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1. Negative
2. Word 1: cheap
It implies that the aunt is not generous or willing to spend much money on gifts.
Word 2: flimsy
This suggests that the scarf is made of poor-quality material and lacks durability and stability.

EX 8
i. Memorial Park.
ii. Was retrenched
iii. Casket
iv. Canine impounder
v. Garbologist
vi. A correctional facility

EX 9
i. You must be joking! It cannot possibly be authentic. Is this a jest or a prank?
ii. Please afford me respite and cease your persistent demands. I require some time to myself.
iii. If you do not hasten, you will find yourself in a precarious situation, and subsequently, you
will deeply regret it.
iv. It is imperative to exert maximum effort. You only have one opportunity to succeed, and
thereafter, it concludes definitively.
v. It is imperative that you convene promptly to thoroughly discuss this matter before it
vi. I do not feel enthusiastic about it; rather indifferent, it is of no significant consequence. I have
already experienced it before.

EX 10
i. Overweight or obese
ii. Second-hand or used
iii. Exaggerate or distort facts
iv. Unemployed
v. Dishonest or deceptive

EX 11
1. I know who is at the window – it’s my friend.
2. The King of England – who came to throne – attended the wedding.
3. He knew who to pick – and they were Stephen, Micheal and David.
4. I think – and I will be honest about this – that you are terrific.
EX 12.
i. Paradox
ii. Paradox
iii. Oxymoron
iv. Oxymoron
v. None
vi. Oxymoron
1. More equal
It contradicts the notion of equality by suggesting varying degrees of equality among animals.

i. Mr. and Mrs. Green live in the apartment above ours.
ii. Joe cycled up the lane on his new bike.
iii. I signed my name at the end of the letter.
iv. The children are throwing food to the birds on the lake.
v. My parents like to sit in the garden until sunset.
vi. Show your ticket to the man at the gate.
vii. Carol came back from her trip with a bad cold.
viii. We were given advice about road safety by the policeman.

i. Will buy.
ii. Miss
iii. Hurts
iv. Will win.
v. Are
vi. Lent

i. Talking to her friend, she forgot everything around her.
ii. Watching the news everyday, we know what’s going on in the world.
iii. Being vegetarians, they don’t eat meat.
iv. Wagging it’s tail, the dog bit the postman.
v. Tidying up her room, she found some old photos.
vi. Being a good boy, he helped his mother in the kitchen.

EX 10
1. E
2. B
3. E
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. B

EX 11
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. B

i. Successfully
ii. Succeeded
iii. Successful
iv. Successor
v. Successive

i. Caught
ii. Brought
iii. Hair
iv. Easiest
v. Heart

i. Protection
ii. Thousand
iii. Slower
iv. Can’t
v. Make

i. Done
ii. Given
iii. Driven
iv. Grumbling
v. Organized
vi. Guided

i. It is wise to plan ahead.
ii. It is futile to speak reasonably to him.
iii. It takes a lot of endurance to climb up a mountain.
iv. It gave the man satisfaction to see his children do well.
v. It is foolish to put all your eggs in one basket.

i. Several
ii. Every
iii. Either
iv. Any
v. Both
vi. Neither

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. C

1. “I’m having a - ” John interrupted as he stepped off the bus.

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