrigation efficiency and tackling water
priorities, recent progress, and pollution. These are some of the
The FABLE modeling
forthcoming initiatives. Compared to domains that the FABLE Consortium
framework can past summits, UNFSS 2021 exhibited members envision collaborating on to
complement the significantly greater inclusivity, continuously enhance the tool and
implementation of the effectively rallying nations and accurately reflect the food system in
stakeholders through a variety of the coming years.
UNFS pathways, but dialogue formats.2 The UNFS pathways
stronger quantitative The UNFS pathways require stronger
have the potential to drive collective
quantitative benchmarks to be
benchmarks are effort and can serve as a valuable
monitorable with quantitative tools,
guide for action; yet their capacity to
essential to such as the FABLE pathways. The
support decision-making can still be
operationalize the UNFS pathways need to include a
improved through modeling exercises.
higher number of targets and
The modeling of the UNFS pathways quantitative benchmarks to become
has revealed the priorities set by effective tools that guide
countries for their food systems and operationalization at the sectoral and
highlighted areas where FABLE sub-national levels. The use of
modeling tools need development. quantitative modeling tools iteratively
While most UNFS pathways prioritize with stakeholders at the UNFS Summit
measures concerning food security, dialogues could offer a pragmatic
nutrition, economic development, and solution to address the current
rural development, the indicators in the absence of quantitative benchmarks in
FABLE Calculator are currently limited the UNFS pathways. This participatory
and need further enhancements to approach enables stakeholders to
reflect this reality. For instance, there is refine and establish clear benchmarks
a need for improved representation of tailored to specific contexts within the
targeted measures for specific food system through evidence-based
population groups, such as mothers, discussions and analyses. This
children, smallholder farmers, and framework can be used for engaging
women farmers. Despite addressing stakeholders to review and identify
undernourishment, the Calculator still potential bottlenecks or points of
lacks the ability to reflect important policy incoherence where further
health outcomes from the food system, dialogue is needed. This approach can
such as stunting, wasting, and non- promote increased transparency,
communicable diseases, along with inclusivity, and informed decision-
specific scenarios related to nutrition making, ultimately enhancing the
interventions like food fortification. On effectiveness and accountability of the
economic development, the Calculator UNFS pathways in advancing
has recently included an agricultural sustainable food systems.
cost module, including scenarios on
cost and labor, but it is not enough to
The UNFS pathways can serve as a spillover effects such as deforestation
platform to develop targets on and water scarcity.41 FABLE tools
climate change mitigation, currently incorporate trade
adaptation, and biodiversity assumptions to maintain global
protection for food systems. consistency across national pathways
Biodiversity provides ecosystem and will further include bilateral trade
services, such as pollination, soil flows to depict spillovers more
fertility, and natural pest control, which accurately in the future. These
are essential for agriculture38. The enhancements and findings could
UNFS could include specific actions guide future versions of UNFS
and targets to halt biodiversity loss pathways by demonstrating how
driven by agriculture. Further, they actions in one country can impact food
could encompass measures aimed at and land use systems in others.
The UNFS pathways increasing crop and livestock
Financing food systems
can serve as a productivity through biodiversity-
transformation has taken center
platform to develop friendly agricultural practices. Such
stage as the primary area of support
practices not only optimize agricultural
targets on climate sought by Member States.3 It is
land use, but also facilitate species
change mitigation, imperative to secure adequate financial
inhabitation in managed landscapes
resources to facilitate transformative
adaptation, and and promote movement between
actions and scale-up initiatives aimed
natural land areas.39 In terms of climate
biodiversity at fostering sustainable changes within
mitigation, the UNFS pathways could
protection for food food systems.3 A clear understanding
function as a platform for food system
of specific goals and the pathway to
systems. stakeholders to collaboratively
achieve them is fundamental to
deliberate and reach a consensus on
assessing the financial requirements
an emission reduction target tailored to
necessary for this transformative
the agricultural and land-use sector.
process. The consolidation of the
This target should be suitable for their
currently fragmented food finance
AFOLU context and in harmony with
architecture is an indispensable step
other food system goals.40 Currently,
toward realizing this transformation,
adaptation is a dimension lacking in
with modeling exercises serving as vital
both the UNFS and FABLE pathways.
tools for both guiding and assessing
Acknowledging this gap, FABLE aims
progress in the pursuit of essential
to integrate adaptation considerations,
financial support. Recognizing the
specifically focusing on the impact of
importance of this endeavor, FABLE
climate shocks on agriculture and
aims to advance its modeling
resilience, as part of its ongoing tool
developments for costing its pathways
in the future by assessing the
Taking into account trade spillovers associated financial requirements from
is crucial for both FABLE and UNFS each trajectory, and accompanying
pathways.. Globally, agricultural countries in their food system
supply chains contribute significantly to transformation.

