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2022 Amendment


• Title page i
• Table of Contents ii-v
• Constitution Review Committee Membership vi
• Article 1: PREAMBLE 1
• Article 2 2
o Section 1: Title 2
o Section 2: The Association 2
o Part I: Name of the Association 2
o Part II: Fundamental objectives and directive principles of the Association
and Her policies 2
o Section 3: Supremacy of the Constitution 3
o Section 4: Membership and Privileges 4
o 1. Ordinary Members 4
o 2. Life Members 5
o 3. Honorary Members 5
o Section 5: The Parliament 6
o Section 6: Powers and Functions of the Parliaments 8
o Section 7: Meetings of the Parliament 11
o 1. Inaugural Meetings 11
o 2. Ordinary Meetings 12
o 3. Emergency Meetings 13
o Section 8: Absence from Sitting, Recall and Expulsion 14
o Section 9: Officers and Staffs of Parliament 15

o Part I: Officers of Parliament 15
o Part II: Staff of Parliament 17
o Section 10: Functions of Principal Officers of Parliament 18
o 1. The Speaker 18
o 2. The Deputy Speaker 19
o 3. The Clerk 19
o 4. The Deputy Clerk 20
o 5. The Chief Whip 20
o 6. The Deputy Whip 20
o 7. The Constituency House Leader 20
o 8. The Minority House Leader 21

• Article 4: THE EXECUTIVE ARM 22

o Section 11: Establishment of the Executive Council 22
o Section 12: Powers and Functions of the Executive Council 23
o Section 13: Meetings of the Executive Council 24
o Section 14: Functions of the Executive Officers 25
o 1. The President 25
o 2. The Vice President 28
o 3. The Secretary-General 29
o 4. The Assistant Secretary-General 30
o 5. The Financial Secretary 30
o 6. The Treasurer 31
o 7. The Director of Socials 32
o 8. The Public Relations Officer 33
o 9. The Director of Sports 33
o 10. The Director of Welfare 34


o Section 15: General Assembly 36
o Section 16: Powers of the General Assembly 36

o Section 17: Joint Council 37
o Section 18: Powers of the Joint Council 37


o Section 19: Autonomous Powers of Committee of the Association assigned in the
constitution 39
o Section 20: List of Committees and General Provisions 39
o Section 21: The Audit Committee 41
o Section 22: The Finance Committee 41
o Section 23: The Social and Protocol (Orientation) Committee 42
o Section 24: The Editorial Board / Committee 46
o Section 25: The Welfare Committee 46
o Section 26: Budget Committee 46
o Section 27: Project Monitoring Committee 47
o Section 28: In House Committee 47
o Section 29: Constitution Review Committee 48
o Section 30: Disciplinary Committee 48
o Section 31: Stakeholders Committee 49

• Article 7: ELECTIONS 51
o Section 32: Electoral Commissions 51
o Section 33: Electoral Procedures 52
o Sub-Section 1: Handing Over 56
o Section 34: Code of Conducts and Disqualifications 57
o Sub-Section 1: Code of Conducts for Members of the Association 57
o Sub-Section 2: Code of Conducts for Officers of the Association 58
o Sub-Section 3: Disqualifications 58


o Section 35: The NABS Bank Account 60
o Section 36: Oaths of Office 61

o Section 37: Trials, Impeachment and Suspension 61
o Section 38: Insubordination 62
o Section 39: Constitutional Amendments 63
o Section 40: Order of Sitting at NABS Functions 64
o Section 41: Patrons and Grand Patrons 64
o 1. Appointment 64
o 2. Tenure of Office 65
o 3. Obligations 65
o Section 42: Quorums 65
o Section 43: Miscellaneous Provisions 66
o Section 44: Interpretations 66

First Schedules - Oaths of Office

Second Schedule - NABS Legislative Jurisdiction 74
Third Schedule - Staff Adviser 75
Fourth Schedule - Code of Conduct for Officers of the Association 76
Sanctions 77

Acknowledgement 78

Authority and Endorsement 79

Expression of Assent 80

Conclusion 81


This constitutional amendment was carried out by the Constitution Review Committee set up by
NABS Executive Council 2020/2021 academic session, under the humble leadership of
Comrade. Martins Ozedu Ehizogie (President of NABS, 2020/2021) and chaired by Hon.
Thompson Richardson and also participatory members from constituencies under the
Department of Biochemistry, as follows:

Comr. Ajayi Gabriel (400 Level Constituency)

Comr. Christopher Adole (400 Level Constituency)

Mr. Aliu Imole (400 Level Constituency)

Hon. Joseph Oluwatoba Fawole (300 Level Constituency)

Miss. Angel Osaigbovo Osarienrien (300 Level Constituency)

Hon. Collins Victory Odabi; (Review Committee Coordinator) (200 Level Constituency)

Miss. Oghenebrukevwe Gift George (200 Level Constituency)

Mr. Promise Ejubomini Tomi (100 Level Constituency)

Miss. Amaka Chukwurah; (Review Committee Secretary) (100 Level Constituency)




BENIN CITY., have firmly and solemnly resolved to live in peace and unity in one accord as an
undivided and indisputable entity under the divine guidance of God Almighty to live in one accord
with the National Association of Life Sciences Students Government and Student Union
Government of the University of Benin for the promotion of solidarity, dignity and understanding.
For the purpose of preservation of the principles of freedom, equity, justice, maintenance of
conditions and serene atmosphere conducive to learning and research., We the members of the



This constitution shall be cited as “The Constitution of The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

UNIVERSITY OF BENIN”, hereinafter referred to as “The Constitution”



The Association shall be known as and called The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF
UNIVERSITY OF BENIN (hereinafter referred to as “The Association or NABS”



The aims and objectives of The Association shall be to:

1. To provide a code of conduct for member students and nurture them for the greater risk
of becoming the leaders of tomorrow that our nation Nigeria greatly desires.
2. To encourage and promote selfless service(s) of member students to the Department of
Biochemistry in particular and Nigeria in general.
3. To emphasize the relevance and role of science development in the nation.
4. To work for the progress and advancement of Science and Technology in Nigeria.
5. To contact, cooperate with and exchange ideas with National and International
organizations that are acceptable to the Association.

6. To disseminate current research to the Students of the Department of Biochemistry.
7. To establish a harmonious relationship between the Students and Staff of the
Department of Biochemistry and the University at large.
8. Express, protect and promote the interest and good image of The Association at all
9. Promote an effective and efficient students’ representative body that encourages a
harmonious interaction between students, staff of the University at all levels and the
general public.
10. Create a safe environment for intellectual, moral, socio-cultural, and recreational
development of its members.
11. Promote and encourage good, healthy and peaceful coexistence amongst members of
The Association and other institutions of higher learning, irrespective of country, place
of origin, gender, political or religious belief.
12. Promote effective communication with the University authorities at all levels so that
the rights, privileges and obligations of members of The Association are maintained
and protected.


1. Subject to the General Laws and Regulations of the University of Benin, Edo State and the
Federal Republic of Nigeria, this constitution shall be supreme and its provisions shall have
binding force on all members, organs or agencies of The Association.
2. Any law or decision of anybody, authority or persons under The Association, which is
inconsistent with the provision of this constitution, shall be null and void.


The membership of the Association shall be validated by payment of dues to the Association
from persons who are categorized to include:

1. Ordinary members: which shall consist of all registered undergraduate students of the
Department of Biochemistry, University of Benin (excluding postgraduate students); Provided that
no diploma or part time student (if in existence) shall be eligible to hold any office in the
association, whether by election or appointment.

For the avoidance of doubt, only ordinary members who have satisfied their financial obligations
to the Association shall:
(a) Be entitled to benefits accruing from the Association, including; being eligible to
participate in meetings, functions or activities of the association; including
participation in any sporting activities organized by the Association or which the
Association is part of.

(b) Be eligible to stand for or occupy any office; whether by election or appointment.

(c) Vote and be voted for in approved elections organized by the Electoral commission.

(d) Participate in organized meetings and functions of The Association.

(e) Be eligible to such rights as may be provided for by the SRC for ordinary members.

2. Life Members - Any person who has graduated from the Department of Biochemistry,
University of Benin and having obtained a certification of completion of his/her educational
pursuit herein referred to as B.Sc. They shall have rights to:

(a) Use facilities of the Association as decided by the Executive council.

(b) Participate in social activities of the Association as decided by the Executive council.
(c) Play an advisory role to members of the association when called upon by the Executive
(d) Be observers in NABS STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL meetings and
play any minimal role assigned to him/her by either the President of the Executive
Council or the Speaker of NABS SRC (in a case of disagreements; 2/3rd majority votes
from the parliamentarians present in that meeting is compulsory for a decision).

3. Honorary Members - Any person or group of persons who the Association shall deem fit,
by virtue of their interest and contribution to the development of the Association to be honorary
members subject to the approval of the SRC. They shall have rights to:
(a) Attend functions as observers.
(b) Play advisory roles to members of the Association when called upon by the
Executive council.
(c) Assist the Association in their capacity to achieve set objectives.



1. There shall be a PARLIAMENT for The Association and it shall be the legislative organ.
Members of Parliament shall be addressed as parliamentarians/senators and also as “Honorable”
or “Rt. Honorable” as applicable.
2. The Speaker and House members returning for The Parliament for the third time shall be
addressed as “Rt. Honorable”.
3. The Speaker shall be a returning member of the parliament or a member with at least one
academic session of legislative or executive experience at the departmental or faculty level and
be a student in the penultimate year of study in the department (300L) only.
4. The PARLIAMENT shall comprise of FIVE members, including the class rep or assistant class
rep from each level of the department and no member shall be drawn from NABS ACTIVE
Parliamentary Representatives at the Faculty or SUG level; they can only serve as observers and
5. For the avoidance of doubt in regards to subsection 4 of this section;
a. Members of Parliament (per se observers or advisors) who are NABS ACTIVE
Parliamentary Representatives at Faculty and SUG level shall not be eligible to contest
for principal positions and collection of sitting allowance.
b. Members of Parliament (per se observers or advisors) who are NABS ACTIVE
Parliamentary Representatives at Faculty and SUG level shall have the right to make
observations and offer advices and under this effect shall quote relevant portion of the
constitution to validate such observations made or advices given ONLY and not vote on
the floor of The Parliament on any issue.
6. In line with 4, 5 (a and b) above, any ACTIVE member of NABS Parliamentary Representatives
at the Faculty and SUG level whom have resigned at least a week prior to the election of SRC
officers shall not be classified as under section 5., 4, 5 (a and b) and shall not be held
accountable in a likewise manner.

7. The mace bearing the Logo of the House shall be the symbol of authority at every plenary and
inauguration of SRCs.
8. The Parliament shall be remunerated and refreshed for a maximum of 10 sittings.

9. The parliamentary representatives shall be elected by stakeholders on a level/class basis unless

there is a dispute which the Electoral Commission shall serve as umpire.
10. The inaugural session of the PARLIAMENT shall be convened by the Chairman of the NABS
electoral commission and presided over by him/her (or anyone authorized by him/her).
11. At the inaugural meeting, all members of Parliament shall subscribe to and take an oath of
allegiance which shall be administered by the President.
12. Where the ELECO chairman is unavailable for any reason, the electoral officer next in line to
him/her shall perform the duties imposed by subsection (10) above.
13. Every Officer of Parliament shall subscribe to and take an oath of notice which shall be
administered by the President at the inaugural meeting of Parliament.
14. The Mace which is the symbol of authority of Parliament shall be presented and placed
conspicuously before the Speaker or any person acting in that capacity at all parliamentary meeting
or inauguration. If for any reason whatsoever, the Mace is not available for a duly convened
Parliamentary meeting; the parliamentary house shall move to adopt an object to serve as a mace.
15. The Speaker shall preside at all meetings of Parliament. If for any reason, the Speaker cannot
attend a meeting of Parliament which is duly convened, the Deputy Speaker or in his absence, a
Chairman, elected from among members of Parliament at that session, shall preside over the
16. There shall be a standing order compiled at the discretion of The Speaker after the inauguration
of PARLIAMENTARY MEMBERS which shall regulate the proceedings of Parliament, and shall
be subject to amendment as may be deemed necessary from time to time, except otherwise stated
in this Constitution.
17. Every question or proposal shall be decided by simple majority of the votes of members of
Parliament present at that session, each member having one vote, and in the event of a tie the
Speaker shall have a casting vote.


