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History of Construction Cultures – Mascarenhas-Mateus & Paula Pires (eds)

© 2021 Copyright the Author(s), ISBN 978-1-032-00203-3.

Open Access: www.taylorfrancis.com, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license

Education at the École centrale in Paris and its influence on the creation of
modern iron construction

Tom F. Peters
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA

ABSTRACT: In 1829 a businessman and a group of French scientists and engineers established an engineering
school to serve industry. Building on the French excellence in theoretical engineering they developed a pedagogy
based on the concept of “vulgarization” that enabled engineers to function in both theory and practice equally well
rather than simply learning how to apply predeveloped theory to practice. The method they used: a combination of
intellectual communication, visual learning through drawing and tactile learning through workshop experience.
The graduates of the program later helped develop the industrialized form of iron construction. They gained their
initial professional experience in railway construction, the only field that used iron consistently as an industrially
produced material in the first half of the 19th century. The school’s pedagogy was successful and led to the
industrialization of iron construction by the middle of the century. It also initiated changes in existing programs

1 INTRODUCTION Pfammatter (1997) wrote on the content of the cur-

riculum, but no one has yet discussed the pedagogy
How do we educate innovative engineers? What ped- and how the teachers interacted to make the program
agogy will guarantee success? The École centrale des a success.
arts et manufactures in Paris provided an astonish-
ingly successful answer in the first half of the 19th
century. The school developed an innovative peda- 2 THE CONCEPT
gogy and educated a number of civil and structural
engineers, contractors and industrialists who, together Alphonse Lavallée, an investor in the early railway
with their spheres of influence, became prominent and development and an influential group of liberal sci-
innovative players in the development of our mod- entists and businessmen surrounding the short-lived
ern industrialized form of iron construction. They journal Le Globe, recognized in the mid-1820s that
defined its system characteristics and self-assuredly industry was in urgent need of flexibly educated engi-
proclaimed its aesthetic value. neers who understood and could build on theory, and
The triggering issue for developing a successful yet were also able to adapt to a rapidly changing
pedagogy was the profound dissatisfaction of the engi- industrial world.
neering profession with the abstraction of the scientific France had recently lost the war, and these men rec-
approach to knowledge as it had developed in the ognized that Britain had enjoyed a serious advantage
course of the 17th and 18th centuries (Weiss 1982: 91– in industrial development that had contributed to its
93) Although it was clear to engineers that the advan- military might. While Britain’s success rested on pri-
tages of a scientific understanding of structural and vate initiative, it was equally clear that France enjoyed
material behavior were crucial to advancing the field an advantage in the well-organized state support of
of construction, it was equally evident that an interface science, especially through the École Polytechnique
between understanding and application was lacking. where eminent scientists specialized in developing
Science was too abstract and limiting a model for the theory of engineering. The question was therefore
practical purposes because scientific thought excludes how the French qualities could be applied to a liberal
many minor – or from a scientific standpoint extrane- development in the service of industry.
ous – factors that practitioners knew were important The answer was a private school that bridged the
in order to achieve a successful result. boundary between analytical science and practical,
The content of a curriculum is only part of an edu- industrial application. The first, a private school of
cational process: it has to be communicated by an higher education, was unheard of in France; and the
appropriate method based on an intellectual concept second, the amalgamation of scientific research and
and backed by a school of thought. Weiss (1982) and engineering practice, had been prepared by Gaspard

