Mastery in Reading3-2

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Reading 3
Á.4 Á.6 -

MASTERY in Reading 3
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Gillian Flaherty - Chris Coey

Gillian Flaherty
Mastery in Reading 3 ม.4-6
Chris Coey
Aksorn Charoen Tat ACT. CO., Ltd. B1
142 Tanao Road, Phra Nakhon, Bangkok, Thailand 10200 8 858649 112439 CEFR
Tel. /Fax. +66 2622 2999 (auto phone switch 20 lines)
115.- 115.-
Unit 1: Mountain mummies 8
Unit 2: Undersea explorer 12
Unit 3: Jungle cave 16
Unit 4: Mammoth ice block 20

Unit 5: Fingerprints 24
Unit 6: Hijacker 28
Unit 7: Death by poison 32
Unit 8: Great train robber 36

Unit 9: Nelson Mandela 40
Unit 10: Bill Gates 44
Unit 11: Aung San Suu Kyi 48
Unit 12: Muhammad Ali 52

Unit 13: Killer quakes 56
Unit 14: The Perfect Storm 60
Unit 15: Deadly water 64
Unit 16: Buried in mud 68

Unit 17: Network games 72
Unit 18: Internet shopping 76
Unit 19: Online protesting 80
Unit 20: Love online 84
Mastery in Reading 3 กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ
ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 4-6 เวลาเรียน 40 ชั่วโมง จ�ำนวน 1 หน่วยกิต

ฝึกทักษะการอ่านเพือ่ จับใจความส�ำคัญ วิเคราะห์ความ สรุปความ จากเรือ่ งประเภทสารคดีและบันเทิงคดี

ฝึกทักษะการพูดและเขียนเพือ่ ขอและให้ขอ้ มูล แสดงความคิดเห็น พร้อมให้เหตุผลและยกตัวอย่างประกอบเกีย่ วกับ
เรื่องต่างๆ เช่น การสรุปข่าว เหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นทั้งในระดับท้องถิ่น ระดับภูมิภาค และระดับประเทศไปจนถึง
ระหว่างประเทศได้อย่างเหมาะสม ใช้ภาษาสือ่ สารในสถานการณ์จริง สถานการณ์จำ� ลองทีเ่ กิดขึน้ ในห้องเรียน และ
นอกห้องเรียน รวมถึงใช้ความรู้ทางภาษาในการศึกษาค้นคว้า สืบค้นข้อมูลจากแหล่งการเรียนรู้ต่างๆ เช่น แหล่ง
ข้อมูลสารสนเทศ สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์ต่างๆ และห้องสมุด
เพื่อให้ผู้เรียนพัฒนาทักษะการวิเคราะห์ และการคิดอย่างมีวิจารณญาณ โดยการตั้งค�ำถามและการ
ให้เหตุผล ตลอดจนเสริมสร้างคุณลักษณะอันพึงประสงค์เพื่อให้ผู้เรียนสามารถใช้ภาษาในการสื่อความหมายใน
สถานการณ์ต่างๆ ได้อย่างคล่องแคล่ว ถูกต้อง และเหมาะสม
1. จับใจความส�ำคัญ วิเคราะห์ความ สรุปความ และแสดงความคิดเห็นจากการอ่านเรื่องที่เป็นสารคดี
2. พูดและเขียนเพื่อขอและให้ข้อมูล และแสดงความคิดเห็นเกี่ยวกับเรื่องต่างๆ ข่าว เหตุการณ์ที่อ่าน
3. วิเคราะห์และแสดงความคิดเห็นเกี่ยวกับเหตุการณ์ในท้องถิ่น สังคม และโลก
4. ใช้ภาษาสื่อสารในห้องเรียน และสถานศึกษา
5. ใช้ภาษาต่างประเทศในการค้นคว้า สืบค้น สรุป และแสดงความคิดเห็นเกี่ยวกับข้อมูลที่ได้จาก
รวมทั้งหมด 5 ผลการเรียนรู้
In 1991 the The wreck of the
northeast coast of Titanic, which
the United States sank in the Atlantic
experienced one of Ocean in 1912,
the worst storms was finally located
of the twentieth in 1985. Find out
century. Read all more about the
about the ‘Perfect discovery of this
Storm’ in Unit 14. great ship in Unit 2.




The Incas were a

great South American
civilisation. Read
about the discovery
of three frozen Inca
mummies in Unit 1.

In 1998 scientists
found the frozen
body of a woolly
mammoth in
Siberia. Read
about this
amazing discovery
in Unit 4.

The Son Trach

river in Vietnam
is the longest
river in the
world. Read
about an
expedition to
map this river
in Unit 3.