1. Parliament shall be the highest policy making body of The Association and shall have
power to make laws and ratify policies of The Association.
2. Subject to approval of the STAFF ADVISER, it shall have power to scrutinize, modify
and ratify the budget of The Association before it becomes operational. Save for a waiver,
which shall set a limit to spending and the duration of such, by resolution of the Parliament,
no money shall be spent without appropriation.
3. Have power to approve an amount not exceeding ten (10%) of the preceding annual budget
for startup funds for the Executive Council to work with as an interim measure pending
approval of the annual budget.
4. Have power to reject or amend proposals by the Executive Council.
5. Have power to modify and approve any amount presented by the Executive supplementary
6. Have power to approve stipends payment for officers of the Executive Council and
remuneration of Parliamentarians and any other employee of The Association or in
whatever capacity at most three (3) weeks after their inauguration.
7. As a follow up to (6) above, conditions of eligibility for stipends for the Executive officers
and parliamentarians must follow as below;
a. Only officers who have attained 70% and above attendance in Executive meetings,
Parliamentary Sittings/Meetings, General Assemblies and other function(s) (both at
the Faculty, SUG and others) stands eligible.
b. For dissatisfied officers of (7a) above, an inquiry must be conducted within a time-
frame of not more than one (1) week where evidence will be duly required to
ascertain such officer’s activeness or activity. At the conclusion of an inquiry at the
discretion of The Speaker, 1/3rd majority of members’ present are required to pass
c. Stipends for Executive Officers will be paid on a monthly basis for a period of
(three, 3, months) which will cover for an academic session while for
Parliamentarians, will be paid at the penultimate sitting of the maximum number of
sittings for that Parliamentary Administration. (In this case, every sittings counts
towards the maximum; emergency sitting inclusive until the maximum 10 sittings
is achieved).

d. Amount of stipends must be deliberate; and will in no way be more than 15% of the
annual prospective achievable budget for that academic session.
8. Have power to set up ad-hoc committee or standing committees as it may deem fit at the
discretion of The Speaker.
9. Have power to remove members from any committee on the basis of incompetence, gross
misconduct and or subject to any provisions of this constitution as stipulated therein in the
disqualification, suspension and impeachment of officers and members of SRC.
10. Subject to the provision of this Constitution, it shall have power to appoint members of the
Audit Committee.
11. It shall have power to request the presence of, or summon any member(s) of The
Association, including any member of the Executive Council, member(s) of any agency
established under this Constitution to appear before it in respect of any matter bordering on
the person(s) actions in relation to his/her official capacity.
12. It shall be competent to discuss matters bordering on the welfare and the academic well-
being of the members of The Association.
13. It shall have power to review the annual dues payable by members of the Association,
Subject to the University’s regulation.
14. It shall have power to designate any day for the commemoration of any person or event
bordering either on the faculty, or the Association.
15. It shall approve the annual budget (all budgets herein fall into this category) within fourteen
(14) days of its presentation by the Executive council.
16. It shall have power to scrutinize, criticize, ratify, amend or reject any proposal by the
Executive council.
17. It shall have power to impeach its principal officers on a 2/3 majority vote of members of
18. It shall have power to review reps to be sent to the SUG parliament.
19. It shall have power to dissolve the Executive council.
20. It shall have power to deliberate on and make recommendation on complaints laid before
it by the President pursuant to section 14 (4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13 and 14) and any other matters
it deems fit.

21. Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, all motions shall be adopted by a simple
majority of members, present and voting.
22. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, it shall have power to regulate its own
procedure by drawing up a standing order.
23. Parliament shall approve the annual budget within fourteen (14) days of its presentation by
the Executive Council as in section 6(9) above.
24. Parliament shall approve an amount not exceeding 10% of the budget of the preceding
administration as take of grant for the Executive Council pending the approval of the annual
25. Parliament shall have power to impeach its own principal officers on a 2/3 majority vote of
all members of parliament.
26. Subject to the provisions of article 7, section 32 (13); article 3, section 6 (21), section 10
(1h, 1k); article 4, section 14, sub-section 1 (19), sub-section 3 (5); article 7, section 31
(8), section 33 (3b, 4), section 36 (1-3) have power to impeach any member of the
Executive Council and such a member shall stand removed by a vote of not less than two-
thirds (2/3) majority of all members of Parliament.
27. Have power to impeach and dissolve the Executive Council or an Executive Officer for
gross misconduct by a vote of not less than two-thirds (2/3) majority of all members of
28. As a follow-up to sub-section 22 of this section, have power to constitute a Caretaker
Committee of six (6) members which shall have least half of its members come from
outside the Parliament. The Caretaker Committee shall be responsible to Parliament and
shall perform the functions of the Executive Council under the provisions of the
constitution. The Caretaker Committee shall be headed by a Chairman, and shall not stay
in office for more than fourteen (14) days from the date of the swearing-in of the Committee
during which new elections shall be conducted.

29. In conjunction with the Joint Council and General Assembly, have power to originate,
amend and pass bills in the SRC. A bill shall be deemed to have passed if 2/3rd majority
members present in that sitting approve of it. Every bill passed by the SRC shall before it
become law, be presented to the President of The Association for approval and signature.

If The President refuses to consent to such bill for a valid reason, then that bill stands
NULL and VOID, but refuses for an invalidated reason, SRC shall proceed to reconsider
such bill and subject to passing of a 2/3rd majority present parliamentary vote and pending
approval and signature of The Speaker, SHALL BECOME LAW.

30. In the absence of an existing Parliament in an administration, the constitutional review shall
be done by a committee of members of high level of legislature or executive experience
either from NABS Department, Faculty or SUG Parliaments. Such members must be from
the different levels (the 100 level students shall serve as observes or trainees of this
committee), headed by a chairman of very high legislative competence from the ultimate
level (constituency).

N.B; Voting by members can be done in absentia as long as such voting verdict is received by
the House in not more than 72 hours after notifying such absent member, this ONLY applies
for a voting pattern that requires 2/3rd majority members of Parliament and not 2/3rd majority
of members present in a sitting. Motions can be adopted without the cumbersome need of
members voting at the discretion of the Speaker but if agitated by the House, voting for the
adoption of a motion must be carried out. No member can be voted for in ABSENTIA.


1. Inaugural meeting
a. The inaugural meeting of Parliament shall be convened by the NABS Electoral
Commission not later than twenty-four (24) hours after the swearing-in of the Executive
b. At the inaugural meeting, all members of Parliament shall subscribe to and take an oath
of allegiance which shall be administered by the President.
c. The Officers of Parliament shall be elected at this inaugural meeting.
d. Every Officer of Parliament shall subscribe to and take an oath of notice which shall be
administered by the President at the inaugural meeting of Parliament.

e. There must be a prior notice 48 hours via any media to all recognized members of The
Association as stipulated in section article 2 section 4 of this constitution of the
inauguration of parliamentarians before such inauguration can be recognized or else it
becomes null and void.
2. Ordinary meetings:
a. Ordinary meetings of Parliament shall be summoned by the Speaker in accordance
with section 10 (1a and 1b).
b. The Speaker shall preside over all meetings of the SRC unless otherwise stated in
other portions of this constitution.
c. Only members of SRC shall take part in its proceedings but may serve in any
capacity of assistance ONLY when called upon by a higher authority, The Speaker
or The ELECO Chairman (during its inauguration).
d. Notice of Parliament sittings shall be 48 hours via any media to all recognized
members of The Association as stipulated in section article 2 section 4 of this
constitution in advance, failure to do so will lead to the clerk being sanctioned
with a fine as determined by sitting members and an apology letter to all members
of The Association.
e. The quorum for ordinary meeting Parliament shall be 2/3 the total number of its
members with voting rights.
f. The Mace which is the symbol of authority of Parliament shall be presented and
placed conspicuously before the Speaker or any person acting in that capacity at
all parliamentary meeting. If for any reason whatsoever, the Mace is not available
for a duly convened Parliamentary meeting; they shall move to adopt an object to
serve as a mace.
g. If for any reason, the Speaker cannot attend a meeting of Parliament which is duly
convened, the Deputy Speaker or in his absence, a Chairman, elected from among
members of Parliament at that session, shall preside over the meeting;
h. There shall be a standing order which shall regulate the proceedings of
Parliament, and shall be subject to amendment as may be deemed necessary from
time to time;

i. Any student and other interested persons may attend meetings of Parliament, as
observers and shall be restricted to public gallery or otherwise stated by relevant
section of this constitution.
j. Except otherwise stated in this Constitution, every question or proposal shall be
decided by simple majority of the votes of members of Parliament present at that
session, each member having one vote, and in the event of a tie the Speaker shall
have a casting vote.
k. Voting at sittings shall be by voice vote, show of hand or secret ballot as decided
by the Speaker, save for a duly seconded motion on the voting pattern.
l. Resolution(s) from such meetings as a SRC meeting stated in this section, shall be
binding on all members of NABS except where proceeding(s) that led to such
resolution(s) contravene any provision(s) of this constitution.

3. Emergency Meeting:
a. An emergency meeting of Parliament shall be summoned in the same
manner as an ordinary meeting under sub-section (2) of this section provided that
where a member collects signatures for such meeting, they shall obtain the
signatures of at least two-third (1/3) of the total members of Parliament.
b. Notice of an emergency meeting (which shall include the agenda) shall be
delivered at least twenty-four (24) hours via any media to all recognized members
of The Association as stipulated in section article 2 section 4 of this constitution
before the time of the meeting.
c. Procedures and quorum of emergency meetings shall be the same as those
for ordinary meetings of Parliament.


1. Any Member of Parliament who fails to attend two consecutive sessions without reasonable
cause and without any written explanation tendered to the Clerk before the second consecutive

absence shall be deemed to have forfeited his/her seat and an appointment will be made by the
stakeholders of his/her class to serve as his/her replacement and whatever privileges accorded to
such member stands withdrawn or should be withdrawn.

2. Members of Parliament are only permitted to request permission of absence from any
meeting on two (2) occasions per month. If any member request permission of absence after two
(2) occasions for a particular month after exceeding his/her quota, such requests are automatically

3. Without prejudice to sub-section (1) above, any Member of Parliament whose conduct or
performance is unsatisfactory to his/her constituency shall, upon a recommendation of a simple
majority of the members of his/her constituency to the Clerk, be recalled and replaced as in section
8 (1) above.

4. Any member of parliament who proceeds to purchase form signifying his interest in
another political position within the University shall be deemed to have forfeited his seat and will
be removed and replaced as in section 8 (1) above.

5. Without prejudice to Section 8 (2), any member of parliament whose conduct or

performance is unsatisfactory to the House, shall be petitioned by a member of parliament, to the

6. The Speaker shall cause an investigation into the petition by setting up a committee, whose
recommendation shall apply to the affected Member of Parliament. The recommendations by the
committee, based on their findings, may range from acquittal, minor sanctions to expulsion from

7. Any Member of Parliament affected by any of the foregoing subsections shall be informed
in writing by the Speaker through the Clerk, of his forfeiture or recall or expulsion, and the Speaker
shall direct the Electoral Commission to conduct a bye-election to fill such vacant position(s) or
adhere the provisions as in section 8 (1) of this constitution and in the absence of this direct the
Electoral Commission as stated above.