DOI 10.1201/9781003173434-196 645

Monge in his approach to engineering education. He Paris, they contacted the newly appointed liberal Min-
had developed his border-crossing approach from the ister of Education, Antoine de Vatimesnil, who was
end of the 18th century and had based the foun- interested in all aspects of education. He agreed to
dation of both the short-lived teacher’s college, the support their novel idea of a private school against
École normale de l’an III (subsequently recreated by the established interests of the state schools. This
Napoleon in 1808 and later renamed the École nor- was a daring political undertaking as the undergrad-
male supérieure), and especially the foundation of the uate École polytechnique, the École des ponts et
École polytechnique on his ideas. However, Napoleon chaussées and the Sorbonne were powerful institu-
had subverted the new engineering school to become tions (Comberousse 1879: 33–34; Pothier 1887: 11, 33
a military academy in 1804 and then, after the down- and 59–60). What convinced the government was the
fall of the empire, Laplace had directed it toward pure idea to supplement the universities of the liberal arts
scientific research in 1816. (Beaux-Arts), the humanities (Sorbonne) and science
Scientific thought is quite distinct from technolog- (École polytechnique), with a university of the “indus-
ical thought. Scientists want to understand the world trial arts” (Lavallée & Dumas 1835: 3). Vatimesnil’s
while technologists want to make functioning objects tenure (and the whole reform-interested government)
(Rankine 1856: 20). Not only are the goals of the two lasted only a year. But the short liberal interlude was
different, but even their languages. For instance, a sci- enough of a window of opportunity for the group sur-
entist commonly uses the term “detail” to denote a rounding Lavallée, who wasted no time in founding
minor and therefore hierarchically less important part the school.
of a problem, while a technologist always uses the same In reaction to the missing translation between the
term to describe a small-scale problem, the solution to two so different and yet interdependent professional
which can be as critical to the functioning of an entity modes of thought, science and technology, the École
as its major components. For a technologist, a “detail” centrale’s founders determined to find and develop a
is never “minor”. Monge had avoided the distinction by fruitful middle ground between practical empiricism
relating all his abstract research to everyday practical and theoretical science in the service of industry. The
problems. method they decided on was “vulgarization”.
Many of Monge’s former students who concerned The meaning of this French term in contrast to
themselves with education, like Charles Dupin or “innovation” lies somewhere between popularizing
Théodore Olivier, were inspired by this synthesis and and enabling or applying. The key term is enabling
they were unhappy with the turn toward pure sci- (Langlois & Seignobos 1898: 271) rather than “apply-
ence that the École polytechnique had taken under ing”. Vulgarization fulfills the intellectual function of
Laplace. The engineer Dupin complained of it in pedagogical incorporation, not just the diffusion of
his eulogy of Monge in 1819 (Dupin 1819: 80– knowledge, and it implies democratization and inter-
8; Pothier 1887: 26) and the mathematician Olivier or transdisciplinary cross-fertilization.
strongly expressed his distain of the elitist attitudes The two existing schools that educated engineers in
of researchers who engaged in “pure science” to the France at the time could not fulfill this role. The École
detriment of practical engineering in the introduction polytechnique had deviated from its original goal as
to his treatise Mémoires de géométrie descriptive in defined by Monge and become a scientifically and
1851 (Sakarovitch 1988: 312ff). research-oriented undergraduate school in the early
They were not the only ones who were troubled by decades of the 19th century. Its educational concept
the inability of most theoreticians to make themselves was based on innovation, while the more practice-
not only understood by practitioners but available for focused graduate École des ponts et chaussées, still
their use. The general dissatisfaction of practitioners known today as an “école d’application” was based on
with theory had long bothered engineers from Bélidor the “application” of scientific knowledge to practice,
in the 18th century to Navier in the 19th, and it was a and it exclusively educated engineers for the state at
dissatisfaction that Lavallée could build on. the time.
Jean-Baptiste Dumas, an enthusiastic young
chemist, inspired him through his brilliant lectures
at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers (Colladon 3 THE PROGRAMM AND THE TEACHERS
1893: 187–191), and together they recruited the mil-
itary engineer Philippe Benoit, the physicist Eugène Lavallée was a gifted negotiator and organizer. He
Péclet and Olivier to their cause. Established scien- secured funding from his father-in-law, an expatriate
tists like Sainte-Preuve showed interest in their idea French businessman in Louisiana, and formed the pri-
of a “Sorbonne industrielle”, but only as a small vate school with his four partners: Dumas, Benoit,
program through the established university system Péclet and Olivier. They also recruited Pierre-Charles
(Pothier 1887: 23). This group was unwilling to agree Gourlier, a technically-minded architect from the state
to that. They had set their sights on the establishment approval board, the Conseil des bâtiments civils, and
of a comprehensive, independent and more flexible Dumas’s friend the experimental/theoretical physicist
private school. Colladon who had made the initial contact with the
Through a former co-student of Dumas’s in Geneva, Minister of Education. These two men were intimately
Jean-Daniel Colladon, who had recently moved to involved in the planning of the school alongside the