More than 228,000

people died in the
Great Indian Ocean
tsunami of 2004.
Find out more about
this natural disaster
in Unit 15.

1 Mountain mummies

Before you read

1. How did people in your country use
to live? How are things different today?
2. How can you find out about the lives
of people who lived a long time ago?
3. What kinds of objects can we study
to find out about how people used to

1 In early 1999, archaeologist Johan Reinhard climbed over 6,700 metres to the top of one
of South America’s highest volcanoes, Llullaillaco (pronounced yu-yi-ya-ko). The summit
was covered in freezing ice and snow, and the wind often reached speeds of up to 113
kilometres an hour. Reinhard was there to find something very special. He dug down
through the earth and rocks beneath some ancient ruins and found a small chamber.
Inside the chamber, he found what he was looking for: the frozen mummies of three
Inca children.
2 The Incas were a great South American civilisation. Until the sixteenth century,
they ruled nearly 1 million square kilometres of western South America. Then they
disappeared. Not much is known about them because they didn’t keep written records.
But Reinhard has spent his life studying them. Before he found the three children on
Llullaillaco, he found fifteen other Inca mummies on other mountains. He believes the
frozen mummies were human sacrifices to the Inca gods.
3 The children on Llullaillaco were very young when they died. Scientists think that the
boy and two girls were between six and fifteen years old. They had been frozen on
the summit of Llullaillaco for over 500 years. Reinhard couldn’t believe how well the
mummies had been preserved. They looked like they had been buried only a short time
before. The mummies were carefully removed and carried down the mountain. Since
then Reinhard has had the chance to study them and has even found a living relative of
one of the girls!
1 Mountain mummies

A. Complete each sentence with the correct word.

preserved volcano mummies sacrifices civilisation

1. Vesuvius is a famous __________ in Italy. In 79 AD, it destroyed the city of



2. Thousands of years ago, many Egyptians were made into __________ when
they died. Sometimes they were buried inside pyramids.
3. Food can be __________ for a long time by keeping it in a freezer. It will still
be fresh many weeks later.
4. There have been laws, books, music and art in China for thousands of
years. It is a very old __________.
5. __________ used to be an important part of many religions. Often chickens,
goats or cows were killed and offered to the gods.

B. Choose the correct word or phrase with the same meaning as the blue
words in each sentence.

room very old remaining parts of a destroyed building

highest point people who study objects from the past

1. One day I’d like to climb Mount Everest. I hope I’ll be able to climb all the
way to the summit.
2. Next to the king’s bedroom was a small chamber for washing.
3. Tourists in Egypt like to visit ancient buildings such as the Great Pyramids.
The pyramids were built many thousands of years ago.
4. Archaeologists found a lot of old bones buried underneath the church.
5. After the fire, the family could not return to the ruins of their home.

In other words
A. What is the main purpose of the passage? Circle 1, 2 or 3.
1. To describe the weather on volcanoes.
2. To show how young children were sacrificed in the past.
3. To tell the story of Johan Reinhard’s discovery.

B. Match each heading to the correct paragraph in the passage.

1. Paragraph ___ The Incas.
2. Paragraph ___ The mummies of Llullaillaco.
3. Paragraph ___ Johan Reinhard’s discovery.

1 Mountain mummies

General understanding
Circle T for true or F for false for each of the following statements.
1. Johan Reinhard climbed Llullaillaco to look for Inca mummies. T / F
2. Archaeologists know a lot about the Incas. T / F
3. Johan Reinhard has discovered many Inca mummies. T / F
4. The mummies on Llullaillaco were buried only recently. T / F

In detail
Write short answers to the following questions.
1. When did Johan Reinhard discover the mummies on Llullaillaco?

2. How strong was the wind on the summit of Llullaillaco?

3. Where did Johan Reinhard discover the mummies?

4. How long had the mummies been frozen?
5. Why was Johan Reinhard amazed by the mummies?

In focus
Read the words in bold below, and then find them in the text. What do
they refer to? Match them to the correct subject on the right.

1. Reinhard was there… Johan Reinhard

2. Then they disappeared the summit of Llullaillaco

3. ...he found fifteen other

the children on Llullaillaco
Inca mummies...

4. They had been frozen… the Llullaillaco mummies

5. They looked like… the Incas

Discussion Discuss the following questions with a partner or in a

1. What do you know about mummies?
2. What kinds of things will Johan Reinhard learn from the mummies?
3. Why do you think the Incas sacrificed children to the gods?
4. Would you like to be an archaeologist?
5. Which countries would you visit if you were an archaeologist?