8. These will follow the conditions as below:

a. If a seat becomes vacant by reason of resignation, forfeiture, recall or otherwise,

the members of the Constituency in which the vacancy exists shall elect another
representative via a bye-election or adhere the provisions as in section 8 (1) of this
b. Such election shall be conducted at the earliest possible time from when the seat
becomes vacant.



• Parliament shall from amongst members elect at its inaugural session the following
officers for itself:
(a) Speaker,
(b) Deputy Speaker,
(c) Clerk,
(d) Deputy Clerk,
(e) Chief Whip,
(f) Deputy Whip,
(g) Constituency House Leader,
(h) Minority House Leader.



• The parliament shall amongst her various Constituency elect Constituency Leaders.
Constituency means Block/Classes in NABS

1. Elections into principal offices of parliament shall be conducted by the NABS Electoral
Commission at the inaugural sitting which should normally be 24 hours after inauguration
for executive offices.
2. The Speaker shall be an honorable member and a returning member of the parliament or a
member with at least one academic session of legislative or executive experience at the
departmental, faculty or SUG level and be a student in the penultimate year of study in the
department (300L) only while the Deputy Speaker shall be no lower than an
antepenultimate year student (200L) with one session academic experience in the house
during their tenure in their year of service.

N:B- If the Speaker or the President is IMPEACHED ONLY or ANY OFFICER of The
Association is IMPEACHED ONLY, their replacement via any means possible as
appointment, Parliamentary voting or a bye-election WILL NOT follow due procedures
in article 3, section 9 (2), article 4, section 14 (2) and article 3, section 5 (3). Conventional
politics at this stage is ALLOWED TO STAND.

N:B- The offices of the Speaker and the President WILL NOT BE CONTESTED UN-
OPPOSED unless in a circumstance where there are unavailability of contestants.

3. The said officers in sub-section (1) shall be removed from office by a motion supported by
at least two-thirds majority of members of the total membership of the Parliament.
a. For the sake of clarity, Constituency Leaders shall be elected by Honorable
members from each Block/Class which must not be in a plenary sitting.

b. Each elected constituency leader must be openly nominated in a plenary session
and accepted by the Honorable members of parliament.
c. Each elected Constituency Leaders must be sworn in by an oath of office which is
to be administered by the Honorable Speaker.


1. The Speaker Shall:

a. Have power to summon meetings of SRC through the Clerk and preside over all such
meetings. The Deputy Speaker shall act in the absence of the speaker. In the absence
of both, a chairman shall be elected from among honorable members to preside over
the meeting.
b. Have the sole power to convene trial and try all cases of impeachment except self-
impeachment defined herein. When sitting for that purpose, there shall be an oath of
affirmation subject to article 7, section 37 (1), no officers shall be tried in his/her
c. Convene meetings of the SRC through the clerk of the parliament on a written request
signed by two-third (1/3rd) of members of SRC.
d. Convene meetings of the SRC through the clerk of the parliament on the advice of the
e. Have no vote unless when there is a tie.
f. Regulate proceedings in The Parliament and maintain law and order by virtue of
instructions given to the Chief Whip of The Parliament.
h. Open the floor for deliberations and the business of The House.
i. Ensure free and fairness in all matters that needs to be deliberated in The House and
abhor prejudices and unfair standards in The House.
j. Be the head of the SRC and must head any duties or responsibilities accorded the SRC
in-conjunction with the Executive Council.

k. Must draw up matters of deliberations from the constitution and matters brought up to
him/her by members of the parliament via writing or in previous SRC sittings; the
priority of this procedure must first be to the constitution before anything else. Failure
to do this must be met with sanctions from The Parliament ranging from suspension
from heading that SRC sitting and be relegated to public gallery after which he/she will
be reinstated. If such acts happen for a fifth time and after due deliberations from the
disciplinary committee, if found guilty will be automatically impeached and the
necessary measures for a re-election as stipulated by this constitution will be adhered
l. Will be in-charge of the affairs of the SRC and act as a custodian of the constitution
and ensure all its provisions are carried out as failure to do so will attract punishment
as stipulated in section 10 sub-section 1(k) above.
m. Be a signatory to The Association’s bank account.
n. Be impeached if his/her actions cause the Association disruptions, unavoidable
embarrassments or he/she is found incompetent in carrying out his duties as assigned
to him/her by this constitution.
o. In a case of discord in the Parliament after exhaustive deliberations, Mr. Speaker
decision is FINAL.

2. The Deputy Speaker shall:

a. Assist the Speaker in his/her absence
b. Chair the in-house committee
c. Exercise such functions and powers as may be allocated by the SRC and this
d. Exercise such powers and carry out other functions/duties as are herein allocated to
him/her under various sections of this constitution.

3. The Clerk shall:

a. Convene SRC meetings in accordance with the provisions of this constitution and
shall ensure that notice of such meetings containing the agenda reach members at least
48 hours before the meetings, except emergency sittings which shall be 24 hours.

Notice of Parliament sittings shall be transmitted via any media to all recognized
members of The Association as stipulated in section article 2 section 4 of this
constitution in advance, failure to do so will lead to the clerk being sanctioned with a
fine as determined by sitting members and an apology letter to all members of The
b. Ensure the SRC meeting notice is conspicuously displayed on all notice boards in
the department.
c. Record and keep minutes of proceedings in good order.
d. Arrange for the venue of meetings.
e. Perform other functions in line with this constitution.

4. The Deputy Clerk shall:

a. Assist the Clerk and act in his absence.
b. Keep records of attendance.
c. Take roll call of members and within 15 minutes after SRC adjourn and forward
a list of absent members to the Clerk, Chief Whip and the Speaker.
d. Perform other functions as may be allocated in line with this constitution.

5. The Chief Whip shall:

a. Ensure and enforce order and discipline among members.
b. Ensure proper custody of the Mace.
c. Oversee vote counting during sittings.
d. Perform other duties as may be allocated in line with this constitution.

6. The Deputy Whip shall:

a. Assist the Chief whip in the documentation of vote counts during sittings.
b. Shall be the sergeant at arms.
c. Perform other duties as may be allocated by the chief whip or the house through
the speaker.

7. The Constituency House Leader shall:

a. Be one of the most qualified and should possess visible leadership skills and
hands-on experience in coordinating the affairs of his/her Constituency
b. Be elected by a vote of each member of the constituency sworn in, at the first
c. Coordinate and be responsible for the activities of his/her constituency
d. Be responsible for the behavior and welfare of each honorable member in
his/her constituency.
e. Be an adviser on NABS Legislative matters to his/her immediate constituency
f. Ensure every honorable members of his/her constituency are present in every
g. Ensures the Notice of Sitting as delivered by the Clerk gets to all Honorable
members of his/her constituency on time.
h. Deliver a Letter of Permission/Absence on behalf of any honorable member
that will not be present at any sitting to the Clerk at least 24 hours before that

8. Minority House Leader shall:

a. Be the most experienced parliamentarian having served in this following order;
i. At the highest office at the SUG level in descending order.
ii. In the absence of (i) above, at the highest office at the Faculty level in
descending order.
iii. In the absence of (i) and (ii) above, at the highest office at the
Departmental level in descending order.
b. Must not be any holder of a Principal Office at the Parliament or at the Executive
Council and must not be an appointee of the Speaker or the President in any
official or unofficial position.
i. In correlation to (b) above, a Minority House Leader MUST resigned from
his/her role in no more than 48 hours after expression of interest if he/she

wishes to attain the position of any principal offices in both the SRC or
Executive Council.
c. The duties of a Minority House Leader shall be as follows ONLY;
i. State observatory protocols that goes against the principle and stipulations
of this constitution in a Parliamentary debate or meeting ONLY after
being observed by the Speaker.
ii. Raise cross debated issues at the floor of Parliament which the Speaker
must acknowledge.
iii. Offer advices and observation on constitutional basis at the floor of
Parliament at the discretion of the Speaker.
iv. Carry out any duties assigned to him/her by the Speaker in agreement with
members of Parliament by simple majority present.



1. There shall be an Executive Council for The Association, officers of the Executive Council
of which shall be elected by Ordinary members of the association.
2. Any member of the Executive Council who proceeds to purchase form signifying his interest
in another political position within the University shall be deemed to have resigned or forfeited
his/her office.
3. The members of the Executive Council shall be as follows:

(a) The President;

(b) The Vice-President;

(c) The Secretary General;

(d) The Assistant Secretary General;

(e) The Financial Secretary;

(f) Treasurer

(g) The Director of Socials;

(h) The Public Relations Officer;

(i) The Director of Sports.

(j) The Director of Welfare


1. The Executive Council shall super-intend the affairs of The Association and cater for the
interest of all its members and shall be accountable to the SRC i.e The Parliament.
2. The Executive Council shall provide The Association’s bank account details for easy
access to all ordinary members of The Association in-order to meet up with their
financial responsibilities at all times.
3. The Executive Council shall implement all programs and activities of The Association.
4. The Executive Council shall keep the Parliament constantly informed of its actions and
shall be responsible to same for such actions.
5. The Executive Council shall take proper care of The Association’s properties.
6. The Executive Council shall refer cases of misuse relating to section 12, (4) of this
section to the Parliament and the appropriate authority for appropriate action.
7. The Executive Council shall organize an Annual NABS Health Week which shall hold
before or on the 8th week of second semester.
8. The Executive Council should be able to execute a feasible project(s) that affects a good
percentage of members positively depending on funds available.
9. The Executive Council shall within thirty (30) days of its inauguration prepare and
present to Parliament its proposed annual budget for consideration and approval. If at the
expiration of thirty (30) days the Executive Council fails to submit the proposed annual
budget to Parliament, disbursement of The Association funds as provided for under
section 6 (2) of this constitution shall cease forthwith.
10. Subject to approval by the SRC (The Parliament), at the discretion of the Executive
Council and upon consultation with the Staff Adviser and/or Life members, the Executive
Council shall seek concessions, grants and authorization from within or outside the
University; enter into such contracts and agreements and carry out such duties as may be,
necessary in the interest of The Association.
11. The Executive Council shall prepare and present a terminal report to the Parliament for
consideration and approval not later than fourteen (14) days before the expiration of its
tenure. The Parliament shall within five (5) days of receiving the report, consider and
return same to the Executive Council for circulation to the general students’ body.
12. The Executive Council shall be mandated by this constitution and by law to
always leave at least ten percent (10%) of the total income generated via payment of
dues, grants, concessions or whatever means approvable by the SRC and duly
acknowledge by the Staff Adviser as in (9) above as takeoff grant for the next Executive
Body at the end of every administration.
13. For the avoidance of doubt, the tenure of the Executive Council expires at the end of the
14th week of second semester.

14. The Executive Council must execute feasible project(s) that will promote the wellbeing of
all Biochemistry Students and NABS membership as stated in article 2, section 1, 2
and 3.

15. The Executive Council shall plan (in conjunction with SRC) a budget for the annual

1. The Executive Council shall meet as often as necessary for the effective and efficient
running of the affairs of The Association.
2. It shall be the duty of the President acting through the Secretary General to summon
meetings of the Executive Council.
3. The President shall preside over Executive Council meetings, while the Secretary General
shall take minutes. The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President, and the
Assistant Secretary General shall act in the absence of the Secretary General,
4. On a request signed by not less than five (5) members of the Executive Council delivered
to the President and the Secretary General; the President shall, under his/her discretion,
summon a meeting of the Executive Council through the Secretary General.
5. The President shall determine the manner in which Executive Council shall vote on any
matter before it.
6. Decisions of the Executive Council meeting shall be based on a simple majority.
7. The Secretary General shall take minutes at every Executive Council meetings or
in his/her absence, the Assistant Secretary General shall be liable to take minutes at every
Executive Council meetings.



