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Life Processes in

Living Organism -Part1

Different Organ system

Nervous Circulatory Digestive Muscular Skeletal Respiratory

System System System System System System

Autotrophs Heterotrophs
Make their Own Food Directly or Indirectly Depend on
autotrophs for their nutrition.
Major Elements

Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins

Cheese Meat

Digestive system

Respiratory system

Carbohydrates + Lipids + Protein Oxygen Energy


Body Level Cellular Level

Gatorade is a scientifically formulated sports drink with
fluids, electrolytes (mineral salts), carbohydrates and
flavor, that helps you to Rehydrate, Replenish and Refuel.
It helps to restore fluids,Electrolytes and energy-that you
lose in sweat during exercise.
Respiration is defined as the biochemical process wherein the living cells
of an organism produce energy by taking in oxygen and liberating carbon
dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances.
Human Respiratory System

Nasal Passage
Pharynx Larynx

Bronchi Lung


Cellular Respiration

Carbohydrates + Lipids + Protein + Oxygen Energy

GLUCOSE Aerobic Anaerobic
Oxygen is involved Oxygen is not involved
Aerobic Respiration

GLUCOSE + Oxygen Carbon + Water + ATP

1. C : Carbon = 6 , H : Hydrogen = 12 , O : Oxygen = 6
2. Covalent Bonds
3. To release Energy

Concepts Ionic Covalent

● Between a metal ● Between two

and a non-metal metals

Metals : Sodium (Na)

Iron (Fe)
Non- Metals : Oxygen (O)
Hydrogen (H)
Cellular Respiration

Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration

● Oxygen is involved ● Oxygen is not involved

● More Energy ● Less Energy
● 38 ATP ● 2 ATP
Aerobic Respiration

Glycolysis Kreb’s Cycle Electron Transfer

chain Reaction
● Glycolysis

▸ Occurs in cytoplasm.
▸ Glucose is converted to 2 molecules of Pyruvic
Molecules of pyruvic acid formed in this process are converted into molecules of
Acetyl-Coenzyme-A. Two molecules of NADH2 and two molecules of CO2 are released
during this process.
● Kreb’s Cycle

1. Both molecules of acetyl-CoA enter the

2. Cyclic chain of reactions called as tricarboxylic
acid cycle is operated on it in the mitochondria .
3. Acetyl part of acetyl-CoA is completely oxidized
through this cyclical process and molecules CO2,
H2O, NADH2,FADH2 are derived.

Acetyl CoA CO2 + H2O + NADH2 + FADH2
Acetyl CoA CO2 + H2O + NADH2 + FADH2
● Electron Transfer Chain Reaction

1. Take places in the mitochondria.

2. NADH2 + FADH2 are converted to form ATP.

NADH2 = 3 molecules of ATP

FADH2 = 2 molecules of ATP
● Adenosine Triphosphate

1. Adenosine triphosphate is energy-rich molecule and energy is stored in

the bonds by which phosphate groups are attached to each other.
2. These molecules are stored in the cells as per need.
3. Chemically, ATP is triphosphate molecule formed from adenosine
4. It contains a nitrogenous compound-adenine,pentose sugar- ribose and
three phosphate groups.
5. As per the need, energy is derived by breaking the phosphate bond of
ATP; hence ATP is called as ‘energy currency’ of the cell .
Glycolysis : Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP pathway )

Krebs Cycle : Sir Hans Kreb

● Energy Production through anerobic
respiration in microorganisms

1. Some organisms cannot live in presence of oxygen. Ex. Many bacteria.

2. Such living organisms have to perform anaerobic respiration for energy production.
3. Glycolysis and fermentation are two steps of anaerobic respiration.
4. Glucose is incompletely oxidized and less amount of energy is obtained in this type of
5. Pyruvic acid produced through glycolysis is converted into other organic acids or
alcohol with the help of some enzymes in this process.
6. This is called as fermentation.
7. Some higher plants, animals and aerobic microorganisms also perform anaerobic
respiration instead of aerobic respiration if there is depletion in oxygen level in the
surrounding .