five founders, but they were not counted as founders thereby adding the visual aspect of learning into the
because they did not commit to long-term teaching curriculum and following Monge, who had consid-
as the agreement of association that the five founders ered descriptive geometry a visual “language” (Picon
had signed on 20 January 1829 stipulated. They left the 2000: 27).
group after only a few years, while one of the founding They went further than Monge however, and
members, Benoit, left before the program even began. required the drawing teacher they hired, the archi-
The railway pioneer Eugène Flachat was also inti- tect Nicolas-Auguste Thumeloup, to teach drawing
mately involved in the project in its planning stages as a technical course, using buildings, structures and
and a strong supporter of the concept of vulgarization machinery as models rather than traditionally using the
(Malo 1873: 12) but he was fully engaged in his engi- human body. Thumeloup was also obligated to coordi-
neering practice and decided not to teach but rather nate and grade the students’ work in all courses rang-
to serve as a post-graduate employer of the graduates ing from physiology, industrial chemistry, mechan-
(Belhoste 2008: 60; Malo 1873: 52). ics, general physics, railway and machine design to
The founders hired Jean-Baptiste Belanger, a descriptive geometry, architecture and construction
hydraulic engineer who was also a theoretician and where one would expect visual communication. The
former Monge student; the engineer and railway pio- whole program revolved around visual competence
neer Auguste Perdonnet; and several others. They were as the “language of the engineer” (Olivier). Eiffel
quickly joined by Louis-Charles Mary, an engineer is said to have bitterly complained of this stringent
who had also studied under Monge. These men were all requirement in a letter to his mother.
committed to the concept of vulgarization, crossing the Visual learning is complex. It is multileveled and
boundary between theory and practice. They formed non-linear. It enables adepts to combine information
the core educators who produced a whole generation of in new ways and at multiple scales through immediate
innovators in iron construction, among whom William and simultaneous visual analogy, unlike intellectual
LeBaron Jenney and Gustave Eiffel would be the most learning through lectures and reading that depends
prominent. entirely on linear sequence and in which analogy can
Through Flachat and Perdonnet, the railway indus- only be established through ratiocination after the fact.
try played a critical role in the school’s development The effect of this concentration on visual learning was
and, although only 40% of the École centrale’s grad- that the students developed a multileveled spatial abil-
uates began their careers there (Belhoste 2004: 67), ity and an intellectual flexibility in conception and
it formed an important element in the education of design.
virtually all the iron constructors among them. In the few early years in which Colladon taught
The reason for this is that railway construction was the physics of energy that he defined as prime movers
the only field in which iron was used as an industri- (steam engines), he supplemented the analytical and
alized material in the first half of the 19th century. visual learning process with a third method: tactile
All the other early iron structures that have been so learning through workshop experience as well as disas-
thoroughly researched in the history of architecture sembling and analyzing actual engines that he caused
and construction were experimental one-off structures to be delivered to his classroom.
that had been produced in small manufacturing estab- This haptic learning contributed yet another level
lishments in a proto-industrial fashion, up to and even of understanding and experiencing to the students’
a little beyond the Crystal Palace of 1850. education. The “feel” of a material, its weight, rel-
Of the École centrale’s teachers who exerted such an ative size, surface quality, heat conductivity and so
influence on the future of innovation in iron construc- forth all contribute to technical knowledge. Although
tion, it was Belanger who was able to bridge between he only taught for a very few years, the haptic tra-
theory and practice in mechanics, principally by sys- dition that Colladon initiated remained an important
tematizing statics for technical purposes by defining characteristic of the curriculum. This tri-partite, expe-
it as a special case in dynamics (personal communica- riential form of teaching: intellectual, visual and tac-
tion from Karl-Eugen Kurrer 28/01/2019). His form of tile, distinguished the École centrale’s curriculum from
vulgarization consisted in linking every aspect of his all other forms of engineering education that relied
theory to practical issues in the Monge tradition, which solely on the intellectual communication of subject
stood in contrast to the abstract approach adopted by matter.
his theoretical colleagues at the École polytechnique. All the teachers, and especially the two who had
His students considered him to be the true creator studied in Geneva (Dumas and Colladon) were influ-
of engineering mechanics (Comberousse 1879: 95; enced by the pedagogical teachings of Rousseau, and
Molinos & Pronnier 1857: vi). the railway pioneer Perdonnet had also studied under
Belanger was a practitioner as well as a theoretician the pioneering pedagogue Pestalozzi in his youth.
and did not only live in the world of abstract analysis. The influence of pedagogues and engineers educated
In a committee with Olivier and Péclet he expanded in Switzerland on French engineering was substan-
how the curriculum communicated the concept of vul- tial (for the influence of Swiss Protestant thought on
garization beyond his own field by defining drawing engineering, see Peters 2015).
and drafting as the language of the engineer in excru- Pestalozzi stressed learning the ability to recognize
ciating detail (Guillet 1929: 94; Pothier 1887: 168), the essence of a problem (“das Wesen einer Sache”)