The President Shall:

1. Head of the Executive Council.

2. Be the, head of The Association and the Executive Council of the Association (i.e. NABS
001) and shall preside over all Executive and General Assembly meetings of The Association.
3. Must be no less than an ultimate student of the Association (in this case a 400L student).

4. Exercise all such powers and carry out all other duties as assigned to him/her by all sections
of this constitution.
5. Be chief-head of every other Executive Officer of The Association and over-see their actions
under the tenets of The Constitution and under (6) of this section refer displeasure about an
Executive Officer to The Parliament.
6. Have power to refer disputes bordering on insubordination, abuse of office and delegation of
duty within the Executive Council to SRC after due query and warning had been issued to the
Executive officer concerned.
7. Take decisions on behalf of The Association in consultation with Executives and approval by
the SRC where the General Assembly meeting cannot be convened.
8. Have the power to nominate and with advice and consent of SRC shall appoint other officers
of the Association (such as Personal Assistant or any other not stipulated by the provisions of
this constitution), whose appointment are not herein otherwise provided for.
9. In conjunction with members of the Executive Council and Legislature, embody the dignity
and self-respect of The Association.
10. Summon through the Secretary-General, meetings of the Executive Council and of the General
11. Without prejudice to the constitutional duties of any member of the Executive Council (and
matters incidental thereto) he/she shall supervise and co-ordinate all the activities of the
Executive Council.
12. Be a co-signatory to all correspondence of The Association arising from the Executive
Council and represent The Association in all external matters or in his/her absence, a
nominated representative by The President.
13. Subject to the provisions of this constitution he/she shall have the power, in connection to the
Executive Council, to make appointments to political offices, but subject to ratification by the
14. Give effect to the designation of a day by ensuring that such a day is commemorated after
approval by the SRC.
15. Have power, with the concurrence of the Executive Council to lay a report to Parliament of
any abuse of office or dereliction by any member of the Executive Council.

16. Upon the receipt of the budget of all organs of NABS, present in conjunction with the
Executive Council, the budget before Parliament for approval, at most 30 days after the
inauguration of Parliament. If the Parliament is inaugurated at the end of the session, then the
30 days will run from the commencement of the next session.
17. Be the Chairman of any Committee inaugurated by the executive council such as finance
committee or any other duly deemed fit necessary.
18. Ensure that the registration of the Association is renewed as at when due, with the appropriate
authorities in compliance with the University regulations.
19. Be a signatory to the Association’s account.
20. Have power to inaugurate the SRC.
21. Be impeached if his/her actions cause the Association disruptions, unavoidable
embarrassments or he/she is found incompetent in carrying out his constitutional duties as
assigned to him/her by this constitution.


1. Without prejudice to the powers of the President, the Vice President shall act in the
President’s absence or incapacity and carry out such other function as may be assigned to him/her
by the President.
2. The Vice-President shall be the chairman of the NABS Week Committee. Accordingly,
he/she shall be responsible for drawing up the entire budget of the NABS week after having
received estimates of the amount needed from members of the Executive council where necessary,
for the specific role if any; they have to play in the week.
3. The Vice-President shall ensure with the assistance of the Secretary General and the
Financial Secretary, the efficient and economic use of the association’s assets and resources.
4. Shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the President and the Executive council.
5. Shall be in-charge of the affairs of newly registered students into the department and hence
into The Association such as coordinating of election of class reps and assistants, creation of
WhatsApp groups in-line with existing WhatsApp protocols followed by the three higher classes,
head freshers orientation campaigns and carry out required orientation for the new students, receive
complaints from new and existing students of the Association, visit the 100L students lecture
centre on a weekly basis to ascertain the conditions and welfare of the new students, monitor
students-staffs relationship and provide weekly reports to the President which in-turn is addressed
in the SRC, ensure student validation by ensuring every registered student of the Association has
a valid means of identification, caution students with inappropriate dressing and ensure student
morality is uncompromised and they are responsible individuals; this could be done via weekly
lectures organized by the office of the Vice President and also carry out any functions in-relation
to student affairs especially the newly registered students of the Association.
6. The Vice President shall head the committee comprising the Director of Welfare and
Director of Socials in relation to students’ affairs of the Association ONLY. As such both officers
will work closely with the office of the Vice President and brief him/her of any policies relating to
students’ affairs.


The Secretary General:

1. Shall at the order of the President, convene meetings of the Executive Council or of the General
2. With the concurrence in writing of at least five members of the Executive Council shall be
competent to convene meetings of the Executive Council or of the General Assembly in the
absence of the President. If the President gives disapproval or any disapproval from the
President on this provision will deem this provision null and void.
3. Make recommendation to the President on all matter(s) pertaining to appointment(s) and
discipline of all the association employees.
4. Except in respect of financial matters shall be a co-signatory to all correspondence of the
executive arm of the Association.
5. Shall record the attendance and minutes of both Executive and General Assembly meetings in
a regular and up-to-date manner. Failure to do so will render an abuse of duty and instigate the
immediate deliberations for the impeachment from office by the SRC after receiving a signed
letter from the President acknowledging this abuse of duty or in the absence of the President,
the Vice President or in the absence of the Vice President, the Speaker of SRC.
6. Shall compile and present to Parliament a full report of all the activities of The Association
within the period of his/her tenure of office and no later than 7 days before the dissolution of
the Executive Council.
7. Shall, subject to this constitution, accompany the President in external matters.
8. Shall produce and keep all the chattels of the Association, except chattels belonging to the
Parliament which shall be kept by the Clerk of the House or as shall be provided by the rules of
the House.
9. Shall co-ordinate the activities of NABS Secretariat and all correspondence of the Association,
provided that this section shall not be construed as empowering him with regards to other organs
or established bodies of the Association.
10. Shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the President and the Executive council.

11. On the advice and approval of the Executive Council compile comprehensive terminal
report of the Council for the session and thereafter present same through the President to SRC
at its penultimate meeting, which shall then be published on the associations notice board.


The Assistant Secretary General:

1. Shall act in the absence or incapacity of the Secretary General.

2. Shall perform such other functions as are delegated to him by the President, Secretary
General or the Executive council.
3. Supervise The Association’s secretariat and ensure it is in a conducive state AND NOT
IN A DEPLORABLE STATE and provide weekly report to the Secretary General via
handwritten reports or media documented ones.
4. Act as Secretary to NABS week committee.
5. Shall be secretary to all executive committees where the Secretary is not a member and not
otherwise provided for in this constitution.


The Financial Secretary:

1. Shall be responsible for keeping financial records of The Association for which purpose he
shall keep appropriate ledgers.
2. Shall be Secretary of the Financial Committee in accordance with the provisions set out
3. He shall prepare and have ready for the Audit and Budget Committee, a financial statement of
the Association immediately after the NABS week.
4. Shall keep records of such statements, receipts and evidence of authorization in respect of
expenditures along with ledgers.

5. He shall facilitate the collection of dues with every means possible but not violence or acts of
misdemeanor. If tasking, dues collection, he/she shall write to the SRC for support in making
policies and laws to effect efficient dues collection as such as in article 2, section 4 (1) of this
constitution or whatever the Parliament reasonably deems fit.
6. He shall remit to the Treasurer, all revenue collected on behalf of The Association within
twenty-four hours of collection at most.
7. Publish the statement of account at least once every two weeks per semester in the
Association’s periodicals and on the Association’s notice board/ and forward copies of it to
staff adviser and the SRC (Students Representative Council) via the office of The Public
Relation Officer.
8. Shall be a signatory to the NABS account and shall sign when the Treasurer is unavailable to
do so.
9. Shall take charge of section 14 sub-section (6) in the absence or incapacity of the Treasurer.
10. Present a Financial Statement to the President every forth night for proper documentation.
11. Carry out other duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive Council.


The Treasurer shall:

1. Bank the association’s funds within 48 hours of receipt procurement.

2. Have high financial integrity, prudence, boldness and wisdom.
3. Make all bank withdrawals primarily.
4. Keep an impress account to be determined by the SRC.
5. Take charge of the affairs in section 14 sub-section (5) in the absence or incapacity of the
Financial Secretary.
6. Be a signatory to the NABS bank account where applicable.
7. Be responsible for the disbursement of approved expenditure by the President of The
Association after due approval and recognition by The Parliament and BE responsible for The
Association’s withdrawal booklet.
8. Collect money from the financial secretary; and issue receipt for such collection.

9. Assist the financial secretary in collection of dues and issuance of receipts which he must
make known to financial secretary.
10. Withdraw money from bank with endorsed cheques and submit his/her account to the
Student Representative Council or appropriate body any time he/she is called upon to do so.
11. Carry out other duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive Council.


The Director of Socials shall:

1. Be the Chairman of any Social and Protocol Committee which may be set up.
2. With the permission of the Executive Council form a Social and Protocol Committee in
accordance with the provision of this constitution which shall be charged with the arrangements
for social activities for the students of The Association.
3. Be in charge of any social communities within one-mile radius of The Association, monitor
and observe activities of these social communities for the greater good of Biochemistry students
of which they are participants.
4. In conjunction with the Vice President, be responsible for all expenditures and activities
involving refreshments, cooking and hiring of venue at the NABS dinners and other social
5. Take custody and maintain proper inventory of all audiovisual equipment of the Association.
6. Assist and cooperate with the Vice President for the purposes of Section 14, sub section (2) of
this constitution.
7. Orchestrate and direct welcome party organized by The Association for the newly admitted
students of the department in conjunction with the office of The Vice President.
8. Shall perform all other functions as may be allocated to him by the Executive Council.


The Public Relations Officer shall:

a. Shall be the chief image maker of the Association and shall give the Association’s
activities adequate publicity.
b. Shall be very much educated in literature, essay-writing and intellectual
journalism and be willing to instill this on the very much younger students by
organizing mini-essay competition for the students or sourcing for these
competition for the student.
c. Must be responsible for the publishing of publications in whatever form at the
students’ notice board.
d. Shall be the official mouthpiece of the Association and shall disseminate
information regarding the activities of similar associations in other universities.
e. Shall be responsible for the publication of any publication of the Association.
f. Shall, subject to SRC ratification, appoint an Editorial Board over which he shall
g. Be in charge of audio-visual materials of The Association in conjunction with
the Director of Socials as indicated in that section 14, subsection 7 (5).
h. In consultation with the President and/or the Executive Council, carry out the
internal and external publicity of The Association activities.
i. Carry but other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Executive Council.


The Director of Sports shall:

1. Shall co-ordinate all sporting activities of the Association.

2. Develop and keep a register of official historical events of various sporting events the
department have been involved in at all sporting levels in the University and ensure that this
information is duly preserved and transmitted from one students’ hierarchical level to the next.

3. Present to The Association through The President to the Parliament, an annual report of
sporting activities of the students within the department and external to the department which
MUST then be published on the NABS student notice boards.
4. Shall specifically organize the NABS games, including the HOD’s Cup annually.
5. Co-ordinate all sporting activities of The Association and shall be responsible for all sporting
activities engaged in by The Association.
6. Implement the University Sports Policy of developing student’s bodies and minds through mass
participation and organization of sports activities.
7. Shall be the Team Manager of the Departmental team and head of the Sports Committee which
shall be responsible for all sporting activities engaged in by The Association both within and
outside the university.
8. The sports committee shall comprise of the team manager of each block or in their absence, the
football coach of each class or in their absence any competent personnel assigned by the class
9. He shall be in-charge of assigning a competent coach for the departmental sports teams.
10. He shall carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive council.