1 Mountain mummies

Taking you further



mmies from their
Many ancient cultures made mu
for their mummies
dead. But the people most famous
The first Egyptian
are the ancient Egyptians.
pose. Bodies were
mummies were not created on pur
sand. The dry wind
buried in shallow graves in the
ed out these bodies
and heat of the desert often dri
m naturally. But,
very quickly and preserved the
ptians began to make
around 5,000 years ago, the Egy
ut seventy days to
their own mummies. It took abo
y. At first, because it
make a mummy from a dead bod
important people
was so expensive, only very rich and
mmies). Later, many
were mummified (made into mu
Today, archaeologists
Egyptians were able to afford it.
ey are a great way to
in Egypt often find mummies. Th
study and learn about the past.

Scrambled words
The words from the vocabulary exercises have been scrambled.
Read the clues and unscramble the letters.
1. the bodies of animals and people from a long time ago:
mimemus __________
2. the remains of old buildings: insur __________
3. a mountain that sometimes explodes: novacol __________
4.  very old: cantine __________
5.  a person who studies the past: ostarichegola __________
6.  highest point: mutism __________
7.  kept for a long time: dersverpe __________
8.  society: vitiialsnico __________
9.  things you kill for a religious purpose: faciricess __________
10. room: rambech __________

2 Undersea explorer

Before you read

1. What parts of the world would you
like to explore? Why?
2. What do you think you might find
if you explored under the sea?
3. What do you think you might find
on a ship that sank many years ago?

1 The Titanic was one of the greatest ships ever built. On 10 April 1912 it left England on
its first voyage. On the ship were more than 2,200 passengers and crew. Four days later,
as it was crossing the Atlantic on its way to the United States, it hit an iceberg and sank.
More than 1,500 people died in the freezing water, and the Titanic disappeared beneath
the sea. Its exact location remained a mystery until it was found in 1985 by Dr Robert D.
2 Ballard has spent more than thirty years exploring under the sea. He pioneered the use of
deep-diving submersibles and has been on more than 120 undersea expeditions. In 1973
and 1974 he explored the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a huge undersea mountain range in the
Atlantic. In 1977 he discovered 2.5-metre worms living in the sea near Ecuador, South
America. He also discovered underwater volcanoes off the coast of California in 1979.
Ballard was the perfect person to search for the Titanic.
3 Ballard began his search for the Titanic in 1977. His first attempt failed, but he didn’t give
up. In August 1985 he returned to the area where the Titanic sank. A submersible named
Argo travelled along almost 4 kilometres below Ballard’s ship, transmitting pictures to
Ballard. Early on the morning of 1 September, Ballard noticed unusual shapes in the sand
at the bottom of the sea. Then he saw clear pictures of a ship. After seventy-three years,
the Titanic had been found.

2 Undersea explorer

A. Complete each sentence with the correct word or phrase.
explore submersible mystery give up pioneered

1. A __________ is a vehicle designed for use underwater.

2. When I started playing the piano, I was very bad, but I didn’t __________.


Now I am quite good at it.
3. Scientists in Britain __________ cloning. A few years ago they cloned the
first sheep, Dolly.
4. Nobody knows how the pyramids in Egypt were built. It is a __________.
5. When you go to a new place, it’s fun to __________.

B. Choose the correct word or phrase with the same meaning as the blue
words in each sentence.
place large pieces of ice floating in the sea sent
a journey with a special purpose long journey by ship

1. Music is transmitted all around the world by radio.

2. The hotel is in a wonderful location, very close to the beach.
3. Ships travelling to Antarctica have to look out for icebergs.
4. I travelled all the way from India to New Zealand by boat. It was a very
relaxing voyage.
5. Next year I’m going to China on an expedition to study the giant panda.

In other words
A. What is the main purpose of the passage? Circle 1, 2 or 3.
1. To tell the story of the discovery of the Titanic.
2. To describe some of the interesting things that can be found under the sea.
3. To warn against the dangers of icebergs.

B. Match each heading to the correct paragraph in the passage.

1. Paragraph ___ The search for the Titanic.
2. Paragraph ___ The Titanic.
3. Paragraph ___ Dr Ballard’s career.

2 Undersea explorer

General understanding
Circle T for true or F for false for each of the following statements.
1. When Dr Ballard started looking for the Titanic, he knew its
exact location. T/F
2. Dr Ballard didn’t have much experience exploring underwater
before 1985. T/F

3. Dr Ballard has discovered many interesting things. T/F

4. Dr Ballard travelled to the bottom of the sea to look for
the Titanic. T/F

In detail
Write short answers to the following questions.
1. Where did the Titanic begin its voyage? _________________________________
2. Why did the Titanic sink? ______________________________________________
3. What is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge? ________________________________________
4. What was the name of Dr Ballard’s submersible? _________________________
5. What did it send back to Ballard’s ship? _________________________________

In focus
Match each figure on the left with the correct fact on the right.