Ex. Seeds perform anaerobic respiration if the soil is submerged under water during
germination. Similarly, our muscle cells also perform anaerobic respiration while
performing the exercise. Due to this, less amount of energy is produced in our body
and lactic acid accumulates due to which we feel tired
1. Aerobic Respiration
2. Mitochondria
● Energy from different food component

Major Elements

Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins

● Carbohydrates

1. Excess of carbohydrates are stored in the liver in th form of glycogen.

● Amino Acids

1. Proteins are the macromolecules

formed by bonding together many
amino acids.
2. 4 Kcal of energy per gram of
3. From these amino acids, organs
and cells produce various proteins
necessary for themselves and the
whole body.
4. Those examples are given in the
following diagram.
● Lipids

1. The substances formed by specific chemical bond between fatty acids and
alcohol are called as lipids.
2. Digestion into fatty acids and alcohol.
3. From those fatty acids, different cells produce various substance necessary to
themselves. Ex. the molecules called as phospholipids which are essential for
producing plasma membrane are formed from fatty acids. Besides, fatty acids
are used for producing hormones like progesterone, estrogen, testosterone,
aldosterone, etc. and the covering around the axons of nerve cells.
5. We get 9 KCal of energy per gram of lipids.
6. Excess of lipids are stored in adipose connective tissue in the body
1. Deficiency of vitamin B12
2. Vitamin A
● Vitamins

1. Vitamins are a group of heterogeneous compounds of which, each is essential for

proper operation of various processes in the body.
2. There are main six types of vitamins, e.g. A, B, C, D, E and K.
3. Out of these, A, D, E and K are fat-soluble whereas B and C are water-soluble.
4. We have seen that, FADH2 and NADH2 are produced in the processes like
glycolysis and Krebs cycle.
5. Vitamins like riboflavin (Vitamin B2) and nicotinamide
(Vitamin B3) respectively are necessary for their production.
1. Dehydration.
2. To rehydrate ourselves , as to compensate the loss water
due to loose motions
3. To maintain our body temperature.
● Water & Fibers

1. There is about 65 – 70% water in our body.

2. Each cell contains 70% water weight by weight.
3. Blood-plasma also contains 90% of water.
4. Water is an essential nutrient.
5. Fibers are also essential nutrients. In fact, we
Cannot digest the fibers. However, they help in
the digestion of other substances and egestion
of undigested substances. We obtain the fibers
from leafy vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc.
Cell Division
Cell division : a new organism is formed from existing one, a
multicellular organism grows up and emaciated body can be
restored .
Chromosome : 23 pairs (46)

22 = Autosomes (44)
1 = Sex chromosomes(2)

XX = Female
XY = Male

Mother cell



46 46
2 Daughter cell
Cell Membrane

Nucleolus Nucleus

Nuclear Membrane
Types of Cell Division

Meiosis Mitosis

Karyokinesis Cytokinesis
Nucleus divides Cytoplasm divides

Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

Prophase 1) Condensation of chromatin to from thick and short
chromosome with pair of sister chromatid
2) Centrioles duplicate and migrate to opposites
3) Disappearance of Nuclear membrane and
Chromosomes Condensation :

Long & thin ------ Short & thick

Metaphase 1) Complete condensation & Chromosomes appears
2) Chromosome lie at the equatorial plane
3) Mitotic spindle (special type of flexible protein) is
fully formed
Anaphase 1) Centromere split
2) Chromatids separate and form two chromosomes
called daughter chromosomes.
3) Pulled away by Spindle fiber
4) Each set of chromosomes reaches at opposite
Telophase 1) Chromosomes - Uncoil & lengthens.
2) Nucleolus - reappears
3) Nuclear membrane begins to reappear.
4) Spindle fibres dissolve in cytoplasm.
Cytokinesis 1) The division of the cytoplasm into two daughter
cells is called cytokinesis.
2) A notch forms in the cell membrane from the
outside to inside in animals cells.
3) Plant cells , Cell Plate forms in midline
Significance of Mitosis

● Growth and development of organism.

● Restoration of cells lost.
● Wound healing
● Formation of blood cells
▸ Meiosis takes place only in the
reproductive cells.
▸ Meiosis is also known as
Reductional division.
Meiosis ▸ A cell divides into 4 haploid
daughter cells known as
Meiosis - I



Crossing over & recombination

46 46

Meiosis - II No doubling
of DNA

23 23 23 23

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