The Director of Sports shall:

1. Shall be responsible in conjunction with the Welfare Committee and other EXCO
members, in matters that bothers on the welfare of BIOCHEMISTS which shall include
among others:
i Ensure good learning condition;
ii The regulation of prices of items and services rendered within the Department of
Biochemistry premises;
iii Responsibility for the general cleanliness of the environment and the hygiene of the

2. Accordingly, he/she shall liaise with the appropriate authority or contractor (as the case may
be) of the University to ensure the above functions and that students are comfortable and
satisfied with the running of the Faculty and Association.
3. Be responsible for the general welfare of the Association guest(s).
4. Be responsible for the venues of meeting of the Executive Council and the SRC.
5. Perform other duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive Council




1. There shall be a General Assembly, convened by the President through the Secretary-General,
which shall be a unifying and consultative organ of the Association.
2. It shall be the Supreme Organ of the Association embodying the sovereignty and integrity of
the Association herein known as National Association of Biochemistry (NABS).
3. It shall be presided over by the President of the Association.
4. Notice of such General Assembly shall be published at least one (1) week before the date of the
General Assembly.
5. The Secretary General shall remind via personal sms or a social media platform, all Life
Members of the Association whom have served The Association in any political capacity
during their year of studentship in no later than 48 hours after such meetings have been agreed
upon and no less than 96 hours before the commencement of such meetings as (1) above.


a. The General Assembly shall be convened at least once a semester to inform members of
the policies of NABS government.
b. It shall have power to discuss debate, consider, deliberate and make recommendations on
any matter or proposal specifically referred to it by the President of the Association or the Speaker
of Parliament.
c. Shall act as the joint-highest decision making body of the Association in correlation with
the SRC, it shall have power to make resolutions, pass bills and laws and refer to the Executive
council or SRC to implement where applicable. It may, in the event of the SRC’s inability to
convene, take expedient decisions.

d. It shall receive recommendations from the SRC and the Executive Council in-order to ratify
and pass bills and laws for the greater benefits of members of the Association and any other related


1. The Council shall comprise of the Executive Council, the Parliament and all members of
the Association herein known as NABS, who have served in an Executive, Parliamentary
or Electoral capacity at any level of Student Union in the University of Benin and also
Life Members of the Association at the discretion of the President and The Speaker.
2. The Council shall be jointly presided over by the President and the Speaker.


1. It shall be competent to discuss and take decisions on matters bordering on The

Association's interest at student union government level;
The interests shall include;
a. The person(s) the Association will project for FACULTY executive positions.
b. The person(s) the Association will project for SUG executive positions.
c. The person who represents the DEPARTMENT at the FACULTY electoral
2. If there is an exigency, and the convening of a General Assembly is not likely, this
Council may deliberate on matters bordering on the well-being of students. Before the
election of a new government, “Certificates of Service”, shall be awarded to the outgoing
members of the Executive Council, Parliament, and such other persons as Parliament,
acting on the recommendation of the President, as may deem fit.
3. Joint council shall set the remuneration for Parliamentarians and Executive Council
Members where the SRC could not ascertain a remuneration fit for Parliamentarians and
Executive Council Members.

4. It shall have power to review the annual dues payable by members of The Association,
subject to the University’s regulation where the SRC could not ascertain dues payable by
Members of The Association.
5. It shall have power to designate any day for the commemoration of a person or event
bordering either on the department or The Association.
6. It shall hold its session after the inauguration of the SRC in a likewise manner as a House
sitting presided over by the Speaker and by the President of The Association and any
available Life Members of The Association.
7. Only members of this council are afforded the rights to partake in its proceedings and cite
the constitution in this regard ONLY.
8. Its sittings shall address the issues stipulated in this constitution ONLY.
9. It shall receive recommendations from the SRC and not superimpose its decisions on the
SRC but rather in agreement with the SRC and in such case of a ruling, the decision of
the SRC is FINAL.





1. These committees shall carry out their constitutional duties as assigned in the constitution
and upheld by the SRC and pending approval of the President of The Association.
2. These committees have autonomous independence of action and decision-making but
MUST be in line with the provisions of this constitution or it stands null and void.
3. The President and Speaker of The Association lack the constitutional rights to override
the decisions of these committees unless they are a member of such committees.
4. Mutual understanding must be employed in case of Committees/Authority (The
President and Speaker of The Association) disagreements but in the absence of such
understanding the Speaker and the SRC will make a decision based on a vote cast of its


1. The Association shall have but not be limited to the following committees:

a. The Audit Committee;

b. The Finance Committee;
c. The Social and Protocol (Orientation) Committee;
(a) Social Orientation Committee.
(b) Political Orientation Committee.
(c) Academic Orientation Committee.
d. The Editorial Board/Committee;
e. The Welfare Committee;
f. The Budget Committee;

g. Project Monitoring Committee;
h. In House Committee;
i. Constitution Review Committee;
j. Disciplinary Committee;
k. Stakeholders Committee;

2. The SRC shall have powers to create Parliamentary Committees.

3. Membership of all parliamentary committees must be at the maximum of 3 members per
committees unless otherwise stated by other portions of this constitution.
4. The SRC shall have power to create additional administrative Committees on the
recommendation of the Executive Council for the efficient running of the Executive Council.
5. Every constituency is eligible and MUST hold the position of a Parliamentary committee head
and also a Parliamentary committee secretary at the discretion of the Speaker. No constituency
SHOULD have a committee head and secretary for a particular Parliamentary
6. (a) Except for Parliamentary Committees and the Finance Committee no member of the SRC
shall be a member of any committee or any agency of NABS government unless otherwise
provided for in this constitution.
(b) Parliament shall have power to ratify the appointment of members to all committees
before assumption of office.
(c) The Chairmen of all Executive Committees must present all resolutions to the
Executive Council for ratification before implementation.
(d) The Finance Committee shall be neither a Parliament nor an Executive Committee
but a Joint Committee.


1. The Audit committee shall have at least 1 member per class SRC representative.
2. It shall have equal membership from each constituency.
3. It shall consider the income and expenditure of the outgoing Executives and Electoral
commission as presented to parliament by the Executive Council and make recommendations
to parliament where necessary in a report.
4. It shall have power to summon any member of the Association to appear before it in relation to
the Association’s finance.
5. It shall submit its reports to the incoming SRC and a copy provided to the staff adviser.
6. The parliament shall consider the said report with a view to approving, modifying or rejecting
any or all of its recommendations but must do so with a 2/3rd majority vote of members of
7. It shall stand dissolved on submission of its report which shall be within 3 weeks before the
dissolution of the tenure of a particular administration it is constituted.
8. Shall have the Staff Adviser as a passive member and he/she shall be operational after the
dissolution of this committee in a likewise manner continuously.
9. Shall hold meetings in the Association’s premises as at when it deems fit with due information
passed across to the Executive Council.

N:B – Section 21 (9) shall be applicable to ALL committees as stipulated by The constitution.


1. The Finance Committee shall be made up of the President, Financial Secretary, the Treasurer,
the Deputy Speaker and three (3) other persons, one of whom shall be nominated by the
Financial Secretary, one by the Executive Council and the last by Parliament.
2. The President shall be the Chairman assisted by the Deputy Speaker.
3. The Financial Secretary shall be its Secretary.

4. It shall, to the exclusion of any other persons or authority of the Association, have the primary
duty to raise funds for the Association. It however, shall not carry out any of its function in the
absence of its Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary, or any of their authorized
5. Any form of fund raising, for any purpose whatsoever, without recourse to the Finance
Committee by any member(s) of the Association, except with the written permission of this
committee, jointly signed by the chairman and the secretary, and subject to whatever terms the
committee may set, shall amount to gross misconduct punishable under Section 37 of This
6. It shall be a Standing Committee.


1. Should be inaugurated at the first or second plenary sitting and should be addressed as the title
2. Shall be sub-divided into three (3) sub-committees as follows;
a. Academic Orientation Committee.
b. Social Orientation Committee.
c. Political Orientation Committee.
3. The Social and Protocol (Orientation) Committee shall have at least 5 members per sub-
committee, spread across the various constituencies of the Department, including the Director
of Socials, Vice President, Senate President, Deputy Senate President and President.
a. Academic Orientation Committee;
i. Class reps from all levels and in their incapacity, their assistant class reps.
ii. Two responsible final year students of good intellectual background and high
quantum knowledgeable experience in Biochemistry.
iii. Two responsible antepenultimate and penultimate students whom meets the
requirements as in section 23 (3.a.ii) above.
iv. Any other members as in section 4 (1, 2, 3), deemed fit to be of adequate
importance to this committee at the discretion of the President and pending
approval of the SRC.

v. The Final Year class rep shall head this committee and in his/her absence or
incapability, a responsible member of this committee determined by his/her
class status or membership as in section 4 (1, 2, 3) but must fulfill the obligated
responsibility of a leader of impeccable character and discipline.
vi. Any other designated member with recommendation from the President
pending approval of the SRC and fully accepted by the Head of this committee
shall serve as the secretary.
b. Social Orientation Committee;
i. The Director of Socials and the Vice President.
ii. Four (4) responsible members per levels with a reputable social character and
social interactions with other members of the Association.
iii. The Vice President shall head this committee and the Director of Socials shall
serve as its secretary.
c. Political Orientation Committee;
i. The President and Speaker.
ii. Two political experienced Life Members (Alumni).
iii. Two experienced political personnel presently serving The Association at the
Faculty or SUG positions.
iv. One political inclined member from each constituency.
v. The President shall serve as the head of this committee while the Speaker shall
serve as its secretary.

4. This committee and all its sub-committees shall ensure the enlightenment of all members of the
Association as in article 2 section 4 (1) in the academic, social and political principles of The
a. The Academic Orientation Committee shall organize meetings at designated dates
with each constituency to lecture on the academic principle of Biochemistry.
b. Guest speakers can be invited so as to achieve the aim in 4 above.
c. The class reps should be conversant with their various lecturers and professors and
ensure smooth lecturer/professor-student relationships, allow the expedient flow of

information from the lecturing staff to the students and vice-versa and carry out any
actions that may promote the achievement of the aim in 4 above.

d. The Social Orientation Committee shall organize meetings at designated dates with
each constituency to lecture on the student-student relationships and student-lecturing
staffs’ relationships.
e. Alumni can be invited so as to achieve the aim in 4 above.
f. They should address a critical area of insubordination (students disrespects to their
senior colleagues or a lecturing staff, lower tier excos or students carrying out actions
without acknowledgement of The Association’s President in the aspect of the Executive
Council or general student body and The Association’s SRC Speaker in the aspect of
the parliament and, both, in the aspect of the Joint Council and General Assembly).
They ensure that the appropriate sanctions as in Section 34, Section 37 and Section 38
are properly disseminated to their understanding.

g. The Political Orientation Committee shall organize meetings at designated dates

with each constituency to lecture on the political scope of The Association.
h. Shall ensure that all new and old students have a soft/hard copy of the NABS newly
amended constitution or any other amended constitution thereinafter.
i. Shall organize meetings with all departmental executives to educate them on their
constitutional duties.
j. Recommend sound political personnel to The Association through the office of the
President for either appointment into political offices in terms of impeachment,
suspension or any other and in terms of Faculty or SUG political projections. These
recommendations must possess good leadership skills and good behavioral capabilities.

5. It shall be in charge of all social arrangements for the Association’s activities, subject to Section
12 (2) and this shall be duly orchestrated by the Social Orientation Committee.
6. It shall be responsible for securing the venue for all NABS functions and ordering the sitting of
all invited guests as well as officers of the Association and shall be duly orchestrated by the
Social Orientation Committee.

7. It shall be a standing committee.


1. The Editorial Board shall be appointed by the PRO who shall be its Chairman.
2. It shall have up to a maximum of ten members including the PRO whom shall have sound
knowledge in editorial processes and essay writing.
3. It shall have at least one member from each Block recommended by the PRO and ratified by the
4. It shall produce the Association’s Journal, and any other publication of the Association.