2.5 the year the Titanic sank

73 the number of people who died when the Titanic sank

1912 (years) the length of time it took to find the Titanic

(metres) the length of the worms Dr Ballard found off

over 1,500
the coast of Ecuador

over 2,200 the number of people on the Titanic when it sank

Discuss the following questions with a partner or in a group.
1. Which of Dr Ballard’s discoveries is the most interesting?
2. How do you think the Titanic passengers felt as they started their voyage?
3. What questions would you ask a Titanic survivor?
4. How do you think Ballard felt when he discovered the Titanic?
5. Why do you think people are so interested in the story of the Titanic?
2 Undersea explorer

Taking you further

another discov ery

the bottom of the sea since
y famous ship lying on
The Titanic is not the onl mersibles and naval
2, he day. Ballard used sub


fou nd . In Ma y 200
that Ballard has ate the boat.
cov ere d the rem ain s of a boat called maps to loc
all naval boat,
PT-109. PT-109 was a sm
ture. Its captain
similar to the one in the pic
edy. Its job was
was a young John F. Kenn
from carrying
to stop the Japanese navy
the Solomon
supplies to soldiers on
3 PT-109 was
Islands. On 2 August 194
ip and sank.
struck by a Japanese warsh
and the rest
Two men died, but Kennedy
im to a nearby
of the crew managed to sw
-109 have been
island. The remains of PT

Read the clues and complete the crossword. All the answers are
in the reading passages.
Across 1

3. If you __________ something,

you are the first person to do it. 2 3
4. to find something
5. an underwater vehicle
7. to stop trying to do something 4

(2 words)
9. something that cannot be 5 6

understood or explained
10. a journey with a special 7

1. to travel around a new place 9

to learn about it
2. sent from one place to another
6. a large piece of floating ice
8. a long journey by sea
3 Jungle cave

Before you read

1. Have you ever been in a cave? How
did you feel?
2. Would you like to spend a long
time in a cave? Why or why not?
3. Are there any famous caves in your

1 In 1999 Peter McNab was a student at university in Scotland. One of the subjects he was
studying was surveying, or making maps. Peter was also a keen caver. He had explored
caves all over the world. Because of his success at his studies and his reputation as a
skilled caver, he was invited to take part in an expedition to Vietnam.
2 The purpose of the expedition was to study the Hang Khe Rhy cave, one of the longest
caves in Southeast Asia. They also wanted to measure the length of the Son Trach river,
which flows through the cave. The cave is deep in the jungle in Vietnam’s Quang Binh
province. The area around the cave is home to a great variety of rare flora and fauna.
Peter and fifteen other experts had been asked to study this area by the Vietnamese
3 Getting to the cave wasn’t easy. Peter and the others trekked for eight hours through
thick jungle to get to the cave’s entrance. Then they went into the cave. They worked
underground for twelve days, following the Son Trach river through the cave. Peter made
careful measurements so that he could draw accurate maps later. Finally, they came to
the cave’s exit. Peter was very excited: he had discovered that the Son Trach river was 11
kilometres long – the longest underground river in the world!

3 Jungle cave

A. Complete each sentence with the correct word.
caver jungles skilled accurate keen

1. My watch is very __________. It always tells the correct time.

2. A __________ is a person who enjoys exploring caves.


3. I have always wanted to explore the __________ of Papua New Guinea.
They are full of strange plants and animals.
4. Peter is a very __________ chess player. He doesn’t often make a mistake.
5. I am a __________ tennis player. I try to play at least four times a week.

B. Choose the correct phrase with the same meaning as the blue words in
each sentence.
walk a long way not common plants and animals
moves continuously the things people think and say about you

1. Water always flows downhill.

2. There are only a few giant pandas left in the world now. They are rare,
except in zoos.
3. I am going on holiday to the north of Thailand next month. I’m going to
trek into the mountains and ride an elephant.
4. If you work hard and are kind to your friends, your reputation will be
5. Australia has a lot of interesting flora and fauna, including gum trees and

In other words
A. What is the main purpose of the passage? Circle 1, 2 or 3.
1. To describe the flora and fauna of Vietnam.
2. To show how being a good student can make you famous.
3. To tell the story of Peter McNab’s expedition to a cave in Vietnam.

B. Match each heading to the correct paragraph in the passage.

1. Paragraph ___ Studying the cave.
2. Paragraph ___ Peter McNab.
3. Paragraph ___ The Hang Khe Rhy cave.


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