through “Anschauung”, observation that leads to the Mandar’s detail design course in architecture (con-
creative act of “seeing”, which is the creative discovery struction as architecture) and Louis Bruyère’s tech-
of the unexpected that depends on analysis of what one nological approach to the use of materials as design
observes and that lies beyond the individual limitations parameters (construction as technology) (Picon 1988:
of perception. In religious terms “seers” are oracles; in 129, 1995). He shifted Durand’s focus from “compos-
science, art, technology or other activities like business ing” formal configurations of architectural elements,
they are creators. The degree of freedom from cultural to “organizing” functional factors and unit structural
limitation that a seer is able to attain defines the quality members, and thereby subtly shifted the focus of
and the originality of that individual’s ability to see. the method from a resultant architectural form to
This ability helped the students to cross back and forth the dynamic design process, and thus from “art” to
freely between theory and practice and constituted an “industry” (Mary 1862: 29–31 and 43–44).
important component of the vulgarization approach Among the prominent graduates of this program,
developed by the school. the most active in the development of modern iron
Although the first years were uncertain due to the construction were Camille Polonceau (grad. 1836) and
fall of the government that removed the support of Henri de Dion (grad. 1851) in the early period; and Eif-
Vatimesnil and the Ministry of Education, requiring fel (grad. 1855), Jenney (grad. 1856),Armand Moisant
Lavallée to seek patronage from the Ministry of Agri- (grad. 1859) and Victor Contamin (grad. 1860) in
culture and Commerce, compounded by the revolt of the later phase. Eiffel became a design-build contrac-
1830 (“Les Trois Glorieuses”) with the abdication of tor and Moisant a consultant contractor, and many
Charles X and a cholera epidemic, the concept of the other graduates of those years entered the material
school’s educational system: tri-partite learning and manufacturing and construction industries.
education of the ability to see through vulgarization Two others played important roles in the transi-
fulfilled a need, and the program matured quickly. One tional phase from experimental iron construction to
of its characteristic criteria was that all students, what- the industrialized form of construction around 1850–
ever major they chose in their second year, had to take 1860, a development that César Jolly, one of the largest
all courses, including those that really concerned only and most experienced French contractors of the day,
the other majors. The difference lay only in the exer- wrote about (Jolly & Joly 1863: 1–2).
cises: all students had to complete general exercises, The École central graduates who exemplified this
while those who had chosen that particular major had transition were Alexis Barrault (grad. 1836) and Émile
additional, more detailed exercises to accomplish. This Baudet (grad. 1858). Both bridged between the tech-
fostered the border-crossing character of the program nology of iron construction and the visual architectural
and prepared the students to adapt to many different aspect of the new material. Barrault clearly defined
professional situations as well as preparing them to iron construction as an aesthetic statement in his devel-
invent new ones. opment of the visibly exposed iron structure for the
Paris Exhibition Hall of 1855 (Barrault & Bridel 1857:
2, cited by Belhoste 2004: 74 and 76), and Baudet, as
4 INFLUENCING IRON CONSTRUCTION partner in the contracting firm of Leturc et Baudet,
assisted the architect Henri Labrouste’s transition from
As far as this applied to the new material iron, the the structurally unclear and primarily decorative use
instructors in machine construction, a field that devel- of iron structure in the reading room at the Biblio-
oped the most of any in the early years, provided thèque Sainte Geneviève in 1843–50 to the structural
expertise in small-scale iron construction and metal- use and architectural expression of the material in the
lurgy. Perdonnet provided the conflation of the small-, study room and the exposed stacks of the Bibliothèque
medium- and large-scale use of iron in locomotive nationale 1862–68.
design, track infrastructure and station hall construc- Labrouste had innovatively designed this last build-
tion, while Mary developed a consistent design method ing in Mary’s sense by organizing functions, materials
based on the concept that his teacher, Jean-Nicolas and structure rather than by traditionally compos-
Louis Durand had created for the École polytechnique ing forms as was the norm in both the Beaux-Arts
in the previous generation. and Durand traditions (Neil Levine in Bélier et al.
Mary translated Durand’s concept from an abstract 2012: 172). Whether or not he had been influenced
method of formal manipulation into a construction in this shift by the École centrale and its graduates is
and process-oriented approach that led to the mod- unknown.
ularization and industrialization of iron production From the outset, the École centrale had accepted
and its use in system design and construction. To foreign students into its innovative program. This
do this, Mary borrowed a great deal of visual mate- was another break with established French tradition.
rial from Durand and others (Nègre 2011: 3–4), but As a result, the school’s influence was immediately
far from merely plagiarizing it, he modified it to international, and by mid-century, the success of the
suit his purpose and amalgamated Durand’s step- École centrale’s concept in establishing the connec-
by-step hierarchical development of formal design tion between engineering and industry manifested in
with two of his other former teachers’ concepts at a spate of school foundations and shifts in focus
the École des ponts et chaussées: Charles-François of the already established engineering schools after