1. It shall consist of up to a maximum of 9 members, four appointed by the Director of

Welfare, four appointed by the executive council, and shall have at least one member per
2. It shall be under the Office of the Director of Welfare who will be its Chairman and a
person from either the 300 or 400 level appointed by the Executive council as its secretary or in
this absence a handpicked secretary by the Director of Welfare.
3. The Committee shall be saddled with regulating the prices of items and services within the
department as well as public complaints affecting BIOCHEMISTS. The Committee shall regularly
inspect toilet facilities any other facilities of The Association.
5. It shall relay welfare concerns of BIOCHEMISTS to the executive council.
6. It shall inspect facilities in lecture theatres and advise the executive council accordingly.


The budget committee shall:

1. Review the annual budget presented to the SRC to scrutinize and modify in
accordance with this constitution before approval by SRC
2. Be composed of 1 member per block and have a chairman and Secretary.

3. Its chairman MUST be from the penultimate class or lower to ensure
availability of such to be probed in a financial mismanagement scam whilst such
is in his/her ultimate class.
4. Its secretary on the other hand can be from any level and if be a FINAL YEAR
STUDENT must hold the chairman accountable on all basis. Such a student is
to act as a VICE CHAIRMAN in that capacity and relate directly to the SRC
in that regard.
5. Shall monitor dues collection.


The committee shall:

1. Be a standing parliamentary committee.

2. Monitor projects by the Executive council.
3. Be composed of 1 member of SRC per block.
4. Shall have its chairman and secretary.


The committee shall:

1. Be in charge of SRC welfare and related matters.

2. Be composed of 1 member per block including the Deputy Speaker who shall chair this
3. Elect its secretary.
4. Present the house budget incorporating all house committees and offices.


The committee shall:

1. Be a standing House committee.

2. Review the constitution from time to time.
3. Be responsible for providing recommendations to ambiguous areas of the constitution.
4. Be composed of 1 member per block.
5. Be chaired by the most experienced Rt. Hon., but where that is in contention, be decided
by the Speaker.
6. Elect its secretary.
7. Shall be responsible for interpreting all constitutional conflicts.
8. Take records of conflicting areas of the constitution that would be due for amendment in
the quarterly period of every four (4) years.
9. Ensure that the constitution is amended every four (4) years and if for an unforeseen
circumstances, amended not later than (6) years.
10. Ensure that the constitution is free from grammatical blunders.
11. They have a right to consult Life Members on grey areas of the constitution for proper
dissemination of understanding.


The committee shall:

1. Be constituted to maintain discipline in the association.

2. Be made up of one member per block, with the Chief Whip as the Chairman and the
Deputy Whip as the Disciplinary Officer. It shall elect its own Secretary.
3. Shall handle all cases of indiscipline and recommend appropriate punishment to NABS

4. Such recommendation shall contain all the relevant facts upon which the decision was

5. Shall carry out all ratified decisions on discipline.

6. Shall try all cases of insubordination, impeachment and suspension in-line with the
provisions of this constitution.


The committee shall:

1. Be drawn from these membership pattern;

a. By an open ballot voting process after due nomination of such individuals.
b. Must be neutral members of not more than 22 members from a constituency including the
class rep and the assistant class rep.
c. Must NOT include active members serving such constituency at Departmental, Faculty
and SUG levels. These personnel are restricted to the role of observers and advisers at
their active year of service.
d. In regards to 1c above, members of a constituency that have served at the departmental,
faculty and SUG levels but are NOT active members are eligible to be part of this
committee. BUT in their year of service and are active members and are also members of
a stakeholder committee, will be passive members ONLY and subjected to 1c above,
with the EXCEPTION of the class rep and the assistant class rep.

2. This committee shall have the following powers;

a. Have power to scrutinize, criticize, amend, and reject proposals by the class rep or the
assistant class rep for the ultimate good and benefit of such constituency.
b. Have power to scrutinize the capability of the class rep and the assistant class rep; and if
they are found wanting, will present their reports to the SRC and whom will in turn try
such cases by its disciplinary committee.

i. If found guilty as charged by the disciplinary committee, will, at the discretion of the
Speaker, be removed, pending the approval from the President.
ii. If such a case as found guilty, leads to the removal of the class rep or the assistant
class rep, a bye-election will be conducted by the stakeholders of that constituency
after a nomination process.
3. Perform all other functions that may be allocated to them under the provisions of this
constitution as approved by the SRC and the President of The Association.
4. Shall receive complaints and recommendations from the students of that constituency and
relay it to the SRC through that constituency’s SRC Representatives Head.



1. There shall be an Electoral Commission with members each openly nominated from the
various blocks by the various constituency stakeholder committee heads (or any one authorized
by him/her).
2. Membership to the Electoral Commission shall be by the purchase of forms made available by
the SRC and subject to an ad-hoc Electoral Screening Committee set by Parliament at the
discretion of the Speaker at exactly four (4) weeks to the expiration of the Executive Council’s
tenure of which purchase of forms and screening must take place in exactly ten (10) days from
the committee set up at the 10th day marking the dissolution of this screening committee and
setting up of the Electoral Commission.
3. It shall be constituted three (3) weeks after the inauguration of The Parliament and in
circumstances from the 100 level students not duly registered and fully incorporated, their
electoral representatives will be nominated by the Political Orientation Committee and ratified
by the SRC.
4. It shall comprise of one member from each constituency. The chairman shall be from the
ultimate class and must have prior experience in electoral matters whilst the secretary shall be
voted by the honorable Members of Parliament on the basis of a penultimate and an
antepenultimate student.
5. The Commission shall submit its budget, and subsequent income and expenses to the Staff
Adviser for approval.
6. The Commission shall organize elections for principal officers of Parliament 24 hours after
inauguration of the Executive Council and Parliament.
7. The Commission shall have power to disqualify any candidate for the breach of any of its
guidelines with respect to section 34 and subject to a 2/3 majority vote of its members.
8. The Commission shall submit a report of its income and expenditure to the Audit committee
of the incoming parliament.
9. If any elected office holder is impeached or leaves office by the operation of some part of
section 8 and section 36 of this constitution, or by virtue of other incapacity is unable to

perform the functions of his/her office, the Commission shall hold a bye-election to fill the
office at the earliest possible time of it becoming vacant. In the absence of a bye-election by
the Electoral Commission, other conventionally means are possible depending on the
constraints of the process, such as Parliamentary voting, Constituency voting and appointments
as the Speaker and President deems fit respectively.
10. The Electoral Commission shall remit any leftover funds of the entire proceeds realized from
the conduct of the NABS elections to The Association’s bank account.
11. It shall arrange, pursuant to Section 40, for the swearing in of the new members of the
Executive Council.
12. It shall publish any supplementary guideline 14 days before any election.
13. The Commission shall put together a General Assembly for qualified candidates to present
their manifestoes 24 hours before the election and if outside the timeframe, this General
Assembly shall be headed by the Electoral Chairman and passively by the Speaker as an


1. All matriculated undergraduate students of the Department of Biochemistry, University of

Benin shall be entitled to vote at NABS elections.
2. The Electoral Commission shall organize and effectively supervise all Association elections
with utmost integrity and good conduct.
3. The commission shall be independent of any organ of the Association and be in office until a
new commission is constituted.
4. Any individual aspiring for a position in the executive or parliamentary arm must possess a
copy of The NABS CONSTITUTION, and be conversant with it, else he/she stands
5. Candidate found qualified for election shall present election manifestoes to the General House
via a General Assembly of The Association twenty-four hours before the election.
6. Qualified and cleared candidates ONLY are permitted to undergo election campaigning in a
responsible and conducive manner via social media transmission of media ONLY as defacing
the department with campaign posters will lead to instant disqualification and criminal

prosecution. Election campaigning shall begin as at when cleared to 18 hours before the
commencement of election.
7. Follow up on (1) above, elections shall be conducted by the electoral commission shall be held
towards the end of the academic session/year and in any case not later than three weeks to
commencement of second semester exams; if under any circumstances this will affect the
calendar schedule of the political timelines of The Association, then elections will be conducted
to meet up with this regard and a bye-election conducted to incorporate the newly matriculated
100 level students into The Association in any official positions. Where bye-elections cannot
be conducted in this regard, the President of The Association will by virtue of his office (in the
presence or absence of the Political Orientation Committee) appoint SRC officers and a class
rep for the 100 level constituency in conjunction with The Course Advisers of the newly
admitted 100 level students.
8. Except otherwise provided, candidates for election shall be matriculated students that have
spent at least one academic session in the department, Faculty or SUG levels. Any officer of
the Association shall hold office for one academic session and may be eligible for a re-election,
for another term except in the case of a serving ultimate student.
9. Any officer of the Association and SRC member who desires a second term shall resign from
his/her office not later than fourteen (14) days before the election.
10. All BIOCHEMISTRY students shall be entitled to stand for elective office provided that
nobody shall be qualified for election into the office of the President, Senate President and
Secretary-General unless:
(a) He/she is in at least his/ her ultimate class at the time of the return of his/her
nomination form for the office of the President, penultimate class for the office of the
Senate President and penultimate class or above for the office of the Secretary-
(b) A candidate for the Presidency must show proof to the ELECO of his/her experience
in NABS matters by way of previous office.
(c) A candidate for the Senate Presidency must show proof to the ELECO of his/her
experience in NABS matters by way of previous office.

11.All BIOCHEMISTRY students shall be entitled to stand for elective and representative offices
at the Faculty and SUG levels provided that nobody shall be qualified for election into any of
the aforementioned offices unless:
(a) Nomination letters duly requested by students of (5) above from The Association via
the office of the President with due approval from the SRC must be signed by the co-
correspondence of The Association before electoral clearance becomes valid and
acknowledgement of such offices and their officers by The Association.
(b) In regards to (5a) above, nomination letters of a previous administration having still
being valid will be reviewed by the SRC to ascertain its validity as such below;
i. Longer dates of approval of nomination letter up to more than six (6) months
after the expiration of the previous administration (In the absence of an
academic strike).
ii. Expiration of such nomination letters for the purpose they were approved for.
iii. Misconducts of such aspiring officers during the phase of approval up to its
iv. Illegality in the approval of such nomination letters such as below;
a. Bribe and corruption.
b. Abuse of the constitution.
c. Reasonable disapproval by the Staff/student Adviser.
d. Academic draw-backs.
e. Personal disapprovals from the aspirant.
(c) In the absence of (5b) and the presence of (5a) above, a new administration should
not issue new nomination letters unless there is complete absence of (5b) and (5a).
(d) Where a nomination letter is absent of (5b), the administration should support such
pre-existing nomination letters.
(e) No aspirants should be denied the rights of (5a) above out of prejudice or self-interest
as this will amount to gross misconduct of such officers leading to section 37 below
and an immediate impeachment of such erring officer.

12.Assistant Secretary General office shall be open to the 100 level constituency primarily for
election contest.

