English Sba

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Plan of Investigation 1

Participation Measures 2

Quality of Group Activity 3

Reflections (1) 4

 Reflection 2 5

 Reflection 3 6

Written Report 7

Plan of Oral Presentation 8

References 9
Plan of Investigation

In today's world, social media is greatly disadvantageous. The researcher wanted to find out

what the drawbacks of social media use for teens in Jamaica were, thus she chose the topic

"The disadvantage of social media on teenagers in Jamaica."

As an English learner, I will gain from this research by developing my vocabulary and

grammar abilities. These abilities will support the my lifelong learning. Additionally, the

research skills of the researcher will be enhanced.

The researcher will use a song, poem, or poster containing information on the subject to

gather pertinent data. The researcher plans to gather pertinent data from the Jamaican

Gleaner, YouTube, and Google.


The first artefact which is an article entitled "Social media use may harm teens"

entails that social media use has been linked to depression, especially in teenage girls. The

researcher has learnt that social media itself does not cause harm, but that frequent use may

disrupt activities that have a positive impact on mental health such as sleeping and exercising,

while increasing exposure of young people to harmful content, particularly the negative

experience of cyber bullying. The researcher would like to see the teenagers of Jamaica limit

their time on social media, and actually do something constructive to better their future.

The second article is a video from CNN entitled "Social media may harm teens

mental health" entails that social media can cause teens to be depressed but it has a stronger

effect on girls. The researcher has learnt that girls tend to suffer more on social media for

various reason. The researcher would like to see cyberbullying stopped.

The third article is a song from "YouTube" by Sophie Pecora entails that social media

reduces one's self confidence and self-esteem. The researcher has learnt that teens often

compare themselves to the people they see on social media.


In the first artefact that is an article the writer speak about the disadvantage on

teenager in a concerned tone for teens. The write also mentioned that the overuse of social

media, limits teens social skills.

The second artefact "social media may harm teens’ mental health" is a normal video

done to inform the audience about the unknown effects of social media on one's health, which

came to the conclusion that attributing we as "social currency" and an important fact social

media isn't the bad thing but the dark people on it.

The third artefact "pretty people" has an uplifting with a mixture of concerned because

the song writer went through bullying and has overcome it.


The process of completing this SBA has been in many ways positively impactful.

Before, working in groups had always been a challenge for the researcher due to lack of

interest and participation from other group members, however, this SBA has pushed the

researcher to regain trust in others, and to value the input and overall output of team work.

This research has helped the researcher to brainstorm her ideas without thinking or

feeling that no one will care or find the information useful, thus helping to open doors for

positive discussions for team members to discuss ideas openly and disagree respectfully.

The SBA has also educated the researcher on the unknown effects of social media that she

not only share with others but use in her everyday life.

Written Report

The theme of this group's SBA was "Social Media". Social Media as the name suggests is
interacting socially over different medias, however it has its advantages and disadvantages.
There were five different topics in which was researched and evaluated: "The impact of
social media on the academic performance of youths in secondary schools". The impact of
social media on teenage boys in Jamaica, "The advantages of social media on teenagers in
Jamaica”, “Disadvantages of social media on teenagers in Jamaica" and Cyberbullying on
teenagers in Jamaica" were the five topics explored.
This research project was made with dedicated use of the internet as the group
members individually gathered information pertaining to their topic. The group utilized
methods such as, consultations and making necessary improvements. During this project, the
researchers all improved their writing and critical thinking skills whereby the researchers are
better able to reflect on an issue and reach a conclusion.
These five well suited article topics were chosen by each group member prior to
their topic; "3 negative impacts of social media on teen boys" written by the Foothills At
Redoak Recovery (2021) which entails three valid points made about the impact of social
media on teen boys. "Effects of cyberbullying" written by Tason Brour (2022) highlighting
the ways in which social media affects humans, Social Media is harmful" written by the
Jamaica Gleaner (2022) which showcased the adequate information on the devastating effects
in which social media had on the youth students," Benefits of social media on teens" which
showcased that social media does have positivity and benefit in using it and "Social media
use may harm teens" which entails that the use of social media has been linked to depression
especially in teenage girls,
In summary the group members all elaborated on the theme social media. Through
the use of techniques which was proven to be very effective . The group members have all
selected excellent research pieces that expounds on each of our individual topics .While
completing this research our knowledge on social effects has been increased giving us the
knowledge of how harmful it can be. We have also improved our English skills and learned
how to cooperate on a common goal.
The theme of this group's SBA was "Social Media". Social Media as the name suggests is
interacting socially over different medias, however it has its advantages and disadvantages.
There were five different topics in which was researched and evaluated: "The impact of
social media on the academic performance of youths in secondary schools". The impact of
social media on teenage boys in Jamaica, "The advantages of social media on teenagers in
Jamaica”, “Disadvantages of social media on teenagers in Jamaica" and Cyberbullying on
teenagers in Jamaica" were the five topics explored.

Plan of Oral Presentation

Title of Oral Presentation:

Genre of Oral presentation:
Justification for genre selection:
Literary inspiration:
Language Register:
Justification of Register:
Language Techniques:


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