mid-century, especially in the French- and German- Colladon, J. D. 1893. Souvenirs et mémoires. Autobiographie
speaking world. de J.-Daniel Colladon. Geneva: Aubert-Schuchardt
The École des ponts et chaussées expanded its Comberousse, Ch. 1879. Histoire de l’École Centrale des
purview to welcome foreign students and include the Arts et Manufactures depuis sa fondation jusq’à ce jour.
Paris: Gautier-Villars.
civil aspect of the profession in 1851. New founda- Dupin, Ch. 1819. Essai historique sur les services et les
tions were: the École spéciale de Lausanne in 1853, travaux scientifiques de Gaspard Monge. Paris: Bachelier
that eventually became the EPFL. It was founded by a Guillet, L. 1929. Cent ans de la vie de ’École centrale des
group that included two graduates of the École cen- Arts et Manufactures 1829–1929. Paris: École Centrale.
trale, Jules Marguet (grad. 1840) and Louis Rivier Jolly, C. & Joly, T. 1863. Études pratiques sur la construction
(grad. 1843). The Eidgenössische Polytechnikum in des planchers et poutres en fer avec notice sur les colonnes
Zurich (the later ETH) followed Lausanne in 1854, en fer et en fonte. Paris: Dunod.
and Munich’s Polytechnische Hochschulein 1868. Langlois, C. V. & Seignobos, Ch. 1898 Introduction aux
Of the existing schools, the 1745 Collegium Car- études historiques. Paris: Hachette
Lavallée, A. & Dumas, J. B. 1835. École centrale des Arts et
olinum became the Braunschweig Technische Uni- Manufactures, destinée à former des ingénieurs civils, des
versität in 1862; Karlsruhe’s 1825 Polytechnische directeurs d’usines, des chefs de manufactures, des pro-
Schule morphed into the Polytechnische Hochschule fesseurs de sciences appliquées, etc... Personnel de ’école
in 1865; Dresden’s 1828 Technische Bildungsanstalt - Année 1834–1835. Paris: École Centrale.
was transformed into the Königlich-Sächsisches Poly- Malo, L. 1873. Notice sur Eugène Flachat. Paris: Société des
technikum in 1871; and Hanover’s 1831 Höhere Ingénieurs Civils
Gewerbeschule-Polytechnische Schule became the Mandar, C. F. 1826. Études d’architecture civile, plans, éléva-
Königliche Technische Hochschule in 1879. tions coupes et détails nécessaires pour élever, distribuer
et décorer une maison et ses dépendances, publiées pour
l’instruction des élèves de ’École royale des ponts et
chaussées. Paris: Carilian-Goeury.
5 CONCLUSIONS Mary, L. C. 1862. Cours de construction professé à l’École
Impériale Centrale des Arts et Manufactures 1862–1863.
The novel form of engineering education pioneered at Paris: École Centrale.
the École centrale in Paris was based on the pedagog- Molinos, L. & Pronnier, Ch. 1857 Traité théorique et pratique
de la construction des ponts métalliques. Paris: Lacroix
ical concept of learning to see by means of vulgar-
et Baudry
ization, using intellectual, visual and haptic methods Nègre, V. 2011. Architecture et construction dans les cours de
of learning across the full spectrum of subjects. It l’École centrale des Arts et Manufactures (183–1864) et
impacted the development of modern iron construc- du Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (1854–1894).
tion and the corresponding industries, helping to move In Garric, Bibliothèques ’atelier. Édition et enseigne-
the use of the new material from an experimental to ment de ’architecture, Paris 1785–1871. Paris: Institut
an industrial phase. This shift critically influenced the nationale ’histoire de ’art.
creation of our modern infrastructure to an extent that Olivier, T. 1851. Mémoires de géométrie descriptive,
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