13.All persons to be elected or appointed to NABS offices shall have fulfilled all financial
obligations to the association as at when due; and shall tender a copy of receipts evidencing the
fulfillment of such obligation(s) to the Electoral Commission on request in case of elective
14.All persons standing for election for Executive positions must;
a. Have a C.G.P.A. of not less than 2.55 with the exception of 100level students. (first
semester result will be considered for 100 level students)
b. Not have more than 5 carryovers.
9. Elections shall be held in second semester, not later than 2 weeks to the end of the second
semester lectures or in some dire circumstances not later than a week before the department’s
last examination paper or not more than three weeks into the resumption of a new academic
10. Election shall be by open secret ballot by all members present and voting.
11. The results of the election shall be counted in the presence of the representatives of the various
candidates, and announced by the Electoral Chairman immediately and directly as they are
known, and a detailed list of candidates and votes obtained published within twenty-four hours
of the announcement.
12. The Commission shall have power to lay down further guidelines, particularly in respect of
fees payable by aspirants.
13. The Executive Council and the SRC shall stand dissolved a week to the stipulated date for the
inauguration of the newly elected administrative executive council as announced by the
Electoral commission. The Executive Council and SRC WILL BY NO MEANS
MATTERS. Any officer; representative or elected found wanting in such act, stands
automatically impeached and an immediate replacement is carried out simultaneously.
Whatever action is borne out from that action shall hence be NULL and VOID leading
to disqualification of such erring aspirants.
14. The Electoral Commission shall display the names of all those that purchased electoral forms
at least seven (7) days before the election on notice boards. Names of the disqualified

candidate(s) should also be published at least five (5) days to the election and the reason(s) for
the disqualification of such candidate(s) should also be published. Reason for disqualification
must be subject to the provisions of the constitution.
15. A voter shall cast only 1 vote per candidate
16. The results of the election shall be counted in the presence of the representatives of the various
candidates, and announced by the Electoral Chairman immediately and directly as they are
known, and a detailed list of candidates and votes obtained published within twenty-four hours
of the announcement.
17. A candidate shall be declared winner by simple majority. Where there is a tie, the commission
shall organize supplementary elections within 3 days for that office.
18. The result of the election shall be announced, immediately and directly as they are known, and
a detailed list of candidates and votes obtained shall be published within twenty-four (24) hours
of the election.
19. All election petitions shall be filed not later than 48 hours after election results are published.
20. Such petitions must be filed to the Electoral commission (with a copy sent to the Staff adviser),
who shall investigate such case(s) and dispense justice before swearing in ceremony of newly
elected Executive Council of the association, for the avoidance of doubt.
21. There shall be no swearing in of an officer whose election is in dispute by way of a petition.
22. The elected EXCO shall be sworn in one (1) week before the rounding up of second semester
examination of the same academic session or latest first week of resumption of new academic


1. At the swearing-in of the new Executive Council, there shall be a formal handing over of the

Association’s Leadership to the new President of the new Executive Council by the outgoing

President of the old Executive Council with the transfer of the official NABS’

CONSTITUTION symbolizing transfer of power, consequently, the former executive council

stands dissolved.

2. At the swearing-in of the new Parliament, there shall be a formal handing over of the

Association’s Leadership to the new Senate President of the new Parliament by the outgoing

Senate President of the old Parliament with the transfer of the official NABS’

CONSTITUTION, The Official Parliament Mace, The Speaker’s Cloak, The Gavel and

its Sound Block, symbolizing transfer of power, consequently, the former executive council

stands dissolved.

3. The Swearing-In ceremony is different from inauguration of officers of The Association and

ultimately happens after the inauguration of all newly elected officers of The Association at

exactly an instant after inauguration of SRC parliamentarians to ultimately five (5) days after

the last inauguration, in this case, inauguration of the SRC parliamentarians.

4. Notable members of The Association as in article 2, section 4, (1-3) are eligible to be invited

for this ceremony.



1. It shall be the duty of every officer and other members of The Association to adhere strictly

to the provisions of this constitution, as failure to do so shall attract appropriate sanctions.

2. Offences shall include:

a. A breach of any provisions of this constitution.

b. Acting in a manner likely to bring the name of The Association to ridicule,

disrepute and contempt.

c. Fraudulent or dishonest practices.

d. Disclosing secrets of The Association without the authority to do so.

e. Subversion of the activities of The Association.

f. Any unlawful or arbitrary act prejudicial to the right of any person.



1. It shall be the duty of every officer and other members of The Association to adhere strictly

to the provisions of this constitution, as failure to do so shall attract appropriate sanctions.

2. Offences shall include:

a. A breach of any provisions of this constitution.

b. Acting in a manner likely to bring the name of the association to ridicule, disrepute

and contempt.

c. Fraudulent or dishonest practices.

d. Disclosing secrets of The Association without the authority to do so.

e. Subversion of the activities of The Association.

f. Any unlawful or arbitrary act prejudicial to the right of any person.


1. Any BIOCHEMISTRY student found guilty of any wrong-doing stands disqualified for any
2. Wrong doing in as referred to in sub section 1 above shall mean:
(a) a breach of the NABS Constitution or Code of Conduct set out in Schedule two
(b) Membership of any outlawed or nocturnal organization;
(c) Involvement in any act of examination malpractice.

(d) Being removed from the SRC for not attending three consecutive sittings, in the case
of a former Parliamentarian unless a resignation letter is submitted before 3rd absentee
(e) Found guilty of Insubordination.
3. The following shall also constitute grounds for disqualification:
(a) Rustication, suspension or caution by any organ of the University for any offence
whatsoever which has not been reversed;

(b) Indictment or impeachment for impropriety by any student organization on campus;

(c) Having been found guilty of any offence against the law of this country before a law

(d) Membership of any other Society, Club, association or body of whatsoever

nomenclature whose language, tends or culture conflict with his constitution or may
be considered uncivilized and disorderly or barbaric in outlook.

4. A holder of any office in the Executive Council or an Officer of Parliament shall not hold
another office in any other Club, Society or Organization in the University during the tenure
of his Office but if he/she must hold, his priority must be to the office he/she serves in either
the Executive Council or Parliament or else he/she risks removal from office or impeachment.




1. The Association shall have only one bank account. However, a new account may be created for
any purpose but subject to approval of Parliament. Provided that where the NABS account is
dormant for any reason, the current Executive Council can activate the dormant account without
recourse to signatories of the dormant account.
2. The NABS BANK ACCOUNT for banking transactions must be the University of Benin
Microfinance Bank plc., Nigeria, unless ratified by the President and having achieved passing
approval from the SRC will not undergo any change.
3. No persons, group of persons, organ, body or agency of the Association shall operate any
separate, subsidiary or parallel fund, account or treasury in the name or under the auspices of
the Association other than the one known account and under the signatories herein authorized
by the constitution.
4. The following shall be signatories to the NABS Account:
(i) The President of the Association;
(ii) The Speaker
(iii) The Financial Secretary
(iv) Staff Adviser(s)
(v) The Treasurer (under probability and under due consideration).
5. Violation of any of the provisions of this section without cause, shall amount to gross
misconduct on the part of the officer(s) concerned, sufficient to activate the provision of Section
37 of this Constitution.
6. Statutory withdrawals must have the signature of the President, the Speaker, Treasurer (or
Financial Secretary in the absence of the Treasurer) and ONE of the Staff Advisers.
7. Withdrawal booklets shall be in the custody of the Treasurer.

8. Expenses of the association approved by the SRC should be forwarded to the Staff adviser
by the Executive with convincing explanations to enable him append his/her signature for final
9. All payment of dues goes only to the association.
10. Any officer found collecting/subverting/converting any money payable to the association's
account shall be likened to Fraud and financial misappropriation


1. Subject to the provisions of this constitution, no person shall perform the function or
exercise the powers of any office unless and until he has taken the relevant oath of office contained
in the third schedule.
2. The oath of office for Officers of the Executive Council shall be administered by the Staff
Adviser or any one authorized by him/her at the inaugural sitting of the SRC.
3. The oath of office for Officers of Parliament shall be administered by Staff Adviser or any
one authorized by him or the President of the Association.
4. The oath of Office for all other offices of the Association maybe administered by the
President or Speaker depending on if they are executive or parliamentary positions.


1. Any principal officers of whatever capacity WILL NOT BE TRIED IN HIS/HER

TIMES, in which case his/her trial must commence immediately and whatever outcome
must be communicated to him/her in writing by the Speaker to such erring/dismissed officer
48 hours after the passing of a verdict by 2/3 rd majority members of Parliament or sitting
members at the discretion of the Speaker.
2. Judgment in cases of impeachment SHALL NOT extend further than removal from office of
honor, trust or profit under The Association or further at the discretion of The Speaker in

conjunction with the Staff Adviser, or in the absence of The Speaker, the President or in his/her
absence, the simple majority of the SRC and the Staff Adviser.
3. The holder of any Executive in the Association may be relieved if:
a. A motion in writing, signed by two-third majority of the entire incumbent members of
Parliament, is received by the Speaker to the effect that the conduct of any Executive be
investigated so as to ascertain whether or not he is guilty of misconduct in the performance
of the functions of his office;
b. The said notice shall state in lucid terms, the reasons for the said investigations to take
c. Upon the receipt of such notice, the Speaker shall set up a seven-man Commission of
Enquiry to investigate the allegations against the officer concerned.
d. Members of the Commission of Inquiry shall not be holders of elective or appointive
position in the Association;
e. The Commission shall submit its report to Parliament within one week of it being set up;
f. If it is found as a fact that the officer concerned has abused his office, he shall be removed
from office by a vote of two-thirds majority of members of Parliament present and voting.
4. Any officer who is being investigated under sub-section 1of this section shall stand suspended
within the period of the investigation.
5. Without prejudice to the foregoing, a holder of an Executive office shall stand suspended for
Contempt on Parliament, on a motion supported by a two-third majority of Honorable members
present and voting.


In a case of insubordination, the following shall apply;

1. All representatives of NABS in the Faculty and SUG levels must be valid to represent the
Association ONLY by a signed nomination letter from the Association carrying the
President’s signature, the Speaker, and the Staff Adviser if available and any other due
electoral processes (Also binding, is this law, on appointees of The Association).

2. All offices NOT acknowledged by the President and the Speaker of the SRC shall be null
and void.
3. In a case of insubordination, a letter of disapproval shall be dispensed from the office of the
President after due deliberations by the Speaker of the SRC and his parliamentarians, in not
more than one week to the offices of such officer guilty of insubordination and to the
Association they belong to or are serving for immediate disqualification or whatever effect in
same-like manner. Insubordination herein refers to persons under (1) above.
4. In the case of an appeal for (1) above, the SRC at the discretion of the Speaker must
deliberate on this case in not more than 7 days after the appeal has been submitted to the SRC
via either class reps or parliamentarian representatives but NEVER from the Executive
Council nor the President of the Association as this will constitute gross misconduct for such
erring officer or any other sanction determined by the Speaker of the SRC or in his/her
absence, 2/3rd majority of SRC members present in that sitting.


1. This constitution is subject to amendment at least after four (4) academic sessions.
2. Sections of this constitution shall be subject to amendment upon a resolution;
a. Signed by at least five hundred (500) members of The Association to the effect
that the amendment of a section or sections of this constitution is desirable to the
growth and development of The Association unless it stands NULL and VOID.
b. Passed by not less than two third (2/3) of the entire members of parliament.
3. The speaker shall convene and notify the parliament.
4. The parliament shall after adequate deliberation, refer deliberations to the Constitution Review
5. It shall submit the draft to Parliament which shall consider and ratify it.
6. Upon ratification, the draft shall be sent to the President for assent.
7. Where the President fails to give assent within seven working days, the draft shall be passed
by a simple majority of parliament members and it shall thence become operational as The


In all public gatherings of NABS shall be as follows:

(a) The President;

(b) The Speaker;
(c) Vice president;
(d) Deputy Speaker;
(e) The Secretary General;
(f) The Clerk
(g) Other Executive Council Members;
(h) Other principal Officers of Parliament;
(i) Constituency Stakeholder Heads;
(j) Constituency leaders of Parliament;
(k) Other Parliamentarians;
(l) Chairman and Secretaries of NABS Committees;


(a) The President shall appoint any person as Patron or honorary member of the
Association after due consultation with Executive Council and subject to the prior
approval or consequent ratification by Parliament.
(b) Subject to the foregoing, an appointment shall take effect after receipt of duly
communicated letter of acceptance to the Association.
(c) Without prejudice to the foregoing, persons qualified for appointment shall be eminent
in society, of impeccable character and high integrity who shall have demonstrated a
sustained interest in the affairs of the Association.
(d) The Dean shall be the statutory Grand Patron.