Supplementary material
Comparison between the UNFS Pathways commitments and FABLE India National
Targets: India and Mexico.

Recommended citation
FABLE (2024). Integrating UN Food Systems Pathways with Quantitative Trajectories.
FABLE Policy Brief. Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Paris.
This brief was prepared by Maria Diaz (SDSN), Davide Cozza (SDSN), Ankit Saha
(IIMA), Vartika Singh (IIMA), Charlotte Gonzalez-Abraham (FABLE-Mexico), Carolina
Navarrete Frias (the Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT), and Aline Mosnier (SDSN).

Contributions from Alyson Marks (SDSN), Clara Douzal (SDSN), and Emil Fraas

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3. Secretary-General. Making Food Systems Work for People and Planet UN Food Systems Summit +2.;

4. Secretary-General’s Call to Action for Accelerated Food Systems Transformation (FST).

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Methodology for analysis and computation of the Figures 2, 3a, 3b, 4.

The shares have been computed using the maximum number of indicators – 18 countries multiplied by
24 indicators = 432; the number represents the combination of the country and indicator which are
mentioned in the UNFS pathway (e.g., share of the population undernourished in Brazil, in China … in
the USA, share of population overweighted / obese in Brazil, in China, ... in USA, etc.). Of these
indicators, 261 embody at least one action or target. Among these 261, 38 indicators presented at least
one quantitative action/target.

Figure 3a and Figure 4 – Distribution of indicators with at least one action or target across
countries within different policy areas.

Some domains (food security and healthy diets, climate change mitigation, etc.) contain more
indicators than others. “Food security and healthy diets” has 4 indicators, “climate change mitigation”
has 4, “biodiversity protection” has 7, “fertilizer use” has 2, “water use” has 2, and “economic
development” has 5. To avoid having a domain that has a higher share of indicators with
actions/commitments due to a higher number of indicators, we first divided the number of indicators
with actions or commitments by domain (i.e. if “food security and healthy diets” presents 3 indicators
covered, the % would be 75). Then, the sum of these six weighted shares was normalized to 100%. This
allowed for the representation of results as a % for each domain, which was then used to construct
Figure 3a and 4.

Here, we demonstrate a practical example. Indicators with at least one action/commitment by domain
for country x: “food security and healthy diets” has 3 indicators covered out of 4 (3/4 = 0.75), “climate
change mitigation” 1 out of 4 (0.25), “biodiversity protection” 2 out of 7 (0.29), “fertilizer use” 0 out of 2
(0.00), “water use” 1 out of 2 (0.50), and “economic development” 3 out of 5 (0.60). The sum of the
weighted shares is 2.39, and then normalized to 100%. With 2.39 being 100%, the shares of the policy
areas would respectively be: 31% (equal to 0.75/2.39), 10% (0.25/2.39), 12% (0.29/2.39), 0% (0/2.39),
22% (0.5/2.29), and 25% (0.6/2.39).

Figure 3b - Proportion of indicators with quantitative targets

The proportion represents the share of indicators with quantitative targets among all the indicators,
grouped by domain.

Here, we demonstrate a practical example. For “Food Security and Healthy Diets”, 16 indicators with
quantitative targets have been identified, out of 72 possible indicators (18 countries and 4 “Food
Security and Healthy Diets” indicators). Therefore, 22% of the indicators identifies quantitative targets.


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