(a) Upon appointment, a patron or honorary member shall remain in office for life.
(b) Save as otherwise provided, a person shall cease to hold office as patron, grand patron
or honorary member if he/she:
i. Becomes insane;
ii. Is convicted by a Court of competent jurisdiction;
iii. Voluntarily Resigns; or
iv. Is involved in acts prejudicial to the aims and objective of NABS, UNIBEN.


Patrons, Grand Patrons or Honorary members shall be obliged to:

(a) Uphold the noble ideal enunciated in the preamble to this Constitution;
(b) Give advice to the Association as and when necessary;
(c) Render technical and financial support to the Association;
(d) Assist members in the realization of professional goals by:
i. Rendering advice on matters of academic and professional nature;
ii. Offering vacation jobs to BIOCHEMISTS when the school is not in session;
iii. Performing such other task as may be incidental to the above objective.


1. A quorum of the General Assembly shall be formed by one hundred members

2. The quorum for Parliamentary sitting shall be one-third of its total incumbent membership.
3. The quorum for an executive council meeting shall be 5 persons.
4. The quorum for any committee meeting is one-third of its total membership.


1. Voting at all General and Parliamentary sessions may be by open ballot unless otherwise
decided for sensitive matters.
2. The President shall summon the General Assembly session at least, once a session.
3. Other organs of the Association shall choose their own method of voting subject to the
provisions of the Constitution.
4. The quorum for a joint session of the parliament and the Executive Council shall be twenty five
members, provided that at least four members of the Executive Council are present.
5. Copies of this Constitution shall be made available to members of the Association at a price to
be determined by Parliament.


"Appropriate authority", as mentioned above shall be the President or Speaker.

"Association" refers to the National Association of Biochemistry Students' Association.

"Parliamentarian" or “Honorable member” means member of the Parliament (SRC).

"Constitution" means The Constitution of the National Association of Biochemistry Students'


"Experience in NABS matters" refers to past membership of either the Executive Council or the
Parliament or any NABS Committee.

"Incumbent membership" refers to the total composition of the SRC at any given time, taking into
account any vacancy.

"Law made by the Parliament" refers to a subsidiary legislation enacted by the Parliament to cover
matters within its legislative competence, which shall be binding on the Association, subject to the
provisions of the Constitution.

"Officer/Official of the Association" means any member of the Parliament, the Executive, or
members of committees or agencies of the Association.

"Undergraduate" means a person in any class from 100 to 400 level.

“ELECO” refers to the Electoral commission.




I....................................................................... do solemnly affirm that I will be fateful and bear true

allegiance to the National Association of Biochemistry Students' Association, University of Benin
and I will preserve, protect and defend its Constitution; that as ................................................ I will
discharge my duties to the best of my ability, faithfully, and in accordance with the Constitution
of the National Association of Biochemistry Students' Association, University of Benin, and
always in the interest of the welfare and academic pursuits of the entire members of the
Association, that I will abide by National Association of Biochemistry Students' Association code
of conduct set out in the fourth schedule of this constitution. I will not do anything capable of
tarnishing the good name of the Association and Parliament.

So help me God

Oath administered by:

Full Name:......................................................



Full Name:......................................................





I....................................................................... do solemnly affirm that I will be fateful and bear true

allegiance to the National Association of Biochemistry Students' Association, University of Benin
and I will preserve, protect and defend its Constitution; that as ................................................I will
discharge my duties to the best of my ability, faithfully, and in accordance with the Constitution
of National Association of Biochemistry Students' Association, University of Benin, and always
in the interest of the welfare and academic pursuits of the entire members of the Association, that
I will abide by the National Association of Biochemistry Students' Association code of conduct
and etiquette contained in the fourth schedule to this Constitution and that I will not do anything
capable of tarnishing the good name of the Association.

So help me God

Oath administered by:

Full Name:......................................................




Full Name:......................................................





I....................................................................... do solemnly affirm that I will be fateful and bear true

allegiance to the National Association of Biochemistry Students' Association, University of Benin
and I will preserve, protect and defend its Constitution; that as a member of the
................................................ , I will discharge my duties to the best of my ability, faithfully, and
in accordance with the Constitution of National Association of Biochemistry Students'
Association, University of Benin, and always in the interest of the welfare and academic pursuits
of the entire members of the Association, that I will abide by the NABS code of conduct and
etiquette contained in the fourth schedule to this Constitution and that I will not do anything
capable of tarnishing the good name of the Association.

So help me God

Oath administered by:

Full Name:......................................................




Full Name:......................................................






1. The Parliament may make laws for the purpose of regulating NABS and advocacy, in general.
2. The Parliament may make laws regulating the designation of special days for commemoration.
3. The Parliament may, by a law, give additional jurisdiction to any of the committees listed in
section 20 of this Constitution.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Constitution, the Parliament may make a law stipulating
privileges for officials of the Association.
a. By a law, the Parliament shall make extra stipulations which shall form part of the Code
of Conduct.
b. A law for the interpretation of this Constitution may be enacted by the Parliament.
c. A law stipulating a format for budget and financial statement preparation.
d. A law for further interpretation of words and phrases used in this Constitution.
e. Any other law that falls within the jurisdiction of the Parliament.



1. The association shall have at least 1 Staff Adviser as determined by the Dean provided they
are more than four.
2. Staff advisers shall advise members and officers of the association when necessary
3. Shall consult with Staffs of the University and the University authority on behalf of the
Association when the need arises
4. Shall not act outside the provisions of this constitution
5. Shall approve the budget of the Electoral commission.
6. Shall scrutinize financial reports and other documents presented to him and refer any
anomaly to the SRC for reappraisal.


Code of conduct for officers of The Association

1. An officer of the Association shall not be a member of, or belong to, or take part in
any society club or organization, the membership of which is incompatible with the
dignity of his office.
2. No officer of the Association shall accept any inducement or bribe for the discharge
of his duties.
3. An officer of the Association shall not do or direct to be done in abuse of his/her
office, any arbitrary act prejudice to the right of any person.
4. An officer of the Association shall not abuse his/her office.
5. Dereliction of duty shall constitute to an offence on the part of an officer of the
6. Gross incompetence shall constitute an offence.
7. Gross misconduct shall constitute an offence.
8. Insubordination shall constitute an offence.
9. Calling, convening or presiding over a meeting of the Association without authority
as provided for in this constitution by an officer of the Association shall constitute an
10. No office holder shall act outside the provisions of this constitution
11. No office holder shall be involved in any physical conduct or behavior that brings
disrepute to the office or association.
12. All office holders shall be addressed according to the honors entitled to the office they

The form of sanction which shall depend on seriousness of the particular offence shall include:
a. Caution;
b. Censure;
c. Refund and restitution;
d. Suspension from office;
e. Suspension from The Association;
f. Debarring from holding office


To God be the glory, This Constitution has been amended. We acknowledge the contributions,
past and present, of some great members of The Association whom have played huge roles in the
advancement of the political atmosphere of The Association. These great people, accordingly Rt.
Hons, Hons, Comrades and Distinguished Members, have been responsible for the upward growth
The Association find herself today in concurrence with her second constitutional amendment.
Firstly, first, we acknowledge The Association’s (our) Staff Adviser, Dr. O. S. Uanseoje., who
have accepted and nurture This Association as his own. His fatherly care, love and support is too
much to comprehend. Also, for giving us a piece of his time to proof read this constitution and also
append his signature of approval, we say thank you. Others notable of mention are the first
inaugural Speaker SRC (of formerly NSBS now known as NABS), Rt. Hon. Peter Agbaje of
the 1st NSBS/NABS Assembly (2016), The Presidential Heads and Excos of various administration
from the inaugural year of NABS/NSBS SRC 1st Assembly to this point of the 2nd Assembly,
which are as follows;

Comr. Tanimowo Joseph (Pres.)
Comr. Favour Okenana (Sec Gen.)

Comr. Victor Akingunsoye (Pres.)
Comr. Chineye Nicole Marchie (vice Pres.)
Comr. Owofasa Cynthia (Sec Gen.)

2018 (Pragmatic Excos):

Comr. Egbadu Raymond (Pres.)
Comr. Omonkhegbele Precious Otibhor (Vice Pres.)
Comr. Uchechukwu Kelvin (Sec Gen.)

2019 (Indefatigable Excos):
Comr. Ibadin Samuel (Pres.)
Comr. Agbontaen Blessing (Vice Pres.)
Comr. Ameh Chinedu Valentine (Sec Gen.)

2020 (Dauntless Excos):

Comr. Ozedu Martins Ehizogie (Pres.)
Comr. Aivinhenyor Harriet (Sec Gen.)
Comr. Imoni Oghogho Faith (Vice Pres.).
Others worthy of great mention whom contributed to The Association’s growth in her
external affiliations of such, Faculty of Life Sciences (NALSS), Student Union Government,
Various Hostels Governing Representative Heads of the University of Benin also include;
Hon. Comr. Francis Ihejirika: Secretary General of The Student Union Government
(UNIBEN) 2017/2018.
Comr. Kelvin Pedro Onaghinor: Governor of The Faculty of Life Sciences, Faculty Juror
and Electoral Committee Chairman.
Rt. Hon. Onwordi David H. Adim (Koboko): Chief Whip NALSS SRC 16/17; Speaker
NALSS SRC 17/18; SUG Parliamentarian 18/19.
Rt. Hon. Peter Irabor: Deputy Speaker NALSS SRC 18/19, Speaker NALSS SRC 19/20.
Rt. Hon. Chukwuma Anita U.: Hall 5 Mayoress 17/18, Member of the Senate House (Vice
Chairman Hostel Matters Committee) 17/18, LSC Faculty Rep at SUG Senate House 18/19,
Price Control Committee Member at SUG Senate House 18/19.
Several others whom have been the foundational point of the ever-young NABS SRC are
as follows;
Rt. Hon. Osagiede Precious O.: Faculty Rep 13/14, NALSS SRC Parliamentarian 14/15,
SUG Parliament 15/16, Constitution Review Chairman 16/17.
Rt. Hon. Etchie Matthew Eyitemi: Constitution Review Secretary 16/17, Electoral
Commission Chairman 17/18.
Hon. Akhigbe Eromosele: Electoral Commission Chairman NALSS, Inaugural Clerk of the
1st NABS SRC Assembly16/17.
Hon. Samson Aigbomian: ASG NABS 16/17, NALSS SRC 17/18, SUG Parliament 18/19,
Electoral Rep 18/19.

Other notable mentions are Hon. David, Hon. Emmanuel (Molecule) and Hon. Isaiah. We
say a big thank you to all those too numerous to mention as your imprints are eternally
immortalized in the minds and hearts of every Biochemists, University of Benin Chapter, Benin
City, Edo State.


____________________________ ____________________________
Hon. Thompson Richardson, Comr. Martins Ozedu Ehizogie,
(Marvellous Omawumi Ogedengbe) President
Constitution Review Committee Chairman 2020/2021
2020/ 2021

_________________________ _______________________________
Dr. O. S. Uanseoje Hon. Akhigbe Eromosele
Staff Adviser Clerk of the 1st NABS SRC Assembly16/17


I hereby assent to this Constitution amendment, thereby making it operative from this day
__18th__, of the month of __November__, 2022.

Comr. Martins Ozedu Ehizogie
President, NABS

DATE: Friday 18th, November, 2022.


For the purpose of preservation of the principles of freedom, equity and justice, and the

maintenance of conditions and serene atmosphere conducive to learning and research, we the





____________________________ _____________________________


(Thompson Richardson) Constitution Review Committee

Constitution Review Committee Secretary., 2021 of the 2nd Assembly

Chairman., 2021 of the 2nd Of NABS SRC/PARLIAMENT).



(Constitution Review Committee (Constitution Review Committee

Chairman., 2016 of the 1st Assembly Chairman., 2016 of the 1st Assembly



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